irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050102

03:19.59 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050103

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050103

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irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050104

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050104

01:39.02 *** join/#brlcad adgf (
irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050105

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050105

00:09.55 *** join/#brlcad CIA-2 (
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irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050106

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050106

00:49.47 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 (
00:50.17 *** join/#brlcad XEN (
00:55.50 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
00:56.31 PrezKennedy so if its open... where is it?
irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050107

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050107

00:28.24 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 (
irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050108

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050108

01:21.45 darthJano wish me luck
irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050109

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050109

00:38.23 learner hello EricWilhelm :)
00:38.43 learner so you saw the news
01:44.50 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
01:45.38 polyspin It went live! We're up on Slashdot!
01:56.38 *** join/#brlcad Dracarys (~Dracarys@Cheesemonkey.user)
01:56.56 Dracarys anyone alive here?
02:03.54 Dracarys Can someone tell me how to get fbserv running? I don't have a /dev/sgip, and running without a device blanks X except for cursor (I can close the blanking thing tho, so it's not a problem)
02:05.10 Dracarys ops are poke-prone :)
02:10.22 polyspin I'm here too
02:35.55 *** join/#brlcad Dracarys (~Dracarys@Cheesemonkey.user)
02:36.02 polyspin hello
02:36.18 Dracarys hi!
02:36.20 Dracarys =D
02:36.23 Dracarys someone alive!
02:36.42 Dracarys would you mind helping me work out fbserv, polyspin?
02:36.52 polyspin I can try.
02:37.05 polyspin Whasup?
02:37.23 Dracarys I'm making my way through the first cup tutorial, and don't have the device it uses
02:37.42 polyspin Ah, this is an age old confusion
02:37.46 Dracarys heh
02:38.01 polyspin The program does not actually open anything in "/dev" anymore
02:38.13 Dracarys :/
02:38.21 Dracarys ok, so what am I supposed to run?
02:38.23 polyspin It looks for the string "/dev" to know if it is opening a "device to display on" or a "file to store into"
02:38.31 Dracarys ahh heh
02:38.42 Dracarys so, how to I make it display in, say, vterm 8?
02:38.47 polyspin If you are on linux, with X, then you can specify "/dev/X"
02:39.16 polyspin I typically use: "fbserv 0 /dev/X" and it opens a window on my current X display
02:39.24 Dracarys cool
02:39.26 polyspin You probably want to background it
02:39.30 Dracarys ?
02:39.32 Dracarys which means?
02:39.33 polyspin "fbserv 0 /dev/X &"
02:39.36 Dracarys ah, yes
02:39.38 Dracarys thanks
02:39.56 polyspin Now you can "pix-fb -F :0 filename.pix"
02:40.27 Dracarys that would display the last render as well as write it to filename.pix?
02:40.52 polyspin No, that paints "filename.pix" into the framebuffer display
02:40.56 Dracarys ah
02:41.13 Dracarys the tut says to use "rt -F:1 -s 512", but that doesn't work
02:41.24 polyspin Instead of bringing up a new window for each image, it uses a single window, and shows whatever is "painting" there
02:41.38 Dracarys hm
02:41.41 polyspin The tut is telling it to paint to "framebuffer :1"
02:41.57 polyspin If you ran the command I typed earlier, ...
02:42.12 polyspin then you would want to say: "rt -F :0 -s 512"
02:42.19 Dracarys hmm
02:42.22 Dracarys /usr/brlcad/bin/rt: no objects specified -- raytrace aborted
02:42.24 polyspin don't forget to list the database and the geometry...
02:42.35 Dracarys and I replaced 0 with 1 earlier
02:42.45 Dracarys I'm running from inside mged
02:43.05 polyspin So that should be "rt -F :0 -s 512 my_geometry.g cube.r ball.r m1a2.g" (you get the idea?)
02:43.14 Dracarys ah
02:43.40 polyspin Within MGED I would suggest the raytrace control panel found on the "file" menu. This will render into the geometry window ususally
02:43.51 polyspin If you want a separate image display from the geometry...
02:43.57 Dracarys opendb mug.r;
02:43.57 Dracarys tree Mug.g;
02:43.57 Dracarys rt: rt_dirbuild(mug.r) failure
02:44.03 Dracarys and I don't have a file menu :P
02:44.21 polyspin Which tutorial are you reading?
02:44.36 polyspin Intro to mged?
02:44.39 Dracarys ya
02:44.50 Dracarys ok, file opened in the guish version
02:44.52 polyspin Let me check it. What page are you on?
02:45.26 polyspin Yes, I recommed the GUI version unless you are developing Tcl scripts.
02:45.35 Dracarys Modeling With CSG
02:45.37 Dracarys that page
02:45.47 Dracarys okhmm
02:45.48 Dracarys meh
02:45.51 Dracarys that html page
02:45.56 Dracarys the section is much lower down
02:46.26 polyspin which "lesson" is it in?
02:47.02 Dracarys Creating Geometry: The Cup
02:47.32 Dracarys but I don't really need to follow it exactly. How do I use the raytrace control panel?
02:48.06 polyspin In general, display the regions you want to raytrace in the wireframe view, and click the "raytrace" button.
02:48.18 Dracarys then what? where do I see it?
02:48.26 Dracarys oh lol
02:48.32 Dracarys wasn't expecting that
02:48.32 polyspin It should overlay the wireframe.
02:48.33 Dracarys :)
02:48.38 Dracarys ya just noticed
02:49.00 polyspin You have choices in the raytrace controll panel to have the image overlay/underlay the wireframe.
02:49.09 Dracarys ya
02:49.14 polyspin I think on the "Framebuffer" menu
02:49.26 Dracarys ya
02:49.41 polyspin Just picked up the package?
02:49.44 Dracarys yup
02:49.54 polyspin Welcome.
02:49.57 Dracarys saw the open sourcing article on slashdot, got interested
02:49.59 Dracarys thanks
02:50.01 Dracarys :)
02:50.24 polyspin I'm the lead on the project, so if I can answer any questions, just ask.
02:50.58 Dracarys thanks!
02:51.03 Dracarys =)
02:51.29 polyspin How'd you find the channel?
02:51.41 Dracarys guessed at the name, and most oss projects are on freenode :)
02:51.54 polyspin Glad to here it.
02:52.06 polyspin I haven't gotten around to putting the channel on the web page.
02:52.24 polyspin We've only been on for about 2 weeks.
02:52.53 Dracarys btw, I'm probably jsut being stupid about it, but on the download area still seems to have the old (e.g. pay $500 or send in a signed license) method listed
02:53.21 polyspin WHERE???!!!!!!
02:53.36 Dracarys heh
02:54.04 Dracarys ah nvm it was
02:54.13 Dracarys told you I was just being stupid about it :)
02:54.28 polyspin That's an old mirror from the "license agreement" days.
02:54.31 Dracarys ah
02:55.34 polyspin many things....
02:55.50 Dracarys that's my impression
02:56.15 polyspin BRL-CAD is primarily a geometry engine upon which a number of "analysis codes" are built.
02:56.24 Dracarys ahh
02:57.16 Dracarys or any aspects for that matter :)
02:57.48 polyspin Good idea. Walk before you run.
02:59.23 Dracarys hmm, how do you set the parameters for an object in the gui? I went to Create>tor to do the cup rim, and all it asked for was a name
02:59.57 polyspin It'll ask you for the rest of the parameters after you give it a name.
03:00.01 Dracarys didn't
03:00.14 Dracarys now I have a big fat torus overlapping my cup :P
03:00.15 polyspin Oh, "create" or "in" ?
03:00.23 Dracarys create, the menu
03:00.46 Dracarys not a command
03:00.49 polyspin "Create" takes the parameters from the size and location of the geometry view.
03:00.54 Dracarys ah
03:01.04 polyspin So size your display and center it where you want the torus.
03:01.16 Dracarys where would I go to specify numbers manually?
03:01.17 polyspin If you know the parameters, I would suggest the text "in" command
03:01.28 Dracarys hm, there's no gui equivalent?
03:01.30 polyspin In the case of a torus...
03:02.03 polyspin "in rim_of_cup tor vx vy vz r1 r2"
03:02.14 Dracarys how does one delete an object?
03:02.29 polyspin "kill objname"
03:02.47 Dracarys thanks
03:03.04 polyspin We have thought about gui builders for primitives, but didn't like the idea of "popping" windows or panels.
03:03.25 polyspin When you are building complex geometry, you can build a lot of primitives in a short time.
03:03.35 polyspin The visual popping got very annoying fast.
03:03.38 Dracarys heh
03:04.14 polyspin Most serious modelers build from the command line. It gives them precise control over the numbers without mousing around all the time.
03:04.24 Dracarys any plans towards increasing userfriendlyness? I'm happy with how it is, but I've heard plenty of complaints about it.
03:04.39 Dracarys I agree the CLI is almost always best once you know it well enough
03:04.54 polyspin I've argued for a better UI for almost 7 years.
03:05.05 Dracarys :/
03:05.26 polyspin It's one of the reasons I pushed open source. The lab wasn't interested for THEIR user community.
03:05.54 polyspin There's a sub-project comming that revamps the whole MGED look and feel.
03:06.53 Dracarys sounds good; what sort of speed is it moving along at? I know the answer is going ot be very qualitative.
03:07.00 Dracarys s/ot/to/
03:08.03 polyspin Hmm. that is wrapped up in ... politics. It's being contributed by a contractor...
03:08.37 polyspin They've done some great work studying some commercial apps and designing the GUI accordingly
03:08.49 polyspin It's raw, but a good foundation.
03:08.53 Dracarys sounds promising, if it continues along well
03:09.02 polyspin OSS developers could easily flesh it out to be REALLY COOL.
03:10.22 Dracarys I suppose there's nothing along the lines of a estimate for when it might become useable?
03:11.10 Dracarys OT: glad it keeps data on disk instead of memory; just locked up :P
03:11.21 polyspin Nothing I could say.
03:11.28 Dracarys thought so
03:11.34 Dracarys thanks again for all the help
03:11.36 Dracarys :)
03:11.50 polyspin you're welcome.
03:12.07 polyspin 8-)
03:12.29 *** part/#brlcad Dracarys (~Dracarys@Cheesemonkey.user)
03:40.48 *** join/#brlcad static (
03:43.33 static when i run mged, i get this message: invalid command name "gui" then mged exits. anyone know how to fix?
irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050110

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050110

00:00.48 brlcad they are past their tipping point is all, so it just doesn't matter
00:01.02 starseeker right
00:01.51 starseeker Well, gotta do three weeks worth of laundry :-(. Thanks for all the assistance!
00:01.56 brlcad brl-cad can easily reach that point as well, but there is lots of work needed on the graphical side and user interface
00:02.20 brlcad apart from the command interface, mged's gui is overly sub-optimal
00:02.35 starseeker :-)
00:02.53 starseeker That has to be the best phrase ever for a UI critique
00:02.53 brlcad we have another product set to replace or complement it already but it'll need more testing
00:03.07 starseeker you mean mged?
00:03.16 starseeker wow!
00:03.25 brlcad i mean something to supplant mged down the road
00:03.45 brlcad effectively a rewrite by one of mged's primary original authors
00:04.21 starseeker That's really nice, having an original author around. They know what not to do the second time around ;-)
00:04.40 brlcad he's got a fully functional beta already, and funds to keep improving it, so we're on a great track
00:04.47 starseeker Awesome
00:04.53 brlcad we have lots of original authors around :)
00:05.38 brlcad actually primary is probably more appropriate than original.. mike was the original author for a vast majority
00:05.55 starseeker Wow. That's one heck of a programmer
00:06.00 brlcad ibot: seen polyspin
00:06.02 ibot polyspin <> was last seen on IRC in channel #brlcad, 17h 20m 24s ago, saying: 'very good times.'.
00:06.17 brlcad mike was a vary amazing man
00:06.38 brlcad a true wizard ahead of his time in the most classic of senses
00:06.54 *** join/#brlcad tjyang (
00:07.16 starseeker I'm glad his work has been released to the world - it's a great way to carry on the legacy
00:07.48 brlcad I think Mike would have just loved to see what we've achieved
00:07.56 starseeker When a program survives decades and waves of authors you know you have something special.
00:09.50 brlcad well, time to grab a bite to eat and get working on a binary distribution for mac os x, perhaps update 7.0.4 to fix the source tarball issues
00:10.20 starseeker :-)
00:10.25 brlcad tjyang: hi, you have a question before I take off to eat? :)
00:10.43 brlcad or maybe one of these other kind gents can help you :)
00:10.51 starseeker let me know when 7.0.4 is up, and I'll update the ebuild, run a final test, and announce on the gentoo-science list it's ready
00:11.23 noyb did you see my new vgr line?
00:11.45 noyb hehe
00:11.54 brlcad noyb: not yet.. what'dya get? :)
00:12.43 noyb I posted it about 3+ hours ago... lemme see if it's in my scroll back. (how do I do that in irssi?)
00:12.51 brlcad really horrid that these releases are overlapping with bz's release .. :)
00:13.07 brlcad noyb: I'll have it in my buffer when I get home
00:14.21 starseeker ah, bzflag - one wonders how much open source code might have been had bzflag not been unleased ;-)
00:14.23 brlcad hehe
00:15.05 starseeker just not subtlty ;-)
00:15.22 brlcad well, i'll be back soon..
00:15.26 brlcad cya
00:15.29 noyb bye
00:15.31 starseeker later
00:15.55 noyb any irssi users here?
00:18.06 EricWilhelm no, but I think there's a log file
00:18.47 EricWilhelm anything in your ~/.irssi/ ?
00:39.57 *** join/#brlcad jeoslislo (
00:42.09 *** join/#brlcad dad (
01:13.40 dad ok, i'm stumped
01:14.42 *** join/#brlcad tjyang (
01:15.23 jeoslislo Anyone get brlcad to make on OS X?
01:20.43 noyb EricWilhelm: I have a config in that dir
01:25.44 *** join/#brlcad tjyang (
01:52.20 *** join/#brlcad tjyang-away (
01:52.38 noyb I think I managed to hang or crash brlcad. It's to be expected for a person playing around with a giant powertool for the first time.
02:02.06 tjyang-away I am compiling brlcad on RHAS3.0.
02:03.00 tjyang-away anyone have a sucess to compile it on Mac OSX 10.3.7 ?
02:03.22 *** join/#brlcad dad (
02:06.35 noyb ~seen learner
02:06.37 ibot learner is currently on #brlcad (1d 21h 44m 32s) #bzflag (1d 21h 44m 32s). Has said a total of 609 messages. Is idling for 7h 42m 56s
02:06.50 noyb ~seen brlcad
02:06.51 ibot brlcad is currently on #brlcad (2h 52m 39s) #bzflag (2h 52m 39s). Has said a total of 49 messages. Is idling for 1h 51m 25s
02:09.02 noyb somehow, with a little guessing and very little rtfm, I managed to open the star.g db and draw some of it. any brl-cad experts here?
02:11.30 noyb yes, I have it running on 10.3.7
02:16.00 tjyang-away what is your configure switches ? I include /usr/X11R5/include etc but still have compilation errors.
02:16.11 tjyang-away oops
02:16.17 tjyang-away X11R6
02:16.21 dad :)
02:19.47 tjyang-away ./configure --prefix=/opt/ --x-includes=/usr/X11R6/include --x-libraries=/usr/
02:19.47 tjyang-away X11R6/lib
02:20.00 tjyang-away what am I missing ?,noyb.
02:21.06 tjyang-away oh, I fogot to say the magic word. Please.
02:22.26 tjyang-away failed at "tk.h:100:29: X11/Xlib.h: No such file or directory"
02:22.51 tjyang-away looks like the tk inlcude path need to corrected.
02:22.59 tjyang-away noyb, are you still here ?
02:25.47 learner tjyang-away, which os?
02:26.11 learner tjyang-away, and which X11?
02:27.45 tjyang-away mac os 10.3.7, /usr/X11R6
02:28.00 learner i mean is it apple's X11 or XFree's
02:28.16 learner i.e. XDarwin
02:28.39 tjyang-away apple's X11.
02:29.01 tjyang-away be back
02:29.41 dad learner: i can't seem to get anything but 'nu' display manager, and i'm stumped
02:29.43 learner k
02:29.50 learner you shouldn't need X11 options
02:30.03 learner there is a problem with the source tarball for macs
02:30.34 learner i'd suggest "make distclean" and then starting over fresh (./ .. ./configure .. make
02:33.00 dad my system? Debian stable in i686 with a voodoo3 graphics adapter
02:33.18 learner heh, nice name
02:33.43 learner dad, no, those suggestions were from tjyang-away
02:34.22 learner but thanks for the info .. yeash does debian not play well with the build
02:34.26 dad learner: i guessed as much
02:34.28 learner dad, how did you compile
02:35.16 dad i got the sources from sourceforge (not he CVS) it had a ./configure there already
02:35.43 dad compiled, installed no problems, except it took a long time
02:35.59 learner that's good
02:36.21 learner taking a long time is expected.. unless you have lots of cpus ;)
02:37.46 learner so then what happened?
02:37.58 learner you installed and tried to run mged?
02:39.28 tjyang learner, are you sure about no X11 option is needed ?, I started out with no X11 option.
02:40.10 learner on OS X, yes -- should not be needed
02:40.16 dad mged starts, but i can't get any display manager except nu
02:40.24 learner it's in a standard path
02:40.38 tjyang leaner,ok I am going to try it again.
02:40.50 learner dad, can you send me your config.log?
02:40.58 dad so, no i can
02:41.06 dad email? or ???
02:41.13 learner sure
02:41.31 noyb no I wasn't still there... kids, wife, dinner... forgot to mention my away-ness.
02:41.59 noyb learner, you're back!
02:43.01 learner i am, with 2 dozen things going on ;)
02:43.48 tjyang the build on RH AS3.0 was sucessful.
02:45.13 learner glad to hear it.. rh is more readily on hand
02:50.26 dad learner - it's on its way...
02:55.30 *** join/#brlcad cc_ (
irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050111

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050111

00:06.53 darthJano mmm
00:06.57 darthJano miso from nobu
00:07.07 darthJano with toru tartar
00:09.32 tofu eep, return of the jano
00:22.17 *** join/#brlcad noyb (
00:22.38 jano mmm
00:22.41 jano i wanna sushi now
00:22.53 jano danget
00:23.05 jano i wish that new commission would close soon, I wanna goto nobu!
00:24.26 noyb ~seen learner
00:24.28 ibot learner is currently on #brlcad (2d 20h 2m 23s) #bzflag (2d 20h 2m 23s). Has said a total of 962 messages. Is idling for 8h 59m 33s
00:26.07 *** join/#brlcad Phantom (
00:26.20 jano ~seen brlcad
00:26.21 ibot brlcad is currently on #brlcad (1d 1h 12m 9s) #bzflag (1d 1h 12m 9s). Has said a total of 132 messages. Is idling for 1h 19m 41s
00:26.29 jano ~seen your_mom
00:26.30 ibot i haven't seen 'your_mom', jano
00:26.38 noyb hehe
00:26.52 jano ~seen my_butt
00:26.52 ibot i haven't seen 'my_butt', jano
00:27.35 jano ~seen two_pelicans_dancing_under_the_moonlight_of_saturn
00:27.36 ibot jano: i haven't seen 'two_pelicans_dancing_under_the_moonlight_of_saturn'
00:27.37 noyb um... easy.
00:27.45 noyb down boy...
00:27.58 jano it's called procrastination
00:28.05 jano i have too much grunt work to do
00:28.08 jano and I dun wanna!!
00:28.48 noyb you can do it, there's nothing happening here.
00:29.23 noyb pull up yer sleeves and get to work... ;)
00:29.47 noyb cad work, or *real* work?
00:29.58 noyb like lifting stuff...
00:30.25 Phantom Hello.
00:31.17 noyb hi there.
00:32.54 Phantom Do you know where I can downlaod the mac binary? I downlaoded it from the old website, but it asks for a password.
00:33.21 Phantom I also tried downloading the source and compiling it, but I couldn't figure out how to.
00:43.46 jano cad work? no, no no, real work, like convincing clients cash flow is more important than location
00:46.25 brlcad hello Phantom
00:46.41 brlcad Phantom: I'm working on putting that together now (mac binary)
00:46.52 brlcad heh, I suppose the old passwords could be given out
00:47.00 brlcad but that's not my call to make tonight..
00:47.13 brlcad Phantom: mac builds should be ready in a day or two on the website
00:47.28 brlcad ~fishslap jano
00:47.30 ibot ACTION slaps jano up side the head with a wet fish.
00:47.30 Phantom Excellent.
00:53.33 noyb cat or trout? I think it makes a difference.
00:58.14 brlcad ~whaleslap noyb
00:58.17 ibot ACTION slaps noyb upside and over the head with one freakishly huge killer whale named hugh
00:59.38 noyb tee hee
01:00.25 noyb now _that_ would hurt. not a body-blow, but a *head slap* with a whale! buh, bye noyb...
01:00.54 noyb he did
01:04.41 noyb If, I'm getting fishslapped for the real work comment: appologies. I meant, "physical" not "virtual" or "mental" work
01:05.57 brlcad :)
01:06.01 brlcad virtual pain?
01:07.41 *** join/#brlcad tjyang (
01:12.36 jano here;s a llama there's a lllama and another little llama funny llama fuzzy llama llama llama llama duck
01:12.45 *** join/#brlcad tjyang (
01:12.53 noyb hey, I showed a little moss.g raytrace demo to a couple co-workers. they were impressed.
01:13.11 noyb um, that's squarely on the topic. NOT!
01:14.07 tjyang brlcad, you here ?
01:16.28 jano i lived in a treehouse, and was three years dead, listen little child to the safety rail
01:16.33 brlcad yes
01:16.45 brlcad noyb: heh, moss.g is a classic :)
01:17.39 tjyang can I bother you with make benchmakr error message on another channel ?
01:18.09 brlcad how about pasting it to
01:18.42 starseeker Heh - recommended. I would have been whale slapped when I goofed in a posting, had that been an option
01:19.01 tjyang what is the command to do that ? /join ?
01:19.12 brlcad ? :)
01:20.01 starseeker OH! Now I remember - I actually had a substantive question
01:20.34 tjyang brlcad, are you seriouse about ? I can't get to it.
01:20.56 brlcad tjyang: yes i was/am
01:21.06 starseeker When the brl-cad tarball is expanded it expands into a directory named brlcad-7.0, rather than brlcad-7.0.2
01:21.23 starseeker Is this going to be standard policy in the future?
01:21.37 brlcad noyb: it's also often nice to remember that it's by most accounts probably the second or third ray-tracer ever written
01:21.53 brlcad computer ray-tracer that is, of course
01:22.02 starseeker The ebuild, it turns out, does care. I've been advised to make the extraction of the directory name automated, but it's not worth it unless it's going to be a standard in the future
01:22.20 brlcad starseeker: hrmm
01:22.30 brlcad it was intentional at the time
01:22.34 brlcad to be just 7.0
01:22.39 starseeker OK. I figured.
01:23.38 brlcad tjyang: I can't dcc
01:23.45 brlcad tjyang: try sending me in a pm
01:24.28 brlcad you really can't get to ??
01:24.54 tjyang nope
01:25.00 brlcad wierd
01:25.11 brlcad how about
01:26.50 brlcad tjyang, ahh, that's a problem in the 7.0.2 source tarball
01:27.22 brlcad tjyang: it's save to ignore that for a distribution.. if you want to "fix" or patch it .. rm db/*.g
01:27.49 tjyang you mean using web browser,right ?
01:28.24 brlcad web browser? yes.. the urls were for a web browser, but doesn't matter any more since you sent it to me via PM
01:28.24 tjyang here is a bigger problem.
01:30.18 brlcad interesting: into.c:123: error: `sys_errlist' undeclared (first use in this function)
01:37.43 tjyang in into.c,there is line #include <errno.h> saying sys_errlist should be in errno.h.
01:39.52 brlcad hrm.. could be in stdio.h too
01:40.17 brlcad but that's also included
01:40.42 tjyang rm db/*.g works. thanks.
01:40.44 brlcad if you grep /usr/include/sys_errlist * 2>/dev/null
01:40.54 brlcad what do you get?
01:41.55 tjyang sorry I am off with my build machines to chat with you. to find out I need to be off and be back later.
01:42.15 brlcad ack
01:42.19 brlcad the grep is
01:42.29 brlcad grep sys_errlist /usr/include/* 2>/dev/null
01:42.41 brlcad brain skipped a beat
01:51.02 *** join/#brlcad tjyang (
01:51.12 tjyang i am back
01:51.23 brlcad that was quick
01:51.38 tjyang <PROTECTED>
01:51.52 tjyang /usr/include/errno.h: * The symbols _sys_errlist and _sys_nerr are not visible in the
01:52.07 tjyang there is the detail
01:52.12 tjyang #if defined(_LP64)
01:52.13 tjyang <PROTECTED>
01:52.13 tjyang <PROTECTED>
01:52.13 tjyang <PROTECTED>
01:52.13 tjyang #endif /* _LP64 */
01:52.19 tjyang #if (defined(_REENTRANT) || defined(_TS_ERRNO) || \
01:52.36 tjyang this is on a solaris 8.
01:52.51 tjyang what is your output ?
01:53.38 tjyang was brlcad compiled ok on solaris 8 before ?
01:53.58 tjyang what solaris patch I am missing ?
01:54.48 brlcad yes, it's compiled on solaris lots of times
01:54.51 tjyang I don't deep down to sys_errlist type of C system function call.
01:55.02 brlcad usually using sun's compiler and libraries
01:55.03 tjyang I don't -> I don't know
01:55.20 tjyang I was using gcc.
01:55.42 brlcad looks like there are other headers
01:55.50 brlcad did you try the same grep with grep -r ?
01:56.00 brlcad should be more than 1
01:56.37 tjyang let me know what output should looks like.
01:57.42 tjyang can you make sure brlcad can be compiled using gcc on solaris and hpux ?
01:58.46 brlcad ahh, looks like the gcc folks removed sys_errlist
01:58.55 brlcad for syserror()
01:59.01 brlcad bastages
01:59.39 tjyang can you modify into.c to work with gcc ?
01:59.53 brlcad yes, working on that now
02:00.02 tjyang use strerror
02:00.36 tjyang whatever ;)
02:00.46 tjyang I am weak on C system programming ;)
02:01.10 tjyang just give me a code can be compiled.
02:01.37 tjyang and I give you packages ;)
02:01.43 brlcad when I post 7.0.4, it'll have the fixes in it
02:01.56 brlcad probably sometime tomorrow or Wednesday it can be posted
02:02.02 brlcad this build is going to take a while
02:02.27 tjyang you don't have 8cpu sun boxes !?
02:02.49 tjyang just kidding.
02:03.32 tjyang may I be dismissed ?
02:03.49 brlcad have huge sun and little sun
02:04.01 brlcad have immediate access to little sun.. so it'll take a while :)
02:05.07 tjyang I will skip into.c error to work on others task, like have rpm be generated etc.
02:05.14 tjyang oh,
02:05.39 tjyang where can I upload the binary for you to test.
02:06.21 tjyang the brlcad rpm package ?
02:06.23 brlcad either up to the sourceforge tracker, to a url, or e-mail it to me
02:06.58 brlcad tracker probably can't handle a binary that size..
02:07.02 brlcad here's a better idea...
02:07.04 tjyang I will include package source to force you learn TWW.
02:08.08 tjyang by reading the package sources.
02:08.42 tjyang is there a ftp server I can upload to ?
02:09.22 *** join/#brlcad JohnP (
02:10.02 starseeker Time to temp fate and say I think I'm making progress on the ebuild
02:10.41 JohnP Good luck!
02:11.15 tjyang ebuild is another good PMS(package management system), too bad my brain is not bigh enough to learn one more pms.
02:11.54 brlcad ~nslookup
02:12.12 brlcad tjyang: you can upload to there
02:12.20 brlcad anonymous
02:12.32 tjyang great, i am trying now.
02:12.37 brlcad incoming folder
02:15.36 tjyang I am leaving to finish rpm pacakge,ok ?
02:15.44 brlcad ok
02:15.46 tjyang later.
02:42.45 noyb is there a mode where one could move the model, and it ray traces when finished moving it?
02:44.40 brlcad yes, there's a variety of ways to do that
02:44.51 brlcad sounds like you're interested in the animation tools
02:45.45 brlcad which are effectively scripted movements/changes to the database, perhaps even articulations of geometry if you create joints
02:45.55 brlcad then render each frame as desired
02:46.21 brlcad several movies exist, trying to locate some releaseable ones
02:46.59 noyb I wish I could share screens with you sometime. vnc or something. when I use that object tree thing, and select primatives...
02:47.30 noyb sometimes I get multiples of that primative when I move the model with ctrl-mouse
02:48.12 noyb in moss.g I got two boxes.
02:49.26 noyb sorry to stir up and leave... I've gotta date with my wife, and I'm late. we'll talk later, ignore this stuff. I prob. made a mistake.
02:49.48 noyb thanks for bein' there brlcad. later
02:49.56 *** part/#brlcad noyb (
02:50.17 brlcad heh
02:52.42 *** join/#brlcad tjyang (
02:52.53 tjyang brlcad,still here ?
02:53.01 starseeker Does brlcad need a particular version of automake?
02:53.15 tjyang 2.50 at least
02:53.42 starseeker Somehow the configure process wound up with automake- for the automake command
02:54.21 tjyang sorry, starseeker. I mean autoconf-2.50. not sure about automake.
02:54.23 brlcad starseeker: prefers relatively recent versions of all the gnu build system tools
02:54.32 brlcad starseeker: what's the problem?
02:54.45 starseeker what's the past address again? ;-)
02:54.59 brlcad at least 1.6 automake, and 2.50 autoconf, 1.4 libtool
02:55.03 tjyang brlcad, check the incoming of
02:55.14 brlcad tjyang: mkay
02:55.15 starseeker er paste address
02:55.20 starseeker to paste output
02:55.21 brlcad
02:55.21 starseeker sorry
02:55.56 tjyang I did it on RH AS3.0 should work for RH machines at least.
02:56.48 tjyang it is quick one, no postinstall, postremove type of scripts.
02:57.19 tjyang do you want to read the package sources to see how it was made ?
02:58.31 starseeker
02:58.47 brlcad tjyang: to see how what was made?
02:58.51 tjyang acutally I have user experience of brlcad, so I didn't to test to see if X GUI apps works or not.
02:59.11 tjyang to see the .rpm was made, it is not from a rpm .spec file.
03:00.05 brlcad heya starseeker .. those versions were minimums, preferred would be latest libtool, latest autoconf, and latest pre 1.9 automake
03:00.17 tjyang I did install two on my other rhas30 test box, installation went file. it will create links from /usr/brlcad70/bin/* to /usr/bin/*
03:01.02 starseeker brlcad: OK. I should be OK in that department - what seems to have happened is an automake didn't get chosen.
03:01.12 brlcad starseeker: oooh, you have patches
03:01.16 starseeker Hmm - maybe I can't use the econf feature after all.
03:01.29 starseeker brlcad - is that a bad thing?
03:01.43 brlcad starseeker: no, it's a great thing
03:02.07 brlcad i was just getting to those DESTDIR fixes later tonight
03:02.15 starseeker Ah :-).
03:02.40 starseeker I needed them for the 7.0.2 ebuild - I can send you the file if you like
03:02.52 starseeker But these might be the wrong way to do it
03:03.11 brlcad too much hassle to paste into the patches tracker so the other guys can see what you did?
03:03.22 starseeker No - where's that at?
03:03.24 brlcad not a big deal if you don't want to
03:03.28 tjyang brlcad, I will try the 7.0.4 version when it is posted. hopefully, solaris and hpux can finished the build with 7.0.4.
03:03.28 starseeker no problem
03:03.42 brlcad Patches section
03:03.54 tjyang I am going to bed. night.
03:03.57 brlcad tjyang: sounds good
03:04.06 brlcad tjyang: thanks!
03:04.22 tjyang try those two rpm and let me know your comment.
03:04.39 brlcad will give it a try tomorrow morning
03:06.38 brlcad starseeker: that will make you brl-cad's first public patch submitter if you care to know :)
03:06.44 starseeker Cool :-)
03:06.52 starseeker Just submitted (I think)
03:07.05 brlcad yep, got it
03:07.24 brlcad oop, you missed the checkbox to upload the file
03:08.06 starseeker That should do it
03:08.19 brlcad woot, just figured out one of the major woes
03:08.33 starseeker why would I specify a file and then not upload it??
03:08.46 brlcad heh, i have no idea :)
03:09.03 brlcad probably just trying to save their hard drive space from failed uploads ;)
03:09.34 starseeker Let me run the build again with more conservative configure settings - perhaps econf is too much for it or something
03:10.16 brlcad er, yeah, sorry .. your build error
03:10.21 brlcad it's failing on automake-
03:10.37 starseeker Is it the patches that are requiring the use of automake?
03:10.52 brlcad no, the whole build requires automake
03:11.46 starseeker uh - I wonder why it failed there then
03:12.09 brlcad that's the first file you've modified
03:12.26 brlcad perhaps you didn't run after the modification?
03:12.48 brlcad so it's trying to run to update the Makefile
03:13.04 starseeker No - that's probably it.
03:13.18 starseeker let me add a call to the autogen script
03:14.10 brlcad as a patch, you should get away with it by modifying the Makefile instead of the
03:14.25 brlcad then it won't need to rerun
03:15.43 starseeker Hmm. I always thought the place to change things like that was, or is that just from a developer's point of view?
03:15.57 starseeker I might get away with it anyway - let's see.
03:18.56 starseeker Well, it added some crunch time, but configure started OK from the looks of it
03:19.13 starseeker Is there a quiet option for the script?
03:19.49 brlcad heh, it already is quelling LOTS of output :)
03:19.55 starseeker Ah :-)
03:20.04 brlcad i was actually thinking of adding a -V for debugging
03:20.10 brlcad or --verbose, etc
03:20.18 brlcad could add a --quiet | -Q too
03:20.45 starseeker It doesn't matter too much - at worst, they'll make me patch the Makefiles instead of
03:21.04 brlcad is turning into a program of it's own, accounting for the myrid of gnu build system cruft
03:21.18 starseeker I can imagine
03:21.30 starseeker they should do fewer autoconf/automake releases, really
03:21.37 brlcad it's one of the most flexible and automatic that I've seen so far though
03:22.00 brlcad i've replace other project's scripts to find that this one works (where theirs doesnt)
03:22.24 brlcad fortunately fairly application agnostic
03:24.43 starseeker Cool :-)
03:28.04 starseeker And the beat (er build) goes on...
03:28.59 brlcad cool
03:29.14 brlcad hrm, how to succintly test whether tail suports -n or not
03:34.21 brlcad yes.. that'll do quite nicely
03:35.05 starseeker Heh - nothing exposes weaknesses in a build process like open sourcing it
03:35.54 brlcad this is actually the second major build system for brl-cad
03:36.13 starseeker really? Was it created for the occasion?
03:36.25 brlcad we converted from a very old and stable build process to the gnu build system about a year ago
03:36.33 brlcad so woefully immature compared to what it was
03:36.39 starseeker Hehe - and have been regretting it ever since ;-)
03:36.43 brlcad but still in the "right" direction for growth
03:36.49 brlcad heh, no kidding
03:37.01 brlcad it certainly has caused me more headaches than I care to remember
03:37.23 starseeker Do you think it will eventually be a benefit, or just "politically correct?"
03:37.51 brlcad but it is comforting to look at our configure script, the files, and to realize just how much it's coming together though
03:38.00 brlcad it's a lil bit of both already
03:38.11 brlcad the old build system had it's own (different) problems
03:38.17 brlcad it didn't even use make
03:38.34 starseeker I've gotta say - compared to where Maxima started it's public life, and the problems Axiom is still working through, I'm VERY impressed with brl-cad out of the starting gate
03:39.11 brlcad brl-cad's, even with these kinks is seriously better than most i've seen
03:39.17 starseeker :-)
03:39.22 brlcad the summary and configure/build times are just icing ;)
03:39.37 brlcad i'm hoping it'll serve as an example to other programs
03:39.57 starseeker Most could use it, especially scientific programs I'm afraid
03:40.08 brlcad a lot of time was invested figuring out how to make the do various things in the "correct" manner
03:40.27 starseeker geant4's build process is certainly enough of a pain
03:40.34 starseeker :-)
03:40.36 brlcad heh
03:40.48 starseeker I wish more people took the time to do it the "correct" way
03:41.42 brlcad it's frustrating that even going down that path, there are so many incompatibilites and pitfalls
03:42.01 starseeker I sometimes think we need one more rewrite of everything, from the hardware itself, using all the power of modern design and proof logic to ensure we create The Last OS - the one that is done Right at all levels. It would be like software nirvana
03:42.04 brlcad it's understandable why so many ./configure apps "suck"
03:42.30 brlcad heh, wasn't that BeOS?
03:43.00 starseeker They came close - they didn't use proof logic in development as far as I know, but they did a lot of things right
03:43.27 starseeker I would like to see a BeOS like user experience on top of a kernel designed along the lines of EROS
03:43.44 starseeker And this time, using the B method so we KNOW it's done right
03:44.58 starseeker If we have to suffer through a monopoly the least they could do is make it tolerable
03:46.42 brlcad heh, that would have just been wierd
03:47.04 brlcad BeOS had the chance to become Mac OS X, but the CEO blew it
03:47.09 brlcad very cocky bastage
03:48.57 *** join/#brlcad dad (
03:50.03 brlcad hello dad
03:52.35 dad brlcad: hi, how is your ay?
03:52.45 dad oops s/ay/day
03:52.50 brlcad busy busy, but good
03:52.58 brlcad couple problems fixed for various platforms
03:53.04 dad nice
03:53.20 brlcad a few more and I can get back to making some binary releases
03:53.23 dad any news for debian woody?
03:54.11 brlcad it's next on my list to attack
03:54.27 brlcad i'm hoping some of these other fixes will help there
03:54.33 dad i'm almost to the point of saying 'that platform's not recommended'
03:54.45 dad do i need to refresh from the cvs?
03:54.47 brlcad and even if not, I know I can make the build work there by hand, so I can make the debs
03:54.57 dad kule!
03:55.13 brlcad i wouldn't say any platform's not recommended
03:55.14 dad i don't mind beta testing for you!
03:55.30 brlcad just means we have more work to do, or more to fix, or more to figure out
03:55.51 dad i'll update from cvs
03:55.59 dad i like that idea
03:56.17 brlcad you may or may not catch me in an unstable state.. i'm commiting non stop here
03:57.43 dad hmmm
03:58.14 dad co doesn't seem to have updated anything.
03:58.22 brlcad ahh
03:58.31 brlcad anonymous lags behind developer access
03:58.55 dad oh
03:59.00 brlcad anywhere from a few minutes to 4 hours (at least that was the last promised time frame from
04:00.38 dad up doesn't seem to get anything new either...
04:00.46 dad but that's ok.
04:00.59 dad i'll work on it after a bit
04:02.20 starseeker Noooooooo not another one
04:02.35 starseeker ACCESS DENIED unlink: /usr/pro-engineer/install.doc
04:02.35 starseeker /bin/install: cannot remove `/usr/lib/../pro-engineer/install.doc': Permission denied
04:02.38 brlcad heh (?)
04:02.40 brlcad ahh
04:02.46 brlcad hehe
04:02.52 starseeker Why didn't I see this before I wonder?
04:03.26 brlcad looks like the same problem
04:03.33 brlcad misc/pro-engineer/
04:03.41 brlcad install-data-local modification
04:04.33 brlcad hrm.. cept proebindir is coming from PRO_ENGINEER_DIR from configure
04:05.13 brlcad they use PRO_ENGINEER_DIR="${prefix}/lib/../pro-engineer"
04:05.44 starseeker Hmm
04:06.07 starseeker so prefix isn't being set using $(DESTDIR) I guess
04:06.28 brlcad i believe you can still get away with the same change
04:06.43 starseeker In the
04:06.45 brlcad prefixing the install-data-local directive with a DESTDIR
04:06.47 brlcad yeah
04:06.54 starseeker OK, I'll give it a shot...
04:08.20 brlcad nice, spiked into the top 100 active projects after only a few days
04:08.31 brlcad just barely, but it's there
04:08.40 dad brlcad: does brlcad use automake?
04:08.50 brlcad dad: very much so
04:09.12 brlcad 1.8 is preferred, 1.7 is tolerable, 1.6 is "possible", anything else is nfg
04:09.20 dad K so, i could check for version matches there
04:09.47 brlcad lemme give you two updated files to try
04:09.59 starseeker OK, running install...
04:10.14 dad i have 1.8.5 installed
04:10.35 dad atleast automake --version says so
04:11.28 starseeker Still alive...
04:11.41 dad hmmm autoconf seems to be a big problem:
04:11.52 dad Autoconf version 2.13
04:12.57 starseeker Fudge - I hope doesn't make me rebuild the whole tree...
04:12.59 dad and THAT may be my whole issue with Woody
04:13.17 brlcad dad, perhaps not.. debian's automake/autoconf are actually scripts
04:13.22 brlcad wrapper scripts
04:13.28 brlcad that try to autodetect which version to use
04:13.47 brlcad now the problem you're running into with "dnl" being unknown is indicative of 2.13
04:13.58 brlcad but it should fail with other errors before that..
04:14.29 dad i'm looking for a newer autoconf
04:14.55 brlcad what's your pwd when you ran --version?
04:15.00 dad even if i find an 'unofficial .deb)
04:15.20 dad pwd?
04:15.30 brlcad type "pwd" :)
04:15.38 dad i'm running it unprivledged
04:15.39 brlcad are you in brlcad?
04:15.42 dad oh!
04:15.46 brlcad it's not a privileged command..
04:15.49 brlcad path to working dir
04:15.58 dad /home/dad
04:15.58 brlcad tells you where you are
04:16.02 brlcad cd brlcad
04:16.05 dad yes. sorry
04:16.10 brlcad and try autoconf --version
04:16.14 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
04:16.53 dad wierd
04:17.07 dad dad@slavedriver:/downloads/brlcad-7.0/brlcad$ autoconf --version
04:17.07 dad autoconf (GNU Autoconf) 2.59
04:17.07 dad Written by David J. MacKenzie and Akim Demaille.
04:17.07 dad Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
04:17.07 dad This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
04:17.08 dad warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
04:17.09 dad dad@slavedriver:/downloads/brlcad-7.0/brlcad$
04:17.29 brlcad little better
04:17.45 brlcad hrm
04:17.57 PrezKennedy iz ther a windoz versun?
04:18.01 dad i seem to have both installed - perhaps i can uninstall one
04:18.03 PrezKennedy ;-)
04:18.20 dad lol!
04:19.06 brlcad PrezKennedy: heh
04:20.29 dad the unix philosiphy of many utilities tied togather seems completely at odds with the windows 'one binary fits all' approach
04:21.00 brlcad indeed it does
04:21.09 brlcad much of the power is lost if you stick to just mged
04:21.29 brlcad but one could probably argue that is a weakness of mged's ability to wrap the tools
04:22.09 starseeker Grrrrrr.
04:22.13 starseeker make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'.
04:22.13 starseeker /bin/sh ../../misc/mkinstalldirs /usr/lib/../pro-engineer
04:22.13 starseeker <PROTECTED>
04:22.13 starseeker ACCESS DENIED unlink: /usr/pro-engineer/install.doc
04:22.13 starseeker /bin/install: cannot remove `/usr/lib/../pro-engineer/install.doc': Permission denied
04:22.13 starseeker <PROTECTED>
04:22.15 starseeker ACCESS DENIED unlink: /usr/pro-engineer/protk.dat
04:22.17 starseeker /bin/install: cannot remove `/usr/lib/../pro-engineer/protk.dat': Permission denied
04:22.19 starseeker make[3]: *** [install-proeDATA] Error 1
04:22.22 starseeker This is with the changes
04:22.30 starseeker $(DESTDIR) is clearly present in the makefile
04:22.56 starseeker install-proeDATA: $(proe_DATA)
04:22.56 starseeker <PROTECTED>
04:22.56 starseeker <PROTECTED>
04:22.56 starseeker <PROTECTED>
04:22.56 starseeker <PROTECTED>
04:22.57 starseeker <PROTECTED>
04:22.59 starseeker <PROTECTED>
04:23.01 starseeker <PROTECTED>
04:23.11 starseeker <PROTECTED>
04:23.13 starseeker I'm stumped
04:23.17 starseeker Opps, sorry - that should have been a paste
04:23.18 dad brlcad: did apt-get remove autoconf2.13
04:23.32 dad trying another
04:23.38 brlcad dad, no, they both live on the system simultaneously
04:24.24 dad it's still going to barf the same crap
04:24.27 dad oops
04:24.34 dad yep
04:24.38 brlcad heh
04:25.10 brlcad here, these are ultimately the steps that need to succeed
04:25.11 dad well, that was a bust
04:25.17 brlcad let's see where it fails
04:25.26 brlcad # aclocal
04:25.26 brlcad # libtoolize --automake -c -f
04:25.26 brlcad # aclocal
04:25.26 brlcad # autoconf -f
04:25.28 brlcad # autoheader
04:25.31 brlcad # automake -a -c -f
04:25.34 brlcad try each one of those
04:25.41 dad ok
04:25.41 brlcad in orer
04:25.51 brlcad s/or/ord/
04:26.45 brlcad suggest starting from a "fresh" unmodified CVS
04:28.10 dad lots of warnings in aclocal
04:28.27 brlcad on the first one?
04:28.37 dad yep
04:28.43 brlcad such as?
04:28.49 dad lots of 'underquoted' stuff
04:29.02 brlcad paste in a private message?
04:29.13 dad can do
04:30.39 dad done
04:30.55 *** join/#brlcad agc (
04:34.20 brlcad i believe those warnings are okay.. they are all for other project m4 files
04:34.50 agc Hello all. I'm looking for help on compiling on Mac OSX.3.7.
04:35.33 brlcad :)
04:35.40 PrezKennedy oh no not another!!
04:35.45 agc The build process fails in making rttherm, with lots of duplicate symbols.
04:35.59 agc Pointers to FAQs?
04:36.32 brlcad agc, yes.. the source tarball is invalid on the Macs for some reason.. it'll be fixed in a new 7.0.4 to be uploaded real soon now
04:36.44 brlcad agc, you can get around the problem locally thogh
04:36.52 brlcad rm db/*.g
04:36.54 brlcad ./
04:37.01 brlcad and then proceed
04:37.14 brlcad ./configure && make, etc
04:37.29 agc These are from the top of the source tree, then?
04:37.34 brlcad dad, next steps?
04:37.36 brlcad agc: yes
04:37.51 agc brlcad, thanks much.
04:37.55 dad haven't been there yet
04:38.48 dad libtoolize was quick! with no output
04:39.12 brlcad that's okay
04:39.34 dad aclocal complains about the same things
04:40.00 starseeker what is proengineer, anyway?
04:40.19 dad that is, the second time around
04:41.22 dad error: possibly undefined macro: dnl
04:41.22 dad <PROTECTED>
04:41.44 dad that's the 2.13 thing (i had re-installed it)
04:41.50 brlcad dad, on autoheader?
04:42.03 brlcad starseeker: it's another solid modeler
04:42.13 dad autoconf -f
04:42.41 dad more errors also
04:43.06 dad i'll paste em in the pm
04:43.15 starseeker CRAAAAAAAAP. I can't make a dent in this thing. brlcad, if make a paste can you take a why this might not localize?
04:44.44 dad autoheader also barfs
04:46.34 PrezKennedy gnight all
04:47.47 starseeker latest (and most stubborn) gentoo build barf:
04:47.47 dad PrezKennedy: nite
04:47.50 PrezKennedy they like to turn all the lights off at work.. so if i dont sleep now ill sleep then :-P
04:48.30 starseeker Gotta grab a nap, then do some Real Work. I guess the challenge of the brlcad ebuild must wait another day or two :-(
04:49.20 dad i'm going to look for some things, i suspect i don't have all the stuff needed to make brl-cad, and that's my problem
04:49.57 brlcad we can bypass
04:50.10 brlcad by using a pregenerated configure
04:50.36 brlcad copy this over your configure
04:50.48 brlcad
04:51.59 brlcad goes in misc/.
04:52.07 *** join/#brlcad villain_415 (
04:52.24 brlcad goes in misc/.
04:53.00 villain_415 hello, I was wondering if anyone has had any luck getting brlcad to compile on OS X
04:53.28 brlcad villain_415: rm db/*.g and then ./ and then continue as before
04:53.46 dad wierd. tcl.m4 is in the tl8.2 and 8.3 .debs - i have 8.3 installed, yet that's where some of the failing .m4 def's are
04:54.08 dad oops s/tl8.2/tcl8.2
04:54.21 villain_415 sorry i'm not so good with the cl could you please give me a bit more info
04:54.37 brlcad dad, yes, it's just complaining about quotings.. that's normal in versions more up to date
04:54.48 dad oic
04:54.50 dad ok
04:54.54 brlcad they have to parse through the installed m4's and they complain in the process
04:55.18 dad an 'error' would be more serious?
04:55.36 brlcad much more
04:55.46 brlcad that dnl is at the heart of whatever's going on
04:55.56 brlcad dad, try copying those files in and running them..
04:56.14 brlcad s/them/configure/
04:57.43 agc villain, I just aked this question.
04:58.22 villain_415 agc, i just popped in and i'm currently *nix deficient, is there a way to look at was said before
04:58.36 agc villain_415, launch the command line
04:59.14 villain_415 i'm running terminal, i think i got it, but i was getting a bunch of complaints
04:59.33 dad brlcad: the was 404
04:59.55 agc yup. Now run the command rm db/*.g
05:00.12 agc from the top-level directory of the source distribution.
05:00.26 villain_415 agc, that was where i was getting complaints. I don't seem to have any .g files in db
05:00.31 brlcad dad, ack, i'm messing with that server as I type..sorry
05:00.42 dad no problem
05:00.47 agc That's good.
05:00.53 agc (villain_415)
05:01.21 agc v, now run the command ./
05:01.46 villain_415 agc, just finished, and now i'm on ./configure
05:01.54 agc OK.
05:02.38 villain_415 agc, ok, so now i just did make, and I got the following errors
05:02.53 villain_415 agc, make[3] [ththerm] Error 1
05:03.09 villain_415 make [2] [all] error 2
05:03.23 villain_415 make[1] [all-recursinve] Error 1
05:03.34 brlcad dad, try now
05:03.38 dad ok
05:03.40 villain_415 and make [all-recursive] error 1
05:03.52 agc villain_415, I did too. What I did next was make clean
05:03.53 dad there it is
05:04.08 villain_415 agc, ah, ok
05:04.40 agc villain_415, which deletes all the results so far (of course), and then ./ and then ./configure (etc).
05:04.58 villain_415 agc, ok thanks
05:05.13 agc villain_415, mine is building as we type; hasn't gotten to the rttherm part again yet.
05:05.17 dad brlcad: and go right to make?
05:05.45 dad oops, no that's ./configure
05:05.48 brlcad dad, no ./configure
05:05.54 brlcad yeah
05:05.56 dad got it
05:07.32 dad config.status: error: cannot find input file: include/
05:08.08 dad hmmm
05:09.45 dad brlcad: this has to be quite a distraction from other parts of your project
05:11.03 brlcad
05:11.12 brlcad dad, it's all good though so long as you stay interested ;)
05:12.07 villain_415 agc, thanks for your help, but husband duty calls. Hopefully it will work
05:12.37 dad yes. but at this point, i'm not so much interrested in running brl-cad, as figuring out why i can't build it with the normal steps
05:13.28 dad brlcad: is executable?
05:13.38 brlcad no, it's a header file template
05:13.45 brlcad goes in the include/ dir
05:13.46 dad hmmm
05:13.53 dad oh
05:14.19 brlcad might be missing a couple other templates..
05:14.30 dad we'll see
05:15.51 dad ./configure complete, type 'make' to begin building
05:15.54 dad :)
05:16.23 dad let you know in about an hour, how it went....
05:19.30 brlcad heh, so you think :)
05:19.41 brlcad you assume it won't fail before then =)
05:19.58 brlcad i vaguely recall there being a build error down the line on debby
05:26.27 *** join/#brlcad dad_ (
05:26.54 dad_ but i don't have tk 8.4 - i have 8.3 (can install 8.4...
05:28.28 brlcad hrm?
05:28.36 brlcad brl-cad includes tck/tk
05:29.19 brlcad only external deps should be mesa/opengl-dev libs, [n]curses, termcap
05:31.25 dad_ i have those
05:32.01 dad_ make make make.... :)
05:36.44 brlcad go for it and we'll see :)
05:37.05 brlcad i'd be more comfortable with a proper distfile (which I'm about ready to provide)
05:37.11 brlcad but this may work too
05:37.32 brlcad starseeker: what was the fix for pro-engineer?
05:37.59 brlcad <PROTECTED>
05:38.00 brlcad ?
05:43.19 brlcad starseeker: your patch is now in CVS
05:52.25 agc Eh! Build has finished. Benchmarking. Thanks much, brlcad. Now to try it out.
05:53.40 agc I'll write up the temp fix and put it on a web page. Thanks again.
05:54.32 brlcad excellent
06:23.54 dad_ brlcad: /bin/sh: ECHO@: command not found
06:23.54 dad_ make[1]: *** [all-local] Error 127
06:24.01 dad_ lol!
06:24.55 dad_ not sure where it is in the makefile...
06:25.14 dad_ make[1]: Entering directory `/downloads/brlcad-7.0/brlcad'
06:25.14 dad_ /bin/sh: ECHO@: command not found
06:25.14 dad_ make[1]: *** [all-local] Error 127
06:25.14 dad_ make[1]: Leaving directory `/downloads/brlcad-7.0/brlcad'
06:25.14 dad_ make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
06:25.14 dad_ dad@slavedriver:/downloads/brlcad-7.0/brlcad$
06:25.29 brlcad woo hoo
06:25.32 brlcad that's at the very end
06:25.40 brlcad it goes to print out a summary
06:25.56 brlcad so if it got that far, it finished
06:26.03 dad_ so, it ran but errored in the summary...
06:26.11 dad_ i'll install
06:26.11 brlcad exactly :)
06:26.30 brlcad install will likewise output that ECHO@ error at the end
06:26.49 dad_ ok
06:34.52 dad_ does BRLCAD_ROOT point to /usr/brlcad/bin?
06:41.02 *** part/#brlcad dad_ (
06:41.05 *** join/#brlcad dad_ (
06:41.37 dad_ ok. was worrie...
06:41.45 dad_ d
06:47.36 brlcad no, it would normally point to /usr/brlcad
06:47.47 brlcad though you shouldn't need to set it
06:49.39 dad_ all's not well here
06:49.59 dad_ mged> gui
06:49.59 dad_ invalid command name "gui"
06:49.59 dad_ mged>
06:50.24 dad_ mged> dm set
06:50.24 dad_ The 'nu' display manager does not support local commands.
06:50.24 dad_ mged>
06:50.39 dad_ mged> attach ogl
06:50.39 dad_ invalid command name "_init_dm"attach(ogl): BAD
06:50.39 dad_ mged>
06:50.52 dad_ mged> attach X
06:50.52 dad_ invalid command name "_init_dm"attach(X): BAD
06:50.52 dad_ mged>
06:51.20 dad_ which is where i was last night...
06:51.26 dad_ :)
06:54.18 dad_ hmmmm
06:56.13 *** join/#brlcad villain_415 (
07:00.21 villain_415 hello, Just a quick question. I ran through the install ran make benchmark with no problems but I do not find anything in /usr/local/bin that has been installed. I ran updatedb and if i `locate brlcad` it only comes up with stuff in the source directory. Am i missing something or did the install fail
07:01.11 dad_ villain_415: /usr/brlcad unless you changed it...
07:02.56 villain_415 dad no i did not change it, but i went through and ran some of the stuff in /usr/brlcad/bin (sorry forgot to mention that locate popped that up too) i just get some command line stuff. is there a tk directory that will run an overall program or is that it
07:03.49 brlcad villain_415: there are about 400 separate apps, the primary gui'd app is mged
07:04.22 dad_ /usr/brlcad/bin has mged that seems like a major part of brlcad
07:04.51 villain_415 oh, ok thanks, also i jsut ran man mged and nothing comes up. How does the man for brlcad work?
07:05.02 brlcad dad_: hrm.. gui gui gui..
07:05.16 brlcad villain_415: nothing comes up? what's it say?
07:05.24 villain_415 no man entry for mged
07:05.34 brlcad oh man mged
07:05.36 dad_ villain_415: did you add the PATH?
07:05.47 brlcad it's very likely that /usr/brlcad/man is not in your MANPATH
07:05.52 brlcad ;)
07:06.00 brlcad likewise /usr/brlcad/bin is not in your PATH
07:06.04 villain_415 no. i'm not so good with *nox as of yet. How would I add that to my man path
07:06.16 brlcad villain_415: we have a wrapper tool for that
07:06.19 brlcad brlman mged
07:06.38 brlcad brlman knows about brl-cad manpages
07:06.48 villain_415 oh, ok. so if i add brldad/bin to my path then I can run brlman
07:06.58 brlcad right
07:07.06 brlcad or run /usr/brlcad/bin/brlman mged
07:07.33 brlcad for a bash/bourne-sh-based shell, you'll need to add something like:
07:07.47 brlcad PATH=/usr/brlcad/bin:$PATH
07:07.49 brlcad export PATH
07:08.08 brlcad to your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.profile or /etc/profile
07:08.29 brlcad something similar if you are c-shell-based
07:08.39 villain_415 cool. i got it to work. THank you all very much
07:09.06 brlcad dad_: did you send me your config.log?
07:09.14 brlcad and if not, would you please? :)
07:09.31 brlcad I think I'll just have to compile this one for you and make the .deb
07:09.56 dad_ no. but will ummm
07:10.17 brlcad huh?
07:10.22 brlcad
07:11.21 brlcad that's actually a close affiliate's site -- they do the commercial support
07:11.30 brlcad is the project site
07:11.47 dad_ ok
07:12.40 brlcad what I meant is that I have access to debian boxes.. I'll make a binary distribution for you to just install, and perhaps figure out what else I can about the failing build in the process
07:13.00 brlcad getting a look at the config.log file in your source directory should help me figure out what's going on
07:13.09 brlcad would you e-mail it to me?
07:13.37 dad_ yes, i will email it
07:14.31 brlcad dad_: thank you so much for your patience..
07:15.38 dad_ de nada, no biggie
07:15.56 dad_ in the ./src directory?
07:16.12 brlcad in the same dir as configure
07:18.26 dad_ yea, it's on it's way
07:18.37 brlcad thank you!
07:18.40 brlcad ~dad++
07:20.27 dad_ brlcad: do i need a working jre?
07:20.35 brlcad no
07:20.41 dad_ thank you!]
07:25.10 brlcad oh you know what.. i bet i know what's missing..
07:25.23 brlcad (got your log, btw)
07:25.33 dad_ :)
07:25.53 dad_ i'm going over it myself
07:26.29 dad_ but alas, i'm not a programmer, and may not understand all i see
07:26.33 brlcad we often have a problem with bzflag where debian systems don't have their X libs and dirs in place
07:26.56 brlcad i'll see if that sheds any light
07:26.59 dad_ hmmm
07:28.11 EricWilhelm wow! dad, are you still trying to get it to compile?
07:28.36 EricWilhelm there must be a world of difference between 'stable' and 'testing'
07:29.04 dad_ EricWilhelm: it complies just fine, only without a gui or other dm
07:29.19 dad_ EricWilhelm: stable sux!
07:29.54 dad_ and as soon as i can, i'll install fedora, suse, mandrake, or some other distro
07:30.01 brlcad dad_: grep GL include/config.h
07:30.26 EricWilhelm I haven't tried it, but this 'apt-get dist-upgrade' thing does sound interesting. I switched to debian after dreading to upgrade rh7.3 for a few years
07:33.30 brlcad dad_: aha!.. i think i may have a culprit
07:33.44 brlcad automake doesn't seem to be using the AM_CFLAGS like it's supposed to
07:34.12 brlcad dad_: cd src/libfb
07:34.14 brlcad make clean
07:34.23 brlcad cd ../..
07:34.32 brlcad ./configure CPPFLAGS="-DIF_REMOTE -DIF_AB -DIF_X -DIF_OGL"
07:34.37 brlcad make
07:35.33 *** join/#brlcad noyb (
07:36.10 noyb ~seen brlcad
07:36.12 ibot brlcad is currently on #brlcad (1d 8h 22m) #bzflag (1d 8h 22m). Has said a total of 497 messages. Is idling for 1m 35s
07:36.24 noyb hi brlcad
07:36.29 brlcad howdy
07:36.36 dad_ k, i'm doing a ./configure the way you said...
07:37.05 noyb hi dad
07:37.07 noyb hehe
07:37.42 dad_ hey! and it even gave the configure summary!
07:39.00 dad_ make make make...
07:42.03 dad_ that was too quick, and it's not right still
07:42.22 brlcad you did the make clean in src/libfb yes?
07:42.46 dad_ yes
07:43.00 brlcad and it seemed to rebuild that library I hope?
07:43.00 dad_ oh!
07:43.05 dad_ duh
07:43.08 brlcad make install helps too :)
07:43.22 dad_ leme do the make install from R0ot
07:43.50 dad_ :)
07:43.57 brlcad fairly certain that's the problem..
07:44.14 brlcad if it fails, best to recompile fresh with that configure
07:44.19 dad_ let you know in a bit...
07:44.23 brlcad k
07:45.28 noyb brlcad: is there an archive of this channel, like #bzflag at:
07:45.57 brlcad same place
07:46.15 brlcad
07:46.21 brlcad ~logs
07:46.23 ibot hmm... logs is<channelname>/, or stats<channelname>.html.gz for apt, ibot, jbot and purl.
07:47.04 noyb too clever. why didn't I think of that?
07:49.16 noyb fish slaps, seen, bzflag server queries... ibot is like your secretary but you need to ask her properly.
07:49.22 noyb ~ibot help
07:49.37 brlcad ibot: help
07:49.45 dad_ i'll have to make clean
07:49.46 brlcad are equivalent
07:49.53 noyb ~help
07:49.54 brlcad dad_: what'd it do??
07:50.50 brlcad it's detected X seemingly correctly .. i can see that in your log
07:50.54 dad_ the same thing invalid command name "gui"
07:51.02 noyb ~help commands
07:51.12 noyb ~help ibot
07:51.15 brlcad dad_: is BRLCAD_ROOT set?
07:51.24 dad_ should be...
07:51.26 brlcad unset BRLCAD_ROOT
07:51.33 brlcad and try mged
07:52.00 noyb sorry for my noise... I'm not getting what I want from the secretary.
07:52.06 noyb ~fishslap ibot
07:52.08 ibot ACTION slaps ibot up side the head with a wet fish.
07:52.37 dad_ heh! thar she bees!
07:53.13 brlcad w00t w00t!
07:53.27 noyb what does that mean?
07:53.27 brlcad *whew*
07:53.42 brlcad noyb: it means I don't have to go shoot myself
07:53.44 brlcad or mged
07:53.47 brlcad just quite yet
07:53.53 dad_ nyob: means we're cruzin now...
07:54.02 noyb yay! brlcad lives!
07:54.07 brlcad yeesh
07:54.22 brlcad dad_: well thank you.. i think that isolated the gui problem for me
07:54.35 brlcad and the ogl/X display manager missing problem
07:54.54 brlcad dad_: where did you read to set BRLCAD_ROOT?
07:54.57 dad_ brlcad: i think i may have been setting BRLCAD_ROOT wrong as well
07:55.02 noyb dad's been around for a few days trying to build... If you're impatient, it doesn't show.
07:55.10 noyb yay dad!
07:55.22 brlcad he's very patient
07:55.35 brlcad and I think he's saved me and other debian users a lot of time
07:55.43 noyb you too, brl
07:56.04 noyb ~brlcad++
07:56.09 dad_ brlcad: it just popped up, after the first build - set BRLCAD_ROOT, with no explanation of where to point it - so i thought there is the /bin...
07:56.09 noyb ~dad++
07:56.37 brlcad ahh
08:17.51 noyb ~dad_++
08:18.25 dad_ noyb: thanks :)
08:18.37 noyb missed the _ first time.
08:18.41 noyb yw
08:19.31 dad_ you see, i'm an equipment maintenance technician by trade, and patience is one of the most important attributes
08:19.35 brlcad ~karma dad
08:19.35 ibot dad has karma of 2
08:20.07 dad_ second is yes, but it was brlcad that fixed it all...
08:20.18 dad_ so should be brlcad++
08:20.26 dad_ brlcad++
08:20.33 dad_ brlcad++
08:21.12 noyb I think you need the tilde '~' as first char.
08:21.25 noyb anyway, good job.
08:21.51 dad_ brlcad: and you've been here with me thru the whole thing, looking this way and that (i thhink i've sent you atleast 2 config.log's
08:21.54 noyb I guess it's the irc virtual hi-five and cheek slap.
08:21.57 dad_ ~brlcad++
08:24.45 brlcad hehe
08:25.15 dad_ ~brlcad++
08:25.37 dad_ this is such a kule thing!
08:25.58 brlcad glad you like it.. :)
08:26.29 brlcad mged is one of the buggiest unfortunately of all the tools, but it is also by far the most complex/complicated
08:27.07 brlcad if you find anything that's not behaving, or if it crashes -- especially if it's something that you can reproduce, please report it to the bug tracker on the project site
08:28.24 brlcad dad_: you also didn't compile --enable-optimized so if it starts to feel sluggish, remember that you have that tucked away (it should give you a 20-50% performance boost across the board).
08:30.25 noyb I can vouch for that. I went from about 340 to about 740 (if my mem serves right) do you remember brl?
08:30.45 brlcad ahh, i never heard the latter.. sweet
08:31.21 brlcad heh, that's almost 200%
08:31.34 noyb it's in the logs... you were away.
08:31.43 brlcad yeah, it's sitting with learner
08:32.26 noyb I posted the vgr lines together. the hostname is localhost :)
08:32.29 dad_ i'll remember that as well.
08:32.52 brlcad dad_: did you get a vgr count?
08:32.58 dad_ by the way, i saved the irc scrollback, so i could recreate the ./configure
08:33.06 brlcad via make benchmark
08:33.24 dad_ oh! haven't run the bemchmarks this build
08:34.58 dad_ error ECHO@ won't let me get the benchmarks, but alas...
08:35.12 brlcad ahh
08:35.14 brlcad cd bench
08:35.15 brlcad ./
08:36.07 dad_ ah...
08:36.33 dad_ that's better
08:37.11 brlcad vgr line will be in a file named summary when run that way
08:40.52 brlcad the numbers will make more sense to me.. but you're basically looking at the performance statistics of raytrace performance (pseudo rays/sec) and quantitative comparison against a very old stable system
08:41.52 brlcad the last number of the *vgr line will list your average performance as compared to that system (you are 500 times faster for example).
08:42.18 brlcad unoptimized will be sorely low, but it still gives a good idea of performance
08:45.48 dad_ *vgr slavedriver 152.93 143.52 190.14 157.04 147.10 .84 131.92
08:45.57 noyb ouch
08:46.11 dad_ the lower the number, the slower?
08:46.26 dad_ oh, and i was runnng mged at the time...
08:47.09 dad_ but alas, this gives me good reason to dual head my desktop :)
08:47.14 brlcad mm.. ouch yes :)
08:47.26 dad_ or add a second display
08:47.45 noyb here's a fresh run of my bench: *vgr phq.local 727.60 779.17 962.87 832.38 821.68 4.25 687.99
08:48.38 brlcad there is some instability in your numbers there dad_ so something may be influencing the numbers somewhat
08:49.43 dad_ i'm doing it again, i was playing with shifty handles :)
08:50.06 brlcad you may have even more to gain by building optimized though too
08:50.32 dad_ but because it was doing benchmarks, the rotate was quite unpredictable
08:51.00 dad_ it's running this processor flat out 100% utilization...
08:51.08 dad_ erm
08:51.24 brlcad yes, it should max out your machine
08:51.36 dad_ and that it does
08:51.59 brlcad and it's doing it reniced so if you use other apps, they will steal performance and mess up the results (slightly)
08:53.14 dad_ *vgr slavedriver 156.69 159.42 194.66 169.35 146.89 .77 137.96
08:53.42 brlcad lil better
08:53.50 dad_ yea
08:54.29 brlcad you'll get a much bigger boost if you recompile with optimizations, so if you end up raytracing a lot you'll probably want to rebuild
08:54.35 brlcad should be fine for now though
08:58.13 dad_ yea, i think raytracing's gonna be a major thing...
08:58.35 dad_ by the way, is there much support for terrains?
08:58.49 brlcad heh, is there
08:59.04 brlcad .. yes .. fairly optimized support
08:59.12 dad_ :)
08:59.33 brlcad there's a "dsp" primitive
08:59.52 brlcad which is your traditional 'height field' primitive
09:00.12 brlcad not the same as the "hf" primitive (which was obsoleted by the dsp)
09:00.31 brlcad dsp == DiSPlacement map
09:01.43 brlcad you feed it a special raw data file (there are cmd-line tools to convert image data to the specified data format)
09:12.07 dad_ that rocks!
09:16.26 brlcad g'night
09:33.13 *** join/#brlcad cosurgi (
09:42.07 *** join/#brlcad cosurgi (
09:44.33 *** part/#brlcad noyb (
09:45.24 dad_ ok, i'll try an optomized build...
09:47.25 *** join/#brlcad cosurgi_ (
10:02.28 *** part/#brlcad dad_ (
11:00.13 *** join/#brlcad tjyang (
11:00.41 *** part/#brlcad tjyang (
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11:53.35 *** join/#brlcad cosurgi (
13:52.16 *** join/#brlcad tjyang (
14:31.39 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
14:34.53 brlcad polyspin: looks like there was another 400 downloads Sunday, web hits dropped to 6k
14:37.20 brlcad 21K hits total
14:38.11 brlcad makes a cumulative of about 60K since being uploaded
14:38.14 polyspin Page views?
14:38.20 brlcad yes
14:38.37 polyspin Do we get stats on CVS downloads?
14:39.04 brlcad i'm not sure whether anonymous are tracked in the cvsroot history file
14:39.22 brlcad have to look at a cvsroot snapshot
14:41.15 brlcad the history file was already pretty huge when i uploaded, so i'll see if they kept it or started fresh
14:48.21 brlcad ahh, looks like a zero'd history
14:49.36 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
14:55.58 brlcad polyspin: looks like a zero'd the cvs history, but there is hints of anonymous tracking in it .. not sure how many days it's delayed so I'll recheck it in a week or so
14:56.27 brlcad that is.. the CVSROOT/history file that tracks checkouts/checkins/etc
14:59.12 polyspin Got it.
15:10.14 polyspin back again
15:20.21 tjyang-away brlcad,got a chance to check out brlcad rpm package yet ?
15:35.55 tjyang-away please delete the rpm after you grabbed it. it should be a alpha stage rpm.
16:48.16 *** join/#brlcad hovadko (~lukas@
17:06.53 *** part/#brlcad tjyang-away (
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19:32.17 *** join/#brlcad dad (
19:32.22 dad :)
19:32.30 dad greetings, all
19:39.38 EricWilhelm go dad
19:39.48 EricWilhelm did you get mged running?
19:49.03 dad *vgr slavedriver 233.01 233.61 280.23 242.57 227.90 1.24 203.09
19:49.27 dad not much, but better than the ~145 last night
19:49.51 dad EricWilhelm: yes, and brlcad was an immense help
20:20.02 *** join/#brlcad dad_ (
20:38.09 brlcad dad_: greetings ;)
21:27.23 dad_ brlcad: greetings, salutations and 'yer awesome'!
21:27.53 dad_ i got the *vgr up to 233!
21:30.16 brlcad excellent =)
21:36.17 dad_ brlcad: is there a database of commonly used items? such as gears, etc...?
22:02.49 brlcad dad_: not exactly any that are publicly available
22:11.23 dad_ K
22:11.36 dad_ are there plans for such a repository?
22:42.24 starseeker brlcad: Had a chance to look at the Makefile for proengineer?
22:55.20 dad_ how would i replicate a shape thru an arc or around a circle?
23:15.39 EricWilhelm that's a tough one dad
23:16.09 EricWilhelm there doesn't seem to be anything about using the sketcher in the intro to mged, and I imagine you would have to use a sketch to make a revolved solid
23:16.39 EricWilhelm or are you just trying to make a polar array?
23:46.41 *** join/#brlcad tjyang-away (
23:54.06 dad_ EricWilhelm: visualize for a moment a gear
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050112

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050112

00:19.47 dad_ which would be say a cyllinder with many rcc type objects replicated around the perimiter
00:21.19 dad_ but the gear would be a union of all those objects, and perhaps if i wanted to get fancy, there would be the same rcc type subtracted to get a contour at the root of each tooth
00:24.55 dad_ no, that's wrong it would be perhaps rpc types
00:35.38 learner starseeker, I briefly looked at the pro-e makefile -- added the same DESTDIR as the others..
00:36.04 learner dad_, yes there are plans for a public repository now that we can :)
00:36.23 learner I'd like to set up a geometry and parts database that is visualizeable on-line
00:36.43 learner we have a simplified mged running in a java applet, that might work nicely for starters
00:37.24 learner dad_ for things like gears, I recommend looking at the pattern tool if you haven't already
00:37.41 starseeker learner: OK - I'll see if that did it
00:37.48 starseeker learner: Where was it missing?
00:38.08 learner starseeker, I'm not saying what I put in even works.. haven't tested it yet :)
00:38.14 starseeker Ah :)
00:38.22 starseeker Is it in cvs, or just your local copy?
00:38.26 learner cvs
00:38.29 starseeker OK.
00:38.33 starseeker
00:38.34 learner from last night, so should be in anonymous now
00:41.21 starseeker got it
00:41.43 starseeker running
00:42.27 starseeker trying install...
00:47.06 starseeker Fudge
00:47.09 starseeker Nope.
00:47.47 starseeker Let me do a fresh rebuild, see if that does anything
00:50.32 learner i was skeptical of that one helping
00:50.42 learner it builds the dir differently
00:50.57 learner i'll poke at it later tonight to see if I can fix it
00:51.01 dad_ learner, thanks :)
00:53.10 starseeker thanks learner!
00:53.24 starseeker You want me to try the clean build, just to be sure?
00:56.44 *** join/#brlcad CIA-2 (
01:08.39 learner yay, CIA is back
01:09.53 *** join/#brlcad |tim| (~|tim|
01:10.03 learner howdy lengthy
01:10.21 |tim| hiya
01:10.48 |tim| what ever happened to my shell account?
01:11.11 learner |tim|, you've been away from some time I take it :)
01:11.22 |tim| yeah true :)
01:11.28 learner |tim|, the server moved finally
01:11.38 |tim| heh, took a while
01:13.02 learner well, it's been a couple months now :)
01:13.33 |tim| yea
01:39.23 *** join/#brlcad CIA-2 (
01:40.00 *** join/#brlcad brixster (
01:40.27 learner starseeker, no need, it would have detected the new
01:41.25 brixster is it possible to run brlcad on windows?
01:41.34 learner it is
01:41.42 learner but there are presently no binaries available yet
01:41.52 brixster what do i need to use to compile it
01:42.09 learner it will be a couple weeks before they are ready
01:42.14 learner heh
01:42.20 learner you need patience
01:42.31 brixster yeah
01:42.47 learner and either lots of familiarity/understanding of autoconf/automake or studio/.net
01:43.22 brixster then i will use
01:43.35 learner there's a fair bit of work to get it working under cygwin/mingw/msys, but that'll be the "holistic port" route
01:44.02 brixster yeah i tried it it wasnt working to well
01:44.03 learner there have been various versions of ms studio files for compiling
01:44.10 brixster really
01:44.22 learner there's guys working on the latter over the next couple weeks
01:44.33 brixster ok i will keep a look out then
02:07.18 *** join/#brlcad tjyang-away (
02:22.21 *** join/#brlcad dad__ (
03:34.48 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
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03:57.21 tjyang learner, you here ?
04:11.27 *** join/#brlcad CIA-2 (
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05:19.05 *** join/#brlcad noyb (
05:20.56 learner hello noyb
05:31.35 dad__ noyb: greetings...
06:58.55 *** join/#brlcad noyb (
08:23.51 *** join/#brlcad dad__ (
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15:37.24 jano hovadko sounds slavik
15:37.31 jano almost slovak
15:41.26 hovadko Slovak ;-D? No ... Czech ;-D ...
15:53.26 *** join/#brlcad tjyang (
16:00.18 brlcad hello hovadko
16:00.38 hovadko Hello ;-D ...
16:10.54 tjyang brlcad, are you going to release 7.04. today ?
16:11.39 tjyang Is it possible you can setup a brlcad wiki site to make us work more efficient ?
16:16.59 brlcad tjyang-away: that's a great idea
16:17.32 tjyang-away but who is going to do it ;)
16:17.37 brlcad heh :)
16:17.45 brlcad would you like to?
16:17.55 tjyang-away nope ;)
16:18.05 brlcad k ;)
16:18.38 brlcad yeah, a new "real" site is half-ready, but not posted
16:18.43 brlcad includes a wiki
16:19.02 tjyang-away good to know.
16:19.24 brlcad i can post up a quick wiki for the next couple weeks to get started
16:20.20 tjyang-away what wiki enginge you are going to use ?
16:20.38 brlcad which engine are you partial too?
16:22.59 tjyang-away I picked twiki becuase of our perl environement but later decide to go with moinmoin for easy of admininitration.
16:23.42 tjyang-away we will have both twiki and moinmoin packaged ;)
16:24.52 brlcad feature-wise and interface-wise, I'm partial to the one that runs wikipedia
16:25.00 brlcad we use moinmoin on bz
16:25.05 brlcad it's okay
16:25.58 brlcad the content management system being tested has a wiki module too, which will have priority if it's any good
16:26.10 tjyang-away plone ?
16:26.27 tjyang-away or zope
16:28.08 tjyang-away got to go.
16:28.16 tjyang-away later.
16:28.53 brlcad cya
16:29.07 tjyang-away brlcad, eager to try out your 7.0.4 to see if it can compile on our suns and hps.
16:29.10 tjyang-away bye
16:29.55 brlcad it's really soon. still a few more issues to work out.
16:30.07 brlcad updating URT and libpng as part of the update
17:03.05 *** join/#brlcad tjyang-away (
17:06.07 *** join/#brlcad mycr0ft (
17:06.46 mycr0ft Where can I find the complete BRL-CAD documentation?
17:37.01 jano what's jason doing using screen on phole?
17:37.38 jano ah, czech.. smradlavy czesi! :P :D (I'm slovak)
17:38.06 jano what's with all the euro names here.. hovadko czech, jano slovak, tibor hungarian
17:57.37 *** join/#brlcad tjyang (
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18:01.41 brlcad mycr0ft: has documentation
18:03.01 tjyang brlcad, I think he was asking "complete" documentation.
18:03.13 brlcad bbiab
18:16.19 mycr0ft OK I see the pdf docs... and i'm hoping that and the compilation instructions are what I need to get started learning BRLCAD
18:17.08 mycr0ft if I get anywhere, I'll offer to help with updating and/or completing documentation
18:23.51 mycr0ft I see a Volume II, III, and IV. Did I miss a I?
20:42.58 *** join/#brlcad CIA-2 (
22:47.55 *** join/#brlcad cc_ (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050113

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050113

00:04.45 *** join/#brlcad nayasi (
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00:13.38 nayasi hei
00:29.06 *** join/#brlcad tjyang (
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03:16.22 *** join/#brlcad mycr0ft (
03:55.58 learner hello mycr0ft
03:56.16 learner mycr0ft, the getting started link on is the relevant portions of volume I
03:56.34 mycr0ft ah OK thanks learner
03:56.43 learner the rest of volume one involved distribution, license agreements, etc -- all invalidated by the open sourcing
03:57.08 mycr0ft sweet
03:57.47 mycr0ft OK I've downloaded everything and will be trying out BRLCAD right after I finish all my SBIR proposals. Sigh.
03:57.56 mycr0ft Thanks
03:58.11 learner sounds like fun (not)
03:58.33 learner slipping some brl-cad improvements into the sbir? :)
03:58.45 learner or leveraging the codebase ;)
03:58.57 learner (it's been done before so I'm not exactly joking)
03:59.21 mycr0ft Actually BRLCAD doesn't really enter into this round.
03:59.47 mycr0ft I'm writing on MEMS projects and a Natural Language parser.
03:59.49 learner mged's replacement is actually coming out of an sbir as will much of the windows support
04:00.15 learner ahh, nlp is fun stuff
04:00.17 mycr0ft I think getting SBIR support for OSS software would be a worthy goal
04:00.51 mycr0ft Especially when it can benefit both the govt partner and the general community
04:01.02 learner it would, though it's more support of an "old, stable, powerful military code" ...
04:01.08 learner ... that happens to now be open source
04:01.15 learner exactly
04:01.30 mycr0ft unfortunately, the one problem with the SBIR program is the Commercialization aspect of it.
04:01.55 mycr0ft And OSS software is a hard sell since you have to claim that you are selling support contracts
04:02.02 mycr0ft or services
04:02.20 mycr0ft At least that's what I got back in one review
04:02.52 learner actually not that hard for a codebase like brl-cad
04:03.10 learner brl-cad is just an underlying code used to some other means usually
04:03.24 mycr0ft Yeah, that's true.
04:03.46 mycr0ft The licensing on the BRL Code-base... is it more BSD or more GPL?
04:04.07 learner it's like picking up libpng or some other library .. lots of facilities jump-starting the project
04:04.33 learner different parts are under different license
04:04.44 learner the binaries are under the gpl
04:04.50 learner the libraries are under the lgpl
04:05.01 learner the docs are under the gfdl
04:05.23 learner the build system, support scripts, benchmark suite, regression test suite are all under the bsd license or in the public domain
04:05.45 mycr0ft Thanks for the info. \n Well, I gotta sleep before I croak... I've got to finish 2 more SBIR proposals by Friday morning.
04:05.53 learner good luck
04:06.06 mycr0ft gl to you too.
04:06.12 *** part/#brlcad mycr0ft (
04:32.26 *** join/#brlcad tjyang (
04:51.28 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
04:53.04 PrezKennedy aint nothin like bein rejected cuz youre on a different "intelectual" level :-\
04:53.20 PrezKennedy me bein on the upper side no less
05:19.29 learner heh
07:58.26 *** join/#brlcad noyb (
07:58.51 learner wb noyb
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15:31.48 brlcad ahh, just missed him
15:34.14 EricWilhelm brlcad, I think brlcad's sketcher is a little clunky
15:34.20 EricWilhelm Is it just me?
15:34.33 brlcad no, it's very clunky
15:34.51 brlcad it was minimal support for a very limited task
15:35.06 EricWilhelm what would it take to export the sketch geometry and let a drafting program edit it?
15:35.30 EricWilhelm (e.g. like your mail client or browser launching an external program with a tempfile name)
15:35.43 brlcad in general, brl-cad has had no funding for 2d-related geometries, anything related to drafting, CAM, etc
15:36.38 brlcad i'd imagine that the easiest would be to add direct export support for the sketch primitive to the converter formats that can handle it (like g-dxf)
15:36.43 EricWilhelm what about printing a hidden-line drawingL (as vectors, not raster/rendered)
15:37.08 EricWilhelm but .g can't have simultaneous access, right?
15:37.33 EricWilhelm s/drawingL/drawing?/
15:37.39 brlcad not from separate processes
15:38.09 EricWilhelm can brlcad create a .g tempfile from a slice of the database?
15:38.21 EricWilhelm and read any modifications back in?
15:39.08 EricWilhelm that would make for a very hackable plugin architecture
15:39.12 brlcad yes it can
15:39.30 brlcad you can "keep" geometry and various was to read them back on
15:41.47 EricWilhelm what code would I have to work with? The mged source?
15:47.48 EricWilhelm (or is there a way to do it with scripts?)
15:48.55 brlcad the code to "keep" subsets of a .g and reload them are available via the api and as simple mged commands .. so that part is pretty flexible
15:49.32 brlcad the conversion of that geometry to another format via a converter would be the work involved
15:50.15 EricWilhelm okay, say I want to replace the create->sketch menu item code. Does that have to be compiled-in?
15:50.45 brlcad e.g. you keep all.g from moss.g to a file.. run g-dxf or g-iges on that file with sketch pritive support coded in .. edit somewhere else, then iges-g or dxf-g back and reload into .g
15:51.13 brlcad ahh, to replace the sketch menu code is all tclscripting
15:51.16 brlcad src/tclscripts
15:51.20 brlcad mged
15:52.20 EricWilhelm /usr/local/brlcad/tclscripts/mged/ ?
15:54.33 EricWilhelm is this all in some developer documentation that I should be reading?
15:55.32 brlcad yes.. that's where tclscripts gets installed to
15:55.50 brlcad it's basically a direct copy from src/tclscripts to $prefix/tclscripts
15:56.05 brlcad with a package index step in between
15:56.40 brlcad There's the HACKING file at the top level for general documentation .. for code-level, what you find is what you get
15:57.05 brlcad for the C library interfaces, there are manpages documentation
15:58.12 brlcad e.g. brlman libfb
15:58.51 brlcad Oh, and there's developer documentation from within mged on the help menu
15:59.18 brlcad there's a broad set of developer commands not listed in the general command set
16:04.05 brlcad and of course feel free to drop questions in here .. it's a lot of code to get to, but generally easy to follow one piece at a time
16:10.16 EricWilhelm hmm. It sounds like it would only take a day or two to make qcad the sketcher. Am I kidding myself?
16:13.25 brlcad ooh, very interesting idea
16:14.47 brlcad actually that sounds fairly reasonable .. "hardest" part is going to be making sure that the converter is supporting the primitive in question
16:15.11 brlcad and that's not really that hard .. just another case statement and a some writes
16:17.51 EricWilhelm is there any "special" data in a sketch? (e.g. named entities or "the legbone's connected to the thighbone" type stuff)
16:18.05 EricWilhelm or, would randomly ordered connected lines work?
16:19.12 brlcad to be honest, I don't recall
16:19.17 EricWilhelm E.G. in other sketchers (pro-e, catia, inventor), you have constraints to model geometry, etc that can't be represented in dxf.
16:19.39 brlcad the geometry primitives as a datatype are defined in librt
16:20.29 brlcad src/librt/g_sketch.c
16:21.13 brlcad brl-cad does not have explicit constraints (yet), so it sounds pretty safe to assume randomly ordered is fine
16:21.43 brlcad constraints are one of the funded todo items over the next year
16:26.55 EricWilhelm <homer>hmm... funded (drool...)</homer>
16:27.30 EricWilhelm how would a dumb cad program deal with constraints?
16:27.34 brlcad so are a variety of other goodies
16:27.51 EricWilhelm maybe with a constraint editor? (external to both brlcad and the cad program?)
16:28.21 EricWilhelm e.g. it seems to me that the biggest problem with most sketchers is the inability to just throw-down some geometry
16:28.27 brlcad well, dumb cad program is most likely only supporting dumb cad format
16:28.42 EricWilhelm they all seem to want you to constrain it as you draw it
16:28.58 brlcad uni and pro do, sure
16:29.15 EricWilhelm maybe Draft could grow-up to be a constaint-based drafting program
16:29.41 brlcad little colored light telling you if you are fully/partially/un-constrained was a pita
16:29.56 brlcad but in the end, useful/good
16:30.08 brlcad Draft is part of qcad?
16:30.12 brlcad or something else
16:30.35 EricWilhelm it certainly isn't trying to work with a dumb cad format (this is Bruno's cddf prototype (
16:32.04 brlcad hrm, i'll have to take a look at that
16:32.32 brlcad i'd imagine the dumb cad modeler will have to smarten up some ;)
16:32.37 EricWilhelm of course, with a cddf (cad directory database format), you could have a drawing editor running next to a constraint editor
16:33.23 brlcad i see it more as making your values complex types, expressions
16:33.39 brlcad you need a consistent way to refer to other geometry
16:33.50 brlcad and support for your basic math
16:34.30 EricWilhelm rhizopod is the current uber-converter format, but doesn't have any facility for relational drafting, however it is probably the framework for the next level, which would be less static
16:36.13 brlcad so instead of "radius == 3" .. it supports "radius == [box.corner.4.x * .3]
16:36.16 EricWilhelm Right. When you get relational, the endpoints, radii, etc. have to be expressed as formulas or functions.
16:36.17 brlcad or something
16:36.44 EricWilhelm But, I think that the rhizopod format lays a groundwork for what could be an addressable version.
16:37.25 EricWilhelm And, with persistent entity ID's, I'm not sure that the drafting program ever has to worry about the formulas.
16:38.46 EricWilhelm e.g. if you can just scratch-out the geometry and then apply constraints in another program, the drafting program could just have a way to display constraints and lock values which cannot be modified directly (you can only change box.corner.4.x, not radius)
16:40.39 brlcad that would be good, I'd imagine you'd conversely want to allow direct access/modification of those constraints for packages that do have good constraint management (unigraphics, for example)
16:44.24 EricWilhelm right, but with the cddf (let's say that the step after rhizopod is medusa (a jellyfish (complicated enough to hurt you, but still relatively simple))) both programs (in the two-program version) would be using the same data (but the drafting app would just see read-only files where the geometry is dependent)
16:44.51 EricWilhelm so, the independent geometry in the medusa format is identical to static geometry in the rhizopod format
16:45.30 EricWilhelm therefore, a rhizopod drafting app can change any independent geometry, and a medusa-aware constraint editor can just handle constraints (but not draw anything)
16:45.57 EricWilhelm ok, so if you add drafting to the constraint editor, you get an all-in-one program that is a medusa editor
16:45.57 brlcad and something like brl-cad that understands both could do both :)
16:46.06 EricWilhelm right
16:46.43 EricWilhelm but does brlcad modify the sketch geometry or just use it?
16:47.01 EricWilhelm since brlcad is a csg editor, that's a few steps past medusa
16:48.26 brlcad it reads/writes it and uses it
16:48.40 brlcad it's just the editing capabilities are primitive
16:49.02 EricWilhelm okay, so maybe brlcad's editing is limited to exporting faces of existing solids or something?
16:49.08 brlcad but once you have one, and it's extruded, it's just as fully useable as any of the other solids
16:49.17 brlcad for intersection analyses etc
16:49.24 EricWilhelm sort of an interactive g2rhizopod
16:49.48 EricWilhelm create->sketch->from_solid
16:50.17 brlcad hrm
16:50.46 EricWilhelm s/g2rhizopod/g2medusa/
16:50.55 brlcad that would be interesting perhaps.. but right now the sketch (which is covered briefly in volume III or IV iirc)
16:51.23 brlcad the sketch is just a basic collection of spline curves thatdescribe an enclosed space
16:51.33 brlcad you extrude that space to form a useable solid object
16:51.56 brlcad bbiab
16:53.26 EricWilhelm I'll have to find some time and dig around a bit. Making a way to use an external drafting program for sketches would be my first step. That would give the uber-converter something to do (not that I have time or funding for the uber-converter right now...)
18:06.03 *** join/#brlcad tjyang (
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20:29.51 *** join/#brlcad PhantomBantam (
20:30.12 PhantomBantam Hello.
20:30.58 jano howdy
20:32.16 PhantomBantam Any idea when the mac binary will be posted?
20:37.22 jano he'll know
20:43.27 PhantomBantam Okay.
22:24.22 *** join/#brlcad guu (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050114

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050114

00:09.47 *** join/#brlcad XEN (
00:45.24 *** join/#brlcad fgq (
01:31.06 *** join/#brlcad XEN (
01:46.08 *** join/#brlcad dssl (
01:49.34 dssl Anyone fixed the 'make install' problem on OS X?
01:58.16 dssl Anyone fixed the 'make install' problem on OS X?
02:44.10 brlcad dssl: yes
02:45.13 brlcad dssl: there will be a new source download perhaps as early as this weekend, as well as a mac binary install available
02:45.29 dssl from the sf site?
02:48.00 dssl a binary will be great....
02:49.13 brlcad dssl: yes, it will be posted to the sf site
02:49.32 brlcad if you'd like immediate notification, feel free to subscribe to the brlcad-news mailing list
02:49.44 brlcad a notice will be posted once it's available
02:51.19 jano bork
02:52.39 brlcad heya
02:57.39 *** join/#brlcad dssl (
02:57.52 dssl I get:
02:57.52 dssl Making install in include make[2]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'. /opt/brlcad70/include/brlcad make[2]: /opt/brlcad70/include/brlcad: Command not found make[2]: *** [install-brlcadincludeHEADERS] Error 127 make[1]: *** [install-am] Error 2 make: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
02:58.01 dssl during make install
02:58.08 dssl is there a simple fix?
02:59.01 brlcad have you checked out the sources from CVS or are you using the source tarball?
02:59.31 dssl I got the source from source forge (not cvs)....
03:00.30 brlcad how did you try to compile?
03:00.41 brlcad ./configure && make && make install, I assume?
03:01.16 dssl I followed the direction on the scitech list...
03:01.33 brlcad hrm
03:01.33 dssl with an ./autoconfig in there
03:01.39 brlcad ./ you mean
03:01.47 dssl yea...
03:02.08 brlcad hrm. I suggest you try CVS then.. a few fixes are already in place
03:02.19 dssl okay...
03:02.24 brlcad cvs -d login
03:02.32 brlcad cvs -d co -P brlcad
03:02.53 brlcad if you already have a brlcad dir.. move it out of the way
03:05.50 dssl I'm assuming the rm db/*.g is no longer necessary
03:05.57 brlcad correct
03:09.35 dssl still need the autogen?
03:09.40 brlcad yes
03:13.16 dssl FYI
03:13.18 dssl [dssl:/tmp/brlcad] eric% ./ head: 1: No such file or directory ./ line 72: [: -lt: unary operator expected ./ line 74: [: -lt: unary operator expected Found GNU Autoconf version . tail: 1: No such file or directory Automatically preparing build ... done The BRL-CAD build system is now prepared. To build here, run: ./configure make
03:14.34 brlcad that's okay
03:15.00 dssl I figured since it finished.
03:17.06 brlcad recent change caused that
03:17.17 brlcad trying to accommodate more platforms
03:21.23 dssl just started the build
03:23.40 brlcad there have been lots of recent changes back and forth so cvs isn't exactly reliable just yet -- but hopefully enough for you ;)
03:23.59 brlcad if not, post the error.. getting the mac build is usally really easy
03:36.19 *** join/#brlcad noyb (
03:47.32 dssl compiled and installed fine this time!
03:49.01 dssl Summary: Abs 235448.68 121407.71 105780.34 85302.61 116894.03 127437.84 132045.20 Thu Jan 13 22:48:29 EST 2005 *vgr 1718.47 1810.43 1886.57 1598.62 1653.61 8.59 1446.04
03:49.16 brlcad excellent
03:49.45 *** join/#brlcad jerwin (
03:49.54 brlcad not a bad benchmark number too
03:50.40 brlcad dssl, if you want even better performance, make clean and then ./configure --enable-optimized && make again
03:50.57 jerwin 'm having difficulty running brlcad on a mac. Something about XInputExtension...
03:51.16 brlcad jerwin: xinputextension is a warning
03:52.23 jerwin yeah? well, it crashes when I select "ogl" mode
03:53.08 brlcad crashes?? you have a crash log?
03:53.45 jerwin checking...
03:54.09 dssl it's a 2ghz dp g5
03:54.18 dssl trying the optimized...
03:54.42 dssl unfortunately my xlc trial expired
03:54.45 brlcad dssl: the last number of the vgr line is the one to pay attention to really
03:55.28 brlcad it's an average summary multipler of how much faster you are than the base metric
04:02.50 jerwin when I run mged -n, it asks "attach (nu|X|ogl)[nu]? "
04:03.16 jerwin the ogl option will crash
04:04.12 jerwin the X option will not.
04:04.52 brlcad which X11 do you have?
04:04.58 brlcad version-wise
04:05.53 jerwin 1.0: XFree86 4.3.0
04:06.00 brlcad ahh
04:06.07 brlcad that's why
04:06.36 brlcad if i'm not mistaken, apple released an update some time ago, no?
04:07.39 jerwin not quite sure. It came with Panther.
04:10.16 brlcad hrm..
04:10.38 brlcad would you send me your crash log?
04:10.52 brlcad should be in Library/Logs/CrashReporter/mged.log
04:10.56 brlcad or something similar
04:14.03 learner i take it back.. 1.0 should be fine
04:14.09 learner so crash log would be good..
04:14.14 learner what's your video card too?
04:14.29 jerwin brlcad, your sourceforge account?
04:22.45 jerwin ok, I've sent it off.
04:23.09 jerwin BTW, brlcad, what's your relationship with brl?
04:38.24 dssl Summary: Abs 461783.23 252706.49 218983.86 179788.52 243547.31 249737.74 267757.85 Thu Jan 13 23:38:08 EST 2005 *vgr 3370.43 3768.36 3905.54 3369.35 3445.28 16.84 2979.30
04:38.42 dssl doubled!
04:44.32 *** part/#brlcad dssl (
05:07.07 *** join/#brlcad jerwin (
05:14.47 *** join/#brlcad stafa77 (
05:17.05 *** part/#brlcad stafa77 (
05:30.32 *** join/#brlcad dad (
05:30.39 dad hey, all!
05:50.02 dad anyone around to answer a question?
06:05.55 noyb hi dad
06:07.31 noyb if you ask the question there's a better chance of getting it answered... ;)
06:29.51 *** join/#brlcad dad_ (
06:30.12 dad_ nyob: i combuned several primitives, each one will show in a raytrace, but the object doesn't show up in a raytrace
06:30.30 dad_ howcome?
06:31.18 dad_ i've tried all sorts of things...
06:38.05 dad_ never mind, i think i found it
06:40.57 dad_ nope
06:41.05 dad_ puzzeling...
06:46.28 dad_ i have 6 rpc's from the build pattern tool (cyllinder) u a cylinder - another cylinder (the hole in the middle of a sprocket). each rpc shows in a raytrace, each cyllinder shows in a raytrace, but when i draw the object, and raytrace it, the screen is blank (even with default shaders and such)
06:51.48 *** join/#brlcad CIA-3 (
06:55.52 learner dad_; paste the l of the region
06:59.46 dad_ l?
06:59.56 learner type "who" :)
07:00.09 dad_ ok
07:00.27 learner should see the name(s) of the objects displayed
07:00.28 dad_ sprocket2.s
07:00.40 learner just the one?
07:00.49 dad_ it's a comb
07:01.03 learner .s is conventionally used to mean a primitive "solid" .. not a combination/region
07:01.13 dad_ oops
07:01.17 learner regardless.. "l sprocket2.s"
07:01.45 dad_ mged> l sprocket2.s
07:01.45 dad_ sprocket2.s: --
07:01.45 dad_ <PROTECTED>
07:01.45 dad_ <PROTECTED>
07:01.45 dad_ <PROTECTED>
07:01.46 dad_ <PROTECTED>
07:01.48 dad_ <PROTECTED>
07:01.52 dad_ <PROTECTED>
07:01.53 dad_ <PROTECTED>
07:01.55 dad_ <PROTECTED>
07:02.06 learner ah, :)
07:02.14 dad_ ah?
07:02.15 learner you're intersecting all those s0's
07:02.34 dad_ ok
07:02.43 learner what is s34?
07:02.52 dad_ actually each intersects with s34
07:02.58 dad_ a cyllinder
07:03.33 learner actually only s0_1 is if I recall the stack rules correctly
07:03.46 learner so the rest of the intersections are with the result of that first intersection
07:03.49 learner leaving you with nothing
07:04.50 learner i even continue to get the rules backwards, so I could be mistaken -- but that would explain your situation
07:05.22 learner so s34 is a large cylinder
07:06.08 learner and the s0's are smaller rpcs and s35 is the hole in the middle..
07:06.39 dad_ yes, well larger than the DI of the other items placed in a circle
07:06.58 dad_ yes
07:07.01 learner can you post your .g somewhere?
07:07.11 dad_ i can try to
07:07.12 learner perhaps ftp it up to
07:07.42 dad_ i'd be glad to. do i have access?
07:09.02 dad_ in incomming?
07:09.05 learner yes
07:10.03 dad_ that would be test6.g
07:10.08 learner k
07:11.57 dad_ there's an s0 and a s0_7 that i haven't killed, and a few other trys at the same thing, but the idea is a 6 tooth sprocket with a hole in the middle of it
07:12.57 dad_ do i need to union each s0 with the s34?
07:13.12 learner from what you describe, yes
07:13.19 learner they're unions, not intersections
07:13.23 dad_ K
07:13.28 learner i'll know here in a sec ;)
07:13.49 dad_ i thought i tried that
07:38.41 noyb see ya...
07:38.59 *** part/#brlcad noyb (
07:39.01 dad_ noyb: laterz...
07:39.05 learner dad_, ooh, pretty :)
07:39.09 dad_ have a nice nite
07:39.14 dad_ :)
07:39.27 dad_ did it work for you?
07:39.51 learner yeah.. so that should be one solid component with a hole in it, yes?
07:39.58 dad_ yes
07:40.14 learner yeah, that's not intersections then
07:40.23 learner you shouldn't have any intersections with that geometry
07:40.42 dad_ ok
07:41.07 dad_ all unions and a subtraction
07:41.46 dad_ is there a diference between the c command and the comb command?
07:41.48 learner right
07:42.06 learner there's a slight syntactic difference, but otherwise no
07:42.44 dad_ ok
07:43.55 dad_ off i go, to work on more of it... (a 'hub' and a threaded hole :) once i get this part to work...
07:50.42 learner pretty nifty really
07:50.49 learner what are you building?
07:58.54 dad_ i'm just building parts for now. a sprocket here, a gear there
07:59.25 dad_ but haven't had a whole lot of success - there's a prety steep learning curve :)
08:00.29 learner it is a lot to get into and learn
08:00.33 learner large command set
08:00.55 dad_ and raytracing sometimes locks brlcad (i suspect thete's something wrong with my drawing :)
08:01.59 dad_ actually, i'm not a cad drafter by trade, but have done drafting on a small scale
08:02.23 learner it "shouldn't" .. if you have a .g that does it consistently from a certain view, feel free to run "saveview whatever.rt" and post the whatever.rt and the .g to bug tracker
08:28.26 dad_ K
08:28.34 dad_ i got it working ...
08:28.46 learner sweet!
08:28.57 dad_ hade a 'hub' with the 2 cyllinders
08:29.06 dad_ then you the teeth
08:29.13 dad_ oops 'u'
08:29.27 dad_ damned auto complete
08:29.56 learner :)
08:30.14 dad_ noe for a screw hole...
08:30.52 learner mm.. threads on a screw is getting into rather serious geometry quickly
08:31.01 learner have you read volume III any?
08:32.11 dad_ oh, yes i know... vol III i haven't even read vol I - just the html that builds with brlcad
08:32.28 learner ahh
08:32.52 dad_ where do i find these vol's?
08:32.58 learner html is fine, albeit older and not as thought out as the volumes
08:33.06 learner
08:33.14 dad_ K
08:33.18 learner listed right there for now
08:33.28 dad_ will go there, read learn, apply, repete
08:33.49 learner the first link is the pieces of volume I that were relevant post-open-sourcing
08:34.13 learner vol II through IV are there in their entirety, though
08:34.37 dad_ oh! the big pdf's
08:35.26 learner vol II is the beginner's intro to mged.. slew of gruesome (albeit simple) tutorials
08:35.48 learner that do what they can to prepare you for the semblance of real csg modeling in volumes II and iV
08:35.52 learner er, III
08:36.20 learner real as in really complex, that is too :)
08:36.27 dad_ i should read them...
08:37.34 dad_ o noticed the complexity _> opened some of the included .g files (the tank, helecopter, etc...)
08:38.06 learner :)
08:38.33 dad_ oh, that's not too bad - 45 minuites for the good stuff
08:38.35 learner those are still relatively simple models
08:39.23 learner havoc.g is probably the most complicated included database
08:39.29 learner and it's "okay"
08:39.57 learner the walkie-talkie in volume III is a great model .. nice detail
08:40.16 learner nice and complicated with articulations even
08:40.44 dad_ who made all those?
08:40.57 learner various modelers
08:41.14 dad_ ok
08:41.18 learner the ones in db/ are a wide set of people over the years
08:42.14 learner there are a couple people that are pretty much the expert modelers that get involved in the more "real" geometries
08:43.12 learner I can get you in touch with one of them if there's a modeling question I can't answer
08:51.45 dad_ k, i'll muddle thru some of the stuff for now, and read/learn/repete
09:02.07 learner maybe you'll become our first open source brl-cad csg expert ;)
09:03.51 learner by the way, as you're going along .. if you care to keep track of things that are really confusing, buggy, frustrating, very unexpected, etc .. that's very useful for future interface planning
09:06.42 *** join/#brlcad smokin1 (
09:07.25 smokin1 hi. anyone home?
09:11.27 dad_ learner - will do :)
09:11.36 learner =)
09:11.38 learner smokin1, nope :)
09:12.07 dad_ smokin1: i'm here as well, but i don't know much
09:12.26 smokin1 ok then, i'll just talk to the walls... usually works.
09:13.02 learner works for me
09:13.06 learner i like talking to myself too sometimes
09:13.18 smokin1 you two typing this on unix or did you actully get it to work on a win macnine?
09:13.38 learner i've run it on windows
09:13.45 learner but right now, I'm on os x
09:14.19 learner there are various windows efforts on-going right now -- the code is pretty much ported (at least for the major binaries)
09:14.53 smokin1 but i'm guessing you got to pice and hack it together to get it to compile?
09:15.55 learner actually there's an msdev studio project (not in cvs yet)
09:16.17 learner getting it to compile otherwise is painful (but one of the long-term routes)
09:16.31 learner e.g. msys/mingw/cygwin
09:17.03 learner i've heard of a couple people trying their hand at getting cygwin build to work
09:17.59 learner msdev studio files will likely get included down the road, but we'll need to pick up someone willing to keep them maintained
09:20.10 smokin1 probably not a task for someone whose c programming career consists of "hello world" ?
09:22.08 dad_ lol
09:23.31 smokin1 oh yeah, go ahead and laugh at the poor sap who hoped to magically find a binary lying around in the irc
09:25.04 dad_ heh! my machine is gasping for memory
09:25.44 dad_ @1/2 a gig, i maxed it out on the pattern tool! soo azmuths and 300 heights
09:26.14 dad_ oops s/soo/300
09:26.54 dad_ and then i ask to dosplay it in 'multi-plane view...
09:27.13 dad_ is that 900* 4?
09:27.55 dad_ ~900*4
09:27.56 ibot 3600
09:28.24 dad_ 3600 arb6's...
09:28.33 dad_ :)
09:28.58 smokin1
09:29.07 learner smokin1, heh, actually you might be able to get somewhere useful, but it's not simple to say the least
09:29.46 smokin1 anyone know about that address? it gives me a 404, but claims to contain a win 2000/NT binary
09:29.49 learner smokin1, yes, that's an early beta
09:29.59 smokin1 i'd take that
09:30.04 learner heh :)
09:30.04 smokin1 ain't pickey
09:30.09 learner i'm sure you would :)
09:30.25 learner I'll think about it
09:30.38 learner it's woefully bugged
09:31.08 learner I'd hate to see the same bug reports dozens of times over for things that were fixed almost two years ago
09:32.14 learner and it's missing a lot and is now quite out of date
09:32.47 learner if you can wait a couple weeks, there's a group tasked to solidify the windows port
09:33.29 learner course .. a couple of gov't weeks often are not merely a couple -- can't promise
09:34.13 learner almost as likely that someone will finish the msys port about the same time
09:39.30 smokin1 oh well, i guess i'll just wait.
09:40.15 smokin1 i'd like to get back into c, but i think i'll jump back in on a project with something less than 3/4 million lines of code.
09:40.27 learner you'll probably be may more interested in the other things this group is going for window regardless
09:40.56 learner porting a massive unix-based package to the windows environment is not probalby what you're used to
09:41.40 learner smokin1, don't let the size scare you off -- it's actually over 400 separate small projects really
09:42.12 learner most of those are really strait-forward to understand
09:42.59 learner the src/proc-db/ model generators, for example, are great computer graphics and programming exercises that are pretty darn easy to follow
09:43.22 learner easy to write a little bit of code that outputs a model procedurally
09:47.47 smokin1 are you one of the admins on the project?
09:48.15 learner yes
09:49.56 smokin1 ya don't say...
09:50.40 smokin1 i've seen that handle quite a bit on many a google search
09:50.55 learner heh
09:51.14 learner so you're looking for the answers to some of the same things I am? :)
09:51.41 smokin1 no, i'm looking for the answers to the stuff you already know ;)
09:53.25 learner heh, shame it doesn't feel like that most of the time :)
09:55.14 smokin1 i'm guessing you're military?
10:39.55 *** part/#brlcad smokin1 (
11:02.28 dad_ nite. all!
12:15.37 *** join/#brlcad tjyang (
13:07.18 tjyang learner you here ?
14:02.43 learner yes although sleepy
14:12.56 tjyang new ETA on 7.0.3 realease ?
14:13.35 tjyang or 7.0.4 ?
14:16.19 *** join/#brlcad noyb (
14:18.58 *** join/#brlcad noyb (
14:30.34 learner tjyang this weekend
14:30.40 learner 7.0.4
14:30.47 learner 7.0.3 is a CVS version
14:34.07 tjyang thanks, does 7.0.3 fix the compiling on solaris ?
14:40.00 learner there not commited yet
14:42.15 tjyang ok, I come back and check on Monday.
14:54.30 learner okie dokie
18:49.48 *** join/#brlcad starseeker (
20:11.02 *** join/#brlcad stafa77 (
20:15.40 stafa77 I am trying to compile BRL-CAD on Cygwin. I'm getting an error. Can anyone help me out?
20:31.09 a_b_normal <-- read the fine print, #2
20:38.32 *** join/#brlcad PhantomBantam (
22:29.00 learner stafa77, what's the error, I can try to help
22:33.24 a_b_normal that's one major ping
22:33.28 a_b_normal :)
22:34.02 learner ;)
22:35.40 a_b_normal :(
22:36.12 learner ahh, i know that addy =)
22:54.19 starseeker learner: Any luck with the pro-engineer make files?
22:55.25 learner yeah, I think I have it fixed
22:59.24 starseeker cool :-)
22:59.30 starseeker is it in cvs?
22:59.39 learner not yet
22:59.46 learner later tonight hopefully
22:59.52 starseeker Cool. Thanks :-)
23:00.13 starseeker I dunno if I'll be able to test it this weekend (kinda busy) but ASAP I'll give it a whirl
23:00.19 starseeker what was it?
23:00.39 learner yeah.. this is a busy weekend :)
23:00.58 learner brl-cad pushed back bzflag's major release, which will likely happen this weekend
23:01.04 learner finally
23:01.07 starseeker :-)
23:01.25 starseeker yin and yang - productivity and anti-productivity ;-)
23:01.31 learner :)
23:04.09 starseeker Did it need some more $(DESTDIR) statements?
23:04.34 learner needed to be made non-deterministic via configure
23:04.41 learner so that destdir can be used
23:04.48 starseeker Ah. Harder :-)
23:05.00 learner just a slight reworking
23:05.16 starseeker Gentoo: finding make bugs no one else in the known universe cares about :-/
23:06.07 a_b_normal hahaha
23:06.59 starseeker I know of almost no other circumstance where this would matter - if the user installs it's not an issue, if it's a package it's already handled.
23:07.39 learner it's good to have it fixed, though
23:07.42 learner it was "wrong"
23:07.45 starseeker :-)
23:07.53 learner thanks for finding it
23:08.20 starseeker My pleasure :-). Just trying to add a great piece of software to gentoo
23:09.00 starseeker Heh - I wish I could have seen my face when I read that slashdot announcement
23:09.09 learner heh
23:09.49 starseeker It was one of the better places to announce, methinks
23:09.53 learner if you only knew what I had to go through to make it happen..
23:10.38 learner heck that announcement paragraph itself took almost two weeks to get approved
23:10.41 starseeker I can imagine. Bill Schelter had to do something similar, and Maxima is just a mathematics program. We have a label warning about export restrictions possibly applying he was asked to add
23:11.19 starseeker And Maxiam, AFAIK, hasn't been used to design tanks ;-)
23:12.12 starseeker You deserve some kind of award for making it happen
23:12.48 learner tanks are fun :)
23:13.19 starseeker Heh - you probably didn't see the response to my post about it in
23:13.36 learner I don't follow the gentoo forums
23:13.56 starseeker
23:14.11 starseeker last couple posts on the page
23:15.31 starseeker Hmm - a new post. Does brl-cad work on 64 bit chips?
23:16.08 learner haha
23:16.20 starseeker thought you might ;-)
23:16.28 learner oh heck yes it does
23:16.44 starseeker Cool - someone's asking about it for 64 bit gentoo
23:16.51 starseeker too bad I can't test on that platform
23:18.06 learner yes, it would require testing to validate the 64-bitness, but brl-cad already runs and has been tested on 64-bit irix, aix, and irix's 64-bit linux
23:18.20 starseeker Nifty.
23:18.31 learner mm.. i'd love to get brl-cad going on the compile farm
23:18.47 learner we used to have internal compile farms running.. been a while
23:19.00 starseeker Hehe - if you become a debian package that's a lot of platforms right there
23:19.15 starseeker They had XFree86 running on more platforms than it was written for
23:21.18 learner debian's given me more headaches than any other platform
23:21.31 starseeker I can believe that too :-(
23:21.58 learner I believe woody is either misconfigured in regards to automake+libtool, or it's rather bugged
23:22.25 learner i've gotten a patch to review from a debian user that i'll check out before releas
23:22.42 learner brl-cad'
23:23.05 learner has always run on pretty much anything we could get our hands on..
23:23.33 learner officially, only a handful are "funded" for support
23:23.50 learner which are basically the ones needed internally
23:24.07 starseeker right - I was wondering if the Army actually needed so many platforms supported
23:24.11 learner getting it to run on the vax was tough -- cray too
23:24.50 learner those both predate me, though I've re-attempted to revive a vax build just a couple years ago
23:25.07 starseeker eeeeeeeeeeeekk Vax still lives?
23:25.34 learner we have a wide range of machines.. desktops/workstations.. supercomputers.. various flavors of unix
23:25.47 starseeker Sounds like a neat place to work
23:26.35 learner no, the vax was decommissioned several years ago, but the historic computing project has a complete software emulation that is the same
23:27.06 starseeker Cool.
23:27.21 starseeker Good way to learn about software that only survives as binaries
23:27.39 learner took the better part of a saturday, but I had the boot prom loaded, disks attached, and was installing bsd and brl-cad shortly thereafter
23:28.59 starseeker Wow.
23:30.12 starseeker Hmm, supper might be a good thing. Thanks learner! I'll let you know the results once the new pro-engineer stuff is tested on gentoo
23:30.27 learner okay :)
23:30.49 learner I'll let you have first dibs on testing 7.0.4 since working on gentoo is a priority
23:30.59 starseeker Thanks :-)
23:31.09 starseeker It's a priority?
23:31.49 learner yes, on my "must do" list
23:31.59 starseeker Hah! Take that Redhat! :-P
23:32.27 starseeker Or I guess it's Fedora Core now
23:32.33 learner i want to get it cleanly building on gentoo, debian, mac os x, rhlinux, freebsd, irix, and irix 64 this release
23:33.06 learner gentoo overtook redhat a long time ago (except in business)
23:33.26 learner perhaps even debian.. haven't seen the stats recently
23:33.44 learner debian maintainer is shooting the project in the head with this drawn out releases
23:33.58 starseeker The thing with gentoo is - because you build everything on the system, you have a VERY good development environment
23:34.06 starseeker Yes, Debian can be very annoying
23:34.31 learner then next release will probably activate the windows support .. or at least provide some test binaries
23:34.54 starseeker Heh - prepare for a whole new level of annoyance
23:35.14 starseeker Almost without exception, the most painful part of releasing for both Axiom and Maxima has been Windows
23:35.49 learner we've had windows betas for years now.. just no time to polish it up until recently
23:36.01 learner (funded time)
23:36.33 starseeker Well, that does help. But still... what a messed up environment. Especially if you want to support Win98-WinXP
23:36.35 learner and win* is so way low on my priority list to be on "my time" as most of this is
23:37.25 starseeker Yeah - all Windows gets you is users ;-P
23:37.54 starseeker Really - the Army didn't fund Windows development?
23:38.04 learner i'm quite comfortable only supporting xp for now -- let a windows dev step forward to pick up it's maintenance like you did to get brl-cad in gentoo
23:38.10 learner (which I still can't thank you enough)
23:38.37 starseeker My pleasure. There are several people who would like gentoo to become the "scientific linux" platform of choice
23:38.48 starseeker and we certainly can't be that without brl-cad ;-)
23:39.04 learner brl-cad's been a unix program nearly it's entire life -- the original architect was one of the bsd foundation architects
23:39.14 starseeker Wow.
23:39.30 a_b_normal the guy that invented ping, right? :(
23:39.37 learner yep
23:39.49 learner amazing man
23:39.55 a_b_normal yeah
23:40.36 starseeker Someday it would be interesting if Nova or somebody did an indepth series on the history of computer software
23:40.36 learner that's not even considering any classified work he may have worked on and made major impacts on
23:41.10 starseeker There's a rich human story behind the screen.
23:41.51 starseeker Or better yet, the history channel - they might actually take it seriously
23:43.31 starseeker Well, time to eat something besides valentines candy ;-)
23:43.36 starseeker later all!
23:43.42 learner cya
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050115

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050115

00:50.34 starseeker burp
01:07.27 a_b_normal the official thing for brlcad is bork
01:07.30 a_b_normal not burp
01:07.32 a_b_normal or poke
01:07.34 a_b_normal bork
01:07.40 a_b_normal :)
01:07.57 a_b_normal :(
01:10.43 starseeker Heh - just had dinner
01:10.52 starseeker hence burp :-)
01:11.43 starseeker learner: I don't suppose you guys are going to try and con some university engineering departments into funding work on brl-cad?
01:14.31 learner heh, funding? not directly anytime soon
01:14.38 learner perhaps indirectly through student contributions
01:15.05 learner brl-cad's been used in graphics and CAD classes at several universities over the years
01:15.12 learner it's particularly well suited to computer graphics classes
01:15.23 learner adding a new primitive, for example .. fun
01:15.32 starseeker Cool. Ah, so it's already got a good enough UI for the classes. Well, there goes that idea...
01:15.55 learner teaches CSG better than most any
01:16.05 starseeker Oh, I was going to ask you - you said the "wire mesh" 2D display didn't make much sense for brl-cad? or somebody did?
01:16.05 learner since most modelers have gone the brep path
01:16.14 starseeker brep?
01:16.27 learner boundary representation modeling
01:16.30 starseeker ah.
01:17.10 learner wire mesh 2d display? .. i said something related to that, but not really that :)
01:17.25 starseeker Oh - what did you say? Sorry
01:17.33 learner it's not well suited (yet) for drafting and CAM work until someone adds more functionality
01:17.46 starseeker Oh, OK.
01:17.56 starseeker But it can in theory be added?
01:18.00 learner so things like autocad sketchings don't really come over to solid modeling very well
01:18.10 learner sure, it can be added pretty easily
01:18.20 starseeker cool. I smell a grad student project ;-)
01:18.44 learner we just have no use for it in our domain, so it was never added
01:19.00 starseeker hehe - AutoCAD doomed by students - film at eleven
01:20.22 starseeker Although I guess Pro/E and Solidworks would be the more useful functionality to target?
01:21.20 learner better markets.. though drafting for cam purposes is interesting
01:22.38 starseeker In some ways it's too bad Solidworks appeared - with $70k a seat for something like Pro/E, it might have been rather easy to get companies to develop brl-cad
01:23.29 learner i don't mind the competition.. it was needed for the industry
01:23.55 learner though solidworks was just a union of several other cad companies trying to consolidate for profit and to fight the other guys
01:24.05 starseeker Ah.
01:25.01 starseeker Still, it would have been fun to see the Pro/E guys' reaction to the price for CAD suddenly dropping from $70k to 0
01:25.07 learner I want to take BRL-CAD in more directions than they are able to, though, and out-innovate them with new features
01:25.14 learner model life inside out
01:25.24 starseeker life ~= chaos
01:25.31 learner multi-user collaborations
01:26.13 starseeker Well, if there is any justice at all you should be swarmed
01:26.19 learner there's a lot of solidification and cumulation of existing features into a unified framework needed for starters, though
01:27.05 starseeker So you guys are still funded for continued development of brl-cad?
01:27.59 learner indeed
01:28.18 starseeker awesome
01:28.27 starseeker that puts you FAR ahead of most open source projects
01:28.37 learner this was never an abandonware event ala our other government friends
01:29.11 starseeker Incredible. That in itself is worth a news story
01:34.09 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: special thanks regarding gentoo ebuild
01:35.18 starseeker uh - you're welcome? Did it work for you?
01:35.45 learner just preparing the sources for when i get to that step before I forget
01:35.59 starseeker Ah :-)
01:36.05 starseeker What's CIA-3?
01:37.30 learner CIA announces source code changes in real time to irc channels
01:37.41 starseeker Cool!!
01:37.45 learner also archives changes and calculates commit statistics to a web site
01:37.52 starseeker Very cool
01:38.17 learner friend of mine set that up.. most projects on freenode use it
01:38.30 learner
01:38.51 learner gentoo's been busy today :)
01:39.26 learner looks like the day just turned
01:39.40 starseeker how's that?
01:41.22 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ oops, that dash wasn't intended or desired for head/tail
01:41.28 learner
01:41.33 starseeker Ah.
01:41.56 starseeker lordy lu
01:42.13 starseeker them keyboards are a-clickin
01:42.51 learner <PROTECTED>
01:42.58 learner for all projects
01:43.09 learner sometimes busy, sometimes not
01:43.54 starseeker Heh - looks like the US contingent is mostly out partying or something ;-)
01:44.00 starseeker whoop, there we go
01:44.13 learner it's pretty quiet for a friday night actually..
01:44.28 learner probably battlestar galactica premiere to be honest..
01:44.34 starseeker Hehehe
01:44.44 starseeker Ah, the joys of not having a TV...
01:45.02 learner ahh
01:45.08 learner i gave up tv for many many years
01:45.37 starseeker Heh - my girlfriend has mine, because the car was too full to fit the bugger when I moved.
01:45.37 learner now it's an occasional even for movies, stargate, farscape, and simpsons ;)
01:45.55 starseeker :-) The classics
01:46.21 starseeker Curiously enough, I'm not really a Simpson's fan, but I've got three of the four seasons of Futurama and want the fourth
01:47.01 learner good stuff
01:47.35 starseeker Yes, I've never figured out how Fox can produce such good cartoons and such bad news
01:47.44 starseeker it's like a split personality or something
01:48.50 starseeker Uh-oh, another openoffice-ximian commit today I see. Great, there goes fourteen hours or so of CPU time
01:49.12 starseeker It'll have to wait till after brl-cad 7.0.4 though
01:49.51 learner heh
01:50.41 starseeker I never, never read the change logs for openoffice-ximian or kde. I really don't want to know I just rebuilt everything for a minor update of something only needed on another platform or in rare useage
01:51.07 learner :)
01:51.44 starseeker :-) any new flags?
01:51.59 learner several
01:52.11 starseeker who regularly gets his butt eaten for lunch
01:52.16 learner wings is probably the most impacting
01:52.27 starseeker Yay :-)
01:52.31 learner you can turn while mid air and if the server is configured flap endlessly
01:52.39 learner so.. fly around in your tank
01:52.49 starseeker and die from GM :-)
01:53.14 learner several new bad flags
01:53.22 starseeker Hmm - brl-cad, used to model tanks. bzflag, tank combat game. Coincidence? ;-)
01:53.33 learner ;)
01:53.49 starseeker Funny, a lot of the people I run into on bzflag are gentoo guys
01:53.54 learner they really want me to write a g2bzw :)
01:54.07 learner could make brl-cad bzflag's primary modeler
01:54.15 starseeker sweet!
01:54.48 starseeker I don't suppose there is an armor flag that can bounce a few of the enemy's shots back at them?
01:59.33 learner heh
02:00.07 learner that's a harder one.. woul need means to graphically show that.. like a shield sphere
02:00.26 learner still easy.. but not a 10 minute tweak
02:00.45 starseeker true :-) Don't worry, that was just wishful thinking
02:01.28 learner careful what you wish for :)
02:03.03 starseeker Hehe. Uh oh
02:06.49 starseeker Well, as long as I'm making trouble - I've always thought a Targeter flag would be fun - press T or Enter or something and you are instantly flipped to be facing (i.e. targeting) your nearest opponent.
02:07.12 learner heh
02:07.18 starseeker But I think that one would be hard because the game would need to know your nearest opponent, check for stealth blocking, etc.
02:08.27 starseeker Sorry, wandering off topic
02:08.42 learner heh, don't worry about topic :)
02:12.04 starseeker Gotta admit though, I always like the old standby - Rapid Fire :-)
02:12.23 learner tis a powerful flag
02:12.35 starseeker particularly since it messes with people's timing
02:12.43 learner which in part inspired one of the new bad flags.. trigger happy
02:12.50 starseeker Uh oh :-)
02:12.51 learner tank unloads all your shots as fast as it can
02:12.54 starseeker hahaha
02:12.57 starseeker sweet
02:13.21 learner like running around with an uzi set to "on"
02:14.01 starseeker Gosh - that would turn that one 100 shot map into sheer madness
02:16.45 starseeker You know, a "Rigged" flag might be fun - if you shoot you kill yourself, but your explosion has a chance to take out anybody within SW radius - friend or foe
02:17.06 starseeker Alright, I should stop eating whatever I ate this evening
02:17.20 learner multiflags and configurable flags are what I'm planning next
02:17.29 starseeker COOOL :-)
02:17.46 learner so you could have shield.. with 10 shots for example
02:17.56 learner or laser and wings
02:18.02 learner etc
02:18.13 starseeker On wings, can you only shoot in the plain at which you are hovering?
02:18.24 learner have to disallow various combinations that would be too powerful like stealth+cloak
02:18.30 starseeker No kidding
02:18.41 starseeker Only Seer would stand a chance
02:19.31 starseeker You guys must be so sick of hearing flag ideas ;-)
02:19.40 learner shots always go out on the plane/elevation you shoot from unless inertial shots are turned on
02:19.50 learner so if you're falling, your shots do too
02:19.58 learner heh
02:20.12 learner yeah, we get a lot of flag suggeestions
02:21.15 starseeker I must say you guys have done a tremendous job
02:21.55 learner some past ideas:
02:24.01 starseeker Should I go ahead and throw mine on there if they aren't already up?
02:24.09 learner sure, go ahead
02:26.09 starseeker Heh - too bad they said no to the dumb missle
02:29.01 learner some of the "no" were very contingent on the descriptions
02:29.13 learner and could be considerable under some situations
02:29.29 starseeker Ah. So the "never" are the big no-nos
02:30.01 learner yeah
02:30.10 learner the simple no's are often "i don't like that idea"
02:30.20 starseeker Ah :-)
02:30.48 learner there have been various shockwave blast round flags that have come up and been deemed possible
02:31.01 starseeker How does it work for server setup - if people want to add "custom" flags, do they need to do it at the source level?
02:31.42 learner you have to modify both the server and the client to add flags
02:31.56 starseeker Ah.
02:31.57 learner configuration of existing flags can be done any time
02:32.06 learner like making shockwave enormous and slow
02:32.15 starseeker :-)
02:33.02 starseeker I don't suppose it would be of interest to have a server "select" flag options on startup, and have the client download them? Or does the engine need modification for some flags to work?
02:34.48 learner they need to work together
02:34.55 learner otherwise there are protocol and versioning issues
02:35.04 starseeker Ah. Figured.
02:42.11 starseeker Heh - you guys need a bugzilla for flags
02:43.17 starseeker Fair number of duplicates
02:43.44 learner yeah, we only glance at it every few months when someone's motivated to actually add a flag
02:44.06 starseeker Do patches get more consideration that wiki suggestions?
02:44.14 learner there's so much other stuff that needs to get taken care of that the flags themselves are relatively low priority
02:44.36 starseeker Heh - responsible game developers :-). Whoda figured? ;-)
02:44.41 learner oh heck yes.. if it's implemented it's reviewed a little more quickly usually
02:44.55 learner unless it's a flag suggestion that would have been a "no/never"
02:45.27 starseeker Hmm. Just out of curosity, why not add them and then let the server activate/deactivate them?
02:45.38 starseeker unless they're something offensive or some such
02:47.10 learner because that ends up being code that has to be verified across all the platforms, changed when interfaces change (which happens a lot), maintained, etc.. all takes up time and effort
02:47.22 starseeker Ah.
02:47.40 learner and if it's a feature that's "destructive" to the nature of the game.. that's baggage that one generally doesn't want to carry
02:47.44 starseeker As you can tell, I don't do much game development ;-)
02:47.51 starseeker definitely true
02:48.06 learner you can't take everyone's idea .. simply too many various ideas
02:48.37 starseeker Very true
02:48.53 learner some would have it become quake, some would have it become pong, some would have it become a web browser.. with as wide a user base as it has, there are too many ideas so culling has to happen
02:49.00 starseeker Well, that's what open source is all about ;-)
02:49.14 learner yep
02:49.24 learner we hear enough people clammor for a feature.. it usually gets added
02:49.41 starseeker Sorry to bother ya with flag suggestions ;-)
02:50.45 learner nah, no harm in suggesting ;)
02:50.50 learner feedback is good
02:51.07 starseeker Clearly y'all know exactly what you're doing - you're the #1 open source game by a long shot
02:51.13 learner much holds true for brl-cad too .. there's lots of directions it can go now
02:52.05 starseeker hehe - there I'm pretty much TOTALLY unqualified. I'm not even a computer professional or design engineer
02:52.34 learner with a codebase as large as brl-cad, it's hard to go down a wrong path, though :)
02:53.02 starseeker Hehe.
02:53.12 learner only things it can't do without maintaining backwards support is the ray-intersection engine behavior in the raytrace library
02:53.45 starseeker in brl-cad?
02:54.04 starseeker I thought that was pretty stable
02:54.08 starseeker that part at least
02:54.16 learner it's very stable
02:54.37 learner that's what I mean.. new devs can't go modifying the way the raytracing behaves wontonly
02:54.43 starseeker Ah.
02:54.48 learner since it _must_ remain stable
02:54.54 starseeker I doubt they'll want to
02:55.13 learner it's used in many analytic codes that rely on it's behavior
02:55.28 starseeker The whole point of BRL-CAD is that it does a lot of the hard parts already
02:55.41 learner oh, you might want to modify the raytrace engine to make the pictures more pretty -- it can happen, just have to be careful to maintain certain aspects of behavior
02:56.21 starseeker Why not just make an export to povray? Use the internal render for "quick" stuff and send it to povray for the final "pretty" picture?
02:56.55 starseeker or would making things "prettier" involve fundamental changes?
02:57.12 learner i'd LOVE to see a g2pov and pov2g
02:58.10 starseeker I suppose it's a little harder than just writing the internal objects to povray format, and vice versa?
02:58.21 learner not really
02:58.42 learner would be one of the most simple export/imports .. pov supports many of the same primitives
02:58.48 learner and suports csg
02:59.09 starseeker Hmm. Can the brl-cad ray-tracer handle surfaces and transparency? (/me has vague recollections that these are two of the hard parts)
02:59.49 starseeker I mean surface textures
02:59.50 starseeker duh
03:01.15 learner what about textures?
03:01.33 learner brl-cad regions can do texture mapping
03:01.44 starseeker OK, so that'll map
03:01.47 starseeker cool.
03:02.21 starseeker Maybe once I get my thesis wrapped up I can take a look at a povray import/export as a "beginner" project
03:06.02 learner mm. what's the thesis on?
03:06.45 starseeker Behavior of CuIn(S,Se)2 thin films near compositional ratios of Cu/In ~= 1
03:06.56 starseeker possibly relevant to solar cells
03:08.19 starseeker Heh - I am sort of a weird person to be into all the open source science and engineering software - it stems mainly from my physics undergraduate days
03:09.21 starseeker Finishing a thesis seems to be the hard part of it, but once it's done I will hopefully have weekends free and clear to do open source coding
03:09.49 starseeker And perhaps then I can be of some real use to my favorite projects, and learn how to do Real Coding ;-)
03:11.18 learner hehe, interesting
03:12.01 starseeker Poor Tim Daly can't figure out why he's had a thousand downloads or more of Axiom - he's always wondering who those people are and what they are doing
03:12.27 starseeker I suppose a fair few are like me - not doing the hard science but checking out interesting software
03:12.33 learner so you've studied physics, materiels science, chemistry, etc
03:13.09 starseeker Not so much chemistry - my undergrad was physics with a focus on High Energy, my Masters was/is Materials Science with a focus on Thin Film Solar Cells.
03:13.29 learner got it
03:14.01 learner so how long before we can see solar efficiency reach 50%? ;)
03:14.04 starseeker My current job involves printer drum coatings, so that's the most chemistry oriented of the three
03:14.14 starseeker Look for flying pigs :-P
03:14.54 starseeker 50% would require several junctions and fine control over the band gaps - hard stuff
03:15.02 starseeker and currently expensive
03:15.49 starseeker Dunno. Tim probably would. Let me see if he's in IRC...
03:16.01 starseeker Snort. Not tonight. (naturally)
03:16.56 starseeker So how many honest to goodness engineers have you heard from so far, learner?
03:17.05 learner or even better.. a generic polynomial root solver -- even a simple linear-based newtonian estimation if it were fast and stable
03:17.39 learner engineers of what sort?
03:18.00 starseeker people who actually use programs like BRL-CAD to do real work :-)
03:18.31 learner ahh, that number is fairly large and active already
03:18.44 starseeker Oh, OK :-)
03:18.49 starseeker Good.
03:19.09 learner i've heard from 2 or 3 new interests since open source directly
03:19.19 starseeker Very good!
03:19.49 starseeker Interest is always key for open source projects, although in your case I guess you're already pretty well set up
03:20.37 learner there's probably about a dozen critical active codes more or less that use brl-cad today already for engineering analyses
03:20.42 starseeker I have no idea what the license is, but would this be of any interest?
03:20.52 learner there have been hundreds cumulatively over the years.. but interest (and funds) come and go
03:21.25 starseeker Yep, know what that's like. (Solar cells + Bush administration ~= drought :-(
03:21.46 learner possibly.. people have various definitions of "high performance" :)
03:22.35 starseeker Probably the place to ask is the Maxima and Axiom lists. It can't hurt, and maybe the'll mention brl-cad to some friends in engineering ;-)
03:22.44 learner causes the reverse in our field, of course ;)
03:23.23 starseeker Well, at least someone benefits
03:25.03 learner that root solver page might be of use actually..
03:25.09 starseeker Cool!
03:25.48 learner if their bairstow implementation is stable, that would do well in replacing brl-cad's newtonian iterative solution
03:26.05 learner and it might make my superellipsoid primitive behave..
03:26.29 learner so it could become official
03:26.45 starseeker Cool! Did they stick a license in the zip file?
03:27.14 learner doesn't matter.. there are papers posted
03:27.32 learner i can implement off those if the license isn't suitable
03:27.35 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (~Matthew@
03:27.48 starseeker :-). Life is good for smart people
03:29.25 learner you're researching thin film transmissive properties for solar energy and you don't consider yourself "smart people"? :)
03:29.26 starseeker It looks like GNU Octave may also have an implimentation of bairstow:
03:29.56 learner that one's less interesting
03:30.15 learner it's a high level interface first, usually implying that it's not performance tuned
03:30.20 learner brl-cad's existing is fast..
03:30.31 learner another solver would need to be fast and more accurate
03:30.47 starseeker learner: Nah - the smart people are the ones who can actually model the materials, or understand why they're too complicated to model.
03:30.55 starseeker learner: Ah, OK.
03:31.21 starseeker If you ever want a headache, check out some papers by a guy called Zunger on CuInSe2
03:31.28 starseeker That's some impressive work.
03:32.50 starseeker My work was definitely more experimental - I saw something weird. I can't say what's causing it at a fundamental level
03:33.36 starseeker Experimentalists spot it. Then we give it to theorists to do the hard part ;-)
03:36.53 *** join/#brlcad noyb (
03:38.40 learner starseeker, that's cool still
03:39.37 starseeker thanks :-) It's a neat material growth effect, but it's ultimately something to avoid
03:39.57 starseeker the low band gap layer forms at the top, which isn't what we're after at all ;-)
03:40.39 starseeker If the first site falls through for the roots, you might check out the GNU scientific libraries
03:42.05 starseeker
03:42.07 learner there are other solver systems I've read up on and fast math libs abound (brl-cad's is fast)
03:42.26 learner gsl i've seen. it's interesting on some levels
03:42.34 learner no real good numbers on performance though
03:43.21 starseeker Ah. You might want to ask the usnet groups - other than that, I'm not sure where to look. Axiom and Maxima haven't worried about really fast numerical solving, so I'm not really up on it.
03:43.32 starseeker 'course, Axiom as a commercial program had NAG
03:44.12 learner asking won't really help.. just have to try it some day :)
03:44.22 learner everyone will say it's "fast"
03:44.28 starseeker :-)
03:45.00 starseeker I can add one more (remote) possibility to the list - pari-gp seems to have a good reputation generally. But I don't know much about its abilities
03:45.13 starseeker
03:46.06 learner stability of the numerics on high order polynomials is more important even than speed
03:46.07 noyb I also think fast is related to what job you're asking the software to do. generally, nothing could be fast at every job.
03:46.44 learner there are numerical instabilities in a steiner surface I implemented that will be hard to solve
03:46.55 learner exactly
03:47.00 noyb for learning matlab-like skills, I use 'octave' on my mac, installed via fink
03:49.25 starseeker Indeed - apparently, in some cases the fastest algorithm is dependant on what hardware you have
03:49.43 starseeker Well, time for sleep - have long drive tomorrow.
03:50.05 starseeker Thanks again for your work on brl-cad (and bzflag!) learner
03:50.20 learner aiight
03:50.23 learner see you later
05:04.59 *** part/#brlcad stafa77 (
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05:39.49 tjyang learner,are you asleep yet ?
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07:46.19 learner hello fgq
07:56.31 fgq hi learner
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Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050116

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050116

01:30.38 *** join/#brlcad cosurgi (
02:39.18 learner back in a few
02:55.03 brlcad wow, what a blast from the past
02:55.13 brlcad dont' think i've booted this sucker in over a year
03:45.02 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
03:46.29 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
04:10.59 brlcad howdy
04:16.01 polyspin Evenin.
04:16.21 polyspin Noticed we don't build on OSX at the moment. Trying a rebuild to check that.
04:20.58 *** join/#brlcad PhantomBantam (
04:29.00 polyspin Interseting. configure checks for X11/Intrinsic.h to see if X exists
04:29.02 polyspin That check fails
04:29.10 polyspin Thence Tk build fails.
04:29.16 brlcad odd
04:29.42 brlcad i've made a handful of changes for other plats, but nothing related to X11, iirc
04:29.56 polyspin We don't seem to check in /usr/X11R6 I guess.
04:31.31 polyspin Yet X_PREFIX is getting set to /usr/X11R6... stranger and stranger
04:31.59 PhantomBantam I see stuff about x11, does this mean the mac binary will be up soon?
04:32.09 brlcad PhantomBantam: working on it
04:32.29 PhantomBantam That's good.
04:33.18 brlcad polyspin: there's a single line that does the X checks in
04:33.28 brlcad er, .ac
04:34.25 polyspin AC_PATH_X ?
04:34.34 brlcad yes
04:35.11 brlcad if it's not finding X, I'd try to find what's changed..
04:35.17 polyspin Autoconf is 2.57.
04:35.23 polyspin I just installed Xcode 1.5
04:35.29 polyspin (new machine image)
04:35.32 brlcad ahh
04:35.59 brlcad installed dev tools? or just xcode?
04:36.21 brlcad oh, you know what.. probably didn't install teh X11 dev kit
04:36.26 polyspin Dev toosl as well.
04:36.50 brlcad X11 dev kit is a separate optional (disabled) install on the dev tools cd
04:37.04 polyspin Gotcha. I'll go check that.
04:39.17 polyspin Don't have the dev tools CD. Downloaded from
04:39.39 brlcad really.. couldn't find it there a week ago
04:41.32 polyspin It says it was posted 06Aug2004
04:42.26 brlcad *shrug*
04:42.38 brlcad just be sure it's the Dev one ;)
04:43.04 polyspin It says "Xcode Tools v1.5
04:43.45 polyspin Found the X11 SDK
04:44.24 polyspin Headers there now. Time for autogen, configure, make
04:46.13 brlcad cool
04:47.31 polyspin Wow, CHUD tools weren't installed by default either. How sad.
05:00.45 brlcad bah
05:00.57 brlcad 10.2 ends up with a 0 length configure
05:01.01 brlcad yet no error
05:02.21 a_b_normal yay autoconf!
05:02.23 a_b_normal :)
05:03.06 polyspin Sigh.
05:04.11 brlcad ahh, autoconf 2.52
05:04.37 polyspin Let that be a lesson to us :-/
05:08.02 brlcad heh, can't make our cake and eat it too? :)
05:08.15 a_b_normal as long as it's not apple pie
05:08.45 polyspin You can't make a cake unles you have ants (snigger)
05:09.04 a_b_normal i don't get it
05:09.37 polyspin "cake" was the previous build system for BRL-CAD. "ants" is a new build system popular with java folks
05:09.52 polyspin or is it "ant"?
05:09.58 a_b_normal ah
05:10.03 a_b_normal developer humor
05:10.43 brlcad just ant I think
05:11.07 brlcad scons has real promise
05:12.13 polyspin as long as it isn't too much like "cmake"
05:13.08 polyspin The web page for scons mentions some nice features.
05:14.08 brlcad you can do a lot if you have to install your build environment before you build -- we could easily force only "autoconf 2.59 and automake 1.8 and libtool 1.5.10" and most of the build problems easily go away
05:14.36 brlcad that's akin to installing ant/scons/whatever to me
05:14.39 polyspin That's why we carried "cake" all those years.
05:14.57 brlcad yeah
05:15.30 brlcad though it still was a real pita to modify
05:15.36 polyspin It would be nice to add checks to see if autoconf is a high enough version to generate the build env
05:16.02 brlcad versions notwithstanding, I'd pick this over cake even still
05:16.03 polyspin Cake was a disgusting build system. Mostly inscrutable.
05:16.13 polyspin Mike hacked long and hard on the "rules" files.
05:16.23 brlcad this has "just worked" for a lot of folks - we got a compliment on it to the list just recently from one of the old cakers
05:16.38 brlcad i can imagine
05:17.02 polyspin I like it because A) other people understand it. B) we don't have to carry/build it.
05:17.15 polyspin If (A) stops being the case, we can switch.
05:17.33 polyspin Or if A applies to some other build system
05:19.51 brlcad yeah
05:20.25 brlcad it's by far the biggest wart that we as in the industry put up with it seems
05:20.39 brlcad cept maybe microsoft.. there's a wart that's tolerated for ya
05:21.11 polyspin I personally think that the "wart" is that "autoconf" is necessary for a Unix system.
05:21.17 polyspin Unix should have converged.
05:36.49 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ match's requirements. require autoconf 2.57 and specify automake 1.6.0 (unenforced). should probably try to pull the version mins directly ourselves.
05:42.45 brlcad wow
05:44.02 brlcad we've had about 2/3rds the num of source downloads as bz's last release did (source release)
05:44.42 polyspin awesome.
05:45.12 brlcad scary amount of interest :)
05:45.34 brlcad more than I expected really, at least at first
05:45.57 polyspin two words: Free CAD
05:46.14 brlcad yep
05:46.29 polyspin I'm waiting for the first distro to include, the first developer contributions, and the first contributed model
05:46.30 brlcad New too
05:46.54 PhantomBantam I don't mean to be a bother, but do you know when will the mac binary be available>
05:47.12 polyspin Phantom: Linking now.
05:47.22 PhantomBantam Sweet.
05:47.26 polyspin If it goes well, we might upload tonight.
05:47.39 PhantomBantam Awesome.
05:47.58 polyspin Unless I have to sleep first :-(
05:48.03 brlcad I was thinking Sunday myself :)
05:48.19 polyspin It's Sunday now :-)
05:48.57 PhantomBantam That it is.
05:49.26 brlcad not it the timezones I feel like I'm in
06:35.14 polyspin Have you heard of "swig" before?
06:36.21 polyspin For a modest amount of work, we could have full bu/bn/rt support in python, Tcl, java and others.
06:36.33 polyspin I've been playing with it tonight, and I've almost got it configured.
06:36.51 polyspin There's one gotcha: It doesn't like name re-use.
06:37.09 polyspin We have a number of structs, which also have variables or functions of the same name.
06:37.36 polyspin If we were willing to change this, SWIG would generate the "wrapper" libraries for us.
06:51.03 brlcad i've heard mention of it, but not whether it's good/bad/painful/painless etc. .. sounds like a potential middle layer
06:51.48 polyspin It eats somthing that is pretty much a header file for C/C++ and generates the wrappers from the "extern" statements and data declarations.
06:52.55 brlcad pretty much a header file?
06:53.06 brlcad or is it really a header file with some labels of theirs
06:53.20 polyspin It needs a few lines to tell it the name of the "package" you want to build.
06:53.37 polyspin The second.
06:54.22 polyspin I'm building the python wrap now.
07:00.33 *** join/#brlcad fgq (
07:17.09 brlcad hello fgq
07:24.15 polyspin Good luck with bz
07:24.33 brlcad thx
07:24.46 brlcad brl-cad held it off long enough.. :)
07:26.30 *** join/#brlcad fvhg (
07:47.05 EricWilhelm brlcad, the swig interface file has some typemaps and such that aren't standard header matter
07:47.34 brlcad good to know
07:47.49 EricWilhelm If you don't have any nested arrays (or even non-char arrays) in your header, it can try to "do the right thing" by just looking at a header file
07:48.08 EricWilhelm but, to get (say) a proper perlish interface, you want to do some typemaps
07:48.53 EricWilhelm I found that my CAD::Drawing::IO::DWGI module worked much better for making the OpenDWG library binding in a perlish way than the swig code.
07:49.32 EricWilhelm IMO, the way of doing things is easier than swig, but that only gets you a perl binding.
07:49.37 brlcad cept the end goal we were talking about was specifically intent on supporting about 5 different languages
07:50.08 brlcad we can do those bindings manually.. but one slightly painful swig (or anything) is going to be better than 5 custom
07:50.22 brlcad and those languages may change..
07:50.24 EricWilhelm I think the best way would be to lovingly craft a set of functions which raise the functionality level to something appropriate to each language.
07:50.51 EricWilhelm failing that, if you can master typemaps with swig, that might do the trick.
07:51.23 EricWilhelm trouble is, that if you don't pass data-structures, you tend to have functions with a lot of simple (float) parameters
07:51.32 EricWilhelm so, you have perl code like:
07:52.11 EricWilhelm ($x1, $y1, $z1, $x2, $y2, $z2) = do_stuff($x1a, ... )
07:52.20 EricWilhelm it's too painful for me to even type.
07:52.54 EricWilhelm what I'm saying is that swig doesn't play nice (easily) with complex data structures
07:53.21 EricWilhelm with shadow classes, it gets better, but a lot of arrays (in C) are read-only because swig can't derive how to extend them, etc.
07:54.08 EricWilhelm It can be made to work with typemaps, but you need one for each type within each language.
07:55.03 EricWilhelm I'm not sure what polyspin is working on, but let me know if I can be of some advice with the SWIG stuff.
07:55.26 brlcad hrm.. we'll probably just have to test out some concrete bindings to perhaps libbu in a couple manners to see just how much is involved
07:55.44 brlcad oh, i'm not exactly sure what his motivation was.. probaby a discussion we had last week
07:58.39 EricWilhelm sounds cool. It would be great to be able to extend brlcad with perl.
08:04.33 brlcad yes it would
08:04.40 brlcad i'd prefer perl over tcl at least
08:05.14 brlcad but then.. i'd prefer almost anything over tcl
08:05.29 brlcad tcl's not bad.. there's just so much more that's better
09:41.22 *** part/#brlcad noyb (
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22:39.16 a_b_normal shields up
22:39.21 a_b_normal phaser...
22:39.25 a_b_normal phsaers...
22:39.29 a_b_normal FIRE!
23:09.58 *** join/#brlcad PhantomBantam (
23:13.43 a_b_normal yay
23:13.53 a_b_normal i think i caught a cold
23:14.01 brlcad great
23:14.10 a_b_normal three hours of sleep a night since wed has taken it's toll!
23:14.37 brlcad sounds like all you need is a solid day working out in the gym to take you out good ;)
23:14.49 a_b_normal i might have another hernia :(
23:15.02 a_b_normal actually, i think i have two
23:15.44 brlcad then you can introduce one to the other
23:15.50 a_b_normal hahah
23:16.03 a_b_normal nut hernia.. meet the stomach.. stomach, say hello to nut
23:31.26 *** join/#brlcad fgq (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050117

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050117

00:22.02 a_b_normal done yet?
00:26.46 *** join/#brlcad floppyears (
00:27.25 floppyears hi could somebody tell me how does this program compare to solidworks ?
00:30.16 *** join/#brlcad noyb (
00:33.00 PhantomBantam I was wondering that as well.
00:33.23 floppyears anybody ?
00:39.09 *** part/#brlcad floppyears (
02:16.41 *** join/#brlcad PhantomBantam (
02:17.21 PhantomBantam So...
02:23.24 a_b_normal see the game?
02:26.54 PhantomBantam I know I do.
03:22.34 *** join/#brlcad PhantomBantam0 (
04:39.51 brlcad eh
06:23.05 *** join/#brlcad noyb (
13:59.07 *** join/#brlcad cosurgi (
14:24.57 *** join/#brlcad tjyang (
15:54.48 *** part/#brlcad brlcad (~brlcad@brlcad.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
17:25.15 *** join/#brlcad kraig01 (
17:26.58 kraig01 ?
17:28.53 kraig01 I'm trying to set up brlcad, and I'm absolutely new to irc... anyone there?
17:29.32 a_b_normal i'm here, but i can't help you much on brlcad
17:29.49 a_b_normal when learner or brlcad shows up, one of those will be able to help you
17:30.13 kraig01 Thanks, a_b_. At least I know that irc seems to work
17:51.17 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (~brlcad@brlcad.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
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21:11.09 *** part/#brlcad noyb (
22:24.27 *** join/#brlcad starseeker (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050118

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050118

00:00.21 *** join/#brlcad noyb (
00:08.11 starseeker brlcad: Is cvs ready for the next gentoo attempt?
00:20.11 brlcad starseeker_food: =)
00:20.29 brlcad as soon as this bz release is posted, you'll start seeing commits in here
00:21.32 a_b_normal someone was lookink for help earlier
00:21.35 a_b_normal kraig01
00:22.16 brlcad rm. mmusta missed him
00:22.36 jano yeah
00:22.41 jano told him to look you up
00:22.46 jano he was new to irc, too
01:06.52 *** join/#brlcad PhantomBantam0 (
01:07.21 PhantomBantam0 What's happening with the site?
01:10.12 brlcad sourceforge is experiencing "technical difficulties"
01:14.08 *** join/#brlcad fgq (
01:17.12 jano so is smugmug
01:17.13 jano :/
01:17.24 jano i did more film shots this weekend
01:17.37 jano it's a tough call
01:17.42 jano film or digital *shrug*
01:20.06 brlcad both!
01:21.28 jano hehe
01:28.06 jano darnit
01:28.13 jano is smugmug having problems?
01:28.14 jano :/
02:14.56 *** part/#brlcad noyb (
02:29.55 *** join/#brlcad stafa77 (
02:34.30 stafa77 I'm having some trouble compiling under cygwin. can anyone help?
02:35.02 brlcad i can try
02:35.05 brlcad how far are you ?
02:36.45 stafa77 I'm having trouble with the libfft directory
02:37.01 stafa77 I can send you the last few lines of output I'm getting
02:44.25 brlcad sure, but I can't dcc
02:44.46 brlcad perhaps
02:45.11 brlcad libfft.. nice
02:46.20 stafa77 okay I posted on pastebin
02:47.37 stafa77 What I think is going on is that for some reason the ditsplitc.c file is not being compiled or linked into the executable.
02:48.17 stafa77 I'm no automake expert, but the file looks okay to me.
02:48.36 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: s/Vapp/Yapp/
02:48.40 brlcad very much so.. looks like you're missing more than one maybe too
02:50.04 stafa77 Do you have any idea why this is happening?
02:50.18 brlcad hrm
02:50.35 brlcad what's in your src/libffb/ for ifftc_SOURCES ?
02:50.39 brlcad er, fft
02:52.11 stafa77 ifftc_SOURCES = ditsplitc.c ifftc.c
02:53.13 brlcad well, that's right
02:53.31 brlcad cd src/libfft
02:53.35 brlcad make fftc
02:54.03 brlcad does it complete errorless?
02:54.23 stafa77 nope
02:54.40 stafa77 similar problem
02:55.17 brlcad make ditsplitc.o
02:55.37 stafa77 no errors
02:55.48 brlcad make
02:56.18 stafa77 same error as before
02:56.48 brlcad exactly the same?
02:56.53 brlcad undefined reference
02:56.59 brlcad to _ditsplitc
02:57.05 brlcad er, ditsplit
02:57.12 stafa77 yes
02:57.17 brlcad hrmph
02:57.48 brlcad what's the link line?
02:58.06 brlcad (feel free to paste here if < 10 lines)
03:00.49 stafa77 posted on pastebin
03:01.35 brlcad hrm.. need the lines before that
03:01.42 brlcad the gcc or ld line
03:02.48 stafa77 sorry about that I misunderstood you
03:02.53 stafa77 I posted again
03:03.36 brlcad not a problem
03:03.46 brlcad ahh, so it gets close
03:05.48 brlcad in your Makefile .. value of fftc_OBJECTS ?
03:06.02 brlcad and if it's value is am_fftc_OBJECTS, what are the values of it
03:07.05 stafa77 am_fftc_OBJECTS = fftc.$(OBJEXT) splitditc.$(OBJEXT)
03:08.13 brlcad value of EXEEXT ?
03:08.37 stafa77 EXEEXT = .exe
03:08.43 brlcad k, that's good
03:09.01 brlcad the fftc$(EXEEXT): line?
03:09.12 brlcad and two lines following
03:10.27 stafa77 fftc$(EXEEXT): $(fftc_OBJECTS) $(fftc_DEPENDENCIES)
03:11.22 brlcad eek, I hope you're copy-pasting and not typing that all up :)
03:11.40 stafa77 I'm copy pasting
03:11.45 brlcad k
03:11.50 stafa77 what about this
03:12.02 stafa77 fftc_DEPENDENCIES = $(am__DEPENDENCIES_1)
03:12.18 stafa77 am__DEPENDENCIES_1 =
03:12.27 stafa77 nothing after = sign
03:13.35 brlcad tha'ts okay
03:13.38 brlcad there are no deps
03:14.11 brlcad the two lines after the fftc$(EXEEXT): ?
03:14.21 brlcad should be a $LINK of some sort
03:14.38 brlcad that's what's actually failing
03:15.11 stafa77 fftc$(EXEEXT): $(fftc_OBJECTS) $(fftc_DEPENDENCIES)
03:15.19 stafa77 @rm -f fftc$(EXEEXT)
03:15.29 stafa77 $(LINK) $(fftc_LDFLAGS) $(fftc_OBJECTS) $(fftc_LDADD) $(LIBS)
03:17.41 brlcad humm
03:18.03 brlcad oh
03:18.07 brlcad make fftc.exe
03:18.31 stafa77 no errors
03:19.40 brlcad ahh, great
03:19.52 brlcad make ifftc.exe
03:20.02 brlcad and make fftest.exe
03:20.50 stafa77 k, no errors
03:21.39 stafa77 okay, went back
03:21.50 stafa77 make is proceeding
03:21.58 brlcad hrm
03:22.09 brlcad what's odd is this:
03:22.13 brlcad gcc -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -fPIC -g -I../../include -pipe -fno-s
03:22.16 brlcad trict-aliasing -fno-common -fPIC -g ifftc.c -o ifftc
03:22.40 brlcad -o ifftc is very wrong, but that's all in libtool's domain
03:22.54 brlcad how did you generate the Makefiles?
03:23.07 stafa77 ./
03:23.11 stafa77 ./configure
03:23.13 brlcad did you run from inside cygwin?
03:23.17 stafa77 yes
03:23.25 brlcad version of libtool?
03:23.39 stafa77 how can I check that?
03:23.42 brlcad (libtoolize --version)
03:24.14 stafa77 1.5.10
03:24.36 brlcad jeeesh.. that doesn't add up
03:24.40 brlcad that version is okay
03:25.01 brlcad automake --version ?
03:25.25 stafa77 1.9.2
03:25.55 brlcad ahh
03:26.01 brlcad that could be it
03:26.13 stafa77 okay
03:26.18 brlcad not so much your fault .. though 1.9 is actually a little "too new"
03:26.26 brlcad but you should have seen problems before configure
03:26.35 brlcad so maybe even those are fixed
03:26.59 stafa77 you mean I should have seen problems when running
03:27.05 brlcad yes
03:27.21 stafa77 There wern't any as I recall.
03:27.40 stafa77 I was having other problems here and there which I managed to fix
03:27.56 brlcad is the build proceeding now?
03:27.59 brlcad or halted?
03:28.11 stafa77 halted
03:28.24 stafa77 src/burst
03:28.40 brlcad ahh, but it made it through libfft
03:28.46 stafa77 yes
03:29.23 brlcad if you don't mind checking, what is the noinst_PROGRAMS in src/libfft/Makefile ?
03:30.15 stafa77 noinst_PROGRAMS = fftc$(EXEEXT) fftest$(EXEEXT) ifftc$(EXEEXT)
03:30.48 brlcad could you e-mail me that makefile?
03:30.59 brlcad i've not seen anything wrong with it yet..
03:31.04 stafa77 sure
03:31.13 stafa77 what email address
03:33.06 brlcad so i can look at that later..
03:33.10 brlcad what's the burst error?
03:34.18 stafa77 posted to pastebin
03:34.47 brlcad ahh
03:34.49 brlcad that's easy
03:35.35 brlcad delete the random() line in extern.h
03:35.51 brlcad #if !defined(linux)
03:47.42 brlcad hey, thanks to you for trying the build
03:48.13 stafa77 take care
03:48.25 brlcad feel free to drop me an e-mail
03:48.31 brlcad or here if something else comes up
03:48.38 stafa77 ok no prob
03:48.44 *** part/#brlcad stafa77 (
03:49.37 tjyang brlcad, look like has problem to stop you from release 7.0.4,right ?
03:49.55 brlcad has had problems most of the day
03:50.02 brlcad slowed things down big-time
03:50.09 brlcad didn't see the scheduled maintenance notice
03:50.27 brlcad i've still got more I can work on, though
03:50.34 brlcad cvs is responding (slowly)
03:50.43 tjyang ok, I will wait. I am busy with my home project.
03:52.20 tjyang how can I have write access to check in the work I am going to do ?
03:52.33 tjyang can you add me as developer ?
03:52.49 tjyang I am not a developer, more like a packager.
03:53.49 brlcad I can grant write access
03:54.44 brlcad though it's generally good to get to know what you're working on first, be sure you understand the rules and requirements
03:54.58 tjyang I am still learing CVS, so no need for CVS writing yet.
03:55.02 brlcad maybe get changes as patches first .. depends on what the work is
03:55.15 brlcad understand
03:55.47 tjyang yes, I will have you review my work first, if you need it is worthy than we proceed to next step.
03:56.02 tjyang if you thinks it is worthy.
03:56.29 tjyang argh, time for bed for today's hard physical work. bye.
03:56.36 brlcad at this point, there's tremendous room for worthiness :)
03:56.46 brlcad cya
03:57.02 tjyang night.
03:57.11 brlcad pretty much if people are really interested, I doubt there will be a problem
03:57.50 tjyang so 7.0.4 is done, it is just's problem, correct ?
03:58.06 brlcad i'd like to test some more here, but pretty much
03:58.44 tjyang I want to release a package source that can generate rpm,sun pkgadd and hp depot native package formats for ppl to use.
03:59.42 tjyang if they don't like the binary package I created, modifiy the package and create their own.
04:00.06 tjyang bye.
04:00.12 brlcad g'night
04:00.18 *** part/#brlcad tjyang (
04:04.06 jano ach
04:22.56 *** join/#brlcad chris_ (
04:24.13 chris_ Am I in the right place? Looking for some help on installing BRL-CAD.
04:24.32 brlcad sure are
04:25.37 chris_ Do you happen to know how I could get libtk to compile? I'm running a recent version of Linux, and apparently make is calling a bunch of X functions that it can't find.
04:27.04 chris_ I saw from the forums that I'm not the only one with this problem. It's probably something simple that I'm overlooking.
04:27.13 brlcad which linux?
04:27.43 chris_ I'm running Ubuntu (to my shame); it's a user-friendly Debian offshoot. I managed to get a sane build environment on it, more or less.
04:28.57 brlcad :)
04:29.30 brlcad first off, are you building from cvs or from the source tarball, and did you run ?
04:29.46 chris_ Source tarball and no.
04:30.14 brlcad okay, next Q is what's the actual build error?
04:30.44 brlcad can post to if it's more than 10 lines or so
04:31.14 chris_ A lot of undefined references: XCopyArea, XCreateRegion...and it's probably a hundred lines or more, all mostly the same.
04:31.32 chris_ Running along the lines of './.libs/libtk.a(tkTextDisp.o)(.text+0x3487):/tmp/brlcad-7.0/src/other/libtk/generic/tkTextDisp.c:2348: undefined reference to `XDestroyRegion''
04:33.11 chris_ More complete text at
04:34.07 brlcad can you go back a little farther?
04:34.10 brlcad to the last compile line
04:34.50 chris_ Forgive me for being such a luser that I don't know where to find my logs.
04:35.11 brlcad :) no problem
04:35.33 brlcad i lose my logs all the time
04:38.26 brlcad the undefined refernces mean that it didn't locate your X11 libraries
04:38.49 brlcad the compile line and your config.log will give some insight into why that happened
04:39.00 chris_ So I'd have to specify them with options in the make command. Okay.
04:39.05 chris_ Thanks for holding my hand.
04:53.59 *** part/#brlcad chris_ (
06:00.52 jano <@brlcad> i lose my logs all the time
06:00.54 jano rofl
06:01.00 jano hahahaha
06:01.01 jano :D
16:07.09 *** join/#brlcad hovadko (~lukas@
17:19.48 jano what's the command in loonix to get how many files you've got in a dir?
17:20.26 brlcad ls -1 | wc ?
17:21.54 jano thanks
17:22.07 jano wait
17:22.11 jano that gives wc
17:22.12 jano not lines
17:22.33 jano -l
17:22.33 jano :)
17:22.35 jano screen -r
17:22.39 brlcad wc's first number is lines
17:23.04 brlcad second is words, third is chars
17:23.21 jano yup
18:51.17 EricWilhelm ls | grep -c
18:51.25 EricWilhelm oops
18:51.29 EricWilhelm ls | grep -c ''
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22:56.27 *** join/#brlcad kraig01 (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050119

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050119

00:15.30 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 (
00:27.01 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
03:36.27 *** join/#brlcad noyb (
04:46.42 *** join/#brlcad kraig01 (
04:52.29 *** join/#brlcad CIA-temp726 (
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06:34.06 *** join/#brlcad noyb (
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07:27.56 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/acinclude.m4: snarf the libtool.m4 macros for AC_PROG_LIBTOOL since there are so many variants and version incompatibilities
07:35.13 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ check for and print out automake's version; search for m4 files in common misconfigured aclocal dirs
07:36.39 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ use AC_PROG_LIBTOOL (in our acinclude.m4); try a different approach on finding AR
08:17.32 *** join/#brlcad CIA-temp694 (
08:57.51 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ add verbose and quiet options and corresponding output. remove convenience passing of autogen args to configure since autogen has it's own args now too.
08:59.23 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ attempt to pull the revision back to 2.52 from 2.57 .. trying to find that convenient supportable version
09:23.07 *** join/#brlcad CIA-temp675 (
09:23.33 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ attempt to pull the revision back to 2.52 from 2.57 .. trying to find that convenient supportable version
09:49.40 *** join/#brlcad CIA-temp292 (
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13:48.25 ks I am a new user to IRC and am trying to install BRL-CAD on linux RH8. Is this the place to ask for help?
13:58.30 *** join/#brlcad CIA-temp815 (
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14:34.01 brlcad ks: sure
14:37.11 *** join/#brlcad kraig01 (
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17:20.25 *** join/#brlcad Dhandeo (~a@
18:19.04 *** join/#brlcad kraig01 (
18:50.28 jano hmm
19:23.39 ks I compiled & installed brl-cad on an Athlon PC running RH8 2.4.20-28.8. I added the necessary EXPORT PATH & BRLCAD_ROOT varsiables. However when I run 'mged' I get a "invalid command "gui" error. Does anybody have any clues or solution to this problem ?
19:24.37 ks I used the latest CVS, as of yesterday...
20:41.49 EricWilhelm ks, someone else was having what sounds like similar trouble. Did the make benchmark work for you?
20:42.14 EricWilhelm iirc, his problem was with an older automake/autoconf or something
20:42.21 EricWilhelm can you build from the tarball?
21:08.58 ks I was able to run the benchmark, all except one set of tests
21:09.21 ks Hang on I need to look up what failed...
21:11.50 ks m35 786358 matching, 74 off by 1, 0 off by many m35.pix: answers are RIGHT
21:13.15 ks I upgraded to autoconf 2.59 yesterday because prior to tat I could not ./configure
21:18.02 ks I have not tried building from a tarball, yet. Do you advise I do?
22:28.49 EricWilhelm I didn't have any trouble with the tarball on this debian 'testing' system, but I have seen a lot of problems from others who are using CVS.
22:29.30 EricWilhelm I don't remember exactly which version of autoconf you need. Ask brlcad/learner (seems he is away right now.)
22:34.37 brlcad ks: sounds like the BRLCAD_ROOT isn't set correctly
22:34.50 brlcad what value is it set to?
22:34.57 brlcad best to unset it
22:35.33 brlcad ks: the off by 1 are quite acceptible
22:36.18 brlcad I commited a lot of fixes to cvs last night, so it should be behaving much better now (and if you ran the benchmarks successfully, it obviously is)
23:08.33 ks BRLCAD_ROOT=/usr/brlcad/bin; export BRLCAD_ROOT, which is where I checked that the the executables are...
23:14.14 starseeker brlcad: You here?
23:15.07 ks Tried installing the tarball 7.0.2, but make bechmark fails ALL tests. Every *.pix file results in "No such file or directory" now !? WRONG WRONG WRONG ...
23:17.17 brlcad ks: BRLCAD_ROOT is actually /usr/brlcad in that case
23:17.32 brlcad starseeker: am now, in and out
23:17.40 brlcad (7.0.4 is almost ready)
23:17.50 starseeker brlcad: OK, cool. I'm preping for another shot at gentoo - is cvs ready?
23:17.56 brlcad ks: rm db/*.g
23:18.08 brlcad then try the benchmark -- it should succeed then
23:18.23 brlcad starseeker: it should be later tonight, still commiting changes
23:18.32 starseeker OK. :-)
23:18.33 brlcad have to upgrade URT and libpng still
23:18.59 brlcad fixed the various automake+libtool problems we've had though .. should make things so much easier now
23:19.03 starseeker I see bzflag 2 is out - there goes any chance of my being productive for another week ;-)
23:19.51 starseeker OK, I'll run it through the ebuild as a quick check then
23:20.40 brlcad starseeker: that's exactly why I CAN be productive now :)
23:20.54 starseeker Well, you're probably the only one :-P
23:20.55 brlcad at least productive for brl-cad :)
23:21.14 brlcad it'll still fail ebuild as I've not commited the pro-e fix yet
23:21.28 starseeker Oh :-)
23:21.37 starseeker nevermind then
23:22.55 ks TThanks for the advise about *.g make benchmark appears to be working now!
23:23.39 brlcad ks: that was a problem in the source tar.gz download for 7.0.2 .. oversight of sorts
23:23.43 ks I will correct the BRLCAD_ROOT var...
23:24.07 brlcad best to try it with BRLCAD_ROOT unset first.. then if that fails, to set it to /usr/brlcad
23:28.25 ks BRLCAD ! Thanks for all your help !!! It works now. I see the dialog window. Catch you later. Keep up the excellent work... and THANKS again.
23:32.05 starseeker brlcad: I'll give it a shot later tonight, when the fixes are in. When do you think? Four, five hours from now?
23:41.24 brlcad ks: glad to hear it's working :)
23:41.33 brlcad starseeker_bzfla: that sounds about right
23:43.50 *** join/#brlcad tjyang (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050120

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050120

00:07.34 starseeker blegh - too many good bzflag players
00:13.01 brlcad hehe
00:14.30 jano :)
00:14.34 jano ptoooo
00:14.38 jano ptoooo
00:14.49 jano nnnneeeeeeeee-aaaaa---wwwwwwwww
00:14.53 jano rat-tat-tat-tat
00:14.56 jano KAPOW!
00:16.21 brlcad jano ist bored
00:16.24 brlcad or borked
01:10.45 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/worker.c: thx, Balbir Thomas for pointing out the illegal syntax. needed to move the variable sets after the preprocessor block for cur_pixel and last_pixel.
01:23.52 starseeker or he got clobbered in bzflag ;-)
02:09.00 *** join/#brlcad CIA-temp225 (
02:19.06 *** join/#brlcad kraig (
03:05.16 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
03:05.16 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots uploaded ... || || Release 7.0.2 Source is posted || /.
irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050121

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050121

00:04.08 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
00:07.54 PrezKennedy is ther a windoz versun yet??
irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050122

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050122

02:17.44 *** join/#brlcad kraig01 (
02:21.43 *** join/#brlcad [Prez|Kennedy] (
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05:26.08 *** part/#brlcad PhantomBantam (
10:58.02 *** join/#brlcad Alfons (
11:13.10 *** join/#brlcad Alfons (
11:13.22 Alfons hello
11:13.37 Alfons i have downloaded brlcad, but how can i start it?
11:46.37 Alfons hello, i can not find
16:55.06 *** join/#brlcad Alfons (
16:57.59 Alfons hello everybody
17:25.47 need_pizza hello
17:25.56 Alfons hi need_pizza
19:05.06 *** join/#brlcad learner (~brlcad@brlcad.bronze.supporter.pdpc) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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19:05.06 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by
19:06.00 learner oof
19:35.54 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
19:35.54 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.0.2 Source is posted || Release 7.0.0 binaries now available for Linux and IRIX
20:48.20 starseeker learner: What's the relationship (or is there any) between brl-cad and Paraview?
22:26.00 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
22:31.38 *** join/#brlcad parasite- (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050123

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050123

00:46.09 starseeker brlcad: Still here?
00:46.47 brlcad yes
00:46.59 brlcad coding up the png upgrade now
00:47.07 starseeker Mind if I repose the earlier question? what's the relationship (or is there any) between brl-cad and Paraview?
00:47.29 starseeker Wait, you're coding - scratch that ;-)
00:47.32 starseeker ignore me
00:47.33 brlcad we've used it
00:47.35 starseeker code :-)
00:48.09 brlcad paraview's a nice visualization toolkit with similar interests
00:48.43 starseeker I noticed a couple screenshots on the Paraview page from US Army Research Laboratory :-)
00:52.44 starseeker So Paraview is more along the lines of the mged interface?
00:56.00 brlcad not really
00:57.02 starseeker ah. Shoulda figured it wouldn't be that simple :-)
00:57.14 brlcad it's a visualization toolkit useful for visualizing analysis results
00:57.34 brlcad so other codes that use brl-cad for example
00:57.39 brlcad for analyses
00:57.49 brlcad might use paraview to display the results
00:58.02 starseeker Ohh, OK :-).
00:58.56 brlcad we could potentially use it for visualization as well, but that gets into a rather different area
00:59.37 starseeker The part where certain parts of brl-cad have to behave in certain ways for other (classified) parts to work?
01:01.11 brlcad there are parts like that -- but by in large it's because they are mathematically stable and verified
01:01.23 brlcad so a change would mean it's not numerically correct
01:01.29 starseeker Ah. Yes, I can definitely understand that
01:02.00 brlcad once in a blue moon, a deep bug may be encountered that contradicts it so it's always good to investigate _why_ something is different
01:03.32 starseeker Heh - that's one of my favorite arguements for why we need both Maxima and Axiom (and anybody else who wants to play) - redundancy between independant efforts is an excellent check on the results.
01:04.33 starseeker A curiosity question - do you have to validate a compiler then, as well as the code? Even correct code isn't worth much if compiled incorrectly.
01:05.20 brlcad that's implicit in verifying that the actual output and behavior is correct
01:05.28 starseeker Ah.
01:05.38 starseeker Comparison with the real world, you mean?
01:07.12 brlcad well, we have existing computations that are consistent
01:07.26 brlcad so when a new compiler or new OS comes along, it's easy to see if anything changes
01:07.33 brlcad and eventually determine why it changed
01:07.38 brlcad and if the change is good or bad
01:07.44 starseeker Ah :-). Has it ever happened?
01:08.02 brlcad several times
01:09.03 starseeker Wow. This is why well coded software should last forever - for the good of everybody, not just the program itself.
01:12.00 brlcad indeed
01:12.30 brlcad the gnu build system is one of the worst instabilities that we have to deal with by far
01:14.42 starseeker Does brl-cad get exposed to binutils issues at all?
01:16.14 brlcad such as?
01:16.53 starseeker Nothing specific. It's pretty unlikely, except everytime we turn around GNU Common Lisp is having problems with the lastest release of binutils.
01:17.10 starseeker I guess that's probably a bit low level for brl-cad though
01:17.46 brlcad nothing comes to mind
01:18.11 starseeker Just trying to think ahead to potential future weak points on gentoo - since updating packages only involves updating a build script and running it, gentoo users often stumble into such cow pies first :-/
01:20.15 starseeker Now that I think about it though, given how widely brl-cad has been ported already, my guess is it won't have issues.
01:21.06 brlcad most of our current porting problems are due to the fact that we've recently converted to the gnu build system
01:21.17 brlcad wasn't very long ago that we weren't
01:21.56 brlcad old build system supported a heck of a lot more than this, but it wasn't as well understood or customized
01:22.30 starseeker Ah, the good old pile of well running spagetti? :-)
01:22.43 brlcad only so so spagetti
01:22.54 brlcad it was more like x11's build system
01:23.04 brlcad a section for each system had to be defined
01:23.12 brlcad no discovery of features available
01:23.24 brlcad but very stable build if you were in the list
01:24.06 starseeker Well, thank you for being willing to endure the autotools hassle :-)
01:24.30 starseeker The X11 build and I reached an agreement - I wouldn't try it by hand if it would get out of my nightmares ;-)
01:25.42 brlcad heh, ours wasn't as bad or complex as X11's
01:25.46 brlcad but in a similar style only
01:25.51 starseeker phew
01:26.27 brlcad the build first compiled a version of make (called cake) that was then used to build the package
01:27.12 starseeker Hmm. Does brl-cad predate make?
01:27.36 brlcad so literally no external dependancy (by design) beyond a unix shell and a compiler
01:27.43 starseeker Ah :-)
01:28.30 brlcad which is also the reason for shipping the src/other/ components for libpng, tcl/tk, zlib, etc
01:28.57 starseeker Yes, I've seen other programs do that too. Always a good idea to sure survival of the software, but a shame in some ways.
01:30.57 starseeker not that anybody looks, since you have to run X with only 256 colors or some nonsense even then :-(
01:31.12 starseeker BRL-CAD's dev team really does deserve three cheers
01:31.23 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/libpng/ (68 files in 2 dirs): update of libpng from 1.2.5 to 1.2.8
01:31.28 *** join/#brlcad PhantomBantam (
01:31.38 brlcad actually our problem was usually that either the system we install onto doesn't have the lib or their lib is too old
01:32.29 starseeker Ah :-). That's right, some systems actually don't recklessly upgrade their core software every few days ;-)
01:32.41 starseeker speaking of that...
01:33.54 starseeker BTY, what diabolical wit named the CIA-6 bot CIA?
01:35.54 brlcad heh
01:35.58 brlcad that's scanline's doing
01:36.05 brlcad he lives in a lot of channels
01:36.39 brlcad
03:09.24 jano bork bork bork
03:28.52 *** part/#brlcad corbanj (
03:45.44 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: update of libpng from 1.2.5 to 1.2.8
04:50.31 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/png.h: update of libpng from 1.2.5 to 1.2.8
10:23.34 *** join/#brlcad Alfons (
10:23.44 Alfons hello everybody
10:24.50 Alfons is someone here, who managed to install the brlcad on a linux system?
10:25.28 Alfons i am trying to "Building from the sourceforge CVS repository"
11:09.11 *** join/#brlcad cosurgi (
11:10.45 Alfons does somebody know what this mean
11:10.48 Alfons brlcad-7.0/src/burst/Sc.c:321: undefined reference to `tgoto'
11:10.49 Alfons Sc.o(.text+0x772):/musik/Programme/brlcad-7.0/src/burst/Sc.c:321: undefined reference to `tputs'
12:14.50 Alfons no idea how to solve the problem?
13:28.16 *** join/#brlcad IR-KONG (
13:30.56 IR-KONG Hello!
13:30.58 IR-KONG I'm new to #brlcad.
13:30.59 IR-KONG I have notice it become GPL'ed recently.
13:31.01 IR-KONG Thank you very much!
14:00.09 brlcad :)
14:01.21 brlcad Alfons: those are curses symbols
14:01.43 brlcad Alfons: ensure you have curses/ncurses installed and termcap
14:06.34 brlcad IR-KONG: I'm rather happy about it too
14:07.32 brlcad now we just need some more folks to get involved, get some more devs and other contributors ;)
14:09.39 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: png was updated to 1.2.8
14:11.53 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: add checks for termcap and curses to skip building those components
14:26.14 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: sun machine is busted, so off the list; cvs policy was updated
14:28.12 IR-KONG I sorry I have to leave now.
14:28.14 IR-KONG Nice talking to you.
14:28.15 IR-KONG Thank you very much.
14:28.17 IR-KONG Bye!
14:28.19 brlcad cya
14:30.27 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/libutahrle/ (36 files): update from a patched 3.0 to urt 3.1b1 (library)
14:31.37 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/ (pyramid.h rle.h rle_code.h rle_config.h rle_put.h rle_raw.h): update from a patched 3.0 to urt 3.1b1 (library)
14:39.29 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/ differentiate the urt, png, itcl, tcl, and tk headers
16:03.44 *** join/#brlcad guu` (
16:05.08 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (
16:07.46 jano bork!
16:16.09 brlcad howdy
16:41.55 jano hmm
16:42.03 jano did you see the IR pics?
16:42.04 jano :)
16:42.09 jano i pickup my film today
16:53.00 brlcad yes
16:53.03 brlcad pretty neat
16:57.22 *** join/#brlcad guu (
18:28.09 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/ (colorquant.h add new colorquant.h file from urt update to 3.1
19:05.40 *** join/#brlcad Nidhoggr (
19:14.32 *** join/#brlcad Nidhoggr (
19:49.08 *** join/#brlcad Nidhoggr (
20:03.06 *** join/#brlcad Nidhoggr (
20:15.16 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/rle_config.h: define CONST_DECL to const since ansi required
20:57.00 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/libutahrle/rle_global.c: the 'stdout' symbol is not necessarily constant, so use the numeric equivalent 0
23:18.54 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
23:18.54 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.0.2 Source is posted || Release 7.0.0 binaries now available for Linux and IRIX
23:21.07 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
23:21.07 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.0.2 Source is posted || Release 7.0.0 binaries now available for Linux and IRIX
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050124

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050124

02:50.20 jano hmm.. bork
03:00.39 brlcad woot, finally working!
03:00.44 brlcad howdy howdy bork bork
03:12.56 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/ (exit_status.h new libutahrle header from urt 3.1b1
03:29.26 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/URToolkit/.cvsignore: urt binaries now in a different location
03:33.15 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/URToolkit/ (123 files): poof, files deleted. urt is upgraded from 3.0 to 3.1b1; files move into subdirs (tools, cnv, man)
03:45.39 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/URToolkit/ (7 files): new files from 3.1b1 urt update
03:47.11 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/URToolkit/ update from 3.0 to 3.1b1 urt, this includes moving files from the top level to subdirectories (cnv, man, tools)
04:00.30 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/URToolkit/cnv/ (rletocgm.c rletovcr.c vcrtorle.c): initial modified upgrade to urt 3.1b1 moved from src/other/URToolkit to subdir cnv within
04:56.01 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/URToolkit/cnv/ (31 files): upgrade from 3.0 to 3.1b1, files moved from src/other/URToolkit to cnv subdir
04:57.41 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/URToolkit/cnv/rletoabA62/ (COPYRIGHT rle.c): upgrade from 3.0 to 3.1b1, files moved from src/other/URToolkit to cnv subdir
04:59.37 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/URToolkit/cnv/rletogif/ (compgif.c gifencod.c rletogif.c): upgrade from 3.0 to 3.1b1, files moved from src/other/URToolkit to cnv/giftorle subdir
05:03.33 jano what's working?
05:03.36 jano the irc thingy?
05:03.38 jano i can see that
05:03.39 jano :P
05:03.39 jano :D
05:03.41 brlcad :P
05:03.48 brlcad no, the URToolkit
05:03.52 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/URToolkit/cnv/rletogif/rletogif.h: upgrade from 3.0 to 3.1b1, files moved from src/other/URToolkit to cnv/giftorle subdir
05:04.02 jano ah
05:06.58 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/URToolkit/man/ (94 files): update of urt from 3.0 to 3.1b1; this includes keeping directory structure and moving manpages to src/other/URToolkit/man
05:13.13 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/URToolkit/tools/ (47 files): update of urt from 3.0 to 3.1b1; this includes keeping directory structure and moving tools to src/other/URToolkit/tools
05:17.55 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/URToolkit/tools/clock/ (README font.c font.h font.src makeFont rleClock.c): update of urt from 3.0 to 3.1b1; this includes keeping directory structure and moving rleClock to src/other/URToolkit/tools/clock
05:21.06 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/URToolkit/cnv/rletoabA62/rletoabA62.c: almost missed this one, update from 3.0 to 3.1b1; sources moved from src/other/URToolkit to cnv/rletoabA62 subdir
05:23.42 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/URToolkit/ (6 files in 6 dirs): new build files and reorganization for urt upgrade from 3.0 to 3.1b1, preserves original dir structure instead of flattening
05:25.17 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ add new URToolkit directories after unflattening for upgrade from 3.0 to 3.1b1
05:32.13 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/pro-engineer/ test using proebindir for installing instead of custom install rule
06:52.17 jano damn
06:52.22 jano this 100mm lens is SHARP!
06:52.22 jano :D
11:10.58 starseeker Uh oh - automake now fails on gentoo :-(. Is it currently broken?
11:14.53 starseeker
14:19.23 *** join/#brlcad kraig01 (
16:20.44 brlcad starseeker: looks like you have a cvs checkout there, you'll need to "cvs update -dP" to get the new directories
16:20.53 brlcad and thanks :)
16:27.00 Nidhoggr hi brlcad
16:27.57 brlcad g'morning
16:40.55 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: urt is updated, demote the slightly less necessary for release, need to verify debian build again
16:49.37 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: urt is updated from 3.0 to 3.1b1
21:03.37 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ finally add libtool checks too, starting with 1.4.3 as a minimum; condense the output format a bit too. this begs for a function now.
21:17.54 *** join/#brlcad kraig01 (
22:33.52 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
22:34.04 polyspin Yellow!
22:48.06 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
22:48.06 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.0.2 Source is posted || Release 7.0.0 binaries now available for Linux and IRIX
22:51.20 polyspin ~brlcad
22:51.21 ibot somebody said brlcad was like a learner wrapped in tofu best served chilled
22:56.13 starseeker I'm afraid to ask who said that
22:59.16 polyspin That was the ibot
22:59.27 polyspin I asked it what brlcad was
23:01.20 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/URToolkit/tools/clock/ it's makeFont, not now
23:03.37 starseeker I know - I was wondering who TOLD ibot that ;-)
23:04.00 polyspin I suspect it was "brlcad"
23:04.10 starseeker Hmm. :-)
23:04.19 starseeker too much bzflag time I expect
23:04.37 starseeker clearly he's being nice and productive now
23:05.22 starseeker gentoo build beginning, fingers crossed, dancing around sacrificial chicken...
23:05.50 starseeker heh - whadya bet I get an error about
23:07.14 starseeker Need to build a lotta stuff tonight - my frappin heat is out again
23:09.53 starseeker And the code keeps pounding a rhythum in my brain...
23:10.01 starseeker the build goes on, the build goes on
23:10.51 polyspin Heat the house with cpu's
23:11.09 polyspin That's what the folks at NCAR did. Made PM's blithering cold days.
23:25.46 starseeker Shoulda bought that old Cray off of ebay, I guess
23:26.46 polyspin They make great "wet bar" furniture these days ;-)
23:33.33 parasite- that sounds like an expensive way to heat a house...
23:34.09 parasite- despite being the dream of most geeks. :)
23:49.19 polyspin Time to go home.
23:55.15 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/pro-engineer/ mk dll not mk lib. separate out the build rules for proe-brl and; use plugin2 and unlock2 for the .so
23:55.52 brlcad starseeker: is fixed
23:57.24 brlcad might be good to go for testing
23:57.34 brlcad testing debian now
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050125

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050125

00:02.49 *** topic/#brlcad by brlcad -> || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.0.2 Source is posted || Release 7.0.0 binaries now available for Linux and IRIX || 7.0.4 Release Date is Today!
02:32.38 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ little bit more flexibility detecting autotools versions
03:26.18 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ ws
03:29.45 brlcad starseeker: ping?
04:10.50 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: benchmark fails to compute the vgr metric on Debian due to missing dc utility (bc is available)
04:36.07 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/
04:36.08 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: automake 1.8 seems to have a bug that leaves MKDIR_P unset so even after
04:36.08 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE, so call AM_PROG_MKDIR_P explicitly. failure to do so causes a
04:36.08 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: failure on make install, of course, when trying to make the install directories
04:46.28 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ ? is not doing the job so go with *
05:03.24 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/acinclude.m4: bundle in AM_PROG_MKDIR_P from automake 1.8+. macro is used to avoid buggy automake 1.8 configurations on debian and other platforms
05:09.59 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
05:45.52 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ some newer systems seem to find it funny to not include the old dc desktop calculator by default, so try to use the newer bc as an alternate.
05:48.17 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: fixed reliance on dc, but using bc as a backup
05:49.25 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: debian verified and working
05:53.56 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: fixed missing vgr results when missing dc
05:57.23 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: it's a patch update, not a minor update
06:00.58 *** join/#brlcad parasite-- (
06:27.16 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/db/ do not create empty .g databases when asc2g isn't available -- breaks doing a make dist
06:33.59 *** join/#brlcad jano_ (
06:54.49 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/libutahrle/rle_open_f.c: apply sf patch 1108755 from giffunip that provides snprintf's to address apparent CERT/ICANN vulnerability.
07:07.18 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: provided libutahrle (urt) vulnerability patch
07:49.17 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
08:23.36 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (NEWS ready for 7.0.4 on 25 jan 2005
09:06.07 *** join/#brlcad Nidhoggr_ (
09:54.24 *** join/#brlcad Nidhoggr (
13:37.53 starseeker well, as of last night pro-engineer still causes the same sandbox errors
13:38.30 starseeker I'll give it another go this evening.
14:05.14 jano
14:46.12 brlcad starseeker: :( ... can you paste me what the error is exactly?
14:48.21 brlcad jano: mm yum ;)
14:49.24 jano :D
15:02.11 *** join/#brlcad parasite-- (
15:43.01 Nidhoggr brlcad: same ranlib problem.
15:43.23 Nidhoggr ar cru .libs/libpng.a example.o png.o pngerror.o pnggccrd.o pngget.o pngmem.o pngpread.o pngread.o pngrio.o pngrtran.o pngrutil.o pngset.o pngtrans.o pngvcrd.o pngwio.o pngwrite.o pngwtran.o pngwutil.o~ranlib .libs/libpng.a
15:43.28 Nidhoggr ar: pngwutil.o~ranlib: No such file or directory
16:37.24 brlcad ahh
16:38.27 brlcad Nidhoggr: you should have a generated file in your brlcad/ directory named 'libtool' .. edit it and s/~ranlib/ ; ranlib/
16:38.42 Nidhoggr ok.
16:38.55 brlcad not sure why libtoolize is doing that
16:39.21 brlcad seems like a bug, but haven't had time to poke it in depth
16:39.44 brlcad i get it on my G5, but not on my G4 too which is even more puzzling
16:52.57 jano holy crap
16:53.03 jano why didn't I get this dslr sooner?!?!
16:53.07 jano :D :D :D :D :D :D
17:21.52 Nidhoggr this might be a clue: ./ line 261: [: too many arguments
17:22.39 Nidhoggr jano: I love my DSLR (EOS 10D)
17:23.10 jano i just picked up the drebel
17:23.17 jano couldn't beat the price
17:23.22 jano $400 after rebates
17:23.27 jano :D
17:23.28 Nidhoggr nice
17:23.34 jano i hate big cameras, too
17:23.42 jano but i think i'm going to like this
17:23.48 jano <PROTECTED>
17:23.49 jano :D
17:23.53 Nidhoggr when I first got mine I was taking 800 pics a week. :)
17:23.58 jano hehe
17:24.10 jano i've been shooting for a couple years with sony f717 and v1
17:24.13 Nidhoggr nice.
17:24.23 Nidhoggr check out my gallery site at
17:24.59 jano
17:25.05 jano reminds me of this shot I took last year
17:25.09 brlcad that's right.. you two have the same camera :)
17:25.18 Nidhoggr brlcad: pretty close :)
17:25.34 jano i can modify drebel to have some similarities to 10d
17:25.40 Nidhoggr nod
17:25.46 jano
17:26.06 Nidhoggr nice.
17:26.13 Nidhoggr I have a lot of hibiscus pics.
17:26.17 jano hey.. are your pics in adobergb?
17:26.29 Nidhoggr some. not all.
17:26.46 jano ah, you convert them over to srgb
17:27.11 jano nice
17:27.13 Nidhoggr these all are created by the same gallery software.
17:27.46 jano ah
17:28.03 Nidhoggr I use bwconvert in photoshop to greyscale and pantone
17:28.38 jano :)
17:29.16 Nidhoggr my old camera has a whiteboard mode, which I'm very fond of.
17:29.39 jano whiteboard?
17:29.40 jano oh
17:29.43 jano cool
17:30.07 Nidhoggr
17:30.11 Nidhoggr that's my fave whiteboard pic.
17:30.25 Nidhoggr that's my brother
17:30.30 jano looks like rasputin almost
17:30.32 jano hehehe
17:30.38 jano or ulysses grant
17:30.42 Nidhoggr :)
17:31.11 Nidhoggr he's 2 years younger than I, but I look younger because I keep my hair very short (about 1/16 of an inch)
18:42.07 *** join/#brlcad tjyang (
19:06.13 *** join/#brlcad tjyang (
19:25.58 *** part/#brlcad tjyang (
21:16.57 Nidhoggr yay! I got past the ranlib error finally.
21:17.01 Nidhoggr thanks :)
21:23.40 brlcad I would suggest --enable-optimized if you plan on doing any rendering or benchmarking ;)
21:24.14 Nidhoggr hrm.
21:24.33 Nidhoggr got an error anway. :(
21:24.47 brlcad really??
21:24.52 Nidhoggr tons of tk stuff.
21:24.58 brlcad ahh
21:25.09 brlcad you're likely missing the X11 headers
21:25.19 brlcad do you have /usr/X11R6/include/X11/Xlib.h ?
21:25.45 Nidhoggr nope
21:25.54 brlcad yet another curiosity that I'll not understand from Debian's setup :)
21:25.55 Nidhoggr why would it need x if I was compiling for mac osx?
21:26.10 brlcad it's ahh os x, eh?
21:26.17 brlcad that explains the ranlib then..
21:26.36 Nidhoggr I thought you already knew I was compiling it on my pwerbook
21:26.55 brlcad nah, thought you were compiling for debby
21:26.57 Nidhoggr ah
21:26.59 Nidhoggr hrm.
21:27.05 brlcad same problem though
21:27.11 brlcad missing X11 headers
21:27.18 brlcad it is required for now..
21:27.22 Nidhoggr hrm.
21:27.26 brlcad it's a separate install on the dev cd
21:27.27 Nidhoggr I have apple's x11
21:27.46 Nidhoggr and use it constantly.
21:27.53 brlcad yeah.. installing apple's X11 doesn't install the dev headers
21:27.58 Nidhoggr crap.
21:28.05 brlcad another unfathomable
21:28.12 Nidhoggr that is pretty durn stupid.
21:29.00 brlcad I've been trying to decouple from X11 completely on OS X, but TkAqua was woefully buggy last time I tried it
21:29.18 brlcad that was a while ago, though.. it's "on the list" to try it again real soon
21:29.47 Nidhoggr cool
21:30.05 brlcad you're looking for "X11 for Mac OS X SDK"
21:31.18 brlcad if you have the Apple Dev CD handy, it's pretty easy to grab off of it
21:31.21 *** join/#brlcad tjyang (
21:31.43 tjyang brlcad, you here ?
21:32.52 tjyang brlcad-7.0.4 didn't fix the compling issue of this "into.c:108: error: `sys_errlist' undeclared (first use in this function)" for both hpux and solaris.
21:32.53 Nidhoggr I don't have the dev CD around.
21:32.56 Nidhoggr might have it at home.
21:36.14 brlcad tjyang-pickupkid: okay
21:36.54 brlcad our solaris box died (completely) last week when I started verifying, so there wasn't much more I could do to finish it
21:37.33 brlcad Nidhoggr: I have it all over as well, see if I can locate it (or I'll just post that dang binary)
21:37.46 Nidhoggr heh
21:38.07 Nidhoggr thanks. supposedly you can only get it on the CD since that's what they are telling me I need on their website.
22:07.37 tjyang brlcad,do you know the fix/patch to get over this sys_errlist issue ?
22:30.29 starseeker brlcad: It was the exact same error, IIRC
22:30.32 starseeker sandbox error
22:30.35 starseeker gentoo specific
22:30.50 starseeker let me try very latest cvs once...
22:33.01 starseeker brlcad: ping?
22:33.55 starseeker Hmm - there was an update to the I didn't get, it seems
22:36.24 starseeker so don't panic yet ;-)
22:44.45 starseeker Hmm. fudge
22:44.56 starseeker well, here's the error anyway:
22:45.35 starseeker
22:45.52 starseeker Sorry it took so long, just got back from work
22:59.59 starseeker I wish I knew where those commands were actually being generated
23:15.11 brlcad no problem ..
23:49.49 *** join/#brlcad tjyang (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050126

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050126

00:04.39 brlcad ar cru .libs/libpng.a example.o ... pngwtran.o pngwutil.o~ranlib .libs/libpng.a for example
00:05.03 brlcad ~ww
00:05.07 ibot There is no such thing as the wrong window, just wrong people
00:30.49 jano ergh
00:30.54 jano i want to go take more pictures.
00:30.56 jano :D
02:16.36 *** join/#brlcad EricWilhelm (
02:45.28 *** join/#brlcad tjyang (
03:50.27 starseeker brlcad - did full build of current cvs - no luck :-(
03:51.40 starseeker talk about an annoying problem
04:09.13 brlcad starseeker: looking at that now
04:09.19 brlcad looks like a different issue that the others
05:52.07 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/acinclude.m4: update libtool.m4 source to 1.5.10's. apply s/~$RANLIB/ ; $RANLIB/ fix so that libtool 1.5 on os x doesn't choke on the ~
07:20.52 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ fix encounters with version numbers that don't have a patch number (e.g. libtool 1.5), also fix version checks to actually stop checking minor/patch numbers if our major/minor are greater than required.
13:58.17 *** join/#brlcad kraig01 (
15:29.23 brlcad starseeker: made some changes that hopefully fix the sandbox problem..
15:30.40 brlcad starseeker: a cvs status on should show 14.24 when you are up to date
15:37.06 Nidhoggr I couldn't find my dev cd last night. you'd think if you could download xcode online, you could download the x11 sdk.
15:45.19 brlcad oof
15:45.29 brlcad Nidhoggr: looking now, i've got that disc here
15:45.37 Nidhoggr cool, thanks.
15:49.50 Nidhoggr no wonder brlcad is so pokey.
15:49.57 Nidhoggr he keeps getting poked.
15:50.02 jano everyone poke!
15:50.15 jano awee
15:50.29 Nidhoggr eek!
15:52.44 brlcad ~poke jano
15:52.46 ibot but then who will poke the pokers, brlcad?
15:54.35 jano that's right
15:59.11 brlcad Nidhoggr: uploaded to secretplace in my home as X11SDK.pkg.tar.gz
15:59.43 Nidhoggr thank you very much, brlcad !!!
16:01.33 brlcad heh, thank me when it compiles
16:01.46 brlcad damn me before then
16:01.54 Nidhoggr :)
16:30.12 Nidhoggr brlcad: any estimate how long to compile on 1.3 ghz powerbook g4 with 1 gb ram?
16:30.25 Nidhoggr it's doing pretty good so far.
16:36.14 brlcad half hour or so would be my guess
16:36.20 Nidhoggr cool
16:41.42 Nidhoggr make completes, but make install errors. :)
16:41.53 brlcad ahh, yes.. cvs up ;)
16:42.09 brlcad dang.. forgot to mention that.. *blush*
16:42.09 Nidhoggr hrm. I'm using the tarball you sent.
16:42.12 Nidhoggr hang on.
16:42.31 brlcad ahh, yes .. same problem on the tarball
16:42.48 Nidhoggr can I just fix the ~ranlib thing?
16:43.24 brlcad yes
16:43.32 Nidhoggr it's doing ~ranlib instead of ; ranlib
16:43.57 brlcad replace all "~" in acinclude.m4 with " ; "
16:45.06 brlcad perl -pi -e "s/~/ ; /" acinclude.m4
16:46.01 brlcad er, oop s/~/ ; /g
16:49.37 Nidhoggr do I need to do "make" again, etc? or will it work with just make install?
16:52.53 brlcad might as well make; make install
16:52.56 brlcad just don't make clean ;)
16:57.12 Nidhoggr something wacked out and I biffed dir and untarred again. re-running perl command, etc.
17:39.54 Nidhoggr wow. make install takes almost as long as make. :)
17:43.59 brlcad yep
17:44.19 brlcad gets fun when I compile on the altix and it takes only 2 minutes to compile
17:44.42 Nidhoggr now how do I check out what it can do? :)
17:44.43 brlcad yet make install takes like 5 minutes .. make clean takes seemingly forever too
17:44.57 Nidhoggr nod
17:45.08 brlcad Documents section .. the overview and then intro to mged are good places to start
17:45.27 Nidhoggr cool.
17:47.41 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinulla (
17:59.51 brlcad hello Pimpinulla
18:00.03 Pimpinulla hey
18:00.19 Pimpinulla what was brl-cad's license before?
18:01.34 Pimpinulla looks interesting, never heard of it before
18:01.42 brlcad it's actually always been fairly open
18:02.05 brlcad you could get the sourcecode or binaries and make your own modifications
18:02.10 brlcad very gplesque
18:02.33 brlcad but .. you had to fill out an agreement form, fax/mail it back in and wait for a license "key"
18:02.39 Pimpinulla i always wondered about the origin of your nick ;)
18:02.51 Pimpinulla ic
18:02.55 brlcad that "key" was a decryption key that allowed you to decrypt and install
18:03.12 brlcad and the filing paperwork usually took a week or two
18:03.24 Nidhoggr just ran the bench stuff. kinda fun.
18:03.27 brlcad international requests had to go through security screenings, etc
18:03.29 Pimpinulla is it your project?
18:03.52 brlcad i'm one of the maintainers now
18:03.52 Pimpinulla oh, some kind of military?
18:04.13 brlcad but I didn't start it -- the package has been around for over 20 years
18:04.21 brlcad written by Mike Muuss originally
18:05.03 Pimpinulla looks like i have to give it a try :)
18:05.05 brlcad he's the guy that wrote "ping"
18:05.25 Pimpinulla oh...well...
18:05.28 brlcad as well as ttcp and several aspects of the original tcp stack and bsd internals
18:06.09 Pimpinulla a real pioneer
18:06.49 brlcad he was a brilliant man
18:07.11 Pimpinulla was...
18:07.15 Pimpinulla ic
18:07.16 brlcad a real honor to work with .. had a passion for just about everything he did, very smart
18:07.33 brlcad yeah, he died in an accident several years ago
18:07.55 Pimpinulla and you worked with him?
18:08.39 Pimpinulla you're not that old yourself, no? not 30 yet iirc?
18:09.12 brlcad i worked with him for about a year
18:09.37 brlcad he was the reason I came to work here .. wanted to be his "apprentice" of sorts
18:10.10 Pimpinella where do you work?
18:10.11 brlcad as he was one of the few people on the planet that I'd actually call a wizard
18:11.37 Pimpinella there're never enough ppl of that sore
18:11.41 Pimpinella there're never enough ppl of that sort
18:14.41 Pimpinella later
18:16.36 brlcad cya
18:31.29 jano hmm
22:06.16 starseeker preparing to do new ebuild test now...
22:07.43 *** join/#brlcad tjyang (
22:20.58 starseeker and heeeere we go!
22:47.30 brlcad weeee.. ;)
22:47.54 starseeker stilllll building - nothing outlasts the brlcad build!
22:49.30 brlcad parallel builds are fun ;)
22:50.00 brlcad a 12 node altix is the fastest I've seen to date
22:50.35 brlcad compiled in almost exactly 2 minutes with default options
22:50.43 brlcad took longer to install or do a make clean
22:52.09 brlcad altix isn't a cluster, it's smp
22:52.11 starseeker build st-build complete ;-)
22:52.24 brlcad soo. it worked?!
22:52.35 starseeker no no, simulating a build on an altix ;-)
22:52.45 brlcad ahh heh
22:52.51 starseeker my machine's a wimp by modern standards - probably another 10 minutes or so yet
22:53.41 brlcad takes over two minutes on my fast home machine
22:53.53 starseeker I believe it.
22:54.37 starseeker I need to check out a new AMD64+1Gig ram+2 Raptor hard drives
22:55.03 starseeker when I get money, of course
22:55.35 starseeker BRL-CAD Release 7.0.4, Build 20050126
22:55.35 starseeker Elapsed compilation time: 29 minutes, 52 seconds
22:55.35 starseeker Elapsed time since configuration: 31 minutes, 17 seconds
22:55.41 starseeker now the moment of truth...
22:57.45 starseeker Did you see the announcements? OpenSolaris is coming, and EROS is now Coyotos
22:57.52 brlcad yep
22:58.26 brlcad most isn't
22:58.44 brlcad we were _very_ close to going with a different OSI-approved license
22:58.51 brlcad that would have been non-gpl compatible
22:59.07 starseeker True, but can you imagine a Solaris with the strength of the Linux kernel integrated into it? It would change the face of computing
22:59.16 starseeker brlcad: Can't say I blame you
22:59.34 brlcad I talked with the gnu legal aids for several weeks trying to figure out what it would take to make it compatible
22:59.46 starseeker heh - bet that was fun
22:59.53 brlcad not really
23:00.13 starseeker Tim Daly got so sick of licensing issues during the Axiom discussions
23:00.31 starseeker and some of the most annoying threads in Maxima history were about our little export laws notice
23:00.50 starseeker The problem is, it IS that important. Lawyers rule the world :-(
23:00.57 brlcad especially their position that was being taken.. very much "if it's not gnu, it shouldn't be used" regardless of the fact that at the time we could NOT use the gpl
23:01.24 brlcad the gpl is going nowhere in government because it's a license that's based on copyright law
23:01.39 starseeker Yes, they basically piss off everyone who isn't one of the faithful
23:01.45 brlcad the government cannot claim copyright on their works, they can only be assigned copyright
23:01.57 starseeker Oh, good point.
23:02.16 starseeker But if they can't claim copyright, doesn't that make them public domain?
23:02.27 starseeker except where export restrictions come into play?
23:02.30 brlcad not in the least
23:02.45 starseeker weird
23:03.04 brlcad they can still be confidential, unreleaseable, limited distribution, or under contract
23:03.20 brlcad take brl-cad's old agreement for example
23:03.28 brlcad it was technically a contractual agreement
23:03.35 starseeker Hmm. Good point
23:03.45 brlcad the osi-approved NOSA is a contractual agreement
23:04.00 brlcad it's the first osi-approved license that is based on contract law instead of copyright law
23:04.23 starseeker Ah. But I suppose that fact itself makes it GPL incompatible?
23:04.30 brlcad which is exactly why NASA made it.. they couldn't use the gnu licenses without extreme difficulty and in some cases impossibilities
23:05.02 brlcad no it doesn't .. the incompatibility has to do with subtleties in the redistribution requirements
23:05.11 starseeker ah
23:05.32 brlcad heh
23:05.34 starseeker no wonder you didn't like talking to GNU - they're the DEFINITION of anal retentive when it comes to stuff like that
23:05.43 starseeker SUCCESS - NO SANDBOX ERRORS!!!!
23:05.52 brlcad WOOT!
23:05.56 brlcad ~starseeker++
23:06.23 brlcad excellent.. then i'll post up a 7.0.4-2 tonight
23:07.29 brlcad i didn't mind talking to gnu folks.. but they weren't very helpful in our situation
23:08.02 starseeker I which they'd get used to that situation - there are many incredible tools that the government could relase if it were so inclined
23:08.23 starseeker mged starts up - what's a good test to run to make sure this sucker's working?
23:08.39 brlcad heh, if mged started, that's a pretty big test
23:09.15 starseeker Will I need to leave the running of in the ebuild, or will the tarball be ready for configure?
23:09.15 brlcad mm.. can try to open one of the .g files in db/
23:09.19 brlcad and raytrace it
23:09.32 brlcad the tarball will be ready for configure
23:10.01 starseeker let's see where the db dir went...
23:10.35 starseeker hmm - not installed apparently
23:10.44 starseeker no matter - where's that cvs dir?
23:11.47 starseeker I don't see any .g files in db/ are they generated in the build?
23:13.06 brlcad db is not installed
23:13.29 brlcad the .g's are made during make
23:14.00 brlcad if not, you can "asc2g havoc.asc havoc.g"
23:14.09 brlcad that will convert it
23:14.17 brlcad moss.asc is nice and simple
23:14.31 brlcad havoc is mildly detailed enough to be interesting
23:15.06 starseeker ok, here we go...
23:15.59 starseeker it opened - a helicopter?
23:16.06 starseeker how do I raytrace?
23:16.49 starseeker hmm
23:17.09 starseeker brlcad: should there be a picture by default in the Graphics Window when I open this file?
23:18.15 brlcad nope
23:19.03 starseeker Well, I got something that looks like a helicopter - how do I tell it to raytrace?
23:19.32 starseeker Oh, nevermind
23:20.03 starseeker somehow, by accident, I got something. But when I clicked the dismiss button on the raytracer before the render was done, things froze
23:22.12 brlcad there's a raytrace control panel
23:22.16 starseeker otherwise, it's WORKING!!! WOOT!
23:22.17 brlcad on file, iirc
23:22.23 starseeker found it :)
23:22.29 brlcad yeah, it's working ;) excellent
23:22.48 Nidhoggr yeah.. I changed a drawing, and re-ran raytrace, and it locked up the process. :)
23:23.01 tjyang brlcad, is your solaris box back online ?
23:24.06 brlcad tjyang: it was a hardware failure .. it'll be a while
23:24.11 starseeker brlcad - what are you going to call the tarball?
23:24.24 starseeker brlcad-7.0.4-r2.tar.bz2?
23:24.36 jano let's call it hubert
23:24.39 starseeker brlcad-7.0.4-2.tar.bz2?
23:24.44 jano hubert.tarball
23:24.45 jano :)
23:24.54 starseeker Nah, I'd cut it down to bert
23:25.06 starseeker bert the cad
23:25.22 brlcad tjyang: pastebin the sys_errlist error, and I can try a fix here in the meantime
23:25.42 brlcad with a coupling cam package called ernie
23:26.23 tjyang brlcad, I will try to find ther error message.
23:26.56 brlcad starseeker: not sure.. good question
23:29.31 brlcad starseeker: probably the latter brlcad-7.0.4-2.tar.bz2
23:30.19 brlcad although sf stats are down
23:30.23 brlcad so might just replace existing
23:31.06 *** join/#brlcad tjyang (
23:35.24 tjyang brlcad, I have the error message when compiling into.c on solaris using gcc. what should I do now ? can post a few lines here ?
23:36.04 starseeker brlcad - if you can do that, it would be easiest
23:36.42 starseeker althought I told the gentoo bug it would be revision two, so if you change the 7.0.4 tarball out let me know and I'll fix it
23:43.13 tjyang brlcad, while waiting your response, I googled around with the error message and found this link ""
23:48.08 *** join/#brlcad guu (
23:49.15 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (
23:50.42 tjyang brlcad, do you still need the error message from into.c ?
23:55.52 tjyang into.c compiled fine on rh linux but in rh linux /usr/include/bit/sys_errlist.h it says "/* sys_errlist and sys_nerr are deprecated. Use strerror instead. */"
23:58.31 brlcad being deprecated is fine.. that's a warning
23:58.41 brlcad you saw an actual error, though?
23:59.14 tjyang yes, I still have the log
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050127

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050127

00:00.00 tjyang into.c:127 line is like this " sys_errlist[errno], argv[1]);
00:00.00 tjyang "
00:00.11 tjyang this need to be modified.
00:01.35 tjyang hmm, I am no good at everthing. I can't debug C code now.
00:04.51 tjyang from here
00:05.46 tjyang I plan to change "sys_errlist[errno]" -> "strerror(errno)", sounds right ?
00:11.51 starseeker OK, time for errands
00:17.09 tjyang <PROTECTED>
00:17.30 tjyang it is compiling ahead now.
00:23.34 tjyang brlcad, both solaris and hpux are compiling now. can you verify and modify the into.c source ?
02:27.41 *** join/#brlcad noyb (
03:15.34 noyb brlcad: how is it going over here? seems like the rush is over.
04:07.03 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
04:16.43 *** join/#brlcad parasite- (
04:27.38 *** join/#brlcad tjyang (
04:49.34 brlcad noyb: it's going great .. still quite a flurry of activity actually
05:02.38 *** join/#brlcad corbanj (
05:30.29 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
06:14.59 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
06:29.21 noyb hey, did you give anymore thought to the bzflag export thingy?
06:32.18 brlcad most definately
06:32.27 brlcad it's high on my to-do list
06:47.17 noyb um, if that export were done today, would that make brl-cad the only macosx bzflag editor, or is there another?
06:48.54 noyb I've been using vi to mod some maps that I downloaded... I just don't want to start writing perl or python or tcl/wish stuff...
07:00.48 brlcad it's be the only full-editor
07:01.06 brlcad the java editor might/should work, haven't played with it yet
07:17.50 noyb I should try it, I'll google for it.
07:39.14 learner it's not hosted anywhere.. i have a copy, thoguh
07:41.13 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ 7.0.5 cvs revision begins
07:44.13 noyb no wonder I couldn't find it...
07:45.07 noyb who wrote it?
07:45.34 noyb I'll guess trepan?
07:47.25 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO:
07:47.25 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: new important actions for next release .. build all src/other components
07:47.25 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: optionally. benchmark changes are not really compatible with current
07:47.25 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: statistics, so move to next protocol breaking release. add converter support
07:47.25 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: for common simple geometry formats.
07:49.02 learner the java editor might/should work, haven't played with it yet
07:49.02 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: recheck AquaTk useability so we can decouple mac build from X11
07:49.36 brlcad starseeker: uploaded bz2 (sans -2)
07:51.54 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: rtcheck is ignoring fastgen tagged geometry since no multioverlap handler is set
07:53.05 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
08:49.06 *** join/#brlcad jano (
09:56.14 *** join/#brlcad jano_ (
11:26.53 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
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12:08.31 *** join/#brlcad corbanj ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:08.31 *** join/#brlcad CIA-6 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:08.31 *** join/#brlcad starseeker ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:08.34 *** join/#brlcad parasite- ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:46.13 starseeker ok, building using tarball on sf
13:04.33 *** join/#brlcad parasite-- (
13:30.27 *** join/#brlcad kraig01 (
15:19.00 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/libz/ (10 files in 2 dirs): begin update to zlib 1.2.2, delete
15:25.39 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/libz/ (15 files): begin update to zlib 1.2.2, delete old
15:28.06 *** join/#brlcad tjyang (
15:28.57 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/libz/ (33 files in 7 dirs): update to zlib 1.2.2
15:30.27 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/libz/ (27 files): update to zlib 1.2.2, modified files
15:38.59 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/libz/ (crc32.h infback.c inflate.h update to zlib 1.2.2, added
15:40.08 Nidhoggr going to test and see how well bzfs runs on a cobalt raq4.
15:43.29 Nidhoggr oops ww :)
15:53.40 brlcad :)
15:53.41 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/libz/contrib/ (14 files in 3 dirs): update to zlib 1.2.2, contrib additions
15:56.08 *** part/#brlcad corbanj (
16:14.24 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: new section started after 7.0.4, update to zlib 1.2.2
18:15.30 starseeker OK, the ebuild in now works with the sf tarball - it should be ready for inclusion
18:15.43 brlcad w00t!
18:16.02 brlcad thanks so much for helping sort that out
18:16.38 brlcad almost to the point where I can start getting back to development too :)
18:16.44 brlcad have to make binaries now
18:24.37 starseeker my pleasure. Now with any luck you'll start getting slammed with bug reports ;-)
18:25.29 brlcad but I am REALLY anxious to get back into actually working on the code now :)
18:25.48 brlcad if you would like to get in and help out in that regard as well, lemme know :)
18:28.15 brlcad doesn't need to be coding either.. docs, build system, whatever
18:28.59 brlcad you've been helpful enough already, so if you cvs access could help, just let me know
18:33.47 starseeker OK, will do. I've gotta finish this #@$@#% thesis first, though :-(
18:34.18 starseeker ok, back to work
18:43.04 brlcad good luck with it ;)
18:49.30 jano in the land
18:49.33 jano where I was born
18:49.35 jano lived a man
18:49.40 jano who sailed the seas
18:49.45 jano and he told
18:49.47 jano us of his life
18:49.50 jano in the land
18:49.52 jano of submarines
18:49.59 jano (everybody now)
18:50.04 jano we all live in a yellow submarine
18:50.17 jano yellow submarine
18:50.25 jano yellow submarine
19:00.11 Pimpinella jano: lonesome?
19:00.19 Pimpinella ;)
19:03.28 jano no
19:03.43 jano i just have to take out my frustrations of work elsewhere
19:04.32 jano we've got this f-ed up franchisee who is totally under and now we're dealing with his landlord who barely speaks english
19:08.28 jano the denny's he owns does very well in sales.. over $1.3m now
19:08.53 jano but he hasn't paid any payroll taxes, property taxes, income taxes
19:08.59 jano he owes over $700k to the government
19:09.15 jano and then he owes money to SBA around $350k
19:09.37 jano and the landlord hates this guy because he somehow offended him
19:09.54 jano and makes it tough to talk to him because he just can't speak english
19:10.06 jano it's like trying to talk to a water sprinkler
19:10.20 jano or maybe a firesprinkler
19:10.51 jano and I lost my togo's deal a couple weeks ago
19:10.58 jano that sucked
19:11.02 *** join/#brlcad guu (
19:11.07 jano this is one rough year
19:11.24 jano i need a time machine to go back to 5 years old
19:18.16 Pimpinella hm, so whats your job exactly?
19:18.31 Pimpinella dealing with taxes and landlords
19:44.19 jano commercial real estate
19:44.30 jano specifically franchises
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050128

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050128

03:35.58 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (~Matthew@
03:44.30 *** join/#brlcad noyb (
irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050129

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050129

04:32.40 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/
04:32.40 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: fix problem where an unspecified prefix configure resulted in an
04:32.40 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: INSTALL_DIRECTORY set to NONE, causing mged/libbu to not find it's resources.
04:32.40 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: rename INSTALL_DIRECTORY back to BRLCAD_ROOT, but perform checks and make
04:32.40 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: warnings if it's set at the time of configure. abort if both bc_root is set and
04:32.40 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: --prefix mismatch.
04:37.46 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/brlcad_path.c: s/INSTALL_DIRECTORY/BRLCAD_ROOT/ whilst fixing the undefined prefix configure problem
04:49.05 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: fixed need for brlcad_root on default configure
06:16.10 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
18:20.08 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (
21:00.06 *** join/#brlcad CIA-temp728 (
21:17.20 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
22:06.32 *** join/#brlcad learner (~brlcad@brlcad.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
22:06.32 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by ChanServ
22:15.33 jano bork
22:26.00 learner bork
22:30.30 jano :)
22:42.30 jano did you see my latest landscape?
22:42.59 jano just missed the sunset
22:43.09 jano and my blending skills need a bit of work
22:43.19 jano but composition.. i think i'm slowly understanding it
22:43.20 jano
22:43.25 jano
22:43.45 learner nice
22:43.50 learner i know where that is, don't I :)
22:44.02 jano yeah.. i took you there, didn't i?
22:44.05 jano next to the pilgrim?
22:44.19 jano or we didn't go there?
22:44.23 learner probably
22:44.26 learner don't know it by name
22:44.31 jano it's dana point
22:44.40 jano just below tail point
22:44.48 jano tail point being that beautiful lookout over the see
22:44.56 jano where many a people get tail
22:44.57 jano :D
22:45.47 jano tail point being here:
22:45.48 jano
22:47.26 learner we went up there, I believe
22:47.29 jano or right here:
22:47.52 jano yeah, we went up there, but didn't get any tail
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050130

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050130

04:22.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ (8 files): initial stub script to make a package distribution
04:32.16 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ add make_*.sh package scripts
04:32.58 *** join/#brlcad |tim| (~|tim|
04:42.09 brlcad timmmay!
04:42.15 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ swap @ECHO@ for $(ECHO). add initial support for various package systems including pkg,dmg,rpm,deb,tar,tgz,tbz,&zip; package build rules tie into sh/make_*.sh scripts.
05:07.23 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ script is beginning to take on a life of it's own. claim copyright and assign it under bsd license to u.s. gov for the next release (author may still retain/claim copyright on his own version).
05:20.32 jano bork!
06:15.52 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
06:30.10 *** join/#brlcad denton (~anonymous@
06:31.58 denton I downloaded the tgz from several US sources via Gzip choked, saying something about a premature EOF. Anybody had problems lately?
06:37.48 denton Here's the quote, "gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file"
06:38.28 denton Of course tar has issues thereafter as well, but I think the decompression is the main problem.
07:06.19 *** join/#brlcad noyb (
13:59.37 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (7 files in 4 dirs): newline at end of file
14:48.52 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ (20 files in 6 dirs): copyright update from army to government and 2005
15:08.57 jano i remember having had that problem years ago
15:09.01 jano i forget how to fix it though
15:19.07 denton Do you think it's a gzip problem or is it my error? I always use tar -zxvf <filename> I even used gzip -d <filename> I remember there used to be a password for the old licensing.
15:20.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/rtray.1: copyright update from army to government and 2005
15:22.54 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/doc/html/manuals/mged/animmate/rt.html: copyright update from army to government and 2005
16:17.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ don't bother formatting new block copyright line to 70 exactly since we just have to fix the wrapping of the 'the' after a year
16:22.25 brlcad denton: the ia32 tgz is corrupted
16:22.42 brlcad the upload apparently didn't complete successfully
16:45.08 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ headers use a different copyright line now, so just look for United States. ignore all of other/ now too.
16:47.55 brlcad denton: i'm working on making new binaries for 7.0.4, so there should be a new download soon
16:48.03 brlcad probably within a day or two if all goes well
16:54.54 *** join/#brlcad kraig01 (
17:07.45 jano bork!
17:07.46 jano :)
17:07.49 jano did you see photos?
17:11.26 denton Hey, brlcad, thanks. I asked some of the guys in my LUG and they said the same thing, so I was just waiting for the next post. I'm excited to try the newer 7.0.4. I haven't checked this thing out yet, but it looks slick. I'll keep checking SF.
17:13.51 brlcad jano: yep, nice
17:14.44 brlcad denton: you can join the brlcad-news mailing list and get notification there (it's a read-only low-volume list)
17:15.14 brlcad likewise you can enable a "watch" on the BRL-CAD for Linux files section
17:15.30 brlcad to get the most immediate notification of when the actual file is posted
18:50.31 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
19:04.11 denton brlcad: The monitoring took a bit of figuring out on SF, but I got it. Is this where I subscribe to the email list CAD-REQUEST@ARL.ARMY.MIL ? I got it off of the old site.
19:09.00 brlcad the old list was migrated to brlcad-users and brlcad-news on sourceforge
19:09.33 brlcad
19:20.45 denton oops. I didn't think to look under admin. I'm all set now. Thanks to everyone for all the hard work on the project. Bye for now :)
19:30.08 *** join/#brlcad guu (
20:23.13 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10CVSROOT/loginfo: disable commit e-mails for copyright update
20:30.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (282 files in 17 dirs): update copyright to 2005
20:31.12 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ (617 files in 26 dirs): update copyright to 2005
20:31.43 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ (423 files in 19 dirs): update copyright to 2005
20:33.06 brlcad that's a lot of files
20:41.26 *** join/#brlcad amathis (
20:42.38 amathis hmm
20:44.10 learner hmmm
20:44.33 amathis :P
20:45.05 amathis I have no idea what it is for, but it looks cool. :)
20:52.35 learner downloading the ia32?
20:52.57 learner that's a corrupted upload .. /me needs to delete it and upload a new one
21:00.59 amathis yeah
21:01.03 amathis that was what I was downloading
21:01.11 amathis seems VERY VERY slow
21:01.27 amathis should I just get BRL-CAD SOURCE ?
21:26.17 brlcad yeah
21:26.22 brlcad that's probably best
21:50.20 *** join/#brlcad noyb (
22:23.55 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10CVSROOT/loginfo: re-enable commit e-mails after copyright update
23:01.49 *** join/#brlcad parasite- (~parasite@
23:30.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/g_sketch.c: fix bug where 0 segments cause a 0-length malloc. this was not possible until sketch generation code was modified to create an empty sketch
23:36.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/chgmodel.c: disable creation of a default sketch. now an empty sketch is created as it's much less likely that the user wanted our default.
23:44.04 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: Sketch Editor now starts with an empty sketch
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050131

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050131

00:26.44 *** join/#brlcad parasite- (
00:53.39 *** join/#brlcad kraig01 (
01:42.23 EricWilhelm brlcad, are you working on the sketch editor, or is that just a quickfix?
01:46.58 EricWilhelm re: autocad compatibility - I would be interested in getting dwg import/export working (have done some work on this before)
01:48.07 EricWilhelm I've already got an OpenDWG binding, so I might be persuaded to work on that just to get something that runs, but I would prefer to do it via a GPL library (there is something started from the pythoncad project) but this would be a step backwards in functionality right now824
01:48.37 EricWilhelm also, I've done a little research on ACIS (probably of more interest for brlcad usage)
03:26.29 brlcad EricWilhelm: that's just a small fix
03:27.46 brlcad it's been a long time since I've read the full dwg spec, but I'd have to imagine that there are some components of the drawing format missing from brl
03:27.59 brlcad cad's sketch primitive
03:29.33 brlcad that said, it should do most of the actual geometry via the points, lines, curves, splines support that sketch already stores
03:34.43 brlcad quickly glancing over the spec (just now), it looks like pretty much all of it will import/export easily enough directly -- the hardest part might be the layer and styles blocks .. i.e. what does a dashed line mean to a solid modeler? .. could perhaps just make it an attribute, though
03:39.51 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
04:09.34 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ initialize vars and avoid grep error output on unknown files (with an unknown commentchar)
04:11.35 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ only copyright 2005 by gov
04:13.07 EricWilhelm brlcad, sketches are one issue, ACIS solids are another
04:13.38 EricWilhelm (the sketch lives within the .g file right?)
04:14.38 EricWilhelm I could certainly see pulling a 2D dxf/dwg into the sketcher, but a lot of people (I used to be one of them) use AutoCAD for solid modeling, which means embedded (and needlessly encrypted) ACIS data.
04:16.35 EricWilhelm the uber-converter is all about resolving the differences between different types of programs, so what to do with dashed lines and blocks is not just an issue for BRLCAD, it's an issue for anything running on a more complicated format than rhizopod
04:16.48 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ (8 files): headers and footers
04:16.58 brlcad you could stash the entire file into the .g as a binary object
04:17.37 EricWilhelm no, I mean the sketcher saves the sketch within the .g?
04:18.26 brlcad presently yes, the sketcher saves a "sketch" primitive into the .g just like any other primitive
04:20.29 EricWilhelm dxf-g doesn't add sketches to an existing .g file? (just smashes the output argument?)
04:22.50 EricWilhelm seems like a better usage model might be to import selectively from the sketcher.
04:23.15 EricWilhelm but, you still aren't getting any 3D data that way
04:23.42 EricWilhelm dwg/dxf supports wireframe, solid, and surface data
04:24.32 brlcad it imports POLYLINE, VERTEX, LINE, CIRCLE, ARC, and 3DFACE
04:26.16 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/conv/dxf-g.1: typo
05:17.33 *** join/#brlcad starseeker (
06:16.02 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
06:28.43 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ initial untested implementation that should generate an installer pkg that is compatible with both the old and new Installer
06:30.58 brlcad oooh, almost worked first try
06:32.07 brlcad only missing one " char
06:36.16 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ cool, only missing a single quote char
06:36.51 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ update the pkg target with the args that now requires
08:35.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ should prevent error messages on malformed input better. args are stashed before proceeding now. checks are made to handle if we were actually passed a familiar date string, defaulting to the current time otherwise.
21:35.09 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
21:39.43 polyspin Good afternoon
21:43.26 jano good morning
21:43.28 jano :D
21:53.38 polyspin What time zone are you "living" in ;-)
22:24.52 jano I'm pretending to be in hawaii right now
22:25.15 jano let's se.. it's almost noon there
22:25.25 jano I'd probably be waking up now
22:25.49 jano then have a small tropical juice
22:25.53 jano grab the surfboard
22:26.14 jano but instead, i'm only in california where it's about 80 degrees outside
22:26.17 jano clear skies
22:26.22 jano :P~~~~~~
22:26.38 jano worst part is it's already afternoon
22:26.44 jano i hate that white stuff
22:26.46 jano it's cold
22:27.02 polyspin it's what you can do *with* it that is fun
22:27.05 jano it's fun to look at..
22:27.14 jano but make it part of an entire season
22:27.17 jano hmm
22:27.19 jano shoveling
22:27.20 jano scraping
22:27.25 jano freezing
22:27.39 jano i prefer brushing warm sand off my feet, thank you :)
22:27.41 polyspin days off
22:27.56 jano ask learner/brlcad i have my surf days off :D
22:27.58 polyspin snowmen & snow angels with my 3-yr old
22:28.09 polyspin Because the surf is up?
22:28.24 polyspin Gosh, I didn't think busineses did that
22:28.31 jano mine does :D
22:28.36 polyspin I can imagine that you *take* those days off
22:28.43 jano oh, I do
22:28.48 jano adn the business supports it
22:28.55 jano they're like, sure, go ahead!
22:29.02 jano in fact, they were wondering why I wasn't out today
22:29.20 jano i can't begin to describe what a marvelously beautiful day it is today
22:29.45 jano santa ana winds came in last night and cleared everything.. i could see the hollywood sign on my way to work
22:29.54 jano every face was visible on catalina island
22:29.59 jano :D
22:30.37 jano all right, i should get back to work
22:30.39 jano :P
23:28.41 brlcad howdy folks
23:28.51 polyspin Evenin
23:29.01 polyspin Got another one up and running this afternoon
23:29.21 brlcad another what? :)
23:29.40 polyspin Another site.
23:29.45 brlcad ahh
23:29.57 polyspin Folks trying to build without the --prefix have had ... problems
23:30.08 brlcad I know, I fixed that yesterday
23:30.19 brlcad prefix is "NONE" if you don't define it
23:30.34 polyspin JRA said something about libraries not getting ".so" the other day.
23:30.43 brlcad so the root was getting set to that along with a variety of TCL vars
23:30.49 brlcad yeah, he told me
23:31.00 polyspin OK, so you've heard. I haven't had time to look.
23:31.45 brlcad the --prefix one took most of the weekend to figure out, but it should be all better now
23:31.58 polyspin how did you fix?
23:32.02 brlcad now configure will complain if brlcad_root is set too, and abort if it doesn't match prefix
23:32.21 brlcad and recommend to not use it period
23:33.53 brlcad almost have the working
23:34.17 polyspin yow!
23:34.20 brlcad it builds it all up quite nicely now, but there's a few fixes it needs, and I need to feed it resources for things like the readme
23:35.08 brlcad there's a make_*.sh for various build systems that hook into the top level make file too
23:35.32 brlcad so you can "make dmg" or "make tgz" etc to make the binary distribution
23:35.52 polyspin I like!!
23:36.01 brlcad dmg, pkg, deb, tgz, tbz, zip, and rpm for now
23:36.33 brlcad pkg and rpm are the only working ones for now, but the structure is in place
23:36.44 polyspin as my son would say... awesome!
23:36.47 brlcad heh
23:37.49 polyspin I've just patched the old pkgen engine enough to work. Just got my first clean run.
23:38.02 polyspin I'm counting the hours I have to work on this thing now.
23:38.08 brlcad as your son would say... awesome :)
23:39.59 polyspin it sure is pretty under cooca though.
23:41.40 brlcad gah.. no wonder wireless is all screwy now..
23:41.57 brlcad there's like 3 nodes I'm competing with ..
23:42.13 brlcad looks like some folks got wireless for christmas
23:42.26 polyspin heh, just use one of the others 8-)
23:43.00 jano hahah
23:43.11 jano we often get virus emails here at work
23:43.22 jano i look through the headers and logs and figure out where they come from
23:43.33 jano then.. just try to telnet in to the ip
23:43.53 jano from there, sometimes I accidentaly turn off the dsl modems :o
23:44.46 jano although I'm no longer affiliated with computers, I maintain an unofficial knowhow :D
23:44.53 jano sssshhhhh
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050201

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050201

00:03.30 polyspin anyone know if a cocoa app can "know" the path to it's own executable?
00:06.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ ls file sizes are in bytes, we need kilobytes
00:07.06 polyspin ls -s?
00:07.09 brlcad yes.. /me looks it up
00:11.06 brlcad couple ways
00:11.51 brlcad Cocoa way would be the NSBundle mainBundle class method
00:12.04 brlcad Carbon way would be FSFindFolder()
00:12.25 polyspin Thanks. I see that now. I couldn't remember "bundle"
00:15.14 polyspin cool, build the extra app, drop it in the MacOSX folder and "pathForAuxiliaryExecutable" will *find* it
00:22.43 polyspin I suspect the runtime env notes where the executable loads. That's how the app can find the .nib files
01:18.33 brlcad 141 mb compressed for ia32 .. that is so odd
02:39.25 brlcad ugh
02:39.39 brlcad the .so problem is a libtool version conflict
02:45.45 brlcad the AC_PROG_LIBTOOL was added from 1.5, so if you run or autoreconf on a system with 1.4, it looses the suffix for shared libs..
04:47.19 *** join/#brlcad parasite-- (
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13:59.35 *** join/#brlcad amathis (
14:28.38 jano bork
17:00.54 *** join/#brlcad slomo (
17:01.45 brlcad hello slomo
17:01.54 slomo howdy
18:12.05 *** part/#brlcad slomo (
23:14.09 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
23:14.25 polyspin Yo ho ho!
23:21.04 brlcad heh
23:23.06 brlcad polyspin: don't know if you saw, but I found the cause of the missing shared library suffix problem.. hopefully i'll figure out a good fix soon
23:23.19 polyspin Excellent!
23:23.37 polyspin I've been wrapping up pKgen to day. It's almost completely behind me.
23:23.53 polyspin Playing with doxygen right now. Looks way cool
23:24.16 polyspin What was the gem from #gforge?
23:24.38 polyspin Wanna go to a movie tonight? We're thinking of going to see Aviator
23:25.02 brlcad yeah, kermit just called
23:25.15 brlcad i'll be over in about 20
23:25.41 polyspin ab fab
23:26.39 brlcad the gforge folks helped solve a couple db problems, but the real gem is their docs.. their documentation is in docbook. excellent example with makefile rules
23:27.10 polyspin Like it better than doxygen?
23:29.39 brlcad No no..
23:29.52 brlcad different documentation needs
23:30.03 brlcad doxygen is the way to go for code/dev documentation
23:30.48 brlcad docbook would be where I'd go for things like the volumes
23:31.15 polyspin Yes. For that I agree.
23:31.18 brlcad you can go from docbook to html, pdf, tek, txt, etc from a single formatted source
23:31.49 brlcad plus, text format that could be shoved into cvs and organized/maintained there
23:32.37 polyspin The only problem is the lack of a nice, industry standard WYSIWYG editor. We looked at Docbook a couple of years ago when writing Vol-II
23:32.49 brlcad the fact that they had a nice make-based functioning example was part of the gemmage
23:33.37 polyspin how familiar are you with doxygen?
23:33.53 polyspin I'm looking to make a "section" that certain file's contents live in
23:34.00 polyspin Know hou?
23:34.07 polyspin s/u/w/
23:34.42 brlcad a per-file section?
23:34.54 polyspin no. A per-library section
23:35.03 polyspin eg. "libbu"
23:35.15 brlcad mm.. groups
23:35.41 brlcad i've ran across the syntax, but it's a pita to keep maintained sometimes
23:36.17 polyspin I tried "addtogroup" but it doesn't provide enough content in the result.
23:36.30 brlcad you have to @defgroup somewhere
23:37.08 brlcad and mark everything you want in it with @ingroup groupname
23:37.52 brlcad you can @ingroup group1 group2 group3 too
23:37.54 polyspin yes. addtogroup and defgroup are functionally similar
23:38.42 brlcad right, just gets rid of the warning
23:39.58 brlcad you might be able to get away with putting an @ingroup in the file block
23:40.08 brlcad to get the whole file contents added to some group
23:40.53 brlcad the file block is the first section in a file with a @file
23:41.59 polyspin ingroup does not work in the file section
23:44.35 brlcad ahh
23:45.20 brlcad that's odd. the docs say it can go there..
23:45.25 brlcad
23:47.23 polyspin thx
23:48.28 brlcad i've never used it, but @namespace might do the trick too
23:49.40 polyspin If I wrap the file in @addtogroup foo @{ ... @} it works
23:50.13 brlcad ahh, oops, yea :)
23:50.17 brlcad minor detail :)
23:51.59 polyspin Argh. And it cannot be in the @file block
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050202

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050202

00:02.37 brlcad time to go?
00:03.29 polyspin I suppose we could have separate doxygen trees for each library. Alas, that means no cross-reference between the libraries. sux.
00:04.26 *** join/#brlcad amathis (
00:04.35 polyspin it's time.
00:04.39 brlcad if it's ever all even doxygenified even as a single doxygen master list
00:04.43 brlcad it'd be a win
00:05.08 polyspin yes. I'd just like to make the doxification as useful as possible.
00:05.19 polyspin On your way?
00:05.22 brlcad fortunately .. the comment blocks are there.. they just need a single * added :)
00:05.39 brlcad i'm going to meet up with chuck at his house
00:05.54 brlcad and pool from there
00:06.06 polyspin cya
00:06.12 brlcad aiight.. cya there
06:16.08 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
10:20.57 *** join/#brlcad mb1 (
10:21.12 mb1 hi
17:16.43 *** join/#brlcad kraig01 (
19:27.39 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
20:11.51 *** join/#brlcad narnia (
20:13.03 narnia what is the likelyhood that brlcad will eventually be able to import and use step ap203 files?
20:16.01 narnia knock, knock anyone home?
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050203

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050203

00:32.02 brlcad hello narnia
00:34.40 jano bork
00:36.03 brlcad narnia: the likelihood is pretty good for ap203 and ap214
00:37.57 brlcad bork
01:04.45 jano krob
01:44.17 PrezKennedy gnip
01:48.22 jano ping
01:48.31 jano gnop
01:48.38 jano gnip gnop
01:48.39 jano :D
03:21.49 brlcad mm i wish
03:25.26 amathis brlcad: I just copmiled brlcad.
03:25.35 amathis is there a program executible or something? :P
03:26.21 brlcad amathis: yes, over 400 of them
03:26.42 amathis heh
03:26.43 amathis :P
03:26.54 amathis is brlcad a library?
03:26.55 brlcad amathis: suggest reading the docs on .. vol I and II
03:27.05 amathis does the CAD stand for computer aided drawing?
03:27.05 brlcad mged is the modeler
03:27.22 brlcad computer-aided design
03:27.26 amathis ah
03:27.26 brlcad ~cad
03:27.27 ibot i heard cad is a short of Control+Alt+Delte, a keycombo often used in M$ Windoze
03:27.29 amathis that is what I meant.
03:33.49 brlcad
04:29.26 EricWilhelm ~cadd
04:30.38 *** join/#brlcad parasite-- (
04:31.27 brlcad ~CAD is also Computer-Aided Design (see
04:31.28 ibot okay, brlcad
04:32.03 EricWilhelm man, it's like a puppy or something
04:33.32 EricWilhelm so, what stands for Computer Aided Draughting? CAG?
04:33.33 brlcad ~cadd is computer-aided design and drafting
04:33.34 ibot okay, brlcad
04:34.22 brlcad wikipedia has a whole section for that ;)
04:34.24 brlcad
04:49.33 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
04:54.56 brlcad ~ww
04:54.57 ibot Har har
05:12.38 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:44.57 narnia knock, knock anyone home?
05:45.08 brlcad nope
05:45.36 narnia brlcad, hello. anytime frame for step ap203 support?
05:46.45 brlcad it's hard to say right now. The formulations for the mid-term and long-term plans are still being discussed
05:50.17 brlcad at least next fiscal year's plans are on the design table now
05:50.31 brlcad it's definitely a must have item for down the road
05:50.51 brlcad if someone gets really interested in helping to implement it, then it may happen much sooner
05:51.34 brlcad otherwise, we're looking at minimally many months in the least .. ap203 is rather complex
05:53.21 brlcad I'm hoping to have a minimal prototype converter ready by this summer .. but that may be wishful given how much interest there's been and how much needs to be done
05:54.36 brlcad heck, we still don't have proper binaries posted yet and it's been a couple weeks
06:00.29 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
06:01.22 *** join/#brlcad noyb (
06:06.57 narnia brlcad, you still here?
06:07.26 narnia brlcad, sorry i am bouncing between computers.
06:26.48 brlcad narnia: yes, I am
06:28.04 brlcad narnia: if you are a developer and are interested in helping out with a step converter (or know someone whom is), please let me know and we can perhaps work together to accelerate the implementation
06:33.49 noyb 7.0.4 already... it was 7.0.0 when it was released to open source?
06:34.12 brlcad niet, it was not
06:34.24 brlcad 7.0.1 was open source revision (CVS revision)
06:34.40 brlcad 7.0.0 was released a couple weeks before
06:34.51 brlcad so the binaries were decrypted and posted
06:34.58 brlcad 7.0.6 is almost ready
06:37.16 noyb ah...
06:38.38 noyb are you getting some new people involved in the project or are all of the changes still internal?
06:41.14 brlcad quite open for getting new people involved
06:41.29 brlcad it's not all internal already, but still primarily
06:43.01 narnia brlcad, may i msg you?
06:44.33 brlcad heh, sure (and no need to ask in the future)
06:45.25 noyb I don't think I'm qualified to participate. I'm not a regular cad user, and I'm not a serious programmer. I'm a perl/shell kinda guy.
06:46.53 brlcad noyb: there's always room for contributions
06:47.02 brlcad it's a very large codebase with lots of room for help
06:47.16 noyb I'm no good with tcl either... :)
06:47.51 brlcad there's shell scripts, php, java, tcl, and C as is
06:48.35 brlcad manpages, documentation, doxygen, docbook, Makefiles, test suites, benchmark suite, et
06:48.43 noyb I tried to build an ambitious perl/tcl database front end, but... I gave up. I now *know* that I hate tcl.
06:49.21 noyb why are there so many languages at play here?
06:53.40 brlcad various needs, people, years, history
06:54.16 brlcad plus many other codes link to brl-cad's libraries.. and they are written in different languages
06:54.30 brlcad C, fortran, java, Tcl come to mind
07:19.03 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
07:19.03 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.0.2 Source is posted || Release 7.0.0 binaries now available for Linux and IRIX || 7.0.4 Release Date is Today!
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14:25.28 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
14:25.28 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.0.2 Source is posted || Release 7.0.0 binaries now available for Linux and IRIX || 7.0.4 Release Date is Today!
14:37.37 *** join/#brlcad kraig01 (
16:29.34 PrezKennedy gnip
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20:59.54 brlcad narnia: ping
21:06.56 jano gnop
21:46.15 amathis brlcad: I have trouble installing.
21:46.17 amathis here is error
21:46.22 amathis Backgrounding, please wait...
21:46.22 amathis Can't find a usable tk.tcl in the following directories:
21:46.23 amathis <PROTECTED>
21:46.36 amathis what should I do?
21:49.58 brlcad did you set BRLCAD_ROOT?
21:50.24 amathis yes
21:50.25 brlcad and what version are you trying to instal;?
21:50.41 amathis brlcad: I got a different error when I didn't export BRLCAD_ROOt
21:50.50 amathis and it is 7.0.4
21:50.55 amathis not the linux version on SF
21:50.58 brlcad unset BRLCAD_ROOT
21:51.18 amathis brlcad: can I paste it here?
21:51.25 brlcad sure
21:51.25 amathis it isn't horifically big.
21:51.34 amathis Backgrounding, please wait...
21:51.34 amathis Unable to find the directory that BRL-CAD is installed in while seeking:
21:51.34 amathis <PROTECTED>
21:51.34 amathis This version of LIBBU was compiled to expect BRL-CAD in:
21:51.34 amathis <PROTECTED>
21:51.36 amathis but it is no longer there.
21:51.39 amathis <PROTECTED>
21:51.41 amathis please set your environment variable BRLCAD_ROOT to the correct path,
21:51.44 brlcad ahh, yes
21:51.44 amathis and re-run this program.
21:51.46 amathis csh/tcsh users:
21:51.49 amathis <PROTECTED>
21:51.51 amathis sh/bash users:
21:51.54 amathis <PROTECTED>
21:51.56 amathis bu_brlcad_path()
21:51.59 brlcad that was recently fixed in CVS ..
21:51.59 amathis <PROTECTED>
21:52.03 brlcad you set the root wrong
21:52.07 amathis I did?
21:52.12 brlcad export BRLCAD_ROOT=/usr/brlcad
21:52.16 amathis oh
21:52.16 amathis o
21:52.25 amathis I don't have a /usr/brlcad
21:52.30 amathis I just did a 'make'
21:52.33 amathis it never needed rot
21:52.34 brlcad ahh
21:52.36 amathis *root
21:52.46 amathis I set it to /home/amathis/brlcad-7.0.4
21:52.47 brlcad so how are you trying to run mged?
21:52.57 amathis amathis@corinth brlcad-7.0.4 $ pwd
21:52.57 amathis /home/amathis/brlcad-7.0.4
21:53.04 amathis amathis@corinth brlcad-7.0.4 $ ./src/mged/mged
21:53.23 amathis should I 'make install' ?
21:53.27 brlcad yeah.. that work work like that
21:53.44 brlcad if you want to run it without installing, try to cd src/mged first, but more will fail
21:53.56 amathis I am just going to install it
21:53.59 brlcad mged uses many external binaries that are in other directories
21:54.40 amathis doing it now.
21:54.54 amathis man, you will enjoy the last episodes of Stargate Atlantis
21:55.13 brlcad which one is that?
21:55.19 brlcad i saw last week's
21:55.20 amathis episode 19 and 20
21:55.26 amathis I mean the LAST of the season.
21:55.34 brlcad ahh
21:55.40 brlcad you're cheating, eh? :)
21:55.53 amathis watched UK's because I am watching SG-1 from season 1 through 8
21:55.54 amathis :)
21:56.25 amathis brlcad looks pretty cool.
21:56.27 amathis was reading through it.
21:56.59 amathis interesting that it is opensource and on SourceForge.
21:57.26 narnia brlcad, pong
21:58.14 amathis brlcad: ok, install done.
21:58.29 brlcad amathis: SG atlantis is on :)
21:58.45 brlcad narnia: got your messages, glad to hear you're interested
21:58.57 amathis brlcad: no.. brlcad :P
21:58.58 narnia brlcad, good.
21:59.25 amathis brlcad: ok, I exported brlcad_root as /usr/brlcad
21:59.29 narnia brlcad, do you happen to have the iso specifications for ap203 and ap214?
21:59.32 amathis and now when I try to execute mged it gies this:
22:00.10 amathis brlcad: nevermind
22:00.12 amathis fixed it
22:00.26 brlcad amathis: have to add /usr/brlcad/bin to your path ;)
22:00.53 brlcad narnia: yes and no
22:00.55 amathis brlcad: yeah :)
22:01.01 amathis brlcad: wow.. this looks interesting :)
22:01.08 narnia brlcad, umm definite maybe. ;-)
22:01.36 brlcad narnia: the specifications are enormous and I don't have them in electronic form (or a means to get them in that form easily)
22:02.02 brlcad I do, however, have several ap203 and ap214 files
22:02.15 narnia amathis, i would suggest working through the tutorial to get a good feel of what brlcad is capable of doing.
22:02.46 brlcad amathis: i'd suggest the same too -- volume II on
22:03.02 narnia brlcad, ap203 and ap214 files i have. i was hoping someone had the iso documents.
22:03.03 amathis narnia: heh, I was going to do that when I had time.. trying to release a project, homework, a new business, and a work ^_^
22:03.24 brlcad and play bz of course
22:03.50 amathis brlcad: when have yo seen me playing bz lately? :)
22:03.58 amathis I have no aliases.
22:04.09 brlcad heh, when have you seen ME play lately? :)
22:04.20 amathis :P
22:06.25 narnia if i may ask may we have an age check? i will go first. 53yo.
22:06.59 amathis ah
22:07.06 amathis 17, 18 on the 25th
22:08.10 narnia amathis, an advance happy birthday then.
22:08.39 brlcad narnia: I'm one of the core devs for bz is why that came up
22:09.41 narnia brlcad, i have no idea what bz is. i am too old to play video games. being basically one-handed does not help either.
22:09.54 brlcad never too old :)
22:10.15 brlcad one of our other core devs is in his mid 70's and he still plays (rather well)
22:10.42 brlcad i can understand how the hand could be diffidcult, though
22:10.45 narnia brlcad, i would assume he has two working hands.
22:12.27 narnia brlcad, how did you become involved with brl-cad?
22:13.14 narnia opps be back later news in on.
22:13.34 brlcad narnia: I became inolved with the project over 7 years ago when I started working for the team
22:14.08 brlcad worked part-time under Mike for about another year after that, and then joined in full time shortly thereafter
22:14.11 jano seven
22:14.18 jano it's more like.. 10, no?
22:14.27 brlcad hrm
22:14.31 brlcad maybe 8
22:14.35 brlcad not 10
22:14.38 jano okay
22:14.43 jano time frame getting all messed up
22:14.45 jano maybe 7
22:14.58 brlcad '98 iirc
22:14.58 jano we were done with second year.. or third year when you started?
22:15.21 jano where you there year before jason met nettie?
22:15.29 jano or was it all that year?
22:15.43 brlcad all about the same time
22:16.47 jano hmm
22:28.27 narnia back
22:58.19 jano
22:58.24 jano doncha just hate when that happens?!
23:08.21 amathis brlcad: could I PM you with a spanish problem?
23:08.33 Nidhoggr hi amathis
23:08.42 amathis hi Nidhoggr !
23:08.53 amathis Nidhoggr: almost got my sit totally done.. then I am tackling yours....
23:09.07 Nidhoggr cool
23:09.09 amathis Nidhoggr: if you can find translators, I will put in code to have multi languages per users
23:09.12 amathis :P
23:09.16 Nidhoggr ah.
23:10.16 amathis Nidhoggr: tu hablas espanol?
23:10.24 Nidhoggr nope
23:10.37 Nidhoggr only enough to get myself slapped.
23:10.48 Nidhoggr although, I can do Mass in spanish. :)
23:10.56 Nidhoggr it's all typed up for me though.
23:11.59 brlcad amathis: claro
23:13.17 amathis ?
23:13.32 amathis clear?
23:13.39 amathis what is clear?
23:13.53 Nidhoggr hi brlcad
23:13.58 brlcad that's not what that means there
23:14.19 amathis brlcad: I am spanish 1 sadly.
23:14.22 amathis brlcad: :)
23:14.24 amathis humor me
23:14.30 amathis translate this
23:14.33 brlcad If you are "clear" that you need to do something.. what do you think might be another word for what that is?
23:15.29 amathis of course
23:15.55 brlcad if you are "of course" that you at.. no try again
23:16.23 brlcad looking for a word to replace clear there
23:17.01 brlcad and this is a spanish 1 question :P
23:17.33 brlcad can't help till you figure out what claro means :)
23:19.55 amathis haha
23:20.25 amathis .. apparent, clear, of course...
23:20.46 brlcad of course would be por supuesto
23:21.00 brlcad apparent is apparentamente
23:21.10 brlcad er, apparently, at least
23:21.19 brlcad close though
23:22.42 amathis brlcad: I am not doing homework ^_^
23:22.52 amathis but
23:22.55 amathis I will try anyway
23:23.30 amathis I asked you a question that would get a yes or no..
23:23.45 amathis so why would claro not mean of course?
23:24.36 brlcad what's another way to say of course in english?
23:24.57 amathis sure.
23:25.11 amathis ok
23:25.18 amathis anytime
23:27.30 amathis brb
23:29.12 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
23:29.12 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.0.2 Source is posted || Release 7.0.0 binaries now available for Linux and IRIX || 7.0.4 Release Date is Today!
23:31.20 jano absolutley
23:35.57 amathis back
23:35.57 amathis brlcad: am I wrong?
23:38.22 amathis heh
23:38.30 brlcad amathis: heh, yep, that was right
23:40.13 brlcad what was your "final answer"? :)
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050204

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050204

01:48.16 *** join/#brlcad narnia ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:49.57 *** join/#brlcad shorty114 (~shorty114@shorty114.user)
01:51.13 *** part/#brlcad shorty114 (~shorty114@shorty114.user)
01:54.12 *** join/#brlcad narnia ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:58.13 *** join/#brlcad narnia_ (
04:39.16 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
04:39.27 polyspin Yellow
04:39.42 narnia periwinkle
04:39.47 narnia ;-)
04:39.59 polyspin fuchia ! ;-)
04:45.40 narnia powder blue
04:46.34 narnia brlcad, you ever heard of or looked at opencascade?
04:49.35 narnia knock, knock, anyone home?
04:50.56 polyspin I've looked briefly at it.
04:51.29 polyspin Nothing very in-depth.
04:52.49 narnia opencascade has step ap203 and ap214 support.
04:53.08 polyspin Very interesting!
04:53.40 narnia brl-cad needs step ap203 and ap214 support.
04:53.57 polyspin I agree.
04:54.19 narnia use opencascase for guidance in getting step ap203 and ap214 working for brl-cad
04:57.52 narnia brb
06:16.43 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
06:30.00 narnia knock, knock, anyone home?
06:34.41 narnia brlcad, you are here. late night?
06:36.02 brlcad usual night ;)
06:36.51 narnia brlcad, any thoughts on how to obtain the iso specifications for ap203 and ap214?
06:37.37 brlcad I looked into it a little bit today, but in short -- not really
06:38.11 *** join/#brlcad amathis_ (
06:40.03 brlcad could perhaps collaborate with folks that work on Cubit over at sandia national labs
06:41.00 brlcad they have a conversion library already written that supports step and other formats
06:41.17 brlcad as well as an excellent FEM generator library
06:41.59 brlcad I'd still like to see a stand-alone converter, though, for brl-cad purposes
06:46.20 brlcad there's a slim chance that it might get put on the funded tasklist for next year too (in which case it's a done deal regardless)
06:49.58 narnia wonder what the swiss franc to usd exchange rate is?
06:50.24 brlcad ~change 1 USD to FR
06:55.00 narnia be several hundred usd to purchase the two specifications.
07:00.42 brlcad i'd start with just ap203 for starters, it's the more ubiquitous
07:01.05 brlcad like I said, I've got a printed copy over here -- do they have digitals?
07:09.01 narnia sorry was reading the iso site.
07:10.00 narnia ISO-10303-21, iso-10303-23, iso-10303-24 would appear to be the smallest sub set absolutely needed.
07:13.32 narnia then there is this the nist step class library.
07:16.24 narnia then there is this Express Engine Project
07:23.38 brlcad i've seen the last one .. very difficult to utilize them effectively it seemed
07:29.40 *** join/#brlcad cad940 (
07:38.48 *** join/#brlcad cad624 (
07:38.55 cad624 howdy
07:39.07 cad624 yay, it works
07:40.02 *** join/#brlcad cad269 (
07:40.29 *** join/#brlcad cad382 (
07:40.54 brlcad well that's just about ready
07:44.36 narnia back
07:45.04 narnia was googling for any more info on the various iso 10303 specs.
07:46.28 narnia brlcad, which timezone are you in? i am in cst ( chicago ).
07:48.13 brlcad est
07:49.50 brlcad land of mary
10:38.25 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
15:04.33 jano
15:47.56 *** join/#brlcad learner1 (
18:22.05 jano hey.. is the "bob" system up at jhu?
18:22.18 jano or was it taken down?
18:25.20 *** join/#brlcad cad929 (
18:29.24 brlcad hehe
18:29.30 brlcad poor spidey
18:30.03 brlcad bob's still there, as far as I know
18:30.08 brlcad name's changed though
18:43.47 jano thanks :)
21:01.17 *** join/#brlcad HeadCrash (
21:24.32 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
22:50.08 *** join/#brlcad cad869 (
22:50.57 cad869 not quite..
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050205

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050205

00:05.29 *** join/#brlcad amathis_ (
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00:28.09 *** join/#brlcad cad293 (
01:00.23 brlcad there
01:00.33 brlcad now c1;2cgi:irc is up and running
01:00.41 brlcad
03:18.14 *** join/#brlcad cad839 (
03:19.03 EricWilhelm hmm. a bit slow?
03:21.19 learner slow?
03:21.28 learner busy busy here :)
03:21.41 EricWilhelm ( maybe it doesn't play well with konqueror
03:23.01 learner ahh
03:23.21 learner probably the latter .. it's got issues with a variety of browsers
03:23.30 learner did it give you a red warning?
03:33.55 jano bork
03:41.44 learner sup
03:58.25 brlcad ahh, yes.. konqueror 2 is listed as a problem .. do you know your version string?
04:12.35 jano wait
04:12.37 jano i'm confused
04:13.26 jano which one are you? :P
04:24.44 brlcad :P
04:29.09 jano :P
04:29.57 EricWilhelm brlcad, 3.2.2
04:30.15 brlcad that 'splains it
04:31.57 brlcad there, that should at least put the warning
04:32.02 EricWilhelm is javascript required?
04:32.47 brlcad cgi:irc does an unterminated streaming http to keep the irc connection open .. several browsers don't like that
04:32.51 *** join/#brlcad cad329 (
04:33.00 brlcad did you see the warning?
04:33.10 cad329 yeah, but it seems to work fine here
04:33.22 brlcad ah, that's good
04:33.28 cad329 one issue, is that I was using privoxy on the other computer
04:33.49 jano warning?
04:34.01 cad329 this is the same konqueror, different workstation
04:34.11 jano oh
04:34.13 *** join/#brlcad cad592 (
04:34.16 brlcad so it is working then
04:34.44 EricWilhelm yeah, let me check the js settings
04:35.11 cad329 right, js is enabled here
04:36.33 EricWilhelm no, must be privoxy (same js settings on both boxen)
04:36.48 brlcad supposed to just be a fall-back for the folks that no nothing about irc .. get them in and then make em find a real irc client ;)
04:37.32 EricWilhelm I guess you can put something about 'apt-get install xchat' in the warning if you see Debian in their browser ID
04:54.27 brlcad hehe
04:54.41 brlcad most of the folks I'd worry about are not using linux ;)
05:03.14 narnia brlcad, hello, how goes it? concerning step files; what are your thought, ideas, dreams, etc for the step interface?
05:04.30 brlcad what do you mean?
05:04.54 brlcad ideally we'll have a full ap203/214 step-g and g-step converter ;)
05:06.27 brlcad dreams are to have it completed at least functionally sometime this summer before siggraph
05:10.54 brlcad same goes for a prototype of the new project management interface that wraps all the tools
05:18.22 narnia brlcad, okay
05:20.03 brlcad narnia: what are your thoughts?
05:24.36 narnia brlcad, well first need iso-10303-21 at a minimum to understand the syntax of the step files. using iso-10303-21 or the nist step library parse the step files.
05:25.45 narnia brlcad, the next phase would be to determine how step constructs map to brl-cad g, and create the mappings. this part would be bi-directional.
05:26.39 narnia brlcad, the third phase would be to run as many step files through the step-g conversion to determine where the bugs, misktakes, errors, etc are.
05:26.56 narnia brlcad, repeat as necessary.
05:29.26 narnia brlcad, basically how would something like "#670499=CIRCLE('',#670498,9.E0);" map to brl-cad q?
05:30.35 brlcad the actual mapping is not going to be difficult at all -- most everything will map directly that has to do with actual geometry
05:31.06 brlcad splines might be complicated.. would have to see the inputs
05:31.38 brlcad a 2D shape maps to the sketch primitive (which has many subshapes including a circle/arc)
05:32.06 narnia brlcad, that "#670498" above is a variable.
05:33.02 brlcad all part of the express syntax, yes
05:33.23 brlcad ?
05:33.28 narnia brlcad, are you asking or telling?
05:33.51 brlcad :) asking
05:34.14 narnia brlcad, all part of the express syntax, yes.
05:34.18 brlcad from what I've seen of the actual file, there are a variety of express constructs that would have to be supported
05:34.32 brlcad as part of the parser that builds a geometry tree
05:35.46 brlcad in that simple form, it's just a named reference to a circle object -- you end up with substitutions under you have actual geometry
05:36.03 narnia brlcad, having iso-10303-21 would allow for a lex, yacc ( flex,bison ) parser. or go for recursive-descent parser.
05:36.05 brlcad constraints will be a problem, though we can stash them into attributes for now
05:38.58 narnia brb need decaf coffee.
05:43.10 brlcad i'd very much agree
05:44.57 brlcad I'm trying to track down where our printed copy came from
05:52.38 narnia brlcad, have you heard of the 'enhanced machine controller (emc) project' at nist?
05:52.54 brlcad doesn't ring a bell
05:53.31 narnia the emc project is also hosted on
05:54.50 brlcad sounds like something related to milling and CAM
05:54.59 narnia it is.
05:55.07 narnia cnc
05:55.11 brlcad ahh
05:55.13 narnia g-code.
05:55.30 narnia i have worked on that project off and on.
05:56.20 brlcad ahh, generates g-code for cnc machines?
05:56.27 brlcad link?
05:56.34 narnia brb
05:57.21 narnia
05:59.10 narnia and my cad-cam project that i have been working on for several years.
06:00.06 narnia i have not updated that page in awhile.
06:00.21 brlcad interesting
06:01.53 brlcad i see you're a bit off your timeline.. :)
06:02.18 brlcad how far into your implementation did you get?
06:03.21 narnia it is difficult to work on project when recovering from several surgeries over the years. since the work accident on 26 nov 1996 i have had 7 major surgeries.
06:03.49 brlcad understandable
06:05.23 narnia pretty much to this point :
06:07.38 narnia had some helpers over the years but events happen. one helper's mother died of breast cancer. one helper was killed in a car accident by a drunk driver. one helper got married.
06:07.49 brlcad incredible complexity in the "process" block
06:08.49 narnia tool path routines still need alot of work.
06:09.05 brlcad and how the human input interacts.. the gui/cli?
06:10.13 narnia cli, and lisp scripts.
06:11.22 narnia my menu helper was the one who got married and started a family. she has higher priorities now.
06:12.24 narnia the is no "wimp" interface. (wimp -- windows, icons, menus, pop-up/pop-down)
06:14.33 brlcad yep, go that
06:15.12 narnia the only controller it supports is emc.
06:17.55 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
06:24.51 narnia now that brl-cad is open source my dream is to have brl-cad eventually interface to emc.
06:25.45 brlcad would be a nice bridge to eventually have a path to g-code
06:31.47 narnia brb
07:16.13 narnia back
07:16.26 narnia had to let the dog out and the cat in.
07:18.46 brlcad what kind of dog?
07:21.59 narnia huck is half border collie and half springer spanniel
07:22.42 narnia huck is old like me and he has a pinched nerve in his neck. huck is having troublem walk and i am going to have to put him down soon. :-(
07:23.23 narnia huck, has been my daily companion since 1996.
07:24.04 narnia we got huck as a puppy in 1994.
08:06.05 brlcad :(
08:06.08 brlcad sorry to hear that
08:06.56 brlcad my dog's getting old too, born in '92
08:07.30 brlcad had his mother most of her life before him too
08:17.26 narnia it would cost 2-3k to operate on the pinched nerve in his neck. given huck's age the vet is not sure he would survive such a major surgery.
08:21.08 narnia i am beginning to nod off. i am calling it a night. talk with you later today perhaps.
08:21.23 narnia goodnight and peaceful dreams
08:27.31 brlcad alright
08:27.43 brlcad thanks for the info earlier re your project
09:01.58 *** join/#brlcad ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
09:01.58 *** mode/#brlcad [+o ChanServ] by
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050206

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050206

00:27.35 *** join/#brlcad shorty114 (~shorty114@shorty114.user)
00:28.11 *** part/#brlcad shorty114 (~shorty114@shorty114.user)
06:00.58 narnia knock, knock, anyone home?
06:03.01 brlcad yep
06:16.43 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
08:10.38 narnia knock, knock, anyone home?
08:12.10 narnia brlcad, i have been attempting to compile opencascade for most of yesterday and tonight. opencascade is a bloated piece of trash.
08:12.55 narnia brlcad, numerous errors in the generation of makefiles. finally wrote a couple sed scripts to fix them.
15:57.56 *** join/#brlcad cad424 (
18:31.05 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
18:42.23 PrezKennedy ping-pong!!
19:06.24 brlcad |.
19:08.10 PrezKennedy webserver is running better now
19:08.16 PrezKennedy theyre finally putting those upgrades in
19:08.30 brlcad bout time
19:08.42 brlcad pretty cool
19:08.45 PrezKennedy yeah i tried that out
19:24.49 narnia knock, knock, anyone home?
19:25.47 narnia brlcad, did you see my msg concerning opencascade? i am still attempting to get it to compile. very sloppy makefiles.
19:28.24 brlcad yes i did
19:28.48 brlcad what's their code in?
19:28.59 brlcad straight makefiles or gnu build?
19:42.18 narnia brlcad, they use automake and autoconf. several include dirs do not have the '-I' in front of them. flags which should be in CXXFLAGS are but in CFLAGS. the include dir for tcl/tk is written wrong. several hxx include files need patching of 'ifdefs', opencascade is written in extremely bloated c++.
19:44.35 narnia brlcad, to give you an idea of just how bloated opencascade is the source code download is 210+mbytes. then they use of all things java to unpack the source download.
19:44.53 brlcad heh
19:44.56 brlcad nice
19:45.20 narnia brlcad, bloatware at its finest.
19:45.43 brlcad but do they use a lisp interpreter to generate the's? :)
19:46.19 narnia brlcad, do not know. not sure i want to know.
19:46.44 brlcad perhaps a lisp interpreter written in python
19:47.25 narnia brlcad, btw, the cxx files i have checked so far. zero comments. none, nil, zip, nada, etc.
19:48.01 brlcad so.. looking REALLY promising is what you're trying to say? :)
19:51.19 narnia brlcad, as any example for how not to write an application, yes, it fulfills that purpose.
19:51.45 brlcad :)
19:52.30 narnia brlcad, i take it you are not a football fan. the stupid bowl is today. ;-)
20:01.14 brlcad heh, I might catch it -- not a fanatic though
20:12.25 *** part/#brlcad amathis (
22:34.07 PrezKennedy the fact that its some team and some other team makes it even less exciting
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050207

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050207

00:23.00 narnia american football should be played with m-16s and rocket-propelled gernades. last man standing wins. ;-)
00:23.41 brlcad I'm not sure that's a pass I'd want to catch :)
03:07.17 *** join/#brlcad brlcad ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:08.34 brlcad woo hoo.. drupal authentication fixed
03:08.40 *** join/#brlcad starseeker ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:08.45 brlcad though I'll probably leave it disabled for starters
03:09.17 brlcad hello starseeker
03:36.39 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 (
03:38.18 *** join/#brlcad brlcad ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:38.18 *** join/#brlcad parasite-- ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:40.01 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:52.40 narnia knock, knock, anyone home?
06:18.06 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
06:31.49 jano bork!
06:31.52 jano did you hear the news??
06:46.27 jano
06:46.27 jano wow
08:29.15 starseeker hi brlcad
11:05.05 *** join/#brlcad parasite- (
14:35.19 *** join/#brlcad [Prez|Kennedy] (
14:45.56 *** join/#brlcad Nidhoggr (
16:21.57 *** join/#brlcad EricWilhelm (~ewilhelm@
20:29.58 narnia knock, knock, anyone home?
20:30.33 brlcad is that an auto-return message?
21:33.25 jano probably
22:39.31 [Prez|Kennedy] kill the auto-returner!
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050208

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050208

02:18.56 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
02:47.31 narnia knock, knock, anyone home? (this is not an auto-return, this is aslan typing from narnia. )
02:54.26 polyspin Just me
02:54.55 polyspin Haven't seen "brlcad" respond yet.
03:12.17 brlcad hello
03:27.47 polyspin Good evening.
03:27.53 polyspin I just sent a note off to Joab
03:31.54 polyspin So cool to have media coverage.
03:32.37 polyspin Have you taken a look at the "doxygen" output I dropped on the website?
03:35.32 [Prez|Kennedy] wait... who are you again polyspin??
03:35.32 polyspin Lee
03:36.00 [Prez|Kennedy] wheres the media coverage?
03:36.23 polyspin We've been contacted by someone from Government Computer News. No publication date yet.
03:37.39 [Prez|Kennedy] cool
03:38.44 polyspin way cool
03:38.49 polyspin bling
03:39.51 brlcad briefly looked at it
03:40.04 brlcad hozed my browser when I hit librt :)
03:40.32 polyspin brlcad: Yes, that's one MOBY web page.
03:40.57 brlcad i put up a cgi:irc over the weekend
03:41.10 brlcad
03:41.35 brlcad it's a start
03:42.12 *** join/#brlcad cad349 (
03:42.32 polyspin nice. Works reasonably in mozilla
03:42.52 cad349 nobody listens to that polyspin dufus do they?
03:42.55 *** join/#brlcad obligatory_test (
03:43.21 *** part/#brlcad cad349 (
03:43.35 brlcad :)
03:44.07 obligatory_test i dont keep the people interested enough in my channel
03:44.12 obligatory_test should close up shop
03:44.27 obligatory_test talking to myself gets boring there...
03:44.44 brlcad heh
03:44.49 obligatory_test the only time people go there is when they want something :-\
03:45.41 *** join/#brlcad TravisTea (
03:47.16 polyspin too bad. from the freshmeat article it looks like a cool package.
03:54.46 [Prez|Kennedy] gotta check out the free webhosts once in awhile
03:58.01 brlcad woo hoo! .. got it working
03:58.33 brlcad PrezKennedy: offer still stands should you change your mind
03:59.22 PrezKennedy i just look in case i need to store crap somewhere :-)
03:59.45 brlcad 1% usage
04:00.29 PrezKennedy cant leave my current home...
04:00.40 PrezKennedy might do something else on .bz if its ok though
04:01.14 brlcad polyspin: it'd take video feeds or a lot more graphics
04:02.04 brlcad jpgraph is cool :)
04:02.10 polyspin wanna host the MacMod videos?
04:02.57 brlcad I was thinking maybe freebsd mirror
04:03.18 PrezKennedy brlcad, id like to do a wiki project.....
04:03.27 polyspin that's pretty low bandwidth.
04:03.47 brlcad looked into helping out wikipedia as a cache node
04:04.35 brlcad but they're presently shoveling almost 100Mbit/s in the US out of FL alone
04:05.05 brlcad which explains why there performance is crap
04:06.23 PrezKennedy its funny... whenever i read an article featured on their homepage i find something like "shit" or "fuck you" injected in the middle of a random paragraph
04:08.50 polyspin Hmm. the page on BRL-CAD is a little off. Mike started it in 1979.
04:09.31 polyspin I'll have to check that.
04:09.37 brlcad I added that
04:09.45 brlcad was referring to code commits
04:09.57 polyspin Got it.
04:10.19 polyspin I think Earl Weaver made the challenge to Mike in '79. I'll have to ask Earl.
04:10.32 polyspin That was the start of "vged"
04:17.23 polyspin 'nite all!
04:17.30 PrezKennedy good night!
04:23.03 brlcad wow, wasn't even close to thinking about sleep
04:23.16 PrezKennedy hey that logging turned out to be useful!
04:23.32 PrezKennedy awww man pick me up i have coupons!
04:23.33 brlcad which logging?
04:23.39 brlcad heh
04:23.58 brlcad you mean .bz's?
04:24.00 PrezKennedy the logging you warn about in the greeting
04:24.03 PrezKennedy yeah
04:24.37 brlcad I've had to use it a couple times to recall something I did
04:24.46 PrezKennedy yeah thats what im doing
04:24.59 brlcad only problem is the logs live in /var which doesn't have much disk space
04:25.06 jano eeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwww
04:25.08 jano McD's
04:25.10 jano yuck
04:25.11 jano :P
04:25.16 brlcad i've filled up /var twice already
04:25.35 brlcad need to link /var/log to /usr/var/log or something
04:25.39 jano McD's will fill more than /var
04:25.56 jano try /tmp and /dev/hdc[0-9]
04:26.02 jano :D
04:26.05 brlcad normally wouldn't have a mc'd craving, but I really do crave some fries for some reason
04:26.10 PrezKennedy well it all goes into /dev/null anyways
04:26.17 brlcad usually happens like once every 4 months :)
04:26.22 jano I'm sure you've heard the news about jason, eh?
04:26.32 brlcad yep :)
04:26.35 brlcad crazy
04:26.36 jano :)
04:26.55 PrezKennedy time to upload me some stuff and waste some space
04:27.03 brlcad yay
04:28.08 jano yeah
04:28.13 jano backups would be good
04:28.16 jano i need a place for phole
04:28.20 brlcad makes me nervous
04:28.33 jano our electricity bill is running through the roof
04:28.48 brlcad my box here actually rsyncs it, but it's not as ideal as I'd like
04:29.05 jano doesn't your service provider do backups?
04:29.30 brlcad if I purchase it
04:30.06 jano ah
04:30.13 brlcad mildly reasonable .. could do all of the existing data for a mere $10/month
04:30.35 jano *shrug*
04:30.42 jano how often they do backups?
04:30.49 jano dialy, weekly, monthly?
04:30.54 brlcad it'd be daily
04:30.59 jano very nice
04:31.22 brlcad the thing is I can have that all rsync to other systems here too
04:31.40 jano oo
04:31.45 jano rsync has some cool features
04:31.52 jano i like the rolling backups with hard links
04:31.59 jano that's some funky schtuff
04:32.19 jano I got a heart rate monitor watch today :D
04:32.40 jano so cool.. it like tells me if I'm working out too hard or not enough
04:32.45 brlcad I have it set up now so that it'll do a bidirectional sync of directories I specify
04:32.48 jano i feel like I've already lost two pounds
04:32.50 brlcad only a couple dirs in there
04:33.04 brlcad ahh, I love my heart rate monitor
04:33.07 brlcad which one did you get?
04:33.27 jano polar a5.. I originally bought the s120 for triathlon stuff, but it didn't have a backlight
04:33.39 jano the next one up was too expensive
04:33.47 jano which do you have?
04:35.16 brlcad polar s150
04:35.30 jano ah
04:35.37 jano yeah.. too expensive :)
04:35.54 brlcad got a great deal :)
04:35.57 jano lucky you!
04:36.05 brlcad and it's the base one geared for cylists
04:36.09 brlcad er, cyclists
04:36.19 jano the s series is for triathlon, no?
04:36.25 jano biking, swimming, running
04:36.26 brlcad still haven't programmed it for my wheel size or anything
04:36.35 jano i'm not allowed to bike :(
04:36.43 brlcad heh
04:36.52 brlcad yet you surf
04:37.05 jano can't go surfing yet because of the sun :(
04:37.13 jano this year started so good
04:38.01 brlcad
04:38.41 brlcad i've worn it all day a couple times
04:39.01 jano
04:39.25 brlcad seem to have a heart rate slightly higher than most
04:39.35 PrezKennedy whats the address again?
04:39.37 jano yeah, i remember we talked about that
04:39.41 PrezKennedy to get to public_html from the web?
04:40.27 jano you know what really ticked me off about polar?
04:40.34 brlcad yeah, I remember that chart
04:40.38 brlcad the others are way to expensive
04:40.41 jano their low-end models don't have a frickin' light
04:40.50 jano i like to go workout before dawn or after dark
04:40.51 brlcad though I would have liked the wireless bike sensor
04:41.02 PrezKennedy was it ~prezkennedy?
04:41.18 brlcad yep
04:41.26 PrezKennedy
04:41.27 brlcad er no
04:41.34 brlcad ~username
04:41.46 jano <-- what I've got
04:41.48 PrezKennedy thats right
04:43.12 brlcad damn, I wanna go workout now
04:43.23 brlcad AND go to Mc
04:43.25 brlcad D's
04:43.41 jano hahah
04:44.11 jano eewww
04:44.12 brlcad hmm.. noticed last week that the one in abingdon is open 24-7 now
04:44.18 brlcad taco bell would work too
04:44.21 jano yucky poo
04:44.25 PrezKennedy theyre definitely open
04:44.27 brlcad must be a salt craving
04:44.28 jano del taco better
04:44.30 jano :P
04:44.39 jano del taco has really good hamburgers
04:44.42 jano :D
04:45.13 jano just have some pringles
04:45.19 jano mmm
04:48.00 brlcad i have crab chips in my car..
04:48.16 brlcad but the thought of those fries is driving me nuts
04:48.16 PrezKennedy so many shell accounts...
04:48.21 brlcad fries and some tacos
04:49.20 jano dude
04:49.30 jano I've had this aweful craving for blue crabs
04:50.35 jano i'm thinking about making a trip out there, this time in season
04:50.40 jano what do you think?
04:52.00 PrezKennedy yay i finally figured it out!
04:53.40 brlcad mm.. crabs
04:53.51 jano hmm
04:53.54 brlcad you'd see nettie all huge
04:53.58 jano yeah
04:54.04 jano that'd be worth it :D
04:54.05 jano but
04:54.12 jano i don't want to get in the way
04:54.14 jano dangit
04:54.32 jano i was gonna say wait until next year
04:54.41 jano but.. then they're actually going to have a child in the house
04:54.49 jano maybe I just stay in a hotel
04:56.19 PrezKennedy wow that fast...
04:56.47 narnia brlcad, hello, how goes it? i am coming to the conclusion that opencascade is not being maintained. i found two glaring errors in two of the source files that anyone should have been able to catch.
04:57.12 narnia brlcad, have you ever heard of 'names'?
04:58.09 jano bingo was his namo
05:00.19 narnia brlcad,
05:01.06 narnia names == North American Model Engineering Society
05:01.49 narnia brlcad, the expo is where the guys from nists, fred proctor and others, show off enhanced machine controller.
05:02.15 narnia brlcad, it would also be a place to show off brl-cad. hint hint.
05:02.28 brlcad ahh
05:03.41 brlcad I follow the Solid Modeling assocation and a couple of the guys have presented papers there before, never heard of NAMES, though
05:03.46 narnia i have not been able to attend in years. not being able to drive sort of prevents my attending. :-(
05:04.04 brlcad ahh, not a conference.. just an expo? 8 bucks, wow.
05:04.57 narnia brlcad, all the model egineer geeks get together. sort of a 'dog and pony' show.
05:06.15 narnia you know what dod contractors are like . they but on a good 'dog and pony' show. or the 'cadillac' the prototype to show that they are able to build the item.
05:07.02 narnia well this is were the model engineer geeks put on their 'dog and pony' show.
05:36.46 narnia brlcad, just now finished compiling opencascade. the one sample app which will load a step file actually works. it is loading a step file for a yanmar diesel engine. step file 40+mbytes. good test to see if opencascade tanks or not. ;-)
05:42.07 narnia knock, knock, anyone home? (this is not an auto-return, this is aslan typing from narnia. )
05:46.02 brlcad ahh, so it worked
05:46.13 brlcad ?
05:47.41 narnia brlcad, ?????
05:49.23 narnia brlcad, the sample app is still loading the step file. last attempt took 2+hrs to load the 40+mbyte step file. this is on a 1.4ghz amd anthlon with 1gbyte of ram.
05:49.31 brlcad the step import/export worked?
05:49.43 brlcad good grief
05:49.49 brlcad that's horrible
05:51.44 narnia brlcad, well last attempted blew its brains out. ( seg fault ) i think i fix the code. i am not a c++ programmer. i am a c programmer.
05:52.17 narnia imho c++ just leads to bloatware.
05:52.31 brlcad heh
05:52.53 brlcad well brl-cad is one large and fairly well tuned c code :)
05:53.35 brlcad only bloat is probably in mged, and that's just because of tcl
05:53.36 narnia brlcad, brl-cad is near bulletproof.
05:54.33 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
05:55.07 brlcad c++ has it's uses if done well
05:55.19 brlcad it's just so easy to use it poorly
05:55.26 narnia yes, which is extremely rare.
05:58.34 narnia still loading.
05:59.28 brlcad what license is opencascade under?
06:06.45 narnia brlcad, you would have to read it. it is a rather odd opensource public license.
06:07.28 narnia i doubt is is compatible with gnu gpl.
06:07.34 PrezKennedy grrr these tikiwiki people are killing me
06:08.40 PrezKennedy can it reach france?
06:14.56 *** join/#brlcad parasite- (
06:15.48 brlcad ls -la
06:15.49 narnia brlcad, well it finally loaded the step file and is displaying a wireframe of it. one minor program the diesel is resting on its fan blade. coordinate system must be hosed.
06:15.52 narnia :-(
06:16.09 brlcad ahh, fun
06:16.20 brlcad that's easy to fix though
06:16.41 *** join/#brlcad [Prez|Kennedy] (~Matthew@
06:16.53 brlcad though if they're not open source, it's not much use either
06:17.38 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
06:17.58 brlcad cept as a secondary conversion app
06:18.08 narnia i asked fred proctor at nist if he had a copy of the various iso step standards that i could borrow. i have not heard back from fred.
06:20.58 brlcad if they're as cheap as you mentioned to get a copy, that would be easy enough
06:21.36 brlcad it's just a matter of whether electronic copies are possible
06:21.47 narnia brlcad, yes.
06:22.00 narnia brlcad, pdf
06:22.13 brlcad hrm.. that implies..
06:22.40 narnia checkout then find the webstore.
06:31.30 *** join/#brlcad noyb (
06:53.01 *** join/#brlcad learner (
06:53.01 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by ChanServ
06:59.34 narnia brlcad, which two axis are probably swapped? any idea?
07:01.40 narnia brlcad, more general question. in brl-cad x-axis is left-to-right, y-axis is front-to-back, z-axis is top-to-bottom. postive x-axis is which direction? positive y-axis is which direction? positive z-axis is which direction?
07:07.54 learner it's a "standard" right-hand coordinate system in brl-cad
07:08.14 learner images are first quadrant, which might take a while to get used to
07:10.33 learner so in rh, positive z is the cross-prod. of x to y axes
07:11.33 learner i.e. if you look at a top-down view, you are looking from positive to negative Z and standard 2d image quadrants apply (1st quadrand is positive x,y)
07:12.35 learner 2 | 1
07:12.40 learner -----
07:12.44 learner 3 | 4
07:20.10 narnia learner, okay got it.
07:21.35 narnia learner, i will run mged later today and figure it out.
07:27.10 learner more specific to your example: pos x would be on the left, positive y is in front, positive z is up top
07:32.45 learner
07:33.18 learner ack, ip change
07:34.08 learner
07:47.38 narnia learner, that does not tell me anything about the relationship of the axis to the screen. is x-axis left to right or front-to-back? is y-axis left to right or front-to-back?
07:48.37 narnia learner, in either case x/y axis positive axis is into the screen.
07:48.58 learner huh? you can view it from any one of those axes
07:50.14 learner i.e. if you're looking down the Z axis, you're looking at +x on the right, -x on the left, y axis would be top-bottom
07:51.27 narnia yes that is true. but there is a 'world' view of the object. in cam/cnc/edm the z-axis is always top-to-bottom. the y-axis is normally the longer of the two axis x and y. the x-axis is the shorter of the two axis x and y.
07:52.24 learner ahh, you mean what is brl-cad's up vector
07:52.37 narnia yes
07:53.02 learner completely depends on the model :)
07:53.13 learner some are modeled with +z as up, some with +y
07:55.31 learner mged itself treats +z as up
07:57.26 learner so if you ask for a top view, it's a top-down view where you're looking down the Z axis from +z
07:58.40 narnia yes, than positve y-axis is into the screen and positive x-axis is to the right and positive z-axis is up/sky/top
08:00.44 learner not quite
08:00.53 learner positive y is out of the screen
08:01.30 narnia not according to the diagram you had earlier.
08:02.00 learner eh? .. it's almost showing you that already
08:02.07 learner +y is coming towards you.. out of the screen
08:02.17 learner +x is to the left, -x to the right
08:02.21 learner +z up
09:53.52 [Prez|Kennedy] movin to the new fileserver soon... gonna be faaaaaaast
10:23.32 brlcad movin to the old bed soon... gonna be sleeeping
13:21.11 *** join/#brlcad tjyang2001 (
13:22.27 tjyang2001 where is the brlcad binaries for win32 ?
18:08.30 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (~Matthew@
18:17.59 *** join/#brlcad DarkMaster (
18:18.52 DarkMaster didnt take long for my connection to die
18:50.32 *** join/#brlcad tjyang-talksoup (
21:29.38 *** join/#brlcad Griz_food (
23:03.13 brlcad ahh, a modeler
23:05.45 Griz_nite lol
23:05.49 Griz_nite hey there ;)
23:05.57 Griz_nite I'm thrilled
23:06.22 Griz_nite for ages and ages I'm using linux for everything else, but until recently I didn't find a CAD software that would do...
23:06.33 Griz_nite except for architectural stuff where cycas is quite good...
23:06.43 Griz_nite now be sure I'll try brlcad soon...
23:06.52 Griz_nite but for tonite it's getting late, and I'm off
23:06.58 Griz_nite goodnite :)
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050209

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050209

00:19.35 narnia knock, knock, anyone home? (this is not an auto-return, this is aslan typing from narnia. )
00:24.23 EricWilhelm just us lurkers
00:34.14 jano bork bork bork
00:46.50 brlcad heh
02:31.16 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
02:35.09 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (~Matthew@
02:56.25 *** join/#brlcad [Prez|Kennedy] (~Matthew@
04:27.38 *** join/#brlcad parasite- ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
04:27.38 *** join/#brlcad Nidhoggr ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:09.19 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (~Matthew@
06:17.11 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
07:03.25 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (~Matthew@
07:18.59 *** join/#brlcad noyb (
07:26.15 *** part/#brlcad noyb (
11:35.23 *** join/#brlcad cad632 (
14:08.22 *** join/#brlcad Grizzly` (
14:27.22 *** join/#brlcad Grizzly` (
14:27.58 Grizzly` <PROTECTED>
14:28.12 Grizzly` that was very stupid indeed!
17:07.07 *** join/#brlcad denton (~anonymous@
17:09.12 denton Hi, I was looking on SF and noticed the corrupt Linux binaries were still there (7.0.0). I'm sure you folks are busy, but do you have an idea when the functional binaries will be posted?
18:05.07 brlcad denton: I've been meaning to fix that for days now
18:05.14 brlcad yes, quite busy -- apologies
18:05.39 brlcad I'll see if I can get that uploaded within 12 hours
18:17.16 brlcad narnia: page 18 of Volume III covers some more aspects of the coordinate systen that might be of interest
18:17.28 brlcad
18:59.45 *** join/#brlcad kraig01 (
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20:24.11 *** join/#brlcad EricWilhelm (~ewilhelm@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
20:58.03 *** join/#brlcad learner (~brlcad@brlcad.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
20:58.03 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by
21:57.38 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (~Matthew@
22:02.04 *** join/#brlcad PhantomBantam (
22:33.06 denton brlcad: OK. Thanks!
23:14.26 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050210

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050210

00:05.43 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/librt/g_bot_include.c:
00:05.43 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: Fixed bad boundary condition where bot has EXACTLY rt_bot_minpieces triangles. This caused
00:05.43 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: the bot to have a bogus st_aradius, which caused the primitive to be deleted from the model.
03:40.12 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: sketches extruded with non-square AB vectors results in inner sketch components not getting scaled properly.
03:42.37 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: fixed minimal BoT disappearance bug
04:12.52 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
04:38.43 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (~Matthew@
05:58.36 *** join/#brlcad [Prez|Kennedy] (~Matthew@
06:08.50 *** join/#brlcad DarkMaster (~Matthew@
06:17.48 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
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06:44.51 *** join/#brlcad [Prez|Kennedy] (~Matthew@
07:01.24 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
08:18.10 *** join/#brlcad cad143 (
14:40.00 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
15:31.49 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
15:31.49 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.0.2 Source is posted || Release 7.0.0 binaries now available for Linux and IRIX || 7.0.4 Release Date is Today!
16:34.53 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
16:34.54 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.0.2 Source is posted || Release 7.0.0 binaries now available for Linux and IRIX || 7.0.4 Release Date is Today!
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050211

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050211

03:02.04 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
06:18.42 *** join/#brlcad [Prez|Kennedy] (~Matthew@
06:18.46 jano bork
06:18.49 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
07:59.34 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ unify the available options and add --version to just output versions; clean up alternate search dir searching.
09:57.12 *** join/#brlcad parasite- ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
14:58.18 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/m4/mkdirp.m4: move macro definitions from acinclude.m4 to their own directory; AM_PROG_MKDIR_P from automake 1.9
15:00.28 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ traverse the m4 directory too; use ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS to include m4 dir
15:01.38 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/acinclude.m4: move macro definitions from acinclude.m4 to their own m4 directory
15:05.19 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/m4/ initial makefile to include m4 files
15:06.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ generate the m4 directory makefile
15:15.24 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ generate a zip and bzip2 automatically when we make dist
16:59.13 *** join/#brlcad denton (~anonymous@
18:02.59 *** join/#brlcad CIA-10 (
18:04.14 *** join/#brlcad CIA-temp458 (
18:13.31 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: it shall be numbered 7.2.0 and release preparations begin
18:18.48 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/README: number it 7.2.0, mention the libtool incompatibility
18:25.15 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ preparations for release 7.2.0
18:29.31 narnia knock, knock, anyone home? (this is not an autoreply. this is aslan typing form narnia. )
18:40.18 *** topic/#brlcad by brlcad -> || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.0 is under way today (20050211)...
18:55.55 jano ~#
18:55.56 ibot hmm... # is pound, or hash, or sometimes the number sign. a tic-tac-toe board
18:56.00 jano screen shot of bash in action
18:56.01 jano :D
18:56.14 jano ~
19:03.12 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ temporary BRL-CAD hack due to libtool incompatibility
19:13.12 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ remove the hack.. not sure of the specific version
21:17.57 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/other/URToolkit/cnv/rletovcr.c:
21:17.57 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: Fixed typo in main(): outfname was declared as a character, not a pointer to a character.
21:17.57 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: This meant it could not be passed to rle_open_f() as the filename
22:11.25 *** join/#brlcad henryk (
22:12.32 henryk q
22:12.35 henryk stats
22:13.02 henryk ?
22:14.29 *** join/#brlcad henryk (
22:16.28 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/regress/
22:16.28 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: The makefile was not re-running the regression test if the test had prevously
22:16.28 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: been run. Changed the target to a ".PHONY" so that the regression test is
22:16.28 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: ALWAYS run.
22:17.04 *** join/#brlcad henryk (
22:22.23 *** join/#brlcad henryk (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050212

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050212

01:20.34 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
01:47.48 *** join/#brlcad wegstar (
01:48.32 *** part/#brlcad wegstar (
01:58.15 narnia knock, knock, anyone home? (this is not an autoreply. this is aslan typing form narnia. )
02:06.12 polyspin Just us chickens here
02:22.15 polyspin excellent on the wiki
02:24.52 polyspin ugh! bwish doesn't build on Irix64
02:25.15 brlcad ehh..
02:25.32 polyspin or rather, it builds but dumps core
02:25.36 brlcad ahh
02:26.14 brlcad hrm, I recall that happening as a result of 64bitness inconsistencies
02:26.31 brlcad there's an environment variable to force 64bit iirc
02:27.03 polyspin we didn't need it for release 7.0
02:27.25 polyspin I ws very careful to get the Irix build stuff in the bottom of INSTALL
02:27.39 brlcad yeah, i remember..
02:28.00 brlcad perhaps the environment var's still needed
02:28.40 polyspin which env var? what setting?
02:30.35 brlcad not positive, trying to find it -- setenv SGI_ABI 64 -- might be it
02:31.44 brlcad er "-64"
02:32.14 polyspin LDFLAGS and CFLAGS both already include -64
02:32.48 brlcad i know.. shouldn't need to
02:46.08 polyspin What brought that comment on?
02:46.41 PrezKennedy "you've been on my block list for a few months and so some odd reason i decided to unblock u and annoy you:-) hmm...who haven't you talked to in a while??"
02:50.19 brlcad i think DVRs are one of those technologies that will eventually take off big once they fall below the $200 threshhold
02:50.47 brlcad i get the same feeling of "can't live without" that I had with my dvd player years ago before they took off
02:51.02 brlcad i've heard the same about xm radio.. should try it
02:54.09 brlcad my metric is usually when I no longer have to explain what it is or why they might care to other family members ;)
02:54.24 brlcad lots of simple country folk
02:55.42 brlcad i remember buying my parents a dvd player 7 years ago or something and having to explain why it was good
02:56.16 polyspin Prez: Held up awaiting funding
02:56.17 brlcad don't think they've used the vcr since (cept maybe some kids tape for visiting young folk)
02:58.26 PrezKennedy ill pass that on when i see people ask
02:58.31 PrezKennedy cuz they ask at least once a day
02:59.23 polyspin I'll pass that along to mgmt, but I doubt they care who is asking for what.
03:23.35 *** join/#brlcad tjyang (
03:26.31 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/libpng/ don't need to compile example.c
03:44.13 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/other/libutahrle/inv_cmap.c: Ancient syntax updated: static variable -> static int variable
03:57.44 jano xm radio is nice
03:57.50 jano the technology is very immature yet
04:14.18 polyspin Thank you jim jones ;-)
04:15.57 brlcad haha
04:16.44 brlcad ooooohh.. it's .. it's.. WORKING! ..
04:17.17 polyspin working?
04:17.26 brlcad something else I've had in mind for a long time
04:17.42 brlcad wrote a little lisp function
04:18.11 brlcad to feed to emacs that makes it effectively perform a M-x indent-region
04:18.12 polyspin That's like doing a little crack
04:18.32 brlcad i.e. apply automated consistent formatting
04:19.19 brlcad not nearly as rude to the sources as crafting an 'indent' script
04:19.31 brlcad it just makes the file conform to the indentation specified in the footer
04:19.46 brlcad and.. it even works :)
04:20.06 brlcad wow, that's so cool :)
04:20.20 brlcad I've wanted this script for years
04:20.34 polyspin as my son would say: <i>awesome</i>
04:20.49 brlcad it's a simple 7 lines of actual logic too
04:22.55 polyspin Yeah, but what's the log of the number of parentheses?
04:28.55 brlcad :)
04:39.46 PrezKennedy id like to reiterate what i said earlier
04:40.13 polyspin about the windows release? 8-)
04:40.23 PrezKennedy yes that too
04:40.55 PrezKennedy long live windows...
04:40.57 PrezKennedy and all that stuff
04:41.28 brlcad he's on a mission
04:41.40 PrezKennedy i say this because if it werent for windows i wouldnt have a job...
04:41.54 PrezKennedy you know... finding the cracked ones
04:42.14 brlcad in mother russia, the cracked ones find YOU
04:42.34 PrezKennedy so very true...
04:43.33 PrezKennedy yeah tell my dad i said "long live windows"
04:43.42 PrezKennedy ill never hear the end of it
04:45.07 brlcad hrm.. bwish worked here just fine when I exported SGI_ABI before the build
04:48.13 polyspin btclsh?
04:48.28 brlcad also fine
04:48.47 brlcad bash-2.03$ btclsh
04:48.47 brlcad btclsh> puts hello
04:48.49 brlcad hello
04:49.48 brlcad ahh, if I try to run the uninstalled one, it seg faults
04:49.55 polyspin yeap.
04:50.18 polyspin And that's what the "ami.tcl" script is trying to do.
04:50.26 brlcad that'd be a bug in libtool
04:50.35 brlcad since it makes those wrappers
04:50.46 polyspin Oh joy. 8-/
04:50.50 brlcad it did a make install just fine for me though
04:51.34 polyspin I've added a comment to the bottom of my copy of INSTALL to remind me to set the variable
04:51.43 jano spiderman
04:51.49 jano runs around
04:51.52 jano in a garbage can
04:52.07 jano spins a web
04:52.14 jano and has a web cam
04:52.14 brlcad looks like btclsh runs fine as ./btclsh but bwish doesn't
04:52.16 jano look out
04:52.19 jano here comes spiderman
04:54.19 polyspin jano: Pfffft!
04:54.59 jano polyspin: f00f
04:55.51 polyspin Monty Python rule #5: No f00fters
04:55.53 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/batch-indent-region.el: initial batch-indent-region.el script that uses emacs batch mode to automatically indent the source code (less rude on modifying style than 'indent').
04:56.28 jano bah humbug
04:56.30 *** join/#brlcad JesseW (
04:56.40 brlcad hello JesseW
04:56.46 *** part/#brlcad JesseW (
04:56.56 polyspin goodbye JesseW
04:56.57 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/ add batch-indent-region.el as well as other files that need to be distcleaned
04:57.18 jano hello
04:57.20 jano i love you
04:57.24 jano won't you tell me your name
04:57.29 polyspin jano: no
04:57.46 polyspin jano: are you drunk or stoned?
04:57.47 jano rider's on the storm
04:57.57 polyspin which?
04:58.09 jano i wonder if "bored" counts as a state of intoxication
04:58.26 jano it certainly ends in an -ed
04:58.32 jano hmm
04:59.18 polyspin If jano's bored we can put him to work on the buglist
04:59.41 jano me with sourcecode, now there's a scary idea
05:00.18 polyspin shades of rogue: an elf runs into the room and takes $25 from jano
05:00.18 brlcad a blender exporter that dumps brl-cad files ;)
05:00.24 brlcad you've written one before :P
05:00.37 jano hmm
05:00.51 jano maybe i'm not so bored anymore.............................
05:00.56 brlcad mm.. rouge
05:03.27 polyspin hrm: export SGI_ABI=-64 didn't change anything
05:03.44 jano hrrrm
05:03.51 jano I wanna wanna wanna wanna fanta
05:04.50 brlcad wierd
05:04.57 brlcad so yours fails during install?
05:05.06 polyspin during build.
05:05.20 brlcad hrm
05:05.34 brlcad tclscripts dir i assume
05:05.51 polyspin yeap
05:06.20 jano tcl?
05:06.21 brlcad yeah, works cleanly here
05:06.26 jano tcl me elmo
05:07.01 brlcad you did a clean rebuild?
05:07.12 brlcad from configure forward
05:08.00 polyspin Thought I did, but I'll do it again. If I run the binary (not the wrapper script) it works.
05:08.14 brlcad only difference I can think of is the machines we're on if you did
05:08.25 brlcad bash-2.03$ make
05:08.26 brlcad <PROTECTED>
05:08.29 brlcad ../../src/tclscripts
05:08.30 brlcad ... etc etc
05:08.32 brlcad <PROTECTED>
05:08.54 polyspin doing make clean ; configure ...
05:09.46 jano ~#
05:09.47 ibot rumour has it, # is pound, or hash, or sometimes the number sign. a tic-tac-toe board
05:09.50 polyspin vast
05:10.47 polyspin No, not yet. I'm consuming CPU
05:10.55 brlcad heh, okay
05:11.48 PrezKennedy mmmm tacos
05:11.55 PrezKennedy taco bell?
05:12.52 jano eeewww
05:15.50 PrezKennedy same place different name
05:16.07 jano where's the beef?
05:16.18 jano del taco is different from taco bell
05:16.21 jano :P
05:16.31 PrezKennedy they should have gone with taco del
05:43.00 polyspin Where did you get the SGI_ABI variable name from?
05:43.18 polyspin That's right, he's out for tacos
06:01.00 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
06:11.34 polyspin evenin
06:13.20 brlcad and begins enjoying tacos
06:13.40 polyspin was TB open this late?
06:13.47 brlcad open till 3
06:14.10 brlcad the McD's is open 24x7 now in abingdon
06:14.43 polyspin Where did you get the SGI_ABI variable name from?
06:16.11 brlcad man abi
06:24.20 polyspin I still can't get a clean build on VAST
06:24.55 brlcad i'll see how mine goes
06:27.45 brlcad hmm.. someone's got a run-away jove process running on vast
06:27.59 brlcad wow..
06:28.19 brlcad been running for over 36 days
06:28.51 polyspin kermit has gone su a couple of times tonight. I think maybe he's been trying to kill it.
06:28.55 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/other/ (14 files in 3 dirs):
06:28.56 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: Changes to quell compiler warnings on SGI.
06:28.56 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: Mostly turning "static var" into "static int var" or similar,
06:28.56 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: and deleting unused variable declarations.
06:31.38 brlcad heh, I see you found a few more bugs in urt
06:31.53 brlcad probably news worthy
06:32.28 polyspin I haven't committed NEWS yet
06:32.32 brlcad since a couple seem potentially crash-causing
06:32.35 polyspin I was holding off on that
06:34.01 polyspin yes. I was just holding off the NEWS commit until I/we solve the SGI issue
06:35.30 polyspin I also haven't committed "INSTALL" for the same reason.
06:36.04 brlcad have to be careful on INSTALL.. sometimes configure and/or will edit that file
06:36.19 brlcad ahh, though you did edi
06:36.24 brlcad for SGI_ABI
06:38.15 polyspin edit, but not commmit
06:38.57 brlcad how's he doing?
06:39.08 brlcad sleeping i hope..
06:39.36 polyspin Yes, though he just whined in his sleep. I'm expecting him up soon. He's due for more medication soon.
06:39.56 polyspin He's been real slug-ish tonight. I've never seen him so sapped
06:41.07 polyspin fever is down though
06:41.56 brlcad that's something at least
06:42.04 brlcad poor fella
06:43.46 polyspin when you built on walrus, did you use cc?
06:44.36 brlcad heh
06:44.48 brlcad you know.. i'm not sure..
06:45.35 brlcad gcc would have defaulted to 32bit
06:45.36 polyspin top
06:45.56 polyspin sorry, wrong window
07:01.43 polyspin did it work?
07:03.53 brlcad still installing
07:04.21 polyspin The build worked?
07:04.31 polyspin which compiler?
07:04.31 brlcad yep, no problem
07:04.36 brlcad cc
07:05.44 brlcad where did you run
07:05.56 brlcad installed cleanly too
07:06.22 polyspin xon
07:06.23 brlcad what does this give: grep VERSION= misc/
07:07.03 polyspin 1.4.3
07:07.29 polyspin where did you autogen?
07:07.50 brlcad same version here
07:11.45 polyspin what's your path?
07:13.43 brlcad i autogen'd on amdws1 iirc
07:15.53 brlcad PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/krb5/bin:/usr/brl/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/news/bin:/usr/bsd:/usr/local/bin:/usr/pine/bin:/usr/aos/bin:/etc:/usr/etc:/usr/X11/bin:/usr/brlcad/bin:/usr/mdqs/bin:/usr/gnu/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:.:
07:21.58 polyspin can you compare your config file to mine: /vld3/butler/BRLCAD/mips64_brlcad-7.2.0
07:22.57 brlcad heh, no difference
07:23.14 polyspin I'm building in a shell with your path
07:23.27 brlcad same libtool and too
07:24.05 brlcad different config.log's though
07:24.40 polyspin significant?
07:25.04 brlcad not sure.. they're PATH lines
07:25.51 brlcad /tmp/config_log.diff
07:26.07 polyspin perm denied
07:26.17 brlcad again
07:32.32 polyspin still dies. Which shell?
07:35.00 brlcad bash
07:35.32 polyspin is it /usr/gnu/bin/bash?
07:35.35 brlcad doesn't make much sense
07:35.52 brlcad yes, /usr/gnu/bin/bash
07:37.26 brlcad /tmp/set.txt for environment
07:38.00 brlcad never set anything up on vast, so it should all be default profile user settings except for SGI_ABI
07:42.53 polyspin if that's the case, I should be able to delete my . files and have your environment
07:43.45 brlcad well, I do have a .profile that was preexisting
07:43.58 brlcad looks like a default user profile loaded from somewhere
07:51.04 polyspin Which make?
07:52.08 brlcad gmake that last time
07:52.39 brlcad ./configure CC=cc CFLAGS=-64 LDFLAGS=-64 --enable-64bit-build --prefix=/usr/brlcad7.2/mips64
07:52.44 brlcad gmake -j9
07:53.16 polyspin I only used 7 procs. Suppose that's it? ;-)
07:53.59 polyspin bg
07:55.54 brlcad heh
07:56.24 brlcad hrm.. our binaries might be different
07:57.16 polyspin see /tmp/myset.txt
07:57.59 brlcad diff: /vld3/butler/BRLCAD/mips64_brlcad-7.2.0/src/bwish/btclsh: Permission denied
07:58.20 brlcad denied on myset too
07:59.10 polyspin set on /tmp/myset, building the other now.
08:01.03 polyspin perms set on btclsh
08:01.16 polyspin dies in the same place
08:07.30 polyspin wtF is going on?
08:07.41 brlcad i really don't see anything of significance different..
08:08.28 brlcad try running /vld/morrison/brlcad-7.2.0/src/bwish/btclsh
08:08.53 polyspin perm denied
08:08.56 brlcad yours does crash on me
08:09.19 brlcad ld64: WARNING 84 : ../../src/libpkg/.libs/ is not used for resolving any symbol.
08:09.22 brlcad ld64: WARNING 84 : ../../src/libsysv/.libs/ is not used for resolving any symbol.
08:09.25 brlcad ld64: WARNING 84 : ../../src/libwdb/.libs/ is not used for resolving any symbol.
08:09.28 brlcad ld64: WARNING 84 : /usr/lib64/libz.a is not used for resolving any symbol.
08:09.30 brlcad ld64: Bus error. Removing output file...
08:09.33 brlcad cc INTERNAL ERROR: /usr/lib32/cmplrs/ld64 returned non-zero status 1
08:09.35 brlcad same error?
08:09.52 polyspin yes
08:10.48 polyspin ls -ld ~morrison
08:10.48 polyspin drwx------ 12 morrison graphics 4096 Feb 12 01:29 /vld/morrison
08:13.18 brlcad fixed
08:14.44 polyspin says /vld/morrison/brlcad-7.2.0/src/bwish/btclsh[109]: lt-btclsh: cannot execute
08:15.35 PrezKennedy what fine program do you guys use to code?
08:16.03 polyspin PK: depends on the code I'm writing
08:16.21 polyspin Java: netbeans or eclipse
08:16.34 polyspin C: emacs or eclipse
08:16.45 polyspin anything on the mac: Xcode
08:16.59 PrezKennedy vim forever!
08:17.12 polyspin I love vi for some things.
08:18.14 PrezKennedy i use vi to edit system files
08:18.45 polyspin brlcad: your umask is restrictive.
08:18.53 brlcad try again
08:18.59 brlcad yeah yeah :)
08:19.24 polyspin it runs for me
08:19.59 PrezKennedy im looking at old essays i had to write for college
08:20.16 brlcad ldd is identical
08:20.23 PrezKennedy its amazingly boring
08:21.05 polyspin your are using /usr/gnu/bin/sed in your btclsh script
08:21.27 brlcad yes, and echo instead of print -r
08:21.46 brlcad i assume that's because you wiped out your path
08:22.02 brlcad hmm..
08:22.11 brlcad your binary works fine if I drop it in place
08:22.28 brlcad so it must be something to do with sed/echo
08:22.29 polyspin yes, and I can run my binary too. It's the script that's broken
08:22.53 polyspin I've copied your script. I'm going to put my paths in it and see what happens
08:26.04 polyspin If I edit your script to put my build directories in, it dies.
08:26.28 polyspin see /vld3/butler/BRLCAD/mips64_brlcad-7.2.0/src/bwish/asdf
08:29.15 brlcad if you use verbatim with my paths, does it work?
08:29.34 polyspin If I copy yours verbatim to my dir it works
08:29.44 polyspin not sure what that means yet.
08:29.52 brlcad I can run asdf
08:30.10 polyspin hmmm. me too
08:31.11 polyspin that wasn't the case a moment ago.
08:31.20 brlcad heh
08:36.28 polyspin Hmmm. My btlcsh works now too.
08:36.35 polyspin Something's fishy.
08:36.41 brlcad yes..
08:38.27 polyspin make clean ; make and now btclsh doesn't work
08:38.44 polyspin nor does asdf
08:39.10 brlcad at least it's consistent
08:39.24 polyspin how so?
08:39.34 brlcad consistently confusing
08:41.07 polyspin ok If I run YOUR btclsh in MY directory, it "FIXES" something and then EVERYTHING works.
08:41.23 brlcad my script or my binary?
08:41.32 polyspin your script
08:42.14 brlcad okay, regenerate it again.. we can try applying the diff one at a time
08:43.04 polyspin ok, it's broken again
08:45.09 brlcad okay, i've got your dir in place of mine
08:45.13 brlcad and it fails
08:45.25 PrezKennedy gnight
08:45.37 polyspin gnight PK
08:45.39 brlcad cya
08:45.49 PrezKennedy yep see ya later
08:46.01 PrezKennedy or sooner... ;-)
08:46.31 polyspin Now if I run my copy of your btclsh (./sean) I get: ld64: FATAL 9 : I/O error (cmd.o): Permission denied
08:46.57 brlcad yeah, it's trying to link against my path
08:46.59 brlcad umask
08:47.33 brlcad fixed perms
08:48.21 polyspin it creates "lt-btclsh" when I run your script I think
08:48.31 brlcad yeah i was noticing that
08:50.37 brlcad ahh, our Makefiles differ ever so slightly
08:50.49 brlcad that's where the ECHO difference is coming from
08:51.18 brlcad INSTALL is noticeably different but we're not to that step yet
08:52.35 brlcad my bwish is in src/backup if you want to diff
08:53.33 polyspin which src?
08:53.52 polyspin perm denied
08:53.55 brlcad my /vld/morrison/brlcad-7.2.0/src/backup
08:54.47 brlcad fixed
08:57.02 polyspin it's not the echo/print difference
08:57.28 brlcad try my Makefile?
08:57.54 brlcad that should minimize the script differences too
08:58.26 polyspin no difference
08:59.14 polyspin libtool difference?
08:59.39 brlcad eh, did you make clean after the new Makefile?
09:00.23 polyspin yes
09:00.30 polyspin just in this directory
09:01.32 brlcad your btclsh still has echo=print -r
09:01.39 polyspin yes
09:01.44 brlcad yet your makefile has echo as gnubin ehco
09:01.58 polyspin interesting isn't it?
09:02.09 polyspin here, watch the directory
09:02.25 brlcad ahh, our libtool's are different
09:02.28 polyspin notice all is gone
09:03.05 brlcad oooh
09:03.08 polyspin I think that's the issue
09:03.11 brlcad fundamental libtool difference
09:03.20 polyspin yes?
09:03.30 brlcad you don't run ranlib, I do
09:03.30 polyspin other than print/echo
09:03.42 polyspin Hmmm. Let me fix that.
09:03.51 brlcad s/:/ranlib/
09:04.24 polyspin no, make clean ; ./configure with a new path
09:05.15 brlcad hmm? should just be able to edit the libtool script and rerun automake in src/bwish..
09:05.29 brlcad er, s/auto//
09:05.46 polyspin Not any more. I think it's a path issue with /usr/gnu/bin. I'm rebuilding.
09:06.29 polyspin one more minute ...
09:07.08 brlcad hrm, that's not right.. has ranlib set explicitly hidden in the tcl section..
09:07.36 polyspin yours, mine, or both?
09:07.47 brlcad both
09:08.58 polyspin compare the libtool's now
09:09.25 brlcad no difference
09:10.34 polyspin building ...
09:11.05 brlcad only difference in the config.log now is that you have no prefix and I have a few more search dirs in my path
09:11.16 brlcad results of the tests should be identical though
09:11.35 polyspin Grrr. that means I forgot to set the prefix
09:11.42 brlcad ah, heh
09:13.20 polyspin I hope this gets it. because I *really* need to sleep
09:14.03 brlcad regardless if it works.. it's not clear what the fix needs to be
09:14.57 brlcad if it's ranlib, that gets back to those various libtool.m4 files that I tried all last week to get working .. that's where the ranlib test comes from
09:15.16 polyspin Probably something flakey with the build tools on VAST. We need to make sure /usr/gnu/bin is last
09:15.22 polyspin Though I had that before.
09:16.19 brlcad part of the problem is that we're not supposed to be using ranlib with cc
09:16.34 polyspin ar -t is equivalent
09:17.27 brlcad i'll see if I can come up with a test
09:17.27 polyspin if this works, I'll try setting that in libtool
09:17.50 brlcad your should work now as it's identical to mine now
09:17.56 brlcad your set to "ranlib"
09:18.30 polyspin I think it may actually be "ar -ts"
09:28.35 polyspin Grrr. Same error
09:32.35 brlcad really..
09:32.52 polyspin yes
09:33.04 polyspin compare the libtool's
09:33.24 brlcad same
09:40.09 polyspin interesting: librt/libbn/libbu/libtcl8.4 are linked with absolute paths. the others get relative paths
09:41.27 brlcad that would be due to their use of the brlcad_root I think
09:41.39 brlcad or other dependencies on @prefix@
09:43.57 brlcad on an unrelated point.. the dependancy tracking seems to be completely disabled -- don't recall if it's ever worked yet, but it is off now meaning source edits won't force an update of their targets
09:52.21 polyspin I have a theory about what's going wrong
09:53.11 polyspin It has to do with command line lengths. The path to my directory is too long, and the link line exceeds the shell command line buffer.
09:53.17 polyspin That's my theory
09:53.38 polyspin I edited the script to remove the libraries that btclsh doesn't need, and now it works.
09:53.46 brlcad hrmmmmmmm
09:54.04 brlcad perhaps try the exact same build in /tmp ?
09:54.31 polyspin Something like that.
10:12.33 polyspin BINGO!
10:12.40 polyspin I can sleep now.
10:12.55 brlcad looks like it skips the cmd line length check because we're using cc
10:13.19 polyspin oops
10:13.27 brlcad it doesn't even make it into the configure script
10:14.04 polyspin is there another way we should be selecting cc?
10:14.42 brlcad not that I've ever read of or seen
10:15.03 polyspin ok. I sleep now.
10:15.04 brlcad I just think it's not a very frequently tested setup
10:15.34 brlcad at least we know the problem now
10:15.49 polyspin I wouldn't mind if it didn't try to seek out gcc, but took the first compiler in the path.
10:17.01 polyspin gnight
10:17.14 brlcad night
11:12.11 *** join/#brlcad EricWilhelm (~ewilhelm@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
11:58.48 *** join/#brlcad EricWilhelm (~ewilhelm@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
13:28.31 *** join/#brlcad Falmarion (
13:28.41 *** part/#brlcad Falmarion (
16:16.33 *** join/#brlcad cad529 (
16:26.40 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
16:33.58 Pimpinella wow 7.2 alredy?
16:34.25 brlcad yeah
16:34.49 Pimpinella used your development turbo? ;)
16:35.07 brlcad feature-wise it's just 7.0.6, but we have to bump the minor number for other reasons
16:35.42 Pimpinella ic
16:35.48 brlcad hopefully it's the last time we'll have to do that
16:36.21 Pimpinella do you have a minute for me?
16:36.43 brlcad we're still having to lay out distribution plans and information assurance plans for folks worried about this open source thing
16:37.01 Pimpinella k, later than
16:37.10 brlcad configuration management concerns
16:37.14 brlcad sure, I've got a min
16:37.35 Pimpinella ic, prolly switch to bz then ;)
18:26.44 *** join/#brlcad manfred (
18:27.23 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ substitute LIBTOOL_DEPS which may or may not happen for us automatically in AC_PROG_LIBTOOL
18:30.56 manfred Is there a brlcad newbie channel somewhere?
18:32.29 manfred I have a body with a triangularized surface and I need an IGES file for that. What do you think - any changes to do that with xxx-g + g-iges?
18:32.49 brlcad hello
18:33.10 brlcad you're hopefully at the right place, though we'll see how much help I can be :)
18:33.28 brlcad what format is it in now?
18:34.07 manfred no fixed format - I have vertex coordinates + line connection + triangle connections.
18:34.45 brlcad are you familiar with the stl format?
18:34.51 brlcad that's probably the easiest hand-conversion
18:35.01 brlcad then stl-g | g-iges
18:35.03 manfred Ok, I'll look at it.
18:35.39 brlcad that is, the text version of stl
18:36.01 brlcad another alternative would be a direct import into brl-cad using the ascii database format
18:36.09 manfred I'll start with reading stl-g.c
18:37.02 manfred Which geometry should I use? I a few hundred facets for one body.
18:37.28 brlcad the triangle primitive in brl-cad is called a BoT
18:37.35 manfred Ok.
18:37.35 brlcad "Bag of Triangles"
18:37.49 manfred Yes, I read that term.
18:38.01 brlcad they can be oriented, unoriented, etc
18:38.13 manfred Orientiation is not a problem, it's known.
18:38.21 brlcad nmg's are also possible, but not recommended
18:38.51 brlcad generic non-manifold geometry -- arbitrary polygons
18:39.08 brlcad you have triangles, though, so BoT's are way more appropriate :)
18:39.10 manfred Ok - I have triangles.
18:39.50 manfred Is there a text documentation for the ascii database format somewhere?
18:43.27 brlcad yes..
18:43.31 manfred Hmm - there is a rawbot.c
18:44.38 brlcad here's a simple example stl file:
18:45.06 brlcad that's a single object, a sphere
18:45.32 manfred Thanks.
18:45.44 manfred What I have is more or less a deformed sphere.
18:45.55 brlcad convert that to .g with: stl-g example.stl example.g
18:47.42 manfred Thanks.
18:49.12 brlcad the same data in brl-cad v5 .asc format:
18:49.48 manfred Ok, thanks.
18:50.06 manfred I've generated that already with stl-g + g2asc.
18:50.17 brlcad :)
18:50.40 manfred I think I have enough for now. Actually one of my collegues must solve the problem.
18:51.29 manfred It seems that brlcad could solve our problem. But we must get it running under Windows - how tricky is that?
18:51.45 brlcad heh
18:51.53 brlcad that is the question of the year
18:52.08 manfred Just the converters - I don't need mged.
18:52.23 manfred Perhaps even cygwin is sufficient.
18:52.42 brlcad there's work under way to provide full binaries soon
18:53.18 manfred Native Win32 or cygwin?
18:53.21 brlcad the code itself works on windows -- most of the delay is actually getting a build system in place that works on windows
18:53.51 brlcad a studio build was done several years ago, but it's completely out of data after the sources were totally reorganized
18:54.02 brlcad a new studio build is being done now though
18:54.42 brlcad a cygwin and/or msys|mingw build is also being worked on, but that involves removing some assumptions in the unix build files
18:55.31 brlcad so there's some work still going on in that regard
18:56.25 manfred Ok, thanks.
18:57.08 brlcad no problem
18:57.17 manfred I wasn't aware that stl has such a simple triangle format. I'll try that approach first. Actually one of our target apps has an STL importer. But the other one needs iges.
18:57.31 manfred Have a nice weekend
18:57.50 brlcad stl can get nasty
18:58.01 brlcad but brl-cad exports it pretty clean
18:58.10 manfred I don't have to read it - i'll just write it :-)
18:58.31 brlcad what app is this, if I may ask?
18:58.46 brlcad s/app/use/
18:58.48 manfred The target would be Ansys
18:59.01 manfred Either the classic ansys. It can only import IGES.
18:59.23 brlcad ahh, "them" :)
18:59.33 manfred The alternative target would be the new ansys workbench. An STL importer was added in the last version - no idea if it works.
18:59.45 manfred It's not even advertised by Ansys. Thus I don't trust it.
19:00.03 brlcad most cad packages do stl in some format
19:00.14 manfred The source app is surface evolver.
19:00.16 brlcad it's one of the most generic non-proprietary research formats
19:00.50 brlcad you'll loose lots of data like material characteristics and shader information by going through stl -- it's simply geometry
19:00.58 manfred It's a small app for generating the shape of droplets of liquid.
19:00.59 brlcad but from your direction, it's acceptible
19:01.09 brlcad ahh, interested
19:01.12 brlcad er, interesting
19:01.13 manfred No problem - just one body, one material.
19:01.29 manfred Actually open source, too.
19:01.47 brlcad anything on-line?
19:01.55 brlcad screenshots? :)
19:01.58 manfred Yes. Search for surface evolver brakke on the internet.
19:02.19 manfred no nice screenshots - surface evolver is a command line only tool.
19:02.30 manfred Just a few pictures of generated bodies.
19:02.32 brlcad ahh, I've been to that site recently
19:02.37 brlcad very recently.. hrm
19:02.41 manfred
19:02.49 manfred Really?
19:02.55 brlcad yeah, I've seen that
19:04.26 brlcad it'd be interesting to see how that could be integrated into the new modeler
19:04.33 brlcad for dynamic geometry modeling
19:05.39 manfred The input files can be quite complex - you can specify arbitrary constrains and boundaries.
19:06.48 manfred And lots of tricks to avoid numeric instabilities - replace some areas with integrals.
19:06.48 brlcad what's the target purpose? for generating the topologies?
19:06.59 manfred Yes, just topologies.
19:07.10 brlcad very interesting
19:07.37 manfred Or for Mr. Brakke - topologies in some hyperdimensions. He's a mathematician.
19:07.51 brlcad there's a major modeling environment under development that this would be a great plug-in
19:08.31 brlcad are you one of the users? dev?
19:08.39 manfred I'd contact Mr. Brakke. He's a nice guy. I had two questions so far, he replied immediately - he even send me a sample file.
19:09.09 manfred For Surface Evolver - just user.
19:09.38 manfred But I have a programming background, I'm still hacking in the Linux kernel.
19:09.51 manfred Thus a 16 MB file doesn't scare me :-)
19:13.32 brlcad well when you finish up with that... ;)
19:15.06 manfred Thanks again for helping me. I'll keep you informed if we actually ended up using brlcad.
19:16.29 manfred Unfortunately I don't see a chance of publication for any helpers that we might have to write. They would remain locked by my employer. I'll ask, but I doubt that I'll get a positive answer.
19:16.40 manfred Bye
19:16.40 brlcad stay tuned to brlcad-news for the windows announcement
19:16.59 brlcad cya
19:17.00 PrezKennedy channel 0?
19:18.49 *** join/#brlcad CIA-temp966 (
19:21.36 CIA-temp966 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/xdr.c: M-x indent-region
19:26.03 CIA-temp966 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/vls.c: M-x indent-region
19:35.26 CIA-temp966 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/vls.c: more indent testing -- misplaced braces are nasty
20:51.54 PrezKennedy ive misplaced my braces...
20:52.05 PrezKennedy will someone help me find them?
21:11.17 jano try looking in a mirror?
21:11.18 jano :P
21:11.20 jano :B
21:18.39 PrezKennedy :<>
21:35.57 jano :D
21:37.27 *** join/#brlcad CIA-3 (
22:44.07 *** join/#brlcad hoopte (~hoopte@
22:44.32 hoopte Cab BRL-CAD output models to drawings or plans?
22:45.28 hoopte dimensioned drawings in particular
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050213

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050213

00:09.25 jano bork
00:38.01 *** join/#brlcad EricWilhelm (
03:22.11 *** join/#brlcad henryk (
03:31.17 *** join/#brlcad PhantomBantam (
03:31.34 PhantomBantam Any news on the mac build?
03:34.01 jano
03:36.32 brlcad PhantomBantam: by Monday at the lastest
03:36.40 brlcad it's being put together now
03:42.48 jano bork :)
03:53.33 *** part/#brlcad PhantomBantam (
06:17.40 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
07:22.34 brlcad pwd
07:22.38 brlcad oop
07:24.40 PrezKennedy it annoys me when people try to submit weblinks that have nothing to do with OSG
07:37.04 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ missing,, and
07:42.32 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ initial script to apply indentation rules on the sources. assumes that there is a misc directory containing the new block-indent-region function.
07:53.29 PrezKennedy
07:53.44 PrezKennedy a month ago they would have all voted "It took forever!"
17:38.01 narnia brlcad, ping
17:46.19 narnia brlcad, if you would have the time would you join me over in #emc (enhanced machine controller).
20:26.21 *** join/#brlcad guu (
20:44.33 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
20:59.48 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/INSTALL:
20:59.48 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: Revised notes on how to build on Irix systems based upon experiences with
20:59.48 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: over-running the maximum command line length. If the path is too deep, libtool
20:59.48 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: will construct a command line for relinking and running btclsh which exceeds
20:59.48 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: the maximum command line length. This results in a build failure.
21:56.01 *** join/#brlcad EricWilhelm (
21:59.01 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ extraneous or removed
22:45.22 *** join/#brlcad cad431 (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050214

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050214

00:26.16 jano again
01:37.45 *** join/#brlcad shorty114 (~shorty114@shorty114.user)
01:37.57 *** part/#brlcad shorty114 (~shorty114@shorty114.user)
01:49.11 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
02:21.56 brlcad something wrong with the 238 router
02:23.23 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10CVSROOT/loginfo: disable e-mails for m-x indent-region updates
02:30.10 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/anim/ (16 files): M-x indent-region
02:56.08 polyspin 238 responds
03:14.25 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/burst/grid.c: bye bye BRLCAD4_0
03:31.29 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/burst/extern.h: no more BRLCAD4_0
03:42.06 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/bwish/ (cmd.c input.c main.c tcl.c): M-x indent-region
04:01.15 *** join/#brlcad |tim| (~|tim|
04:03.57 polyspin does anyone know if SourceForge has a "recommended practice guide" for their tracker?
04:43.39 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/canon/ (10 files): M-x indent-region
06:18.36 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
09:12.34 *** part/#brlcad narnia (
10:29.10 *** join/#brlcad narnia (
14:29.02 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050215

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050215

03:39.25 CIA-3 libIRC: 03jeffm2501 * 10libirc/ (3 files in 3 dirs): no more crash.. crash bad... null mode string bad.. ignore bad strings.
03:58.08 jano oh son of a bitch
03:58.10 jano
03:58.45 jano boooo!
04:00.46 EricWilhelm jano, what's wrong with google?
04:04.13 jano political affiliation!
04:04.39 jano i've made so much money on it
04:47.20 jano ah, he's prolly already asleep
06:01.42 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
06:58.55 PrezKennedy darn apple people
06:58.59 PrezKennedy bananas are so much better
19:27.23 *** join/#brlcad manfred (
20:48.14 *** join/#brlcad manfred (
20:48.59 manfred Hi. What's the mail address of brlcad?
20:49.14 manfred We spoke about g-iges on Saturday and I want to send him a follow-up.
20:50.08 manfred Is it possible that the iges header generated by g-iges is wrong? The integer word size is in field 8, but my importer expects that in field 7.
21:36.23 *** join/#brlcad [Prez|Kennedy] (~Matthew@
21:39.27 manfred I think I figured out what is wrong: g-iges -o file.iges test.g works, g-iges test.g > file.iges doesn't. Bug in w_start_global, I've submitted a bug report to
22:32.10 jano gone up $20 since I bought it a few weeks ago!!!
22:32.12 jano :D
23:25.07 jano salts
23:25.11 jano what in the world?
23:25.19 salts :)
23:25.52 jano :D
23:26.00 jano hurry up and come out here, i think she's lonley !
23:26.03 jano ;D
23:26.34 salts MMmm
23:26.47 salts that'd be too dangerous
23:27.05 jano ?
23:27.06 salts as I'd have no issue with the .. differences .. at all
23:27.10 jano :D
23:27.26 jano so hurry up!
23:27.27 salts and I don't need that right now :)
23:27.31 jano yes you do
23:27.39 salts oh hell I don't :)
23:27.51 jano hey.. she wouldn't even have to change her name!
23:27.54 jano :D
23:27.58 salts i know what i'd be getting into
23:28.26 salts plus it was you two that hit it off so well
23:28.34 salts no telling how much she'd hate me :)
23:28.41 jano ?
23:28.44 jano we talked about you
23:28.48 jano ;)
23:29.30 salts heh
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050216

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050216

02:24.53 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
02:26.57 polyspin yodel ley hei hoo!
02:27.35 brlcad riiicola
02:29.12 polyspin Is there any description of the "task" system on sourceforge that I could quote for the CMP?
02:30.13 brlcad i don't think so, but lesse.
02:32.01 brlcad
02:33.39 polyspin The word "task" does not seem to appear on the page
02:33.53 brlcad no, that's for the tracker system
02:34.01 brlcad the task tracker is a separate system
02:34.28 brlcad task was the first one we looked at that has the simple TODO list for now
02:34.56 brlcad the bug reporting, feature requests, support requests, patches are all part of the tracker system
02:35.21 brlcad that's a simple manual of how to use it -- not exactly recommended usage, but seomthing
02:35.56 polyspin I was going to "play" with it, so I could see what we wanted to claim in our "process" about it. Didn't want to create anything I couldn't delete.
02:39.07 brlcad hrm
02:46.30 brlcad the only really configurable part is the categories and groups
02:47.33 brlcad the categories are fairly well defined already .. the groups are unused for the most part though
02:48.18 brlcad sf support uses groups internal to their project to group requests into first/second/third tier support levels
02:48.33 brlcad we don't have that kind of grouping
02:49.07 brlcad the rest of the fields are fairly standardized for the tracker types -- topic, submitter, assignee, priority, ..
02:51.21 polyspin categories and groups are wrt trackers, not tasks right?
02:52.33 brlcad right
02:52.35 polyspin I've played with the tracker enough now that I like, and we'll use it.
02:53.05 brlcad it might be easier to actually use the tracker system for tasks too, depending on the need
02:53.06 polyspin If there is any value in the "task" system, I wanted to know. It's ok for us to ignore it for now.
02:53.16 polyspin Yes. I agree
02:53.24 polyspin I like the traceability the tracker provides.
02:53.25 brlcad what the task system gives you that the tracker system doesn't is dependencies
02:54.25 polyspin s in "this task depends on that one" and "that one starts when this one finishes" kind of stuff?
02:54.36 brlcad most projects actually don't use the task tracker on sf as that generally get's into a project's "business", which gets into a degree of planning that most open source projects don't have
02:55.13 brlcad hmm.. I gotta stop saying "task tracker".. it's the "task system", not a tracker really -- at least not part of the tracker system
02:55.40 brlcad the few that I have seen using it are for short term and long term planning
02:56.23 brlcad e.g. one task category will be the next two minor revisions, another may be the next major protocol-breaking revision
02:56.30 polyspin might be of value to us then. Though we might not want THAT kind of thing publicly available (as in, on an outside server)
02:56.36 brlcad the task items will be a feature list or todo list of sorts
02:56.55 polyspin got it.
02:57.20 brlcad there can be private task lists too
02:57.27 brlcad only visible to devs, for example
02:57.59 polyspin and not mgmt? ;-)
02:58.43 brlcad could even create an "ARL Management" user identifier that could be granted access
02:58.54 brlcad you can create arbitrary user classifications
02:59.19 brlcad but they would have to at least have an sf account, be logged in, and be in the appropriate group, of course
02:59.37 polyspin Since they want to do everything through a "CR" type structure, I guess it's not important.
02:59.39 brlcad not exactly something I'd recommend :)
03:00.06 polyspin we'll stick to the tracker.
03:00.16 brlcad change requests are effectively the RFE tracker
03:00.25 polyspin yup
03:00.31 polyspin or the bug tracker.
03:00.43 brlcad yeah
03:01.35 polyspin beep beep beep beep (as the truck backs up to the loading dock)
03:04.00 polyspin Have you tried the "Camino" browser?
03:04.08 brlcad interesting read:
03:04.15 brlcad yeah, I've tried camino
03:04.22 brlcad too buggy last I checked
03:04.38 brlcad but that was a while ago
03:04.41 polyspin I've used it since the weekend. Pretty cool.
03:05.37 polyspin Found a good paper on OSS Config Mgmt.
03:05.57 brlcad per that article, we don't seem to fit any of the potential negatives but do all the positives
03:06.08 brlcad yeah, I want to read that sometime
03:06.12 brlcad is it posted somewhere?
03:06.25 polyspin Hang on, I'll try to send you a copy
03:07.32 polyspin on its way
03:07.43 brlcad cool
03:09.20 polyspin Hmmm. DCC still says "connecting"
03:10.32 brlcad try again
03:10.55 brlcad i usually ignore dcc's
03:11.18 brlcad says I can't connect to you
03:11.25 brlcad oh, you're on cable yes?
03:11.41 polyspin still seems to be stuck at "Connecting". Oh, probably because I'm behind a router/firewall
03:11.44 brlcad you can't negotiate dccs there
03:11.59 polyspin Hang on, I'll find the URL
03:12.02 brlcad can scp up to .bz into /tmp
03:13.01 polyspin
03:27.07 polyspin I am postulating that every bug fix should result in a "Release", and that the nightly regression test should "package" the release.
03:27.36 polyspin this makes it trivial to create a release, and upload binaries.
03:28.50 brlcad easy enough to post that to the website, but would be more problematic to get it into the file release system
03:29.19 brlcad since that requires creation of release revision numbers through the web interface after authentication, upload of ftp, selection, etc
03:29.29 polyspin I don't care about automating the uploads. I expect that can be done by hand. Given that we're talking about a 1/week activity
03:29.57 brlcad I've seen dozens of bugs get fixed in a day or two
03:30.05 brlcad one a day every day for a month ..
03:30.12 polyspin OK, so we limit it to 1/day
03:31.07 polyspin I am trying to get people to think in terms different from the "when should we get around to releasing" ones they historically have.
03:32.37 brlcad i agree that's a good thing .. release new patch updates after every fix -- perhaps push those automatically up to the website, though
03:32.50 polyspin What metric would YOU suggest for making a "release" binary kit?
03:33.03 brlcad and then periodically (e.g. 1/month) upload the latest up to the tracker
03:33.23 polyspin A good idea.
03:33.43 polyspin Tracker? File Release System
03:33.48 brlcad er, yeah :)
03:33.54 polyspin VersionTracker ;-)
03:34.00 brlcad that too
03:34.22 polyspin That would make CCB happy: They could exercise their "Release decision"
03:34.58 brlcad a "full release" will normally take days after everything's in place - news channels to notify, sites to update, places like versiontracker/freshmeat/etc to update, dozens of e-mail notifications
03:35.17 brlcad hence 1/month would be good for that
03:36.42 polyspin Who are the e-mail notifications?
03:36.53 polyspin Could that be automated?
03:37.15 brlcad should be automateable
03:37.24 brlcad i've listed some in HACKING
03:37.37 brlcad some I've discovered since by following the on-line CAD sites
03:37.58 brlcad already e-mailed a few to update their information, though I'm sure there are lots out there
03:38.35 polyspin 'k
03:41.27 brlcad some of them will not be every time, like /. submissions
03:41.59 brlcad some are web forms, some are e-mail -- some specify format requirements for news postings, some don't
03:42.24 brlcad for the static web forms and e-mailers, though, it should be possible to automate it to at least some extent
03:45.08 polyspin I love Pareto's Law at the bottom of that ACM paper
03:48.36 brlcad btw, our version control doc is in doc/cvs.txt iirc might be useful
03:49.54 polyspin Yes, I've got that.
03:55.58 brlcad second paragraph on the second page pretty much sums it up correctly
03:57.44 polyspin Third para on third page is the one I plan to point out most
03:58.27 polyspin This is going to be a part of my CMP hand-outs
04:00.03 brlcad oh that is a good bullet
04:01.08 brlcad at least the first two sentences
04:02.34 polyspin yes, those first two sentences
04:03.07 brlcad second bullet of lessons learned is interesting (and quite true)
04:03.28 brlcad self-assigned tasks
04:04.00 polyspin And users of the system. I'm going to propose we become more active users.
04:04.16 polyspin Things like: Should Keith be on our team?
04:04.49 brlcad unless/except where there is money backing the development, development improvements will be rather across the board
04:05.01 brlcad hmm.. keith.. what would he "do"?
04:05.10 polyspin model
04:05.25 polyspin We would model some too.
04:05.34 polyspin That way, the changes we make benefit US
04:05.39 brlcad i figured the later a given
04:05.46 polyspin WE see what needs to be done, and do it becuase WE need it.
04:06.11 brlcad yes, quite -- so long as there's someone letting us fix the things we find need fixing :)
04:06.12 polyspin Self interest, self motivation.
04:06.21 polyspin Precisely.
04:06.31 brlcad it's easy to point out deficiencies
04:06.43 brlcad could pick pretty much any tool, and file and find a way to improve it
04:06.55 brlcad only a handful will impact the bottom line, though
04:07.03 polyspin Sure. But which ones would contribute to you being able to model faster/better
04:07.15 polyspin Which ones make the analysis easier?
04:07.15 brlcad yes, quite
04:07.31 polyspin Which ones result in less human work in the end.
04:08.07 polyspin What I've learned from blender ... sigh
04:08.57 polyspin Bottom line: I think we need to be more tightly tied to the analysis being done.
04:08.59 brlcad hehe.. quote from another fella that read the paper: "more likely oss succeeds because there is no marketing/sales or management types involved :)"
04:09.05 polyspin It server our Vis purposes too.
04:09.31 brlcad it does
04:11.03 brlcad the ability to model the full details of practically anything efficiently is something I'm hoping we'll have soon
04:11.31 brlcad and to be able to introspect any of that data, and apply basic physics interactions for the purpose of modeling
04:11.47 brlcad introspection also for visualization, of course too
04:11.58 polyspin Yee Ha!
04:13.06 polyspin Proprioception being the latest buzzword for all that
04:13.22 brlcad do things like model a fully contrained tank and a building -- drive the tank into the building and have basic physics take over for the interactions
04:13.56 brlcad analyses could rather esaily intercept the "basic physics" and apply real dynamics simulations
04:14.14 brlcad if not, you get a quick and dirty for the purpose of modeling
04:14.37 brlcad perpahs all you wanted is a model of a building that looks like a tank rammed into it
04:15.02 brlcad perhaps you wanted to see how the turret structure holds
04:15.31 brlcad add the hooks in for a modeler, and the coupling to analyses becomes pretty clear
04:17.08 brlcad the third bullet of transfer of lessons learned in the paper is interesting, though I think we can get by that by simply referencing sf tracker id's in the commit messages for commits that fulfill some tracker item
04:17.31 brlcad that should give the traceability he says often isn't there
04:18.11 brlcad setting priority (fourth bullet) can be a problem
04:18.24 polyspin Yes, I can spit that third bullet back at them.
04:18.25 brlcad since there's a conflict between what's paid for, what's not -- who's doing what
04:19.00 brlcad for those "self-assigning" tasks -- they will work regardless of any priorities we set on items to some extent
04:19.08 polyspin Except for us, we are not entirely self-assigned. We have a specific mission.
04:19.14 polyspin So we dodge that bullet too.
04:23.24 polyspin If the mission is OURS. I think that pretty much drops that argument into the wastebasket
04:23.24 brlcad example: bzflag's maintainer has had "high priority" on a karma system that none of the other devs really like or think will work well as least without major changes
04:23.24 polyspin Key: He's not putting MONEY behind it.
04:23.24 brlcad so it's been 3 or more years and progress on it pretty much crawls just at the rate of what he can implement himself which loads of time is invested by others into other tasks
04:23.24 brlcad yes, and he knows that so he can only "encourage" or complain so much
04:23.24 brlcad it is a beautiful thing when all the devs agree and work on some feature though.. that I have to admit
04:23.24 brlcad akin to working off-site for a week on some goal
04:23.24 polyspin Yeap. I miss those days.
04:24.55 brlcad getting started on the new modeler interface would be a nice offsite
04:25.24 polyspin I may have an angle on getting that funded. I'll talk to you in private about that sometime.
04:25.45 brlcad what're your thoughts on the application interface for that?
04:26.24 polyspin I don't want to record that in this forum.
04:26.25 brlcad i've been leaning towards doing the whole thing in open gl, and just picking some library to provide the context
04:27.05 brlcad pm's work too :)
04:27.55 polyspin True, but I think we'll want to spend an hour if I start, and I need to get some sleep soon.
04:28.21 brlcad fair enough
04:31.57 polyspin cya tmrw?
04:32.03 brlcad yeah
04:32.09 brlcad it is about that time
04:32.14 polyspin pasta la vida
04:32.31 brlcad hasta tamale
04:40.29 jano como frijoles?
04:42.21 brlcad no gracias.. me da farts
04:48.33 jano como frijoles: mexican for "how have you bean" :P
06:19.29 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
10:51.12 *** join/#brlcad DarkMaster (
13:31.56 *** join/#brlcad cad843 (
13:49.20 *** part/#brlcad cad843 (
15:14.39 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/iges/iges.c: removed erroneous trailing comma on stdout header output case. (fix from manfreds, sf bug 1123436)
15:40.13 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: fixed g-iges stdout header bug (sf bug 1123436)
19:45.34 *** join/#brlcad guu (
21:21.22 *** join/#brlcad EricWilhelm (
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21:37.09 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.0 is under way today (20050211)...
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23:08.43 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (~brlcad@brlcad.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
23:08.43 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050217

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050217

02:25.16 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
02:25.16 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.0 is under way today (20050211)...
04:23.42 *** join/#brlcad shorty114 (
06:19.54 *** join/#brlcad frank__ (
06:35.34 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
06:35.34 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.0 is under way today (20050211)...
10:21.07 *** join/#brlcad [Prez|Kennedy] (~Matthew@
15:36.18 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/regress/ (
15:36.18 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: Extracted the moss test from the script into a new script and added a
15:36.18 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: pix-png/png-pix test. Updated to run new script.
16:30.43 *** join/#brlcad Nidhoggr (
19:43.05 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/iges/g-iges.1: Paragraph formatting and option layout to produce an actually readable man page.
19:48.02 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/TODO: It would be nice if we understood why g-iges/iges-g permutes box vertices
22:13.03 [Prez|Kennedy] is there a windows version?
22:32.28 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/regress/ ( Test the g-iges and iges-g operations
23:12.02 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/ added a reminder to run regress once the install is completed
23:46.13 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/regress/
23:46.14 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: caused iges-g and g-iges massive verbosity to go to
23:46.14 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: a file instead of the console.
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050218

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050218

00:04.17 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
00:04.17 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.0 is under way today (20050211)...
01:48.11 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
01:49.00 polyspin booga booga
01:56.10 *** join/#brlcad Nidhoggr (
02:06.39 polyspin evenin
02:11.34 jano bork
03:34.38 polyspin Did someone say "toys" ?!?!
03:35.33 brlcad yup yup
03:35.43 brlcad new wireless router, new hdd, areobars for my bike ..
03:35.48 brlcad bike socks, trail mix
03:35.53 brlcad coffee
03:36.00 brlcad and buffalo wings :)
03:36.30 polyspin oooh! bikes *and* commputers *and* munchies!!!!!
03:36.48 polyspin Which aerobars?
03:39.07 brlcad profile design:
03:39.25 brlcad simple, relatively cheap
03:41.23 brlcad almost got:
03:43.00 brlcad now that I can see the specs on-line, I'm second guessing whether I should go trade up now :)
03:45.01 polyspin Thinking about the carbon ones?
03:45.24 brlcad it's only 100g difference -- could barely tell in the store
03:46.58 brlcad yeah.. the sonic stryke looks sweet
03:49.02 polyspin Seriously sweet. And it better be for 160 more
03:49.26 polyspin Did you like the more horizontal hand-hold?
03:49.36 brlcad it's adjustable
03:50.01 brlcad both can spin to vertical/horizontal
03:53.04 polyspin I don't know, I might have pikced the aerolite. But then, I'm always wanting to adjust things for my reach.
04:00.32 brlcad they didn't have that one at hudson trail
04:01.04 brlcad just the jammer gt, carbon strike, and airstrike
04:19.22 *** join/#brlcad cyclo (
05:17.18 polyspin Nite all
06:20.04 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
06:32.07 jano hmm
06:33.01 jano i ate a whole pizza tonight
06:33.02 jano :D
07:20.31 brlcad yum
07:20.50 brlcad about 8 chickens died to feed me tonight
08:10.14 [Prez|Kennedy] bess the cow died so i could live on
08:23.46 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
08:23.46 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.0 is under way today (20050211)...
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08:29.01 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.0 is under way today (20050211)...
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08:30.32 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.0 is under way today (20050211)...
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10:23.07 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.0 is under way today (20050211)...
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19:27.48 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by ChanServ
21:20.06 *** join/#brlcad cad584 (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050219

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050219

01:49.06 *** join/#brlcad noyb (
05:47.38 *** join/#brlcad [Prez|Kennedy] (~Matthew@
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07:34.13 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ ahh, there it is .. was missing the m4 search dir path to the second aclocal run too
16:08.46 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/
16:08.46 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: make sure a dangerous umask will not prevent others from using an installed
16:08.46 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: version by checking to make sure the exec mode is set. output a warning and
16:08.46 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: potential find rules that should repair the bad directory permissions
19:40.30 *** join/#brlcad noyb (
21:17.28 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (~Matthew@
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050220

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050220

01:29.29 jano hmm
01:29.39 jano my irivier ain't allowing me to move files over to my pc
01:29.40 jano wtf
01:29.57 jano i don't want to have to reburn my cds
03:09.12 *** join/#brlcad Mubac (
03:23.44 *** part/#brlcad Mubac (
06:21.58 *** join/#brlcad frank__ (
10:46.29 *** join/#brlcad CIA-3 (
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11:09.04 *** mode/#brlcad [+o ChanServ] by
18:23.07 *** join/#brlcad skel_home (
18:23.29 skel_home can anyone assist me? I'm trying to build brlcad from cvs
18:23.47 skel_home the complains that I don't have automake 1.6 when I run it
18:24.08 skel_home my /usr/bin/automake is symlinked to automake 1.4
18:24.34 skel_home so I re-run it after symlinking to automake-1.6 and it complains that it needs 1.4 =/
18:25.32 skel_home ERROR: To prepare the BRL-CAD build system from scratch,
18:25.32 skel_home <PROTECTED>
18:25.34 brlcad brl-cad does need 1.6
18:25.39 skel_home so I switched from 1.4 to 1.6 and I get
18:25.52 skel_home aclocal.m4:895: version mismatch. This is Automake 1.6.3, but aclocal.m4
18:25.52 skel_home aclocal.m4:895: was generated for Automake 1.4-p6. You should recreate
18:25.52 skel_home aclocal.m4:895: aclocal.m4 with aclocal and run automake again.
18:25.53 skel_home ERROR: automake failed
18:26.20 brlcad aclocal is part of automake
18:26.20 skel_home and I wiped out the cvs tree and resynced between each try
18:26.46 brlcad if you updated the automake symlink, there are a couple others you have to update too
18:26.47 skel_home so aclocal is a seperate binary I probably need to fix the symlink there too?
18:26.51 skel_home ok
18:27.05 brlcad bsd yes?
18:27.09 skel_home ty =] I'll see if I can do that
18:27.12 skel_home debian
18:27.17 skel_home ubuntu to be specific
18:27.22 skel_home on x86_64
18:27.23 brlcad ahh
18:28.03 brlcad that should be using the alternatives system no?
18:28.51 skel_home yeah Its linked to /etc/alternatives something
18:29.07 skel_home I'm not sure how that works.. so I just linked it to the other automake
18:29.10 brlcad so you should use that to switch from 1.4 to 1.6 :)
18:29.23 skel_home oh
18:29.27 skel_home ok =]
18:29.40 brlcad update-alternatives --config automake
18:29.55 brlcad as root
18:31.26 skel_home same with aclocal?
18:31.35 skel_home or does it know to change that?
18:32.06 skel_home brlcad: thats cool =] much easier than hand linking all that crap
18:32.08 skel_home brlcad: ty =]
18:33.16 skel_home cool its building now =]
18:33.46 brlcad ;)
18:34.08 brlcad aclocal is part of the automake package, so updating automake fixes everything related to it
18:36.22 skel_home you wouldn't happen to know which package contains cc1plus ?
18:36.40 skel_home it says my configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check
18:36.52 skel_home and I've got cpp installed
18:37.47 brlcad that's very wierd
18:39.08 skel_home maybe I need a newer cpp
18:39.25 brlcad ahh
18:39.39 brlcad it's failing on c++ check
18:39.39 skel_home nope its installed
18:40.11 skel_home so libc++ something
18:40.32 brlcad do you have g++ ?
18:40.45 brlcad it doesn't need it, but for some reason it's testing it
18:41.10 skel_home umm. nope.. I'll install it
18:42.10 brlcad can you send me your config.log for the failed run?
18:42.17 skel_home sure
18:43.44 skel_home I wonder if my firewall is going to mess it up
18:43.44 skel_home I haven't ever dcc'd anything before
18:44.17 skel_home are you getting the request?
18:44.36 skel_home hmm I've got g++ it just looks like its not in my path
18:50.38 skel_home ok once I linked g++-3.4 to g++ its gotten further
18:50.48 skel_home yup it finished
18:51.45 skel_home building now
18:51.58 skel_home sorry about that.. I don't know why there wasn't a general g++ link
18:58.05 skel_home I'm getting a lot of errors during compiling of if_ogl.c
18:58.20 skel_home I'm guessing I'm missing some sort of gl library or x11 maybe
18:59.44 skel_home if_ogl.c:65:29: X11/StringDefs.h: No such file or directory
18:59.44 skel_home if_ogl.c:66:20: GL/glx.h: No such file or directory
18:59.44 skel_home if_ogl.c:67:19: GL/gl.h: No such file or directory
19:01.13 brlcad you don't have X11?
19:01.28 skel_home I do..
19:01.37 brlcad if you do, you'll need the X11 developer headers
19:01.45 skel_home ok I'll get those
19:03.08 brlcad mesa-dev or something for the opengl headers
19:05.13 skel_home yeah its going further now..
19:05.24 brlcad ahh, the cpp thing is an autoconf bug apparently
19:05.29 skel_home /usr/bin/ld: /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.a(glapi.o): relocation R_X86_64_32 can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
19:05.32 skel_home /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.a: could not read symbols: Bad value
19:06.11 skel_home brlcad: that would explain it =P
19:06.25 brlcad not supposed to check more than C by default
19:06.50 brlcad but for some reason it's checking cpp's functionality with C++
19:07.14 skel_home I wonder if I needed something special for x86_64
19:07.48 brlcad try ./configure CFLAGS="-fPIC"
19:08.01 skel_home ok
19:08.24 brlcad if there are alternatives choices for autoconf and libtool, i'd select them as well
19:08.33 brlcad use the most recent version available
19:08.53 skel_home ok I'll make sure I've got everything as recent as possible
19:10.26 skel_home brlcad: so are you one of the developers?
19:11.00 brlcad yes
19:11.58 skel_home cool
19:12.03 skel_home this program is huge
19:13.35 brlcad it's actually several hundred programs
19:14.06 skel_home ah
19:15.05 skel_home does it do any simulation? like if I made gears on an axis and they weren't correct size can I animate it to see if it will line up?
19:15.38 brlcad it can do ariticulations and animation
19:15.38 skel_home bummer.. same error
19:15.51 skel_home cool =]
19:16.22 skel_home I don't have any 32bit libraries.. will this work on a pure 64 system?
19:16.29 brlcad yep
19:16.52 brlcad it's actively maintained on several pure 64 bit systems
19:16.58 skel_home hmm ok
19:17.51 brlcad have you tried the x86 64bit binary?
19:18.08 skel_home I didn't know there was one
19:18.19 brlcad
19:18.30 skel_home I'm just getting used to no binaries being available for 64 stuff
19:18.32 skel_home =/
19:18.56 brlcad there's binaries posted for irix64, ia64, and amd64 :)
19:19.54 skel_home awesome :)
19:19.58 brlcad there are others, but only a few binaries are posted right now
19:20.04 brlcad those happen to be some of them :)
19:21.12 skel_home thats refreshing :-]
19:21.37 skel_home since I got an athlon64 I've been finding out all sorts of stuff isn't ready for it yet
19:22.10 skel_home ie. openoffice
19:24.24 brlcad brl-cad's made to work on everything down to an old vax to a large cray or multi-thousand-node sgi to you common desktop workstation
19:25.07 brlcad right now, most of the limitations are only because we recently moved to the gnu build system
19:25.18 skel_home ah
19:25.28 brlcad which is crap, but it's hopefully easier to maintain than the old build system down the road
19:25.37 skel_home =/
19:25.54 brlcad so far it's been mostly a myrid of incompatibilities and bugs
19:26.18 skel_home that sucks
19:26.30 skel_home whats the general command to start brl ?
19:26.32 brlcad it's amazing that it's what everyone uses
19:27.03 brlcad it's a royal pain to configure cleanly without vehemently requiring very specific versions of autoconf/automake/libtool
19:27.45 skel_home brlcad: its all I'm used to.. =P
19:27.47 brlcad tried to keep it very open for now -- but then it results in having to continually work around the bugs in that triad
19:27.50 skel_home brlcad: the symlink shuffle
19:28.01 brlcad i know.. that's part of why we've moved to it
19:28.57 brlcad results in a configure script that's larger than most, a real complex pain to maintain, but people are familiar with it so that's a pluss
19:30.06 brlcad most folks that dont' have a specific need tend to learn the modeler first, that's MGED
19:30.10 skel_home brlcad: you could just break it down into the core app and make the other apps dependencies =P
19:30.39 brlcad skel_home: what do you mean?
19:31.01 brlcad that wouldn't fix the autoconf/automake/libtool problems
19:31.32 brlcad having been around for a couple decases, brl-cad itself has no trouble compiling on most any system
19:31.45 skel_home brlcad: wouldn't it make the config script smaller?
19:32.06 brlcad not really
19:32.22 skel_home hmm ok
19:32.31 skel_home I'm obviously no developer =P
19:32.32 brlcad it's just the nature of how autoconf/automake works
19:32.37 skel_home aside from a python app here an there
19:32.43 brlcad only "solution" would be to not use it
19:32.55 brlcad and use something like scons or ant to build
19:34.05 brlcad I'd suggest reading document 2 on if you're just getting started
19:34.13 brlcad it's a very detailed tutorial
19:34.45 skel_home cool =]
19:34.53 skel_home I'll check that out
19:39.51 brlcad skel_home: oh, that reminds me.. what did the configure summary say for 64-bit compilation?
19:40.23 brlcad or are you going with the binary now?
19:40.58 brlcad binaries are on down near the middle under BRL-CAD on Linux files section
19:47.06 skel_home brlcad: I went with the binary :)
19:47.16 skel_home brlcad: just not sure what to start first
19:48.17 brlcad most of the binaries are contained tools that perform a specific task
19:48.26 brlcad like ls or grep in linux
19:48.50 brlcad a handful kick off gui apps -- the most commonly used is the modeler, which is called mged
19:49.42 brlcad it's got a less than brilliant user interface and is under a rewrite, but it will get the job done and is very flexible
19:50.02 skel_home ok I'll play with mged =] get familiar with it
19:50.32 brlcad just try to not use it as a metric for the whole package :)
19:51.13 brlcad the ray-tracers are fun
19:52.08 skel_home do I need to download databases from somewhere?
19:52.32 brlcad there are some simple ones in the source checkout in the db/ directory
19:53.03 brlcad since you didn't compile, you'll have to convert them from ascii to binary
19:53.37 skel_home ok
19:53.48 brlcad asc2g db/havoc.asc db/havoc.g
19:55.16 brlcad mged db/havoc.g
19:55.20 skel_home cool no errors =]
19:55.28 brlcad tops
19:55.35 brlcad e havoc
19:56.27 skel_home this is sweet
20:00.43 skel_home I gotta run but I'm going to read that tutorial when I get back :)
20:00.51 skel_home brlcad: thanks so much for all your help =]
20:01.54 brlcad no problem
20:02.23 brlcad feel free to drop me any questions if you run into them
20:31.32 brlcad ahh.. damn libtool again
20:31.48 brlcad that's what's making the check for c++
20:31.51 brlcad
20:32.13 brlcad my sentiments match: "libtool - it makes me so happy I want to drive a steel spike through my skull to make the pain go away."
23:10.30 *** join/#brlcad noyb (
23:52.20 jano bork
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050221

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050221

00:13.17 brlcad bork
01:49.07 *** join/#brlcad PhantomBantam (
01:49.28 PhantomBantam Any news on the mac build?
01:51.34 brlcad there were release delays as some discovered bugs were being worked on
01:52.15 PhantomBantam Ah.
01:52.43 PhantomBantam So any idea when it will be available? I don't mean to be a pest.
02:14.21 brlcad no problem asking :)
02:14.59 brlcad how about I post up a private tarball for you ..
02:18.36 brlcad it'll take me a few minutes to make a fresh compile for you
02:23.28 PhantomBantam Ooooh. That would be nice.
02:24.12 brlcad it'll be unoptimized for now
02:25.45 PhantomBantam Okay.
02:34.10 brlcad 15 minutes for the upload to complete
02:34.39 PhantomBantam How do I get to it?
02:35.20 brlcad let you know when it's done
02:36.30 PhantomBantam Thank you.
02:37.18 brlcad are you at all familiar with the command line?
02:37.43 brlcad this isn't going to be a proper graphical install, but it's easy enough to walk you through
02:37.57 PhantomBantam A little bit.
02:38.05 PhantomBantam I'm trying to learn more.
02:51.03 brlcad okay, it's done
02:51.14 brlcad run X11 from your Applications/Utilities folder
02:51.21 brlcad that will open up an xterm window
02:51.52 brlcad in that window type: curl -O
02:57.41 skel_home brlcad: is there an html version of that intro?
02:58.14 brlcad hmm?
02:58.17 brlcad did you download it yet?
02:58.24 brlcad i.e. the curl line?
02:58.29 brlcad that's not all you need to do
02:58.44 brlcad there is documentation on
02:58.54 brlcad see the overview and introduction to mged for starters
02:59.44 PhantomBantam Whoops.
03:00.28 PhantomBantam Okay.
03:00.44 brlcad if you mean an html version of the mged introduction, no there's not .. it's normal form is actually a printed book
03:01.16 skel_home brlcad: ok I'll try and convert it with pdf2ps -> ps2html
03:01.55 brlcad it'll be huge :)
03:02.07 brlcad the book is several hundred pages
03:02.57 brlcad so after you do that curl line, type this:
03:03.00 brlcad cd /usr
03:03.18 brlcad sudo tar zxvf ~/brlcad.tar.gz
03:03.42 brlcad export PATH=/usr/brlcad/bin:$PATH
03:03.44 brlcad cd
03:03.58 brlcad mged test.g
03:04.13 brlcad then you should see mged kick off
03:04.21 PhantomBantam That's it?
03:06.24 brlcad should be it
03:07.09 brlcad you'll want to add that PATH line to your ~/.bash_profile file to make the brl-cad tools always in your path
03:08.04 brlcad skel_home: the cli predates the gui by a long shot :)
03:09.25 brlcad most everything you can do on the gui can be done (and often done more quickly) on the command-line interface
03:09.51 EricWilhelm brlcad, did you ever track-down those latex sources for the manuals?
03:10.16 skel_home PhantomBantam: the guide I'm going through right now is really straight forward.. I think you'll like it
03:11.10 PhantomBantam Where is it?
03:11.32 brlcad skel_home: logical is unfortunately not what many are used to :)
03:11.55 skel_home =/
03:12.07 brlcad there is the slightest hint of a mathematics and verbose information bias throughout brl-cad too
03:12.09 skel_home I went to the gui and create menu and there is no "make shape" option
03:12.32 skel_home err "make solid"
03:13.18 brlcad hmm? which page of the tutorial?
03:13.41 skel_home brlcad: page 18
03:13.47 PhantomBantam Is the tutorial the manual from the website?
03:14.24 skel_home when it first walks you through making a shape with the gui and you're supposed to make sph2.s
03:14.40 skel_home PhantomBantam: yeah that second link.. the pdf
03:15.02 brlcad PhantomBantam: do you go through those instructions yet to install it?
03:15.11 skel_home brlcad: I'm just as well on the cli .. I just wanted to make sure my mged wasn't missing something
03:15.17 PhantomBantam Oh, that's downloading.
03:15.23 brlcad ahh
03:16.12 PhantomBantam Unfortunately, I still have dial-up. So although it will take forever, I can download it.
03:18.18 brlcad skel_home: pdf page 18 or book page 18 ?
03:19.13 brlcad skel_home: ahh, pdf page 18 i see it
03:20.09 brlcad yeah, that was changed, there's no longer the separate submenu -- it's simply the entire Create menu
03:20.23 skel_home brlcad: pdf
03:21.02 brlcad sph is an ellipsoid
03:21.28 skel_home book page 7 I think
03:21.28 skel_home no 6
03:21.28 skel_home sorry
03:21.28 skel_home 13. Creating a new sphere
03:21.29 skel_home using the gui
03:21.37 brlcad yeah, i found it
03:21.47 skel_home brlcad: ah ok =]
03:22.26 skel_home cool. just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing out on anything =P
03:23.55 brlcad nah, there shouldn't be anything drastically different since the book except subtle movements and renamings -- and very few of those at that
03:27.07 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: fix reference to the Create Solid submenu in volume ii
03:28.41 skel_home heh
03:32.33 *** join/#brlcad ThePhantomBantam (
03:33.43 ThePhantomBantam So, is it the second volume with the most meat?
03:33.55 brlcad yes
03:34.08 ThePhantomBantam Excellent.
03:34.12 brlcad but that's because it starts simple and covers a lot of "newbie" ground
03:34.54 brlcad the other volumes are much shorter, but presumes all of the basics and deal with much harder topics
03:36.15 ThePhantomBantam Oh.
03:45.34 *** join/#brlcad ThePhantomBantam (
03:46.45 ThePhantomBantam So, can this do 2d drafting, or is it just 3D?
03:47.25 brlcad it's primary focus is 3d solid modeling right now
03:47.37 brlcad but there is some 2d support via the sketch primitive
03:47.44 brlcad select create sketch on the menu
03:47.56 brlcad when you finally get it installed, of course :)
03:48.30 brlcad i've heard various praise/hate of qcad for 2d drafting
03:58.00 ThePhantomBantam Is there anything like in solidworks, where you can automatically create a 2D model of the solid?
03:58.43 brlcad for what purpose?
03:58.52 brlcad for visualization there is -- rtedge
03:59.14 brlcad for parametric modeling for drafting, there's not yet
03:59.21 ThePhantomBantam Oh.
04:00.17 ThePhantomBantam I don't need it, I was just wondering.
04:05.59 *** part/#brlcad ThePhantomBantam (
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04:40.40 *** part/#brlcad PhantomBantam (
05:07.23 jano bork
05:08.05 jano yech
05:59.17 *** join/#brlcad noyb (
06:22.02 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
08:23.29 *** join/#brlcad fridge (
11:44.25 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
16:53.24 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/
16:53.24 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: libtool has a bug that causes a /lib/cpp sanity check failure if a C++ compiler
16:53.24 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: is not installed. This makes the sanity test pass regardless of whether there
16:53.24 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: is a c++ compiler by setting the c++ preprocessor to the c preprocessor.
16:55.11 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10CVSROOT/loginfo: re-enable commit e-mails, save indent for later?
16:57.23 *** join/#brlcad kraig (
17:44.50 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ ( remove the out-of-date as it refers to a build setup and environment assumptions that no longer exist
17:51.31 jano bork
18:02.05 brlcad hey
18:03.28 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ ( force locale setting to C so things like date output as expected
18:04.41 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ ( force locale setting to C so things like date output as expected
18:09.51 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ ( force locale setting to C so things like date output as expected
20:16.48 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ update bug e-mail to go to the dev list moderated as
21:00.39 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ remove old tcl ranlib hack and add comment about old cake 'ar ts' from
22:33.10 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050222

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050222

01:10.00 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ ( remove as it was a means to make cake run 'ar ts', which is now handled by and libtool
02:19.33 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/AUTHORS: add cliff yapp for initial emerge support on the gentoo platform
02:20.28 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: fixed locale build bug
02:21.04 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/AUTHORS: added special thanks to Pedro Giffuni for getting BRL-CAD into freebsd ports
03:06.17 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ ( remove the old sharedlib script files as they are no longer needed with the new build system
03:15.01 jano
03:15.39 jano bork
03:35.04 *** join/#brlcad PhantomBantam (
03:35.29 PhantomBantam Hey, I finished the download, and MGED is working perfectly.
03:35.49 PhantomBantam So thank you, very much.
03:53.50 brlcad excellent
03:54.06 brlcad hope it was worth your wait -- good luck with the training/tutorials ;)
03:54.24 brlcad feel free to drop questions in here
08:11.47 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ initial completed implementations of tgz, bz2, and tar targets
08:14.04 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ ( remove renaming to with the initial completed implementation
08:15.20 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ initial implementation of the make tar target that builds a tar file from an installed binary distribution. there's presently an assumption that the install has not been separated into multiple source trees.
08:17.45 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ initial tgz implementation that takes an tar tape archive and compresses it to a tar.gz binary distribution
09:49.09 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
14:32.12 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/regress/ added iges.log to the list of things to be cleaned up
20:02.02 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/other/libpng/
20:02.02 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: This change causes libz to be added to any item that links with libpng
20:02.02 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: AFTER libpng so that symbols are resolved properly.
20:12.53 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/NEWS:
20:12.54 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: Added note about fixing libpng link on Irix 64bit (SF tracker 1146316)
20:12.54 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: Thanks to Kelly Benjamin for spotting this one.
20:31.05 *** join/#brlcad kraig (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050223

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050223

02:04.20 *** join/#brlcad guu (
04:55.18 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
04:55.18 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.0 is under way today (20050211)...
05:16.29 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
05:16.29 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.0 is under way today (20050211)...
06:25.01 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ quote the make_* script arguments so an empty string will still be passed at the right place
06:29.23 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ ( description/auth line
06:54.39 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ test for gnu tar, and if it's gnu tar, make the path absolute via -P tar option
06:55.54 jano bork
06:56.34 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ substitute PACKAGE_NAME explicitly, make sure it's set just in case too
07:26.21 *** join/#brlcad learner (
07:26.21 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by ChanServ
08:21.36 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ add summary lines when the binary package target is built identifying the host triplet identifier
09:08.36 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (~Matthew@
10:08.02 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050224

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050224

01:15.20 *** join/#brlcad PhantomBantam (
05:46.25 *** join/#brlcad cad146 (
09:49.52 *** join/#brlcad frank__ (
17:40.53 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
17:40.53 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.0 is under way today (20050211)...
23:39.13 *** join/#brlcad starseeker (
23:39.22 starseeker anybody here?
23:41.10 starseeker There's a strange problem I'm getting with a gnome library wanting something called - the only libbns I can scare up is associated with brl-cad and pgp/gpg - anybody aware of a conflict between the two?
23:48.37 learner hmmm
23:49.00 learner a gnome library called eh?
23:54.11 learner apparently our "BRL-CAD Numerics" library and OpenSSL's "Big Number" library have the same name
23:55.40 learner wasn't aware of that until just now actually
23:57.21 learner i assume you didn't install into /usr/brlcad either like brl-cad prefers :)
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050225

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050225

00:00.13 starseeker nope :-)
00:00.22 learner i have heard of various other libraries named librt on certain platforms, just not libbn yet
00:01.37 learner so it sounds like you may have overwrote an existing libbn from openssl
00:01.51 starseeker I suppose I could update the ebuild... although to my considerable amusement I symlinked the brl-cad lib to that name and it built :-D. Or maybe my build order changed... either way I've yet to see that error
00:02.24 learner what were you building?
00:02.32 starseeker uh - some bonobo thing
00:03.13 starseeker scrolled down too far now.
00:03.22 learner does curl still work? :)
00:03.34 starseeker hmm. Dunno, don't use it...
00:04.01 learner curl
00:04.15 starseeker yep
00:04.20 learner er, never mind.. i said openssl, didn't i
00:04.28 starseeker yeah
00:04.55 starseeker oh well, I guess I can just reinstall ssl
00:05.19 starseeker I thought portage was supposed to catch things like this... huh
00:05.21 starseeker weird
00:05.25 learner or just wait until something ssl-related causes a problem -- might not be a problem :)
00:05.33 learner yeah, that is odd
00:05.35 starseeker Boy would that be funny
00:05.54 starseeker I might need to reinstall openssl - the initial error was the library wasn't present at all
00:06.20 starseeker brl-cad - we even replace openssl :-P
00:07.41 starseeker Mumble - they still haven't put the ebuild into portage
00:07.47 starseeker Sorry about that
00:07.48 learner assuming that's the right libbn in question
00:07.52 learner could be another still
00:08.11 starseeker could be pgp or gpg I suppose
00:08.31 learner and replacing libbn would certainly cause pretty much every binary in brl-cad to choke
00:08.45 starseeker let me check...
00:08.49 learner unless they're staticly linked
00:09.12 starseeker whats the binary name for the GUI again?
00:09.44 learner mged?
00:09.51 starseeker ah, that's it :-)
00:10.10 starseeker Hmm - it's looking for
00:10.14 learner doing a raytrace is a better libbn test though
00:10.33 starseeker It can't find a number of libraries it wants
00:10.41 starseeker fudgesickel
00:10.44 learner that's odd .. sounds like you actually stomped on brl-cad's libbn and libbu
00:10.53 learner er, libbn and librt
00:11.17 starseeker guess I'd better wait til I get this system update done, then try installing in /usr/brlcad like a good little boy
00:11.51 starseeker
00:12.04 starseeker
00:12.08 starseeker Oh, opps
00:12.16 learner yep, those are all brl-cad libs
00:12.17 starseeker no wonder I had to re-emerge tcl
00:12.35 jano is it bee are el CAD or burl cad?
00:12.51 learner bee are el
00:13.12 jano what if i don't want to bee ur el?
00:13.19 learner BeOS-CAD *ahem*
00:13.35 starseeker Okay... more ebuild tinkering needed I guess <sigh>
00:14.09 learner starseeker, i don't mind working out the problems to get it installing into the "common" locations.. but it's not clear what to do if there's a conflict
00:14.24 learner it's not even clear that's what the problem is here..
00:14.37 learner sounds like you lost your brl-cad libs .. not a conflict
00:14.50 learner or at least your symlinks
00:14.58 starseeker Yes, it's a bit odd.
00:15.25 starseeker OHHHHH! I'll bet when I had the sandbox turned off I overwrote some stuff
00:15.33 starseeker oppsie
00:16.14 starseeker Oh, I didn't mean that the way it sounded learner - I'm just pissed I'm being such a poor ebuild developer
00:16.23 learner heh
00:16.47 starseeker I'm not allowed to complain about a GPLed full powered CAS for Linux.
00:17.58 starseeker Oh, well. My system needed a major update anyway...
00:18.16 starseeker Gotta get in shape to try and build E17 :-)
00:18.32 learner :)
00:18.48 jano :D
00:18.55 starseeker Yeah, gotta get in shape that way too :-/
00:19.05 starseeker E17 is good for the heart rate though!
00:19.36 starseeker What a pity Gnome apps won't be ported over...
00:20.25 jano i wish gimp would work on more high-end level like 16-bit and cmyk and stuff
00:20.35 jano only ones that do are the film-gimp projects
00:20.43 jano and those are behind on development
00:20.47 jano and crash up the wazoo on winders
00:20.56 starseeker I think they need some support libs to come online
00:21.52 starseeker Heh - sorry learner. Once again I drag things off topic :-)
00:23.10 starseeker OK, back to breaking my system into small pieces. I'll let you know if I sort out the ebuild issues and find some low level conflicts
06:12.03 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
06:12.03 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.0 is under way today (20050211)...
06:43.25 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
06:43.25 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.0 is under way today (20050211)...
10:07.09 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
14:00.14 *** join/#brlcad narnia (
15:52.17 jano wow!!
15:52.18 jano
19:57.40 brlcad heheh, that's funny
19:57.51 jano it's great
19:57.56 jano i have the song stuck in my head
19:58.02 jano boo bo beep bepp bo bo bo beep
19:58.37 jano reminds me of the time homer congratulated lisa on her sax playing and walks out.. ooo eeerrr eeeep SQUEEK
19:58.41 jano :D
19:59.06 jano the video doesn't make much sense, though
19:59.13 jano i can't see movement correlating to the music
19:59.14 jano :(
20:08.51 brlcad i see a loose correlation
20:24.50 *** join/#brlcad fgq (
20:25.10 brlcad hello fgq
20:25.38 fgq hi
20:53.08 *** part/#brlcad fgq (
21:47.27 jano well fghim
21:47.29 jano :D
22:34.40 narnia brlcad, ping
23:49.07 narnia brlcad, ping
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050226

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050226

01:29.51 jano gnop!
02:26.44 brlcad pong
02:44.37 brlcad heh
03:07.14 jano hmm
03:07.20 jano sister on sister action?
03:07.21 jano err
03:07.33 jano kinda gross but cool
03:09.45 brlcad heh
04:03.59 jano ooo
06:21.31 PrezKennedy tonight sucked
10:07.39 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
16:38.55 *** part/#brlcad narnia (
16:45.14 *** join/#brlcad narnia (
17:16.41 *** join/#brlcad danfalck (
17:17.23 narnia danfalck, hello again. ;-)
17:17.39 danfalck hi
20:52.24 *** join/#brlcad learner (
20:52.24 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by ChanServ
21:00.39 jano BORK
21:30.19 jano
21:30.21 jano :D :D :D
21:45.50 narnia brlcad, ping
23:53.48 danfalck ping...
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050227

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050227

00:30.28 jano gnop
03:21.39 PrezKennedy ding
03:47.06 jano gnod
03:47.40 danfalck ok....tell me about brlcad
03:51.46 jano well.. he's male, late twenties, likes to program
03:54.50 danfalck do you use the brlcad application?
04:00.30 jano sorry, I haven't used it in a long time
04:00.42 jano it's essentially a cad program
04:00.48 jano that mainly uses CSG for modelling
04:02.31 danfalck are there a lot of programmers working on it?
04:06.19 danfalck is it a project with a lot of potential?
04:06.39 danfalck I'm interested in o/s cad/cam
04:06.54 jano it's used by the government if that means anything to you
04:07.04 danfalck I do tooling design/drafting and some CNC programming
04:07.15 jano best would be to talk to brlcad when he wakes up
04:07.21 danfalck ok. thanks
04:07.25 jano hmm
04:07.44 jano i dunno if he's awake
04:07.55 brlcad i'm here.. gimmie a secd
04:08.00 jano :)
04:08.04 danfalck hi
04:08.11 danfalck thanks jano
04:31.23 brlcad sorry about that danfalck .. was away in the middle of something
04:31.27 brlcad what would you like to know?
04:32.33 brlcad BRL-CAD is a solid modeling system
04:33.16 brlcad includes a csg-based modeler, several raytracers, lots of geometry import/export controls, some animation and procedural geometry support
04:33.38 brlcad for developers it gets even better, with a couple dozen isolated libraries
04:33.48 danfalck you invited us over from the #emc irc channel.
04:33.59 danfalck I'm into drafting/tool design and CNC programming
04:34.12 brlcad ahh, I thought your name was familiar
04:34.26 danfalck I'm interested in open source cad/cam
04:34.28 brlcad i think narnia mentioned you too
04:34.59 danfalck would brlcad be useful, at some point, in outputting g-code?
04:35.15 brlcad at some point, yes -- definitely
04:35.28 danfalck ok, good
04:35.34 brlcad in fact I believe that's specifically one of narnia's goals to get working
04:35.56 danfalck what have you been able to do with brlcad so far?
04:36.19 brlcad brl-cad is used extensively by the gov't for ballistics and vulnerability analyses
04:36.52 brlcad e.g. there's a complete brl-cad model of pretty much any tank in existance
04:37.04 danfalck ok. do you have it working on your computer?
04:37.07 brlcad down to the wires, fuel lines, etc
04:37.35 brlcad heh, yes, it works on my computer
04:37.39 brlcad and lots of others ;)
04:38.01 danfalck ok. I've been looking at the web site and just started skimming the mged tutorial
04:38.02 brlcad it's pretty cross-platform -- weakest link is probably windows
04:38.15 danfalck I don't need Micro$oft
04:38.21 brlcad mged is one of 400 tools, albeit the one that gets most of the attention
04:38.35 brlcad i'm not that fond of it myself, but it is in widespread use in the gov't
04:39.44 danfalck are you a draftsman or computer programmer?
04:40.20 brlcad my primary hat is that of a computer scientist
04:40.46 danfalck have you been working with it for a long time?
04:41.00 brlcad software design, graphics, AI
04:42.13 danfalck sorry for all the questions. I'm trying to get a feel for what's happening with the project now.
04:43.39 danfalck I have looked at it in the past but always avoided it because of the non-gpl license. But that's changed
04:45.07 brlcad no problem
04:45.40 brlcad been working with brl-cad for about 7 years, computer programming for about 20
04:45.49 danfalck great
04:46.28 brlcad most of the other/older brl-cad devs are at earshot too
04:47.45 danfalck I see lots of references to CSG. Can it do other things like draw profiles and extrude too?
04:49.02 brlcad yes
04:49.07 danfalck great
04:49.12 brlcad there are various "primitive shapes" in brlcad
04:49.31 brlcad one of them is a "sketch" .. which is basically a common 2d drawing
04:49.37 danfalck good
04:49.40 brlcad that may be extruded to become a solid model
04:50.07 danfalck I'm thinking in terms of drawing pockets to be milled out
04:50.15 danfalck or engraving on a surface
04:50.15 brlcad there are also extruded bitmaps and a couple other similar 2d constructs
04:51.28 danfalck or maybe even turned applications
04:51.47 danfalck I've always got CNC on the brain
04:52.51 danfalck what's the base machine right now for running the application on Linux?
04:52.54 brlcad I'll need to read up more on g-code and cnc formats as that's admitedly outside of my field of experience to date
04:53.08 brlcad base machine?
04:53.30 brlcad if it doesn't work, it's a bug or limitation of the new build system
04:53.33 danfalck I have a 500 mhz AMD box here
04:53.50 danfalck lowest class of computer...
04:54.19 danfalck or I should say, minimum requirements
04:54.50 brlcad there's not really minimum requirements, unless you're familiar with old machines like a gould 9000 or a vax 11/780
04:55.09 danfalck ok.
04:55.26 brlcad it'll just be a function of your model size
04:55.37 danfalck thanks
04:55.52 danfalck G-code isn't really complicated
04:55.58 brlcad that's source code though -- there are implicit limitations on the posted binaries
04:56.04 danfalck it's just lines and arcs
04:57.15 brlcad e.g. the binaries are linked against opengl .. so massaging (or recompiling) is needed for non-opengl
04:57.28 brlcad lines and arcs are pretty simple
04:57.59 brlcad could probably make a sketch -> g-code converter easily enough
04:58.12 danfalck I'm learning python right now. Using simple drawing programs to study
04:58.14 brlcad but more useful would probably be an arbitrary plane cross section to g-code
05:01.26 brlcad what kind of views are usually significant for cnc machines?
05:01.53 brlcad does it genearlly work on fixed orthogonal planar projection outlines?
05:02.06 brlcad or are they arbitrary?
05:02.25 danfalck It depends on the work you want to do. Basic milling can be done while looking at 2D view
05:02.55 danfalck but it's nice to have ortho view to see where the end mill(tool bit) is plunging or going back up
05:03.14 brlcad 2d milling is assumedly from a model that was modeled in 2d usually no?
05:03.23 danfalck yes
05:03.30 brlcad on the same plane even
05:03.36 danfalck yes
05:03.56 brlcad what about 3d milling?
05:04.00 danfalck but if you are doing multiple depth passes, it's nice to see where the tool is going
05:04.16 danfalck for surfacing (3d milling) ortho views are a must
05:04.34 danfalck for lathe work 2d is just fine
05:04.40 brlcad hmm.. multiple depths .. how's that generally work in the modeling software?
05:05.03 danfalck well in commercial cam software, you start with a profile
05:05.17 danfalck select the direction of the tool path
05:05.30 danfalck by clicking on the profile geometry on the screen
05:05.52 danfalck and changing the direction of arrows on the profile path
05:05.54 brlcad and it output's "slices" to mill
05:06.10 brlcad s/slices/depths/
05:06.13 danfalck then you fill in a dialog box telling the app depth, etc
05:07.19 danfalck so simple profiles, with dialog boxes, then an editor popping up with G-code for the user to examine
05:07.55 danfalck It could really be done with a fairly simple program, which I would like to learn how to program
05:08.11 danfalck so, I'm playing with some python cad apps
05:08.24 brlcad say I have a circle 2d model that I want for 3d milling?
05:08.36 brlcad like I want to mill a half sphere
05:08.41 brlcad how would that work?
05:08.58 danfalck well then I guess it gets more complicated
05:09.29 danfalck I have seen "waterline" machining strategy where the tool goes around the part in the same plane
05:09.39 danfalck then moves down to the next depth
05:09.55 brlcad i can imagine how the machine itself does it :)
05:09.55 danfalck and does the same thing again at the larger diameter
05:10.12 danfalck there are zigzap strategies
05:10.14 brlcad how do the commercial modelers do that? :)
05:10.41 danfalck surfaces are selected
05:11.02 danfalck the app projects some sort of mesh over the surface
05:11.20 danfalck that is supposed to project the toolpath
05:11.38 danfalck without gouging into the part (tool tips have to be considered)
05:12.14 danfalck I've done guitar necks using Smartcam a few years ago
05:12.33 danfalck and we used a strategy that ran the cutter along the length of the neck
05:12.50 danfalck moving to a different Z depth every pass
05:13.03 danfalck we used a ball end mill
05:13.04 brlcad right.. but how did you tell the software to do that?
05:13.15 brlcad i presume you modeled the neck in 3d
05:13.25 danfalck yes, with ACAD, Rhino
05:13.44 brlcad ACAD or autocad?
05:13.52 danfalck Autocad
05:13.54 brlcad ahh
05:14.09 brlcad (there's another cad package called acad)
05:14.12 danfalck oh
05:14.29 danfalck Now I work in a shop that does mostly turning
05:14.39 danfalck and it's a whole different ball game
05:14.53 danfalck I program by hand...
05:15.24 brlcad so now once you have the model imported from your cad package, how did you go about telling the software what you wanted to do?
05:15.38 brlcad milling-wise
05:15.49 danfalck the model imported in as a lofted surface
05:16.07 brlcad ah, so that gave you a starting plane
05:16.20 danfalck so once it's in the CAM app, you end up selecting all the lofted arcs in sequence
05:16.34 danfalck then the app has an idea where to start from
05:16.52 brlcad were they linear lofts?
05:17.05 brlcad a guitar neck isn't linearly lofted in any dimension
05:17.27 danfalck well think of it as a series of arc in the YZ plane
05:17.45 danfalck sorry I'm not better at explaining it
05:18.04 brlcad better yet.. what was your model lofted from?
05:18.18 brlcad from the base/top of the neck? from the flat top surface?
05:18.20 danfalck I started by digitizing an existing model
05:18.46 danfalck layed the neck with the fretboard(flat surface) down
05:19.05 danfalck probed over the back from one side to the other
05:19.19 danfalck one YZ profile at a time
05:19.31 danfalck move in X .1" then do it again
05:19.43 brlcad so you modeled the parabolic curve for one slice?
05:20.26 danfalck I actually had to probe Jimmy Pages guitar neck and it was worn in spots
05:20.39 danfalck so we did the whole back of the neck
05:20.48 danfalck we didn't do the headstock
05:21.00 brlcad i'm asking, though .. how did you "do" that back of the neck
05:21.23 brlcad you have basically a long rectangle for starters
05:21.29 danfalck ok I see what you mean, I think
05:22.01 danfalck I ran the probe across the neck from side to side generating a roughly parabolic shape
05:22.26 danfalck probed slices .1" apart from each other.
05:22.32 brlcad no worries.. I can wander on over to a milling shop if need be :)
05:23.00 danfalck forming a series of profiles that remind one of the skeleton of a snake :)
05:23.02 brlcad or just talk to one of my friends that work for some of the cam companies
05:23.31 danfalck basic milling is a lot easier to deal with
05:23.36 brlcad okay, so sliced perpendicularly down the neck
05:23.42 danfalck yes
05:23.57 danfalck once the data is in the modelling/cad program
05:24.03 brlcad so you end up with a slew of parabolicish curves
05:24.09 danfalck yes
05:24.11 brlcad that end up forming the surface mesh
05:24.38 brlcad so when you brought that into the cam software
05:24.52 danfalck yes. But I didn't need to massage the surface much since I took so many readings
05:25.03 brlcad you told it to start with the long rectangular base as the starting face .. i.e. "the bottom"
05:25.16 danfalck yes
05:25.35 danfalck tell the cam app to start machining from one end or the other
05:25.49 danfalck give it the diameter of the ball end mill
05:26.04 brlcad then you selected each arc from smallest to large/widest for milling "down" the neck
05:26.44 danfalck With Smartcam, it could either loft the same way that I probed the part or it could generate lines perpendicular
05:26.54 danfalck to the original ones
05:27.19 danfalck I ended up machine it both ways to see which worked the best for finishing
05:27.27 brlcad so the tool bit is actually pointing down the guitar neck (parallel to the rectangular base) as opposed to pointing towards the front of the guitar
05:27.47 danfalck it was pointing toward the fron of the guitar
05:28.04 danfalck as if the guitar was laying on it's face
05:28.09 brlcad okay
05:28.30 danfalck we used a giant Komo router to do the first 50 necks for production
05:28.30 brlcad hm.. then the software must of had some sort of path interpolation
05:28.35 danfalck yes
05:28.45 brlcad to tell it how to mill smoothly across the slew of slice surfaces
05:29.01 danfalck yes it was really slick
05:29.16 danfalck multi thousand dollar package
05:29.37 danfalck it might have been 10k back then
05:29.51 danfalck Luckily I didn't have to buy it myself
05:30.19 danfalck I have a small garage shop for a hobby
05:30.44 danfalck and use Autocad , Rhino and a small cam package named Vector
05:30.57 danfalck I just want to do some small hobby stuff
05:31.03 jano ooo i remember rhino
05:31.11 jano what happened to them? they still around?
05:31.13 danfalck I used to do lots of engraving with Vector
05:31.27 danfalck rhino is still very popular
05:31.30 jano hmm
05:31.42 jano for what.. cad stuff or ?
05:31.46 danfalck yes
05:31.48 jano ah
05:32.00 danfalck jewelry industry uses it a lot
05:32.06 jano there's this other program out now that seems to have amazing results for other 3d
05:33.02 danfalck I hear that a lot of people use Solidworks
05:33.16 danfalck We just purchase ProE at work. Haven't used it yet
05:33.25 jano it was a program used by the dudes that did LoTR
05:33.43 danfalck But, I'm more interested in open source stuff because I like to tinker
05:33.47 jano yah
05:34.55 danfalck brb
05:37.42 danfalck ok
05:42.18 danfalck I need to go. I'll be monitoring this channel from now on. Good talking with you guys.
06:14.02 brlcad same to you
06:14.20 brlcad yeah, most commercial cad packages are several thousand dollars
06:14.41 brlcad heck even brl-cad has had millions of dollars invested in it
06:18.00 brlcad that's what's made brl-cad's open sourcing so mutually hopeful
10:06.40 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
15:56.40 danfalck morning
16:29.51 brlcad mornin
16:40.44 danfalck can brlcad do any work on meshes?
16:40.54 danfalck or export them?
16:41.52 brlcad yes
16:42.45 brlcad brl-cad deals with triangles via BoT (Bag of Triangles) and NMG (generic non-manifold geometry) primitives
16:43.43 danfalck it looks like I need to install brlcad and explore it
16:44.45 brlcad by design, brl-cad prefers non-polygonalized geometry but there is a conversion path to triangles for any object/primitive
16:47.07 danfalck so if I wanted to get started, I should just grab the *tar file and start reading the mged (sp?) manual?
16:47.39 brlcad that would be reasonable :)
16:48.23 danfalck ok. I will do it.
16:49.02 danfalck I eventually want to set up a manufacturing system using o/s cad linked to EMC on my machines
16:49.09 danfalck in my garage
16:49.58 danfalck I own some cam stuff, but I have totally lost my appetite for closed source software
16:56.22 brlcad brl-cad's always been written in as "open" a development manner as was possible
16:57.04 brlcad it was only through significant persistance and a bit of luck that it was able to go open-source
16:58.20 brlcad but it does make complete sense for brl-cad's specific situation and history
16:58.21 jano does BoT come with a bonus set of monkeys in a barrel?
17:00.09 jano the sound you just heard was my joke doing mach 7 over your head
17:00.15 jano :D
17:00.42 jano Bag of Triangles, Barrel of Monkeys
17:02.29 brlcad dunno if he'd actually eat those
17:02.39 brlcad prolly
17:03.51 jano has it grown anymore?
17:04.30 danfalck so you mentioned that a lot of money went into the development of brlcad
17:04.34 danfalck millions?
17:14.44 brlcad consider that the package has been around for 20 years with constant funding, support, staff, training, improvements, etc
17:15.29 brlcad that doesn't necessarily mean that it's commercially viable or great for the general public's needs -- it was designed to efficiently perform a very specific set of tasks
17:15.40 brlcad and it does that _very_ well
17:16.48 brlcad but things like usability and user interface enhancements is something that gets handled as an afterthought as it's never funded
17:28.10 danfalck thanks for the info. I will install tonight. I'm going out for a walk.
17:28.36 brlcad have a good one
19:09.08 *** join/#brlcad narnia (
19:25.01 PrezKennedy ding
19:53.09 narnia knock, knock, anyone home?
19:58.23 danfalck hi
19:58.31 danfalck narnia: hello
20:05.55 narnia danfalck, hello, how goes it?
20:06.30 danfalck ok
20:06.44 narnia danfalck, sorry, i was searching on google for some more info on the express language.
20:06.51 danfalck I have been quizzing brlcad about BRLCAD
20:07.06 narnia danfalck, that is good.
20:07.19 danfalck it sounds like a pretty heavy duty app with a lot of potential for what we would like it for
20:07.26 narnia danfalck, so what do you think so far?
20:07.53 narnia brb, need coffee.
20:08.05 danfalck narnia: well, I have just scratched the surface. It is kind of intimidating
20:10.22 danfalck narnia: but if you're into it, I am willing to try it out
20:10.37 danfalck brb-fixing sandwich for son
20:14.12 danfalck ok I'm back
20:14.33 narnia danfalck, i am here.
20:14.55 danfalck narnia: are you running brlcad now?
20:15.03 narnia yes.
20:15.20 danfalck what have you been able to do with it so far?
20:17.22 narnia mainly building models of past projects. exploring alternative methods of construction.
20:18.49 danfalck can one make a drawing w/ dimensions on it for presentation to a shop?
20:19.26 danfalck I see lots of references to 3d models and CSG, but wonder how deep it is.
20:20.21 narnia probably the best way would be to look at the brlcad manual and tutorial.
20:20.41 danfalck yes
20:20.51 danfalck mged manual
20:21.01 narnia yes
20:22.17 danfalck I have a Morphix based computer here, with EMC RC46 on it. I will see how much space I have left on it and install there.
20:22.41 danfalck I've got the manual on this OS X box now
20:23.46 narnia as in macos x?
20:25.08 danfalck yes
20:25.20 narnia imac or emac?
20:25.23 danfalck cube
20:25.33 narnia ah
20:25.41 danfalck very quiet and small
20:26.06 danfalck I can run a load of gnu apps on it using X11
20:26.28 narnia i have an imac and an emac. i would like to have a mac mini to play with. those look interesting.
20:26.49 danfalck same here. I would like one too.
20:28.12 narnia did brlcad happen to mention if he will be around today when you chatted with him?
20:28.47 danfalck he was around this morning about 8:00 am pacific time
20:33.55 narnia ah
20:34.09 narnia sorry was dealing with the puppy.
20:34.35 narnia i need to take him for a walk. i will be back later.
20:34.46 danfalck ok chat with you later
20:39.02 *** join/#brlcad jnc (
20:39.05 jnc howdy
20:41.51 danfalck hello
20:50.58 jnc i'm thinking about writing up an ebuild, which would allow Gentoo Linux users to install brlcad
20:52.32 danfalck cool
20:53.03 danfalck I'm using a Morphix/Debian based distro
21:20.09 brlcad jnc: starseeker had put together and submitted an ebuild already
21:20.34 brlcad not sure where or how far he got, but he did help me track down a coupld sandbox problems that were fixed
21:21.39 brlcad jnc:
21:22.03 brlcad some things there I'd hope change, but it's a start
21:25.20 brlcad things like running on more than x86 -- i just decommisioned by ppc gentoo box, or I would be pressing that myself
21:26.53 brlcad a couple more concerns are fixed in the latest builds and will be in a new source/binary upload that should get posted this coming week
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050228

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050228

00:19.19 narnia brlcad, ping
00:19.39 danfalck hey there
00:20.25 narnia danfalck, hello.
00:20.55 narnia been trying to update the express lib but i have hit a roadblock. :-(
00:22.13 narnia somehow i need to obtain a copy of ISO 10303-11:2004. wants 260.00 swiss francs for the pdf version.
03:06.16 *** join/#brlcad narnia (
05:16.36 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ take care of the bsd sys/mount.h present but cannot be compiled problem by making the test account for the export symbol name (addresses sf bug 1109930)
06:09.49 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ just need to include sys/param.h
09:08.51 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/doevent.c:
09:08.51 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: illumination selection should not take the aspect ratio into account or you end
09:08.52 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: up unable to select geometry when the window is more wide than tall. Selection
09:08.52 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: bands need to include a band for all objects displayed on the vertical. (sf bug
09:08.52 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 1114269)
09:15.07 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: fixed non-square window mged illumination selection (sf bug 1114269)
10:06.44 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
10:31.44 *** join/#brlcad brainZzZ (
11:55.21 *** part/#brlcad brainZzZ (
15:16.45 *** join/#brlcad brainZzZ (
15:39.28 brlcad hello brainZzZ
15:39.30 brainZzZ free brlcad.
15:39.46 brlcad hmm?
15:40.24 brlcad brl-cad is free :)
15:40.38 brlcad I'm not so free usually, though
17:10.40 *** part/#brlcad brainZzZ (
19:15.19 narnia brlcad, ping
19:25.32 brlcad narnia: pong
19:28.06 brlcad saw your note about 10303-11
19:29.31 brlcad that one I do not have, but am curious why you think you need it.. from what I saw, libexpress covered the IS already
19:49.05 narnia brlcad, libexpress has not been updated to the 10303-11:2004 standard. it blows it brains out on new express files.
19:52.00 narnia brlcad, i have looked at several express/step projects i have found on the net. most have been abandoned or they are written in languages that require commericial packages. i.e. is a good example. it is written in lisp. not that bad however the interface requires lispworks professional edition. the lispworks-personal edition will not work.
19:53.41 narnia brlcad, numerous urls concerning express/step are broken. some are just totally useless.
19:56.18 narnia brlcad, concerning express/step i have several interesting urls which basically say "express/step is much hype about nothing". if express/step are so popular why are the projects appear to be abandoned.
20:00.31 brlcad i've seen exp-engine, it's interesting and could possibly be used in it's command-line processing mode -- but i think we should prefer a C library like libexpress of course
20:01.25 brlcad the modifications to revision 2 of -11 were posted on the website iirc -- just not the whole thing
20:01.56 brlcad there's also another C++ implementation that hooked to python that looked similarly promising, but libexpress still looks like it's the best bet
20:11.01 narnia brlcad, the modifications to revision 2 of -11 have not been posted. there is an addendum to revision 1 of -11 is available for download from either
20:13.08 narnia brlcad, the problem with the express-engine project is that it is not maintainable. how many people want to learn common lisp? i learned lisp when symbolics computers were the current fad. expert-systems and knowledge engineering were the latest buzz words.
20:16.12 narnia brlcad, the latest-pre-release of the express-engine is only available for windows. i find no unix vesion
20:16.49 brlcad oh i agree that it's the lisp impl is the least desireable -- but it is a possibility to simply call it as an external process
20:17.35 brlcad i'd rather fix libexpress myself, pick it up as a maintained library
20:18.07 brlcad talked to the original author a little bit, he's not really interested in continuing it's development any more
20:18.27 narnia brlcad, i agree. maintaining lex,yacc, and c is a whole easier than yet another language.
20:19.02 narnia brlcad, unless the yet another language was perl.
20:20.44 narnia brlcad, there is another project on sourceforge named osexpress. it use 'ant' ( a java make ) and an 'antlr' ( recursive-descent-parser. it was last updated in 2001.
20:20.45 brlcad to date, there's not really been any involvement with perl in brl-cad beyond scripting some interfaces internally to get some job done
20:21.37 brlcad so i'd be a "little" hesitant to toss it in unless there's some really active devs that want to use it and maintain it -- we don't quite have that situation yet
20:22.08 brlcad did you see the one in c++ that had hooks through python?
20:22.16 narnia brlcad, the only reason for needing the -11:2004 express language reference manual is to modify the lex and yacc parser.
20:22.57 narnia let me google for it a minute.
20:23.59 brlcad did you actually get the yacc file to convert with bison/yacc?
20:24.33 brlcad did you fix the problem, or did it just work on whatever platform you were testing?
20:34.05 narnia brlcad, yes. the yacc file compiles with bison.
20:34.18 narnia brlcad, i fixed it.
20:34.45 brlcad what was it?
20:35.05 narnia i found a powerpoint document concerning pyexpress but i find no links to any source code or home pages.
20:36.19 narnia there were several errors in the yacc file. and there were errors in the lex file. they still need to be cleaned up.
20:37.42 narnia for some reason yyresult was declared as an 'int' and also as a struct pointer. after reading the yacc file in detail it was clear that they were not the same thing. bison did not grok that.
20:38.30 narnia i also converted any references to array sys_errlist to strerror().
20:38.33 brlcad hmmm
20:39.20 brlcad yeah, the latter wasn't a problem on the system I was on just by chance
20:39.23 narnia fedex does work and i even got express pretty print to work.
20:40.17 narnia gnu-3.4 did not like the sys_errlist and kept complaining about it. to silence gnu i just fixed it.
20:41.05 narnia there were also some probelms with the yaccflags and flexflags in the original makefile and mkrules files.
20:41.39 narnia the makefile and mkrules still need to be rewritten.
20:42.24 brlcad oh, they are would be ditched if we pull it in
20:42.33 narnia the code in general was in need of cleanup which i have been doing.
20:43.26 brlcad much easier to work up a for the library than to fix/mimic their build
20:43.39 narnia agreed
20:44.09 brlcad are you "narnia" on
20:45.18 narnia not sure what you are asking. on sourceforge i am terrylr or aslan. for some reason freenode will not let me use the nickname 'aslan'.
20:46.20 brlcad aslan must be one of the restricted bot names from past abuse
20:46.41 brlcad I could probably get it unblocked if you really want it
20:47.38 narnia on the emc project on i am terrylr.
20:49.34 narnia once libexpress is squared away we still need to parse part21 files. i have been looking at the nist scl c++ code and have started changeing it over to straight c.
20:50.59 narnia having iso-10303-21 would be nice to have but not necessary at this point.
20:53.27 narnia iso-10303-21:2002 is industrial automation systems and integration -- Product data representation and exchange -- Part 21: Implementation methods: Clear text encoding of the exchange structure
20:54.13 brlcad I'm not familiar with that one
20:54.30 brlcad what does it cover that is not covered by an AP itself?
20:55.07 narnia that is not clear to me.
20:55.56 brlcad what's hinting you towards needing to parse part21 files then?
20:56.21 narnia the step files that i have.
20:56.40 narnia they all start with ISO-10303-21;
20:56.40 narnia HEADER;
20:56.40 narnia FILE_DESCRIPTION((''),'2;1');
20:56.54 brlcad from my understanding, we need an express parser to read the ap201/ap214 express schema files .. we feed it the ap and then the parser should be able to parse a conformant .step file for either of those ap's
20:57.38 brlcad ah, hrm.. maybe feed it the express schema for 21 too .. i'll look more closely at my .step files here
20:59.41 narnia here is an extract from a step file i have.
20:59.44 narnia #13584=DIRECTION('',(0.E0,-1.E0,0.E0));
20:59.44 narnia #13585=VECTOR('',#13584,1.6E1);
20:59.44 narnia #13586=CARTESIAN_POINT('',(4.670394736842E1,1.725E2,-1.535688475947E2));
20:59.44 narnia #13587=LINE('',#13586,#13585);
21:00.39 narnia the <#num> may be viewed as either a variable or a macro.
21:01.53 narnia then there is the need for the glue to create a brl-cad database.
21:04.58 narnia on ISO 10303-21:2002 is 72 pages at $144.00 usd. so basically $2.00 usd per page. the borders on obscene pricing.
21:19.56 brlcad yeah, most of the pricing is a bit rediculous for a spec
21:22.20 brlcad money grubbing ..
21:23.08 brlcad if they really wanted wide standards adoption, there's no real reason to not make it freely downloadable and charge for printed versions or special electronic (tapes, etc)
21:31.15 narnia agreed
23:53.12 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
23:53.13 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.0 is under way today (20050211)...
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050301

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050301

00:44.55 *** join/#brlcad guu (
01:03.45 jano *sigh*
01:04.12 jano poek is sweedish for poke
01:04.15 jano :D
02:29.43 PrezKennedy golden corral?
02:30.09 brlcad was going to be there but they were closed
02:30.13 brlcad so went to the tree
02:31.19 PrezKennedy mmmm
05:50.14 narnia knock, knock, anyone home?
05:51.59 danfalck yes
05:52.17 danfalck I haven't installed brlcad yet
05:53.14 danfalck had to do other things last night. It will be another weekend before I can do it.
06:17.05 brlcad no worries
06:20.27 brlcad mm.. so much to do .. so much to do
06:20.52 danfalck so much to learn
06:21.03 brlcad improved the package builders so that it'll attempt to detect and warn if an install was not yet performed
06:22.26 brlcad i'm hoping we can have all of the platforms stabilized, backup systems in place, and test system back on-line by the end of this month
06:23.59 brlcad a bit wishful with all of the pressing deadlines.. but we shall see
06:29.44 danfalck I will chat with you tomorrow.
06:30.21 brlcad g'night
07:41.56 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ check for prefix and bindir initially for invalid permissions; create an install timestamp file that is used to warn the binary package makers if an install was never performed.
10:07.19 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
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16:50.16 *** join/#brlcad cad002 (
16:53.08 *** join/#brlcad cad202 (
16:54.00 cad202 Hi! I need to know how can I animate with brlcad. Is there any tutorial to animate?
17:20.57 brlcad howdy
17:21.49 brlcad the animation tools are very mathematical, but fairly robust
17:22.04 brlcad there's a couple papers on the web as well as some documentation in the distribution
17:22.42 brlcad
17:25.39 cad202 ok!! Thank u very much!!!
18:00.27 jano geezus
18:00.43 jano they filled my office with balloons
18:00.46 brlcad heya
18:00.48 brlcad oooh
18:00.59 narnia brlcad, hello, how goes it?
18:01.14 brlcad jano, is today a special day? =)
18:01.23 brlcad you know i'm horrible with dates... b'days in particular..
18:01.31 brlcad narnia: howdy .. going well
18:01.46 brlcad how about you?
18:02.00 narnia i am okay.
18:04.11 narnia been working on cleaning up the express library, more conversion of c++ to straight c. stuff like that.
19:22.02 jano i hate when people do this crap
19:24.07 jano now i have to fake "joy" to make them happy
19:24.28 brlcad i'm happy when you fake joy
19:28.37 narnia jano, why are you upset?
19:34.40 jano i don't like people doing this stuff
19:36.28 narnia jano, look at this way at least you are able to be around other people.
21:41.43 narnia jano, there are those of us who have no really contact with other people in a face-to-face environment. our only contact is via the internet, e-mail, telephone, or the infrequent visitor who happens to drop in.
21:43.33 narnia jano, i have been homebound for 8+yrs. i would love to have people around who would fill my cube/office/etc with balloons. however, given the circumstances, i see the same walls everyday, 24/7.
21:44.41 narnia jano, or on the more rare occassion that someone actually offers to take me out for even just coffee. but like i said those of rare.
21:52.27 jano i like interaction with people. I do not like being center of attention.
21:52.51 jano the only reason they do "nice" things is ultimatley selfish.. they think i like it, and so feel good about themselves
21:52.54 jano i do not like it
21:53.07 jano so i ask them not to, and they persist
21:53.11 narnia jano, then tell them.
21:53.18 jano i did
21:54.07 narnia jano, then tell them again this time using the words "harassment", "lawyers", and "complaint".
21:55.01 jano i know brlcad doesn't like it, either
21:55.07 jano :P
21:56.07 brlcad is that where you scratch his eyes out and eat his liver? :)
21:56.51 narnia brlcad, i would never do that to jano. besides he is not my type. ;-)
21:57.29 brlcad i doubt he tastes very good too
21:57.39 brlcad not enough fat to flavor the meat
22:00.28 narnia brlcad, would be nice if the opensource community had a library of the iso standards that could be checked out over the net. sort of like an iso standard version of netfliks.
22:08.24 jano no fat
22:08.33 jano I'm all skin and bones
22:11.16 jano wowo
22:11.24 jano helen got me a photography book
22:11.36 jano huge thing, weighs like 5 pounds
22:28.42 jano
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050302

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050302

06:54.16 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (~Matthew@
10:07.29 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
22:28.27 *** join/#brlcad cad937 (
23:46.00 *** join/#brlcad cad728 (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050303

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050303

03:13.07 *** join/#brlcad learner (
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03:21.32 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
06:32.12 *** join/#brlcad [Prez|Kennedy] (
09:51.48 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
12:46.26 *** join/#brlcad Azlan (
12:48.25 Azlan hi.. I'm trying to compile brl-cad on my WinXp computer.. But the problem is.. i looked at the source and there only U*ix scripts.. Any alternative package??
12:49.29 Azlan Should i dl automake for windows to?
12:50.23 *** join/#brlcad Azlan (
14:01.57 brlcad Azlan: there are studio workspace build files (awefully out of date) in some of the directories that might be helpful
14:02.16 brlcad Azlan: more likely, though, the easiest path to getting everything to work is via mingw/cygwin
14:02.49 brlcad there are new .net build files being put together, but those will not be likely ready for a while
14:03.40 brlcad I'll be glad to help you through any problems you have with the build regardless of the build method, but especially if you choose the mingw route
16:12.59 *** join/#brlcad CIA-3 (
17:43.28 narnia knock, knock, anyone home?
18:04.47 brlcad howdy ho
18:23.21 narnia brlcad, you still here?
18:23.53 narnia brlcad, sorry i was reading an e-mail list.
18:24.06 narnia brlcad, i have some good news.
19:27.55 brlcad good news? :)
19:34.34 narnia brlcad, you still here?
19:34.56 narnia brlcad, yes, good news. ;-)
19:35.50 brlcad i'm still here
19:35.52 brlcad what's up?
19:36.00 narnia brlcad, there you be. ;-)
19:36.07 brlcad there I be
19:36.16 brlcad and there you be
19:36.31 narnia brlcad, i have a pdf copy of 10303-11:2004. express language reference manual edition 2.
19:36.36 brlcad heh
19:36.49 brlcad I won't ask, but good to hear :)
19:36.59 narnia brlcad, it is entirely legal.
19:37.05 brlcad ah, even better
19:38.18 narnia brlcad, to bring you update to date it may be quicker and easier if you have the time to read the following e-mail list.
19:38.52 narnia brlcad, there are only 16 msgs.
19:38.57 brlcad mkay
19:39.27 narnia brlcad, the important msg is
19:40.00 narnia brlcad, perhaps you may obtain a legal copy also. ;-)
19:40.57 narnia brlcad, i am comparing the -11:ed2 to nist express lib.
19:42.05 narnia brlcad, i figure 5 days to get nist express lib updated. a couple days of testing. then perhaps have the folks on step-os test it.
19:42.22 narnia brlcad, the part 21 parser is going okay.
19:44.47 narnia brlcad, know anyone knowledgable in step-nc? step-nc is yet another iso standard. in other words obscenely expensive. ;-)
19:46.22 narnia brlcad, i am also working on, for my own use, a couple perl scripts to help with the work.
19:49.16 brlcad that's pretty cool, hehe
19:49.20 narnia brlcad, i am toying with the idea to write a perl script that would take an express file and create an xfig document from it.
19:49.34 narnia brlcad, which part is pretty cool?
19:50.18 narnia brlcad, i take it you have read the step-os e-mail list.
19:51.11 narnia brlcad, any thoughts on the suggestion to implement ap210 since it covers most other aps?
19:54.02 brlcad give me a second
19:54.04 narnia brlcad, sorry, just re-read that msg. ap203 covers most of the other aps. the person would like the brl-cad to support the gemometry portions of ap210.
19:54.17 narnia brlcad, times up. ^_^
19:55.05 narnia brlcad, ;-) i am joking. pulling your chain. pulling your leg. having some fun. etc.
20:27.11 brlcad that's about a second, right? :)
20:40.52 narnia brlcad, sorry was watching fosset land in kansas. he made it sole around the world non-stop.
20:41.19 brlcad not a problem, just reading more of that list
20:41.52 brlcad wonder if ap203/214 would similarly qualify as "iso 10303 support activity" :)
20:42.23 narnia brlcad, good question.
20:42.56 brlcad so the take seems to be that libexpress as received from nist is 1994 compliant but not 2004
20:43.30 narnia brlcad, yes.
20:44.10 narnia brlcad, i figure 5 days to get -11:2004 compliant.
20:47.10 narnia brlcad, altering the yacc and lex files to keep express ed1 and add epxress ed2 so both will work is time consuming.
20:47.33 narnia brlcad, did you happen to read my intro msg?
20:49.09 brlcad yes, I read the whole thread
20:49.50 brlcad Craig's name is rather familiar too
20:50.11 brlcad probably just from exp-engine though
20:50.44 narnia brlcad, any comments on my intro? i think i covered what our goals are.
20:51.10 brlcad No, looked good
20:51.13 brlcad well put
20:51.52 narnia brlcad, basically, the 'kiss' philosophy. ;-)
20:52.19 narnia brlcad, as in 'straight c, yacc, and lex'
20:53.08 narnia brlcad, at some point we will need to create a 'map' from express/step to brl-cad database.
20:53.39 brlcad I'm a bit surprised Steve posted, but no matter.. we're now one step closer
20:53.46 narnia brlcad, need to search for some gnu gpl or public domain brep to csg routines.
20:54.12 narnia brlcad, no pun intended i am sure. ;-)
20:54.24 narnia brlcad, do you know steve?
20:54.32 brlcad actually that's one of the primitives that just needs to be added as a full-fledged primitive
20:54.57 narnia brlcad, ah.
20:54.58 brlcad depending on which implementation of brep you're referring to of course
20:55.16 brlcad we already do polygonalized brep
20:55.21 brlcad we don't do spline
20:55.57 brlcad and that's mainly just because the modeler needs a slew of changes to support them
20:56.08 brlcad (like a new modeler) ;)
20:56.39 narnia brlcad, you should have that done in a day ro two then. ;-)
20:57.41 brlcad heh
20:58.08 brlcad knowing exactly what I need to do doesn't make it any easier :)
20:58.33 narnia brlcad, on a serious note, at some point in the distant future spline brep will be supported.
21:00.28 jano buckyballs!
21:01.00 brlcad narnia: most definitely
21:05.57 brlcad narnia: adding new primitives is only generally difficult in one aspect -- the ray-intersection test
21:06.31 brlcad i've been meaning to write a paper on just how to do that, having written two new primitives myself
21:08.15 brlcad i'd have to pull up some research papers on implicitly defined spline computations, but I suspect what will be most problematic is the root solver
21:08.48 narnia brlcad, umm.
21:08.52 brlcad brl-cad's current root solver is one that favors speed over most other qualities because the primitives that use it are _very_ well behaved
21:09.02 narnia jana, stickybuns.
21:09.14 brlcad a generic spline primitive would not necessarily be so well behaved
21:09.16 narnia jano, as in pastry.
21:09.44 narnia brlcad, agreed.
21:10.23 brlcad There are lots of readily available quadratic root solvers in abundance though .. just need to test them out
21:10.25 narnia my typing sucks today.
21:11.15 narnia brlcad, will you be around this evening?
21:11.22 brlcad should be
21:12.10 narnia narnia, okay. i really need to go soak my left arm. i will be back this evening.
21:13.00 narnia brlcad, today has been a good day.
21:13.34 brlcad indeed!
21:13.43 brlcad nice job on the list
21:13.50 brlcad I wasn't even aware of that list until now
21:17.27 jano soak your left arm
21:17.34 narnia brlcad, thank you. i found it yesterday. figured it was worth a shot.
21:17.44 jano that's just the most random goodbye statement I've seen
21:18.10 jano :D
21:18.17 narnia jano, i would but tom, the new puppy, needs someone to watch him.
21:19.02 narnia jano, i am the official puppy watcher.
23:52.58 Azlan Then mavy its easyer compileing on linux for windows?? Possible?
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050304

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050304

00:20.34 brlcad hmm?
00:21.10 brlcad compiling on linux for windows.. mingw or cygwin is about as close as you're going to get
00:45.12 Azlan ok.. haven't checked.. thx.. I'll try tomorrow.. Good night..
00:55.16 brlcad good night!
01:27.50 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
01:31.04 jano I'm sick again :\
01:52.51 brlcad zee poo beebee
03:09.59 narnia <PROTECTED>
03:10.49 brlcad sort of
03:10.55 brlcad not home yet
03:21.12 narnia brlcad, good you are swtill here.
03:25.29 narnia going through 10303-11:1994 and 10303-11:2004 is going slower than i thought it would.
03:25.50 brlcad so is releasing 7.2
03:26.57 narnia the both 11:1994 and -11:2004 the syntax rules change depending on the context.
03:28.25 narnia it would be nice if there was an official 'diff' of -11:1994 and -11:2004.
03:29.08 brlcad 'diff' isn't helpful? :)
03:30.16 narnia well, pdf2text is not that good. i only have -11:2004. i do have the important part of -11:1994 namely the bnf.
03:31.10 brlcad ahh, true.. pdf ;)
03:32.53 narnia -11:2004 does not provide any insight as to why the syntax has changed. so i am having to re-read parts in an attempt to get the 'flavour' of what is being changed.
03:34.10 narnia did you subscribe to step-os? just wondering.
03:38.27 brlcad yes, I did
03:38.55 narnia the additions to express are relatively easy. it is the obsolete and deprecated syntax that does not change since express ed1 should still be supported. it is where the syntax has changed that is the hard ones.
03:39.20 narnia brlcad, great. we can double-team them. ;-)
03:41.46 narnia thankfully, there is not a lot of express ed2 aps out in the wild yet.
03:41.56 brlcad heh
03:42.19 brlcad yes, that would be a pita if it wasn't a 2004 spec
03:45.16 narnia here is a good example of a change that i am trying to understand
03:45.31 narnia express ed1 function_decl = function_head [ algorithm_head ] stmt { stmt } END_FUNCTION ';' .
03:45.51 narnia express ed2 function_decl = function_head algorithm_head stmt { stmt } END_FUNCTION ';' .
03:46.22 narnia algorithm_head is optional in ed1 but required in ed2.
03:46.53 brlcad yes, what's not understood?
03:47.32 narnia why the change?
03:48.18 brlcad ahh.. could be simply because having optional arguments without surrounding arguments is rather difficult to parse
03:48.32 brlcad what if my algorithm mand statement are the same
03:48.52 brlcad making it optional precludes that possibility
03:49.19 brlcad could have been some other less practical and more political reason
03:49.47 brlcad that's an easy one to support though.. just make sure it's optional and both are supported, unless we add a strict conformance mode for each spec
03:51.34 narnia back when i worked for a united nations agency i know how meetings would turn out based on the color of passports. red == communists block blue == u.s.a block black = non-aligned block.
03:52.49 narnia back when i worked at ft. meade, maryland. the outcome of meeting was along which branch of service had the most uniforms present.
03:56.15 brlcad :)
04:00.12 narnia brlcad, are you still at work?
04:00.24 brlcad yes
04:00.52 brlcad few more things to finish up
04:01.01 narnia brlcad, it is 2300 hrs in maryland.
04:01.18 brlcad 2301, but yes :)
04:01.33 brlcad this is not unusual for me
04:01.54 narnia well i am going to go catch the news. be back around 2330.
04:02.08 brlcad okie dokie
04:02.15 narnia brlcad, i do my best work between 2200 and 0600 . ;-)
04:02.26 brlcad likewise
04:02.29 narnia i normally sleep from 0600 to noon.
04:02.36 brlcad likewise :)
04:03.02 brlcad though sometimes I'll get up a lil eariler than noon
04:45.22 jano i wake up about 0530
04:57.35 brlcad I sleep about 0530
04:58.40 jano hahah
04:58.52 jano had time to think about surf safari? :)
05:15.46 brlcad not much yet :)
05:26.41 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/db5.h: define the db5 minor type for superell even if it uses the v4 macro
05:27.46 jano :(
05:56.40 *** join/#brlcad guu (
06:04.39 jano llama llama llama duck
07:06.55 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (~Matthew@
09:44.40 *** join/#brlcad guu (
10:10.02 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
10:30.15 *** join/#brlcad [Prez|Kennedy] (
12:35.09 Azlan Cannot compute sizeof (void *), 77 ??? Help
12:39.03 Pimpinella what should this be?
12:41.11 Azlan in configure
12:44.28 Azlan using Cygwin for compilation to windows
12:47.14 Azlan Have to go to work now.. But i'll be back later.. Bye.
19:50.17 narnia brlcad, ping
22:45.30 narnia brlcad, ping
23:00.39 brlcad pong
23:10.33 [Prez|Kennedy] ding
23:44.30 brlcad dong
23:48.34 [Prez|Kennedy] hahah you said dong
23:48.59 narnia brlcad, you still here?
23:58.02 brlcad there really is no need to keep asking if i'm here or not .. i'll read it eventually regardless ..
23:59.33 brlcad I phase in out of doing other things but rarely just hang around waiting on irc ;)
23:59.54 brlcad so best to just say/ask/do whatever :)
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050305

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050305

00:18.15 narnia brlcad, sorry.
00:19.34 narnia brlcad, have you had a chance to read the 10303-11ed2.pdf? if so would you be able to explain to me what the purpose of total_over is?
00:20.48 narnia brlcad, i have re-read 10303-11ed2 several times and i still do not understand total_over. i need to understand it before i can attempt to parse it.
00:21.45 narnia brlcad, also i was going to place the original nist scl3-2 release into cvs and fork it and use the fork. any thoughts?
00:24.14 narnia brlcad, spent most of the day reading various e-mail lists devoted to step/10303-11/part21. rather boring reading but necessary to understand where the working group is coming from. does give some insight into 10303-11ed2.
00:26.02 narnia brlcad, my estimate of 5 days was too optimistic. until i can understand the workings of -11ed2 i am going to holdoff on any further estimates.
00:26.28 narnia i will be back later.
00:27.39 brlcad Hmm, heh, no need to be sorry either :) ... no i haven't read it yet
00:27.54 brlcad i've been working on the 7.2 release posting
00:30.36 narnia brlcad, it is rather obtuse in parts.
00:30.50 brlcad i can imagine
00:31.22 narnia plain english with some examples and pictures would be better.
00:32.03 brlcad I've intended to bring in at least libexpress into cvs ever since they told me that they are no longer interested in supporting it
00:33.02 brlcad it didn't seem like most of the rest of scl is relevant
00:33.19 narnia brlcad, i am going to get the original scl3-2 source into my cvs server sometime tonight.
00:33.23 brlcad cept maybe fedex .. but that's a stretch
00:33.44 narnia fedex is a good checker.
00:34.52 brlcad I could possibly see using parts of it in the converter for validating an input before conversion
00:36.10 narnia at somepoint in the future libexpress would be worth rewriting from scratch. there are a good many kludges in the source code.
00:36.50 narnia not that there is anything wrong with kludges. ;-)
00:36.56 brlcad heh, that's one of those components not high on my scale of "worth" for rewriting
00:37.14 brlcad there are other chunks of code that I'd rather rewrite with infininte time :)
00:37.28 narnia i have all the time. 24/7 i am here.
00:39.04 narnia brb need to see what tom, the puppy, is currently destroying.
00:40.35 narnia oaky, i am attempting to type with the puppy in my lap. 4 months old and weighs 31 lbs. ;-)
00:40.43 brlcad heh
00:41.14 narnia tom, has been a one puppy wrecking crew today.
01:10.57 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10CVSROOT/cvsignore: ignore generated build files when updating
01:55.06 jano can't get this pressure point outta my head
01:55.23 jano feelin all stressed and feelin all right..
01:55.30 jano aaahhhh pressure pressure pressure
06:52.14 *** topic/#brlcad by brlcad -> || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.0 is posted (20050305)
07:00.14 jano
07:00.55 brlcad purdy burdie
07:01.12 jano :)
07:01.21 jano what you up to this weekend?
07:01.24 brlcad we have several bald eagles out behind our building
07:01.37 jano ooo
07:01.52 jano make a teleporter so I can go get some pics!
07:02.18 brlcad i've thought to take a zoom lens out and get some pics some time
07:02.41 jano :)
07:02.45 jano I needa get me a bigma
07:02.50 jano sigma 50-500mm :D
07:02.55 brlcad the best shots are from the office, though -- so I'd have to get a camera pass first, and that's a pain
07:03.16 jano ah
07:03.18 jano :(
07:06.33 jano hmm
08:35.56 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/ give the RT execs better names especially for the ?able ones
08:46.47 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: 7.2.0 was released on 20050305; mged illumination fix didn't make the tag; begin new section for the next release.
08:49.10 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ ( README): update the version to dev patch number 7.2.1
09:39.28 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/HACKING: clarify and clean up the release to-do list
10:09.59 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
16:56.01 *** join/#brlcad Bluewolf (
16:59.44 jano
16:59.54 jano
16:59.56 jano :D
17:02.16 brlcad that's just wierd
17:02.20 jano :D
17:02.29 jano it just made my day :D
17:02.35 jano i found a heavy metal version of the song
17:02.44 narnia flash/shocwave are a total waste of bandwidth. argh.
17:02.49 jano once it's d/l I'll be sure to share :)
17:03.11 brlcad hmm
17:03.16 brlcad not that funny to me
17:03.19 jano :(
17:03.31 jano it's jano humor :)
17:03.35 narnia is macromedia went bankrupt tomorrow i would not shed any tears.
17:03.54 jano you liked salad fingers crap though
17:04.41 brlcad salad fingers was VERY wierd .. but very artistic too
17:04.56 narnia bbl
17:05.08 jano artistic as a dingleberry
17:07.00 jano it's like those people who play the avante garde crap on guitar
17:07.14 jano ping.... dong.... eeeeeeeeeeAAAAAHHHHH Ffffffffrrrrrrrrr
17:09.04 brlcad yet a dancing bananna is okay .. yeeeeeaaahhh...
17:09.37 jano i don't care about the flash itself.. i like the music :)
17:09.52 jano and the reference to the idiotic badger was cute
17:11.53 jano okay.. fine.. how about this?
17:12.01 jano a little bit of adult humor, fyi
17:14.02 brlcad I like brunettes more ;) but cute
17:14.29 brlcad heh
17:14.54 jano but yes, i prefer brunetes and redheads two, if I had to chose
17:14.59 jano and some day, i hope I do have to
17:15.01 jano :D
20:08.55 *** join/#brlcad narnia (
22:56.46 *** join/#brlcad jano (
22:56.54 jano nooooooo
22:57.02 jano phole is on its last limb
22:57.07 jano just lost our first hard drive!
22:57.09 jano :(
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050306

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050306

00:23.19 narnia brlcad, well after numerous reading of -11ed2 i think i finally understand 'total_over' and 'andor'.
02:01.23 brlcad cool
02:05.52 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ root authorization and yes, it's required for the compat folks too
02:53.24 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ create pax files in cpio format and strip the leading slash so that the stored archive loation is relative
03:51.14 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/cmd.c: avoid segment violation on a short argv[1]
04:03.55 brlcad ouch
04:48.03 narnia brlcad, for a first draft of the express interface for brl-cad instead of attempting both ap203/ap214 would just ap203 be acceptable?
04:49.25 narnia brlcad, the reason i ask that is because the by learning from the mistakes i make with a simple ap would allow additional aps to go more smoothly.
04:56.12 narnia brlcad, s/simple/single/
05:25.23 brlcad narnia: of course
05:29.18 brlcad that makes sense regardless to just get one working first
05:33.09 brlcad ap214 is less common since it was ratified a couple years after, though it is the one with csg
05:37.06 narnia brlcad, i am writing some perl scripts to help me work through the changes to libexpress.
05:39.42 narnia i was looking at ap210 not sure about that on. it is mainly electronic. that was the one a member of step-os suggested.
05:40.37 narnia i still am trying to figure out what STEPmod on sourceforge is all about. i am not into xml or dtd.
05:42.12 narnia i have come to the conclusion that there is alot of verbose meaningless junk on the internet about step. the wg11 mailing list. talk about egos.
08:54.40 *** join/#brlcad cad754 (
09:20.52 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ copy the archive into a temporary root for creating a proper bill of materials
10:10.09 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
17:16.41 *** join/#brlcad asheron (
19:06.25 brlcad hello asheron
19:18.04 *** join/#brlcad EricWilhelm (
19:18.22 EricWilhelm anybody know of some open-source cam software?
19:19.04 EricWilhelm (I know, what a great Sunday-afternoon question.)
19:21.56 brlcad EricWilhelm: nope, not a one
19:23.28 brlcad that's part of what's being worked on now with the step converter and g-code converter
19:41.16 *** join/#brlcad Koolosh (
19:45.02 narnia EricWilhelm, i am working on that.
19:45.55 narnia EricWilhelm, just in the last week we have received significant help in that area.
19:47.01 narnia EricWilhelm, basically three separate projects are being either merged or glued together to give us opensource cad-cam.
19:47.41 narnia EricWilhelm, brl-cad, emc, and my project
19:49.41 narnia EricWilhelm, emc and of course brl-cad
19:49.56 narnia brlcad, did i miss anything?
19:50.23 brlcad that's about right
19:58.52 *** part/#brlcad Koolosh (
20:01.33 narnia brlcad, it is beautiful here today, 60+f, sunny, lite breeze.
20:01.56 brlcad yeah, gorgeous here too .. looking to wander out
20:02.01 narnia i am going outside to enjoy it with tom, the new puppy. ;-)
20:03.13 narnia tell you what let's go play outside and pick things up later. ;-)
20:10.00 brlcad heh, :)
20:40.50 EricWilhelm that sounds awesome!
20:43.09 narnia EricWilhelm, it is. ;-)
20:43.41 EricWilhelm both the weather and the collaboration :-)
20:44.04 brlcad ~weather kbwi
20:44.48 EricWilhelm I'll be lurking, hoping to do some good with the uber-converter.
20:44.57 EricWilhelm ~weather kci
20:45.21 brlcad ~weather kkci
20:45.53 brlcad closest national airport is usually an easy icao code
20:46.43 EricWilhelm ~weather klwc
20:47.06 brlcad chilly
20:47.50 EricWilhelm and since I just sold my house, next month's weather is in:
20:47.55 EricWilhelm ~weather kpdx
20:48.35 brlcad ahh, that's got to be an improvement :)
20:48.41 EricWilhelm oo. hope it warms up a bit before I get there :-)
20:50.21 EricWilhelm narnia, where are you keeping the code base? do you have a mailing list?
21:03.12 narnia EricWilhelm, code base is currently on my computers. no mailing list as of yet.
21:04.37 narnia -weather kdkb
21:05.02 narnia ~weather kdkb
21:30.52 danfalck EricWilhelm: so, you're moving to Portland, Or?
21:32.12 danfalck EricWilhem: I'm interested in CAM and work in Portland, Or
21:32.52 danfalck EricWilhelm: I use EMC to control machines and need an opensource CAM package.
22:17.05 EricWilhelm danfalck, we should talk
22:17.15 EricWilhelm
22:37.26 danfalck EricWilhelm: sorry I was out riding my bike for a bit
22:39.05 danfalck EricWilhelm: you are on the linuxcad mailing list, right?
22:39.35 danfalck or I should say the one that phrostie started for open source cad software
22:40.24 narnia danfalck, hello, how goes it? was out playing with tom, the new puppy. beautiful day.
22:40.44 danfalck narnia: it's a beautiful day here as well
22:40.49 narnia danfalck, did you see my comments above?
22:41.11 danfalck narnia: some of them
22:41.22 danfalck narnia: how are you doing?
22:42.02 narnia danfalck, this past week brlcad and i have been given access to the iso step documents. big help having those documents.
22:42.27 danfalck narnia: so you are migrating some libraries (express?)
22:43.01 narnia danfalck, i am working on getting the nist scl3-2 libexpress updated to 10303-11ed2.
22:44.02 narnia danfalck, working on the parse, bison/yacc and flex/lex, to read in iso-10303-21 files.
22:45.18 narnia danfalck, ap203 is the next milestone. once that is done map from ap203 to brl-cad database.
22:46.03 narnia danfalck, scoping out the requirements to generate g-code from a bdl-cad database.
22:46.34 danfalck narnia: wow.
22:46.45 narnia danfalck, man need to rewrite some on the code i am recycling from my project.
22:46.57 danfalck narnia: I'm not a programmer, so that all sounds like a lot of heavy lifting...
22:47.25 danfalck narnia: I do appreciate your effort
22:47.51 narnia danfalck, a large portion of the code exists, needs to be updated to latest editions of iso documents and glued together.
22:48.12 danfalck narnia: the gnu_cad_cam code?
22:48.22 narnia danfalck, yes
22:48.36 danfalck narnia: is it on sourceforge?
22:50.05 narnia danfalck, gnu_cad_cam design document is on sourceforge. trying to work through the projects. brl-cad and emc will be loosely coupled after the merge.
22:50.28 danfalck narnia: great
22:50.29 narnia danfalck, gnu_cad_cam will eventually go away.
22:51.13 narnia danfalck, replaced by the new interfaces to brl-cad and between brl-cad and emc.
22:52.49 narnia danfalck, eventually want brl-cad and emc to 'talk' step-nc.
22:54.26 danfalck narnia: I need to step out for a bit. My kids and I are going to build cork guns.
22:54.32 danfalck good chatting
23:23.51 *** join/#brlcad guu` (
23:29.24 *** join/#brlcad danfalck ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
23:36.38 *** join/#brlcad EricWilhelm ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050307

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050307

05:11.56 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
05:11.56 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.0 is posted (20050305)
08:41.26 *** join/#brlcad asheron (
10:10.19 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
15:13.58 *** join/#brlcad EricWilhelm (
15:35.33 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
16:35.50 narnia EricWilhelm, there are no official notes on the new plan.
16:36.17 narnia EricWilhelm, what do you by 'nesting'?
18:38.31 EricWilhelm narnia, nesting: placing multiple parts as efficiently as possible on a sheet
18:38.54 EricWilhelm primarily useful in punching and 2d/2.5d milling
18:40.49 EricWilhelm also water-cutting, plasma, and wire EDM
18:41.18 EricWilhelm say I have 40 parts of various shapes and I need to punch/cut 5 of some, 3 of others, etc
18:41.45 EricWilhelm given a size of sheet or plate, how many sheets do I need and how do I most efficiently cut the required parts?
18:47.12 narnia EricWilhelm, that is what i thought you meant just wanted to make sure.
18:48.08 narnia EricWilhelm, also useful for the wire edm shops.
18:48.13 EricWilhelm Is there a library of nesting algorithms that you'll be building with, or is that being implemented from scratch?
18:50.14 narnia EricWilhelm, the nesting lib probably should be rewritten. the person who wrote it is no longer available to maintain it and not available to answer any questions concerning it. their departure was not planned or foreseen.
18:53.20 EricWilhelm where is it?
18:59.59 narnia EricWilhelm, where is what?
19:02.28 EricWilhelm the nesting lib.
19:02.36 EricWilhelm Is it part of brlcad?
19:03.38 EricWilhelm the emc page seems to say that g-code generation doesn't happen in emc
19:06.12 narnia EricWilhelm, the nexting lib is part of my project gnu_cad_cam. the source code has never been released.
19:06.20 EricWilhelm oh.
19:06.50 EricWilhelm any chance of me getting a brain-dump of this unreleased stuff?
19:06.51 narnia EricWilhelm, emc does not generate g-code. emc interrupts g-code
19:06.57 narnia EricWilhelm, no
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050308

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050308

01:57.58 brlcad there's not an open source nesting library yet as far as I know
02:03.34 brlcad egads!
02:03.40 brlcad a wingy Twingy
02:07.02 Twingy
02:07.05 Twingy ^-- updated basement pic
02:07.41 brlcad mmm.. ikea :)
02:08.00 brlcad i think you need more flat panels
02:08.10 brlcad or a cave
02:08.17 brlcad a homemade cave
02:08.36 Twingy yah
02:08.43 Twingy the important thing is I can offsite three people no
02:08.44 Twingy now
02:08.48 Twingy one at the desk, one on the futon
02:09.30 jano what's the blue glowy thing next to the monitors?
02:09.35 jano it has the thingies on top
02:09.37 jano the cds
02:09.42 Twingy that's my computer
02:09.53 Twingy running freebsd + blackbox-minimal
02:09.58 jano i thought it was the black thunk under the desk
02:10.03 jano next to the foot stool
02:10.06 Twingy nope, subwoofer is in there :)
02:10.15 Twingy but it houses a pc
02:10.22 Twingy or I should say used to house my dual Piii 1ghz
02:10.33 jano ah
02:10.40 Twingy the futon is comfy
02:10.48 jano i bet
02:10.49 Twingy folds out into a bed :)
02:10.51 jano i had two at jhu
02:10.55 Twingy it's like 1 foot thick of padding
02:11.08 jano futons are great until they die
02:11.11 Twingy heh
02:11.14 jano after about 4 years
02:11.19 jano unless you get the super expensive size
02:11.25 jano err
02:11.25 jano kind
02:11.29 jano almost said tits
02:11.30 Twingy that's what this is :P
02:11.33 Twingy heh
02:11.53 Twingy I think it was $500, but normaly $800 or something
02:11.54 jano my autopilot is not working and i'm driving without my eyes on the road
02:11.59 Twingy heh
02:12.07 Twingy I've done irc on the road with my CDPD PDA
02:12.10 Twingy that's tricky :)
02:12.21 Twingy of course totally legal
02:12.22 jano i mean in a figurative sense
02:12.25 Twingy it's not a cell phone :P
02:12.36 Twingy stylus in one hand, steering wheel in the other
02:13.20 Twingy Burga how far can you make a horse go?
02:13.20 Twingy Twingy depends on how many rockets you strap to it
02:13.20 Twingy Burga :P
02:14.14 jano hmm
02:14.40 jano i'm finally getting back in shape :D I can run 5 miles without a heart attack :D
02:14.49 Twingy today was day 3 of 50 for running
02:14.55 Twingy I'm doing my 50 consecutive days of running again
02:15.06 jano eeewwww
02:15.10 Twingy working back up to 8 miles
02:15.13 brlcad hmm.. 140 till siggraph?
02:15.17 Twingy yah
02:15.23 Twingy day 50 last year was 2nd day of siggraph
02:15.24 jano i hate running but i'm not alowed to bike :(
02:15.27 brlcad hehe
02:15.29 jano 140 until siggraph
02:15.34 Twingy w00t
02:15.38 jano so.. what.. 147 until we go on our surf safari????
02:15.44 brlcad :)
02:15.44 jano :D
02:15.48 jano :D :D :D :D
02:15.48 brlcad maybe maybe
02:15.51 Twingy we need to get Lee drunk this year
02:16.02 jano d00d.. like.. we can go down baja
02:16.04 brlcad sake!
02:16.10 Twingy SAKEEEEE@#!
02:16.12 jano I will send you some bruce brown movies
02:16.14 Twingy he wimped out and only had 1
02:16.25 jano i tried sake with chris last year
02:16.28 Twingy I had 4 and he had more of a buzz
02:16.29 brlcad kermit says hi
02:16.31 jano and it was nasty shit
02:16.51 jano good thing it was accompanied by good sushi :D
02:16.52 Twingy working from home rocks, nobody here to annoy you :D
02:16.58 jano ;)
02:17.02 jano who is kermit?
02:17.08 Twingy a green frog
02:17.16 brlcad a big green frog
02:17.17 Twingy who works on top secret military projects for the government
02:17.31 Twingy with miss piggy
02:17.33 Twingy :)
02:17.33 brlcad okay, time for pats or something
02:17.36 brlcad cya
02:17.39 Twingy later
02:17.39 jano chow
02:17.46 Twingy it's choi damnit
02:17.47 Twingy :D
02:18.01 jano no, that's a kind of fish
02:22.56 Twingy americas army time, afk
04:17.14 brlcad I have been thinking about a nesting library today
04:17.17 brlcad since the comments
04:17.28 brlcad i actually don't think it would be incredibly too hard
04:18.19 brlcad it could be done pretty simply as a space optimization problem for generic geometry using librt
04:18.53 brlcad even a simple n^2 algorithm would work in 3d
05:14.43 narnia brlcad, what do you think of the idea of asking the emc folks if brl-cad could have a sub-wiki on their wiki site.
05:18.01 brlcad i do intend to bring the new website on-line soon, and it will have a wiki
05:18.35 brlcad it's next on my plate after release 7.2.0
05:20.04 Twingy hrm
05:20.10 brlcad I'm hoping that within two weeks it'll be up and running
05:20.10 Twingy gotta get me some asianseses
05:20.26 brlcad ghod bless the internet for that
05:20.50 brlcad ahh, i was thinking of asians of a completely different sort
05:21.10 Twingy all your g5 are belong to me
05:21.27 Twingy I'll show you my observer-fu tommorrow, it's neat stuff y0
05:21.46 Twingy TEAM AMERICA FUK YA!
05:21.57 narnia brlcad, did not know that. a new website.
05:22.24 Twingy the photon mapping in brl-cad sucks, who wrote that crap?
05:22.48 brlcad er, I mean points
05:23.22 brlcad you can't pass that buck on
05:23.31 brlcad you're name's locked in cvs at least :)
05:23.38 Twingy ugh
05:23.48 Twingy can't we put mikes name in there
05:23.49 brlcad blessed 20 years of history preserved
05:24.10 Twingy cause ya know he'll never be done shock and blast
05:24.16 Twingy so atleast he'll be in cvs somewhere
05:24.45 Twingy :}
06:02.23 Twingy that was amusing
07:08.48 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (~Matthew@
07:25.10 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
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09:51.56 *** join/#brlcad frank__ (
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13:37.11 *** part/#brlcad learner (~brlcad@brlcad.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
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14:16.52 wiebe Is there a port to Debian?
14:18.16 narnia wiebe, i am running debian sarge and the brl-cad source code compiles clean. i know of no debian package for brl-cad.
14:20.25 wiebe OK, sounds good then.
14:32.43 brlcad there is a submit for debian unstable iirc
14:32.51 brlcad don't know the current status
14:42.52 brlcad I could probably get the .deb finalized more quickly myself, but I'd rather leave that to some kind soul that actually _likes_ debian
15:08.51 *** join/#brlcad ToughShooter (
15:09.02 *** part/#brlcad ToughShooter (
16:29.47 jano i like debian from management standpoint
16:29.55 jano simple, no brains monkey installing
16:30.08 jano setting up debs is a nightmare though
16:54.14 brlcad It's "meh" to me from a management standpoint .. apt is nice, but I do like emerge better
16:54.37 brlcad install was better than most linuces i admit
16:55.14 brlcad from a dev perspective, it's one of my least favorite platforms
16:55.41 brlcad not as bad as solaris dev'ing, but it's down there somewhere
17:23.43 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
17:23.43 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.0 is posted (20050305)
17:43.38 narnia brlcad, i am curious why you rate debian low for development.
17:59.16 jano emerge is nice if you want to wait for your program to install
17:59.19 jano and compile
17:59.28 jano it's a waste of time if you ask me
17:59.39 jano but you didn't ask me :)
17:59.43 jano so I won't say it
18:10.57 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
18:25.59 *** join/#brlcad EricWilhelm (
18:31.51 narnia brlcad, any thought on writing up a plan similar to the one i wrote for my project?
18:33.28 brlcad it's on the todo
18:33.31 brlcad but I need the website first
18:34.35 brlcad there is the sf task system that has some plans
18:35.07 brlcad you're on the access list to add to that too
18:44.38 narnia brlcad, if i wrote one up and replaced my original gnu-cad-cam project plan with the new project plan?
18:49.41 narnia i am unable to add tasks under says i do not have permission.
18:50.29 narnia may be because i have no 'role' assigned under brlcad. i am listed but i have no 'role'. :-(
18:50.34 narnia no joy.
20:22.35 brlcad sounds fine with me
20:22.47 brlcad hrm, must have missed a checkbox
20:23.27 brlcad ahh, yes, you were given tentative cvs access only
20:28.15 brlcad i have to be a little conservative on the access until to some things util most of the CMP issues get worked out, but you should have access to the tasker now
20:29.25 brlcad if you need to add an actual task subproject, let me know to discuss
20:30.12 brlcad since they're persistent, want to make sure the namespace stays clean as possible .. but certainly willing to add whatever we need
20:31.09 brlcad adding tasks to the TODO should be good for now .. succint unit goals of some sort
20:53.42 narnia i was going to add to the todo list.
20:54.05 narnia update libexpress to express language reference manual edition 2
20:55.05 narnia create new c language bindings to standard data access interface
20:55.26 narnia update the c++ language bindings
20:56.16 narnia create part21 parser (part21 Implementation methods: Clear text encoding of the exchange structure)
20:57.27 narnia scope out and write requirements document for brl-cad to g-code and/or step-nc interface
20:57.57 narnia that should be enough for now.
20:58.40 narnia tomorrow is going to so much fun *_not_*. court is extremely boring.
21:08.36 narnia hmm, it appears that i am still roleless under brl-cad. still no joy.
21:09.01 narnia would had the above tasks and assign them to me?
21:09.15 narnia would you add the above tasks and assign them to me?
21:09.30 brlcad hrm, you're logged in, right? )
21:09.43 brlcad the roles don't do anything
21:09.45 narnia sure am
21:10.23 brlcad okay, try now
21:10.46 narnia still no joy. "Access to this page is restricted (either to project members or to project administrators) and you do not meet the requirements to access this page. Please contact the administrator of this project for further assistance."
21:11.01 brlcad ehh, you're marked as a task admin and tech
21:11.07 brlcad refresh?
21:11.21 narnia let me logout and log back in. brb
21:12.45 narnia okay it is working now.
21:12.59 narnia okay to add the above tasks to the todo list?
21:13.36 brlcad of course
21:14.01 narnia brb
21:20.57 narnia okay how about an end-date of june 1st?
21:23.12 narnia okay, done, 5 tasks add to the todo list.
21:23.21 narnia all assigned to me.
21:47.25 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
21:55.53 *** join/#brlcad DarkMaster (
22:26.41 brlcad so what are all the 10303 specs that are of primary interest? -11, -21, -203, -214, others?
22:27.19 narnia -22, -23, -24, -203, -214, possible -210
22:27.59 brlcad what's 210?
22:28.14 brlcad what're 22, 23, 24 for that matter? other encodings?
22:28.25 brlcad 21 was text, iirc, yes?
22:28.50 narnia Part 210: Application protocol: Electronic assembly, interconnection, and packaging design
22:29.43 narnia 21 is clear text, 22 is standard data access interface, 23 is c++ binding to 22, 24 is c bininding to 22
22:34.29 narnia nist scl covers all or part of 11ed1, 21ed1, 22, 23. there are no c language bindings in nist scl. the c++ language bindings probably need to updated.
22:36.51 narnia craig lanning mentioned ap210 on step-os. Actually, if you implement a translator for AP203, you will then have
22:36.51 narnia most of what you need for the other AP's. Personally, I would like to
22:36.51 narnia see BRL-CAD support the geometric portions of AP210 (this will require
22:36.51 narnia support for shape_aspect).
22:38.21 narnia the above is what craig has written concerning ap210.
22:43.45 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
22:43.45 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.0 is posted (20050305)
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23:18.42 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.0 is posted (20050305)
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050309

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050309

01:35.36 *** join/#brlcad PhantomBantam (
01:37.20 PhantomBantam How do you use the tools for analyzing structures?
01:56.42 PhantomBantam "PATRAN [TM] and hence to ADINA, EPIC-2, NASTRAN, etc. for structural/stress analysis"
04:02.08 *** join/#brlcad danfalck ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
04:02.08 *** join/#brlcad jano ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:15.07 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/macosx/openUp.c: M-x indent-region, quell return warning, add an argument usage check
06:16.14 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/macosx/ allow openUp to be built on request
06:23.13 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/macosx/Resources/License.rtf: update old license file to new distribution terms from COPYING (with updates to non-source distribution)
06:27.12 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/macosx/Resources/ReadMe.rtfd/TXT.rtf: update to release 7.2.0
06:39.00 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/macosx/Resources/Welcome.rtfd/TXT.rtf: update to release 7.2.0
10:15.50 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
10:15.51 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.0 is posted (20050305)
15:04.07 *** join/#brlcad cad871 (
15:50.25 brlcad ack
16:17.17 jano there's nothing more fun than pissing someone off :D
16:17.22 jano well
16:17.26 jano let me rephrase
16:17.41 jano nothing more than than pissing off someone who pisses you off by maintaining a calm demeanor
16:17.44 jano :D
20:21.33 brlcad narnia: the purchase went through
20:25.54 *** join/#brlcad EricWilhelm (
20:27.27 brlcad no idea how long until delivery, we'll see
20:27.38 brlcad s/delivery/receipt
20:28.38 jano jill thought the pic of barney is adorable :)
20:30.01 jano one day he's gonna come and bite me in the ass for not getting a model release
20:30.02 jano :o
20:32.55 brlcad heh
20:33.05 brlcad only if you've got bacon stuck to you
21:23.33 jano hahaha
21:23.57 jano note to self: stop sticking bacon on my butt
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050310

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050310

00:30.46 narnia brlcad, i have good, and i do mean good news.
00:42.41 Twingy 0xf00d
00:42.49 jano ~f00f
00:42.50 ibot i guess f00f is or F0 0F C7 C8
00:43.09 jano ~pick your nose
00:43.16 jano :(
00:43.19 Twingy ~jano is a wanker
00:43.20 ibot okay, Twingy
00:43.22 jano ~action pick nose
00:43.24 ibot ACTION pick nose
00:43.24 Twingy :)
00:43.34 Twingy ~jano
00:43.35 ibot i guess jano is a wanker
00:43.36 brlcad ~snowball jano and Twingy
00:43.39 ibot ACTION launches a snowball tightly compressed with little shards of ice at jano and Twingy
00:43.51 Twingy pfft
00:44.18 jano i went running this morning, and wow, the beach was beautiful
00:44.20 brlcad it was really warm today
00:44.21 jano waves galore
00:44.25 brlcad almost reached freezing
00:44.29 Twingy today was day 5 of 50 for me
00:44.30 jano damn
00:44.34 Twingy 45 days of running to go :(
00:44.37 jano i wore shorts and short sleave shirt
00:44.44 Twingy running in the freezing cold with 10mph winds is not fun
00:44.49 jano had to turn on the a/c in the car
00:46.39 brlcad using and oven and everything
00:48.36 jano wow
00:48.44 jano actually
00:48.50 jano that would be if jason were cooking
00:48.50 narnia brlcad, i have parts 21(all editions),22,24,28, express language reference manual ed1. and i am allowed to send you copies.
00:48.50 jano :D
00:50.00 brlcad wow
00:50.02 narnia brlcad, court went extremely well today. long day in chicago.
00:50.13 brlcad that's just great
00:50.37 narnia brlcad, the parts, court, or both?
00:50.44 brlcad of course the purchase went through for parts 21, 22, 23, 24, 203, 210, and 214 today too
00:51.06 brlcad both
00:51.14 narnia well we do need part 23.
00:51.37 narnia we also needed 203, 210, and 214.
00:52.12 brlcad well that's not a total waste of funds then
00:52.40 brlcad nasa?
00:52.50 narnia brlcad, judge was great today, ruled in our favor on all our objections and against the opposing lawyers on all their objections.
00:53.01 brlcad excellent
00:53.05 narnia brlcad, steve at nasa.
00:56.54 narnia brlcad, biggest ruling today was: me:: "fine if you say i should be able to find a job help find me a job. just to not tell me that i am not looking hard enough." opposing lawyer: "i object the witness is over answering the question asked" judge: "overruled. the answer makes perfect sense. if you keep saying mr. ridder is employable prove it. you have 2 months to help mr. ridder find a valid job"
00:57.52 brlcad heh, excellent
00:58.01 brlcad so now you just have to stay unemployed? heh
00:58.03 jano hmm
00:58.13 jano you guys suing the employer?
00:58.18 jano that's not going to look good on the resume
00:58.20 jano :(
00:58.25 narnia brlcad, the oppsing lawyers also copies of 2001 through 2004 federal ans state tax returns. they lost that argument.
01:00.07 narnia jano, no actually illinois workman's compensation claim for work accident in 1996. basically my body was trashed. right lung collapsed (lost 1/2 of my right lung). many surgeries since 1996.
01:01.07 narnia jano, the employer had fraudlant work comp insurance. the claim has kicked to the illinois state guarantee trust fund.
01:02.19 narnia jano, my left arm is strictly a helper arm. i type mainly with my right hand.
01:02.41 jano ooooo
01:02.42 jano ouch
01:02.44 jano sorry to hear that
01:02.47 jano :(
01:02.58 jano ca is very notorious for crappy worker's comp
01:02.59 narnia jano, 53yo with multiple phycial challenges no one wants to hire me.
01:03.19 jano our rates are 10 times greater in some instances because of fraud
01:04.00 narnia the opposing lawyers do not have a clue as to how to voc rehab a b.s.e.e.
01:05.54 narnia jano, onbe of my better answers today was: "what part of i have never done windows development, use windows, microsoft office, microsoft anything do you not understand?"
01:06.55 jano "I don't do windows"
01:07.44 narnia jano, basically yes. "i don't do windows"
01:09.41 narnia brlcad, should i send you copies of the parts?
01:10.55 narnia jano, since 26 nov 1996 ( date of accident ) i have basically only been able to work approximately 2 years total time.
01:11.38 brlcad narnia: yes, please do
01:12.33 brlcad if you can copy me steve's message too, that'd be useful
01:12.43 brlcad but only if you care to
01:14.07 narnia brlcad, i will send you steve's message.
01:14.34 narnia brlcad, i bounced steve's msg to you.
01:18.26 narnia be back later i need to forage for something to eat.
01:22.24 narnia brlcad, i bounced you all msgs that covers the parts.
01:22.53 narnia brlcad, sorry i did bounce them in reverse order.
01:23.12 brlcad no problem, that'll work ;)
02:23.49 cilantro hmm
02:23.52 cilantro no
02:23.55 cilantro that's just wrong
02:23.58 cilantro i won't go there
04:10.51 *** join/#brlcad guu (
10:12.04 *** join/#brlcad frank__ (
14:20.44 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
14:27.44 polyspin hello?
14:29.02 brlcad hello?
14:29.36 polyspin I've got a patch for Tom Browder's question from yesterday.
14:29.45 polyspin Did you do any work on it?
14:30.15 brlcad no, not yet
14:30.24 brlcad how do you have a patch? :)
14:30.40 polyspin er. fix
14:30.54 polyspin It now logs what primitive was involved
14:31.16 brlcad ahh .. not a fix for the problem of not converging, but of not reporting :)
14:31.53 brlcad debug wouldn't tell?
14:37.10 polyspin You could run gdb, but... what USER wants to work through that?
14:37.30 brlcad i mean shootray debug flags
14:38.24 brlcad at least he might be able to wade through the debug and find the convergence failure and backtrace to find which ray caused it
14:39.12 polyspin The debug output would be... voluminous to answer the question.
14:39.23 brlcad sure.. but it's something :)
14:39.27 polyspin There's another issue. If you have a torus and ONE of the calls doesn't solve
14:39.43 polyspin There is NOTHING you can do to get the primitive name definitively
14:40.20 polyspin Gotta go
19:10.34 narnia brlcad, reading 10303 parts is boring. ;-) necessary but boring. ;-)
19:48.48 *** join/#brlcad guu (
21:28.48 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/include/raytrace.h:
21:28.48 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: Fixed a single line where a function prototype return value (void) had lost the
21:28.48 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: trailing white space. This resulted in a bad prototype:
21:28.48 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: voidnmg_s_to_vlist
21:28.48 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: instead of
21:28.49 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: void nmg_s_to_vlist
21:28.51 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: Fortunately, few places in the code called this routine.
21:34.22 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
22:23.05 brlcad ~translate en de the germans are nice to work with
22:24.58 polyspin ~translate en de they write interesting code to
22:26.08 brlcad it translate's like a 4 year old that's been kicked in the teeth, but it's something ;)
22:41.21 polyspin Yes, it is only better than nothing
23:07.03 jano i can't believe I just deleted three years of emails
23:07.06 jano :(
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050311

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050311

00:59.58 jano holy crap
01:04.47 CIA-3 libIRC: 03jeffm2501 * 10libirc/ (11 files in 3 dirs):
01:04.47 CIA-3 libIRC: make text utils be IRCTextUtils, and not conflict with client apps
01:04.47 CIA-3 libIRC: make debug build multi thread happy
02:43.53 Twingy hrmph
02:44.05 Twingy s2 blows chunks
02:44.28 Twingy stupid crappy synchronous rt crap
02:47.03 jano i just got my tax return info today
02:47.09 jano holy f-ing crap
02:47.15 jano i have to pay so much
02:47.38 jano I don't think I've ever written a check this size
02:48.12 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ check for X11/Xlib.h .. start of support for X11 availability checks.
02:49.42 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ build jove .. not use jove
02:55.07 brlcad hey
03:28.50 *** join/#brlcad ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
03:28.50 *** mode/#brlcad [+o ChanServ] by
03:44.19 Twingy heh
04:02.15 Twingy well I paid thousands on interest for the house
04:02.22 Twingy that's the only reason
04:02.35 Twingy plus it's already speant :)
04:02.39 Twingy on my hardwood floor
04:03.06 Twingy I show you my basement pic?
04:04.31 brlcad yep
04:08.40 Twingy
04:33.36 jano bork bork bork
04:36.54 narnia borg borg borg jano will be assimilated.
04:37.55 EricWilhelm Twingy, that's awesome!
04:38.46 jano wow, that is cool
04:38.55 jano narnia, you have it backwards
04:38.59 jano jano will assimilate
04:39.04 Twingy that's nice
04:42.09 narnia jano has been assimilated. borg borg borg
05:08.30 Twingy jeeze dude
05:08.40 Twingy somone needs attention :)
05:12.41 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/macosx/Resources/License.rtf: clean up word wrap, and it's a word mark silly
05:14.50 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/COPYING: damnits, it's a word mark
05:16.38 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ add an optional 6th argument for a resources directory -- if given, copy the contents to the resource dir in the package
05:18.00 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ feed the script that resources dir
05:27.59 jano disneyland or world?
06:41.43 narnia why disneyland?
07:55.36 narnia i hear bagdahd is nice this time of year.
10:11.34 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
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14:16.18 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ ( sh/ provide more arguments to the dmg script
15:08.23 *** join/#brlcad brlcad_ (
15:44.20 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
16:09.28 narnia brlcad, fyi, i am working on getting libexpress updated and outlining the new part24 source code.
16:34.50 brlcad good to know ;)
16:55.10 narnia brlcad, of the 10303 parts i have read so far part 24 is the clearest.
17:17.21 CIA-3 libIRC: 03jeffm2501 * 10libirc/include/IRCTextUtils.h: renamed text utils to not confilct with client apps ( like that tank game )
17:30.07 brlcad 24 is the C impl?
17:46.32 narnia brlcad, yes, part 24 is the c impl.
18:34.33 *** join/#brlcad brlcad_ (
20:34.50 narnia brlcad, i will probably have the part 24 outline done late today. would you have time this weekend to look it over?
20:36.21 brlcad my weekend is uncertain just yet
20:36.26 brlcad family getting married
20:36.39 brlcad probably will, though
20:38.42 narnia brlcad, once you reach my age you will no longer attend weddings more funerals.
20:39.24 narnia brlcad, sad but true about the only time the extended gets together is at funerals.
20:41.08 narnia brlcad, i assume you mean that someone in your family is getting married.
20:41.37 brlcad yes
20:41.55 narnia brlcad, i will send it to your standard e-mail address when i am finished.
20:42.03 brlcad I don't see not attending weddings anytime soon.. I've got a rather large family with ages that span the gamut
20:42.21 brlcad someones always having kids, getting married, and passing on
20:43.40 narnia brlcad, none of my nephews or nieces have any children. looks like my father's side of the family will die out with the nephews and nieces.
21:27.00 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ pull back the requirement of libtool to 1.4.2 for the default irix freeware and for solaris
21:40.54 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
21:46.58 brlcad polyspin:
21:47.11 brlcad it's been frozen like that since the 15th, but didn't know if you'd seen that
23:16.18 polyspin Way cool!
23:16.32 polyspin q
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050312

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050312

01:16.54 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
03:42.27 *** join/#brlcad EricWilhelm (
03:43.22 *** join/#brlcad EricWilhelm (
05:32.39 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/conv/g-shell.rect.1: Since this man page was pretty hard to read, I re-formatted it.
06:35.47 Twingy o.O
06:36.27 brlcad 0.o
06:36.54 Twingy it is now time to test an optimization
07:09.07 narnia ^_^
10:12.12 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
13:39.54 *** join/#brlcad dir21 (~dir21@
17:20.12 *** join/#brlcad tyche (
17:23.21 tyche Can anyone give me a clue as to how to start BRL-CAD. Yes, it's installed (Linux on Intel)
17:23.39 brlcad tyche: hello :)
17:23.56 brlcad tyche: I'd suggest reading the tutorial series documentation
17:24.09 brlcad what's your interest?
17:25.21 tyche OK, That's one thing that I didn't find, either in the downloaded package or on the website(s). I am a CAD operator (with 15 years experience) and would like something better than spending $1500 for AutoCAD.
17:25.59 tyche So, where do I find the tutorial documentation?
17:26.47 brlcad
17:27.19 brlcad the overview is a quick intro
17:27.43 brlcad volume II is a very detailed tutorial on one of the primary gui-based modelers (mged)
17:28.16 brlcad volume III gets into more advanced topics
17:28.58 tyche I read it. It gave no indication as to how to start the program. I'll try Volume II, then. A fast overview of volume II seemed to imply that the program was already started. I'll look again. Thanks :-)
17:29.14 brlcad I must admit, though, that if you are interested in CADD (drafting) as opposed to CAD (design) that there are probably better tools, qcad comes to mind
17:29.35 brlcad brlcad isn't a single program .. it's a suite of tools
17:29.49 brlcad there are over 400 specific tools that do various things
17:30.14 brlcad volume II focuses on 1 of them .. (albeit one of the largest/complex of them) the modeler mged
17:30.45 brlcad the quick n' easy start is to add /usr/brlcad/bin to your path and then type "mged"
17:31.01 tyche My primary interest is in 3D. The last few years I was using AutoCAD to do solid modeling of everything from Precast Concrete products to trucks, lift equipment, and even the boss's back yard and LARGE pond he developed.
17:31.08 brlcad export PATH=/usr/brlcad/bin:$PATH
17:31.15 brlcad ahh, excellent then ;)
17:33.59 tyche Thanks. BRB - my groceries have arrived (isn't it nice to be decadent?) <BG>
17:34.43 brlcad brl-cad is geared towards quite a different construction methodology than autocad and with a much less mature user interface, but most all of the same features are there in terms of design capabilities
17:41.31 brlcad what's up?
17:42.12 jano i want to go surfing :|
17:42.42 jano but i can't go in the sun because of these stupid antibiotics :(
17:45.13 tyche Dear jano :-) How EVER did you lift ALL FIVE FEET of Unix manuals to beat poor brlcad with? (yes, I've run a Unix machine a number of years ago)
17:46.37 tyche brlcad > Different doesn't bother me. If it did, I wouldn't be out of Windows and running Ubuntu Linux (a modified Debian distro)
17:46.54 brlcad tyche: in that light, most of brl-cad is designed in the unix philosophy of many small tools that perform some specific task well
17:48.08 tyche Worse, I learned AutoCAD on my own in 2 weeks, and was turning out drawings that were better than the college trained person I was replacing. I am also familiar with GIMP and other programs, and the philosophy of Unix/Linux programming.
17:50.39 tyche As for the groceries: I live in the Phoenix-Metro area (now), and Albertsons is nice enough to deliver to this second floor appartment for this poor 60 year old draftsman.
17:53.47 tyche OK, NOW I'm getting an error code that at least I can understand. It appears that I need the libtcl libraries, so I'll have to go find them and get them installed.
17:54.17 narnia brlcad, hello. concerning the nist scl3-2 source. since iso-10303-26 has been cancelled i am removing any references to part26 from the source code.
17:54.46 narnia tyche, synaptic should find libtcl libs.
17:55.22 narnia concerning groceries, that is what adult children are for. ;-)
17:55.48 brlcad tyche: brl-cad ships tcl/tk with it .. you shouldn't have to get anything
17:55.57 brlcad what version and how did you install it?
17:56.11 narnia brlcad, i forgot that. i am bad. ;-)
17:56.24 brlcad heh
17:57.08 brlcad sounds like it was maybe relocated
17:57.42 narnia brlcad, the bridal veil has been relocated? interesting.
17:58.02 brlcad from your hands to my belly
17:58.17 narnia brlcad, roflol
17:58.23 tyche My adult children are 2300 miles away. I downloaded brlcad from SourceForge. The instructions to install assumed (and I use the term advisedly, realizing the breakdown of the word) that I was installing from source. The downloaded file was NOT a source file, but the Linux versions.
17:58.49 brlcad tyche: and where is brl-cad installed at?
17:59.03 tyche WILL you quit playing with your veil? Do you know where that veil has been? :-)
17:59.09 narnia tyche, i have two adult children that moved back in with good olde dad? i would more than happy to loan you one. ;-)
17:59.44 brlcad it's probably either expecting to be in /usr/brlcad or /usr/brlcad7.0/ia32 depending on which version
18:00.32 brlcad if it was an error about tcl/tk initializing.. then you probably have it relocated somewhere else
18:00.36 tyche brlcad is in /usr/brlcad/cad/. As to adult children, we're still supporting them. WE moved away from THEM (my wife's job promoted and transfered her) for which we are extremely grateful.
18:00.45 brlcad ahh, that'd be why
18:00.46 narnia tyche, i will even pay the shipping and handle. ;-)
18:01.16 narnia brlcad, have i got a deal for you. ;-)
18:01.32 tyche Ther error reads: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. And I don't accept unordered products <BG>
18:01.52 tyche What? You want to sell me waterfront property in Arizona?
18:01.54 brlcad does it involve small islands or beach-front property in alabama?
18:02.02 brlcad heh
18:02.29 tyche Of course, with our latest flooding, that isn't as far fetched as it would appear.
18:02.47 brlcad tyche: yes.. relocation errors.. try: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/brlcad/cad/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
18:02.59 brlcad and then: export BRLCAD_ROOT=/usr/brlcad/cad
18:03.09 tyche How about property in Florida, guarenteed waterfront property - on top?
18:03.27 narnia brlcad, you, yes you, can now have your very own 'house guest'. the 'house guest' is housebroken, but may require additional incentives to find outside activities. ;-)
18:04.32 brlcad but does that house guest take care of my tomato slicing and steel pipes cutting needs too?
18:04.44 narnia tyche, had that in spring and summer 1996. i wsa surrounded by water. 240 acres of farmland under water. i was an island.
18:05.11 narnia brlcad, depends on which model you choose. ;-)
18:05.31 tyche "No man is an island, entire to himself. . ."
18:05.49 tyche Or woman, either (must be politically correct)
18:06.03 tyche BTW, still the same error code.
18:06.38 narnia tyche, that is odd that should have fixed it.
18:07.41 brlcad ls -la /usr/brlcad/cad/lib/libtcl*
18:08.11 tyche Tried it again. Discovered a typing error. Stand-By
18:09.26 tyche WHEE! That went through about 10 inches of listing! They're there. I just can't seem to reach them.
18:09.30 brlcad the relocation may not work at all to be honest.. at least mged might not work without setting a slew of tcl/tk run-time errors
18:10.04 brlcad tcl/tk does not like to be relocated at all
18:10.17 tyche narnia: you may be seated. OOPS! Sorry. At one time I was training to be a minister.
18:10.21 narnia this is true
18:10.22 brlcad there are like 6 environment variables that they use
18:10.40 tyche Is there a configuration file that holds the env variables?
18:11.05 brlcad no, it's all very low level initialization
18:11.24 brlcad it can be fixed.. but it's usually just as easy to install it without relocating
18:11.45 brlcad if you don't mind building, the steps are rather simple to get and install the latest
18:11.50 brlcad from source
18:12.51 tyche It would have been nice if they had simply handed me the source. So, what's the steps (BE ADVISED: I may have to step out for a couple of minutes to take the used kitty-litter out to the dumpster. This won't happen for at least 5 minutes)
18:14.06 brlcad no problem
18:14.31 brlcad cvs -d login
18:14.36 brlcad [no password]
18:14.56 brlcad cvs -d checkout -P brlcad
18:14.57 tyche synaptic has never heard of brlcad. Go figure! I can't understand that such an esoteric program would not be listed. :-)
18:15.35 brlcad tyche: brl-cad's only been open source since jan ;)
18:16.47 tyche OK, brlcad, I have a minor glitch. I may not have CVS on system.
18:17.24 tyche I DID say that Ubuntu was modified. You can spell that S-T-R-I-P-P-E-D
18:18.49 brlcad heh, okay
18:18.57 brlcad then..
18:19.33 tyche Installing CVS now.
18:19.46 brlcad
18:20.24 brlcad cvs will get you the very latest sources
18:20.40 brlcad that link for 7.2.0 is only a couple days off
18:21.57 narnia brlcad, i thought you were going to a wedding?
18:22.35 tyche downloading now. MAN. THAT was fast. I can't believe I got the whole thing.
18:23.23 brlcad narnia: I decided not to go
18:25.56 tyche Extracting files to a local directory. From there, I'll follow the instructions that were listed?
18:26.59 tyche BRB: Used kitty-litter run
18:27.48 brlcad tyche: yes, the instructions listed should be good to follow
18:28.27 brlcad if you got it from cvs, you'll run ./ first and then ./configure .. if not from cvs and from that download, you can just run ./configure
18:28.41 *** join/#brlcad EricWilhelm (~ewilhelm@
18:29.17 narnia brlcad, i find weddings depressing. ymmv
18:39.40 *** join/#brlcad ewilhelm_ (~ewilhelm@
18:42.52 brlcad one if by land, two if by irc?
18:46.28 tyche My appologies for the delay. You wouldn't believe the things I've had to install to try to install BRL-CAD
18:48.52 tyche Well, at least now it's saying that it's preparing to build. Autoconf, Automake and Libtools were all missing. I wish I could have gotten Fedora Core 3 to install on this machine.
18:58.03 tyche Well, now I KNOW I'm loosing my mind. See, even my computer tells me so: C++ preprocessor "gcc -E" fails sanity check
19:11.55 brlcad there's a slew of components required to actually run the gnu build system
19:12.12 brlcad that c++ error is a libtool bug
19:12.16 brlcad easy fix is to install g++
19:12.41 brlcad you don't need to install of the the gnu build system components if you didn't download from cvs
19:13.28 tyche Installing now. Just took me a few minutes to read the config.log and figure out what I needed.
19:13.44 brlcad you downloaded, didn't you?
19:13.53 brlcad that c++ problem is worked around in the latest cvs
19:13.59 brlcad at least it should be
19:14.23 tyche I just got the G++ compiler. It wasn't on system. I'm trying ./configure again.
19:14.39 brlcad but did you download or get cvs?
19:14.59 tyche I downloaded from the SourceForge URL you gave me.
19:15.51 brlcad ahh, then you didn't need to run ./ (meaning you didn't need to install m4, perl, autoconf, automake, libtool, db3, etc ;)
19:16.07 tyche This has gotten a lot further that the first time I tried it.
19:16.30 brlcad you're configuring now?
19:18.12 tyche Yes, and it looks good, for a change.
19:18.41 tyche I REALLY do thank you for all your help and encouragement. (Though, we're not done yet :-) )
19:18.52 brlcad after configure, you'll run make and then "make install" as root
19:19.00 brlcad no problem
19:19.27 brlcad we need to improve the linux installation process..
19:19.37 brlcad warn about relocations
19:19.57 brlcad or figure ways around it to allow them more easily
19:20.46 tyche Yep. In fact, I'm doing the whole thing as root (well, all right, sudo). Improvements would be nice. If I've helped point out problems (I'm not too good at solving them <BG>) then that's good
19:22.34 tyche brlcad: Do I take it to understand that you are someone heavily involved in the brl-cad project? Such as a programmer?
19:23.39 brlcad that would be a fair understanding
19:23.45 brlcad I'm one of the project leads
19:24.04 brlcad maintainer and developer
19:24.50 narnia tyche, brlcad is really the chief cook and bottle washer. ;-)
19:25.03 tyche Then you have my profoundest compliments for the way you've answered a newbie's questions and helped out, here. And from the responses I'm getting off of configure, it would appear that you've tried to answer a great many low-level questions
19:25.16 narnia tyche, i am a lowly bus boy. ;-)
19:25.44 tyche narnia: don't put down chief cooks and bottle washers. They're like good secretaries. They are the ones that actually run things.
19:27.02 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: consider providing installation and post configuration support scripts
19:27.11 brlcad I'm a coffee gopher ;)
19:27.31 tyche Hmmmm! It wanted to see if I was still here: "checking for sqrt... yes"
19:27.56 tyche Oh, no. That's square-root. I thought it was an abbreviation for squirt
19:28.04 brlcad heh
19:28.23 narnia brlcad, the end of april there is an emc fest at nist. not sure if i will be able to make. if by chance i do what is your schedule like the end of april?
19:28.35 tyche Creating MakeFiles
19:29.04 brlcad narnia: no exact idea that far in advance
19:29.19 brlcad tyche: wow.. this must be a rather slow machine?
19:30.24 narnia brlcad, my thinking is to get brl-cad folks and the emc folks together to brainstorm the interface between the two.
19:30.30 tyche Now doing "make". It's a Pentium III, 750MHz
19:30.57 narnia tyche, how much memory is in that box?
19:31.10 brlcad tyche: do you have opengl configured?
19:31.59 tyche The only problem is that it has an NVidia GForce 4 graphics card, and most of the Linux installers don't understand to default to SVGA or generic NVidia (GPL'ed) drivers for such
19:32.19 tyche I'm maxed at 512Meg RAM
19:32.39 narnia tyche, understand.
19:33.08 tyche As far as I know, I have OpenGL. At least, various screensavers that appear to make use of it operate correctly.
19:33.24 brlcad the build system is presently wired on the assumption of opengl .. haven't made that build option auto-configureable yet
19:33.27 brlcad that's good
19:34.25 tyche I didn't happen to see any errors (flipping in and out of console) that looked like it couldn't find it. Make seems to be runnning all right.
19:35.05 brlcad if you don't have the opengl developer libraries installed, it'll be a while before you hit an error
19:36.01 tyche I may not have the developer libraries installed. If not, I presume that I can just pick up with "make" again after installing them?
19:36.08 brlcad yeah
19:36.43 tyche No problem, then. Just a little more time consuming <BG>. Good thing I have nothing else to do on a Saturday Morning.
19:38.22 brlcad i could still walk you through the proper unrelocated installation of the linux binary too :)
19:39.05 brlcad that would definitely have been less work and would have been faster, but then where's the fun in that
19:40.04 brlcad if you want to go that route, thought, just let me know ;)
19:40.06 tyche I just hit a bunch of parse errors. I wasn't fast enough to get to the head of the list before it popped off the top of the terminal. Sorry. The first one that I could see had to do with tkDecls.h:
19:40.43 brlcad tkDecls.h .. that'd be X11 headers
19:41.17 tyche Yep. That's something I remember seeing as it flashed by.
19:42.15 brlcad what's your distribution?
19:43.27 tyche Ubuntu Linux, it's a modified Debian distribution. I think it's using XFree86 instead of X11
19:43.39 brlcad XFree86 is X11
19:45.17 tyche The development files for X11 show up in Synaptic: libx11-dev.
19:45.53 brlcad there are two X11 distributions though
19:46.16 brlcad xlibs-dev maybe?
19:46.32 tyche I do appologize for throwing nothing but problems at you. Let me check on that.
19:47.07 brlcad no problem at all
19:47.23 brlcad it might be libx11-dev, i'm not that familiar with ubuntu's packages
19:47.52 tyche This may take a moment. I found xlibs-dev, and it's added about 10 more dependencies.
19:48.26 tyche OK, THAT took. Now, how do I find the opengl development packages?
19:49.56 tyche I see the python-opengl binding programs (already installed) but nothing on plain, old, ordinary opengl
19:51.11 brlcad no, nvidia probably already installed it if youre using their drivers
19:52.41 tyche I'm not sure whether it's NVidia drivers or the Generic drivers. I had to force GRUB to accept the generic to even see the screen to finish the installation. After it was installed, I pulled the drivers off Synaptic, first thing. I DO get the NVidia splash screen.
19:53.15 brlcad yeah, you're probably good to try continuing
19:55.04 tyche Well, let me hit "make" again. "And away-y-y we go. . ."
19:56.12 tyche "Make" is making. And I'm for more coffee and a couple of Motrin.
19:58.56 tyche Isn't it difficult to type with your fingers crossed? Well, maybe not. I know that I can type as well with my eyes crossed as without. 40 mistakes a minute, with words. :-)
20:01.23 brlcad abg qvssvphyg ng nyy
20:01.31 brlcad ~rot13 abg qvssvphyg ng nyy
20:01.31 ibot not difficult at all
20:02.27 tyche Yep, that's about right <LOLROFPMP> . Oh, BTW, I just caught a "warning": tkUnixDialog.c:64: warning: passing arg 4 of pointer to function from incompatible pointer type
20:03.35 brlcad that's fine, warnings are okay ;)
20:03.42 brlcad especially tcl/tk warnings
20:03.53 brlcad we don't fix their code more than we have to
20:04.46 tyche Not when they're followed by a BUNCH of "undefined references" and "collect2: ld returned 1 exit statusmake[4]: *** [wish] Error 1"
20:05.34 tyche I don't think it liked my version of the x11 header files.
20:06.13 brlcad hrm
20:06.21 brlcad undefined references would be libraries
20:06.40 brlcad what's one of the undefined references?
20:07.21 tyche Yep. That was the last thing installed. The last one before "make" dropped out was: /usr/brlcad/src/other/libtk/generic/tkCanvWind.c:903: undefined reference to `XGetImage'
20:07.48 brlcad hmm.. yes, that's an x11 library symbol
20:08.02 tyche The first one was: /usr/brlcad/src/other/libtk/unix/tkUnixFont.c:693: undefined reference to `XLoadQueryFont'
20:08.24 brlcad ls -la /usr/X11R6/lib/libX11*
20:08.40 brlcad oh, it might be configure
20:09.05 brlcad you first ran configure without X11, so it's probably not added /usr/X11R6 to your paths
20:09.20 brlcad try running configure again and then make again
20:09.36 tyche Well, THAT can be corrected. Running configure.
20:10.08 brlcad either that or you really don't have your X11 libs installed (which isn't likely)
20:10.45 tyche Oh, BTW, what is "fink" (as in: checking for fink in /sw... not found)
20:12.06 tyche (I DO hope you're not getting writer's cramp from writing down all the mistakes I'm making <G>)
20:13.13 brlcad no no :)
20:13.27 brlcad fink is an optional package mangement system on mac os x
20:13.40 brlcad if fink is found, configure automatically searches there for libraries and header files too
20:14.17 tyche Ah, then I can ignore that. This DEFINITELY isn't a Mac.
20:14.34 tyche Configure seems to be resolving MUCH faster than it did before.
20:14.39 brlcad shame ;)
20:14.50 brlcad yeah, configure will used cached results where it can
20:15.11 tyche 3 minutes instead of 16. That's some savings.
20:15.57 brlcad 16 is incredible..
20:16.59 tyche That's what the last one was. BTW, "make" just exited again with errors. One of them (the first I could reach) was: Option.c:1619: undefined reference to `XFree'./.libs/libtk.a(tkOption.o)(.text+0x1cb7):/usr/brlcad/src/other/libtk/generic/tk
20:17.39 brlcad hrm, same problem
20:17.46 tyche It obviously still doesn't like my library files.
20:18.02 brlcad so you have /usr/X11R6/lib/libX11*
20:20.11 tyche I have a hunch that either Debian or Ubuntu doesn't use the standard path.
20:20.32 tyche What I have (pardon the formatting) is: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1357972 2004-11-17 07:31 /usr/X11R6/lib/libX1 1.alrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 11 2005-03-12 12:47 /usr/X11R6/lib/libX1 -> 1 root root 13 2005-02-20 16:34 /usr/X11R6/lib/libX1 -> 1 root root 789104 2004-11-17 07:31 /usr/X11R6/lib/libX1
20:20.48 brlcad that's good
20:21.08 tyche Two of those are simlinks
20:21.26 brlcad try "make LDFLAGS="-L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11" CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/X11R6/include"
20:25.23 tyche OK, that was better. BUT. . . make[5]: Entering directory `/usr/brlcad/src/other/incrTcl/itcl/generic' /bin/sh ../../../../../libtool --mode=compile gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../../../../include/bin/sh ../../../../../libtool --mode=compile gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../../../../include -I/usr/X11R6/includelibtool: compile: cannot determine name of library object from `include' -I/usr/X11R6/include libtool: compile: cannot determine n
20:25.36 narnia brlcad, link for emc fest at nist.
20:29.33 tyche * tyche wonders how narnia managed to pick the lock on the manicals and escape from the dungeon.
20:33.58 brlcad tyche: that's good -- make clean
20:34.15 tyche Ah, I see (said the blind man). A blind programmer, working in braille. Talk about a double translation.
20:34.16 brlcad then: ./configure LDFLAGS="-L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11" CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/X11R6/include"
20:34.36 tyche OK, brlcad, make clean on it's way.
20:35.01 narnia tyche, not blind, just have multiple physical challenges that tom helps with.
20:35.45 tyche You're fortunate. Mine are mental and don't show. So people can't accept that I have any.
20:36.49 tyche And now running ./configure (etc.)
20:38.12 narnia my were caused by a large rack of electronic equipment trying it's best to flatten my body like a pancake.
20:38.55 tyche If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the NOC <BG>
20:39.25 narnia brlcad, speaking of service animals, if by chance i do make it out to maryland the end of april what are your facilities rules on service animals?
20:39.49 tyche Creating Makefiles
20:40.27 tyche I'll take 2
20:40.59 tyche And now engaging "make"
20:43.20 tyche Sorry, wrong number. Error Code 1, following: gcc -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -fPIC -g -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -fPIC -g -o .libs/pngtest pngtest.o -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 ./.libs/ -ldl -lm -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/usr/brlcad/lib followed by a bunc of undefined references starting with: ./.libs/ undefined reference to `deflate'
20:46.51 tyche I just installed the libpng-dev files. I take it I should "make clean" again, then ./configure and make?
20:48.12 brlcad ahh, close
20:49.02 brlcad ./configure LDFLAGS="-L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lpng -lz -lpthread" CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/X11R6/include"
20:49.23 narnia close only counts in horseshoes, grenades, and thermo-nuclear devices.
20:50.02 tyche Accepted. Sorry, I didn't include all the flags on my statement, but would have grabbed them from the previous text. My bad.
20:50.43 tyche Now configuring.
20:51.15 tyche I AM glad that it can't find the fink <BG>
20:52.36 narnia tyche, fink is used with macos-x.
20:52.55 tyche Oh, yes. That junoir version of BSD
20:55.12 tyche And now engaging "make"
20:58.58 tyche This is encouraging. It hasn't errored out yet.
20:59.09 brlcad ugh.. hopefully :)
21:02.42 brlcad if this doesn't work, we should just install the binary :)
21:03.21 tyche I really need to learn programming. After all, who but a hungry programmer would think to define "words" in bytes, bits, and nibbles?
21:03.43 brlcad I can have a binary built and posted by the time it takes your configure to run using some of my better resources ;)
21:03.54 tyche brlcad: we may do that. But I have hope for this one.
21:04.56 tyche I have no doubt that you COULD. But, considering that this is a 3 year old home-built system, I don't think it's doing too bad. And think of all the things you're teaching me.
21:05.09 brlcad :)
21:06.38 tyche Of course, I already knew how to swear. 4 years Air Force and about 20 years driving truck (bus and anything else with wheels). (And for fun, you should try the SR101 around Phoenix at 6:00 AM. Can you spell "dodge-um"?)
21:11.53 tyche I have seen a bunch of warnings, but "make" is still running.
21:12.31 brlcad good news then :)
21:13.18 tyche BTW, that "dodge-um" on the 101 was at 70 MPH. Every weekday morning. In a Jeep Wrangler.
21:13.59 tyche entering brlcad/src/libn
21:15.37 brlcad should be smooth sailing at least until src/burst
21:16.06 tyche Yes, but I don't know how far down the list that is.
21:17.27 brlcad a ways..
21:27.33 tyche OK, it just errorred again: if_ogl.c:66:20: GL/glx.h: No such file or directory
21:28.31 tyche Looks like it's glitching on OpenGL or Glade.
21:28.31 brlcad there we go.. mesagl-dev headers :)
21:28.37 brlcad yep, opengl
21:29.50 tyche Mesagl-dev is not showing up in Synaptic
21:30.08 tyche I also tried variations on that, and no luck
21:33.24 brlcad xlibmesa-gl-dev
21:34.30 tyche I didn't even think about mesa. Shame on me.
21:35.16 tyche xlibmesa-gl-dev installed. make clean and "redo from start"
21:35.26 brlcad just try make
21:35.34 brlcad "should" keep going
21:36.32 tyche Good point. I forgot that it'll test to see what's done.
21:38.35 tyche into usr/brlcad/src/optical
21:41.11 brlcad excellent
21:41.28 jano your butt is wide.. well mine is too
21:41.30 brlcad i think you've hit just about every problem possible
21:41.32 jano just watch your mouth
21:41.34 jano or I'll sit on you
21:41.53 tyche I just saw a "make all", which leads me to believe that we may be in the final stages.
21:42.16 brlcad only problem you haven't hit yet is curses library I think :)
21:42.23 brlcad so there may be one more still :)
21:42.45 brlcad I'll need to see if I can get access to a fresh ubuntu box to make all of these checks automatic
21:43.09 tyche The note was "make all in conv" followed by: entering /usr/brlcad/src/conv
21:43.24 brlcad yes, it'll say something similar to that in every dir
21:44.17 tyche I don't know if it would be worth it. There should be a new version of Ubuntu out shortly. Currently it's "Warty Warthog", and the next is "Hoary Hedgehog".
21:44.32 brlcad by the way, conv is about directory #10 out of about 40
21:44.42 tyche Hoary is currently in the final stages.
21:45.12 brlcad i generally run gentoo on my own hardware given a choice
21:45.34 brlcad RHEL and debian at work from time to time
21:45.54 brlcad bsd's tend to be my primary
21:46.35 tyche I couldn't get Gentoo to work. BTW, glitched again. Entering directory `/usr/brlcad/src/fbserv' followed by: ../../src/libfb/.libs/ undefined reference to `XextAddDisplay' and exit
21:47.22 brlcad i more libs..
21:47.31 brlcad cd src/fbserv
21:47.39 brlcad make LIBS="-lX11 -lXext"
21:48.49 tyche OK, then back out and "make" again?
21:50.29 tyche It still didn't like it. Same result.
21:51.21 tyche This time it was in `/usr/brlcad/src/rt
21:53.42 tyche I'm doing the same thing we did to src/fbserv, then I'll try "make" again.
21:57.23 tyche It appears to be running free, again. Still checking.
21:58.35 tyche Yup. It glitched on "burst". Once more with the "quick fix"
22:00.57 tyche OK, the "quick fix" didn't take. Now it's arguing about: Sc.o(.text+0x65): In function `ScLoadTP':/usr/brlcad/src/burst/Sc.c:123: undefined reference to `tgetnum'
22:01.14 tyche Among others.
22:01.57 brlcad yep, that's the curses problem
22:02.01 brlcad so congrats..
22:02.04 brlcad you hit them all
22:02.21 brlcad i think this is a first :)
22:02.24 tyche Somehow I don't feel properly grateful :-)
22:02.38 brlcad let's see
22:02.42 brlcad do you have ncurses installed?
22:03.12 tyche Yes, but not the development packages.
22:03.42 brlcad yes, ncurses-dev
22:04.44 tyche libncurses-dev is the closest I could get.
22:05.13 brlcad that's it
22:06.52 tyche It apparently doesn't like my "cursing" at it. Still the same result in src/burst
22:11.30 tyche It almost looks like src/burst didn't accept the changes made to src/fbserv: make LIBS="-lX11 -lXext"
22:11.49 brlcad make LIBS="-lncurses"
22:13.20 tyche I get the same references to undefined terms in ../../src/libfb/.libs/
22:14.03 brlcad hmm.. where are you?
22:14.26 tyche PWD /usr/brlcad/src/burst
22:14.53 brlcad ahh, lesse
22:15.42 brlcad same unresolved symbols?
22:17.20 tyche ../../src/libfb/.libs/ undefined reference to `XextAddDisplay'../../src/libfb/.libs/ undefined reference to `XextFindDisplay'../../src/libfb/.libs/ undefined reference to `XextCreateExtension'../../src/libfb/.libs/ undefined reference to `XextRemoveDisplay'../../src/libfb/.libs/ undefined reference to `XMissingExtension'
22:17.28 tyche Pardon the formatting
22:17.50 brlcad ahh
22:18.00 brlcad make LIBS="-lncurses -lX11 -lXext"
22:18.50 tyche OK, that finished successfully
22:19.34 tyche Back out to /usr/brlcad/src and "make"?
22:19.42 brlcad back out and
22:19.47 brlcad same make as burst
22:20.27 brlcad might still need the others too.. but you'll find out easily enough
22:21.36 tyche That apparently took care of burst. Unfortunately, bwish just glitched.
22:21.49 brlcad argh
22:21.54 brlcad my apologies tyche
22:22.24 brlcad i've only had the chance to test ubuntu once before this .. otherwise you wouldn't be experiencing all these problems
22:23.24 tyche No problem. When I realized it wouldn't be a quick fix (about 4 hours ago), I figured that anything I could show you as happening would only help - - if you wanted my help.
22:23.58 tyche I'm not a programmer, but I'm a GREAT stumbling block :-)
22:24.44 tyche And one can't expect a developer to have ALL the OS's
22:25.21 brlcad only about 10, but not ubuntu :)
22:25.51 brlcad how about we try the binary install just for sake of getting it working? :)
22:27.39 tyche Some of my experiences with Ubuntu have led me to believe that I should unbundle the Fedora core iso and see if I could force it to accept the NVidia generic drivers. Yes, if you want to try the binaries, I'd be happy to try. I still have the tgz file brlcad-7.0_ia32.tgz
22:28.16 tyche I'll have to strip out the /usr/brlcad directory, first, of course.
22:28.31 brlcad strip out?
22:29.13 tyche Remove all that we've been working on, and the source code, so it doesn't confuse the binary installation
22:29.47 brlcad where have you been doing this compile?
22:29.57 brlcad in your home directory, yes?
22:30.41 tyche If I did it in my home directory, I wouldn't be able to reach it as a user. I've been operating as root.
22:30.55 tyche PWD /usr/brlcad
22:31.12 brlcad heh, hmm
22:31.25 brlcad that would probably have caused some interesting side effects..
22:31.31 brlcad mv /usr/brlcad /usr/brlcad.backup
22:31.47 tyche Yep, I heard that tone of voice. What do you expect from a newbie.
22:32.26 tyche Done
22:33.14 brlcad where's the brlcad-7.0_ia32.tgz?
22:33.34 tyche That IS in my home directory: /home/craig
22:33.55 brlcad cd /home/craig
22:34.10 brlcad tar zxvf brlcad-7.0_ia32.tgz
22:34.25 brlcad mv usr/brlcad* /usr/.
22:34.47 brlcad ls -la /usr/brlcad*
22:37.38 tyche Listing of /usr/brlcad7.0 is ia32 (a directory)
22:37.59 brlcad export PATH=/usr/brlcad7.0/ia32/bin:$PATH
22:38.08 brlcad unset BRLCAD_ROOT
22:38.11 brlcad mged
22:38.31 brlcad actually, mged -n test.g
22:39.35 tyche And it asks if I want to create a new database (I finally caught up with you)
22:39.43 brlcad yes
22:40.18 tyche "attach (nu|X|ogl)[nu]?"
22:40.20 brlcad don't worry .. fast typing is a blessing and a curse :) RSI sucks
22:40.24 brlcad X
22:40.42 brlcad should pop up a big black window
22:41.26 tyche With 2 enclosed in yellow boxes, one saying Viewing, and the other saying Button Menu
22:41.46 brlcad yep, great
22:41.50 tyche Looks like you did it.
22:41.51 brlcad go ahead and quit
22:41.59 brlcad one more test
22:43.01 tyche OK, go ahead.
22:43.05 brlcad mged test.g
22:43.37 brlcad should get maybe some Xlib extension warnings and two windows should pop up
22:45.06 tyche NO Xlib extension warnings. Two windows: MGED Graphics and MGED Command
22:45.22 tyche This is looking VERY promising.
22:46.42 brlcad excellent
22:46.57 tyche You even have a good "Getting Started" help file. This is great. Thanks.
22:47.15 brlcad in the mged command window type "make sphere sph"
22:47.38 brlcad then "rt -F/dev/Xl"
22:48.05 CIA-3 libIRC: 03jeffm2501 * 10libirc/ (5 files in 2 dirs): provide a quit handaler message
22:49.11 tyche It ended with "Raytrace Complete"
22:49.40 brlcad you have a window show up?
22:50.10 brlcad with a sphere in it
22:51.10 tyche No. But that may be my fault. It looked like the last of that command was an X followed by a "pipe" (|)
22:51.26 brlcad ahh, you closed the window
22:51.28 brlcad i think
22:51.47 brlcad try the rt line again and wait for it
22:51.52 tyche What was following the X?
22:53.23 tyche I saw the window form, and then dropped out.
22:54.33 brlcad a lowercase "ell" .. l
22:54.46 brlcad rt -F/dev/Xl
22:55.11 brlcad like linger (which is what the ell means ;)
22:55.36 tyche We have Sphere! And a new window named Frame Buffer
22:55.45 brlcad alternatively, go to File->Raytrace
22:55.50 brlcad excellent
22:56.37 tyche GREAT!
22:56.58 brlcad in another terminal type: asc2g /usr/brlcad.backup/db/havoc.asc /home/craig/havoc.g
22:57.15 tyche That works better than POV-Ray. I wish there were something like this for Windows a few years ago.
22:58.06 brlcad it's only very recently that pov-ray has had features that brl-cad has had since the late 80's
22:58.25 brlcad pov-ray still does very good on global illumination models, though
22:58.45 brlcad it's nowhere near as optimized as brl-cad is for huge models, though
22:58.48 brlcad or csg
22:58.52 tyche I know. BTW, my system doesn't recognize asc2g
22:59.06 brlcad it's that PATH line
22:59.12 brlcad you use bash?
22:59.42 brlcad edit your ~/.bash_profile and add "export PATH=/usr/brlcad7.0/ia32/bin:$PATH"
23:01.15 brlcad then you'll be able to run asc2g and company in new terminal windows
23:05.42 tyche BRL-CAD blows AutoCAD rendering out of the water. bash still doesn't recognize asc2g
23:06.51 brlcad the path will only go into effect on new windows
23:07.05 brlcad unless you type ". ~/.bash_profile"
23:07.17 brlcad to reload the profile
23:10.32 brlcad asc2g is one of the file converters.. there's a model of a havoc helicopter in the source distribution that should be nice to see
23:22.15 tyche OK, I finally got the file converted. And I also checked out that I could open mged from a user terminal (rather than root). The file is loaded, how do I get it into the graphic window?
23:26.22 brlcad mged ~/havoc.g
23:27.35 brlcad then run Tools->GeometryBrowser
23:27.44 brlcad and double-click the name of the havoc
23:27.52 brlcad (once)
23:30.34 tyche This must be a large database. The scrollbar is taking forever to respond.
23:31.27 brlcad it's "small" as var as brl-cad database for a real model (like a tank) get, but it's got some detail to it
23:32.04 tyche That's rather obvious, seeing how far down I had to go to get to the name
23:32.24 brlcad hmm?
23:32.37 brlcad shouldn't have had to "go down" ..
23:32.50 brlcad you're in the geometry browser or something else?
23:33.21 tyche There are a lot of objects listed in the Geometry Browser. Near the end is the havoc folder.
23:34.52 brlcad okay
23:35.14 brlcad that's suspicious but okay
23:35.24 brlcad does the havoc show if you select it?
23:36.09 tyche THis is not that fast a system (I'd love to have had one of those SGI computers), but it eventually gets there. The havoc wireframe is in the graphics window.
23:36.54 tyche raytrace may take a while.
23:36.59 brlcad unless you're dishing out for one of sgi's supercomputers, they're not the best graphics boxes out there
23:37.42 brlcad the dual g5 macs are pretty much the best price-performance-point right now
23:37.42 tyche For my purposes, this little old 750MHz P3 is good enough.
23:38.49 brlcad brl-cad will run on just about anything only limited by the model complexity
23:39.03 brlcad that havoc is probably the most detailed you'll see outside of military uses
23:39.42 brlcad though one of our modelers did create a complete inside-out model of a walkie talkie that is really impressive
23:39.47 brlcad very detailed
23:40.31 brlcad using the photorealistic global illumination renderer, it looks very much like the real thing
23:41.00 tyche Now I'm getting excited. There's this "Warthog" I wouldn't mind modeling :-)
23:41.41 brlcad I'd suggest going through volumes II and III of the tutorials -- that covers most of the basics of modeling
23:43.44 tyche I definitely will. As well as the help files. I'm a great one for believing in reading the manuals. When I ran a SUN Spark Workstation, I read all 5 feet of the manuals :-)
23:44.05 brlcad egads :)
23:44.28 brlcad well, brl-cad's got about that much documentation, so try to pace yourself? :)
23:44.45 brlcad 400 tools .. you've seen 2 ;)
23:44.59 tyche I will have to remember some of the tricks you taught me, today. Especially the PATH tricks. BTW, It took about 2 weeks on the job to read them all.
23:45.16 brlcad the PATH should be a 1-time thing if you put it into your ~/.bash_profile
23:45.33 brlcad that's a shell thing, not a brl-cad thing (man bash, for example)
23:46.19 tyche When I got done, I was able to do what the college trained UNIX Administrator the company hired couldn't figure out how to do. I even forced them to respect that I needed su to be able to do backups on the drawing files.
23:47.01 brlcad the documentation on the website is the most accurate and well written
23:47.05 tyche I was nasty, and removed the password for root when they wouldn't give it to me. And they hadn't supplied a script that would do tape backups.
23:47.17 brlcad hehe
23:47.26 tyche I've already downloaded the pdf's from the website.
23:47.44 tyche Now, I've got some reading to do besides Science Fiction
23:48.08 tyche Thanks again for your help.
23:49.06 brlcad and off into the sunset he rode
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050313

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050313

00:38.19 CIA-3 libIRC: 03jeffm2501 * 10libirc/ (3 files in 3 dirs):
00:38.19 CIA-3 libIRC: add method to do a nick change
00:38.19 CIA-3 libIRC: fix up release builds
00:44.12 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (5 files in 2 dirs): quell the Xlib extension warning on XInputExtension by checking for it and not making a call to XListInputDevices if it's not available.
01:21.11 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ support the busted term.h header on solaris. it requires curses.h, so check for an include it before the header check.
02:56.51 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/URToolkit/tools/into.c: quell warning, main needs to return an int
03:58.05 *** join/#brlcad EricWilhelm (
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06:54.59 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ HAVE_ defines need to be undefined when false, not set to zero -- HAVE_SYS_ERRLIST_DECL needed fix'in
07:30.51 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ s/SOCKET/LIBSOCKET/g
07:31.53 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/libtcl/ libtcl requires -lsocket if it's available
08:58.32 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ library link reworking, add libnsl check, clean up libsocket check
08:59.00 *** join/#brlcad ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
08:59.00 *** mode/#brlcad [+o ChanServ] by
08:59.07 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/libtcl/ add libnsl
09:03.33 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ zlib link naming consistency
10:11.47 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
13:08.37 *** join/#brlcad dir21 (~dir21@
13:11.22 *** join/#brlcad dho (
13:14.38 dho Is it possible to open autocad dwg files with brlcad?
15:24.49 EricWilhelm dho, not exactly
15:24.53 EricWilhelm (yet)
15:25.18 EricWilhelm there's a dxf converter, but nothing for dwg
15:25.35 EricWilhelm what kind of files do you have? (surfaces? wireframe? solids?)
15:27.03 dho Just some 2D stuff. I don't know anything about CAD, just taking a look at some stuff my uncle has.
15:27.12 dho I got the things exported to dxf, so that's a first step I guess :)
15:28.04 EricWilhelm there's a dxf-g program
15:28.08 EricWilhelm man dxf-g
15:28.38 EricWilhelm The file.dxf file is expected to be
15:28.38 EricWilhelm <PROTECTED>
15:28.38 EricWilhelm <PROTECTED>
15:28.38 EricWilhelm <PROTECTED>
15:28.38 EricWilhelm <PROTECTED>
15:28.39 EricWilhelm <PROTECTED>
15:28.47 EricWilhelm <PROTECTED>
15:28.49 EricWilhelm <PROTECTED>
15:30.33 dho Thanks
15:30.37 EricWilhelm I would like to have some preliminary dwg support in the uber-converter by about July.
15:30.51 dho Another thing; I'm having an issue with MGED that when I try to start it, it says `backgrounding, please wait\n dm-ogl: Can't make display lists for font.'
15:31.00 dho After that I never see anything
15:31.14 EricWilhelm Not sure what it will take to get from there to brlcad, but at least it would give you dwg->dxf on the command-line.
15:32.03 EricWilhelm hmm. that's a question for one of the other guys (who are more involved in brlcad than I am.)
15:32.23 dho Ok; I'll stick around. Thanks :)
15:32.36 EricWilhelm what os are you running
15:34.08 dho FreeBSD
15:41.14 EricWilhelm dho, I see (in my logs) that someone else had the same trouble with freebsd before, but haven't found what solved it yet
15:41.26 EricWilhelm brlcad, do you work sundays?
15:44.51 EricWilhelm dho, maybe try this:
15:45.22 EricWilhelm Jan 21 02:56:56 <tetesuro> Oh, I got the gui up
15:45.23 EricWilhelm Jan 21 02:57:06 <tetesuro> mged -n name.g
15:45.23 EricWilhelm Jan 21 02:57:09 <tetesuro> attach X
15:45.23 EricWilhelm Jan 21 02:57:12 <corbanj> cool...
15:45.23 EricWilhelm Jan 21 02:57:20 <brlcad> ahh, the old X interface
15:45.23 EricWilhelm Jan 21 02:57:27 <tetesuro> right
15:46.11 EricWilhelm dho, I guess you have an opengl problem, but it looks like you should be able to run on a straight X gui.
15:46.28 dho aha -n!
15:47.08 dho thanks
15:47.59 EricWilhelm you might still want to hang around and ask brlcad if the ogl issue ever got solved in that case
15:48.34 dho Will do :)
16:04.26 brlcad EricWilhelm: depends how you define work -- I work on brl-cad and am here in the # pretty much every day
16:06.02 brlcad dho: there was a fix made to test the font display list creation, but there's probably more that needs to be done. the "fix" being made now is to not make the opengl interface the default (there are several to choose from all pretty much functionally equivalent)
18:25.38 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: need non-generic installation instructinos
18:27.35 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (INSTALL COPYING): add an rcs revision number for change tracking
18:52.25 narnia brlcad, given that i do not have part23 to look at my next question may be mute when we are able to read part 23. how close should part 23 and part 24 be?
18:56.55 brlcad what do you mean?
18:57.08 brlcad how close are the api hooks?
18:57.41 brlcad i suspect relatively similar.. but.. ??
19:19.04 narnia brlcad, not have part23 i can only go by the nist scl source.
19:19.30 brlcad but what does part23 matter?
19:19.51 narnia brlcad, part23 is the c++ language bindings
19:20.04 brlcad i know.. that's why I'm wondering why it matters
19:20.37 brlcad we have the c lang bindings .. only need one binding ;)
19:20.39 narnia brlcad, okay, for right now is does not matter.
19:22.36 narnia brlcad, perhaps the 10303 parts should be a sub-project of brl-cad. the 10303 parts should be standalone libraries.
19:23.46 narnia brlcad, a 'nice to have' would be both part 23 and part 24. i agree for brl-cad part 24 is only needed.
19:56.51 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/
19:56.51 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: improved/individual library checks across the board for gl, dl, mx, malloc, dl,
19:56.51 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: nsl, and socket. get rid of the 'bad' AC_SEARCH_LIBS. improve the INSTALL and
19:56.51 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: COPYING file bug check by comparing the rcs revision numbers.
20:27.16 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ (4 files in 3 dirs): use LIBGL for -lgl instead of SGIGL
20:51.50 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/HACKING: Update the ChangeLog with entries since the last release
20:52.15 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ rename INSTALL,COPYING check variables
21:00.41 *** join/#brlcad dan_falck (
21:09.21 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/.cvsignore: few missing generated version files
21:20.14 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/URToolkit/ (cnv/.cvsignore tools/.cvsignore): ignore generated files
21:26.01 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/conv/.cvsignore: new additions to ignore
22:50.21 EricWilhelm brlcad, have you seen the scons build system?
22:52.44 brlcad yes I have
22:53.41 brlcad it's nice, though lacking a bit of maturity
22:53.47 EricWilhelm thought about migrating to it? The docs at least have some interesting things to say about m4, etc.
22:54.09 EricWilhelm I haven't really learned autoconf, and was thinking maybe I wouldn't need to.
22:54.13 brlcad yes, I have .. I'm interested, but it's a _lot_ of work no matter how it's cut
22:54.34 brlcad it's conceptually very much a step up from the gnu build system
22:54.35 EricWilhelm of course, I haven't left my happy little perl development environment, so maybe moot :-)
22:55.12 brlcad the main difference is that the gnu build system is immensely more developed, mature, and familiar to folks than scons
22:55.30 brlcad with all it's warts, it is what everyone mostly uses
22:55.41 EricWilhelm I have been looking at setting up a nightly build system for my subversion repository, so scons, Module::Build, and similar stuff keeps coming up on google.
22:56.04 brlcad that being said, I'd drop it in a heartbeat if scons was working on the entire build system with at least as much as we already have completed
22:57.24 EricWilhelm scons definitely seems more hackable, which is part of why I'm asking. I'll put a few more things on my "to read" list.
22:58.02 brlcad hmm.. hackable isn't a downside of the gbs .. you can write tests for just about anything
22:58.33 brlcad the pain is if you actually have to write tests for _everything_ .. that's a lot of work and a codebase in itself with spagetti logic that ends up needing to be maintained
22:58.33 EricWilhelm how about 'make live-install' ?
22:58.43 brlcad make live-install?
22:59.26 EricWilhelm I'm still working on how it would make sense in a compiled project, but that's my primary methodology in interpreted code.
22:59.59 EricWilhelm I suppose it would still have application in brl-cad, blender, etc where you have scripted plugins and add-ons (e.g. tcl or python)
23:00.49 EricWilhelm
23:02.34 EricWilhelm brlcad, partly I'm trying to make drive-by hacking easier. I suppose in a compiled project, this would essentially mean that you would only have to 'make' the code to have your changes available.
23:02.52 brlcad no offense, but that write-up didn't really tell me much :)
23:03.04 brlcad it told me what it's not to a little extent
23:03.13 EricWilhelm "make && make test && make install" is great and all, but somewhat tedious
23:03.17 EricWilhelm yeah.
23:03.56 EricWilhelm I need to work on that. Did you mean the web page or the how_this_works.txt file?
23:05.10 brlcad yes :)
23:05.38 EricWilhelm ok. sorry, I'll work on that some more before I bring it up again.
23:06.32 EricWilhelm like I said, I'm still not sure what it does for compiled code. It's a work in progress.
23:06.41 brlcad no, I mean.. what's the basic idea? make a sandbox to install/run in?
23:06.58 EricWilhelm no, it's about the opposite of a sandbox.
23:07.36 EricWilhelm It allows you to run bleeding edge code as if you had installed it with 'make install'.
23:08.02 EricWilhelm For interpreted code, that means "straight out of a CVS/SVN checkout."
23:08.48 brlcad sounds like gentoo for interpreted code ;)
23:08.56 EricWilhelm so, it's a way of getting faster reflection.
23:09.09 EricWilhelm yeah, maybe a bit like that.
23:09.45 EricWilhelm hmm. it would be great if it would play nicely with package managers eh?
23:10.07 EricWilhelm but, that's an issue with perl libraries in general I guess (at least from what I've seen on debian)
23:28.00 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ announce that the backup is being made in the result, equal is probably modified locally
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050314

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050314

00:28.29 *** join/#brlcad cad587 (
01:14.22 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ delineate each of the configuration steps with a checking line .. helps locate specific results
02:35.40 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/ (libtool.m4
02:35.40 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: add a libtool.m4 just in case the compiling user has a libtool installed that's
02:35.40 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: already converted to LT_INIT or a setup that is otherwise missing the
02:35.40 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL macro. it's not a good idea to put the libtool.m4 into the m4/
02:35.40 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: directory as that may cause automake variable mismatch bugs (where the libraries
02:35.41 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: end up missing their extensions) when there's a suitable system libtool.m4
02:35.43 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: already.
02:37.36 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/
02:37.36 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: if a secondary autoconf fails with an error saying that AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is
02:37.36 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: missing, pull the misc/libtool.m4 in as an acinclude.m4 and restart the
02:37.36 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: configuration. this should allow a successful autogen on systems that have a
02:37.36 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: libtool that's already moved forward to LT_INIT or otherwise don't have the
02:37.36 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL macro.
02:43.15 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ oops, missing backticks
02:53.54 *** join/#brlcad learner (~brlcad@brlcad.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
02:53.54 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by ChanServ
04:20.25 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: have x11/tk mged output a helpful message when DISPLAY is unset
04:28.15 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/ needs libmalloc
04:37.58 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/vdeck/.cvsignore: ignore vdeck
04:46.30 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/vas4/.cvsignore: ignore vas4
04:47.25 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (6 files in 6 dirs): why ignore the .cvsignore files?
04:49.11 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/proc-db/.cvsignore: ignore the built binaries
04:50.27 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rttherm/.cvsignore: ignore generated files
04:51.31 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tab/.cvsignore: ignore generated files
04:52.19 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/remrt/.cvsignore: ignore generated files
04:54.51 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/patch/.cvsignore: ignore patch-g and rpatch
04:58.24 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/off/.cvsignore: ignore g-off and off-g
05:00.20 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/nirt/.cvsignore: ignore generated files
05:02.08 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mk/.cvsignore: ignore generated files
05:02.23 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/.cvsignore: ignore generated files
05:03.07 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libwdb/.cvsignore: ignore version
05:11.24 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ (13 files in 13 dirs): ignore generated verison files
05:22.50 brlcad cd ..
05:23.06 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/
05:23.06 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: add threading library checks (pthreads) to the forray of proper library checks
05:23.06 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: -- this will likely need more tweaking and testing for versatility for other
05:23.06 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: pthread variants; more work is still needed to allow different threading models
05:23.06 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: too
05:23.10 brlcad hmm.. i suppose that won't help me.. :)
05:24.15 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/ use LIBTHREAD instead of PTHREAD_LIBS now
05:50.04 jano woooo
05:50.12 jano i had my first photo shoot today :D
05:50.27 jano I think I got about 5 or 6 keapers :)
06:10.11 *** join/#brlcad fenfir (
06:10.50 fenfir i keep gettin errors when i try to compile on os x
06:19.24 brlcad fenfir: run ./ first
06:19.48 brlcad what version are you trying to compile?
06:26.25 fenfir the newest one
06:26.35 fenfir 7.2.0
06:26.41 brlcad what's the error you got?
06:27.11 fenfir gah, i closed the window
06:27.27 fenfir i'm rebuilding now, i'll post em if it does it again
06:27.35 brlcad it's been tested on os x, it has to be something small
06:28.19 fenfir a whole bunch of parse errors like "tkStubLib.c:116: error: request for member `hooks' in something not a structure or union"
06:28.19 brlcad if you run ./ first, that should overcome the problem
06:28.22 fenfir <PROTECTED>
06:28.25 brlcad ahh
06:28.28 fenfir i did autogen
06:28.34 brlcad it'll fail for you again then
06:28.39 brlcad you're missing the X11 headers
06:28.52 brlcad apple doesn't install those by default
06:28.53 fenfir kk
06:29.22 brlcad
06:29.40 brlcad it's only available on the apple dev CD, so it's at that url for your convenience
06:30.26 fenfir thanks big big
07:21.05 brlcad cya
07:24.45 narnia brlcad, you are uo late.
10:11.14 *** join/#brlcad frank__ (
10:13.25 *** join/#brlcad thomasb (
16:01.22 *** join/#brlcad ewilhelm_ (~ewilhelm@
16:06.29 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
16:12.50 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/
16:12.50 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: don't just blindly copy the backup files back .. check the revision number and
16:12.50 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: only when it's less than the backup revision will it copy it back. the
16:12.50 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 'default' has no rcs revision, so it'll be zero (and hence less than any
16:12.51 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: backup).
18:11.05 jano doppelbangers
18:11.09 jano :D
18:11.11 jano :(
18:11.16 jano :<
18:11.21 jano :[
18:35.06 narnia iso documents are really boring and obtuse. whatever happened to just plain english?
18:57.33 brlcad como puedes decir algo tan feo como ese?!
19:08.39 narnia es realmente f?cil.
19:16.58 jano quiero presentarle al senior Molina
19:17.08 jano es regnet
19:17.19 jano prchi prchi nech sa leje
19:17.28 jano uszaj moja mila
19:49.11 narnia esay for you to say.
19:52.39 jano repeat after me
19:52.41 jano BORK BORK BORK
20:24.13 narnia borg borg borg
20:24.23 narnia cork cork cork
20:24.34 narnia grok grok grok
20:24.41 narnia zork zork zork
20:54.26 narnia xyzzy xyzzy xyzzy
22:07.27 *** join/#brlcad EricWilhelm (~ewilhelm@
22:46.52 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ fixes for solaris .. must pass bang to test and fix names in restoration section
22:47.31 *** part/#brlcad jano (
23:28.25 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/irprep/ (21 files): the old tool name 'display' is now renamed to 'showtherm'. the old name was ambiguous and misleading. it also happens to conflict with the ImageMagik tool of the same name.
23:30.54 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: renamed the irprep 'display' tool to 'showtherm'
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050315

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050315

00:26.20 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 (
00:31.20 *** join/#brlcad CIA-3 (
04:45.58 Twingy An anonymous reader submits "As noted at Saarland University is showing a prototype of a 3D Raytracing Card at CeBIT2005. The FPGA is clocked at 90 MHz and is 3-5 times faster in raytracing then a Pentium4 CPU with 30 times more MHz. Besides game engines using raytracing there was a scene of a Boeing with 350 million polygons rendered in realtime."
04:46.43 brlcad bah, not even a billion polys :)
04:47.50 Twingy heh
04:48.22 Twingy certainly faster than what I can do
04:48.31 Twingy of course
04:48.38 Twingy they have like 6 guys working on this full time
04:48.48 brlcad well, of course.. more time and it's hardware
04:48.49 Twingy and we have like 1 guy working on this 70% of the time
04:49.09 Twingy sigh
04:49.33 brlcad they're also trying to make money -- big motivator ;)
04:49.39 Twingy yah
04:49.42 Twingy hey
04:49.43 Twingy I am too
04:49.48 brlcad heh
04:50.01 brlcad "Twingy, Inc"
04:50.05 Twingy heh
04:50.12 Twingy I like it
04:50.47 brlcad "'Scuse me Sir.. who do I make this check out to?" .. "Why, Twingy Incorporated, of course!"
04:50.55 Twingy teehee
04:51.14 Twingy I'm calling my basement Fort Shumaker from now on
04:51.22 Twingy since I can work at home
04:51.39 brlcad then Twingy takes the check and runs off cackling maniacally into the distance
04:51.58 Twingy it's fo mah womenz
04:52.02 Twingy aww yea
04:52.06 brlcad haha
04:52.25 Twingy I think I wanna try subversion with adrt
04:52.33 Twingy I'm not pleased with cvs anymore
04:52.40 brlcad you ever were?
04:52.46 Twingy good point
04:53.39 Twingy hurmph
04:53.44 brlcad the biggest/only things cvs has going for it is that it's free, it's mature, pretty stable, and well understood
04:53.52 Twingy not by me :D
04:54.23 Twingy you see ?
04:54.36 brlcad svn maintains the "understanding" by keeping cvs's interface and is of course also free
04:55.02 brlcad as soon as they can prove thier maturity/stability, they'll likely be the next cms "golden standard"
04:55.07 Twingy svn is also geared for like major changes
04:55.17 Twingy like moving directories, renaming shit, deleting stuff
04:55.28 Twingy cms?
04:55.35 brlcad content management system
04:55.45 Twingy ah, ASA
04:55.49 Twingy another silly acronym
04:56.00 brlcad pretty common one :P
04:56.07 Twingy meh
04:56.55 brlcad sure svn fixes most all of cvs' short comings, but that means jack if they can't prove they're stable
04:57.11 brlcad only takes one obscure bug to destroy a repository
04:57.23 brlcad fortunately, they are starting to mature
04:57.46 brlcad hear fewer and fewer repository corruption reports on the list
04:58.22 brlcad since 1.0 at least last year
04:59.21 brlcad when sourceforge finishes their svn support -- that'll be huge for the svn folks
04:59.45 brlcad and sure to work out any remaining stability bugs .. 100,000 projects is bound to find any left
05:00.22 Twingy jup
05:02.03 brlcad plan to convert brl-cad over to it after finishes implementing it and they get a few months of production testing under their belt
05:02.34 Twingy ah
05:02.37 Twingy neat
05:03.35 brlcad no real need beforehand, though .. cvs does work solid if you know how to use it and what not to do
05:05.50 Twingy yah, but there's always the things that it doesn't really support
05:05.55 Twingy like major project changes
05:06.06 Twingy so it's just a bunch of cumbersome scripting and typing
05:06.43 brlcad that's all a matter of how to use it and what not to do imo
05:06.52 brlcad you _can_ do just about anything sourcecode related
05:07.02 brlcad you just might not like how you have to do it or what it implies
05:07.12 brlcad svn cleans that mess up
05:07.58 brlcad cvs does make you be less chaotic with your "major changes" and requires more thought upfront -- I do appreciate that regardless
06:16.31 EricWilhelm svk looks pretty cool too
06:19.38 brlcad
06:19.50 brlcad could be fun to enter that
06:20.28 EricWilhelm btw, I thought of how you could do a "live install" with compiled code
06:21.23 EricWilhelm basically, you would install wrappers instead of binaries.
06:21.43 EricWilhelm probably python scripts (or I guess they could be wrapper binaries...)
06:22.06 EricWilhelm the wrappers would compare the last checksum from the source and decide if a recompile is needed
06:22.36 EricWilhelm Hope to have more on that once I understand scons a little better.
06:22.48 brlcad that sounds like what libtool does pre-install
06:23.21 brlcad you create "libtool libraries" .. which are effectively scripts. same holds for binaries
06:23.47 brlcad they end up being shell scripts that recompile if needed, set up the library paths etc
06:24.13 EricWilhelm ack! must apt-get install libtool-doc
06:24.50 brlcad when coupled with automake, which will handle dependency tracking, the scripts are auto-updated for a local checkout update
06:25.57 brlcad the problems are more practical though.. various versions and interdependencies in automake and libtool make them difficult to get functioning properly without being strict on exactly what versions are allowed
06:26.37 EricWilhelm does this work for binary programs (e.g. mged?)
06:26.53 brlcad yes, brl-cad uses libtool
06:27.11 brlcad if you compile a cvs checkout, src/mged/mged is actually a shell script
06:27.24 brlcad src/mged/.libs/mged should be the actual binary
06:28.26 brlcad libtool works with automake to generate makefiles that do that magic for you automatically
06:28.49 brlcad the harder part is the dependency tracking
06:29.16 brlcad i have it working for other projects, but for some reason it's getting auto-disabled in brl-cad -- most likely just due to the dependency complexity
06:30.38 EricWilhelm well, yet another idea that's already been done
06:30.48 EricWilhelm there goes that software patent :-)
06:30.54 brlcad heh
06:31.04 brlcad you could easily respin that into a better idea
06:31.31 brlcad libtool is nice in theory but not so great in execution/implementation
06:31.38 EricWilhelm although, I don't see any build actions in src/mged/mged
06:32.03 EricWilhelm the implementation is where scons is probably a little more flexible
06:32.21 EricWilhelm shell scripts are so last century
06:32.37 brlcad scons gets past many issues (and provides a few new ones of it's own)
06:33.13 brlcad they're the lowest common denominator on old systems
06:33.38 brlcad i might not have awk, but I have sh dammit ;)
06:34.10 EricWilhelm sh -c 'perl'
06:35.37 brlcad there are many "good" alternatives if you're willing to drop a large portion of very very old systems
06:35.56 EricWilhelm I'm reading the libtool docs now. It doesn't sound like it's really doing the live-install thing.
06:37.06 brlcad not exactly what you'd said.. but it is in that direction I gather -- at least in conjunction with automake and the build system dependency tracking
06:37.15 narnia shell scripts are not "so last century". shell scripts are extremely useful everyday.
06:38.00 EricWilhelm what I have in mind is a system that enables you to checkout the latest cvs, work a little magic and then run mged by typing 'mged' from any cwd
06:38.37 EricWilhelm then, work a little magic again and be right back to where you were before (such as running the latest stable version)
06:39.48 brlcad hmm.. so some sort of mix between portage and the alternatives system
06:39.54 EricWilhelm are you after the tier1?
06:40.06 EricWilhelm ?alternatives?
06:40.15 brlcad tier 1, yes.. i'm not inclined to port someone else's code :)
06:40.53 brlcad redhat created an "alternatives" system to deal with the task of package/version selection
06:41.22 brlcad say you install various mta's like sendmail and postfix
06:41.49 brlcad you can select between the two or versions of either one by running a command
06:42.12 brlcad symlinks and config files get updated and you're suddenly running the new/old/different 'alternative'
06:42.46 brlcad redhat doesn't use it for everything in the system yet -- just some core configuration items last I noticed
06:42.50 brlcad but the basic idea is there
06:43.53 brlcad course for them, it's made a little easier as they also define where and how their packages install so it's somewhat easier to make non-conflicting packages that can be swapped on the fly
06:50.02 EricWilhelm brlcad, yes something like the alternatives, but that only covers the stable vs cvs/svn choice
06:50.22 EricWilhelm btw, debian appears to be using alternatives as of sarge
06:51.56 EricWilhelm as far as similarities to portage, I guess that's what you meant when you mentioned the sandbox
06:52.40 EricWilhelm so, yes it would be like a sandbox, except the point is to be able to run the sandboxed code from outside of the sandbox (e.g. not chrooted)
06:53.38 narnia i normally use /usr/local for what you are describing.
06:54.06 EricWilhelm so does the rest of the world
06:54.34 EricWilhelm but using it usually involves running make && make test && make install before you can actually run the code
06:54.44 EricWilhelm I'm talking about something like this:
06:54.55 EricWilhelm svn co
06:55.06 EricWilhelm cd svn
06:55.10 EricWilhelm make live-install
06:55.21 EricWilhelm cd /home/me/stuff/models/
06:55.29 EricWilhelm mged a_model.g
06:55.53 EricWilhelm now, say I close mged and mess with the code a little.
06:56.04 EricWilhelm save it, and then... (drum roll)
06:56.09 EricWilhelm mged a_model.g
06:56.45 narnia and magically mged was recompiled?
06:56.49 EricWilhelm right
06:56.59 narnia okay
06:57.07 EricWilhelm it works for Perl, Python, etc, why not C and C++ ?
06:57.36 brlcad hmm.. i edit code all the time that I don't necessariliy want to compile or install/run/use yet ;)
06:57.53 EricWilhelm I'm working on the details of making it a smooth workflow with Perl, so we'll see where it goes from there.
06:58.08 EricWilhelm brlcad, that's when you branch it (maybe svk is good for that)
06:58.21 narnia perl, python are not compiled like c and c++. they are interpreted languages.
06:58.39 EricWilhelm or just run 'alternatives brlcad stable' (whatever)
06:58.51 brlcad not branched work.. just stuff I'm not done with
06:58.54 EricWilhelm narnia, my question was hypothetical
06:59.16 brlcad start editing.. stop go eat lunch.. come back and do a lil modeling.. back to editing, etc
06:59.41 EricWilhelm ok, but the code is a different version than the code that you want to be running right?
06:59.45 brlcad at least that's not a branch in any traditional sense
06:59.55 brlcad right
06:59.55 narnia like brlcad said while working on source i do not want some program that thinks it is smarter than me. i decide when to compile.
07:00.14 EricWilhelm with svk (as I understand it) you can have a local branch which gets merged back to the trunk before the global checkin
07:00.46 EricWilhelm how often do you run the program that you're working on without compiling?
07:01.17 EricWilhelm if you're coding on mged and you want to run mged, wouldn't you compile it about 99% of the time before running it?
07:01.33 brlcad depends on what's being worked on
07:02.15 EricWilhelm of course. Everything depends on something.
07:02.28 brlcad normally if I'm just coding, yes.. I'll edit/compile/edit/compile .. but if I'm doing other tasks like modeling or image conversions too -- i've suddenly "stopped coding"
07:02.35 narnia like brlcad said. if i am debugging a program i may alter the source code but not necessarily want to compile it right that minute.
07:02.36 EricWilhelm I wouldn't build such a thing without a kill switch.
07:03.06 brlcad i could switch back to the installed version too -- but then I often want somewhere just in between
07:03.14 EricWilhelm branch
07:03.19 brlcad branches are a pita to deal with in cvs
07:03.26 EricWilhelm don't use cvs
07:03.28 brlcad svn makes that a lil bit easier
07:03.41 brlcad but it's still a rather large process leap
07:03.53 EricWilhelm you mean cvs->svn ?
07:03.56 brlcad for something that's conceptually just taking a break
07:04.16 brlcad subversion is a cvs replacement
07:04.41 EricWilhelm no, the 'process leap' what is "a rather large process leap"
07:04.42 EricWilhelm ?
07:05.05 EricWilhelm branching rather than stopping?
07:05.18 brlcad no, branching is still the large process leap -- from a pure coding perspective I'm not branching
07:05.40 brlcad I'm only branching to work around the fact that I don't want my runtime to change
07:05.59 EricWilhelm ok, yeah you're just running code from a different era than the code that you're editing
07:06.02 brlcad that's trading one minor inconvenience with another
07:06.41 EricWilhelm which inconvenience is bigger? make install or 'checkpoint ...'
07:07.23 EricWilhelm I mean, it sounds like you would use a live-install system if you could freeze it at '2 minutes ago' or something.
07:07.35 brlcad now something like what apple's gotten worked out where I can be running some app and on the fly swap in new libraries into the binary without recompiling -- that's pretty damn cool
07:07.50 EricWilhelm that's reflectionn
07:07.54 EricWilhelm s/nn/n
07:08.28 brlcad that's dynamic loadable libraries and an interruptible run-time with dynamic lookup
07:09.30 brlcad actually i'd say checkpointing would be more inconvenient because that ends up being tracked by my revision control system
07:10.19 EricWilhelm ahh! the 'tunes project'
07:10.20 brlcad ends up polluting the revision control history with editing behavior instead of logical code changes
07:11.02 EricWilhelm but if you could use svk to make local checkpoints, you could commit to the cvs/svn whenever it made sense
07:11.35 brlcad the objective c runtime is very similar to java's reflection api, though there are a few core differences
07:11.35 EricWilhelm reflective:
07:13.51 brlcad introspection maybe
07:13.57 brlcad dynamic discovery another
07:14.37 EricWilhelm but the ultimate reflection is exactly analogous to a mirror
07:14.50 EricWilhelm you move (change code) and the mirror shows you the change
07:15.35 brlcad I generally cannot see what's inside things when looking at a mirror reflection of something
07:15.37 EricWilhelm there's also a project doing something with a super-cool X-windows replacement in that site somewhere
07:15.57 EricWilhelm (in case you ever wanted to have two mouse cursors)
07:15.58 brlcad the reflection pattern generally is more than self-interface visibility
07:16.35 brlcad it's self-implementation visibility
07:16.48 EricWilhelm so your mirror needs some endoscopes and such?
07:17.19 brlcad like if I could have some special fantastical mirror that could see into my sould as well as my front
07:18.00 brlcad a reflection is generally only one-view .. i can't see what's behind me without multiple reflections
07:18.23 brlcad it's all pedantic differences, but part of why I never liked that particular buzz word
07:18.52 EricWilhelm I wasn't aware it was a buzz word (though I guess if they use it in relation to Java, it *must* be.)
07:24.02 brlcad not so much "buzz" probably except in the java context
07:24.34 brlcad
07:58.00 EricWilhelm still can't find that darned dual-cursor (and many more featureful) X server replacement. I cranked konqueror's history up to a bzillion about a month ago for exactly this reason, but it seems to be no use.
09:46.16 *** part/#brlcad TheBOFH (
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21:42.54 brlcad heh
21:44.38 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/libtcl/ libtcl needs libdl for symbols from tclLoadDl.o
22:33.30 narnia brlcad, fyi, part21 is going extremely slow. much slower than i originally thought it would.
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050316

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050316

01:39.15 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
05:21.00 brlcad he's in hiding
05:22.13 brlcad so the guy working on the debian package is suggesting some organizational changes at least for that platform
05:22.50 brlcad I'm inclined to allow an optional configuration option to specify those alternate paths
05:23.16 brlcad e.g. to install libs into $prefix/lib/brlcad/ and headers into $prefix/include/brlcad/
05:26.38 narnia that would break the past de facto standard though.
05:27.02 brlcad that's why I'm just inclined to make it allowed, not make it default
05:27.27 narnia ah, understand
05:27.51 narnia sounds like a good compromise.
05:27.55 brlcad it's not unprecedented.. it's what X11 does and they parallel brl-cad complexities in many ways
05:29.39 narnia true, but x11 is going through major pains at the moment. xfree86 is pretty much done with. is becoming the de facto install.
05:30.02 brlcad x11 has taken over xfree86
05:30.37 brlcad er, to be more specific
05:30.43 narnia yes.
05:31.09 narnia that whole license fiasco.
05:32.08 brlcad yeah
05:32.21 brlcad that was a huge blunder on the xfree maintainer's part
05:33.07 brlcad that's the risk of holding strong inflexible positions as a maintainer..
05:34.54 narnia david's ego got in the way.
05:36.04 brlcad yep, and pride
05:36.11 narnia definitely.
05:39.48 narnia btw, who is jano? i have no idea who he is, but i find i like him.
05:41.07 brlcad heh
05:41.54 brlcad he's an old friend
05:42.16 brlcad used to be a modeler, but not with brl-cad
05:43.33 brlcad I usually end up meeting up with him at/after siggraph every year
05:46.57 narnia i like his humor.
05:47.31 narnia he did however leave me locked in the cage of doom. ;-)
05:47.52 brlcad you're doomed!
05:48.33 narnia oh no!
05:49.10 brlcad heh, yes he's full of some sort of humor :)
05:49.28 brlcad and he usually hangs out here to release stress and fool around ;)
05:49.40 narnia good reasons.
05:50.08 narnia did you ever see my msg from last night?
05:50.17 narnia private msg.
05:50.25 brlcad yes, I did
05:50.30 narnia you were talking with EricWilhelm .
05:50.59 brlcad indeed
05:51.00 narnia i was trying to follow the conversation.
05:54.26 narnia hang on need to put some medicine gradpa cat;s chin
06:17.19 brlcad
07:19.48 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ duplicate strerror and check for strerror_r
07:25.38 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libpkg/pkg.c: potentially requires sys_errlist, so need optional extern declarations.
07:46.53 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libfb/if_disk.c: potentially need both sys/file.h and fcntl.h so separate them (solaris fix)
08:03.11 narnia i thought sys_errlist was deprecated in favour of strerror()?
10:11.29 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
13:43.17 brlcad it is
13:43.35 brlcad but when strerror is not available, it falls back to errlist
13:43.51 brlcad and this is such a system that did not have strerror
16:25.24 narnia ah, understand.
21:28.05 narnia brlcad, does brl-cad handle unicode (utf-8)? how well does brl-cad handle unicode (utf-8)? the reason i ask is that part11 and part24 both allow unicode.
22:34.35 brlcad I'm actually not sure how well it'll stash/reload utf-8 from the geometry format or internal representations
22:35.47 brlcad the actual converter support is in the domain of the converter's front in, so the only real issue is how utf-8 is handled internal to the .g format
22:36.16 brlcad it shouldn't be too hard if it doesn't work quite right as the file format itself simply records a length and is followed by an array of bytes
22:36.28 brlcad translation to utf-16 should be even possible
22:37.11 brlcad little chance mged would handle it without modification, though as I'd bet it'll choke on utf-*
23:00.29 narnia brlcad, okay thank you.
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050317

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050317

01:49.11 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
03:44.13 narnia brlcad, have you every used sourcenav/snavigator for development work?
03:47.00 brlcad I have not
03:48.24 brlcad closest would probably be doxygen's call tree displays
04:01.30 narnia brlcad, i did not realize that redhat had released it under the gpl. it is now on sourceforge. i had used it in the past when it was still cygnus. pretty nice.
04:02.04 narnia brlcad, i have just installed it. makes working through the old nist scl3-2 much easier.
04:03.11 narnia
04:11.19 brlcad yeah, I know -- just never used it
04:39.01 narnia brlcad, how are you doing? anther late night?
04:54.52 brlcad not too late
04:55.04 brlcad trying to build up some steam for a long weekend of work
04:55.12 brlcad otherwise doing alright
04:58.59 narnia i am plodding along with part11 and part 21. part21 has alot of exceptions. entity tracking and relationships are something else.
05:02.15 narnia looking at how to build the symbol table to be more efficient.
05:02.54 brlcad is this still part of libexpress or something else you're working with?
05:03.39 narnia this is for part21.
05:04.29 brlcad no, I mean code-wise
05:04.37 narnia basically a completely new part21.
05:04.37 brlcad or do you mean that you're reading the spec
05:05.35 narnia been reading the spec and coding. entity inheritance in express is nothing like c++.
05:05.54 brlcad k
05:06.59 narnia express editon 2 is taking longer. i do not want to break express edition 1.
05:08.39 narnia getting part21 correct requires reading the part21 pdf many many times to full understand what they are attempting to convey.
05:11.43 narnia the part21 parser is not static. it is really dynamic. a new entity defined in a step file becomes a new keyword in the data section.
05:18.03 narnia so the entity declaration and the entity keyword in the data section need to be validated.
05:19.01 narnia i can see why some people programmed in lisp, prolog, etc.
05:20.20 narnia i am tempted to say that part21 may have to be multi-pass parsing.
05:21.49 narnia i do know that as the size of the step file grows the part21 source code as it stands now gets slower and slower.
05:31.16 narnia i tried to feed it a 40mbytes step file of a complete yanmar diesel engine. it was painful.
05:33.45 narnia not as bad as opencascade but close.
05:35.00 narnia opencascade is still the worse case.
05:38.39 narnia i read a good write up about part21 parsing. i should have saved the link. the author talked about parsing and entity validation in large step files being a problem. the author was suggesting a parallel approach.
05:47.19 narnia brlcad, found the links. and
14:58.27 brlcad cool, I'll take a look
14:58.44 brlcad sorry, had to jump out early last night
15:17.44 narnia brlcad, no probelm.
15:21.08 narnia been using soucenav to look at the new part21 code and the nist scl3-2 source. the problem with the new part21 code appears to be the hash table routines. i am reading a pdf writing by Per-?ke Larson, Dynamic hashing. a similar approach was used in the old nist scl3-2 code. think i will borrow the nist scl3-2 hash code and test it out.
15:28.20 narnia it is also clear that part21 is going to have to be at least 2 passes.
15:57.50 brlcad narnia: in regards to your unicode comments yesterday, there is a new database I/O layer that is in development that will support unicode
15:58.28 brlcad it'll be quite a while before that's ready for use, but it's part of the new modeler system
16:18.57 narnia brlcad; that is good to know, thank you
16:21.26 brlcad yeah, it'll be pretty interesting.. working out the details of integrating geometry into an actual database and revision managemnet system
16:24.33 narnia brlcad, which database? mysql?
16:26.53 brlcad the current plan, which may change mind you, is to have a thin layer that will sit on top of pluggable backends
16:27.17 brlcad so one could use the existing .g file format, an sql database, a db2 database, etc
16:27.29 narnia ah,
16:27.59 narnia maybe reusable for part 22.
16:28.45 narnia always nice to be able to recycle/reuse code.
16:29.12 brlcad could write in the hooks for any file format really, but the current plan is to focus on .g, sql, and flat files
16:29.43 narnia sql and flat files would work for part22.
16:29.48 brlcad that should ensure the api is easy to extend
16:30.20 brlcad even .g could work for part22, I'd just need to do some testing
16:30.51 narnia i do not know enough about .g to have a clue. ;-)
16:31.11 brlcad at the absolute worst, the .g can stash the entire contents of other formats
16:31.26 brlcad sort of akin to sql blobs
16:31.34 narnia ah
16:31.35 brlcad at best, it'll all just work :)
16:31.43 brlcad with compact representations
16:32.21 brlcad I suspect that unicode will actually work, barring maybe some minor bugs
16:32.41 brlcad it was designed to support it, just never needed/tested
16:33.49 *** join/#brlcad asdasxca (~oper@
16:34.36 brlcad hello asdasxca
16:36.17 asdasxca guu
16:36.42 brlcad hrm
16:37.19 asdasxca brlcad
16:37.57 brlcad yes?
16:38.08 asdasxca bg
16:38.08 asdasxca ?
16:38.58 brlcad can you form a complete sentance? :)
16:40.53 brlcad well, I'm off to the gym
16:40.56 narnia i wonder if it would be worth exploring a syntax tree for part21? treat express language like perl. almost everything else in 10303 is based in part11. would not solve the problem with the entities and the subtype and supertype.
16:41.11 narnia brlcad, say hello to jim. ;-)
16:41.18 brlcad narnia: if asdasxca causes any trouble, here's the hammer
16:41.21 *** mode/#brlcad [+o narnia] by brlcad
16:41.31 narnia ah
16:41.36 narnia understand
16:42.54 narnia asdasxca, are you using brl-cad? do you have any questions about brl-cad?
18:27.20 brlcad ahh, good no trouble ;)
18:29.20 brlcad fyi, lots of folks (including a wide variety of kids) know me through bzflag
18:30.14 brlcad that can bring in a random assortment of personalities from time to time
18:30.24 brlcad not a big deal, just might come up as it has in the past
18:58.19 narnia okay
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050318

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050318

02:06.57 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
04:27.13 brlcad wonder where that jano fella is too
05:30.30 EricWilhelm I thought surely it would open when the time hit 1111111111
05:47.40 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
05:47.40 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.0 is posted (20050305)
14:16.30 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ fix up the header line to be consistent with the others, s/\t/ /g for the itemized section list, add a paragraph on the difference between using enable and with arguments
16:21.48 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ removed obsolete comment
18:13.11 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
18:13.11 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.0 is posted (20050305)
18:40.50 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ add support for m4 files too -- m4 files don't seem to have an emacs m4-mode variable that controls indentation, so just make sure the standard indent is set.
19:04.10 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ ( m4/cache.m4): separate out the configure cache check from to it's own m4 file, m4/cache.m4. takes one optional arg for the cache file name. call it BC_CONFIG_CACHE.
19:12.54 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/m4/ add cache.m4 as one of the first brlcad m4 files
20:20.52 narnia brlcad, any word on when part23 may arrive?
21:03.00 brlcad not yet -- should be pretty soon
21:13.18 narnia okay
21:21.46 narnia i am coming to the conclusion that when reading large part21 files the problem is with the way entities and their inheritance works in 10303 and not with the hash table/symbol table/any other tables implementation. the x-refs require alot of memory and processing. it is better than opencascade but the 40mbyte yanmar diesel engine still is painful slow.
21:22.24 brlcad have you profiled it?
21:23.36 narnia brlcad, still working on it. the preliminary profiles show memory usage going up rather dramatically. processing then gets bogged down in the x-refs.
21:27.09 *** join/#brlcad thiemo ([
21:27.13 thiemo hi
21:27.23 brlcad howdy
21:27.36 thiemo all fine here, thanks
21:28.10 thiemo just a problem with -- guess -- brlcad
21:28.18 brlcad what's up?
21:29.16 thiemo starting mged (on FreeBSD running some, all is fine when i start it from a shell (e.g. in an xterm)
21:29.40 brlcad that's good
21:29.47 thiemo when i put it into the menu of my window manager (fvwm), it doesn't start up, seems to say "backgrounding", but then terminates
21:29.59 narnia the other area it bogs down is entity instance validation in the data section. part21 requires that each entity instance be validated. the yanmar diesel engine has 695998 individual entity instance.
21:30.30 brlcad narnia: is that a model you can share? sounds interesting to test it here too
21:30.55 narnia even with 1gbyte of ram that is swapping to disk.
21:31.05 narnia brlcad, yes i can share it.
21:31.14 brlcad thiemo: hrm.. it does detach and kick to the background on startup
21:31.29 narnia i will put it on my web server and you can pull it from there.
21:31.33 thiemo yup, seen that in the source... i cannot imagine what's going wrong there
21:31.48 thiemo also did some ktrace (syscall tracing that is), but found no errors
21:32.01 brlcad thiemo: perhaps fvwm is killing it because the parent died?
21:32.09 thiemo hm.
21:32.25 thiemo let's see... :)
21:32.25 brlcad not something i've heard of, but i dont' think anyone's tried that yet
21:33.36 thiemo classic_mged (starting with -c) should lead to no backgrounding, shouldn't it?
21:34.00 brlcad right
21:34.08 brlcad as should -n
21:34.14 thiemo :)
21:34.32 thiemo weird, it seems to ignore the options.
21:34.33 brlcad if it does, try typing "gui" at the mged command prompt
21:34.37 brlcad ahh
21:35.21 thiemo starting with -c prints "Backgrounding " etcetera
21:35.37 thiemo which should not be if i can trust my source code reading.
21:35.54 brlcad right
21:36.03 brlcad it's not getting passed the argument
21:37.48 thiemo Yowsa! There is a /usr/local/bin/mged script which finally does "exec /usr/local/brlcad/bin/mged"
21:38.07 brlcad huh??
21:38.22 brlcad ahh
21:38.45 brlcad hehe
21:38.56 brlcad hrm.. I didn't notice that they did that
21:39.06 thiemo neither did i :-}
21:40.02 brlcad there are several "merge" issues of adding a suite of 400 tools and a few dozen libraries ..
21:40.18 brlcad especially what to do about naming collisions
21:41.06 thiemo well, they seem to have put anything but that script into /usr/local/brlcad, and set an appropriate environment...
21:41.35 brlcad yes, there was talk about using the single root (/usr/local/brlcad)
21:41.42 brlcad just didn't know about the wrapper scripts
21:42.03 narnia brlcad, wget the file is 45081315 bytes.
21:42.06 brlcad brl-cad really "prefers" to have a single root
21:42.30 brlcad i've been working on massaging the organization and installation assumptions so that is no longer required
21:42.53 brlcad that should help all of the packaging systems
21:43.08 narnia brlcad, do you have a cad system that reads part21 files?
21:43.21 thiemo indeed
21:43.23 brlcad narnia: does pro/e and unigraphics count?
21:43.35 narnia brlcad, that is cheating. ;-)
21:44.06 brlcad :-)
21:45.27 narnia brlcad, would you do me a favor? e-mail jano and ask him to come back and let me out of the cage of doom. ;-)
21:45.35 brlcad thiemo: brl-cad was started around the same time and in a similar style as X11 was to give you an idea of the single-root preference
21:45.50 thiemo :)
21:46.17 brlcad narnia: I'll see if I can hunt him down, he'll return eventually regardless though :)
21:48.02 narnia brlcad, when you have the time i would really like to know how long pro/e takes to read the yanmar diesel engine.
21:48.57 brlcad narnia: pro/e is not known for it's speed or memory use
21:48.58 narnia brlcad, pro/e sells for around $30k usd to start right?
21:49.01 brlcad absolutely horrible actually
21:49.09 narnia ummm.
21:49.20 brlcad i'll give it a try and see how long it takes
21:49.54 brlcad yeah, proe and unig both start around 10k and go up depending on options
21:51.40 narnia brlcad, would you know what pro/e is written in? c or c++ or other?
21:54.12 brlcad holly cow
21:54.17 brlcad they finally released
21:54.20 brlcad incrTcl
21:55.41 brlcad 3.3-RC
22:19.23 thiemo now i'm using a seperate wrapper script in the window manager that executes an xterm and within that starts mged -- that's working.
22:19.30 thiemo not elegant, but functional :)
22:19.56 brlcad I'll mention it to the fbsd folks if you don't, but I suspect the problem will fix itself shortly
22:19.59 thiemo i just cannot find the real cause for mged terminating without terminal
22:20.24 thiemo well, then i'll leave all that to you...
22:20.45 brlcad that's true.. the real cause is still mysterious ;)
22:20.46 thiemo i guess you have more clue if and when that will be really fixed
22:21.12 thiemo whatever -- it's working now, so i can start exploring the program itself
22:21.25 thiemo from a user, not debugger point of view :)
22:21.37 brlcad :)
22:21.44 thiemo (installed it just a few days ago)
22:22.26 thiemo so, many thanks!
22:22.52 brlcad no problem
22:23.03 brlcad feel free to drop back in if you have any questions
22:23.15 brlcad or just hang too
22:24.00 thiemo i will
22:24.29 thiemo though i suppose this channel's timezone is US oriented
22:24.37 thiemo (and i'm in europe)
22:25.04 thiemo (i've never seen the .pdpc TLD before, though :)
22:25.44 brlcad it's a cloak
22:26.10 brlcad i.e. my domain/ip is hidden because I'm registered
22:26.35 brlcad no worries about the timezone, we overlap enough -- I work with lots of folks around the world ;)
22:26.50 thiemo ah, i see
22:26.58 thiemo well then - good night for now :)
22:27.07 brlcad there's only a few hours of the day that I'm not listening, and even when not -- it's logged and I'll respond ;)
22:27.10 brlcad have a good one
23:25.09 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ ( m4/restore.m4):
23:25.09 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: separate out the tests for a clobbered INSTALL/COPYING file into their own
23:25.09 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: m4/restore.m4 using a BC_RESTORE_CLOBBERED macro function. it takes two
23:25.09 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: optional arguments for the files to check and the directory off of the srcdir to
23:25.09 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: find them in. if the files have a revision id, those take precedence over a
23:25.09 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: content difference in the backup.
23:25.51 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/m4/ add restore.m4
23:38.44 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ missing var init and output a label of output instead of Makefiles
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050319

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050319

00:37.23 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (~Matthew@
00:38.13 PrezKennedy women are the devil!!
01:16.10 *** join/#brlcad cad197 (
01:40.45 brlcad heh
01:42.39 narnia umm, so someone having a bad day?
02:06.04 *** join/#brlcad ancienthart (
02:06.55 *** join/#brlcad frank__ (
02:07.02 *** part/#brlcad ancienthart (
02:07.43 brlcad hello frank__
02:14.31 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ remove the unnecessary possbilities
06:40.02 PrezKennedy maybe i should rephrase that
06:40.25 PrezKennedy WOMEN ARE THE !@#$ DEVIL!!!!!!
06:48.07 narnia ahh is someone having a really bad day? missed that morning cup of coffee did you?
10:37.12 narnia well i am close to having the nist scl compile and actually work.
10:37.36 narnia a few more glitches to iron out then it should be workable.
15:40.30 *** join/#brlcad thiemo (
15:40.35 thiemo Moin
16:17.19 brlcad moin
18:42.43 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ ( m4/retry.m4):
18:42.43 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: consolidate the 3 restart macros from to 2 in m4/retry.m4:
18:42.43 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: BC_RETRY_DIRECTORY and BC_RETRY_CONFIGURE. specified retry directories will get
18:42.43 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: searched on a configure retry. configure will restart once searching the extra
18:42.43 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: locations if it ends up not finding some required component.
18:42.54 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/m4/ add retry.m4
19:15.02 *** join/#brlcad fridge (
19:16.28 fridge is it better to compile brlcad from source?
19:19.26 fridge is there a guide to installation? I just unpacked it into a dir and set BRLCAD_ROOT
19:19.46 narnia fridge, it would depend on the machine you want to install on.
19:20.27 narnia fridge, operating system, linux distribution.
19:24.46 fridge narnia: ubuntu linux
19:25.35 narnia fridge, ubuntu is based on debian correct?
19:25.43 fridge narnia: looking at the err msgs, I just realised that it really does like to be installed into /usr/brlcad7.0 -- so I've moved it to where it wants to be
19:25.47 fridge narnia: yes
19:26.34 narnia fridge, did you download source or binary?
19:26.48 fridge I had downloaded the binary
19:27.08 fridge I had installed it somewhere other to /usr/brlcad7.0/...
19:27.14 fridge I just moved it and mged starts now
19:27.28 narnia fridge, from or does ubuntu have a deb package?
19:27.35 fridge from
19:27.40 narnia ah.
19:28.00 fridge is there a debian package?
19:28.02 narnia binaries really really want to be in /usr/brlcad7.0/
19:28.18 narnia fridge, someone is working on one.
19:28.40 brlcad you shouldn't have to set BRLCAD_ROOT
19:28.48 narnia fridge, brlcad has been working with debian people to create one.
19:29.19 fridge brlcad: now that it is installed in the right place
19:29.38 brlcad ever really
19:30.03 fridge it has the paths to it's distributed tcl/tk packages hardcoded to /usr/brlcad7.0/lib/....
19:30.03 brlcad setting the root is only necessary if brl-cad is relocated after installation to a new place
19:30.58 brlcad that's part of the problem, mged needs to be able to find the tclscripts directory, which sits off of the root
19:31.35 brlcad it's a compilation-time directive that mged allows one to override via the BRLCAD_ROOT env variable, but one does not need to set it if you haven't relocated
19:32.05 fridge If BRLCAD_ROOT is set, shouldn't it look under $BRLCAD/$arch/lib/tcl8.4
19:32.14 fridge $BRLCAD_ROOT/$arch/lib/tcl8.4
19:32.16 fridge rather
19:32.22 brlcad no
19:32.26 brlcad root is your prefix
19:32.54 brlcad so if you compiled with a prefix of /usr/brlcad7.0/whatver that would have been your BRLCAD_ROOT
19:33.00 fridge OK
19:33.42 brlcad but like i said, you should not need to set it -- setting it to something wrong is more likely the problem
19:33.47 brlcad if you unset it, it should work
19:35.02 brlcad 7.2 sources were posted a couple weeks ago too ;)
19:35.36 brlcad ahh, you downloaded the 7.0 binaries .. never mind
19:35.52 PrezKennedy wheeeee
19:42.17 fridge ok
19:42.21 fridge I'm on my way
19:42.43 fridge to brlcad town
19:43.09 PrezKennedy thats an adventure
19:44.02 narnia PrezKennedy, hello, feeling better today?
19:45.11 PrezKennedy yeah... following through with a threat i made :-)
19:45.37 PrezKennedy girl didnt want me to disappear... was a pain in the ass last night... so now im off for the week
19:52.43 fridge dxf-g segfaulted :(
20:00.41 narnia brlcad, have you had a chance to test out that diesel engine step file?
20:01.09 brlcad fridge: eek
20:01.51 brlcad narnia: not yet, I've been working on these build issues all yesterday and today
20:02.01 brlcad fridge: is that a dxf you can share?
20:02.11 brlcad I'll gladly debug it
20:02.19 narnia brlcad, understand. doing the same myself.
20:02.54 narnia brlcad, actually c++ issues.
20:04.27 fridge brlcad:
20:05.28 narnia argh my mouse is dying.
20:06.34 PrezKennedy get a logitech mx510
20:06.35 PrezKennedy :-)
20:26.19 fridge I edited the dxf file
20:26.35 fridge and removed all the cruft
20:26.42 fridge frames/borders etc
20:26.51 brlcad heh, okay
20:26.55 fridge dxf-g no longer segfaults
20:27.01 brlcad it'd still be good if the dang thing didn't segfault
20:27.15 brlcad do you have an original that does crash that you can share
20:27.19 brlcad or a stacktrace
20:28.16 fridge brlcad: the one in the URL
20:28.29 fridge test.dxf crashes dxf-g
20:28.44 brlcad ahh, i completely missed that
20:28.45 brlcad thanks
20:36.15 fridge it was made in qcad
20:36.28 fridge it is quite possible that qcad makes broken dxf files
20:37.32 brlcad more likely some 2D construct that brl-cad's converter doesn't support and hasn't been well tested
20:45.38 narnia brlcad, how good is your c++?
20:46.25 brlcad heh
20:46.54 narnia a c++ problem i am having
20:51.53 brlcad someone's not complaint
20:52.09 brlcad trying to access a protected method
20:53.06 brlcad hmm, std::streambuf is in boost
20:53.14 brlcad boost changed their interface apparently
20:57.52 brlcad actually, never mind, not boost
20:58.52 brlcad still, it's protected, so seekpos() can't be used regardless
21:01.28 narnia well at some point in the past it must have worked. (yet another reminder as to why i dislike c++)
21:03.44 brlcad would be no different if someone changed the std C api
21:03.54 brlcad that code was probably written pre-spec
21:04.05 brlcad or on a buggy implementation
21:05.17 fridge hmm
21:05.32 fridge hows protected different to private?
21:06.35 brlcad protected is available to classes that have public inheritance of that parent class
21:07.33 brlcad e.g. class A has foo, class B has bar protected .. only class B can use bar unless class A inherits class B publicly
21:10.16 brlcad narnia: try changing that to pubseekpos()
21:10.42 brlcad I believe that will fix it
21:12.29 narnia brlcad, strstream (deprecated) does not have pubseekpos. i am going to have to convert it from strsteam (deprecated) to sstream.
21:13.56 narnia or strstream to sstream and streambuf.
21:14.37 narnia brlcad, my c++ sucks.
21:14.50 narnia brlcad, my c++ skills suck.
21:16.08 brlcad c++ can be fun
21:16.25 brlcad classes can be vastly convenient when the app gets complicated ;)
21:16.49 brlcad it can also be a huge gun pointing right at your head if you don't know what you're doing
21:16.54 narnia brlcad, my i borrow your c++ book? just slide it through the cage.
21:16.55 fridge did the same code compile at some stage?
21:19.37 brlcad undoubtedly
21:19.52 brlcad but like I said, probably before the standard was finalized
21:20.58 narnia <PROTECTED>
21:20.58 narnia Bjarne Stroustrup
21:21.16 brlcad yep
21:21.39 brlcad and when the task is to shoot down dragons, one is more helpful where both will do the job
21:21.41 fridge hmm, looks like you'll have to rewrite it to match the current spec then! :)
21:23.32 narnia fridge, well duh, you think so? ;-)
21:30.32 fridge or find the --no-sooky option :P
21:31.06 fridge ahh, good to see BRL has the same learning curve as every other cad product I've used
21:31.59 brlcad fridge: looking to remedy that problem :)
21:32.13 brlcad feel free to help make that better :)
21:32.15 fridge no
21:32.23 fridge I'll just learn it
21:32.34 fridge and look down my nose at any newcomers who has similar problems
21:33.08 fridge well, don't know if I'll learn it completely
21:33.49 fridge I want a 3D CAD, but haven't found one I'm happy with yet
21:37.08 brlcad you're going through the tutorials?
21:37.21 fridge yep
21:38.48 brlcad that'll be good -- you get through the first two and you should be able to model an m1a1 ;)
21:41.39 fridge haven't done much boolean construction before
21:41.47 fridge have to think about the building blocks differently
21:42.38 brlcad indeed
21:42.46 brlcad some things become incredibly easier
21:42.50 brlcad some become harder
21:43.52 fridge what is a halfspace?
21:44.53 brlcad something you should try not to use much :)
21:45.07 narnia brlcad, btw, i received a request today. someone asking if i could write a convert so brl-cad could output pov-ray files.
21:45.11 brlcad it's a half-plane
21:46.15 brlcad narnia: shouldn't be that hard .. way easier than a step converter :)
21:46.30 brlcad pov's geometry is a strict subset of brl-cad's
21:47.03 brlcad should convert 1-1 for all but a few complex types that can be approximated by poly sets
21:53.46 brlcad fridge: if that didn't help.. a halfspace is exactly that -- half of the available space.. so if you make just a halfspace, it'll be a planar surface that is solid on one side and extends infinitely
21:55.43 fridge it helps, thanks.
22:09.59 fridge hmm
22:10.04 fridge the changelog isn't very informative
22:10.50 brlcad NEWS
22:13.23 fridge cheers
22:14.04 narnia brlcad, when compared to the step converter anything will be a 'piece of cake'. ;-)
22:16.26 *** part/#brlcad fridge (
22:36.36 narnia okay, i am making some headway. now i have a different error.
22:37.09 narnia const TypeDescriptor *td = registry->FindType(newType.str(),0); is the source line where the error is occurring.
22:38.34 narnia the new error is :
22:38.38 narnia error: no matching function for call to
22:38.38 narnia `Registry::FindType(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, int)'
22:38.38 narnia ../../../src/clstepcore/Registry.h:61: note: candidates are: const TypeDescriptor* Registry::FindType(const char*, int) const
22:39.37 brlcad that's silly
22:40.06 narnia brlcad, ?????
22:40.06 brlcad for some reason the compiler won't cast for you -- need an explicit cast
22:40.23 brlcad ahh, const
22:40.24 brlcad that's why
22:41.20 brlcad try wrapping it in std::string()
22:41.35 brlcad that first FindType argument
22:41.55 brlcad otherwise, you'll need to get it non-const
22:42.02 narnia ah, brb
22:42.41 brlcad or modify Registry::FindType to accept a const std::string
22:42.51 brlcad or const char *
22:46.07 narnia may need yet another variable. :-(
22:47.24 narnia std::string() wrapping newType.str() like so std::string(newType.str()) gives me the same error.
22:49.12 narnia error: no matching function for call to
22:49.12 narnia `Registry::FindType(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, int)'
22:49.12 narnia ../../../src/clstepcore/Registry.h:61: note: candidates are: const TypeDescriptor* Registry::FindType(const char*, int) const
22:50.55 narnia so either: char *new_str = std::string(newType.str()); and FindType(new_str,0);
22:51.38 narnia or Registry::FindType(const char*, char* dum0, char* dum1, int) const
22:51.56 narnia yes, no, may be so?
22:52.29 brlcad oh, it's the other way around
22:52.34 brlcad sorry, didn't read that right
22:52.54 brlcad newType.str().c_str()
22:53.59 narnia okay brb
22:55.24 narnia brlcad, you are "the man". ;-)
22:56.01 narnia that works.
22:56.11 brlcad you convert from a std::string (aka std::basic_string) via the c_str(), gives you a const char * to the string
23:00.53 narnia did a make clean and make. compiling.
23:16.24 narnia argh
23:17.12 narnia interviews was built with and i have installed. argh
23:18.33 narnia /usr/bin/ld: warning:, needed by /usr/X11R6/lib//, may conflict with
23:18.48 narnia Resolve previous error messages and try again.
23:24.04 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/m4/retry.m4: pass the variables on to configure retries by exporting the variables
23:32.59 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ search /usr/X11R6, obliterate USE_MESA_GL, search for some of the GL headers
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050320

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050320

00:20.27 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ (6 files in 3 dirs): bye bye USE_MESA_GL .. needs some good testing on the ogl interface
00:29.22 narnia okay everything compiled and built. libexpress edition 2 still needs work. part21 read still needs work. at least moving in the correct direction.
00:48.25 narnia well back to work.
00:50.09 brlcad cool
00:55.52 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ add BC_SEARCH_DIRECTORY to find locations that should always be searched (e.g., for X11), remove the forced retry hack
00:56.30 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/m4/search.m4: add BC_SEARCH_DIRECTORY to find locations that should always be searched (e.g., for X11)
01:07.34 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/m4/ add search.m4
02:00.57 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/conv/dxf-g.c: prevent the converter from crashing on input mismatch
02:07.27 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
03:24.39 narnia brlcad, in the currect c++ standard is 'using namespace std;' required after the '#include s'
03:25.18 brlcad no, definitely not
03:25.53 brlcad there is a bunch of functionality that's wrapped up in namespace scopes, though
03:26.01 brlcad like strings, lists, streams, etc
03:26.30 brlcad and without the namespace declaration, for example you'd need to declare a string as:
03:26.37 brlcad std::string foo = "blah";
03:26.45 brlcad with it that becomes:
03:26.51 brlcad string foo = "blah";
03:27.39 brlcad In projects I have any domain over, I usually prefer the explicit namespaces (i.e. using std:: where needed) since it makes it clear what's in the standard library and what's not
03:29.38 narnia okay, thank you.
03:31.01 brlcad but that does, of course, make for more to type if you're using the standard library a lot
03:31.43 brlcad some just get used to it and always include it just for the sake of having it
03:31.45 narnia hotkeys ;-)
03:32.18 narnia sed scripts. ;-)
03:32.21 brlcad lots of undergrad classes teach that to simplify the explanations, less visual confusion of what a namespace is
03:34.54 narnia ah, ( as the light bulb goes on ). like perl modules.
03:37.02 narnia i.e. LWP::Protocol Locale::Maketext::TPJ13
03:37.53 brlcad exactly
04:24.07 narnia brlcad, just in case i happen to have some spare sheikels at the end of month; what would be a good c++ book to get?
04:24.46 brlcad stroustrup's book is all I've ever needed
04:24.59 brlcad it's pretty comprehensive and easy to get through
04:25.36 brlcad presumes a bit of C background, which works out nicely
04:26.05 narnia brlcad, i have the 1st edition which is out od date. plus tom, the new puppy, has decorated the pages with tooth marks.
04:26.58 *** join/#brlcad cad726 (
04:27.10 narnia cad726, hello, how goes it?
04:28.55 narnia cad726, knock, knock, anyone home?
04:30.05 cad726 just browsing by to see what's here...
04:31.14 brlcad you scared him
04:31.17 narnia guess seeing someone in the cage of doom scared him.
04:31.40 narnia :-)
04:33.19 narnia has jano ever been gone this long?
04:33.26 brlcad yeah
04:33.37 brlcad he goes 'walkabout'
04:33.43 narnia ah
04:34.16 narnia jano is from australia or new zealand?
04:34.27 brlcad nope
04:34.46 narnia just goes "walkabout"
04:35.07 brlcad yep
04:35.57 narnia was to australia twice. perth and alice springs. both surrounded by desert. alice springs has more camels than people.
04:37.13 narnia i missed the 'all expenses paid tour of viet nam'. ;-)
04:38.23 narnia argh, tom.!!! he eat the ethernet patch cable to the printer. argh.
04:39.05 narnia s/eat/ate/
05:00.59 brlcad hehe
06:01.50 narnia little bugger.
06:25.54 *** join/#brlcad cad789 (
20:33.12 narnia brlcad, i looking through the original nist scl source there is alot that could be removed. 10303 part26 was cancelled so anything related to part26 should be removed. that simplifies the code. still need part23 documentation to bring the nist scl up to date.
23:38.57 *** join/#brlcad EricWilhelm (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050321

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050321

02:07.18 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
04:27.43 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ (3 files in 3 dirs): GL_* is gone, now LIBGL for the library
04:31.47 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ massive library detection reworking, add new tests for GL and X11 libraries -- almost ready to get rid of the X11 hack. get rid of GL_* flag hacks, add /opt/X11R6 to retry search list.
05:09.15 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libdm/query.c: remove USE_MESA_GL
07:34.48 *** join/#brlcad cad645 (
16:03.10 narnia argh, tom, the new puppy, ate yet another network cable. :-(
16:20.09 brlcad you keep a lot of cables on the ground
16:20.26 brlcad i like them soaring high up in the air so you can strangle little children
16:32.36 narnia i would run them overhead if i had two good arms. working with one arm overhead is a bit difficult. ;-)
19:00.40 brlcad guess what just arrived
19:07.44 narnia the iso 10303 parts happy happy joy joy. i do not think your happy enough i will teach you to be happy.
19:10.35 brlcad hehe, yep
19:10.39 brlcad the whole damn thing
19:10.43 brlcad my god
19:10.48 brlcad what a waste of trees
19:11.29 brlcad it'll take me a while to figure out a good way to digitize it all
19:11.54 brlcad it's over 10,000 pages, loose sheets
19:12.20 narnia brlcad, fyi
19:18.26 narnia wait a minute how do parts 11,22,23,24,203,214 come to 10K pages?
19:32.50 narnia which parts did you order again?
19:34.33 brlcad I haven't rummaged through the box just yet
19:35.02 brlcad the wrapping on the loose sheets comes off really easy
19:36.23 brlcad here we go
19:36.24 brlcad 10303-21 10303-22 10303-23 10303-24 10303-203 10303-210 10303-214
19:36.56 narnia part11ed2 269pages part21 82 pages part22 222 pages part24 156 pages part28 366 pages
19:37.20 narnia parts 203, 210, & 214 must be huge.
19:37.44 brlcad part 210 is 1436
19:37.49 narnia assuming that part 23 is close to part 24 in pages.
19:38.25 brlcad eek, i take that back..
19:38.35 brlcad the first binding of part 210 is that many
19:38.42 brlcad there are at least 3 that size
19:46.51 narnia reminds me of the old saying:: no plane shall fly until the weight of documentation exceeds the weight of the plane. ;-)
20:28.41 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/lib/Table.tcl: *- added the following methods: moveRow, printColRange, sortByCol, searchCol and deleteEmptyRows
20:29.29 brlcad ooh, lookie there
20:34.22 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/lib/TableView.tcl:
20:34.22 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: *- added the following methods: bindRowLabels, cgetRowLabel, configRowLabels,
20:34.22 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: getRowLabelIndex, getLastRowLabelIndex, setLastRowLabelIndex,
20:34.22 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: configColLabel_win, getHighlightRow, unhighlightRow, sortByCol, sortByCol_win,
20:34.22 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: searchCol and flashRow
20:40.12 narnia brlcad, what is the 'unofficial rule' concerning c++ namespaces again?
21:00.55 *** join/#brlcad jerwin (
21:01.59 jerwin is it possible to install brlcad in /usr/local?
22:12.07 brlcad there is no unofficial rule, just two basic choices. whether to use the using namespace std; or not.
22:13.06 brlcad personally, I choose not as I've seen way too many conflicts/bugs/problems result from getting into the habit of trying to determine whether some symbol is coming from that namespace or from a local scope
22:13.26 brlcad so I explicitly apply the namespace where needed.. std::string foo;
22:14.53 brlcad for my own namespaces, it's different -- in that instance it's easier to say that this/some file is part of my own namespace.. libGeometry::blah foo;
23:03.09 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
23:03.09 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.0 is posted (20050305)
23:43.32 brlcad I pulled them out of the box.. 210 and 214 are the largest tree offenders coming in at roughly 3500 and 2500 pages each
23:46.43 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ make the install permissions warning find script work even when the install location is a symlink
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050322

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050322

02:06.08 EricWilhelm it needs curtains
02:08.27 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
05:48.29 *** join/#brlcad kcelboo (
05:49.36 kcelboo I was hoping someone in here could give me some pointers on running brl-cad on windows XP..
05:49.43 kcelboo maybe a binary package?
05:49.55 kcelboo i'm dumb and don't know how to compile this sort of application.
05:50.39 kcelboo is anyone awake in here?
05:51.57 brlcad yep
05:52.55 brlcad the short short answer is that there is presently not a good binary available for windows yet
05:52.57 brlcad there is a beta out there, and a complete report in progress right now
05:53.12 brlcad re-porting, that is
05:53.57 narnia ;-)
05:55.05 kcelboo heh..
05:55.12 kcelboo I have that. Does it not run on Windows?
05:55.22 brlcad heh, narnia I have to digitize it first
05:55.37 kcelboo because the SF project page says .. maybe thats for the viewer?
05:55.39 brlcad kcelboo: it does, it's been ported by a couple groups
05:55.56 kcelboo can you tell me any of those groups names? I'd like to try it.
05:56.08 brlcad there is a beta available (not on the sf website) that has the core components working
05:56.18 brlcad but that's really only intended for developers
05:57.31 kcelboo I haven't tried it yet, but do you know if it runs ok in cygwin?
05:57.34 brlcad kcelboo: there's quite a bit of work presently under way to push out a full port as well as a shiny new modeler interface that to date has only been tested on windows
05:57.47 kcelboo cool.
05:58.26 brlcad I've put a little bit into cygwin/mingw support myself, as have a couple others
05:59.17 brlcad the build will get pretty far automatic before you run into autoconf assumptions that will need to be changed
05:59.42 brlcad I've just not had time to get back to that yet, though it will happen soon
06:00.00 brlcad there are just a coupld things in front of that on the perverbial to-do list
06:00.19 kcelboo cool
06:00.32 kcelboo I'm looking forward to trying the program.
06:01.09 brlcad I'm looking forward to you trying the program too ;)
06:01.23 kcelboo heh
06:01.27 brlcad but keep in mind that BRL-CAD is not a program - it's a suite of programs
06:01.29 kcelboo is there an anouncement mailing list aor anything?
06:01.33 brlcad there is
06:01.50 kcelboo well, ok (rememeber, I'm a windows user, we're dumb)
06:01.51 brlcad and you can be sure that the windows port announcement will be going there as soon as it's done
06:01.58 brlcad brlcad-news
06:02.12 kcelboo is that on SF? or on the
06:02.27 brlcad
06:02.31 kcelboo thanks
06:02.46 brlcad np
06:07.26 kcelboo So I guess I'll go poke around for one of those ports you mentioned. Thanks.
06:08.05 brlcad it should work fine on any platform except windows
06:08.18 kcelboo that's encouraging. =P
06:08.19 brlcad and windows works -- but you gotta be a dev to play :)
06:08.24 kcelboo ok
06:08.57 brlcad once it gets out of alpha/beta testing, it'll get announced and pushed out
06:09.22 kcelboo ok, I'm on the list. Thanks!
06:09.25 *** part/#brlcad kcelboo (
07:13.36 narnia brlcad, can you think of any reason why a typedef would not be used throughout the code. even in the same source file i am finding both the typedef and the variable being typedefed.
07:16.02 narnia example: case sdaiSELECT and case SELECT_TYPE: occur in the same nist source file
07:17.11 narnia in baseType.h: #define SELECT_TYPE sdaiSELECT
07:17.27 narnia what am i missing?
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14:38.40 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/libbu/malloc.c: *- call to bzero requires two arguments
16:24.58 *** join/#brlcad spengler (~pdebruic@
16:34.04 spengler Im new to BRL-CAD, and was wondering if there is a way to print dimensioned drawings from a model already included with the standard install or if that was something that is being developed, or if it is something that will not be developed for whatever reason. Thanks
16:40.45 brlcad it is something that is not presently developed but would be welcomed
16:41.56 *** part/#brlcad spengler (~pdebruic@
18:52.05 narnia brlcad, did you happen to see my question concerning typedef's before the net split last night?
19:17.14 brlcad I can't think of any reason that would matter unless the #define is wrapped in optional #if logic itself
20:30.54 narnia no #if logic.
20:37.38 narnia an interesting #ifdef in the original nist step class library source: #ifdef bpzdofbqlvzbfxck ;-)
20:46.40 *** join/#brlcad Torfbolt (
20:49.46 Torfbolt hi, how do i move a whole region in mged, so the primitives also move?
20:52.06 Torfbolt anyone here?
20:52.43 brlcad yep
20:53.31 brlcad you can apply a matrix transformation (translation/move, scale, rotate, etc) to any primitive, region, or combination
20:54.18 brlcad select Edit -> matrix selection on the menu
20:54.33 Torfbolt yep, but the primitives dont move
20:54.41 brlcad select any one of the lines that has your region included
20:55.00 brlcad you should then get a second menu
20:55.15 brlcad select your top region
20:55.15 Torfbolt ok
20:55.31 brlcad the entire region should then become illuminated white
20:55.44 Torfbolt yep
20:55.48 brlcad you may have more than one thing being displayed
20:55.57 brlcad if you type "who" .. it'll tell you what's being drawn
20:56.31 Torfbolt ok, when i do an tra 0 0 5 , the region moves
20:56.43 brlcad so if you're viewing both the primitives and the regions that combine them, you'll see them "twice"
20:56.44 Torfbolt but the primitives stay where they are
20:57.38 brlcad "B region_name" will erase and only draw the region
20:58.21 Torfbolt okay, so I probably should just leave the primitives where they are, just not display them and move the region?
20:58.29 brlcad right
20:58.48 brlcad you can actually move the primitives, but that makes for a real pain down the road when you need to re-edit them
20:59.24 Torfbolt ok, so just using the matrices is better
20:59.29 brlcad you can also globally "push the matrix" down on the primitives to actually move them, but that's not recommended for the same reason
20:59.43 brlcad using matrices is definitely the better way
21:00.00 brlcad you can delete and reapply matrices without doing any math ;)
21:00.14 Torfbolt it's just i get the origin cluttered with primitives :/
21:01.04 brlcad they're not really there, though, until you add them to a region
21:01.32 Torfbolt oh btw, can i somehow move primitives into "folders" or should they stay in the db root?
21:01.43 brlcad you should be able to "e" up any combination
21:02.09 brlcad if you type "tops" do you see a lot of few objects?
21:02.14 brlcad you should see very few
21:02.45 brlcad groupings of primitives can be peformed via combinations "comb blah u foo u bar ..."
21:03.07 brlcad you can make regions comprised of combinations too
21:03.19 brlcad and combinations of regions
21:03.21 Torfbolt what's tops?
21:03.25 brlcad you just shouldn't make regions of regions
21:03.34 brlcad tops shows you the top level geometry objects
21:03.40 brlcad it's a hierarchy
21:03.43 Torfbolt ok...
21:03.56 brlcad like a file-system tree
21:04.15 brlcad you can view this graphically via the Tools -> Geometry Browser
21:04.16 Torfbolt i already started with making some reions, can i transform them to combs?
21:04.41 brlcad you can
21:05.03 brlcad Edit -> Combination Editor .. Is Region button
21:05.15 brlcad the distinction between a region and a combination is very small
21:05.57 Torfbolt but i can make comb's of comb's?
21:06.02 brlcad sure
21:06.17 brlcad a combination is litterally just a generic grouping
21:06.25 Torfbolt ok, and for raytracing i need regions
21:06.35 brlcad in fact calling it a "group" (e.g. "g" command) is synonymous
21:06.49 brlcad right
21:07.18 Torfbolt can combinations have material properties?
21:08.12 brlcad does a collection of pens have a material property? :)
21:08.24 brlcad each pen does
21:08.31 brlcad and the container that contains them may
21:08.39 brlcad but the collection as a whole doesn't
21:09.08 brlcad that's what it means to be a region .. it embodies some physical volume of space
21:09.16 Torfbolt ok.. i just checked, raytracing works also with combinations
21:09.16 brlcad has material properties, etc
21:09.55 brlcad yes, it works because rt will generate an automatic region of your objects being rendered if they are not regions
21:10.36 Torfbolt ah cool..
21:10.58 brlcad and you can apply shader properties to combinations, it's just not recommended
21:12.05 brlcad it becomes problematic when you have combinations that specify shader properties and they are a part of larger combinations that also specify different shader properties
21:12.12 brlcad that can be interpreted in various ways
21:12.26 Torfbolt combination matrices support mirroring, do they?
21:12.40 brlcad explain?
21:12.42 Torfbolt so i can make a mirrored copy of a comb
21:12.54 brlcad ah, copying/instancing?
21:13.14 Torfbolt yes, like a left and a right shoe
21:13.42 brlcad see the mirror command ;)
21:14.27 Torfbolt hmm, does the tutorial also exist as html or wiki?
21:14.41 brlcad not yet
21:14.57 brlcad there's a different tutorial in html form in the distribution
21:15.09 brlcad in the doc/html directory, iirc
21:15.24 Torfbolt did you get the sources for the pdf tutorials?
21:15.54 brlcad yes, I have the original files
21:16.19 brlcad the volumes were actually printed documentation passed out to users at our users meetings initially
21:16.23 brlcad as well as to others on request
21:16.30 brlcad the pdf's were posted shortly thereafter
21:16.46 brlcad just haven't gotten back to the originals to convert them and clean them up for inclusion
21:17.00 Torfbolt probably not that easy to convert the pdf sources to html...
21:17.01 brlcad I'd like to make them a proper docbook document in the repository
21:17.23 brlcad no no.. i'd work with the original non-pdf originals
21:17.39 brlcad bleh, that came out wrong, but I think you get what I meant :)
21:18.08 Torfbolt of course... that's why i said "pdf sources"
21:18.35 Torfbolt :)
21:18.38 brlcad one could, but you'd have to reformat everything and would probably lose the images unless you have a pdf decomposer
21:19.00 Torfbolt the things that get compiled to pdf
21:20.21 Torfbolt well, i get the impression that brlcad is obviously the right solution to model a rc-tank :)
21:20.31 Torfbolt just found "track"
21:20.39 brlcad once we get it in docbook in cvs, it'll be easy to publish up as html, pdf, txt, etc
21:22.34 Torfbolt is there a way to enable tab completion in the mged shell?
21:22.50 brlcad *sigh* i wish
21:23.16 brlcad that would normally be a feature of the shell, which is actually tclsh
21:23.22 brlcad which does not support completion (yet)
21:23.39 brlcad the revamped editor will, however
21:23.51 Torfbolt revamped editor?
21:23.56 brlcad long story ;)
21:24.28 Torfbolt why not use bash instead of tclsh?
21:24.33 brlcad there's two projects under way that will initially compliment and later probably replace mged (read: in like 5 years)
21:25.03 brlcad mged is a large tcl/tk application
21:25.12 brlcad at least the gui'd version you're using
21:25.48 brlcad it's support for automatic command modification of the existing runtime language along with it's performance made it a good choice back in the day
21:26.10 brlcad predates bash's popularity
21:26.20 brlcad and is a completely different language
21:26.43 Torfbolt ok, one of the remains of early unix days..
21:26.54 brlcad that's only part of it
21:27.14 brlcad tcl/tk is used throughout mged -- things that could not be done in bash
21:27.22 brlcad s/could/can/
21:27.55 brlcad half of mged is C, half of it is tcl/tk
21:28.15 Torfbolt therefore a new editor, completely in c?
21:28.43 brlcad like, I said -- the new interface is a long story ;)
21:28.49 brlcad supports many scripting interfaces
21:29.03 brlcad including tcl, sh/bash, perl, python
21:29.42 Torfbolt :) the *iwanttosupportanythingnotyetexisting* phenomenon
21:30.24 brlcad actually just a generic command interface that can run most of the common shell interfaces
21:30.27 brlcad like a terminal does
21:30.50 Torfbolt but sounds good, is there already anything working of it?
21:31.16 brlcad yes, but it's not something you'll see for a while regardless
21:32.26 brlcad so basically, don't hold your breath .. it'll be ready when it's ready ;)
21:32.48 Torfbolt ok, ill stick to mged for a while then
21:33.01 brlcad yeah, mged is definitely the way to go
21:33.10 brlcad even the new interface will support most of what you learn in mged
21:33.19 brlcad there just may be easier ways down the road
21:33.26 Torfbolt or edit the database in an hex editor :)
21:33.44 brlcad BRL-CAD has too many expert modelers to simply replace their interface with no support for them
21:34.00 brlcad run g2asc and edit with a text editor ;)
21:35.51 brlcad the new editing "environment" will also support collaborative editing, database repositories, version tracking, and construction history tracking too
21:37.10 Torfbolt undo :)
21:37.36 brlcad yep
21:58.33 *** join/#brlcad mlf29 (
21:59.07 brlcad hello mlf29
21:59.12 mlf29 hi
22:02.44 mlf29 i am a new user to brlcad and am interested in open source 3D modeling
22:03.08 brlcad excellent ;)
22:03.38 brlcad brl-cad is a great place to start being the only open source solid modeler
22:04.02 mlf29 I am using the Algor FEA package and it accepts IGES files but it has problems with the ones generated by g-iges
22:05.44 brlcad really? that's odd
22:06.30 brlcad maybe they only support IGES 6
22:06.56 brlcad brl-cad outputs what should be iges 4.x+ compliant
22:10.00 mlf29 good thought - I'll call Algor support on this matter and send them the file
22:11.30 mlf29 I'm also new to using irc
22:12.00 brlcad not a problem
22:14.39 mlf29 thanks for the "4.x+compliant" thought brlcad; need to go now
22:15.10 Torfbolt brlcad, mged always cuts of part of the wireframe image when i zoom in, can i do something against that?
22:16.51 *** part/#brlcad mlf29 (
22:43.29 Torfbolt is there a shell command to apply changes like tra to a primitive?
22:57.18 brlcad Torfbolt: yes, turn off the Misc -> Z clipping
22:57.50 brlcad Torfbolt: if you are in an edit mode, yes .. type "accept" or "reject"
23:08.16 Torfbolt thanks :)
23:09.23 brlcad no problemo
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050323

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050323

01:23.54 *** join/#brlcad Torfbolt (
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05:56.02 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ some systems (e.g. solaris) use /usr/X11 instead of /usr/X11R6, so be sure to go there too
06:14.27 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ add checks for sys/sched.h sys/sysmp.h sys/wait.h ulocks.h headers as well as prtcl() and sysmp() functions
06:14.44 narnia brlcad, would you happen to have any preliminary write-ups about the database plug-ins?
06:16.27 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/parallel.c: ugh, so much to do in this file.. -- use some of the new header and function checks
06:18.18 narnia brlcad, also in your copious amounts of free time ( ;-) ) have you had a chance to test the diesel engine step file with pro/e?
06:18.55 narnia brlcad, any thoughts on getting the 10k pages scan into pdfs?
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07:44.54 narnia <PROTECTED>
15:53.56 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/include/bu.h: changes to suport Jim Hunt's fast memory debugging
15:56.37 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/libbu/malloc.c: Changes to support Jim Hunt's fast memory debugging
16:17.03 narnia brlcad, on a serious note. i think it may be wise to rethink how to implement express/step file in general. i have a good understanding now of how the nist step class library works and while it does work there are, in my opinion, other ways it can be done better.
16:21.08 brlcad the other comments weren't on a serious note? :) good to know ;)
16:21.40 narnia brlcad, the best analogy i can come up with is perl. the express language is the basis for all other 10303 parts. it appears to me that despite iso stating that the express language is not a programming language there is nothing to prevent us from treating express language as a programming language.
16:22.07 brlcad there are writeups on the database plugins, but they are not electronic -- have to scan them in or something
16:22.33 brlcad i'm sometimes old-fashioned in that respect when it comes to architecting.. pen and paper, big whiteboards
16:22.48 narnia brlcad, just as perl has modules which extend perl the parts of 10303 extend express.
16:23.28 narnia brlcad, i have a large easel with a large paper pad mounted on it. color markers. ;-)
16:24.16 narnia brlcad, i than tape the paper up to walls, patio doors, nearly any vertical flat surface.
16:25.24 brlcad I find index cards extremely helpful/portable along with a small notebook
16:28.38 narnia brlcad, paper placemates also work well for notes and drawings. ;-)
16:35.50 narnia brlcad, on a side note: a metal working friend who i recommended brl-cad to asked me about auto-dimensioning in brl-cad. i look briefly and did not find any references to auto-dimensioning. it auto-dimensioning currently supported in brl-cad?
16:38.24 narnia brlcad, as the awareness of brl-cad increases the requests for 'features' is also growing. is there an official 'wish list'?
16:41.12 narnia brlcad, would you happen to have a list of who is working on what?
17:38.02 brlcad narnia: auto-dimensioning is not presently supported.. would be nice ;)
17:39.44 brlcad narnia: if they are things that you plan on doing, feel free to add them to the TODO in cvs, if they are bigger plans that you intend on doing, there's the sf Task manager. if they are "wish list" items, they belong in the sf RFE section (request for enhancement).
17:41.26 brlcad narnia: there isn't a list of who's working on what beyond what people have assigned to them on the bugs and feature request trackers and the task manager .. a couple of the devs don't have accounts yet either
19:29.46 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/libbu/malloc.c: *- removed duplicate lines of code (this wouldn't compile on Windows)
19:41.47 narnia brlcad, auto-dimensioning, i have to think on this. a couple friends who i have recommended brl-cad to would really like this. two of those friends are also wanting the step support. i really think i have enough on my plate at the moment.
19:47.13 narnia brlcad, i recall a past discussion concerning layout nesting. i do not recall what was decided concerning layout nesting.
21:23.01 brlcad narnia: in the new modeler, auto-dimensioning and full constraint system will be included -- it'll take more thought to do it in mged.. how would you forsee the interface to auto-dimensioning being?
21:25.12 brlcad narnia: as for layout nesting from the linux cad mailing list comment, I researched that for a couple days last week. It'd be really simple to write up a small application or library to do the task in brl-cad for 2d or 3d. the bigger question is what the real need is for as that'll drive what sort of flexibility is needed
21:26.21 brlcad example, are we solving the knapsack problem where we have to pick how many N objects fit into a M space or is it merely the best/good fit across an unbounded area?
21:27.13 narnia brlcad, i have not given auto-dimensioning any addtional thought.
21:27.37 brlcad and what is meant by auto-dimensioning?
21:27.58 brlcad in a constraint-based system, it's usually a side-effect of fulfilling other constraints
21:28.01 narnia brlcad, the context for nesting is sheet metal and woodworking.
21:28.33 narnia brlcad, the request i have received are all 2d.
21:29.39 narnia brlcad, given a 4x8 sheet how many of item 'a' can be cut from it.
21:29.48 brlcad for a solid modeler that means you have to either have a 2d shape (e.g. sketch primitive in brl-cad) or you have a specific cross-section in mind
21:30.48 narnia brlcad, or given items a-f place them on the 4x8 sheet to minimize waste.
21:33.25 narnia brlcad, concerning auto-dimensioning the request either refer to autocad or turbo-cad or some other cad program. i have nver used autocad, turbo-cad, or other commercial cad programs.
21:33.57 narnia brlcad, i would have to ask them what they mean by 'auto-dimensioning'.
21:36.53 narnia brlcad, when i started my gnu-cad-cam project i went around to local job shops and talked with them what they needed. it took alot of talking to understand what they really meant.
21:37.52 brlcad I understand, that's why I said there are lots of unanswered questions for what that means ;)
21:38.15 narnia brlcad, perhaps this summer it when various 'enhancements' are included and stablized it would be worth having a 'dog and pony' show for the local job shops to get their feedback.
21:38.18 brlcad if they want to file up RFE's or interactively work out what they'd like to see, that's fine ;)
21:39.07 brlcad I have a todo list out the wazoo already so I'm not exactly in search of something else to do ..
21:39.18 brlcad it's a great idea to keep in mind, though, as development continues
21:41.10 brlcad it's probably not so apparent in the open source community, but brl-cad does have a long established community
21:41.38 brlcad most of those users and codes we have to interact with, though, are not public media knowledge (with good reason)
21:41.57 narnia brlcad, understand.
21:42.10 brlcad doesn't mean we don't have room to expand into -- we do .. huge room and huge potential
21:42.19 brlcad especially in the cadd and cam areas
21:43.43 narnia brlcad, i agree with todo list. i have enough at the moment.
21:44.35 brlcad basically, if someone wants to add some new feature that has anything to do with cad/cadd/cam, they're quite welcome to join in ..
21:46.03 brlcad brl-cad gives them a foundation, user community, modeling methodology, user community, docs, and more for free that can usually be easily extended
21:49.46 narnia brlcad, i wish more of the people requesting 'features' were programmers. ;-)
21:51.37 narnia brlcad, are you still at work? it is 1651 hours on the east coast.
21:58.39 narnia argh
21:58.54 brlcad yes, still at work
21:59.12 brlcad and YES.. I'm really interested in getting more programmers ;)
21:59.34 brlcad but that aspect I won't expect until the prototype for either archer or the new modeler are ready
22:00.41 narnia brlcad, that is the second time you have mentioned a 'new modeler'. what 'new modeler'? ;-)
22:01.02 narnia brlcad, who or what is 'archer'?
22:02.22 brlcad archer is effective an mged replacement prototype written for a project called ajem
22:02.41 narnia brlcad, of the 10 members listed on sourceforge who are developers (programmers)?
22:02.47 brlcad ajem is a joint collaboration across several military services where brl-cad is one of the backend components
22:03.19 narnia brlcad, ajem is not written in java is it?
22:03.21 brlcad archer was written for ajem with a more "up to date" gui
22:03.29 brlcad no, it's not
22:03.36 brlcad ajem is not publicly available either
22:03.38 narnia brlcad, thank god. ;-)
22:04.11 narnia brlcad, that was a concerning java.
22:04.19 brlcad archer is being released back to us in part because it pertains directly to brl-cad
22:04.37 brlcad and in part because it was written by one of mged's primary authors
22:04.40 narnia brlcad, ah
22:04.50 brlcad Bob :)
22:05.03 brlcad bob will probably make an appearace in here eventually
22:05.36 brlcad you're trapped ;)
22:05.52 narnia hehe
22:06.35 brlcad every single person listed on the members page is a seasoned programmer with some area of expertise
22:07.20 narnia brlcad, is that spicy or mild seasoning? ;-) (sorry i could not resist. ;-) )
22:08.24 narnia brlcad, am i the only 'outsider' ?
22:10.49 narnia be back in a bit, news is on.
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23:33.28 brlcad narnia: heh, spicy
23:33.58 narnia back
23:34.00 brlcad narnia: no you're not the only outsider ;)
23:34.23 narnia brlcad, that is comforting to know.
23:35.02 brlcad lee, john, and myself I probably the definitive experts on the package as a whole
23:35.15 brlcad bob did most of mged
23:35.27 brlcad erik started the new build system
23:35.50 brlcad charles did much of the old command-line mged and some utilities
23:36.02 brlcad ron did rtwizard
23:36.38 brlcad justin is working on a triangle-based real-time raytracer and global illumination
23:36.42 brlcad also did photon mapping
23:37.02 brlcad jee and john have done too much to mention so succintly ;)
23:37.37 brlcad there are others, listed in the authors file
23:38.58 brlcad unfortunately, features were not tracked as closely as they are now in terms of who did what, but cvs does tell all
23:41.01 narnia you work for Quantum Research International, Inc.?
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050324

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050324

02:07.08 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
02:09.32 brlcad my leading up BRL-CAD's open source activities is completely separate from, although cooperative with, Quantum and ARL activities
02:09.44 brlcad just as an fyi ;)
07:08.00 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/parallel.c: oops, restore killed comment
07:25.44 narnia fyi, made real progress yesterday (wednesday) and today (thursday). i can compile the partially updated nist step class library and create an ap203 data probe. still problems with express language edition 2. that does not surprise me i expected that. using interviews is okay but it probaqbly should be updated to use gtk.
07:27.10 narnia going back to archer for a moment. what is archer written in? which gui libraries?
07:27.58 brlcad Tk megawidgets
07:28.10 narnia um.
07:28.52 narnia do you have a linux box handy?
07:29.03 brlcad sorta
07:30.17 narnia i was thinking i could send you the ap203 dataprobe. would you settle for some screenshots?
07:32.43 brlcad sure
07:33.02 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ make /usr/X11/ a retry directory instead of a search directory since it's where the o32 libraries are kept on irix -- there's a better way to deal with n32 vs. o32 vs. 64 but this'll have to do for now
07:46.32 narnia brb going to take screenshots.
08:00.59 brlcad I look forward to seeing them when I awake :)
08:08.16 narnia
08:08.28 narnia
08:08.42 narnia
08:09.04 narnia
08:10.13 narnia that gives you an idea of the interviews ui. pretty basic and plain but functional. no bells and whistles.
08:10.50 brlcad ahh, i see (not zZzZ just quite yet)
08:10.53 brlcad interesting
08:11.03 brlcad yeah, no frills
08:12.23 brlcad btw, narnia -- in regards to archer and Tk megawidgets.. basically he used a core component of mged that he wrote some time ago that lets you basically embed most all of mged's functionality into other apps
08:12.45 brlcad so archer effectively contains an embeded mged controller .. but with a more modern gui
08:13.03 brlcad the gui being written in Tk
08:13.08 narnia i see.
08:14.00 brlcad not my choice of gui toolkits, but I can deal -- it's like mged but clean
08:14.12 brlcad he knows tk inside out
08:14.26 brlcad so it was very quick and easy for him (for another task)
08:15.20 narnia if you have no objections than i may look at gtk or perhaps Xaw3d.
08:16.29 brlcad gtk would be better, though it's a pretty "meh" api
08:17.07 brlcad the one thing tk does have is the cross platform support and multi-language bindings
08:17.14 brlcad gtk's coming along though
08:17.18 narnia i know Xaw3d better than i know gtk. gtk is at least in theory portable to windows. (i do not do windows. i have no windows boxes) i do know macs and macos-x. AQUA.!!! (hehehehe)
08:17.46 brlcad gtk doesn't do aqua yet, but they're close last I heard
08:18.05 brlcad had some "prototypes"
08:18.13 brlcad but still very incomplete
08:18.38 brlcad gtk will do x11 on mac, though (which is how we use Tk right now on os x)
08:18.57 brlcad linking against AquaTk is something I want to try on os x too
08:20.01 narnia i have 2 imacs and 1 emac.
08:20.57 brlcad go for it :)
08:21.10 narnia i have 7 x86 linux boxes, i old dec alpha box, and a partrige in a pear tree. ;-)
08:21.35 brlcad i tried it out about 1.5 years ago when they had it first working
08:21.49 brlcad but it was so incredibly buggy, not functional
08:21.53 brlcad altough pretty
08:23.23 narnia i have not played with tk in years. could possibly redo the interviews in tk. that would deal with portability issues.
08:23.47 brlcad perl/tk? :)
08:24.17 brlcad that would be evil, c/tk would be the way to go :)
08:24.57 narnia yes c/tk would be the way to go.
08:28.31 narnia still refining and cleaning up memory issues.
08:36.39 narnia for grins i am attempting to read in the yanmar diesel engine in the ap203 data probe. my guts feel is that it will bomb on a memory fault or trash in the hash table code.
09:20.40 narnia ummm. i terminated it. it was actually working rather well except memory usage was going through the roof. i think it is the nature of large part21 files. they are just memory hogs. i do not see any way around it.
14:28.01 EricWilhelm Tk::Zinc makes perl/tk not so evil
14:28.09 EricWilhelm opengl canvas, etc.
16:56.39 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/librt/dg_obj.c:
16:56.40 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: Add transparency and dmode parameters to dgo_invent_solid. Add -p option to
16:56.40 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: dgo_get_autoview_cmd (include psuedo-solids if specified). Add code to handle
16:56.40 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: paths and file names that include spaces (Windows Only). Add code to open
16:56.40 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: files/pipes in binary mode (Windows Only)
16:58.31 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/librt/vdraw.c: Add transparency and dmode parameters to dgo_invent_solid
17:03.21 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/librt/wdb_obj.c: Add wdb_importFg4Section and wdb_create_cmd. Add new and optional "tops" behavior.
17:04.34 narnia brlcad, fyi, i am attempting to read the yanmar diesel engine again. so far it has been running 91:48.08.
17:06.44 narnia brlcad, still not sure as to which gui to use. it would make logical sense to use c/tk since both brl-cad and emc use tk.
17:08.10 brlcad go with whatever you're comfortable with :)
17:08.19 brlcad hopefully cross-platform ;)
17:09.15 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/librt/importFg4Section.c: Initial check-in of code that imports a fg4 section from a string. This adds a method to the database object.
17:10.28 brlcad heh, i told bob about the plans to settle down development for a few days before the end of every month for stability as part of our monthly iteration
17:10.38 brlcad so I think he's rushing to get all his changes in now :)
17:14.15 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/conv/asc2g.c: Added call to wdb_create_cmd due to change in wdb_init_obj
17:17.33 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/conv/g2asc.c: Added call to Tcl_FindExecutable before call to Tcl_CreateInterp to hack around Tcl problem (i.e. getting a null pointer exception when calling Tcl_CreateInterp).
17:21.07 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/libdm/dm_obj.c: Added the following commands to the display manager Tcl object: drawLabels, getDrawLabelsHook and setDrawLabelsHook
17:26.07 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/rt/do.c: Add code to open files in binary mode (Windows Only)
17:27.17 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/rt/main.c: Add code to open files in binary mode (Windows Only)
17:29.03 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/rt/opt.c: Initialize width and height to zero
17:30.14 narnia umm this is an improvement granted not a big improvement but an improvement no the less. ap203 dataprobe is on entity instance number #544486 so roughly a 100,000 to go. has been running 114:09.04. not swapping as bad as it was.
17:30.56 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/mged/utility1.c: If Windows, use remove() and _lseek
17:32.52 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/mged/rtif.c: If Windows, use double-quotes around pathnames in case there are spaces.
17:36.09 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/mged/cmd.c: If Windows, use double-quotes around pathnames in case there are spaces. Also, if Windows, call Tcl_FindExecutable before calling Tcl_CreateInterp
17:47.16 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/lib/Dm.tcl: Add the following methods: drawLabels, getDrawLabelsHook and setDrawLabelsHook
17:48.01 *** join/#brlcad EricWilhelm (
17:53.27 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/lib/Display.tcl: Add the following options: -primitiveLabels, -primitiveLabelsColor and -usePhony. Add code to limit the mouse dx and dy's that are calculated. This affects rotation, translation and scaling via the mouse
17:55.28 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/lib/Command.tcl: Add code to check to see if BRL-CAD's history object is available
17:57.29 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/lib/Database.tcl: Minor formatting
18:01.25 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/lib/Db.tcl: Added the following methods: facetize and importFg4Section. Added help for the following commands: binary, make_bb, move_arb_edge, move_arb_face, rmap, rotate_arb_face and track. Also added minor formatting.
18:33.36 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/lib/Mged.tcl: Add the following methods: facetize, importFg4Section, attachObservers, detachObservers
18:38.14 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/lib/QuadDisplay.tcl: Add the following methods: getDrawLabelsHook, setDrawLabelsHook, setDrawLabelsHookAll
18:40.39 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/mged/asc2g.tcl: Use Tcl's "file delete" comand to delete
19:27.56 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/include/raytrace.h: Declare wdb_create_cmd
22:10.48 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/conv/g2asc.c: Fix typo
23:36.51 *** join/#brlcad cad350 (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050325

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050325

01:41.57 narnia well comnplex entity instances are not being handled correctly. that does not surprise me. i do not have a clear idea of how to validate a complex entity instance.
02:07.14 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
03:34.33 narnia some iso standards are about as clear as mud.
05:47.42 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (~brlcad@brlcad.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
05:47.42 *** join/#brlcad learner (~brlcad@brlcad.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
05:47.42 *** mode/#brlcad [+oo brlcad learner] by
10:01.11 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/mged/ (anim.tcl overlap.tcl): might as well make the other exec rm instances use file delete too for portability
14:33.07 narnia for some reason it is not handling 'vertex_point' correctly which causes other parts not to work.
14:52.31 *** join/#brlcad starseeker (
14:52.36 starseeker Anybody around?
14:56.08 brlcad hello starseeker
14:56.11 brlcad been a while :)
14:57.39 starseeker Yep :-)
14:57.42 starseeker been busy
14:58.12 starseeker got to updating my system, and I'm trying to reset things so I can make a more "polite" version of the brlcad ebuild
14:58.23 starseeker Any idea what librt corresponds to?
14:58.51 starseeker or rather?
15:01.49 brlcad what do you mean corresponds to?
15:01.58 brlcad librt is one of brl-cad's core libraries
15:02.02 brlcad it's the raytrace library
15:02.28 brlcad 90% of the brl-cad binaries uses that library in some form .. so it corresponds to just about all of them
15:05.02 starseeker I know
15:05.07 starseeker I mean, outside of brlcad
15:05.26 starseeker it overwrote something else, that most of my gnome libraries are trying to link to
15:05.48 starseeker I can't for the life of me figure out what though
15:06.21 starseeker I'm almost to the point of the nuclear option, a total system re-emerge (probably not a bad idea anyway, really, but a real time sink)
15:07.19 brlcad so you have a system set up that does or does not have a librt already installed?
15:07.51 starseeker Had. brlcad overwrote it. but I don't think it was a raytracing library, unless google knows nothing about it
15:08.23 narnia starseeker, what distribution are you running?
15:08.28 starseeker Gentoo
15:09.02 narnia the old librt library should have been renamed libposix4 long ago.
15:09.32 starseeker Hmm. Are programs even still using that library?
15:09.47 Twingy librt?
15:09.48 narnia i thought solaris was the only one that still had the old names.
15:10.21 starseeker glibc has (I think) but doesn't seem to
15:10.43 narnia
15:11.26 starseeker Yes - is a file owned by glibc
15:11.42 starseeker so is librt.a
15:11.46 starseeker but not
15:11.49 starseeker apparently
15:12.13 brlcad is a libtool library
15:12.20 brlcad brl-cad also installs the .a and .so
15:12.42 starseeker So libtool creates the .la file? how does that work?
15:13.04 brlcad yes, libtool makes the .la's
15:13.17 narnia starseeker, .la is a text file which is used by libtool to know which libraries are needed.
15:13.40 brlcad the libtool libraries keep track of everything that comprises the library, what libraries it depends on, which ones it linked against, etc
15:13.57 brlcad not strictly necessary to run, as the .so and .a are made from the .la's
15:14.03 brlcad but the .la isn't the problem :)
15:14.23 starseeker in this case it seems to be - apparently the glibc install didn't recreate the la file
15:14.24 starseeker grr
15:15.45 brlcad it's not likely that glibc has a .la and even if it did, overwriting it wouldn't cause run-time problems
15:15.46 brlcad the .so would be the problem
15:15.46 narnia brlcad, is librt a .a or .so?
15:16.17 brlcad uhm, librt is the name of the library
15:16.23 brlcad the .a is a static version of that library
15:16.38 brlcad the .so is a shared object version of that library
15:16.47 narnia nevermind
15:16.49 brlcad the .la is a libtool version of that library ;)
15:16.55 narnia agreed
15:17.05 brlcad brl-cad install's both shared and static
15:17.16 narnia looks like gentoo has a name collision.
15:17.41 starseeker oh, lots of them, when you put things in /usr/lib - tcl/tk is one, and there are a few others
15:18.01 narnia librt from glibc is colliding with brl-cad librt. two very different libs.
15:18.14 starseeker brlcad warned me - I guess that's why things normally go in /usr/brlcad
15:18.29 brlcad that is one of the reasons
15:18.40 brlcad librt is only one of several libraries that "can" conflict
15:20.09 brlcad libbn is another one .. openssl's "big number" library or brl-cad's "basic numerics" library
15:21.01 starseeker Normally it wouldn't be a problem, but I was trying to create an ebuild and was a bit of a doofus in the beginning...
15:21.32 brlcad there are about a half-dozen possible things that may conflict
15:21.42 brlcad that I know of
15:21.47 starseeker Heh - well, there's always the good old "touch /usr/lib/"
15:21.58 narnia ;-)
15:21.58 brlcad how to resolve them is still up for debate
15:22.17 starseeker brlcad : Is there a reason not to just name them brlcad-*libraryname*?
15:22.19 brlcad starseeker: how does that help?
15:22.31 starseeker it solves the name conflicts
15:22.50 starseeker oh - you mean touch? with any luck it will quit giving me file not found errors
15:23.01 starseeker we'll see if it actually NEEDS whatever was in there ;-)
15:24.07 brlcad starseeker: those are not libraries that can be renamed easily and I'm not inclined to rename them regardless
15:24.16 starseeker Hmm. OK.
15:24.32 starseeker not even just the file names?
15:24.53 starseeker keep the current filename, and just append a brlcad- to the front?
15:24.54 brlcad they predate the other libraries and have many applications that depend on them being named as such
15:25.16 narnia agreed
15:25.19 starseeker Oh, other than brlcad you mean?
15:25.23 brlcad that's the whole point -- appending anything to the front is not "keeping the current filename"
15:25.31 starseeker OK
15:26.27 brlcad I mean if they were new libraries and we had named something libgnome and found it conflicted, that's one thing
15:26.34 brlcad that's not the case here by a long shot
15:27.00 brlcad these are core libraries that are over two decades old (libbu, libbn, librt)
15:27.23 starseeker Hmm. wow
15:27.25 brlcad there are lots of external applications that use brl-cad's libraries
15:27.33 starseeker OK. Hmm.
15:27.42 starseeker What about adding it as a configure option?
15:27.43 brlcad so renmaing them would mean changing all of them
15:28.11 brlcad which would piss off lots of people and dilute the established name recognition
15:28.11 starseeker so systems where the other apps weren't an issue could change it, but the default would be the current system?
15:28.28 starseeker cool
15:28.56 brlcad starseeker: can you see if there are any gentoo guidelines on conflict resolution?
15:29.04 starseeker I'll take a look
15:29.05 brlcad this can't be the first instance
15:31.07 brlcad as a last resort we can either do what X11 does and use a top level root like /usr/brlcad/ or do something like java with isolated subdirs for libs/includes/etc like /usr/lib/brlcad/
15:31.53 brlcad I'm adding a configure-time hook for the latter for the debian apt system folks
15:32.08 brlcad so that would probably suffice for you too
15:32.16 starseeker Yes, that sounds good
15:32.29 starseeker simpler for you guys too - one mechanism to maintain
15:32.30 brlcad but if there's another means to resolve the conflict, I'd like to know
15:32.40 brlcad starseeker: it's a more complicated install, though
15:32.57 brlcad requires scripts that will add /usr/lib/brlcad to the system search path on installation
15:33.02 starseeker well, I haven't found anything gentoo specific yet, but what little I have seen indicates names of library filenames have to be unique
15:33.22 starseeker brlcad - I know, but I think there are mechanisms that do that
15:33.55 brlcad well of course they ultimately do need to be unique or exist in separate directories -- but if there are procedural means to get them resolved
15:34.38 starseeker Oh. I can't find anything about that yet - my guess is it just shows up in a bug report and people figure out what to do then
15:35.10 starseeker I think /usr/lib/brlcad should be fine - on checking I see the mozilla ebuild(s) have added a /usr/lib/mozilla entry
15:35.27 starseeker so has fltk
15:35.58 starseeker If a lousy web browser can add a line, I should think brlcad is entitled ;-)
15:36.16 brlcad still, if it can be resolved without that -- that would definitely be preferred
15:36.51 brlcad as developers end up needing to add multiple search paths to their build systems
15:37.44 starseeker Well, the only other option I can see is renaming the glibc library :-/
15:37.53 starseeker or those files rather
15:43.21 brlcad do you know if the portage maintainers are apposed to a /usr/brlcad ?
15:43.31 brlcad s/app/opp/
15:44.30 starseeker Dunno. Only real way is to submit an ebuild and find out
15:44.31 brlcad an installation similar to X11
15:45.28 starseeker Once I get my system back in order I'll see what I can put together
15:45.31 brlcad nobody authoritative on #gentoo?
15:45.35 starseeker Nah
15:46.02 starseeker I'll give it a shot, but it's more of a help channel - I'll probably get lost in the noise
15:46.26 brlcad ack, they're growing too
15:49.52 starseeker Well, the fltk ebuild looks fairly straightforward
15:51.10 starseeker Hmm - maybe ranlib is what I need for librt.a ->
15:51.25 brlcad ranlib gives the .a
15:51.31 starseeker crud
15:51.41 brlcad libtool makes the .la
15:52.03 brlcad libtool runs ranlib (or whatever your system needs) and makes the .so and .a at compile time
15:52.04 starseeker any way to run libtool on a individual file?
15:52.13 brlcad it doesn't work that way
15:52.21 brlcad I'm not following what the problem is, though
15:52.31 starseeker I'll show you the build output in a sec...
15:52.36 brlcad if you're missing, there's a bigger problem
15:53.01 starseeker uh oh
15:59.13 starseeker Crud.
15:59.16 starseeker libtool: link: cannot find the library `/usr/lib/'
16:01.00 starseeker Well, gotta run for now - I'll let y'all know once I come up with a more friendly ebuild for gentoo
16:01.16 starseeker thanks for the help!
16:04.52 narnia something tells me he is going to have to at least re-install glibc.
16:25.09 brlcad why libtool is wanting /usr/lib/ seems wrong
16:25.12 brlcad maybe a stale build
17:30.48 narnia no idea i have never tried gentoo.
17:43.42 narnia argh i think the ap203.exp i am using is incorrect.
20:26.29 *** join/#brlcad CIA-10 (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050326

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02:07.36 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
04:15.12 *** join/#brlcad narnia (
06:06.14 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
06:06.51 PKMOBILE wow even Twingy comes here now
06:10.37 PKMOBILE have i been gone so long????
06:39.29 *** join/#brlcad tancred (
06:40.15 tancred I am attempting to use mged to help design a piece of furniture. Is mged the right tool for me?
06:40.51 narnia brlcad, well i am pretty much dead in the water for the moment. i need to look at the ISO 10303-203:1994/Amd 1:2000 document to resolve the issues with ap203 data probe.
06:41.08 narnia tancred, hello
06:41.13 tancred Hi.
06:41.38 narnia yes mged is the modeller interface.
06:41.59 narnia i would suggest that you work through the tutorial.
06:42.13 tancred I am through the first two lessons so far.
06:42.28 narnia that is good.
06:43.11 tancred I am curious to know if you can save specific shapes separate from a database? That is if I build a part A for once piece of furniture how can I reuse it in another.
06:43.21 tancred Will the tutorial eventually tell me this?
06:44.15 narnia you are able to copy objects between databases. yes the tutorial eventually covers this.
06:45.32 narnia object libraries have been requested and i think they are on the 'request for enhancements' list. (the wishlist).
06:46.32 tancred I am curious to see how well mged helps me to know how much load a particular piece of furniture can take. To know the weak points.
06:47.42 narnia tancred, brclad is the person to talk to about that. he is out for the weekend i do believe.
06:48.21 tancred Well first things is first: bed, breakfast and tutorial lesson 3. Thanks for the info.
06:48.47 narnia you are welcome.
07:06.36 PrezKennedy gnight #brlcad land
11:51.40 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
11:51.40 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.0 is posted (20050305)
17:47.02 *** join/#brlcad dan_falck (
20:11.46 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ rename REVERSED_IEEE to REVERSE_IEEE so the name matches in length to NATURAL_IEEE
20:23.14 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libdm/dm-ogl.c: check for HAVE_XQUERYEXTENSION define
20:23.56 *** join/#brlcad cad607 (
20:24.38 *** join/#brlcad Walter (
20:25.29 Walter Hello everybody!
20:26.25 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (5 files in 4 dirs): use REVERSE_IEEE now instead of REVERSED_IEEE
20:27.03 Walter I've just downloaded BRL, but I've some problems with installation. Coul you help me?
20:29.15 Walter My problem is that the file "" was not present in the program. So I downloaded it by the net, but it doesn't seem to work properly
20:30.45 Walter During installation, I received an error massege like "error: files installed but unpackaged". This happens during the build stage of the rpm file
20:31.24 Walter NOTE: I have a PC Intel and my OS is Red Hat
20:38.57 Walter Sorry, nobody answers me so I must leave. Anyway if someone could give some advices, plese write me to Bye, bye.
21:47.55 *** join/#brlcad cad611 (
21:48.14 cad611 hello people
21:48.40 cad611 hello people
21:49.54 cad611 hello ?
21:50.49 cad611 I'm having a problem with brlcad on SuSE
21:52.37 *** join/#brlcad cad983 (
23:50.49 *** part/#brlcad dan_falck (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050327

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050327

00:39.54 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
01:07.07 brlcad oopsie, missed a couple
02:09.09 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
02:26.52 narnia brlcad, hello there. i thought you would be out all weekend.
02:27.10 narnia debugging the libexpress.
02:27.51 narnia tracing through all the different 10303 parts is a pain.
02:57.37 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ use same tab spacing for vgr line as the current value line (instead of spaces). tighten the summary output too.
03:12.11 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ fix the output if there are no summary values -- this happens if the benchmarks fail (crash) or are aborted early. i believe this happens to fix sf bug #925404 too (bench/ generates garbage if aborted).
03:14.49 *** join/#brlcad dan_falck (
03:26.47 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: the benchmark should no longer report environment garbage into the summary file if the benchmark run is aborted
03:34.20 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: fixed aborted benchmark summary bug
03:48.33 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: output object name when root solver fails to converge
14:01.09 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/fbed/ sgi_dep.c has LIBSGIGL symbols, so add to LDADD list
14:04.25 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/lgt/ sgi_dep.c has LIBSGIGL symbols, so add to LDADD list
14:57.13 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/fbed/ don't actually need the GL library, just sgi gl library
14:58.04 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/lgt/ don't actually need the GL library, just sgi gl library
14:59.20 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/util/ need sgi gl library, not the OpenGL library
17:02.42 narnia it would be nice is there was the equivalent of sourcenav for express language.
17:14.51 narnia tell you one problem with working with step libraries and related issues. there are not many people to talk with about problems.
20:42.41 *** join/#brlcad walter (
21:51.52 *** join/#brlcad cad983 (
21:53.17 cad983 hello people !
23:04.36 *** join/#brlcad Segers_J (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050328

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050328

00:36.38 narnia well i have narrowed down the probelm to a particular IRs and the resolve routines in libexpress.
00:45.12 narnia the particular IRs is 10303-042 the particular schema is geometry_schema the particular entities are :: ENTITY revolved_area_solid and ENTITY revolved_face_solid, which are nearly identical.
00:47.16 narnia what baffles me at the moment is that ENTITY revolved_area_solid and ENTITY revolved_face_solid are nearly identical to ENTITY surface_of_revolution, which does not have the problem.
00:50.31 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
00:52.22 PrezKennedy hey brlcad you been to OSG lately?
00:52.26 PrezKennedy its gotten a lot faster :-)
01:26.31 *** join/#brlcad Segers_J_ (
02:07.55 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
03:51.40 brlcad narnia: sourcenav?
03:52.05 brlcad is that the gui screenshot you showed earlier for browsing source code/
03:52.20 brlcad call tree views and such
03:52.51 brlcad PrezKennedy: nope, can't say that I have
04:02.34 *** join/#brlcad tancred (
04:10.41 narnia brlcad, i am using this for libexpress and step development.
04:11.21 narnia brlcad, it would be nice to have something like sourcenav that grok express language and step files.
04:45.52 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/mged/ged.c: Added call to wdb_create_cmd() due to change in wdb_init_obj()
05:07.44 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/include/config_win.h: Add HAVE_GL_GL_H
05:17.46 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/include/bn.h: Modify bn_common_name_size declaration: add "const" specifier to "name" parameter
05:19.49 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/include/fb.h: Add code to allow libfb to be a Windows DLL
05:21.24 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/include/pkg.h: Add code to allow libpkg to be a Windows DLL
05:23.00 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/include/wdb.h: Add code to allow libwdb to be a Windows DLL
05:25.50 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/conv/asc2g.c: If Windows, call Tcl_FindExecutable() before calling Tcl_CreateInterp()
05:28.26 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/libbn/asize.c: Move declarations of bn_common_name_size() and bn_common_image_size() to bn.h
05:32.27 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/libfb/if_disk.c: Add code for Windows port: unlink() changes to remove(), lseek() changes to _lseek()
05:35.14 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/libfb/if_ogl_win32.c: Change function signatures from K&R to ANSI
05:43.55 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/libfb/tcl.c: If Windows, use _stricmp and strnicmp instead of strcasecmp and strncmp, respectively
05:47.23 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/liboptical/photonmap.c: Add mods for Windows port
05:51.34 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/librt/importFg4Section.c: Change mk_bot to rt_mk_bot to avoid name collision with routines in libwdb
05:52.58 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/libpkg/pkg.c: If Windows, use _sys_nerr and _sys_errlist
05:55.43 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/libwdb/pipe.c: Remove declaration of rt_pipe_ck(). It's now declared in raytrace.h
05:58.57 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/librt/wdb_obj.c: #if-out unused variable
06:04.00 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/librt/table.c: Remove declaration of rt_binunif_free(). Its already declared in raytrace.h
06:05.27 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/librt/timer-nt.c: Include vmath.h and raytrace.h
06:08.09 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/include/raytrace.h: Declare more functions from librt
06:16.53 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/include/spm.h: Mods to make more of libbn's functions available via a Windows DLL
06:28.20 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/include/spectrum.h: Declare more librt functions
06:32.21 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/ (44 files in 4 dirs): Add code to allow liboptical to be a Windows DLL
07:18.14 narnia i am coming to the conclusion that something 'funky' is happening to the hash table.
07:19.03 narnia as to why it only occurs in this particular case is still a mystery.
07:32.57 brlcad egads :)
07:35.35 brlcad that is a lot of commits
07:35.56 brlcad hrm, i sure wish he'd stop throwing in #ifdef WIN32
07:36.18 brlcad just ends up being stuff that has to be changed later
07:37.03 brlcad narnia: so in not so few words - yes, it is what you showed me earlier :)
07:40.53 narnia this bug is driving me up the wall.
07:48.12 *** join/#brlcad cad888 (
07:49.07 narnia cad888, hello, how goes it?
07:49.34 cad888 hi
07:50.18 cad888 Does anyone know if there is a windows build of brlcad?
07:51.31 narnia cad888, the windows port is currently being worked on.
07:52.10 brlcad cad888: there is a beta but it is only for developers
07:52.32 brlcad if you're not a developer then "not yet"
07:52.42 brlcad kill it!
07:54.03 narnia it is dead jim. ;-)
07:54.23 cad888 I see, was it just recently made opensource?
07:55.03 narnia cad888, jan 2005
07:55.27 brlcad narnia: technically dec 2004 :)
07:56.21 brlcad I made the final legal conversion on Dec 21
07:57.01 cad888 that's pretty recent
07:57.09 brlcad the news announcements were not approved for about a week and a half later -- so few found out until it his /.
07:57.20 brlcad s/his/hit/
07:58.28 brlcad cad888, very recent -- it's been a flurry of various activities and demands on time since
07:59.38 cad888 Cool, I'm going to try it out on my linux box once it finishes downloading
08:00.57 cad888 brlcad & narnia, see you later, thanks
08:01.13 brlcad cheers!
08:03.15 narnia brlcad, any words of wisdom on the bug problem?
08:30.42 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/
08:30.42 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: if sproc() is available (e.g. on irix), do NOT try to link with pthreads as it
08:30.42 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: will cause bad things to happen even if not explicitly using pthreading in the
08:30.42 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: code. add check for XQueryExtension and reinstate HAS_SGIGL define until the
08:30.42 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: code that relies on it can be decoupled
08:32.23 brlcad narnia: hmm, not that would be of any use
08:33.08 brlcad btw, jano's had a very bad week last week -- part of why he's been absent
08:33.37 brlcad he's tough, though -- he'll bounce back eventually
08:34.32 PrezKennedy he'll be borking us again in no time
08:40.47 narnia what happened to jano?
08:41.11 narnia that is a serious question.
15:44.02 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/optical.h: remove \r carriage returns, should only be \n. editor/studio/.net should be set to never create \n\r line endings on windows for new or existing files -- causes obscure problems.
16:44.54 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/burst/.cvsignore: ignore the built burst
16:47.38 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/bwish/.cvsignore: ignore the generated btclsh and bwish binaries
16:52.47 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/fbserv/.cvsignore: ignore the generated fbserv binary
16:59.49 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/jack/.cvsignore: ignore the generated g-jack and jack-g binary
16:59.52 brlcad <PROTECTED>
16:59.55 brlcad eek
17:05.13 brlcad just kidding -- whatcha need?
17:05.37 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/.cvsignore: comb and nurb_example are noinst programs
17:05.58 narnia what happened to jano? this is a serious question.
17:06.13 brlcad oh, personal stuff -- bad long week
17:06.27 brlcad nothing permanent/physical
17:06.46 brlcad distressing for him, though
17:07.13 narnia last week was not a good week. a friend's daughter, 36 yo, died of cancer last wednesday. funeral was saturday.
17:07.57 narnia that is good to hear. jano will recover.
17:08.05 narnia that is a 'good' thing.
17:09.45 brlcad yep
17:10.33 narnia looks like i am going to have to break down and debug this problem with printf and dumping the various dictionary hash tables at critical points.
17:11.40 narnia the problem is not easily debugged using gdb.
18:46.43 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/libpng/.cvsignore: ignore pngtest binary
19:10.04 brlcad CIA-10 has problems today..
19:14.22 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/config_win.h: windows reportedly doesn't have drand48 function, so don't claim to have it
19:16.25 brlcad missing lots of commits
19:26.07 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ drand is bogus, check for dran48
19:37.30 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/liboptical/photonmap.c: if drand48 isn't available, use the win32 rand() alternative
19:44.34 *** join/#brlcad tancred (
19:57.17 *** join/#brlcad Jymmm (~somebody@jymmm.user)
20:08.28 Jymmm Is brlcad a good choice for cad/CAM work?
20:13.24 brlcad Jymmm: depends on what you're goal is
20:13.52 brlcad brl-cad is a solid modeler primarily intended for the purposes of cad and simulations/analyses
20:14.28 brlcad cadd (drafting) and cam are not well developed yet, though much work is occuring in those directions to improve support
20:15.49 brlcad if you're a developer, we're always looking for folks to join the project and help improve it ;)
20:21.00 Jymmm brlcad: You wouldn't want me as a devleoper =) I have my "own" ways of doing things =)
20:21.50 Jymmm I was jsut looking for a open source CAD pkg and came across brlcad, so I thought I'd at least ask =)
20:22.40 Jymmm Though I do like the idea it's in ANSI C =)
20:34.30 brlcad it's been around for a very long time too, with quite a sizeable user community
20:38.52 brlcad Jymmm: maybe your "own" way happens to coincide.. :) can always check out the HACKING file if you get interested
20:39.32 brlcad it has the "dev rules"
20:51.36 *** join/#brlcad brainZzZ (
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21:42.54 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rttherm/ rttherm needs fb, ssamp-bw needs bu and bn
23:12.52 *** part/#brlcad brainZzZ (
23:35.37 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ search for srand48() function
23:39.48 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/liboptical/photonmap.c: oop, missed a few win32 defs, using HAVE_DRAND48 and HAVE_SRAND48 instead
23:40.30 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ (4 files in 3 dirs): use HAVE_SRAND48 symbol check
23:52.30 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/.cvsignore: add pixcmp
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050329

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050329

00:38.32 *** join/#brlcad brainZzZ (
01:39.47 *** join/#brlcad Segers_J (
02:04.14 *** part/#brlcad brainZzZ (
02:08.04 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
02:42.41 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/ (6 files in 6 dirs): add the generated config and index scripts
03:03.02 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/ (8 files in 8 dirs): ignore the generated index files
03:34.09 *** join/#brlcad Segers_J (
03:37.57 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/.cvsignore: might as well ignore the backups for copying and install too
03:44.12 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (~Matthew@
03:45.46 PrezKennedy hey brlcad what time did IRC say i logged off last night?
03:46.12 PrezKennedy power went out in the middle of the night and i dont know when
04:02.53 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ separate the extra_dist to one per line, make the benchmark targets explict phonies
04:06.16 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ might as well say 'type' instead of 'typ.' ..
04:11.29 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/regress/ separate the files to one per line and sort. add regression and test as additional targets, regression being the work-horse and regress or test being synonyms.
04:16.18 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ add regression and test as regress synonyms, use the SH make variable instead of the automake variable, append a log suffix to the install log marker.
04:37.28 brlcad 07:21 -!- PrezKennedy [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
04:37.52 PrezKennedy thanks
04:42.06 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ must cd and make at the same time
04:45.14 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ simplify the instructions for running the tests
05:37.48 *** join/#brlcad Segers_J (
06:13.25 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ write out a detailed log entry on a make install to the install log file, record the release, user, date, and root
08:00.00 narnia i have come to the conclusion that i need to back up a bit and rewrite some of the original nist libexpress source code. there are large parts which are obsolete (i.e. #if 0 ) parts which call functions which are not present and i have no idea where to find them or what they should do. libexpress just needs a good house cleaning. what definitely needs to be added is debugging code. there is currently none.
08:02.16 narnia so first all backward compatible and #if 0 source code gets purged. then some debugging code.
08:04.06 narnia it does not surprise me that this is taking longer than i originally thought. my original estimate was overly optimistic.
08:05.00 narnia as the olde saying goes "you have to break some eggs to bake a cake."
08:27.25 brlcad mmhmm
08:27.32 brlcad that's how it usually goes, no?
08:44.00 *** join/#brlcad learner (~brlcad@brlcad.bronze.supporter.pdpc) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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19:00.46 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.0 is posted (20050305)
20:43.38 narnia i think i have found the problem. i need to come up with the least minimal .exp file that will still display the problem.
20:49.00 narnia i could also dump the hash tables and link lists and wade through that to see if i am correct.
20:50.31 narnia it comes down to the differences between "use" and "reference" as defined in part 11.
20:51.32 narnia it would seem to me that "use" and "reference" should be identical both it appears that they have subtle differences.
21:18.01 *** join/#brlcad narnia_ (
21:21.47 narnia well in re-reading part11 "use" and "reference" have more than subtle differences.
21:22.33 narnia the problem is how "reference" is being handled.
23:15.50 *** join/#brlcad narnia (
23:21.30 narnia tom sawyer ate the router network cable. patched it back together
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050330

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050330

01:40.08 *** join/#brlcad tancred (
02:01.29 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/liboptical/material.c: quell warning about type conversion
02:14.06 tancred I am curious. How difficult would it be to have a "undo" feature in brlcad? So that if I don't like something I did X number of undo changes could be done.
02:16.44 brlcad tancred: that's been the topic of discussion for several years now
02:17.08 brlcad difficult is relative, of course -- but it wouldn't be incredibly too hard
02:17.15 brlcad there are many ways it could be done, though
02:25.40 tancred Have you heard about the Command design pattern?
02:35.03 tancred I have go now. I would like to talk about the design later. Is there a time when the main developers are online?
02:35.42 brlcad yes, i'm familiar with it
02:36.26 tancred Well I would like to talk later about the design. When are you typically online?
02:36.29 brlcad most of the devs are EST, though only a few have made it in to here to date
02:36.35 brlcad i'm here most all the time, though ;)
02:36.46 brlcad and if I'm not, I read the log
02:37.01 tancred How do I obtain the log via IRC?
02:37.02 brlcad feel free to post and idle, and I'll respond
02:37.20 brlcad ~logs
02:37.21 ibot apt/ibot/jbot/purl all log to<channelname>/ where channelname is html encoded ie: %23debian | lines that start with a space are not shown | some channels have stats at<channelname>.html.gz
02:37.33 tancred Thanks.
02:37.40 *** part/#brlcad tancred (
03:00.04 narnia which means that only a few developers are in the correct timezone. ;-)
03:03.32 brlcad or just that more devs are needed :)
03:11.03 narnia well this is true.
03:13.47 narnia here is an interesting fact: while looking to the disk space hogs i found this: 344M /usr/local/brlcad vs 2.3G /usr/local/OpenCASCADES.2
03:14.50 narnia orders of magnitude difference.
03:21.22 brlcad not quite an order of magnitude :) only about 7x
03:25.43 *** join/#brlcad guu (
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07:09.05 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/liboptical/ ACK! shade has a multispectral mode too and must be included into libmultispectral otherwise nasty crashes occur.
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07:10.08 *** mode/#brlcad [+o ChanServ] by
07:11.05 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rttherm/ get rid of the stale files and make lib dependant upon liboptical (for AmbientIntensity, rdebug, background and maybe a couple other globals).
07:14.41 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/liboptical/ (7 files): consistency on the #ifdef inclusions of RT_MULTISPECTRAL, clean up the spectrum extern declarations now that spectrum is now a liboptical global.
07:17.45 narnia after re-read part11 for the nth time i have come to an understanding of 'use' and 'reference'. the best analogy for 'use' is include files. 'use' many be chained. the 'used' object becomes local to the schema's scope. the best analogy for 'reference' is extern. the 'referenced' item is visible to the schema's scope but not local to the schema's scope. if any object is both 'used' and 'referenced' in the same schema 'use' wins out.
07:22.53 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libmultispectral/init.c: remove rdebug, AbientIntensity, spectrum, and background from libmultispectral as those defines are (at least now) coming from liboptical's init.c. this avoids duplicate symbol and initialization scope errors
07:23.48 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rttherm/pixtest.c: spectrum is in liboptical library now
07:24.50 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rttherm/ssamp-bw.c: quell a basename duplicate symbol warning
07:26.00 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rttherm/ssampview.c: quell basename duplicate symbol warning (system lib on os x), quell Tcl_CreateCommand argument type warnings)
07:27.12 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rttherm/viewtherm.c: env_region is provided through liboptical so not needed in the front end
07:30.34 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: fixed rttherm previous results interference bug
07:38.44 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/spectrum.h: add the headers this header depends on
07:41.44 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/do.c:
07:41.44 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: fix rttherm (and pretty much any of the rt progs) from crashing when the output
07:41.44 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: file already exists and is larger than the size currently being rendered. also
07:41.44 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: change the pixmap malloc to a bu_malloc to avoid returning null
08:11.30 narnia someone has been a busy little beaver. ;-)
08:53.20 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (~Matthew@
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16:03.15 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.0 is posted (20050305)
17:34.37 *** join/#brlcad cad281 (
17:36.02 cad281 hi all
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17:56.16 *** join/#brlcad Li (
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18:22.54 *** join/#brlcad Li (
18:22.59 Li hi all
18:24.06 narnia Li, hello, how goes it?
18:24.17 Li well thank, you?
18:24.46 narnia enjoying a spring day.
18:25.16 Li here: rain and dreary, awaiting spring with eagerness...
18:25.33 Li May I ask you a question?
18:25.38 narnia here: breezy, sun shine, warm.
18:25.42 narnia sure
18:25.58 Li I just started brlcad and am well impressed ...
18:26.06 narnia good to hear
18:26.26 Li using br-pix I can get 'sceenshots' but ...
18:26.42 brlcad hello Li
18:26.52 narnia yes
18:27.04 Li I want to use them in a postscript file with the background transparant. Know of any way to do this?
18:27.11 Li hello brlcad
18:27.14 narnia gimp
18:27.37 Li of course ...
18:27.43 brlcad Li: depends what you are screenshotting
18:28.04 Li what do you mean brlcad?
18:28.07 brlcad Li: you can export postscript or plotter rules to a file of the wireframe
18:28.57 brlcad if you want the rendered, you'll have to use an image-editing package to remove the background color for transparencty
18:29.19 Li Up to now I have been br-pix ing raytraced pictures
18:30.03 Li what would I start reading to export to postscript?
18:31.36 Li of course i meant fb-pix in all of the above
18:32.41 brlcad br-pix?
18:32.46 brlcad ahh
18:33.13 brlcad Li: in mged on the File menu Render View
18:33.43 brlcad again, that is only the wireframe, not any raytraced image
18:34.18 brlcad fb-png is probably more useful for insertion into other documents
18:34.30 Li I understand but it may be an alternative way to represent my model. Many thanks.
18:35.15 Li fb-png or the likes are indeed better to look at and once I get the transparancy sorted it will look great.
18:35.20 brlcad if you export a plot file, there are a handful of pl-* commands that might be of interest
18:36.41 Li I have not really come accross plot files before so there's an other thing I will read up on.
18:37.00 brlcad it wouldn't be too difficult to add a transparency option to the *-png commands for the background color
18:37.37 brlcad that would be single-value transparency, though -- full alpha channel support would be more difficult
18:38.01 brlcad Li: it's the old format that used to control the line plotter devices you may have seen in old movies :)
18:38.06 Li yes, I see what you mean.
18:38.43 Li brlcad, are you (co-)developer of this?
18:41.01 brlcad yes
18:41.41 Li thanks for making this available for public use.
18:41.55 brlcad it only took me five years :)
18:43.15 brlcad getting BRL-CAD open sourced was rather difficult and took a relatively "long time" (tm) .. in the end we were just ultimately lucky (right place, people, time)
18:44.29 Li I can imagine that being the difficult part.
18:44.51 brlcad It's been great since, though
18:45.06 Li I have just compiled on a linux ppc (ibook2) and simply ran a make on it and all worked (until now)
18:45.29 brlcad until now?
18:45.46 brlcad something hasn't worked? or you mean the transparency feature?
18:45.53 Li I have only done basic things with it. :-)
18:46.08 Li I do not foresee problems.
18:46.42 Li I got it to crash (but that was my own fault)
18:46.48 brlcad feel free to hang out here and get more involved :)
18:47.08 brlcad oh? a crash is bad even if your "fault" :)
18:47.16 Li I will and look forward to it.
18:48.08 Li I created a circular refernce in 2 regions. then tried drawing them. bang.
18:49.58 brlcad eek, that's not good
18:50.06 brlcad funny, but not good :)
18:50.35 Li :-))
18:50.46 brlcad do you have an account to post a bug report for that?
18:51.59 Li No I have not but I am not sure this warrants a bug since I created the reference with ted so it would be very difficult to check and flag. Do you agree?
18:52.16 brlcad anything that causes a crash is a bug
18:53.04 brlcad now if it pops up a dialog and quits, that's different .. but it shouldn't ever crash
18:53.32 Li true. I will get that organised. Can i file feature requests there too (transparancy)?
18:54.33 brlcad of course!
18:54.35 brlcad please so
18:54.38 brlcad s/so/do/
18:55.02 Li Many thanks all. Now I must get back to work.
18:55.14 brlcad same here, thank you
21:38.50 *** join/#brlcad narnia (
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irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050331

05:53.44 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/viewedge.c: (log message trimmed)
05:53.44 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: arrrrgh!!! rtedge was using a global named background, which was removed when
05:53.44 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: liboptical picked up the rt background variable of the same name. the problem
05:53.44 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: is that rtedge was using a triplet of ints, rt/liboptical used/uses a triplet of
05:53.44 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: floats! .. this caused the set command struct parse variable setting to not work
05:53.44 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: quite as was intended... resulting in the background never changing from black.
05:53.46 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: this fixes the problem by reinstating rtedges global int triplet but lets call
06:04.23 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: (log message trimmed)
06:04.23 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: fixed rtedge/rtwizard background render failure bug where the -c set background
06:04.23 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: option would not behave as expected (it seemingly did nothing). the problem is
06:04.23 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: related to different way rtedge deals with the background compared to rt -- rt
06:04.23 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: uses a float triplet, rtedge was trying to use an int triplet. code changes
06:04.23 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: from some time ago made all background modifiers use liboptical's (float
06:04.25 CIA-10 BRL-CAD: triplet) global, which resulted in the bug. the int triplet was reinstated,
06:08.10 brlcad woo hoo.. ready to release
06:08.22 brlcad just gotta test irix64 build for sanity
08:35.05 narnia which release?
08:35.25 narnia irix as in sgi?
10:42.48 narnia well the debugging to progressing. still homing in on the area of source code that may be the problem. writing more debugging code. mainly, it will dump the entire hash table in a sane manner.
10:43.25 narnia the problem with dummping the entire hash table in a sane manner is that the output is large.
17:30.29 *** join/#brlcad tancred (
17:31.01 tancred In working with the Introduction to MGED document the menus I am suppose to be using don't match my version (7.2.0)
17:31.16 tancred For example in the Edit menu there is suppose to be a Solid Editor.
17:31.59 tancred Do I need to upgrade?
18:15.43 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 (
18:16.39 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/bwish/ simplify the libraries to (hopefully) just what is needed
18:16.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rttherm/ score one for irix, tcl lib must come after the tk lib to resolve the tcl symbols in libtk ..
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050401

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01:21.24 brlcad hello tancred
01:22.18 brlcad tancred: no, the document was written around version 6 -- that section of the intro about the edit menu is known
01:22.29 brlcad it's there, just reorganized
01:22.44 brlcad there sphere is the sph under ellipsoids, for example
04:03.35 *** join/#brlcad [Prez|Kennedy] (
07:22.40 narnia well i found the problem. the rename functions are not working correctly. now the trick is to fix the problem without breaking something else.
07:55.06 narnia the data structures for libexpress are ugly.
07:55.13 narnia ;-)
09:57.52 narnia argh, argh, argh
10:00.01 narnia well all was not lost in debugging this problem. large parts of the source code have been either cleaned up or rewritten. the problem is the part42 .exp file. the copy i have is incorrect. even an ap203 long .exp fails for the exact same reason.
14:35.58 *** join/#brlcad asdasd (
15:03.01 learner hello asdasd
15:05.10 asdasd hi
19:41.01 [Prez|Kennedy] i always wanted to do pink and purple for a website :-p
19:56.14 narnia brlcad, when you have a moment would you read part11 ed2 concerning 'use' and 'reference' and tell me what your 'take' on those two is.
19:56.41 [Prez|Kennedy] i dont want any!
19:57.47 [Prez|Kennedy] are they deadly?
19:57.56 narnia no
19:58.04 [Prez|Kennedy] sounds good
20:02.58 *** join/#brlcad animall (
20:03.05 animall hello
20:04.13 brlcad narnia: possibly
20:06.35 narnia brlcad, i am back to 'use' and 'reference' being in question.
20:08.22 animall how much of a pain is the compile on FC3
20:08.50 brlcad animall: it should work straight from checkout
20:09.09 brlcad if it doesn't, it'll be something very minor
20:09.14 brlcad assuming you have opengl configured
20:12.00 brlcad animall: your best bet is to use cvs, but even 7.0.4 should be fine
20:12.27 brlcad build instructions are pretty simple: ./ && ./configure && make
20:12.35 brlcad (for cvs)
20:14.52 animall um no hardware supporting opengl
20:15.10 animall S3 Savage on this machine, Matrox MG400 on the other
20:16.01 *** join/#brlcad cad892 (
20:16.14 animall second machine is sort of stuck with the default vid, no expansion slots for agp
20:16.29 animall only pci slots, used up with SCSI and NIC cards
20:23.20 brlcad hmm, then it will be a slight problem until I finish up this current set of build fixes
20:24.08 brlcad it's presently hard-wired for open gl for our "new" autoconf build system
20:24.33 brlcad that should be fixed by our next release iteration (next month)
20:25.12 brlcad the binary build should work for you, just have to run without the tcl/tk gui
20:25.14 [Prez|Kennedy] wow them video cards are... over the hill
20:25.17 brlcad mged -c or mged -n
20:25.40 brlcad animall: try the ia32 binary
20:26.31 animall ok thanks, off to have fun with this now
20:26.36 *** part/#brlcad animall (
22:11.25 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
22:13.37 [Prez|Kennedy] i see myself!!
23:06.21 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ customize the test for sys/sched.h to override the default header check that lets the unusable header pass on freebsd.
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050402

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02:47.06 *** join/#brlcad starseeker (
05:05.42 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
05:06.06 PrezKennedy learner, brlcad, sin city is a good movie!!!!
05:17.00 brlcad looks good
05:17.44 PrezKennedy i saw it tonight!
05:21.32 brlcad hmm. i jealous then ;)
05:21.40 brlcad maybe tomorrow
05:33.41 narnia brlcad, have had a chance to read part11ed2 concerning 'use' and 'reference'?
05:33.57 brlcad not yet
05:34.08 brlcad been relaxing today
05:34.30 narnia that is always a good think to do.
05:35.30 narnia btw, monday and tuesday next week i am not going to be around much. monday, preparing for court on tuesday. tuesday court.
05:36.12 brlcad best of luck there
05:38.05 narnia thank you
05:44.46 narnia brlcad, i was thinking of posting a msg to the step-os mailing list. not sure if it would be seen as an off-topic msg.
05:52.31 narnia brlcad, what would you think of posting my 'use' and 'reference' question to step-os? on/off topic.
06:08.32 PrezKennedy how bout posting this picture of a hot UMBC chick topless?? on or off topic?
06:09.46 *** join/#brlcad asdasd (
06:09.56 narnia PrezKennedy, must chicks i have seen have feathers.
06:11.08 PrezKennedy univ maryland baltimore county
06:11.25 narnia yuck
06:11.46 narnia i lived in laurel maryland for several years.
06:11.58 PrezKennedy sure beats college park... or... hopkins...
06:13.14 narnia columbia, maryland always struck me as the ultimate yuppy captial of north america.
06:14.50 narnia neighborhood covenants are the pits.
06:15.16 narnia college park was relatively nice when i was there.
06:17.00 narnia lived in laurel, maryland off and on. left in 1986.
06:17.35 PrezKennedy back in the old days
06:17.37 narnia now i live in the cage of doom.
06:18.31 PrezKennedy hey brlcad try doing a google image search on "us army uniform"
06:18.37 narnia jano, who btw has not been around, since he locked me in the cage of doom.
06:18.58 PrezKennedy damn it changed
06:19.09 PrezKennedy still on the first page though
06:21.09 narnia which url are you referring to?
06:21.25 PrezKennedy should be one linking to a futuristic looking uniform
06:21.30 PrezKennedy goes to
06:25.36 PrezKennedy most the other stuff has around 5-100 hits... that one has around 2000, so it attracted my attention
17:53.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/bwish/
17:53.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: hack to work around the irix compiler crashing on the libtool btclsh relink
17:53.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: attempt when we get to tclscripts. this lets all of the pkgIndex and tclIndex
17:53.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: scripts get generated during the build so the build doesn't halt (should be
17:53.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: mipspro-specific as it's a compiler crash on relink)
18:05.42 narnia brlcad, well now everything hinges on whether 'use' and 'reference' are implemented correctly.
18:07.09 narnia brlcad, shtolo (short to long) needs some clean up work and gets a bit confused but that is easily fixed.
18:09.06 narnia still think it would be a good thing to have a program that would at least cross-reference all the APs, AICs, and IRs.
18:10.30 narnia ls -ls
18:11.19 narnia argh wrong window
18:15.15 narnia a cross-reference written in perl would be a nice tool for checking if the input .exp files are indeed valid.
19:00.07 *** join/#brlcad IRCMonkey___ (
19:05.26 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/ add optical.h to the header list for source distribution
20:36.45 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/jove/.cvsignore: ignore the conditionally built jove generated files
20:55.48 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ ( src/bwish/ hack to work around the irix compiler crashing on the libtool btclsh relink attempt when we get to tclscripts -- only do the hack for that os/compiler since it will cause link problems on other platforms
23:26.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/util/ (pl-X10.1 pl-X.1 pl-X10.1.stub): separate the pl-X and pl-X10 manpages, adding pl-X10.1, removing the unused pl-X10.1.stub
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050403

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050403

06:37.03 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (NEWS README bump revision number to 7.2.2 for release
06:39.52 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ChangeLog: changelog entries from 7.2.0 to 7.2.2 for release
06:46.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: ack, set the release date to 2005-04-03
06:51.51 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (NEWS README): bump revision post tagging to 7.2.3
18:57.17 *** join/#brlcad ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
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21:24.54 brlcad || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.2.2 is posted (20050403)
23:42.13 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/HACKING: clarify and simplify some release steps
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050404

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050404

00:15.49 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/HACKING: BRL-CAD is a meritocracy. BRL-CAD uses a monthly iteration cycle. Mention make test too.
07:41.17 narnia i nearly have exp2html working.
07:50.12 narnia currently it is retrieving at times bogus express objects from the hash tables.
07:50.52 narnia the hash tables are correct. so it has to be something with how the searches of the hash tables are occurring.
09:05.24 narnia brlcad, before i crawl off to my cage of doom bunk i have a question. have you tried the diesel engine step file in pro/e?
09:06.12 narnia brlcad, given the events of the past few days i understand that you may not be doing much on brl-cad.
14:57.21 *** join/#brlcad guu (
21:22.05 *** join/#brlcad cad483 (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050405

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050405

03:50.16 brlcad narnia: yes i did and you'll probably be interested in some of the stats ;)
03:51.21 brlcad granted this was loading up on an old sgi via an r10k processor -- keep that in mind
03:52.04 brlcad pro/E quickly spiked to 280MB usage after about 2 minutes where it remained steady for the rest of the import
03:52.21 brlcad the import took 25 minutes
03:52.38 brlcad it was a clean import, though
04:16.27 narnia brlcad, ummm
04:16.57 narnia brlcad, not bad for a 40+mbytes step file.
04:17.33 narnia brlcad, pro/e must have some compact hash tables.
04:18.11 narnia brlcad, definitely beats opencascade.
04:18.27 brlcad hmm
04:18.39 brlcad just because opencascase sucks more? :)
04:18.40 narnia brlcad, would you happen to remember how the model looked?
04:18.52 brlcad yeah, looked like an engine :)
04:19.05 brlcad couldn't figure out how to hide all the damn labels, though
04:19.15 narnia ah
04:19.25 brlcad the iges surface export is 152MB :)
04:19.33 brlcad gonna see how well that converts
04:20.13 narnia brl-cad groks iges correct?
04:20.31 brlcad versions at least up to about iges 4.3
04:21.27 narnia opencascade does suck. ;-)
04:22.34 narnia i have not tried the file lately. still tracking down those 'happen once on a blue moon' type bugs.
04:23.26 narnia exp2html is pretty cool. nothing fancy. no bells and whistles.
04:25.28 narnia well i need to wander off to bed. in theory court tomorrow. i need to somewhat rested.
04:26.33 brlcad cya later
05:36.07 Twingy welp, new rocket motor is done
05:41.22 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
15:01.12 narnia brlcad, before i wander off to court in downtown chicago (argh spit), any suggestions for a logo for the step stuff?
15:02.02 brlcad a logo?
15:02.20 brlcad 3d steps? :)
16:34.56 *** join/#brlcad cad507 (
16:35.10 brlcad hello cad507
16:36.14 brlcad goodbye cad507
23:28.15 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/conv/ (g2asc.1 g2asc.c): if the converter isn't going to let me do stdio redirection any more, the usage and manpage need to reflect that
23:34.04 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: removed redirection usage examples in g2asc docs. outputting the object name when the root solver fails actually didn't make the 7.2.2 release apparently due to a misunderstanding on my part so remove from list.
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050406

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050406

00:32.21 *** join/#brlcad narnia (
04:02.41 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ wording of title and name
04:08.59 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ use top_srcdir so that the package scripts can be run when building from a different dir; fix, feed it a background image
04:27.12 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
04:28.57 narnia court was 5 hours of tedium.
04:29.00 PrezKennedy shorty mooned me!!!!
04:29.04 PrezKennedy of all the inhumane things
04:29.05 PrezKennedy :-P
04:29.19 brlcad 5hours ugh
04:29.25 brlcad any positives?
04:30.07 narnia my lawyers tore a 60 page voc rehab report apart line by line. at the end everyone agreed the report sucked.
04:30.34 PrezKennedy hey brlcad... know anyone who would write about how intel processors rock with open source games?
04:30.47 PrezKennedy i got an email from an Intel person
04:31.32 brlcad hmm
04:31.38 brlcad that sounds devious :)
04:31.56 PrezKennedy heck ill write one if i get paid enough
04:31.57 PrezKennedy :)
04:32.32 brlcad ask him how deep his pockets are :)
04:32.41 narnia btw, the next trial date is may 11th.
04:33.19 PrezKennedy its a chick...
04:33.31 PrezKennedy from "Technical Marketing, Mobile Content Specialist"
04:33.36 brlcad narnia: eek
04:33.44 brlcad PrezKennedy: pockets are pockets :)
04:33.56 PrezKennedy if shes hot id fish around in em myself
04:33.57 PrezKennedy :-p
04:34.12 narnia this was supposed to be the last court hearing but issues were brought up that require yet another court date.
04:35.46 PrezKennedy Former maid: Jackson showered with boy
04:35.50 PrezKennedy thats NASTY
04:39.23 narnia michael jackson and o.j. simpson would make a cute couple.
06:44.46 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ initial stub of a dmg script with potential to actually do something useful
16:13.20 *** join/#brlcad asdasd (
18:32.48 *** join/#brlcad Li (
18:34.16 Li hi all
20:51.41 *** join/#brlcad cad187 (
20:52.03 brlcad hello cad187
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050407

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050407

04:36.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ give the script a name when restarting via sudo
04:41.50 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/
04:41.50 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: SWEET! It now has the basic components and will create a DMG on demand. It
04:41.50 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: still does not do anything with the background image yes thought it does detect
04:41.50 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: it. The script also does not run misc/macosx/openUp yet either. Still, sweet
04:41.50 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: progress.
04:48.53 brlcad and on that note, I sleep early
06:25.39 narnia okay perhaps a stupid question but how can this happen; Symbol symbol <0>; Symbol is a typedef struct. symbol is not a pointer. yet symbol has an address of 0x0.
07:19.11 *** join/#brlcad EricWilhelm (~ewilhelm@
08:10.56 narnia nevermind
16:40.55 *** join/#brlcad [Prez|Kennedy] (~Matthew@
17:07.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/ JAVA_CFLAGS must be in the CPPFLAGS when the jni.h header is searched for...
17:33.56 *** join/#brlcad fabianne (
17:34.12 *** part/#brlcad fabianne (
21:30.13 *** join/#brlcad DarkMaster (~Matthew@
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050408

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050408

01:35.11 *** join/#brlcad cad257 (
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14:22.25 brlcad i should make the "real name" the users web browser, I think
17:38.58 *** join/#brlcad nvdstruis (
17:39.23 nvdstruis Hello all
17:39.52 brlcad hello :)
17:39.58 brlcad i see you finally found a client that works?
17:40.15 nvdstruis yes, you mean an irc client ?
17:40.20 brlcad yep
17:40.33 nvdstruis I'm using firefox
17:40.39 brlcad cgi:irc can be a pain
17:40.55 nvdstruis I'm not into IRC, yet
17:41.08 brlcad you might like xchat or irssi much better if you hang around more
17:41.16 brlcad the web-based interface is rather limiting
17:41.27 brlcad but certainly useable enough (with the right browsers)
17:41.42 nvdstruis thanks again for your help
17:42.06 brlcad haven't helped you yet I think, but you're welcome ;)
17:42.40 nvdstruis yes, you helped me solve the question I posted about the linker errors
17:42.53 brlcad ahh, okay
17:43.02 brlcad thought the name looked familiar
17:43.16 nvdstruis right :) it's the same
17:43.26 brlcad sorry it took so long .. :)
17:43.42 brlcad would have taked about 4 days less in here :)
17:43.52 nvdstruis oh, actually I was very happy it worked
17:44.14 brlcad what version did you say you were using there? 7.2.2?
17:44.25 nvdstruis yes, 7.2.2
17:44.55 brlcad hrm, that's rather odd that you needed -lm -ldl -lpthread then
17:45.12 nvdstruis I haven't used anything else then the mged and raytrace stuff though
17:45.33 brlcad you have seen the tutorial manuals?
17:45.44 nvdstruis yes a little
17:45.49 brlcad k
17:46.10 nvdstruis are you a brlcad core developer?
17:46.15 brlcad might I ask what sort of application you're looking to develop?
17:46.20 brlcad yes
17:46.37 nvdstruis sure, but it will take time to explain
17:46.46 brlcad and I manage most of the open source activities to boot too
17:47.01 nvdstruis first I will explain some background
17:47.19 nvdstruis I work with TNO in the Netherlands
17:47.46 nvdstruis we are like the defense research institute
17:48.49 nvdstruis they use brlcad components at my work for building models of tanks and ships at my work
17:49.03 nvdstruis and for raytracing of course
17:49.17 nvdstruis still there ?
17:49.22 brlcad oooh, TNO :)
17:49.28 nvdstruis ok
17:49.39 brlcad yes, I fade in and out.. if I don't answer, I'm within earshot
17:49.58 nvdstruis a was asked to implement a model for heat transfer in ship compartments
17:50.06 brlcad or I'll read the log when I return.. another benefit of a non-cgi:irc irc client
17:50.15 nvdstruis ok
17:50.18 brlcad okay
17:50.23 brlcad do you know Wim?
17:50.50 nvdstruis Wim Bokkers I presume ? Yes, he's a collegue
17:51.02 brlcad yes, he's the guy
17:51.10 brlcad good to know
17:51.15 brlcad sorry for the interruptions, continue ;)
17:51.50 nvdstruis so, I needed to evaluate so called shape factors of components like walls in a compartment
17:52.12 nvdstruis they are an important parameter in radiation heat transfer
17:52.43 brlcad okay
17:53.05 brlcad we do something similar in our analysis codes
17:53.09 nvdstruis analytical relations are available to determine those shape factors for simple well defined configurations
17:53.25 nvdstruis like perpendicular rectangular surfaces
17:54.04 nvdstruis but a problem arises, because not all compartments are perfectly shaped boxes :)
17:54.19 brlcad i can imagine :)
17:55.00 brlcad slightly unsquare peg into a square hole kind of problem or more like a sphere into box problem?
17:55.01 nvdstruis I read a book on radiation heat transfer and found a so called Monte Carlo simulation to determine these shape factors
17:55.52 nvdstruis exactly, real world compartments with odd shapes
17:57.26 nvdstruis the Monte Carlo simulation says I should emit a ray from a random surface position in a random direction, a lot of times
17:57.41 brlcad Btw, before I forget yet again, did you know that you could have compiled and ran rtexample from the source distribution? it gets built along with everything else -- cd src/rt ; rm rtexample ; make rtexample
17:57.49 brlcad it just doesn't get installed
17:58.06 nvdstruis then I should evaluate I didn't kow
17:58.09 nvdstruis know
17:58.32 brlcad yes, monte carlo estimation is useful
17:58.41 brlcad it's can be very slow to converge though
17:59.12 nvdstruis yes, I hoped that with a fast library it could be acceptable
17:59.18 brlcad the photon mapping lighting model in brl-cad is a pseudo monte carlo estimation
17:59.54 nvdstruis why pseudo ? because it is somehow controlled ?
18:00.20 brlcad how different are your various shape factors? it might be easier to classify via some other known metrics
18:00.30 brlcad it is controlled/bounded
18:01.06 brlcad it doesn't continue to a tolerance, it continues to what you specify and it works in phases
18:01.38 brlcad there's first a photon propagation step that is a monte carlo distribution
18:01.52 nvdstruis I don't really know how different the shape factors are
18:01.57 brlcad then multiple gathering and computation phases
18:02.38 nvdstruis I should check that out, could save a lot of time
18:02.42 brlcad if they are very well defined shapes that are very different, you can know the shape information almost instantly using the known object types
18:03.30 brlcad but if the shapes are complex and only slightly different, you are probably better off with a MC simulation
18:03.55 nvdstruis I would like to compare those two options
18:05.09 brlcad need to know what your shape factors are first :)
18:05.41 brlcad btw, you can tell bokkers that I'm hoping to make some more progress on windows this weekend ;)
18:06.03 nvdstruis ok, he's anxious I guess
18:06.04 brlcad I feel bad that it's taken this long, but there's been very little I can do about it officially
18:06.18 brlcad i make progress on my own time when I can
18:06.45 nvdstruis I have similar time problems :)
18:07.07 nvdstruis would like to learn better programming for example
18:07.08 brlcad the political environment is very unfavorable right now for working on that, but being open source definitely has helped
18:07.18 brlcad we now have lots of groups openly working on various problems
18:07.37 nvdstruis has it worked out well, being open source?
18:07.53 brlcad it's worked out great..
18:07.54 nvdstruis because of feedback from users ?
18:08.11 brlcad there's been an explosion of feedback and interest
18:08.27 nvdstruis cool, that's how it should be
18:08.37 nvdstruis with all software
18:08.37 brlcad we're the only open source solid modeler, with a large existing userbase, with a fair bit of documentation already
18:08.57 brlcad millions of $$$ already invested, mature cross-platform software
18:09.12 brlcad now we just have to fix the dang modeler :)
18:09.24 brlcad make it less fugly
18:09.31 nvdstruis :) fugly ??
18:09.38 brlcad f'ing ugly :)
18:09.52 nvdstruis that's what I guessed :)
18:10.25 nvdstruis I have to go, diner time
18:10.33 nvdstruis I'll get back monday
18:10.37 brlcad nice talking to you, cya around
18:10.42 nvdstruis cya
18:10.52 brlcad again, if nobody answers, go ahead and idle and I'll respond
18:11.03 brlcad and into the night he flees
18:11.27 brlcad or maybe it was fleas
18:12.08 brlcad onward and outbound, to the bellybutton and beyond!
19:23.36 *** join/#brlcad [Prez|Kennedy] (~Matthew@
20:28.44 *** join/#brlcad DarkMaster (
21:22.57 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (~Matthew@
22:25.57 *** join/#brlcad cad929 (
22:26.36 cad929 Can anyone help with a BRL-CAD OS X install from CVS source?
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050409

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050409

02:48.26 *** join/#brlcad dan_falck (
05:49.42 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
17:08.18 *** join/#brlcad Axios (
17:09.30 Axios hi
17:10.05 Axios are there a fast tutorial, that describes how to install, and get a few basic things up and running?
17:10.21 Axios brlcad seems very interesting
17:17.26 brlcad hi axios
17:17.47 brlcad there are complete tutorial volumes (books)
17:17.56 brlcad available on the website,
17:18.18 brlcad other than that, I can walk you through whatever you like too
17:18.40 brlcad installation from source is pretty simple
17:19.11 brlcad for most at least :)
17:23.46 Axios brlcad: there are a compiled version at sourceforge, cant I use that?
17:23.56 brlcad depends
17:24.03 brlcad what os are you using?
17:24.21 Axios debian linux
17:24.35 Axios on a amd athlon cpu
17:24.46 brlcad the ia32 for linux should work
17:24.53 Axios ok
17:25.04 Axios i downloaded it, and decompressed it
17:25.14 brlcad okay
17:25.15 Axios is that all I have to do?
17:25.32 brlcad that made a usr directory with a brlcad7.0 inside it, yes?
17:25.44 Axios yes
17:26.04 brlcad ok now with root privileges, mv usr/brlcad7.0 /usr/.
17:28.19 Axios how do I remove it, if I want to do that?
17:28.34 Axios isnt that almost impossible, if I move the files?
17:28.40 brlcad you just delete the /usr/brlcad7.0 directory
17:29.03 Axios sure
17:29.09 brlcad no, brl-cad is completely contained to there, so deletion is as simple as "rm -rf /usr/brlcad7.0"
17:29.13 Axios misunderstood you at first
17:30.41 Axios I moved it
17:30.46 Axios how do I start it up?
17:31.04 brlcad is there a /usr/brlcad7.0/ia32 or a bunch of dirs?
17:31.30 Axios there is a /usr/brlcad
17:31.50 brlcad hmm?
17:31.52 Axios /usr/blrcad7.0/ia32 to be precise
17:31.58 brlcad okay
17:32.10 Axios witch has some dir
17:32.12 Axios s
17:32.14 brlcad so last step is to add brl-cad's bin directory to your path
17:32.26 brlcad e.g. export PATH=/usr/brlcad.7.0/ia32/bin:$PATH
17:32.48 Axios yeah
17:32.56 brlcad you can add that to your user or system .profile
17:33.11 Axios sure
17:33.16 brlcad the quick and simple test if you got it all right is to type: mged
17:33.45 brlcad brl-cad consists of several hundred programs, mged is one of the gui-based solid modelers
17:33.56 Axios bash: mged: command not found
17:34.11 brlcad you don't have the PATH set correctly
17:34.19 Axios must be something with path
17:34.25 brlcad perhaps you typed blrcad again? :)
17:34.40 brlcad bee are ell cad :)
17:34.44 Axios it works with ./mged from the bin directory
17:35.21 brlcad that's good to know
17:35.41 *** join/#brlcad [Prez|Kennedy] (~Matthew@
17:36.40 Axios it all works now
17:36.47 brlcad I'd suggest reading if you haven't already, and then for a full walk-through tutorial of mged
17:36.54 Axios the fonts are huge
17:37.00 brlcad :)
17:37.13 Axios is that normal?
17:37.36 brlcad mged's primary author didn't have the greatest eyesight -- it's configurable
17:37.42 brlcad :)
17:37.57 Axios lol
17:38.31 brlcad File -> Preferences -> Fonts
17:38.34 Axios I have been using products like autodesk inventor, and solidworks
17:38.40 Axios how does this compare?
17:38.58 brlcad fairly different markets
17:39.18 brlcad as powerful, if not more-so on the modeling capabilities, but not as user-friendly
17:39.27 Axios okay
17:39.33 Axios that doesn't bother me
17:39.34 brlcad brl-cad has a lot of embedded expert knowledge, hidden commands, etc
17:39.41 brlcad like discovering the unix command line
17:39.41 Axios okay
17:39.54 brlcad the tutorials help with that to a great extent at least for mged
17:40.09 brlcad but like I said, there are over 400 tools that comprise brl-cad
17:40.14 *** join/#brlcad DarkMaster (~Matthew@
17:40.23 Axios okay
17:40.27 brlcad there is a new modeler in development now (actually two) that will be much more "familiar" to you
17:40.41 Axios what are they?
17:40.45 brlcad so keep an eye out for them.. "archer" is the first you'll likely hear about
17:41.18 brlcad gui-based solid modeling
17:41.47 Axios are they open source?
17:42.07 brlcad Axios: for a quick mged look-see, type "make sph sph" into the command window and then type "rt -F/dev/Xl -s1024"
17:42.46 brlcad er, you'll have to open a database first too.. "opendb test.g" before those two if you haven't already
17:43.20 Axios Error: A database is not open!
17:43.28 brlcad yeah, type "opendb test.g"
17:43.58 brlcad or click on File -> New...
17:44.30 Axios nice
17:44.40 Axios where does it save the picture?
17:44.56 Axios it exits when its done
17:45.08 brlcad that rt command basically said to render it to a lingering X11 window
17:45.20 brlcad you can render to a file as well with other options
17:45.38 brlcad File -> Raytrace is the gui control panel for that same thing
17:47.05 brlcad Axios: something more interesting to look at is
17:47.23 Axios this is special
17:47.49 Axios i tried ctrl-z and the sphere starts rotating
17:47.59 brlcad yep
17:48.03 Axios the more z's the faster
17:48.13 brlcad X and Y will do the other axes :)
17:48.21 brlcad hit 0 to stop it
17:48.33 brlcad 3 for a standard view
17:48.59 brlcad t for top, l for left, r for right, f for front
17:49.18 Axios okay
17:49.37 Axios is it possible render it and take a spin around it?
17:49.40 brlcad the rotation control actually hooks into old SGI knob devices that were used in modeling "back in the early 80's"
17:49.55 brlcad it is possible, but not trivial to set up
17:50.06 brlcad the animation capabilities are very mathematical
17:50.18 Axios brlcad has a lot of history
17:50.52 brlcad to give you an idea of the animation, there's a paper on the website:
17:51.10 brlcad yes, it does .. longer than most
17:51.26 Axios brlcad: how long have you been using it?
17:51.32 brlcad one of the fastest solid model raytracers too (read, non-surface only)
17:52.11 brlcad oh, lesse -- not as long as some of the other guys
17:52.41 brlcad 7 or 8 years maybe 
17:52.50 Axios okay
17:52.58 brlcad started out modeling, then developing
17:53.03 Axios I just found it on freshmeat today
17:53.08 brlcad i'm by no means one of the expert modelers of it though
17:53.15 Axios okay
17:53.16 brlcad they are just amazing how they can use it
17:53.27 brlcad the geometry just flows from their fingers
17:53.31 Axios hehe
17:53.51 Axios im a student at a university in Denmark
17:53.54 brlcad it's a different style of modeling, being a csg-centric modeler
17:53.59 brlcad ahh, okay
17:54.11 Axios at the university, the use solidworks, but I hate using the mouse all of the time
17:54.24 brlcad hehe, well then!
17:54.34 Axios you cant work with that program for hours, you would brake your hand
17:54.45 brlcad brl-cad is definitely probably up your alley ;)
17:54.49 Axios or rather wrist
17:55.10 brlcad i understand :)
17:55.39 Axios its just a little hard to understand what brlcad can and cannot do
17:55.50 brlcad i learned out to drive a mouse with my left hand to deal with my pain (i'm not left handed)
17:56.07 Axios what is your proffesion?
17:56.28 brlcad Axios: well, in broad strokes it's easy to describe what brl-cad is well and ill suited for
17:56.37 Axios I use a trackball, so its not all that bad, but the accurasy isnt good for those programs
17:56.57 brlcad i'm a software developer .. official title is a bit winded
17:57.15 brlcad a head up brl-cad's open source developments
17:57.25 brlcad i use a trackball with my left hand ;)
17:57.33 Axios do the make those?
17:57.42 brlcad sure
17:57.46 brlcad take the trackball
17:57.53 brlcad put it under your left hand
17:57.55 brlcad :)
17:58.05 Axios oh no, you cant be serius
17:58.16 brlcad what kind of trackball do you have?
17:58.20 Axios you control it with your litle finger?
17:58.30 Axios a logitech trackman
17:58.45 brlcad ahh, a trackman
17:58.59 brlcad those don't work so well
17:59.26 brlcad the logitec marble mouse should work fine
17:59.27 Axios you use one of those with the ball in the middle?
17:59.32 brlcad but my preference
18:00.08 brlcad
18:00.26 brlcad the expert mouse pro is great for cad (and gaming)
18:00.44 brlcad 11 configurable buttons
18:00.55 brlcad works left/right handed
18:01.02 Axios I see
18:01.14 brlcad and you can take that ball out and throw it at your friends
18:01.15 Axios no unix support?
18:01.25 brlcad sure is
18:01.42 brlcad that's one of the oldest most popular trackballs
18:02.05 brlcad the cheaper suitable alternative:
18:02.14 Axios okay, I thought logitech was the only company that made trackballs
18:03.40 Axios do you rotate the ball with you palm
18:03.44 Axios ?
18:04.05 brlcad no, it sits in your fingers
18:04.21 brlcad slightly on the top of the palm
18:04.47 Axios must try one of thoose some day
18:04.47 brlcad so you have subtle side to side hand jestures for moving the ball
18:04.58 brlcad liek if you sweep a desk with your fingers
18:05.13 Axios I see
18:05.35 Axios that gave a nice picture
18:06.05 brlcad the ball's the same size and similar weight as a pool ball too, so you can drop an 8 ball in there for nice effect :)
18:06.23 Axios does it work?
18:06.29 brlcad sure
18:06.29 Axios with an 8 ball?
18:06.32 Axios nice
18:07.10 Axios are there a site, where I can see some pictures and/or animations done with brlcad?
18:08.01 Axios the ones on are small, and not at all as interesting as the tanks in the pdf files ;)
18:08.06 brlcad there's a couple here
18:08.55 brlcad i've got a more to uplaod at some point too
18:09.05 Axios I like the old one, in the middle
18:09.12 Axios okay
18:09.26 Axios oh, its the author right+
18:09.27 Axios ?
18:09.30 Axios or one of them
18:09.45 brlcad that's the original author -- mike muuss back in the 80's
18:10.00 Axios oaky
18:10.47 brlcad a better screenshot:
18:11.12 Axios it could be reel cool, if there were some pictures of something extreme
18:11.26 Axios so that you could get an ideo of the limits of the program
18:11.28 brlcad there are lots of those
18:11.37 brlcad most of them are classified or sensitive :)
18:11.52 Axios the one you just linked to seems pretty basic
18:12.04 brlcad they are
18:12.14 Axios does the army still use brlcad, or are they switching?
18:13.18 brlcad it's still very much used
18:13.25 Axios okay
18:13.37 Axios well, thanks a lot for the help
18:13.41 brlcad here's an example model that was rendered in a different light pass:
18:14.03 Axios nice!!
18:14.10 brlcad by different light pass, I mean not through rt
18:14.52 Axios I have to learn brlcad now
18:15.09 Axios before I was more sceptical(or how its spelled)
18:15.28 Axios sorry, wrong channel
18:15.31 brlcad :)
18:15.48 Axios thats an example of danish
18:15.55 brlcad i figured :)
18:16.26 Axios i just posted the pictures to some friends, and said I had to learn brlcad now
18:16.53 Axios thanks again for the help
18:17.10 brlcad another example:
18:17.20 Axios how much time would you gees, that they spend on that humvee?
18:17.40 brlcad not as good a render
18:17.49 brlcad but more detail
18:18.17 brlcad oh, I couldn't say how long it took to make it
18:18.28 Axios oh, its for bzflag
18:18.36 brlcad it's not
18:18.43 brlcad i just happen to be a bz dev too
18:18.50 Axios hehe
18:18.51 brlcad and I own that domain name
18:19.04 Axios wheres .bz?
18:19.25 brlcad Belize :)
18:19.36 brlcad ~bz
18:19.37 ibot bz is probably Belize
18:19.53 Axios youre from there, or just own the domain?
18:19.58 brlcad just own the domain
18:20.12 brlcad it's conveniently the same suffix
18:20.28 Axios yeah
18:20.29 brlcad ~da
18:20.32 Axios nice touch
18:20.36 brlcad ~.da
18:20.43 Axios .dk
18:20.48 brlcad ~dk
18:20.50 ibot methinks dk is Denmark
18:21.20 Axios I think you have to be a danish citisen to buy .dk's
18:23.29 Axios brlcad: if you had to gues on how long i takes to make a humvee like that, what would it be?
18:24.42 brlcad it's really dependant upon the modelers skills.. in one of the expert modelers hands probably a week or two
18:24.57 brlcad the missing detail is that all of the insides are there too
18:25.05 brlcad the engine, the cables, the seats, etc
18:26.32 Axios how about just the outside shell?
18:27.01 brlcad oh something that simple?
18:27.05 Axios jep
18:27.09 Axios yeah
18:27.12 brlcad in a couple days maybe
18:27.28 Axios 14 hours of work?
18:27.30 brlcad getting the information simply input takes time
18:27.42 brlcad it's possible
18:28.52 Axios is brlcad faster than using inventor or solidworks if you are experienced?
18:28.59 Axios equally experienced
18:29.30 Axios I must say, im very impressed with brlcad
18:30.18 brlcad oh, i'm sure if you're equally experienced in those tools and you had the information, you could model in about the same amount of time
18:30.29 brlcad especially for a surface model only
18:30.42 brlcad which a brl-cad model rarely ever is
18:31.42 brlcad the bigger benefit we can also tout is being able to perform signature (i.e. full penetration) analyses on models in general
18:31.56 Axios okay
18:31.59 brlcad like tell what kinds of geometry are on a given path, and answer that question very quickly
18:32.42 Axios in solidworks you can get it to tell you the mass, and momentums and such
18:32.51 Axios can you do the same with brlcad?
18:33.31 brlcad yes, you can -- though not through mged
18:33.46 brlcad rtweight and nirt are good for that
18:35.44 Axios its nice that its open source
18:35.59 Axios so if you really needed something extra, you could make it
18:37.09 brlcad yep
18:37.12 brlcad that's the idea
18:37.19 brlcad we're the only open source solid modeler
18:37.32 Axios is the whole of brlcad open source, or are there still a large portion that is closed?
18:37.33 brlcad with millions already invested and an existing user-base
18:37.46 brlcad all of brl-cad was open sourced
18:37.55 Axios its amazing
18:38.19 Axios I thought that there werent any god open source cad tools at all
18:38.20 brlcad there are components that were under development that weren't "brought under the umbrella" of brl-cad just yet
18:38.32 brlcad those should eventually get merged in, though (like archer)
18:39.01 brlcad well, you might not think it's as good as you hope after you're on page 300 of the tutorial :)
18:39.32 Axios because theres so much to learn?
18:39.48 Axios and yeah, you have to read endless materials
18:42.11 Axios but when youre done with it all, you can do more than you ever could with one of the other cads?
18:42.30 brlcad there's a lot to learn
18:42.38 brlcad a lot of commands and tools
18:43.04 brlcad it's geared towards analysis needs specifically too, with very little investment in making a pretty shiny user interface
18:43.09 Axios I like using commands, they are totally precise, I hate that dragging and dropping
18:43.23 Axios I can see
18:43.48 brlcad in fact, mged's origins actually had no gui
18:43.59 Axios but like everything else, beauty is only skin deep
18:44.43 Axios well, I have a lot of reading to do
18:45.11 Axios and thanks again
18:45.35 Axios oh one last question
18:45.42 Axios why did they open source it?
18:46.29 brlcad they are
18:46.36 brlcad i fought for 5 years to get it open sourced
18:46.41 brlcad it was not easy at all
18:47.22 Axios do you work in the military?
18:47.59 brlcad e-mail after e-mail to the lawyers, to various levels of management, others
18:48.05 brlcad meetings after meetings :)
18:48.30 Axios i love the open source revolution
18:48.34 brlcad I can't really say that here, if you visit MD I'd be happy to answer in person :)
18:49.01 Axios I think i get the point
18:50.03 brlcad it was open sourced for lots of reasons
18:50.53 brlcad the administrative overhead of the closed-source license agreement that brl-cad had before was rather burdensome
18:51.18 brlcad you've actually been able to get brl-cad (including source code) since it was first released
18:52.03 brlcad you would have to get a form, fill it out, mail/fax it back.. wait for an approval process, wait for a decryption key to get mailed back to you, download or get sent the software, decrypt it, install it
18:52.12 Axios so a lot of not military people have used brlcad?
18:52.21 brlcad it was a pain in the rear for users that just want something to download
18:52.31 brlcad yeah, a lot of universities and businesses
18:52.32 Axios yeag
18:52.42 Axios i never heard about it
18:53.00 Axios is it good for collision simulations and such?
18:53.22 brlcad it's used in codes that do that
18:53.23 Axios were you able to use brlcad for buisness, before it got open sourced?
18:53.39 brlcad sure
18:54.24 Axios well im off
18:54.33 brlcad it was basically similar terms as the LGPL license _except_ that you were prohibited form redistributing brl-cad (i.e. you had to come to us to get it, fill out the form, etc)
18:54.46 Axios okay
18:54.58 Axios so there wasnt not much difference
18:55.02 brlcad so going open source was just an easy simplification in a way
18:55.11 Axios yeah
18:55.17 brlcad it's a huge difference to development
18:55.21 Axios are there other projects like this?
18:55.23 Axios yeah
18:55.29 brlcad but mainly because it's so mcuh easier to collaborate now
18:55.31 Axios you are a lot more free
18:55.36 brlcad for new developers to get directly involved
18:55.44 brlcad for new features to get added
18:55.49 Axios so brlcad is gonna change a lot?
18:56.10 brlcad oh, we'll see what happens :)
18:56.19 brlcad there are core values that are protected by the core devs
18:56.30 Axios its hard to build something like a cad system that is open source from scratch
18:56.33 brlcad but there are also long-term improvement goals
18:56.38 brlcad it is
18:56.45 brlcad people don't realize that at all
18:56.56 Axios almost impossible
18:57.01 brlcad the reason unigraphics and pro/E and solid works can charge so much
18:57.07 brlcad they've invested millions
18:57.12 Axios yeah
18:57.20 Axios on physics and matematics
18:57.25 Axios programmers
18:57.31 brlcad if you think about even the time in brl-cad .. 20 years with a team of 5-10 directly/specifically working on brl-cad
18:57.31 Axios none of thoose are cheap to hire
18:57.46 brlcad do the math on their salaries alone and you start seeing the $$$
18:57.53 Axios yeah
18:58.24 brlcad yes, and the math and computer science skills needed.. not an everyday hacker
18:58.28 Axios most big open source projects start of with something thats already semi done
18:58.50 Axios and then it just get polished and beautiful
18:59.05 Axios all the errors get out of the code, with time
18:59.15 brlcad beatiful is in the eye of the (sometimes twisted) beholder, but yes, I agree ;)
18:59.25 Axios lol
19:00.02 brlcad it's a slow continual improvement usually
19:00.34 Axios you probadly would be cut of, of all your social relations, if you talk about beaty and computers
19:00.34 brlcad not as fast as funded, but it's continual -- like the tortoise vs. rabbit parable
19:00.47 brlcad :)
19:01.02 Axios tortoise vs. rabbit
19:01.14 brlcad well if you run into anything ugly in brl-cad, feel free to drop me a line or post it up on the website
19:01.30 brlcad you can make feature requests and post bugs up on
19:01.42 Axios im not good at programming
19:01.43 Axios yet
19:01.46 brlcad
19:02.06 brlcad there's plenty to do that does not involve programming :)
19:02.30 brlcad heck even if you just learn how to model and make suggestions for improvement, that's very useful ;)
19:03.06 Axios okay, I will certainly learn to model
19:03.26 Axios if not I get a headecke whilst reading the manual
19:03.32 brlcad :)
19:03.56 brlcad you might want to just jump to the glossaries and command indices at the end from time to time and just poke around
19:04.09 Axios yeah
19:04.11 brlcad take a look at that havoc.g if you want a more "full" model
19:04.23 Axios it will take months to learn this system
19:04.32 brlcad it's a helicopter model that's decent enough to play with
19:04.34 Axios how do i that?
19:04.42 Axios can i just load it?
19:05.03 brlcad yes, File -> Open
19:05.12 brlcad e havoc
19:05.38 brlcad tops <-- gives a list of top level geometry
19:05.52 brlcad e [object] <-- displays some geometry
19:06.12 brlcad l [object] <-- lists what that geometry is or is comprised of
19:06.20 brlcad Z <-- erases the display
19:06.38 brlcad who <-- tells you what objects you're looking at
19:08.08 Axios i cant find the file..
19:08.08 brlcad there's a glossary of most of the commands at the end of the mged tutorial book
19:08.13 Axios havoc.g
19:08.16 brlcad
19:09.03 brlcad you can get all of the geometry files that are in cvs if you like
19:09.19 brlcad cvs -d login
19:09.23 brlcad [no password]
19:09.29 brlcad cvs -d checkout brlcad/db
19:11.32 brlcad of course you'd have to apt-get cvs if you hadn't already
19:13.20 brlcad the thing about the graphical window that you'll probably find out early in the tutorial is the "shift-grips" .. pressing shift, alt, etc while click-draggin can do the scaling, translations, zoomings that you're probably used to
19:13.50 brlcad there are command equivalents to all of them as well, of course ;) (top, front, left, zoom 1.4, etc)
19:15.14 Axios okay
19:15.57 Axios the window gets messy, if you raytrace in it
19:16.50 *** join/#brlcad [Prez|Kennedy] (
19:17.47 Axios it seems very powerfull
19:18.33 brlcad you used the raytrace control panel?
19:18.51 Axios just pressed file > raytrace
19:19.16 brlcad yes, look on that panel window's menu
19:19.36 brlcad Framebuffer -> Overlay
19:19.52 brlcad that will display the image underneath or on top of the wireframe
19:21.08 Axios can i get back to a black background?
19:21.29 brlcad there's an fbclear button on that control panel
19:22.11 Axios but it doesnt restore to the display I had, before I raytraced it
19:22.41 brlcad did you change the underlay/overlay?
19:22.47 Axios yes
19:23.10 Axios afterwards i did the fbclear
19:23.11 brlcad so you have to put it back under and/or turn the framebuffer off
19:23.15 Axios and the screen is blue
19:23.50 brlcad that's the color setting on the control panel
19:23.50 brlcad 0 0 50
19:23.55 Axios now i get it
19:24.12 brlcad Framebuffer -> Active will turn it on/off
19:24.13 Axios does alt + click do anything?
19:24.16 Axios yeah
19:24.21 Axios i can see
19:24.45 brlcad "framebuffer" is the thing you render into when you raytrace
19:24.53 brlcad it's completely separate from the wireframe
19:25.48 Axios yeah
19:26.24 Axios is it possible to make it solid and rotate it, instead of just the wireframe?
19:26.54 brlcad it is, though doing that with the full blown havoc is not recommended
19:27.28 Axios isnt opengl enabled?
19:28.05 brlcad it is, but the conversion from solid geometry to opengl triangles takes a few seconds
19:28.13 brlcad is your computer "fast"? :)
19:28.14 Axios its fun that games and such get so high performance, while other program doesnt get anything near that
19:28.26 Axios xp 3000+ with an nvidia gfx
19:28.30 Axios so okay fast
19:28.41 Axios but not a super computer
19:28.46 brlcad should be.. can give it a try
19:28.55 brlcad try something simple first:
19:29.25 brlcad first go to Misc menu
19:29.36 brlcad turn off Z-clipping, turn on Lighting
19:30.29 Axios on the havoc?
19:30.39 brlcad doesn't matter
19:31.29 Axios <PROTECTED>
19:32.01 brlcad there's more.. hold on
19:32.11 brlcad Z
19:32.17 brlcad make sph sph
19:33.30 brlcad shaded_mode 2
19:34.28 brlcad my bad, turn z-clipping back on
19:34.40 brlcad B sph
19:34.57 brlcad it should show up shaded
19:35.17 Axios nice
19:35.24 Axios looks like a golfball
19:35.37 brlcad okay, now B havoc
19:35.46 brlcad should take a few seconds
19:36.22 brlcad btw, the new modeler does this all by default so there's no delays etc
19:36.27 brlcad more like a game ;)
19:36.32 Axios ;)
19:36.40 Axios with opengl support?
19:37.00 brlcad opengl is presently required
19:37.07 brlcad at least software mode
19:37.24 brlcad which is pretty much anything made within the last 10 years
19:37.46 brlcad havoc still churning?
19:37.46 Axios it takes some time
19:37.49 Axios jep
19:37.54 brlcad heh
19:37.58 Axios but it isnt takin up cpu...
19:38.44 Axios mged seems a bit frozen
19:39.06 brlcad hmmm
19:39.08 Axios a lot actually
19:39.43 brlcad that's odd for sure
19:39.54 Axios i think its broken
19:40.04 brlcad could very well be
19:40.10 brlcad killall mged ..
19:40.28 brlcad i'll have to take a look at that
19:40.40 Axios did it do the same with yours?
19:40.44 brlcad shaded_mode is still experimental with mged
19:41.02 brlcad yes it did
19:41.07 Axios oh
19:41.13 Axios i love linux
19:41.25 brlcad though it just worked fine the other day on my g5
19:41.29 Axios it doesnt freeze it the apps freeze
19:41.33 Axios nice
19:41.40 Axios it runs on ppc?
19:42.20 brlcad brl-cad runs on just about anything
19:42.20 Axios will it run okay on my 1,2 ghz g4 ibook?
19:42.20 brlcad it was designed to scale up to as big as they come (2048 processor origin 3000 anyone?)
19:42.32 brlcad and it's history takes it back to very small machines that predate tcp/ip
19:42.45 brlcad yes, it'll run on your ibook ;)
19:42.50 Axios nice
19:43.13 Axios it can run on any platform?
19:43.25 brlcad presently mged's an X11 app, though -- I'm hoping to decouple it with aqua tk shortly
19:43.42 brlcad pretty much any platform.. the only problematic one is Windows
19:43.47 Axios is there a windows port?
19:43.58 brlcad it does actually run on windows, but only a developer release has been made to date
19:44.06 Axios okay
19:44.15 Axios not that i wanted to use that
19:44.44 brlcad there's been quite a demand for the Windows port for some time .. it's slowly coming along
19:44.50 Axios its impossible to find cad for macs
19:45.00 Axios oh
19:45.09 brlcad there's a good architecture cad program on os x
19:45.19 brlcad but yeah, beyhond that there's not
19:45.19 Axios okay
19:45.35 brlcad that'll soon be remedied ;)
19:45.41 Axios but im more into mechanical engineering
19:45.46 Axios ;)
19:46.21 brlcad it has to be an aqua or at least X11-less app on OS X for anyone to really take it seriously
19:46.28 brlcad for that platform, that is
19:46.41 Axios i saw someone using it on a mac
19:46.49 Axios with x11
19:46.51 brlcad yes, I primarily use it on a mac myself :)
19:46.51 Axios though
19:46.59 Axios you use mac osx?
19:47.08 brlcad but of course :)
19:47.33 Axios i bought an ibook 12" for about four weeks ago
19:47.37 brlcad as well as linux, bsd, and irix
19:47.45 brlcad but os x is my primary platform
19:47.50 Axios i wanted to use debian-ppc on it
19:47.57 Axios but im not sure anymore
19:48.01 brlcad ahh
19:48.11 brlcad me and debby have a hate-hate relationship
19:48.16 Axios i hate to say it, but that osx isnt that baad
19:48.35 Axios what linux do you then use?
19:48.56 brlcad debian gave more porting issues than any other linux mostly due to a busted gnu build system setup in debian stable
19:49.33 brlcad I prefer to use gentoo, often have to use red hat, I have debian of late as well
19:49.34 Axios im using debian - testing
19:49.52 Axios oh, i meant unstable
19:49.57 brlcad i believe testing has the same misconfiguration
19:49.58 Axios debian - unstable
19:50.36 brlcad doesn't matter any more -- the build system was changed to accommodate it
19:50.44 brlcad but that's a couple days of my life I'm not getting back :)
19:51.28 brlcad debian gives similar grief from time to time for bzflag development, so I'm a bit biased
19:51.40 brlcad and it's only from a dev's perspective
19:52.05 brlcad it's fine for a user, the features and apps are fine, the apt package management is nice
19:52.54 Axios very nice
19:53.11 Axios im thinking about trying ubuntu
19:53.32 brlcad haven't tried that one
19:53.34 Axios the unstable branch is a bit unstable at times, and testing is to old
19:53.45 brlcad I'm _really_ interested in trying out Zeta
19:53.53 Axios havent heard about that one
19:54.22 brlcad it's basically rumored to be what's left of BeOS
19:54.56 Axios okay
19:55.15 brlcad rumor has been that a german company (yellowtab) were granted the rights to the unreleased BeOS 5,1 before Be was sold to Palm
19:55.29 brlcad and they're starting to ship 1.0 this month
19:55.41 brlcad
19:55.48 brlcad not open source, mind you
19:56.08 Axios oh
19:56.11 brlcad but I was a big fan of the raw features and performance of BeOS back when they were a choice
19:56.13 Axios think ill skip it then
19:56.24 brlcad heh :)
19:57.14 brlcad there are things that BeOS could do on my old Pentium that I can barely do on my best Linux and Mac workstations
19:57.25 Axios wow
19:57.38 Axios i though beos was ppc, with their bebox
19:57.54 brlcad that was one of their first products
19:58.04 brlcad they expanded shortly after that
19:58.27 brlcad bebox was eventually killed, and they started giving away all but their pro version of the operating system
19:58.56 Axios k
20:00.42 Axios hope they go broke and open source it then
20:01.29 brlcad BeOS was bankrupt by M$ years ago
20:01.38 brlcad Palm bought up Be's remaining assest
20:02.08 brlcad Be later sued MS and settled for over 23 million
20:02.30 brlcad yellowtab is what remains
20:02.52 brlcad they can't open source it, because of the code's origins
20:03.31 brlcad there are proprietary codes that are part of the core OS that make that a practical impossibility without someone getting sued or going to jail
20:03.50 Axios thats the nasty software world
20:03.53 brlcad part of why BeOS performed so well was those special codes
20:04.02 brlcad yep
20:04.24 Axios they are probadly gonna allow software patents in europe
20:04.26 brlcad there are like a dozen forked open source projects in BeOS's name/style
20:04.39 brlcad OpenBeOS, for example
20:05.02 Axios and you can brake one of those, by contributing to open source, with out even knowing it
20:05.16 Axios okay
20:05.45 Axios so you could become a criminal without even knowing it
20:05.56 Axios heh, just by using double clicks in your program
20:06.33 brlcad heh
20:07.09 brlcad there's a place for both of them, but I sure am glad to see open source win out most of the time
20:07.49 Axios patents are the worst
20:08.02 Axios copyright is alright
20:08.12 brlcad copyright is a pita
20:08.21 brlcad that was our biggest hurdle to going open source
20:08.35 brlcad that issue alone took over a year to resolve
20:08.54 Axios what does pita mean?
20:08.57 brlcad well, maybe not the "biggest" .. but it was close
20:09.00 brlcad ~pita
20:09.01 ibot pita is probably pain in the ass
20:09.11 Axios yeah
20:10.32 brlcad it's even more complicated when you start considering international multi-author projects and codes developed by governments
20:10.59 brlcad in the US, the Gov't is the single largest "entity", pretty much the single largest business
20:11.17 brlcad yet the laws are very complicated with respect to copyright
20:11.47 brlcad since there are no "copy rights" by default for Gov't-generated works to tax payers of that Gov't
20:12.17 brlcad there are internationally where recognized, and there are through assignment
20:12.28 Axios its the same in denmark
20:12.56 Axios the goverment in denmark is a lot larger in ratio to citisents than the us
20:13.07 brlcad all very boring that basically boils down to being a major pita when you want to open source Gov't software (where it could be encouraged in the first place)
20:13.07 Axios we are socialliberal in denmark
20:13.12 Axios about half/half
20:13.40 Axios i think open source is going to be a problem for the us
20:13.44 Axios US
20:14.46 Axios software is the biggest export fra USA, right?
20:15.03 brlcad BRL-CAD isn't the first per-se, but I can probably count on one hand how many there have been from the army
20:15.10 Axios fra = from
20:16.38 Axios but if the public pay for you to produce the software, in some sence, it have to be in a public license
20:17.13 brlcad another big one is GRASS GIS from the core of engineers, they got around the copyright problem by just public domaining it and then schools picked it up in italy/germany that later converted it to open source
20:17.28 brlcad sure, but only to the public that pays
20:17.42 brlcad which is why that is tricky for international projects
20:17.46 Axios yeah, i know what you mean
20:17.53 Axios the internet works globally
20:17.54 brlcad that's what brl-cad was .. anyone could get it, could get the source -- for free
20:18.11 brlcad that doesn't make it "open source" in the OSI definition terms though
20:18.39 brlcad and it was copyright in all countries except the U.S.
20:18.49 Axios oh
20:19.22 brlcad we were only able to open source it the way we did because we were able to acquire the copyright in the US as well
20:19.51 brlcad that's in-part a weakness of the GNU licenses
20:20.01 brlcad they are all based on copyright law
20:20.20 brlcad if you cannot claim copyright, you cannot enforce the license terms
20:20.41 brlcad they need to make licenses that are based on contract law (they can even be the same terms)
20:22.43 Axios does the army take patents on some of its software?
20:23.23 brlcad just like any other corporate entity they "can"
20:23.43 brlcad any gov't office can
20:23.57 brlcad there's just limited benefit to do so
20:24.14 brlcad since the government doesn't make money that way
20:24.50 Axios i have been in the US once
20:24.55 brlcad same for trademarks
20:25.15 brlcad though trademarks are useful to protect name ownership
20:25.37 brlcad like I said, I had to fight it for 5 years :)
20:25.46 Axios i believe
20:25.47 Axios you
20:26.25 brlcad i had to understand the gpl, copyright law, contract law, international implications inside out or it wouldn't have happened
20:27.06 brlcad up to early last year, the answer was "it's impossible -- that could never happen."
20:27.13 brlcad "BRL-CAD cannot be open sourced"
20:27.17 brlcad and here we are
20:28.14 Axios lol
20:28.18 Axios nicely done
20:29.22 brlcad can't take all of the credit, I had to get a lot of guy-in support from various levels of managemnet
20:29.40 brlcad and the rest of the dev team itself (which was the easiest of all, of course)
20:30.14 Axios Columbo is comming on
20:30.19 brlcad well, time to let my dog outside
20:30.42 Axios so now im gonna go off
20:30.45 Axios ;)
20:30.48 brlcad feel free to idle in here, or come back later, or whatever anywtime
20:31.09 Axios okay
20:31.21 brlcad i read the channel log if I'm not around too, so you can drop questions and private message me an e-mail if you want an answer and you don't idle
20:50.03 Axios this episode of columbo is as old as brlcad ;)
20:50.16 Axios or older, its from 78
21:11.09 brlcad that'd be older :)
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050410

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050410

00:07.31 *** join/#brlcad narnia (
00:19.01 dan_falck narnia: hi terry. how was your week?
01:30.15 *** join/#brlcad goliche (~~@
01:30.42 *** part/#brlcad goliche (~~@
01:50.09 narnia dan_falck, you still here?
01:50.43 narnia dan_falck, knock, knock, you home?
01:53.26 brlcad who's there
01:57.05 dan_falck narnia: hello
01:57.12 dan_falck brlcad: hello
01:57.58 dan_falck I'm taking my family out for dinner... talk to you guys later on
01:57.59 brlcad howdy
01:58.05 brlcad cya
02:09.00 narnia brlcad, so how has your weekend been so far?
02:09.36 brlcad unproductive unfortunately, but good
02:10.11 brlcad played Diablo 2 for 6 hours on Friday, that's been the highlight so far along with some Mac binary release progress
02:10.15 narnia well i took a break from debugging express2html and began cutting down a box elder tree.
02:11.03 narnia in between cutting the tree down i have been attempting to get the tractor started.
02:12.28 narnia i think either the ignition switch or the starter motor solenoid is bad. if i jumper around the solenoid the engine turns over.
02:13.17 narnia need the tractor to pull the wagon to haul the limbs to the burn pile. funny how that works. ;-)
02:13.54 brlcad :)
02:14.20 brlcad so splitting wood for sale? for winter? just to clean up the tree?
02:14.24 narnia cutting a tree down with one good arm sucks btw.
02:14.52 brlcad of just burning it all up
02:16.39 narnia old box elder tree. probably fifty years old. big trunk. 10 ft tall. in august when the northern illinois steam power show is held we have a steam powered sawmill. i will take the trunk there to be sawn into boards.
02:17.01 narnia the larger limbs are firewood for the fireplace.
02:17.53 narnia the small stuff is for the burn pile. actually thinking of burning them where the garden will be planted. the old slash and burn method of gardening.
02:19.23 narnia the upper part of the tree was hit by lightning so the tree is dying.
02:20.33 narnia an upper 10 in diameter limb is blown part in the middle. it is sagging down on other limbs.
02:21.52 narnia btw, no i am not using an axe. i am using an electric reciprocating saw. with a 18in saw blade.
02:22.47 narnia using a chain saw one-handed is not recommended. ;-)
02:26.14 narnia last year i lost a 75 yr old maple tree in a storm. i have enough finished maple boards to build new kitchen cabinets, a pantry, and a maple hardwood floor. i gave half of the maple to the kingston saw mill for sawing the tree up.
02:27.10 narnia that maple tree was heavy. had to get a crane to pick it up and put it on the flat bed trailer.
02:27.58 narnia the useable trunk sections totaled close to 5 tons.
02:28.32 brlcad good use of an old dying tree
02:30.04 narnia i cried when i saw the maple tree up rooted. it was a large beautiful shade tree.
02:30.55 narnia i did not cut that one up. i let the saw mill guys with their two man chain saws cut it up.
02:32.32 narnia the steam saw mill has a 3ft diameter circular saw blade. will saw through the toughest oak with ease.
02:34.36 narnia have to slow the carriage down a bit but oak is no problem.
02:35.12 brlcad i can imagine
02:37.36 narnia The Northern Illinois Steam Power Club
02:38.40 narnia
02:39.20 narnia here is our pride and joy.
02:40.15 narnia the flywheel is huge. Flywheel: 8 Tons
02:40.27 brlcad cool
02:40.39 brlcad mine is about 3 pounds ;)
02:41.00 brlcad not the flywheel, either.. ;)
02:48.40 narnia i have wanted to build a small steam engine but never have gotten around to it.
02:51.37 narnia you have a steam power show out by you.
02:52.03 narnia Eastern Shore Threshermen & Collectors Association, Inc.
02:52.13 narnia Federalsburg, Maryland, USA
03:27.57 narnia that is a good show when i lived in laurel maryland.
04:54.49 [Prez|Kennedy] talk Twingy... talk!!
04:59.26 Twingy why
04:59.32 Twingy I'm tired.
05:00.11 [Prez|Kennedy] im watching mystery science theater
05:00.12 [Prez|Kennedy] :)
05:00.25 Twingy static test firing at 8am, tearing down neighbors shed, tearing down fence, planting grass, running to home depot, pouring gravel, shoveling dirt, running 2 miles, on 3 hours of sleep, makes you kinda tired
05:00.41 Twingy here's a pic
05:00.50 Twingy
05:00.50 [Prez|Kennedy] ok
05:00.55 Twingy thursday mornings static test
05:01.13 [Prez|Kennedy] cool
05:01.24 Twingy ~150lbs of thrust
05:02.01 [Prez|Kennedy] how long did it last?
05:02.15 Twingy the burn on thursday mornings test lasted 1.1 seconds
05:02.28 Twingy this mornings test lasted 0.6 seconds with the ignition on the bulk head end this time
05:02.34 Twingy the thrust output was ~200lbs I think
05:02.40 Twingy it's an "I" class motor
05:02.54 Twingy which is 320 - 640 newton seconds of specific impulse
05:02.58 Twingy mine is about 550 N-s
05:03.16 [Prez|Kennedy] would you call it a successful test?
05:03.21 Twingy
05:03.23 Twingy yes, entirely
05:03.26 Twingy I have a video
05:03.39 Twingy once I finish the log entry for the 2 tests I'll give you the link
05:03.45 Twingy probly sometime later this week
05:03.50 [Prez|Kennedy] ok
05:03.52 Twingy I've got a mountain of data to churn
05:03.56 [Prez|Kennedy] haha
05:04.21 Twingy this motor is significantly more powerful than the one stephen went out with me for
05:04.37 Twingy I ignite it via my r/c plane controller
05:04.44 Twingy using a servo and a receiver
05:04.50 Twingy that way I can ignite it from 400 feet back
05:05.04 [Prez|Kennedy] you dont wanna get toasted if somethin goes wrong afterall
05:05.25 Twingy yep
05:05.29 Twingy I triple checked the math
05:05.31 Twingy before I tested the motor
05:05.36 Twingy and everything checked out
05:05.42 Twingy and so far both static test firings are 100% successful
05:05.50 Twingy this is a powerful motor
05:06.00 Twingy should put my rocket about 2,500 feet up
05:06.17 Twingy in about 1 second
05:06.29 Twingy I'd guess it'll be traveling around 500 mph
05:07.29 Twingy my next motor should excede mach-1
05:07.35 Twingy *exceed
05:07.42 [Prez|Kennedy] cool
05:07.47 [Prez|Kennedy] will it make a sonic boom or anything?
05:08.07 Twingy no, but you'll hear a distinct difference in the sound
05:08.22 Twingy more of a warble sound
05:08.26 Twingy instead of a woosh sound
05:08.35 [Prez|Kennedy] itll make a wiish sound
05:08.48 Twingy more like a choppy warble / woosh sound
05:08.55 Twingy it's choppy
05:09.07 Twingy
05:09.11 Twingy look at some of those rocket videos
05:09.14 Twingy from "Mach Maddness"
05:09.20 Twingy and then some that aren't mach
05:09.24 [Prez|Kennedy] ok
05:09.25 Twingy you'll hear the difference
05:09.37 Twingy I'm off to bed
05:09.43 Twingy going to NJ tommorrow morning
05:09.43 [Prez|Kennedy] g'night!
05:09.59 [Prez|Kennedy] ive been there... went to Newark
05:10.38 Twingy I've been there too
05:10.46 Twingy 1982 - 2002 :)
05:10.48 [Prez|Kennedy] at 3 AM?
05:10.51 [Prez|Kennedy] oh
05:10.52 [Prez|Kennedy] :-p
05:10.52 Twingy yes, 3am :)
05:11.12 Twingy later
05:11.15 [Prez|Kennedy] adios!
05:42.33 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (~Matthew@
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06:07.24 *** join/#brlcad learner1 (
15:56.04 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ improvement that allows the script to work with NFS mounted home directories, defaulting to try making the package in /tmp. if an existing package exists, they are warned now and asked if they want to delete it.
19:15.40 *** join/#brlcad cad273 (
20:43.41 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ spell version right
20:54.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ improvement to set the background image, find the alternate pkg dir in /tmp, and create a sparse dmg image instead of a fixed-size dmg.
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050411

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050411

00:52.15 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ a pkg in the build directory takes precedence over one in /tmp
02:51.46 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ copy the package from /tmp to the build directory when we're done making it
04:36.52 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/macosx/background.png: initial disk image background image for Finder window on mount
04:38.31 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/macosx/README: initial README that describes the contents of this directory
04:39.26 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/macosx/ add README and background.png
04:43.16 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/macosx/Resources/ (2 files in 2 dirs): update the logo to add a halo effect for emphasis/clarity around 'BRL-CAD'
05:08.09 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ add the trailing slash for cp so that the contents are copied instead of the whole dir
12:43.32 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by ChanServ
13:54.36 narnia happy happy joy joy found the problem with express2html.
16:33.15 *** join/#brlcad learner (~brlcad@brlcad.bronze.supporter.pdpc) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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16:33.16 *** join/#brlcad EricWilhelm (~ewilhelm@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:33.16 *** join/#brlcad guu ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:33.16 *** join/#brlcad ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
16:33.16 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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16:33.16 *** mode/#brlcad [+ooo learner ChanServ brlcad] by
18:32.57 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (include/bu.h include/machine.h src/rt/do.c src/rt/viewedge.c): add explicit build support for sparc64
18:34.25 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: fixed compilation support for Sparc 64
19:36.55 *** join/#brlcad narnia (
20:12.41 narnia the dog ate the network cable again. ;-)
20:16.54 brlcad good thing they're cheap
20:17.00 brlcad and don't have much current :)
20:21.24 narnia i have been splicing it back together. using 3m ur-2 telco connectors. soon it will not be long enough to splice anymore. have a 50 ft one but it does not work and i do not have a cable tester.
20:22.19 narnia huck, never ate notwork cables. for some reason tom sawyer likes cables.
20:22.42 narnia perhaps a copper deficientcy. ;-)
20:28.10 brlcad or a plastic deficiency? ;)
20:28.19 brlcad does he chew up shoes too?
20:28.39 narnia no
20:29.06 narnia he did eat my cloth slippers.
20:30.07 narnia storms are coming this way. nice pre-storm breeze and it smells of rain.
20:34.22 narnia he does like to eat socks. yesterday i decapitated my one stars wars action figure. hans solo is now headless.
20:34.33 narnia s/i/he/
21:27.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ show how far along we are in the configuration process
21:28.05 brlcad just wants a lil fiber in his diet too ;)
22:10.03 *** join/#brlcad Li (
22:20.20 brlcad hello Li
22:23.26 Li hello brlcad
22:25.05 brlcad got to be pretty late over in .be land ;)
22:25.50 Li not too bad. Nights are great to do work, no distraction ;))
22:26.25 Li How are things?
22:26.27 brlcad cheers to that!
22:26.45 brlcad going pretty good actually
22:27.26 brlcad working on cleaning up the binary build kit support so that releases can be more automated
22:27.42 brlcad that'll be a blessing given how frequent we're planning on releasing updates
22:28.00 Li how frequent would that be?
22:28.44 brlcad We're on a monthly iteration release cycle now
22:29.02 brlcad so once a month
22:29.28 brlcad daily snapshots will likely get set up eventually too, but those will be part of the testing suite, not the file release system
22:29.47 Li Wow, I don't deal with binary builds too much because I believe you don't do Linux ppc ones.
22:30.07 brlcad hmm.. we could
22:30.17 brlcad i have linuxppc on my notebook
22:30.54 brlcad or maybe I could entice you to maintain the ppc linux port =)
22:31.11 Li excellent. we are few and far between. I run this on ibook2
22:31.55 brlcad I do dual boot the puppy, though :)
22:32.14 brlcad tried running it on the dual g5 but the fan problem still isn't worked out
22:32.15 Li I am not a developer so my knowledge of maintaining a build would require quite a bit of training (I think) I am simply a user with some knowledge of computers
22:33.04 Li I dual boot too but only to watch DVDs which I can not do under Linux
22:33.34 Li I am looking at an upgrade but am unsure what to get next.
22:33.40 brlcad i don't mind training :)
22:34.13 brlcad mm.. for the upgrade are you sticking with ppc?
22:34.33 brlcad if so, you might want to wait until after wwdc in case there's any new hardware announced (2 months)
22:35.08 Li well, I would like to because I adore the architecture but I am having problems with finding converters for DWG into dxf for ppc
22:35.34 Li thanks for the tip
22:37.41 Li brlcad, is there a convenient way of putting dimensions on models in brlcad?
22:42.43 Li ooh, is that the time? I must go. I will think about the ppc maintenance (and it will depend on my upgrade). Till soon.
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050412

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050412

01:34.12 *** join/#brlcad cad911 (
02:04.15 brlcad hello cad911
03:32.08 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ ( ensure the environment by overriding the path, the locale, and the umask. search for a suitable tmpdir.
04:01.20 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ add openUp as a dmg target dependency, automatically edit the ReadMe and Welcome rich text Installer documents to set their version automatically.
04:13.14 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ ( search /usr/sbin too
04:15.31 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ try to fit on a 250 zip
04:40.21 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ the engrish was suckish, so make it slightly less suckish
05:31.55 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ run openUp on the volume so that OS X 10.2 will automatically open the directory in Finder when mounted. while we're at it, make sure a disk with the same name we're trying is not already mounted
05:52.14 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ screw the .background .. there can be only one
10:16.39 *** join/#brlcad Fikrann (
10:18.14 Fikrann Hello
12:05.17 *** join/#brlcad EricWilhelm (
16:05.28 narnia brlcad, in interfacing the express language library and the part21 step files with brl-cad, what should the end-user be working with; the part21 step file entity instances or the brl-cad database equivalent?
16:46.56 *** join/#brlcad Fikrann (
16:49.47 narnia Fikrann, hello again.
16:52.05 narnia brlcad, even though i have express2html working i do not think it is needed. exppp (express langauge pretty print) could be used as the bases for a new express language cross-reference program.
16:56.15 Fikrann brlcad, btw, there are some issues with openGL and configure. configure script seems not to set up compiler flags properly, it doesn't add -lGL to link list.
17:00.17 Fikrann I'm using brlcad 7.2.2 on Ubuntu .. I'll tell you what where exactly the problem shows up when I get make rolling again.
17:03.07 Fikrann From ./configure:
17:03.10 Fikrann Open GL support ......................: yes
17:15.25 Fikrann Interesting... I unpacked the program again, run ./configure && make .. and this time it went okay. o.o
17:31.23 *** join/#brlcad narnia ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
17:31.53 Fikrann wb narnia
17:46.35 narnia brlcad, the reason i say that is that exppp prints out an express schema without re-parsing the file. express2html, on the other hand uses both the libexpress parser and a second parser. so basically, express2html is parsing the express language file twice. exppp, only parses the express language file once.
17:47.52 narnia microwave links and storms do not play well together.
17:49.03 Fikrann Ouch
17:59.52 narnia when it rains hard the microwave link drops out.
19:31.08 Axios Im beginning to like brlcad
19:37.28 narnia Axios, that is a 'good' thing. ;-)
19:42.17 Axios ;)
19:42.27 Axios does alt + click has a funktion?
19:43.01 Axios because in my windows manager that makes me pull the window around (totally nice feature)
19:45.11 Fikrann Axios, if it has, I haven't found it.
19:45.38 Axios ok
19:45.45 Axios just wanted to hear
19:56.18 Axios delete key is strande
19:56.21 Axios strange
20:12.55 *** join/#brlcad Fikrann (
20:14.36 narnia brlcad, have you had any time and/or chance to scan in any of 10303 parts? i am interested specifically in part203.
20:43.34 brlcad Fikrann: hrm.. that's rather odd .. did the libGL test fail? if you send me your config.log (or take a peek) I can look into that
20:44.31 brlcad Fikrann: automatic opengl detection is still being worked on.. but it should at least be adding the -lGL now.. ;-) maybe a priority issue
20:45.27 brlcad narnia, I have not yet, though I did schedule some time to test the pdf scanner .. i'll make 203 my test case then (or at least some of it)
20:45.30 Fikrann brlcad, no, it went nicely
20:46.27 Fikrann I had all libraries and header files installed .. In fact I've been compiling oGL stuff just before I tried to install brl.
20:48.08 brlcad Axios: glad to hear it =) questions?
20:48.31 brlcad Axios: the keys are configurable (though I forget the .mgedrc magic that binds them)
20:49.12 brlcad Fikrann: but you say it didn't add -lGL?
20:49.27 brlcad that implies that the libGL test failed or a "better" library was chosen before it
20:51.20 Fikrann No, it didn't add -lGL, had to force it with --with-libs=GL
20:51.28 narnia brlcad, that will be fine. i am still testing and mulling over different ideas concerning the libexpress library. i still do not like the idea of writing 10303 ap specific parsers.
20:52.14 brlcad Fikrann: can you look into your config.log file and see what happened during the -lGL test?
20:52.26 brlcad without using --with-libs option
20:52.46 brlcad narnia: what don't you like about that?
20:53.03 brlcad isn't that the idea? you write a parser for 203 .. another for 214
20:55.51 narnia brlcad, in my mind part203 should just be treated like modules are in perl. instead of perl we are dealing with express language.
20:56.17 brlcad so sort of a mega parser for all things step
20:56.26 brlcad that could get very complicated.. :)
20:56.34 brlcad very quickly
20:57.45 narnia brlcad, we 'see' a part21 step file which is 10303-203. we pull in the part203 short or long form and parse the part21 step file.
20:58.35 brlcad i still haven't quite grasped the point of having both a short and long form
20:58.42 brlcad shouldn't the long form be sufficient?
20:58.49 narnia brlcad, the current method is build a parser on top of a parser. the lowest level parser is the express language parser and next level is the ap parser.
20:58.52 brlcad or is the short not a proper subset?
20:59.28 Fikrann btw, you might want to drop -g when compiling with --enable-optimized configure option
21:00.16 brlcad --disable-debug does that
21:01.11 brlcad there's often a need to test optimized with debug symbols too, default is simply to "on" unless disabled
21:01.14 narnia brlcad, concerning short and long forms for the ap parts i do not understand that either. the best i am able to come up with is if one of the underlying ir's changes using the short form would pull in those changes where as the long form would not. a new long form would have to be generated using shtolo (short-to-long).
21:01.41 brlcad Fikrann: perhaps you could rerun configure without the with-libs option and send me your config.log file?
21:02.41 brlcad narnia: hrm.. i didn't think the short/long had anything to do with changes
21:03.07 brlcad the long/short are both available from iso in what appeared to be pretty "stable" forms
21:03.08 Fikrann I'm checking if it'll crash.
21:03.19 brlcad if what will crash? :)
21:03.35 Fikrann the build process.
21:03.44 brlcad k
21:07.00 narnia brlcad, the short form of part203 has several 'use' and 'reference' which 'use' or 'reference' ir's and aic's (part 41,42,43,44,45, etc and 501, 502, etc). the long form of part203 does not. the long form is a 'frozen' snapshot of whatever the ir's and aic's at the time it was created. if part41 changes the part203 long form would have to be generated again.
21:07.55 *** join/#brlcad cad533 (
21:08.22 narnia brlcad, the ir's and aic's are 'shared' between many part2xx. think of the ir's and aic's as include files. the part203 as a specific 'program'.
21:09.00 brlcad yeah, I get
21:09.33 brlcad sounds like a parser nightmare if the changes are not backwards compatible
21:09.40 brlcad hello cad533
21:10.33 narnia brlcad, this is definitely true.
21:10.58 Fikrann brlcad, it went okay this time .. I guess it was just a local glitch
21:11.19 *** part/#brlcad cad533 (
21:11.39 brlcad Fikrann: you notice if it was a cached result?
21:12.28 brlcad deleting the cache, it should be pretty much deterministic results
21:12.56 Fikrann Hmmm...
21:13.09 narnia brlcad, in theory, if any of the ir's or aic's change the specific part 2xx parser may have to change also.
21:13.24 brlcad it will tell you, however, whether the cache was used or not
21:13.57 brlcad narnia: to be honest, I would just stick to the long form pushed out by iso and update as/when they update
21:14.49 brlcad unless you're looking to take over that project as well and become the defacto source of "the" step parsing suite ;)
21:15.24 brlcad which is fine.. it's just my goal is pretty much limited to importing/exporting step geometry coming from other cad packages ;)
21:17.10 brlcad which probably in theory is also limited to pro/e, unigraphics, acis, and solidworks for starters if not just the first two even
21:17.46 brlcad for a first step goal, that is
21:21.20 brlcad no pun intended
21:35.28 Fikrann Hmmm .. it seems that gcc-3.4 is generating faster code than gcc-4.0 with the same compiler flags.
21:54.59 narnia brlcad, understand.
22:08.00 Fikrann brlcad, where I can find the meaning of the numbers showing up at the end of make benchmark?
22:12.59 brlcad Fikrann: there's a couple places where the BRL-CAD benchmark is documented .. one of the most recent is on the website under the presentations link under Documents
22:13.41 brlcad Fikrann: another is the doc/ troff file
22:13.53 brlcad that's better for explaining it in more detail
22:14.41 brlcad it's easy enough to describe too: the results are comprised of two lines, an Abs and vgr line
22:15.59 brlcad the Abs line shows your raw performance number for each raytrace test in terms of a number that is rays/s (aka 'rtfm's)
22:16.56 brlcad the vgr line shows you how much faster/slower you are from the base system, which is an old vax 11/780 (where the vgr count is 1.0) .. so you are N times faster than that machine
22:17.33 brlcad the last number on each row is the important one, in particular the last vgr number, as that's your overall average performance metric
22:18.59 Fikrann Yes..
22:19.06 brlcad you can equate that number directly from machine to machine, from version to version, etc to see exactly how well you compare in terms of real end-application performance. and there are historical values that will show how you compare through time (see how you compare to an 512 processor Origin 3000 for example)
22:19.44 Fikrann heh
22:20.05 brlcad we decommissioned our vax about 5 years ago now .. shame too, that beast was interesting
22:21.16 brlcad the historic computing project has a vax in their virtual machine -- I want to set that up for historic regression testing (version to version comparisons)
22:21.55 brlcad I got a basic install of NetBSD going on it a couple of years ago and got a compile started.. pretty cool
22:22.33 brlcad getting data in/out of the virtual machine was tricky, though
22:22.49 Fikrann I guess so ..
22:23.17 Fikrann Even trickier than from the real thing, I guess.
22:31.27 brlcad that was why the machine had to be decommisioned.. the last remaining disk controller failed and no reasonable means to repair it
22:32.35 brlcad the virtual machine is pretty neat, though.. that got me excited for a bit.. attaching a file to the vm as a device, read from the raw device to transfer data into the vm's filesystem environment (no tcp/ip)
22:33.27 brlcad we could lock-step the vm to the original cpu frequency and should get a vgr count of 1.0
22:36.32 Fikrann ahh
22:37.50 Fikrann btw, looking at the .. vapour, wilson and wax had 1024 GB of RAM?
22:41.42 brlcad yes, those were the supercomputers of the day
22:42.27 brlcad ack, GB
22:43.35 Fikrann All three has G instead of M .. which makes the amount quite stunning, even in today's terms.
22:47.44 brlcad yeah, heh, good eye..
22:47.53 brlcad that was a typo
22:47.56 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/doc/ heh, old old typo.. wax,wilson,vapor had a gig of memory, not a terabyte
22:48.32 brlcad and those weren't one of the supercomputers.. they were just midsize
22:53.08 brlcad thx for catching that
23:20.28 Fikrann See you all tomorrow.
23:30.35 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (INSTALL doc/README.IRIX doc/ separate out the irix notes into it's own readme in the doc directory. refer readers to the doc/README.* files in INSTALL
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050413

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050413

01:00.54 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/doc/html/manuals/Anim_Tutorial/ ( index.html Butler.html Murdza.html): remove specific references to ARL addresses
01:43.27 brlcad mm.. lots of e-mail
01:43.49 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (35 files in 16 dirs): remove specific references to ARL addresses. instead use mail aliases and the new mailing lists.
02:47.08 Twingy ../ &
02:47.12 Twingy oops
02:48.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/doc/html/ReleaseNotes/Rel5.0/Summary/ (22 files): get rid of index.htm and just keep/reference index.html
03:03.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/doc/html/ReleaseNotes/Rel5.0/Summary/ (38 files): damn dos carriage returns, s/\r//g
03:16.45 Twingy 'lo
03:17.02 Twingy my pic microcontroller doesn't want to work
03:20.44 brlcad heh
03:40.11 narnia Twingy, does brl-cad run on a pic microcontroller? ;-)
03:40.51 Twingy erm
03:41.02 Twingy on about 50,000 of them maybe
03:41.13 Twingy I could fit my raytracing engine on one though ;)
04:04.01 *** join/#brlcad narnia (
04:05.28 narnia tom sawyer, ate the network cable yet again. yet another splice.
04:05.59 narnia need to run that cable in plastic conduit so he cannot get to it.
04:39.13 Twingy cool
04:39.18 Twingy got the controller working
04:39.23 Twingy running at 1KHz *flex*
04:54.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/doc/html/ReleaseNotes/Rel5.0/Summary/ one entry per line, sorted.
05:00.38 narnia okay, if i was to paint the network cables with tabasco sauce and let it dry do you think that would stop tom sawyer from eating the cables?
05:00.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/doc/html/manuals/Anim_Tutorial/ one entry per line, sorted.
05:05.10 brlcad narnia: nah, tobasco isn't very hot .. go with some better habanero extract from a sauce shop
05:05.22 brlcad a few drops on a cable will keep him away for sure
05:29.40 narnia brlcad, habanero you say.
05:30.24 narnia brlcad, could just smear ben-gay all over the cable.
07:12.13 *** join/#brlcad Fikrann (
07:29.23 Fikrann Hello
10:59.24 *** join/#brlcad cad529 (
11:02.48 Fikrann Hello
11:05.34 *** join/#brlcad kernoz (~chatzilla@
11:14.01 Fikrann Hello
11:22.33 kernoz ciao
12:57.19 Fikrann Hello brl
13:09.27 *** join/#brlcad farny (
13:16.18 farny hi
13:16.41 farny got a question
13:17.37 farny i downloaded an win32 installer for brlcad 6 from here:
13:17.49 farny and it asks me for a key when i install
13:22.17 farny where can i get a key?
13:23.12 farny i'm gonna try compiling the latest release
13:23.28 farny once i install gentoo on my amd64
13:26.28 Fikrann go get Ubuntu instead, you'll save four, five days of needless work
13:29.09 farny really?
13:29.48 Fikrann Yes .. setting gentoo up is a long and arduous task.
13:30.00 farny i'm thinking of just using the grp first
13:30.24 Fikrann Then you'd better be off using another binary distro ..
13:30.35 farny but my sata raid seems to pose a problem for the 2.6 kernel
13:30.46 farny gentoo seems quite cool though
13:32.30 Fikrann gentoo seems cool, yes, but its annoying and hard to manage in the long term. Believe me, I've been through it, with about ten successful installations on various machines.
13:33.21 Fikrann Getoo is pure-geek distro.
13:36.48 farny hmm
13:37.24 farny let me try it 4 myself :)
13:37.39 farny i love banging my head against the wall
13:38.26 Fikrann hehe
13:39.24 Fikrann Well, be sure to have at least three days free to spend in front of your monitor, staring at make output scrolling before your eyes.
13:44.59 farny :D
13:45.11 farny man, i could stare at it for weeks i swear :)
13:45.43 farny just kidding actually i think the stock gentoo 2.6 kernel is choking on my sata raid
13:45.58 farny i may have to reconfigure, or go for a pata raid
13:46.03 farny or sata no-raid
13:47.28 Fikrann I'd suggest sata no-raid.
13:49.24 Fikrann Then, if you require raid 1,3,5,6, go for md (and wait for your hardware sata raid driver to stabilise) if you need raid 0, go for LVM which thousandfold more flexible.
13:49.35 farny yeah, pata raid depends on the shop guys taking back my sata disks and giving me pata
13:49.49 farny i'm just going 4 raid 1
13:50.05 farny too cheap to do 0+1
13:50.12 farny and dun really know what the other numbers mean
13:50.23 Fikrann then md should be enough for you. Really, I don't think you'd really need raid..
13:50.35 farny my raid isn't hardware, it's crappy software
13:50.48 farny md = mirror drive = raid 0?
13:51.06 Fikrann md == multiple devices == Linux software raid.
13:51.55 farny wait linux can do it's own software raid even if your mobo can't?
13:52.48 Fikrann of course.
13:52.57 farny whoa
13:53.01 farny i din know that
13:53.12 farny can do raid 1?
13:53.22 Fikrann What do you need a raid array for?
13:53.39 farny i guess i just want faster read/writes
13:53.46 Fikrann yes, it can. jbod, 0, 1, 10, 3, 5, 6.
13:53.53 farny jbod?
13:54.19 Fikrann just a bunch of disks, concatenation, very poor mans version of 0 (w/o stripping).
13:54.25 learner farny, release 6 was under a different license agreement
13:54.33 learner you had to request a decryption key
13:55.33 learner that release is a preview release intended for developers, it's not exactly useful/intended for non-developers
13:55.54 farny really?
13:56.07 farny fikrann i think that doesn't improve the speed then
13:56.16 farny i was looking forward to striping
13:56.42 farny anyway learner so it's not possible to get a decryption key somehow?
13:57.23 learner it's "possible" .. but very highly discouraged :)
13:57.26 Fikrann farny, jbod doesn't. You might want to look at LVM, which can offer r/w speed increase through stripping, along with greatly enhanced volume management abilities.
13:57.30 farny and can brlcad be compiled in windows? i could only find compilation instructions for linux and osx
13:57.34 learner especially if you're not a coder :)
13:58.16 learner farny, the windows port is under active development.. much progress has been made since that binary release too
13:58.18 farny in other words, u need 2 modify certain places in the source? ok that's probably too much 4 me
13:58.27 farny ok
13:59.25 farny whoa a geeky gal
13:59.26 farny :p
13:59.39 learner it means you're highly likely to run into a problem that would need to be reported back -- something a dev should be easily familiar with
13:59.59 farny oh ok
14:00.20 farny btw i get the impression that the linux n osx versions use the same sources, as there's only 1 source, is that right?
14:00.29 learner there is only 1 source
14:00.35 learner even the windows port uses the same source
14:00.43 farny how can that be? i thought u'd need slightly different sources 4 diff platforms?
14:00.50 learner Tk
14:01.17 Fikrann Conditional compilation is key term here }:>
14:01.39 learner Tk abstracts most of the platform-specific details, the rest is taken care of in the code conditionally
14:02.02 learner bleh, s/nads/nods/
14:02.53 Fikrann }:>
14:05.52 farny whoa
14:06.06 farny Tk seems pretty amazing
14:06.44 Fikrann tcl/tk are nice but somewhat aging.
14:07.18 farny really? so what's cool now?
14:07.30 farny do they have successors?
14:09.38 Fikrann Various other widget/crossplatform portability packages .. Qt, WxWindows, xForms to name the few I can recall right now.
14:09.57 Fikrann SDL, for games. Clanlib, too.
14:12.10 farny ok cool
14:12.17 farny i've heard of the 1st 3
14:13.33 learner quite aging, not my personal pref :)
14:14.33 learner now clanlib is something I rather like.. they've evolved nicely over the years
14:14.57 learner i couldn't consider them for the longest time because they hadn't added an opengl context yet, but they have that now too
14:15.26 Fikrann ahh
14:15.43 learner sdl is nice, we converted bz's platform code to sdl a while back
14:16.01 Fikrann hmm .. bz?
14:17.08 Fikrann ahh .. yes, I seen your post on linux-cad mail list }:>
14:17.17 learner a relatively old game that has it's origins on sgi
14:17.46 learner hmm.. I posted something to linux-cad about bzflag? :)
14:17.48 Fikrann bzflag good. Liked it very much .. unfortunately had not much luck with online mode.
14:18.33 learner are you on a modem?
14:18.47 Fikrann When I tried, I was using a modem, yes.
14:18.58 learner that would be the only possible problem other than being behind a firewall
14:19.45 learner yeah, you can't play on a server that has more than about 8 players with a modem and that's even tough just because of your latency
14:21.15 Fikrann Yes ..
14:24.17 farny sorry 2 interrupt, but r u guys talking about some kind of online game?
14:24.40 Fikrann yes, bzflag is a cool multiplayer game.
14:25.58 farny what's it like?
14:26.01 farny counter-strike?
14:26.10 Fikrann heh
14:27.46 Fikrann a 3D first person tank battle game
14:27.47 Fikrann BZFlag is a 3D multi-player multiplatform tank battle game
14:27.47 Fikrann that allows users to play against each other in a network
14:27.47 Fikrann environment. There are five teams: red, green, blue,
14:27.47 Fikrann purple and rogue (rogue tanks are black). Destroying a
14:27.48 Fikrann player on another team scores a win, while being destroyed
14:27.49 Fikrann or destroying a teammate scores a loss. Rogues have no
14:27.51 Fikrann teammates (not even other rogues), so they cannot shoot
14:27.54 Fikrann teammates and they do not have a team score.
14:28.27 Fikrann There are two main styles of play: capture-the-flag and
14:28.27 Fikrann free-for-all. In capture-the-flag, each team (except
14:28.27 Fikrann rogues) has a team base and each team with at least one
14:28.27 Fikrann player has a team flag. The object is to capture an enemy
14:28.27 Fikrann team's flag by bringing it to your team's base. This
14:28.58 Fikrann destroys every player on the captured team, subtracts one
14:28.58 Fikrann from that team's score, and adds one to your team's score.
14:28.58 Fikrann In free-for-all, there are no team flags or team bases.
14:28.58 Fikrann The object is simply to get as high a score as possible.
14:29.29 learner hehe
14:29.46 Fikrann Description courtesy Debian package database }:>
14:30.13 learner farny:
14:31.38 learner hmm.. maybe after another iteration or two I can get back to updating
14:32.48 learner course I suppose our own website is a little higher priority
14:33.15 learner rather lame right now, imho
14:35.08 farny interesting game
14:36.41 learner it is a little like counterstrike in slow motion, with tanks that jump instead of people
14:36.56 learner though I stick to the non-jumping maps myself
14:47.12 Fikrann I always wished the maps could be more detailed ..
14:48.11 farny lol i can just imagine
14:48.20 farny cs with jumping tanks instead of pple
14:48.25 farny :p
14:51.38 learner Fikrann, since 2.0.0 they can be as detailed as you like
14:51.56 learner no longer just boxes, pyramids, and teleporters
14:52.09 learner maps can be arbitrary meshes
14:52.26 learner so you could actually play on a CS map or a quake world, etc
14:54.03 Fikrann ahh, that's good.
14:54.22 learner a simple example:
14:55.39 learner
14:56.22 Fikrann Now only to add hovertank style movements (like in modern day Battle Zone I and II) and I won't do any work for next two months };>
14:56.45 learner hehe
14:57.53 Fikrann I simply loved these two games.
14:58.50 farny learner what r u raiding?
15:20.39 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/lib/Display.tcl: Make the idle_mode method public
15:23.23 *** join/#brlcad cad617 (
16:11.21 *** join/#brlcad Fikrann (
16:30.43 farny k thx 4 your help guys
16:30.47 farny n fikrann too
16:31.02 farny maybe i'll pop by again once i'm ready 2 compile brl on linux
16:36.54 brlcad farny: i'm not "raiding" anything.. I"m trying to recover from an impending failure of a third disk on a big raid 5 array
16:38.15 brlcad poor old disk array has held up quite well for this long, but it's on the edge of failure now with several dead disks that havne't been replaced yet
16:38.23 brlcad nice to see the filesystems withstand 3 dead disks though
16:47.28 narnia brlcad, i am at the point i need to ensure that the ap's, ir's, and aic's i am using are indeed valid. i have so far determined that the 10303-203-aim-long.exp file from steptools is not valid. i cannot generate it from the 10303-203-aim-short.exp, ir's and aic's. this is what i was talking about yesterday. when the 10303 part 2xx short form, ir's or aic's change the 10303 part 2xx long form is out-of-date. there is no provision in the 10303 part 2
16:47.28 narnia xx long form to indicate what versions/editions of 10303 part 2xx short form, ir's and aic's where used to create it.
16:48.06 narnia the iso 10303 parts appear to be out-of-sync.
16:51.55 narnia i assume that someone has a test suite for testing short-to-long, express language parser, part21 support, ap203 and ap214 conformance. i just have not found that test suite yet.
16:53.23 brlcad it's not "valid" or it's simply not up to date with the latest short forms?
16:53.25 narnia supporting express language, part21, ap203 and ap214 just keeps getting deeper and deeper.
16:54.15 brlcad i'd expect the long/short forms available directly from the iso website to be close to as reliable as there is
16:55.25 narnia brlcad, the 10303-203-aim-long.exp is invalid. fedex and express parser both agree that it is indeed invalid.
16:57.08 narnia i need to send an e-mail to the step-os e-mail list. see if anyone there can shed some light on this situation.
16:58.55 brlcad okay, that file you have is supposedly invalid, but where is that from?
16:59.00 narnia brlcad, i have no way of knowing if the 10303-203-aim-long.exp is what is currently in iso-10303-203
16:59.34 narnia the 10303-203-aim-long.exp file came from
17:00.34 narnia specifically,
17:01.05 narnia i pulled the entire archive out of their cvs server.
17:01.54 brlcad the iso store had both long and short .exp's available for download (old and new, iirc)
17:02.23 narnia i did not know that. would you happen to remember the url?
17:04.20 brlcad i'm not on a box with a gui right this moment, but I'll dig it up next chance
17:05.47 narnia i am searching as we chat.
17:06.10 brlcad something i believe
17:57.45 narnia brlcad, since i am deep into iso-10303 do you think it be worth trying to see if would create a special membership for opensource developers? in theory that would give me access to all iso-10303 documents. like i said in theory.
18:00.21 narnia brlcad, i can easily meet the 1800 hours per year. i mean it is not like i am going anywhere anytime soon.
18:07.09 narnia that works out to 150 hrs per month or 3.75 weeks ( assuming 40 hours per week ).
18:09.53 Axios how many working hours work per week is normal in the US.?
18:22.30 narnia Axios, fulltime is normally assumed to be 40hrs. many jobs are less than that now days. employers do not want to pay benefits so they hire part-time for about 30 hrs per week. therefore, many people must work more than one job.
18:23.53 narnia Axios, even at 40 hrs per week, the retail sales clerk is probably only earning minimum wage.
18:24.42 narnia Axios, if a person is salaried and not hourly the number of hours worked per week will be more than 40 hrs per week.
18:25.34 narnia Axios, the two items hurting the working poor are 0) medical expenses 1) energy costs.
18:27.42 narnia Axios, basically employment is the usa sucks at the moment.
18:28.19 brlcad narnia: interesting thought .. looks like only 900 hours per year for groups doing STEP product development
18:29.10 brlcad Axios: and some consistently put in 50-80 hours a week with or without overtime pay
18:29.18 brlcad at a single job
18:29.35 brlcad varies from job to job, employer to employer, person to person
18:30.03 brlcad 40 is "full-time" though .. that's generally what's expected
18:30.49 narnia Axios, if you happen to have any physical challenges forget about finding a job.
18:31.24 brlcad heh, he did only ask how many hours, yes? :)
18:31.46 narnia Axios, employers do not like "handicapped" employees. the americans with disabilities act (ada) is not worth the paper it is written on.
18:32.02 narnia brlcad, true. sorry. sore point.
18:32.18 brlcad points well taken regardless :)
18:33.49 narnia brlcad, so should i give pdes membership a try?
18:38.29 brlcad if it's going to be on behalf of BRL-CAD development, I should probably contact them
18:38.59 brlcad I'll read that in full this evening
18:43.42 narnia brlcad, i think at this point there are basically two projects: all the 10303 parts as a standalone project independent of brl-cad and all the 10303 parts integrated into brl-cad.
18:45.49 brlcad yes, there are two -- which is in part why I want to contact them myself for BRL-CAD
18:45.51 narnia btw, 10303-42e3 ( edition 3 ) from steptools express archives is also invalid.
18:46.31 narnia so i contact them for the other part?
18:46.56 brlcad brl-cad has a fair bit of industry clout with it's history, lots of folks know about it and i don't want to get into the process of mixing waters
18:47.27 narnia understand.
18:47.54 brlcad also have to be careful about how this all relates back to ARL and/or the Gov't .. I have to make sure they understand the distinction on the open source side
18:49.26 brlcad e.g. on their member chart, there is also a section for gov't that involves more resource contributions
18:49.47 narnia so you are going to explain the two projects together?
18:50.25 narnia understand
18:50.38 narnia where did you see the 900hrs?
18:51.39 brlcad Note #2
18:53.03 brlcad their definition of "internal" raises question, but the basic idea sounds like work that's a private benefit can count
18:53.34 brlcad if it's purely saying those hours can count towards the 1800, then it's still 1800 and in this case everything is public
18:53.59 brlcad Interesting: Comprehensive vendor testbed that includes all major CAD systems and STEP translators
18:56.58 narnia i figured after reading the benefits it would be worth a try for me personally to contact pdes about an opensource developer membership.
18:57.00 brlcad 1800 hours is approximately one man-year's worth of time
18:57.30 narnia yes, if you believe in 'man-year'. ;-)
18:58.04 narnia how to make a project, which all ready late, later. throw more people at it. ;-)
18:59.01 brlcad yep
18:59.13 brlcad still need to read the mythical man month
18:59.31 brlcad though I've heard most of the ideas I believe
18:59.33 narnia so i take it from what you have said above there are really two brl-cads. the opensource brl-cad and the internal to arl brl-cad.
19:00.39 brlcad Well, one "brl-cad" .. and we're looking on writing up a change management plan that describes just what that all means
19:01.00 brlcad but there are definitely two distinctly separate interests involved
19:01.13 brlcad both legally and feature-wise
19:04.49 brlcad the biggest "problem" is that ARL is a government entity, that gives brl-cad both many benefits implicitly and several complications in terms of names and representation
19:05.26 brlcad i.e. several other groups will give another gov't group, especially one like arl, certain benefits "for free" where they otherwise would not ..
19:06.13 brlcad that happens as there's also the implicit understanding that the gov't will not financially benefit/hurt or otherwise impact them (federal statutes require this)
19:06.55 brlcad so asking for membership and using the name brl-cad carries with it certain level of responsibility to make it clear just who is asking and agreeing to what
19:07.53 brlcad I think the case can be made pretty easy to get "the open source BRL-CAD software development team" a membership with pdes, inc.
19:08.25 brlcad could probably make an even easier case for getting ARL a membership as a gov't institution
19:09.31 brlcad the case for "open source developers at large not affiliated with anyone" is a much harder case, imo
19:12.58 brlcad I'll ask them if they'd be willing to reduce the annual resource contribution in exchange for some other reduction of benefit since the financial obligations would be personal obligations for us as open source developers
19:13.16 brlcad unless we form a developer entity, which I've also been considering
19:15.33 brlcad narnia: ahh, I found the site that had the .exp files.. but they're apparently having issues right now
19:20.04 brlcad
19:26.28 Axios narnia: it's a bit different in Denmark
19:26.38 Axios a normal working week is 37 hours
19:27.01 Axios all medical things is payed for by the goverment
19:27.10 Axios schools, universitys to
19:27.21 Axios I actually get "paid" to go to school
19:27.42 brlcad you only generally get paid to go to school in the u.s. if you're going for a Ph.D
19:27.50 brlcad or if your company pays for it
19:28.09 Axios You also get payed for a Ph.D here, a lot more than what I get
19:28.19 Axios I get around 650 USD a month
19:29.12 Axios A Ph.D would get something like 3000 USD a month
19:29.41 Axios or systems are very different
19:30.05 Axios in Denmark you cant be really rich, and you cant be really poor
19:30.27 Axios but you can be somewhat rich, and somewhat poor
19:30.54 brlcad narnia: I'll craft a message to pdes and copy you on it -- there's about 1 man-month that would implicitly get taken up by meetings, another three or so could be expected from myself -- that leaves a need for about 8 man months to account for unless they're willing to negotiate (which they probably would)
19:32.54 narnia brlcad, so you are going to reference both projects. okay.
19:33.51 brlcad yeah, there's a clear direction you've already been going in that includes stuff outside of brl-cad
19:34.52 brlcad I'd include that in our talks (and perhaps even "bill" them for the 3-4 man-months or so of time that's already been put into it)
19:35.42 brlcad but push it forward under the auspices of "open source brl-cad development" unless you have objections, since that would be more easy to justify/explain
19:39.08 brlcad interesting, per their membership details, we would be neither users nor vendors as we are not commercial entities.. could just be simplified wording, though for the presentation slides
19:41.59 brlcad narnia: have you made any long-term plans for what you plan to do with the scl?
19:45.08 narnia brlcad, the first long-term item is to fix the parser situation.
19:45.36 brlcad i mean as a project, though ..
19:46.06 brlcad do you intend to post up your modifications? keep it internal to yourself? make an project for scl?
19:46.28 brlcad the latter was what I had in mind, either that, or bring it in to brl-cad under a separate cvs module
19:46.39 brlcad let you go hog-wild with it there ;)
19:46.56 narnia brlcad, ultimate goal to be a complete validated iso-10303 opensource development environment.
19:47.38 brlcad eek.. all of 10303? :)
19:47.45 narnia brlcad, yes
19:48.10 brlcad you know the printed volumes for that would be about 2 or 3 times the volume of my car :)
19:48.48 narnia the airplane will not flying till the weight of the documentation exceeds the weight of the airplane. ;-)
19:50.10 narnia i am really understanding iso-10303. the is scary. ;-)
19:52.07 narnia a step-viewer would be nice to have. but that is what brl-cad is good at.
19:54.46 brlcad so as part of a complete 10303 suite, though.. any thoughts on what/where to manage it or have you not gotten that far?
19:55.23 brlcad it doesn't matter a whole lot to me, as like I said, brl-cad pretty much only needs libexpress which I'll probably pull in directly like we do for everything else
19:56.02 brlcad i can either keep that in sync with your tree from time to time, or with the other cvs module if it's in brl-cad's cvs
19:56.39 narnia brlcad, well we need libexpress, the part21 parser, the ap203 parser and perhaps the ap214 parser. those parsers are not part of libexpress yet.
19:57.30 brlcad those sub-parsers would presumably become part of libexpress though, no? or perhaps a libstep of some sort or as "modules" to libexpress
20:01.45 narnia i am tempted to use for the repository of the iso-10303 project.
20:04.41 narnia the parsers should probably be merged into libexpress. the support/utility programs use them. exppp (express pretty print) shtolo (short-to-long) fedex (an express language validator) dataprobe (an express language gui tool)
20:05.41 narnia then there is the 'glue' library between part 21 and the aps (203 and 214) and brl-cad.
20:05.44 narnia that is currently being worked on.
20:10.32 narnia there is yet another project in waiting. that is part library creation. i have created literally thousands of standardized parts for my project. from threads, bolts, nuts, pipe, pipe fittings, flanges, etc. it would be a 'good' thing to convert those to an iso-10303 plib. then brl-cad would be able to access a large ready made set of parts.
20:12.33 narnia then there is the brl-cad to emc (enhanced machine controller) interface. design in brl-cad send to emc and create the part.
20:13.29 brlcad hmm.. savannah seemed so immature when I last looked
20:14.17 brlcad they just recently ditched their entire backend .. not exactly a sign of stability
20:14.44 narnia there is also another part of my project which i am not sure how to integrate into brl-cad. that is tools cutters, like end-mills, ball mills, brouches, etc.
20:14.59 narnia umm i did not know that.
20:15.37 narnia brl-cad will need to have knowledge of tool cutters and tool paths.
20:15.46 narnia there is alot on my plate.
20:16.48 brlcad tool cutters and tool paths should work pretty nicely as a plug-in to the new cad interface
20:18.56 brlcad btw, the comment regarding savannah wasn't to discourage you from using it :)
20:19.19 brlcad could be great, I haven't worked with many savannah projects
20:19.37 narnia neither have i.
20:20.01 brlcad the gforge fork seems to have made a lot more progress than savannah has with the opensource sourceforge code
20:21.36 brlcad if i'm not mistaken, they recently replaced their port with gforge though, so the point's probably moot
20:21.42 narnia of course it would be nice to have 'one stop shopping' when it comes to iso-10303, brl-cad, and emc.
20:22.02 narnia brlcad, brl-cad and emc are both hosted on
20:22.17 brlcad yes, that much I knew ;)
20:22.36 narnia that alone would imply it makes more sense to have the 10303 stuff hosted there as well.
20:23.08 brlcad so was i :)
20:23.39 narnia does have a concept of a super-project?
20:23.55 brlcad it's just a project
20:24.24 brlcad i mean from's perspective, it's just another project
20:24.30 narnia by that i mean. brl-cad, emc, and iso-10303 stuff are all projects; but together they form a super-project.
20:24.37 brlcad whether it uses/integrates with others or not
20:25.12 brlcad you wouldn't retain the name "SCL" ?
20:25.19 brlcad not that it matters
20:26.17 narnia fred proctor and i have concerns retaining 'scl' and/or 'nist' will confuse people.
20:27.23 narnia do you see what i mean by a 'super-project'?
20:27.46 brlcad yes, but still from's perspective it's a completely separate project
20:28.53 brlcad not unlike a linux distribution .. using a core kernel (scl) along with standard tools (brl-cad and emc)
20:29.03 brlcad but a separate project in it's own right
20:32.30 brlcad i could see bringing in scl into brl-cad's repository as a separate module given how coupled it'll need to be with the modeler/converters and given the fact that nist is "done" with it
20:32.58 brlcad but then it could be it's own project too given how the needs could be very separate from CAD/CAM
20:34.12 brlcad i wouldn't lose the "SCL" bit myself, though -- there's value in keeping that at least as part of the name to show that the new one is an improvement over the old one
20:34.46 brlcad GNU SCL or something with clear historical references to the origins from NIST
20:44.34 narnia have to watch the having 'gnu and step' in the same name. gnustep is the opensource replacement for openstep (the nextstep os. next cube. steve jobs).
20:45.11 narnia been searching for a name and the obvious ones are all ready taken.
20:45.24 brlcad yeah yeah :)
20:45.42 narnia i.e. openstep, gnustep, etc.
20:46.22 brlcad iso 10303 just sounds so meaningless :)
20:46.27 narnia i have openstep for intel in my cabinet.
20:47.07 brlcad iso 10302 wasn't good enough? :) or no, that's the spec for how to slice potatoes on a rainy day internationally
20:47.46 brlcad could call it "Exchange" .. that'd be fun ;)
20:48.53 brlcad ooh, SPEL .. the standard parts exchange library that can't spel korectly
20:49.07 narnia well, 'outlook express' is taken as is 'exchange express' both by microsloth.
20:49.45 brlcad i wouldn't say it's "taken" .. it's too generic
20:50.02 brlcad like how they were denied a trademark claim on "Windows"
20:51.54 narnia could always ask steve for use of 'openstep'. ;-)
20:52.43 narnia since nextstep for all practical purposes no longer exists.
20:53.06 brlcad anyhow, that's all in part why I'd stick with SCL :) people that knew about SCL will know what is meant
20:53.13 brlcad nextstep exists.. it's called cocoa
20:53.38 brlcad seriously, the api calls are still the same.. NSWindow()..
20:53.38 narnia and hear i thought that was nestle. ;-)
20:54.32 narnia i have noticed that. ;-)
20:55.56 narnia seriously i would be willing to write steve jobs and ask for the use of openstep.
20:58.27 narnia i remember when it was named 'rhapsody'. and was the blue box on the slides. rhapsody in blue.
21:05.28 narnia brlcad, btw, where is jano?
21:06.27 narnia brb need decaf
21:28.15 brlcad oh, he's around .. just being technoshy of late
21:28.29 brlcad does that from time to time, this longer than some
21:48.27 *** join/#brlcad Fikrann (
21:48.47 Fikrann Hello
21:50.26 narnia Fikrann, hello, how goes it?
21:51.02 narnia Fikrann, it goes.
21:51.23 narnia chilly here today. not been able to go outside.
21:52.53 Fikrann ahh
21:55.10 narnia having been homebound for 8+yrs sucks.
21:55.43 brlcad hello Fikrann
21:56.12 *** join/#brlcad guu (
21:56.23 brlcad guu, welcome back
21:56.34 guu brlcad: bafuuuuuu!
22:26.06 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (5 files in 2 dirs): move from the top level to misc/
23:15.24 narnia brlcad, is still hosed. :-(
23:15.57 brlcad i have the long form of 214 from them if it's of any use
23:16.10 brlcad and I think the short from of 203
23:16.55 narnia i did find this gem:: Abstract Test Suites describe the tests to be used to determine if an implementation conforms to the related Application Protocol. Each Application Protocol has an associated Abstract Test Suite with the number 3xx, where xx represents the second and third digits in the number of the Application Protocol. For example, ISO 10303-207 has an associated Abstract Test Suite with the number ISO 10303-307.
23:17.38 narnia so ap203 has test suite 10303-303.
23:21.14 brlcad
23:21.24 brlcad that's some of what i have
23:21.45 brlcad i have more on another machine that i don't have access to right now
23:23.51 brlcad ahh, nvr mind, the other machine only had the same things you already had from scl
23:29.27 brlcad damn, not many people have configure checks for libutahrle to go by .. only found one so far
23:31.04 Fikrann utahrle .. isn't that pic format used by brlcad?
23:33.04 brlcad it's one of the supported image formats
23:33.08 brlcad it's an old format
23:33.20 brlcad also known as librle
23:33.25 Fikrann ah
23:33.53 brlcad utah raster toolkit are the folks that made it, hasn't really changed in about 15 years or so
23:34.25 brlcad we redistribute the urt, but i'm adding checks so that we don't install it if urt is already installed
23:34.57 brlcad it's a rare possibility if the folks are into imaging and are on a packaging system like bsd ports or debian apt, etc
23:35.30 brlcad Fikrann: do you code? :)
23:35.39 brlcad do you want to code? :)
23:37.49 brlcad good to know .. if you want to work on something, just lemme know ;)
23:40.21 Fikrann If you have any fixme of medium importance in sight, just point me in the right direction }:>
23:42.25 brlcad :)
23:46.11 brlcad i suppose that depends on where your interest is .. there's plenty to do that's both coding and non-coding
23:47.04 brlcad the TODO and BUGS files list a variety of broad issues .. the RFE and Bugs trackers have more specific problems that people have submitted
23:47.19 Fikrann ok
23:47.26 Fikrann I'll look into it tomorrow.
23:48.01 brlcad no worries either way .. any help is appreciated any time ;)
23:48.14 Fikrann }:>
23:49.56 brlcad my priorities for this iteration (i.e. this month) are to add the few build checks that the freebsd folks have asked for, the g-vrml addition that was requested from our netherlander friends, and then hopefully get back to working on a new website
23:51.09 Fikrann ah
23:51.29 brlcad actually the g-vrml is a nice fixme if you want it
23:52.11 brlcad definitely something more than a plain page :)
23:52.36 brlcad the current pages are embarrasing to my sense of standards
23:53.00 brlcad but it was all we had time to put together before the news announcements went out
23:55.05 brlcad I have drupal set up right now, but it's not fully configured nor has the look'n feel I'd like via any of the available themes
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050414

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050414

00:07.10 brlcad plone's on the plate for consideration ;)
00:07.45 brlcad i basically settled on choosing between drupal, plone, and mambo, leaning towards the three in about that order after looking at all of their features
00:08.19 brlcad we have lots of space, though thanks ;)
00:09.56 brlcad ahh
00:10.37 brlcad have you tried out drupal as well?
00:10.48 Fikrann But I can lend Zope managing skills too if you want your site on your server and decide on plone.
00:11.15 Fikrann Yes, I tried it out once .. but quite a long time ago, it was in early stages of development then.
00:12.41 Fikrann It seems nice and working well, from what I saw lately. Its geared towards small, simple sites rather than complex company/community portals.
00:15.21 brlcad hmm, their integration of the wiki module along with a more up to date phpbb module was one of the factors that pushed drupal above zope, aside from the slightly lesser load it was causing
00:17.58 brlcad drupal's developer api for modules seemed a lil easier to work with too -- there are longer term plans to have a on-line front-end to a geometry and benchmark archive
00:18.14 brlcad have you done development with plone?
00:18.58 brlcad i admit my brush with it was via very broad strokes as I narrowed in on first impression feelings of the three
00:19.47 brlcad mambo's by far got the largest community of users, iirc, but there were a few things about it that made them #3
00:22.06 brlcad Fikrann: would you be interested in setting up a themed demo of plone on the website in a staging area?
00:23.00 brlcad i don't have cms religion, so if it works and can do what we need, great ;)
00:37.06 Fikrann staging area?
00:37.30 brlcad you can see the staged version of drupal at .. i left it at one of the alternate themes before I was off working on something else, but it's functional
00:37.49 brlcad a place to test it out before kicking it up to be the main page/site
00:40.49 Fikrann ok, I'll whip something up tomorrow.
00:41.58 brlcad do you have an account?
00:43.36 brlcad i can add you to the access list for the website if you do, working within those constraints staging it there is preferred since that's where it will end up :)
00:44.06 Fikrann I once had ..
00:45.01 Fikrann Hmmm .. do sourceforge allow running processes on their servers?
00:45.21 brlcad depends on what kind of process
00:45.30 brlcad they have much already provided
00:45.46 brlcad if you mean like running python on the backend, yes
00:46.23 brlcad there are databases available as well
00:46.26 Fikrann for plone you need Zope, which is a web server by itself .. though usually you hide it behind another one. Zope tends to be ram heavy, though. They might not like it.
00:47.18 brlcad i wouldn't be surprised if they already host many many zope-based sites
00:47.42 brlcad if I remember correctly, though, zope can also run under apache, yes?
00:48.52 Fikrann through persistent-cgi, yes, but its still quite standalone app.
00:49.33 Fikrann (forcing it into pure cgi mode would make things go veeeeeeeery slowly)
00:50.17 brlcad heh, plone is an project themselves it looks (at least they have an project) so it should be easy to find out what the problems are
00:51.42 Fikrann yes, but I think is hosted somewhere else.
00:52.18 brlcad that could be for many other reasons
00:52.36 brlcad in particular, restricts outbound connectivity
00:54.27 brlcad hrm.. nobody useful in #plone yet speaking up
00:55.03 brlcad 118 people lurking, sheesh :)
00:57.18 Fikrann heh ..
00:58.17 Fikrann *yawns* I'm off .. before I crash down and get Ultraspac cpu heatsink embedded in my face.
00:58.49 brlcad cu
05:18.18 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ ( src/other/ add a configure-time option to build the utah raster toolkit (and hence libutahrle) conditionally
05:23.46 brlcad sleep?
05:23.51 brlcad i haven't even gone home yet
05:24.07 narnia brlcad, do you even have a home? ;-)
05:24.21 brlcad home is where my dog is :)
05:24.46 narnia brlcad, i did not know you had a dog.
05:25.11 narnia brlcad, small, medium, big, giant size?
05:26.02 brlcad small, albeit a lil portly
05:26.12 narnia ah
05:26.19 brlcad about 20 pounds portly
05:26.38 narnia your dog weighs 20 pounds?
05:26.47 brlcad roughly
05:27.16 brlcad he should weigh about 12-16
05:27.58 brlcad
05:28.02 narnia i have a cat that weighs 20 pounds. his daddy was carl sagan, a siamese, his mommy was a silky fur domestic long hair.
05:28.40 narnia he is cute.
05:29.21 narnia the cat is named bilbo baggins because he steals 'shiny' objects.
05:29.43 brlcad barney had a brother named fred
05:30.07 brlcad fred was a bit bigger and darker
05:30.17 narnia several years ago when my son and i were rebuilding the tractor engine bilbo stoled the intake values.
05:30.19 brlcad fred was left in panama, not as cuddly
05:31.06 narnia you had two dogs fred flintstone and barney rubble. cute.
05:31.35 narnia fred was left in latin america.
05:31.50 brlcad yeah, some friends wanted him
05:32.08 narnia lived or worked in panama?
05:32.09 brlcad later met an early demise unfortunately
05:32.17 narnia :-(
05:32.22 brlcad barney is the best dog I've ever had, though
05:41.50 narnia i was looking at the web site.
05:42.22 narnia did i ever give you url for a picture of me?
05:46.54 narnia i seem to remember i sent you pictures of huck and tom.
08:09.29 *** join/#brlcad Fikrann (
08:09.36 Fikrann Hello
11:31.53 *** join/#brlcad Fikrann (~fikrann@
12:03.24 brlcad heh, didn't sleep very long Fikrann :)
12:03.52 Fikrann How are you brlcad?
12:04.04 brlcad doing alright, thanks -- yourself?
12:06.18 Fikrann Hoping the CD drive in my laptop is still okay ..
12:07.11 Fikrann it just did a loud SCRATCH .. though the disk is still in one piece and spinning ..
12:09.43 Fikrann Good thing this cd was not recorded to its full capacity .. it now has an awful scratch about 3mm from its outer edge.
13:22.30 narnia is still hosed. need to look for alternate source for validated ap203 short and long form .exp files.
13:25.36 *** join/#brlcad foobar (
13:26.45 Fikrann Hello
13:26.55 foobar hi!
13:27.08 foobar how r u?
13:31.34 Fikrann I'm well, thank you. How about you?
13:32.29 foobar pretty gd
13:32.46 foobar btw juz curious where r u from?
13:33.54 Fikrann Somewhere on Earth, for sure.
13:35.14 foobar sure :)
13:54.53 brlcad I know someone from there I think
13:57.58 brlcad but i think they moved
13:59.46 Fikrann heh
14:56.08 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/lib/View.tcl: Remove carriage-return newline sequences
16:43.20 brlcad go bob go
17:50.47 *** join/#brlcad Axios (
19:03.48 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/ utah has rle_getraw, not rle_get_raw
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050415

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050415

04:40.42 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (~Matthew@
05:08.56 *** join/#brlcad geek00L|TOR (~Bersirc@
05:30.38 Twingy cool
05:30.53 Twingy got my pic overclocked and running at 25mhz now
05:31.01 Twingy I can do 1,120 sqrt's / sec
05:31.16 Twingy had to sacrifice an smc 100mb card to steal the crystal though
05:32.43 PrezKennedy 25 mhz!!
05:33.20 narnia Twingy, you are overclocking a pic?
05:34.35 narnia Twingy, may i ask why?
05:35.46 Twingy next fastest crystal I had than 14.318 mhz was 25mhz
05:35.54 Twingy wanted to see if it would run at 25mhz, runs fine, only 3ma draw
11:52.28 *** join/#brlcad cad862 (
12:11.27 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
12:11.27 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.0 is posted (20050305)
13:31.08 Twingy fort shumaker is online
14:25.13 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
14:25.32 polyspin Morning all.
14:26.14 polyspin Twingy: You were asking after me?
15:31.46 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/HACKING: minor releases are more likely several months of effort and they're not necessarily going to have a maintenance branch (development might simply continue on HEAD)
15:50.06 brlcad eep
16:20.00 narnia chrip
16:20.11 narnia chirp
16:49.56 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
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17:53.22 *** join/#brlcad cad888 (
18:03.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/lib/QuadDisplay.tcl: Added idle_mode method.
19:53.35 *** join/#brlcad learner (
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19:54.20 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
20:11.16 brlcad Twingy: up for Sin City tomorrow with kermit?
20:21.58 Twingy hrm
20:22.04 Twingy probly not I think
20:22.12 Twingy dunno, have chuck give me a call
20:22.16 Twingy is lee back?
20:23.58 brlcad he was
20:24.05 brlcad not no more
20:24.25 brlcad what's up with comcast today?
20:25.59 Twingy up and down
21:41.35 PrezKennedy was kinda like that here
21:45.48 Twingy you got any broken boards at your place matthew?
21:46.00 Twingy like mobos or pci / isa cards?
22:31.24 narnia btw, where is jano?
22:35.43 PrezKennedy uhh dont have anything broken
22:37.00 narnia Twingy, what are you looking for?
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050416

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050416

00:52.52 *** join/#brlcad dan_falck (
01:38.35 Twingy crystals
03:04.15 Twingy heh
03:42.16 Twingy heh
04:47.39 *** join/#brlcad learner (
04:47.40 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by ChanServ
05:37.02 Twingy NEW YORK (AP) -- At bustling post offices and their own keyboards, Americans by the millions played their annual game of Beat the Clock on Friday, racing to file tax returns by midnight.
05:37.02 Twingy Postal workers supplied coffee and doughnuts -- Tax Day fixtures -- and were joined in some places by local radio DJs who cheered on the procrastinators.
05:49.39 Twingy heh
05:49.42 Twingy how old are you?
05:59.11 narnia i am 53yo.
06:01.47 Twingy retired?
06:07.28 narnia no
06:08.54 narnia i was in a work accident on 26 nov 1996. i have been basically homebound since then. i have multiple physical challenges as a result of the accident.
06:09.38 narnia i am an electronic engineer. b.s.e.e university of illinois urbana-champaign, ill many years ago.
06:10.31 narnia i am in pain to varying degrees 24x7.
06:10.57 narnia to keep my skills somewhat up to date i work on opensource projects.
06:11.52 narnia basically, on 26 nov 1996, my body was trashed. i was pinned underneath a large electronic rack.
06:13.06 narnia i have been in 8+yr legal nightmare since the accident.
06:13.35 narnia next court date is 11 may 2005 in chicago, ill. state of illinois building.
06:20.15 Twingy ah
06:20.20 Twingy urbana has a decent graphics program
06:20.52 Twingy I shoulda done electrical engineering instead of computer science
06:21.19 Twingy the comp sci program was a complete waste of time
06:26.10 narnia did you attend uofi urbana-champaign?
06:28.08 Twingy nope
06:28.14 narnia in 2000 it was old to be back at uofi to attend my daughter's graduation. i remembered pushing her baby scroller in the quad.
06:28.17 Twingy went to NJIT (formerly Newark College of Engineering)
06:28.22 narnia s/old/odd/
06:29.48 Twingy what's she doing now?
06:30.05 narnia degrees and experience mean absolutely nothing when you are 'disabled/handicapped'. no employer wants to hire 'disabled/handicapped' people.
06:30.29 Twingy *shrug* lots of people want to employ steven hawking
06:30.58 narnia she is assistant director for a non-profit agency which gives support services to children born with aids.
06:31.14 Twingy very noble
06:32.50 narnia one out of three turning out all right is not bad these days. my son is a bum and the oldest one is 28yo. but acts like she is 16yo.
06:34.40 Twingy funny how no matter how much effort you put into steering your kids right they can still end in unpredictable circumstances :)
06:35.14 Twingy ...and how some of the worst parents can raise some of the brightest minds
06:37.39 narnia it is called 'free will'
06:42.27 Twingy tell you what, having a C compiler for this pic sure makes life easy
06:47.50 narnia Twingy, what are using the pic for?
06:49.32 Twingy my rocket
06:49.49 Twingy recovery system and gps data logging
06:51.26 narnia not any estes rocket i assume.
06:53.37 Twingy nope
06:53.45 Twingy I make my own rocket motors from stock steel
06:53.58 Twingy my current one is an "I" motor
06:54.08 Twingy ~250lbs of thrust
06:54.31 Twingy estimated peak altitude of about 1 mile
07:00.26 narnia what do you use for fuel? solid or liquid?
07:01.49 Twingy solid
07:01.57 Twingy I make sugar motors
07:02.05 Twingy potassium nitrate + dextrose
07:05.02 narnia well i need to crawl off to bed. good to talk with you.
07:06.03 Twingy yep, later
07:51.19 PrezKennedy if i ever get ahold of a particle cannon their house is toast
16:57.17 narnia PrezKennedy, why is that?
16:57.36 *** join/#brlcad Fikrann (
16:58.13 narnia Fikrann, hello, how goes it?
17:01.34 PrezKennedy well narnia... theyre more trouble than theyre worth
17:01.52 PrezKennedy and if i stop talking to them some other poor guy will be stuck dealing with them
17:21.04 narnia PrezKennedy, understand. may i suggest a neutron bomb, tactical of course.
17:30.48 PrezKennedy i dont wanna take out the neighborhood... just them
17:32.43 Fikrann heh
17:33.10 Fikrann How about 220mm howtizer, then?
17:54.37 brlcad sorry to hear that Fikrann
17:56.09 narnia PrezKennedy, what does a little collateral damage matter?
17:56.38 PrezKennedy AC-130
17:57.16 Fikrann h3h3
17:57.19 Fikrann er
17:57.27 Fikrann *hehe
17:59.10 Fikrann The world's most interesting attack craft..
18:05.10 Fikrann PrezKennedy, Who are you trying to drown under DU rain?
18:05.38 PrezKennedy two girls with some very serious emotional problems
18:19.51 Fikrann O.o
18:56.53 PrezKennedy cant say i wasnt innocent of any charges though... i did hurt one's feelings
21:30.36 Fikrann heh
22:51.47 Fikrann Be well everyone
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050417

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050417

03:06.14 narnia well, is back working again but the express language schemas it has are also questionable. :-(
04:21.56 Twingy sweet, got the servo driving off the 16f676
05:00.19 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ BSD uses /usr/local for the ports system, and it's a common system path usually anyways so try searching it automatically by default.
05:52.57 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/m4/flags.m4: initial flags file containing convenience argument handlers for specifying CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS, LDFLAGS, LIBS via --with argument handlers instead of relying on the environment variables.
05:53.30 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/m4/ added flags.m4
05:58.55 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ use BC_WITH_FLAG_ARGS to simplify
08:32.38 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 (
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12:24.53 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (~Matthew@
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12:47.32 *** join/#brlcad DarkMaster (
22:14.12 *** join/#brlcad cad779 (
22:41.36 *** join/#brlcad ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
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23:16.03 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (~brlcad@brlcad.bronze.supporter.pdpc) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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23:16.11 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by
23:20.40 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
23:21.02 polyspin good evening.
23:21.22 polyspin Twingy/brlcad are you here?
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050418

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050418

00:48.25 *** join/#brlcad tancred (
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01:34.46 *** join/#brlcad guu (
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01:36.05 *** join/#brlcad EricWilhelm ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:36.06 *** join/#brlcad Twingy ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:36.30 *** join/#brlcad DarkMaster ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:34.08 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
02:34.15 polyspin evening
02:34.21 polyspin Anybody listening?
02:53.06 Twingy hi
02:54.03 Twingy whatsup?
03:04.18 Twingy cool, richard smalley is on slashdot, erik and I saw him at 330 last year
03:39.00 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/ drop the _LIBS to be consistent
03:40.14 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/bwish/ drop the _LIBS on incrTcl libs to be consistent
03:41.41 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ (fb/ libdm/ util/ s/LIBPNG/PNG/g to be consistent
03:45.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/
03:45.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: add Tcl, incrTcl, and IWidgets to the configure-time checks for an already
03:45.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: installed useable system library version. iwidgets could use a better
03:45.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: functionality test, but it's a start. throw in some extra lib cleanup while
03:45.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: we're at it.
03:46.11 polyspin Have a CMP I'd like comment on. It's not as complete as I would like, but...
03:51.17 polyspin It's on in my home directory
03:54.11 brlcad mornin'
03:55.45 polyspin Mornin.
03:56.03 polyspin Just re-uploaded the CMP to bzflag
04:00.51 polyspin Twingy: Launch anything this weekend?
04:02.05 polyspin brlcad: Can we use .htaccess on our project website? Specifically, can we set up "registered users"?
04:02.33 brlcad sure
04:03.00 brlcad polyspin: quickly skimmed through, looking much better
04:03.18 polyspin great. That allows us to log minutes of TRB meetings there.
04:03.24 polyspin I like it.
04:03.57 brlcad inclusion of the stakeholders and some roles helped a lot
04:04.27 polyspin and I think it puts the responsibility with the REAL stakeholders.
04:04.58 polyspin i've since split that section into one on TRB and one on CCB
04:05.15 polyspin Nothing major, just a header insertion and change.
04:08.04 brlcad fyi, added automatic configure-time checks for tcl, incrtcl, and iwidgets now (did the utah raster toolkit last week)
04:08.31 polyspin Great. My only concern is that ours has the gnu readline in it.
04:08.48 brlcad our what?
04:09.04 polyspin Er. Our Tcl interpeter
04:09.19 polyspin Have you built with a stock Tcl/Tk?
04:09.26 brlcad it should be a stock tcl now
04:09.28 polyspin Or are we just talking about checks
04:09.52 polyspin Hmm. Did you run mged? Did command line editing work?
04:10.17 brlcad it checks (unless you explicitly set them to on/off) to see if there's a useable system installed version
04:10.35 brlcad our tcl is a stock 8.4
04:10.41 Twingy hi
04:10.46 brlcad our tk isn't
04:10.53 Twingy polyspin, question about the ttm stuff
04:11.02 brlcad there are no configure-time checks for tk (bezier canvas)
04:11.03 Twingy Resource Requirements (SY): 1.33
04:11.03 Twingy <PROTECTED>
04:11.04 Twingy .67.67
04:11.09 Twingy what does BB, BD, BE mean?
04:11.21 polyspin Branch names.
04:11.25 Twingy ah
04:11.25 Twingy k
04:11.25 polyspin We're BE
04:11.29 Twingy thx
04:11.34 brlcad heh
04:11.54 Twingy do you require my presence tommorrow? :)
04:12.22 brlcad Zeta Branch
04:12.37 Twingy :)
04:13.22 polyspin E-mail your TTM thing before 8am and the answer is no.
04:13.22 Twingy if you're afternoon is free we could work on M2 or something, otherwise if you're doing that vehicle thing...
04:13.38 Twingy you got it
04:13.40 polyspin I've got a 1pm with the S2 team lead.
04:13.42 Twingy you got my cell # right?
04:13.52 Twingy I was having internet trouble last friday
04:13.59 Twingy comcast was down half the day for the first time in about 6 months
04:14.02 polyspin I think so. I'll have to dig up my phone to check
04:14.12 Twingy k, feel free to use it
04:14.26 polyspin Yes, they're pulling cable in my 'hood and re-working their topology big time it seems.
04:14.32 Twingy ahhhh
04:16.07 Twingy night night :)
04:16.48 polyspin T: it ends in 62?
04:17.28 polyspin starts with your old area code?
04:17.35 Twingy that's old
04:17.43 Twingy just msg'd you the #
04:17.52 polyspin thx
04:17.55 Twingy if you change your mind and need me in later just holler
04:18.25 polyspin k
04:18.48 polyspin pity brlcad left. Wanted to ask him about ttm
04:18.53 polyspin oh well.
04:19.26 brlcad hmm, who what? ..
04:19.49 polyspin Did you end up writing any ttm proposals?
04:20.06 polyspin I did the basic support and development ones.
04:20.44 polyspin I just uploaded it to bz if you want to look.
04:20.58 polyspin I did most of it this weekend without the notes from our last meeting. (sigh)
04:26.43 brlcad looks like you already have the items I would have brought forward
04:27.02 polyspin whew. What a relief
04:27.31 brlcad I would have thought/hoped more for the analyst support
04:28.43 polyspin That category was the "everything you don't expect" one.
04:29.23 brlcad yeah, which is usually quite a bit :)
04:30.05 polyspin Hmmm. If I could quote numbers for what we've done this year it would help. I don't think we're gonna see more than .5 SY.
04:30.37 polyspin Remeber, all the managerial... "stuff" has it's own separate TTM line next year.
04:31.33 polyspin I'd love to have more concrete "deliverables" there to bolster the argument. BTW, that one's likely to get 6.6 funded, not 6.2
04:31.59 brlcad hrm, about 1mo from me since fy start (upgrades, installs, answering questions, disuccsions) -- i think you have done a whole lot more in that area
04:33.42 polyspin Note I've put in for a minimum of .5 SY
04:38.40 polyspin kewl: Asklund's PHD thesis is online. (guy who wrote the paper on OS CMP i've been quoting)
04:39.15 polyspin The thesis is on CM
04:39.21 brlcad nice
04:39.58 polyspin "Themotivationoftheworkpresentedinthisthesisistoimprovethesupportforpeopleworkingtogether, althoughgeographicallydistributed."
04:41.17 brlcad heh
04:41.24 brlcad well, i must hit the zz now -- cya
04:41.41 polyspin 'nite
04:41.51 polyspin I need to sack out too.
08:38.21 *** join/#brlcad cad866 (
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08:41.30 cad868 help
08:44.28 cad868
13:06.38 Twingy moo
14:20.40 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
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18:12.19 *** join/#brlcad guu (
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18:49.54 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ add a few more libraries to the search for a suitable termcap library including terminfo and ocurses (OpenBSD legacy lib)
18:54.07 *** join/#brlcad DarkMaster ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:33.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/ the checks are in place, so really ignore the tcl/tk, itcl, iwidgets directories if configure says we don't need them
19:34.26 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/bool.c: ws
21:16.42 *** join/#brlcad pidhash (~joilnen@
21:17.17 pidhash hi !
21:31.35 *** join/#brlcad Li (
22:29.07 *** join/#brlcad [Prez|Kennedy] (~Matthew@
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23:02.26 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/
23:02.26 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: add output messages for the tcl/itcl functionality checks to know why it fails
23:02.26 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: if it fails at run-time. improve the itcl functionality check by decoupling the
23:02.26 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: test from libtcl symbols -- this will let configure find a useable incrtcl even
23:02.26 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: if the version of tcl/tk is too old (e.g. 8.3). finally, make tk build again..
23:37.21 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ oops, we need to look for itk too if we want it to link when we're using a system itcl
23:40.41 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/m4/flags.m4: er, file header should be FLAGS.M4
23:48.25 *** join/#brlcad DarkMaster (
23:55.12 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050419

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050419

00:34.52 *** join/#brlcad alryr (
00:41.43 *** part/#brlcad alryr (
00:48.54 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/ (rtarea.1 initial rtarea manpage -- this addresses sf tracker #1124228 (listed as a bug, but really a feature/documentation request)
00:54.48 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: added rtarea manpage documentation (sf tracker 1124228)
00:56.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/rtarea.1: cvs history seems to indicate that John was the original author of viewarea.c
01:07.42 brlcad mm.. enough damage until I get some food in me
01:08.04 Twingy 0xf00d
04:06.26 *** join/#brlcad [Prez|Kennedy] (
05:05.16 narnia 0xdeadbeef
05:14.05 [Prez|Kennedy] 0xb00b
05:45.36 Twingy meh
05:45.39 Twingy I'm hungry
05:59.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/jove/.cvsignore: ignore the jove build products
06:00.57 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/jove/jove_term.c: don't duplicate the globals that should be defined by termlib/termcap/curses
06:13.29 *** join/#brlcad learner (~brlcad@brlcad.bronze.supporter.pdpc) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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10:42.09 *** join/#brlcad dan_falck (
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12:45.47 *** join/#brlcad harveys (
12:46.04 harveys Hello
12:46.47 harveys I am an contractor supporting DoD and have been asked to use a piece of modeling software called MEVA
12:46.59 harveys in the install, it also installs BRL-CAD
12:47.24 harveys I am uncertain of what version it is, but it now asks the user for a decryption key
12:47.42 harveys does anyone know who I might need to contact about a decryption key for BRL-CAD?
14:01.21 brlcad mmmeevva
14:16.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libcursor/cursor.c: avoid multiple symbols, some of them should be coming from termcap/termlib
14:50.32 narnia the nice things about iso 10303 is that it is totally inconsistent. :-(
15:11.02 narnia there is no rhyme or reason concerning the iso 10303 aps.
15:12.19 narnia the 'official' 10303-201-aim-long.exp is invalid based on my reading of both 10303-11 (editions 1 & 2).
15:36.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/ configure substitutes REGEX not REGEX_LIBS
15:39.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/tcl.c:
15:39.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: fix asc2g double-free errors. traced it down to this simple free() call being
15:39.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: made when region trees are parsed. An argv array is allocated via
15:39.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: Tcl_SplitListt (supposedly) and Tcl_Free() is supposed to be called (since the
15:39.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: impl might not necessarily allocate, etc)
15:42.25 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS:
15:42.25 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: fixed asc2g double-free warnings bug. this bug occurred due to an erroneous
15:42.25 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: call to free() after a Tcl_SplitList() -- needed Tcl_Free(). the bug manifested
15:42.25 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: itself visibly on Mac OS X when linked against the Apple-provided Tcl library
16:25.31 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ re-engrishify the comment
17:09.48 narnia buy, that is an interesting choice for pope.
17:09.54 narnia boy, that is an interesting choice for pope.
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050420

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050420

04:37.48 narnia knock, knock anyone home?
04:39.00 learner indeed
04:39.18 narnia learner, you do talk.
04:40.23 learner sometimes more than others :)
04:40.51 narnia learner, i must admit that this is the first time i have seen you talk.
04:42.04 narnia learner, i assumed you were a bot.
04:42.24 learner heh
04:43.37 learner very interesting how the cache coherency is getting stomped with hypersampling increased:
04:43.51 learner +++++ moss
04:43.51 learner 2s real elapsed, 1 ray/pixel, 131072 rays/s
04:43.51 learner 5s real elapsed, 2 rays/pixel, 104857 rays/s
04:43.51 learner 15s real elapsed, 4 rays/pixel, 69905 rays/s
04:43.53 learner 27s real elapsed, 8 rays/pixel, 77672 rays/s
04:43.55 learner 53s real elapsed, 16 rays/pixel, 79137 rays/s
04:45.33 learner ... the numbers are only wallclock times with little precision, but still interesting
04:46.12 learner narnia: you've seen me talk before, you just don't remember/know :)
04:46.55 narnia learner, perhaps under a different nick?
04:47.19 learner probably
04:48.16 narnia learner, ah brlcad's sock puppet.
04:48.27 narnia ;-)
04:49.45 narnia learner, since you know so much, where is jano?
04:50.19 learner beats me
04:50.33 learner haven't talked to him in a while
05:00.11 narnia learner, i did battle with iso 10303 all day. i am tired.
05:01.48 learner so take a nap..
05:01.55 learner .. and then fire ze missiles!
05:05.58 narnia missiles, i do not need no stinking missiles, i have tactial neutron bombs.
05:07.31 narnia i also have some filled with hersey chocolate to get the little buggers out of their bomb shelters than i neutron them.
05:08.01 learner hmm, i sense you have not seen the end of the world yet
05:08.49 learner
05:09.02 narnia the nbc mini-series 'revelations'?
05:15.42 narnia someone has way to much time on his hands.
05:17.38 narnia will probably be some germ we can not even see that will get us.
05:24.08 narnia
05:24.43 learner :)
11:08.58 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
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22:17.26 *** part/#brlcad pidhash (~joilnen@
23:30.20 narnia ah the joys of 10303.
23:31.28 narnia P.S. Representing model types and roles with data strings was a bad idea in 1987, a bad idea in 1994, and a bad idea in 2004. But we are stuck with it. This is just one of the many consequent annoyances. As someone observed in my meeting earlier today: "In the land of the blind, the man with one eye is king." That accounts for a lot of SC4-isms.
23:31.54 narnia in other words "it is broke but we are not going to fix it."
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050421

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050421

00:42.01 brlcad saw that
02:19.02 narnia any thoughts on that peculiar point-of-view?
03:20.51 *** join/#brlcad |tim| (
04:06.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/rt/viewweight.c:
04:06.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: I created a simple test of a 1cm^3 block and got the wrong volume (reported with
04:06.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: inches despite the database being set to cm). The constat compared to base3local
04:06.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: value was wrong for the g/cm^2 case, as was the text label.
04:06.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: Both are now fixed.
04:11.17 brlcad hmm.. i think the manpage says the units must be inches.. but good he fixed it regardless :)
04:11.59 brlcad narnia: well I suspect it's an issue completely outside of control, not that I completely understand the problem myself
04:13.13 brlcad he's a nist guy and has probably as only a small overall influence on the iso spec via the committee agreement
04:13.30 brlcad not to mention all of the vendors that support the "feature" as-is already
04:34.11 narnia my point is that several people who did reply are on tc184-sc4 working groups since it is broken yet not fix it.
04:34.47 narnia they complain about 10303 not being adopted well perhaps the reason is that it is broken.
04:35.53 narnia my answer to ed barkmeyer is going to take awhile to write and it will be long.
04:39.00 brlcad well try not to burn your bridges with them too much :) probably still need them for information regardless of whether they individually have an influence ..
04:40.09 narnia i mean look at the replies i received concerning part201. there is no way anyone could claim to have implemented part201. 10303-201-aim-long.exp is hosed. by correcting it it is no longer 'official' 10303-201-aim-long.exp.
04:40.15 brlcad i really doubt their adoption issues have much to do with whether it's broken or not .. it took you weeks to figure that out :)
04:40.22 brlcad it's too complicated and too expensive
04:40.58 narnia i totally agree that it is too complicated.
04:41.29 brlcad i mean I almost chimed in when the guy mentioned something about purchasing the whole spec ..
04:41.40 brlcad that should not have cost 2k for the small subset I have
04:41.42 narnia it is a computer program written by committe.
04:42.49 narnia despite the continued disclaimer that express language is not a programming language it is a programming language.
04:43.28 narnia the whole spec is over 20k.
04:45.36 brlcad yep
04:45.56 brlcad actually, the impression I got from our librarians was that it was even more than that
04:46.24 brlcad still, point in hand -- rediculous even if the market is niche
04:49.02 narnia yet another problem is that there is no audit trail. which versions where used to create the long forms. that is basic.
04:52.14 narnia instead of fixing the problem they are off doing stepmod project. what programming languages are they using a dialect of common lisp and java (spit, gag, spit).
04:54.05 brlcad heh
04:54.18 narnia i do not know which i dislike more ada or java.
04:56.33 brlcad hmm.. i'd have to go with ada on that one
04:57.01 brlcad java has it's uses, ada is just archaic
04:57.35 narnia i know lisp, have not used it in years but i did program in lisp for awhile. back when expert systems where the current buzz phrase. lisp machines. symbolics computers. symbolics operating systems was called a 'world'. i could crash the 'world' and rebuild it in less than 7 days. ;-)
04:59.31 brlcad i like the idea and language features of lisp, the semantics aren't bad either .. syntax is tolerable .. it's just impractical for end-user applications programming imo
04:59.51 narnia i wrote one java program and that was to prove that java was not going to hack it. ;-)
05:04.25 narnia back in 2001 a client of motorola cellular wanted to 'mine' the call records for analysis. they had 1 trillion call records. they wanted to process 1 million call records every 15 minutes and they wanted to use java. my first question for them was if they had any idea how long it would take. they had no clue. i suggested they figure out how many years 15 million minutes was. i them showed them that java would not hack the load of processing that ma
05:04.25 narnia ny call records. i ended up writing it in perl.
05:07.01 narnia btw, 15 million minutes is roughly 28.5 yrs.
05:13.14 brlcad the story of my life
05:13.18 brlcad as told by perl
05:13.22 brlcad news at 11
05:13.31 brlcad (in smalltalk)
05:25.40 narnia sorry had to whitelist some people.
05:26.41 narnia after two days of just outstanding beautiful weather we are back to normal april weather. cold and damp. :-(
05:28.39 brlcad it was mid 80's here today
05:29.39 narnia we went from a high of 82 yesterday ( tuesday ) to a high of 52 today ( wednesday ).
05:33.53 narnia it is currently 45?F Wind Speed: NE 15 MPH Wind Chill: 38?F (3?C)
05:34.22 narnia sleeping bag night.
06:49.28 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: fixed rtweight cm units bug
11:08.03 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
14:12.48 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
17:28.47 narnia well that is really anti-social. while downloading a file from mozilla blew its little brain out. awlful sight bits oozing out on the desktop from the fatal head wound.
17:46.21 narnia interesting topic on a linux channel:: IRC where men are men, women are men, and little girls are FBI agents.
19:05.12 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: rtarea doesn't compute an area on smp linux pthreading systems
19:28.00 narnia brlcad, any comments or thoughts on my reply to ed barkmeyer of nist?
20:52.37 brlcad narnia: looked pretty tactfully stated/asked ..
20:53.02 brlcad maybe you'll spark some motivation into them to issue a fix
21:10.07 narnia brlcad, i could have included more documentation but i figured it was all ready long enough.
22:34.54 *** join/#brlcad cad645 (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050422

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050422

00:26.29 narnia brlcad, does ed barkmeyer's reply make sense to you?
00:50.01 brlcad some
00:54.08 narnia which part? i have re-read it several times and to me he side stepped the whole point of my reply and then he went off into deep space with the windows and legacy code argument.
01:13.07 Twingy picbrecrysoscillcryscrysthrm
04:09.22 narnia brlcad, the most basic point i was attempting to make in my reply to ed barkmeyer was there needs to be a way to check any express language schema for syntax and semantic correctness.
04:10.11 narnia brlcad, by allowing undeclared data types to remain in the schema there is no way to do that.
04:11.05 narnia brlcad, it would be like saying the c++ complier should not produce an error if an undefined class is found in a source file.
04:11.41 narnia brlcad, it would be like saying the c compiler should not produce an error if an undefined structure is found in a source file.
04:16.57 narnia any parser needs to have a reference to verify from. what ed barymeyer is saying is that you do not get to have a reference since that code is in reality 'dead' code. it will never be hit therefore it does not matter whether it is syntactically and semantically correct.
04:17.46 narnia that to me is totally illogical. if it is in reality 'dead' code remove it.
04:18.55 narnia by removing the 'dead' code the resulting express language schema will be syntactically and semantically correct.
04:19.09 narnia that does not necessarily mean that the express language schema does anything actually useful.
04:41.58 narnia that is no different from c or c++.
04:47.14 narnia why is it that iso standards are written by people in 'ivory' towers and not by the grunts who must make them work?
05:26.29 brlcad devil's advocate, how does this all ultimately matter? so there's some issues in the schema, but apparently none that can't be either accounted for or ignored
05:27.00 brlcad there are, after all, plenty of existing step file parsers and exporters/importers
05:29.55 brlcad and actually from what I understand, he's saying that because some schema has issues (like 203) doesn't mean that the ap 11 syntax is incorrect
05:31.05 brlcad maybe you two are arguing about different things .. the C language itself (his point) or a chunk of C code that's got problems (your point)
05:33.06 brlcad either way, I don't think you're going to get much farther than what you have from him as it is .. and as I pointed out before, he's ultimately just one voice in a much larger/more complicated process as I suspected
05:33.34 brlcad so probably good to take it up with the board as he suggests
05:37.59 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/view.c: ws
05:41.34 narnia 'how does this ultimately matter?' ap203 is just a good glaring example of the problem. ap201 is just plained hosed. other aps have similar problems. there is 'dead' code. there is no way to tell if the schema is in fact syntactically and semantically correct since there are undeclared contructs (mainly type, entity).
05:42.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/worker.c: surround the pthread timing blocks with USE_FORKED_THREADS define instead of just using linux since there are plenty of linux systems where the statistics hack is not necessary
05:45.11 narnia i am to tired and in far too much pain to think straight. the cold weather is taking a heavy toll on me. take it from me, growing old sucks. growing old and having multiple physical challenges really sucks.
05:45.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/viewarea.c: if we're on a system that needs to USE_FORKED_THREADS to get proper statistics computations, it means that we cannot use global variables to store values so force rtarea to a single CPU so that we at least get the area
05:48.10 narnia i am mentally tired. not from 10303 or brl-cad work. my bum of a son called tonight looking for yet another handout. i told him no. then he whined to his mother about how mean i am. well i am not the one who blew his college trust fund ( set up by both of his grandfathers ) on a 16 yo. whore.
05:49.59 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (.cvsignore misc/.cvsignore): moved from top-level to misc/
05:50.00 narnia to this day i do not know how he managed to blew $40+k in less than 2 yrs and have absolutely nothing and i do mean nothing to show for it.
05:52.51 brlcad not even a really sweet computer setup? :)
05:53.32 narnia brlcad, i have absolutely no idea if you are married or not or even have any children. if you are still single and no children may i strongly recommend that you stay that way.
05:54.03 narnia brlcad, the computer he had, which he brought back, was one i retired.
05:54.31 brlcad i meant that I could see dumping 40k on a computer setup
05:54.42 brlcad or maybe a downpayment on a viper
05:55.04 narnia nothing fancy but 950mhz pentium iii with 512 mbyte of ram, dvd drive, nvidia, etc.
05:55.10 narnia nope
05:55.44 narnia he is currently driving a $500.00 usd junk yard special ford van.
05:56.50 narnia he was living here for awhile but that did not work out. so he is living with some friend of his from high school.
05:59.28 narnia he was whining that he has no gas money. i suggested he find a job. he whined louder.
05:59.55 brlcad he's a teenager I take it?
06:01.16 narnia he is 21yo. he will 22yo in december.
06:01.28 brlcad ah
06:03.13 narnia right after graduating high school he married this barely 16 yo whore.
06:04.46 narnia at that point a provision of the trust fund kicked in. he received the money in lump sum if he was married instead of yearly while in college. his soon to be ex-wife did not finish high school.
06:06.04 narnia no he did not go to college.
06:07.18 narnia money is all gone and so is his wife. so much for love. oh wait it was the money she loved not him.
06:08.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: fixed smp linux rtarea calculation bug
06:08.50 narnia as you may be able to tell i am not in the best of mode tonight.
06:11.31 narnia he will learn in the school of hard knocks. when he reaches my age (assuming that he does ) he can look back and know that he and he alone screwed up.
06:12.56 narnia i should have hauled him down to the army recuiter and had him enlist after graduation from high school.
06:15.08 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ more arg aliases for png, regex, tcl, itcl
06:15.51 narnia hopefully none of the 3 children will have any offspring. no sense punishing any offspring for their parents being so stupid.
06:21.11 narnia debian update with two large upgrades, gimp and openoffice. :-(
07:04.04 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/libtermlib/ ( termcap.c tgoto.c tputs.c):
07:04.04 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: initial termlib library from an early original bsd implementation (that predated
07:04.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: the name change to libtermcap). preserve the name termlib instead of termcap to
07:04.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: reduce confusion with the gnu termcap library implementation. these particular
07:04.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: sources were originally taken from the traditional vi project, though they have
07:04.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: already been patched.
07:09.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/libterm.h:
07:09.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: initial termlib library from an early original bsd implementation (that predated
07:09.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: the name change to libtermcap). preserve the name termlib instead of termcap to
07:09.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: reduce confusion with the gnu termcap library implementation. these particular
07:09.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: sources were originally taken from the traditional vi project, though they have
07:09.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: already been patched.
07:51.01 *** join/#brlcad cad857 (
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13:48.02 narnia brlcad, i need to create a map of the various 10303 aps functions/entities to equivalent brl-cad functions. is there a list of brl-cad functions that i would be able to use as a starting point?
13:48.26 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/ add libtermlib header
13:51.09 brlcad narnia: there is libwdb, which is the "write-only database" library -- depending on what all needs to be supported, you can create just about any geometry using that fairly simple api (man libwdb)
13:52.59 brlcad the more powerful read/write api that the rest of brl-cad actually uses is librt -- everything is in there
13:53.32 brlcad there's several documents that cover librt, but probably the easiest is to observe one of the existing converters in the src/conv directory
13:56.00 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/
13:56.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: add support for an optional --seconds argument that makes the elapsed script
13:56.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: simply report the number of total seconds that have elapsed instead of the
13:56.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: longer human-readable string. intend to use this feature with the benchmark
13:56.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: suite
14:07.45 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
14:07.50 Twingy hey lee
14:08.07 polyspin Hey. Bad news dude, I need you help here today.
14:08.17 Twingy no problem, I'm on my way
14:08.22 Twingy be there in 20 minutes?
14:08.27 polyspin We've got issues with the Pro/E install and I need someone to talk to other people
14:08.30 polyspin Thanks
14:08.31 polyspin Cya?
14:08.41 Twingy yep, leaving now, seeya at 10:30
14:08.48 polyspin thx
14:14.21 narnia brlcad, ap203 does not have a good concept of solids. everything is more surface orientated.
14:15.05 narnia brlcad, ap203 definitely has no concept of constructive solid geometry (csg).
14:34.50 brlcad polyspin: i'll be in a few too
14:35.13 polyspin great! I could use your help on re-compiling Pro/E
14:35.25 brlcad narnia: i'm aware of that.. 214 covers csg
14:35.51 brlcad polyspin: you did see my note that cad is back on-line, I hope?
14:42.55 narnia brlcad, i looked at most of the /src/conv .c files and so far none give me a warm fuzzy feeling. i think i am blazing a new trail.
14:59.13 polyspin narnia: If you are converting brep geometry, you are probably looking at generating "bot" primitives.
14:59.35 polyspin Line drawings should come in as NMG primitives
15:07.26 polyspin brlcad: yes I saw the note. I've forwarded to others info about Pro/E
15:15.22 narnia polyspin, basically a .stp file may have advances brep solids, faceted brep solids, manifold surfaces with topology, wireframe with topology, surfaces and wireframes without topology.
15:17.06 narnia polyspin, i am still wading through several .stp files i have to get a handle on mapping them to brl-cad.
15:18.10 narnia what do 'bot' and 'nmg' stand for?
15:23.56 polyspin Hmmm. Interesting. "Bot" is a "Bag of Triangles" and "NMG" is "Non-manifold geometry"
15:24.23 polyspin The NMG object allows you to store topological faceted geometry
15:24.59 polyspin The "surfaces without topology" would become a BOT
15:25.10 polyspin the wireframes would all be NMG primitives
15:26.07 polyspin faceted brep solids should probably be BoTs unless we don't want to triangulate the facets, in which case NMG is appropriate
15:27.11 polyspin The only item we would have difficulty with is spline surfaces. While there is support for spline primitives, it is not as complete as the others
15:34.35 narnia polyspin, so a b-spline surface with knots may not map easily?
15:36.44 polyspin A simle B-spline surface maps. It just doesn't edit as well
15:37.09 polyspin Trimmed spline surfaces are harder. I don't think that work was completed in the BRL-CAD library.
15:39.38 polyspin I'd be thrilled with a converter that just read the STEP components BRL-CAD could represent
15:40.01 brlcad is that an understatement? :)
15:40.38 polyspin yes
15:41.16 brlcad i am in, btw .. wading through e-mail
15:41.34 polyspin Duck under the desk, I'm walking your way.
15:41.46 brlcad hehe
15:58.25 narnia i be thrilled with a coherent step standard that could be read. ;-)
16:03.14 polyspin standard=readable is an amusing concept. I have seen very few that were
16:12.29 brlcad narnia: if it feels like you're blazing a new trail, it's because for you you are with respect to knowing brl-cad's interfaces :)
16:13.33 brlcad narnia: the g-iges converter is probably the closest to the complexity that you're working with in step and that lives in src/iges instead of conv due to it's complexity
16:13.59 brlcad i don't say that so that you use it as a reference, more so that you know in case it is of interest
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17:05.47 narnia src/iges is the closest converter. will still be blazing a new trail.
17:07.43 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
17:26.49 brlcad the step converter itself shouldn't need to be nearly as complicated as the iges converter ended up being simply because a majority of the format itself is being parsed by the express library
17:28.49 narnia that is true to some extent. i am going to have to 'play' with it to get a good idea. crash and burn time. ;-)
17:30.00 narnia it is difficult to type wit a cat sitting on me.
17:31.21 narnia i found a song that should be iso 10303 theme song.
17:31.42 narnia queen's 'Pain Is So Close To Pleasure' ;-)
17:36.02 narnia
17:46.55 *** join/#brlcad alryr (
17:52.35 alryr I have a newbie question.
17:52.38 alryr Is there some sort of "text" object?
18:45.52 *** part/#brlcad alryr (
19:12.16 narnia just what i need some anti-social person is spamming sourceforge lists.
19:13.25 narnia there should be a hunting season on spammers and scammers, or do they fall under the varmit hunting season?
19:14.38 narnia a few televised public executions of a few spammers and scammers would sovle a good portion of the spam and scam problems.
19:21.02 polyspin Though it was quite nice a few days ago
19:21.35 Twingy_ narnia:
19:46.44 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/ build termlib if we're configured to build termlib
19:47.38 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ (4 files in 4 dirs): s/CURSES/TERMLIB/ we actually don't need CURSES so refer to the library that we really need, termlib/termcap
20:08.12 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/
20:08.12 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: add checks for automatic termlib detection supplanting the need for the user to
20:08.12 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: install a termlib/termcap/curses library so the build should no longer fail for
20:08.12 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: that reason (since it will build it if it's not found). rename the png and
20:08.13 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: regex ac_subst defines while we're at it for consistency. also force tk to on
20:08.13 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: for real..
20:18.30 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ (log message trimmed)
20:18.30 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: major reworking of the benchmark to iteratively double the number of rays being
20:18.30 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: fired until the individual test requires takes at least a minimum predetermined
20:18.30 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: amount of wallclock time (currently set to 60 seconds per test). the number of
20:18.30 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: rays is doubled via hypersampling 1+N hypersample rays with jitter disabled.
20:18.30 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: the amount of time may be specified via the TIMEFRAME environment variable.
20:18.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: having the longer run time will help the rtfm numbers stabilize better and lets
20:38.04 narnia Twingy, what am i suppose to look at?
20:38.57 Twingy_ bought a few parts bins last night from sears
20:39.20 Twingy_ building an online inventory system for myself, bins are labeled A0 - A9 .. R0 - R9
20:39.28 Twingy_ calling it Migikey :)
20:45.50 brlcad narnia: just nod and say "mmhmm, okay"
20:52.18 narnia Twingy, you do realize that is the first sign of a 'sick' mind.
20:52.23 narnia Twingy, ;-)
20:52.43 narnia oh joy freezing rain just in time for the weekend.
20:52.57 Twingy_ I gotta go running this crap
20:53.05 Twingy_ today is day 48 of 50
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050423

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050423

02:01.40 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (~polyspin@
02:01.44 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/rt/viewweight.c: fixed an off-by-one error, cleaned up the .density file parsing.
03:53.59 *** join/#brlcad ewilhelm_ (
05:04.49 narnia brlcad, does brd-cad grok BoM (bills of material)?
13:36.03 narnia it is downright cold here. :-(
13:51.23 dan_falck how cold?
13:51.42 dan_falck did you get an ice storm?
14:49.09 narnia dan_falck, had some freezing rain last night. yesterday had snow flurries.
15:19.51 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/regress/ ( added regression test for rtweight.
16:31.18 brlcad narnia, you've asked that before :)
16:32.29 brlcad narnia: it can support bom information via object attributes, but there is not explicit support for them
16:55.21 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ orignal gangstas use consistent style
17:13.13 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/libregex/ don't prevent the lib from building if they go directly to the directory
17:17.17 ewilhelm_ brlcad, have you heard of stow?
17:18.52 ewilhelm_ It lets you keep install a tree under /usr/local/stow/brlcad and link-farm it into the appropriate directories under /usr/local/ (bin/, etc/, etc.)
17:19.26 ewilhelm_ xstow is another version (done in C++ instead of Perl)
17:49.05 *** join/#brlcad dan_falck (
20:41.46 brlcad ewilhelm_: no I hadn't, interesting idea I'll have to look into .. thx
20:52.42 brlcad that is fairly interesting
20:52.51 brlcad I wonder how many packages actually use stow/xstow
20:54.36 brlcad or probably the better question is how many package-managed distributions support stow's linkages on a filesystem policy organization level
23:17.29 ewilhelm_ I think it's more an administrator-level thing.
23:17.52 ewilhelm_ e.g. checkinstall is one way to track built-from-source apps within your package system
23:18.20 ewilhelm_ (maybe 'checkinstall -D xstow brlcad' would be one way to do it?)
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050424

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050424

04:58.53 narnia brlcad, did you ever get your time on the document machine?
05:12.44 Twingy woo, inventory system is done
05:57.50 *** join/#brlcad Jeebaryo (
05:59.20 Jeebaryo ok who has got this running for osx may i ask?
06:00.33 Jeebaryo ive installed the x11 sdk and all, but I am an IDE kind of guy, and this is a little daunting, do I need to sudo every command when compiling? help me out
06:09.50 Twingy hi narnia
06:26.36 narnia Jeebaryo, brlcad would be the person to talk to.
06:26.48 narnia Twingy, hello, how goes it?
06:49.40 Twingy hey
06:49.42 Twingy good
06:49.52 Twingy finished making my rocket body today
06:59.31 *** join/#brlcad DarkMaster (~Matthew@
07:25.35 narnia Twingy, how big is this rocket?
07:51.37 Twingy 4 feet not including nose cone
07:51.52 Twingy ~300lbs of thrust
07:52.03 Twingy total mass ~2kg
08:49.57 brlcad eebaryo:
08:50.00 brlcad er
08:50.08 narnia Twingy, sorry was reading some really boring parts of 10303.
08:50.09 brlcad Jeebaryo: no, you don't need to sudo every command
08:50.36 narnia Twingy, any pictures?
08:54.11 brlcad Jeebaryo: perhaps this will work better for you:
08:55.38 brlcad Jeebaryo: that's a snapshot build I recently made from cvs (so few guarantees..), it will install BRL-CAD into /usr/brlcad
08:56.18 brlcad you'll need to add /usr/brlcad/bin to your path (export PATH=/usr/brlcad/bin:$PATH) of course
08:56.53 brlcad if you really are just interested in compiling, ./ && ./configure && make .. then sudo make install
16:14.26 *** join/#brlcad cad825 (
19:50.57 narnia brlcad, i do not remember all the iso 10303 parts you ordered. did you order any iso 10303 part-4x or 10303 part5xx ?
23:58.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/
23:58.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: macros. This change simplifies argument/alias specifications, shortening the
23:58.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: line count, making their logic more consistent and simple to maintain. this
23:58.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: change does add the new requirement of more strict yes/no argument value instead
23:58.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: of the previous implicit 'not no means yes'
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050425

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050425

00:25.12 *** join/#brlcad ewilhelm_ (
01:34.49 ewilhelm_ brlcad, it looks like dxf-g ignores the normal vector of circles?
01:37.18 ewilhelm_ that would be the codes 210,220,230
01:41.12 ewilhelm_ oo! yet another rgb list!
01:43.21 ewilhelm_ I've yet to see two of these that match. Would anybody get mad if it changes?
01:45.07 ewilhelm_ I've got three or four of these now, and don't know which one to use!
01:46.26 ewilhelm_ at least we all agree on the translation of ACI->RGB for 0-7, but it looks like a free-for-all after that :-)
01:52.58 ewilhelm_ neat. 1-6 are redundant (at least in all of these translations) I would doubt the translations if AD hadn't already shown themselves to be a bunch of ninnys in so many other ways.
02:01.44 brlcad ewilhelm_: I wouldn't be surprised -- the dxf-g converter is relatively new/immature
02:02.32 brlcad ewilhelm_: I don't think anyone would get mad, but I believe it was pulled from the specification -- would have to ask the original author
02:59.34 ewilhelm_ spec? as in the dxf spec?
03:06.37 ewilhelm_ don't see anything in the dxf2000 spec, but there's something in the knowledge base. I'll check that.
03:06.53 ewilhelm_ (after dinner)
03:31.21 *** join/#brlcad crusier (
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05:13.28 *** join/#brlcad ewilhelm__ (
05:43.44 ewilhelm__ yep. Looks like the dxf-g rgb conversion came straight off of the autodesk knowledge base
05:44.38 ewilhelm__ too bad that it doesn't come out to an integer when you take their "pantone colors" *255
05:50.11 ewilhelm__ everything comes out even when I use 2^64-1. Is pantone 192-bit color or something?
06:30.26 *** join/#brlcad cad951 (
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07:05.31 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/bwish/cmd.c:
07:05.32 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: make sure the command list is initialized before attempting to add an entry. if
07:05.32 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: cmdInit() has some step that fails for any particular reason, it returns early.
07:05.32 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: this was causing the crash (for example when incrtcl or incrtk failed to locate
07:05.32 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: their startup script) and probably should be rethought, though the 'broken
07:05.32 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: install' case is rather abnormal and unsupported.
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16:07.57 fooooo this is a test
16:08.08 fooooo hmm.. firefox seems to work just fine
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22:25.13 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ cygwin's pthread.h is not compatible with sched.h so make sure we try to use both in the sched.h test (so that it gets disabled)
22:43.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libfb/if_ogl.c: make sure the IRIX preprocessor symbol is even defined before jumping into an if IRIX < value section or we can get in when we shouldn't
23:07.57 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libcursor/cursor.c: use the same terminal library inclusion order that configure used otherwise cygwin pulls out his angry eyes
23:31.25 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libfft/ the executable extension variable must be used when running binaries or specifying build dependencies on executables for systems that require an executable suffix (windows fix)
23:37.06 *** join/#brlcad ewilhelm_ (
23:38.06 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/burst/extern.h: get rid of the antiquated define checks for lrand48 vs. random -- they should be HAVE_ macro checks if they really are necessary anyways and they break/conflict the cygwin build
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050426

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050426

00:31.46 narnia brlcad, why are you turning to the dark side?
00:32.09 brlcad heh
00:32.52 brlcad I'm just dancing in the shadows right now
00:33.00 brlcad working in Studio would be the dark side
00:36.18 brlcad BRL-CAD should work "everywhere" though, both the good the bad and the ugly
00:38.17 narnia okay, good == anything unix like (linux, the bsds, macosx) ugly == anything microsoft so what is bad?
00:38.44 narnia bad == os/2 ????
00:38.53 narnia cp/m
00:39.01 narnia dr. dos
00:39.05 brlcad :)
00:39.37 brlcad i would have probably said anything ms is the bad
00:39.38 narnia brl-cad should run under cp/m and os/2
00:39.46 brlcad os/2 and etc are the ugly :)
00:40.10 narnia what???? cp/m rules.
00:40.16 brlcad vms
00:40.30 narnia bad == vms
00:40.34 narnia agreed
00:40.41 brlcad heh
00:41.42 narnia btw, wednesday is will be out. gary's funeral prye and memorial service is wednesday.
00:41.43 brlcad wouldn't be too hard to get a minimal subset on palmos
00:42.27 brlcad brl-cad started on machines with less resources than the current power/size of the palms
00:43.22 brlcad would have to make an input driver and framebuffer/dm interface
00:43.55 brlcad should be possible to run classic mged, raytrace into the window
00:44.52 narnia coming on your cellular telephone brl-cad. :-)
00:45.36 brlcad heh, it's possible!
00:45.47 brlcad solid modeling while on the road..
00:45.57 brlcad "hold on.. lemme sketch up the idea for you"
00:51.15 brlcad woo.. mged just linked successfully
00:51.33 brlcad i think I'll be done with this within the half hour if not less
00:59.44 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/dg_obj.c: this FreeSolid list is private to librt
01:00.52 brlcad indeed
01:01.02 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/g_arb.c: the earb tables are provided by librt now instead of from the mged front end
01:01.05 brlcad chanserv must have segfaulted
01:01.20 brlcad or CIA sensed me working in cygwin
01:37.59 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ check the term.h header with the other terminal library crew libraries to ensure compatibility when used together when multiple are available
01:39.53 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/mged_solid.h: comment that the globals are brought to life in dozoom.c
01:47.58 *** join/#brlcad tancred (
01:48.57 *** part/#brlcad tancred (
02:03.34 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/dozoom.c: ws
02:06.30 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/ (anal.c edarb.c edsol.c): the earb# arrays and the arb_faces array are now provided by librt directly instead of in the mged front-end
02:15.47 [Prez|Kennedy] time for my first reboot in 15 days
02:16.07 [Prez|Kennedy] lets hope the thing comes back up... last time i went so long without rebooting... it didnt :-\
02:21.25 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (~Matthew@
02:22.54 *** join/#brlcad Jegga (
02:23.42 PrezKennedy guess it worked
02:24.35 Jegga You there Sean?
02:24.44 brlcad hello
02:25.15 Jegga Hi its Jesse, your osx kid -lGL
02:25.22 brlcad ahh, howdy ;)
02:25.43 brlcad was that any better?
02:25.57 Jegga one thing you said about x11 being in my utils concerns me... in apps/utilities or in development/apps/utilities?
02:26.23 brlcad it should be in apps/utilities
02:26.32 brlcad at least in 10.3.*
02:26.47 brlcad white icon.. says X11
02:27.04 Jegga hmm, Im pretty sure I installed it, but I dont see x11 in there
02:27.16 brlcad should be near the end of the list
02:27.22 dan_falck brlcad:thanks for the OS X *.dmg
02:27.31 Jegga but neway didnt the config output show that x11 present (ala my last post)
02:27.37 brlcad dan_falck: np
02:27.37 Jegga ????? the dmg is up?
02:27.40 dan_falck got it running
02:27.56 brlcad dan_falck: it doesn't set up your environment for you, so you would have had to modify your path minimally
02:28.25 brlcad Jegga: I have a test .dmg binary build
02:28.25 dan_falck su mged
02:28.31 brlcad heh, you have a user named mged? :)
02:28.38 Jegga im trying you last sugg now Sean, perhaps all the blood sweat and tears for nothing?
02:28.55 brlcad Jegga: not necessarily ..
02:29.08 dan_falck yeah, I need to set up permissions right. Can't seem to start a new database yet
02:29.09 brlcad you have to find though :)
02:29.10 Jegga I still feel like a 13 year old buying drugs when using the command line
02:29.12 brlcad regardless
02:29.32 brlcad dan_falck: ahh, thanks
02:29.34 Jegga okeydokey searching...
02:29.45 brlcad I was scratching my head last night trying to remember what I needed to make sure I fixed..
02:29.48 brlcad it was the permissions
02:30.05 brlcad Jegga: try just searching on X11 and/or
02:30.19 Jegga doing so
02:31.19 brlcad dan_falck: I'd forgotten that the dmg installs itself with my user id.. not good for you :)
02:31.31 brlcad you should be able to fix it with:
02:32.35 brlcad sudo find /usr/brlcad -exec chown dan_faulk:admin {} \;
02:33.34 brlcad replace dan_falck with whatever your user id is or root
02:37.04 brlcad Jegga: what does this output from within Terminal? ls -la /Applications/Utilities/
02:37.42 dan_falck brlcad: thanks. I now own all the stuff within the brlcad directory
02:37.44 brlcad something saying Contents, or file/directory not found?
02:38.01 brlcad dan_falck: make sure / and /usr are owned correctly too
02:38.15 brlcad package installers write up the heirarchy
02:38.26 brlcad ls -lad /
02:38.30 brlcad ls -lad /usr
02:38.58 dan_falck I can create a new database. It must be working
02:39.33 brlcad well, if you're uncertain, you can always run Disk Utility and it will repair the permissions too
02:40.00 dan_falck ok. thanks.
02:40.26 dan_falck now I need to start reading the manual and create something.
02:40.27 brlcad (automatically via a click of the "Repair Permissions" button)
02:40.44 Jegga it outputs the sinking feeling that I dont have x11 installed, specially since I cant find it with sherlock
02:41.03 Jegga Im currently scouring the cd
02:41.04 brlcad Jegga: hrm.. you _had_ it installed at one point :)
02:41.16 brlcad configure says so ..
02:41.18 Jegga configure still tells me its there
02:41.35 brlcad configure is saying that it found the X11 libraries and headers
02:41.43 brlcad the X11 application is what's missing
02:42.01 Jegga I am goin to reboot in expert install to see if I can fix it up
02:42.08 brlcad Jegga: do you just want the binary?
02:42.09 Jegga ahh, the compile failed right on time
02:42.23 brlcad or are you really intent on building it?
02:42.28 Jegga let me try the stuporuser install
02:42.36 Jegga well Ive come this far...
02:42.45 Jegga but the binary would be nice
02:42.56 brlcad you will have to install the X11 application again apparently, regardless
02:42.59 Jegga good luck getting a file through my japanese isp
02:43.20 Jegga msn usually works, but ... be back in about 15
02:43.27 Jegga thanks for all the help so far
02:43.29 brlcad okie dokie
03:04.27 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/remrt/remrt.c: rt_verbosity is apparently being provided by liboptical, so don't repeat the symbol
03:12.06 *** join/#brlcad Jegga (
03:14.54 Jegga brlcad: strange, when I reboot with the osx dvd it will let me install x11 but not without reinstalling osx and reverting my system to 10.3.7 - launching the "bundled software only" pkg doest give an option to install just x11, only the fruity tools and office demos
03:15.21 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/remrt/rtsrv.c:
03:15.21 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: rt_verbosity is being provided by liboptical, so don't need to repeat it here in
03:15.21 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: the front end. also get rid of the silly SYSV checks and replace them with more
03:15.21 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: appropriate preprocessor macros vars HAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H and TIOCNOTTY.
03:15.29 brlcad hmm, okay
03:15.39 brlcad you can download it from the website
03:16.26 Jegga from apple?
03:16.50 brlcad yes
03:17.12 brlcad though they've moved the page with all the new pages for tiger
03:19.12 brlcad
03:19.17 Jegga finalement tabernac c'est comme microsoft, un peu
03:19.37 Jegga oui j'ai vu ca juste maintenant
03:19.48 Jegga french works better than swearing
03:19.48 brlcad ~translate fr en finalement tabernac c'est comme microsoft, un peu
03:20.25 Jegga tabernacle is a french swearword eh? in canadian french eh?
03:22.06 brlcad after you install that download from apple, (re?)install the X11 SDK too
03:22.22 Jegga why?, for configuration?
03:22.47 brlcad it's normally on the developer cd only, so I've put it here for your convenience:
03:23.13 brlcad yes, for configuration -- just to make sure you have all the necessary pieces
03:23.26 Jegga yeah I have it in my xcode tools/packages directory on my dvd
03:24.07 brlcad is this system one that's been upgraded since 10.0 or 10.1 ?
03:24.57 Jegga brand new with 10.3.7
03:25.07 brlcad hrm, so odd
03:25.11 Jegga and not enough memory
03:25.18 brlcad maybe you accidentally deleted X11 at some point
03:25.53 brlcad or moved it to a place finder can't see it
03:26.00 Jegga at first I was doing most of this from a diff account called dev (not an admin) and that gave me a bit of hassle, specially since visudo made me shit my pants
03:26.00 brlcad "locate" would tell you
03:26.32 brlcad you shouldn't need to sudo until the actual sudo make install
03:26.36 Jegga so I switched in to my base acct, and perhaps I had installed x11 in the other one, should make a diff though right?
03:26.57 brlcad x11 should have come preinstalled on a 10.3 system
03:27.23 Jegga thats what I thought, but I upgraded to 10.3.9 first thing
03:27.43 brlcad shouldn't matter, we have lots of machines like that here
03:27.44 Jegga if this is apple giving me a crap video card in the mac mini Im going on a holy war
03:28.23 brlcad no no .. you've not even gotten that far yet
03:28.30 brlcad I've compiled and ran on a mini already too
03:28.51 Jegga you should be a mental health councillor
03:29.11 Jegga you make everything all right
03:29.23 brlcad that would be just crazy of me :)
03:31.21 Jegga hows performance on the mini? am I gonna kick myself for not getting something faster?
03:32.02 brlcad depends completely on your expectations .. ;)
03:32.18 brlcad I think they are impressive little machines.. beautiful
03:32.20 Jegga low, is it shaded and rea time? Im happy if so
03:32.29 brlcad decent processor
03:32.56 Jegga hell its snappy compared to my wintel laptop that was twice as much used
03:33.14 brlcad mged (brl-cad's gui-based solid modeler) does have an experimental shaded mode that you can enable, though it is off by default
03:33.51 Jegga ahh well, bells and whistles
03:33.53 brlcad the "second generation" mged that is yet to be released (archer) is shaded
03:34.20 brlcad (yet to be released by us, that is -- it's used in production already)
03:34.46 Jegga one last q: how do I install this so that its in my apps folder and available from any account? or is it already set for that?
03:35.20 brlcad the completely new solid modeler under development by yours truely will also have several display modes possible (shaded, wireframe, edge, points, etc)
03:36.43 Jegga ... <<Jesse Crosses Fingers, Knocks on Wood, and incises assembly code on his forehead in blood to appease the compile gods>> ...
03:37.07 brlcad Jegga: you'll need to edit a certain file with a text editor for it to be available for all users.. run:
03:37.21 brlcad open /etc/profile
03:37.25 brlcad from Terminal
03:37.35 brlcad it should pop open that file in text editor
03:37.47 brlcad do you see a line that starts with PATH=... ?
03:38.16 brlcad oh wow, brl-cad is now fully compiled in cygwin.. w00t
03:39.13 Jegga I guess that means you have other things to do now ;) with any luck Ill be running in .5 hours
03:39.22 Jegga yeah i got the paths line here
03:39.32 Jegga PATH="/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin"
03:39.32 Jegga export PATH
03:39.37 brlcad great
03:39.43 brlcad edit that PATH= line so that it says:
03:40.00 brlcad PATH="/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/brlcad/bin"
03:40.13 brlcad save the file, close it
03:40.15 Jegga dunkeshien
03:40.26 Jegga I can do this before compile is done?
03:40.31 brlcad yes
03:40.57 brlcad need to do the same thing with /etc/bashrc
03:41.02 brlcad open /etc/bashrc
03:41.14 brlcad add the same PATH= line, and the export PATH line
03:41.24 brlcad save the file, close it
03:41.29 Jegga whoa, unix newbie, how to save the file and xit?
03:41.58 brlcad when you ran "open /etc/profile", it will pop open the file in TextEdit (the apple gui text editor)
03:42.07 brlcad go to the menu.. :)
03:42.13 brlcad File -> Save :)
03:42.43 Jegga sorry looked like a terminal
03:42.52 Jegga neway it wont let me overwrite
03:43.04 Jegga :/
03:43.06 brlcad ahh, yes
03:43.19 brlcad you'd have to be a priv user
03:43.23 Jegga should i do all this logged in as root ?
03:43.31 brlcad you could
03:43.45 brlcad not "all" .. but the editing of /etc/profile and /etc/bashrc yes
03:44.19 Jegga hmm kay, brb then
03:44.23 brlcad there are ways to do it without logging in as root if you want me to take you through it
03:44.32 Jegga please do master
03:44.43 Jegga I shall call you sensei
03:45.28 brlcad k, gimmie a sec
03:47.48 brlcad okay, so you did the open /etc/profile, yes?
03:47.55 brlcad and you have it edited in TextEdit
03:47.59 Jegga yeah, all editing done
03:48.06 Jegga both files
03:48.06 brlcad save the file to your Desktop
03:48.13 brlcad save both files to your desktop
03:48.22 brlcad same name
03:48.40 brlcad or name them whatever.. doesn't really matter :)
03:48.53 Jegga gotcha
03:48.53 Jegga done
03:49.03 brlcad go to Terminal
03:49.07 brlcad ls -la ~/Desktop/profile
03:49.08 Jegga ya
03:49.15 brlcad outputs what?
03:50.06 Jegga ls: /Desktop/profile: No such file or directory
03:50.24 Jegga ???
03:50.28 brlcad ~
03:50.31 brlcad ~/Desktop/profile
03:50.36 Jegga sorry
03:50.40 brlcad ~ is the key next to the 1 key
03:51.41 Jegga on mine its over by the yen sign :) -rw-r--r-- 1 jesse jesse 142 26 Apr 12:48 /Users/jesse/Desktop/profile
03:51.51 brlcad ahh, true :)
03:52.07 brlcad good good
03:52.15 brlcad ls -la ~/Desktop/bashrc
03:52.35 Jegga -rw-r--r-- 1 jesse jesse 225 26 Apr 12:48 /Users/jesse/Desktop/bashrc
03:52.38 brlcad great
03:52.42 brlcad now run:
03:52.54 brlcad sudo cp ~/Desktop/profile /etc/profile
03:53.03 brlcad sudo cp ~/Desktop/bashrc /etc/bashrc
03:53.10 brlcad the first one should prompt you for your password
03:54.35 Jegga okey dokey, we just copied our permissioned copy over the system files right?
03:55.00 Jegga slick
04:00.12 brlcad right
04:00.17 brlcad use sudo with care :)
04:00.24 brlcad especially with regards to rm
04:00.44 Jegga no kidding, I have broken a few linuxes in the past
04:00.50 Jegga well, only one or two
04:01.00 brlcad so now your path is set up, so when you run X11, it should find brl-cad just fine for any user
04:01.13 Jegga what so sudo rm -rf * is a no no?
04:01.22 brlcad depends on where you are :)
04:01.58 Jegga well, I still dont know how to get to /dev/hda1 so I should be all right :)
04:02.16 Jegga if you ever need a guinea pig (cause I got no skills otherwise) let me know
04:02.21 brlcad thems dangerous words :)
04:02.33 Jegga well, at least for software
04:02.51 brlcad thems still dangerous words :)
04:03.23 brlcad you'll probably be too exhausted or mad once you get it all working ;)
04:03.37 brlcad Jegga: you have downloaded the users manuals?
04:03.38 Jegga lol, I need to got to work in 20 min
04:03.43 brlcad they're on the website
04:03.53 brlcad okay
04:04.01 Jegga but Ill get it up tonight - then my girlfreind will be mad
04:04.18 brlcad so, path is set up.. did you download/install X11 from apple?
04:04.46 Jegga yes, which is evidenced by this much longer compile Im experiencing
04:05.03 brlcad ahh, that sounds good then
04:05.05 Jegga An error now would really make me sad
04:05.32 brlcad if you get another error, we'll just install the binary
04:05.58 brlcad I should have posted it two months ago, but wasn't comfortable with the scripting yet
04:07.59 brlcad woo hoo .. BRL-CAD benchmark run completely and correctly through cygwin
04:08.00 Jegga yeah well life is learning, I gotta find the time (as if there would ever be enough) to learn my Unix
04:08.59 Jegga yeah, now just prey the spyware doesnt kill it :)
04:09.53 Jegga :)
04:10.00 Jegga this is like watching pro sports
04:10.12 brlcad people have been clamoring for this for _years_.. looks like it's done
04:11.10 Jegga hey man when I found out that I could compile this on a mac I went to akihabara and initiated a month of poverty
04:11.19 Jegga fed up with windows anyway
04:11.27 brlcad You witnesed it here, the first full port of BRL-CAD to Windows (we've been on Win for years, just this makes the first full port)
04:11.50 Jegga but will it run on my 800MHz laptop with no OpenGL?
04:11.53 brlcad hehe, yeah, I hear ya.. I don't use windows myself
04:12.04 brlcad os x is my primary platform (as it is for most of us around here)
04:12.32 brlcad brl-cad does not need opengl inherintly, it can work
04:12.33 ewilhelm_ lol! apple is a defense contractor?
04:12.37 Jegga <<Jesse Waxes poetic and minimizes all his windows in slo-mo>>
04:12.58 brlcad our new build system isn't that flexible to let you turn off opengl yet very easily (unless you know how to edit text files)
04:13.21 Jegga ahh, more fun ahead on windows...
04:13.30 brlcad i'm sure apple probably is a defense contractor, though I dont' see the relation :)
04:13.39 brlcad most large companies are
04:14.05 Jegga well how did you become the brl-cad guy?
04:14.19 ewilhelm_ you haven't heard the $100 screwdriver saw?
04:14.39 ewilhelm_ (oops mixed a metaphor with an actual tool there)
04:14.42 brlcad i could care less about the port to windows myself .. could have done it years ago if I really wanted -- it's been very low on my priority list that it's finally now simple as a side effect to other work I completed
04:15.01 Jegga cygwin helps eh?
04:15.28 brlcad it helps a bit, get to use the same build system
04:15.37 brlcad instead of replicating it all in Studio
04:16.02 brlcad I did that years ago for kicks and knew that wouldn't work for long term maintenance
04:17.05 brlcad now I need to test out mingw and msys
04:17.34 brlcad but that can be for another day .. too much windows for one day already :)
04:17.39 Jegga hmm, thousands of lines of code for kicks, Im still trying to convert characters to ints and back to characters .. lol
04:18.33 brlcad heh
04:18.43 brlcad so you're learning to code?
04:19.33 narnia okay, how bad/ugly does code have to be before you just discard it and start over?
04:20.08 brlcad narnia: pretty darn bad, imo .. and it's a function of line/feature count
04:21.26 brlcad mged, for example, is a great case for an app that needs to be (and is being) rewritten
04:21.52 Jegga ya leaning for the 4th time
04:21.59 Jegga leaning = learning
04:22.14 brlcad that refactoring is major, though, and will ultimately be very expensive to ultimately reimplement no matter how good the libraries and tools are you have to work with
04:22.14 Jegga I guess now Ill start with objective c
04:22.41 Jegga something about the word WinClass makes me queasy
04:23.02 brlcad i'm rather fond of objective C myself
04:23.25 narnia i have an old nist source file. given the coding styles persent in the file there are at least 7 different authors.
04:23.35 brlcad the smalltalkish objectification of C was a cleaner way to go, albeit the syntax is fugly
04:23.59 brlcad narnia: run it through indent? :)
04:26.11 Jegga <<Jessy adorns battle armor and consigns himself to the dungeons of Smiley's English Conversation School>> ttyal
04:26.25 Jegga thanks a million - make completed successfully
04:27.12 brlcad excellent
04:27.21 brlcad now try "make benchmark"
04:30.10 *** join/#brlcad EricWilhelm (
04:31.12 brlcad make benchmark will run several standard raytraces that test system performance and verify that the render library is working correctly
04:31.43 brlcad if it says CORRECT for all the tests, you can then run "sudo make install"
04:32.05 brlcad then you can run X11, and should be able to type "mged" to get the solid modeler
05:14.13 brlcad well, off to foodage i think
05:26.06 Twingy
05:58.41 narnia Twingy, do you have any pictures of your rocket?
06:09.24 narnia Twingy, would you have the need of a steel table 14ft by 7ft-7in by 1.25inches. that is just the top. the legs and frame are steel i-beams. the table top weighs just under 3 tons.
06:22.57 Twingy ah
06:22.58 Twingy possibly
06:23.11 Twingy but not for another year or so, when I move to a bigger house
06:23.28 Twingy pictures of rocket will probly go up in 2 weeks
06:24.16 Twingy check out my inventory
06:24.19 Twingy
06:44.23 *** join/#brlcad cad626 (
06:44.33 narnia Twingy, i get "Authorization Required"
06:44.38 *** join/#brlcad cad618 (
06:46.48 *** join/#brlcad cad702 (
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06:49.28 Twingy yes
06:49.33 Twingy click ok
06:51.03 *** join/#brlcad cad787 (
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06:52.53 Twingy night
06:56.08 *** join/#brlcad cad787 (
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07:05.23 ewilhelm_ wow. Now *that's* a table top
07:05.44 *** join/#brlcad cad107 (
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07:13.40 cad107 dan_falck: /who
07:14.58 *** join/#brlcad cad235 (
07:19.11 *** join/#brlcad cad575 (
07:19.20 brlcad hello daniel
07:19.44 brlcad goodbye daniel
07:20.15 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
07:20.24 brlcad progress?
07:21.06 brlcad d_rossberg: a message made it through earlier ..
07:21.22 brlcad can you write?
07:21.34 d_rossberg apparently, at last I had a problem with my nick name: there was already a rossberg in
07:22.00 brlcad yep, already a rossberg
07:22.01 brlcad 03:21 -!- rossberg []
07:22.01 brlcad 03:21 -!- ircname : Andreas Rossberg
07:22.01 brlcad 03:21 -!- channels : #sml #ocaml #haskell
07:22.02 brlcad 0
07:22.43 brlcad so you were able to get cgi:irc working apparently
07:22.55 brlcad what finally made it work?
07:24.16 d_rossberg a call with our IT people, they made some changes for me :-)
07:24.34 brlcad ahh, special exceptions :)
07:25.42 d_rossberg What time is it in the US? 3:30?
07:25.48 brlcad yes
07:27.09 d_rossberg how about taking a nap?
07:27.35 brlcad soon :)
07:28.08 brlcad made good code progress today, so it's been a late day
07:28.56 brlcad d_rossberg: can you ssh out?
07:41.42 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/machine.h: Turn on SMP support for Windows, get rid of the cruft
07:47.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/fbed/std.h: get rid of the old apparently unused IRIX3_3 define
07:54.41 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/fbserv/fbserv.c: if/when someone compiles on irix 5 again, we can refactor the build logic for a proper configure check instead of defining _BSD_COMPAT for undocumented reasons
07:56.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/fbserv/fbserv.c: use HAVE_SYSLOG_H define from configure
07:57.03 brlcad d_rossberg: you are utc/gmt+1 ?
08:06.18 d_rossberg I'm GMT+1, UTC+2 (daylight saving time)
08:06.51 brlcad ahh, so almost lunchtime :)
08:15.31 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libfb/if_ogl.c: make sure the irix define is defined before parsing a value via #if
08:16.22 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libfb/if_4d.c: remove stale/unused debug log message
08:24.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ make sure sys/types.h was found before using it
08:28.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libtermio/termio.c: use the configure check header file macros for fcntl.h and sys/file.h
08:32.29 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/remrt/rtsrv.c: remove the old irix _BSD_COMPAT hack, needs to be a configure check if anyone ever tries compiling there again
08:40.13 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/ (do.c viewedge.c): use if defined() preprocessor checks for the symbols so cygwin behaves
08:41.42 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/util/ttcp.c: is IRIX even defined? check it
08:49.27 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/vdeck/std.h: remove the old define cruft letting someone refactor again later via proper configure checks if they are even actually still needed.
13:04.58 Jegga Can anyone tell me how to turn on shaded mode in 7.2.2?
13:43.41 *** join/#brlcad ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
13:43.41 *** mode/#brlcad [+o ChanServ] by
13:54.57 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
14:15.13 narnia argh, indent does not grok macros.
14:37.10 Jegga brlcad: you awake?
14:37.47 Jegga tell me the ways of turning on real time shading oh master
17:35.46 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ force itcl to on by default instead of auto until a suitable means to find the ITCL_LIBRARY can be found
17:38.59 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ print messages to stderr so they don't show up in the configure output (should still show up in config.log).
17:41.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: checks added for termcap/curses (added termlib), checks added for urt, checks added for system libs and optional build libs (including libtcl)
17:45.50 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: convert the documentation to docbook, add dynamic geometry support
18:00.32 *** join/#brlcad menotume (
18:01.05 menotume learner, brlcad ... pingo
18:10.27 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/librt/dg_obj.c: Modified the dgo_bot_check_leaf function to call rt_bot_plot_poly or rt_pg_plot_poly if possible (for the unevaluated shaded mode hack)
18:24.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO:
18:24.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: instead of scaling over time, a backwards-compatible solution that provides the
18:24.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: same results was to simply hypersample without jitter. an interesting benchmark
18:24.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: improvement would be to continue the renders until the rtfm variance is below
18:24.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: some threshold.
18:24.13 *** part/#brlcad menotume (
18:31.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS:
18:31.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: rtarea bug should be squished now. it still uses the global, but should not be
18:31.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: doing the forking any more unless it's required -- and if it does fork, it will
18:31.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: force rtarea to single-threaded so values are properly computed.
19:06.24 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
19:36.07 brlcad narnia: it doesn't? hrm..
19:37.26 narnia brlcad, what doesn't?
19:53.29 brlcad indent
20:17.06 narnia brlcad, indent does not grok macros.
20:17.16 narnia brlcad, that is correct.
20:20.19 brlcad <PROTECTED>
20:22.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/machine.h: disable PARALLEL on windows again until the appropriate win32 calls can be added to parallel.c/semaphore.c in libbu, not enough to rely on cygwin's pthreading wrapping
20:22.08 narnia GNU indent 2.2.9
20:23.27 narnia it combines macros and statement following the macro into a single line.
20:23.51 narnia so: LISTdo( a, b, c )
20:24.05 narnia <PROTECTED>
20:24.10 narnia becomes
20:24.26 narnia LISTdo(a, b, c) if (something)
20:24.37 brlcad shouldn't that be LISTdo( a, b, c );
20:25.02 brlcad it doesn't strictly matter but...
20:25.18 brlcad stylewise, that is something I've not seen someone do yet
20:25.23 narnia LISTdo is defined as:
20:25.26 narnia #define LISTdo(list, elt, type) \
20:25.26 narnia <PROTECTED>
20:25.26 narnia <PROTECTED>
20:25.26 narnia <PROTECTED>
20:25.26 narnia <PROTECTED>
20:25.27 narnia <PROTECTED>
20:25.29 narnia <PROTECTED>
20:25.40 brlcad sure, it's a code block
20:25.41 narnia LISTod is defined as:
20:25.55 narnia #define LISTod }}}
20:25.56 brlcad effectively inserts a { .. } in the code
20:26.05 narnia yes
20:26.14 brlcad so { .. }; is harmless, but lets it blend like functions and matches style
20:26.48 narnia ????
20:27.14 brlcad we have macro blocks like that all throughout brl-cad
20:27.28 brlcad the core math routines do that for performance
20:28.00 brlcad having LISTdo( ... ); in the code doesn't change the logic
20:28.10 narnia so you are saying do ::
20:28.18 narnia LISTdo (a, b, c )
20:28.20 narnia {
20:28.21 narnia }
20:28.24 narnia LISTod
20:28.32 brlcad no
20:28.40 brlcad the macros stay as they are
20:28.48 brlcad when you use the macro, though
20:28.55 brlcad you append the ;
20:29.06 brlcad effectively treating it like a function call
20:29.15 brlcad LISTdo( a, b, c );
20:29.17 brlcad if (something)
20:29.49 brlcad indent's getting just as confused as I would have been reading teh code
20:29.54 brlcad looks like a syntax error
20:30.04 brlcad without the ;
20:30.49 narnia i would like to have::
20:30.58 narnia LISTdo(a, b, c);
20:31.07 narnia <PROTECTED>
20:31.12 narnia LISTod;
20:31.45 narnia i would like whatever is between LISTdo and LISTod indented.
20:32.27 narnia there is literal hundreds of LISTdo/LISTod in libexpress.
20:32.55 brlcad ahh i misunderstood the do od pair
20:32.58 brlcad shame on them
20:34.16 narnia well i have to live with it or change it. right now i am living with it.
20:34.55 narnia the code would become real ugly real quick if i replaced the LISTdo/LISTod combinations with the actual code.
20:35.32 brlcad yeah understand. the problem is the macro itself
20:36.33 brlcad it's an "incomplete" macro
20:36.43 narnia basically LISTdo open a code block, user added code, LISTod closes the code block.
20:37.21 narnia i call them degenerate macros.
20:37.37 brlcad if you make LISTod take an empty parameter list, the semicolons would fix it
20:37.47 brlcad so it's sort of like opengl's begin/end
20:38.24 brlcad or even better, remove the {
20:38.43 brlcad so it becomes:
20:38.50 brlcad LISTdo (a, b, c) {
20:39.00 brlcad <PROTECTED>
20:39.04 brlcad } LISTod;
20:39.42 brlcad then indentation will be correct too
20:39.59 narnia so remove the inner most {} pair. (for loop {} pair)
20:42.15 brlcad the starting { in the LISTdo (before the struct Linked_list) and one of the } in LISTod
20:43.17 brlcad ack my bad, you're right
20:43.24 brlcad hrm.. that's a problem
20:43.51 brlcad that elt line is nfg
20:44.23 brlcad if you move it into the for itself, you can remove the last { in LISTdo
20:45.53 brlcad i.e. (elt) = (type)((__p)->data ; for ( __p = __l->mark; (__p = __p->next) != __l->mark; (elt) = (type)((__p)->data) )
20:49.57 narnia i do not think that will work. the third part of a for loop is only hit after the for loop executes at least once.
20:50.29 narnia the first time elt will be undefined.
20:52.34 narnia could possible do ; for ( __p = __l->mark, (elt) = (type)((__p)->data); (__p = __p->next) != __l->mark; )
20:53.41 narnia nevermind that will not work either.
20:54.26 narnia it would have to be in both the 1st and 3rd parameters to the for loop.
20:54.47 narnia which looks really ugly.
20:55.42 narnia <PROTECTED>
20:56.53 narnia would definitely break backward compatibility.
20:57.59 narnia any source code relying on those macros would have to be changed. that is an unknown amount of source code.
21:00.47 narnia it boils down to which is uglier and how desireable is backward compatibility.
21:29.03 brlcad not undefined, you missed the first part
21:29.23 brlcad aside from my var error
21:29.31 brlcad before the for loop you set (elt)
21:30.26 brlcad which is where I typod: (elt) = (type)((__l->mark)->data); for (...
21:30.41 brlcad that is the same logic
21:30.47 brlcad just different placement
23:06.58 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ might as well force tcl and iwidgets on too since they have the same problem.. need to determine/set TCL_LIBRARY inside of mged if it's not set.
23:48.23 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050427

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050427

00:16.05 *** join/#brlcad tancred (
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02:02.46 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ (4 files in 4 dirs):
02:02.46 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: and sure enough, solaris sneaks back into the picture so it's time to refix the
02:02.46 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: sys_errlist problem. solaris wants strerror, win32 can use _sys_errlist. these
02:02.46 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: should eventually get refactored into some sort of libbu facility/macro some
02:02.46 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: day.
02:24.59 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ (14 files in 3 dirs): get rid of the old STD_SIGNAL_DECLS define since an ansi compliant compiler is necessary now. if a broken impl is found that needs to be accounted for, it can return as a proper configure check.
02:29.52 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ ( include/config_win.h src/nirt/parse_fmt.c): get rid of HAVE_POPEN_DECL since ansi compliant compilers are expected to have it. when we find one that's not, we can add a better dynamic check.
02:39.23 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ (libbu/mappedfile.c rt/main.c): replace HAVE_SBRK_DECL with the HAVE_SBRK configure check name
02:41.41 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ and away the unused _DECL vars go for HAVE_STRDUP_DECL and HAVE_GETOPT_DECL
02:50.51 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libpkg/pkg.c: reformat in a way that lets m-x indentation work.. yes, this really should be a bu_strerror or something, ugh.
03:09.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libpkg/pkg.c: simplify the strerror junk even more with a little reordering
03:24.45 narnia brlcad, i agree either suggested solution would be logically the same. the question is breaking backward compatibility. may be a mute point since the nist scl has not been maintained for many years. anyone using it probably moved on to another library.
03:26.22 narnia so perhaps it would be best to break it now and not later. i have to think about it.
04:23.29 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
04:23.29 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.0 is posted (20050305)
05:29.34 narnia Twingy, check this out::
06:31.16 *** join/#brlcad brlcad_ (
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08:35.30 fenn yay!
11:28.56 *** part/#brlcad fenn (
13:55.01 *** join/#brlcad Jegga (
13:58.11 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
15:16.55 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
16:01.41 Jegga does anyone know how to turn on the real time shading feature in mged?
19:31.24 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
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Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050428

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050428

02:13.14 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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06:35.16 narnia brlcad, i am seriously tempted to rewrite the entire nist step class library in objective-c and ditch the c++ baggage.
08:48.00 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
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12:26.49 darbot quit
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12:45.19 brlcad howdy darbot
12:49.14 d_rossberg Hi Sean
12:49.31 d_rossberg I try to log this chat with a "bot"
12:50.11 d_rossberg But it doesn't work at the moment
12:53.30 *** join/#brlcad darbot (
13:38.44 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
15:13.49 *** join/#brlcad aharvey (
15:14.31 aharvey Hello, I am trying to find out if there is a way to import targets built with a program called IMEA into BRLCAD 7.2.2
16:08.36 *** join/#brlcad ewilhelm_ (
18:51.42 brlcad hrmm
18:51.57 brlcad I wonder what IMEA is
18:52.20 Twingy_ the immitation brand of IKEA?
18:53.09 brlcad maybe Integrated Munitions Effects Analysis
18:53.42 brlcad ARA analysis code of some sort
18:53.49 Twingy_ sounds fancy
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050429

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050429

00:14.12 *** join/#brlcad cad449 (
01:16.54 *** join/#brlcad ewilhelm_ (
04:40.06 narnia okay, well that sucks. there is a librt now in /usr/lib which is not the same as librt in /usr/local/brlcad. synaptic, will not upgrade the libc-6 because of it.
04:41.21 *** join/#brlcad jano (
04:41.31 jano happy birthday dude :)
04:41.34 jano :P
04:41.51 narnia jano, hello how goes it?
04:42.16 narnia jano, may i have the key to the cage of doom please?
04:48.11 narnia okay, whose birthday?
04:50.04 narnia well that just sucks. someone has a birthday, jano comes by for the first time in ages and drops the cage of doom into the pits of hell.
04:51.00 narnia good thing i installed those safety chains. jano's attempt failed.
06:11.22 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
07:40.04 learner hehe
07:49.25 *** part/#brlcad narnia (
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13:44.09 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
13:53.46 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
15:41.27 *** part/#brlcad polyspin (
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19:43.51 *** join/#brlcad Tupone (
19:44.34 *** part/#brlcad Tupone (
20:03.51 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050430

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050430

00:11.10 *** join/#brlcad |tim| (
02:04.48 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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20:42.07 *** part/#brlcad darthmux (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050501

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050501

05:28.35 *** join/#brlcad learner (
05:28.35 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by ChanServ
06:50.27 narnia all day battling 10303 and still no significant headway. :-(
06:51.49 narnia trimmed_curve with circle as the basis_curve are still not working. :-(
06:56.44 narnia btw, would someone explain, in plain english, what a half space is and how it is used?
07:06.12 narnia i know i have said it before but i will say it again. iso 10303 is a memory hog.
07:06.58 narnia and complex entities just plain suck.
07:50.39 ewilhelm_ half of a space
07:50.56 ewilhelm_ what's the context?
08:13.21 narnia the context is a step file (iso 10303 part 21 ap203 )
08:13.25 narnia <PROTECTED>
08:13.25 narnia <PROTECTED>
08:13.25 narnia <PROTECTED>
08:13.25 narnia <PROTECTED>
08:13.25 narnia <PROTECTED>
08:13.53 narnia there is also
08:13.57 narnia ENTITY half_space_2d
08:13.57 narnia <PROTECTED>
08:13.57 narnia <PROTECTED>
08:13.57 narnia <PROTECTED>
08:13.57 narnia END_ENTITY;
08:14.50 narnia i have absolutely no idea how to convert those two entities to anything brl-cad would understand.
08:17.15 narnia my best guess is that somewhere in 10303 part 42 edition 2 there is an overly verbose description. i do not have iso-10303-042e2
16:21.48 *** join/#brlcad learner (
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16:33.10 *** join/#brlcad ewilhelm_ (
16:39.22 ewilhelm_ narnia, looks like maybe it only exists within the context of a csg operation?
16:46.17 ewilhelm_ how about "a partial shape cut by a plane" ?
16:46.21 ewilhelm_
16:47.00 ewilhelm_ sounds like it might be a "keep this side" sort of thing
17:01.57 narnia EricWilhelm, iso-10303 ap203 does not cover csg. ( has absolutely no clue about csg )
17:02.33 narnia EricWilhelm, iso-10303 ap214 does cover some csg. ( has somewhat of a clue about csg )
17:05.52 narnia the problem is when an 10303 entity has more than one parent. ( yes, i know that sounds strange. in this case having a single parent is a good thing. )
17:08.32 narnia there are two cases: case 0: is where the parents have a common ancestor. case 1: is where the parents have no common ancestor.
17:09.22 narnia case 0: common entity members must match. order of entity members is not that much of a problem.
17:09.56 narnia case 1: no common entity members. what determines the order of entity members?
17:11.56 narnia btw, in iso 10303 part 21 entities look like functions but they are not functions.
17:19.25 narnia #9380=CARTESIAN_POINT('CartPt95',(-2.1386, 1.9290, 0.5)); <----this is not a function.
17:20.03 narnia the above assigns values to the members of the entity cartesian_point.
17:23.00 narnia as a matter of fact iso 10303 part 21 does not allow any functions to be present.
17:24.36 narnia btw, entity instances in iso 10303 part21 do begin with '#'. ( that is really brain dead in my opinion ).
17:34.30 ewilhelm_ narnia, does the "partial shape cut by a plane" do anything for you?
17:34.48 ewilhelm_ (the csg thing was a speculation I was making before I found that pdf)
17:38.54 ewilhelm_ narnia, it does look like it only has context in CSG though (pg 4 of that pdf)
17:39.57 ewilhelm_ so, I'm not sure what it takes to translate it into brlcad
17:41.24 ewilhelm_ if it's just a solid that has been cut by a plane, then you would only need the resulting solid (does that come from the geometric_representation_item ?)
17:42.12 ewilhelm_ I guess the base_surface would be the plane that is cutting it. And maybe the agreement_flag is related to which side is kept?
17:42.52 ewilhelm_ narnia, not sure what that has to do with your two cases though.
18:04.26 narnia EricWilhelm, there is no way of tell what the agreement_flag may or may do without; 0) reading the relevant parts of iso 10303 or 1) reverse engineering by trial an error.
18:06.14 learner solids that have been "cut by a plane" could be represented as either the subtraction of a half-space or the subtraction of one of the planar primitives (like an rpp/box)
18:06.48 narnia not having iso 10303 resource parts (Integrated generic resources (Parts 40-49) and Application interpreted constructs (Parts 500 - 599)) i am flying blind so to speak.
18:07.30 narnia learner, okay.
18:09.54 learner subtracting a primitive is preferred over subtracting a half-space, but a half-space is mathematically more equivalent (so probably just use that) i.e. it's an infinite plane where one half is "solid" the other half is not. it's used for quickly adding ground or making cut-outs for visualization, etc. some even use it in modeling to "cut by a plane", though we try to discourage it
18:15.09 narnia so basically it is an infinite boundary.
18:18.38 learner yep
18:19.02 learner which is also why the space partitioning algorithm has trouble opimizing it
19:24.56 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
19:42.03 polyspin Anyone know how/why the "FreeSolid" error got introduced?
19:42.29 learner that sounds familiar
19:43.17 learner what's the context?
19:45.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/config_win.h: add a bunch of extra defines for the compatibility funcs provided by io.h; add HAVE_PWD_H and HAVE_IO_H to match the checks in configure; sort the lines
19:48.54 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ check for io.h
19:56.00 polyspin When compiling dg_obj.c it complains that FreeSolid was declared static when previously declared in the header file otherwise.
19:57.18 learner I remember now
19:57.33 learner FreeSolid is/was defined in two places
19:57.41 polyspin BTW, I think I got the patch for rt_poly_findroot in place.
19:58.00 learner i noticed, he should be a happy camper now
19:58.11 polyspin And "Tiger" is quite nice ;-)
19:58.19 learner :)
19:58.49 learner I haven't sat in front of it yet, but I did get a compile going on it remote
19:58.55 polyspin Tough I agree with one reviewer: The icons in Mail are too weird.
19:59.36 polyspin To/Tho/
20:00.47 polyspin Spotlight is *awesome*
20:03.55 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/solid.h: FreeSolid is no longer exported by librt, it's static. (mged has it's own)
20:05.31 learner I have the variance/deviation adjustment working for the benchmark suite.. pretty cool, though it's really bothersome how much deviation I'm seeing
20:05.47 polyspin Thx. I've started a rebuild.
20:06.48 polyspin Gotta take the boy to the playground. Back later
20:06.52 learner cya
20:07.11 learner i'll have broken the build in other ways hopefully by then
20:15.06 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/dg_obj.c: io.h not explicitly needed right now since it's being added by config_win.h
20:16.55 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libpkg/pkg.c: io.h not explicitly needed right now since it's being added by config_win.h
20:23.35 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/utility1.c:
20:23.35 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: windows does have unlink(), it is just called _unlink() through the
20:23.35 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: compatibility interface. the same goes for lseek (and pretty much all of the
20:23.35 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: standard C library functions) -- so instead of having dual sections everwhere, a
20:23.35 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: define is provided in include/config_win.h that makes them equivalent.
20:33.34 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/utility1.c: oops, if DEFINED.. not not defined.. might as well add sys/types.h too
20:37.58 narnia okay, instead of T. F. U (true, false, unknown) for logicals they should have used T, F, M (true, false, maybe)
20:39.29 learner :)
20:39.48 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/ go ahead and install the brlcad_version.h header for easy version identification post installation even if nothing in brl-cad uses the header (yet?).
21:20.22 learner don't forget your towel
21:20.41 narnia learner, ????
21:21.09 narnia learner, nevermind. i get it.
21:21.23 narnia learner, long time since i read the books.
21:21.38 learner :)
21:21.51 narnia learner, my i borrow your toothpaste? nevermind, i do not have any teeth.
21:25.07 learner you can if you like, it's useful for more than teeth sometimes
21:32.00 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ ( include/common.h):
21:32.00 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: give our config.h a prefix of brlcad_ so that it may identify and differentiate
21:32.00 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: itself better when installed amongst other config.h headers. since only
21:32.00 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: common.h should be used and not config.h directtly, it should be sufficient to
21:32.00 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: just include it without checking PACKAGE
21:35.26 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/ (brlcad.h add brlcad.h as a convenience header. it includes the header files provided by libbu, libbn, libwdb, and librt.
22:57.04 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/roots.c: reword the convergence failure message
23:19.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/db_tree.c: clean up the ansified function declaration
23:48.01 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050502

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050502

01:21.32 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: add narrative details on the new benchmark computations and the configurable build enhancements
02:20.15 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: the vrml exporter (and probably others) doesn't output geometry for primitives themselves that are listed for conversion like one might expect like the raytracers do. it seems to only output the geometry for regions.
03:02.09 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
03:39.24 narnia PrezKennedy, i really need to tell you that for a dead guy you sure get around.
03:55.43 learner damn vrml spec.. "." isn't a valid name character is grrsome
06:53.48 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
06:56.52 PrezKennedy hah... wish i got around a lot more actually...
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050503

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050503

00:21.37 learner PrezKennedy, just need to buy yourself a car and then that wouldn't be a problem
00:27.49 PrezKennedy not exactly what i had in mind
00:27.50 PrezKennedy :-p
00:28.43 learner :)
01:45.37 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
01:47.37 polyspin Anybody home?
02:43.12 ewilhelm_ guess not
02:48.03 polyspin doesn't look like it
02:53.50 narnia nobody here except us prisoners
04:27.18 Twingy o.O
04:28.22 Twingy these pesky microcontrollers are addictive
04:29.41 learner nobody at all
04:35.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/ config.h was renamed to brlcad_config.h
05:02.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/HACKING: config.h is renamed to brlcad_config.h
05:10.32 learner there are a handful of others that slipped under the radar
05:10.35 learner fixing
05:19.04 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (15 files in 10 dirs): more config.h references converted to brlcad_config.h (or common.h where appropriate) that apparently slipped under the radar
05:19.51 learner that should do it
05:20.13 polyspin fetching (rarf!)
05:20.59 learner the existing generated config.h hid those files .. that weren't supposed to be directly using config.h anyways
05:21.22 learner they must have been hiding since the original regex
05:21.56 learner doing a distcheck now to verify, that should catch anything missed better
05:23.54 narnia okay, when should the end-user receive error/warning messages during the conversion of an iso 10303 part21 (.stp) file to brl-cad? when each warning/error occurs or as a summary? also what should be included in the error/warning message?
05:25.02 learner probably include the reference names and geometry types
05:25.04 narnia i do not see much sense in telling an end-user that at line nnn entity instance #121231 has an error.
05:25.46 learner probably not, but maybe that a brep failed might be
05:26.04 polyspin The user wants to know what part it was in
05:26.30 learner probably should be as forgiving as possibe too.. they don't have much they can do about invalid files
05:27.05 narnia so telling the end-user that entity instance #121231=cartesian_point('CarPnt1', 1.0, 2.3, 12.0); at line nnn has an error.
05:28.06 learner what kind of errors are you talking about?
05:28.26 narnia part21 does not give much lead way in being forgiving. if an entity instance violates the governing schema there is no forgiving.
05:28.27 learner there are fatal errors (in which case you should probably just abort), and more common non-fatal errors
05:29.03 learner well, in your example -- what makes it an error?
05:30.19 learner there are also syntax and semantic violations that you may or may not be able to recover from, of course
05:30.21 narnia the error could be any number of things.
05:31.14 learner that's part of my point too .. there are different classes of errors, treating them all as one or another will likely just lead to unexpected results
05:31.59 narnia that entity instance may be used as an attribute to a trimmed_curve, polyline, etc. and local rules and/or global rules when constrain the values allowed for a cartesian_point.
05:33.19 learner but in your example itself, that line wouldn't be the error -- it's usage somewhere as a referenced cartesian point might be an error
05:33.48 narnia yes
05:34.38 narnia the cartesian_point is syntatically and semantically correct it is the use of the cartesian_point that is the error.
05:34.46 learner in that case, that'd be an error I'd expect the syntax/semantic parser library to catch on load, not necessarily the converter .. dunno
05:35.29 learner i suppose you might be converting a portion of a step file that is correct, so you wouldn't know until parse time
05:37.29 learner still, I imagine any converter is basically going to do just a handful of "phases" .. 1) read in the file 2) parse file contents into a parsed tree for in-memory representation 3) convert in-memory rep to brl-cad .g in-memory rep 4) write .g in-memory rep to disk
05:38.20 learner errors in 1 and 4 would likely be fatal since they'd be file/disk read errors
05:38.27 narnia converting a portion of a step file is a non-trivial task. most .stp files i am using to experiement and test with must be read entirely in and validated before you know there is an error. some depends on where the header section of the part21 .stp file specifies file_population.
05:40.04 learner 2 is the complex step since it involves parsing the entire .stp -- if it doesn't validate, it could be considered fatal but that will require good validation that the reason it didn't validate was the file's fault and not the parser (practically a "hard" task, regardless)
05:40.08 narnia currently it is an all or nothing on conversion.
05:40.54 learner "errors" in step 3 are more likely "unsupported/incomplete" geometry types .. so I'd just warn
05:42.43 learner sounds like you're mostly referring to the parsing of the step file (task 2 in my list), so sure, fail out -- might as well fail out early if there's nothing to be done about it
05:43.00 learner it's not like I'll care knowing that there were 38 errors or 1 if it's just going to halt conversion
05:43.50 narnia the more i work on 10303 the more i become convinced that there needs to be a true express language compiler.
05:43.51 learner again, though, if they're not fatal, then I'd just keep a list of warnings and output them in the summary
05:51.08 narnia the parser is being checked by wrting out a new copy of the parsed .stp file. the 'diff' of the two files is then taking.
05:52.08 narnia basically, diff -u --ignore-all-space <orginal.stp> <copy.stp>
05:53.29 learner heh, that sounds like harsh validation
05:53.35 learner it's order dependant..
05:54.03 learner i suppose if you can guarantee that you're in-memory format will preserve the parsed order, it should match
05:54.07 narnia complex entities are a nightmare. also entities which are a subtype of more than one supertype are also a nightmare.
05:55.00 learner having the in-memory order preserve the parse order sort of defeats the purspose of having an in-memory representation a little
05:58.26 narnia i have never done brep stuff. my project was all csg. brep is a new animal to me.
06:00.13 learner not much different, just pitch topological connectivity information out the window for primitive shapes and you have brep ;)
06:02.12 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
06:02.25 learner guten tag, d_rossberg
06:02.58 d_rossberg god morning, who ever you are
06:04.19 d_rossberg isnt't it a little bit late for US, in Germany it't a nice time to start working
06:04.41 learner a lil bit, more so in some parts
06:05.03 narnia it is 0101 hours here.
06:05.55 d_rossberg sorry, some keys seem not no be at the right position on my keyboard :-}
06:06.14 d_rossberg yes, I see, 6h difference
06:07.06 d_rossberg or, wait, this are 7h!
06:07.38 d_rossberg so you are likely not at the east coast
06:07.53 learner i seem to live on pacific time in an atlantic zone
06:08.00 narnia no, i am 79 miles west of america's tallest target.
06:09.49 narnia in case you do not know that is the sears building in chicago, illinois.
06:11.06 narnia i hear the rent in the sears building is really cheap. it is also cheap in the buildings close to the sears building.
06:11.21 d_rossberg no, i didn't know it
06:11.56 narnia since 9/11 the sears building became the tallest building in u.s.a.
06:12.37 d_rossberg this explains something
06:13.31 d_rossberg I was once in NY but nevet in Chicago
06:14.04 narnia so most of us who live here are just waiting for the sears building to be 'hit'. it is not a matter of 'if' just a matter of 'when' it will be 'hit'.
06:15.10 narnia learner, any good urls that explain brep for the novice?
06:15.49 d_rossberg nobody knows the sears building so why should anybody want to hit it ;-)
06:16.03 learner
06:16.16 narnia because of what it represents.
06:17.23 learner it's worth noting that brl-cad technically supports all four of those, it's just csg that it emphasized and catered to
06:17.53 learner the raytrace process almost completely through implicit equations
06:18.42 learner brl-cad's stl format is technically one type of brep
06:18.48 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
06:18.54 learner bleh, s/stl/BoT/
06:18.59 d_rossberg sorry, wrong mouse buton
06:19.10 learner no harm done :)
06:19.32 d_rossberg I'm working with the web interface at
06:19.59 d_rossberg and "page back" closes the conection
06:20.04 learner your identifying information tells that when you join ;)
06:21.00 d_rossberg OK, something about me:
06:25.06 d_rossberg the program the is unfortunately old
06:25.48 d_rossberg i couldn't get a permission distribute version build on BRL-CAD 6.02
06:26.14 learner that looks like it's less about you and more about a viewer that you wrote :)
06:27.22 learner fortunately you don't need permission for version 7+
06:27.31 learner any plans to update to 7?
06:27.50 d_rossberg i thought, my connection to BRL-CAD is of special interest here
06:27.54 learner file format is the same as 6
06:28.19 d_rossberg yes, thats why i'm here (+ sth. other)
06:29.29 learner your connection is definitely of special interest.. :)
06:31.14 learner all will become more clear soon enough probably
06:31.57 brlcad soon enough indeed :)
06:33.50 d_rossberg btw, the viewer is build on the Qt libraries, therefore it isn't so MS specific as it look like
06:34.34 learner narnia: the biggest issue that came out of the old brep vs csg wars was that it's generally much harder to perform "feature operations" in csg (blends for example) whereas csg is generally much more efficient and exact
06:34.54 brlcad ooh, that I did not know.. nice
06:40.05 learner narnia, in implementation it generally boils down to implicitly defined primitives, voxel shapes, spline surfaces, and polygonal surfaces
06:41.43 learner traditional csg modeling generally refers to just implicit primitives, though the latter three can technically be primitives (as they are in brl-cad) and be successfully used in csg as well
06:42.28 learner traditional finite element analysis modeling generally uses polygonal surfaces (meshes) or voxel shapes
06:43.13 learner traditional brep is generally one of the later two (spline or polygonal)
06:43.48 learner not much is traditional any more, though .. most have shades of all four of them to some degree
07:06.12 PrezKennedy ping pong...
09:54.15 narnia pong ping
10:20.35 narnia okay this is not normal. may 3rd and it is 28?F outside.
10:21.07 narnia a new record low temperature.
10:58.59 d_rossberg 64°F (yesterday 86°F)
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17:00.53 *** join/#brlcad cad625 (
17:48.57 narnia how many dimensions does brl-cad grok? 2d and 3d i would consider the norm. does brl-cad grok dimensions higher than 3?
20:14.51 ewilhelm_ are you trying to model temperature or time?
20:29.52 narnia no, i noticed in iso 10303 that dimensions higher than 3 are allowed.
20:57.47 *** join/#brlcad Twingy2 (
21:08.20 narnia Twingy, i see you are into cloning.
22:19.04 brlcad narnia: 3d in the format
22:19.47 brlcad 2d is really 3d, and 4d is supported through the animation tools to a limited degree (time)
22:20.01 brlcad but the geometry format itself is presently only 3d
22:26.37 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tab/tabinterp.c: ansify
22:30.16 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tab/tabsub.c:
22:30.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: fix a bug on filesystems computing the buffer size on 64bit filesystems. we
22:30.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: shouldn't directly attempt to allocate a buffer equal to the input file size,
22:30.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: but with the size_t it should actually work (casting from off_t) so long as the
22:30.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: size is less than max size_t. add some extra error checking while we're in here
22:30.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: and get rid of a global.
22:33.52 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: fixed tabsub 64bit filesystem file read bug
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04:09.15 brlcad
04:23.03 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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07:54.13 narnia well like edison i know many things that do not work.
07:58.11 narnia the nice thing about standards is there are so many of them. that of course if always the number 1 worst fault of standards also.
07:58.26 narnia s/if/is/
08:12.06 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
08:23.03 narnia i am going to have to rewrite the parser. i has become so ugly it would never be maintainable in the future.
08:24.17 narnia it would help if i had access to more of the iso 10303 parts.
09:03.57 d_rossberg i'm sorry, i couldn't find the iso 10303 in our company library database
14:17.53 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
15:08.59 *** join/#brlcad Twingy2 (
16:05.51 narnia brlcad, did you ever contact pdes about an opensource membership? that is the one way to get access to the iso 10303 parts i really need.
16:17.42 narnia i really need access to 10303 part 4x and 5xx series.
17:28.27 narnia it is the ricochets you need to watch out for.
19:59.08 *** join/#brlcad learner (~brlcad@brlcad.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
19:59.09 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by ChanServ
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02:43.05 *** join/#brlcad llew (
02:45.59 llew new
02:52.24 *** join/#brlcad llew (
05:42.39 *** part/#brlcad narnia (
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17:57.44 *** join/#brlcad CIA-3 (
18:48.51 narnia would someone be able to give me an example where a degenerate toroidal surface is used? by degenerate toroidal surface major-radius < minor-radius.
19:30.47 brlcad what do you mean by used?
19:31.05 brlcad you shouldn't use degenerate toroidal surfaces
19:31.11 brlcad they're effectively "inside-out"
19:32.45 brlcad unless if you're referring to super toroidal geometry, where one side of the torus is "pinched" to a point
19:33.57 brlcad brl-cad won't let you make the inside-out kind, and I supertoroids aren't implemented (superellipsoids are, but they're unfinished)
19:52.11 narnia ap203 has an entity degenerate_toroidal_surface ( as described above ) i am attempting to figure out how to map it to brl-cad.
19:52.38 narnia i take it from your comments above it should not be mapped.
19:57.28 narnia there are two cases: if major_radius == 0 and minor_radius > 0 the torus has no hole.
19:59.14 narnia the 2nd case is: if the major_radius > 0 and major_radius < minor_radius. in this case the torus is self-intersecting.
20:45.18 brlcad not exactly self-intersecting.. it's inside out per the definition
20:45.45 brlcad if that's the input, I'd swap them on import so that it's corrected
20:47.46 brlcad a zero radius is also not supported -- it's mathematically undefined for the equation of a torus
20:48.35 brlcad there are several things that could be done with a zero-radius -- brl-cad's raytrace will abort on that degeneracy since, like I said, it's undefined
20:50.21 brlcad but, I suppose you could either nudge it to a near-zero value (like 0.00001) or import as two objects (a torus with a central cylinder to fill the hole, for example)
20:51.24 brlcad ahh, i see what you probably mean by the intersecting.. minor_radius can either be the radius of the "roll" or the radius from the center to the roll's edge, if it's the latter it's inside out, if it's the prior, it's intersecting
20:52.27 brlcad I'd have to check what we do for the self-intersecting case, but I expect it would abort saying something like "boo"
23:15.53 *** join/#brlcad narnia (
23:17.38 narnia johann crashed. i thought for a moment i lost a scsi disk but i doubled check everything and johann appears to be fine. johann, was up 161 days before the crash. perhaps he just wanted a break or some attention.
23:20.14 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (~Matthew@
23:44.56 brlcad poor johann
23:45.08 brlcad johann the barbarian
23:55.55 narnia okay back to degenerate toroidal surfaces.
23:56.39 narnia do you understand what i mean when i say the torus insects itself?
23:56.53 narnia do you understand what i mean when i say the torus intersects itself?
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00:05.48 narnia actually his full name is johann strauss.
00:11.38 brlcad yes, did you hear my follow up before getting disconnected?
00:13.13 brlcad i was taking it to mean the distance from torus center to toroidal inner edge, not from the center of the ring itself which is what you were referring to
00:14.12 brlcad not that I know why I get confused.. brl-cad uses the same definition, I've just always thought of it the other way around since there's no chance for degenerates other than zero-length radius
00:38.44 brlcad the scheduled changes sound impressive..
01:21.48 PrezKennedy so when can we be expecting a windows variant?
01:25.27 Twingy grumble cakes
01:58.06 *** join/#brlcad CIA-3 (
02:39.17 learner PrezKennedy: not too far off actually
03:57.48 learner ideas on a good BoF title?
03:58.08 learner right now, I'm at "BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling"
04:13.25 Twingy open source pizza
04:15.22 learner hmm.. the way open source works, that'd be one messed up pizza
04:15.53 learner pepperoni, cheese, onions, legos, cheerios, donuts, taco sauce
04:27.15 Twingy mmm legos
04:43.20 *** join/#brlcad narnia (
04:43.57 narnia well at least now i know what caused johann to crash.
04:44.15 learner oh?
04:44.21 narnia the latest debian version of ethereal is causing the crashes.
04:44.51 narnia i fired ethereal right before the earlier crash.
04:45.15 narnia i fired it up about an hour ago and johann locked right up.
04:45.30 learner nice
04:45.40 narnia fscking nearly a terabyte of disk space takes awhile.
04:46.57 learner the blessings of journaling filesystems
04:47.13 learner i don't think I've waited on an fsck in ages..
04:55.18 narnia which filesystem do you use?
04:55.54 learner hfs+ on the mac systems
04:56.15 learner ext3 and reiser on the linux/bsd boxes
04:56.51 learner all three are journalable
04:57.13 narnia johann is running ext3 on most drives. i forced e2fsck -C 0 -f <fsys>
04:57.31 learner ahh
04:58.10 learner ext3 is probably the "worst" of the three, but it does usually work at preventing data loss
04:58.13 narnia two crashes in 24 hrs has made me a bit paranoid.
04:58.48 learner better put, I've not seen it lose any data -- I've seen it force an fsck itself when it detects something the journal can't handle
04:59.11 learner but then the other two supposedly will do that too (just less likely)
05:00.43 narnia i spent yesterday, thursday, rewriting the parser.
05:00.49 learner almost a terabyte? of what?
05:00.58 narnia disk space.
05:01.15 learner I have over half, and that's a lot of room for a single users that doesn't generate much video
05:01.23 narnia or are you asking what i have stored on the terabyte?
05:01.26 learner i mean, what's the content
05:01.40 learner that's a _lot_ of pr0n
05:02.52 narnia well let me see. i ripped all my cd's to the disks. (500+) i ripped all of buffy the vampire slayer to disk. i ripped all of angel ( the buffy spinoff ) to disk. numerous software projects. several mysql databases.
05:03.08 narnia no pr0n here. never.
05:03.12 learner ahh, so you do have video
05:03.38 narnia i got tired of changing the dvds.
05:04.03 learner i'd fill up my disks fast if I ripped all my dvds.. it's on the "to do" list, but I don't want to set up the disks I'd need yet
05:04.23 narnia my middle daughter's graphics art stuff. and numerous commericials she made.
05:05.05 learner i can understand it easily with video
05:05.24 learner even graphics work, which I've done quite a bit of
05:05.47 learner I work on high-resolution old image restorations
05:06.05 learner where a single image might be over a gigabyte in size easy
05:13.05 narnia the middle daughter, is restoring her grandparents photographs. some where glass plate.
05:15.44 learner I been involved with something similar with my family
05:18.26 learner oldest pictures go back to about the mid 1800's, printed on metal -- tintypes
05:18.46 learner somewhere around my 4th great grandparents
05:19.32 learner I've been scanning, cataloging, interviewing, repairing pictures, researching
05:33.04 narnia i had an url for a guy who built a 6 disk drive firewire raid external enclosure for his mac. i cannot find it at the moment. i would like to build one lord willing i ever get some form of a settlement.
05:33.21 narnia it was 6 250gb drives.
05:46.06 narnia ptl found it. here is the url.
05:52.07 learner mm.. that'd be even more nice with 6 of the 400gb's you can get now
05:52.14 learner ~6 * 400
05:52.34 ibot 2400
05:52.44 learner wow, that took a while
05:53.27 learner ~275 * 6
05:53.38 ibot 1650
05:53.38 narnia i would be a bit worried about the heat. need some good fans to supply air flow.
05:54.07 learner for a mere $1.7k you too can have 2.4 TB of disk space
05:56.45 narnia that is a lot less expensive than purchasing something from say lacie.
06:10.24 narnia did you happen to see my question the othe rday about pdes?
06:28.44 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
06:37.19 d_rossberg ??? Narnia, which command did you used for your last message?
06:42.56 learner narnia, no i didn't
11:27.26 *** join/#brlcad cad072 (
14:39.40 narnia if an entity instance is syntactical correct but is invalidated because one or more local 'where' rules are violated ( nothing worse than a violated where. ;-) ) should 0. this be a fatal blow to the conversion give the end-user some obscure error message ( you should have brought a towel with you. bye ) and bail out. or 1. ignore this entity instance and all references to it and continue on.
14:41.49 narnia other possible error messages are: 'phase of the moon is wrong. bye' 'well i never! bye' 'coffee, need coffee.'
15:03.35 narnia my favorite 'you want me to do what?'
17:31.57 brlcad hehe
17:32.44 brlcad as a library, probably the option to do either.. the actual converter should decide whether it's fatal if the library can tell it something really bad happened
18:27.45 narnia okay, this is just out right obscene: Compilers by Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D. Ullman List Price: $105.20 and that is at
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06:08.12 *** join/#brlcad narnia (
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20:06.36 *** part/#brlcad pinnipedia (
22:36.13 *** join/#brlcad PhantomBantam (
22:37.33 PhantomBantam Hi. How does the dsp primitive work?
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00:20.51 *** join/#brlcad CIA-2 (
01:06.40 *** join/#brlcad cad185 (
01:27.46 *** join/#brlcad macTRON (
01:29.44 macTRON Is this thing on?
01:30.16 macTRON Um . . . I have a question or two about brlcad
01:44.23 *** join/#brlcad PhantomBantam (
01:59.16 learner PhantomBantam, what do you mean?
01:59.42 learner you provide a datafile that consists of height values
02:00.13 learner it's basically what most packages would call a "height field" used for modeling terrain, for example
02:00.51 PhantomBantam So, all that file is is plain text file with numbers?
02:01.22 learner no, it's a binary data file that it's expecting
02:02.01 learner do you have an existing data set?
02:02.10 learner or are you looking for something auto-generated?
02:02.19 PhantomBantam No.
02:02.38 PhantomBantam Yes, I am looking for something autogenerated.
02:02.39 learner it's not too difficult to take an existing binary data, like an image, and convert it
02:02.51 learner ahh, okay -- probably even easier
02:04.14 learner lemme see if we have a prog that already does that
02:04.17 PhantomBantam What kind of image?
02:04.24 PhantomBantam Okay.
02:41.00 *** join/#brlcad CIA-3 (
02:50.24 learner PhantomBantam, sorry for the delay, got sidetracked fixing a bug
02:51.09 learner I don't see a random dataset generator.. the closest is a procedural database, but that generates a spline terrain field
02:51.22 learner (src/proc-db/terrain)
02:57.35 PhantomBantam Okay, I'll give it a shot.
02:57.46 PhantomBantam thanks
02:57.48 learner that said, let's say you have a png image of terrain data
02:58.28 learner like,
02:59.08 learner to make that into a 3D height field in mged, you have to convert the file into the format needed which is network unsigned short
02:59.44 learner png-pix terrain.png | pix-bw
03:00.13 learner that converts the png into a raw black and white image datafile
03:00.30 learner then to convert it to dsp data, you can use brl-cad's cv command:
03:00.50 learner cv uc nus
03:01.07 learner that is now ready for import into mged as a dsp
03:02.17 learner at the mged command prompt type the "in" command, and it will prompt you
03:02.38 learner mged> in
03:02.56 learner Enter name of solid: terrain
03:03.02 learner Enter solid type: dsp
03:03.18 learner Take data from file or database binary object [f|o]: f
03:03.29 learner Enter name of file/object:
03:03.34 learner Enter width..: 512
03:03.38 learner Enter height...: 512
03:03.46 learner Interpolation: 1
03:04.13 learner Cut direction [ad|lR|Lr]: ad (doesn't matter much most of the time)
03:04.33 learner Cell size: 1000 (1 meter per grid cell)
03:05.02 learner Unit elevation: 500 (smaller is flat terrain, larger is mountainous)
03:05.36 learner e terrain and you should see it show up in all it's glory
03:07.34 PhantomBantam I'll try.
03:28.25 *** join/#brlcad PhantomBantam (
03:28.52 PhantomBantam Sorry, I was disconnected for some reason.
03:29.06 learner no problem
03:29.08 learner any luck?
03:31.09 learner let me know if you need me to repost any of the walkthrough again
03:32.54 PhantomBantam No, it's still on the screen.
03:36.18 PhantomBantam $ png-pix ~/desktop/terrain.png
03:36.19 PhantomBantam -bash: png-pix: command not found
03:36.19 PhantomBantam Computer:~ PB$ /usr/brlcad/bin/png-pix ~/desktop/terrain.png
03:36.19 PhantomBantam ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????}}?
03:37.07 PhantomBantam That's what I get when I try to use the png-pix.
03:37.24 learner er, how do you normally run mged?
03:37.43 learner you type /usr/brlcad/bin/mged ?
03:38.09 PhantomBantam I use x11
03:38.20 learner you should add /usr/brlcad/bin to your path, i.e. add this line to your ~/.bash_profile: export PATH=/usr/brlcad/bin:$PATH
03:38.32 learner assuming you use bash
03:39.07 learner then you'll be able to type just pix-png, mged, etc
03:39.33 learner that said, the command you needed was "png-pix terrain.png | pix-bw"
03:39.37 PhantomBantam Oh, Okay.
03:39.57 learner the output was being piped to pix-bw instead of specifying a temp file
03:40.34 learner otherwise, that becomes two steps: png-pix terrain.png > terrain.pix
03:40.41 learner pix-bw terrain.pix
03:54.01 PhantomBantam I tried adding that line, and it still doesn't work
03:54.45 learner it doesn't take effect until you either make a new shell/xterm/whatever or resource the file manually
03:54.52 learner source ~/.bash_profile
04:01.39 PhantomBantam I still get the question marks.
04:02.01 learner yes, png-pix outputs data to stdout
04:02.10 learner so you have to redirect it to a file or a pipe, like I showed
04:02.20 learner 23:39:33: learner: that said, the command you needed was "png-pix terrain.png | pix-bw"
04:02.37 learner 23:40:34: learner: otherwise, that becomes two steps: png-pix terrain.png > terrain.pix
04:02.37 learner 23:40:42: learner: pix-bw terrain.pix
04:03.18 learner make sense?
04:04.20 PhantomBantam But then it says can't open ""
04:04.48 learner which did you do?
04:04.59 learner using the pipe or the two step
04:05.23 PhantomBantam The pipe.
04:06.03 learner ack, my bad.. typo
04:06.13 learner twice even
04:06.21 learner pix-bw sends to stdout as well
04:06.38 learner so it's: png-pix terrain.png | pix-bw >
04:06.51 learner sorry about that
04:08.53 PhantomBantam Yes! It worked.
04:09.48 learner you can pretty much feed any image into it like that
04:09.57 learner though the default values assume a 512x512 image
04:11.32 learner actually, never mind.. any image size should work.. pix-bw doesn't care about dimensions, neither does cv
04:21.52 PhantomBantam I tried, but got:mapped file open failed
04:21.52 PhantomBantam mapped file open failed
04:21.52 PhantomBantam cannot find data for DSP
04:22.15 learner what's your in line?
04:22.33 learner you did do the cv step right?
04:22.42 PhantomBantam yes
04:23.35 learner hit the up arrow until you see the "in" line that you wrote
04:23.51 learner should look something like: in terrain dsp f ....
04:24.00 learner paste that here
04:24.08 PhantomBantam in terrain.s dsp f ~/desktop/ 512 512 1 ad 1000 500
04:24.33 learner hmm, might be the ~
04:24.42 learner make it relative
04:24.45 learner or absolute
04:25.00 learner pwd
04:26.45 PhantomBantam Hm?
04:27.01 learner what does pwd say?
04:27.24 PhantomBantam Users/PB
04:27.45 learner <PROTECTED>
04:27.54 PhantomBantam It works.
04:28.07 PhantomBantam I just got rid of the ~/
04:28.20 learner yeah, that makes it relative
04:28.23 PhantomBantam Wow, looks great.
04:29.33 learner you can test out different heights by running "kill terrain" to delete it, then up arrow to the "in" line and change that last number (e.g. try 1000 instead of 500)
04:29.53 PhantomBantam Okay, thanks a ton.
04:29.58 learner small numbers will make flattened, gently rolling terrain
04:30.04 learner large numbers will make mountains
04:30.30 learner changing the second to last number will change how big/small it is
04:32.58 learner it's one of the fastest and most efficient terrain representations.. you can go pretty darn big and still raytrace relatively quickly
04:33.05 learner only limited by your machine's memory
04:40.29 PhantomBantam Great.
04:43.17 PhantomBantam Ineed to go now. Thanks a ton.
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16:02.04 learner cia is still not working..
16:02.15 learner slew of commits and no gratification :)
16:06.26 narnia no joy here either.
16:07.43 learner did you actually start writing a compiler?
16:07.56 learner or something else
16:08.03 learner or was that just a joke
16:08.31 learner if it wasn't, gamasutra has one of the best walkthrough's I've seen
16:09.11 learner that's probably several months of effort to get right, though
16:09.53 narnia i am rewriting the parser and working through a compiler design. several people have recommended the 'dragon book', but that book is not a possibility.
16:11.39 narnia there is only so much patching possible with the old nist design. the more patches the uglier it becomes.
16:11.41 learner it is probably "the" book
16:12.29 learner but certainly not necessary unless you have a really complicated language (which express is not comparatively)
16:12.30 narnia yes, the 'dragon book' is 'the' book on compiler design.
16:13.00 narnia well, i sure would not say that.
16:13.26 narnia the local 'where' clauses and global rules.
16:15.10 learner why are you going that route, though? was there actually a showstopper?
16:15.49 learner I would have defaulted back to the other c++ based parser next before starting fresh
16:17.24 learner just curious
16:18.25 learner woo hoo!.. libwdb now has support for writing binary data objects!
16:19.20 narnia showstoppers are: 0) not having 10303 part 4x or 5xx series. 1) from the old nist scl source code readme file " The
16:19.20 narnia following subclasses of STEPaggregate are stubs and have yet to be
16:19.20 narnia implemented: Array, Bag, Set, List.
16:19.20 narnia "
16:20.41 narnia i have no idea what many entity attributes (variables) are even used for.
16:20.57 learner now sure what the latter means, but perhaps it simply wasn't necessary
16:21.29 learner isn't the 5xx series just for specific validate tests? what's 4x?
16:21.31 narnia then there are all rhe exceptions to the rules that are introduced in 10303-11ed2, 10303-21-2002, etc.
16:22.21 narnia Integrated generic resources (Parts 40-49)
16:22.32 narnia Application interpreted constructs (Parts 500 - 599)
16:23.02 learner okay
16:23.11 learner why are those needed??
16:24.18 learner sorry for all the questions, you do know the scl a heck of a lot better than I at this point, but for basic geometry parser those don't seem that critical
16:25.15 learner useful, maybe .. critical.. dunno
16:25.17 narnia example: 10303-042e2 defines the entity trimmed_curve. i have nothing that tells me how that trimmed_curve behaves.
16:26.02 narnia all geometry is defined in part 4x and 5xx.
16:26.26 narnia ap203 just includes them.
16:27.02 narnia i have absolutely nothing to go by that says how the geometry entities interact.
16:27.18 learner sure, but why do you need to know how they behave? a trimmed curve is going to have some values that pretty much convert 1-1 with a nurb .. it's the app's arena to make it behave
16:28.18 learner for a converter, behavior is limited to "is this thing valid and representable"
16:28.48 learner if I were modeling with step as the core data format, that wouldn't be the case, but for a converter..
16:29.33 learner there's already going to be a fair amount of simplification/omission or unsupported features even
16:34.04 narnia i am not understanding what you are are saying. when i asked about the conversion polyspin said that it should either be a bag of triangles or a nm something.
16:35.10 learner yes, that was specific to the various tesselations you were asking about
16:35.43 learner bots are best for triangle formats, nmg for polygons
16:36.24 learner splines trimmed or otherwise can either be tesselated into a triangulated format or brought in as a nurb directly
16:37.41 learner that's more knowledge of brl-cad's abilities, though.. not the step's representation's "ability"
16:39.02 learner a sphere is a good example, given that it can be represented in about a half-dozen ways
16:39.26 narnia out of the numerous .stp files i have been using i have yet to find a true polygon.
16:40.14 learner spline spheres and actual sphere primitives in step formate would come in as a brl-cad sphere, a tesselated one would come in as a bot if it's triangulated, nmg otherwise
16:42.00 learner those mappings do get trickier, of course, but they pretty much just have to be looked at on a 1 by 1 basis to figure out the easiest mapping
16:45.12 narnia example of what i am dealing with.
16:45.17 narnia #9120 = POLYLINE('PolyLine2',(#9113,#9118,#9117,#9116));
16:45.17 narnia #9130 = POLYLINE('PolyLine2',(#9110,#9113,#9112,#9117));
16:45.17 narnia #9140 = POLYLINE('PolyLine3',(#9118,#9115,#9110,#9111));
16:45.17 narnia #9150 = POLYLINE('PolyLine4',(#9112,#9111,#9116,#9115));
16:46.26 narnia the above polyline entities define 4 lines between the cartesian_points given as arguments.
16:46.45 learner so 9113 is a cartesian point for example?
16:46.58 narnia the four polylines taken together form a cube.
16:47.13 learner a cube or a square?
16:47.27 narnia 9113 is an entity instance name: #9113 = CARTESIAN_POINT('CartPt4',(0.0,0.0,2.0));
16:47.36 narnia a cube
16:48.12 learner hmm.. how do four lines make a 3d cube?
16:48.48 narnia #9110 = CARTESIAN_POINT('CartPt1',(0.0,0.0,0.0));
16:48.48 narnia #9111 = CARTESIAN_POINT('CartPt2',(2.0,0.0,0.0));
16:48.48 narnia #9112 = CARTESIAN_POINT('CartPt3',(2.0,0.0,2.0));
16:48.48 narnia #9113 = CARTESIAN_POINT('CartPt4',(0.0,0.0,2.0));
16:48.48 narnia #9115 = CARTESIAN_POINT('CartPt5',(0.0,2.0,0.0));
16:48.49 narnia #9116 = CARTESIAN_POINT('CartPt6',(2.0,2.0,0.0));
16:48.51 narnia #9117 = CARTESIAN_POINT('CartPt7',(2.0,2.0,2.0));
16:48.53 narnia #9118 = CARTESIAN_POINT('CartPt8',(0.0,2.0,2.0));
16:48.55 narnia #9120 = POLYLINE('PolyLine2',(#9113,#9118,#9117,#9116));
16:48.55 learner ahh, I think I get it.. polyline is basically a face
16:48.57 narnia #9130 = POLYLINE('PolyLine2',(#9110,#9113,#9112,#9117));
16:48.59 narnia #9140 = POLYLINE('PolyLine3',(#9118,#9115,#9110,#9111));
16:49.01 narnia #9150 = POLYLINE('PolyLine4',(#9112,#9111,#9116,#9115));
16:49.08 learner multiple lines, not just one
16:49.14 learner 4 to be exact
16:49.21 narnia well, no. that is what i thought originally.
16:50.28 narnia hang on i have a povray model that shows what i am attempting to convey.
16:50.55 learner i don't see how a single polyline can be anything else but line segments from point to point
16:51.11 learner the only question I'd have is whether it was a closed loop or an open loop
16:51.19 learner from the points, it looks open
16:53.06 learner yeah, that makes more sense .. they're just connected line segments, and presumably there's another entity that ties them together
16:56.28 narnia well no, there is no further entity that ties them together.
16:57.04 narnia
16:57.08 learner then it's not solid geometry
16:57.10 narnia
16:57.15 learner it's just an outline of a cube
16:57.16 narnia
16:57.23 narnia
16:57.31 narnia
16:57.36 learner something you might find output from a sketch editor
16:57.54 narnia
16:58.16 learner yep
16:58.23 learner i just made the same thing in mged
16:58.59 narnia i agree, but according to way 10303 sees it it is a cube.
16:59.03 learner that is not a cube, though, at least from a modeling perspective
16:59.10 learner it is simply 4 line segments
16:59.21 narnia i totally agree.
16:59.34 learner i recall seeing primitive datatypes, though
16:59.39 narnia but to step that is a cube.
17:00.31 learner what makes you say it's a cube, nothing from the little bit of express you pasted would indicate that
17:01.26 learner there's nothing that even indicates that they're any different from any random polyline I can think up
17:01.35 narnia i agree.
17:02.14 learner well, that would imply that it isn't then.. nothing to the contrary contradicts it
17:02.56 learner dumping out 1000 points on a sphere's surface and 100 polylines that randomly connects them all doesn't make a sphere
17:03.17 learner even non-random connections like this cube
17:04.03 learner presented with what you've shown, there's nothing to import/convert yet
17:04.10 narnia okay, using the above 'cube' example. how should that be mapped to brl-cad?
17:04.48 learner there's no solid geometry yet
17:05.22 learner so there is no mapping yet for at least anything we'd care about
17:05.23 narnia you are saying there is nothing to map?
17:05.54 learner exactly, like I said.. there is nothing that says those four poly lines have _anything_ to do with each other even
17:06.08 learner I can't just assume they do because they're in the in file
17:06.18 learner there could be thousands of polylines like those
17:07.00 narnia well, in one of the .stp files i have been using there are 1000's of polylines like that.
17:08.03 learner i mean add one more #9151 = POLYLINE('PolylineFoo', (#9111, #9112, #9113, #9114)); and it's no longer a cube
17:08.20 narnia agree
17:08.52 learner there has to be another entity that ties the polylines together or there's no information about connectivity yet
17:10.53 learner some editors will let you make non-solid-geometry like a segmented line that has no solid geometry value
17:11.23 learner so I could see a case where something might export that to a file, but there's "nothing there" yet
17:11.48 learner you either warn and go on, abort, or ignore it
17:12.01 learner i'd ignore that particular geometry until something connects them together
17:13.10 learner stash all the polylines in memory, but if they're not used to make something (either a 2d sketch or a 3d surface/object/shape) then dump them
17:13.47 narnia even if the .stp used something like :: GEOMETRIC_CURVE_SET('GeomCurSet1',(#9120,#9130,#9140,#9150));
17:13.49 learner you could technically stash them in the brl-cad db, but not in a way useful to anything but the converter
17:14.31 learner now that's totally different.. that ties the polylines together
17:14.59 narnia which would 'join' the 4 polylines into a labeled curve set. it still does not convey a solid.
17:15.19 learner that there makes a geometric set, which happens to be a closed surface
17:16.15 learner I'd still hope there's another entity that references that entity or it's name so that I know it's supposed to be a cube
17:16.26 narnia i agree it is a closed surface
17:16.36 learner so that it can directly import as a arb8
17:17.32 learner otherwise you'll have to tesellate that surface and bring it in as an nmg (6 unoriented polygons)
17:18.51 narnia what does arb stand for again?
17:22.55 narnia the point i have been attempting to make is that in many cases there is no way of knowing what the 'object' is until the entire .stp file has been parsed and the 'object' is 'assembled' in memory. only then, in many cases, do i know what the 'object' 'looks' like.
17:25.25 learner arb is an arbitrary regular polyhedron with as many as 8 vertices
17:25.57 learner basically all of the polyhedron you can make out of the faces of a cube
17:26.34 learner a cube, a wedge, a 4-faced pyramid, a 5-faced pyramid, etc
17:27.26 learner i don't doubt that you won't be able to do anything until the entire tree is assembled in memory
17:27.32 learner that was what I presumed libexpress actually did
17:27.48 narnia well no.
17:27.53 learner then I can iterate over the geometric types, and convert
17:28.01 narnia libexpress parses the schema.
17:28.30 learner which gives me something that will eat ap203 for example
17:28.34 narnia i.e. 10303-203-aim-long.exp
17:28.42 narnia well no.
17:29.17 learner eh, i just said what you did and you say "well no."? :)
17:29.33 learner that is ap203
17:29.53 learner the express schema for it
17:29.54 narnia hang on brb.
17:35.18 learner I don't think we need to get caught up in the exact semantics, but feel free to enlighten me. from what I gathered at glance, libexpress parses a schema you provide like ap203. that then effectively gives you the means to parse ap203 step files and read the data as entities. you get all the entities into memory (either manually or assisted) and then have to decide what/how to convert based on all of the entity types
17:37.42 learner that doesn't "solve the entire problem", but once all the entity types are read into memory I have enough to convert -- i could iterate over all of the GEOMETRIC_* entity types, for example, and convert accordingly
17:40.02 learner of course, having to recursively dereference subentities all the way down the heirarchy to get the actual data like in the cube example.. I'd end up with a 6-sided polygon that is even detectable (at least that example is, forms a nice closed surface) and import directly as either an arb8 or an nmg
17:43.30 narnia here is the current design:
17:44.34 narnia parse a part21 .stp file. based on the part21 header using the appropriate ap parser parse the data sections of the part21 .stp file
17:45.20 narnia build a linked list of the entity instances found in the data section.
17:45.53 narnia based on the part21 header information validate the data section.
17:48.02 learner okay, so far it matches what I've expected
17:50.09 narnia for ap203 there are several 'presentation' types.
17:50.14 narnia advanced_boundary_representation
17:50.28 narnia <PROTECTED>
17:50.39 narnia <PROTECTED>
17:50.49 narnia <PROTECTED>
17:51.00 narnia <PROTECTED>
17:51.21 learner yes, those are the specifics that polyspin responded to.. they map rather well to the types he mentioned
17:51.54 narnia depending on the 'presentation' type create an in memory model of the 'object'.
17:53.34 learner now in the prior example, how does the GEOMETRIC_CURVE_SET relate to presentation types?
17:54.03 learner is it tagged as one of those or implicitly belongs to one of those or unrelated?
17:58.09 narnia it would either be advanced_brep_shape_representation, edge_based_wireframe_shape_representation, faceted_brep_shape_representation,geometrically_bounded_surface_shape_representation, geometrically_bounded_wireframe_shape_representation, manifold_surface_shape_representation, shell_based_wireframe_shape_representation, or one of the topological_representation_item
17:59.22 learner so implicitly belongs to any of those.. is there a means that it would be tagged as one versus another?
18:01.50 narnia generally, the last entity instance in the .stp file indicates which. example: #9200 = GEOMETRICALLY_BOUNDED_WIREFRAME_SHAPE_REPRESENTATION('gbwsr',(#9160),#9190);
18:02.21 narnia #9810=GEOMETRICALLY_BOUNDED_WIREFRAME_SHAPE_REPRESENTATION('gbwsr',(#9800),#9828);
18:02.32 learner ahh, beautiful
18:02.44 learner that's the actual solid geometry
18:02.56 narnia in the above example: 9800 is:
18:03.11 narnia #9800 = GEOMETRIC_CURVE_SET('GeomCurSet1',(#9110,#9111,#9130,#9131,
18:03.11 narnia #9562,#9566,#9571,#9576,#9581,#9153, #9586,#9158,#9159,#9591,#9173,
18:03.11 narnia #9178,#9596,#9185, #9601,#9606,#9194,#9195,#9198,#9611,
18:03.11 narnia #9616,#9211,#9215, #9621,#9227,#9626,#9631,#9238,
18:03.11 narnia #9239,#9242,#9636,#9641, #9258,#9263,#9646,#9272,
18:03.12 narnia #9651,#9656,#9283,#9284,#9287, #9661,#9666,#9303,
18:03.14 narnia #9308,#9671,#9317,#9676, #9681,#9328,#9329,#9332,#9686,#9691,
18:03.16 narnia #9348,#9353,#9696, #9362,#9701,#9706,#9373,#9374,
18:03.18 narnia #9377,#9711,#9716,#9393, #9398,#9721,#9407,#9726,
18:03.20 narnia #9413,#9414,#9450,#9451,#9460,#9461,#9470,#9471,#9480,#9481,#9490,#9491,
18:03.22 narnia #9500,#9501,#9510,#9511,#9520,#9521,#9530,#9531,#9540,#9541,#9550,#9551));
18:03.24 narnia you get the point.
18:03.49 learner actually, i'd say 9800 is not the geometry.. it's just the shape/collection
18:03.50 narnia i have to 'drill' down to figure out what the object looks like.
18:04.10 learner in the absence of 9810, I was presuming the contents
18:04.18 learner same with the cube example
18:04.35 narnia yes
18:04.56 learner but having it tell me that it's one representation versus another makes it a geometric shape as opposed to a collection of values
18:05.40 learner those represenation entities are what the converter would iterate over then
18:05.57 learner recursively looking up their contents for conversion values
18:06.24 learner build up an in-memory representation of the geometry
18:10.00 narnia is a good example. i have been using this one for testing.
18:18.27 narnia hang on i am trying to get a screenshot of the star1.p21 object.
18:21.58 narnia opencascade shows
18:23.53 narnia how would you suggest that be mapped to brl-cad?
18:29.20 learner looks like it'd convert in as a nurbs surface given all the trimmed curve entities
18:30.00 learner alternatively, you could tesselate the curves and import in as a bot/nmg
18:30.24 learner the latter wouldn't be ideal, but it would work easiest
18:31.10 learner if you could detect that it's basicly one 2d shape, it best converts in as a sketch and an extrusion fully preserving
18:31.55 learner it doesn't look like it is represented that way in the step file, though.. so probably nurbs
18:33.21 learner the wireframe with curve models are going to be the hardest to decide on how to convert them -- probably just as easy to add a new wireframe primitive to brl-cad that fully captures it
18:35.19 learner wireframe modeling provides no benefit over what we already have, it's just a different (less efficient) representation
18:35.35 learner it could be added pretty easily, though
18:36.04 learner it's basically an extension of the sketch primitive into 3D, just a heck of a lot harder to guarantee closure
18:36.27 narnia i find that most of the .stp files i have seen could have been modeled in a more efficient manner. the star1 is a good example.
18:37.05 narnia ap203 does have both a surface of revolution and surface of linear sweep.
18:37.44 narnia the star1 should have been exported as a surface of linear sweep and be done with it.
18:39.09 learner there is motivation to add both a wireframe primitive and/or a spline-based curvature boundary representation
18:39.19 learner but that's somewhere down the line
18:39.55 narnia do you have a better understanding of where i am coming from.
18:40.12 narnia and what i am dealing with?
18:42.44 learner csg would have you model that star as a cylinder with 20 objects (7 cylinders, 13 boxes) subtracted
18:44.48 learner getting back to the original question, though, I haven't seen anything that warrants requiring a compiler .. you can get at the entities, those are pretty much all that's needed
18:45.54 learner easy answer is to just tesselate that surface and bring it in as a bot -- that's pretty much what the iges converter does
18:46.12 learner it's not 100% faithful, but then conversions almost never are
18:46.28 learner for faithful, I'd take the two weeks to add that new primitive
18:48.49 narnia the compiler is still needed at some point in the future. there is far too much glue that has to be written by hand at the moment.
18:50.58 learner what is it doing for you though?
18:52.09 learner you feed it a step file, it crunches it through to some optimal in-memory representation?
18:53.40 learner there is not going to be a faithful representation no matter how you cut it without adding the union of all step-recognized geometry representations to brl-cad
18:54.45 learner so you have to write the translation code.. that could go in a "compiler", i'd probably just call that a library -- or it can simply be the guts to the converter
18:55.29 learner there's not much room for reuse without limiting the step to some subset in memory
19:05.30 narnia i will think on it later. i need to go to farm&fleet and get some parts and gasoline for the lawn mower. my daughter is awake now so she can drive me. over cast day but still warm enough to get somethings done. also need to look at the water softner's timer and see why it stopped working. never an end to upkeep.
19:06.06 learner alrighty, have a good one
19:06.12 narnia always something demanding attention (repair).
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Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050509

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12:20.41 narnia learner, there is a good reason for writing a compiler. the current part21 parser is the one originally written by nist. it is written in c++. not lex/flex or yacc/bison but straight c++.
12:22.59 narnia also from looking at it again it does nothing to check the local or global 'where' clauses.
12:43.21 narnia i will figure something just nevermind.
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13:41.31 polyspin twingy: Does the observer work on the mac? Could we demo tomorrow using a mac laptop?
14:33.22 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libfb/if_ogl.c: M-x indent-region and other ws
16:14.33 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libfb/fb_log.c: indent-region, error if we can't log at compile-time
16:22.27 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libfb/fb_log.c: bah, preprocessor goo begone
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17:25.05 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libfb/if_ogl.c:
17:25.05 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: do not let any key press or mouse release make the lingering framebuffer
17:25.05 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: disappear (!). also do not close stderr since that is what the child uses when
17:25.05 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: fb_logging. stub in the same behavior as the X24 interface where it reports the
17:25.05 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: rgb value at a particular coordinate.
17:58.04 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libfb/ (if_4d-old.c if_ogl.c if_ogl_win32.c): BRL frambuffers are just framebuffers now
18:19.20 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/util/ (pl-X.c pl-X10.c): return a value and sleep less before existing
18:22.19 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libfb/if_ogl.c: throttle the linger idle event loop so that we don't end up calling XCheckWindowEvent as fast as possible.
18:23.17 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: throttle cpu usage on lingering OpenGL frambuffers
18:32.17 learner we're so late.. sheesh
18:39.41 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
18:39.47 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
18:48.03 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ print out the right results for the java test
18:52.45 learner we're no less stable than previous releases, in fact we're more stable among other improvements
18:53.13 learner that's the whole point of the timely periodic iterations
18:54.48 learner there's nothing that prevents more releases as more gets fixed too
18:59.32 learner speaking of bugs, I've tracked down the longstanding opengl framebuffer bug.. pure blind luck that I found the cause
19:00.34 learner it's the bug that causes ogll to bus error out on the mac
19:01.15 learner it basically ends up trying to blit to an ogl context that for "some reason" yet determined isn't ready to blit
19:01.36 learner if you turn on the multiple window flag (which was my blind luck), it works just fine
19:02.16 learner multiple window forces a direct ogl context whereas non uses indirect
19:02.40 polyspin hrm
19:02.59 learner er, other way around.. multiple is indirect, non is direct
19:03.05 learner direct is not ready for some reason
19:03.41 learner debugging that led to a handful of other debugging/fixes too
19:03.52 learner like why it eats up 100% cpu/io on linger
19:04.01 learner why it won't output debug after raytrace starts
19:04.20 learner why mouse/key events killed the window
19:05.18 learner only one I didn't try to fix was the old "performance bottoms out" bug .. encountered it on wopr with postage stamp renders
19:06.17 learner ``Erik, what's the configure line you use for jdk?
19:08.43 ``Erik ../../configure --prefix=/usr/brlcad --with-jdk=/usr/local/jdk1.5.0
19:08.49 ``Erik (freakin' query mode)
19:08.53 learner :)
19:08.54 learner k
19:09.07 learner you know that prefix is the default, right?
19:09.16 ``Erik yeah, but I'm a pedantic sob
19:16.49 learner bingo
19:17.07 learner glXCreateContext was being told to make a direct context
19:17.38 learner if it can't/won't do direct, it doesn't fail, it just doesn't give you a direct context so you have to check whether the context given was direct
19:17.45 learner that's why it crashed
19:18.07 learner the context was never acquired/released since it was assumed to be direct
19:29.33 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libfb/if_ogl.c:
19:29.33 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: glXCreateContext might not be able to make a direct context, so don't presume
19:29.33 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: that it will. if it's not, we need to turn on the multiple_windows flag so that
19:29.33 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: the context is properly acquired/released. this fixes a bus error crash on the
19:29.33 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: macs, as well as other oddities on some other platforms. this is possibly
19:29.33 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: related to sf bug 925427 where the entire X display would go black until the
19:29.35 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: raytrace completes.
19:30.52 polyspin Does anyone know if there is an automake variable for the "current directory under top_srcdir"?
19:30.53 learner srcdir?
19:31.14 learner builddir is where you're building
19:31.15 polyspin I'm trying to set up VPATH based builds for the regression tests
19:31.35 polyspin I want to access $top_srcdir/current_directory/filename in the makefiles
19:31.55 polyspin For example: sh $(top_srcdir)/regress/
19:32.10 polyspin Should the directory "regress" ever change, I want it to track
19:32.33 polyspin This is invoked via "make test" in the root directory of the build
19:33.41 learner srcdir is supposed to be that, I believe, though bugs in older versions sometimes makes that unusable
19:34.40 learner easy enough to pinpoint the regress dir if it moves, that's should work regardless of versions
19:34.50 learner (using top_srcdir
19:36.41 learner polyspin: you did see that I added a top-level test target that calls the regression tests a while back?
19:37.13 polyspin yes, I saw that. "make test"
19:37.58 learner only made it cd regress and make regress there, thought about making it work like the benchmark but didn't get to it
19:38.56 learner benchmark is a good example. finds itself on exec for locating resources and outputs from the callers location so a build tree run should work better
19:41.06 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: prevent indirect OpenGL framebuffers from crashing
20:04.02 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/regress/ (
20:04.02 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: Updates for running regression test from remote directory when build tree
20:04.02 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: and source tree are different.
20:04.02 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: Added and which are the foundation for the nightly runs.
20:04.02 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: More to come in these two.
20:24.07 polyspin should I expect a lag between when I check a file in and when I see it in SF?
20:24.26 polyspin I've committed "regress/" and didn't get it back on a subsequent checkout
20:27.47 polyspin Hmmm. If I get it as me, the files are there. If I get it as anonymous, they are not.
20:28.38 learner anonymous lags
20:28.44 learner by "up to" several hours
20:29.20 learner after all of the upgrades they should be in exact sync, but they have never been yet
20:29.57 learner 4 hours is the current time window, iirc
20:31.03 learner ~nslookup
20:31.13 learner ~nslookup
20:31.32 learner there we go.. rdns is set
20:33.47 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
20:39.41 archivist will/does brlcad have a "solidworks" or similar front end?
20:40.38 polyspin archivist: We can read/write STL. Don't know if that's the sort of thing you meant
20:41.32 archivist No i mean a graphical editor ala solidworks solidedge etc
20:42.08 polyspin MGED is our graphical geometry editor.
20:42.20 polyspin (cough) "mged"
20:44.29 archivist hmm, will it build on my alpha, and ram requirement, and does it have 2d output from the 3d modles
20:44.39 learner archivist, volume II "Introduction to MGED" on is a pretty comprehensive walkthrough/tutorial on how to use mged
20:45.14 learner it should build on your alpha, ram requirements are tiny
20:45.15 archivist ok will have a look
20:45.28 polyspin It's pretty much a 3D package. There is very limited support for "drafting" applications.
20:45.39 learner if it doesn't build, that can be fixed asap.. it's been a while since we've had an alpha to play with
20:45.47 polyspin It built on the VAX, so the alpha should be little problem ;-)
20:46.45 learner archivist, do you mean 2d renderings or something more like drawings from a drafting program? does the prior including line renderings, but not the latter ala blueprinting
20:47.22 polyspin archivist: What do you want to use it for?
20:47.58 archivist I'm used to doing everything 3d nowadays but manufacturers still expect 2d line drawings
20:48.12 archivist mechanical design
20:48.43 polyspin We don't have support for dimensioning at the moment. It's been on the wish list for a while.
20:49.08 learner have you tried out qcad and pythoncad? they are both 2d editors under development by other groups
20:49.23 learner they're nowhere near mature in the 3d arena, but depending on your need, might help
20:49.48 archivist no ive got a 3d head i cant go back to 2d
20:50.16 learner if you're a dev, you're more than welcome to help add dimensioning :)
20:50.54 archivist well i am a programmer also but more used to assembler
20:51.09 archivist and cough php
20:51.59 polyspin For a moment I thoought you meant "pdp" assembler and I was gonna smile
20:52.54 archivist i almost go back that far
20:53.13 learner archivist, the closest we have to line drawings are undemensioned outline/edge raytracings .. example:
20:53.14 learner
20:53.18 learner
20:54.02 learner and, of course, basic wireframe in the editor, which you can save as plot/postscript and/or convert to images
21:02.49 archivist hmm mged perhaps needs a fork so mousers can use it
21:04.30 archivist and how about near real time rotates moves
21:05.00 learner it does via the shift-grips
21:05.22 learner different mouse controls than you are used to, undoubtedly
21:05.38 learner but should do all the same
21:06.32 learner control-click and move the mouse (with button depressed)
21:07.34 learner control+mouse to rotate, shift+mouse to translate, shift+control+mouse to zoom in "real time"
21:08.19 learner those are customizable, but well established for brl-cad users
21:08.23 polyspin There's a cheat sheet at
21:11.42 archivist I downloaded the sorce a few months ago the introduction_to_mged.pdf is missing from that(7.0.4)
21:12.04 learner "missing"?
21:12.21 learner the pdfs aren't included in the source distributions
21:13.09 archivist er why?
21:13.23 learner did you see how big those pdfs are?
21:13.54 learner it would almost double the download to include all the docs
21:14.02 archivist no but 100meg for the source didnt frighten me
21:14.04 learner some documentation comes in the source dist
21:14.41 learner eventually the docs will get remerged into the sources, but not as pdfs
21:14.41 archivist thats why i was using the download as it was easier to find
21:14.51 learner something maintainable like opendoc or docbook is more likely
21:14.59 archivist ok (I hate pdfs anyway)
21:15.22 learner feel free to help with that too :)
21:16.19 archivist hmm i need to do a trial build on my box forst
21:16.35 learner suggest using latest cvs if/when you do
21:16.52 archivist ok
21:16.53 learner 7.0.4 is "old"
21:25.16 archivist page at states there is a link to follow but its a mail addr (it could do with links to available info)
21:26.35 polyspin Try
21:27.00 polyspin don't know what is there for.
21:29.54 learner db's a different machine that used to host
21:30.36 learner db was just for that tmp link
21:31.25 archivist lots of ppl back up to the top to see what else they can find so may be worth a mod to that page
21:32.04 learner what would you have it say?
21:32.48 learner also, nobody would get to db unless I give them a link in here :)
21:33.14 archivist link back to main site or index the extras on the box
21:39.43 learner there, changed. better?
21:41.58 archivist yup, next a wiki?
21:42.26 archivist i run mediawiki on my box
21:42.58 learner there's a new website under works that's vastly improved over
21:43.08 learner includes a wiki
21:43.19 learner db doesn't need one
21:45.46 archivist they can be usefull for a community for faq and unofficial info
21:45.57 learner new site includes a wiki, forum, news, docs, polls, search, etc
21:47.41 learner yes, I have wikis in place for other projects .. only reason it's not up for brl-cad yet is because it's part of a much larger effort to improve the website
21:48.51 archivist can be hard to get ppl to work on a wiki sometimes
21:49.42 learner one of the systems I've looked into is getting the wiki integrated with docbook
21:50.09 learner so whether the edito on-line in wiki format or directly out of cvs using their favorite editor, it's all the same
21:50.20 learner and it's revisioned in cvs, so we have a history
21:51.07 archivist mediawiki has history
21:51.20 learner some wiki's can be quite less than efficient, the resistance is often with due reason
21:52.06 learner yes, most wiki's have history, but then it's one more user auth system and it's still only through the web browser
21:52.37 learner devs tend to live in editors like emacs/vi working out of cvs, editors like guis, users like websites
21:53.07 learner for single-source migration, cvs/svn is the best location since the source has to be there already
21:53.18 learner now it's just a matter of integrating a wiki with that backend
21:54.30 learner with something like docbook on the backend, I can autogenerate the web/wiki pages, rtf, doc, pdf, etc
21:54.56 archivist and a db for an irc bot?
21:55.25 learner with an irc bot that groks docbook on a backend, sure
21:55.36 learner though bots tend to mainly be useful for factoid snippets
21:55.49 learner ~brl-cad
21:55.51 ibot hmm... brl-cad is a powerful constructive solid geometry solid modeling system that includes an interactive geometry editor, ray tracing support for rendering and geometric analysis, network distributed framebuffer support, image and signal-processing tools.
21:57.32 learner that would make a nice little bot project, though -- a developer bot that integrates with and gforge facilities, writes docbook on the backend, speaks rss
21:58.03 learner CIA would be great for that, but scanline is short-visioned (or tapped for time)
21:58.07 archivist we use one in #mysql to through users at either the main docs or the wiki for an indepth description
21:58.51 archivist through=thow
21:58.56 archivist through=throw
22:00.10 learner what kind is it?
22:01.13 archivist dont know actually
22:01.13 learner there's a bloot and supy in here now
22:01.27 learner guu: lart ibot
22:07.53 archivist the #mysql bot is pynfo
22:10.05 archivist which branch to download?
22:13.13 learner HEAD
22:15.23 archivist and now ive got to remember that horrid string to get tortoiseCVS to work for me
22:16.28 learner cvs -d login
22:16.34 learner cvs -d checkout -P brlcad
22:17.02 archivist tk
22:17.45 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/regress/ Changes to automatically track the release number recorded in
22:43.22 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/regress/ ( now we track the release number and do the regression test
23:17.28 *** join/#brlcad Deffie (~Defcon7@deffie.admin.nectarine)
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050510

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050510

04:20.58 *** join/#brlcad narnia (
04:39.26 learner how exhausting.. 5 hours on a single bug
05:10.24 *** join/#brlcad Chesh_bbl (
05:26.17 learner hello Cheshirc
05:29.27 Cheshirc heya
05:29.39 Cheshirc this is fun
05:29.52 learner this is? :)
05:29.57 Cheshirc yes ..
05:30.17 Cheshirc i tryed talking to ChanServ erlier ..
05:30.25 Cheshirc on reponce
05:30.32 learner first time on irc?
05:30.35 Cheshirc on = nno
05:30.48 Cheshirc long time ago
05:31.08 Cheshirc 98' or something .. i can't
05:31.18 Cheshirc remember
05:31.53 Cheshirc but i'm so glad to see my typing getting slower and more error prone
05:32.01 learner :)
05:33.00 learner i was similar several years back
05:33.11 learner hadn't used it since early 90's, then got started up again
05:33.25 learner haven't disconnected for several years now
05:33.26 Cheshirc be nice to get a spell check wrapper for X-chat.. i'd use it all the time
05:33.44 Cheshirc woww
05:34.35 Cheshirc used to hang out on the nt undernet chan .. now loks like nuxX for me
05:34.44 Cheshirc +apps
05:34.44 learner freenode made most of the difference
05:34.54 learner this network is much more organized/friendly than the others imo
05:35.24 Cheshirc probly get less kiddie / goofballs
05:36.00 learner plus just about every major open source project has a presence on freenode, so I can coordinate/collaborate/ask questions/etc more easily
05:36.23 Cheshirc i havn't looked at the chan list yet . i hope this is more developer ircNet like
05:36.30 learner a lot less kids, or at least less tolerance for the assclowns
05:37.09 learner i'd say this is probably _the_ developer network at this point
05:38.24 Cheshirc i used to hang with some gals that would change nicks and raz folks on some of the more questioable chans
05:38.24 learner heh, it probably won't give you the chanlist without some coercing, it's pretty big
05:38.36 Cheshirc ahh .. waisted youth
05:39.33 Cheshirc hey, i think i wa old than too
05:39.36 Cheshirc oh well
05:39.49 Cheshirc than=then
05:40.13 learner :)
05:41.24 Cheshirc know of manny using mpi to get data into the app here ?
05:41.43 learner by the way, you can ask chanserv "help" and it should give you a menu
05:41.51 Cheshirc k
05:41.52 learner nickserv is probably where you'd want to start, though
05:41.57 learner for registering a nick
05:42.14 Cheshirc yea , i should do that
05:42.24 learner using mpi to get data into the app? which app?
05:42.43 Cheshirc bricad
05:43.05 learner not sure what you mean by that, though
05:43.24 learner brl-cad consists of over 400 "apps", too ;)
05:44.34 Cheshirc u get a cluster up .. like 2-10 puters ... cruch stuff .. data feed into visuzatin application for viewing
05:44.40 learner i'll assume you mean into either the modeler or the raytrace library itself, though
05:44.55 learner ahh, brl-cad already will do that, but not via mpi
05:45.12 learner it does it's own message passing for remote computation
05:45.19 learner mpi would make a nice patch, though
05:45.26 Cheshirc i'm now farmiliar enough with it yet ..
05:46.05 Cheshirc looking for some fun stuff 2do .. that might turn into work of some sort
05:46.45 learner I'm toyed with the idea of adding mpi/pvm communication into the raytracer
05:46.51 learner that would be a fun project
05:47.57 Cheshirc still investgating .. looks like big guns use puchashed ( not enough money to buy here) software
05:48.29 Cheshirc looking to see if'n there's a gpl way to go
05:48.56 learner brl-cad is the only open source solid modeler
05:49.36 Cheshirc ok pov must be buy for bizz type
05:49.50 Cheshirc it's a modler, right ?
05:50.04 learner there are other raytracers (povray) and other 2D modelers (qcad and pythoncad come to mind) and mesh modelers (blender), but brl-cad is the only solid modeler
05:50.19 Cheshirc ok
05:50.35 learner pov is not a modeler, it's pretty much just a raytracer with a geometry format
05:50.54 Cheshirc i need to read more on this
05:50.56 learner s/raytracer/renderer/ .. does more than raytracing
05:51.32 learner we kick pov's butt on the ray-tracing side, but then win on the global illumination and realism side
05:51.40 learner s/then/they/
05:52.10 learner brl-cad's raytracer dates back over 20 years, one of the very first written
05:52.43 Cheshirc like how to get math libraries to talk to wut .. i thought maple/wolfram was the most popular
05:53.14 Cheshirc i've see the gpl version on the net looks 2b making some headway
05:53.40 learner maple/mathematica are rather specific to mathematics computations -- there's an open source equivalent of maple, though I forget the name right now
05:53.44 Cheshirc octave ?
05:53.57 Cheshirc something like that , i think
05:55.14 learner that's one of them, though I think I was thinking of maxima
05:55.41 learner those are drastically different apps than a modeler or a raytrace/visualization engine
05:57.35 Cheshirc yea, some projects need to ge t the data cruched and fed to some format somehow ..
05:58.35 Cheshirc i thought math libraries were getting soe of the number crunching done, then .. idonna know
05:58.54 Cheshirc soe = some
05:59.06 learner oh, they are -- that is a common component of most of those
05:59.43 learner brl-cad has rather tuned pre-processor based (inline) vector and matrix math library
06:00.34 learner most of the parallelization ala mpi is done at a higher level, though .. spread out larger tasks across your network
06:00.42 Cheshirc sounds like everything is project spacific .. i thought there was a general method / app libary set some were using
06:01.20 learner like for rendering an image, you would have each mpi node work on a scanline of an image being rendered.. not individual computations, they complete too fast to warrant that tiny a task
06:01.45 learner there are some math libraries out there that are widely used
06:01.46 Cheshirc ok
06:01.57 learner like gnump
06:02.09 learner there's probably a dozen "big" name math library projects
06:02.19 Cheshirc never heard of that one .. cool
06:02.46 Cheshirc i'll get more farmiliar with wut's out there
06:03.39 learner blitz++ is another
06:03.53 Cheshirc thanks
06:04.13 learner
06:04.38 Cheshirc i'm there
06:04.43 learner that has a list of the traditional old name math libraries (most are either fortran or converted from it)
06:05.16 Cheshirc wow .. i like to copy and paste whenever i can .. less typing/ error prone
06:05.57 Cheshirc fun stuff
06:06.47 learner depending on whether you are more interested in procedureal vs object oriented vs functional etc will steer you various directions
06:07.25 learner also factors like focusing on vector or matrix math, perhaps equation solving, numerical solutions, differential equations, interval arithmetic
06:07.28 Cheshirc i can't imagine wut the old gaurd use to go through .. typing full paths all the time
06:07.55 learner then there are different implementations: infinite precision, vectorized, parallelized, distributed, etc
06:08.53 learner hehe, having typed for so long, I don't think about it much any more :)
06:09.04 Cheshirc i need to save this to a file
06:09.08 Cheshirc hehehe
06:10.00 learner basically just pointing out that you're going to have to really narrow down what it is you're interested in doing :)
06:11.09 learner plus you get to see pretty pictures in the process
06:11.28 Cheshirc brother does some cloud/weather trend analasis ( makes the sensors) feed > 100 plus cluster
06:11.59 Cheshirc i need to find out wut they use to visualize / how
06:12.30 learner that depends on way too many things to really answer and it'd be a customized app in the first place
06:13.13 learner many of the high performance codes are already using mpi for things like weather simulations/visualizations
06:13.35 Cheshirc i was thinkin out load
06:13.47 Cheshirc loud
06:13.52 learner it'd be easier to answer whether "project X" uses or could benefit from it
06:14.05 Cheshirc true true
06:14.14 learner instead of "genre/topic X"
06:14.54 Cheshirc i need to do much more diging looks like
06:19.07 Cheshirc there are not enough hold your hand/newb this is wut u can do with this and here's some sample hacks to do ( yes, at home) web sites out there
06:19.47 Cheshirc i think some kids would get into it if the top layer was more acesisble
06:20.50 learner what is it that you're looking to do?
06:20.59 learner primarily, that is
06:21.05 Cheshirc actually
06:21.08 learner learn something? make something?
06:21.18 learner write a program?
06:21.22 Cheshirc i did have an idea for some stuff
06:21.39 learner do tell :)
06:22.05 Cheshirc i've got about ten or so good ideas for some things
06:22.27 Cheshirc anoman web site
06:22.42 learner anoman?
06:23.01 learner ~google anoman
06:23.40 Cheshirc examples of the many anotated man pages for the less didgialy savy
06:24.08 learner ahhh
06:24.13 learner never heard of that
06:24.55 Cheshirc it dosn't say yum -y ... anywhere that i've found
06:25.12 Cheshirc just says there is a switch
06:25.27 Cheshirc same em lotta time and effort
06:26.05 Cheshirc they don't have to relean how to recreate the wheel evey time
06:26.21 Cheshirc same=save
06:27.26 learner curious then, what brought/led you to brl-cad
06:27.30 Cheshirc folks would be able to further/faster .. get more suff done / less frutrating
06:29.26 Cheshirc looking to see if i can hack up some math calces that are needed to visualize ( something) > cluster > lokat-it
06:29.40 Cheshirc lookAt-it
06:30.24 learner well there's definite potential AND need for that if you can narrow that down a bit :)
06:30.46 learner like adding new primitive types
06:30.49 Cheshirc so it would seem
06:31.04 learner i spent several weeks over a year ago adding a super ellipsoid to brl-cad
06:31.18 learner almost got it all working... but not quite
06:31.25 learner pretty nifty, though
06:31.31 Cheshirc but now i am a little more aware of that .. lol
06:31.52 Cheshirc very cool
06:31.56 learner
06:32.27 learner basically a single object that can become any of the shapes shown near the bottom of that page
06:33.29 Cheshirc by changing the input ffigures, huh ?
06:33.38 learner another fun one is a steiner surface and a super toroidal surface
06:33.53 Cheshirc that looks .. not easy
06:34.52 learner it wasn't too easy
06:35.14 learner had to read a few research papers, and consult with a math expert friend of mine more than a few times
06:35.38 learner all the while trying to learn the code too
06:35.46 learner pretty much got it, though
06:36.07 learner just some trickery left in brl-cad's numerical solver
06:36.16 Cheshirc er, code in wut ?
06:36.23 Cheshirc py/c+
06:36.25 Cheshirc ?
06:36.36 learner that'd be another interesting project.. replace the numerical solver with something better
06:36.48 learner brl-cad's almost all C
06:36.58 Cheshirc wow... hard core
06:37.07 learner the geometry editor is a mix of C and Tcl
06:38.24 Cheshirc any rad kits out there to asist in that / or is the library too spialized ?
06:38.30 learner the new editor under development is mostly C++ right now
06:39.04 learner rad kits? for what?
06:39.27 Cheshirc rad= rapid application development
06:39.39 learner yes, I know.. for what :)
06:39.50 Cheshirc like vb / port to c
06:40.09 Cheshirc i thought there was soma that for nix now too
06:40.35 learner Tcl is a higher level glue language like that
06:40.45 learner quirky, but higher level
06:41.46 Cheshirc sorry.. i don't know .. i guess now for this project .. u are savy enough to know that u just have to put your head down and go for it
06:42.01 Cheshirc now=not
06:42.01 learner in general, generic rad languages are either too platform-specific (cocoa, vb, .net) or generally too inefficient
06:42.34 learner for our uses/interests/needs at least
06:42.47 Cheshirc ahh .. ok
06:43.02 learner Tcl was somewhat of a hindsight regret, but it is rather cross-platform at least
06:43.57 learner cocoa is probably the fastest or most efficient to code in, but only works on one platform
06:45.16 learner something like python or ruby have potential, but they're generally more problematic to get right performance-wise
06:45.21 Cheshirc i need to find out more about this kinda thing.. i just saw py-numeric stuff recently .
06:45.54 Cheshirc i thought a guy could hack up a framwork that way
06:47.13 Cheshirc i think i'm embarasing myself too much
06:47.15 Cheshirc hehehe
06:47.39 learner heh, nah
06:48.41 learner everyone has their area of stuff that they're good at/for
06:54.19 learner so you know, you're more than welcome to contribute here.. we've got a very "open door" policy with more than enough to work on, be it websites, code, docs, tutorials, databasing, and then some
06:54.40 Cheshirc thanks
06:54.56 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
06:55.32 Cheshirc wutcha databasing ?
06:56.07 learner several different projects there
06:56.22 Cheshirc or , ah wut needs databasing ?
06:56.23 learner the most significant is probably benchmark results
06:57.13 learner we have performance numbers that go back more than 20 years from very very old computers (pdp-11, vax, cray-xmp, apple ii, etc) forward through time
06:57.15 Cheshirc sounds like fun
06:57.46 learner want to basically gather all that information together into a database and draw up graphs of performance, etc
06:58.18 learner you can compare how a machine today compares to a 50 million dollar supercomputer from the mid 80's
06:58.34 Cheshirc i was trying to comapre nux's on the same hardware with the byte/ unix benchmarks .. but alsa .. all my hd s and different
06:58.39 learner see how much of a difference different types of cache make
06:58.48 learner different compilers
06:58.57 learner the performance improvements of brl-cad itself over time
06:58.58 Cheshirc are different
06:59.43 Cheshirc cool build last two vers... comape results
06:59.49 learner the brl-cad benchmark is pretty "stable" benchmark in that it's a direct timing of our core library doing "real" work -- it raytraces a standard set of images
06:59.57 learner exactly
07:00.21 learner could even rerun older versions (we have sources and binary)
07:00.44 Cheshirc most of these guys have mega video cards though .. right .. u kinda gotta
07:00.46 Cheshirc ?
07:01.04 learner no, not really
07:01.17 learner raytracing is all done on the cpu
07:01.21 learner very cpu and memory intensive
07:01.30 Cheshirc i'd bet that has alotta impact
07:01.37 Cheshirc ok
07:02.04 learner it's a very good metric for comparing a machine's general performance given how it tests memory and cpu
07:02.38 Cheshirc i woulda never ... fun stuff
07:02.41 learner the graphics card only comes into play in the modeler where you're spinning things around.. that has nothing to do with the brl-cad benchmark
07:03.00 learner in fact it was written before there even were "graphics cards"
07:03.05 Cheshirc lol
07:03.16 *** join/#brlcad cad170 (
07:03.41 cad170 hi
07:03.58 Cheshirc i remember talking with a guy that had 128m vidio card .. years ago ... mac, i think
07:04.04 learner a nice old picture on one of the first that did have a graphical vector display:
07:04.33 Cheshirc like more than ten years ago, i think ... now it's commanplace
07:05.01 cad170 god bless gamers
07:05.13 learner indeed :)
07:05.53 learner the pdp-11 had 4mb total system memory
07:06.11 Cheshirc funny pic ... remids my of the boxes i worked on in highschool
07:06.21 learner that was before my time, though
07:07.11 Cheshirc they used cards for input
07:07.15 Cheshirc hehehe
07:07.19 learner Cheshirc, that's just the "display terminal" to the computer -- the computer itself is much bigger
07:08.06 Cheshirc yea ... probly as big as 5 refriuators , just out of view
07:09.51 Cheshirc that darm Remote ..
07:10.06 Cheshirc at least he didn't kick him
07:12.00 Cheshirc well thanks for the info .. i'll come back soon to check back
07:12.32 Cheshirc i can't remember wut box the tar is on
07:12.40 learner no problem
07:13.07 learner ahh, west coaster, eh?
07:13.17 Cheshirc i have this one old beater with 5 removable drives
07:13.33 Cheshirc ten distros on 3? machines
07:14.16 Cheshirc yepper .. all most far west as u can get from here .. hehehehe
07:14.55 Cheshirc too bad all the new hacks are hd clones
07:15.27 Cheshirc wut do u use ?
07:15.43 Cheshirc hd=rh .. redhat
07:15.44 learner my primary workstations are mac os x now
07:15.55 learner for several years now
07:16.12 learner I have various linux boxes too
07:16.20 Cheshirc i just loaded foresight
07:16.30 learner gentoo is my general pref, but I have/do run debian and rh
07:16.46 learner my main server is freebsd
07:16.52 Cheshirc yopper.. fc4 .. kubutu.. tinysofa
07:17.24 Cheshirc mandrake seems to be the most uptodate / out of the box
07:18.02 Cheshirc centos seems pretty good
07:18.09 learner ever tried gentoo?
07:18.27 Cheshirc i got the cd's .. not yet
07:19.14 Cheshirc freebsd rc . netbsd next, i think
07:21.27 learner tried os x?
07:21.43 Cheshirc there are like 5 rhel4 clones out there .. i like to see which one is going to get the most update/net wiki support
07:21.58 Cheshirc os x .. no
07:22.07 Cheshirc i'll check it out
07:22.13 learner very much like a mix of freebsd and linux where most everything just works
07:22.44 learner no senseless unending editing of config files and hunting for manual pages
07:22.54 Cheshirc mandrake LE is pretty spiffy
07:23.51 Cheshirc py 2.4 pgsql 8.0.1+
07:24.18 Cheshirc they seem to have it all packaged up
07:25.59 learner mmhmm
07:27.19 Cheshirc been on it since cr3?
07:27.59 Cheshirc rc3+ always been stable/ easy to load .. no crashes
07:29.36 Cheshirc i can't say that about the others, although it might be my video
07:30.11 learner of mandrake? no.. haven't used it in years
07:30.33 learner linux took a second seat after I picked up mac os x as my primary
07:30.40 Cheshirc i think they just took the lead
07:31.00 learner hmm? who took what lead?
07:31.16 learner os vendor-wise.. I believe gentoo just snatched the lead from debian
07:31.17 Cheshirc looks/ feels ready for prime time
07:31.58 learner at least when counting number of seats, gentoo and debian have been ranked close
07:32.33 Cheshirc ease of use/install/update/most recent packaging all that , i could be mistaken
07:33.24 learner oh, probably in that regard
07:33.35 learner not exactly in terms of popularity though
07:33.49 learner mandrake has always been one of the easiest
07:34.14 Cheshirc yea, i ve got wut .. 5 deb derivitaves
07:34.25 learner debian for stability, gentoo for performance, mandrake for speed, redhat for support
07:34.40 learner s/speed/ease/ bleh
07:35.14 Cheshirc hate the font thingie ... it's probably work out somewhere, i just havn't looked it up
07:35.43 Cheshirc lol
07:40.58 Cheshirc ah well thanks .. seeya soon
07:41.06 learner nice to meet you
07:41.10 *** part/#brlcad Cheshirc (
10:08.33 archivist got a few errors on my box from last nights download
10:08.53 archivist debian woody (a bit old i know)
12:51.42 learner archivist, ahh, thou hasn't not read INSTALL -- run ./ first
12:54.54 learner we use the entire gnu build system, which consists of autoconf, automake, and libtool -- the prep steps for all three are different from running just autoconf -- in fact i'm shocked that made a configure script
12:56.51 learner the script encapsulates everything that has to be done, as well as accounts for several version mismatch bugs or system misconfigurations, as well as checks for proper versions before even getting started
13:07.00 archivist heh step 1 says nothing about
13:07.44 archivist or even at all
13:12.43 learner where it says something to that effect if you check out from CVS
13:14.15 archivist ya mean ignore INSTALL the file that SHOULD tell me what to do
13:14.27 learner The rest of the docs are geared on the assumption of a source distribution where the configure script was pregenerated for you
13:14.52 learner you don't have to ignore INSTALL, it talks about what you can do after you run
13:14.56 learner basically the steps to build are:
13:15.00 learner ./
13:15.06 learner ./configure
13:15.11 learner make
13:15.18 learner sudo make install (or su then make install)
13:16.15 learner there's a lot of options you can give to configure, but the defaults will basically be the easiest and most inclusive for now
13:18.29 archivist I cant try it till i get home tonight, the first page of readme was just info, so i jumped straight to install you could move that extra step to install so ppl dont miss it
13:25.59 learner that's in our TODO file
13:26.22 learner "* need non-generic installation instructions"
13:28.42 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: make sure sgi knobs work, add variance/deviation to benchmarks
13:29.52 archivist I noticed the make windows work todo, which compiler do ppl use on windows
13:30.05 narnia learner, fyi, tomorrow, 11 may 2005, i am out all day. yet another wasted day in the state of illinois court system.
13:33.08 learner that todo is general developer musings, a better list is the tasks and tracker items up on the project page
13:33.37 learner that said, there are some using studio, others using gcc (cygwin/mingw/msys)
13:33.50 learner narnia, okie dokie -- good luck again
13:33.56 learner hopefully as good as last time
13:33.59 learner or better
13:45.20 narnia learner, luck has nothing to do with the illinois court system. the party who is able to bribe the officials usually wins.
13:59.25 narnia learner, after 8+yrs of legal nightmare the opposing sides can still tie the case up on appeals. the opposing sides are hoping i die before the case ever gets out of appeals.
14:34.39 *** join/#brlcad pinnipedia (
14:36.00 pinnipedia hello Sean
15:28.07 *** join/#brlcad pinnipedia (
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16:37.11 *** join/#brlcad Bagheera (~Grumbler@grumbler.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
16:39.28 *** part/#brlcad Bagheera (~Grumbler@grumbler.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
18:31.25 archivist I wonder who i am
18:32.09 brlcad you get the build to work?
18:32.37 archivist not yet its at home and im at work
18:34.34 archivist just reading the db format for fun
18:42.44 brlcad what's your particular interest in brl-cad?
18:42.54 brlcad don't recall, are you a dev?
18:45.53 archivist im interested as a mech designer, but have also been a software person as well, and i like open source, The company i am at could never afford a system like solid edge or solidworks etc
18:47.04 archivist I have used solidworks so I am converted to 3d design
18:48.12 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
18:48.25 archivist I was in #c when you were looking for a dev some time ago, downloaded and looked at the source at the time
19:06.01 *** join/#brlcad pinnipedia (
19:06.50 pinnipedia hi Sean
19:51.47 brlcad hello pinnipedia
19:52.18 pinnipedia this is Daniel, we've been conversing on the sourceforge forum
19:52.20 brlcad archivist: ahhh, ok
19:52.26 pinnipedia thank you for your help
19:52.43 brlcad apologies if I ask you again down the road.. lots of channels, lots of folks :)
19:53.05 brlcad pinnipedia: hmm.. :)
19:53.11 pinnipedia completely understandable
19:53.42 brlcad your welcome, I think.. assuming i was actually helpful :)
19:54.02 pinnipedia well, I got through most of the conflicts
19:54.15 brlcad ahh, ping pong build craziness
19:54.20 brlcad now i remember
19:54.34 brlcad i'm really sorry about all of that.. should not be that many issues
19:55.09 brlcad using the latest cvs would've helped, but you really should have been on the verge of it working
19:55.37 pinnipedia As far as I can tell, the default Ubuntu install is short on most of the developer packages
19:55.51 pinnipedia I even had to download gcc
19:55.54 brlcad noticed :)
19:56.30 brlcad okay, so you ended up with that last odd error after that last clean rebuild, right?
19:56.35 pinnipedia yeah
19:57.07 brlcad how can I help get it working for you?
19:57.16 brlcad I can walk you through the steps from scratch
19:57.22 brlcad we can continue where we left off
19:57.31 brlcad I can perform the build remotely if you like
19:57.55 pinnipedia I honestly don't have an informed opinion, I'm fairly new to the OS
19:58.27 brlcad is your end goal to simply get a binary install?
19:58.37 pinnipedia yes
19:58.41 brlcad i.e. "just get it working"?
19:58.44 pinnipedia yep
19:58.53 brlcad okay, hardware specs?
19:59.04 brlcad i.e. processor type
19:59.18 pinnipedia Compaq Armada E500s laptop, Pentium III 650, 256MB RAM
20:00.14 brlcad running linux
20:00.17 brlcad which kernel?
20:00.28 brlcad uname -a
20:00.42 pinnipedia it's one of the 2.6.x's, I'll check for the exact revision
20:01.24 brlcad that's good enough
20:01.25 pinnipedia Linux betasigma 2.6.10-5-386 #1 Tue Apr 5 12:12:40 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linux
20:02.06 brlcad i'll make a build for you of the latest on a 2.4 kernel just in case there are compatibility issues
20:02.11 brlcad that should be a quick "test"
20:02.18 brlcad if that fails, we can try a build
20:02.26 brlcad give me about 15 minutes to get the build made
20:02.44 pinnipedia ok, thanks
20:03.05 brlcad out of curiosity, did you try the ia32 binary?
20:03.20 brlcad not that I recommend it, it's a bit dated compared to the latest
20:03.23 brlcad just wondering
20:03.39 pinnipedia no
20:03.59 pinnipedia Is that the 7.0 off of the sourceforge site?
20:04.47 brlcad yes
20:05.07 pinnipedia nope, I didn't install it
20:05.15 brlcad k, no worries
20:05.28 brlcad any problems getting into irc? :)
20:06.03 pinnipedia nope
20:34.28 brlcad alrighty, it's almost done building
20:34.38 pinnipedia k
20:35.52 pinnipedia I've been messing around, trying installing different packages. Nothing so far in getting past the compile error
20:40.11 brlcad it sounds like it failed to create libbn, yet there is a stub file from the looks of the error
20:40.31 brlcad while this is still building, try: cd src/libbn ; make
20:41.20 brlcad does it report an error? if it does "nothing": rm ; make
20:41.58 pinnipedia it'll be a minute
20:42.56 pinnipedia do I do ./ and ./configure in the brlcad-7.2.2 directory or in src/libbn
20:43.19 brlcad i suspect the "real" problem is that failed, which means one of the build tools is not installed or not up to date
20:44.43 pinnipedia ubuntu didn't come with those, so I just kept installing what it asked for until it ran. In the end it needed: autoconf, automake, and libtool
20:45.17 brlcad yep, what versions of those does autogen say you have?
20:45.40 brlcad and does end with an error or say the build is ready?
20:47.20 pinnipedia autoconf 2.59, automake 1.9.4, libtool 1.5.6
20:47.29 pinnipedia it says to run ./configure next
20:47.37 brlcad no error lines?
20:48.28 pinnipedia Found GNU Autoconf version 2.59
20:48.28 pinnipedia Found GNU Automake version 1.9.4
20:48.28 pinnipedia Found GNU Libtool version 1.5.6
20:48.28 pinnipedia Automatically preparing build ... need to restore backup of INSTALL
20:48.28 pinnipedia done
20:48.28 pinnipedia The BRL-CAD build system is now prepared. To build here, run:
20:48.30 pinnipedia <PROTECTED>
20:48.32 pinnipedia <PROTECTED>
20:48.49 brlcad ahh, that's a mostly perfect
20:48.52 brlcad so that's not it
20:51.20 pinnipedia ./configure has a line about libbn:
20:51.31 pinnipedia config.status: creating src/libbn/Makefile
20:52.34 pinnipedia the results of running make in src/libbn:
20:52.42 pinnipedia make all-am
20:52.42 pinnipedia make[1]: Entering directory `/home/dgreisen/brlcad-7.2.2/src/libbn'
20:52.42 pinnipedia make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all-am'.
20:52.42 pinnipedia make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/dgreisen/brlcad-7.2.2/src/libbn'
20:53.01 brlcad yeah, something stale in there
20:53.10 brlcad cd src/libbn ; make clean ; make
20:55.21 pinnipedia it's finished, don't see any errors
20:58.41 pinnipedia do I try make again in the main directory, or run autogen and configure again first?
20:59.22 brlcad no no..
20:59.58 brlcad no more autogen/configure, try: cd ../bwish
21:00.02 brlcad make clean ; make
21:01.00 pinnipedia done, no erros
21:01.02 pinnipedia errors
21:01.58 brlcad good, cd ../tclscripts ; make
21:02.21 pinnipedia ../../src/bwish/btclsh ../../src/tclscripts/ampi.tcl ../../src/tclscripts
21:02.21 pinnipedia /home/dgreisen/brlcad-7.2.2/src/bwish/.libs/lt-btclsh: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
21:02.21 pinnipedia make: *** [pkgIndex.tcl] Error 127
21:02.49 *** part/#brlcad pinnipedia (
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21:03.04 brlcad hmm.., sounds like libtool is not doing what it should
21:03.46 brlcad no matter, the binary build finished
21:04.54 brlcad uploading
21:05.00 pinnipedia thanks
21:05.39 brlcad
21:05.58 brlcad sudo tar zxvf BRL-CAD-7.2.3.bin.tar.gz
21:07.17 pinnipedia It'll be about 6:30
21:08.21 brlcad hours or minutes?
21:08.32 pinnipedia minutes
21:08.47 brlcad had me worried there for a sec :)
21:10.06 pinnipedia I've been spoiled by university broadband. It doesn't really occur to me to think of download times in hours anymore
21:15.32 pinnipedia does it matter where the file is? it's currently in my home directory?
21:17.52 brlcad no, it doesn't/shouldn't
21:17.52 brlcad it should expand into /usr/brlcad
21:18.20 pinnipedia done
21:18.25 brlcad great
21:18.29 brlcad now to test it
21:18.40 brlcad you use bash for a shell?
21:18.50 brlcad you need to add /usr/brlcad/bin to your path
21:19.02 brlcad export PATH=/usr/brlcad/bin:$PATH
21:19.08 pinnipedia Gnome terminal, not sure which this is
21:19.56 brlcad if you add that export line to your ~/.bash_profile then it will always load when you open up a new terminal
21:20.09 pinnipedia it didn't install to /usr/brlcad, it installed to ~/usr/brlcad
21:20.21 brlcad bah
21:20.34 brlcad sudo mv ~/usr/brlcad /usr/.
21:21.31 pinnipedia so now I type the export PATH... ?
21:22.05 brlcad yes
21:22.27 pinnipedia done
21:22.46 brlcad okay, easy test.. just type "rt"
21:22.52 brlcad what does it output?
21:23.05 pinnipedia BRL-CAD Release 7.2.3 The BRL-CAD Raytracer RT
21:23.05 pinnipedia <PROTECTED>
21:23.05 pinnipedia <PROTECTED>
21:23.05 pinnipedia BRL-CAD Release 7.2.3 The BRL-CAD Ray-Tracing Library
21:23.05 pinnipedia <PROTECTED>
21:23.40 *** join/#brlcad pinnipedia (
21:23.44 pinnipedia it didn't like that copy/paste
21:24.31 brlcad hehe, yes, you got kicked off :)
21:24.54 pinnipedia a couple of lines about it being BRL-CAD and your email, then running on betasigma, then rt: MGED database not specified
21:25.23 pinnipedia Usage: rt [options] model.g objects...
21:25.23 pinnipedia Options:
21:25.23 pinnipedia <PROTECTED>
21:26.05 pinnipedia I was in /usr when I typed rt
21:26.56 pinnipedia if I go into /usr/brlcad and type mged, the modelling window comes up
21:32.26 brlcad excellent
21:32.40 brlcad that was correct for rt too, it's just a usage message
21:33.03 brlcad you don't need to be in /usr/brlcad to type mged, it's in your path so you just type "mged' from anywhere
21:33.08 *** join/#brlcad CIA-3 (
21:33.19 brlcad that's where if you add that export line to you ~/.bash_profile, it will always be in your path
21:34.04 pinnipedia yep, it works from everywhere
21:34.56 brlcad if you want to see something mildly interesting, run the following in the gnome terminal:
21:35.18 brlcad asc2g ~/brlcad-7.2.2/db/havoc.asc ~/havoc.g
21:35.24 brlcad then in mged:
21:35.46 brlcad opendb /home/dgreisen/havoc.g
21:35.51 brlcad e havoc
21:36.08 brlcad should see a vehicle
21:37.20 pinnipedia neat
21:37.38 brlcad there's a rather detailed introduction to mged available on the website:
21:37.43 brlcad document #2
21:37.58 pinnipedia I got about half way through it on my old distro
21:38.05 pinnipedia it looks like quite the program
21:38.07 brlcad ahh, okay
21:38.27 brlcad mged only scratches the surface of the entire package, but it's what most are interested in for the modeling
21:39.16 pinnipedia I figure I'll become proficient in the modelling first :)
21:40.13 pinnipedia I understand that the ballistics modelling is quite good
21:40.38 brlcad the expert modelers around here are pretty impressive with it
21:40.44 brlcad geometry just flows from them
21:41.14 brlcad yeah, it'd be nice if we could share some of the really detailed models, but there's good reasons for why not
21:41.15 pinnipedia do they mainly use the command line?
21:41.27 brlcad it's a mix
21:41.42 brlcad most use both to different degrees
21:42.04 brlcad the new modeler will have a much improved gui interface, but that's years away from end-user use
21:42.32 brlcad if you're more "gui inclined", you might be interested in the Tools -> Geometry Browser
21:43.07 pinnipedia I'm a bit of both
21:43.36 pinnipedia most of my 3d cad experience is on ProE, but I first learned on AutoCAD
21:44.15 pinnipedia And then I've, unfortunately, had to do a fair bit of modelling in ANSYS, so that's almost all command line
21:46.45 pinnipedia thank you very much for your help getting this up and running
21:46.50 brlcad brl-cad's modeler is clearly not up to the user interface of pro/e or autocad, though we've had a mere fraction of the resources invested and very little justification for improving the user interface
21:47.30 brlcad hard to fund the user interface when it's the raytracing library that is the bread and butter -- the modeler was usually "good enough" most of the time
21:48.08 brlcad that is going to change now, though, that we're open source and able to work with the community as a project on our own
21:49.00 brlcad no problem, apologies that it took up so much of your time trying to get it built. I'll have to get my hands on a fresh ubuntu system at some point to fix the dependancies.
21:49.15 pinnipedia should be able to get some work done on the UI, I imagine that programming the UI is quite different from programming the physics backend
21:49.36 pinnipedia not a problem, I've learned a lot in the process
21:50.27 brlcad there's not a physics backend in brl-cad beyond light/energy transport, the modeler is all just mathematics and geometry
21:59.44 pinnipedia well, thank you again for your help, I'm going to go and learn the program a bit more
22:01.26 brlcad not a problem, I'm here most of the time if anything comes up
22:01.33 pinnipedia thanks
22:01.33 brlcad or feel free to just hang out
22:03.08 brlcad also if you ask a question while I'm away, you can idle and i or someone else will answer it eventually
22:08.12 archivist "new modeler" ? is there a wish list somewhere to comment on?
22:22.47 pinnipedia I'm trying to import some other models to look at, by typing asc2g ~brlcad-7.2.2/db/cray.asc ~/cray.g buyt it's returning the error bash: asc2g: command not found
23:00.02 brlcad pinnipedia: command not found means /usr/brlcad/bin is not in your path
23:00.19 brlcad did you add the: export PATH=/usr/brlcad/bin:$PATH to your ~/.bash_profile file
23:00.44 brlcad archivist: not yet
23:01.26 pinnipedia yes, earlier I typed in export PATH...
23:01.51 archivist ok tnks
23:02.01 pinnipedia The asc2g command worked to import the havoc model
23:02.41 brlcad right, but if you create a new gnome terminal, you'd have to type it again (unless you add it to ~/.bash_profile)
23:02.50 pinnipedia ah, got it, thanks
23:02.55 brlcad it doesn't "stick" .. unless you add it to that file
23:05.45 brlcad archivist: feel free to post up your ideas or share them here -- much of it is likely being planned already in some fashion, but reinforcement of what's important to you is always good to hear
23:08.33 brlcad unfortunately, going open source has actually delayed things quite a bit :) .. have to keep pressing on the build system and website some more before I'll be able to get back to it full steam
23:10.03 archivist thers one thing a can't draw in solidworks a fusee (a clock part) which has a spiral/helix on a curved barrel
23:11.02 pinnipedia thanks, it's working again
23:14.31 brlcad archivist: got a picture?
23:15.12 brlcad like this:
23:15.13 brlcad
23:17.20 archivist yes thats the part, i think it needs a new cut type as well (like a ball-end milled groove)
23:20.10 archivist special machines were made to manufacture them, So nowadays a cnc could make it if a simple path could be designed in the cad system
23:23.12 *** join/#brlcad narnia (
23:25.28 brlcad that would be rather difficult to manufacture
23:27.02 brlcad the basic shape looks like the inside bottom half of a toroidal surface, with a spiral grove added/subtracted
23:28.16 archivist it should be easy with a rotating axis below a milling head, just that the spiral has to stop and then drill at the large end
23:30.04 archivist the curve its on has to match the force from a spring to even out the torque delivered to the clock
23:36.43 archivist one i'm working on,, it would have been nice to replace it, but with current methods it wont get done
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050511

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050511

00:37.11 brlcad interesting
00:37.17 brlcad that's a good model for demonstration
00:43.13 *** part/#brlcad pinnipedia (
01:25.56 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/bu.h: use generic pointers for the avs min/max ranges
01:46.59 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/fbserv/fbserv.c: instead of sleeping 5 seconds indefinately, retry every second up to a minute before giving up on starting the stand-alone daemon.
02:24.53 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ ( m4/args.m4): prefix the ARG macro variables with bc_ so that they do not conflict with potential argument variables being tested (e.g. with_java was the var and java was an alias, causing an overwrite of with_java)
02:29.46 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
02:31.05 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/malloc.c:
02:31.05 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: fix bu_debug memory checking.. if run-time debugging is enabled, we cannot
02:31.05 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: simply call calloc since we need to allocate the extra space for BU_DEBUG_CHECK
02:31.05 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: and BU_DEBUG_MEM_QCHECK. this of course prevents bu barriercheck corruption and
02:31.05 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: false-positives. (this fixes sf bug 1163383 and 1198866)
02:34.05 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/avs.c: make sure we're not trying to free null avs pointers. also set the counters to zero/null when we're done just in case.
02:38.06 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/prep.c: ws
02:39.20 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/db_open.c: no need to embed the scope in the middle of the function for the argv array.. hope that thing is getting free'd somewhere
02:40.12 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/db5_scan.c: contrary to popular evidence, initialize the avs structs to empty anyways.
02:40.42 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: fixed libbu run-time memory corruption checking (fixes sf bug 1198866 and 1163383)
02:40.45 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/comb.c: ws
02:51.32 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/db5_io.c: (log message trimmed)
02:51.32 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: rework db5_import_attributes() hopefully resolving a long-standing (4 years)
02:51.32 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: issue with simply referencing the external representation's memory buffer in the
02:51.32 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: ap pointer. this prevents a strdup otherwise required for _every_ single
02:51.32 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: attribute, using up twice as much memory for attributes. this version also only
02:51.33 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: allocates exactly what it needs without the extra padding, and only as it needs
02:51.35 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: it per the rate set in bu_avs_add if AVS_ADD is defined (otherwise it's all
03:02.42 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/dg_obj.c: help indentation by using a preprocessor symbol for the fopen mode
03:27.45 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ if the start and end times are actually equal, elapsed needs to be zero seconds not 86400. more likely that we ran elapsed within a second than it is that it took exactly a day to the second..
03:57.30 narnia learner, i am shutdown my servers since i am in court tomorrow, 11 may 2005. be back after court.
03:57.37 *** part/#brlcad narnia (
04:30.45 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/ (prep.c wdb_obj.c): initialize the attribute value sets to empty before passing them anywherre, there's too many implicit assumptions occuring with them without checking their magic/count..
04:34.26 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/db5_io.c:
04:34.26 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: rework the horrid attribute value getter func yet again, semi reverting back to
04:34.26 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: the version that allocates all of the memory up front. there's something
04:34.26 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: preventing the incremental allocation from going through cleanly right now that
04:34.26 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: should probably be debugged at some point.. allocating up front probably only
04:34.27 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: works because it blows away any existing contents (whereas the incremental
04:34.28 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: wouldn't) implying that something isn't initialized by the time it gets here.
04:51.57 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/db5_io.c: found it! hopefully the last uninitialized attribute value set that was preventing incremental adds/allocations.
05:12.00 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/db5_io.c: de-c++commentify and commentify on why we alloc up front. there is indeed some problem with the non bu_avs_add, but save that for future debugging.
05:20.37 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS:
05:20.37 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: setting src/librt/db5_io.c's AVS_ADD off in db5_import_attributes |
05:20.37 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: causes bad things to happen and it really shouldn't.
05:21.10 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: benchmarks actually take about 15 minutes
05:38.25 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/dg_obj.c:
05:38.25 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: no answer from bob so rerevert the size arguments to rt and rtcheck so that the
05:38.25 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: defaults are used. there was a problematic case where depending on the
05:38.26 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: order/type of your args in mged, you could not override the default.
05:38.26 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: regardless, less overlap sneaks through the cracks with the more dense grid even
05:38.26 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: if at the expense of a little run-time delay. was there another reason for
05:38.27 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: setting the sizes explicitly?
05:41.11 brlcad and on that question, I retire for the morning
06:47.47 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
10:15.31 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
10:21.20 *** join/#brlcad cad801 (
10:28.56 archivist a small buglet has dos line ends debian woody didnt like it
11:31.27 brlcad oh?
11:31.31 brlcad which two?
11:32.05 archivist two?
11:32.45 brlcad ahh, "DOS", not dos ..
11:33.11 archivist hehe yes
11:34.56 brlcad wonder how those snuck in
11:35.34 archivist the shell gives a "file not found" its the #!/bin/sh line that fails
11:36.15 archivist easy done with editors these days as systems get better at ignoring line end types
11:36.17 brlcad hrm
11:36.38 brlcad I just checked a local checkout and there are no dos line endings
11:37.21 archivist i wonder if toitoise cvs that i use added it?
11:37.45 brlcad ahh
11:37.49 brlcad you're on windows?
11:38.12 brlcad for the checkout
11:38.25 archivist I could do with a linux system at work, yes
11:43.24 archivist hmm must find another way of checking out then
11:45.01 archivist ah tortoiseCVS has a unix line end option :))
11:46.03 brlcad yes, just found that :)
11:46.04 brlcad
11:46.59 archivist I'll delete my download and have another go
11:54.20 archivist I thought of a curve that I dont remember seeing anywhere yet and that is the involute curve for gear design
11:55.57 archivist and clockmakers need epicycloidal curves for clock and watch gears
15:10.41 *** join/#brlcad mycr0ft (
16:03.38 brlcad hello mycr0ft
16:04.41 mycr0ft hiya
16:05.08 mycr0ft was compiling brlcad, had a problem, then figured out it was an nvidia problem.
16:05.27 mycr0ft All before asking anything in here. Mind if I lurk for a while?
16:07.57 brlcad lurk as long as you like :)
16:40.00 mycr0ft anybody contribute a gentoo ebuild for brlcad?
17:20.22 brlcad someone was working on it, but they haven't been around in a while
17:21.34 brlcad if you do make one, I'd like to try to integrate it into cvs so that the ebuild is automatically updated when we make a release
17:40.04 brlcad the biggest problem that we have to address is the fact that with our dozen libraries and hundreds of applications, there's a good chance we'll conflict with something already installed
17:40.49 brlcad our traditional solution and preference is an isolated install root (e.g. /usr/brlcad) like X11 does
17:41.52 brlcad the packaging systems discourage that for consistency's sake so some changes might be warranted in the build system to put things in different locations
17:42.14 brlcad if you know of any other general policy for resolving conflicting names, I'd be glad to hear about them
17:44.21 mycr0ft hehe, nope
17:44.43 mycr0ft at least having an ebuild for local installs would be useful
17:45.10 mycr0ft even if directory placement offends the sensibilities of the powers that be
17:45.27 mycr0ft I had no problem installing into my /home
17:45.41 brlcad :)
17:45.47 mycr0ft So a /usr/local or a /usr/brlcad should be fine too.
17:47.23 mycr0ft I'll post to the discussion list if I get one to work. I sub-ed today
17:48.18 brlcad ever used swig?
17:48.46 brlcad curious as to how it will wrap a c++ object/method
17:49.09 brlcad sorry, completely unrelated topic.. just muusing
18:55.40 *** join/#brlcad noyb (
18:56.35 noyb brlcad: as I was saying at #bzflag... sorry I missed you. I fell asleep moments after I called you.
18:57.07 brlcad i saw, no problem
18:57.20 noyb ok. cool. it's been months. what's new?
18:58.22 brlcad oh, depends what interests you :)
18:58.29 brlcad lots of dev'ing
18:58.36 noyb did you (or anybody) make a translator thingy for making maps with brlcad?
18:58.40 brlcad build fixes, bug fixes, features
18:59.00 brlcad i haven't gotten back to that yet, but it's still high on my list of things to get working on
18:59.02 noyb cool
18:59.42 noyb that's ok, I haven't upgraded from 7.0 yet, so it would have been wasted on me anyway. :-)
19:01.40 noyb I just got the 7.2.2 tarball... is there a sort of "what's new" file in there?
19:01.55 brlcad 7.2.4 will be released later today
19:02.16 brlcad yes, there's a NEWS file that has the list of changes
19:02.43 noyb shucks... ok I'll wait.
19:04.00 noyb do you mind putting up a MD5 checksum for the files? I noticed today that has some things for download that do not match their md5 so I trashed 'em.
19:05.20 brlcad where are you seeing the md5 on
19:06.19 noyb not for brlcad, but for a different package. sry I didn't clarify that.
19:07.11 brlcad ahh
19:07.37 noyb it seems that all of the mirrors have the wrong size file. I had the file already, and it matches the md5 but the ones on the mirrors do not. strange.
19:08.05 noyb issues at or isolated case?
19:09.47 archivist they do have their fair share of issues, delay passing files about is probably a good reason
19:23.46 noyb with 99,000+ projects... something's bound to go wrong...
19:29.07 mycr0ft brlcad: sorry. sh I have used swig for python wrapping of C, not C++. (was away parenting)
19:55.28 brlcad mycr0ft: no problem, I never expect an immediate response from any channel/discussion ;)
20:25.09 *** join/#brlcad disgruntled (
20:26.27 *** part/#brlcad disgruntled_goat (
20:29.20 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/HACKING: ChangeLog is autogenerated, so nothing to check prior to release
21:40.19 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ChangeLog: changelog entries from 7.2.2 to 7.2.4 for release
21:45.35 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libpkg/pkg.c: s/syserr/strerror/
21:50.48 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/burst/prnt.c: avoid sys_nerr for solaris
21:57.05 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/util/ ttcp needs socket and nsl (solaris choked)
22:52.07 *** join/#brlcad narnia (
22:58.46 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/AUTHORS: contacted durfee, he was at cmu at the time (as well as bel air hs). shumaker has been gubbymint for a little while now.
22:58.49 brlcad wb narnia
22:59.34 narnia brlcad, court sucked.
22:59.59 brlcad sorry to hear that
23:00.07 brlcad you had better news last time
23:00.15 narnia brlcad, i have 30,000+ pages of legal documents on a cdrom. the opposing lawyers now want me to print them out.
23:01.36 narnia i figure that is 5 cases of paper and at least two laser jet toners or 12 ink jet cartridges for the hp all-in-one 7100 of my daughter.
23:02.07 noyb take the job to Kinko's... get a receipt and slap it on the other lawyers when you win... :-)
23:02.11 narnia the legal documents are e-mail messages in mbox format.
23:02.39 noyb mp can be your friend. nice output of mbox format.
23:02.53 narnia kinko's want $3000.00 usd to print it. needless to say i do not have $3000.00 usd.
23:03.36 brlcad shouldn't your lawyer be dealing with that?
23:04.04 noyb print it in *very* small print... ? (they probably didn't specify) :)
23:04.23 narnia brlcad, my lawyers fought hard to prevent the opposing lawyers request.
23:04.44 noyb 3 points should be fine, and with mpage you could get 9 or 16 "pages" per page...
23:05.44 narnia the opposing lawyers won their argument when they produced reams of paper of e-mail messages in mime format ( base64) not human readbale.
23:06.35 narnia it is a stalling tactic.
23:06.37 brlcad that would usually imply office documents
23:07.52 narnia i also have my job search data on the cdrom. 6000+ possible job hits which i sent resumes to. those are in html.
23:08.41 narnia there are also pdf and ps (postscript files).
23:08.46 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ChangeLog: add the last minute solaris fixes
23:09.43 narnia the opposing lawyers also spent nearly an hour questioning me about my never using anything microsoft.
23:10.35 narnia i kept telling them i always owned apple macs or ran linux, one of the bsds.
23:11.13 archivist sounds good enough for groklaw
23:11.19 brlcad let me guess, the requested evidence that you've tried to get a job, you gave them a disc of your e-mail, they printed it out saying "we can't read it", and then got the judge to put the burden back on you
23:11.32 narnia yes
23:14.10 narnia their request is a two-edge sword. once those 30000+ pages are submitted as evidence for the opposing lawyers to get their copies they have to pay $0.50 us cents per page to the clerk of the court. so they are looking at $15,000.00 usd per copy.
23:15.57 brlcad pennies to them in the big scheme of the lawsuit though, I'm sure
23:16.00 narnia total court records page count would be close to 100,000 pages. if any side thinks of appealling to higher courts it will cost roughly $50,000.00 usd for a single copy of all court records.
23:19.35 narnia i feel sorry for the clerk who has to stamp all those pages with an evidense stamp.
23:20.57 brlcad they're either getting paid minimum wage or they have a machine to do it
23:21.35 narnia no they hand stamp each page.
23:36.26 *** join/#brlcad cad285 (
23:37.33 cad285 Is anyone willing to hear my silly questions about brlcad? Specifically on the ray-tracer?
23:37.51 brlcad ask away silly asking person
23:38.32 cad285 I'm interested in hijacking the brlcad raytrace code to make my own optical design software.
23:38.52 brlcad that's what it's designed for
23:38.55 cad285 In particular, I would like code that finds where ray's intersect geometry.
23:39.02 cad285 err.. rays.
23:39.15 brlcad okay
23:39.21 cad285 I'm confused about the difference between librt and rt
23:39.30 brlcad there are at least a dozen examples of that :)
23:39.48 brlcad the difference is mostly design and separation
23:40.00 cad285 Ok, well, this is great news.
23:40.13 brlcad much of what is in rt should be in librt, but for historic reasons it's in the "front end"
23:40.17 cad285 Which one provides the lowest level access to geometrical primitives?
23:40.29 brlcad "rt" is the actual BRL-CAD raytracer of 20 years age
23:41.12 brlcad brl-cad actually includes several different kinds of raytracers, all based on the same back-end and library code
23:41.53 brlcad first off, have you read the application programmer's tutorial?
23:42.03 cad285 No.
23:42.14 cad285 I should start there I suppose :)
23:42.15 brlcad
23:42.20 brlcad document #5
23:42.41 brlcad you'll probably be particularly interested in the rtexample.c file
23:42.59 brlcad this file is also in the source distribution
23:43.03 cad285 Ok, sweet
23:43.06 brlcad along with other kinds of examples
23:43.11 cad285 I'll try this out, thank you for your help.
23:43.25 brlcad there's a pdf presentation that was given as well on that link that explains most of the interface
23:44.00 brlcad the basic idea is that you write hook functions for a hit, a miss, and maybe an overlap as well as a few other possibilities.. most only care about hit/miss
23:44.41 cad285 And brlcad has its own language to feed in a geometrical model?
23:45.26 brlcad the ray setup is up to you to describe since some fire single rays, some fire grids, some fire volumes, etc -- but the existing raytracers in src/rt/ will give you working code examples
23:45.39 brlcad it's own language? there is a brl-cad .g file format
23:46.00 brlcad there's also a brl-cad ascii .asc file format
23:46.29 brlcad the routines for writing out those geometry files are also talked about in other places
23:46.33 cad285 Ok, I should just start reading.
23:46.49 cad285 Thank you for your help.
23:46.54 brlcad if all you need to do is "write" geometry.. then libwdb (write database library) is where to start
23:47.16 brlcad feel free to hang out here and ask questions or come back when something comes up
23:47.26 brlcad hang out long enough and someone will answer
23:47.50 cad285 Are you a main contributor to brlcad?
23:48.05 brlcad that rtexample.c file also includes example code that opens a brl-cad .g database
23:48.47 brlcad yeah
23:49.13 brlcad i'm the open source lead, one of the core devs
23:49.16 *** join/#brlcad learner (~brlcad@brlcad.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
23:49.16 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by ChanServ
23:49.23 brlcad yay, learner!
23:50.03 cad285 Again, thanks for the help, Ill stick around, seems interessting.
23:50.18 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: dang it, they're enchanted enchancements
23:54.14 brlcad cad285: cool deal -- what's the "optical design software" if I might ask?
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050512

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050512

01:00.06 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
01:12.57 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (README NEWS): let the fun begin, bump to 7.2.5 now that 7.2.4 is tagged
01:21.59 *** topic/#brlcad by learner -> || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is finally now posted (20050511)
02:02.15 Twingy
02:42.42 learner mac os x dmg is posted
02:43.45 ``Erik fbsd/x86 tbz, too :)
02:44.58 learner so it is.. ;)
02:45.13 learner set the date to may 11 on the file
02:46.15 learner it goes by gmt by default
02:46.43 learner usually just match the source unless the files really are uploaded a day or two later
02:48.20 ``Erik erm, it's been the 12th in gmt for, like, 4 hours now... not the 10th... :)
02:49.30 ``Erik (sorry, 3 hours, not 4)
02:54.51 learner i know, that's what i mean.. i set it to match the Source release (which was on the 11th gmt)
02:55.29 learner otherwise it just pokes questions like yours..
02:55.54 learner i can hear it already.. "why did you wait a day to upload the freebsd files?! they should have been first!"
02:56.06 learner s/freebsd/<insert OS of choice>/
02:57.57 *** join/#brlcad cad119 (
02:58.07 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: fixed compilation support for Solaris.. Sparc 64 is improved, but probably needs more testing still
02:59.33 learner eww.. sleep already?!
03:38.20 narnia learner, any first hand experience with color laser printers?
03:39.24 narnia learner, any thoughts on this one: 8400/dp
04:31.43 learner yep
04:34.01 learner not a bad printer
04:34.10 learner nice price actually
04:35.18 learner have to be careful on the color toner expenses
04:36.39 narnia learner, this one is solid ink. (think crayons)
04:36.45 learner odd, though.. phaser used to be the brand of a really good waxjet company
04:36.52 learner wonder if they bought them out
04:37.34 narnia these are the former tektronics printers.
04:37.34 learner ahh, crayons.. then it is them
04:38.00 learner that's a thermal waxjet, not laser
04:38.59 learner those are/were good printers, i used a tek for years
04:39.55 learner it's rather high quality printing if it's related to the printing you need to do
04:40.01 learner you're going to burn through the black
04:40.42 narnia this is true
04:40.55 narnia my middle daughter has offered to purchase it.
04:40.59 learner and those "crayons" are definately not cheap
04:41.25 learner you could get a faster high-volume color hp for about the same probably
04:42.08 learner
04:42.13 narnia Genuine Xerox Solid Ink 8400 Black (Six Sticks)6,800 pages$99.99
04:42.29 learner 1200 for double the volume and rate
04:45.09 learner the 4600 series is relatively "big", but it is nice and fast, decent quality printing
04:45.48 narnia Price: $155.99*HP Color LaserJet C9720A Black Print Cartridge (C9720A)
04:45.50 narnia Average cartridge yield: approx. 9,000* pages (black)
04:46.04 learner personally, given the choice for my own printing, I'd go with the wax jet just because the printing process is so much better (even if significantly lower resolution and slower)
04:46.15 learner but then I don't have thousands of pages to print
04:46.45 narnia ~155.99x3
04:46.53 narnia ~155.99*3
04:46.54 ibot 467.97
04:47.21 narnia ~99.00*30000/6800
04:47.22 ibot 436.764705882353
04:47.51 narnia roughly the same cost for black toner or crayon.
04:48.01 learner roughly
04:48.26 learner oh, they increased their ppms
04:48.26 narnia ~155.99*30000/9000
04:48.27 ibot 519.966666666667
04:48.50 learner that rebate gives it the edge
04:49.38 learner heck, go with the phaser :)
04:49.40 learner i'm jealous
04:49.40 narnia the crayon printout are better looking
04:50.15 narnia learner, you want to help me print out the 30000+ pages?
04:50.23 learner hmm.. i wonder what their 2400 finepoint technology is like for photography
04:50.38 learner you send me the printer to keep, and I'll print em for ya, sure ;)
04:51.53 learner heck, with os x 10.4 you can use the new automator to convert every email to a pdf and feed it to the printer in a massive unattended batch job
04:51.54 narnia this is really stupid printing out the 30000+ pages. there is no way they will read any significant part of it.
04:53.05 learner if it was 30k mime encoded gibbrish, that won't be more than a couple thousand rendered most likely
04:54.15 learner not that it's any better.. but will save more of the pretty phaser's life
04:57.13 narnia this is what is mainly on the cdrom. my job search is rather large.
05:08.41 narnia this is exactly what is on the cdrom. the opposing lawyers printed out the html files.
05:09.05 learner interesting
05:09.51 narnia what is interesting?
05:10.13 learner just all the organization that you have going there
05:10.38 learner so it's probably more like 25000 pages after filtering out html header/footerness
05:10.41 narnia well i thought it would make sense to the lawyers and the judge.
05:12.29 learner i'll still be jealous if you get the phaser
05:12.42 learner digital photography and printing are a big hobby
05:13.24 learner i've yet to dish out for a high-quality printer.. i send high res images across the country and have them print on the big bad boys
05:14.49 learner ~200.0 / 6000.0
05:14.51 ibot 0.033333333333
05:15.24 learner ~20.0 / 0.03
05:15.25 ibot 666.666666666667
05:16.02 learner heh, so I'm paying about a 700% markup for the sake of just a little better quality .. :)
05:21.28 narnia you understand the cdrom so why do the opposing lawyers have such a hard time with it?
05:28.02 learner because it's their job to make you look unreasonable at the expense of potentially looking stupid
07:52.06 *** join/#brlcad jolie (
07:53.10 *** part/#brlcad jolie (
10:16.12 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
10:43.29 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
12:34.18 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ solaris shell annoyingly will not evaluate multiple connected statements as one (i.e. doesn't know about the variables set until the eval is done), so evaluate them one line at a time.
12:34.24 learner d_rossberg, it's not just anonymous -- it's everyone having trouble with cvs.
12:34.42 learner took me quite a while to get that last commit in
12:35.02 learner kept giving me the same error as you -- if you just keep retrying, it should eventually update
12:35.57 learner blah ; while [ $? != 0 ] ; do sleep 10 ; cvs update ; done
12:35.59 learner <PROTECTED>
12:45.47 d_rossberg are you able to access via https?
12:46.24 learner yes
12:46.25 learner
12:47.24 d_rossberg his works for me too
12:47.38 d_rossberg but try this:
12:48.19 d_rossberg (it's the "Login via SSL" link)
12:48.55 learner it works for me
12:49.30 learner you don't have an account yet, though right?
12:49.41 learner you can't "Login via SSL" without an account
12:49.53 learner follow the other link for creating a new account
12:50.36 learner
12:51.06 d_rossberg funny thing, now it works for me too, i got time outs before
12:51.13 learner heh :)
12:53.02 learner feel free to get creative with the account name! :)
12:53.11 d_rossberg I've already an account, guess what's my name?
12:53.26 learner :)
12:53.49 learner yep, d_rossberg :0
12:54.42 d_rossberg btw, if you search for rossberg at, you will find references to references on my phd thesis
12:55.54 d_rossberg it was a nice time, 10 years ago
12:57.48 learner you're added now, so you should be able to check out non-anonymously now and get updates in real time
12:58.10 learner cvs -d co -P brlcad
12:58.43 learner you should be able to upload an ssh key to under your user profile page too, and you won't have to keep entering in a password
13:00.10 learner you also have commit access, if you need to fix something or want to work on something
13:01.45 d_rossberg i'll test the account today; maybe i've to make some changes for the proxy server
13:04.09 d_rossberg but i'll wait with the commits
13:04.21 d_rossberg next week i'm on holiday
13:06.52 learner no problem either way
13:07.11 d_rossberg the kindergarten closes for a week, and my wife's work is more important then mine (at least at the moment)
13:17.35 d_rossberg the protocol for non-anonymously check out is ssh, isn't it?
13:39.18 learner yes
13:39.39 learner ahh, heh, so maybe a problem for you at work..
13:48.14 d_rossberg yes, it's a very secure place here :-}
14:09.04 brlcad you can be very secure and still allow ssh, but it does require more diligence on tracking vulnerability reports
14:16.32 d_rossberg we have a department to do this
14:16.48 d_rossberg i'll ask them, but after my holiday
14:17.16 d_rossberg till then i'll try it from home
17:33.31 *** join/#brlcad clock- (
17:33.49 clock- Hello
17:38.52 brlcad hello clock-
17:42.44 clock- I have just installed brlcad as I am searching for a CAD for mechanics
17:42.46 clock- for Ronja project
17:42.50 clock-
17:43.17 clock- I have just installed it and would like to know if it's possible to get some example 3D file with easy instruction how to display it on screen.
17:43.32 clock- I tried to convert from DXF but the dxf-g converter crashed on seemingly internal error.
17:44.24 brlcad interesting project
17:45.07 clock- The tool has to be free software, because project philosophy requires it (it's User Controlled Technology, analogue of free software in hardware realm)
17:45.19 brlcad sorry, was reading your site.. :)
17:45.37 brlcad yeah, there are example files in the source distribution in the db/ directory
17:46.29 clock- how became brlcad free software? Did it ARL itself or did someone write them and asked for all the sources and documents and published them?
17:46.43 brlcad i'd be interested in getting your dxf to debug the problem
17:46.51 brlcad perhaps you could post it to our bug tracker?
17:46.52 clock- cool :)
17:48.12 clock- Yeah, I got it.
17:48.18 clock- But it's not published yet :(
17:48.29 clock- It says like:
17:48.31 clock- ERROR: INSERT references non-existent block (DICTIONARYVAR)
17:48.31 clock- <PROTECTED>
17:48.31 clock- *** glibc detected *** double free or corruption (!prev): 0x080807a8 ***
17:50.01 brlcad heh, people have asked for brl-cad under the foia and gotten rejected over the years .. the foia doesn't apply to all codes
17:50.11 brlcad ARL supported us going open source
17:50.26 brlcad it just took 5 years of my convincing
17:50.32 clock- freedom of information act?
17:50.37 brlcad yes
17:50.52 clock- Heh, cool work! :)
17:51.36 clock- brl-cad is surprisingly similar to GRASS GIS - wasn't it like this, too, under foia?
17:51.37 brlcad i'm happy :)
17:51.54 clock- I can't wait until I display the cool brlcad logo here:
17:52.09 clock-
17:52.21 brlcad grass is slightly similar.. they took the much easier legal route -- they just dropped it into the public domain
17:52.56 brlcad the user community (schools in europe, iirc) then picked it up and claimed copyright, assigned gpl, etc
17:53.48 brlcad that is a lot of logos :)
17:53.48 clock- Ah, seems like I have reproduced the problem on a publicly available DXF!
17:54.17 brlcad yeah, I've seen that exact error before.. just haven't found a good test case yet for debugging it
17:54.29 brlcad maybe even the same publicly available dxf.. :)
17:55.12 clock- It's
17:55.24 clock- And the critical command was dxf-g hood.dxf hood.g
17:55.43 clock- Is this report enough or would you like me to enter into bug tracking system?
17:56.13 clock- Anyway, US army and governments seems to be pretty useful - DARPANET alias Internet, GRASS, BRLCAD,...
17:56.56 brlcad I'd prefer the bug tracker just so the other devs know about it too, but I do have the file now if you don't feel like bothering with it
17:56.59 brlcad thanks
17:58.08 brlcad yeah, BRL-CAD is the only open source solid modeler at this point, so I'm hoping we can continue to pick up more interest and get more people involved with the project
17:59.21 clock- I think Ronja could be a usable display case for BRLCAD. I got 91 installations worldwide:
17:59.42 clock-
18:00.08 clock- As BRLCAD was released just recently (half a year ago?), I expect to be one of the first project to adopt it, if it happens.
18:00.18 clock- Do you think BRLCAD is usable for a project like this?
18:00.39 clock- I actually wanted to emply it about 3 months ago, but didn't have time to investigaste :)
18:02.43 brlcad BRL-CAD's been around/released for about 20 years.. distributed in source code form even (albeit complicated process to get it).. it's been open source since December 21
18:03.03 brlcad what did you have in mind for how BRL-CAD would be usable?
18:03.49 clock- If the bug level is low enough to not present obstacle in work.
18:04.25 clock- The constant mentions about army, test grounds, report forms and ballistic research laboratory are simply cool.
18:05.07 clock- That's like "Ronja is now going to be real star wars. Please send billions of dollars in gifts, we are going to make a reeeeaaaaal good connectivity party ;-) "
18:05.41 brlcad the bug level is very low for most everything that we have to deal with.. like I said, it's a code that's been evolving for a very long time -- very mature code/project
18:05.41 clock- Survivability/Lethality. Even better, in context of (potentially laser) optical datalink ;-)
18:05.55 clock- As old as I am :) 1979, too.
18:06.00 brlcad there is on-going development, though, so some areas will be more/less developed than others
18:06.22 clock- The documentation seems to be written with real care - exceptional...
18:06.41 clock- Oh - lessons about MGED - shit - cool :)
18:06.45 brlcad brl-cad wasn't designed for drafting needs (blueprints), so if that's specifically what you need, there might be better tools
18:07.09 brlcad but for actual modeling, and visualizations, brl-cad will do that quite nicely
18:07.14 clock- DO you mean 2D blueprints with all those dimensions?
18:07.20 clock- I am using QCAD for it.
18:07.47 clock- Wish Linux kernel folks had the same approach to documentation as BRLCAD has...
18:11.55 brlcad sorry, still reading your site.. hold on a sec.. :)
18:14.25 clock- Found a bug in mged intro: Create -> Make solid doesn't exist. Should be Ellipsiond instead of Make solid probably.
18:15.44 brlcad ~change 703 CZK to USD
18:16.01 clock- deadlinks to ("back to main page")
18:21.10 brlcad questions questions .. :)
18:21.24 brlcad how in the world is the response times on the photoreceptors that fast?
18:21.29 brlcad or are they really just that fast?
18:21.52 clock- The response time of SFH203 photoreceptor is about 5ns.
18:22.14 brlcad is it sending out data already encoded, like different frequencies are different values?
18:22.21 clock- Fiber optics receptors for 10Gbps, 40Gbps etc. speed have it under 1ns.
18:22.52 brlcad that is just incredible
18:22.55 clock- It's using basically the same baseband encoding as ordinary 10Mbps ethernet over twisted pair or coax.
18:23.11 clock- Laser pointer diode can go with modulation rate up to say 1GHz.
18:23.21 clock- This LED can go up to about 10 or 20 MHz.
18:23.27 clock- Infra LED only to 10MHz.
18:24.01 clock- I have entered the bug with hood.dxf
18:24.13 brlcad okay, thanks
18:24.41 brlcad did you make that dxf in qcad?
18:25.07 clock- yes in qcad
18:25.14 brlcad as for the documentation bug, it's known/fixed already.. just not reposted to pdf
18:25.33 brlcad as you found, it's just renamed/moved
18:27.00 clock- I have entered therefore bug #1 and #3.
18:28.46 brlcad heh, there's some other guys at work that are interested now too
18:28.53 brlcad i'll have to show them the site later
18:32.05 brlcad okay, so back to your original questions... what was your questions? :)
18:33.11 brlcad i think it could be of use, model the emitter, visualize each of the components individually in 3d
18:33.18 clock- to load some model and display - but now I am making the radio according to tutorial.
18:33.33 brlcad you could even simulate the transmission properties as a custom raytrace application
18:33.52 brlcad ahh, yes.. you wanted to look at something quick
18:34.03 clock- I want to make a 3D model how to mechanically assembly consoles etc. People get confused by descriptions like "take 3rd bolt from the right and put through rear hole of side adjacent to..."
18:35.03 brlcad
18:35.16 brlcad save that file, and open it up with mged
18:35.29 brlcad in mged, type: e havoc
18:35.39 clock- May I run two instances of mged simultaneously?
18:35.43 brlcad sure
18:35.47 clock- HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 403 Forbidden
18:35.47 clock- 20:33:08 ERROR 403: Forbidden.
18:35.52 brlcad ah, hold on
18:36.13 brlcad try now
18:37.46 clock- OK - loaded, blue view.
18:37.49 clock- How do I display it?
18:38.30 brlcad e havoc
18:38.44 brlcad or if you're a mouse guy, go to Tools -> Geometry Browser
18:39.12 brlcad and double-click the name "havoc"
18:39.14 clock- Ah, helicopter :)
18:39.26 clock- Is it possible to display with non-wire solid shapes?
18:40.35 brlcad it is, couple ways
18:40.55 brlcad in the command window, type: rt -F/dev/Xl
18:41.54 brlcad or go to File -> Raytrace
18:42.10 brlcad and hit the raytrace button
18:43.50 clock- hmmm... it's slowly raytracing :)
18:43.52 brlcad mged isn't too friendly as a "discovery interface" .. fyi
18:44.09 clock- Is it possible to select some medium detail solid view?
18:44.15 brlcad many call it "expert friendly" as there's lots of commands
18:44.18 clock- yes - the same with GRASS.
18:44.37 clock- is it using povray, or it's internal engine?
18:45.13 brlcad heh, no povray is a dog at raytracing the same models
18:45.48 brlcad BRL-CAD has one of the first raytracers ever written -- the first parallel one
18:46.15 brlcad highly optimized for solid model rendering for analyses
18:46.33 brlcad like signature analyses, multispectral imagery, penetration details, etc
18:47.51 clock- what does mean that povray is dog? Imprecise? Or slow?
18:48.04 brlcad slow and imprecise
18:48.17 brlcad they do have a nice global illumination model, though
18:49.26 brlcad to answer your question, there is an experimental mode that will draw everything shaded/solid
18:49.38 brlcad but it's not recommended at all for something like havoc
18:51.09 clock- I got the output image :) Nice :) Windows look like real glass :)
18:51.44 brlcad and that's the simple defaults
18:51.55 brlcad you can get more realistic by turning on/up some options
18:52.05 clock- So that is it possible to use brlcad like for simulation of glass lens illuminated with point source in infinity and looking at shape and colours of the focus blot?
18:53.15 clock- Is it possible to have wireframe with hidden invisible edges?
18:53.25 brlcad it is, though the computations to simulate that approach that of global illumination for proper caustics
18:53.32 clock- Or at least wireframe with lines clipped and not removed when they don't fit the window?
18:54.10 brlcad Misc -> Z Clipping
18:54.16 brlcad turn that off
18:54.46 brlcad brl-cad's photon mapping will do the caustics fairly cheaply
18:54.51 brlcad i'll see if I can find an example
18:56.20 clock- Or at least wireframe with lines clipped and not removed when they don't fit the window?
18:56.23 brlcad here's some more geometry examples:
18:57.34 clock- I turned off the Z clipping and it still shows hidden edges - however something has changed.
18:58.04 brlcad ahh, i see what you mean now i think
18:58.10 brlcad hiding the back facing lines
18:58.49 brlcad no, there's not really a mode for that -- if you turn on depth queing, it should get better.. stuff in the front is brighter, stuff behind will be darker
18:59.07 brlcad Misc -> Depth Cueing
18:59.20 clock- it's impressive anyway.
18:59.37 brlcad there are "shift grips" that might feel more familiar to you
18:59.51 brlcad like control+mouse drag
19:00.01 brlcad and shift+mouse drag
19:00.18 brlcad and control+shift+mouse drag .. etc
19:01.55 brlcad mged is only 1 of about 400 apps that comprise brl-cad, although mged is one of the largest and few that have a gui
19:04.23 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
19:06.33 clock- is there a library of steel sections like U, I etc.?
19:09.08 clock- The standard views are cool :)
19:12.11 d_rossberg brlcad: ssh-checkout works from my home
19:12.47 brlcad clock-: not that I can share..
19:13.14 brlcad there is probably a lot of really much more impressive stuff that cannot be shared. ;)
19:15.02 clock- brlcad: are you working in arl/brl?
19:16.00 brlcad clock-: and the latter is "rtedge"
19:17.58 brlcad d_rossberg: good to hear
19:19.07 d_rossberg but it's not very fast, only ISDN
19:20.47 brlcad it's not very fast right now regardless with all the cvs work they've been doing
19:20.56 clock- rtedge will be good for technical drawings of assembly, I think.
19:20.58 brlcad adding -z9 to the checkout/update line should speed it up
19:21.06 clock- Is it possible to generate it into vector format, or only raster?
19:21.57 d_rossberg brlcad: this is exactly my setting :-)
19:22.13 brlcad i know rtedge only does raster, it's visualizes geometry edges via raytracing
19:22.36 clock- aha
19:22.52 brlcad I vaguely recall mged having something like that experimental a long time ago, but I "don't think so"
19:24.18 brlcad d_rossberg: heh
19:26.32 clock- Edit -> Scale doesn't exist - where is it?
19:26.42 clock- Used in mged tutorial lesson 9
19:27.25 brlcad the menu changes as you progress up through the steps
19:27.37 brlcad one of the earlier steps would have been to select the geometry for editing
19:28.16 brlcad there's a solid/primitive edit mode and a matrix edit mode depending on what you're editing and how
19:48.50 clock- hm, done a ball in glass box :)
19:49.06 brlcad hehe
19:51.22 brlcad it takes patience at first, but then one can really get efficient with it once you know the core commands/menus/etc
19:51.35 brlcad the expert modelers are pretty darn impressive at their speed
19:53.24 clock- is it possible to make constraints?
19:53.42 clock- Like two boxes sharing facet, two cylinders sharing an axe
19:53.51 clock- or putting something into intersection of something else?
19:53.57 clock- axe -> axis
19:56.08 d_rossberg brlcad: I'm done: 50 min
19:56.44 clock- brlcad: thanks, have to go, have a nice time, goodbye
20:35.10 brlcad heh
20:55.10 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/pro-engineer/ typo in the am var for echo
21:21.44 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/pro-engineer/ cannot use a brl-cad header without either installing first or defining HAVE_CONFIG_H, so do the latter
21:34.52 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
21:34.52 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is finally now posted (20050511)
22:24.12 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/regress/ converted back to anonymous checkout
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050513

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050513

01:19.34 Twingy sean, you watch that dual photography video yet?
01:31.16 learner nope
05:48.52 narnia bison is giving me fits.
07:38.49 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
10:16.47 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
12:17.58 archivist hmm dependency hell, which java should I download
13:15.06 PrezKennedy java 1.1!!
13:16.37 archivist eh suns up to 1.4.2 now
13:20.39 PrezKennedy actually isnt that 1.5 now?
13:21.15 PrezKennedy hmm... thats a sight i dont see too often
13:23.07 PrezKennedy i need a vacation... seriously
13:25.57 archivist i dont have an outside window for such niceties
13:26.10 PrezKennedy that was inside the apartment actually...
13:37.56 learner archivist, you don't need java for brl-cad
13:39.18 archivist so what was ./configure complaining about
13:40.31 learner it can use it if you have it for building a raytrace server for java, but it's not required and should be disabled by default
13:41.32 archivist it dies when it cant find it
13:43.08 learner what's your configure line?
13:43.33 archivist i cant tell you as the box is 7 miles away
13:44.01 archivist i havt added or changed anything
13:44.16 archivist <PROTECTED>
13:45.06 learner you mean to say that you _just_ ran "./configure" with no options?
13:45.14 archivist yes
13:46.19 learner that shouldn't be possible unless you are working off of anonymous cvs and got some intermediate update
13:46.38 archivist are well could be
13:48.44 archivist just started another checkout
13:49.11 archivist oooo done already
13:49.45 archivist cant try it till i get home ( no internet there)
13:50.13 learner which OS?
13:50.42 archivist debian woody on an alpha
13:51.53 archivist which has crap networking, so updates and changes are a pain
13:53.25 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ clean up java checks so that they work on os x automatic
13:54.15 archivist eh bugger got to wait for cvs->anon now
13:54.45 learner you shouldn't need that change -- it was os x specific
13:57.14 archivist there are times I think I should bring the box here for updates but its a heavy lump
13:58.19 learner usb/firewire/serial keychain disks could help
13:59.11 archivist no usb
16:17.22 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
16:18.54 polyspin Ugh! compile error on mac: line 6737 of raytrace.h indicates error before off_t?
16:22.12 polyspin happens when compiling db5_bin.c
16:34.24 polyspin It looks like raytrace.h now relies on sys/stat.h
19:09.06 narnia okay, there are a fair number of macos-x users here so i figure the following questions may be asked: 0) anyone have experience with the mac-mini? if so how would you rate it? 1) anyone have experience with macos-x 'tiger'? is it worth upgrading from panther to tiger?
19:50.11 noyb been a mac user with the latest os since 1990, but I didn't see the need to upgrade to 10.4. None of my friends have a mini, neither have I.
19:50.24 noyb 10.3.9 is where I'm at 'til something breaks.
19:52.38 noyb If Apple wants to make *real* money... Act like Microsoft and make stuff break for no reason and put the upgrade-carrot out in front to "fix" things...
20:29.53 *** join/#brlcad archivistAshby (
20:56.40 *** join/#brlcad jpdugan (
22:38.26 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
22:39.45 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050514

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050514

00:04.16 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
02:54.25 *** join/#brlcad learner (
02:54.25 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by ChanServ
06:32.25 *** part/#brlcad jpdugan (
10:16.44 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
16:00.18 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
16:09.41 learner mornin'
16:43.41 polyspin Good afternoon
16:43.57 polyspin Having build problems on both panther and tiger.
16:47.33 *** join/#brlcad asdasd (
16:48.59 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
16:52.52 polyspin Tiger shows that raytrace.h is dependent on sys/types.h
16:52.59 polyspin Tcl/Tk not building on Panther
16:55.09 learner ahh, that would be the off_t
16:55.30 learner added rt_mk_binunif() for creating binunif's in libwdb
16:56.23 learner the off_t was related to another bug where off_t was a 64bit type, and it was getting clamped to a 32bit type
16:59.33 learner i did a full 10.4 build just a week ago or so
17:00.02 learner what's it actually complaining about?
17:13.08 learner converting to a non-off_t type, though probably will need some better edge tests in rt_mk_binunif for reading binunif's files that are larger than long bytes
17:22.50 learner fixed, testing
17:29.25 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (include/raytrace.h src/librt/binary_obj.c): replace the off_t with a long -- this requires a check to make sure the data being created is actually not too big since an off_t is potentially a 64bit type.
17:30.48 learner that will let us still use files larger than long bytes, but you just still can't create a binunif larger than long types
17:34.12 learner this sucker is getting harder to maintain with all the timing logic being added
19:19.20 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/main.c: if the frame actually fails for some reason, return a non-zero value instead of 0 (this prevents returning zero when output file gives permission denied)
19:23.42 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
19:24.00 polyspin Anyone awake?
19:24.30 learner nope
19:25.07 polyspin I've got a Panther system where none of the past 3 releases builds clean.
19:25.31 polyspin I suspect the dev tools are out of date, but I'm not sure how to do the update.
19:25.52 learner eh, the build error can't be that bad
19:26.05 learner i build just a week or so ago
19:26.17 polyspin Xcode reports 1.5 alpha on this machine.
19:26.23 polyspin How do I upgrade xcode?
19:26.33 learner what does gcc_select say?
19:27.04 polyspin gcc version 3.3 20030304 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 1660)
19:27.20 learner that should work just fine then
19:27.23 polyspin The fink website indicates 1.5 had some bugs.
19:27.55 learner bugs in xcode itself of with gcc/libc/headers ? brl-cad only cares about the later
19:28.17 learner what's the build error?
19:28.51 polyspin ItkStubLib.c:116: error: request for member `hooks' in something not a structure or union
19:28.55 learner xtools updates are on the adc website
19:29.15 learner wow, failed inside our build of itk
19:29.22 polyspin safari keeps wanting to log me in as "arl" to adc
19:29.28 learner sounds like a missing header
19:30.19 polyspin Great googly moogly! X is missing!
19:30.40 learner ahh
19:30.43 polyspin X11/include only has a bitmaps directory
19:30.47 learner that'd do it :)
19:31.01 learner the X11 dev kit is a separate install only available on the dev cd
19:32.17 learner have it here
19:32.24 learner X11SDK
19:32.45 polyspin fetching
19:33.38 polyspin On windows this would have meant re-installing the os ;-)
19:33.45 learner btw the adc "arl" account was the account I made when we had the select membership
19:35.27 polyspin I know. I just didn't remember the password or even if it had expired.
19:35.48 learner the adc account doesn't expire, but the select membership did
19:36.16 learner see pm
19:36.34 polyspin BTW, on Tiger, raytrace.h now seems to depend on sys/types.h for off_t
19:36.48 learner yep
19:36.54 learner i changed that just earlier
19:37.06 polyspin Wasn't in there this morning ;-)
19:37.21 learner the off_t was related to another bug where off_t was a 64bit type, and it was getting clamped to a 32bit type
19:37.54 learner 13:29:26: CIA-3: BRL-CAD: 3brlcad * 0brlcad/ (include/raytrace.h src/librt/binary_obj.c): replace the off_t with a long -- this requires a check to make sure the data being created is actually not too big since an off_t is potentially a 64bit type.
19:38.25 polyspin I remembered that. Just couldn't remember the fix.
19:39.20 polyspin Did we really use the select membership?
19:39.43 polyspin It was something like $500 if I recall
19:40.05 learner the fix was basically to make sure all the places we did a stat didn't assume the file size to be a 32bit type (like passing that size to bu_malloc without casting)
19:40.25 learner yes, we used it a fair bit
19:41.10 polyspin Give me some specifics and we'll put in a buy to renew it.
19:41.12 learner 500 got us prereleased OS updates, on-line training, software code examples, and beta tests of their new software
19:41.24 learner we didn't use the hardware discount, though it's a wash with the other discounts possible
19:42.35 learner the on-line training was one of the best things we could have used better.. only sat in on a couple webcasted lectures out of about a dozen "tickets" we could have used
19:43.30 polyspin Think Glenn would use it too? I might be able to argue it's a "corp" investment
19:45.09 learner i did mention it to him
19:47.56 polyspin Building smoothly now that Panther has X. Thx
19:49.46 polyspin Grrr. Now if_ogl.c isn't compiling
19:49.50 polyspin Yes
19:50.01 learner k :)
19:50.08 learner error?
19:50.33 polyspin if_ogl.c:89: error: parse error before "XEvent"
19:50.57 learner ahh
19:51.03 learner cached configure results
19:51.27 learner rm -rf *cache*
19:51.32 polyspin make distclean now
19:51.51 learner ack.. just need to rerun configure without cache .. :)
19:52.35 learner running again would have fixed it to since it invalidates the cache
19:53.51 learner basically it ended up with a brlcad_config.h that didn't have HAVE_X11_XLIB_H defined, so no header -- so XEvent is unknown
19:54.38 learner since you didn't have X11/Xlib.h when you ran configure and it has no idea that you installed new system headers
19:55.12 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
19:55.44 polyspin I was just about to say nice things about snak5.0 being released when it seg-faulted on me ;-)
19:56.38 polyspin Know anyplace I can get new batteries for the original Titanium? Mine holds a charge for about 15min these days
19:58.09 learner
19:58.39 learner
19:59.43 learner for 10 bucks more, you can get one from apple
19:59.55 learner might be a discount buying direct
20:01.08 learner from the price on the new powerbook laptop batteries, though, I doubt it
20:07.16 learner probably have to call for it
20:08.34 polyspin Many thanks for the help.
20:08.43 learner np
20:37.27 *** join/#brlcad clock- (
20:37.45 clock- hello
21:45.48 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (~Matthew@
21:46.49 learner clock-: howdy
21:48.57 clock- i'm going to sleep :(
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050515

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050515

01:45.41 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
02:00.06 narnia fyi. johann is going down for maintenance. his cpu fan is flakey and he gets a new dvd-rom drive. bbl
03:48.11 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
04:25.38 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/
04:25.38 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: refactor the benchmarks into a functional form to ensure consistency across all
04:25.38 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: the tests as the testing becomes more complicated (e.g. for adding
04:25.38 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: variance/deviation checks and superscaling). this should be posix shell
04:25.38 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: compliant, hopefully most all platform /bin/sh these days are minimally
04:25.38 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: compliant too. function form happens to shave a couple hundred lines off the
04:25.40 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: file too.. ;)
04:27.50 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ oh yeah, added DEBUG flag on that last change too that will output extra run-time information for testing/debugging/development
04:32.33 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/malloc.c: comment on the different allocation choice
05:28.18 *** join/#brlcad cad618 (
05:35.36 cad618 would anyone be able to walk me through an install on a linux machine
06:09.41 popcorn sure
06:10.00 popcorn cad618: binary or source?
10:16.14 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
18:43.30 *** join/#brlcad ewilhelm__ (
18:43.42 *** join/#brlcad clock- (
18:45.08 ewilhelm__ brlcad, I'm curious about your plan for these other formats
18:45.34 ewilhelm__ is the goal mostly import or export or both?
18:48.05 ewilhelm__ of the ones you mentioned (.pov, .bzw, .3ds, .nff, and .obj) I'm only somewhat familier with .3ds, but aren't these all polygons?
18:48.32 ewilhelm__ (ok, polygons and textures right?)
18:49.55 ewilhelm__ learner, anybody home?
18:50.13 learner both
18:50.36 learner many of them are only polygons or even just triangles
18:50.42 learner like our existing stl converter
18:51.03 learner or the vrml converter
18:51.35 learner triangles/polygons will work for import/export, they're just not preferred much of the time
18:51.42 ewilhelm__ I'm gearing up to add polygons to dxf2rhizopod in the near future, so I was curious whether it would be better in the long run to just do a rhizopod2g g2rhizopod setup
18:52.15 ewilhelm__ how much would BRLCAD be able to support materials (e.g. do you need those to come in/out?)
18:52.51 learner depends by what you mean by materials, brl-cad has a couple ways to describe them
18:53.08 learner the main difference is whether it's a visual material or a physical material
18:53.13 ewilhelm__ rhizopod has colors, layers, and styles in the spec, but not materials (I guess named materials)
18:53.21 learner most only do the prior, where we mostly only care about the latter
18:53.33 learner we do both, though
18:54.03 learner there isn't support for layers directly, though you can add just about anything as an attribute
18:54.08 learner same goes for styles
18:54.13 ewilhelm__ I've actually been planning on these formats going into the next-generation (sturgeon or something) format
18:54.34 learner there is, of course, support for color, shader types, material ids
18:54.51 clock- hi
18:54.55 learner howdy clock-
18:55.18 ewilhelm__ but that would have a lot in common with rhizopod (still YAML) so adding materials later wouldn't require too much extra work (mostly just renaming the tools :-)
18:55.33 clock- learner: my learning with brlcad goes pretty well:
18:55.36 clock-
18:55.58 clock- However I can't rotate an object using commandline :(
18:56.08 learner ewilhelm__, to answer your question, yes probably a rhizopod2g etc will be best in the long run since it won't necessitate a decimation of primitive types and/or a loss of content through the dxf converter
18:56.10 clock- I want to rotate bolt head by 90 degrees - swap axes
18:56.21 clock- learner: and what about you? :)
18:56.48 clock- I have discovered that Mike Muuss also written the ping program :)
18:56.54 learner heh, my learning is a never ending task ;)
18:57.44 learner yes he did
18:57.53 clock- I tried qorot in edit ('sed') mode and it writes:
18:58.03 ewilhelm__ learner, ok. If someone shows up wanting to write converters for these formats, please point them my way.
18:58.06 learner also ttcp, and several aspects of the ever popular tcp stack
18:58.19 learner ewilhelm__, will do
18:58.35 clock- mged> qorot 0 0 0 0 0 1 90
18:58.35 clock- Error: Unable to do <Object Rotation> from SOL EDIT state.
18:59.06 clock- Does qorot work for you?
18:59.09 learner clock-, there are two types of edit states, solid edit and matrix edit
18:59.23 clock- learner: which command do I use to enter matrix edit?
18:59.32 learner solid edit implies you'red editing an individual primitive
18:59.38 clock- learner: matrix edit edits the transformation matrix?
18:59.49 learner matrix edit is for grouped changes like translations, scalings, rotations, etc
18:59.55 learner clock-, yes
19:00.06 clock- learner: Can I matrix edit a region?
19:00.11 learner you sure can
19:00.29 learner you can matrix edit pretty much any geometry
19:00.59 learner if you actually wanted to rotate in soledit state, try the rot command
19:01.07 clock- Heh, cool, screw head rotated :)
19:01.38 learner wow, you are making progress :)
19:01.44 clock- I did a screw hex head by computing linear algebra on paper and then entering coefficients.
19:01.45 learner that's usually a tricky task for most to grasp :)
19:02.00 clock- However is it possible to make it simpler by using the 6-fold rotastional symmery?
19:02.33 learner yes, the pattern tool could have helped
19:02.58 learner could have started with a cylinder, for example, and subtracted arb8's using the pattern tool
19:03.06 clock- Heh rot says "rotate the view" - shouldn't it say "or object in solid edit state"?
19:03.46 clock- I can't imagine how fast it's the work going to be when I learn these tricks.
19:04.01 clock- O have been editing with very limited command knowledge and it already goes pretty fast.
19:04.05 learner the pattern tool is a pain to use sometimes since it tries to cover a slew of different pattern types in one single interface, but it is covered in the principles of effectively modeling guide (book that comes after the intro to mged)
19:04.23 clock- Volume III?
19:04.47 learner yes
19:06.11 clock- BRL-CAD is really awesome. 25 years of U. S. Army development for free..
19:06.17 clock- 26 actually.
19:06.23 clock- It's exactly as old as I am :)
19:06.44 learner :)
19:06.45 clock- Does anyone know which day Mike Muuss displayed his M1 Abrams prototype predecessor on the screen?
19:06.54 learner ahh, my bad, you're right.. rot is view only
19:07.03 learner too many commands :)
19:07.05 clock- But rot rotates the head.
19:07.21 clock- rot works. Only the label doesn't say it works for rotating in sed mode too.
19:07.30 clock- What's equivalent of 'sed' for matrix mode?
19:07.36 learner red
19:07.38 learner ;)
19:07.59 learner not quite equiv.. but close
19:08.03 clock- "edit a group or region using a text editor"
19:08.12 clock- it doesn't say it can be used on solids, too :)
19:08.40 learner you do know the "p" command, yes?
19:09.06 clock- p - set parameters. What parameters?
19:09.12 learner if you are in a rotate solid edit state, for example, p becomes rot
19:09.24 learner parameters for whatever state you are in
19:09.52 learner works for both solid edit and matrix edit states, but depends exactly on what you are doing
19:10.58 learner e.g. select a primitive for solid edit mode, select move or rotate and enter p 10 0 0 and it'll either translate 10 units or rotate 10 degrees along X
19:11.59 learner i don't recall if the book covers it, but you can type reject, accept, etc as commands instead of going to the menu
19:14.26 clock- yes that what I use
19:15.08 clock- the trying-to-hit-a-button-and-then-reversing-the-consequences-of-hitting-the-wrong-one style of work with the computer is slower for me than typing a couple of characters on the commandline.
19:15.20 learner if you want to save the list of commands to a file for easy searching, you can using classic mode
19:15.32 learner mged -c 2> help.txt <<EOF
19:15.33 learner help
19:15.34 learner EOF
19:16.16 clock- what's the difference between group and combination?
19:17.12 learner a group is pretty much a short-hand that is akin to an assembly in other apps
19:17.21 learner it's basically a union of the objects you specify
19:17.27 clock- Let's say I have a complicated holder
19:17.40 clock- and want to copy the holder and put it 300mm aside.
19:17.42 clock- How do I do it?
19:17.46 clock- though the group?
19:17.54 learner whereas a combination can be any boolean and might be used as part of a region
19:18.11 learner okay, with that example
19:18.23 learner do you want an independant copy, or a dependant copy?
19:18.39 learner i.e. if you edit one holder, do both update or does only one?
19:18.39 *** part/#brlcad Pimpi (
19:19.24 clock- Dependent copy
19:19.32 clock- It know both? Really cool :)
19:19.35 learner if you don't know/care, then cp is probably sufficient, and you apply the translation matrix to the copy
19:19.38 clock- Why are people using AutoCad at all? :)
19:19.54 clock- I had two heads on bolts
19:20.01 clock- and now want to copy them so they become the nuts.
19:20.09 clock- So I did g heads head8a.s head8b.s
19:20.15 learner autocad is much better than we are at 2d drafting
19:20.17 clock- and cp heads nuts
19:20.23 clock- but now I can't matrix edit nuts.
19:20.34 clock- red doesn't allow me and matrix edit menu doesn't show nuts, too.
19:20.45 clock- How do I matrix edit them to do "tra 0 30 0"?
19:21.06 clock- Who cares about 2D drafting? I am using free software qcad for 2D drafting already :)
19:22.04 learner hold on.. trying to grasp what you just said :)
19:22.13 clock- yeah - red nuts shows an editor (vim) where I can add and remove objects, but doesn't go into the matrix edit state.
19:22.44 learner it uses whatever EDITOR is set to (default id ed, eek)
19:23.49 clock- I want matrix edit nuts (group) -- how do I invoke the mode?
19:25.17 learner ahh, ted was what I was trying to remember earlier too
19:25.33 learner that won't help you with this, though
19:25.51 learner so you have head8[ab].s .. those are primitives yes?
19:26.11 learner you grouped them together into heads
19:26.26 learner and then made a copy of the that group called nuts
19:27.12 clock- yeas primitives arbn with 8 planes
19:27.23 clock- yes nuts group
19:27.55 clock- hehe - there is some hidden level in matrix selection :)
19:28.10 clock- If I click nuts/head8a.s, it goes to level 2, where I can select nuts :)
19:28.25 clock- So the problem is solved :)
19:28.44 learner you can only matrix edit the things that you're looking at -- you couldn't matrix edit nuts because it wasn't being displayed
19:28.45 clock- Also once one my .g file fucked up that in the primitive selection menu, everything was twice.
19:29.01 clock- When I did "s head1.s" it said that error, head1.s is multiply referenced.
19:29.14 clock- How do I clear this condition? Exiting and restarting program didn't help.
19:29.22 clock- I am not aware about doing anything strange.
19:29.25 learner that's not a fatal error -- it's quite true
19:29.32 learner it's referenced from nuts and heads
19:29.48 learner that was from the sed command, I presume?
19:29.58 learner ah, yes.. "s"
19:30.16 learner you have to feed it the full path for multiply referenced objects
19:30.28 learner sed /nuts/head8a.s for example
19:31.12 clock- But the whole content of the file was listed twice
19:31.38 clock- it was not nuts and heads - it was before, when I didn't yet know I can do groups.
19:32.22 learner it will let you create invalid states, it can be rather unforgiving to new users
19:33.06 clock- I could dump it to ascii, remove half of the file and then reimport ;-)
19:33.12 learner like if you do a red and enter invalid geometry dimensions, it can be very hard to recover/correct it
19:33.26 learner "keep" command will do that in binary
20:01.24 clock- Is it possible to set the "V (0, -7, 32)" of tgc (truncated general cone) numerically from commandline without deleting the cylinder and creating it again with in rcc?
20:32.35 learner clock-, yes -- tra command (translate)
20:32.57 learner sed tgc
20:33.03 learner tra 100 0 0
20:33.11 learner accept
20:36.43 learner or use ted, but you have to be very careful that you don't enter invalid geometry (best to use tra/rot/sca)
21:16.43 clock- Fruits of your help:
21:16.45 clock-
21:17.14 clock- (the three last boxes of total 5 on the page)
21:18.38 clock- Thanks for help, end of today's fun, going to sleep :)
21:18.40 clock- \bye
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050516

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050516

00:07.43 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ increase the number of rays exponentially if we are considerably faster that the minimum TIMEFRAME required, add the beginnings of deviation and max timeframe checks.
00:14.11 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/do.c: keep up with the times, readjust the character padding from the frame number and elapsed to the pixel count and rate. output line still fits exactly onto an 80 character line as before.
01:15.03 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
01:15.03 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is finally now posted (20050511)
01:32.10 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03johnranderson * 10brlcad/src/conv/dxf-g.c:
01:32.11 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: Fixed bug in DIMENSION entity (was trying to do an insert where there was none)
01:32.11 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: Note that dimensions are not yet handled
01:34.39 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/
01:34.39 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: if the script is passed a single number value, then treat it as the complement
01:34.39 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: to the --seconds mode. that single number will be presumed to be an elapsed
01:34.39 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: number of seconds that the caller wants to have pretty-printed. add header
01:34.39 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: documentation describing these two new modes.
01:37.00 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ output time estimates and a time summary before and after the tests are run
02:05.23 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/doc/html/manuals/Install.html: warn users that these install instructions are very old. not removing yet as there's good information included that needs to migrate to other locations/documents.
02:28.02 *** join/#brlcad ibot (ibot@
02:28.02 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is finally now posted (20050511)
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03:02.26 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is finally now posted (20050511)
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04:09.51 brlcad hmm
04:10.21 brlcad freenode's being screwy
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06:25.51 bwian I downloaded the new BRL CAD from sourceforge Yesterday and was just wondering, how do I set it up in Suse 9.X
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12:14.57 bwian can someone help me with brl cad setup
13:09.15 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
13:12.04 Twingy reporting for duty
16:10.22 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/
16:10.22 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: add variance/deviation checks to the benchmarks so that after we reach a minimum
16:10.22 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: timeframe per run, it may continue rendereing extra frames until the numbers on
16:10.22 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: the performance results of the last run are within some deviation percentage of
16:10.22 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: the average previous N frames. initial testing shows that this results in a
16:10.23 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: MUCH more stable/repeatable rtfm than before.
16:29.11 *** join/#brlcad clock- (
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16:47.01 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is finally now posted (20050511)
17:13.17 clock- hi
18:10.56 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
18:10.57 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is finally now posted (20050511)
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18:55.37 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is finally now posted (20050511)
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19:05.42 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/
19:05.42 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: document the new MAXTIME, DEVIATION, and AVERAGE options that lets users set a
19:05.42 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: maximum amount of ttime per test, set a minimum deviation percentage to consider
19:05.42 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: the results stable, and an average number of prior raytraces to use for the
19:05.42 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: deviation population.
19:07.34 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: added deviation stability checks to benchmark suite
19:15.15 *** topic/#brlcad by learner -> || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon!
19:18.10 *** join/#brlcad cad872 (
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19:42.53 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon!
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20:40.04 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon!
21:02.22 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
21:02.22 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon!
22:13.40 learner hello noyb
23:10.07 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
23:10.07 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon!
23:15.30 *** join/#brlcad brlcad___ (
23:39.12 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ more error checking to prevent bad behavior if a bad RT is provided, also fix timing when an rtfm isn't found, and finally, report the version information of RT before we start and VGR average when we're done
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050517

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050517

02:22.26 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03johnranderson * 10brlcad/src/conv/dxf-g.c: Previous fix was a bit too drastic
02:51.52 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
02:51.52 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon!
03:27.03 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/
03:27.04 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: make sure the rtfms being computed and tested on the fly are indeed integer.
03:27.04 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: output a more informative summary including an explanation of the results and
03:27.04 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: approximated past VGR results for comparison. if this doesn't look like an
03:27.04 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: optimized build, say something too.
03:28.27 *** join/#brlcad tofu (
03:30.56 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: fixed dimension conversion bug in dxf-g (fixes sf bug 1200883)
04:09.17 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ stick to portable awk (solaris threw a tantrum). makes it more consistent and less quote-tricky too.
05:48.47 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ er, optimized is > 0
06:02.45 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/main.c: the PRODUCTION switch no longer exists, check for any of the run-time debug defines
06:24.54 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ See if this looks like a run-time disabled build
12:53.36 *** join/#brlcad tofu (
12:59.03 *** join/#brlcad hcad (
12:59.10 hcad hello
13:00.14 hcad i've a question about the installation of the software
13:00.22 hcad is this the right place where i can ask?
13:02.12 archivist it is, just ask and lurk till someone answers
13:02.52 hcad okay
13:03.45 hcad i cant' find a way to _install_
13:03.50 hcad i've both macos and linux
13:03.57 hcad but if i extract archive
13:04.15 hcad i can't find an install script
13:04.20 hcad or a make path
13:04.30 hcad and i don't know how to lunch sw
13:07.20 archivist have you read the readme and then install
13:09.24 hcad i've read readme file
13:09.34 hcad but it says about X11, not more
13:09.50 hcad i'm a correct version of X11
13:09.56 hcad i've a correct version of X11
13:10.14 hcad but what i should do? nor make, nor configure, what?
13:18.09 archivist I assume you have downloaded binaries (i downloaded source from cvs) so not sure
13:19.21 hcad i got source and you compiled it?
13:21.28 archivist if you get source from cvs then README and INSTALL tell you to run first
13:22.04 hcad mmmmnn okay
13:22.21 hcad i can try with cvs
14:05.20 *** join/#brlcad tofu_ (
14:23.42 hcad thanks for the help
14:34.57 *** join/#brlcad tofu (
15:24.37 *** join/#brlcad DiDiVp (
15:29.00 *** part/#brlcad DiDiVp (
15:39.09 *** join/#brlcad cad824 (
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22:06.55 *** join/#brlcad narnia (
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22:47.50 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ improve the summary output, emphasize the actual results
23:22.50 *** join/#brlcad learner (
23:33.10 *** join/#brlcad learner (
23:49.31 *** join/#brlcad learner (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050518

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050518

00:28.36 learner ~last http
00:28.49 learner ~logs
00:28.50 ibot apt/ibot/jbot/purl all log to<channelname>/ where channelname is html encoded ie: %23debian | lines that start with a space are not shown | some channels have stats at<channelname>.html.gz, or updated "nightly"
01:30.02 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: added summary and explanation of benchmark results
03:24.52 *** join/#brlcad learner_ (
04:17.14 *** join/#brlcad learner (
05:03.29 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ try a lot harder to allow running the benchmark before brl-cad is even compiled (we just need an rt from somewhere). compile pixcmp and asc2g if we have to, and try to generate the .g databases if they don't exist.
06:13.06 *** join/#brlcad EricWilhelm (
12:41.41 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/pixcmp.c: doesn't need string.h or common.h yet
15:58.46 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/libtk/ ( generic/ search the mac and windows directories too since generic/default.h might include a header from there
16:46.18 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/libtk/unix/ unix includes generic too
21:51.17 *** join/#brlcad noyb_ (
22:54.33 *** join/#brlcad cad360 (
22:55.40 cad360 hey, is there a way to run "batch" files through mged?
23:08.08 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050519

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050519

03:04.46 Twingy O.O
19:32.55 *** join/#brlcad CIA-9 (
23:20.55 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03g2asc * 10brlcad/README: Fixed some typos.
23:24.10 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03g2asc * 10brlcad/AUTHORS: Fixed typo.
23:49.35 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03g2asc * 10brlcad/HACKING: Fixed some typos.
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050520

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050520

00:06.38 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03g2asc * 10brlcad/NEWS: Fixed some typos.
00:12.02 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03g2asc * 10brlcad/TODO: Fixed some typos.
00:16.54 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03g2asc * 10brlcad/NEWS: fixed various typos in top level documents
01:01.47 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 (
06:13.22 *** join/#brlcad noyb (
06:48.57 *** join/#brlcad cad712 (
06:50.20 *** part/#brlcad cad712 (
08:41.16 *** join/#brlcad KZsD (
14:29.46 narnia brlcad, have you had any time on the document scanner to create pdfs from the numerous trees you were sent?
14:30.19 narnia brlcad, also did you ever contact pdes concerning membership?
18:47.01 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (~Matthew@
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050521

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050521

02:10.47 narnia johann is going down for maintenance.
02:11.03 *** part/#brlcad narnia (
04:26.17 *** join/#brlcad jano (
04:27.05 *** part/#brlcad jano (
05:54.55 *** join/#brlcad narnia (
09:24.45 *** join/#brlcad clock- (
09:37.33 clock- hi
16:16.08 brlcad narnia, no and yes with no response yet
18:57.23 *** join/#brlcad guu (
23:21.11 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
23:21.11 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon!
23:35.47 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
23:35.47 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon!
23:48.30 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
23:48.30 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon!
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050522

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050522

06:07.41 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
06:07.41 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon!
07:01.32 *** join/#brlcad [Prez|Kennedy] (
07:05.23 *** join/#brlcad ewilhelm_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
07:05.24 *** join/#brlcad dan_falck ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
07:05.43 *** join/#brlcad guu (
09:03.41 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
09:03.41 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon!
09:15.08 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
09:19.38 clock- hi
14:51.34 learner heh
15:54.22 *** join/#brlcad clock- (
16:23.34 *** join/#brlcad clock- (
16:48.29 learner howdy clock-
23:35.31 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: improved installation instructions
23:50.24 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/README: refer to the new INSTALL file instructions for more detials
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050523

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050523

03:00.29 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
03:00.29 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon!
04:31.53 *** join/#brlcad narnia_ (
05:05.12 *** part/#brlcad narnia_ (
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05:11.07 *** join/#brlcad narnia (
07:34.45 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
08:09.14 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (~Matthew@
12:20.32 archivist hmm cvs migration to anonymous cvs is slow :( I thought Sourceforge was going to speed things up!
13:47.37 *** join/#brlcad narnia (
14:36.52 learner archivist: how slow is slow?
14:41.41 archivist well that was 00:52 to 13:15 when i started cvs checkout (they used to state 24 hrs)
14:44.33 learner but do you mean the checkout is slow, or the syncronization with non-anon takes too long?
14:45.33 learner anon used to be 24 hours, now it's at a 5 hour syncronization window
14:46.01 learner supposed to drop that to a 0 hour window within a few months
14:46.22 learner but hasn't happened yet, they'll be lucky if the new stats system goes on-line today
14:48.22 learner archivist: make a couple patches and that can easily be turned into non-anonymous for you ;)
14:52.17 archivist well its more than 12 hrs, as for making patches erm let me get used to it first
14:53.28 archivist presumably CIA-5 notes are "nearly real time"?
14:54.36 learner yeah, pretty much -- mainly wait for an e-mail delivery
14:56.58 archivist sourceforge never was quick!
15:10.36 *** part/#brlcad narnia (
15:19.07 learner their non-anonymous actually works quite well 99% of the time
19:04.41 *** join/#brlcad cad663 (
19:56.53 *** join/#brlcad knoppix_ (
21:54.14 knoppix_ anybody hera me ?
21:54.19 knoppix_ (hear)
21:58.42 archivist y
22:16.01 learner hello knoppix_
22:23.10 *** join/#brlcad cad148 (
22:35.44 *** join/#brlcad cad008 (
22:42.48 *** part/#brlcad noyb (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050524

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050524

03:31.32 *** join/#brlcad narnia (
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Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050525

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050525

02:12.00 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
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17:19.37 *** part/#brlcad narnia (
18:55.32 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
18:55.32 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon!
20:17.09 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
20:17.09 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon!
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050526

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050526

01:37.44 *** join/#brlcad kmacc (
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19:32.57 *** join/#brlcad guu (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050527

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050527

04:08.02 *** join/#brlcad narnia (
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10:14.15 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
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12:00.41 *** join/#brlcad clock- (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050528

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050528

02:10.24 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ don't really need to recommend that debug be disabled
02:15.20 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (84 files in 16 dirs): convert WIN32 define checks to _WIN32 since the latter is one of the defaults provided by MSVC whereas the prior is not. remove some of them related to header inclusions using HAVE_ defines instead.
02:21.24 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/INSTALL: minor rewording on trackers
06:51.08 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/HACKING: include more directory examples and mention the _WIN32 config_win.h
06:53.45 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: variance/deviation checks were added to the benchmarks
07:33.08 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: libbu whereis support for relocatable mged/bwish and locating resources at run-time. benchmarks utilize an error metric now and will keep going towards improving to beneath some error threshold.
07:35.03 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: install benchmark suite and example geometry
08:23.56 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (
17:02.45 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ fix capture of output when rt crashes so that it includes the shell error message in the log too
20:55.47 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (
22:18.03 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 (
23:36.42 *** join/#brlcad romfis (
23:38.41 *** part/#brlcad romfis (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050529

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050529

00:24.23 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
10:56.44 *** join/#brlcad mumptai (
10:57.58 mumptai hi
14:11.27 learner hi mumptai
21:38.35 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050530

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050530

00:16.41 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
04:14.21 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/tree.c: prevent against a curious crash where count was set but avp was null. probably a bug elsewhere, but why not check.
06:13.35 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
17:43.58 *** join/#brlcad ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
17:43.59 *** mode/#brlcad [+o ChanServ] by
20:13.48 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ check for sys/sysctl.h header and getenv and sysctl functions
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050531

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050531

05:25.25 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
09:08.54 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
09:08.54 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon!
11:28.07 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
17:25.52 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
17:26.51 *** join/#brlcad learner (~brlcad@brlcad.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
17:26.51 *** join/#brlcad archivist ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
17:26.51 *** join/#brlcad guu (
17:26.51 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by
17:30.49 *** join/#brlcad learner (~brlcad@brlcad.bronze.supporter.pdpc) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
17:30.49 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by ChanServ
21:40.09 *** join/#brlcad starseeker (
21:40.26 starseeker Anybody around?
21:56.42 brlcad yep
21:56.47 brlcad howdy starseeker
21:56.52 starseeker Howdy!
21:57.03 brlcad how goes it?
21:57.04 starseeker looks like someone was able to fix the gentoo ebuild - trying it out nwo
21:57.06 starseeker er now
21:57.09 starseeker good!
21:57.10 brlcad ahh, really
21:57.13 brlcad cool
21:57.27 starseeker Might want to switch the readme credits to that person...
21:57.30 starseeker checking name...
21:58.29 brlcad you're still my gentoo POC until I see another name in here :)
21:59.12 starseeker I'll tell him to mosey on in :-) Michal Slonina is the miracle worker
21:59.32 starseeker Just for reference the discussion is at
21:59.42 starseeker Coool :-)
22:03.16 brlcad nice, looks like he worked through several tcl/tk issues too
22:03.28 brlcad i'll have to walk through that patch list
22:03.49 brlcad wonder if I can merge them in before 7.2.6 ..
22:04.01 starseeker Yep. Not sure if his diff is relevant to main brlcad tree or not? Not to worry, it's quite normal for gentoo specific diffs to be maintained.
22:04.21 brlcad it's always relevant ;)
22:04.33 starseeker :-)
22:04.34 brlcad if a system requires modifications, it's our policy to accommodate
22:05.22 brlcad there's rarely ever a situation where we can't accommodate easily enough, and often it's for the overall better even if it's only relevant to one or two platforms initially
22:05.49 starseeker I'll post a note pointing him to this IRC channel - maybe we can get him to sign on :-)
22:06.03 starseeker And/or anybody else following the bug
22:06.24 brlcad question for you
22:06.28 brlcad under the DEPEND in the ebuild
22:06.29 starseeker shoot
22:06.36 brlcad it lists >=dev-lang/tk-8.4
22:06.45 brlcad that means to use a system tk?
22:06.57 starseeker Hmm. Normally, yes
22:07.09 starseeker or rather, if this ebuild is installed
22:07.10 brlcad odd.. that won't work
22:07.16 starseeker it will also install tk on that system
22:07.26 starseeker whether it actually uses it is another question
22:07.28 starseeker it may not
22:07.45 brlcad ahh, he just says it's dependant (though it actually isn't) .. doesn't use that later one
22:08.06 starseeker in the past, I have had conflicts between system tk libs and brlcad's - I'm hoping the /usr/lib/brlcad stuff will fix that
22:08.28 starseeker ah - compile finished...
22:08.28 brlcad our tk is actually modified, so we cannot use a system tk
22:08.32 starseeker right.
22:08.40 starseeker hard drive grinding...
22:08.48 brlcad at least until someone presses the tcl guys to accept our mods
22:09.05 starseeker I can add a "me too" to a petition
22:09.53 starseeker Dunno any of the tcl/tk guys myself
22:10.02 starseeker er - Don't know
22:11.13 starseeker Should I go ahead and mention the IRC channel in the bug report?
22:11.53 starseeker fingers crossed - old brlcad has been removed...
22:12.03 starseeker last time this happened tcl/tk didn't work...
22:13.11 starseeker opps, NOW it's removing it
22:13.24 starseeker me should read more carefully
22:14.46 starseeker yep, there goes my system tcl/tk setup. OK, reinstalling those...
22:15.13 starseeker anybody remember what the other name conflicts were?
22:29.53 brlcad hehe
22:30.13 brlcad possibly libbu, libbn, librt
22:30.52 brlcad librt being an old deprecated system library in glibc I believe, libbn in openssl maybe? and libbu you probably didn't have ..
22:34.19 brlcad other system libs that get installes are listed as disable items in the new ebuild
22:34.58 brlcad urt, png, zlib
22:35.15 brlcad and termlib in the latest 7.2.4, though the ebuild isn't updated with that yet
23:20.39 starseeker OK, tcl/tk back on, emergeing glibc and openssl...
23:21.17 brlcad you might not have had a problem with those, I don't know
23:21.25 brlcad I have no lidea what it actually conflicts with on a given gentoo box yet
23:21.43 starseeker can't hurt - re-emerging on general principles is not a bad idea, really
23:21.52 starseeker I need to totally rebuild this sucker
23:22.14 starseeker but I figured, as long as it's mildly foobared anyway, I'd give the new experimental ebuild a whirl :-)
23:22.46 starseeker letsee - what's the name of the gui again?
23:23.34 starseeker ah mged
23:26.33 brlcad yeah
23:26.39 brlcad started up?
23:26.42 starseeker Hmm - no
23:26.50 starseeker Where do I paste output?
23:27.25 brlcad how long is it?
23:27.32 starseeker ~20 lines
23:27.35 brlcad just the first few lines should be enough
23:27.38 starseeker ldd output
23:27.46 brlcad i know the whole "couldn't find itcl.tcl" deal
23:27.55 starseeker the mged startup is just mged: error while loading shared libraries: libtcl8.4.19
23:28.15 starseeker <PROTECTED>
23:28.30 brlcad ahh
23:28.30 starseeker ldd reports several such problems
23:28.37 brlcad paste the ldd then
23:28.41 starseeker righto
23:28.46 starseeker in the chat window?
23:28.52 brlcad here's fine
23:29.01 starseeker <PROTECTED>
23:29.01 starseeker <PROTECTED>
23:29.01 starseeker <PROTECTED>
23:29.01 starseeker <PROTECTED>
23:29.01 starseeker <PROTECTED>
23:29.04 starseeker <PROTECTED>
23:29.06 starseeker <PROTECTED>
23:29.08 starseeker <PROTECTED>
23:29.10 starseeker <PROTECTED>
23:29.12 starseeker <PROTECTED>
23:29.16 starseeker <PROTECTED>
23:29.18 starseeker <PROTECTED>
23:29.19 starseeker <PROTECTED>
23:29.22 starseeker <PROTECTED>
23:29.24 starseeker <PROTECTED>
23:29.26 starseeker <PROTECTED>
23:29.28 starseeker <PROTECTED>
23:29.30 starseeker <PROTECTED>
23:29.32 starseeker <PROTECTED>
23:29.34 starseeker <PROTECTED>
23:29.36 starseeker <PROTECTED>
23:29.38 starseeker <PROTECTED>
23:29.40 starseeker <PROTECTED>
23:29.41 starseeker <PROTECTED>
23:29.44 starseeker <PROTECTED>
23:29.48 starseeker <PROTECTED>
23:29.50 starseeker <PROTECTED>
23:29.52 starseeker <PROTECTED>
23:29.54 starseeker <PROTECTED>
23:30.10 starseeker /usr/lib/ is present, but libitcl3.3.0 apparently is not
23:30.25 brlcad that's all the >dev lines from the DEPEND
23:30.33 brlcad that library name is wrong too
23:30.49 brlcad shouldn't be libtcl8.4.19
23:30.52 starseeker Hmm.
23:30.59 brlcad should be
23:31.08 starseeker Did you see anything in the ebuild or diff that could cause something like this?
23:31.09 brlcad same for the others
23:31.22 brlcad it was a build of 7.0.x right?
23:31.29 starseeker No, 7.2.4
23:31.35 brlcad hrm, then no
23:31.55 brlcad that would normally be a libtool bug if it was a brl-cad build
23:32.04 starseeker Oh joy
23:32.07 starseeker letsee...
23:32.26 brlcad do you still have the build tree?
23:32.28 starseeker (GNU libtool) 1.5.18
23:32.31 brlcad did it build libitcl3.3.0 ?
23:32.44 starseeker itcl is a separate package in gentoo
23:32.56 starseeker that's those last few posts on the bug
23:32.56 brlcad yes, but did it build brl-cad distribution of it?
23:33.07 starseeker no, it installed it to /usr/lib
23:33.29 brlcad hmm? how did it install it if it didn't build it? :)
23:33.30 starseeker I think the brlcad build tree got erased, let me check
23:33.55 starseeker the itcl package installed it - I don't know if brlcad did anything at all with it. Let me see if I can find out
23:33.58 brlcad probably should stop saying "it" and be more specific..
23:34.15 starseeker oh, right. Sorry
23:34.21 starseeker itcl
23:34.22 brlcad <PROTECTED>
23:34.31 starseeker well, both of us
23:35.03 starseeker Well, it's got some itcl stuff in /usr/share/brlcad/include/brlcad/...
23:35.18 brlcad the --disable-itcl/itk/tcl options are not well tested since installing into /usr is still troublesome for other reasons
23:35.40 brlcad yeah, those headers will get installed regardless, that's fine
23:36.13 starseeker The package does not report installing anything that looks like an itcl lib
23:36.21 starseeker brlcad package
23:36.29 brlcad can you force brl-cad to install again and capture the entire configure/build output?
23:36.39 starseeker Yes, I think so
23:37.00 brlcad emerge ... > file.log 2>&1
23:37.52 starseeker Okie doke...
23:39.22 starseeker underway... should be done configuring in a moment...
23:39.30 starseeker where do I post this? it will be long
23:39.44 brlcad e-mail it to me if you would
23:39.49 starseeker OK.
23:40.02 brlcad have my address?
23:40.08 starseeker Not offhand
23:40.38 brlcad thanks for working on it again
23:40.50 starseeker not at all :-)
23:41.01 starseeker I needed a break from the Maxima units package
23:41.47 starseeker OK, got it - let me chop off the non config part...
23:42.09 brlcad send the whole thing if you like, that's fine
23:42.26 starseeker OK, will do... on it's way via kmail
23:43.31 starseeker Sent.
23:47.13 starseeker Dingnabbit, he put the libraries in /usr/lib! Bad ebuild writer! ;-)
23:48.40 brlcad hmm.. that build was aborted
23:48.46 starseeker right
23:48.54 starseeker I aborted it after I had the configure output
23:49.12 starseeker Didn't think you'd want the whole thing?
23:49.25 brlcad ahh, I wanted to see if it tried to build incrTcl, libtcl, etc
23:50.03 brlcad maybe let bwish link too
23:50.12 starseeker Oh, OK. So do the whole thing?
23:50.21 brlcad if you don't mind
23:50.25 starseeker no problem
23:52.14 starseeker estimated time remaining - 30 min
23:52.18 brlcad you can watch the build and save it to a log with: emerge ... 2>&1 | tee build.log
23:52.33 brlcad or tail -f the log file
23:53.45 starseeker Cool :-). It's already well underway, so I'll let it go. What might happen, by the way, is this will work until I emerge the system tcl/tk - I think that has happened once or twice.
23:58.16 brlcad you can tail -f the log file from another terminal at any time .. that just "watches" the log file
23:58.21 brlcad e.g. tail -f output.log
23:59.06 starseeker Cool!
23:59.15 starseeker Never knew that
23:59.33 brlcad useful for watching system logs too
23:59.47 starseeker Indeed.
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050601

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050601

00:00.09 brlcad you can ctrl-C the tail whenever you want, it doesn't exit with the -f
00:00.26 brlcad just don't ctrl-c the thing writing to the log ;)
00:01.24 starseeker Oh, no :-) It takes too long to restart. Checkpointing an ebuild process would be nice but isn't done yet.
00:05.52 starseeker creating rawtorle...
00:08.30 starseeker I gotta run out and get dinner - I'll be back in a couple hours. I'll mail you the build script once it's done - are you going to be on or will you be signing off?
00:11.37 brlcad okay,thanks again
00:11.41 brlcad dinner for me too
00:11.46 brlcad i'm always here
01:28.15 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (
02:29.33 starseeker OK, back.
02:29.38 starseeker got full build.
02:30.31 starseeker and on its way
02:31.25 starseeker mged works after this build
03:06.02 brlcad got it
07:12.07 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
07:12.08 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon!
17:29.37 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ copy the current COPYING and INSTALL to backup even if a backup already exists, add some more verbose echo
19:25.19 *** join/#brlcad archivist ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:25.19 *** join/#brlcad guu (
19:36.29 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ remove empty lines
19:37.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ don't install the scripts that are related to the build system (except
19:40.45 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/db/ include the geometry databases in the standard install at last (the benchmark suite it now installed)
19:42.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/pix/ include the reference benchmark images in the standard install (the benchmark suite it now installed)
19:48.20 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ benchmark.doc was renamed to
19:49.29 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ include the and script as part of the standard install, calling 'benchmark' for installation purposes
19:59.31 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ modify the benchmark to not assume it's in a source tree allowing it to work when installed. added PIX and ELP environment options for setting the location of the pixmap directory and the time elapsed script.
20:14.19 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/.cvsignore: ignore the generated benchmark tool
20:23.31 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ remove the benchmark script on a make clean
20:49.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ newline
21:26.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ search for the reference log files in the same manner that searches for the pix files. this script should probably merge into
21:30.25 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ don't presume that the document is available/installed or that this is a source distribution
21:55.30 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ mention what files have been created/modified and explain what they are
22:09.37 brlcad sweetness
22:11.49 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: added 'benchmark' tool and install benchmark suite
23:06.23 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: installed benchmark suite and example geometry
23:07.35 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: libbu whereis support is extended to the next iteration
23:08.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: or for future releases
23:09.11 *** join/#brlcad cad527 (
23:09.19 cad527 Hi
23:09.30 cad527 algun hispano
23:09.41 brlcad que tal
23:09.48 cad527 que bien
23:09.53 cad527 tengo un problema
23:09.57 brlcad ok
23:10.30 brlcad dime pues :)
23:10.40 cad527 compilo el programa, pero cuando corro mged, me aparecen unas ventanas pero se cierran enseguida
23:10.45 cad527 que puede ser
23:11.31 brlcad hrmph
23:11.36 cad527 cuando lo compilo no me vota ningun error
23:11.51 brlcad no dice nada en el terminal/console?
23:11.56 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: successful build achieved on 'windows' via cygwin, so progress to a successful mingw build
23:12.22 brlcad suena que hay alguna problema con opengl
23:12.38 cad527 yo tambien lo creo
23:12.56 cad527 como puedo saber , que no tengo problemas con opengl
23:13.15 brlcad corra 'fbhelp' .. que dice?
23:13.44 cad527 que pena, lo que pasa es que no estoy en mi maquina en este momento
23:14.02 brlcad aja, 'ta bien
23:14.12 cad527 que pena usted a trabajado con otras herramientas de modelado 3d
23:14.35 brlcad fbhelp debe decir si el brl-cad opengl framebuffer sirve
23:15.23 brlcad si, con varias
23:16.02 cad527 y que tal es brl-cad comparado con otras Solid Edge Solid works
23:16.04 brlcad Pro/E, Unigraphics, Blender, 3D studio
23:16.25 brlcad ah, bueno
23:16.35 brlcad en que?
23:16.40 brlcad precio? :)
23:17.01 brlcad edad? :)
23:17.30 brlcad brl-cad incluye mas que 400 programas
23:17.57 brlcad mged es una de esas que tiene un gui
23:19.07 cad527 pero no entiendo bien que es brlcad
23:19.14 brlcad el punto mas debil de brl-cad y mged en particular es el interfaz
23:19.19 cad527 que pena tienes tiempo ????
23:19.39 brlcad simpre estoy aquí ;)
23:19.46 brlcad hrm.. aqui
23:21.23 brlcad brl-cad esta hecho con una filosofia de unix
23:22.15 brlcad asi hay bastante programas pequeñas que hacen un funcion discreto
23:23.14 brlcad programas de imagenes, convertidores, analisis de senales, modelers, etc
23:23.20 cad527 que pena tengo que salir un placer, y otro dia te hago mas preguntas
23:23.22 cad527 gracias
23:27.18 *** join/#brlcad Manuel1326546 (
23:27.41 brlcad ya llego otro tan rapido :)
23:27.57 Manuel1326546 Que pena BRLCAD
23:28.05 Manuel1326546 podemos seguir con la charla
23:28.42 brlcad no hay ninguna pena, puedes ir y venir cuando te da la gana ;)
23:29.27 Manuel1326546 como es tu nombre
23:29.33 Manuel1326546 si se puede saber
23:29.57 brlcad me llamo Sean
23:30.14 brlcad aqui somos informales -- y tu?
23:30.33 brlcad de donde eres?
23:33.33 brlcad aah.. colombiano, si?
23:34.36 brlcad he conocido alguna gente de tu Uni
23:37.08 Manuel1326546 SI
23:37.31 Manuel1326546 y por que sabes que soy de Un
23:37.45 brlcad :)
23:37.55 brlcad tu ip
23:39.02 Manuel1326546 si me lo imagine
23:39.16 Manuel1326546 una pregunta tonta
23:39.27 Manuel1326546 que necesito para tener opengl
23:39.43 brlcad cual es tu sistema operativa?
23:40.07 Manuel1326546 slack
23:40.23 Manuel1326546 en un pentium
23:40.40 brlcad y el graphics card?
23:40.45 brlcad nvidia? ati?
23:40.56 Manuel1326546 tengo un generica
23:41.03 brlcad aja
23:41.12 Manuel1326546 necesariemnte tengo que tener una aceleradora
23:41.13 brlcad ya entiendo por que no funciona ;)
23:41.39 Manuel1326546 que pena soy nuevo en esto
23:41.45 brlcad installaste brl-cad de binary?
23:42.01 brlcad o lo compilaste tu mismo?
23:42.11 Manuel1326546 si y tambien el de las fuentes pero pasa lo mismo
23:42.36 brlcad de las fuentes?
23:43.08 Manuel1326546 si
23:43.18 brlcad hmm.. no debia compilar de las fuentes si no tienes opengl
23:43.41 brlcad que dice dpyinfo ?
23:43.46 Manuel1326546 pues me compila y no me vota ningun error
23:44.22 brlcad er, xdpyinfo
23:44.57 Manuel1326546 no te puede responder, por que no estoy en la casa
23:45.09 brlcad ahh, verdad, se me olvido
23:45.41 brlcad bueno, es facil arreglar si quieres
23:45.51 brlcad no tiene que ser opengl
23:45.51 Manuel1326546 si ?????
23:45.59 Manuel1326546 como ???
23:46.17 brlcad te tendria que dar unos archivos de las fuentes modificado
23:47.19 brlcad que apagan el opengl
23:48.03 *** join/#brlcad Manuel1326546 (
23:50.10 *** join/#brlcad Manuel9876546879 (
23:50.22 Manuel9876546879 Que pena otra vez
23:50.28 Manuel9876546879 como hariamos entonces
23:51.02 brlcad bueno.. puedes regresar cuando estas con la sistema que ya tiene brl-cad?
23:51.24 Manuel9876546879 creo que no por que en mi casa no tengo internet
23:51.36 brlcad ah, ya veo
23:51.41 Manuel9876546879 pero luego que tenia que hacer
23:51.46 brlcad bueno pues..
23:51.49 Manuel9876546879 que archivos modifico o que
23:52.02 brlcad si
23:52.28 brlcad primeramente, modifica
23:52.45 brlcad busca el linea que dice: AC_DEFINE(DM_OGL,1,[yeah, GL])
23:52.46 Manuel9876546879 que le pongo o que le quito
23:52.52 brlcad borralo
23:53.06 Manuel9876546879 listo
23:53.09 Manuel9876546879 que mas
23:53.26 brlcad src/libfb/
23:53.37 brlcad dice: AM_CFLAGS = ${X_CFLAGS} -DIF_REMOTE -DIF_AB -DIF_X -DIF_OGL
23:53.45 brlcad quita el -DIF_OGL
23:54.16 brlcad tambien hay una linea que dice: if_ogl.c \
23:54.21 brlcad borralo tambien
23:55.03 brlcad el ultimo cambio..
23:55.16 brlcad es en src/libdm/
23:55.31 brlcad alli dice: dm-ogl.c \
23:55.33 brlcad borralo
23:56.15 brlcad eso debe ser todo que tienes que hacer
23:56.42 brlcad despues compilalo otra vez empezando con: ./
23:56.57 brlcad ./configure
23:56.59 brlcad make
23:57.06 brlcad sudo make install
23:57.15 Manuel9876546879 y despues compilo para que compile sin el ogl
23:57.22 brlcad si
23:57.39 Manuel9876546879 gracias , alguna vez tuviste ese problema
23:57.42 brlcad no pierdes nada practicamente
23:57.53 brlcad el X11 interface es casi igual
23:58.15 brlcad se ve igual
23:59.28 Manuel9876546879 y que otras aplicaciones de modelado o finitos usas
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050602

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050602

00:01.11 brlcad primeramente brl-cad
00:01.22 Manuel9876546879 y que OS usas
00:02.20 brlcad pero a veces uso blender tambien cuando no importa si es solido
00:02.34 brlcad uso varios OS
00:03.10 brlcad mis sistemas primarios son Mac OS X
00:03.51 brlcad pero tambien uso FreeBSD, IRIX, Solaris, AIX, Linux y otros
00:03.58 *** join/#brlcad Manuel9876546879 (
00:04.21 Manuel9876546879 y para que usas brlcad
00:05.17 brlcad como se dice developer?
00:05.20 brlcad reveladores ?
00:05.38 Manuel9876546879 desarrollador
00:05.54 Manuel9876546879 y de donde eres
00:06.04 brlcad soy uno de los desarrolladores
00:06.29 brlcad el principal
00:07.02 brlcad ahora mismo estoy en los E.U. Maryland
00:07.27 brlcad pero "de donde soy" es una pregunta mas dificil ;)
00:07.44 Manuel9876546879 estamos hablando gracias por todo
00:22.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: libfb and libdm have hardcoded XMAXSCREEN and YMAXSCREEN values that are easily being surpassed on certain systems
01:41.35 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
07:42.44 *** join/#brlcad cad266 (
13:22.39 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libfb/if_ogl.c: removed unused defines from 4d carryover
13:45.59 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: rtcheck manpage and usage does not mention -g option
16:34.22 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/ tcl must come after tk to resolve tk's symbols when using gcc on irix
22:50.08 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/mged/cmd.c: First cut at a bot_merge command for MGED to allow user to combine multiple bots into 1
23:50.26 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/ged.c:
23:50.26 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: add a -f option to mged to prevent it from automatically detaching on startup --
23:50.26 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: this is often very useful for logging or debugging. also, make the
23:50.26 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: backgrounding notice wait until the gui is up and running before exiting instead
23:50.26 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: of sleeping an arbitrary amount of time -- the child notifies the parent when
23:50.26 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: the gui is up.
23:51.03 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/mged.1: document the new -f option for preventing the background detachment.
23:53.22 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: added a -f option to mged to prevent backgrounding
23:55.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: synchronized mged startup message with gui creation
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050603

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050603

00:33.25 *** join/#brlcad guu (
01:04.44 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ ( db/ add a --enable-models-install option with aliases for conditionally installing the example geometry models. benchmark geometry are still converted/installed as they are required for the installed benchmark tool
01:08.31 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: include release note details on the benchmark suite changes/installation as well as the addition of example geometry databases
05:23.08 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/cmd.c: the command string to rt_do_cmd is no longer modified by this routine so that the caller may use static command strings
05:24.44 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/opt.c: add a -W option to all of the raytracers that specifies that a 'non-default' (usually inverted) background color should be used. for rt, this is a white background.
05:26.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/ (viewedge.c rtedge.1): the new -W option on rtedge means that the foreground and background colors need to be inverted so that it's black lines on a white background by default. (this implements sf request 1177331)
05:27.35 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/rt.1: document the new -W option stating that it draws a white background for rt
05:31.35 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: added -W option to raytracers for white background (implements sf request 1177331)
05:35.28 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/viewedge.c: only swap the colors once otherwise the frame backgrounds will flop back and forth
05:53.29 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
06:01.17 PKMOBILE
06:01.40 PKMOBILE good to know thats how people find me :-\
09:56.35 *** join/#brlcad ping (
09:59.27 ping hello!
10:01.46 ping It is great that result of such a long time project is now free software. I'm in a small telescope design team and I'm thinking whether or not I can use BRL-CAD to simulate the imaging of a set of lenses with known surface (shape, size) and material (index of refraction, reflectivity).
10:02.18 ping Any advices are appreciated!
11:44.24 learner hello ping
11:45.56 learner that sounds like a neat project, similar to one I worked on a few years back
11:47.08 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
11:47.58 learner you can definitely use brl-cad for simulating the lens though the default optics may be tricky to get looking realistic
11:51.01 learner gutenmorgen herr d_rossberg
11:51.50 d_rossberg good night Mr. learner
11:52.29 d_rossberg i think i have found a problem in creating bots in mged
11:52.49 d_rossberg the unit taken is always mm
11:53.27 learner creating bots how?
11:53.47 d_rossberg try "units m; in foo bot ...; l foo"
11:54.04 learner ahh
11:54.46 d_rossberg version is 7.2.4, if i remember right
11:55.36 learner sure enough.. just looked at the code and it's missing the local2base conversion
11:56.43 d_rossberg i looked at typein.c, but it look like the conversion is done somewhere else
11:57.43 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: typein of a bot is not performing a local2base units conversion
11:57.46 d_rossberg OK, i found a call to local2base
11:58.14 learner yeah, it's there -- it's just a simple multiply
11:58.20 learner on the read
11:58.59 learner local2base is already set up with the correct units conversion scaling factor
11:59.12 d_rossberg i took arbn_in as a reference, but couldn't find a significant difference in vertex-handling
12:00.18 learner shoudl be a matter of multiplying just the atof's by local2base, but I'll have to test it some
12:04.25 learner don't forget the thinkness atof if it's a plate
12:04.37 learner er, thickness
12:05.35 learner yeah, looks like it's just those four
12:05.43 learner can you test to make sure that works how you expect?
12:07.21 d_rossberg i hope so (i'll try it)
12:08.02 d_rossberg looks like arbn_in has a similar problem
12:08.20 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/typein.c: rossberg identifies a bug in bot typein where units conversion was apparently overlooked.
12:08.44 d_rossberg it's not important for the normals, but for the distance parameters there, i would say
12:10.12 learner hmm
12:12.10 learner ahh, yep, sure enough..
12:12.32 learner the rt_arbn_import in librt/g_arbn.c
12:12.39 learner <PROTECTED>
12:12.53 learner <PROTECTED>
12:13.42 learner good catch!
12:15.29 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/typein.c: rossberg finds another units problem in the arbn typein where the distance paramater is not taking units into account.
12:18.30 d_rossberg i will now check out the developer sources and build it, this may take a while ...
12:19.08 d_rossberg BTW: i can ssh at :-)
12:19.37 learner :) great
12:20.06 learner i believe the news file is now going to have to be utf-8 :)
12:25.37 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: fixed units bug in mged typein of bot and arbn
12:37.12 learner heh, i think CIA-5 choked on some utf chars
12:37.53 ping learner: sorry that I left for dinner, and thanks!
12:38.31 learner no problem, and now I go shower :)
12:38.36 ping learner: any pointers to your project? With your permission I'd like to take a look at the code.
12:42.03 learner you don't need my permission, it's openly available
12:42.21 learner or rather 'sure!' you have my permission ;)
12:42.58 learner ping: you can download it from, I'd suggest getting it from CVS if you're a developer
12:43.38 learner and that's a rather interesting choice of irc nicks.. any particular significance?
12:45.27 ping well, that's the transliteration of my first name in Chinese... :)
12:45.46 learner ahh okay :)
12:46.57 learner there's more documentation on the website at
12:47.57 ping checking out the codes from CVS now...
12:48.48 ping while waiting for CVS co to finish, I'd like to ask more questions. :)
12:49.39 ping Is there a way to find the size of image on the focal surface for parallel light rays coming from a fixed direction?
12:53.04 learner the image size _on_ the focal surface?
12:54.45 ping yes. The parallel light rays will be focused by the lens not into a point but an image with finite size. The size is a very important parameter in telescope design.
12:58.11 learner there is definitely a means to calculate the size in code since you can traverse the rays and introspect them however you like
12:58.49 learner and similarly the rays are parallel coming from a fixed viewpoint/viewsize by default
12:59.06 ping okay, great. I'll read the documents and learn how to do that. Is this part in the rt library?
12:59.23 learner yes, that would be part of librt
12:59.32 learner as well as parts of liboptical
13:00.22 learner sounds like you either want some information out of liboptical or perhaps even your own varient of liboptical that has you optics behavior
13:00.35 learner perhaps just another shader type
13:02.36 ping I didn't see liboptical in the "top level" of documents, any reference?
13:02.46 learner you could actually draw the light rays in mged and visualize the rays in 3D to observe how they converge.. that would be neat
13:05.47 ping oh, that is cool! I'll try that.
13:06.26 learner basically in the modeler, you can issue plotting commands (actual old-school .pl code)
13:06.34 learner that will draw lines
13:08.00 learner you could run the raytracer in either debug mode, or add some additional printing to give you ray trajectories as they are traversed, and then feed that into something that plots them in mged
13:08.01 ping hmm... does that mean I have to learn a scripting language (.pl)?
13:08.21 learner no no, pl is a simple plotting instruction
13:08.41 learner used on the old plotter devices that used to make schematics
13:10.49 ping that sounds somewhat familiar... :)
13:15.04 learner it depends a lot on what your ultimate goal is, but is sounds like you want to simulate different lenses and observe how they behave?
13:15.41 learner the existing raytrace logic will deal with "pure" lenses as it is
13:16.17 ping that's right. I want to determine the configuration of lenses (size, location, radius of curvature, etc) that produces the smallest image size within budget constraint.
13:16.34 learner but is not set up for the variety of optics effects you encounter in real lenses like subsurface scattering, microfractures, dust/particulates, etc
13:16.57 learner for that you'd have to modify liboptical or write a similar variety that takes those into account
13:18.14 ping I think I'm doing an "idealistic" simulation for now so microfractures can be ignored.
13:18.44 ping I think one big challenge might be the "Fresnel lens" where the surface of the lens has many "teeth".
13:19.09 learner the raytracers (e.g. 'rt') deal with generating the rays, librt takes over and shoots/propagates the rays through a given scene reporting on when/where objects are hit, liboptical takes over when objects are hit telling it how the ray should react (does it scatter, diffuse, reflect back, etc)
13:20.39 learner then the results are passed back to the raytracer from librt and liboptical for it to decide what to do with those events/values
13:21.19 learner which is usually something like generate a picture (rt), report on some mass/volume (rtweight), draw object outlines (rtedge), etc
13:22.20 learner sounds to me like you're sort of wanting a raytracer that generates plot lines which wouldn't be too difficult at all
13:22.33 learner in fact there was a debug flag at one point that did that.. hrm
13:23.58 ping oh, where is that debug flag?
13:26.37 learner i'd have to hunt, but it should be either the -x flag to rt, with flags described in include/raytrace.h
13:27.00 learner I'd love to continue this but I unfortunately have a meeting .. i'll be back in a bit
13:27.45 ping sure! (am compiling the source code right now)
14:54.12 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/include/raytrace.h: the caller may use static command strings to rt_do_cmd
14:59.34 ping the CVS version has a compile error in src/librt/cmd.c:193... need to replace "const char *ilp" by "char *ilp" and "register const ..." by "const ..." to get it compiled.
15:02.19 d_rossberg learner: i couldn't build BRL-CAD from CVS because of undefined "yyin" etc. in brlcad/src/tab/scriptsort.o
15:02.46 d_rossberg ping: my last commit fixed this problem
15:05.17 d_rossberg ping: but because of slow replication it may be better to fix it by hand now:
15:08.01 d_rossberg ping: include/raytrace.h line 2701 should be "const char *ilp,"
15:22.23 ping oh I fixed it by replacing the function argument types in src/librt.cmd.c
17:53.30 brlcad yeah, sorry about that -- I forgot to commit a header file last night
20:27.43 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
20:28.13 PKMOBILE stop drop and roll... the nutcase liberal with a website is here!
21:16.06 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050604

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050604

06:01.57 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (~brlcad@brlcad.bronze.supporter.pdpc) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050605

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050605

01:13.00 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
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09:24.44 spiv HI! there
09:24.58 spiv good day
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Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050606

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050606

13:15.15 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (~c28bf505@
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16:58.55 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/
16:58.55 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: with a little applescripting, set the Finder window parameters and allow time
16:58.55 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: for the background image to be set since there's no apparent programmatic means
16:58.55 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: to set the background image automatically yet (10.4 might). also, fix the path
16:58.55 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: to the openUp tool.
17:24.46 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ check for stat
23:19.50 *** join/#brlcad learner (~brlcad@brlcad.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
23:19.50 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by ChanServ
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050607

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050607

01:35.34 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
01:59.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: bot typein bug was fixed
02:43.25 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/viewcheck.c: add -g and -G to the usage
02:45.09 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/opt.c: init the cell width and height to something
02:45.44 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/rtcheck.1: document the -g and -G options
02:48.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: rtcheck manpage and usage now mention the -g and -G options
02:53.27 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: documented the rtcheck -g and -G options
06:42.55 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
11:22.56 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: cosmetic
15:38.33 *** join/#brlcad guu (
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22:35.23 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
22:35.23 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon!
23:36.59 *** topic/#brlcad by brlcad -> || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon! || Release 7.2.6 due out today...
23:39.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ add a noprod compilation target to remove the binaries and libraries
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050608

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050608

04:25.16 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/COPYING: mention the geometric models and images specifically even if they are already covered by the gpl under the existing language. also mention that AUTHORS has project admins listed too.
06:50.04 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
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07:47.40 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon! || Release 7.2.6 due out today...
07:48.41 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
07:48.42 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon! || Release 7.2.6 due out today...
10:31.03 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
10:31.03 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon! || Release 7.2.6 due out today...
14:24.48 d_rossberg i would say, the mged commands "in ... bot" and "in ... arbn" are OK now
14:34.27 brlcad excellent :)
14:34.35 brlcad should release 7.2.6 later today
14:35.05 brlcad just have one last thing to check on .. sgi knobs
14:39.03 d_rossberg it wasn't easy to compile brlcad, it took me 2 days
14:39.35 d_rossberg i had to install flex and bison/byacc first
14:39.59 d_rossberg this wasn't neccessary for 7.2.4
14:41.01 d_rossberg the problem was: "make clean" doesn't delete the files created by flex
14:44.07 d_rossberg and maybe there is another problem:
14:44.32 d_rossberg write the following lines in a file, say
14:44.41 d_rossberg units m
14:44.58 d_rossberg in box rpp 0 1 0 1 0 1
14:45.01 d_rossberg in test arbn 6 0 0 -1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 -1 0 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 0 1 1
14:45.18 d_rossberg rt
14:46.08 d_rossberg then call mged with "mged test.g <"
14:48.16 d_rossberg may be there is a general problem with parsing commands in mged (Debian 3.1)
16:40.31 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
16:40.31 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon! || Release 7.2.6 due out today...
17:08.44 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
17:08.44 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon! || Release 7.2.6 due out today...
20:29.25 *** join/#brlcad clock- (
23:40.58 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
23:55.02 *** join/#brlcad guu` (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050609

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050609

00:07.40 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
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02:19.23 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ remove noprod target until there is an include makefile
02:29.25 *** join/#brlcad calyps0 (
02:34.44 calyps0 whats a decent win prog for making small handheld things? im fairly new to cad, and can only find building architecture-related progs.
02:49.06 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: (re)add a make target that removes only build products
03:16.56 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: woot, bump it up
03:48.50 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ChangeLog: changelog entries from 7.2.4 to 7.2.6 for release
03:49.41 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (NEWS README bump revision to 7.2.6
04:26.04 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
04:26.04 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon! || Release 7.2.6 due out today...
06:18.14 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (~c28bf505@
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15:07.52 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon! || Release 7.2.6 due out today...
22:49.49 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
22:49.49 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon! || Release 7.2.6 due out today...
23:17.06 *** join/#brlcad des_ (
23:20.14 des_ anyone on?
23:21.45 archivist yes but
23:21.52 brlcad howdy
23:21.57 des_ evening.
23:22.24 des_ I am having the strangest problem with mged.
23:23.03 des_ I have a very simple model - a box made of five separate panels (no bottom), one of which has a cutout and a door.
23:23.39 des_ when I try to combine these panels into a region or comb or group, mged goes nuts and adds five copies of each item to the group...
23:23.55 des_ I must have done a stupid newbie mistake, but there you are...
23:24.40 des_ I'd cut'n'paste from the command window, but it's rather long.
23:24.46 des_ anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong?
23:26.34 brlcad hmm
23:26.41 brlcad how long is long?
23:26.48 des_ 30-odd lines.
23:26.55 brlcad eep
23:27.04 brlcad
23:27.12 brlcad paste it there
23:28.24 des_
23:29.21 des_ reload, I added 'l panel.front;
23:29.27 des_ 'l panel.front' even.
23:30.00 brlcad add an l panel.back
23:30.31 des_ reload
23:30.36 brlcad I've never seen g do that.. hrm
23:31.38 des_ same thing happens with r and comb
23:32.02 brlcad can you add another ls -la
23:33.01 des_ done. I also redid panels as a region.
23:33.52 brlcad has mged crashed on you at any point?
23:33.57 des_ no.
23:34.24 brlcad those messages from kill panels sounds like part of the problem
23:34.43 brlcad if you kill panels again, and do a 'db get panels' what does it report?
23:35.12 des_ I'm starting to wonder if I've tripped some kind of secret "do everything five times" command :-)
23:35.46 des_ for instance:
23:35.51 brlcad heh, no, but you might have _somehow_ corrupted your database or found some other obscure bug
23:35.54 des_ mged> make foo rpp
23:35.54 des_ foo: already exists
23:36.06 des_ (but there was no foo)
23:36.25 brlcad if you 'db get foo' it returns nothing?
23:36.43 des_ mged> db get foo
23:36.43 des_ foo: not found
23:36.43 des_ mged> make foo rpp
23:36.43 des_ foo: already exists
23:36.52 des_ mged> kill foo
23:36.52 des_ db_lookup(foo) failed: foo does not exist
23:36.56 des_ wheee!
23:37.01 brlcad arf
23:37.05 brlcad can you send me that .g?
23:37.10 des_ yep.
23:38.01 des_ if my firewall will allow it.
23:39.08 brlcad e-mail?
23:40.40 des_ yep. addy?
23:40.54 brlcad sent via pm
23:45.50 des_ made with brlcad 7.2.4, btw.
23:46.11 des_ and another thing: it doesn't save font settings to .mgedrc.
23:46.32 des_ is that a known issue?
23:46.52 brlcad yes, it is
23:47.04 des_ fixed in 7.2.6?
23:47.11 brlcad you can still set the fonts in your .mgedrc manually
23:47.26 des_ yep.
23:47.52 brlcad it's not beed looked at by anyone really afaik
23:48.07 brlcad there's actually quite a bit that's not persisted in the .mgedrc
23:48.22 brlcad mostly only the settings on the misc/modes menus
23:48.51 brlcad hmm.. try this and let me know if it works:
23:49.14 brlcad keep test.g door.flap panels
23:49.21 brlcad opendb test.g
23:49.27 brlcad kill panels
23:49.47 brlcad r panels u panel.left u panel.right u panel.back u u panel.front
23:49.49 brlcad l panels
23:49.57 des_ yep.
23:50.00 brlcad paste the l panels output
23:50.02 des_ no udplicates.
23:50.08 des_ ged> l panels
23:50.08 des_ panels: REGION id=1000 (air=0, los=100, GIFTmater=1) --
23:50.08 des_ <PROTECTED>
23:50.08 des_ <PROTECTED>
23:50.08 des_ <PROTECTED>
23:50.09 des_ <PROTECTED>
23:50.11 des_ <PROTECTED>
23:50.17 brlcad good...
23:50.37 des_ bug or pilot error?
23:50.54 brlcad not sure yet
23:51.06 brlcad sounding like a bug, but no idea how it might have been caused
23:51.25 brlcad basically it sounds like there's a slight corruption in the .g
23:51.59 brlcad so slight that it hasn't tripped any of the corruption detections (which is something very hard to do)
23:52.39 des_ hm.
23:52.43 des_ ever heard of sudoku?
23:52.58 brlcad have not
23:53.17 des_ it's a silly little numbers puzzle you find in newspapers and stuff.
23:53.22 des_ I've written a solver for it.
23:53.43 des_ I spent most of yesterday evening trying to figure out why it tripped an assertion
23:53.50 des_ poring over debugging printouts line by line...
23:53.55 brlcad heh :)
23:54.06 brlcad hmm.. the file you sent me works here just fine too...
23:54.08 des_ and finally figuring out that I had mistyped the problem.
23:54.14 brlcad that must mean it's something internal to your mged instance
23:54.33 des_ so sometimes a complicated problem can have a simple explanation :)
23:54.39 brlcad if you restart mged on the original .g and kill panels, and recreate, does it still happen?
23:54.55 des_ yes, I've done that several times already...
23:55.35 des_ does mged have some sort of logging functionality?
23:55.46 des_ I mean, can it keep a log of the command window?
23:56.38 des_ it might be useful in the future if I trip over this (or something similar) again
23:57.05 brlcad there's a means to save the commands themselves to a file, but that won't keep their output
23:57.15 des_ hm.
23:57.21 brlcad there's a means to capture all the output, but you have to invoke mged differently
23:57.54 des_ maybe I'll go dive into the source code and figure out how to keep a running log...
23:58.35 des_ hmm, I really should try to set up a second monitor
23:58.46 des_ one for the command window, one for the graphics window...
23:58.59 brlcad it would be a relatively simple addition to make to the command that saves the command history
23:59.03 des_ but most of all, I should really go to bed. It's 2 am over here in .no.
23:59.42 des_ thank you very much for your help.
23:59.47 brlcad no problem
23:59.52 brlcad if you do want to save a log:
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050610

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050610

00:00.03 brlcad mged -c foo.g > file.log 2>&1
00:00.04 brlcad gui
00:00.23 des_ I assume -c means console mode?
00:00.28 brlcad yep
00:00.35 des_ OK, thanks.
00:00.42 brlcad gui forks off the gui while in console mode
00:00.57 brlcad effectively splitting the I/O so it does to both the window and the console
00:01.04 brlcad s/does/goes/
00:01.17 des_ precisely what I want.
00:01.25 des_ bye now :)
00:22.55 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
00:22.55 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon! || Release 7.2.6 due out today...
01:47.03 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
01:47.03 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon! || Release 7.2.6 due out today...
07:14.03 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
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11:44.42 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon! || Release 7.2.6 due out today...
15:44.13 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
15:44.13 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon! || Release 7.2.6 due out today...
17:35.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (NEWS README bump the revision after release 7.2.6 to a minor increment release of 7.3.0 (directory reorganizations planned)
17:36.34 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: next release should include a reorganization of the install directories
17:42.04 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: rtweight chokes on a .density file that has less than 3 values per line (infinite loop). also gives infinite areas when presented with an empty .density file
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18:52.52 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/mged/cmd.c:
18:52.52 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: added bot_merge to merge two bots together. Since rt_db_put_internal
18:52.52 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: does the freeing for us
18:52.52 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: I deleted the calls to bu_free on data structures that are already free.
18:58.03 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/NEWS: log bot_merge addition
18:59.30 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/mged/cmd.c: Removed debugging foo
19:58.57 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
19:58.57 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon! || Release 7.2.6 due out today...
20:12.56 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
20:12.56 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon! || Release 7.2.6 due out today...
20:30.27 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
20:30.28 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon! || Release 7.2.6 due out today...
22:58.40 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
22:58.40 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon! || Release 7.2.6 due out today...
23:05.21 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
23:05.21 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon! || Release 7.2.6 due out today...
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050611

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050611

09:57.16 *** join/#brlcad clock- (
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14:14.21 clock- Hello
15:54.30 *** join/#brlcad guu` (
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20:34.02 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon! || Release 7.2.6 due out today...
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050612

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050612

00:31.35 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
00:31.35 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon! || Release 7.2.6 due out today...
01:43.27 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
01:43.27 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon! || Release 7.2.6 due out today...
01:56.28 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
01:56.28 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon! || Release 7.2.6 due out today...
02:08.32 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
02:08.33 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon! || Release 7.2.6 due out today...
02:31.46 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
02:31.46 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon! || Release 7.2.6 due out today...
05:33.07 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
05:33.07 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon! || Release 7.2.6 due out today...
08:44.23 *** join/#brlcad clock- (
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09:18.45 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon! || Release 7.2.6 due out today...
09:22.39 clock- Hello I have already made 10 models with brlcad:
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16:05.12 jano
16:05.13 jano :D
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16:57.47 clock- How to model threaded bolt in BRL-CAD?
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18:08.01 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon! || Release 7.2.6 due out today...
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18:27.02 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon! || Release 7.2.6 due out today...
20:21.34 *** topic/#brlcad by brlcad -> || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.2.6 is now posted (20050612) || Several will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon || 'brlcad' is attending the 2005 International Conference on Shapes and Solids (Jun 13-17)
21:01.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/HACKING: be a little more clear on contributions being compatible with the existing COPYING requirements
21:21.50 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ put the date last on the install log line, makes reading/parsing a lil easier
21:23.30 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/README: add a getting help section. the releases are monthly and is presently sustainable, so document it.
21:41.49 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ add a BRLCAD_DATA_DIR that is $(prefix)/share/brlcad/VERSION and stuff the sample apps there for starters. comment on the disable dependency tracking reason.
21:59.37 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/m4/search.m4: search lib64 directories too
22:02.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (include/wdb.h src/libwdb/wdb.c): use long instead of an off_t for mk_binunif since the struct is a long now anyways
22:03.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/libtcl/ don't install tclsh
22:05.27 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/libtk/ don't install wish
22:19.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (34 files in 34 dirs): install all of the data in subdirs under BRLCAD_DATA_DIR now, making the install one step closer to playing more politely with the packaging operating systems.
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050613

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050613

03:37.29 *** join/#brlcad EricWilhelm (
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14:37.55 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.2.6 is now posted (20050612) || Several will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon || 'brlcad' is attending the 2005 International Conference on Shapes and Solids (Jun 13-17)
20:06.28 *** join/#brlcad paparazzii (
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21:04.00 *** part/#brlcad gbqaig (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050614

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050614

04:41.44 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
04:41.45 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.2.6 is now posted (20050612) || Several will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon || 'brlcad' is attending the 2005 International Conference on Shapes and Solids (Jun 13-17)
07:23.24 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
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09:49.39 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.2.6 is now posted (20050612) || Several will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon || 'brlcad' is attending the 2005 International Conference on Shapes and Solids (Jun 13-17)
10:22.39 *** join/#brlcad rqsall (
14:11.55 brlcad clock-: thank you!
14:13.04 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ take symbolic links into account so that if the archive root is a symbolic link, it will still become properly archived
14:14.28 clock- brlcad: for what?
14:14.38 brlcad the bug reports..
14:14.43 clock- brlcad: aah, you are welcome.
14:14.48 clock- I have already made about 12 models:
14:14.52 clock-
14:15.04 brlcad I've been showing them
14:15.12 clock- brlcad: where? :)
14:15.13 brlcad very interesting
14:15.41 brlcad I'm at the 2005 international conference on shapes and solids right now
14:16.06 brlcad showed it to others on the dev team too
14:16.19 clock- brlcad: actually the bugs in brlcad don't prevent me from working with the program at all
14:16.36 clock- brlcad: when it crashes, it doesn't affect the data.
14:16.53 brlcad that's good to know, though they are definitely unacceptible
14:17.14 brlcad yeah, data preservation is by design .. it's generally _very_ hard to corrupt your data
14:17.15 clock- brlcad: the work is quite fast. I have numbers in 2D blueprint and I can enter them numerically.
14:17.32 brlcad not impossible, but very hard -- moreso than in most apps
14:17.53 clock- brlcad: are you a member of Ballistic Research Laboratory?
14:18.48 clock- brlcad: I have seen there is a parabolic cone. That's nice for optical simulations.
14:40.40 brlcad need to get that website up and running.. with a section on all the primitives available
14:41.14 brlcad there are more primitives than most cad systems support, but most are obscure use ;)
15:05.58 *** join/#brlcad clock- (
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16:01.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/libbu/malloc.c: bu_realloc() always needs to return a value
16:20.04 archivist I miss dunkin donuts over here in england
16:32.16 *** join/#brlcad cad761 (
16:35.17 brlcad archivist: hehe
17:06.39 *** join/#brlcad cad798 (~cc9ac0fc@
17:12.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/librt/g_bot.c: Fixed a potential infinite loop in rt_bot_same_orientation()
17:18.03 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/librt/binary_obj.c: Use __int64 instead of long long if the OS is Windows
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17:31.46 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/rt/viewcheck.c: Remove space after the escape
18:31.46 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: fixed potential infinite loop bug in BoT primitive
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19:57.08 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.2.6 is now posted (20050612) || Several will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon || 'brlcad' is attending the 2005 International Conference on Shapes and Solids (Jun 13-17)
20:03.25 *** join/#brlcad clock- (
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20:16.07 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.2.6 is now posted (20050612) || Several will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon || 'brlcad' is attending the 2005 International Conference on Shapes and Solids (Jun 13-17)
20:22.31 clock- brlcad: here?
21:21.20 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/librt/wdb_obj.c: Add a -noleaf option to the pathlist command. Modify the rmap command to ignore hidden regions.
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22:08.46 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.2.6 is now posted (20050612) || Several will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon || 'brlcad' is attending the 2005 International Conference on Shapes and Solids (Jun 13-17)
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050615

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050615

00:10.34 *** join/#brlcad TheLastSpartan ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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03:58.22 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.2.6 is now posted (20050612) || Several will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon || 'brlcad' is attending the 2005 International Conference on Shapes and Solids (Jun 13-17)
04:08.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: parker added a -noleaf option to the mged pathlist command
04:35.22 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ (6 files in 5 dirs): protect the sys/wait.h headers with HAVE_SYS_WAIT_H since not all systems (e.g. mingw) have it.
08:18.27 *** join/#brlcad clock- (
10:57.04 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (~c28bf505@
13:02.16 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/librt/dg_obj.c: FreeSolid is no longer visible outside of librt. I need access to it from a library outside of BRL-CAD, so I added another member to struct dg_obj (i.e. dgo_freeSolids) that points to FreeSolid.
13:53.38 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/include/raytrace.h: Add dgo_freeSolids member to struct dg_obj
13:55.58 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/libwdb/wdb.c: Use __int64 instead of long long if pure Windows
14:11.10 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
14:11.10 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.2.6 is now posted (20050612) || Several will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon || 'brlcad' is attending the 2005 International Conference on Shapes and Solids (Jun 13-17)
15:53.50 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
15:53.50 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.2.6 is now posted (20050612) || Several will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon || 'brlcad' is attending the 2005 International Conference on Shapes and Solids (Jun 13-17)
16:22.43 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/db_tree.c:
16:22.43 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: Detect cyclic geometry references when looking up geometry and handle in a
16:22.43 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: mostly-graceful manner. Instead of letting the functions continue recursively
16:22.44 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: until the stack is blown, mark the first instance of the cycle as a no-op and
16:22.44 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: blather the details of the cycle.
16:29.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS:
16:29.34 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: improve detection and handling of cyclic geometry references. this prevents
16:29.34 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: mged and other tools from blowing the stack when someone inadvertently or
16:29.34 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: intentionally creates a cyclic reference (potentially deep). (related to sf
16:29.34 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: bug/request 1173554 and 1219294)
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16:41.56 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.2.6 is now posted (20050612) || Several will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon || 'brlcad' is attending the 2005 International Conference on Shapes and Solids (Jun 13-17)
17:17.31 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
17:17.31 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.2.6 is now posted (20050612) || Several will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon || 'brlcad' is attending the 2005 International Conference on Shapes and Solids (Jun 13-17)
17:19.38 clock- brlcad: hello
19:05.44 *** join/#brlcad knoppix (
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20:23.32 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.2.6 is now posted (20050612) || Several will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon || 'brlcad' is attending the 2005 International Conference on Shapes and Solids (Jun 13-17)
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Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050616

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050616

00:35.35 *** join/#brlcad cad430 (
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05:58.45 *** join/#brlcad CIA-3 (
06:00.57 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
09:35.57 *** join/#brlcad clock- (
10:17.01 clock- hello
10:22.43 d_rossberg Hi
10:33.46 clock- Does rtweight work in 7.2.6 for you?
10:33.57 clock- For me it stops in infinite loop spewing out this:
10:34.15 clock- error parsing line 21742 of density file.
10:34.15 clock- 0 args recognized instead of 3
10:34.18 clock- error parsing line 21742 of density file.
10:34.18 clock- 0 args recognized instead of 3
10:34.29 clock- Where the number constantly increased (sorry accidentally pasted twice)
10:34.35 clock- Although 7.2.2 worked OK on this.
11:20.45 d_rossberg i've never used rtweight
11:22.51 d_rossberg but there were made changes in reading .density between 7.2.2 and 7.2.4
11:24.27 d_rossberg also the error message you mentioned was introduced in version 7.2.4
11:29.28 d_rossberg e.g., every line has to contain 3 entries (fscanf has to return 3, in your case it's 2)
11:31.37 d_rossberg sorry, it's 0, of course
11:35.24 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ reorder the applescript and add an update and secondary method to attempt to force the window bounds and position
11:39.11 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/macosx/Resources/ (ReadMe.rtfd/TXT.rtf Welcome.rtfd/TXT.rtf): update version to 7.3.0
13:07.48 clock- The content of the file:
13:07.50 clock- 1 7.7641 Mild Steel
13:07.50 clock- 2 1.522 Manufactured Rubber
13:07.50 clock- 3 2.579 Window Glass
13:07.50 clock- 4 8.920 Copper
13:07.52 clock- 5 2.700 Aluminium
13:07.55 clock- I see 3 entries.
13:08.27 clock- d_rossberg: and my file doesn't contain line number 10000 :)
14:00.40 d_rossberg clock: what's the first line number it complains about? (sorry, i was out of my office for a while)
14:05.54 d_rossberg clock-: if it's number 1 try to concatenate the second and third entry, i.e. "1 7.7641Mild Steel" etc.
14:07.45 d_rossberg the format string for fscanf is "%d %f%s"
14:08.15 d_rossberg maybe there should be a space between %f and %s
14:12.14 clock- d_rossberg: It's number 1
14:13.04 clock- d_rossberg: concatenated, and does the same.
14:13.12 clock- 1 7.7641Mild Steel
14:22.16 d_rossberg good ... er ... bad
14:23.50 d_rossberg i'll test it on an example ...
14:30.03 d_rossberg OK, i've tested it and i could reproduce your problem
14:30.38 d_rossberg try Mild_Steel, Manufactired_Rubber, etc.
14:47.37 brlcad clock-: there is very little error checking on the .density file
14:51.26 brlcad clock-: can you paste the file somewhere? it could very well be something simple like a trailing empty newline
14:51.51 brlcad there shouldn't be any empty lines or it will not parse correctly
14:53.34 brlcad spaces in the material name should be fine, the %s catches everything after the number with any whitespace separating
14:54.08 brlcad that might be a tab required between the %d and the %f .. I'd have to check
14:54.55 brlcad hmm.. not a tab
14:55.28 d_rossberg the problem is: fscanf("%s") != fgets
14:57.26 d_rossberg %s: String, up to first white-space character (according to MSDN)
14:57.46 brlcad hmm
14:57.49 archivist it might be more sensible for the string to be quoted
14:57.51 brlcad didn't used to be fscanf..
14:58.09 clock- brlcad: btw - the day before yesterday we have been talking about Mike Muus
14:58.22 clock- brlcad: yesterday I was riding a tram and it crashed with a truck :)
14:58.36 brlcad eek
14:58.59 brlcad ahh, looks like lbutler recently changed the .density file parsing..
14:59.00 clock- brlcad: one has to be careful here. Swiss are precise people, especially precise when it comes to targetting a tram with a truck.
14:59.20 brlcad heh
14:59.36 clock- brlcad: it happened in the very historic centre of Zurich, and the truck was Swiss (Thurgau)
14:59.46 brlcad well, to be precise, Mike's last name is Muuss ;)
14:59.54 clock- Aha, Muuss
15:01.20 clock- brlcad: I have been living in Prague for 25 years and nothing like that happened to me - and I have been going to university every day by a tram through the centre, for several years.
15:01.35 clock- brlcad: and after 6 months in Switzerland, bang- :)
15:01.37 brlcad d_rossberg: sure enough.. it used to be (void)fgets( buf, BUFSIZ, densityfp );
15:01.47 brlcad looks like an inadvertent bug injected
15:02.29 clock- Is it allowed to have whitespace contained in "Mild Steel"?
15:02.45 d_rossberg 7.2.2: yes, 7.2.4: no
15:02.48 brlcad clock-: it's good that you're at least well enough to be able to walk and talk about it
15:03.11 clock- brlcad: actually, it looked like nothing happened to anyone. The people just all walked out
15:03.21 brlcad lucky
15:03.32 clock- (after I opened the door with emergency opening. The tram driver obviously even didn
15:03.59 clock- t have the basic training that if something like that happens, he has to open the door because the truck's tanks can be leaking and could ignite, and fry the people inside).
15:04.08 clock- Only a while after I walked out, the driver opened the doors.
15:04.59 clock- brlcad: however 3 consecutive windows of the tram were de-glassed where the truck hit.
15:05.32 clock- brlcad: hmm, after replacing Mild Steel with Mild_Steel, it seems to work :)
15:06.19 brlcad i'll see if I can make a fix for that later today (unless d_rossberg beats me to it) ;)
15:06.25 clock- brlcad: does BRL-CAD support also modelling tram and truck crashes?
15:06.47 d_rossberg i'll try to fix it today
15:06.48 brlcad you mean automatic collision deformation?
15:06.51 clock- Material #15 Mildly_Hardened_Passenger_That_Regularly_Attends_Fitness_Room
15:07.24 clock- brlcad: what is automatic collision deformation?
15:07.49 brlcad the ability to impose a physical deformation on an object and utilize it's material properties
15:08.01 brlcad so, for example .. I have a model of a building and a truck
15:08.15 clock- Material #16 Old_Lady_That_Dies_From_Cardiac_Arrest_Just_From_Seeing_The_Truck_Approaching
15:08.26 brlcad I push the truck into the building and have it automatically deform both or either the truck/building
15:08.46 clock- brlcad: is this possible in software at all?
15:08.58 brlcad yes, it's possible
15:09.04 brlcad it's not easy, but it's possible to implement
15:09.15 clock- brlcad: btw have you seen the Sandia National Laboratory tests with propelling rail engine and airplane motor against 5m thick concrete wall?
15:09.17 brlcad we don't currently have that ability
15:09.19 clock- That was wonderful :)
15:09.30 clock- Rail engine -> didn't notice (just fell out of the track)
15:09.37 clock- airplane motor -> vaporized
15:10.06 brlcad no, I haven't but it sounds like other tests I might have seen :)
15:10.54 clock- brlcad: which ones? (unless this is an information kept secret to keep Axil Of Evil invading the U. S. A.)?
15:11.26 clock- (everyone who's not with us is against us! (Especially when it comes to breaking the Geneve conventions))
15:12.12 brlcad oh, all sorts
15:12.45 archivist they ran a train with a nuclear flask into something in the uk
15:14.40 brlcad ooh, interesting talk
15:14.46 clock- archivist: nuclear flask?
15:14.50 brlcad implicit surfaces for complex shapes
15:15.36 archivist yes its used for moving nuclear rod/wast by rail
15:15.47 clock- aha.
15:15.54 clock- And did it stay together?
15:16.34 clock- I have seen the pictures of hardened nuclear lava flowing from steam pipes of Chernobyl reactor.
15:16.58 archivist yes it was a pr success
15:17.01 clock- The guy at gamma spectroscope workplace in Prague said it was 500 times normal background that day - and Prague is waaay away from Chernobyl.
15:19.17 clock- Actualy about the distance as Italy
15:20.35 clock- brlcad: why did you strive for brlcad being opensource?
15:29.24 brlcad why?
15:29.37 brlcad why not?
15:29.46 brlcad there are many reasons actually
15:30.47 brlcad there are the traditional selfish reasons of getting improvements to BRL-CAD from a larger community of users/developers, but the main reasons are for BRL-CAD's own sake
15:31.16 brlcad I believe that it's a great CAD package in many ways with tremendous capability and possibilities for improvement
15:32.18 brlcad those improvements are very hard to realize or justify in a research or even commercial environment often, being open source lets the tool improve and adjust more rapidly to the community at large
15:33.09 brlcad we've always distributed source, but it was a real pain to actually get and use .. now it's very simple to get it and slowly becoming even more easier to use
15:50.18 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/src/rt/viewweight.c: read the names from .density until new-line
15:50.32 brlcad heh, yep, beat me to it :)
15:51.14 d_rossberg with the same solution?
15:51.33 brlcad nope
15:51.45 brlcad I was reverting it back to fgets with extra error checking
15:52.22 brlcad how portable is that %[^]?
15:52.51 d_rossberg i found it in MSDN and tested it on Debian 3.1 (sarge)
15:54.20 d_rossberg the problem with fgets is: a return of 0 doesn't mean neccessary an error
15:54.27 brlcad I think the common name can probably be made completely optional .. i'll have to give it a test here
15:54.43 brlcad yeah, that's fine
15:54.55 brlcad the name can be auto-generated for 0 returns
15:55.13 brlcad I believe that was part of the original idea too
15:56.23 d_rossberg i think, if a line contains no name, the fgets in the old solution has read the next line
15:56.57 brlcad fgets is supposed to stop at a newline and include the newline
15:57.24 brlcad so it 'should' be "\n" though that's what I'm testing now
15:58.28 d_rossberg that's right, but if fscanf reads the whole line (because of the missing name) fgets will start on the next line (and makes it a name)
16:00.12 brlcad hmm, okay
16:03.22 brlcad then I shall leave it alone ;)
16:03.52 d_rossberg at least until the next problem ;-)
16:03.58 brlcad yep
16:04.44 brlcad i might add a check for i == 2
16:40.54 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/NEWS: fixed .density file parser bug in rtweight
16:40.58 clock- what happens when I set material to 0 instead of default 1?
16:41.21 clock- Will it be taken as weightless?
16:41.37 brlcad no
16:41.44 brlcad it's just a table lookup
16:42.39 brlcad so a zero material just correlates to the material of type 0 in the density file
16:43.16 brlcad theoretically, you can use any non-negative number up to 32k, after 7.2.4 or up to 100 pre 7.2.4
18:25.40 brlcad ~translate de en Feierabend
18:25.56 brlcad cool
18:35.02 clock- ~translate de en unschuldig
18:35.17 clock- ~translate de en Schaffhausen
18:35.25 clock- ;-)
18:35.31 clock- ~translate de en Zurich
18:35.54 clock- ~translate de en Feuerverzinkerei
18:36.07 clock- ~translate de en Aluminiuminimumimunitaet
18:36.17 clock- ~translate de en verzinken
18:36.30 clock- ~translate de en verzinnen
18:36.43 clock- ~translate de en verzinntes
18:36.53 clock- ~translate de en Stahlblech
18:37.10 clock- ~translate en de tin
18:37.16 clock- ~translate en de can
18:37.22 clock- ~translate en de box
18:37.39 clock- ~translate de en verzinntes Stahlblechkasten
18:38.02 clock- wow, finally I can replace the annoying "tinned steel tin tin" in Ronja :)
18:39.42 *** join/#brlcad AllenHarvey (~8cb91c2a@
18:40.17 AllenHarvey Hello, I am having a major problem with the database format of BRLCAD 7.2 and would like some assistance
18:40.52 AllenHarvey I am using an application that was written with BRLCAD 4.4 in mind and can only read the older database format.
18:41.04 AllenHarvey is there a tool to convert from the new format to the old format?
18:41.19 AllenHarvey or is there a way to obtain a key for an brlcad 4.4?
18:49.10 brlcad hello AllenHarvey
18:50.21 brlcad AllenHarvey: there is a tool, though I'd highly recommend against going backwards
18:50.53 brlcad you're very likely to break geometry or otherwise loose information going from the v5 database spec to the v4 database spec
18:51.20 brlcad well, maybe not break geometry, but definitely might loose geometry
18:52.20 AllenHarvey what tool is that?
18:53.00 brlcad what's the application, if I may ask?
18:53.06 AllenHarvey MEVA 6.1.2
18:54.07 brlcad ahh
18:54.20 brlcad I've been working on upgrading MEVA to use the v5 format
18:54.34 AllenHarvey You told me that once before actually
18:55.00 AllenHarvey but with them converting their program to windows, i don't think they are in a hurry to upgrade their brlcad
18:55.04 brlcad heh, ok .. sorry, senility ;)
18:55.19 AllenHarvey actually, i have no clue how they are handling that issue with their next upgrade
18:55.31 brlcad actually, they are very interested -- talked to them a couple times since I last talked to you
18:55.40 AllenHarvey good good
18:56.03 AllenHarvey I wonder if they never knew brl-cad had advanced quite a bit
18:56.04 brlcad the larger issue is that they're merging MEVA into another larger framework
18:56.12 AllenHarvey what framework is that?
18:56.43 brlcad the name escapes me right this second
18:57.02 AllenHarvey does this mean that meva will become part of a larger application and not be it's own fully stand alone application
18:57.43 brlcad I can't speak with any authority, but that was my personal take on it
18:57.57 AllenHarvey by the way, I have only been able to get ahold of David Watts when it comes to MEVA, the 2 main developers have ignored everyone of my emails. I even made contact with an analyst who works with them
18:58.01 brlcad part of the .. *argl* .. something Framework
18:58.05 AllenHarvey and she told them to contact me but still haven't
18:58.51 AllenHarvey in any case, is there a way you can provide with me a key to brlcad 4.4 or the utility to downgrade the database?
19:00.14 brlcad I can do the latter, though I'll actually have to read the source to remember
19:00.18 brlcad gimme a sec
19:00.27 AllenHarvey no problem, thanks
19:03.11 brlcad got it?
19:03.20 AllenHarvey let me check
19:03.30 AllenHarvey you emailed it, correc?
19:03.37 AllenHarvey if so, i haven't received it yet
19:03.48 brlcad no no
19:03.51 brlcad other irc window
19:07.38 brlcad clock-: I'm actually not so positive about setting the material id to 0 now -- did you try it?
19:07.54 clock- brlcad: yes.
19:08.02 clock- 2.80319e+272 kg is not right, I guess :)
19:08.14 clock- We don't have enough matter in the universe for that :)
19:09.11 clock- brlcad: is it possible to make some program generate ASCII programs for mged which would put them into .g database and this way automatically generate e.g. a 3D model of printed circuit board with all the holes and tracks?
19:09.24 clock- brlcad: what should I do to make it not count?
19:10.29 clock- brlcad: what -> how
19:11.48 clock- brlcad: how -> what. Multiple brain errors detected in a row. Press RESET to continue or any other key to reset.
19:15.12 clock- hm the e+267 doesn't seem to be caused by material id 0
19:17.48 archivist hmm pcb dexign progs output drill table has all the hole onfo for a pcb,and the gerber output has track info, height and shape was crap when i last used a pcb prog in anger
19:18.31 clock- Problem:
19:18.47 clock- The two bottommost consoles report both the same mass 4.26886e+267 kg
19:19.00 clock- I tried BRL-CAD 7.2.2 and 7.2.6 and both have the same problem.
19:19.07 clock- .density file is the link at the bottom.
19:21.06 clock- Is this my fault or is BRL-CAD broken?
20:08.03 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
20:08.03 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.2.6 is now posted (20050612) || Several will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon || 'brlcad' is attending the 2005 International Conference on Shapes and Solids (Jun 13-17)
20:13.05 *** join/#brlcad clock-_ (
20:26.49 brlcad clock-_: i've seen the e+272 problem, I was debugging it earlier
20:26.57 brlcad it's basically using a density of -1
20:28.10 brlcad it's a bug that's observed with an empty .density too
20:28.57 brlcad it's rarely ever encountered as those material IDs are actually relatively "standaradized" across historical use
20:29.20 brlcad e.g. id 1 is always steel, there is no id 0
20:37.05 *** join/#brlcad clock- (
21:44.59 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/regress/ add to the EXTRA_DIST list so that it's added to source distributions and so users will be able to run the test suite.. I swear I commited this already
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050617

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050617

01:17.31 Twingy hrm
01:30.29 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
01:56.37 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
02:03.51 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
07:02.14 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
08:43.35 *** join/#brlcad clock- (
11:16.04 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (
11:17.11 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
13:52.18 d_rossberg brlcad: What have you done in src/librt/binary_obj?
13:52.40 d_rossberg brlcad: You know the type of stat.st_size is off_t (so is your comment).
13:52.55 d_rossberg brlcad: Why haven't you used this type instead of long long?
14:03.23 clock- my rtweight is reporting mass in order of 10^267 kg.
14:33.38 d_rossberg i can reproduce this, after deleting the material entry in .density
14:53.00 clock- d_rossberg: deleting which material entry?
14:57.38 d_rossberg in my test i used a simple box with material id 1; but in .density i've changed the 1 to 2 (so there is no density for material 1 any more)
14:59.22 d_rossberg on the first sight the problem looks like an uninitialized double (e.g. reading the data from an array position which wasn't initialized from .density)
15:09.54 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (157 files in 18 dirs): Welcome ADRT
16:13.27 *** join/#brlcad clock-_ (
19:11.17 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (38 files in 14 dirs): hoisting build system and making it play nice with brlcad
19:17.03 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/ ( src/ add in adrt
19:20.06 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/adrt/igvt/igvt_struct.h: need this header... was struct.h
19:42.29 archivist interesting error has modification time 2.2e+06 in the future
20:09.06 archivist does the makefile loop?
21:16.47 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
21:40.22 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/ eh, we don't use config.h anymore, we use brlcad_config.h
21:41.24 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (18 files in 9 dirs): use brlcad_config.h instead of config.h
22:45.01 archivist dont have an early date on the pc it screws the make completely (add a date time check and stop the make)
23:09.15 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
23:11.32 brlcad now that's a lot of e-mail
23:11.42 Twingy hrm?
23:11.53 brlcad adrt commits
23:11.56 Twingy :}
23:12.37 Twingy glad I don't get em
23:12.59 Twingy how'd you go about getting a post on slashdot?
23:13.14 brlcad archivist: which Makefile?
23:13.20 brlcad eh, whatdaya mean?
23:13.22 Twingy I'm thinking I'd like to make a post next week
23:14.00 brlcad there's a link on the main page
23:14.04 Twingy k
23:14.08 brlcad log in first
23:14.15 Twingy that would require me to make an account
23:14.20 brlcad then you can check status whether it's rejected or accepted
23:15.39 brlcad posting your rocketry?
23:16.11 brlcad call it a hunch
23:17.00 Twingy k
23:17.05 Twingy it builds
23:17.18 Twingy no, adrt
23:17.37 Twingy I wouldn't leave brlcad in an unbuildable state
23:18.08 brlcad hah
23:18.26 brlcad you don't know the power of solaris :)
23:19.12 brlcad ``Erik: that shoulda been common, not brlcad_config
23:19.30 brlcad otherwise the windows build won't work
23:20.14 brlcad this was a damn good conference
23:40.41 archivist heh it doesnt build at the moment
23:42.22 archivist I had the data a month back on a new box i am playing with it screwed it at the make stage only obvious error at the time was a "forward date on"
23:43.50 archivist after correcting that I now get loads of other errors (I assume a buggered checkout if someone updated during my checkout)
23:45.03 archivist its on a clean debian install
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050618

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050618

00:19.13 Twingy it just built for me *shrug*
00:19.36 Twingy Done.
00:19.36 Twingy BRL-CAD Release 7.3.0, Build 20050617
00:19.36 Twingy Elapsed compilation time: 19 minutes, 18 seconds
00:19.54 ``Erik build for me before I left the office
00:19.57 ``Erik built, even
00:28.43 archivist i seem to have a borked download and the animal is refusing to do another cvs checkout (my winbox is quite happy though)
00:29.49 Twingy that might explain things
00:33.54 archivist hehe must type ALL the cvs cmd
00:37.08 archivist now getting aclocal: 1409: macro `AM_PATH_SDL` not found in library
00:37.17 archivist aclocal failed
00:49.32 Twingy hrm
00:49.34 Twingy what OS?
00:49.36 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libtie/ (define.h struct.h tie.c tie.h): Added licensing info to libtie files.
00:50.53 archivist debian sarge the noo one
00:51.11 Twingy it's wanting SDL for ADRT the new realtime raytracer
00:51.37 Twingy I suppose I can have it skip ADRT if configure cannot find SDL on the system..
00:51.47 Twingy I think SDL comes standard with redhat now
00:52.10 Twingy archivist, are you familiar with SDL?
00:52.14 archivist or tell user to fetch it
00:52.18 Twingy yah
00:52.20 archivist no
00:52.30 Twingy
00:52.49 Twingy lemme poke the
00:54.57 Twingy do you have sdl-config on your machine?
00:55.35 archivist dunno
00:55.40 Twingy fine out :)
00:55.45 Twingy type "sdl-config"
00:55.47 Twingy *find
00:57.22 archivist nope
00:57.25 Twingy k
00:57.38 Twingy for now just grab sdl 1.2 and install it
00:57.53 Twingy you can obtain it via aptget I think
01:01.45 Twingy k?
01:02.28 ``Erik isn't the place to put that, it needs the m4, period... the machine needs sdl.m4, period
01:02.43 ``Erik did I repeat myself enough? :)
01:03.20 archivist command not found for aptget on this box, they want one to use the new synaptic thing (which in this case doesnt know about the web on this box)
01:03.31 Twingy so ... you want to include it in the distribution or enforce it must be installed on all users machines?
01:04.08 ``Erik when the dist gets build, the m4 data is in the thing... dist tarballs are ok and don't need sdl installed on the box... only the machine running auto* has the requirement
01:04.40 Twingy so in archivist's case we'll just enforce that he needs libsdl installed
01:04.46 ``Erik indeed
01:04.57 ``Erik (apt-get, not aptget)
01:05.04 Twingy archivist, talk to erik, I only know slackware and redhat
01:06.38 ``Erik (apt-get install libsdl-dev)
01:08.51 archivist its coming
01:10.02 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libtienet/ (8 files): Added licensing info to libtienet files.
01:21.04 archivist going forrunning make again i get the following required file misc/config.guess not found also misc/config.sub and misc/
01:21.19 Twingy erm
01:21.22 Twingy do an autoreconf -vis
01:21.25 Twingy err
01:21.27 Twingy ./
01:21.37 archivist ok
01:23.11 archivist i need a faster box
01:23.48 Twingy hehe
01:24.05 Twingy got got a couple dual cpu dual core 2ghz opterons with 8GB coming in in 2 weeks
01:24.27 Twingy one of those should compile brlcad in under 4 minutes
01:24.49 archivist mine is a dual 300meg pentium2
01:24.55 Twingy ouch
01:25.00 Twingy you're doing make -j3 right?
01:25.23 archivist no
01:25.30 Twingy what are you doing?
01:25.56 archivist just make
01:26.35 Twingy punk
01:26.42 Twingy all I had was quesadillas
01:26.55 brlcad big thing of "premium" sake too..
01:26.56 brlcad yum
01:27.24 Twingy I fixed samba today
01:30.03 brlcad archivist: it sounds like you probably got a partial set of cvs commits at some update
01:30.14 Twingy o.O
01:30.21 Twingy *boom*
01:30.34 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libutil/ (10 files): Added licensing info to libutil files.
01:30.58 brlcad Twingy: you do know that there is a script that will add the header for you?
01:31.07 brlcad sh/
01:31.08 Twingy I figured there was
01:31.25 Twingy does it operate on files with existing header info?
01:31.36 brlcad yes, should
01:31.54 Twingy cause I had no standard when creating the header stuff
01:32.02 Twingy so some of them have cvs stuff, some don't etc
01:32.10 brlcad read the header for examples how to run it
01:32.56 brlcad basically sh/ LGPL some_file.c
01:33.13 brlcad couple that with find and you can do batches at onces
01:33.34 brlcad there's also
01:34.11 Twingy hrm
01:34.16 Twingy it doesn't do author and purpose does it?
01:34.25 brlcad no, just the license header block
01:34.29 Twingy ah
01:34.38 Twingy well I'm just doing a cut and paste and editing descriptions for each one...
01:34.45 Twingy so...
01:35.01 brlcad heh, running the script once would still be faster :)
01:35.21 brlcad it does the file T I T L E . C expansion thing too
01:35.32 ``Erik (also, using an editor that could do multiple buffers with shared clipboards, etc... but... :)
01:35.59 Twingy *shrug* I don't see the big advantage
01:36.27 brlcad the big advantage? you've spent how many minutes cut and pasting now?
01:36.43 Twingy mostly editing description stuff
01:36.46 brlcad I did all 5000 or whatever existing files in less than a minute
01:36.51 Twingy yes
01:36.55 Twingy but did you enter descriptions for all of them?
01:37.04 Twingy "This is librt it contains functions that do blah blah blah"
01:37.32 brlcad already existed, and it prepends or merges with an existing header
01:37.43 Twingy yah, see with my stuff it's all in my head
01:37.53 Twingy 'sides I'm already 20% done
01:38.00 Twingy I'll be done in an hour for the entire project
01:38.05 archivist ./configure elapsed time 4m 25
01:38.16 brlcad slow machine :)
01:38.18 Twingy archivist, make sure you do make -j3 when you compile
01:38.28 brlcad he has an smp machinE?
01:38.39 Twingy yes
01:38.51 Twingy otherwise I wouldn't recommend it o.O
01:38.59 brlcad never know with you
01:39.02 Twingy though make -j2 would have a small benefit
01:39.16 Twingy thanks for that moral booster
01:39.16 archivist are but i dont think debian enabled smp
01:39.33 brlcad archivist: that doesn't matter
01:39.35 ``Erik um, cat /proc/cpuinfo
01:39.41 ``Erik if two cpu's are listed, the kernel is using two cpu's
01:40.41 brlcad cat: /proc/cpuinfo: This ain't no damn linux box
01:40.46 archivist only 1
01:41.12 archivist dozy debian install
01:41.37 Twingy brlcad, I think you had too much Sake
01:41.44 Twingy we're refering to archivist's machine
01:41.55 brlcad one can never have enough
01:42.08 Twingy uh huh, and who was the one that passed out that night at siggraph? :)
01:42.16 Twingy wasn't me ;)
01:42.17 brlcad it was like 2am
01:42.24 Twingy and your point? :)
01:43.05 archivist its 2:42 am here and no sake
01:45.13 brlcad archivist: sorry to hear that :)
01:45.58 archivist so running plain make as box is brain dead
01:46.12 Twingy as box?
01:46.30 archivist only 1 cpu used
01:46.39 Twingy sux 2 b u
01:47.16 brlcad others should have gone to this conference
01:47.38 Twingy if you're interested in solid modeling *shrug*
01:50.21 brlcad lots of great papers on mesh generation, mesh healing, segmentation for efficient FEM purposes, lots lots more
01:51.06 brlcad the most exciting to me was a knapsack packing algorithm using simulated annealing
01:52.09 brlcad I think I can extend that to arbitrary shapes pretty easily using our ray-based volume computation
01:52.41 Twingy the FEM stuff might have interested me
01:53.09 Twingy ingo will be at siggraph
01:53.18 brlcad multilevel tetra meshes are pretty cool
01:54.06 brlcad the lead of the visible human project was there
01:54.30 brlcad clammoring that there needs to be more open source collaboration
01:54.53 brlcad there toolkit was/is apparently open source now too
01:56.32 Twingy hrm, I think it's time for some video games
01:57.00 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libcommon/ (13 files): Added licensing info to libcommon files.
01:58.03 archivist i think it stime this box finished compiling
01:58.11 Twingy heh
01:58.20 Twingy might wanna recompile your kernel tonight
01:58.26 Twingy cut your brl-cad build time in half
01:58.45 Twingy or spend $188 on a 1.5ghz walmart pc
01:59.39 archivist i do PIC stuff as well
02:00.22 Twingy I've got a 16F88 in my rocket control system
02:01.21 archivist i use 18f627 for a clock we manufacture and other control thingies
02:01.32 Twingy ah
02:01.49 Twingy you run it at 32,768 hz then?
02:02.01 Twingy or 131,072 hz
02:02.46 archivist no its mains controled to force the user to keep it switched on and to time (its in a cigarette display)
02:03.06 archivist so use the rc clock at 4mhz
02:03.16 Twingy oh, those aren't very accurate :-\
02:03.21 brlcad egads! sdl can't be required to build
02:03.28 Twingy why not?
02:03.34 brlcad are you kidding?
02:03.55 brlcad sdl is fine
02:04.02 brlcad as a requirement to build is not
02:04.04 Twingy well, most people will only be sucking down a dist
02:04.13 Twingy not the cvs archive
02:04.19 Twingy so they'll be fine
02:04.19 brlcad that's specifically one thing we do NOT do
02:04.27 Twingy hrm?
02:04.28 brlcad i.e. make people go get things to build
02:04.47 Twingy like I said, if they get a make dist of brl-cad
02:04.50 Twingy it'll have sdl.m4 in there
02:04.59 Twingy i.e the released version
02:05.13 brlcad the sdl check aborts configure
02:05.16 Twingy then they compile and it'll just not use sdl instead of fail
02:05.18 Twingy yes
02:05.22 Twingy cause you're using the cvs version
02:05.32 brlcad eh?
02:05.36 brlcad they still ahve to run configure
02:05.42 Twingy a make dist should include the m4 in the tarball
02:05.47 Twingy then when it look for AM_PATH_SDL
02:05.49 Twingy it'll have the m4 there
02:05.57 Twingy and just say "oh my, you don't have sdl, oh well"
02:06.13 brlcad no, it says "you don't have sdl, abort"
02:06.20 Twingy you did a make dist?
02:06.26 brlcad AM_PATH_SDL(1.2.0,,AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find SDL.]))
02:06.41 Twingy because you're compiling from the cvs repo
02:06.50 Twingy not from a make dist tarball
02:06.56 Twingy so you're assumed to be a developer
02:06.58 Twingy not a user
02:07.02 Twingy users will be using a make dist
02:07.05 Twingy right?
02:07.09 brlcad no
02:07.17 ``Erik heh
02:07.17 brlcad well, yes they will
02:07.20 ``Erik twiggly
02:07.29 brlcad but that's not how AC_MSG_ERROR works
02:07.32 ``Erik that should set a 'I have sdl" variable in the true and send an AC_MSG_WARNING()
02:07.37 Twingy jey
02:07.41 Twingy op me on #siggraph plz
02:07.45 Twingy and riisbot too
02:08.00 ``Erik no
02:08.05 brlcad heh
02:08.37 Twingy I dunno
02:08.41 Twingy you two can fight it out
02:09.02 ``Erik I don't think there's anything to fight about
02:09.18 brlcad it's just incomplete checks
02:09.51 ``Erik the need to have sdl installed to autogen is expected and I think acceptable, but we do need to fix up the so sdl isn't required on the host during ./configure&&make
02:10.14 brlcad the stuff needed for sdl in configure is slightly ugly
02:10.54 brlcad like i said, sdl in itself is fine .. it just shouldn't halt the build if it's not there or there and not a good version
02:11.17 Twingy sounds good to me
02:11.24 brlcad checking for sdl-config won't be sufficient
02:12.21 brlcad there are actually distros of sdl that don't include it
02:12.34 brlcad probably a bug on their part, but a reality nonetheless
02:12.42 ``Erik hrm, that's what the m4 that comes with sdl does
02:12.50 brlcad yeah, i know
02:12.54 brlcad it's a freaking pita
02:13.08 brlcad had to deal with it in bz too
02:13.25 ``Erik heh, pkgconfig? :}
02:13.41 Twingy then just copy&paste from bz
02:13.46 brlcad no, just more checks for the libraries/facilities like other libs
02:13.53 ``Erik there's so much that sdl-config fu's... :-/ like the cflags/ldflags
02:14.16 Twingy I would just not support machines without sdl-config
02:14.20 brlcad bz's "fix" is not suitable, their is rather different
02:14.22 ``Erik sdl-config on winderz gives some really... interesting... results
02:16.02 brlcad yeah, though most of the sdl-config cflag/ldflag stuff usually boils down to an -L/usr/whatever/lib -lSDL -I/usr/whatever/inclue
02:16.04 Twingy hrm
02:16.08 Twingy wish I had a 3d scanner here
02:16.48 ``Erik and some -D stuff
02:17.15 brlcad heh _THREAD_SAFE? :P
02:17.47 ``Erik reentrant
02:17.58 ``Erik thread_safe on mac
02:23.06 brlcad wonder what actually does on mac
02:23.28 brlcad there's not _THREAD_SAFE declarations in the headers and no libc_r
02:23.50 brlcad it's a freebsd'ism afaik
02:24.07 brlcad or maybe glibc'ism
02:25.13 brlcad gah Preparing build ... aclocal: 1413: macro `AM_PATH_SDL' not found in library
02:26.40 archivist hehe
02:26.49 archivist i know that error
02:27.01 ``Erik <PROTECTED>
02:27.20 brlcad reentrant is the same as thread_safe
02:27.52 ``Erik in meaning, not spelling :)
02:28.03 brlcad true true
02:28.57 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/m4/ (sdl.m4 add sdl.m4 to unbreak my build
02:29.11 Twingy
02:32.12 Twingy hrm
02:32.23 Twingy ply-g doesn't seem to like this .ply
02:32.57 brlcad hmm? i converted several of their ply's just a couple weeks ago
02:33.13 Twingy -rw-r--r-- 1 justin justin 6919168 Jun 17 22:34 Armadillo.ply
02:33.21 Twingy [justin@borg:~]$ ply-g Armadillo.ply armadillo.g
02:33.29 Twingy ignoring face with 0 vertices
02:33.32 Twingy times a billion
02:34.03 Twingy straight off stanford's site
02:34.30 brlcad *shrug*
02:34.39 Twingy I'll see if I can make it smarter
02:34.54 brlcad there's a -v verbose and -d debug flag
02:36.04 Twingy there's color indicies in this file
02:36.17 brlcad ahh
02:36.25 Twingy so what's the deal with sdl?
02:36.42 brlcad what do you mean?
02:36.52 Twingy we figure out what we want to do behavior wise?
02:37.20 brlcad ideally, it should test for sdl, and if available it uses it of course
02:37.53 brlcad if not available, it falls back to either not compiling whatever needed it, and/or providing an alternate display means in whatever used it
02:38.42 brlcad the is fixed, just had to add the m4 to our m4/
02:40.58 archivist it just made iges.g how far through the compile am i
02:41.23 brlcad about 2/3rds
02:41.49 brlcad maybe more
02:41.49 Twingy archivist, you're already out of date
02:41.52 archivist dam slow box :((
02:41.52 Twingy time to start over
02:42.54 archivist hmm 3:42 am
02:44.10 brlcad Twingy: you should add everything that was added to the NEWS file, maybe with a short paragraph or two writeup for the next release
02:45.00 brlcad a single line for each user-visible (non-dev) change since the previous release
02:45.25 Twingy for each change?
02:45.42 Twingy hrm
02:45.47 Twingy mged core dumps on me in freebsd
02:46.29 Twingy mged and mged -c both core dump :(
02:46.31 brlcad pretty much, the previous release notes are good examples to follow
02:46.41 Twingy each change like, every cvs add?
02:46.57 Twingy ...we added adrt.
02:47.07 Twingy that's 1 change
02:47.12 brlcad heck no, not every cvs add
02:47.19 brlcad user-visible changes
02:47.19 Twingy k, 1 change then
02:47.37 brlcad which would be the addition of a handful of commands
02:47.42 Twingy any clue why mged core dumps?
02:48.00 brlcad core dumps on startup? on file open?
02:48.04 brlcad try console mode
02:48.04 Twingy on startup
02:48.11 Twingy Twingy mged and mged -c both core dump :(
02:49.20 brlcad try mged -f
02:49.30 Twingy [justin@borg:~/src/brlcad/src/adrt]$ mged -f
02:49.30 Twingy Segmentation fault (core dumped)
02:49.42 brlcad gdb --args mged -f
02:49.52 Twingy I compiled optimized
02:49.59 brlcad that's fine
02:50.04 brlcad still has debug symbols
02:50.20 brlcad you would have had to --disable-debug
02:50.27 Twingy (gdb) run
02:50.28 Twingy Starting program: /usr/local/bin/mged -f
02:50.28 Twingy Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
02:50.28 Twingy [Switching to LWP 100318]
02:50.28 Twingy 0x285347e0 in pthread_testcancel () from /usr/lib/
02:50.28 Twingy (gdb) where
02:50.30 Twingy #0 0x285347e0 in pthread_testcancel () from /usr/lib/
02:50.32 Twingy #1 0x2851ff2b in open () from /usr/lib/
02:50.34 Twingy #2 0x2861f1e1 in glXChannelRectSyncSGIX () from /usr/X11R6/lib/
02:50.36 Twingy #3 0x28642e00 in ?? () from /usr/X11R6/lib/
02:50.38 Twingy #4 0x00000002 in ?? ()
02:50.39 brlcad eww
02:50.54 brlcad that's familar
02:51.24 brlcad should only happen if it's linking in the wrong pthread library
02:51.35 brlcad did you add cflags/ldflags?
02:51.39 Twingy nope
02:51.44 brlcad hmm.. sdl-config probably did
02:52.09 Twingy need an account on a fbsd box?
02:52.41 brlcad nope, I got a couple
02:52.42 Twingy oh
02:52.52 Twingy heh, I forgot you have access to ones at work from there
02:52.54 brlcad did you get an account on that power5?
02:53.02 Twingy nope, no desire to
02:53.03 brlcad is fbsd
02:53.26 brlcad I got one on both machines, and supposedly 4 tickets to that movie
02:53.35 archivist oo just bombed here its in tclscripts lt-btclsh cant open shared library
02:53.44 Twingy that sux
02:54.15 brlcad archivist: when did you last build ok?
02:54.23 archivist never
02:54.27 brlcad heh
02:54.36 brlcad which OS is this?
02:54.45 brlcad debian?
02:54.51 archivist debian sarge the nooo one
02:55.06 brlcad "nooo" is an understatement ;)
02:55.39 brlcad ls -la /usr/lib/libbn/.libs/*.so*
02:55.48 brlcad er, brlcad/src/libbn
02:57.59 archivist not there
02:58.15 brlcad ls -la brlcad/src/libbn/.libs/*
02:58.22 brlcad what is there?
02:58.47 brlcad sounds like you have a build that's out of sync still
02:59.12 brlcad like you've done builds before and didn't clean up properly or have a clock out of sync or something
02:59.45 archivist hehe clock WAS out of sync earlier
03:01.52 archivist rm .o for a quick fix in libbn ?
03:04.45 brlcad cd src/libbn
03:04.45 brlcad make clean
03:04.45 brlcad make
03:06.23 archivist running again
03:06.47 archivist 4 am and i wanna go home
03:07.06 brlcad if this is the first time you've built, how did you get the other builds?
03:07.17 brlcad used the posted binaries?
03:07.42 archivist who said i had other builds
03:08.18 brlcad hm, I thought I remembered you saying you'd run mged
03:08.30 archivist no
03:10.41 brlcad ok
03:14.17 archivist still same error
03:15.49 *** join/#brlcad JBdiGriz (
03:16.35 brlcad howdy JBdiGriz !
03:16.50 JBdiGriz howdy, I was just looking for you
03:29.30 *** join/#brlcad archivist2 (
03:30.56 brlcad archivist: how'd it go?
03:33.02 archivist it still cant find*
03:33.26 archivist no erros from the mak in libbn
03:34.28 archivist just setting up the other box so i can copy paste
03:35.47 brlcad but what does it actually make in the libbn directory
03:36.10 brlcad ls -la src/libbn/.libs/libbn*
03:40.03 archivist2 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1977188 2005-06-18 04:38 .libs/libbn.a
03:40.03 archivist2 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 11 2005-06-18 04:38 .libs/ -> ../
03:40.03 archivist2 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 936 2005-06-18 04:38 .libs/libbn.lai
03:40.03 archivist2 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 2005-06-18 04:38 .libs/ ->
03:40.04 archivist2 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 2005-06-18 04:38 .libs/ ->
03:40.06 archivist2 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1858391 2005-06-18 04:38 .libs/
03:40.37 archivist looks ok
03:41.00 brlcad yeah, okay, so it's there
03:41.07 brlcad cd src/bwish
03:41.08 brlcad make clena
03:41.13 brlcad er, clean
03:41.16 brlcad and make
03:41.21 brlcad then ./btclsh
03:43.16 archivist2 portacabin:/home/djc/brlcad/src/bwish# ./btclsh
03:43.16 archivist2 /home/djc/brlcad/src/bwish/.libs/lt-btclsh: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
03:43.48 brlcad hrm, libtool bug
03:43.55 brlcad ls -la .libs
03:44.56 archivist2 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2005-06-18 04:43 .
03:44.56 archivist2 drwxr-xr-x 4 djc djc 4096 2005-06-18 04:42 ..
03:44.56 archivist2 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 285558 2005-06-18 04:42 btclsh
03:44.56 archivist2 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 428812 2005-06-18 04:42 bwish
03:44.56 archivist2 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 285686 2005-06-18 04:43 lt-btclsh
03:45.42 brlcad try running: .libs/btclsh
03:46.29 archivist2 .libs/btclsh
03:46.45 archivist 4:45 am and its light outhehe wrong window
03:46.56 brlcad does it give you a % prompt?
03:47.27 archivist no an aerror
03:47.51 archivist2 portacabin:/home/djc/brlcad/src/bwish# .libs/btclsh
03:47.51 archivist2 .libs/btclsh: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
03:48.12 brlcad ahh
03:48.24 brlcad did librt build?
03:48.50 archivist dunno where to look?
03:48.59 brlcad ls -la src/librt/.libs/librt*
03:51.32 archivist2 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 15082652 2005-06-18 03:14 librt/.libs/librt.a
03:51.32 archivist2 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 11 2005-06-18 03:14 librt/.libs/ -> ../
03:51.32 archivist2 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 961 2005-06-18 03:14 librt/.libs/librt.lai
03:51.32 archivist2 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 2005-06-18 03:14 librt/.libs/ ->
03:51.32 archivist2 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 2005-06-18 03:14 librt/.libs/ ->
03:51.33 archivist2 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 13841082 2005-06-18 03:14 librt/.libs/
03:52.04 brlcad i hope that last line was really 19.0.1 ?
03:52.26 archivist2 yup was my error
03:53.04 brlcad hmmm
03:53.37 brlcad if you want, I'll debug on it from here if you want to provide up a temp account
03:54.16 brlcad something is wrong with libtool
03:54.55 archivist router wont let you in i could reconfigure monday some time
03:55.06 brlcad libtoolize --version ?
03:55.34 archivist 1.5.6
03:56.10 brlcad that 'should' be okay
03:56.19 brlcad built on it just fine before
03:56.47 brlcad oh, hrm
03:56.53 brlcad do you have an LD_LIBRARY_PATH set?
03:57.22 brlcad set|grep -i ld_lib
03:58.26 brlcad unset it if it's set
03:58.43 archivist hehe havnt set the kb properly yet cant do |
03:59.00 brlcad just set, and look for it :)
03:59.56 archivist heh fount it under~ its not set
04:01.31 archivist2 set
04:01.38 brlcad hm?
04:01.40 brlcad it's set?
04:01.56 archivist2 no
04:02.05 brlcad okay
04:03.55 brlcad export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/djc/brlcad/src/librt/.libs:/home/djc/brlcad/src/libbu/.libs:/home/djc/brlcad/src/libbn/.libs
04:04.27 brlcad src/bwish/btclsh
04:04.44 brlcad src/bwish/.libs/btclsh
04:09.28 archivist2 <PROTECTED>
04:09.29 archivist2 portacabin:/home/djc/brlcad/src# bwish/btclsh
04:09.29 archivist2 /home/djc/brlcad/src/bwish/.libs/lt-btclsh: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
04:09.38 brlcad cool, progress
04:10.20 brlcad export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/djc/brlcad/src/librt/.libs:/home/djc/brlcad/src/libbu/.libs:/home/djc/brlcad/src/libbn/.libs:/home/djc/brlcad/src/other/libtcl/.libs
04:12.36 archivist ooo btclsh> prompt
04:14.51 archivist so i run make in brlcad and.....
04:15.21 archivist2 make[2]: Entering directory `/home/djc/brlcad/src/tclscripts'
04:15.21 archivist2 ../../src/bwish/btclsh ../../src/tclscripts/ampi.tcl ../../src/tclscripts
04:15.21 archivist2 /home/djc/brlcad/src/bwish/.libs/lt-btclsh: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared obje
04:16.33 brlcad expected
04:16.41 brlcad libtool still hijacks it
04:17.13 brlcad cp src/bwish/.libs/btclsh src/bwish/.libs/lt-btclsh
04:17.19 brlcad make
04:19.14 archivist permmission denied
04:19.35 brlcad eh?
04:19.49 brlcad you can't keep switching between root and djc :)
04:19.56 brlcad pick one and stick with it :)
04:20.22 brlcad given you have root files now, you have to be root
04:20.39 brlcad you generally should not compile as root
04:21.03 archivist i did a chown and chgrp -R to set it all to djc and it seems to have gone wrong
04:21.45 brlcad you'd have to chown as root
04:21.47 brlcad to djc
04:22.53 archivist i did
04:22.57 archivist2 cp: cannot create regular file `bwish/.libs/lt-btclsh': Text file busy
04:23.29 brlcad did you quit that btclsh prompt?
04:23.41 archivist2 no just doing it
04:24.04 archivist2 done
04:24.42 archivist2 time for a make
04:24.47 archivist2 ?
04:24.54 brlcad yeah
04:26.28 archivist2 ../../src/bwish/btclsh ../../src/tclscripts/ampi.tcl ../../src/tclscripts
04:26.28 archivist2 /home/djc/brlcad/src/bwish/.libs/lt-btclsh: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared obje
04:29.53 brlcad cp src/bwish/.libs/btclsh src/bwish/btclsh
04:31.22 brlcad need to make that ampi script not occur until install time to avoid this..
04:33.22 archivist2 i need a better chat client to copy from
04:33.39 Twingy hrm
04:36.20 archivist2 ../../src/bwish/btclsh: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file:
04:36.39 archivist2 are we chasing a never ending nasty
04:37.21 brlcad no, but it'd probably be easier if I dealt with it directly
04:39.50 archivist2 5:40 can i leave it till monday as I need a b it of sleeeeeeeeep
04:40.03 brlcad ok
04:40.07 brlcad thanks for your patience
04:40.17 brlcad sorry it's not just working for you
04:40.18 archivist2 thanks for your patience
04:40.30 Twingy hrm
04:40.33 archivist2 hehe
04:40.37 Twingy 5:40 is an acceptable time to leavae
04:41.20 archivist2 im supposed to go out tomorow
04:41.47 brlcad archivist2: monday is fine :)
04:43.38 Twingy bu_malloc is in librt right?
04:43.41 Twingy well
04:43.43 Twingy libbu
04:43.46 brlcad bu
04:43.50 Twingy but does that come with librt.a ?
04:43.59 brlcad should
04:44.06 Twingy hrm
04:44.10 Twingy I gots some linking problems
04:44.21 brlcad wouldn't rely on it in a .a
04:44.26 brlcad should link all three
04:44.30 Twingy yah
04:44.36 Twingy I think I will
04:44.45 Twingy db_walk_tree
04:44.50 Twingy that's librt thought right?
04:44.55 brlcad yeah
04:45.11 Twingy hrm
04:45.23 Twingy ../../../../src/librt/.libs/librt.a
04:45.28 Twingy ../../../../src/adrt/libcommon/.libs/libcommon.a(g.o)(.text+0x1175):/usr/home/justin/src/brlcad/src/adrt/libcommon/g.c:497: undefined reference to `db_walk_tree'
04:45.42 brlcad libbu is on librt's LIBADD line
04:45.48 Twingy ah
04:45.57 Twingy but I don't understand why it's not picking up db_walk_tree
04:46.01 Twingy from librt.a
04:48.35 brlcad what's your link line?
04:49.36 Twingy one sec phone
04:49.42 brlcad <PROTECTED>
04:50.39 brlcad it's a libtool library, you can't just make it through flags
04:50.49 brlcad have to set it as a libadd
04:51.36 Twingy I did have in libadd
04:51.43 Twingy k
04:51.50 brlcad not the one in cvs
04:52.03 Twingy night
04:57.50 brlcad autogen runs autoreconf
04:58.01 Twingy yah
04:58.09 Twingy just on an order of magnitude more stuff :-\
04:58.10 brlcad it takes longer because the configure script is 20x longer
04:58.59 brlcad you shouldn't have to reconf if everything is set up
04:59.12 Twingy I'm tweaking's
04:59.14 brlcad you edit the am and it should rebuild itself
04:59.26 Twingy to et bu_* and db_walk_tree resolved
04:59.34 Twingy hrm
04:59.39 Twingy doesn't seem to be the case for me
04:59.41 brlcad that's what I mean -- editing .am's should rebuild the makefile
04:59.47 brlcad make Makefile
04:59.49 Twingy yes
04:59.49 brlcad make
04:59.55 Twingy it used to do that before I merged into brlcad
05:00.27 brlcad it's no different
05:00.31 Twingy LDADD = ${top_builddir}/src/librt/.libs/librt.a
05:00.36 Twingy in for libcommon
05:00.47 Twingy and I still get lcad/src/adrt/libcommon/g.c:497: undefined reference to `db_walk_tree'
05:00.47 Twingy *** Error code 1
05:00.47 brlcad it should be attached to the build target
05:01.09 brlcad libcommon_la_LIBADD
05:01.14 Twingy ah
05:01.15 brlcad it's not an LDADD
05:02.17 brlcad same goes for the CFLAGS if you want to be correct
05:02.22 Twingy gcc -D__STRICT_ANSI__ -I.. -I../../../../src/adrt/libtie -I../../../../src/adrt/libtienet -I../../../../src/adrt/libtexture -I../../../../src/adrt/libcommon -I../../../../src/adrt/librender -I../../../../src/adrt/libutil -I../../../../src/adrt/rise -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -fPIC -O3 -ffast-math -fstrength-reduce -fexpensive-optimizations -fomit-frame-pointer -finline-functions -g -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-commo
05:02.22 Twingy n -fPIC -O3 -ffast-math -fstrength-reduce -fexpensive-optimizations -fomit-frame-pointer -finline-functions -g -o rise_master dispatcher.o main.o master.o post.o -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/local/lib -lpthread ../../../../src/adrt/libcommon/.libs/libcommon.a ../../../../src/adrt/librender/.libs/librender.a ../../../../src/adrt/libutil/.libs/libutil.a -lm ../../../../src/adrt/libtexture/.libs/libtexture.a ../../../../src/adrt/libtiene
05:02.23 Twingy t/.libs/libtienet.a ../../../../src/adrt/libtie/.libs/libtie.a -lz
05:02.30 brlcad otherwise there are issues overriding
05:03.12 brlcad you have to make the makefile firest
05:03.24 brlcad otherwise it'll build the target before the makefile
05:03.50 Twingy and I do that by typing?
05:03.54 brlcad now you'll have to delete the target too
05:04.08 Twingy make clean in libcommon?
05:04.14 brlcad sure
05:04.25 brlcad then make
05:04.44 Twingy ../../../../src/adrt/libcommon/.libs/libcommon.a(g.o)(.text+0x1175):/home/justin/src/brlcad/src/adrt/libcommon/g.c:497: undefined reference to `db_walk_tree'
05:05.09 brlcad is it on the link line?
05:05.28 Twingy ../../../../src/adrt/libcommon/.libs/libcommon.a ../../../../src/adrt/librender/.libs/librender.a ../../../../src/adrt/libutil/.libs/libutil.a -lm ../../../../src/adrt/libtexture/.libs/libtexture.a ../../../../src/adrt/libtienet/.libs/libtienet.a ../../../../src/adrt/libtie/.libs/libtie.a -lz
05:05.44 Twingy I thought by doing ldadd stuff it's now part of libcommon
05:05.59 Twingy as one big honkin archive
05:06.01 brlcad it's not ldadd(!)
05:06.06 Twingy I didn't do ldadd
05:06.14 Twingy lib_LTLIBRARIES =
05:06.14 Twingy libcommon_la_SOURCES = canim.c cdb.c env.c pack.c unpack.c g.c
05:06.14 Twingy libcommon_la_LIBADD = ${top_builddir}/src/librt/.libs/librt.a
05:06.23 Twingy k?
05:06.28 Twingy that's the stuff yo
05:06.48 brlcad heh
05:06.59 brlcad that's probably why
05:07.04 Twingy hrm?
05:07.35 brlcad not the right libadd for libtool
05:07.42 Twingy k
05:07.53 Twingy what's it want then?
05:07.54 brlcad you've never suppoed to link/think/look at anything in .libs
05:08.06 Twingy I do it for performance reasons
05:08.13 brlcad do what?
05:08.18 Twingy include the .a's
05:08.25 brlcad that's not what I said
05:08.35 brlcad you link static which has nothing to do with the .libs dir
05:08.42 brlcad there's a -static libtool flag
05:08.50 Twingy *shrug* I'm doing .libs stuff all over adrt
05:08.59 Twingy and it works fine... cept with librt apparently
05:09.00 brlcad yeah, and that's completely not portable
05:09.06 Twingy not portable?
05:09.12 Twingy it works on a bunch of OS's
05:09.15 brlcad not according to libtool in the least
05:09.21 Twingy *shrug*
05:09.35 brlcad you didn't read the libtool manual did you
05:09.38 Twingy newp
05:09.43 Twingy I let erik do all that auto-fu
05:10.03 brlcad use ${LIBRT}
05:10.46 brlcad and add -static as an libcommon_la_LDFLAGS
05:12.12 brlcad working on "a bunch of OS's" doesn't make it right, just happenstance
05:12.15 Twingy meh, still not working, I'll figure something out, you should get some sleep
05:12.27 brlcad thinks only really get different on systems we don't use much
05:12.47 Twingy <-- only plans on supporting systems we use alot
05:13.10 Twingy nobody will be using a realtime raytracer on a vax
05:13.13 brlcad well, brl-cad supports more systems than you :)
05:13.15 Twingy or a cray
05:13.17 Twingy yah
05:13.17 Twingy well
05:13.23 Twingy lee had the bright idea of shoving it into brlcad repo
05:13.37 Twingy *shrug*
05:14.07 brlcad meh, it'll do more for adrt than it'd ever do on it's own
05:14.24 Twingy in what sense?
05:14.39 brlcad exposure/recognition
05:14.44 brlcad downloads
05:14.54 Twingy *shrug* I think a separate tarball would've been more effective
05:15.07 Twingy quicker to d/l and compile if anything
05:15.19 Twingy 12 minutes for cvs checkout and 12 minutes to build versions 1 minute to download and build
05:15.27 brlcad perhaps, but the numbers would have been far fewer I bet
05:15.28 Twingy s/versions/versus
05:15.40 brlcad brl-cad's getting 2-4 thousand downloads a month right now
05:15.46 brlcad with little publicity
05:16.05 Twingy yah, but I dunno how many of those people are interested in a realtime raytracer...
05:16.32 Twingy we could put the linux operating system in there too, but that doesn't tell me how many people are using linux
05:17.11 brlcad sure, but you are getting installed on way more systems so exposure is intrinisically higher than it would have been
05:17.22 brlcad and it will be in the documentation, release notes, etc
05:17.30 brlcad so people will learn about it, try it
05:17.42 Twingy yep
05:23.24 brlcad the only real downside in being included in brl-cad is that adrt will have to build on more systems and more flexibly (e.g. sdl as an option eventually)
05:24.27 brlcad the build time could be cut down with something like what was done for muves --enable-only-adrt-build for example
05:28.54 brlcad is the path tracer in there as well?
05:29.36 Twingy yes
05:30.10 brlcad people will probably like that more than anything I bet
05:30.33 brlcad suckers for pretty pictures, no matter what the cputime
05:31.13 Twingy k fixed the rebuilding of Makefile
05:31.19 Twingy it apparently wanted automake-1.9
05:31.22 Twingy and I had automake19
05:31.30 Twingy and I always ln -s automake19 to automake
05:31.33 Twingy so now I
05:31.37 Twingy ln -s automake19 automake-1.9
05:31.41 Twingy problem #1 solved
05:31.45 Twingy problem #2
05:31.52 brlcad ahh, yeah cept there are like 3 automake tools
05:32.00 Twingy fuck em
05:32.24 brlcad it won't work right if they're not in sync
05:32.37 Twingy if I see it complain
05:32.38 Twingy I'll fix it.
05:32.41 brlcad i mean it "might" work right .. but that would just be luck
05:32.55 brlcad i've had that same problem bite me in the ass a couple times on fbsd
05:32.59 Twingy right now I need to figure out why these archives are being to god damn bitchy
05:34.49 brlcad how in the world do you get away with using lpthread on freebsd in rise's observer
05:35.03 brlcad that really shouldn't work
05:35.07 Twingy sure it should
05:35.12 Twingy there's like 3 threading models in fbsd
05:35.14 Twingy lpthread is one of em
05:35.40 brlcad -pthread is the switch, however
05:36.05 Twingy *shrug*
05:36.09 Twingy not a problem right now
05:36.30 brlcad do you actually use pthreads?
05:36.37 Twingy of course
05:36.54 Twingy grep for pthread
05:36.58 Twingy you'll get tons of code
05:38.23 brlcad I'm just surprised it actually doesn't crash
05:38.36 brlcad pthread is pretty much required by the libc
05:38.42 brlcad lpthread conflicts with it
05:38.53 brlcad you should get a crash like you saw in mged
05:39.39 brlcad wicked.. maybe that's why mged crashes on you.. you've swapped out your -pthread lib maybe
05:40.02 Twingy ?
05:40.15 Twingy I'm running a standard fbsd distro
05:40.21 Twingy nothing fancy schmancy
05:40.26 Twingy same config as branch server and shiva
05:40.39 brlcad then yeah, it should crash on you
05:40.40 Twingy so if it breaks here, good chance it breaks on shiva
05:40.57 Twingy what should crash
05:41.01 Twingy adrt stuff or mged?
05:41.05 brlcad adrt
05:41.35 brlcad mged works fine on branch server, shiva, etc as of a week ago
05:41.53 brlcad regardless, the -pthread vs -lpthread thing is a fairly well known issue
05:42.45 Twingy hrm
05:42.51 Twingy this is surprisingly annoying me
05:43.10 Twingy you feed it libbu.a
05:43.16 Twingy and it's like, no effect
05:43.32 Twingy it's working in the opposite way the rest of the libs in adrt are
05:43.50 Twingy I say, each libblah.a bitch, and it's like "thank you, problem resolved"
05:43.54 Twingy s/each/eat
05:44.08 Twingy I feed it librt.a
05:44.16 Twingy and it's like, "pardon? did you do something?"
05:44.51 brlcad i told you, you're not supposed to do _anything_ inside .libs
05:45.05 brlcad so it really is your own fault, even if it did work before
05:45.13 Twingy well
05:45.15 brlcad use the on LIBADD
05:45.23 brlcad and add -static to LDFLAGS
05:45.58 Twingy to rise/master/ or libcommon/ ?
05:46.02 brlcad that's just how libtool works -- there are platforms that don't perform symbol resolution until you actually install anyways
05:46.25 brlcad libraries use LIBADD, execs use LDADD
05:46.45 brlcad both would need static if you only make static libraries
05:48.05 brlcad basically, everywhere you have .libs/libblah.a, it can be swapped with and add -static to LDFLAGS
05:48.42 Twingy libcommon_la_SOURCES = canim.c cdb.c env.c pack.c unpack.c g.c
05:48.42 Twingy libcommon_la_LDFLAGS = -static
05:48.42 Twingy libcommon_la_LIBADD = ${top_srcdir}/src/librt/
05:49.05 Twingy *** Error code 1
05:49.16 Twingy src/adrt/libcommon/g.c:497: undefined reference to `db_walk_tree
05:49.39 brlcad that looks right, cept librt is provided via ${LIBRT}
05:49.57 brlcad dude, the error doesn't help -- look at the link line
05:50.04 Twingy <PROTECTED>
05:50.05 Twingy <PROTECTED>
05:50.05 Twingy config.status: creating src/adrt/libcommon/Makefile
05:50.05 Twingy [justin@borg:~/src/brlcad/src/adrt/libcommon]$
05:50.07 brlcad if it's not linking librt, somethings wrong
05:50.19 Twingy still aint werkin
05:50.32 Twingy librt is hosered
05:50.46 brlcad heh riight
05:51.04 Twingy I mean
05:51.06 brlcad what was the command before that missing line
05:51.09 brlcad make?
05:51.12 Twingy I see db_walk_tree via the grace of "nm"
05:51.32 Twingy make?
05:51.42 brlcad 01:50 < Twingy> cd ../../.. && /usr/local/bin/bash /home/justin/src/brlcad/misc/missing --run automake-1.9 --gnu --ignore-deps
05:51.42 Twingy what if I just commit what I got
05:51.47 Twingy and you poke at it
05:51.51 brlcad what was the command that did that?
05:52.03 Twingy that was from make
05:52.10 brlcad well then that's the problem
05:52.17 Twingy hrm?
05:52.24 brlcad I said that you have to make the makefile before making the target
05:52.28 brlcad separate steps
05:52.32 Twingy I did a make clean
05:52.32 Twingy make
05:52.48 Twingy or something
05:52.50 Twingy I don't remember
05:52.56 Twingy but I've done make clean
05:52.57 Twingy and make
05:53.01 Twingy several hundred thousand times now
05:53.03 Twingy and same error
05:53.07 brlcad so then what's the link line?
05:53.16 Twingy gcc -D__STRICT_ANSI__ -I.. -I../../../../src/adrt/libtie -I../../../../src/adrt/libtienet -I../../../../src/adrt/libtexture -I../../../../src/adrt/libcommon -I../../../../src/adrt/librender -I../../../../src/adrt/libutil -I../../../../src/adrt/rise -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -fPIC -O3 -ffast-math -fstrength-reduce -fexpensive-optimizations -fomit-frame-pointer -finline-functions -g -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-commo
05:53.16 Twingy n -fPIC -O3 -ffast-math -fstrength-reduce -fexpensive-optimizations -fomit-frame-pointer -finline-functions -g -o rise_master dispatcher.o main.o master.o post.o -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/local/lib -lpthread ../../../../src/adrt/libcommon/.libs/libcommon.a ../../../../src/adrt/librender/.libs/librender.a ../../../../src/adrt/libutil/.libs/libutil.a -lm ../../../../src/adrt/libtexture/.libs/libtexture.a ../../../../src/adrt/libtiene
05:53.17 Twingy t/.libs/libtienet.a ../../../../src/adrt/libtie/.libs/libtie.a -lz
05:53.37 brlcad I see no librt there
05:53.43 Twingy me either
05:53.51 Twingy I never added anything to rise master
05:53.57 Twingy cause I thought libcommon was taking care of this issue
05:54.05 Twingy <-- has always dealt with this crap in the binary
05:54.07 Twingy not the lib
05:54.16 Twingy I used to have librt fu in rise/master/
05:54.18 Twingy when it was standalone
05:54.23 Twingy never had to touch libcommon
05:54.42 brlcad so what's changed?
05:55.00 brlcad it build for me here
05:55.23 Twingy LDADD = @BRLCAD_LDFLAGS@ -lpthread ${top_builddir}/libcommon/.libs/l.........................
05:55.28 Twingy in adrt standalone
05:55.44 Twingy <PROTECTED>
05:55.45 brlcad add
05:55.58 brlcad you're not getting that any more
05:56.15 Twingy no kidding :)
05:56.20 Twingy that's what I said standalone
05:57.11 brlcad libcommon_la_*=?
05:57.26 Twingy libcommon_la_SOURCES = canim.c cdb.c env.c pack.c unpack.c g.c
05:57.27 Twingy libcommon_la_LDFLAGS = -static
05:57.27 Twingy libcommon_la_LIBADD = ${LIBRT}
05:57.56 brlcad grep LIBRT Makefile
05:58.09 Twingy LIBRT = ${top_builddir}/src/librt/
05:58.09 Twingy libcommon_la_LIBADD = ${LIBRT}
05:59.16 brlcad still sounds like the missing didn't rebuild the Makefile right
05:59.24 brlcad because it's not using the LIBADD
05:59.32 brlcad which means you ahve to
05:59.35 Twingy yep
06:00.29 Twingy alliteration, wee
06:00.32 brlcad i hope your aclocal and acheader links at least match your automake version
06:00.53 brlcad er, s/autoheader//
06:00.59 brlcad just aclocal at least
06:01.24 brlcad that could explain the libtool mismatch
06:01.27 Twingy autoheader is 259
06:01.40 brlcad aclocal, forget autoheader
06:01.44 Twingy aclocal is 1.9
06:01.57 brlcad and automake was 1.9 too?
06:02.12 Twingy lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 25 Jun 17 19:26 /usr/local/bin/automake -> /usr/local/bin/automake19
06:03.36 Twingy -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/local/lib -lpthread ../../../../src/adrt/libcommon/.libs/libcommon.a ../../../../src/adrt/librender/.libs/librender.a ../../../../src/adrt/libutil/.libs/libutil.a -lm ../../../../src/adrt/libtexture/.libs/libtexture.a ../../../../src/adrt/libtienet/.libs/libtienet.a ../../../../src/adrt/libtie/.libs/libtie.a -lz
06:03.44 brlcad there is a cache option to configure that you can set to make it always use cached values -- cuts the time by a third or better
06:03.57 Twingy ../../../../src/adrt/libcommon/.libs/libcommon.a(g.o)(.text+0x1175):/usr/home/justin/src/brlcad/src/adrt/libcommon/g.c:497: undefined reference to `db_walk_tree'
06:04.07 Twingy would you like me to just commit this?
06:04.57 brlcad you sure librt isn't before your .o's or something?
06:05.41 Twingy yep
06:05.57 Twingy should rise/master/
06:06.02 Twingy be picking up librt from libcommon?
06:06.39 brlcad no
06:06.46 Twingy okay
06:06.52 brlcad oh, that was a link for rise
06:06.55 Twingy then why would we be seeing librt on the link line
06:07.33 Twingy libcommon compiles fine
06:07.35 Twingy rise is bitching
06:07.43 Twingy that it doesn't have db_walk_tree
06:07.53 Twingy via libcommon
06:08.02 brlcad it's because of the link against the .a instead of the .la
06:08.11 Twingy for libcommon?
06:08.15 Twingy I'll try la
06:08.18 brlcad for rise
06:08.23 brlcad everywhere really
06:08.39 Twingy so in rise
06:08.41 Twingy what do I need
06:08.53 Twingy same thing
06:08.54 Twingy -static
06:08.58 Twingy and LDADD
06:09.09 brlcad to make all the .libs/lib* be lib*.la and use -static
06:09.10 Twingy rise_master_ldflags = -static
06:09.44 brlcad rise_master_LDFLAGS = -static
06:09.49 Twingy yah yah
06:09.56 Twingy I'm just tired
06:10.46 Twingy testing
06:11.15 brlcad libtool will probably be pissy if the libs are still .a
06:11.41 Twingy everything in rise Makefile is .la now
06:11.56 brlcad all the rise makefile's you mean?
06:12.02 Twingy just master to see if it works
06:12.08 brlcad s/rise/adrt/
06:12.10 Twingy if master works I wiggle my nose and everything else works
06:12.42 brlcad that's what I mean -- libtool requires everything to become libtool libraries to work correctly
06:12.59 Twingy I have .la's in all those directories.
06:13.07 Twingy in all of the libraries.
06:13.13 Twingy k?
06:13.17 brlcad la's the properly reference the .la's they depend on?
06:13.26 brlcad or that reference .a's
06:13.43 Twingy none of my libs rely on other libs
06:13.46 Twingy err
06:13.50 Twingy do add lib crap
06:13.56 Twingy just check out libutil
06:14.00 Twingy it's simple
06:14.29 brlcad libcommon at least relies on one :)
06:14.43 Twingy "Makefile", line 595: Need an operator
06:14.43 Twingy make: fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue
06:14.43 Twingy *** Error code 1
06:14.43 Twingy Stop in /usr/home/justin/src/brlcad/src/adrt/rise.
06:14.43 Twingy *** Error code 1
06:14.49 Twingy for rise/Master/Makefile
06:14.59 brlcad sounds like you typod
06:15.20 Twingy ah
06:15.27 Twingy part of irc buffer got put in there
06:17.16 brlcad wopr rox
06:17.36 Twingy if you're interested in developing remotely
06:17.52 Twingy I have like graphical output and stuff
06:17.58 Twingy and need to use keyboard mouse stuff to test
06:20.18 Twingy hrm
06:20.23 Twingy how about I commit this and you look at it
06:20.27 Twingy output is... different
06:21.38 brlcad mine compiles right now, so I dunno what you're referring to
06:21.58 brlcad so commit if you like, maybe i'll look at it on the train
06:21.59 Twingy yours compiles cause you don't have the version where I have g.c actually being used by pack.c
06:22.12 Twingy cause of a HAVE_BRLCAD define
06:22.15 Twingy that existed in the standlone
06:22.18 Twingy that now isn't defined
06:22.20 Twingy in the new system
06:22.22 brlcad ah
06:22.22 Twingy which I ended up removing
06:22.25 Twingy so I could load a .g file
06:22.27 Twingy :)
06:22.29 brlcad so make HAVE_BRLCAD=1
06:22.37 Twingy then you'd get the same error :)
06:22.47 Twingy cause that tells it to use g.c
06:22.55 Twingy so my removing #if HAVE_BRLCAD
06:22.56 Twingy in 2 places
06:23.00 Twingy so it's _IN_ brlcad
06:23.04 Twingy that would be retarded
06:23.14 Twingy it's now just compiling g.c period.
06:23.18 Twingy hence
06:23.20 Twingy your version works
06:23.22 Twingy and mine does not
06:23.24 Twingy :)
06:23.43 brlcad your engrish confusith me
06:23.49 Twingy or lack there of
06:23.58 Twingy cause I hate explaining shit in fine detail
06:24.06 brlcad that's okay
06:24.13 brlcad i hate understanding shit in fine detail
06:24.59 Twingy autoconf depresses me
06:25.20 brlcad it's really quite simple when you stop this hacking crap you keep doing to it
06:26.38 brlcad GBS sucks ass, but it's what everyone uses/expects and it does work when used correctly
06:26.40 Twingy turn-key :)
06:26.51 Twingy GBS?
06:26.57 brlcad gnu build system
06:27.03 Twingy beat me to it
06:27.05 brlcad autoconf+automake+libtool
06:27.31 Twingy makes users happier
06:27.34 Twingy makes developers bitter
06:27.45 brlcad it's also more cross platform
06:27.55 Twingy hrm
06:27.57 Twingy I need a room
06:28.01 Twingy where I can take sheets of glass
06:28.04 Twingy and throw them on the ground
06:28.07 brlcad scons would probably be the only alternate worth considering
06:28.11 Twingy that'd make me happier
06:28.22 brlcad a fireplace
06:28.26 brlcad wine glasses
06:28.29 Twingy hehe
06:28.31 Twingy no fireplace
06:28.41 brlcad arc-weld one
06:28.46 Twingy maybe I'll just make some rocket fuel and blow shit up :)
06:29.06 Twingy autoconf has turned me to violence
06:29.52 brlcad i think i have a way to fix the tesselator now
06:30.14 brlcad and even improve it's performance and guarantee convergence
06:32.09 Twingy s/pump/pimp
06:40.24 *** join/#brlcad ibot_ (
06:41.11 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (23 files in 7 dirs): fixing linking problems to get adrt to properly link to brlcad.
07:09.08 *** join/#brlcad ibot_ (ibot@
12:27.26 *** join/#brlcad clock- (
12:39.22 brlcad clock-: i don't know if you ever saw my response the other day, but the weight e+276 value happens when it ends up using a -1 density
12:40.06 brlcad all densities are currently initialized to -1 so when it cannot find the material you set, that can happen
12:40.15 brlcad bad behavior, of course
13:09.31 clock- brlcad: thanks
15:53.59 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
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21:59.17 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (45 files in 6 dirs): Added licensing info to libtexture files.
22:18.12 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/igvt/ (master/master.c observer/observer.c): put Observer F12 to shutdown master back in.
22:26.09 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/igvt/master/master.c: Shotline visualization is working again.
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050619

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050619

02:33.26 *** join/#brlcad cad840 (
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03:48.39 *** join/#brlcad CIA-3 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
13:45.58 *** join/#brlcad asdfqwega (
13:47.29 asdfqwega I am compiling brlcad from cvs source in Debian Sarge - and is failing
13:48.06 asdfqwega About twenty like this:
13:48.09 asdfqwega error: possibly undefined macro: AC_SUBST
13:53.59 *** join/#brlcad knoppix__ (
13:56.26 knoppix__ hi
13:56.29 knoppix__ anybody there
13:59.25 asdfqwega I'm here - but I was hoping for sagely advice, not to give it :P
14:00.23 learner hello
14:00.58 learner asdfqwega, sounds like you have a misconfigured set of autoconf/automake/libtool
14:01.12 learner what's the version of each of those?
14:03.14 learner knoppix__: hello
14:04.43 learner asdfqwega, in particular, it looks like an old autoconf is getting invoked
14:08.17 asdfqwega Found GNU Autoconf version 2.59
14:08.18 asdfqwega Found GNU Automake version 1.6.3
14:08.18 asdfqwega Found GNU Libtool version 1.5.6
14:09.35 asdfqwega I could have apt'd automake 1.9, but I read something about how versions may not behave the same, so I specified what asked for
14:22.27 *** join/#brlcad CIA-3 (
14:44.20 *** part/#brlcad asdfqwega (
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18:29.00 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/adrt/rise/master/ erroneous makefile line, Id needs to be in a comment
22:02.52 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/igvt/ (master/master.c observer/observer.c): Added rotate about center of rotation holding shift key + right mouse.
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050620

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050620

00:04.35 *** join/#brlcad ace9109 (
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00:51.22 ace9101 anyone know what I have misconfigured if I get the following?
00:51.24 ace9101 mkdir .libs
00:51.24 ace9101 gcc -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -fPIC -g -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -fPIC -g -o .libs/fbserv fbserv.o -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/local/lib ../../src/libfb/.libs/ /home/jason/workspace/brlcad/src/libbu/.libs/ -lc -lpthread /home/jason/workspace/brlcad/src/libpkg/.libs/ /home/jason/workspace/brlcad/src/other/libtcl/.libs/ -ldl -lnsl -lz -lm -lX11 -lXi -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/usr/brlcad/lib
00:51.24 ace9101 ../../src/libfb/.libs/ undefined reference to `glPixelStorei'
00:51.24 ace9101 ../../src/libfb/.libs/ undefined reference to `glDrawPixels'
00:51.57 *** join/#brlcad ace9101 (
01:28.08 *** join/#brlcad ace9109 (
02:10.54 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
02:10.54 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.2.6 is now posted (20050612) || Several will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon || 'brlcad' is attending the 2005 International Conference on Shapes and Solids (Jun 13-17)
03:34.08 *** join/#brlcad archivist2 (
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08:19.52 *** join/#brlcad clock- (
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15:08.38 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ slight reorder since a system rle library may depend on libm, so check for libm first
15:11.16 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ added maintainerclean of
15:14.18 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (7 files in 7 dirs): using -lpthread, -lm, and the libtools .libs contents directly is not portable. changed to use the LIBTHREAD, LIBM defines. also changed to single entry per line for better diff tracking.
15:20.03 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ prefere -pthread over -lpthread on bsd if both are installed, prefer solis threading over pthreading too. pthreading is good default.
15:52.34 *** join/#brlcad clock- ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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16:45.17 *** part/#brlcad ewilhelm_ (
18:06.38 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
18:07.44 learner down to only two platforms failing now
18:07.51 learner two fixed
18:07.52 Twingy_ for sdl?
18:08.09 Twingy_ ever think about maybe including sdl source as part of the package?
18:08.17 Twingy_ ...we include tcl/tk
18:08.28 learner counting two different sdl-related errors as one
18:08.54 learner have thought about it, but sdl is actually quite large
18:09.11 Twingy_ not as big as tcl/tk
18:09.26 learner we have tens of thousands of lines of tcl code, we don't have that much sdl code
18:09.38 Twingy_ I'm compiling a clean checkout of brlcad right now, gonna see if I get the mged core dump here
18:09.47 learner and what's there can be made optional pretty easily
18:09.50 Twingy_ well, we might if it's there ;)
18:10.37 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
18:10.37 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.2.6 is now posted (20050612) || Several will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon || 'brlcad' is attending the 2005 International Conference on Shapes and Solids (Jun 13-17)
18:10.42 learner i've wanted to add an sdl libfb interface at some point, maybe a libdm one too
18:10.50 Twingy_ :)
18:11.29 Twingy_ the movers haven't come back yet
18:11.37 Twingy_ I want my new office dammnit
18:12.03 learner but even then.. i don't think it warrants the 2.5M extra sources just yet
18:12.11 learner is he fully out now?
18:12.20 Twingy_ yes, but not his stuff
18:12.28 learner so, then he's not
18:12.39 Twingy_ meh, 2.5M is small potatoes considering what's already there >:)
18:12.59 learner that's 2.5 compressed.. that's a lot of source to have to keep maintained
18:13.22 learner especially just to pop up a window
18:13.28 learner when that's what libfb does already
18:13.29 Twingy_ *shrug* I'd be happy if we just kept 1.2 there for the next 5 years
18:13.53 Twingy_ but sdl could replace libdb and handle a bunch of other stuff like sounds/joystick/...
18:14.02 Twingy_ err fb
18:14.04 learner would probably be easier to wrap a libdm window into adrt instead
18:14.20 Twingy_ does it do event handling for me?
18:14.35 learner some
18:14.47 Twingy_ and hardware blitting/double buffering etc?
18:14.57 learner yep
18:15.12 Twingy_ joystick support with rumble support? :)
18:15.48 learner that's not a good motivation to pick up the entire lib
18:16.14 learner could just as easily yoink the 2 files in sdl that provide rumble for that
18:16.18 Twingy_ *shrug* I'd just make it optional right now
18:16.48 Twingy_ the build that is
18:16.58 Twingy_ and if ya don't have sdl then it just doesn't build
18:16.59 learner that's what's being done
18:17.05 Twingy_ yah
18:17.17 learner that's just not working yet either
18:17.47 Twingy_ I can see a bunch of analysts going in the near future "ya know that demo you were doing for stryker that does that interactive stuff, what do I need to do that"
18:17.57 Twingy_ and I can see alot of people needing sdl installed on their boxen
18:19.13 learner like i said, for that, it would probably make more sense to make adrt use a libdm interface
18:19.15 Twingy_ I figure I'll just run around do the 4 or 5 people and install sdl on their boxes, no biggie
18:19.42 Twingy_ for development support alot more people are familiar with sdl than they are with libdm though *shrug*
18:20.00 Twingy_ sdl seems more open source friendly
18:20.11 learner friendly?
18:20.34 Twingy_ yah, thousands of people are familiar with libdm, a couple dozen are familiar with libdm ... if that
18:20.39 Twingy_ err sdl
18:20.56 Twingy_ so if some dudes wanna come in and upgrade the event code then they gotta learn libdm
18:21.15 learner i didn't say remove the sdl for libdm
18:21.20 Twingy_ ah
18:21.29 Twingy_ you mean have it use one or the other?
18:21.34 learner should be possible to make it switchable at compile-time
18:21.38 Twingy_ hrm
18:21.44 Twingy_ that'd require coming up with a wrapper
18:21.49 learner without losing features even
18:21.50 Twingy_ and redoing all the sdl code with the wrapper code
18:22.04 Twingy_ that could take a few days
18:22.18 *** join/#brlcad clock- (
18:23.18 learner for 7.4, probably good with just getting what we have out there as is
18:23.25 learner weed out any other compile problems
18:23.26 Twingy_ k'
18:23.36 Twingy_ when do we want to announce 7,4?
18:23.53 learner heh
18:24.04 learner it's going out at the beginning of next month
18:24.09 Twingy_ k
18:24.29 Twingy_ we should try and get a slashdot post for it
18:24.53 learner monthly releases, effective code freeze around the last couple days at the end of a month until a release is posted
18:25.28 learner can try, but it'll be a hard one to get accepted
18:25.53 learner windows support would probably have a better chance
18:26.14 learner an image gallery would help make a post
18:26.48 Twingy_ mebe I'll burn a few cycles making "pretty" pictures
18:27.01 learner I didn't announce last months changes (half on purpose) so the change list for 7.4.0 is going to be pretty big
18:27.37 learner need the news writeup before too long, though, on just what was added
18:27.55 Twingy_ k, maybe I'll start on that wednesday
18:28.05 learner your stuff definitely deserves a paragraph or two of description
18:28.30 learner (in addition to the single lines)
18:29.02 Twingy_ I still got a bunch of code that needs done by jul 12
18:29.13 Twingy_ so I'll try and make time avail.
18:29.31 learner gonna make some brl-cad shirts for siggraph
18:29.46 Twingy_ aight
18:30.22 learner i don't mean like blender for handing out.. just a handful -- want one?
18:30.42 Twingy_ polo?
18:30.46 learner polo, tee, or tank
18:30.56 Twingy_ I wouldn't mind a polo
18:32.49 Twingy_ hrm
18:32.56 Twingy_ make install is doing something bad
18:33.48 Twingy_ ah
18:34.16 Twingy_ sigh
18:34.29 Twingy_ you have to leave the directory in the same place from star to finish auto to install
18:34.41 Twingy_ building from nfs is sooo slow :(
18:35.08 learner where all are there sdl components?
18:35.16 Twingy_ in the source?
18:35.22 learner right
18:35.31 Twingy_ about 5 or 6 files
18:35.39 learner igvt/master and observer, libutil, rise/observer ?
18:35.41 Twingy_ rise/master/master.c rise/slave/slave.c
18:35.48 Twingy_ igvt/master/master.c igvt/slave/slave.c
18:35.55 Twingy_ libutil/displa.c
18:36.00 Twingy_ libutil/display.c rather
18:36.15 Twingy_ that's mainly it
18:36.17 Twingy_ err
18:36.21 Twingy_ replace slave with observer
18:36.30 learner so what should it not build if sdl isn't available?
18:36.35 Twingy_ ah
18:36.36 learner everything?
18:36.40 Twingy_ just do't build the whole package
18:36.46 Twingy_ just print like...
18:37.10 learner that's what I mean though.. is there anything that could be built without it?
18:37.35 Twingy_ not really
18:37.47 Twingy_ nothing useful anyway
18:37.52 learner k
18:38.16 learner it'll be treated like librtserver then, which needs java
18:38.22 Twingy_ k
18:38.26 learner no java, skips it
18:38.43 Twingy_ configure will search for it though right?
18:38.49 learner right
18:39.04 Twingy_ aight
18:39.47 learner going to be a fair amount of extra checking to be certain, but easy enough to add
18:40.00 Twingy_ k
18:40.32 learner as for the pthread thing..
18:40.55 learner it should prefer -pthread now over -lpthread
18:40.56 Twingy_ if it aint broken don't fix it? *shrug*
18:41.04 Twingy_ for beastie?
18:41.12 learner oh it was broken
18:41.18 Twingy_ hrm?
18:41.22 learner build failures on bsd boxes without -lpthread
18:41.32 Twingy_ ah
18:41.38 learner default is just -pthread
18:41.44 Twingy_ so it likes -lpthead :)
18:41.52 Twingy_ -lpthread
18:42.04 learner they're the same interface, so it should just be a matter of recompiling and not mixing the two
18:42.21 Twingy_ you gonna make a $pthread var?
18:42.26 Twingy_ so it uses the right one?
18:42.28 learner there already was one
18:42.32 Twingy_ ah
18:42.34 Twingy_ good deal
18:42.43 learner same for -lm
18:42.47 learner not all systems have one
18:42.51 Twingy_ k'
18:47.10 Twingy_ that way it can throw all kinds of nifty gamma radiation at me
18:47.34 Twingy_ and I can mutate into something cool... like a ... bar of soap
18:56.45 Twingy_ hrm, almost done
18:57.08 Twingy_ Making all in db
18:57.08 Twingy_ ../src/conv/asc2g world.asc world.g
18:57.08 Twingy_ Segmentation fault (core dumped)
18:57.08 Twingy_ *** Error code 139
18:57.16 Twingy_ o.O
18:58.19 learner try just "rt"
18:58.26 Twingy_ hrm?
18:58.32 learner src/rt/rt
18:58.33 Twingy_ this is in compilation
18:58.52 Twingy_ [justin@shiva:/r/cluster/justin/brlcad]$ ./src/rt/rt
18:58.53 Twingy_ [justin@shiva:/r/cluster/justin/brlcad]$
18:59.00 Twingy_ \/libexec/ /r/cluster/justin/brlcad/src/rt/.libs/lt-rt: Undefined symbol "rt_verbosity"
19:00.07 learner is this a clean build?
19:00.09 Twingy_ no rush on that previous error ... adrt builds and installs
19:00.16 Twingy_ yah, just checked out from source farge
19:00.38 Twingy_ I could try building again, but it'll take some time
19:00.42 learner send me your config.log file
19:00.54 Twingy_ email?
19:00.59 learner i'll try building there too
19:01.01 learner sure
19:02.22 learner heh
19:03.43 Twingy_ emailed
19:04.52 learner should make a shirt with the detailed humvee rendering on the back
19:05.45 learner or better yet.. the m1a1 or t72 :)
19:12.05 Twingy_ ah
19:12.10 Twingy_ not the stryker mgs? ^_^
19:12.19 Twingy_ walk around with sensitive material on our shirts
19:12.20 Twingy_ heh
19:12.49 Twingy_ could do m1a2 I got or something
19:13.06 Twingy_ i think an external rendering of the mgs might not be prohibited
19:13.14 learner stryker's a bit fugly
19:13.27 Twingy_ hehe
19:13.39 learner a classic tank is pretty sexy
19:13.42 Twingy_ we should get shirts with electronic ink that have animations on them going
19:13.54 Twingy_ my shirt is raytracing at 1k rays/sec
19:14.06 learner heh, distributed :)
19:14.09 Twingy_ yes
19:14.12 learner "this box of shirts..."
19:14.13 Twingy_ via bluetooth
19:14.23 Twingy_ and a watch battery connected to a PIC
19:14.32 Twingy_ talk about the geekiest shirt ever
19:14.33 learner like the distributed palm thing they did in san diego
19:14.37 Twingy_ yah
19:14.46 Twingy_ I should port ADRT to the PIC
19:15.04 Twingy_ a watch battery would power a pic for months
19:15.12 Twingy_ and they can push 10 MIPS
19:16.05 archivist would that be downhill or uphill
19:20.23 Twingy_ there would be no hills involved
19:20.33 Twingy_ archivist, you get it to build yet?
19:22.49 archivist no havnt touched it since sat am, just getting vnc up on the box
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050621

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050621

02:38.50 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
02:38.50 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.2.6 is now posted (20050612) || Several will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon || 'brlcad' is attending the 2005 International Conference on Shapes and Solids (Jun 13-17)
02:46.10 brlcad archivist: it looks like a bug in SDL's sdl-config command which is used to specify what libraries SDL requires -- it ends up adding libaa.a, which is apparently dependant upon libgpm
02:47.11 brlcad archivist: another user reported that their libgpm libraries had invalid symbolic links after a similar fresh/clean debian install -- did you check the links?
03:58.56 Twingy brlcad, you see my msg earlier?
04:00.49 *** join/#brlcad jrobey (
04:02.47 Twingy hi
04:17.14 jrobey hello
04:29.26 brlcad jrobey: howdy.. just figured out what happened
04:29.48 brlcad Twingy: yes, it was a change from a day or two ago -- i'll fix it tomorrow
04:30.16 brlcad you can work around it by setting the brlcad root to /usr/brlcad/share/brlcad/7.3.0
04:33.19 Twingy k
04:34.09 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/rise/master/master.c: Added tenths of a percent to rise progress.
04:41.11 jrobey k, thanks
04:41.23 jrobey howdy back atchya
04:43.16 jrobey so, setting BRLCAD_ROOT=/usr/brlcad/share/brlcad/7.3.0 should help?
04:43.30 brlcad should, haven't tested it
04:43.49 jrobey k, I was just making sure I had the right variable
04:43.56 jrobey giving me the same thing
04:44.08 jrobey and it tab completed so 7.3.0 is there
04:44.09 brlcad is there a /usr/brlcad/share/brlcad/7.3.0/tclscripts ?
04:44.52 jrobey yes
04:45.04 brlcad and it still gives the gui error or somethign else?
04:45.21 jrobey invalid command name "gui"
04:45.38 brlcad hrmph
04:45.48 jrobey jason@ice:/usr/brlcad/share/brlcad/7.3.0/tclscripts$ $BRLCAD_ROOT
04:45.48 jrobey bash: /usr/brlcad/share/brlcad/7.3.0: is a directory
04:45.48 jrobey jason@ice:/usr/brlcad/share/brlcad/7.3.0/tclscripts$
04:46.05 jrobey jason@ice:~/workspace$ mged
04:46.05 jrobey Initializing and backgrounding, please wait...invalid command name "gui"
04:46.11 brlcad unset the root var and try: cp -R /usr/brlcad/share/brlcad/7.3.0/tclscripts /usr/brlcad/.
04:46.20 jrobey k
04:48.13 jrobey Initializing and backgrounding, please wait...Unable to find 'html/manuals/mged' within the BRL-CAD
04:48.13 jrobey software installed in '/usr/brlcad'.
04:48.13 jrobey This copy of BRL-CAD does not appear to be fully installed.
04:48.13 jrobey Please contact your system administrator for assistance.
04:48.14 jrobey bu_brlcad_path()
04:48.14 jrobey bu_brlcad_path()
04:48.18 jrobey did something new
04:48.29 brlcad ahh, progress
04:49.05 jrobey this is a good thing, then
04:49.25 brlcad cp -R /usr/brlcad/share/brlcad/7.3.0/doc/html /usr/brlcad/.
04:50.08 jrobey I have windows!
04:50.10 jrobey cool
04:50.24 jrobey now I'll have to pull up the manual again
04:50.32 Twingy my house has some windows
04:50.40 jrobey heh
04:50.56 jrobey thanks, btw
04:51.03 brlcad cool deal, have to fix those two things tomorrow
04:51.13 jrobey k
04:51.23 brlcad restructuring the install paths to play better with the packaging operating systems
04:51.49 jrobey ah, like debian
04:51.53 brlcad debian and gentoo folks in particular
04:52.32 brlcad and to a lesser extent the bsd folks
04:52.44 jrobey nice systems, though
04:53.13 jrobey of course I wouldn't fancy writing the gentoo script, the .deb stuff, and that base apt stuff
04:53.53 jrobey so, now back to rise
04:54.00 jrobey I'll see if I can see the update, now
04:54.50 brlcad actually folks already provided the apt/deb stuff for us
04:54.53 jrobey still a no-go on that
04:55.07 brlcad this will help it get out of unstable/testing, though
04:55.10 brlcad update of what?
04:55.43 jrobey ah, cool--I was working w/ twingy on an update of cvs -- wasn't seeing a change just committed
04:55.51 jrobey still not seeing it
04:56.03 jrobey maybe it's just bedtime ;)
04:56.04 brlcad hrm, your on anonymous
04:56.09 jrobey ah
04:56.16 brlcad that has a delay of up to 5 hours
04:56.35 brlcad i'll set your non-anon access
04:56.58 jrobey cool, thanks
04:57.22 brlcad done
04:57.35 brlcad you'll have to recheckout/update via non-anonymous
04:58.01 jrobey k, will do
04:58.04 brlcad or just wait for anon of course
04:58.05 jrobey thanks
04:58.12 brlcad no problem
04:58.20 brlcad just be sure to read hacking if you plan on commiting anything
04:58.35 brlcad don't break anything ;)
04:58.35 jrobey k, will do--plan on read-only for a while
04:58.39 jrobey heh, for sure
04:59.13 jrobey I've been developing in Java for so long, I don't think I could make a successful change--feel like I'm going to school all over again
04:59.30 brlcad hey, there's a java interface as you discovered ;)
04:59.37 brlcad it could use improvements
04:59.52 jrobey yeah, I'll be playing with that--and would love to make things better
05:00.11 brlcad maybe even a proper java app or two have been discussed
05:00.24 jrobey looking to integrate some of these tools into a project for school
05:00.45 brlcad oh?
05:00.59 jrobey well, I've got a fair bit of gui development experience in Swing, AWT, SWT, and OpenGL in java
05:01.34 jrobey yeah, I'd like to use some of the geometry stuff and ray tracing in a simulation for autonomous, copettitive agents
05:01.52 jrobey try to build the simulation side and then the robotic side for some simple agents
05:01.56 brlcad I ran your agent app
05:02.00 jrobey proof of concept for a visual language
05:02.05 jrobey cool, which one?
05:02.10 brlcad at least one of them
05:02.10 jrobey ShapeUp probably
05:02.29 brlcad one you were working on with Brian
05:02.49 jrobey did it have bubbles with links or a fault tree thing
05:03.04 jrobey ?
05:03.20 brlcad there was battlefield agents moving around, various graphs of their fitness, etc
05:03.29 jrobey ah, CoRBCAM
05:03.33 brlcad yeah, that's it
05:03.34 jrobey probably an old run
05:03.43 jrobey that was using RePast--have made some improvements
05:03.50 jrobey but the gui isn't fully there yet--
05:03.54 brlcad :)
05:03.59 jrobey mostly sim redesign for event based stuffs
05:04.12 jrobey yeah, that gui was somewhat embarrassing
05:04.31 jrobey basically seeing what I could do with a library from another land
05:04.31 brlcad proof of concept stuff often is ;)
05:04.38 jrobey heh, yeah
05:05.05 jrobey hey, what IDE do you use for C/C++ development?
05:05.19 brlcad Emacs
05:05.27 jrobey heh, cool
05:05.56 jrobey somehow I skipped that--used vi a lot and a nice little split screen editor on VAX/VMS
05:06.02 jrobey now I use eclipse mostly
05:06.24 brlcad ahh, yes eclipse is progressing
05:06.37 Twingy nano baby
05:06.38 jrobey yeah, its nice lately-even does ruby
05:06.43 jrobey heh, cool
05:07.02 jrobey i don't think I've ever used nano
05:07.08 jrobey have it installed, though
05:07.26 brlcad nobody except Twingy programs with nano after any length of time..
05:07.37 brlcad he's really stubborn for some reason to learn a real editor
05:07.39 jrobey I've written a few editing plugins in eclipse
05:07.40 jrobey heh
05:07.53 jrobey I know a few like that
05:08.38 brlcad eclipse is one of the few gui editors I would consider, but I'm fairly experienced and efficient with emacs
05:09.17 brlcad If I stick to just a single language, the choices narrow a bit too
05:09.18 Twingy something about an editor being more than 100kB just seems wrong :P
05:09.18 jrobey yeah, I can understand that--would take me a while to become as proficient in anything else as I am in eclipse
05:09.50 jrobey heh, we had a tech lead who thought the same, and wrote an editor that was small and quick
05:10.00 jrobey someone bought it for too little and now he can't use it
05:10.04 jrobey legally
05:10.22 brlcad that usually means featureless too
05:10.33 jrobey /cvsroot/brlcad?
05:10.35 Twingy you mean like having a dishwasher in your car?
05:10.38 Twingy *pass* :)
05:10.58 jrobey yeah, he was pretty proud of the multiple paste buffers that were implemented and bound to different keys
05:10.59 brlcad so uninformed :P
05:11.00 jrobey lol
05:11.16 brlcad jrobey: yes, that's the root
05:11.27 jrobey thanks
05:11.39 brlcad works too
05:13.23 jrobey k
05:13.29 jrobey getting the latest now
05:14.35 jrobey k, well, I'll leave that running for a bit--thanks for the help and Twingy: I'll render the high-detail after everything is down and built
05:14.45 Twingy heh, have fun
05:14.54 jrobey thanks
05:14.56 jrobey laters
05:14.57 Twingy get yourself some render nodes :)
05:14.59 Twingy later
05:15.06 jrobey heh, WILCO
05:15.13 *** part/#brlcad jrobey (
05:15.22 Twingy all your render nodes are belong to me
05:16.26 brlcad have you benchmarked the performance quantitatively yet of either the path or ray tracer?
05:16.35 brlcad i.e. exact same setups, same output
05:16.44 Twingy on what?
05:17.10 brlcad on the path and ray tracer
05:17.32 Twingy erm, a few hundred times over the past 15 months
05:17.39 Twingy but stuff keeps changing
05:17.45 Twingy so the numbers don't mean much
05:18.05 brlcad same setups that produce the same output?
05:18.11 brlcad i hadn't seen that yet
05:18.29 Twingy the path tracing better not produce the same results...
05:18.34 Twingy it's a convergence
05:18.37 brlcad well that one yes
05:18.52 brlcad it would just be time for that one, but for the other it should be possible
05:18.52 Twingy and I tossed phong out a while back
05:18.57 Twingy just doing lambertian shading right now
05:19.00 Twingy so...
05:19.09 Twingy and my geometry files keep changing
05:19.24 Twingy cause I get bored of looking at the same thing mainly
05:19.28 brlcad so...
05:19.30 brlcad you haven't
05:19.34 Twingy correct-o
05:19.41 brlcad k
05:19.59 Twingy I suppose once it gets used for something other than pretty pictures I might do something like that
05:20.09 Twingy until then.. no point
05:23.00 brlcad no point? it would be a quantitative metric, makes for a much better selling case
05:23.14 Twingy case for...?
05:23.29 Twingy pretty pictures are an analogue thing...
05:23.53 brlcad case for being able to tell people that it's actually faster than X
05:24.12 Twingy ah
05:24.13 brlcad it's come up a couple times when discussing with others
05:24.16 Twingy well whip up 2 humvee's
05:24.24 Twingy throw the cameras at the same angle
05:24.27 Twingy and shoot some rays...
05:24.28 brlcad I'm not looking to do it
05:24.33 brlcad i was just wondering if you had
05:24.39 Twingy well I mean for the people who are interested
05:24.42 brlcad since it's what youv'e been working on after all
05:24.54 Twingy I did it once a blue moon ago
05:25.03 Twingy about a year ago
05:25.08 Twingy it was something like 21x faster at that time
05:25.19 Twingy like 4.5 minutes for rt and 18 seconds or something for rise
05:25.26 Twingy 640x480 or something
05:25.32 brlcad that wasn't the same model, iirc
05:25.39 brlcad and not the same output
05:25.39 Twingy yah it was
05:25.43 Twingy the humvee was a bot
05:25.55 Twingy they were both based off the same dxf file
05:26.16 Twingy and I had the cameras to within a degree of each other
05:26.23 Twingy and rounded the speedup down in favor of rt
05:26.41 Twingy both doing flat shading
05:26.48 Twingy so it wasn't benchmarking render code
05:27.06 brlcad it's close, but still not quantitative
05:27.15 Twingy exactly, but close is all we need here
05:27.30 Twingy gives you 2 significant figures
05:27.33 brlcad you've got to be kidding.. ??
05:27.35 Twingy that's all you really need for comparisson
05:27.47 Twingy when people go, how fast is Product A over B
05:27.53 Twingy you tell them 2.1, not 2.124981295
05:27.59 Twingy the brain doesn't work that way
05:28.29 brlcad yeah, but if it can't even produce the same output, it's not the same comparison
05:28.41 Twingy right, but it's close 'nuff
05:28.41 brlcad no matter how close
05:28.52 Twingy that's why I give a *rough* estimate
05:28.58 Twingy not 5 signif figures
05:29.16 Twingy so when joe blow runs the app on X geometry they can expect roughly a Y performance improvement
05:29.59 brlcad more direct would be a csg tank vs a sufficiently polygonalized version that produces the same pixel output
05:30.23 Twingy yah, that'd be kinda interesting, haven't done any csg vs. polygon bench's yet
05:30.47 Twingy though it's kinda weird trying to pick how many triangles you should tesselate to
05:31.00 Twingy that's kinda up to the user
05:31.09 Twingy which makes the benchmark kinda pointless
05:31.12 Twingy but neat
05:31.44 brlcad that's why I said same pixel output .. there's a fairly exact threshold that should produce the same pixel
05:31.59 Twingy yah, but I mean, who wants to spend several hours on that
05:32.14 Twingy just like cleaning the kitchen floor with a toothbrush... it's not terribly productive
05:32.35 Twingy maybe a good job for a summer student
05:32.37 Twingy hrm...
05:32.40 Twingy you've got me thinking now
05:33.00 brlcad I disagree that it's not worth while -- that's what's being proposed for an ultimatel replacement
05:33.20 brlcad might as well test exactly what that is, though I suppose it will sort of settle out of the muves integration
05:33.50 brlcad hey, speaking of student..
05:33.50 Twingy replacement? eek
05:33.59 Twingy I don't think it should ever become a replacement
05:34.04 brlcad i heard one came in yesterday
05:34.11 Twingy yah, I got one of em in my office
05:34.11 brlcad that yours or mine?
05:34.22 Twingy I'm not supposed to have any
05:34.26 Twingy I'm just baby sitting for lee
05:34.41 brlcad well, you're sitting on one, and I got the other
05:34.53 brlcad so is that one yours or mine? :)
05:34.54 Twingy for this week anyway
05:35.05 Twingy the one I got lee told me to look after for a week
05:35.17 brlcad ah, hrm.. that's different then
05:37.10 Twingy my new gps arrived today :)
05:37.15 Twingy good stuff
05:37.57 brlcad what's the resolution?
05:38.05 brlcad stable numbers?
05:38.57 Twingy
05:39.17 Twingy built in compass and altimeter
05:39.43 Twingy gps altimeter is worthless and gps compass is worthless unless moving
05:40.13 Twingy Harmon mean computation for earth geode is crappy way to get altitude from sattelite :(
05:40.53 Twingy got the suction cup window mount
05:41.07 Twingy and a splitter for the lighter along with the dc adapter for car
05:41.19 Twingy the backlight is handy for night driving
08:18.45 *** join/#brlcad clock- (
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13:48.27 *** join/#brlcad plaincad863 (
13:49.42 plaincad863 Has anyone been able to get BRLCAD to run on later issues of Fedora?
13:53.19 *** join/#brlcad plaincad863 (
14:32.25 archivist_ "add please have
14:34.35 archivist_ oops wrong keybord ignore
14:36.23 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
14:45.49 *** join/#brlcad jrobey (
15:56.40 *** join/#brlcad jrobey (
18:14.25 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
18:14.25 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.2.6 is now posted (20050612) || Several will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon || 'brlcad' is attending the 2005 International Conference on Shapes and Solids (Jun 13-17)
18:47.55 *** join/#brlcad jrobey (
21:50.56 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
22:17.35 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (4 files in 3 dirs): Started on util_display_console for use in igvt observer, 25% done.
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050622

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050622

00:36.29 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/ vers.c is not dependant upon all the sources, just on common and view.c
01:02.29 Twingy ONLY_BENCHMARK does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL
01:02.29 Twingy ONLY_RTS does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL
01:02.29 Twingy Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//) at /usr/local/bin/automake-1.9 line 3661.
01:02.29 Twingy db/ INSTALL_MODELS does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL
01:02.29 Twingy Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//) at /usr/local/bin/automake-1.9 line 3661.
01:02.31 Twingy Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//) at /usr/local/bin/automake-1.9 line 3661.
01:02.40 Twingy Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//) at /usr/local/bin/automake-1.9 line 3661.
01:03.06 brlcad eh
01:03.12 Twingy doing a build
01:03.26 Twingy Making all in sh
01:03.26 Twingy cd .. && make am--refresh
01:03.26 Twingy <PROTECTED>
01:03.27 Twingy no proper invocation of AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE was found.
01:03.27 Twingy You should verify that invokes AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE,
01:03.27 Twingy that aclocal.m4 is present in the top-level directory,
01:03.29 Twingy and that aclocal.m4 was recently regenerated (using aclocal).
01:03.31 Twingy ONLY_BENCHMARK does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL
01:03.35 Twingy ONLY_RTS does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL
01:04.31 brlcad sounds like there's a typo in your
01:04.44 Twingy just did a cvs update -dP
01:04.53 Twingy about an hour ago
01:04.57 brlcad and reran
01:05.02 Twingy no
01:05.33 Twingy should I be recompiling the whole package everytime I do a cvs update?
01:05.39 brlcad no
01:05.44 Twingy k
01:05.56 brlcad that warning is bogus -- not sure what it's from
01:06.24 brlcad there's an AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE in (two actually), and ONLY_* do appear in AM_CONDITIONALS
01:06.39 brlcad maybe you had a cvs conflict on update
01:06.46 Twingy k
01:07.01 Twingy autogen finished
01:07.05 Twingy rerunning configure
01:07.17 brlcad if autogen finished.. then that warning is even more bogus
01:07.22 brlcad s/warning/error/
01:08.04 Twingy running make
01:08.09 Twingy oh well
01:08.13 Twingy make didn't complain this time
01:08.24 brlcad pretty cool.. i have rtarea reporting the exposed and unexposed surface areas
01:08.33 Twingy for rtweight?
01:08.40 brlcad rtarea
01:08.44 Twingy something new?
01:09.04 brlcad no, it was an old tool that would tell you "area = 123.321"
01:09.23 brlcad now it tells you per region how much is used, and computes unexposed surface areas too
01:09.36 Twingy are you evaluating the surface areas by doing the double integral or just firing craploads of rays at it?
01:09.41 brlcad like how much of an engine is presented from a particular view
01:09.57 Twingy s/you/rtarea
01:10.26 brlcad shoots rays at user-defined resolution
01:10.38 Twingy take very long?
01:10.53 brlcad not really
01:10.55 Twingy cool
01:11.02 brlcad much less time than it takes to render
01:11.02 Twingy hrm
01:11.06 Twingy I could use that for my rocket
01:11.11 Twingy computing center of pressure
01:11.16 brlcad it's just basically a ray bean counter that projects all the way through
01:11.26 Twingy gotcha
01:12.25 brlcad doesn't do total surface area yet -- just area projected onto the viewplane approximated by the viewgrid size
01:12.51 Twingy ah, hrm
01:13.01 brlcad so it's totally view dependant -- but they use it for something
01:13.08 Twingy hrm
01:13.22 Twingy wouldn't be that hard to make the rays emit from an icosphere
01:13.33 Twingy that'd give a uniform area distribution
01:13.47 brlcad the new tessellator idea I have now from the conference should be able to do a fast total surface area calculation
01:13.53 Twingy yah
01:14.04 Twingy tesselated stuff is easy peasy to get surface area for
01:29.26 Twingy hrm
01:29.29 Twingy you commit that gui thing yet?
01:37.07 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ add configuration options to enable/disable the proe plugin
01:38.23 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ revert the new data directory location until mged is properly set to search there for the tclscripts and help files
01:38.34 brlcad fixed
01:40.06 Twingy sweet
02:49.15 Twingy hrm
02:49.36 Twingy this is surprisingly entertaining code to work on
02:49.47 Twingy reminds me of the C64
02:50.01 brlcad pic?
02:50.07 Twingy the console for IGVT
02:50.11 brlcad ah
02:50.35 Twingy press ` while you are running and the console appears ... quake style y0
02:51.01 Twingy throw some commands at it, and back to the images you go
02:54.01 brlcad the way it should be
02:54.06 brlcad good stuff
02:54.12 Twingy aww yea
02:54.43 Twingy I notice
02:54.51 Twingy CIA-8 doesn't always post cvs updates
02:54.57 Twingy commits rather
02:56.25 brlcad yeah, usually means scanline's working on it, doing something to it
02:56.59 brlcad the e-mails still arrive, though
02:57.00 Twingy they going or not?
02:57.14 brlcad scanline's not
02:57.17 brlcad purple_cow is
02:57.22 Twingy sgi?
02:57.42 Twingy paying for david that is
02:57.57 brlcad paying for most, yeah
02:58.05 brlcad though not sgi
02:58.18 brlcad other job/group/something
02:58.27 Twingy k
02:59.08 Twingy f0shizzle mah command line nizzle
03:53.30 *** join/#brlcad ibot (ibot@
03:53.30 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.2.6 is now posted (20050612) || Several will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon || 'brlcad' is attending the 2005 International Conference on Shapes and Solids (Jun 13-17)
04:59.27 *** join/#brlcad prasad (
05:00.12 *** part/#brlcad prasad (
05:06.51 Twingy sean, you there?
05:08.41 brlcad yup
05:09.26 Twingy I'm going to tie python into adrt
05:09.40 Twingy and I need a ${PYTHON}
05:09.52 Twingy and a @PYTHON_CFLAGS@
05:10.21 Twingy got any ideas?
05:11.06 brlcad not off the top of my head
05:11.19 Twingy python doesn't seem to come with any sdl-config like script
05:11.32 Twingy so that could make detection of the include folder tricky
05:12.04 brlcad the library should know
05:12.11 Twingy hrm?
05:12.17 brlcad could be checks similar to what I had to do for tcl
05:12.34 brlcad you embedding or just using?
05:12.37 Twingy embedding
05:12.42 brlcad so what's the library?
05:12.44 Twingy as the scripting language for the console
05:12.47 Twingy -lpython
05:13.14 brlcad that becomes a simple library check, maybe another one for headers
05:13.36 Twingy would it be much effort to add right now?
05:13.37 brlcad the library itself should provide some means to locate it's own scripts
05:14.23 brlcad not too much effort, but it's going to need a slew of testing
05:14.37 brlcad wouldn't recommend it for this iteration given there's just a week left
05:14.56 brlcad but if you want to, i can look into it more tomorrow
05:14.56 Twingy hrm
05:15.36 Twingy I'd like to have a working console by friday for the meeting with the pauls... and it's either spend time writing my own command processor, or just use python...
05:15.48 brlcad the check for the library itself is simple enough to add, so are the headers -- that should be pretty evident to add in the
05:16.00 Twingy checking
05:16.48 brlcad basically three sections, a header, a library, and a system feature
05:17.05 Twingy k
05:17.16 brlcad the "system feature" section will just check the header and library results and enable/disable the feature
05:17.45 brlcad you tested if mged worked?
05:18.12 Twingy PYTHONLIB=""
05:18.12 Twingy AC_CHECK_LIB(python, deflate, PYTHONLIB="-lpython")
05:18.20 Twingy haven't updated yet, one sec
05:19.19 brlcad deflate isn't a libpython symbol
05:19.39 Twingy ah
05:19.44 Twingy hehe, stole the one from zlib
05:19.52 Twingy let me nm for something
05:20.08 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (7 files in 4 dirs): more additions to the console and beginning to add python interpreter.
05:23.26 brlcad hrm .. okay I got some good python tests
05:23.31 Twingy oh?
05:23.34 brlcad it ain't pretty, but it should work
05:23.36 Twingy k
05:24.23 brlcad have to basically invoke the interpreter and ask it where it's stuff is
05:24.23 Twingy but everyone seems to gag over perl
05:24.42 brlcad e.g. python -c "from distutils import sysconfig; print sysconfig.get_python_inc()"
05:24.43 Twingy ah
05:24.49 Twingy nifty
05:24.57 brlcad fugly
05:25.08 Twingy not as nice as sdl-config
05:25.50 brlcad that's one of a handful
05:26.04 Twingy I should write, which runs autogen, configure, and make
05:26.44 Twingy err
05:26.45 brlcad i used to have an option to that did that for y ou
05:27.05 Twingy cvsupdate -dP && ./ && ./configure --enable-optimized --prefix=/usr/local && make -j5
05:27.34 Twingy ^--
05:27.41 brlcad eek, I wouldn't do the -dP every time
05:27.52 Twingy I just did a make
05:27.57 Twingy and it didn't build anything new
05:27.59 Twingy so...
05:28.07 Twingy let's see what this make install does for me
05:28.20 brlcad hmm
05:28.25 brlcad i suspect it won't work
05:28.32 brlcad the search paths are compiled in to libbu and mged
05:28.33 Twingy I suspect you're right :)
05:28.43 Twingy maybe I'll do a clean build
05:28.48 Twingy ^--
05:28.48 brlcad you should be able to make clean those two dirs
05:28.52 Twingy k
05:29.07 Twingy yep, no go
05:29.14 brlcad actually.. hrm
05:29.19 brlcad it should have worked
05:29.32 Twingy cleaned libbu and mged
05:29.36 Twingy compiling
05:29.47 brlcad that's not the problem.. that's why it _didn't_work.. because it wasn't compiled in
05:30.02 brlcad did make install create a /usr/local/tclscripts?
05:30.19 Twingy no
05:30.36 brlcad grep DATA
05:30.57 Twingy # BRLCAD_DATA_DIR='${pkgdatadir}/${BRLCAD_VERSION}'
05:30.57 Twingy BRLCAD_DATA_DIR='${datadir}'
05:30.57 Twingy SAMPLE_APPLICATIONS_DIR='$(BRLCAD_DATA_DIR)/sample_applications'
05:31.15 brlcad grep datadir src/tclscripts/Makefile
05:31.44 Twingy pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/brlcad
05:31.44 Twingy BRLCAD_DATA_DIR = ${datadir}
05:31.44 Twingy datadir = ${prefix}/share
05:31.44 Twingy [justin@borg:~/src/brlcad]$
05:31.59 brlcad ahhh
05:32.14 brlcad oops
05:32.18 Twingy o.O
05:32.37 brlcad it's going to be messy in /usr/local
05:32.46 Twingy urf
05:32.48 brlcad cp -R /usr/local/share/tclscripts /usr/local/.
05:32.57 Twingy k
05:32.58 brlcad cp -R /usr/local/share/html /usr/local/.
05:33.02 brlcad that should do it
05:33.14 Twingy cp or mv?
05:33.20 brlcad either
05:33.24 Twingy mv
05:33.55 Twingy no usrlocalsharehtml
05:34.25 brlcad er /usr/local/share/doc/html
05:34.47 Twingy k
05:34.50 Twingy it's werkin
05:36.26 brlcad i'll have to work on the interpreter calls later today .. testing for binaries is a bit harder than libs/headers
05:36.36 Twingy k
05:36.47 Twingy ev is slow
05:36.54 Twingy maybe I shouldn't have done that
05:39.03 Twingy erf
05:39.26 Twingy mged is choking on this bot
05:41.15 brlcad heh
05:41.28 brlcad that was one of the good things I got from the conference that I'm looking forward to implementing
05:41.35 Twingy hrm?
05:42.15 Twingy this bot is like un editable on mged
05:42.24 brlcad two algorithms related to very nice tesselation techniques
05:42.25 Twingy just sends mged into like an infinite loop
05:42.29 Twingy trying to do a primitve selection
05:42.31 Twingy it's goofy
05:42.32 brlcad parallelizable even
05:42.53 Twingy why would mged spend so much time
05:42.57 Twingy changing a mesh from red to white
05:43.21 brlcad not based so much on the silly repetitive "tesselate this sphere to detail BLAH and figure out what's inside/outside/on an edge" junk
05:43.58 Twingy okay
05:44.03 Twingy so how am I supposed to rotate this dragon
05:44.09 brlcad ev'ing a bot gets exponentially worse due to how the tesselator works
05:44.10 Twingy if trying to edit it sends it into infinite loop
05:44.22 brlcad ev isn't edit
05:44.27 Twingy forget ev
05:44.27 TheLastSpartan I've never heard of ev, Twingy!
05:44.29 Twingy that was like 10 minutes ago
05:44.35 brlcad heh
05:44.50 Twingy Edit->Prim Selection
05:45.14 brlcad just "e blah"
05:45.31 Twingy I can draw ply_bot
05:45.45 Twingy no problem
05:45.49 Twingy editing it is an issue
05:46.03 Twingy hrm
05:46.08 Twingy l ply_bot was bad
05:46.20 brlcad not too useful for large bots
05:46.30 Twingy not usable with large bots
05:46.36 Twingy at all
05:46.43 Twingy on a 50 gigglehurts computer
05:46.52 Twingy hrmmm
05:46.57 Twingy I'll have to load this into blender then
05:47.15 brlcad twas the last primitive added with only minimal support.. so yeah, it sucks
05:47.30 Twingy I dunno why doing a list on triangles
05:47.43 Twingy would take a long time before it started to do anything
05:47.44 Twingy you like
05:47.47 Twingy loop through an array
05:47.49 Twingy and print
05:47.53 Twingy there's no preprocessing
05:48.06 brlcad *shrug*
05:48.09 brlcad probably tcl buffering
05:48.32 Twingy so much for complaining that mged isn't working :(
05:48.58 Twingy might as well
05:49.19 brlcad doesn't sort assemblies alphabetically
05:49.33 brlcad fix it ;)
05:49.35 Twingy feed it into qsort?
05:49.41 Twingy I already did, adrt :)
05:49.53 Twingy just need to add a geometry adding feature to it now ^_^
05:49.54 brlcad that aint editing
05:50.03 Twingy well, I'd rather do that
05:50.14 Twingy than try and unkludge somone elses code
05:50.59 Twingy we should talk about this tesselation stuff
05:51.08 Twingy maybe we can make it the new geometry editor
05:51.15 Twingy but having do csg internally
05:51.25 Twingy or have a csg representation internally
05:51.32 Twingy that way it doesn't lose fidelity
05:52.15 Twingy the primitives would get a quick tesselation and shoved into the viewer/editor
05:53.58 Twingy mmm bed time
05:54.08 brlcad time for me to go home i think
05:54.33 Twingy hrm
05:54.36 Twingy we need a futon
05:54.38 Twingy at work
05:54.47 Twingy for the office
05:55.00 brlcad yep
05:55.03 Twingy maybe we can find a cheap one and we'll both pitch in for it
05:55.09 Twingy bet we could find something decent for under $100
05:55.12 Twingy at ikea
05:55.16 brlcad prolly
05:55.25 Twingy with pillow and blanket
05:56.02 Twingy I wish they'd turn that wash closet into a shower
05:56.25 Twingy a tiny shower would rock
05:56.33 brlcad yeah
05:56.37 Twingy maybe we can ask lisa
05:56.47 Twingy since we have people that exercise and stay over night and stuff
05:56.54 Twingy it's already got the plumbing
05:57.07 Twingy just a matter of paying $1k for somone to come in and install something
05:57.38 Twingy anywho
05:57.43 Twingy laundry is done
05:57.43 Twingy later
05:59.12 brlcad later
06:21.38 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/viewweight.c: this should really use bu_units_conversion() and bu_units_string()
06:24.52 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/rtscale.c: sting the string typo
08:38.18 *** join/#brlcad clock- (
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13:53.27 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
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16:15.53 *** join/#brlcad Teppy (
16:16.30 Teppy Hey guys, I'm hoping someone here might be able to help me. I'm Andy Tepper, designer for A Tale in the Desert...
16:17.34 Teppy I'm working on a new MMORPG based on "Tales of Alvin Maker", a series of books by Orson Scott Card, and I'm exploring the use of CSG for a part of that project.
16:23.20 Teppy If anyone here can answer a few questions about whether brlcad would help with my project, just chat - I'll idle for a bit.
16:27.19 archivist yeah do lurk a while ppl here do reply later when they are able
17:41.41 *** join/#brlcad clock- (
18:43.19 brlcad hmm
18:44.49 *** join/#brlcad jrobey (
20:29.54 *** join/#brlcad archivist_ (
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22:31.36 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/viewarea.c: (log message trimmed)
22:31.36 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: Shazam. This makes a fairly extensive improvement (pretty much a rewrite) of
22:31.36 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: rtarea to report both the presented and exposed area projections for both
22:31.36 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: regions and assemblies. The regions are sorted alphabetically, the assemblies
22:31.36 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: are indented by maximum encountered visitation depth (which isn't the same as
22:31.36 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: the construction hierarchy, but good enough for organizing the list somewhat),
22:31.36 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: and the number of hits are reported as well. more work is needed to alphabetize
22:32.42 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/rtarea.1: document the new rtarea output including details on the difference between presented and exposed surface areas, this implements sf request 1225052 from dwaynelk
22:56.26 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/viewarea.c: refactor the printing of region areas to a function
23:07.29 *** join/#brlcad cad747 (
23:08.16 *** part/#brlcad cad747 (
23:13.24 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/viewarea.c: refactor the two assembly book-keeping functions into just one using the area type enum type. also fix the previous refactoring's count of region encounters.
23:15.44 Twingy rdy for some python? :)
23:33.58 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/viewarea.c: refactor the two assembly printing sections into one function, print_assembly_area_list
23:36.45 archivist_ indistinct error msg: error: source directory already configured; run "make distclean" there first
23:36.45 archivist_ <PROTECTED>
23:37.55 archivist in /configure btw
23:52.03 Twingy sean, you mind if I commit now?
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050623

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050623

00:05.09 brlcad Twingy: of course if it's going to break the build .. not ready yet for changes
00:06.30 brlcad move adrt from SUBDIRS to DIST_SUBDIRS in src/ and you could
00:06.44 brlcad since that would make you have to cd src/adrt && make
00:07.13 brlcad archivist: what were you trying to do
00:07.36 brlcad "there" is the source directory .. i.e. the directory with all the sources ;)
00:08.03 Twingy k
00:09.41 *** join/#brlcad jrobey (
00:09.46 Twingy hi jason
00:10.27 jrobey hello
00:10.59 jrobey I had a question on rise--wondering if you could walk me through it again
00:11.27 jrobey I had it running at work all day yesterday and didn't see any progress indicators in master, slave, or observer
00:11.52 jrobey thought I might be setting it up wrong--especially since my computer wasn't churning madly away at anything
00:12.10 jrobey hope all is well on the east
00:12.21 Twingy hrm
00:12.35 Twingy you were seeing progress on your laptop right?
00:12.50 jrobey no, that was what I was running on at work
00:12.54 Twingy ah
00:13.04 jrobey didn't get a chance to finish the new download until the next day
00:13.16 jrobey I'll start off w/ a cvs update, though
00:13.21 Twingy one sec
00:13.24 Twingy ah
00:13.24 Twingy k
00:13.28 Twingy yea, get a cvs update
00:13.33 Twingy I'm tying in python
00:13.48 Twingy lemme know when you're done
00:14.04 jrobey oh, and I still have to build ardt separately useing -lgpm, don't know if that is something that is easy to update
00:14.08 jrobey k, cool beans
00:14.20 jrobey going to look at the java interface tonight in brl-cad
00:14.21 Twingy I'd try setting in env.db
00:14.32 Twingy the rendering method to ... phong
00:14.40 Twingy and see if it atleast spits out a picture
00:14.53 jrobey k
00:14.56 jrobey will do
00:15.06 Twingy if it does then set it back to path,1024 or whatever
00:15.27 Twingy eventually rise and igvt will both have consoles
00:15.55 Twingy should make them alot more friendly
00:19.29 jrobey sounds good--want a java console on top of them?
00:19.51 Twingy the console is graphical
00:19.56 jrobey could make it web-deployable
00:19.58 jrobey right
00:20.09 Twingy the python console is done on the master
00:20.13 Twingy it could be run on a handheld
00:20.16 jrobey ah, cool
00:20.16 Twingy doesn't require libraries
00:20.21 jrobey sweet--very nice
00:20.30 Twingy just ability to network and display pixels
00:20.50 jrobey right, cool--do you have anything that starts up services remotely?
00:21.06 Twingy no... mike is working on integrating mpi into it...
00:21.16 jrobey that was always an issue for me--how to get remote machines to work w/out me having to start a process on each one
00:21.21 jrobey ah, cool
00:21.24 Twingy ah
00:21.32 Twingy well for clusters we have scripts
00:21.40 Twingy that is a simple shell script
00:21.40 jrobey right, makes sense
00:21.43 Twingy that uses rsh to login to them
00:21.52 Twingy and run it in daemon mode
00:22.16 Twingy a little tricky to setup, but works great
00:22.23 jrobey the best I've done when we were pooling our actual work computers to run things overnight was a web based deployment where folks had to click on a link before going home
00:22.33 jrobey ah, that makes sense
00:22.55 jrobey not very secure in the open I imagine, but doesn't need to be
00:23.39 Twingy well, I've not bothered with thinking about security
00:23.52 Twingy I'll let somone fork it if they want to do something like that
00:24.13 Twingy if somone wants to path trace over the net where latency and bandwidth are crap.. I could see that maybe
00:24.18 Twingy but definetly not the interactive part
00:24.33 Twingy your update finish?
00:29.07 brlcad jrobey: it's actually krsh -- Kerberized rsh so sans the usual insecurities of rsh
00:29.34 brlcad at least in-house
00:29.40 Twingy no...
00:29.45 Twingy it's rsh
00:30.04 Twingy that's why it's in a sandbox
00:30.17 jrobey ah
00:30.23 brlcad hrm
00:30.33 Twingy and yes howard approved this
00:30.33 brlcad on shiva, but anywhere else it's not
00:30.40 Twingy correct
00:30.43 Twingy cause nobody is diskless
00:30.47 Twingy and kinky like us
00:30.53 jrobey heh
00:31.03 jrobey bbiab--gotta put my burgers on the grill
00:31.08 Twingy you dont update?
00:31.10 Twingy done?
00:31.17 jrobey yeah
00:31.19 Twingy k
00:31.19 jrobey starting build
00:31.47 jrobey long day--just typed ant three times at the console to no avail
00:33.26 Twingy heh
00:41.11 Twingy hrm
00:41.17 Twingy I still have 16 years of payments left on the house
00:43.46 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/ (7 files in 4 dirs): Skeleton framework for python integration in place, console 75% done.
00:50.49 jrobey brlcad: do I still need to be copying 7.3.0/tclscripts and 7.3.0/doc/html over?
00:51.56 brlcad yes, cept they are in share now, not share/brlcad/7.3.0
00:52.18 jrobey ah, k
00:52.23 brlcad only a half-revert until I can finish fixing a couple other issues
00:52.31 jrobey k
00:55.10 jrobey Twingy: I finished update and build and am running at 512 with phong
00:56.47 jrobey top doesn't show anything I recognize as rise or brl-cad in the top 20 or so processes, but I'll let it run for a bit to see if any progress shows--will progress show in the observer?
00:57.46 jrobey also, can a slave stay up through reboot of master and observer, or should they come down too?
00:58.07 jrobey by reboot, I just mean kill and restart
01:00.12 *** join/#brlcad echristl (
01:01.07 echristl Hello? I was referred here for help installing Brlcad.
01:01.14 brlcad hello
01:01.32 echristl Hi. I'm running Fedora Core 3.
01:01.40 brlcad sorry to hear that, continue ;)
01:01.53 echristl I followed the directions on the BRLCAD website for installing.
01:02.07 echristl Now all I get is the gui error
01:02.08 brlcad those are probably already a bit out-dated
01:02.11 brlcad ahh
01:02.15 brlcad you checked out from cvs?
01:02.26 echristl yes
01:02.32 brlcad bug recently injected, simple fix
01:02.48 echristl I like simple
01:02.54 brlcad copy the tclscripts and doc/html directories to the brl-cad root
01:03.04 brlcad what was your --prefix?
01:03.11 echristl /usr/brlcad
01:03.15 Twingy back
01:03.43 Twingy jrobey, you're using rise correct?
01:03.45 brlcad so, it's mv /usr/brlcad/share/tclscripts /usr/brlcad/. && mv /usr/brlcad/share/doc/html /usr/brlcad/.
01:05.03 echristl would that be /usr/brlcad/share/brlcad/7.3.0/tclscripts ?
01:05.30 brlcad ahh, you got it from a couple days ago
01:05.31 brlcad yes
01:05.36 brlcad or a day ago
01:05.45 echristl day before yesterday
01:05.53 brlcad bingo ;)
01:08.24 echristl yoohoo!! there it is.
01:08.55 echristl Now to see if I can convert all the Pro/Desktop drawings of my airplane to BRLCAD.
01:09.00 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ ( doc/ complete the 'fix'/revert of the new installation directories back to prefix until mged is updated properly
01:10.16 echristl Thank you very much, brlcad. I'm off to find a tutorial.
01:10.21 brlcad glad to help
01:10.30 brlcad there are tutorials on the website
01:10.38 brlcad an extensive one on mged basics
01:10.56 brlcad and a more advanced one as well
01:11.09 echristl I'll go there first. Thank you, again.
01:22.51 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/viewarea.c: now the assemblies are sorted too. each depth is independently sorted.
01:38.08 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: rewrote rtarea for region and assemblies support; added sorting and hierarchy support to rtarea. include a paragraph describing/emphasizing the new rtarea changes since they are user-requested
01:42.42 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ ( NEWS README): bump the revision up to 7.3.1 for a progress marking. technically rtarea is an incompatible update, albeit not binary incompatible
01:56.55 jrobey Twingy, yes, using rise at 512 w/ phong
01:57.29 Twingy ah
01:57.32 Twingy don't feed 512 to phong
01:57.37 jrobey still no status or apparent process
01:57.41 Twingy the 512 is paths per pixel only for path tracing
01:58.42 jrobey ah
01:58.59 Twingy
01:59.02 Twingy paste your env.db there
02:08.04 jrobey k
02:09.45 jrobey k, done
02:09.54 Twingy url?
02:10.02 jrobey
02:10.35 jrobey bbiab--dog walking time
02:11.39 Twingy image_size,640,480,40,40
02:11.50 Twingy rendering_method,phong
02:39.28 *** join/#brlcad jrobe1 (
02:40.12 Twingy hi
02:40.26 jrobe1 hi, I'm back, updating env.db
02:40.47 Twingy k
02:40.56 jrobe1 oops, I'm logged on twice--how do I get rid of one of these
02:41.05 Twingy goto the other one and kill it
02:42.24 jrobe1 not sure if I can dothat in gaim
02:42.47 Twingy *shrug* I never used gaim for irc
02:42.59 jrobe1 probably a good reason for that
02:43.18 jrobe1 I do get kicked off a lot
02:43.33 jrobe1 what client do you use again?
02:43.43 Twingy BitchX and Xchat
02:44.05 jrobe1 ah, yes
02:50.26 jrobe1 yeah
02:50.42 Twingy hrm?
02:52.03 jrobe1 my phantom just logged off
02:52.31 jrobe1 I'm running rise, but still no status and my processes seem to always be asleep, but that might not indicate anything
02:53.17 Twingy you made that changed to env.db?
02:53.32 Twingy let me login to your box
02:53.55 jrobe1 yeah
02:54.19 Twingy k
02:54.19 jrobe1 I'm behind earthlink dsl, so I'm not sure that is possible
02:54.23 Twingy I'm in
02:54.29 jrobe1 seet
02:54.31 jrobe1 sweet
02:54.37 Twingy got burlycad there?
02:54.45 jrobe1 ??
02:54.49 Twingy on www
02:55.07 Twingy btw, you're not using rise_observer right?
02:55.19 jrobe1 yes I am
02:55.21 Twingy eek
02:55.29 Twingy it's broken right now
02:55.31 jrobe1 looking at xchat and rafb
02:55.32 jrobe1 ah
02:55.34 Twingy just use rise_slave and rise_master
02:55.39 jrobe1 heh
02:55.39 jrobe1 k
02:55.48 Twingy rise got pushed onto back burner until july 12
02:55.55 jrobe1 ah
02:56.09 Twingy you should see progress going up now
02:56.20 jrobe1 I killed that and got scene data received and prepping geometry
02:56.48 Twingy should only take a second or two to compute the image
02:56.57 jrobe1 master just got a segmentation fault
02:57.00 jrobe1 let me try again
02:57.11 Twingy hrm
02:57.18 Twingy something is wrong with your input files then
02:57.33 Twingy it's not very forgiving if you have a typo in your input files
02:57.48 jrobe1 yeah, it worked
02:57.51 Twingy k
02:57.55 Twingy shoulda generated a ppm file
02:58.08 Twingy does it look like a humvee?
02:58.38 jrobe1 I don't see a ppm so maybe it didnt
02:58.46 Twingy in the humanim folder
02:58.55 Twingy it puts it in the project folder for you
02:58.59 jrobe1 jason@ice:~/humanim$ rise_master -p . -g ./mesh.db
02:58.59 jrobe1 Preparing frame #1 of 1
02:58.59 jrobe1 Master is shutting down, standby.
02:58.59 jrobe1 Total data transfered: 2088 kB
02:58.59 jrobe1 jason@ice:~/humanim$ ls
02:59.24 jrobe1 no directories in humanim
02:59.34 Twingy just do
02:59.35 Twingy echo *
02:59.56 jrobe1 jason@ice:~/humanim$ echo *
02:59.56 jrobe1 env.db env.db.bak first.g first.plot frame.db frame.db.bak mesh.db properties.db texture.db
03:00.18 Twingy hrmph
03:00.25 Twingy maybe it's not spitting them out right now
03:00.27 Twingy one sec
03:00.32 jrobe1 k
03:00.44 Twingy ah
03:00.45 Twingy hehe
03:00.46 Twingy yah
03:00.50 Twingy I have the saving part comented out
03:00.56 Twingy go into rise/master/master.c
03:00.57 jrobe1 awesome ;)
03:01.00 Twingy search for //
03:01.07 Twingy uncomment those 3 lines
03:01.08 jrobe1 k
03:01.10 Twingy I'll commit
03:02.18 jrobe1 vi is cool
03:02.41 Twingy not as cool as tapping moorsecode through your serial port with a couple wires
03:02.45 Twingy j/k :)
03:02.50 jrobe1 lol
03:05.16 jrobe1 uh, oh, now I get a Segmentation fault every time I run rise_master
03:05.22 jrobe1 right away
03:07.24 Twingy let me test if it works on my end
03:07.29 jrobe1 k
03:08.33 Twingy hrm
03:08.37 Twingy try doing a make clean in adrt
03:08.38 jrobe1 did a clean update in master.c
03:08.44 jrobe1 will try to make and run
03:08.49 Twingy I just tested on my fbsd box and it worked
03:08.54 jrobe1 k
03:09.00 Twingy try something different with the paths
03:09.12 Twingy rise_master -p /full/path/.. -g /full/path/.../mesh.db
03:09.21 Twingy just curious
03:09.31 jrobe1 k
03:09.35 Twingy there's a bug there
03:09.41 Twingy I haven't fixed, known about it for months
03:10.29 jrobe1 ah, nevermind--I'm starting from the wrong directory
03:10.33 Twingy ah
03:11.22 Twingy urf
03:11.27 jrobe1 much better
03:11.32 Twingy still atleast 8 hours left on this python integration
03:11.49 Twingy k
03:11.52 jrobe1 wow, late night
03:11.52 Twingy now
03:11.59 Twingy replace phong with path,16
03:12.02 Twingy and
03:12.09 Twingy 640,480,40,40 with 640,480,10,10
03:12.10 jrobe1 looks like one of my scout hmmwv's
03:12.15 jrobe1 k
03:12.41 Twingy should get a VERY grainy path traced image
03:13.05 Twingy 256 might be acceptable
03:13.48 jrobe1 k, taking a bit longer to process
03:13.51 Twingy yep :)
03:14.10 jrobe1 about 2 tenths of a percent per second on this box
03:14.18 Twingy 117 million rays
03:14.34 jrobe1 that's a bunch
03:14.37 Twingy yah
03:14.42 Twingy probly more like 90 million
03:14.47 Twingy but in that neighborhood
03:15.23 jrobe1 gotchya
03:18.19 Twingy done?
03:20.56 jrobe1 80%
03:21.39 Twingy k
03:21.48 Twingy betchya wish you had a cluster now ;)
03:24.18 jrobe1 heh, for sure
03:24.32 jrobe1 this is pretty grainy, but the tail lights are on
03:25.08 Twingy yah
03:25.26 Twingy not if you do that at like 256
03:25.35 Twingy you'll get something more respectable
03:25.41 Twingy s/not/now
03:25.43 jrobe1 k, cool, I'll try it
03:25.53 Twingy got any other *nix machines there?
03:25.54 Twingy like www?
03:26.32 jrobe1 I could probably use that one--it's just the server in New York or Dallas
03:26.40 jrobe1 I never remember where the primary is
03:27.20 jrobe1 I'm not supposed to leave intense server processes running since it is being shared by several others
03:27.26 Twingy ahh
03:27.36 Twingy hrm
03:27.40 Twingy could expose the port on the firewall
03:27.46 Twingy and I could have a box here connect to it, hehe
03:28.40 jrobe1 heh, maybe--I've failed to get even a dns visible to the outside from my home before--I get things through my home firewalls, but earthlink blocks everything after that
03:28.56 Twingy ahh
03:29.02 Twingy oh well
03:29.08 Twingy just goto walmart and buy a cluster of linares, hehe
03:29.17 jrobe1 I'm replacing myself as network god at work, so he would probably see it if I opened up the cluster at work
03:29.19 jrobe1 yeah
03:29.56 jrobe1 I've got four computers here at home I could get up and running
03:30.10 jrobe1 I'll play around w/ it over the weekend
03:30.11 Twingy ah
03:30.20 Twingy how's the progress on the 256?
03:30.43 jrobe1 I need to complete ms stuff by friday
03:30.59 Twingy ah
03:31.15 jrobe1 k, just started
03:31.37 jrobe1 about 8 seconds a tenth of a percent
03:32.12 Twingy hehe
03:32.20 Twingy ker chunk ker chunk
03:32.29 jrobe1 heh, yeah, go Dell go
03:32.41 Twingy this one will be 1/4 as grainy
03:32.47 jrobe1 k
03:32.50 Twingy quaduple the paths to cut noise in half
03:32.55 jrobe1 I'll try a bigger one over night
03:32.56 Twingy *quadruple
03:33.00 Twingy k
03:33.01 jrobe1 got it
03:36.22 Twingy the noise is same result of using a camera with a super high shutter speed
03:36.33 Twingy the longer the exposure etc...
03:38.07 jrobe1 ic
03:41.51 *** join/#brlcad prasad (
03:43.06 prasad that was a funny skit
03:43.27 Twingy batteries for the rocket came yesterday
03:43.52 Twingy just need to get crap mounted inside now
03:44.22 prasad nice
03:44.35 Twingy I need to weigh in all the parts
03:44.39 Twingy eventually
03:44.52 Twingy make sure I'm under the 3kg mark
03:45.02 prasad why's that?
03:45.06 Twingy otherwise I'll never reach sean's house
03:45.08 Twingy err I mean uhh
03:45.13 prasad *rimshot*
03:45.40 Twingy hrm
03:45.48 Twingy almost done adding python interprester to interactive raytracer
03:45.57 Twingy still a bunch of little doodads left though
03:46.08 prasad u need to add a Mode -1
03:46.12 prasad for desktops
03:46.17 Twingy no no no
03:46.19 Twingy Mode 13
03:46.23 Twingy for HIGH color
03:46.24 prasad that renders at 10x10
03:46.26 Twingy muhaha
03:46.32 Twingy heh
03:46.33 Twingy come on
03:46.36 Twingy you could atleast..
03:46.38 Twingy 16x16
03:46.47 prasad oh right
03:46.58 Twingy and probly 24x24 on your opteron box
03:47.04 prasad render it on a GLtex and blow it up to 2048
03:47.07 prasad genious
03:47.08 Twingy yah
03:47.12 Twingy genius? :)
03:47.27 prasad argh
03:48.28 prasad so im creating this game that needs 325GB just for the terrain
03:48.34 prasad <- leet
03:48.51 Twingy erm
03:49.04 Twingy that's why I don't wanna start my FEM game yet
03:49.11 Twingy just not enough memory
03:49.17 Twingy but if you write the game
03:49.22 Twingy in 10 years you'll be able to run it
03:49.35 prasad it'll take 10 years at this rate
03:49.39 prasad ???
03:49.40 prasad profit
03:49.41 Twingy there you go
03:49.59 prasad oi!
03:50.10 Twingy
03:50.53 prasad what is that? south park?
03:50.57 Twingy yes
03:52.15 prasad hey who's the main admin for shiva?
03:52.18 prasad erik?
03:54.29 Twingy me
03:55.12 prasad k
03:55.18 prasad be bugging u soon
03:55.25 Twingy oh yea
03:55.27 Twingy erik is the admin
03:55.39 prasad need to spawn a jini service
03:55.45 prasad 'diagnostics'
03:55.57 Twingy brb, hotdogs
03:56.01 prasad to notify the fire dept if the cluster starts smoking
03:59.35 *** join/#brlcad EricWilhelm (
04:14.40 Twingy hrm
04:14.44 Twingy I'm out of propane
04:25.38 brlcad jrobey: NickServ manages nicks -- you can register your irc aliases with it, and then ghost any that go stale /msg nickserv help
04:30.19 Twingy hrm
04:30.30 Twingy my python interface is going to be less command driven
04:30.42 Twingy it'll consist of a content editor with console
04:31.01 Twingy you write your 1 to n lines of python, hit ctrl+p and it processes it and spits output to console
04:31.11 Twingy same way blender works
04:31.21 *** join/#brlcad jrobey (
04:31.48 brlcad jrobey: NickServ manages nicks -- you can register your irc aliases with it, and then ghost any that go stale /msg nickserv
04:31.52 brlcad <PROTECTED>
04:32.08 prasad hey sean's not asleep
04:32.22 Twingy sleep is for the weak
04:33.10 prasad ill have to write a jni wrapper to adrt
04:33.23 Twingy o.O
04:33.45 brlcad that could be interesting
04:34.10 prasad then we have a reason to take over msrc under the guise of muves3
04:35.01 Twingy heh
04:35.10 Twingy I think you'll need msrc
04:35.14 Twingy for the database transactions
04:35.42 Twingy and a pocket calculator for the raytracer
04:35.47 Twingy with it 92% idle
04:38.36 prasad g3d engine can only reach 50fps at 100K tri/sec on a ti4600
04:38.44 prasad bleh
04:38.52 Twingy really?
04:38.57 Twingy how about 1 mil?
04:39.08 prasad im just running the demo
04:39.11 Twingy ah
04:39.17 Twingy that's not all that great
04:39.22 prasad sure isnt
04:39.31 Twingy wonder how it'd fair on 12.8 mil
04:39.34 prasad not enough to support my 325GB memory footprint
04:45.14 jrobey Twingy: 48% complete
04:45.25 Twingy heh
04:45.30 Twingy overclock that thing
04:45.35 Twingy to like... 50 gigglehurts
04:45.39 jrobey lol
04:46.20 jrobey heh, at least I don't have m$ anymore and can multitask
04:46.37 Twingy hehe
04:56.22 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (7 files in 4 dirs):
04:56.23 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: Python interpretor working now. Command interface has become a blender style
04:56.23 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: editing interface with ctrl+p to process and ctrl+l to clear buffers. Rise image
04:56.23 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: output re-enabled.
05:06.36 prasad hmm
05:06.51 prasad irrlicht is a nifty little engine
05:11.31 Twingy aha
05:14.12 prasad ?
05:15.26 Twingy alice in chains
05:18.44 brlcad ARL in Chaos
05:19.20 Twingy heh
05:19.28 Twingy
05:19.38 Twingy,0,0)
05:19.49 Twingy hrm
05:22.38 Twingy Advanced Computer Sausages Team
05:22.49 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (igvt/master/igvt_python.c libutil/display.c): memory bug fix.
05:23.03 prasad none of these engines can do outdoor scenes well enough
05:23.10 prasad i dont want to write my own engine dammit
05:23.19 Twingy writing your own engine is over-rated
05:24.19 Twingy payday
05:24.19 prasad (dyslexia) soo its easy?
05:24.30 Twingy time consuming
05:24.42 Twingy very time consuming
05:24.44 prasad that's what i meant
05:25.41 prasad same here
05:26.20 prasad but i dont think there's a 'free' engine out there that supports a 1 billion square tile terrain
05:26.38 prasad or at least render it with some optimizations
05:26.43 Twingy I don't think there's a pc out there that can render 1 billion square tile terrain
05:27.05 Twingy at any interactive rate anyhow
05:27.06 prasad ;)
05:27.21 Twingy I think you should raytrace it
05:27.36 prasad keep the zoom level at a decent level
05:27.43 prasad u could do it easily with a quadtree
05:28.47 Twingy 3 more months before I can take another week off :(
05:29.05 prasad u on credit hrs?
05:29.15 Twingy hrm?
05:29.33 prasad know what it is?
05:29.56 Twingy that where you borrow?
05:30.03 brlcad 1 billian square? like 1billion x 1billion?
05:30.18 Twingy yes
05:30.22 Twingy err
05:30.24 prasad no
05:30.30 Twingy no
05:30.42 Twingy sqrt(1 billion) x sqrt(1 billion)
05:30.44 prasad sqrt(billion) x sqrt(billon)
05:30.49 prasad argh
05:30.53 Twingy beetcha to it
05:30.54 brlcad that's about 32k x 32k
05:31.03 brlcad lots of engines can do that
05:31.13 prasad free ones?
05:31.27 brlcad heck, mged can do that
05:31.31 Twingy heh
05:31.33 Twingy I doubt it
05:31.46 Twingy unless you have like 8GB of ram
05:32.13 Twingy kind of funny how it can't work with my 1 million polygon dragon :P
05:32.14 brlcad it is an in-core algorithm, but it is fairly well-optimized
05:33.46 prasad i can support a 5k x 5k tile terrain with 500MB at 16bytes per tile
05:33.47 brlcad limited to short-int height variations, so 32k x 32k would use 2GB just for the grided data values
05:35.21 prasad but if there's a good caching system, with intelligent loading on a low priority thread, i guess 32kx32k would work
05:35.35 prasad now if u zoom out to view the whole map
05:35.38 prasad hmm
05:35.41 brlcad it's mmap'd, so as good as the system VM
05:36.44 prasad i could probably do some LOD stuff
05:36.59 prasad if the backend is a modified quadtree
05:37.11 brlcad
05:38.13 prasad ohh nice
05:40.06 prasad heh i somehow forgot look at osg
05:40.58 brlcad this looks interesting too ..
05:50.51 brlcad cool
05:52.30 prasad now to generate a 32kx32k bmp :)
05:52.53 brlcad I can try that :)
05:53.21 brlcad only using 20M resident with the puget
05:53.45 brlcad full view
05:53.47 prasad 32kx32k would be 1gb for 8bit grey scale
05:53.53 prasad oh thats cool
05:53.58 prasad can u zoom out?
05:54.37 prasad well.. puget sound is 1k x 1k
05:56.56 brlcad
05:57.00 brlcad yeah, pretty small
05:57.41 brlcad the .g is only 2MB, neat
06:00.12 brlcad oh, now we're talking.. a 16k x 16k elevation map of the puget sound at georgia tech
06:01.00 brlcad ooh, with a 300MB png texture map that I can add as a shader..
08:38.24 *** join/#brlcad clock- (
08:42.23 *** join/#brlcad narnia (
12:43.16 learner heya narnia.. been a while
14:24.36 *** join/#brlcad jrobey (
14:56.52 *** join/#brlcad reed (
14:56.55 reed hello all
15:01.31 brlcad hello
15:12.35 *** join/#brlcad clock-_ (
15:36.20 narnia learner, i am still attempting to print the 30,000+ pages of legal documents.
15:36.57 narnia learner, basiccally tied up with the 8+yr legal nightmare.
15:38.14 narnia learner, my network has been under attack for the past couple days so i have had not much of a life.
17:35.39 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/Makefile.defs: initial Makefile.defs for providing a global build options to all the files. presently includes a 'fast' target that will link targets in parallel when the includes a FAST_OBJECTS directive
17:37.35 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/ add Makefile.defs to the dist, use the new pro/e BUILD_PROE define
17:49.10 *** join/#brlcad narnia (
19:54.33 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
20:01.26 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (igvt/master/igvt_python.c libutil/display.c): Several minor additional improvements to the editor window, 80% done.
21:16.01 archivist skeletons rattle
21:51.29 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
21:51.58 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (4 files in 2 dirs):
21:51.58 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: Camera position, azimuth, and elevation accessible from python now.
21:51.58 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: Added cut and paste to editor, 85% done.
22:02.06 *** join/#brlcad clock- (
22:02.49 *** join/#brlcad clock- (
22:41.48 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (igvt/master/master.c librender/grid.c): adjusting parameters.
22:46.56 brlcad otherwise this will be about 100 e-mails
23:03.12 Twingy_ I don't get emails
23:03.16 Twingy_ so go right ahead
23:10.56 brlcad that can be easily "fixed"
23:11.06 brlcad "we fixed the glitch"
23:11.43 Twingy_ *shrug* I'll just remove myself if you do it :)
23:12.02 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/igvt/observer/ (observer.c splash.h): New splash screen, and renaming IGVT to Interactive Shot Selection Tool (ISST) in progress,,,
23:13.05 brlcad heh, not if I set it as a fixed archive copy e-mail instead of a subscribed user :)
23:18.55 archivist_ oo same error as last night
23:18.58 archivist_ configure: error: source directory already configured; run "make distclean" there first
23:18.58 archivist_ ./build: line 3: ./brlcad/make: No such file or directory
23:19.30 archivist_ but did run make distclean
23:20.31 brlcad how in the world are you getting it into an inconsistent state??
23:20.40 brlcad you have yet to even build
23:21.01 brlcad you can no longer make after running make distclean
23:21.12 brlcad you have to start over after a distclean
23:21.17 brlcad ./ && ./configure ...
23:21.32 archivist_ yes
23:21.47 archivist_ in a shell script
23:22.05 brlcad huh?
23:22.14 brlcad you're writing a build script of some sort?
23:22.26 brlcad it should be a simple 3-liner at worst
23:22.33 archivist_ 3 lines
23:23.43 archivist_ i wonder if getting anon can ecen work for a large system
23:26.50 brlcad what do you mean?
23:28.25 archivist_ allyou are fetching from logged in cvs i am anon with said delay and whatever inconsistencies
23:28.56 brlcad what's your id?
23:29.55 archivist_ archivist
23:30.50 archivist_ i also wonder if ther is some setup not covered yet
23:30.55 brlcad I can grant non-anon cvs, though only under the understanding that you'll follow all the rules and guidelines listed in the HACKING and COPYING files
23:32.17 brlcad you're on Debian, right?
23:32.31 archivist_ i agee
23:32.34 archivist_ yes
23:32.43 archivist_ 3.10a
23:32.54 brlcad agee?
23:33.19 brlcad age?
23:33.37 archivist_ i think i saw that d rossberg is also on the same debian
23:33.45 archivist_ agree
23:33.51 brlcad ahh, heh
23:34.20 archivist_ did he do anything to get it going?
23:34.44 brlcad I've built it on a couple different debian boxes several times
23:34.50 archivist_ ive got vnc working also now
23:35.10 brlcad usually involved ensuring that the gnu autotools are all installed correctly
23:35.19 brlcad but after that, it works
23:36.36 brlcad rossberg didn't mention anything special
23:36.54 brlcad okay, you're added to the project now with access
23:37.05 brlcad "don't break anything" ;)
23:37.14 brlcad you'll have to check out again
23:37.50 archivist_ ok thanks i wont checkout tonight as was about to go home 12:40
23:38.35 brlcad save the build steps to a log file so I can see exactly what happened in order in case it still doesn't work
23:38.46 brlcad i.e. run the build as follows:
23:39.00 brlcad ./ > autogen.log 2>&1
23:39.15 brlcad ./configure --enable-optimized > configure.log 2>&1
23:39.28 brlcad make > build.log 2>&1
23:39.47 brlcad if anything fails, can send me *.log (which includes a config.log file)
23:40.56 archivist ok thanks
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050624

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050624

00:21.07 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS:
00:21.07 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: bu_malloc() function and company take an unsigned int argument and will overflow
00:21.07 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: without notification (since it is unsigned) resulting in less memory allocated
00:21.07 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: than one requested. should probably use a size_t like malloc or add better
00:21.07 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: support to increase the types to long or long long signed.
00:29.09 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: make the DSP primitive use less memory when data is coming from a binunif. allocating 160 times binunif size is a bit extravagant (which comes from sizeof(struct dsp_bb)).
00:53.33 *** join/#brlcad jrobey (
01:10.15 Twingy Ich bin ein Berliner
02:07.05 *** join/#brlcad jrobe1 (
02:07.19 Twingy jason's evil twin!
02:07.24 jrobe1 heh
02:07.29 jrobe1 gotta love my client
02:07.37 jrobe1 I am a jelly donut
02:07.47 Twingy sean brought donuts in today
02:07.52 jrobe1 cool
02:08.01 Twingy none of them were jelly though
02:08.08 jrobe1 bummer
02:08.09 prasad mmm donuts
02:08.14 Twingy I'm becoming an optimization junky
02:08.22 prasad i only had one...
02:08.29 prasad unlike some ppl
02:08.31 jrobe1 its the little things that make life worth living
02:08.35 jrobe1 heh
02:08.38 Twingy I think I'm up to about 8 hours over the past 6 months staring at my engine code and not changing a line
02:08.51 jrobe1 wow
02:09.06 Twingy it's pissing me off :)
02:09.24 Twingy I'd be content with 1% improvement right now
02:10.09 Twingy 'lo
02:10.35 narnia Twingy, any pictures of the rocket yet?
02:10.41 prasad what engine is this?
02:10.51 jrobe1 bbiab--going to try to bring up another render slave
02:10.55 Twingy tie
02:31.54 Twingy ok, break time
02:32.41 learner just broke a PB in benchpress a lil bit ago
02:34.26 *** part/#brlcad narnia (
02:48.07 learner Twingy, what was the resolution of the big display
02:48.25 learner you know it's physical dimensions too?
03:00.16 Twingy hrm?
03:00.29 Twingy it's 36 feet x 8 feet
03:01.04 Twingy you can go up to 4,820 x 1024 I think
03:01.31 Twingy I forget what the blending region is... I could login and find out
03:29.46 *** join/#brlcad b0ef (
03:32.17 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/igvt/master/master.c: Added blender style 6 orthogonal views using keypad 1, 3, 7 plus shift.
05:13.16 Twingy I know the pieces fit
06:28.33 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (4 files in 4 dirs):
06:28.33 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: Additional render data is now passed along in render method baggage in master. Observer reports fps on
06:28.33 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: screen now. Add math_vec_set to libtie. Master fires shotline by pressing keypad period, and keypad 0
06:28.33 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: places camera back at the shotline origin.
06:42.33 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
07:23.24 *** join/#brlcad clock- (
09:47.37 *** join/#brlcad clock- (
11:17.29 *** join/#brlcad clock-_ (
12:20.35 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
12:59.48 *** join/#brlcad archivist_3 (
13:06.56 archivist_3 hmm lightening doesnt do your system much good (1 network card,1 adsl router, 1 network switch)
13:51.53 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
14:30.00 *** join/#brlcad jrobey (
14:30.26 *** part/#brlcad jrobey (
16:20.48 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
17:58.48 clock-_ reed: do you like ecstasy?
18:28.18 brlcad ?
19:04.32 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/nirt/command.c: Declared in raytrace.h
19:17.15 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ (libbu/units.c liboptical/sh_grass.c): ws
19:19.53 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/nirt/if.c: Fixed bugs that caused the region names reported to be potentially fouled up (i.e. The temporary string being used was continually being written to even though there were previous pointers into this tmp string.)
22:33.38 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
22:58.53 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (5 files in 4 dirs): fixing rise observer
23:17.31 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/dg_obj.c: rt, rtedge, rtarea, rtweight, and potentially others will end up using dgo_rt_cmd
23:23.55 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/ (rtif.c cmd.c cmd.h):
23:23.55 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: add mged commands for rtarea and rtweight. they all ultimately end up calling
23:23.55 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: dgo_rt_cmd for consistency but retain their own cmd_ hook function. update the
23:23.55 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: comments to match the functions that were changed from f_ to cmd_ too
23:25.22 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/helplib.tcl: add help for rtarea and rtweight
23:26.30 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/mged/help.tcl: add help hook for rtarea and rtweight
23:35.28 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/lib/ (Display.tcl Drawable.tcl QuadDisplay.tcl): add rtarea and rtweight to the mged classes.. no idea if this is right or all that's needed, but seemed reasonable.
23:41.15 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: added rtarea and rtweight commands to mged
23:44.26 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: The rtarea command was added to mged as well, along with rtweight.
23:45.52 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ add Makefile.defs as an include
23:48.36 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/ (7 files in 7 dirs): add Makefile.defs as an include
23:49.49 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/db/ ( include/ add Makefile.defs as an include
23:50.42 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/pix/ add Makefile.defs as an include, still testing
23:51.36 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ add Makefile.defs as an include, still testing
23:55.03 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10CVSROOT/loginfo: disable commit e-mails temporarily for a collective update to include Makefile.defs
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050625

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050625

00:11.21 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ (36 files in 36 dirs): include misc/Makefile.defs and an initial FAST_OBJECTS list so that the products in this directory may be compiled AND linked in parallel
00:12.46 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librtserver/ get rid of the custom versioning and use BRL-CADs version instead. add Makefile.defs too.
00:14.15 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (50 files in 50 dirs): include misc/Makefile.defs
00:14.33 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10CVSROOT/loginfo: re-enable commit e-mails after a collective update to include Makefile.defs
00:14.46 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/incrTcl/ (itcl/library/ itk/ include misc/Makefile.defs
00:15.09 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10CVSROOT/loginfo: oops, re-enabled too quickly, disable again
00:23.42 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ (53 files in 53 dirs): include misc/Makefile.defs
00:25.58 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10CVSROOT/loginfo: re-re-enable commit e-mails after a collective update to include Makefile.defs
00:38.05 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/adrt/scripts/ add the missing extra_dist files and include Makefile.defs
00:39.47 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/adrt/misc/ add an initial so that make dist isn't broken
00:39.55 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10CVSROOT/loginfo: disable again to add includes of Makefile.defs to src/adrt
00:40.35 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (16 files in 16 dirs): include misc/Makefile.defs to all
00:41.18 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10CVSROOT/loginfo: enable emails again after add of Makefile.defs to src/adrt files
00:43.40 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ add src/adrt/scripts and src/adrt/misc to Makefile output, sort src/adrt alphabeticaly like everything else too
00:49.05 *** join/#brlcad Olde_Nick (
00:50.21 Olde_Nick is there anyone here who could answer a quick question about 7.2.6 for linux?
01:16.43 Twingy o.O
01:22.56 Twingy urf
02:01.46 Twingy wee
02:11.09 Twingy k, rise_observer breaths once again
02:11.25 Twingy after a quick game of vice city
02:44.06 archivist_3 4318
03:14.00 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (6 files in 5 dirs): Minimal support to get rise_observer working.
04:12.50 *** join/#brlcad learner (~brlcad@brlcad.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
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04:12.50 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by
04:13.14 *** join/#brlcad TheLastSpartan` (
04:22.36 *** join/#brlcad learner (~brlcad@brlcad.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
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07:38.53 *** join/#brlcad clock- (
10:33.57 *** join/#brlcad cad711 (~54bd0e9f@
14:31.16 *** join/#brlcad clock- (
15:26.51 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/ we still need missing to complete a distclean
15:33.29 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ recognize .am, .in, and .mk files
15:36.07 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ abort if we do not know the file type
15:38.01 *** join/#brlcad jrobey (
15:42.50 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ recognize .am and .mk files
15:53.53 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ oops, add the right mask and terminate the case properly
15:56.29 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ add a header and footer to the main, bsd license of course
17:16.35 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ traverse doc, misc, scripts and add the missing files so that make distcheck isn't broken. the depcomp hack isn't necessary with and happens to break making a dist too
22:02.20 *** join/#brlcad ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
22:02.20 *** mode/#brlcad [+o ChanServ] by
22:34.54 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050626

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050626

01:17.58 Twingy 2/3 done the render
02:50.10 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
03:45.21 Twingy mm, almsot done
03:46.52 PrezKennedy dysleixa!!!
04:06.35 Twingy hrm, 100 billion rays, 97.2% done
04:11.32 Twingy 98.2%
04:11.32 Twingy wee
04:11.43 Twingy seg fault
04:11.47 Twingy just kidding :)
04:16.04 PrezKennedy - before a defrag
04:16.13 PrezKennedy
04:16.16 PrezKennedy after
04:16.17 PrezKennedy :-)
04:23.10 Twingy
04:24.25 PrezKennedy
04:29.46 Twingy neat
04:30.36 PrezKennedy i took over 200 pictures while i was in the city
04:31.18 Twingy ah
04:31.23 Twingy I took about 130 at disney
04:34.47 PrezKennedy
04:35.04 PrezKennedy thats where the entire supply of lanjegers come from
04:37.01 Twingy ah
04:37.05 Twingy using the sepia tone
04:37.25 PrezKennedy for a few
04:38.18 Twingy AAAAA - American Association Against Acronym Abuse
06:05.23 PrezKennedy dammit people are scary sometimes
19:27.34 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
22:17.29 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050627

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050627

01:27.48 Twingy
01:27.51 Twingy ^-- test pilots
03:52.46 *** join/#brlcad CIA-3 (
04:26.55 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ include the AUTHORS, COPYING, HACKING, INSTALL, NEWS, and README files as part of the installation for binary distributions
08:18.01 *** join/#brlcad clock- (
14:33.41 *** join/#brlcad jrobey (
16:25.21 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
16:29.19 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
16:29.33 Twingy_ Wassaaaaaaaabiiiiii
16:30.02 PKMOBILE mmmm lanyeager... or however its spelled
16:34.18 Twingy_ yagermeister
16:34.26 Twingy_ yayger
19:07.48 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librtserver/ libtool wants the version colon separated
19:33.07 *** join/#brlcad rocketman327 (rocketman3@
19:34.36 *** part/#brlcad rocketman327 (rocketman3@
20:15.08 *** join/#brlcad archivist_ (
20:49.20 Twingy_,10117,15739502-13762,00.html
21:14.06 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (11 files in 4 dirs): Adding s pawl cone render method.
21:23.08 *** join/#brlcad archivist_ (
21:46.02 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos (~Stephen_W@SWPadnos.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
21:46.37 *** part/#brlcad SWPadnos (~Stephen_W@SWPadnos.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
22:37.50 *** join/#brlcad frank__ (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050628

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050628

05:07.23 *** join/#brlcad prasadSF (
05:07.31 prasadSF hallo
05:07.49 prasadSF live from J1
08:09.06 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
08:30.04 *** join/#brlcad clock- (
09:08.15 *** join/#brlcad clock-_ (
12:46.42 *** join/#brlcad tarzeau (
12:46.43 tarzeau hi
12:46.58 tarzeau nobody made a package for debian yet?
12:48.32 *** join/#brlcad learner (
12:48.32 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by ChanServ
12:59.54 *** join/#brlcad clock- (
13:02.20 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
14:32.34 *** join/#brlcad clock- (
16:10.20 *** join/#brlcad cad395 (
16:24.01 brlcad tarzeau: not yet
16:24.39 brlcad tarzeau: the info on that url is rather out-dated
16:26.22 brlcad the package name should be BRL-CAD, it's covered by multiple licenses, 7.2.6 is the latest (with 7.4.0 posting in about 10 days), the url should be, upstream author probably deserves some discussion
16:26.50 *** join/#brlcad learner (
16:26.50 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by ChanServ
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16:53.56 *** join/#brlcad learner (
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17:04.24 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
17:05.19 Twingy_ o.O
17:23.32 *** join/#brlcad learner (
17:23.32 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by ChanServ
17:48.00 tarzeau brlcad: hi
17:48.10 tarzeau is someone packaging it?
17:48.26 tarzeau do you guys need help? i'd like to, since we want to use it at our campus, and i'm their debian hero guy ;)
18:31.06 brlcad help is always welcome! :)
18:31.52 brlcad tarzeau: as far as I know, nobody is actively packaging it so your help is more than welcome
18:32.17 brlcad debian actually gives me more grief than almost all other platforms combined (except solaris, of course..)
18:33.04 brlcad so that probably just goes to show that we do need more work on infrastructure support ;)
18:34.27 brlcad tarzeau: the biggest hold-up was that BRL-CAD traditionally has preferred a single install root -- this does not bode well with most of the packaging systems that have arisen in the past decade or so (apt, portage, ports)
18:34.39 tarzeau great!
18:35.05 tarzeau but debian is the most easy one!
18:35.06 brlcad so we've put a little effort in to allow for the more integrated install
18:35.11 brlcad ~dict grief
18:35.27 brlcad heh, dict ~= problems
18:35.29 tarzeau ok it's good to know nobody works on it
18:35.46 Twingy_ ~dict schism
18:35.49 tarzeau so, that means, i will. and i will also want to talk with you, you are one of the developers of it?
18:36.09 brlcad yes
18:36.11 tarzeau you know there's software called "schism" (an impulse tracker clone)
18:36.26 tarzeau brlcad was used for a presentation i've seen:
18:37.03 brlcad yes, the guy that runs ronja's been in here quite a bit
18:37.13 brlcad very impressive use ;)
18:37.27 tarzeau yep ;)
18:37.44 brlcad he made those models in about a day after learning brl-cad
18:37.44 tarzeau i've just downloaded the tar.gz today at work and i will look at it tomorrow
18:37.54 tarzeau heh! i've learnt blender some time ago,
18:38.00 tarzeau but of course it's something different
18:39.15 tarzeau i think the "werkstatt" and "physics students" will profit from this software alot, when they have it ready to clickstart
18:39.39 tarzeau looks like tcl/tk
18:40.20 tarzeau there's no native (cocoa) port to os x, is there?
18:41.04 brlcad there is not yet
18:41.20 brlcad mged is a tcl/tk and C mix
18:41.48 tarzeau is there one planned?
18:41.56 tarzeau because if there is, you know about GNUstep ? ;)
18:42.00 brlcad there is Aqua Tk that will give the proper look/feel, but when I last tried linking against that framework, it was woefully buggy
18:42.25 brlcad that was, though, more than a year ago .. so it's definitely time to try AquaTk again
18:42.44 brlcad with that, the "port" will be a simple recompile
18:42.58 brlcad very aware of gnustep :)
18:43.08 tarzeau good ;)
18:44.40 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/doc/html/ (13 files in 13 dirs): revert the new path changes and install the html docs into the datadir root until mged is fixed to find them in doc/
18:58.02 brlcad tarzeau: if I may ask, which school are you at?
18:58.25 tarzeau {www,nic}
18:59.02 brlcad that's a long name .. :)
19:02.49 tarzeau that's the webpages
19:03.01 tarzeau where are you at?
19:03.28 brlcad Maryland, US
19:03.58 brlcad ETH is much shorter .. though I meant the full expansion :)
19:26.43 tarzeau in english: swiss federal institute of technologz zurich
19:26.49 tarzeau think of it as, just twice as big
19:27.23 tarzeau i'm in the 6 edged building
19:27.33 brlcad yep
19:37.16 *** join/#brlcad clock- (
20:30.48 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
20:49.26 tarzeau heh clock-
20:51.09 clock- tarzeau: heh
20:51.56 brlcad heh
20:52.03 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/
20:52.03 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: get rid of the duplicate automake hacking and just resolve to use
20:52.03 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: AM_MAINTAINER_MODE for now. would also like no-dependencies but have not
20:52.03 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: figured out how to dynamically set that option without causing vast troubles.
20:52.03 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: (including AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE multiple times is apparently buggy for at least
20:52.04 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: several versions of automake resulting in incorrect expansions in the resultant
20:52.06 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: configure script (aclocal- problem)).
21:05.45 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (5 files in 3 dirs):
21:05.45 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: Spawl cone rendering method now display as shaded red transparent. Added
21:05.45 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: python hooks for getting and setting spawl angle.
21:26.14 *** join/#brlcad learner (
21:26.14 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by ChanServ
21:57.38 *** join/#brlcad menotume (
21:58.17 menotume brlcad: are you causing trouble here ?
21:59.47 brlcad of course
21:59.54 menotume :D
22:00.10 brlcad colors and plaids.. plaid's not a color? :)
22:00.22 menotume no, it's a pattern of colors
22:00.34 menotume IMHO
22:01.39 brlcad :)
22:02.05 menotume the conference is a bit more advanced than just 'solids' :p
22:02.12 brlcad hehe
22:02.27 brlcad who would have thought that someone would have a conference on color :)
22:02.41 menotume or 'shapes and solids' ?
22:02.50 menotume lol
22:03.17 brlcad who hosts it?
22:03.17 archivist_ especially if male
22:03.22 brlcad acm/ieee?
22:03.24 menotume Did you attend the seminar on triangles ?
22:03.47 brlcad seminar on triangles?
22:03.49 brlcad which one? :)
22:03.54 brlcad there were lots
22:04.01 menotume hehe
22:04.25 menotume I heard the icoceles (sp) was truely angular
22:05.18 menotume i better stop before i get booted for flooding :)
22:13.11 *** join/#brlcad marusmk (
22:52.26 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
23:17.48 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ AM_MAINTAINER_MODE cannot be in a conditional either, so let off be the default and auto-enable maintainer-mode if there is a CVS directory.
23:27.56 brlcad yay, 64-bit amd linux build doesn't require manual path tweaking any more
23:28.06 brlcad clean build
23:34.02 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: write up on adrt in NEWS
23:35.39 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: fix mged backgrounding when parent quickly fails (e.g. no DISPLAY)
23:36.22 menotume yay. i was wondering when you were gonna fix that
23:37.10 menotume i've never gotten a clean build on brlcad
23:37.21 brlcad really?
23:37.26 menotume really
23:37.27 brlcad which system?
23:37.33 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: make X11 optional at configure-time
23:37.42 menotume i've never tried to build it :)
23:37.47 brlcad bah :)
23:37.51 menotume rofl
23:38.55 brlcad brl-cad's cross-platform support dwarfs bz (even though bz is much better than most), yet there are always still "issues" with some of them
23:39.33 brlcad part of it is because we picked up an entirely new build system "recently" after about 15 years with another
23:39.35 menotume yes, i would image
23:39.38 menotume imagine
23:39.45 menotume wow
23:40.01 menotume is this more of a true 'CAD', or a scene renderere ?
23:40.16 brlcad more of a true cad
23:40.20 brlcad it's a solid modeling system
23:40.22 menotume gotya
23:41.02 brlcad image processing tools, rendering and some engineering analysis tools, a gui-based solid modeler
23:41.26 menotume ahhh, the hubble render looks good
23:41.28 brlcad geometry converters, procedural data generators
23:41.42 brlcad meh, it's okay
23:42.23 brlcad the render was never designed for realistic pictures, designed for numerical accuracy, stability, repeatability, etc
23:42.25 menotume what kind of time did it take to render that final scene ?
23:42.33 menotume gotya
23:42.48 brlcad two new renders were just recently added though, that give the realism
23:42.51 menotume just approx. minutes or hours ?
23:43.26 brlcad which one?
23:43.32 menotume hubble
23:43.38 brlcad seconds
23:43.45 menotume ahhh :)
23:43.55 brlcad the raytracer is pretty darn fast :)
23:43.56 menotume kewl
23:44.10 brlcad though an even faster one was recently added too as part of adrt
23:44.23 menotume i take it you can set up light(s)
23:44.49 brlcad of course
23:44.53 menotume :)
23:45.07 brlcad here's one that was done with the adrt path tracer that you might have seen on #bz a while back
23:45.11 brlcad
23:45.11 menotume ok, /me adds this to the near-top of the to-dolist: play with brlcad
23:45.32 brlcad hey, don't play with me :)
23:45.37 brlcad play with brl-cad ;)
23:45.43 menotume hehe
23:45.47 menotume that looks good
23:46.01 menotume hmmm, no transparent objects ?
23:46.35 menotume nice diffuse lighting there
23:46.40 brlcad no, it can .. just was more simple to paint em gray
23:46.48 menotume :)
23:47.01 brlcad
23:47.07 menotume ya, or you'd have to do some interior work
23:48.01 menotume okies
23:48.08 menotume some of that is right over my head
23:48.20 menotume caustics percent, photons, etc.
23:48.36 menotume 16 processors ?
23:48.37 brlcad intentionally a bit "busy"
23:48.50 brlcad it will scale to as many as you can thow at it
23:49.14 menotume ahh haa. here, i can throw one at it :)
23:49.22 brlcad hehe
23:49.51 menotume nice - i must play woith it
23:50.00 brlcad brl-cad's rt was actually the first parallel ray-tracer
23:50.14 menotume ah haa
23:50.17 brlcad 20 years ago or so
23:50.23 menotume eeeesh
23:50.34 menotume when you wwere 13, i take it ?
23:50.55 brlcad so it's been designed to scale up from a single cpu to the biggest supercomputers (which it's run on regularly)
23:51.41 menotume
23:51.45 brlcad brl-cad's been under development since 1979 .. :)
23:51.54 menotume that's about all i've done - with Corel Dream-3d years ago
23:51.58 brlcad first released in '84 iirc
23:52.11 menotume but, it was very detailed, connector panel, every little screw, etc.
23:52.32 menotume
23:52.36 menotume that's a better one
23:52.37 menotume :)
23:52.54 menotume I used to work there :)
23:53.16 brlcad you could make a brl-cad model out of that quickly enough ;)
23:53.27 menotume yeah
23:53.27 brlcad and then perform ballistic analysis on it ;)
23:53.32 menotume :)
23:53.33 Twingy I'd have more fun making the actual unit
23:53.42 menotume well, i did that
23:54.05 menotume that is, i did the system s/w for it
23:54.28 Twingy tell me you didn't hand code assembly :)
23:54.33 menotume wish i had some of the old stuff i did still
23:54.46 menotume made movies of the keyboards - how to replace an overlay
23:54.57 brlcad blowtorch?
23:55.44 menotume hehe, no the lid hinging up, overlays came out, etc.
23:56.01 menotume wow, 1997
23:56.14 menotume eeesh, i am getting sooo old :)
23:56.43 brlcad never too late to take up cad development ;)
23:56.53 menotume heh
23:57.05 brlcad uncle sam wants you!
23:57.25 brlcad or would his niece samantha be more enticing? :)
23:57.30 menotume how much does uncle pay ? :)
23:57.40 menotume ahhh, fringe bennies
23:57.58 Twingy hrm
23:57.58 Twingy my UPS just kicked in
23:58.12 Twingy blargh
23:59.15 menotume ahh, missed that - no twingy, we had an assembler :)
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050629

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050629

00:00.11 Twingy ick
00:00.42 menotume although I did do that on my very first z80 TRS-80
00:00.57 menotume and saved code to casette tape
00:05.46 Twingy heh
00:05.52 Twingy third time the UPS has kicked in the last 5 minutes
00:06.29 menotume t-storm ?
00:07.13 Twingy jup
00:07.28 Twingy I got 5+ hours of UPS time, so I'm not worried
00:07.36 menotume :)
00:08.03 Twingy
00:08.26 Twingy when I get a bigger place I'll have a bunch more batteries
00:09.10 menotume eeeeeeeep. do you sell power back to the power company ?
00:09.17 Twingy no..
00:09.22 Twingy I'm not generating any
00:09.28 Twingy I'm in a crappy town house
00:09.38 menotume :)
00:10.00 Twingy I think I'm going to build a thermal vection generator for my next place
00:10.23 Twingy sean, you mind adding me to the chanserv list?
00:10.42 Twingy I gotta stick around in this place for another year before I can buy a bigger place
00:11.08 Twingy I need a place with a bunch of land so I can build a big workshop
00:11.17 Twingy then I can build stuff
00:12.11 Twingy divide it into 4 parts, chem lab, physics lab, metal shop, electronics bench
00:12.42 Twingy I wand atleast 400 sq ft for it
00:12.44 Twingy *want
00:21.21 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
00:26.20 brlcad about half an hour if stryker was tossed in too
00:32.03 *** join/#brlcad DarkMaster (
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03:25.39 *** join/#brlcad jrobey (
04:29.46 *** join/#brlcad fenn (
04:30.08 fenn heh brlcad==bzflag
04:33.01 brlcad hmm?
04:33.29 brlcad i'm a core developer for both projects
04:33.30 fenn any plans for integrating a bzflag module into brlcad? :)
04:33.48 brlcad actually there are plans ..yes :)
04:33.55 fenn awesome
04:34.11 brlcad support for the .bzw world format so you can use brl-cad to edit bzflag worlds
04:34.39 fenn i started playing bzflag in second grade on an SGI IRIX system
04:35.32 fenn just got back from the cnc-workshop, and wanting to get my feet wet with some CAD
04:37.16 brlcad ah, fun
04:40.10 brlcad which cnc-workshop are you referring to?
04:40.12 fenn i'm thinking about writing a CAM plugin for 6-axis machines, but i'll have to re-learn all that math
04:40.32 fenn it was a week-long seminar/gathering held in illinois last week
04:40.35 fenn
04:41.15 brlcad ahh, interesting
04:41.22 brlcad how much interest did it gather?
04:41.57 brlcad the seminar that is
04:41.57 fenn there were maybe 160 people total.. 120 on thursday, 50-100 the rest of the week
04:42.05 brlcad not bad
04:42.13 fenn way more than the organizers expected :)
04:42.22 brlcad more than I would have expected too :)
04:42.26 fenn it was pretty amazing really
04:42.50 brlcad so was brl-cad mentioned at some point or did you just run across it on your own?
04:43.24 fenn brlcad was mentioned a couple times, but i was just reading the linux-cad mailing list and saw the "released undre open source" thread
04:43.47 fenn last time i looked at brl cad it wasn't open source, i think?
04:44.42 brlcad it's always been available via a source distribution, but via non OSI-approved agreement
04:45.27 brlcad the former agreement was a real pain to deal with, you had to fax/mail in a request for the software and wait for decryption keys
04:45.53 brlcad but ... "other than that" it was pretty much an open source license
04:46.40 fenn hmm that was probably why i never looked into it further
04:46.41 brlcad it was only recently released as "Open Source (tm)" under the OSI approved gpl, lgpl, bsd, licenses
04:47.03 fenn why the big fuss about some source code?
04:47.18 fenn i mean, why was it such a pain to get the source before?
04:47.43 brlcad well, the practice predates the existance of things like "the internet"
04:48.03 brlcad brl-cad has been in development since 1979
04:48.11 fenn woah, you mean, people can survive without the internet?
04:48.12 brlcad distributed/released since 1984
04:48.46 brlcad the original distribution involved someone copying the sources onto tapes and sending them to you via regular mail
04:49.06 brlcad so they wanted/needed to know who everyone was
04:49.19 brlcad that practice continued through the past couple decades until recently
04:49.57 fenn oh my 37 megs.. that would take a long time to download in the 80's
04:49.58 brlcad there was also a rather complex intellectual property issue
04:51.02 brlcad it being a gov't code with restrictions on development/use (i.e. exempt from FOIA), a complex set of developers/contributors, a potential for commercialization, etc
04:51.59 brlcad anyhow, it's now open source and all is better in the world
04:52.07 fenn yeehaw
04:52.27 brlcad and th eopen source community gets the benefit on the tens of millions invested into the development to date
04:52.50 fenn i'm working on EMC and the original public domain license is currently being switched to GPL
04:54.07 brlcad interesting, i've seen and heard of the linuxcnc project a while ago
04:54.24 fenn it's changed quite a bit in the last year or so
04:54.28 fenn with EMC2 and all
04:55.15 brlcad a cam module would be very interesting to see
04:55.35 fenn linux really needs some type of CAM software
04:56.17 brlcad there was another interested in integrating brl-cad with linuxcnc and the gnu-cad-cam project
04:56.41 brlcad he stops in from time to time, though has been busy of late
04:56.53 fenn gawd ribbonsoft
04:56.56 fenn gimme a break
04:57.16 fenn wtf is the point of taking GPL software and making it closed source?
04:57.52 fenn oops nevermind that last comment
04:59.08 fenn anyway, i would like to implement it as a semi-standalone chunk of code that can work with brlcad's native file format
05:00.00 fenn originally i was going to use opencascade libraries to parse the CAD files into something i could use
05:00.25 brlcad qcad isn't at all geared for cam IMO
05:00.26 fenn but their documentation is non-existent and getting the source/licensing is a pain
05:00.32 *** join/#brlcad jrobey (
05:00.41 fenn heh qcad is a drawing application
05:01.30 brlcad brl-cad's design bodes well with your plan to implement it as a stand-alone chunk of code
05:01.44 brlcad brl-cad is actually over 400 binaries
05:01.51 fenn cool
05:02.04 brlcad each serving a different purpose like diff, awk, sed, less, etc
05:02.28 brlcad most of them can be strung together as well in a similar fashion
05:02.42 fenn i can pipe stuff in/out of them?
05:02.50 brlcad many of them, yes
05:03.08 brlcad like the image manipulators/converters
05:03.20 brlcad s/image/image and data/
05:04.24 brlcad so it fits right in with the design to have something like g2gcode or something similar
05:05.24 brlcad something that might take a brl-cad database and output cnc machining code for it
05:05.40 brlcad or perhaps a module to the gui-based mged modeler
05:06.52 fenn huh?
05:07.05 fenn like toolpath verification?
05:07.21 fenn (verified by human eyes that is)
05:07.43 brlcad yeah, something like that
05:08.03 brlcad maybe visually pick your tools and materials setup
05:08.54 fenn automatically avoiding fixtures and clamps would be nice, and i need to think about it while developing the software, but i'm going to start with the simple stuff
05:09.10 fenn raster, waterline
05:09.42 brlcad yeah, that will be very cool ;)
05:10.06 fenn does brlcad use nurbs?
05:10.44 fenn heh you should check out rapid prototyping.. it can produce working models fully assembled
05:11.24 brlcad brl-cad has a nurbs primitive and a slew of library support for manipulating them, but they are not one of the primitive types that are easily created via the gui
05:11.41 fenn :(
05:11.49 brlcad the internal representation is implicit geometry, a vast array of primitive shapes
05:11.52 fenn better than "no" at least :)
05:12.26 brlcad we've used rapid prototyping .. fun stuff
05:13.00 brlcad the programmatic interface to nurbs should be there
05:13.05 fenn once we get nurbs motion interpolation in EMC it should be easy to use a nurbs toolpath... easier than the usual 1000's of tiny lines to make one inch of curved surface
05:13.16 brlcad there are example codes that create/manipulate nurbs geometry in the src/proc-db directory
05:13.48 brlcad there's also been talk of adding a sweep primitive that would work on spline paths
05:13.59 fenn nice
05:14.13 fenn i was thinking of using sweeps with CSG to make a part preview
05:14.24 fenn sweep the tool shape along the tool path and you get the volume removed
05:14.28 brlcad that's actually why it's really needed :)
05:14.56 brlcad not for cam, but for modeling itself -- sweep out a path of an arbitrary shape and treat it as material, or a subtraction, etc
05:15.15 brlcad so you can create curvature on curvature geoemtry
05:15.47 fenn a sweep makes a surface.. is it difficult to turn that surface into a solid?
05:15.48 brlcad something brep does rather easily, but csg has difficulty with without a sweep primitive (which to date we actually ahven't needed)
05:16.03 brlcad nope, not difficult at all
05:16.31 brlcad that's what I'm actually referring to -- using sweep as a primitive object shape/type/solid
05:16.41 brlcad that can be used in CSG just like any other primitive
05:17.26 brlcad similar to the extrusion primitive, which is of course just an extrusion on a planar surface linearly
05:17.45 fenn should be interesting to see a virtual part with a "milled" finish on it
05:18.04 brlcad but that same sweep primitive could be used for cutting purposes, filleting, roundings, etc
05:19.01 brlcad mm.. a milled shader.. that would be neat too
05:19.13 brlcad could be done as a purely rendering effect too
05:21.13 fenn i meant as a side effect of using csg sweeps
05:21.36 fenn would take forever to manipulate due to the complexity of the solid model
05:22.38 fenn sweep the path of the tip of the cutter at 1000 rpm, moving at 5 inches/min
05:23.06 fenn its not useful for anything, really
05:24.11 brlcad ahh, hehe yes
05:26.46 brlcad well, time to zZzZ -- hope to see you around more
05:34.07 fenn nite
05:34.18 *** part/#brlcad fenn (
06:48.31 tarzeau Build libpng .........................: no (using system)
06:48.49 tarzeau that means you ship libpng, libregex and zlib sources in the one 20mb large tarball?
06:49.05 tarzeau but i don't use it since i have it on my system, and it's linked against my
06:49.22 tarzeau Build optimized release ..............: no
06:49.26 tarzeau i probably want yes here?
06:49.56 tarzeau do really need ./configure complete ?
06:50.52 tarzeau what's --enable-jove ?
06:54.49 tarzeau hehe ah ok
07:04.40 tarzeau hmm i got the first build problem (probably missing some library): if_ogl.c:2335: error: `GL_AUX_BUFFERS' undeclared (first use in this function)
07:04.43 tarzeau if_ogl.c:2341: error: `None' undeclared (first use in this function)
07:26.45 tarzeau ok i can't figure out which library i need
07:26.58 tarzeau brlcad: if you can help me now
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050701

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050701

16:18.13 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
16:18.13 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.2.6 is now posted (20050612) || Several will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon || Preparations for 7.4.0 release under way
18:31.33 *** join/#brlcad clock- (
19:21.07 *** join/#brlcad ctjctj (~ctj@
19:21.42 ctjctj Hello all.
20:34.53 *** join/#brlcad CIA-3 (
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Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050702

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050702

00:22.38 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 (
01:37.03 Twingy hrm
01:42.24 Twingy hrm
01:42.34 Twingy configure is busted
01:43.59 archivist ?
01:44.56 Twingy checking whether dependency tracking should be enabled... ./configure: line 1773: syntax error near unexpected token `else'
01:44.56 Twingy ./configure: line 1773: `else'
01:47.15 *** part/#brlcad menotume (
02:07.56 Twingy configure from 3 days ago works
03:26.33 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
07:30.15 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 (
07:59.35 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/ (adrt/libcommon/pack.c adrt/libcommon/unpack.c conv/g-adrt.c):
07:59.35 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: igvt is functional again, still needs further testing and a few optimizations
07:59.35 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: I'm to tired to apply right now.
08:19.26 *** join/#brlcad clock- (
10:29.40 *** join/#brlcad clock- (
10:37.21 tarzeau clock-:
10:55.43 clock- tarzeau: ehh, disgusting :)
19:55.31 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (libtie/define.h libutil/camera.c): fixed memory leak in camera utility.
22:15.04 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (libcommon/unpack.c libtie/define.h):
22:15.04 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: re-optimized memory allocations in the mesh unpack function, all optimizations
22:15.04 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: that existed before the migration are back in now.
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050703

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050703

01:09.16 *** join/#brlcad Twingy2 (
02:00.21 *** join/#brlcad Twingy2 (
02:05.36 *** part/#brlcad box1209 (~foo@box1209.user)
02:24.41 *** join/#brlcad phcoder (
03:26.37 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
19:08.40 *** join/#brlcad phcoder (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050704

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050704

01:35.26 *** join/#brlcad ctjctj (~ctj@
02:56.38 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/g_superell.c: add the equation of an ellipsoid in the comments
02:57.13 brlcad howdy ctjctj
03:26.51 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
03:49.31 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ stray else removed
04:23.38 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ check for bsd libgen.h header for basename/dirname
04:25.04 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/nirt/if.c: include the libgen.h header instead of overriding the prototype for basename
11:00.47 *** join/#brlcad phcoder (
14:43.31 ctjctj hello brlcad
15:19.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/AUTHORS: merge in the contributor details from the old developers.html page; special thanks to the cecom guys, merrit, zumbrunnen, smith, dray, and woo
15:22.54 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/AUTHORS: more unfiled to filed; special thanks to satterfield (though he may have contributed code too?) and reed (gsi too?)
15:42.29 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/ged.c: perform a select on the pipe instead of a blocking read in case the parent dies/fails without sending a response (e.g. no X11 connectivity). wait up to 10 seconds and then give up.
16:07.13 ctjctj brlcad, Harry Reed the younger did not contribute code to BRLCAD. All GSI contributions are marked correctly. Special thanks to Harry Reed, JR. (The elder) because of the support he gave to Mike during the begining of the project.
16:17.34 learner ctjctj, thanks for the clarification.. I think I've heard that 3 or 4 times now but can never seem to keep those two straight
16:18.20 ctjctj learner, No problem. The problem is that Harry Reed, JR is the Elder of the two Reeds. The younger actually has a different middle name than his father.
16:18.48 ctjctj learner, are you Sean?
16:18.55 learner reed jr is listed under the mathematical, algorithmic, and geometric support section for the earlier work
16:19.22 ctjctj Yep, that's about right. That means that Reed, JR and Mike did napkin work together.
16:19.23 learner ctjctj, yep -- and I thought I recognized ctj correctly :)
16:19.59 learner heh
16:21.09 ctjctj I'm impressed with the current release. I've got to get my mods to the BoT up to you. Added complete UV support.
16:21.57 learner we're set to release 7.4 in a few days
16:22.36 learner complete uv support sounds great
16:23.51 learner better yet, you could put the mods in directly if you give me your id :)
16:24.03 learner :)
16:29.00 ctjctj What sort of response are you getting support wise now that brlcad is open source?
16:30.53 learner support-wise?
16:31.24 ctjctj Yeah, are you getting lots of new code? What sorts of things are getting fixed/extended? What sort of feed back are you getting?
16:31.38 learner from the OS community, it's been a pretty good response .. patches, bug and build fixes, feedback
16:32.04 ctjctj Good! Have you had anybody do a PoV to BRLCAD importer yet?
16:32.25 learner hehe, no not yet, though that's on the wish/todo list
16:33.06 ctjctj I'd love to see some of the comparisons between the two. Though it is a little difficult because PoV is so surface/triangle oriented.
16:33.47 learner it was an interesting tally that I put together a couple months ago for a report -- the number of bug fixes funded/directed internally versus the count external
16:34.07 ctjctj What was the tally?
16:34.29 learner you'd probably be very interested in seeing the new high-speed triangle tracer that was recently added
16:35.12 learner oh, I forget the exact numbers but something on the order of 4 to 1
16:35.32 learner so about 10 internal, 40 external.. something around there
16:35.55 ctjctj Yes I would. The JRM people can't seem to wrap their minds around using anything but triangles. They have beautiful gridded terrains. Which the insist on feeding the terrain through a tool to "reduce the complexity" and then import the new terrain as tiles of BoTs....
16:36.25 learner it's the stuff being called adrt
16:36.42 ctjctj What does adrt stand for?
16:36.44 learner includes a high-speed triangle ray-tracer and a path tracer
16:37.05 learner heh, it's stood for several things so far
16:38.24 learner heh, trying to remember
16:38.40 ctjctj Who's Twingy?
16:38.52 learner twingy pretty much wrote most of it, so most blame can be solidly placed with him
16:38.54 ctjctj I noticed they were one of the locals.
16:39.20 learner ADRT consists of 2 tools RISE (Realistic Image Synthesis Engine) and IGVT (Interactive Geometry Visualization Tool).
16:39.46 learner don't think you've met him, new guy that started a couple years after I showed up
16:40.09 ctjctj Nope, I've not met him. Or if I did, it was only in passing.
16:40.50 learner here's a couple rise images from the path tracer:
16:40.52 learner
16:42.07 ctjctj Nice model. Shadows look good. Did it have to be hypersampled?
16:42.24 learner
16:42.37 learner that is a releaseable image, btw
16:43.29 learner that's brl-cad geometry facetized and fed to rise, I believe they are both hypersampled
16:44.28 ctjctj Fucking A.... That is incredable.
16:45.12 ctjctj I'd love to get the DB for the stryker image.
16:47.25 learner yeah, the path tracing is very nice .. just very slow too
16:47.41 learner took a lot of horsepower to generate that image
16:48.54 learner the "igvt" is a nice tool for spinning the whole thing in a shaded 3d in real-time
16:49.09 learner rt sits somewhere in between the two
16:49.23 ctjctj Hey, you have to remember that I started with a VGR 1.05 equivlent machine and that I spent 2 hours per image doing Ball On Table.
16:49.40 learner heh :)
16:50.18 ctjctj You guys are just spoiled. It use to take 24 hours plus to do the benchmarks. Now we do them in less than 5 minutes and complain... *GRIN*
16:50.29 learner i've been wanting to get the benchmarks running on simh (historic computing vax simulator project) .. clock cycle it to get a vgr 1.0
16:50.50 learner the benchmarks are adaptive now too
16:51.26 learner no more "0.2" seconds to compute moss world
16:51.41 learner if the machine really is that fast, it will increase the workload
16:51.43 ctjctj I had it working a bit ago. The problem was that under FreeBSD I couldn't get the simh ethernet to work.
16:52.22 ctjctj So I had a bitch of a time moving cad stuff in and out. I'll give it another try after the 7.4 release.
16:52.47 learner i couldn't get it to work under os x either, but didn't need it -- i ended up mounting a file as a device, dd'ing the raw 'device' bytes to transfer files
16:54.08 learner yeah, that was a pita -- but I did get a compile eventually :)
16:55.31 ctjctj I'll see if I can get any sort of ether net to work under freebsd, if we can do that, then we should be able to get it to give us good stable numbers.
16:55.35 learner well, gotta run out -- you have commit access now among a variety of other things now too so you should be able to check out non-anonymous
16:56.00 ctjctj Thanks lots.
16:56.34 learner HACKING file has the basics, though you probably know most of what's in there already
16:57.35 learner we're on a monthly iteration release cycle now at least on the open source side with a new release pushed out at the beginning of every month
16:59.00 learner generally try settle down commits a day or two before the end of the month in a pseudo mini-code freeze until release is made, with only bug/build fixes hopefully
16:59.35 learner if development is on a roll, though, we can always make a maintenance branch and stabilize that so head dev can continue -- only needed to do that once so far
17:21.46 *** join/#brlcad TheLastSpartan (
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01:00.37 *** join/#brlcad Mac- (
01:00.37 Mac- hi there
01:00.37 Mac- i going to change my AutoCAD to BRL-CAD
01:00.44 Mac- but under Linux Slackware
01:01.22 Twingy cool
01:03.09 Mac- but i have some questions
01:03.20 Mac- i working on AMD K6-2 450MHz is it enough for BRL-CAD ?
01:03.29 Mac- 256MB of RAM
01:05.08 Twingy yes
01:05.17 Twingy but you won't be able to work with anything significantly large
01:05.41 Twingy you'll want 2GB to work on a vehicle that has complexity down to the nut and bolt
01:05.58 Mac- 2GB of RAM ????
01:06.07 Twingy yes, that's standard where I work
01:06.17 Twingy I just ordered a pair of machines with 8GB of ram 2 weeks ago
01:06.29 Mac- no, i`m only student of mechanical engeenering division
01:06.46 Twingy I'd seriously recommend spending $200 to upgrade to something faster
01:06.55 Mac- on univeristy of minig and metallurgy in poland (Cracow)
01:06.55 Twingy like a 1.5ghz walmart pc with 512MB
01:07.40 Mac- now i working on 2D only
01:07.42 Twingy then you might be able to work on some moderately complex geometry
01:07.46 Twingy okie
01:08.04 Twingy dinner time, bbl
01:08.12 Mac- and what about hardware acceleration of graphic card ?
01:08.16 Mac- is there any ?
01:09.58 Mac- now i have S3 Savage4 AGP, but wish change to Matrox G200 AGP
01:17.07 brlcad Mac-: that should be enough for very complex models regardless
01:17.34 Mac- what does it mean 'very complex' ?
01:17.42 brlcad 256MB that is .. like he said, to do an _entire_ vehicle down to the nut, bolt, and wire
01:18.27 Mac- but is there hardware acceleration for some graphic cards ???
01:18.33 brlcad you should be able to deal with models that are at least 100 MB in size
01:19.03 brlcad it is opengl accelerated by default, but perhaps not in the manner you're thinking
01:19.29 brlcad it won't matter a whole lot what your video card is as (again by default), it's a wireframe display in mged
01:19.47 brlcad your limits will be ray-trace time
01:19.52 Mac- my models in AutoCAD had about less that 1MB :)
01:20.02 brlcad yeah, those are "tiny" :)
01:20.31 brlcad have you used mged at all?
01:20.46 Mac- no
01:21.03 brlcad autocad is mostly geared towards drafting whereas mged is geared towards csg-based solid modeling
01:21.41 brlcad there is a sketch primitive type which will be very familiar to an autocad sketch, but mged's drafting capabilities are admitedly limited
01:21.54 brlcad if you rebuild those models using csg, you'll be much better off
01:22.10 brlcad should shrink the size of your models too
01:22.21 ctjctj Mac, brlcad generates it's results on a pixel by pixel basis for the most part. So the raytracing part (making great images) requires very little in the way of a video card. The first time I used brlcad for image generation, my machine had 5MBs of memory, ran at just over 16Mhz and generated pretty dang good images. Oh the video card had less than 512Kbytes of ram.
01:22.33 Mac- but for now i have been use of AutoCAD only in 2D
01:24.15 brlcad brl-cad's mged is not well-suited for 2D-only ;)
01:24.15 brlcad for 2D only, you might want to consider qcad
01:24.15 Mac- BRL-CAD isn`t for flat drawing ?
01:24.15 brlcad that said, I'd recommend trying out the mged tutorial provided on the website
01:24.32 brlcad brl-cad/mged isn't a drafting tool, though it can do some limited drafting via the sketch primitive
01:26.05 brlcad autocad is actually a "CADD"
01:26.21 brlcad depending on whom you talk to at least ;)
01:27.02 Mac- brl-cad is something like Inventor ???
01:28.40 Mac- ok, thx for your help
01:28.42 brlcad yeah, that's a little bit closer comparison, though still not quite the same
01:28.47 Mac- bye for now
01:29.04 brlcad better would be pro/e and unigraphics
01:29.08 brlcad cya
01:29.26 ctjctj You are welcome, please feel free to come back or just to try BRL-CAD and see what it can do for you.
01:29.51 Mac- i will try, promise :)
01:30.07 Mac- bye
01:30.32 brlcad ctjctj: surprisingly enough, CAM/NC milling is one of the active open-source interests that quickly sprung up :)
01:31.08 brlcad there are several people interested in writing a g-gcode converter and other tools to add cam-capabilities
01:32.19 ctjctj The thing I wanted to do with DB5 was to add some parametric capabilities to our databases.
01:32.19 brlcad oh god yeah
01:32.19 brlcad parametrics and constraints
01:32.42 ctjctj I had my "joint" stuff working with XML for about 30 seconds before somebody foobared it again. :-(
01:32.58 brlcad somebody foobared it?
01:33.30 brlcad joint stuff hasn't changed in cvs in quite a while.. :)
01:33.32 ctjctj Yeah, release cycle and an argument with somebody over which XML parser we should use.
01:33.40 brlcad heh, somebody
01:35.53 brlcad i haven't played with a joint db in a couple years
01:36.07 brlcad dwayne gave a quick demo back then
01:36.10 ctjctj I don't know if it ever worked while you have been on the project.
01:36.20 brlcad it worked then
01:36.45 ctjctj Well, It doesn't work in the 6.* and later 5.* releases.
01:37.16 brlcad hrm
01:37.38 ctjctj But with our modern machines, it should dang well fly. The iteritive solver I wrote didn't dare do an update per itteration, but today, with our desk top machines, it should be able to do smooth mged motion.
01:37.39 brlcad the 'demo' was 6.x .. we did find a few bugs, but simple articulation worked
01:38.22 brlcad maybe :)
01:39.05 ctjctj It was nice to be able to send a single DB out with a joint file attached to reconfigure the model...
01:39.27 brlcad I very recently tried a simple animation (sans joints, just simple camera rotation) only to find very very wacky things going on -- seemed like a bug in the tabinterp and other table tools
01:39.37 Twingy o.O
01:40.07 brlcad hmm.. would be trivial to embed the joint file into the .g as a binary object now
01:41.18 brlcad I don't doubt it did work.. but I don't think it does right now -- I tried reproducing the exact steps in a published report only to get very different behavior
01:41.31 ctjctj Hello Twingy, I'm Chris.
01:41.35 *** join/#brlcad louipc (
01:41.40 louipc hi there
01:41.44 brlcad I believe it has a lot to do with the fact that quaternions are not dumped out in the saveview scripts instead of transformation matrices
01:41.50 brlcad howdy louipc
01:42.06 brlcad s/not dumped/now dumped/
01:42.23 louipc I've been looking for some decent CAD software for linux :D
01:42.25 ctjctj Tabinterp doesn't care. It just does table interpulation.
01:43.32 louipc well right now I'm just doing 2D but eventually I'll be drawing 3D solid models to use in CAM applications
01:44.05 ctjctj brlcad, when we were using tabinterp, we'd dump a few keyframes, write a few scripts to extract the eye_pt and orientation, then plug those together in to a table which tabinterp would read.
01:44.35 brlcad that's what I was doing
01:45.18 ctjctj louipc, have you read any of the BRL-CAD documentation? I'm not sure it will do what you want it to do.
01:45.36 brlcad like I said, I was following a set of published steps in a report -- it 'almost' would interp correctly, but it gave a slew of anamolies
01:45.49 louipc I haven't read much
01:46.32 brlcad like going berserk around 180 and 360 and fairly randomly jumping to a different Z elevation for lengths at a time
01:47.11 brlcad louipc: there are tutorials and other documentation available at if you're interested
01:47.15 Twingy ah, hi, am working on a circuit right now
01:47.22 ctjctj louipc, BRLCAD is a solid modling system. It uses CSG to create complex objects. Since there is no explict surface representation, many standard algorithms for analysing models are not applicatlb.e
01:47.57 ctjctj brlcad, what you describe sounds like euler angles going bonkers.
01:48.09 louipc hmm I'll have to read more about it for sure
01:48.38 ctjctj louipc, we'll be glad to help you, but we'd rather you be happy then upset if our software doesn't match your needs.
01:49.20 louipc *grin* thanks I understand, I'm a pretty laid back guy so no worries
01:51.07 brlcad several very good papers came out at this year's international shapes and solids conference
01:51.26 ctjctj Cool. Who is current team leader?
01:51.42 brlcad ...
01:52.04 brlcad well, as far as I know it's unchanged for the near future
01:52.31 brlcad though I'm the only one actually dedicated with a full man-year of time explicitly to brl-cad afaik
01:52.47 brlcad yep
01:55.56 brlcad getting the package open sourced was specifically for the purposes of keeping it alive regardless of the various personal and 'corporate' politics that might/could have otherwise killed it
01:55.56 louipc # sing An Appropriate Skimmer
01:55.56 brlcad at least now, I could quit and keep working on the package indefinitely ;)
01:55.58 louipc oops sorry
01:56.06 louipc ;)
01:56.14 brlcad ~dict skimmer
01:56.52 louipc I was looking up coolant skimmers for the CNC machine in the shop *Grin*
01:56.56 ctjctj I figured as much. I tried to sign off on my stuff but the requirement to get it notarized slowed me down, then I was told it wasn't needed. I'm glad it was released in spite of my fumble.
01:58.27 brlcad it only took what.. 4 or 5 years? that was a lot of continual pressing and meetings and e-mails and persistence ;)
01:59.43 brlcad I think the package can really 'take off', it's very well poised for it
01:59.49 ctjctj I think that something like 99% of my code was either public domain or given to the Army. So those should have been "ok". The other stuff had copyright requirements to announce my authorship when in verbose mode.
01:59.50 brlcad mged's user interface is probably the largest detriment, windows support is probably the second (as much as I dislike and don't care about that platform)
02:01.56 brlcad wrapper libraries :)
02:01.56 brlcad like tk
02:01.56 brlcad but not so fugly
02:01.56 ctjctj This was using "glut" and it still was contaminated.
02:02.42 brlcad mm, modern glut is interesting, but still not practical for large apps -- no threading and different event loop supports
02:03.14 ctjctj Oh I understand that. Just found the fact that they used glut to only be about 50% of the solution.
02:04.11 brlcad sdl, clanlib, and maybe gtk or qt are the few big packages I'd consider if starting over (unless the language was constrained to non-C/C++)
02:06.03 brlcad the biggest decision is what to do about widgets -- go with a wrapper lib like sdl and qt provide using native widgets, draw your own and stick to just opengl, something else
02:06.10 ctjctj I've not used SDL yet. I don't like QT but that's because I'm addicted to gnome.
02:06.11 brlcad gtk is nice, though it's the least cross-platform of the bunch (at least in terms of even just supporting windows, linux, and mac)
02:06.59 brlcad it'd work, but you have to wait for the gtk guys to fix/support the other platforms (which they seem to be _very_ slow at doing sometimes) .. like os x aqua support
02:07.25 brlcad course one does have the source, so if it really was a problem..
02:07.34 brlcad but then the motivation for using any lib is to avoid that
02:07.41 ctjctj Have you tried to fix anything in GTK?
02:07.47 brlcad nah
02:08.01 brlcad it's a large codebase, I try to avoid that ;)
02:09.33 ctjctj Everything is three and four places removed from where I expect it to be.
02:10.10 louipc hey... I don't know much about these things but is wxWigets something like these libraries you're mentioning?
02:10.35 ctjctj Yes, it is louipc.
02:10.52 louipc ah, is that one any good?
02:11.33 ctjctj But, IMHO it goes in the wrong direction. It is more for moving windows apps to linux/unix than for moving in the other direction. And I believe ithas a license that isn't "wonderful".
02:14.40 louipc ooh
02:14.40 brlcad louipc, there's also the issue of context creation (the windows) and then there's widgets (buttons, dialogs, knobs, etc) -- wxwindows is poor on the prior, aimed mostly at the latter
02:14.40 brlcad it also does a 'meh' job at the widgets themselves imo
02:14.40 ctjctj For any windowing system, you have a couple of major components. "The event loop", "window control", and "objects/widgets"
02:14.40 ctjctj The event loop is often the easiest to deal with. It normally has pretty direct translations, mouse buttons, mouse movements, key presses, and things like that.
02:19.14 louipc hehe I did that in Java ages ago, "addMouseListener()" :P
02:19.14 ctjctj The window creation is usually the hardest. It is so closely tied to the window system that it is easy for OS or window specific things to leak in to your generic window creation system.
02:19.14 ctjctj I.e. "Hand the window creation function the X visual you want" or "use the hPallet when creating a window"
02:19.14 brlcad my current "biased choice" or preference is to only rely on a framework for the window and opengl context creation -- then do everything else internally (draw one's own widgets)
02:19.14 brlcad i.e. basically treat it like a game interface
02:19.14 ctjctj Then you have the widgets. They define your programming paradime(sp). In addition, widgets ARE your look and feel, and if they aren't beautiful, people hate them.
02:19.15 louipc that's a lot more work eh?
02:19.15 brlcad gui/widgets are often the most time-intensive aspects
02:19.15 ctjctj For example, MOTIF was the only game in town for high quality widgets for X Windows for many years. But because they were for pay, people left them behind till open-motif. But motif themes/widgets look boring and fugly by todays standards.
02:19.15 louipc yeah for sure
02:24.44 brlcad wooo.. damn that looks nice
02:24.44 brlcad Twingy: the photon map rendering of moss completed :)
02:24.44 ctjctj One of Mike's project's was the "Bump project" A virtual file system using tape backing. Mike had all the code done, kernel mods, userland mods. He built a generic set of scripts for the UI and tossed it over the fence.
02:24.44 ctjctj Cray Research picked it up, put a new gui on it, broke the user land stuff, then sold it for lots and lots and then sold 1000s of systems just to do "file migration"
02:24.44 louipc horrible
02:24.45 Twingy heh
02:25.35 louipc who
02:25.42 ctjctj what?
02:30.18 brlcad ctjctj: nice ;)
02:31.55 ctjctj Max gave me a G5 with 0.5 terrabyte to work with. And a fibre channel interface. Seems he expects me to add a few more terrabytes to the system in the next few months... :-)
02:36.59 brlcad we're supposed to meet with max "rsn"
02:40.06 brlcad Twingy:
02:40.06 ctjctj Good. I'll try to see if I can show up at the same time.
02:40.06 Twingy a littler better
02:40.06 brlcad heh
02:40.06 Twingy you save the photon map this time?
02:40.06 Twingy oh
02:40.06 Twingy you said it didn't work
02:40.06 Twingy *shrug*
02:40.06 brlcad i did save it just in case
02:40.06 Twingy the irradiance gathering on the other side of the box is bad
02:40.06 brlcad that's supposedly a million photons
02:40.06 Twingy near the corner
02:40.06 brlcad i noticed
02:40.06 Twingy that's part of the 'T' degeneracy
02:40.06 brlcad the splotch up the side of the torus is wierd
02:40.08 brlcad dunno if that's a reflection of the cone's top or something
02:40.23 brlcad the color bleeding all turned out quite nicely, though
02:40.48 brlcad that's a lot of shadow rays I threw at it
02:41.15 brlcad you know.. that corner of the box shouldn't have anything to do with irradiance gathering
02:42.15 brlcad or do you mean the boxes actual side facing away?
02:44.16 brlcad Twingy, took 13 hours to fire those million global photons, 256 irradiance rays (most of the time processing the irradiance cache progress)
02:45.23 Twingy
02:46.19 brlcad heh
02:46.28 brlcad no?
02:46.52 brlcad i'd expect you'd get photons reflecting between the box and the surface several times
02:46.55 Twingy no, it's gathering past the box
02:47.08 Twingy the box wasn't acting as a boundary for the irradiance gathering
02:47.16 Twingy as it should be
02:47.58 Twingy main reason why I dislike photon mappin
02:48.00 Twingy g
02:48.51 Twingy I mean
02:48.58 Twingy it's better than ambient phong
02:51.34 Twingy but it's still far from path tracing
02:51.34 brlcad that it is
02:51.34 Twingy if you're looking for something in between it's just fine
02:51.34 brlcad should shove moss into rise and see what 13 hours can do
02:51.34 Twingy 1 box or cluster?
02:51.34 Twingy I have a utility now
02:51.34 brlcad wopr
02:51.34 Twingy g-adrt
02:51.34 brlcad i noticed
02:51.34 Twingy oh, give it 1 hour
02:51.34 Twingy and you'd have almost perfect rendering
02:51.34 brlcad g-adrt does a tesselation pass?
02:51.34 Twingy no
02:51.34 Twingy it expects bots
02:51.34 Twingy I'd like to add auto tesselation into it at some point
02:51.35 Twingy but it creats the adrt project framework
02:51.36 Twingy you just need to be sure to position your camera and put a light source in the scene
02:51.36 Twingy I don't have g-adrt pulling light source info from shaders
02:51.36 brlcad moss's open-air wouldn't be an issue for the path tracer?
02:51.36 Twingy just color
02:51.40 Twingy nope
02:51.42 Twingy no issue at all
02:51.44 brlcad good
02:51.51 brlcad i'll have to try it post-release sometime
02:51.57 Twingy yep
02:52.09 brlcad maybe whip up a quick tutorial
02:52.26 Twingy after july 12 I can focus on making it a little less expert-friendly
02:53.03 brlcad after july 12, it'll be siggraph prep time
02:53.31 brlcad I should plan out some sort of schedule for the BoF
02:53.41 Twingy yah
02:54.11 Twingy how long is the bof?
02:55.59 brlcad an hour
03:02.19 brlcad ctjctj: for what it's worth, there's a BRL-CAD BoF at Siggraph this year "BRL-CAD: Open Source Solid Modeling" .. interesting to see what kind of response/interest there is
03:02.19 louipc actually I think BRL-CAD is pretty much what I've been looking for, it has some features that I don't need but that's ok
03:03.33 louipc I'd like to try adding some CAM extention to it
03:04.00 brlcad ~seen clock
03:04.00 ibot brlcad: i haven't seen 'clock'
03:04.02 brlcad ~seen clock_
03:04.02 ibot brlcad: i haven't seen 'clock_'
03:04.06 brlcad hrm
03:04.26 brlcad louipc: that would be very cool
03:05.08 ctjctj brlcad, I wish I was going to SIGGRAPH. Every year I put it in the budget and every year something comes up.
03:05.19 brlcad louipc: most interesting would probably be either mged extensions and/or a new tool for converting geometry to machining code
03:06.11 ctjctj It would be interesting to see if using NMGs to get a surface representation which could then be used to feed a CNC...
03:06.17 louipc yeah that would be the first step
03:07.33 ctjctj Part of the fun will be adding the "tweeks" needed to convert a virtual object to a real object. Such as the fact that pro/e, by default, slightly slopes sides for "better mold release" and other things like that.
03:10.49 brlcad bah, let'em turn the cnc upside down and shake it ;)
03:11.13 brlcad then put "crane required for proper operation" in the docs
03:12.49 ctjctj I attended a pro/e demo a couple of years ago. Most of the stuff they had was about turning pretty math into ugly reality. Things like describing the radius of the "line" where a cylendar joined a plate. In math terms, that's a right angle, but in cnc terms, there is a little rounding that happens there. On purpose. To keep the strength of the join up.
03:12.58 ctjctj Otherwise things break at the joint... :-(
03:14.31 ctjctj think of dropping a RCC against a ARB8. Then drop a torus around the RCC such that the center of the major axis was at the surface of the arb8 and the major radius was equal to the major radius of the RCC.
03:14.47 brlcad yep
03:15.31 brlcad that's interesting .. hard to intuit
03:15.36 ctjctj Except that there is a limit on the size of the torus, otherwise the angle is to steep, so they actully make the torus a little smaller and bury it a little deeper. And pro/e has 100s or 1000s of these sorts of rules.
03:16.40 brlcad there's a new primitive that I've been dying to add ever since I got started on the super ellipsoid
03:16.48 brlcad a sweep primitive
03:17.04 brlcad that would solve the curvature on curvature problem we currently have
03:17.34 ctjctj Then you add the external analysis program to do things like "fluid flow under pressure" to allow them to verify that the thing just created can be created by injection molding or hot metal or what ever. It was impressive.
03:18.04 brlcad e.g. take your RCC against and ARB8 example and make it RCC against RCC .. we can't model a blend on that seam continuously
03:18.11 brlcad we could with a sweep primitive
03:19.07 ctjctj The down side? Pro/e had a hard time displaying anything much bigger than a widget. I think they were using an O2 and wouldn't show us a complete cylender head, much less a complete engine or vehicle.
03:19.38 brlcad yeah.. a sweep primitive would give springs too
03:19.55 ctjctj I'm still impressed with P.T.'s math for the particle solids.
03:19.56 brlcad heh, pro/e's a dog still on large models
03:20.44 ctjctj Did you hear I did a brlcad movie a couple of years ago? Had about 3 billion solids in the database.
03:21.36 brlcad the missile fly through?
03:22.09 brlcad i did see a missile movie, but maybe not the finished
03:22.25 ctjctj Nope, it was a helo fly through of fort AP Hill. Near the drop zone. sound track was "low rider" and "danger zone".
03:22.36 brlcad ahh, don't think so
03:22.45 brlcad releasable? :)
03:23.23 ctjctj Started with the helo at altitude of about 2000 meters, did a slow slant into a near target indicator, then did nape of the ground (1-2 meters) till egress.
03:23.44 brlcad using tabinterp? :)
03:24.40 ctjctj I don't remember the size of the terrain, but I had 1/2 million trees planted correctly.
03:25.58 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
03:26.05 ctjctj Is there anybody else that's real in this channel?
03:26.26 brlcad yep, only three aren't real
03:26.46 ctjctj ibot, archivist and CIA-5?
03:26.48 brlcad though we all idle differently
03:26.58 brlcad sorry, 4
03:27.12 brlcad ChanServ, CIA-5, ibot, TheLastSpartan (usually known as guu)
03:27.41 brlcad several timezones represented
03:27.57 ctjctj I can see that.
03:28.20 ctjctj I've been missing Mike and the CAD team a lot these last few weeks.
03:48.40 brlcad here's the list if you happen to know where any of the folks under "To Be Filed" fall
03:48.43 brlcad
03:49.59 brlcad they're "at least" special thanks .. main question is whether they submitted code, whether it was substantial, etc
03:50.09 brlcad to be filed is at the end
03:50.10 ctjctj correction: CTJ: Paladin Software with out an "inc" and before JRMTech, please.
03:50.44 ctjctj And Cray Research, Inc before Geometric Solutions, inc.
03:51.25 ctjctj Reed, Jr., Harry was the head of the BRL, NOT a member of Geometric solutions.
03:53.10 ctjctj And the special thanks Reed, Harry needs a JR.
03:53.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/AUTHORS: add cray research and reorder affiliations for johnson
03:53.36 ctjctj Adam Dray from geometric solutions, inc. He is also a code contributor. More than special thanks.
03:53.49 brlcad hrm, I swear someone corrected me differently re reed
03:54.02 ctjctj John Ousterhout is the author of TCL/Tk.
03:54.26 ctjctj Harry Reed, Jr is the ELDER of the two and was the head of the BRL.
03:54.34 brlcad yeah, though tcl/tk isn't an affiliation :)
03:55.04 ctjctj Harry Reed NO JR, is the younger and contributed both as a member of BRL and Geometric Solutions.
03:56.02 ctjctj John K. Ousterhout is founder and CEO of Electric Cloud, Inc.
03:56.28 brlcad if I'm not mistaken, though -- his 'contribution' was not through that affiliation, he was self-consulted
03:56.39 brlcad s/consulted/consulting/
03:57.07 brlcad where does dray fall in the timeline?
03:57.16 brlcad names are listed cronologically
03:57.18 ctjctj Adam worked for me at GSI.
03:57.44 ctjctj John Ousterhout did tcl/tk at U.C. Berkeley.
03:57.47 brlcad we have all the gsi modifications now, btw
03:58.00 ctjctj Great!
03:58.24 ctjctj I know david becker. I think he was Cray Research.
03:58.25 brlcad and a few of the pretty models.. which the air force is being a pain about
03:58.47 ctjctj The air force should be a pain about some of those models.
03:59.36 brlcad some of them, but not one in particular
03:59.50 brlcad trying to get release authority approval for it, still pending
03:59.50 ctjctj Bob Miles is one of the original bunch of people Mike gathered in the lab in 394. He was famous for "It compiles,ship it" and then going on vacation.
04:00.04 brlcad hehe
04:00.24 ctjctj MMDF was one of the places Bob worked on.
04:00.53 ctjctj Musgrave worked with us through Max. So that would be about the time Lee was going back to school.
04:01.17 ctjctj Sorry, Let me see, years fly by so fast when you are having fun.
04:01.24 brlcad before reschley?
04:02.01 ctjctj Adam Draw was post Sue Muuss and long after Reschley. Remember that Reschley was also part of the 2nd group in to the 394 lab. And stayed on in part till very near the end.
04:02.30 ctjctj I'd guess that adam was around 1995 time frame. And only there for a year or so.
04:03.14 brlcad hmm.. perhaps before laut then
04:03.18 ctjctj I know George E Toth but didn't meet him in person. Is Dave Rodgers in that list?
04:03.48 ctjctj Wolff was part of the original team then went off to head up the NSF Internet.
04:04.13 brlcad no rodgers listed
04:05.14 ctjctj He needs to be added under mathmaticl help and is attributed as US Navel Acadamy
04:05.29 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/AUTHORS: swap the harry reeds (yet again?), dray was with gsi and contributed significant amounts of code
04:05.46 brlcad wolff or rodgers?
04:05.58 ctjctj Dave Rodgers is math from USNA
04:06.33 brlcad before darisson?
04:06.38 brlcad er, davisson
04:07.29 ctjctj I meet Dave Rodgers in the early 90's and he'd been working with Mike for years at that point. Dave Rodgers wrote a book with a title simular to "Math for computer graphics"
04:07.48 ctjctj I'd put Dave Rodgers after Ed Davisson.
04:08.22 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/AUTHORS: added david rodgers of usna for providing mathematical support
04:08.31 brlcad Ed's pretty cool to work out math problems with
04:08.46 ctjctj One of David Rodger's books has an image that Mike rendered for a cover.
04:08.53 brlcad I go to him whenever I get stuck on some math formulation
04:08.58 brlcad which seems to happen a lot
04:09.21 brlcad oh, that's neat
04:09.27 brlcad that'd make for a good plug
04:09.29 ctjctj Yep, I like Ed. One of the shitty things about being "the expert" for my team is that I don't have the math back up I need.
04:12.23 ctjctj I can't find George E. Toth on google. :-(
04:14.29 brlcad where does miles fit in the special thanks list?
04:14.48 brlcad before jill?
04:14.58 ctjctj Yes, long before Jill.
04:15.28 ctjctj Jill Smith came in as team leader around 1988-1989. Bob Miles left BRL before then.
04:16.13 ctjctj that's a bad date for Jill's first interactions with BRLCAD
04:16.44 ctjctj Let me see, Weaver, Dietz and Mike were the first ones.
04:16.52 brlcad jill, zumbrunnen, monk, and all of cecom where shoe-horned in "somewhere"
04:17.17 ctjctj Zum Brunnen was GSI time frame. Same time as Adam Dray.
04:17.56 brlcad cept they're in different lists
04:18.55 ctjctj Sean, I'm sorry, in my head they go "Jill showed up before I left cray. Adam and Zum Brunnen were after I divorced Gwen." but I don't have any dates to put to those events. :-(
04:20.52 brlcad hehe
04:22.50 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/AUTHORS: miles sneaks onto the special thanks list, becker was reportedly with cray research
04:24.27 brlcad 18 left to be filed, not too shabby
04:25.08 ctjctj I'm trying to remeber if Terry Slattery was contributing to BRLCAD or just Bump.
04:27.47 ctjctj I think that George E. Toth was a BRL person.
04:29.03 brlcad i know a lot of the remaining, if not most all of them are just special thanks -- folks he talked to or that worked with someone on the team
04:29.12 brlcad or managerial support of some sort
04:30.51 brlcad when the new website comes on-line, i'd like to give a little more historic detail about the key contributors somewhere on it
04:31.19 brlcad the 4 bins don't do some of those names justic
04:31.23 ctjctj I'll do what I can do to help.
04:36.39 brlcad I'm planning on writing a technical paper on the history of brl-cad here at some point (maybe while I'm at siggraph if I can)
04:36.59 brlcad from inception to open source
04:37.34 Twingy sean, when you back at work?
04:37.38 Twingy I was gonna call judy
04:37.47 brlcad probably would appreciate some degree of input/contribution for it
04:38.07 brlcad if you'd be willing, that is
04:38.08 ctjctj I'll try to hang here a bit more, if that will help.
04:38.31 brlcad Twingy: judge judy?
04:38.36 brlcad oh, office lady
04:38.53 brlcad Twingy: I'm there now, but won't/shouldn't be tomorrow
04:39.51 brlcad ctjctj: that would definitely help (on many levels) ;)
04:41.21 brlcad oh, speaking of open source brl-cad adoptions.. this is one of the more recent and very neat projects:
04:42.24 brlcad he provides drawings, instructions schematics for making those point to point optical datalink connections, made .g's
04:42.58 brlcad those are brl-cad renderings too, btw
04:43.57 brlcad if clock ever shows up, he's always happy to talk about it in detail :)
04:46.13 ctjctj Looks neat.
04:48.08 brlcad currently at 96 sites around the world (albeit most are in czech repulic and most somewhere in europe)
04:49.15 ctjctj I would have loved something like that a few years ago. How do you get 10mbit/sec across a road?
04:51.45 Twingy pringles can
05:02.40 ctjctj What is surprising Pimpi?
05:03.44 Pimpi [5:28] * brlcad pokes Pimpi to wake u p
05:04.52 Pimpi ouch
05:05.11 ctjctj Well, I'm going to head off to bed. Night all.
05:05.14 brlcad ahh, i guess that was a bit early for you ;)
05:05.16 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/ged.c: dang it, nfds is off by one -- check our own pipe fd ya dolt.
05:05.18 brlcad cya ctjctj
05:08.04 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/ged.c: cull the blocking read now that select is selectively selecting appropriately
05:09.25 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: fixed mged backgrounding when parent quickly fails
06:08.59 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/AUTHORS: toth was possibly BRL
11:00.49 *** join/#brlcad phcoder (
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13:14.26 *** join/#brlcad clock- (
15:06.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libtie/tie.c: experimenting with more efficient BSP building methods.
15:10.42 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
16:06.27 *** join/#brlcad archivist_ (
16:29.51 ctjctj Hey, do we have a document describing the changes made to the directory structure from before the src's were in the src subdirectoryl.
16:48.06 learner hmm, some of the directory structure is covered in the HACKING file
16:49.44 learner for the most part, the directories simply moved to src/ if they contained source or src/other/ if it was not our code
16:50.44 learner h/ was renamed to include/
16:51.11 learner other than that, all the directories should pretty much be intact
16:51.43 learner there was no combining/splitting as part of the process
16:59.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/HACKING: mr. jackson of gov computer news has requested to be updated on new releases of BRL-CAD
17:00.29 ctjctj Thanks. I'm going to take a look at what it takes to drop the new g_bot.c into the code.
17:02.27 learner ahh, that much I know fairly well having been the last person to add a new primitive
17:24.13 learner here's a quick summary
17:27.44 *** join/#brlcad ctjctj (~ctj@
21:39.34 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/conv/g-adrt.c: adding region map support.
21:53.39 *** join/#brlcad EricWilhelm (
23:00.47 *** join/#brlcad cad427 (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050706

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050706

00:07.06 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
00:44.21 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/AUTHORS: add a new initial NEWS ARTICLES section that includes muuss' original raytrace news article, a linux desktop app article, an ajem article by wasmund, and the recent government computer news article by jackson
00:44.37 Twingy I'm contemplating the train if the new machines get here sean
00:45.44 ctjctj The train?
00:46.16 learner ctjctj, taking the train to siggraph
00:48.10 learner 60 hours of comfortable travel where you can work at least a solid 10 hours every day uninterrupted for 3 days before and after the conference
00:49.08 Twingy do they have a gym?
00:49.29 Twingy and a shower?
00:49.54 Twingy the shower would have to be quite tiny
00:51.08 learner there is a shower, dunno about a gym (doubt it)
00:55.29 Twingy ok
00:55.30 learner a jacuzzi train car would be great
00:55.33 Twingy then I'll run along side the train car
00:55.40 Twingy with some jacuzzi women?
00:55.46 learner you could do laps up and down the train
00:55.48 Twingy I'd take a champagne room over a jacuzzi room
00:56.15 learner you can get champagne
00:57.42 ctjctj Where is siggraph this year?
00:58.17 Twingy my basement
00:59.01 learner L.A.
00:59.22 learner next year is up in boston
00:59.23 ctjctj Dang, that would be a wonderful bike ride.
00:59.51 learner :)
01:17.47 *** join/#brlcad louipc (
01:18.34 louipc hey folks
01:18.44 learner howdy loui
01:22.19 louipc is there a reason the delete key doesn't work in the command window?
01:26.07 louipc or.. rather why it doesn't delete to the right of the cursor
01:32.43 learner as silly as it sounds, I don't think anyone has ever seriously requested that
01:39.26 learner either that, or some technical reason related to solaris keyboards
01:39.54 ctjctj It comes from the fact that the "delete" character use to be used interchangably with the backspace key.
01:39.56 learner delete and backspace are often reversed character codes on some systems
01:40.08 louipc ah hehe
01:40.10 ctjctj I.e. ctrl-h and 0x7f were treated the same.
01:40.33 ctjctj The reason for that was that some keyboards generated 0x08 for the backspace key and others generated 0x7f.
01:40.47 learner it's easy enough to have it forward-delete
01:41.00 learner if you enable vi-mode, it behaves that way
01:41.39 louipc ah
01:42.01 louipc I'm more familiar with the emacs keys
01:42.07 ctjctj Part of what we have to deal with is code written 20 years ago that is still great.
01:42.13 louipc not that I know much though hehe
01:42.54 louipc hey I'd be glad to help you guys... probably with non programming tasks maybe the website and stuff
01:43.07 learner help's always welcome :)
01:43.09 ctjctj learner, it will not affect anybody until some 4 star is getting a demo in a vault and the delete key "doesn't work right"
01:43.22 louipc what's BRL-CAD licensed under now anyways?
01:44.41 learner louipc, it's a large code base so different portions are licensed accordingly -- for the most part, the lgpl covers the libraries; gpl covers the binariesl bsd covers the build infrastructure, regression tests, and benchmark suite
01:45.12 louipc ah wow
01:46.33 louipc I guess its clear in the source code what's covered by what?
01:46.43 learner pretty much
01:47.22 learner the bsd files have their license embedded, there's a license header on most all the sources (should be on everything)
01:47.32 learner the COPYING file goes into a little more detail
01:48.25 learner
01:50.45 learner for what it's worth, the delete key binding only affects the tclified mged -- it's unbound in classic mode
01:51.35 learner so I'd bet it's mainly because bob is a solaris keyboard nut where the keys are reversed
01:53.15 learner oh, it's getting it
01:53.28 learner inserting gibbrish when you press delete
01:53.34 learner ~7 or somesuch
01:54.12 learner ahh, it's inserting 3~
02:31.08 learner ahh, I think the reason it's set to backwards delete is far more simple than presumed -- the default mged keybinding mode is emacs bindings.. the default binding for delete in emacs is a backwards delete
02:31.51 learner aside from that probably being one of the first bindings users override when they start making their own .emacs.. :)
02:33.07 learner good to know, not that it really matters much
02:40.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/mged/text.tcl: comment on the fact that delete being bound to backwards delete by default matches default emacs bindings
03:10.34 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
04:16.38 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
04:38.40 learner howdy Maloeran
04:39.42 Maloeran Greetings
04:43.39 *** join/#brlcad louipc (
04:45.34 louipc har har I made a goblet
04:49.45 learner heh
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05:46.06 jrobey \quit
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15:18.49 locmon how's it going?
15:21.06 locmon this CGI client is pretty good
15:24.11 *** join/#brlcad cad782 (
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15:27.53 brlcad for some browsers that client is workable, for others it's a pain
15:28.08 brlcad better to use a real irc client for prolonged use ;)
15:28.19 louipc yeah definitely
15:28.36 louipc for some reason I can't connect with a real one at school here
15:29.48 brlcad ahh, probably blocked
15:30.00 brlcad you'd have to ssh to somewhere not blocked
15:52.36 louipc know any places where I could get free ssh access?
16:03.49 louipc take it easy folks
17:47.22 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: photon map cache file doesn't work (seems to crash rt on use)
19:16.57 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/conv/g-adrt.c: region map names now replaces brl-cad names if the -r argument is used.
19:43.00 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/conv/g-adrt.c: if color is 0 0 0 (i.e, not assigned), then supply it with 75% gray.
19:53.21 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/conv/g-adrt.c: unsigned char
20:37.20 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
20:38.00 brlcad mm.. lookie who it is
20:42.46 brlcad not very well apparently ;)
20:43.15 DTRemenak hard to lurk with so few people & things to hide behind
21:16.53 *** join/#brlcad phcoder (
21:25.28 *** join/#brlcad TheLastSpartan (
21:32.26 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/igvt/master/ (compnet.c compnet.h main.c master.c master.h): adding support to communicate with a component server, i.e fuzzy fault tree viewer.
21:34.29 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03dtremenak * 10brlcad/ (COPYING HACKING doc/cvs.txt): doc nitpicks - "it's" is not the possessive form, can't have a vast majority of two exclusive styles, typos
21:49.53 brlcad :)
22:10.37 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/igvt/master/ ( compnet.c compnet.h master.c): slowly adding hooks to talk to component server.
22:34.26 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
23:03.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ define BRLCAD_VERSION in brlcad_config.h and rename BRLCAD_DATA_DIR to BRLCAD_DATA (keeping prior until conversions are complete) performing the same protection checks done for BRLCAD_ROOT
23:05.50 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ s/BRLCAD_DATA_DIR/BRLCAD_DATA/
23:09.38 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10CVSROOT/loginfo: disable commit e-mails for the majority of the s/BRLCAD_DATA_DIR/BRLCAD_DATA/ conversion
23:11.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/doc/ (14 files in 14 dirs): s/BRLCAD_DATA_DIR/BRLCAD_DATA/g
23:18.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/geometree/ s/BRLCAD_DATA_DIR/BRLCAD_DATA/
23:18.51 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/lib/ s/BRLCAD_DATA_DIR/BRLCAD_DATA/
23:19.23 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/ s/BRLCAD_DATA_DIR/BRLCAD_DATA/
23:19.58 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/mged/ s/BRLCAD_DATA_DIR/BRLCAD_DATA/
23:20.38 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/nirt/ s/BRLCAD_DATA_DIR/BRLCAD_DATA/
23:21.12 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/pl-dm/ s/BRLCAD_DATA_DIR/BRLCAD_DATA/
23:21.55 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/rtwizard/examples/PictureTypeA/ s/BRLCAD_DATA_DIR/BRLCAD_DATA/
23:23.14 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/rtwizard/examples/PictureTypeB/ s/BRLCAD_DATA_DIR/BRLCAD_DATA/
23:23.14 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/rtwizard/examples/PictureTypeC/ s/BRLCAD_DATA_DIR/BRLCAD_DATA/
23:23.34 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/rtwizard/examples/PictureTypeD/ s/BRLCAD_DATA_DIR/BRLCAD_DATA/
23:24.13 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/rtwizard/examples/PictureTypeE/ s/BRLCAD_DATA_DIR/BRLCAD_DATA/
23:24.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/rtwizard/examples/PictureTypeF/ s/BRLCAD_DATA_DIR/BRLCAD_DATA/
23:25.07 brlcad hmm.. i suppose I shoulda xargs'd that
23:25.14 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/rtwizard/lib/ s/BRLCAD_DATA_DIR/BRLCAD_DATA/
23:25.29 archivist_ methinks somebody fixed something it just built on my debian box
23:25.49 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/rtwizard/ s/BRLCAD_DATA_DIR/BRLCAD_DATA/
23:26.02 brlcad heh, about time
23:26.18 brlcad that shoulda been some changes from a few days ago
23:26.23 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/util/ s/BRLCAD_DATA_DIR/BRLCAD_DATA/
23:26.37 archivist_ just doing make install
23:27.53 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10CVSROOT/loginfo: re-enable commit e-mails after s/BRLCAD_DATA_DIR/BRLCAD_DATA/
23:30.58 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/bu.h: bu_brlcad_path is deprecated in favor of bu_brlcad_data and bu_brlcad_root depending on whether one is searching for data resources or not
23:47.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/config_win.h: update the win32 install path to brlcad7_2
23:54.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/bu.h: provide a BU_DIR_SEPARATOR define consistently for directory path separator
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050707

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050707

00:55.32 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
01:08.52 *** join/#brlcad phcoder (
02:01.27 *** join/#brlcad jrobey (
02:11.15 *** join/#brlcad louipc (
02:11.20 louipc hi
02:34.58 brlcad howdy louipc
02:35.18 brlcad drink from that goblet yet? :)
02:48.36 *** join/#brlcad louipc_ (
02:48.56 louipc_ nope I drank from a mug though
02:49.30 louipc_ I found a bug in mged I think..
02:55.42 *** join/#brlcad louipc (
02:55.55 louipc ack
03:05.58 brlcad oh?
03:16.47 *** join/#brlcad louipc (
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06:03.27 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ need to define BRLCAD_VERSION unquoted and add the quotes to get the proper shell variable expansion
06:04.42 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/db/ s/BRLCAD_DATA_DIR/BRLCAD_DATA/
06:05.54 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/ (pro-engineer/ vfont/ s/BRLCAD_DATA_DIR/BRLCAD_DATA/g
06:06.16 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
06:06.42 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (pix/ src/other/awf/ s/BRLCAD_DATA_DIR/BRLCAD_DATA/g
06:10.39 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/util/remapid.c: duplicate extern declarations of brlcad_path.c funcs
06:32.46 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/igvt/master/compnet.c: Connection code in place.
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Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050708

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050708

00:01.39 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/brlcad_path.c: (log message trimmed)
00:01.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: woosh! a complete rewrite of the brl-cad location routine.. bu_brlcad_path is
00:01.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: now quite deprecated, being replaced by bu_brlcad_data and bu_brlcad_root
00:01.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: depending on wheter you are looking for data resources or not. the routines
00:01.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: presently no longer bomb and search with quite a bit more methodology than
00:01.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: before. for bu_brlcad_root, the search order is now BRLCAD_ROOT environment
00:01.42 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: variable then BRLCAD_ROOT compile-time path then /usr/brlcad then current dir.
00:02.27 brlcad shibby
00:04.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/bu_tcl.c: add tcl hook functions for bu_tcl_brlcad_root and bu_tcl_brlcad_data for their corresponding tcl commands
00:05.37 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/vfont.c: use bu_brlcad_data instead of bu_brlcad_path now
00:07.48 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/bwish/main.c: use bu_brlcad_data instead of bu_brlcad_path now. search for the tclscripts directory in a slightly more intelligent order. this needs to be improved for finding the tclscripts directory
00:10.32 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/fb/cat-fb.c: use bu_brlcad_data instead of bu_brlcad_path now
00:11.23 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/util/pl-dm.c: use bu_brlcad_data now instead of bu_brlcad_path
00:13.29 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/rtwizard/lib/ (PictureTypeE.itcl FbPage.itk): use bu_brlcad_root instead of bu_brlcad_path for bin dir
00:28.22 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ (liboptical/material.c mged/cmd.c mged/rtif.c): use bu_brlcad_root now for bin dirs and bu_brlcad_data for data dirs
00:42.08 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/util/morphedit.tcl: use bu_brlcad_root instead of bu_brlcad_path now for finding the bin dir
00:42.45 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/mged/mike.tcl: use bu_brlcad_data now instead of bu_brlcad_path
00:43.32 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/mged/shaders.tcl: use bu_brlcad_data now instead of bu_brlcad_path
00:44.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/mged/openw.tcl: use bu_brlcad_data instead of bu_brlcad_path now
00:47.29 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/mged/mged.tcl: comment on what the html manual search order precedence should be
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03:40.01 jrobey hola
03:41.06 learner hola
07:45.01 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
07:45.01 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.2.6 is now posted (20050612) || Several will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon || Preparations for 7.4.0 release under way
09:01.49 *** join/#brlcad cmihai (~cmihai@
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15:15.41 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/src/librt/librt.dsw:
15:15.41 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: trivial workspace removed
15:15.41 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: look at misc/win32-msvc for a more useful one
15:15.41 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: by doubleclicking on librt.dsp you will get this file back
15:17.35 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
15:18.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/src/librt/librt.ncb: This file is a binary file used by ClassView and is specific to the local machine.
15:19.25 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/src/librt/librt.opt: This is a binary file that is the workspace options file for the local computer.
15:24.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/src/librt/librt.dsp:
15:24.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: adapted to version 7 directory structure
15:24.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: usage of vers.vbs to create version/vers.c
15:24.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: configurations added
15:26.03 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/src/librt/ librt.dsw , librt.ncb, librt.opt removed
15:34.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/include/common.h:
15:34.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: no HAVE_CONFIG_H in non-autoconf build environments (e.g. win32)
15:34.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: the define for win32 is _WIN32
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20:01.19 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (6 files in 3 dirs): bug fix, adding more component net stuff.
22:16.59 Twingy hrm
23:48.16 Twingy brlcad_path.c: In function `bu_path_results':
23:48.16 Twingy brlcad_path.c:95: error: `BRLCAD_VERSION' undeclared (first use in this function)
23:59.18 *** join/#brlcad jrobey (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050709

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050709

01:17.00 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
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02:45.16 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/igvt/ (4 files in 3 dirs):
02:45.16 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: made the arguments for slave and observer more convenient, debugging python
02:45.16 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: adrt.blah bug.
02:46.11 louipc how's it going?
02:52.43 Twingy good
03:19.59 *** join/#brlcad jrobey (
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04:45.33 brlcad Twingy: sounds like you have to rerun (BRLCAD_VERSION comes from
04:46.19 Twingy k
04:51.57 brlcad cvs up too
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17:39.13 cad697 list
17:39.24 cad697 hi buddy
17:39.33 cad697 is anyone there?
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23:29.03 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (~MK@
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050710

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050710

01:51.19 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/igvt/ (4 files in 2 dirs): basic component server communication complete.
01:58.18 *** join/#brlcad phcoder (
02:05.15 learner Twingy, here's one of the devices I was talking about way back when
02:05.43 learner they have other devices that are sub-centimeter, but I don't know how mobile they are
02:11.55 learner building the binary release tonight, so get any last commits in before I tag if you want it shipping -- it'll take about 2 hours for my build tests to complete
03:00.08 Twingy okie
03:06.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (5 files in 2 dirs): updated the NEWS and README
03:10.12 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/isst/ ( isst.h isst_struct.h): renaming IGVT to ISST
03:14.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (README isst/ isst/isst.h isst/isst_struct.h): Renaming IGVT to IVAT instead (Interactive Vulnerability Analysis Tool)
03:15.58 Twingy I should be done in about 45
03:22.53 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ivat/ ( ivat.h ivat_struct.h): Migration 10% done.
03:23.05 brlcad k
03:24.22 Twingy I guess we'll do the python stuff next release?
03:28.47 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
03:33.40 brlcad yeah, and improve the automatic sdl checking
03:34.07 brlcad make it compiled by default when possible
03:35.02 brlcad shouldn't take long, but we're already a few days off schedule
03:36.02 brlcad the monthly releases really should be automated so this doesn't become an issue, then it'd just be a matter of when to make additional releases
03:48.43 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (44 files in 9 dirs): 75% done IGVT -> IVAT conversion.
03:53.37 *** join/#brlcad jrobey (
03:55.02 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ IGVT->IVAT conversion 85% done
03:58.50 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/igvt/ (19 files in 4 dirs): IGVT->ISST 90%
04:00.51 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/igvt/ IGVT -> IVAT 91%
04:02.25 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/igvt/ (master/ observer/ slave/ IGVT->IVAT 92%
04:12.43 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ (47 files in 12 dirs): follow rossberg's example and remove the other unnecessary ncb, opt, and dsw windows build files. leaving the .dsp files in place, though they will need to be added to the workspace in misc/win32-msvc
04:14.07 Twingy hrm
04:14.19 Twingy configure is not making my Makefile
04:27.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/ add win32-msvc to the subdir traversal path
04:27.16 Twingy just about done
04:29.45 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ gotta generate the makefile for misc/win32-msvc
04:32.18 Twingy automake is failing
04:32.21 brlcad no rush, still testing
04:32.23 Twingy lemme try and clear my cache
04:32.31 brlcad nah, you need to update -dP
04:32.42 Twingy I just did
04:32.44 Twingy I'll do it again
04:32.53 brlcad for that change
04:32.58 Twingy k
04:33.49 Twingy sean
04:33.53 Twingy can you ssh into xon
04:35.48 Twingy I can't ssh into any machines
04:35.57 Twingy you know what's up?
04:36.37 brlcad heh, you're having that problem now too?
04:36.41 Twingy yes
04:36.42 brlcad lee was having that problem
04:36.45 Twingy something is broke
04:36.46 brlcad so was erik
04:36.59 brlcad I think you've expired in kerberos or something
04:37.09 Twingy [justin@borg:~/src/brlcad]$ ./
04:37.09 Twingy Found GNU Autoconf version 2.59
04:37.09 Twingy Found GNU Automake version 1.9.5
04:37.09 Twingy Found GNU Libtool version 1.5.10
04:37.09 Twingy Automatically preparing build ... Warning: autoreconf failed
04:37.10 Twingy Attempting to run the configuration steps individually
04:38.11 Twingy conftest.c:2: error: syntax error before "me"
04:38.11 Twingy configure:6779: $? = 1
04:38.11 Twingy configure: failed program was:
04:38.11 Twingy | #ifndef __cplusplus
04:38.11 Twingy | choke me
04:38.12 Twingy | #endif
04:38.14 Twingy configure:6914: ch
04:38.33 brlcad hmm.. "me"
04:38.54 Twingy I'm gonna take a break while you fix that
04:39.56 brlcad doesn't make much sense
04:40.14 brlcad that's not our code
04:41.28 brlcad try --verbose
04:41.39 brlcad see which step it's failing on exactly
04:41.54 brlcad also make sure you've got no cvs update conflicts
04:41.57 Twingy k
04:43.58 Twingy required file `src/adrt/igvt/' not found
04:43.58 Twingy required file `src/adrt/igvt/master/' not found
04:43.58 Twingy required file `src/adrt/igvt/observer/' not found
04:43.58 Twingy required file `src/adrt/igvt/slave/' not found
04:43.58 Twingy required file `src/adrt/misc/' not found
04:44.04 Twingy checking
04:44.37 Twingy I dunno where it's getting igvt from
04:44.43 Twingy I don't have that string in any files
04:44.46 Twingy nor does a directory exist
04:46.18 brlcad that would be the problem then
04:46.29 brlcad it's probably specified in
04:46.43 brlcad you have to edit whenever you add/remove directories
04:47.24 Twingy yah, forgot about that
04:48.05 brlcad what happened to igvt?
04:48.16 Twingy it's now ivat
04:48.29 brlcad heh
04:48.32 brlcad and that stands for?
04:48.42 Twingy interactive vulnerability analysis tool
04:49.02 brlcad hmm
04:49.36 Twingy it's no longer a geometry viewing tool
04:49.47 Twingy it's been pushed into the vulnerability realm
04:50.23 Twingy it's entire interface revolves around vulnerability assessment
04:52.04 brlcad to you.., it's still fairly general tool utility-wise
04:52.24 Twingy not really... you haven't seen it lately
04:52.36 Twingy Lee recently called it "the shotline tool"
04:52.46 Twingy since it didn't have a definitive name yet
05:35.45 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ updated
05:37.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/misc/ back in
05:41.14 Twingy building
05:48.20 Twingy back
05:51.04 Twingy working build issues
05:53.50 Twingy build is good
05:53.53 Twingy commiting
05:55.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/ (INSTALL src/adrt/ivat/master/ IGVT->IVAT 100%
05:55.20 Twingy ok
06:15.35 Twingy back
06:21.24 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/doc/ (ivat.txt binary_spec.txt ShaderRef.txt igvt.txt): updated binary spec
06:29.25 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (4 files in 4 dirs): updated help, removed host argument.
06:29.26 brlcad remember to put them in extra_dist if you want to ship them
06:29.46 Twingy k
06:29.52 Twingy I'm not concerned right now
06:30.04 Twingy I doubt anyone will use it
06:30.23 brlcad I bet you they will
06:30.32 brlcad especially after they see the stryker pic
06:30.52 Twingy there's not enough documentation to show people how to make that pic right now
06:31.06 Twingy since I did all that in blender
06:31.30 brlcad not the render itself, which is the point :)
06:31.52 Twingy I think I've got a good 2 hours of documenting to do
06:32.04 Twingy before people grok enough of how to render moss with it
06:32.09 brlcad i was planning on including references to the images (and putting them in the gallery) in the release e-mail
06:32.17 Twingy hrm
06:32.23 Twingy well
06:32.28 brlcad don't have to
06:32.28 Twingy unless we are distributing some bots
06:32.44 Twingy they're going to have a frustrating time
06:32.52 brlcad could just wait till next month
06:33.00 Twingy I'd recommend that
06:33.09 Twingy I don't expect people to use it this month
06:33.31 brlcad i'm sure a few will just from reading the release notes
06:33.46 brlcad they've yet not to for the releases we've had
06:35.33 Twingy *shrug* maybe, I won't have a clue who's using it
06:36.06 brlcad yeah, a lot of folks will try it after they see the pics
06:36.18 brlcad so probably better to low-key it until it gets integrated better
06:36.19 Twingy I need to update that stryker pic
06:36.21 Twingy the stats are wrong
06:36.38 brlcad 5 days.. er weeks :)
06:36.53 Twingy # of rays
06:37.35 Twingy 7.97 trillion rays
06:38.41 Twingy ~18 million rays/sec
06:41.23 Twingy let me update the stryker pic before you post it
06:42.29 brlcad k
06:42.34 brlcad i'll hold off until next month
06:42.55 brlcad until at least next month
06:45.06 brlcad is python 2.4 really required? what's the min?
06:52.35 Twingy one more commit
06:52.49 Twingy any python will do
06:52.58 Twingy it's used in the master for the console to do numerical entry
06:53.10 Twingy which is interfaced by the observer
06:53.20 Twingy through sdl
06:55.34 brlcad worked with 2.2
06:55.46 Twingy yah
06:55.49 Twingy should work with 2.x
06:55.53 Twingy I'm not picky.
06:56.01 Twingy I'm doing very basic stuff with it
06:56.55 Twingy commiting
07:03.02 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (4 files in 3 dirs): updated logo, added minimal help for rise.
07:05.28 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ivat/ (observer/ slave/ correct binary names generated now.
07:07.05 Twingy k
07:07.08 Twingy I think that about does it for me
07:07.14 Twingy I can live with what's in there
07:09.03 Twingy if you want
07:09.12 Twingy we can put a bot version of moss in there
07:09.20 Twingy then they'd have something to play with
07:10.04 brlcad no sense duplicating something that simple
07:10.46 brlcad the humvee as a bot would be good
07:12.03 Twingy humvee is (c)
07:12.11 Twingy yah
07:12.12 Twingy beats me
07:12.32 Twingy if I had time I'd model my trooper
07:12.39 Twingy but I suck at brl-cad modeling
07:13.32 brlcad the original is, but what about a derivative?
07:13.38 Twingy dunno
07:13.42 Twingy I would think not
07:13.54 Twingy but I guess since more than 50% of it is orignal
07:13.57 Twingy then I wanna say no
07:14.01 Twingy we can't release it
07:14.02 brlcad it woulda been mentioned on the place you got it from
07:14.31 Twingy
07:15.27 brlcad heh "You are responsible for regularly reviewing these Terms of Use"
07:15.30 brlcad yeah right
07:17.49 brlcad ah, the site is just a middle-man -- Justin Wilson is "the man"
07:18.02 brlcad do you get a contact if you log in?
07:18.24 Twingy Dastin
07:18.37 brlcad er, yeah, that's what i meant
07:18.44 Twingy nope
07:18.53 brlcad anything extra if you log in?
07:18.56 Twingy nope
07:20.44 Twingy moss aint bad
07:20.47 Twingy if we put it in a box
07:20.52 Twingy and a light
07:20.59 Twingy all they'd have to do is run rise
07:21.55 Twingy well
07:21.56 Twingy g-adrt
07:21.59 Twingy and then rise
07:22.22 Twingy just wait till the next ver
07:22.30 Twingy err relase
07:24.52 brlcad we shall see what he says..
07:25.11 Twingy got an email?
07:25.37 brlcad i think, will know soon enough
07:25.43 Twingy google?
07:27.34 brlcad and leaving special little black packages around your mouse too i bet
07:27.40 Twingy nope
07:27.47 Twingy I let them expunge em all first
07:27.53 brlcad heh, not feeding them?
07:27.57 Twingy after you quarantine them and let em get about 6 out
07:28.00 Twingy they're clean for a while
07:28.02 brlcad ahh, so you just shake em for a lil bit
07:28.11 Twingy nope, naturally
07:28.15 Twingy takes a few minutes
07:30.00 Twingy I got ivat talking to brian's fuzzy fault tree now
07:30.06 Twingy it's pretty sweet
07:40.39 Twingy hrm
07:40.51 Twingy I think the opengl drivers need updated on my box
07:40.59 Twingy maybe I'll model my rocket tommorrow
07:41.04 Twingy and build a fake sysdef
07:41.36 Twingy you see the AMD-X2's I spec'd out for SAB?
07:43.04 brlcad nope, just heard a hint
07:43.28 Twingy I'm installing new drivers, brb
07:45.21 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
07:46.07 Twingy ah, cool
07:46.11 Twingy gl select is fixed now
07:46.21 Twingy muuuuuuuuuch better
07:53.27 Twingy welp
07:53.29 Twingy I'm off to bed
13:59.32 *** join/#brlcad phcoder (
14:09.51 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/libz/inftrees.c:
14:09.51 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: apply patch for CAN-2005-2096 aka SA15949 aka DSA-740-1 aka RHSA-2005:569 aka
14:09.51 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: GLSA 200507-05 (original identifier) addressing a potential vulnerability
14:09.51 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: whereby an attacker could construct a malformed data stream, embedding it within
14:09.51 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: network communication or an application file format, potentially resulting in
14:09.52 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: the execution of arbitrary code when decoded by the application using the zlib
14:09.54 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: library.
14:15.27 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS:
14:15.27 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: apply zlib vulnerability patch for CAN-2005-2096 aka SA15949 aka DSA-740-1 aka
14:15.27 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: RHSA-2005:569 aka GLSA 200507-05 (original identifier) addressing a potential
14:15.27 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: vulnerability whereby an attacker could construct a malformed data stream,
14:15.27 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: embedding it within network communication or an application file format,
14:15.28 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: potentially resulting in the execution of arbitrary code when decoded by the
14:15.30 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: application using the zlib library.
16:53.48 tarzeau any news?
16:54.03 tarzeau brlcad: like the new version?
17:16.03 *** join/#brlcad frank__ (
17:36.12 learner tarzeau, gets posted today
17:36.37 tarzeau learner: yay!
18:07.11 Twingy I think I'm going to make g-adrt a little smarter and pull information about lights
18:07.21 tarzeau learner, brlcad: i just found out the packages exist already
18:07.26 Twingy that would technically be enough to do everything in brl-cad and render with rise
18:07.34 tarzeau
18:31.23 Twingy hrm
18:31.51 Twingy I need to get me one of them AMD X2'
19:06.54 Twingy Initializing and backgrounding, please wait...invalid command name "gui"
19:07.02 Twingy I'm still having that problem sean
19:07.09 Twingy I suspect others will be too?
19:41.09 *** join/#brlcad frank__ (
20:12.01 brlcad i'm going to dual-license the documentation for the distributions that complain about gfdl not going on drm media
20:12.45 brlcad and for the invariant section clause
20:13.44 brlcad the question open for discussion is whether the dual should be gpl or bsd
20:14.28 brlcad the difference, of course, is modification sharing (both require authorship maintenance)
20:41.37 tarzeau brlcad: did you read your backlog ?
20:47.30 brlcad usually, why? I miss something?
21:01.09 tarzeau brlcad: there is already a debian package
21:01.14 tarzeau i got back to the guy who filed the ITP in january
21:01.22 tarzeau i'll look at his packages next week.
21:01.34 tarzeau i hope he can get them officially in soon
21:02.19 brlcad yeah, I'd forgot about that package, though it's still not in debian proper
21:02.25 brlcad and not installed into the correct location
21:02.46 brlcad 7.4 should let it install better
21:07.20 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/m4/restore.m4: restoration check still failing to avoid getting clobbered with the generic docs -- improve the restoration check by minimizing the cases that result in a backup restore and the cases that cause a backup to get saved.
21:12.30 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/adrt/misc/ vertex ops, and server.cxx are gone, ivat.png and are added
21:13.27 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/adrt/doc/ binary spec is gone, added are ivat and rise text files
21:14.22 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ fix the source distribution target yet again.. need to traverse into doc, misc, and scripts at least on dist.
21:16.04 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (6 files in 6 dirs): ignore the adrt products
21:18.53 Twingy sean, should I do an update, will that fix my mged problem?
21:19.33 brlcad no
21:19.45 brlcad testing mged now
21:20.36 brlcad that error means it couldn't find tclscripts for some reason
21:21.11 brlcad which should only happen if you're trying to run mged from outside the source tree (or from too deep within) without installing mged first
21:21.36 brlcad there have been changes to that recently, though, so i'll see if it's something new
21:45.25 Twingy k
21:54.16 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/INSTALL: revert the mistaken commit of the generic install instructions
22:01.18 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ why bother looping if aux_dir doesn't exist
22:47.57 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/COPYING:
22:47.57 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: the BRL-CAD documentation is available under a dual-license strategy allowing
22:47.57 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: for recepients to choose between the GFDL and GPL. this allows for the
22:47.57 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: documentation to be included on otherwise opaque distribution mediums and
22:47.57 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: over-zealous packaging distributions that don't seem to agree with allowing
22:47.58 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: minor invariant sections (which none of brl-cad's docs have anyways).
22:56.14 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/COPYING: as represented by arl
22:57.12 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/macosx/Resources/License.rtf: updated to new copying details (mainly that documentation is dual-licensed with GPL)
23:15.39 Twingy should I do an update now?
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050711

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050711

00:29.55 Twingy ok
00:30.00 Twingy so what do I have to do to get mged working
00:32.47 brlcad well, I haven't tracked down (or encountered) that specific problem yet
00:32.56 brlcad working on a different issue
00:33.03 brlcad but, that said.. yours should be simple
00:33.14 brlcad it can't find the tclscripts directory -- where is your tclscripts dir?
00:33.24 brlcad should be /usr/brlcad/tclscripts
00:38.42 Twingy hrm
00:38.52 Twingy looking
00:39.07 Twingy in /usr/local/tcpscripts
00:39.12 Twingy in /usr/local/tclscripts
00:39.21 Twingy prefix was set to /usr/local
00:39.44 brlcad and you did a make install?
00:40.18 Twingy yep
00:41.34 brlcad grep BRLCAD_DATA include/brlcad_config.h
00:42.55 Twingy #define BRLCAD_DATA "/usr/local"
00:43.10 brlcad hrm
00:43.10 Twingy -rw-r--r-- 1 justin wheel 19073 Jul 10 20:32 brlcad_config.h
00:43.10 Twingy [justin@borg:/usr/local/include/brlcad]$
00:43.41 brlcad BRLCAD_DATA=/usr/local/ mged
00:43.51 brlcad try typing that verbatim 1-line
00:44.53 Twingy mged works
00:45.00 Twingy so what needs fixed?
00:45.09 brlcad hrmm
00:45.19 brlcad try this:
00:45.22 brlcad BRLCAD_DATA=/usr/local mged
00:45.43 Twingy I just did that
00:45.50 Twingy oh
00:45.52 Twingy without slash
00:45.56 brlcad with or without the trailing slash?
00:46.07 Twingy mged fails
00:46.09 Twingy without trailing slash
00:46.15 brlcad but works with it?
00:46.18 Twingy yes
00:46.22 brlcad okay
00:46.36 brlcad an off-by-one mistake in bu_brlcad_data
00:46.42 Twingy k
00:46.44 Twingy hard to fix?
00:46.48 brlcad nah
00:49.33 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak_ (
00:52.27 brlcad aha, oops
00:52.33 brlcad i see what happened now
00:53.28 brlcad it wasn't computing the path length before testing whether it needed to append or trim a slash
00:54.43 Twingy ah
00:59.12 brlcad there update src/libbu and try that
00:59.21 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/brlcad_path.c: compute the left-hand path length _before_ using it so that it doesn't end up smushing together something like /usr/brlcadtclscripts. also only need to match one of two join cases since rhs is only one or the other.
01:00.23 brlcad mged uses libbu dynamic, so should be able to just make install and run mged again (without the env var)
01:01.57 Twingy interesting
01:02.00 Twingy when I goto raytrace
01:02.04 Twingy it goes /usr/local/rt
01:02.08 Twingy instead of /usr/local/bin/rt
01:02.15 brlcad hmm
01:02.20 brlcad dagnabbit wabbit
01:04.27 brlcad same base function but different caller .. looking
01:11.04 brlcad okay, try that
01:11.31 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/brlcad_path.c: another off-by-one -- it should be '/usr/brlcad/bin' not '/usr/brlcad/\0bin'
01:12.02 brlcad now it might do /usr/local/binrt .. will see
01:13.42 brlcad ah, no -- it should do the right thing
01:13.44 Twingy will try in a bit
01:13.50 Twingy modeling something
01:15.24 Twingy hrm
01:15.28 Twingy mged just pissed me off
01:15.42 Twingy it's easy to type something
01:15.46 Twingy and lose 5 minutes of setting coordinates
01:16.02 Twingy I'm going to write a script to do auto backups
01:21.30 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: denote justin's addition of the rise path-tracer and ivat triangle ray-tracer via adrt. still needs a paragraph write-up
01:23.06 Twingy what do you want on that?
01:30.21 brlcad a mostly generic marketing announcement paragraph of what's been added in layman's terms
01:31.03 Twingy how do I translate?
01:31.06 Twingy tra x y z ?
01:31.13 brlcad yeah
01:31.19 Twingy with something selected first?
01:31.25 brlcad right
01:31.32 brlcad have to be in an edit-mode
01:32.37 Twingy and rotate is p?
01:32.43 Twingy p 0 0 90 ?
01:33.33 Twingy oh
01:33.36 Twingy set function to rotate first
01:43.11 Twingy if A,B,C,D are all the same for the TGC
01:43.18 Twingy am I setting the radius or the diameter?
01:44.10 Twingy radius
02:02.33 brlcad rot
02:02.37 brlcad rot 0 0 90
02:02.43 brlcad rot, tra, sca
02:03.07 Twingy wtf
02:03.16 Twingy I do primitive selection
02:03.18 Twingy it's in white
02:03.22 Twingy I pull up primitive editor
02:03.24 Twingy make changes
02:03.27 Twingy hit apply
02:03.29 Twingy menu do apply
02:03.32 Twingy menu do accept
02:03.33 Twingy B
02:03.37 Twingy draw the parts
02:03.40 Twingy and no changes
02:03.43 Twingy grrrr
02:03.50 Twingy unintuitive piece of ...
02:06.00 brlcad you never rtfm'd, was never meant for newbs without training
02:06.06 brlcad not that it couldn't be way way better
02:07.25 Twingy wee
02:09.06 brlcad did you type the primitive's name in and hit enter before editing values?
02:09.16 brlcad on the primitive editor window
02:09.47 Twingy yep
02:09.53 Twingy it updates in the window
02:10.06 Twingy and I redraw and it goes back to original values
02:10.25 Twingy somehow it worked on the other part
02:10.28 Twingy and not on this one
02:10.52 brlcad hmm
02:11.03 brlcad i can reproduce it on a sphere
02:11.11 brlcad looks like a bug
02:12.26 brlcad it applies the edit to the in-memory representation, but some reason doesn't safe it to disk when you apply
02:12.37 Twingy maybe I should RTFM
02:12.55 Twingy o.O
02:13.28 brlcad maybe I should
02:14.50 brlcad what primitive type were you trying to edit?
02:16.44 Twingy tgc
02:17.25 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: mged primitive editor doesn't accept/apply values to disk for certain primitives (e.g. sph)
02:18.53 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: make tkCanvBezier modification to libtk be a convenience library if the compiling user opts to use a system libtk
02:22.29 *** join/#brlcad brlcad_ (
02:53.54 *** part/#brlcad phcoder (
02:58.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/ged.c:
02:58.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: improve the parent/child startup process even more. now the parent will wait up
02:58.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: to 90 seconds for the window initialization, but the child will also inform the
02:58.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: parent even when aborting early due to some error (like an unset DISPLAY). make
02:58.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: a clear statement that mged has quit if the client aborts.
03:00.34 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: improved mged initialization failure reporting
03:01.05 brlcad damn, it's almost time to give up on the reoganiztion in order to make the release on schedule
03:01.43 Twingy going to release a broken version of mged?
03:03.17 brlcad no, it works
03:03.26 brlcad at least no new bugs
03:03.51 brlcad only thing left to do is the new DATA dir default
03:05.54 Twingy well
03:06.07 Twingy should I not use primitive editor?
03:06.26 brlcad yeah
03:06.42 Twingy what's the command line version
03:06.48 brlcad either select the operation on the edit menu and use the p command, or use sca/tra/rot + accept/apply
03:07.01 Twingy what about editing individual values
03:08.08 brlcad depends which values
03:08.53 Twingy tgc
03:09.01 Twingy just use p option
03:09.07 Twingy and menu stuff
03:09.08 Twingy got it
03:10.39 Twingy hrm
03:10.50 Twingy yah
03:11.24 Twingy k, that'll do
03:11.34 brlcad if it's a lot of value tweaking, you can 'db get primname', 'kill primname', 'db put primname values...'
03:12.11 brlcad dangerous to user-error (since it's raw), but will work
03:12.43 Twingy doing a cvs update
03:12.49 brlcad i'm sure there's a way to edit the values by their old names, but I don't know how
03:13.04 Twingy going to run autogen and install again
03:13.19 Twingy see if that fixed all the path issues with mged and rt
03:19.28 brlcad k
03:24.26 Twingy installingvb
03:28.27 Twingy working
03:29.30 brlcad yay for blind code-fixing
03:31.27 Twingy heh
03:52.09 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ migration to BRLCAD_DATA complete, remove BRLCAD_DATA_DIR
03:59.58 Twingy hrm
04:00.19 Twingy do we have a tool for generating threads on a screw?
04:26.38 *** join/#brlcad bottlecap (
04:30.08 brlcad Twingy: curvature on curvature is usually quite hard, the appropriate primitive doesn't exist yet
04:30.23 brlcad though I bet I could implement it on the train ride
04:31.45 brlcad if it's a static cylindrical screw, you could implement it relatively easily with three pipes
04:32.44 brlcad but if it tapers, you're probably sol
04:37.18 Twingy just cylindrical
04:38.18 *** part/#brlcad bottlecap (
04:41.44 brlcad if you make the path with a pipe, make two copies and translate them down and up half the radius, then subtract them, you'll should have a nice thread
04:42.20 brlcad creating the pipe is covered in the advanced modeling tutorial book
05:08.27 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/mged/mged.tcl: dang fixed path .. use bu_brlcad_data to find the root. these routines still need to check for existence in order so users may need to edit/modify their existing .mgedrc if they have one in the meantime.
05:13.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/
05:13.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: woot, default the BRLCAD_DATA to $prefix/share/brlcad/VERSION. aside from
05:13.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: library/binary name collisions, this should now let brl-cad install into system
05:13.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: paths such as /usr and /usr/local now though more work will need to occur to
05:13.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: isolate the libs and headers better.
05:16.20 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/doc/ install these docs into the DATA/doc directory now
05:16.57 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/doc/legal/ install the license headers into the DATA/doc/legal directory now
05:18.45 brlcad woo hoo.. that should do it
05:19.00 brlcad I'd love to post it now, but I got that damn 8:30 meeting
05:19.11 brlcad so maybe lunchtime
05:19.28 brlcad working with the new directory structure now
05:23.35 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: mged/bwish doesn't work without the required resources being installed (i.e. it won't run from a build directory without an installed version in place)
05:34.35 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/brlman/awf: stupid quick-fix hack to make brlman work for the 7.4.0 release -- need to decouple
05:35.14 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: install directories are now reorganized
05:36.57 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: halt awf, brlman, and other tool's usage of alas time to retire the old script
05:38.14 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/bwish/ might not work on some other platforms, but ia64 seems to ignore libtk if it comes later in the link list for some reason (doesn't cause a problem, per se -- no linker errors, just U nm symbols).
05:40.58 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: brlman/awf is hardwired for 7.4.0 (temp fix)
05:40.59 brlcad that'll do for tonight
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14:47.30 knoppix hi
14:47.35 knoppix anyone here ?
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15:26.37 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ bah, BRLCAD_DATA_DIR is no more, BRLCAD_DATA is the shizzle
17:05.25 brlcad knoppix: hello
17:06.16 brlcad if you ask whatever questions you have and just idle, someone will eventually answer ;)
17:18.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libcommon/ (pack.c unpack.c): char c to unsigned char c to allow for strings 255 chars long, not 127.
17:33.04 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
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20:05.31 EricWilhelm but he did. He said "anyone here?" :-)
20:11.04 brlcad :)
20:11.15 brlcad quite true
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22:34.18 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libutil/camera.c: ws
22:47.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (5 files in 5 dirs): build/link all of adrt static
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050712

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050712

03:19.57 *** join/#brlcad ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
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03:48.29 *** join/#brlcad jrobey (
05:01.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (31 files in 6 dirs): and with a flick of wrist and wiggle of nose, itink ivat isgone... at least for now, likely to be resurrected before next iteration from the ashes in a slightly different incarnation.
05:05.55 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ ivat is removed for at least this iteration, probably to be reincarnated in a different for later when some details get worked out
05:06.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: not going to roll out the adrt ivat tool this release .. maybe next
05:08.58 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
05:11.41 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/adrt/misc/ ( ivat.png): remove ivat image
05:13.00 brlcad Twingy: ivat pulled, so careful on cvs update
05:14.43 brlcad if you want to be safe, remove the CVS directories from src/adrt/ivat in your checkout (find src/adrt/ivat -type d -name CVS -exec rm -rf {} \;) so they won't get touched during update
05:15.11 Twingy k
05:15.20 Twingy you'll be in wed right?
05:15.26 Twingy it's getting renamed back to ISST
05:15.32 Twingy err, too ISST
05:15.39 Twingy since it was previously IGVT
05:17.45 brlcad isst or igvt?
05:17.49 Twingy isst
05:17.56 Twingy soon as I get time
05:17.59 Twingy I'm gonna run my rename script
05:18.06 Twingy and s/ivat/isst
05:18.31 Twingy after I commit a few bug fixes I took care of today at survice
05:18.32 brlcad Arnold says isst betta now so , geetaout!
05:18.54 Twingy dude
05:18.58 Twingy the sysdef file was in my car
05:19.03 Twingy slid into the passenger side door
05:19.20 Twingy I left brians to go get it in lee's office, but found it there before going to apg
05:19.34 Twingy but brian told me what needs fixed
05:19.38 Twingy so I'm fixing now
05:19.45 brlcad :)
05:20.00 Twingy 4,189 lines of sysdef, happy happy joy joy
05:20.07 Twingy I could really use some beer right now
05:20.18 Twingy the diet pepsi aint doin it
05:20.36 Twingy actually, I'd take vodka over beer at the moment
05:20.49 brlcad i'll be in wed, dunno about today (tues), though
05:20.53 Twingy k
05:21.01 Twingy hrm
05:21.11 Twingy I got 5 hours to get this shit working
05:21.21 brlcad have to write up the abstract for the hunstville simulation conference by tomorrow
05:21.25 Twingy k
05:21.26 brlcad er tonight
05:21.33 Twingy doing a pres?
05:21.36 brlcad and it just aint gonna happen at my desk
05:21.54 brlcad yeah, probably
05:21.59 Twingy good stuff
05:22.05 Twingy I'm starting up a paper this thursday
05:22.06 brlcad the abstract chair sounded rather interested
05:22.32 brlcad we'll see, not for sure, of course
05:22.38 Twingy ooh, war of the worlds finished
05:22.39 brlcad simulation conference after all
05:22.45 Twingy must... focus...
05:22.50 Twingy hrm, naked chick
05:22.55 Twingy must... focus...
05:22.57 brlcad need caffeinated beer
05:23.07 brlcad and naked chick
05:23.10 Twingy need some peasant to do this grunt work for me.... and caffeinated beer
05:23.15 Twingy ooh, and naked chick
05:23.34 Twingy checkout shoutcast for XRM radio
05:23.37 Twingy good station
05:25.49 brlcad so what's isssssst stand for?
05:25.56 brlcad the international space station tool?
05:26.03 Twingy yep
05:26.06 Twingy you're good
05:26.22 brlcad international space station teleporter
05:26.28 Twingy intentionally stupid sounding tool
05:27.10 Twingy hrm
05:27.28 Twingy interactive shot selection tool
05:53.46 Twingy cool
05:53.58 Twingy trimmed 2300 lines of fat off the sysdef
05:54.12 Twingy 1,149 components
05:54.29 Twingy should be good 'nuff for demonstration purposes
06:13.02 brlcad hmm. not bad
06:13.08 brlcad isst
06:14.38 brlcad irssi .. interactive realtime shot selection interactor
06:22.04 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
06:47.04 Twingy realtime, eww
06:47.23 Twingy it's not realtime
07:52.12 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (~brlcad@brlcad.bronze.supporter.pdpc) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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12:41.34 tarzeau brlcad: what was the debi package url again?
12:41.38 tarzeau i pasted of that itp guy?
12:45.44 brlcad tarzeau:
12:46.57 brlcad Twingy: sure is realtime with a cluster behind it :)
12:48.50 tarzeau brlcad: thanks
14:10.47 *** join/#brlcad jrobey (
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14:46.28 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ improve the path checking on the root and data directories, allowing for a full override if desired via --prefix and --datadir respectively
15:20.34 *** join/#brlcad archivist_ (
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20:05.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03johnranderson * 10brlcad/include/ (RtServerImpl.h rtserver.h): Mods to add an interface for shooting an array of rays
20:07.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03johnranderson * 10brlcad/src/librtserver/rtserver.c: Mods to add an interface for shooting an array of rays
21:02.28 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/adrt/README: say three
21:59.02 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/README: mention the new path tracer, improve distribution details, more information on contacting via irc, mention that we're usually at siggraph and other conferences
23:08.44 brlcad Twingy: adrt stands for... ?
23:47.36 brlcad no matter, I'll just let it be a mystery
23:47.54 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: include an informative overview of adrt and the rise path-tracer. today is release day for 7.4.0
23:52.13 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: added rise details. ready to ship 7.4.0
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050713

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050713

00:09.00 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (README update version to 7.4.0
00:35.12 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ChangeLog: changelog entries from 7.2.6 to 7.4.0
01:12.04 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/regress/ fix the comparison checks so that they are not whitespace dependant or otherwise so sensitive to simple formatting changes
01:46.36 *** join/#brlcad jrobey (
02:43.56 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/conv/g-adrt.c: common.h belongs before any system header, don't include brlcad_config.h directly -- not portable; also getopt isn't used, use the compatible bu_getopt routine instead
04:10.15 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/fb/ cat-fb requires libbu for bu_brlcad_data
04:11.14 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (~MK@
04:12.13 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/ requires libbu for bu_brlcad_data/root
04:40.58 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (README NEWS): cvs is tagged with rel-7-4-0 so bump to 7.4.1
04:51.57 *** topic/#brlcad by brlcad -> || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.4.0 is now posted (20050712) || Several will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon
05:43.04 *** join/#brlcad Tegan (
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20:39.19 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.4.0 is now posted (20050712) || Several will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon
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Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050714

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050714

00:14.21 *** join/#brlcad jrobey (
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01:12.01 *** join/#brlcad pizzaRun (
01:20.17 pizzaRun SET realname Charles R. Price, Jr.
01:21.50 pizzaRun ?
02:36.54 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: heh, oops, brain fudge somehow swapped igvt 'i' with rise 'i' -- it's an image synthesis engine, not interactive.. go ahead and describe adrt too
03:20.05 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (
03:26.34 brlcad Twingy: got that image yet?
03:26.50 brlcad sending out the release notes, would be nice to link to it
03:27.21 Twingy diteuh
03:27.24 Twingy uh
03:34.14 brlcad so.. that's a yes or no? :)
03:35.29 brlcad if it's ready within 10 minutes, I'll link it -- otherwise I can just use what I got
03:40.40 Twingy got it
03:41.31 Twingy uploading
03:43.26 Twingy k
03:43.32 Twingy
03:43.47 Twingy and
03:44.04 Twingy
03:44.23 brlcad heh
03:44.43 Twingy and
03:45.17 brlcad hummy and strykie are good enough
03:46.15 Twingy
03:46.16 Twingy
03:46.29 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
03:46.34 Twingy 3 is bettah
03:46.53 brlcad hmm.. that's a hard call
03:47.09 Twingy pfft
03:47.36 Twingy pick 3
03:47.59 Twingy meh
03:48.04 Twingy that looks like ass
03:48.06 brlcad 3's a bit small
03:48.09 Twingy where did you get that crap from?
03:48.11 brlcad though better path
03:48.23 brlcad i have my sources
03:48.35 Twingy my mice thing you should pick 3
03:48.51 Twingy 4 against 1, neener neener
03:48.58 brlcad looks like plastic
03:49.30 Twingy looks alot more real than the other ones
03:50.09 Twingy just pick one *shrug*
03:50.12 brlcad and it looks like the windows are missing :)
03:50.14 Twingy I gotta make a phone call
03:50.20 Twingy happing picking
03:50.23 brlcad k
03:56.26 Twingy you should date the images
03:56.29 Twingy on the screenshots
03:56.33 Twingy and rename screenshots to gallery
03:56.36 Twingy if you can
04:00.05 brlcad there will be a proper gallery on the new website
04:00.20 brlcad and it can't be renamed on
04:08.39 Twingy okie
07:40.39 *** join/#brlcad tarzeau (
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Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050715

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050715

00:37.14 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
00:52.33 Twingy welp, office is set
02:01.17 brlcad shweet
02:22.16 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
03:31.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/HACKING: include the level of notification detail warranted by each, add grabowski of upfront.ezine to notification list
04:04.43 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
04:35.03 brlcad freshmeat updated
04:41.23 Twingy rottenmeat
04:42.16 Twingy you not update screenies?
05:04.37 brlcad not yet
05:05.07 brlcad have to resize them and all for sf screenie section
06:06.07 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (~Apathy@
06:23.28 PKMOBILE so its cooler down here in TN than MD...
16:59.22 *** join/#brlcad Captain (
21:54.54 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (~Apathy@
21:57.55 *** join/#brlcad DarkMaster (~Apathy@
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050716

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050716

02:04.11 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
04:04.03 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
04:25.44 *** join/#brlcad prasad (
04:25.50 prasad sean
04:26.12 prasad 7.4.0 breaks in ubuntu-hoary
04:26.20 prasad 32bit
04:45.11 Twingy urf
04:45.20 Twingy tired at 12:50 on a friday night is not good
04:45.56 Twingy then again I think I got about 33 hours of sleep this week
04:48.59 prasad it's the dextrose fumes
04:49.06 Twingy nah
04:49.24 Twingy this week was unusually demanding of me
04:50.34 prasad i see no pics up
04:51.15 Twingy nope
04:51.25 Twingy I still need to process some more data
04:51.33 Twingy and do video editing
04:51.38 prasad fine
04:51.43 Twingy and reformat the static field test section
04:51.47 prasad i think im gonna join acst soon
04:51.57 Twingy that would be cool
04:52.00 prasad first step, finish this rtedge.v2 tool
04:52.05 prasad ???
04:52.10 prasad move away from mooves
04:52.10 Twingy profit!
04:52.19 Twingy moooooooooves
04:52.26 Twingy erik wants out
04:52.28 Twingy you want out
04:52.34 Twingy jason is tired of mgmt
04:52.39 prasad ron wants completely out
04:52.43 Twingy yep
04:52.56 Twingy mgmt is now passed the point of a successful product
04:53.07 Twingy they have officially killed it.
04:53.19 Twingy the question will be, how long before they realize it
04:53.36 prasad they shouldn't have screwed with it so late in the game
04:54.03 Twingy I suspect they will get little more than a slap on the wrist and give you guys all the blame
04:54.12 prasad of course
04:54.17 prasad but hey
04:54.25 Twingy does lisa know you wanna get on acst?
04:54.26 prasad 'wendy told me to quit'
04:54.42 prasad (which is a true statement)
04:54.46 prasad nah
04:54.52 prasad i think she's pissed at me
04:54.55 prasad as it is
04:54.58 Twingy she's pissed at everyone
04:55.03 Twingy on M3
04:55.18 Twingy cause just about everyone has already told her that nobody wants to work on it anymore
04:55.30 Twingy if you told her, that might make 100%
04:55.51 prasad i doubt that's gonna do anything
04:55.59 prasad pjt specifically picked ww
04:56.00 Twingy no, not really
04:56.20 prasad lisa wont question a pjt decision imo
04:56.40 Twingy I'm wondering if pjt is deploying a clever tactic to let wendy fall on her face as a branch chief so he has enough stuff to use to fire her
04:56.56 prasad heh dunno
04:57.50 Twingy the next couple of months certainly will be interesting
04:58.06 prasad they're trying to pile stuff on me
04:58.34 prasad chip: 'i want to ask you if you have any other tasks that you would like to work on'
04:58.34 Twingy if you get too much, you gotta tell them you're overburdened
04:58.51 prasad me: 'let me ask you this; are there any tasks that havent been assigned?'
04:58.55 prasad chip: 'no'
04:58.58 prasad <end>
04:59.09 Twingy heh
04:59.15 Twingy my answer woulda been 'not muves'
04:59.33 Twingy but I'm just straight forward like that
04:59.47 prasad yes 'justin'
04:59.52 prasad _the_ justin
05:00.16 prasad i was gonna say prasad, java developer of the year
05:00.19 prasad but u know..
05:00.22 prasad =)
05:00.25 Twingy nice
05:01.08 prasad bsg season 2 ep 1 was the shiznitz
05:01.21 Twingy I never really got into it
05:01.24 Twingy I think it's well done
05:01.25 prasad tsk tsk
05:01.29 Twingy but I can't watch tv that long
05:01.38 Twingy no matter how good the show is
05:02.29 prasad man implementing a 2d graph in c is painful
05:03.04 prasad er -2d
05:03.19 prasad a _graph_
05:03.33 Twingy use gnuplot
05:03.55 prasad i meant it as in the compsci defn
05:03.55 Twingy it's painful if you've never done it before
05:04.02 Twingy ah
05:04.12 Twingy matrices
05:04.26 Twingy adjacency matrices
05:04.54 prasad that only allows single parents, no?
05:04.59 prasad parent*
05:05.28 prasad i think linked list per [][] cell would work
05:09.43 Twingy I think I'd need to know more about what the 2d graph is being used for
05:10.05 prasad vectorized line drawing
05:10.26 Twingy just drawing lines?
05:10.30 Twingy using bresenham?
05:10.50 prasad er what about it
05:10.57 prasad rtedge generates a raster img
05:10.59 Twingy the point is to draw 2d lines?
05:11.20 prasad based on a csg scene in brlcad
05:11.27 Twingy heh
05:11.53 Twingy I should implement that as a post-processing filter into mine
05:12.04 Twingy trivial todo
05:12.22 prasad raster maybe trivial
05:12.27 Twingy no, using raytracing
05:12.36 prasad well that's what rtedge does
05:12.46 prasad uses region boundaries and normals
05:12.49 Twingy yah
05:12.57 Twingy curvature tolerances, wee
05:13.19 prasad ive stumbled upon a great excuse to not work on M3
05:14.39 Twingy once you finish integrating into rt you can integrate into adrt :)
05:14.54 prasad profit!
05:15.11 Twingy some isoparametric line drawing has been requested from my interactive tool
05:15.18 Twingy well "wire frame viewing"
05:15.31 Twingy but it's essentially isoparameteric line rasterization
05:15.54 Twingy urf
05:15.59 prasad just use a pixel shader
05:16.07 Twingy I need to hire me some kid to do these web pages
05:16.16 Twingy I hate writing web pages
05:16.29 prasad dont u have an underling
05:16.30 prasad at work
05:16.43 Twingy nope
05:16.49 Twingy this isn't work related though
05:16.53 Twingy I wish it was :)
05:16.59 Twingy that would so kick ass
05:17.09 prasad its a secret wmrd project
05:17.12 prasad done
05:17.24 Twingy maybe after I hit mach-3 and sustaint a +10 second burn it'll be interesting
05:17.44 Twingy most supersonic jets are still under mach-3
05:18.20 prasad firefox
05:18.20 Twingy I need to make the jump to hybrid motors at some point
05:18.29 prasad or maybe the mig25
05:18.35 Twingy these solid ones were a nice stepping stone
05:19.19 Twingy unless I figure out a clever way of packing in longer burn times
05:19.30 prasad u need a logarithmic ramp to max impulse
05:19.32 Twingy I'd like to try rubber and potassium nitrate
05:20.22 prasad 'justin? i don't know anyone named justin'
05:20.48 Twingy I think an old tire would work well
05:21.23 Twingy hrm, I'll have to do a little chemistry to figure out what proportions I'll need
05:22.13 Twingy I've got some liquid plastic I'd like to try
05:22.25 Twingy infact, I'm gonna go whip up a batch
05:22.29 Twingy bbiab
05:22.43 prasad ...
05:48.04 Twingy back
05:48.35 Twingy the reaction wasn't energetic enough to be a candidate, but I need to conduct a test after it's had time to dry
05:49.04 Twingy I suspect the combination of that and enough pressure will result in a sub 50lb burn
06:02.39 Twingy hrm
06:02.43 Twingy only 470 N-s
06:03.40 Twingy > 320 N-s, so still an I-class burn
06:05.22 Twingy 152lb peak
06:09.00 Twingy 2.03 seconds of > 10lb thrust burn time
06:21.02 Twingy I got the thrust graph up now
07:32.38 brlcad hmmm
10:26.04 *** join/#brlcad TheLastSpartan` (
11:20.54 *** join/#brlcad cad455 (
17:48.36 brlcad hmm
17:48.43 brlcad time to get back to business
18:07.25 Twingy gotta goto the bathroom again?
18:08.47 prasad *golfclap*
18:15.35 Twingy the graph is up
18:15.44 Twingy
18:15.50 Twingy going to add the videos now
19:35.59 Twingy video is compression
19:36.04 Twingy compressing
19:36.48 *** join/#brlcad benford (
19:36.53 *** part/#brlcad benford (
19:46.31 prasad photos arent up
19:47.31 Twingy nope
19:47.45 Twingy debating whether to make a thumbnails thing or not
19:48.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ report a summary on make fast too
19:48.34 brlcad 404
19:48.49 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
19:51.28 prasad sean
19:51.48 prasad has 7.4.0 been tested on debian
19:51.49 prasad ?
19:52.00 prasad *compiled
19:54.15 brlcad yeah
19:54.35 brlcad three different ones actually
19:54.45 prasad ./configure -> make : gives me GL errors on ubuntu
19:54.59 brlcad common problem
19:55.10 prasad whats the fix
19:55.13 brlcad you probably don't have the gl dev package installed
19:55.42 brlcad i forget what it's called, something like mesa-gl-dev
19:55.53 brlcad or x11-gl-dev
19:56.19 Twingy 127MB for complete video, doing a burn-only one now
19:56.27 brlcad configure assumes gl availability right now
19:56.44 Twingy 128MB even
19:56.55 prasad xlibmesa-gl-dev is installed
19:57.17 prasad ubuntu uses xorg
19:57.25 prasad is that an issue?
19:58.30 brlcad configure doesn't care
19:58.39 brlcad it just expects the headers to be installed
19:59.15 brlcad and that the headers/libs match up
19:59.38 prasad im saying the libs maybe in another place, since it breaks when building
19:59.47 prasad the gl lib that is
19:59.48 brlcad some systems make a bogus library symlink
19:59.55 brlcad is the error a compile or link error?
20:00.09 Twingy compressing burn-only
20:00.19 prasad gcc -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -fPIC -g -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -fPIC -g -o .libs/fbserv fbserv.o -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/local/lib ../../src/libfb/.libs/ /home/prasad/download/brlcad-7.4.0/src/libbu/.libs/ -lc -lpthread /home/prasad/download/brlcad-7.4.0/src/libpkg/.libs/ /home/prasad/download/brlcad-7.4.0/src/other/libtcl/.libs/ -ldl -lnsl -lz -lm -lX11 -lXi -Wl,--r
20:00.20 prasad path -Wl,/usr/brlcad/lib
20:00.20 prasad ../../src/libfb/.libs/ undefined reference to `glPixelStorei'
20:00.20 prasad ../../src/libfb/.libs/ undefined reference to `glDrawPixels'
20:00.28 brlcad link error
20:01.00 brlcad locate
20:01.07 brlcad or
20:02.37 brlcad should be in /usr/X11R6/lib or /usr/X11R6/lib/GL or somesuch
20:03.00 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: shipped, start off this iterations todo list with a few items. retire and integrate isst for starters.
20:03.02 Twingy k prasad, videos and photos are up
20:03.06 brlcad one of the nvidia driver installs does install broken symlinks
20:05.21 prasad its under /usr/X11R6/lib/nvidia
20:05.40 brlcad wow, that's a new one
20:06.04 prasad lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 2005-06-16 01:48 ->
20:06.05 prasad lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 2005-06-24 00:05 ->
20:06.10 brlcad the install should have made symlinks from /usr/X11R6/lib to that dir
20:06.25 brlcad ls -la*
20:06.55 prasad :. ls -la libGL
20:06.55 prasad libGLU.a libGLw.a
20:07.00 prasad o.O
20:07.09 brlcad busted symlink
20:08.17 brlcad you apparently have the gl utility, but not gl
20:08.48 *** join/#brlcad jrobe1 (
20:08.50 prasad need to make a symlink to the lib in nvidia/ no?
20:09.38 prasad this is whats in the nvidia dir
20:09.40 prasad -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 675582 2005-04-05 12:06 libGL.a.xlibmesa
20:09.40 prasad -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2378006 2005-04-05 12:06 libGLcore.a.xlibmesa
20:09.41 prasad -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 413376 2005-04-05 12:06
20:09.41 prasad lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 2005-06-16 01:48 ->
20:09.42 prasad lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 2005-06-24 00:05 ->
20:09.44 prasad -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 477946 2005-04-05 12:06 libglx.a.xlibmesa
20:10.29 brlcad ultimately you have to have either a file or valid symlink named or libGL.a for ld to find it
20:11.19 brlcad "usually" if everything is set up correctly, those are symlinks in /usr/X11R6/lib to whatever driver libs you installed
20:11.54 brlcad which in this case would be to /usr/X11R6/lib/nvidia/ for example
20:12.29 prasad well made symlink
20:12.36 prasad still cant find it
20:13.02 brlcad of course not, configure was ran before the fix
20:13.27 brlcad where'd you make the symlink?
20:13.43 brlcad which dir
20:13.44 prasad /usr/X11R6/lib
20:13.59 prasad gcc -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -fPIC -g -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -fPIC -g -o .libs/fbserv fbserv.o -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/local/lib ../../src/libfb/.libs/ /home/prasad/download/brlcad-7.4.0/src/libbu/.libs/ -lc -lpthread /home/prasad/download/brlcad-7.4.0/src/libpkg/.libs/ /home/prasad/download/brlcad-7.4.0/src/other/libtcl/.libs/ -ldl -lnsl -lz -lm -lX11 -lXi -Wl,--r
20:14.00 prasad path -Wl,/usr/brlcad/lib
20:14.13 prasad i dont see a -lGL
20:14.15 brlcad so you should get away with: make LDFLAGS="-lGL"
20:14.16 prasad flag
20:14.19 brlcad right
20:14.30 brlcad that's because that comes from the configure check
20:14.33 prasad aight
20:14.46 brlcad configure detected that -lGL didn't work, so the makefiles are wired without it
20:14.58 brlcad you'd have to delete your configure cache and rerun configure for it to add it
20:15.03 prasad k
20:15.48 brlcad configure should dump out one of it's usual "WARNING: your system is misconfigured..."-style messages or simply disable the opengl interface
20:16.56 prasad Twingy, GIMP->resize pls
20:26.32 jrobey you in #rt?
20:26.33 Twingy [gotta go
20:26.41 Twingy be back later tonight
20:38.33 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
20:39.39 brlcad :)
21:03.06 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/pix/ (cube.rt add an initial cube.rt saveview raytrace script, formerly known as the bench/ script but now moved to pix/cube.rt instead
21:05.44 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ ( the script is now moved from 'bench' to 'pix' dir and renamed to cube.rt
21:32.56 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ ( rename to and rewrite it in the process, decoupling it from and improving the tool checks in the process
21:40.18 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ use the more generic path_to_this instead of path_to_run_sh so the var can be consistent across scripts
23:02.53 *** join/#brlcad fenn (
23:14.33 brlcad woot
23:15.10 brlcad can raytrace to file and framebuffer simultaneously
23:17.37 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/main.c: allow rt to output simultaneously to a file and to a framebuffer
23:18.37 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/view.c: allow rt to output simultaneously to a file and to a framebuffer, allowing the -o and -F options to be combined together
23:20.22 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/view_bot_faces.c: knr to ansify funcage
23:22.42 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/viewedge.c: add support for simultaneous -o file and -F framebuffer output to rtedge
23:24.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/viewxray.c: add support for simultaneous -o file and -F framebuffer output to rtxray
23:27.43 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: simultaneous -o and -F options to rt, rtedge, rtxray
23:32.02 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ completely rewrite so that it basically calls the main script with the X framebuffer option, making sure that only one frame per test is displayed.
23:58.12 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ bye bye, presume path is set up correctly beforehand for now
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050717

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050717

00:58.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/brlman/ ( awf): replace awf with template so that it may be decoupled from and pathing problems
00:58.44 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/brlman/ ( brlman): replace brlman with template so that it may be decoupled from and pathing issues
00:59.16 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/brlman/ replace brlman and awf with autoconf templates
01:00.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ generate the awf and brlman files from their respective templates
01:00.55 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: awf and brlman no longer user
01:04.50 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ ( retire the venerable script from the former build system after a good 20 years of service. it's no longer required and should there arise a need, config.guess should be incorporated
01:05.24 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: is retired
01:15.23 Twingy back
04:04.55 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
04:11.08 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/brlcad_path.c: report what right-hand path is being searched for correctly
06:16.51 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ (5 files in 3 dirs): move tkCanvBezier.c from the depths of other/libtk/generic to brl-cad's libtclcad library, decoupling brl-cad's tkCanvasBezier modification so that a system libtk may be used straight up.
06:18.08 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/ utilize libtclcad which now includes are tkCanvasBezier goodies
06:22.14 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/doc/html/manuals/Install.html: emphasis
06:32.02 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ add full checks for libtk including an enable-tk-build option
06:36.52 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/brlman/.cvsignore: ignore the newly generating awf and brlman files
06:41.14 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: brlman/awf is no longer hardwired for 7.4.0
06:44.34 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: no need to make tkCanvasBezier code a convenience library -- added to libtclcad instead
06:47.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: add mingw and installation/configureation script(s) to this iteration's to do list
16:09.23 *** join/#brlcad prasad (
17:05.31 fenn <PROTECTED>
17:05.32 fenn i'm asking them to "do the right thing" and release their source and pre-proofs of the papers under the gpl
17:05.32 fenn it will be interesting to see what happens
17:42.27 brlcad yeah, interested in hearing how that goes
17:45.07 brlcad would be great to get students/professors implementing their research directly with brl-cad
17:45.33 fenn would be great to get students/professors actually doing something useful
17:45.37 brlcad we've collaborated with many in the past, they tend to make great enhancements even if initially just prototype form
18:13.36 fenn trying to think of a name
18:13.46 fenn want to try to work "camo" into it somehow
18:14.00 fenn camoos :)
18:15.02 brlcad camowhamo
18:18.11 fenn yes!
18:18.52 brlcad camoo nanoo
19:21.01 Twingy moo
23:19.39 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050718

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050718

00:40.28 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
02:03.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/cmd.c: search path enhancements, search for tclscripts explicitly and search even harder still when running from uninstalled
02:04.16 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/bwish/main.c: search path enhancements, search for tclscripts explicitly and search even harder still when running from uninstalled
02:10.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/brlcad_path.c:
02:10.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: improve the path failure reporting with customized messages for data vs root
02:10.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: searching. fix the 'bug' of adding a trailing slash when there is no right-hand
02:10.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: side. if the left-hand side is empty, let that imply a current directory.
02:22.31 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/brlcad_path.c: searched results string is optional
04:04.35 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
05:01.46 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libtclcad/tclcadAutoPath.c: add tclcadAutoPath.c which includes a routine for adding the brl-cad tclscripts to the tcl auto_path.
05:03.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/ (tclcad.h add an initial tclcad.h interface file for the tclcad library
05:04.15 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/bu.h: add a check for MAXPATHLEN just to be sure it gets set
05:04.26 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libtclcad/ (tclcadTkSetup.c tclcad.c): rename tclcad.c to tclcadTkSetup.c
05:05.49 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libtclcad/ add tclcadAutoPath.c and tclcadTkSetup.c, remove the renamed tclcad.c
05:06.54 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libtclcad/tkCanvBezier.c: fix header, credit john
05:09.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/bwish/main.c: abstract out the auto_path crappage to libtclcad and make it a tclcad_auto_path call instead.
05:10.00 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/cmd.c: abstract out the auto_path crappage to libtclcad and make it a tclcad_auto_path call instead. fix the other bu_brlcad_data call to specify the tclscripts dir instead of leaving it open-ended.
05:11.49 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/bwish/ add libtclcad to the btclsh deps since it's using tclcad_auto_path now
05:13.25 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/brlcad_path.c: MAXPATHLEN is now in bu.h, no need to abort if searched and where arguments to bu_find_path are NULL, make bu_find_path static like it is supposed to be
07:09.53 *** join/#brlcad learner (
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12:38.10 *** join/#brlcad dpy (
12:38.45 dpy hi guys
12:39.34 dpy one small question: is brlcad similar to commercial tools like solidedge or solidworks ? or is there still a large gap between brlcad and those programs ?
12:39.51 dpy for instance is it possible to make assemblies in brlcad ?
12:47.40 dpy anyone alive here ?
12:47.50 archivist yup
12:48.11 archivist some questions take time here
12:48.27 archivist depends of timezones
13:39.12 brlcad mornin'
13:40.27 brlcad feature-wise brl-cad is indeed quite similar to several other commercial tools, though the interfaces are radically different so it very much depends on how you are comparing the two packages
13:40.55 brlcad it is indeed possible to make assemblies, they are simply combinations in brl-cad
13:41.13 dpy but is it as intuitive
13:41.44 brlcad intuitive if you understand it of course ;)
13:42.03 brlcad it's really hard to compare without having gone through the basic modeling tutorials
13:42.04 dpy what I'm primarily looking for is a simple engineering cad program
13:42.07 dpy for simple models
13:42.12 brlcad the methodologies are generally quite different
13:42.13 dpy legos++ as I like to call it
13:42.28 dpy I don't need so many degrees of freedom
13:42.40 dpy just as long as it is intuitive to use and simple
13:43.23 brlcad brl-cad's user interface is very much command-driven, so discovery of the facilities at your fingertips is about as easy to come by as it is learning that "ls" will give you a listing in unix
13:43.54 dpy hmm ok
13:43.57 brlcad for something like legos-style modeling, brl-cad is pretty well suited
13:44.03 dpy I like drag drog point and click more
13:44.07 brlcad those are very well defined machinable shapes
13:44.08 dpy that would about answer my question
13:44.13 dpy drog=drop
13:44.22 brlcad brl-cad is the only 3d open source solid modeler
13:44.34 dpy hmm
13:44.39 brlcad your next best bet might be qcad, which is akin to a drafting app
13:45.00 brlcad or that actual "legos" modeler
13:45.11 dpy well I want to model and then load the models into my own opengl app
13:45.25 dpy legos are too limited
13:45.30 dpy that's why I call it legos++
13:45.33 brlcad just going with your example :)
13:45.52 dpy more complex than legos but simpler than endless combinations of units etc..
13:46.03 brlcad I'd really suggest just going through maybe one exercise in the mged tutorial to get a feel
13:46.36 brlcad
13:47.17 brlcad brl-cad has a variety of programmatic interfaces as well, so embedding or linking with other apps is generally quite easy
13:47.54 brlcad in fact at least a dozen other codes directly do just that
13:48.21 dpy hmm
13:48.24 dpy will look into it
13:48.55 brlcad not to mention easy access to the devs here if you run into any problems ;)
13:49.12 brlcad or the ability to become one of the devs yourself should you want to improve/extend something
13:51.52 brlcad as for combinations/regions/assemblies/parts/etc, the main distinction in brl-cad is that you are only working with shapes until you create a 'region' -- regions are akin to parts in some other packages. you can then continue to combine regions together and create assemblies. There is, however, only one region on a given path in the csg hierarchy
14:54.33 *** join/#brlcad Captain (
14:55.18 brlcad Hello Captain my Captain
15:03.51 Captain hello brlcad
15:04.10 Captain just lurking for a bit while i check out the tutorial :-)
15:05.09 brlcad not a problem
15:05.35 brlcad feel free to ask any questions, complain, suggest, etc ;)
15:07.02 brlcad it's worth pointing out the BRL-CAD consists of much more than just MGED, there are actually over 400 tools including geometry converters, various raytracers, a nice path-tracer, data manipulators, framebuffer tools, image converters and more
15:08.02 brlcad mged is, however, the long-standing solid modeler interface for now (with two new ones in development, but they're long-term from production use)
15:10.25 archivist names? in the source tree?
15:11.30 brlcad archer will probably the next generation replacement for mged
15:12.40 brlcad it's not in the source tree yet, but it is already being distributed as part of the AJEM software suite (a multi military service standard which BRL-CAD is a part of)
15:13.30 brlcad that tool is effectively mged with a newly written and more user-friendly, user interface
15:13.41 Captain cool, appears like a great package
15:14.24 Captain is there a timetable for importation into the source tree?
15:15.30 brlcad it's still several months out at best since it will require a lot of cross-platform integration testing
15:16.35 brlcad the full windows port release is taking precedence for the next month or so from the dev primarily familiar with archer
15:17.21 brlcad and archer itself is only tested on windows to date (though written in Tk, so it should "just work".. or be close to just working)
15:18.07 brlcad archer actually uses mged at it's core, but running in an embedded object mode of sorts
15:21.06 Captain i suppose that's the beauty of scripting interfaces
15:31.48 Captain so, is there a built in version control system?
15:40.28 brlcad if you mean is there an in-house version of brl-cad too, no there's not
15:41.37 brlcad there are, however, a couple codes remaining that just haven't beed added to cvs yet
15:42.05 Captain i meant more from the model point of view
15:42.19 brlcad archer has the added complication that it's been primarily developed externally by Survice Engineering (one of our close-partner dev groups)
15:42.20 Captain basically CVS for your drawings
15:42.31 brlcad ahhhhh
15:42.42 brlcad ~fishslap brlcad
15:42.42 ibot ACTION slaps brlcad up side the head with a wet fish.
15:43.06 brlcad no, not yet -- though versioning has been discussed on many an occasion for the .g file format
16:00.02 Captain the .g file format is binary, correct?
16:00.16 brlcad yes
16:00.28 Captain ok, thanks!!
16:00.30 brlcad there is an accompanying .asc file format that's ascii
16:01.19 brlcad but those are pretty much for historic use -- the .g's should be used for any new application development
16:02.03 Captain ok, cool
16:52.20 *** join/#brlcad learner (~brlcad@brlcad.bronze.supporter.pdpc) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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19:07.09 fenn ~fishslap
19:07.45 fenn what's the deal with holding back archer until it has been thoroughly tested?
19:07.52 fenn you will find bugs eventually anyway
19:08.25 fenn holding it back just slows down the discovery of bugs
19:10.17 archivist hear hear
19:14.17 *** part/#brlcad tarzeau (
19:26.58 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
19:28.13 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/gtools/g_qa.1: Man page for g_qa
20:53.43 brlcad ~fishslap fenn
20:53.43 ibot ACTION slaps fenn up side the head with a wet fish.
20:54.03 brlcad fenn: it's partially a delivery issue -- it's not in my hands yet
20:55.08 brlcad brl-cad also has a fairly solid policy on not breaking the build arbitrarily, so to integrate it into the build system requires at least some level of effort (which has yet to happen)
20:55.28 fenn don't you have a testing branch of some sort?
20:55.44 brlcad one could be created, and actually has been planned for it
20:55.55 brlcad but then, like i said.. it's not even in my hands yet
20:56.36 fenn i like the kernel strategy of alternating development/testing releases
20:57.02 brlcad we already do something similar, although our testing "releases" only live in cvs
20:57.11 fenn ah right
20:57.13 brlcad and regardless, testing doesn't necessarily mean build failure
20:58.27 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (24 files in 5 dirs): IVAT is now ISST (Interactive Shot Selection Tool).
20:58.45 brlcad like that one there :)
20:59.30 fenn heh
20:59.50 fenn looks like you have a mess on your hands
20:59.51 brlcad that's a pretty cool tool
21:00.18 fenn lots of stuff in one package
21:00.36 brlcad Twingy's been busy making it a nice high-performance visualization tool
21:00.52 fenn this is a ballistics simulation tool right?
21:00.53 brlcad aside from just simply implementing the whole damn thing too ;)
21:01.25 brlcad it's a visualization tool -- visualize a "shotline" of a ray .. see what's along a ray's path
21:01.39 brlcad spin large complex models around in relatively real-time
21:03.25 brlcad fenn: yeah, lots of stuff -- though most of the tools are small contained-function tools in-line with the "unix philosophy"
21:03.47 brlcad and most all are somehow related to the various aspects of solid modeling
21:04.21 fenn ah usually thats referred to as 'raycasting"
21:05.36 brlcad depends on your audience, there is a hint of ballistics in the "shotline" terminology, that's what's mainly used
21:09.56 brlcad the larger more general benefit of that tool is the visualization of very complex models (millions of triangles or more) in real-time
21:10.34 brlcad slice the geometry with various cutting planes, see what's inside
21:21.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/librender/ (plane.c spall.c): plane view and spall view now use partial component color to better visualize internals.
21:26.57 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (README doc/rise.txt): updated README for ISST
21:36.32 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/gtools/ don't forget to modify the when adding files. add the missing g_qa.1 manpage
21:59.39 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/librender/ (plane.c spall.c): Faded coloring a bit more.
22:13.51 brlcad Twingy:
22:39.06 polyspin ?
22:41.15 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/gtools/ (g_qa.1 g_qa.c): Just a checkpoint. added support for minimum rays required per region.
23:38.16 prasad sean
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050719

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050719

02:36.50 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
02:56.41 brlcad prasad: yes?
02:58.25 Twingy mission complete
02:58.35 Twingy Round 2, fight!!!
03:11.33 Twingy hey sean, check your email when you get a chance
03:12.28 brlcad i am/have .. "that's what I do"
03:12.37 Twingy hehe
03:12.42 brlcad half dozen since i left work
03:12.42 Twingy wendy sent a nice nastygram
04:04.32 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
07:19.44 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
07:51.01 prasad brlcad, nm. got svn+subclipse to work
11:46.12 *** join/#brlcad archivist_ (
12:31.27 *** join/#brlcad dpy (
12:31.31 dpy hi
12:31.44 dpy hmm brlcad actually works rather pleasantly
12:31.51 dpy the command window etc..
12:52.25 dpy is there some reference manual for brlcad
12:52.37 dpy listing all commands and synopsis
12:52.52 *** join/#brlcad cad244 (
12:55.36 dpy come on
12:55.45 dpy there must be some sort of reference manual somewhere
12:59.01 dpy guess not
12:59.07 dpy only wordy books
13:22.17 dpy wow
13:22.22 dpy all those supported converters
13:22.25 dpy x3d !
13:22.27 dpy cool
13:37.24 *** join/#brlcad archivist_ (
13:50.24 dpy is there a simple way to get a cylindrical shape but with a distinct number of edges ?
13:50.45 dpy e.g 6 or 8 edged cylinder
13:51.07 dpy or is this hard to achieve in brlcad ?
13:51.09 dpy anyone ?
14:33.43 brlcad hello
14:34.34 brlcad simplified reference manuals? pfft.. :)
14:34.48 dpy ok
14:34.50 brlcad the "gov't way" is to use up as many trees as possible
14:35.00 dpy I already found appendix C in book II
14:35.02 brlcad i'm kidding, there are several
14:35.03 brlcad yeah
14:35.08 brlcad the appendix is good
14:35.19 brlcad there's also the help command
14:35.24 dpy so my main problem is the cylindrical shape
14:35.26 brlcad "help" will dump out a list of all the commands
14:35.28 dpy with edges
14:35.45 brlcad there's also a reference manual on the Help menu in MGED
14:36.23 brlcad what is an "edged" cylinder?
14:36.27 dpy in an ordinary 3d modeler I can make a cylineder with 6 or 8 edges
14:36.50 dpy but in brlcad, it's always perfectly cylinderical, so that trick doesn't work
14:37.03 dpy how do I get a "cylinder" with 6 or 8 or .. edges ?
14:37.09 brlcad do you see the primitive shape reference at the end of book II?
14:37.14 dpy yes
14:37.38 brlcad hmm.. can you provide a picture of what you mean by an edged cylinder?
14:38.05 dpy sure
14:38.07 dpy one sec
14:38.09 brlcad you mean a faceted cynlinder?
14:39.17 dpy
14:39.28 dpy yes faceted
14:40.02 dpy btw is there some way to get a view that looks more like this example in brlcad ?
14:40.09 dpy without rendering all the time
14:40.26 dpy I have a nice 3d card that's idling all the time
14:40.29 brlcad there's an experimental mode that has been played with
14:40.48 dpy that does filled rendering ?
14:41.10 brlcad right
14:41.20 dpy okay, so my main question is: how to do faceted cylindrical shapes
14:41.26 brlcad make sure lighting and zclipping is on on the misc menu first
14:41.33 brlcad then run: shaded_mode 2
14:41.36 dpy and my side question is: how to turn on experimental mode (if it is any good)
14:41.57 brlcad then redisplay your geometry -- it should be shaded
14:42.07 brlcad (e.g. B
14:43.07 dpy lol
14:43.12 dpy the booleans don't work
14:43.44 dpy but I guess that's why they call it experimental
14:43.52 brlcad hmm
14:44.01 brlcad they should be working
14:44.36 brlcad but yeah, it's very experimental
14:44.44 brlcad you sure you're not displaying multiple objects?
14:44.48 brlcad "who"
14:45.08 dpy nope
14:45.12 dpy only shapes3.r
14:45.20 dpy it renders fine
14:45.24 dpy or raytraces
14:47.01 dpy okay, will live with that
14:47.12 dpy how do I do faceted cylindrical shapes ?
14:47.47 brlcad if you just want a faceted representation, and don't care about the number of facets exactly, there's the facetize command
14:48.45 dpy well what I want is a shape like in the example
14:48.54 dpy and then carve out what I don't want
14:49.13 brlcad hmm yeah,
14:49.17 dpy so it should be pretty accurate
14:49.48 brlcad there's not a primitive by itself that will do that afaik
14:49.56 brlcad but you can of course construct one
14:50.00 dpy grr
14:50.05 brlcad hrmph
14:50.16 dpy how old is this program ?
14:50.18 brlcad i could be wrong
14:50.21 dpy 20 years ?
14:50.30 dpy and nobody ever needed it ?
14:50.37 brlcad pretty much
14:50.38 dpy and I'm using it for a couple of hours
14:50.39 dpy lol
14:51.05 brlcad you know.. i bet one of the procedural tools does that
14:51.06 dpy this is the body of my robot
14:51.14 dpy a hexapod or octapod
14:51.16 brlcad since it's very much like the head of a bolt
14:51.25 dpy and I need 6 or 8 facets
14:51.42 dpy yes head of a bolt is perfect
14:51.56 dpy especially if you can set the number of facets
14:52.09 dpy is there some documentation about the procedural tools ?
14:52.20 brlcad limited
14:52.31 brlcad yeah.. there is a procedural tool for the bolt head
14:52.35 dpy these are presumably tcl scripts ?
14:52.36 dpy or stuff
14:52.45 brlcad C source, actaully
14:52.49 brlcad but you have them
14:52.59 brlcad run 'mk_bolt' outside of mged
14:53.27 brlcad it'll make a 6-sided bolt it seems
14:53.54 brlcad using 2 arb8's apparently
14:54.48 dpy it stalls here
14:54.55 dpy after I entered diameter
14:55.12 brlcad "Enter diameter .. & height"
14:55.16 brlcad it's waiting on the height
14:55.33 brlcad yeah, not worded the best :)
14:55.51 dpy lol
14:56.22 dpy hmm
14:56.36 dpy I think I'll write a small script to produce the edges
14:56.42 dpy because I need eight
14:56.47 dpy too bad it's not in there
14:56.49 brlcad you can use the sketch editor
14:56.55 brlcad and extrude it
14:57.07 dpy sure, but I want exact coordinates
14:57.17 dpy sketch editor sounds sketchy
14:57.40 brlcad you can give the sketch editor exact coordiantes
14:57.40 dpy I like the idea of entering exactly what I want how big I want and where I want
14:57.56 dpy which I still don't know by heart
14:58.02 brlcad Create -> Sketch -> Create Line
14:58.03 dpy still have to calculate them :)
14:58.27 dpy fun with goniometry
14:59.02 brlcad yeah, a pita
14:59.27 brlcad would be trivial to modify the mk_bolt routine to have it prompt for the number of edges you want
15:00.11 brlcad if that's interesting to you, I could probably have that done in about an hour
15:00.57 dpy If I write a script that creates the commands for me that does the same I'll have it in 20 minutes
15:01.09 dpy just copy paste them in the command windows
15:01.14 dpy and I'll be on my way
15:05.49 archivist no limits on the number of facets as one of my models needs 40 facets (pin barrel for clock musical movement)
15:10.10 brlcad the pattern tool will let you do that
15:10.26 brlcad presuming you create one segment first
15:14.27 brlcad i.e. a bunch of arb6 wedges patterned cylindrically
16:32.46 *** join/#brlcad cad487 (
19:09.33 dpy what is up in brlcad ?
19:09.38 dpy Y or Z?
19:13.20 brlcad Z
19:14.22 brlcad actually mged doesn't really care, and depending on the model, they may be oriented differently
19:14.50 brlcad mged simply considers top, bottom, left, right
19:15.53 dpy ok
19:16.12 dpy I like to think of Y as pointing up and Z depth
19:18.28 brlcad image-plane is first quadrant so 0,0 is left-bottom image corner
19:41.26 dpy ok
19:41.34 dpy hey cool my RegularPolygon workssssss
19:42.35 dpy
19:42.37 dpy check this out
19:43.00 dpy I don't know how to hide the intermediate polys from the view though
19:43.39 brlcad sweet!
19:44.01 brlcad B mypoly.s
19:45.12 brlcad btw, .s usually means it's a "solid" i.e. primitive, .c is often the convention for combs
19:45.14 dpy yes I can do that
19:45.19 dpy but that would clear everything
19:45.25 brlcad right
19:45.30 brlcad you can erase each
19:45.41 dpy ok
19:46.08 brlcad erase mypoly_rp*.s
19:53.58 brlcad cool:
19:57.07 dpy
19:57.50 dpy ok
19:57.58 dpy now I have the body of my robot
19:58.39 brlcad neat
19:59.22 dpy can brlcad also draw 3d grids
19:59.37 dpy it helps me with orientation
20:01.14 brlcad you mean like a ground surface?
20:01.28 dpy yeah
20:01.43 dpy and also is there a way to change zNear/zFar ?
20:02.00 dpy my clipping plane is wrong, parts of the box are clipped
20:02.15 brlcad Misc->Z Clipping will turn that off
20:03.00 brlcad there's no "ground grid" visualization
20:03.12 brlcad but you might like turning on the coordinate axes
20:03.40 dpy how
20:03.48 brlcad Modes -> Axes -> View/Model
20:04.12 brlcad view is global, model is per object
20:04.16 dpy btw turning of Z clipping also kills the lighting of my shading mode
20:04.59 brlcad yeah, known bug
20:05.05 brlcad forgot you're using shaded
20:06.05 dpy how come all this stuff isn't in brlcad yet, since its already so long in use and under dev.
20:08.01 brlcad there is a new modeler soon to be included called archer that effectively fixes the shaded mode modeling issues
20:08.34 brlcad the reason it's not included though is that the models are generally too complex to visualize in a useful manner shaded
20:09.00 brlcad the primary focus has always been modeling vehicles inside and out, not surface modeling
20:10.00 brlcad you want to see the engine at the same time as the wheels, the hood, and everything else in context, not just the outer surface -- so wireframe has always been the preferred mechanism dropping to a raytrace when/if you want to visualize
20:11.16 brlcad for simple objects/parts, it does make sense to have a shaded view -- when you have thousands or millions of them, it gets a lot more complicated
20:11.48 brlcad so does the wireframe view too, of course, but it's usually manageable
20:15.01 brlcad but hey, I'm always interested in improving it in whatever regard.. and getting new devs to help make that happen ;)
20:15.58 dpy Error: Unable to do <Object Rotation> from OBJ PICK state.
20:15.58 dpy mged> orot 0 0 22.5
20:16.00 dpy ???
20:16.23 brlcad you're in a selection mode
20:16.38 brlcad it's waiting for you to pick a geometry
20:16.49 brlcad try middle-mouse, then orot
20:17.10 dpy can't I select from the cmd window ?
20:24.02 dpy how on earth do I pick an object from its name ?
20:34.40 dpy brlcad: can you help me, I can't continue now :(
20:41.25 brlcad sorry, was away
20:41.29 brlcad oed command
20:41.53 brlcad it's got a quirky syntax given how matrices are actually applied to combinations/regions
20:42.28 dpy I have an object called box.r
20:42.32 dpy how do I select it then ?
20:42.34 dpy oed box.r
20:42.35 dpy ?
20:42.50 brlcad it wants a left and right hand path
20:43.05 brlcad basically, it wants to know where to apply the matrix
20:43.16 brlcad so if you have box.r
20:43.31 brlcad what are it's contents
20:43.58 dpy it's: r box.r u mypoly.s - removemypoly.s
20:44.14 brlcad okay, so then: oed / box.r/mypoly.s
20:44.16 dpy nm the names, it's just messing around
20:44.50 brlcad brb
20:45.19 dpy mged> oed / box.r/mypoly.s
20:45.24 dpy Error: Unable to find solid matching path
20:45.57 dpy nm
20:46.04 dpy mypoly.s is also not a solid
20:46.07 dpy stupid .s
20:56.19 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/gtools/ (g_qa.1 g_qa.c): Modifications following first user community design review.
21:03.47 brlcad yeah :)
21:31.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/HACKING: comment on the fact that brlcad_config.h and config_win.h should not be directly used, common.h should be used instead and it should appear before any system headers. this applies to both internal and external codes
23:31.29 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/g_bot_include.c: there's a crash in here somewhere, start out by performing a few more checks on entry
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050720

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050720

00:01.42 EricWilhelm brlcad, too bad siggraph and oscon are so overlapped (but this year I can't really afford to go to either)
00:46.31 brlcad EricWilhelm: indeed, I was going to present as oscon until I discovered it overlapped with siggraph
02:39.30 *** join/#brlcad cad344 (
02:45.32 brlcad howdy cad344
03:48.04 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
04:42.25 *** join/#brlcad jrobey (
04:44.20 jrobey buenos noches
04:44.28 Twingy yo quiero taco bell
04:44.44 Twingy 2 years of spanish right there
04:45.07 Maloeran Mmhm :), good evening Jason
04:46.33 jrobey heh
04:46.53 jrobey sorry, was looking through some brian mods and trying to synch with my code base
04:47.01 jrobey **shakes head**
04:47.04 Twingy somone needs to teach him to use cvs
04:47.44 jrobey no joke! I just overwrote some changes I forgot I made with his version from months ago
04:47.56 jrobey now have to undo
04:48.03 Twingy yep
04:48.29 Twingy I'm just glad I got CoRBCAM working on his linux box, finally
04:48.35 jrobey you have a good compare/merge tool for java?
04:48.40 jrobey sorry, linux
04:48.46 jrobey heh
04:48.46 Twingy for cvs?
04:49.11 Twingy cvs diff and cvs merge :)
04:49.29 Twingy and cvs info
04:49.31 Twingy :D
04:50.54 jrobey got it
04:51.21 Twingy if you are interested in being amusing:
04:51.29 Twingy ^-- last friday's static test burn
04:51.37 Twingy err *amused
04:52.23 Maloeran And don't keep your speakers too loud at the moment of ignition :)
04:52.28 Twingy hehe
04:58.10 jrobey I'll check it out
05:02.01 jrobey nice burn!
05:05.36 Twingy yep :)
05:21.13 jrobey alright, gents, rest time for me here--I'll see you in 4 or 5 hours if your still on--otherwise, ttyl
05:21.19 Twingy ditto
05:21.23 Twingy later
05:21.28 jrobey laters
08:31.45 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
12:07.27 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
18:37.37 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (15 files in 8 dirs):
18:37.37 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: * Data on demand to nodes (~20% mem savings).
18:37.37 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: * tlist memory leak in unpack.c fixed.
18:37.37 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: * BSP Depth Visualization rendering method.
18:37.37 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: * Split Plane Coloring
18:37.37 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: * Testing more efficient BSP methods.
18:38.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/librender/ (depth.c depth.h): added depth files.
21:07.21 *** join/#brlcad Twingy2 (
21:39.21 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libtie/tie.c: committing before I do a whole bunch of horribly nasty optimization testing fu
21:48.42 Maloeran Mmhm :), will you try out SSE intrinsics and bundles of 4 rays, Justin?
21:55.58 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/gtools/ (g_qa.c g_qa.1): checkpoint
22:37.57 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/gtools/ (g_qa.1 g_qa.c): Fixed a few bugs. Added some reporting when options are not implemented (yet)
23:32.24 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050721

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050721

00:31.20 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
01:38.27 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
03:48.53 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
10:07.48 *** join/#brlcad cad821 (
13:12.18 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/libtk/generic/default.h: temporary cygwin build solution that should get Tk to work on Windows by specifying the X11 interface (patch provided by lode_leroy)
13:15.19 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/libtk/generic/default.h: use the same hack for mingw too
21:10.27 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
21:10.27 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.4.0 is now posted (20050712) || Several will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050722

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050722

01:17.51 *** join/#brlcad Twingy2 (
01:19.28 Twingy2 you all done moving?
01:52.58 brlcad boxed up everything and cleaned up upstairs
01:53.25 brlcad going to try some stuff out mañana
01:53.58 brlcad like ask what's her name about the tables, try without the 2'er on the end, etc
02:04.12 Twingy2 ah
02:04.45 Twingy2 you in tommorrow?
02:08.03 brlcad yep
02:37.17 Twingy2 judy
02:37.43 Twingy bring the plasma ball in
04:05.53 brlcad
04:06.00 Twingy hrm
04:06.06 Twingy 1 week till siggraph
04:06.15 Twingy and the friggin cluster hasn't been ordered yet
04:06.22 Twingy god damn I hate procurement, those people are next to worthless
04:07.00 Twingy heh, 3 apple minis
04:07.26 brlcad yep
04:07.28 Twingy doesn't look like we'll have a cluster for siggraph
04:07.30 Twingy :(
04:07.41 Twingy I think I will bring my 8 port switch
04:07.47 brlcad
04:07.47 Twingy and use our 3 laptops or something if I have time to port
04:08.35 Twingy if I had $50k and a year I could build a bot to finish the darpa track
04:09.24 Twingy I might just do it when I move into my next house and I have a workshop big enough
04:36.33 Twingy hrm
04:36.41 Twingy I might wanna get a low-end ibook replacement
04:36.52 Twingy the 12" w/ 768MB is tempting
04:37.18 brlcad the ibooks are supposed to get a revamp this month or next, widescreen
04:37.48 Twingy ah, well I like the small ones
04:37.58 Twingy as little tty's
04:38.14 Twingy I think I might wanna get that as my replacement and stay on the cheap side
04:38.45 Twingy $1224
04:38.55 Twingy meets my needs
04:39.30 Twingy I don't think the 1.25GB vs 768MB does me anything
04:39.52 Twingy nor does the 80GB do me any more than the 60GB
04:40.26 Twingy I'm looking into how I can strap gigabit onto these
04:40.32 Twingy I'm wondering if I can get something for firewire
04:42.30 Twingy I don't think I care if it's gigabit
04:42.41 Twingy I don't plan on munching anything huge on it
04:44.02 Twingy hrm?
04:45.40 Twingy ah
04:45.46 Twingy anywho
04:47.32 Twingy can we only choose from apple and dell?
04:50.47 Twingy ah
04:50.50 Twingy I think I know what I want
04:54.03 brlcad not so much choosing as it is wishing
04:54.51 brlcad no, not limited to them -- just have to justify
04:55.53 Twingy k
04:55.56 Twingy here's what I think I want
04:56.04 Twingy
04:56.22 Twingy 9 hour battery life
05:00.01 Twingy anywho
05:00.14 Twingy I think I'm off to bed
05:00.22 Twingy I want to see if I can get that laptop
05:00.39 Twingy I don't think anyone comes close to that battery life
06:38.31 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
14:39.44 *** join/#brlcad Twingy2 (
21:00.11 *** join/#brlcad tarzeau (
21:00.16 tarzeau !seen clock
21:00.17 TheLastSpartan tarzeau: I have not seen clock.
21:00.22 tarzeau !seen clock
21:00.23 TheLastSpartan tarzeau: I have not seen clock.
21:00.27 tarzeau !seen clock-
21:00.28 TheLastSpartan tarzeau: clock- was last seen here 3 weeks, 2 days, 5 hours, 23 minutes, and 11 seconds ago saying: <clock-> brlcad: also it has to be flipped upside down
22:08.39 *** join/#brlcad phcoder (
23:56.47 *** join/#brlcad prasad (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050723

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050723

00:10.57 brlcad it's a prasad
00:18.16 prasad yo what up g
00:18.56 brlcad sup to da homie
00:28.30 prasad man this natasha bedingfield song is catchy
00:29.45 brlcad you just think she's hot
00:30.14 prasad ive got a thing for brit chics
00:30.55 brlcad ive got a thing for hot chics
00:33.31 prasad rofl $9 for 10 remixes of the same song
00:55.13 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
00:58.57 prasad brlcad, stl::map uses a red-black tree
00:59.20 brlcad what's the order guarantee?
00:59.38 brlcad sgi's site is great for all things stl
00:59.43 brlcad
00:59.48 prasad should be nlogn; lemme check
01:00.20 brlcad there's a hash multimap too
01:00.50 prasad heh
01:00.55 prasad map is O(lgn)
01:01.01 brlcad you could also have a data management problem
01:01.10 brlcad where it's creating a copy on every add
01:01.36 prasad they're bytes
01:01.51 prasad well the int is 4b
01:01.58 prasad char is b
01:03.13 prasad not finding anything that says otherwise
01:03.44 brlcad it can't be logn on the worst case, not possible
01:04.37 prasad dont see why not
01:04.43 prasad its a full binary trie
01:04.50 brlcad unless the spec required a red/black, which I don't ever recall reading
01:04.56 prasad tree*
01:05.35 prasad <PROTECTED>
01:06.33 prasad i can't see how O(2log2n) could contribute that much to runtime; unless its implementation borks the pipe
01:06.37 prasad line*
01:07.22 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak_ (
01:07.48 brlcad i can't either, but there are still other costs associated with going through the stl container
01:07.55 brlcad like the iterator func
01:09.02 prasad im not using an iterator
01:09.27 prasad unless u mean it uses one internally
01:09.49 brlcad it uses one internally
01:10.08 brlcad you can access it and call it yourself, override it, etc
01:10.49 brlcad that sgi url -- it's the compare function basically
01:11.42 brlcad get's called to interpret equality, set to templatized "<" operator by default
01:22.08 Twingy urf
01:40.59 prasad can either of u ssh into my box?
01:41.04 prasad (work)
01:51.01 brlcad hrmph, no i can't for some reason
02:18.59 Twingy I'm debugging
02:19.22 Twingy muhahaha
02:53.34 Twingy fuzzy noodles
02:53.36 Twingy mmmm
02:53.47 fuzzy fuzzy navels too
03:07.23 prasad blah i should have picked siggraph over j1
03:39.53 *** join/#brlcad jano (
03:39.59 jano where'd he go
03:43.21 phcoder jano!
03:43.28 phcoder funky punk
03:45.48 phcoder prasad, what are you working on?
03:46.04 jano all we need is fsckbunny fred
03:46.11 phcoder haha
03:46.13 phcoder :-)
03:46.18 jano \o/
03:47.34 phcoder no bagging on j1, prasad - you are developer of the year...
03:50.03 phcoder fuzzy fuzzy bunny
04:01.23 prasad eeeeevil
04:01.52 prasad u missed a pretty good bsg ep
08:33.59 *** part/#brlcad tarzeau (
13:31.43 *** part/#brlcad jano (
15:53.28 *** join/#brlcad dmw (
22:24.21 *** join/#brlcad phcoder (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050724

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050724

01:38.49 *** join/#brlcad TheLastSpartan (
01:44.31 *** part/#brlcad phcoder (
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06:27.46 *** join/#brlcad TheLastSpartan (
07:08.05 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (~brlcad@brlcad.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
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07:08.05 *** join/#brlcad prasad ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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07:08.05 *** join/#brlcad learner (~brlcad@brlcad.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
07:08.05 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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07:12.24 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
07:51.29 prasad soo do i get firred if i get arrested>?
09:00.53 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
15:03.43 *** join/#brlcad TheLastSpartan ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
15:40.54 brlcad prasad: heh
15:44.30 brlcad I wouldn't think that it would be grounds if it doesn't impact ones job (workdays in jail, clearance impacted, etc) ;)
15:44.43 brlcad heh, but I have wondered the same thing myself
15:45.23 brlcad at least for misdemeanors of course
15:52.27 brlcad but that's just me :)
17:02.49 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/ (stat.c brlcad_path.c): separate bu_file_exists out of brlcad_path.c into its own file stat.c
18:02.34 prasad ow head
18:03.21 prasad came | | close
18:31.59 brlcad heh, you'll have to tell the story tomorrow :)
18:51.31 *** join/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (~DiscoBand@
19:03.14 brlcad hello Obscene_CNN
19:03.22 Obscene_CNN hi
19:03.48 Obscene_CNN I'm just getting things set up with this program
19:04.19 brlcad feel free to let me know if you have any questions ;)
19:04.30 Obscene_CNN okay
19:04.39 Obscene_CNN I will have questions too. ;-)
19:29.18 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/malloc.c: add a simple bu_free_array convenience routine to free the elements of an array without freeing the array itself
19:48.14 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/brlcad_path.c: add a bu_argv0 and bu_ipwd for setting/getting the initial argv[0] value and the initial pwd
19:55.04 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/ (whereis.c which.c
19:55.04 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: add initial whereis and which functionality to libbu via whereis.c and which.c
19:55.04 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: respectively. the difference of course being that bu_whereis() searches the
19:55.04 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: system path, while bu_which() searches the user path. still could use some more
19:55.04 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: work to clean up the paths being returned, but it is functional for an initial
19:55.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: implementation.
20:41.09 prasad sean
20:41.19 prasad think ron should where this one day?
20:41.24 prasad er wear*
21:42.22 brlcad hehe
22:36.27 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
22:39.21 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050725

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050725

00:20.21 *** join/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (~DiscoBand@
01:15.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/brlman/ set the MANPATH a little more intelligently, and halt after the first match
01:15.52 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/brlman/ search a little better for the awf resource directory
01:17.44 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: improved brlman relocation
03:13.40 Twingy I should get adrt onto gforge
03:14.15 Twingy I know what I want to do for my poster
03:14.31 Twingy my BSP depth visualization is pretty cool looking
03:19.02 prasad screens?
03:19.18 Twingy I'll generate some later in the week
03:19.37 prasad pics or it doesn't exist
03:19.42 Twingy it exists
03:19.49 Twingy I'm not in the mood to generate any pics
03:20.05 prasad :(
03:20.25 Twingy I'm currently working on an optimization that could make my engine 1.5x - 2.0x faster
03:20.49 prasad aw snap
03:21.14 prasad m3 still won't be able to use it
03:21.26 Twingy that should atleast get some of the more complex visualizations up from 2fps to 4fps
03:21.31 Twingy heh
03:21.33 Twingy yes
03:21.44 Twingy then M3 will require 3 microseconds of ADRT time per run
03:21.47 Twingy heh
03:22.03 Twingy which is an accurate number too :)
03:22.25 Twingy actually, about 50 microseconds for the t62 run
03:22.30 Twingy wee
03:22.45 prasad o_O
03:22.50 Twingy 50 microseconds + 5 minutes for m3
03:22.53 Twingy :)
03:23.03 prasad hibernate is faster
03:23.10 Twingy if it takes 50 microseconds
03:23.14 Twingy why bother storing the data
03:23.19 Twingy just regenerate it
03:23.45 Twingy hell, if it takes 5 seconds, still better to regenerate
03:24.00 prasad the 3d in m3 requirement may tank
03:24.05 prasad hoho pun
03:24.14 prasad osx has no java3d
03:24.15 Twingy 3d?
03:24.20 Twingy heh
03:24.23 Twingy stupid java *duck*
03:24.39 prasad nope, not here
03:24.42 Twingy :)
03:25.08 Twingy I think I'm bringing my exercise bike to my office
03:25.27 Twingy that way I can do some exercise during lunch break
03:26.26 prasad think of the ppl upstairs pls
03:26.33 Twingy hrm?
03:26.45 Twingy it's quiet
03:26.47 prasad i need a caulking gun to seal any holes in the floor
03:26.56 Twingy there's no holes
03:27.00 prasad to block the stench
03:27.02 Twingy heh
03:27.17 Twingy that reminds me
03:27.23 Twingy I want to bring in a glade pluggin to the office
03:27.37 Twingy give it a nice tropical scent
03:28.19 Twingy I'm more or less content with the office now
03:28.20 prasad new regulation for bldg###: 'those entering the ZCL must wear gas masks'
03:28.27 Twingy hehe
03:28.54 Twingy that foam matress fits perfectly under the tables in the back I think
03:30.30 Twingy I'm going to have to spend all week to get this optimization to work I think
03:30.53 Twingy I *might* get the new dual opteron machine by friday
03:31.05 Twingy I'm going to try and get monarch to ensure it gets here by friday
03:31.26 Twingy I'm going to follow up on the x2 cluster as well
03:31.52 prasad im adding a rox-ur-sox-off GUI animation engine for m3 which management could care less about
03:32.13 prasad wtf is monarch
03:32.34 Twingy
03:32.41 Twingy heh
03:33.04 Twingy don't worry
03:33.14 Twingy when the revolution occurs, I know what side everyone is on :)
03:33.23 prasad *phew*
03:33.32 prasad remember, prasad is your FRIEND
03:33.38 Twingy yep yep
03:34.16 Twingy if I get one thing done at ARL before I leave, it'll be to open managements eyes to new technology
03:34.51 prasad wha?? justin's not a lifer?
03:35.03 Twingy maybe, maybe not ;)
03:38.11 Twingy hrm, my 48" parachute should be here this friday
03:38.40 prasad if i ever come up with that $$$ dotcom idea and sell it for millions, u are welcome to join my corporation; the one called cyberdyne (*cough* skynet *cough*)
03:39.03 Twingy wee
03:39.12 Twingy only if I get to play with the cool robots
03:39.31 prasad u can be the creator the arnold-bot
03:39.39 prasad of*
03:39.40 Twingy hehe
04:18.55 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
04:20.11 *** join/#brlcad cad716 (~18768e02@
05:28.56 *** join/#brlcad Twingy2 (
05:46.50 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/bu.h: include the new bu_file_exists prototype; include the BU_PATH_SEPARATOR define
05:47.25 PKMOBILE he never sleeps!
05:49.45 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/iwidgets/ use the new IWIDGETS_VERSION variable
05:50.26 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ define IWIDGETS_VERSION
05:51.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/ged.c: set bu's argv[0] so we can find our run-time location in brlcad_path routines
05:53.39 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libtclcad/tclcadAutoPath.c: set the tcl_library, tk_library, and iwidgets_library variables both to continue the quest of a relocateable mged/bwish. fix an oversight on tclscripts searching while we're at it.
05:57.44 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/brlcad_path.c:
05:57.44 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: add run-time path locating, using the argv[0] value along with bu_which to find
05:57.44 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: where we're running the binary from. the path given may then be relatively
05:57.44 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: checked for a lib/resource dir. add debug messages for testing controlled by
05:57.44 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: the bu_debug global
06:12.08 PKMOBILE code code code!
10:16.09 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
10:16.09 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.4.0 is now posted (20050712) || Several will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon
12:54.30 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:54.30 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
14:18.39 *** join/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (~DiscoBand@
15:27.31 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/gtools/g_qa.1:
15:27.31 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: Incorporated Janine's comments. Much more readable now.
15:27.31 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: Editors are really wonderful people to have around!
15:27.31 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: Broke with the g_lint tradition of specifying reports as a bit mask.
15:27.31 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: The user community really doesn't know the first thing about binary
15:27.32 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: these days, so we shouldn't mandate they learn about it to work with
15:27.34 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: the user interface (even a command-line user interface).
18:35.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/HACKING: notify upfront.ezine only if major, but include all the release details
21:34.46 *** join/#brlcad archivist_ (
22:27.54 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/gtools/ (g_qa.1 g_qa.c): Checkpoint.
22:51.04 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (~Apathy@resnet-235-118.resnet.UMBC.EDU)
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050726

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050726

00:50.48 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/ (whereis.c which.c): some systems (e.g. linux) have sysctl but do not have CTL_USER or USER_CS_PATH. bah, humbug.
01:52.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/malloc.c: comment on requesting an allocation of zero bytes being considered a mistake/error -- libbu's allocation routines will never return null; allocating zero bytes in a cross-platform manner is not achievable.
03:02.58 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/malloc.c: apply jim hunt's quick memory debugging fixes (ajem scr 675). the chunk size was not recomputed correctly and insufficient memroy was reallocated potentially resulting in memory corruption and application program crash.
03:08.06 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: fixed quick memory debugging bug, patch from hunts ajem scr 675
03:29.05 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (~Apathy@
03:49.41 PKMOBILE,GGLG:2005-23,GGLG:en&q=won%27t+someone+think+of+the+children%3F
04:41.25 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (9 files in 5 dirs): make sure to include the errno.h header before any usage of the errno global just in case so bad things don't happen (like on fedora core)
08:32.11 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
08:32.11 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.4.0 is now posted (20050712) || Several will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon
10:55.12 *** join/#brlcad prasad_ (
16:28.39 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (8 files in 5 dirs):
16:28.39 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: Fixed AE for keith and removed origin AE stuff.... Fixed component view and
16:28.39 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: left bsp depth viewing in.
18:38.20 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/librender/ (component.c plane.c spall.c): adjusted colors for render methods.
18:41.24 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/conv/g-adrt.c: off by 1 on regions processed.
18:50.19 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
18:50.19 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.4.0 is now posted (20050712) || Several will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050727

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050727

00:53.41 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
01:26.22 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (~Apathy@
02:35.26 *** join/#brlcad Erroneous (
10:14.38 *** join/#brlcad learner (
10:14.38 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by ChanServ
15:31.54 brlcad ~seen dpy
15:31.56 ibot dpy <> was last seen on IRC in channel #kde, 52d 1h 13m 5s ago, saying: 'kformula anyone ?'.
15:51.55 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03johnranderson * 10brlcad/src/util/remapid.1: Added
16:00.05 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (~Apathy@
16:31.16 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: added manual page for remapid
17:01.51 *** join/#brlcad AllenHarvey (
17:03.10 AllenHarvey Is anyone here familair with the EVA-3D material table files used with some BRL-CAD modeling?
17:03.34 AllenHarvey I am trying to determine what 3 of the 9 fields in the table represent
17:03.55 AllenHarvey so that I can create my own materials for use with another program, MEVA
17:04.18 AllenHarvey I was trying to track down an MGED document that supposedly detailed that information
17:05.55 brlcad eva-3d.. hmm
17:07.24 brlcad i'm not familiar with eva-3d, do you have a context?
17:07.34 brlcad brl-cad has it's own material files, but the format is pretty simple
17:08.07 brlcad i do know where most of the mged docs are, though ;)
17:08.26 AllenHarvey argh
17:08.45 AllenHarvey eva-3d uses the same files as MEVA
17:08.51 brlcad ahh
17:09.01 brlcad would you happen to have a link for eva-3d?
17:09.07 AllenHarvey nothing
17:09.11 brlcad familiar with meva
17:09.14 AllenHarvey here's an example of an entry in teh table:
17:09.31 AllenHarvey 500150.05000.00.05.0Concrete3.0e70.92.43e7
17:09.40 AllenHarvey oops, it didn't accept my tabs
17:09.54 AllenHarvey 500 150.0 5000.0 0.0 5.0 Concrete 3.0e7 0.9 2.43e7
17:10.02 brlcad 3no matter, i see the columns :)
17:10.26 brlcad let me see what I can find out.. gimme a sec
17:10.39 AllenHarvey i am fairly certain I have the names of the first 6 columns (up until the name)
17:11.14 brlcad one of those is probably a density and a youngs modulus
17:11.27 AllenHarvey the 2nd column is density in lbs/feet
17:11.36 brlcad ahh
17:11.42 brlcad not used to seeing them in those units :)
17:11.52 AllenHarvey i prefer SI
17:12.02 AllenHarvey but MEVA prefers english units
17:12.11 AllenHarvey the first column is an ID
17:12.26 AllenHarvey 2nd is Density
17:12.36 AllenHarvey 3rd is compressive strength (psi)
17:12.55 AllenHarvey 4th is the S-Number for soil (0 for materials other than soil)
17:13.03 AllenHarvey 5th is the percent rebar
17:13.09 AllenHarvey 6th is the name
17:13.21 AllenHarvey I deduced those from the MEVA user's manual
17:13.30 AllenHarvey but there is no reference to the last 3 columns
17:18.51 brlcad hmm.. if it has compressive strength, then steel yield strength should be another (usually go together)
17:19.20 AllenHarvey that column means steel yield strength when defining steel
17:20.55 brlcad cept they are separate values, e.g. 10MPa compressive and 295 MPa steel yield for concrete or therebouts
17:22.48 brlcad what led you to there being an mged document that details it? I'm not seeing anything in the historic docs and know it's not in the new docs
17:23.16 AllenHarvey the reference section of the MEVA user's manual
17:23.27 brlcad does it say which document?
17:23.32 AllenHarvey it says that information on EVA-3D material tables are from it
17:23.36 AllenHarvey yes, one moment
17:24.26 AllenHarvey MGED User's Manual, Advanced Computing Systems, U.S., Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, December 1991.
17:24.59 AllenHarvey i may have found that document (uncertain if I did), but there was no mention of EVA-3D in the document I found
17:25.15 brlcad that would be one of the big old green books, lemme go grab one
17:26.04 AllenHarvey I believe the document I found on the web was really made in 1988, although the link claimed 1991
17:40.14 brlcad back
17:40.31 AllenHarvey as am I
17:40.33 brlcad heh, eek, that would have been good to know before i wandered off.. :)
17:40.37 AllenHarvey did you have any luck?
17:40.42 brlcad nothing in the 91' books
17:40.44 AllenHarvey i was here all the time
17:40.58 AllenHarvey but continuing my search
17:41.12 brlcad i didn't look into the 88 books..
17:41.23 AllenHarvey i wouldn't bother searching those
17:42.09 brlcad it's not clear what even the old books would have said
17:42.20 AllenHarvey I understand
17:42.29 brlcad brl-cad only deals with a material code, the density, and perhaps line of sight
17:42.44 AllenHarvey some place along the line there must have been a source to flat out say what the columns in the table represented
17:42.54 AllenHarvey That's what I thought
17:43.26 AllenHarvey this table file i'm working with maps the material code defined in the brlcad model to another material
17:43.59 brlcad right, the .g just has a code/id .. that gets used by apps in different ways
17:44.12 AllenHarvey yep
17:44.37 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (7 files in 5 dirs): (log message trimmed)
17:44.37 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: * Fixed the rendering weirdness on the slave start-up
17:44.37 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: Slaves were requesting a work unit right after prep begins
17:44.37 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: so that slaves were holding onto a work unit for a lengthy time
17:44.37 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: until prep finished and causing the units to not get done until
17:44.38 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: prep finished.
17:44.40 AllenHarvey I only asked here about this file because the reference claimed it used information from an MGED manual
17:44.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: * Added compute nodes status to observer.
17:45.41 AllenHarvey I appreciate your time and help trying to track down this information
18:07.35 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: lee added g_qa geometry quality analysis tool; justin added adrt interactive shot selection tool -- need write-up for both
18:31.06 prasad_ meva is oss?
18:31.20 brlcad no
18:31.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: include a writeup for isst and g_qa
18:31.42 prasad_ who's allenharvey?
18:31.47 brlcad allen's been here several times before
18:31.53 prasad_ ah
18:32.15 brlcad a guy that needs to use meva, but has no other means for meva support ;)
18:32.45 brlcad tried to get meva using v7, but meva was doing something "bad" ..
18:33.02 brlcad er, tried through allen .. still have to try it myself at some point
18:33.07 prasad_ bill asked me to get it compiling on the opteron
18:33.22 prasad_ code was pre-ansi-std c++
18:33.24 brlcad though the meva devs made it sound like it was getting completely sucked into the end game framework
18:33.47 prasad_ yes, hence why bill wanted it updated
18:33.49 brlcad i'm supposed to get the egf sometime soon here
18:34.00 prasad_ i assume the binaries, not code
18:34.26 prasad_ iirc DA isn't getting the src
18:34.35 prasad_ *shouldn't be
18:34.41 prasad_ perhaps, policy has changed
18:35.27 brlcad no, the whole shebang
18:35.37 prasad_ interesting
18:35.51 prasad_ afrl gave in it would seem
18:35.53 prasad_ -it
18:35.59 prasad_ er nm
18:36.43 brlcad either that or this particular dev could have not given a flying sh..
18:36.54 prasad_ heh
18:37.39 prasad_ so whats the movie next week
18:38.02 prasad_ since craptastic is playing now
18:46.04 brlcad heh
18:46.07 brlcad dunnos
20:08.32 *** join/#brlcad TheLastSpartan (
20:12.06 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03johnranderson * 10brlcad/src/librt/g_rec.c:
20:12.06 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: Fixed a bug where 3 hits were found and checking for duplicates was done, but not all the
20:12.06 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: duplicate possibilities were checked
20:22.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: john fixed the raytrace unique hits evaluation bug
20:33.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/viewarea.c: irix compiler doesn't like setting the two pointers to NULL at the same time, plus the cast wasn't right anyways.
20:37.57 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/bench/ fix for "out of dir" builds
22:07.25 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (~Apathy@
22:51.52 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/gtools/ (g_qa.1 g_qa.c): Many changes, including incorporation of units
22:59.27 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/gtools/ added g_qa to build
23:19.24 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050728

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050728

00:29.02 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (7 files in 5 dirs):
00:29.02 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: * Overall load time for all 8 nodes during startup is 25% faster.
00:29.02 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: * File size of adrt mesh is now 33% smaller. It uses shortst when trinum
00:29.02 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: of the mesh is under 64K triangles.
00:29.02 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: * Prep data to slaves is now multi-threaded (all slaves get data from
00:29.03 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: master at the same time, heavy network load).
03:19.35 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (~Apathy@
05:02.51 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (~Semhirage@semhirage.user)
12:53.43 *** join/#brlcad cad906 (
13:18.09 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/conv/g-adrt.c: new and improved! 98% fat free!
13:36.24 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/HACKING: inform CADinfo.NET site of releases and other news
13:50.48 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/HACKING: add TenLinks Daily to our notification list
13:57.08 prasad_ Twingy, what's new and improved
13:58.15 brlcad if there are fewer than 64k, it uses a short cutting his adrt format by about a third in size
13:58.47 brlcad 280MB->200MB kind of savings, not bad
15:18.55 Maloeran Though I don't think ram usage would reach 200mb with 64k triangles ;)
15:21.39 brlcad that's not memory-- that's on-disk
15:22.06 brlcad and it's per object/structure i believe, which can be arbitrary per file
15:22.40 Semhirage this software is enormous
15:29.20 brlcad lots of functionality after 20 years ;)
15:35.47 Semhirage would you be at all offended if i attempted to make a gentoo ebuild for it?
15:36.36 brlcad not at all
15:36.43 brlcad someone actually started that a while ago
15:37.06 Semhirage isn't one in portage that i can see
15:37.11 brlcad only since 7.4.0 has it been organized sufficiently for a package system such as portage without modification
15:37.24 brlcad go for it ;)
15:37.30 brlcad it'd be very much appreciated
15:37.30 Semhirage be kinda nice, aren't many cad programs at all for linux and this is one of the better
15:37.45 Semhirage not to mention its OSS =D
15:38.27 Semhirage i'll definately give it a shot
15:38.31 brlcad there are no other open source solid modeling packages
15:38.45 Semhirage that is very true
15:39.13 brlcad at least that I've heard of that aren't anything more than a student's toy
15:40.23 brlcad pythoncad and qcad are close, but they're not solid modelers
15:40.40 brlcad blender is the most feature-filled, but it's very far from being a solid modeler
15:41.00 Semhirage blender is a mesh modeler, not a solids
15:41.10 Semhirage i kind of need both
15:41.25 brlcad yeah, we actually use both here ;)
15:41.53 brlcad the adrt visualization engine uses meshes/triangles, but brl-cad has limited mesh facilities
15:42.09 brlcad we can represent them fully, but editing them is a pita
15:42.17 Semhirage i saw mention of that on the website, where do i find more information on adrt ?
15:52.42 prasad_ which i will be changing soon enough
15:52.46 prasad_ =)
16:06.18 brlcad Semhirage: in the src/adrt directory
16:06.37 Semhirage ok so it is a plugin/tool for brlcad
16:06.49 Semhirage i haven't had much chance to play yet, so i've yet to explore everything
16:08.28 brlcad it's a suite of tools
16:08.48 brlcad there are various collections of tools of different types, adrt is one of them
16:09.05 brlcad tools based around a high-performance triangle intersection library
16:11.15 Maloeran Eh, the high-performance part still has room for improvement ;)
16:12.44 brlcad there's always room for improvement, but what do you mean?
16:14.16 Maloeran BSP based ray-tracing is a minimum storage solution, not necessarily the best solution performance-wise, the scene partitionning is quick but not very clever, there are no SSE optimized paths...
16:14.47 Maloeran Ah, I have discussed ray-tracing abundantly with Justin lately
16:29.32 brlcad ahh, that's right, you're alexis
16:30.20 brlcad i'dd be interested in seeing your improvements :)
16:45.00 Maloeran :) I had sent Justin some crude demo, as a quick performance benchmark, though it doesn't show much
16:46.25 *** join/#brlcad tijl (
16:46.26 brlcad using adrt?
16:47.12 Maloeran Using my ray-tracer, to compare performance
16:49.28 brlcad ah
19:52.22 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/gtools/ (g_qa.1 g_qa.c): results formatting for volume/weight
20:55.26 prasad_ yay done with final; 30 mins to spare
20:57.25 *** join/#brlcad nita (
20:58.54 nita hello
21:02.05 nita q
21:04.54 *** join/#brlcad nita (
22:39.05 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (~Apathy@
22:45.54 Semhirage is there anywhere i can find a quick and dirty list of package dependancies for brlcad?
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050729

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050729

00:01.11 *** join/#brlcad learner (
00:01.11 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by ChanServ
00:01.27 PKMOBILE that crazy brlcad / learner always posting stuff to slashdot :-P
00:06.20 learner heh, observant
00:06.40 learner they rejected my first one, bastages
00:06.50 learner it was much better
00:07.36 learner I think I'll try to post it with a different spin tomorrow
00:07.51 PKMOBILE i wonder about their editorial skills a lot
00:10.09 learner you wonder about it a lot? :) I don't, it's rather poor in general
00:10.27 learner their selections have gotten more and more sensationalist over the years
00:10.37 PKMOBILE i mostly wonder how they do it
00:11.18 learner I've had several purely news submissions that are big news but not "shocking" get rejected
00:11.18 PKMOBILE a lot of it is just copy & pasted from somewhere else
00:11.57 learner they mostly take what the user submits, and maybe rewords it a little or adds another sentenceor two
00:12.27 learner if my text hadn't matched what it pointed to, it would have had less chance of getting accepted
00:12.44 learner they completely changed the title, though
00:13.16 PKMOBILE i wonder if they get paid for it
00:13.24 PKMOBILE or more importantly, how much
00:13.41 learner they've gotten paid since about 7 years ago
00:13.51 learner when they were bought up by osdn
00:14.14 PKMOBILE well if judging by quality, they dont get paid enough
00:14.18 learner hence the disclaimers every now and then when referring to sourceforge, freshmeat, newsforge, etc
00:14.48 PKMOBILE when i grow up i wanna be a slashdot editor
00:14.49 PKMOBILE :)
00:15.07 learner you'll have to learn to make mroe typos
00:15.15 PKMOBILE i konw
00:15.36 PKMOBILE and sentences make dont sense
01:21.32 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (~Semhirage@semhirage.user)
01:36.12 prasad_ daaamn sean
01:36.23 prasad_ wearing flame retardent suit?
01:51.30 Semhirage anywhere i can get an exact list of brl-cad's dependancies?
01:52.04 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:52.29 Twingy check
02:21.17 learner Semhirage, did you get the memo?
02:22.01 learner prasad_, heh
02:22.01 Semhirage yes i got, haven't read it yet, just noticed i had it actually
02:22.51 Semhirage ok i understand, so basically all of the config options are optional deps
02:22.56 Semhirage very nice
02:23.08 learner and they're all auto-detect by default
02:23.30 learner it will summarize at the end of configure for you
02:24.04 learner the only bogus item is opengl, it'll say yes whether you have it or not, whether it works or not
02:24.32 learner and you can't easily disable X11 right now without editing several's
03:14.49 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
03:15.05 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (~Apathy@
03:15.14 learner Maloeran, saw your tracer, nifty
03:29.51 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
03:43.54 PKMOBILE
04:04.33 Maloeran Thanks learner, the demo was nothing fancy
11:24.02 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/adrt/rise/ install/include the rise headers or folks cannot compile
12:48.29 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/bwish/main.c: quell unused variable warnings
16:13.46 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:18.30 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:26.59 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:33.49 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/src/ (4 files in 4 dirs):
16:33.49 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: adapted to version 7 directory structure
16:33.49 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: usage of vers.vbs to create version/vers.c
16:33.49 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: configurations added
16:38.29 brlcad awesome
16:45.31 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/ (6 files in 6 dirs): ignore msdev generated helpfiles
16:47.23 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc/brlcad.dsw: libbn, libbu, libsysv and libwdb
16:50.54 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/src/libbn/libbn.ncb: unnecessary ncb msdev build file removed
16:54.06 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/include/machine.h: if you don't wont PARALLEL do not define it
16:56.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/include/config_win.h:
16:56.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: some new configuration defines
16:56.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: tell is sth different
17:10.20 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/HACKING: have to update the version number in include/config_win.h too for the windows build at release time
17:28.07 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
17:48.52 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (6 files in 5 dirs):
17:48.53 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: * Adjusted colors for plane and spall.
17:48.53 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: * Fixed the axis aligned geometry intersections.
17:48.53 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: * Added in_hit to observer overlay
17:52.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/rise/ somehow this got broken?
18:02.00 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:17.11 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:27.50 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/adrt/rise/ the files have to be specified somehow or source distributions will not include the files and it'll only work from cvs
18:30.22 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
20:26.31 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (~Apathy@
20:28.52 PKMOBILE i come in peace!
20:30.48 brlcad i come in pieces!
20:39.20 PKMOBILE i thought about saying that but i thought it was to cliche'
20:47.45 brlcad probably
20:47.51 brlcad but it's cool when I say it
21:01.34 Semhirage lol
21:07.47 PKMOBILE brlcad is just too cool for skool
21:39.42 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/conv/g-adrt.c:
21:39.43 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: g-adrt now creates an emission line if it finds a light source in the
21:39.43 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: shader string.
21:40.41 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (4 files in 3 dirs): added depth to parser so you can render bsp depth from rise.
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050730

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050730

00:33.18 *** join/#brlcad ewilhelm_ (
01:01.37 *** join/#brlcad phcoder (
02:45.45 Twingy switch is packed
02:48.39 *** join/#brlcad learner (
02:48.39 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by ChanServ
03:16.35 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (~Apathy@
03:50.20 Twingy grr
03:50.23 Twingy g_qa is broke
04:12.27 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/gtools/g_qa.c: region was spelled wrong lee.
04:18.47 *** join/#brlcad Erroneous (
04:24.17 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (~Semhirage@semhirage.user) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
04:33.16 PKMOBILE peanut butter and coke dont mix very well
04:46.57 Maloeran You have our gratitude for these words of wisdom
08:05.39 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
11:35.53 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
13:30.12 *** join/#brlcad phcoder (
19:03.35 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (~Apathy@
19:05.16 prasad_
19:10.55 PKMOBILE so when do you guys leave for siggraph?
19:14.40 PKMOBILE hahah thats hilarious
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050801

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050801

14:10.29 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
14:10.29 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.4.0 is now posted (20050712) || Several will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon
15:00.22 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (~Semhirage@semhirage.user)
17:26.53 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (~justin@
18:41.14 *** join/#brlcad CIA-4 (
20:32.22 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (~justin@
20:33.35 Twingy moo
20:42.17 brlcad meep
22:49.31 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (~justin@
23:04.42 prasad_ shiva borked =(
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050802

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050802

00:48.08 brlcad heya prasad_ ;)
00:48.10 brlcad how's it going :)
00:48.20 brlcad justin says fix it
02:11.04 prasad_ heyo
10:51.09 brlcad what a night...
13:37.35 *** join/#brlcad Erroneous (
13:38.08 *** join/#brlcad CIA-4 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:53.17 *** join/#brlcad Erroneous (
17:15.11 *** topic/#brlcad by brlcad -> || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.4.0 is now posted (20050712) || ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 is under way -- see everyone there
18:22.27 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (~justin@
20:09.12 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
20:19.19 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
21:39.00 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/conv/dxf-g.c: Trying to us an un-initialized vls structure was causing a core dump.
22:00.58 *** join/#brlcad IJ89 (
22:03.45 IJ89 can anyone help me build 7.4 with OpenGL turned off?
22:04.07 IJ89 i was on here asking this about a month ago with 7.2.6, but neglected to take notes on what all i had to do
22:04.46 IJ89 i recall there were about four files to modify, re-run, then proceed as normal, but i don't recall which four files had to be modified
22:20.39 *** join/#brlcad cad534 (
22:23.04 *** join/#brlcad IJ89 (
22:57.44 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/gtools/ (g_qa.1 g_qa.c): Massive changes
23:42.03 brlcad \
23:58.57 prasad_ /
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050803

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050803

00:00.15 *** join/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (~DiscoBand@
00:01.38 brlcad howdy prasad_
00:01.50 brlcad how's the fun back in at the ranch?
00:02.24 *** part/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (~DiscoBand@
00:04.14 prasad_ the cattle are stirring
00:04.43 prasad_ tranese wants to know why u were drunk last night
00:05.35 brlcad heh
01:32.09 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
03:57.01 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
08:21.10 *** join/#brlcad miqlas (BeOS@
08:21.25 miqlas Hello!
08:21.56 miqlas Can I compiling the BRL-CAD on BeOS/Zeta?
08:22.08 miqlas Supported this operating systems?
08:22.15 miqlas Or only Linux?
08:28.59 Maloeran It probably compiles on any Unix OS, something BeOS isn't
08:29.04 Maloeran Ah, too slow I was
14:45.17 brlcad it should compile and work mostly as-is, albeit with a little bit of header tweaking maybe
14:45.42 brlcad i compiled on Be back in the day, and got Zeta just last week (but haven't installed it yet) -- so it will be tested soon
14:52.38 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
15:29.03 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
20:35.52 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
20:44.55 IJ89 can anyone help me build 7.4 with OpenGL turned off?
20:45.03 IJ89 i was on here asking this about a month ago with 7.2.6, but neglected to take notes on what all i had to do
20:45.07 IJ89 i recall there were about four files to modify, re-run, then proceed as normal, but i don't recall which four files had to be modified
20:45.39 IJ89 this is on linux, so there aren't any other OSly complications
20:53.44 brlcad howdy
20:54.30 brlcad IJ89: sure -- edit src/libfb/ src/libdm/ src/mged/
20:54.58 brlcad look for ogl and OGL references in those files and remove them
20:55.07 brlcad then rerun, and proceed as normal
21:02.20 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (~Semhirage@semhirage.user)
21:14.32 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/gtools/ (g_qa.1 g_qa.c):
21:14.32 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: Since the user community didn't ask for the -s option I've deleted it for now.
21:14.32 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: It can be implemented, but doesn't seem worth the time right now. Given the
21:14.32 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: existence of the -g and -n options, I suspect the -s option isn't necessary.
21:46.43 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050804

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050804

00:34.16 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (~Semhirage@semhirage.user)
01:12.50 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (~Semhirage@semhirage.user)
02:14.25 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
04:26.24 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (~Semhirage@semhirage.user)
14:05.23 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (~Semhirage@semhirage.user)
15:15.19 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
17:00.18 IJ89 brlcad: thanks, that's exactly what i needed
17:02.23 IJ89 i've been enjoying working with 7.2.6, but i've found a number of bugs, and i wanted to see if they still exist in 7.4 before i report them
17:02.46 IJ89 of course, they're hard to find bugs, involving things freezing for no apparent reason, for the most part
17:29.40 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
18:30.25 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
19:04.31 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage_ (~Semhirage@semhirage.user)
21:17.41 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
22:30.33 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
22:52.04 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050805

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050805

03:49.05 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (~Semhirage@semhirage.user) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
04:08.58 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
04:18.15 Twingy hrm
04:18.21 brlcad hrm
04:18.27 Twingy bed time me thinks
04:18.35 brlcad crazy talk
04:18.47 Twingy gots to get up at 5am
04:20.18 Twingy signing off
04:23.25 *** join/#brlcad TheLastSpartan (
04:25.35 *** join/#brlcad learner (~brlcad@brlcad.bronze.supporter.pdpc) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
04:25.35 *** join/#brlcad TheLastSpartan (
04:25.35 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by
04:26.55 *** join/#brlcad TheLastSpartan` (
04:30.57 *** join/#brlcad learner (~brlcad@brlcad.bronze.supporter.pdpc) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
04:30.57 *** join/#brlcad TheLastSpartan (
04:30.57 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by
08:11.26 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (~Semhirage@semhirage.user) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
11:15.11 *** join/#brlcad archivist_3 (
14:05.14 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 (
15:45.01 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050806

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050806

02:01.09 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
02:05.59 Twingy welp
02:06.03 Twingy back in maryland
02:56.53 *** join/#brlcad Mahesh (
03:22.42 *** join/#brlcad cad994 (
03:31.13 *** join/#brlcad mahesh (
05:46.50 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/ added isst back into configure
14:25.11 *** join/#brlcad mahesh (
14:41.53 mahesh error
16:10.36 *** join/#brlcad mahesh (
18:31.57 *** join/#brlcad CIA-2 (
18:38.56 Twingy hi
18:45.43 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
19:05.42 mahesh rise
19:16.48 Twingy hey there
19:17.03 mahesh hello
19:17.18 Twingy been spending most of the day outside doing yardwork and house stuff
19:17.59 Twingy so you're interested in using rise to render some images?
19:18.05 mahesh yeah
19:18.12 Twingy anything in particular?
19:18.25 mahesh I am unable to run it
19:18.32 Twingy right, you need to compile it first
19:18.39 mahesh Its compiled
19:18.50 Twingy if you compiled brlcad you didn't compile adrt
19:19.03 mahesh I compiled it manually
19:19.06 Twingy k
19:19.19 Twingy so now you need to generate a framework for it to grok
19:19.29 Twingy you can either do that in brl-cad or blender
19:19.59 mahesh do I have to install any other stuff to do it?
19:20.16 Twingy if you're going to do your modeling in brl-cad no, if you plan to use blender, you need blender of course
19:20.43 mahesh ok, let me tell you clearly what I want
19:20.59 mahesh I am planning to grid enable rise
19:21.25 mahesh so want to render some images to get a feel of it
19:21.36 Twingy "grid enable" ?
19:21.55 mahesh that means, using grid computing to speed up the rendering
19:22.28 Twingy ah, you mean distributed computing
19:22.33 mahesh yes
19:22.57 Twingy well, you could start by modeling a cornell box in brl-cad
19:23.04 Twingy and facetizing it
19:23.05 mahesh is this Justin Shumaker?
19:23.07 Twingy yep
19:23.16 mahesh ok:)
19:23.33 Twingy using the "mged" program there is a primtive called an "ARB8"
19:23.38 Twingy which is basically a box
19:23.51 Twingy you could model the 5 walls of the cornell box, make a light source, and place a box in it
19:24.06 Twingy then use the "Facetize" command to turn it from CSG into Triangles
19:24.12 mahesh ok
19:24.21 Twingy then use g-adrt to make a framework for RISE to render
19:24.40 Twingy you might want to try going through one or two fo the 10 minute tutorials
19:24.57 Twingy to get a feel for how to model things in brl-cad
19:24.59 mahesh where can i find the tutorials?
19:25.04 Twingy one sec
19:25.19 Twingy the tutorials are quite nice
19:25.47 mahesh do you have links to it or ?
19:26.36 Twingy
19:26.40 Twingy "Introduction to MGED"
19:26.51 Twingy it's a pdf file
19:27.12 mahesh ok
19:27.21 mahesh got it
19:27.34 Twingy just read through that until you get the hang of it
19:27.43 Twingy it's quite powerful and precise
19:27.52 mahesh alright
19:28.21 Twingy might want to read it in 2 or 3 sitting sessions
19:28.24 mahesh once i read that, will I be in a position to use rise?
19:28.29 Twingy indeed
19:28.41 Twingy distributed computing is no extra work
19:29.20 mahesh you mean, it already has the capabilities to run on multiple machines?
19:29.24 Twingy yes
19:29.28 Twingy you start up a master
19:29.37 Twingy and have it connect to N machines, or manually connect N machines to the master
19:29.47 Twingy more machines the faster it goes
19:29.55 Twingy it's trivial
19:30.12 mahesh so there is no point in me working on it, is it?
19:30.13 Twingy ./rise_slave
19:30.23 Twingy working on what?
19:31.03 mahesh i was thinking of grid enabling (distributed computing) rise?
19:31.30 Twingy oh, that's already there
19:31.51 mahesh since it already has the capabilities, i guess i dont have much left to do
19:32.04 Twingy writing convertors to it would be nice ;)
19:32.19 Twingy since it's only limited to blender and brl-cad right now :-\
19:32.55 mahesh could you pleas elaborate a more?
19:33.16 Twingy I have a python script you run inside blender to genrate an ADRT framework for RISE, and g-adrt in brl-cad to generate an ADRT framework for RISE
19:33.35 Twingy if you wanted to use 3d studio or maya or something with RISE there is no way to convert right now
19:34.02 mahesh oh ok..
19:34.13 Twingy most people turn to renderman for that sort of thing
19:34.58 Twingy once I get the new kd-tree stuff in as well as integrate that paper on path tracing from thursday it should be a rather competitive global illumination open-source rendering engine
19:35.13 mahesh great
19:35.23 mahesh I am interested in distributed computing and wanted to do a project kind of a thing in it
19:35.30 Twingy ah
19:35.33 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage_ (~Semhirage@semhirage.user)
19:35.34 mahesh so came across this
19:35.55 Twingy well, I speant the last year and a half working on libtienet (TIE = Triangle Intersection Engine) into ADRT for distributed computing
19:36.18 Twingy so that aspect of it is more or less done
19:36.29 mahesh oh ...wish I knew then
19:36.32 Twingy hehe
19:36.43 mahesh how about librt?
19:36.58 Twingy it uses something called remrt
19:37.03 mahesh does that also have distributed computing capabilities?
19:37.14 Twingy kinda sorta
19:37.19 Twingy it needs alot of work
19:37.23 Twingy it was done in the 80's
19:37.28 Twingy and hasn't been updated since
19:37.43 mahesh oh, you think I should jump into it?
19:37.45 Twingy nobody uses it for distributed computing as a result of no maintenance
19:37.51 Twingy yah, that would be great
19:38.04 Twingy a complete overhaul on that would be quite nice
19:38.16 Twingy as it's our CSG rendering engine, and mine is a Triangle rendering engine
19:38.28 mahesh If that helps people, I would
19:38.33 Twingy it's still the worlds fastest CSG rendering engine I believe
19:39.05 Twingy yah, lot's of people still use librt
19:39.18 Twingy the person to talk to about that is "brlcad" or "learner"
19:39.24 Twingy he does alot more work with librt than I do
19:39.35 Twingy I've only done minimal work with it
19:39.37 mahesh i am in touch with Sean
19:39.39 Twingy yah
19:40.18 mahesh since you already have worked in this, how much time do you think will I need to add some distributed computing feature to librt?
19:40.58 Twingy I really have no idea, depends on how long it takes you to understand the code and how good your coding skills are
19:41.52 Twingy again, sean is the one you really need to talk to on this
19:42.03 mahesh hmm...ok
19:42.24 Twingy I implemented photon mapping into librt about 3 years ago
19:42.35 Twingy so I'm a bit rusty on the internals
19:43.18 mahesh so, you work full time on brlcad
19:46.15 mahesh I am a grad student trying to get some experience in distributed computing
19:47.07 Twingy ah
19:47.21 Twingy well, mike muuss was the one who made remrt, the guy you invented "ping"
19:47.30 mahesh oh wow
19:47.38 Twingy so that's all his code
19:47.47 Twingy hence the not being worked on since the late 80's
19:47.55 Twingy it still works, but it's primitive
19:48.12 Twingy alot has changed in distributed raytracing in the last 15 years
19:48.36 Twingy where do you goto school
19:48.43 mahesh University of Iowa
19:48.46 Twingy ah
19:48.58 Twingy I'm contemplating applying to univ of utah
19:49.19 Twingy I learn more on my own than I do at school... so I'm a bit hesitant to apply
19:49.26 mahesh ha ha
19:49.37 mahesh do you want to do your masters or phd or ?
19:50.00 Twingy I do alot of electronics in my spare time, so maybe robotics
19:50.20 Twingy but I enjoy graphics stuff too... pretty much anything that I find interesting
19:50.39 Twingy if peter has an interesting project to work on that would work
19:50.56 Twingy if it's some lame grunt work then I'm not interested
19:51.01 mahesh ha ha
19:51.24 Twingy life is short, I don't want to spend half my life getting a phd and then get out of school when I'm in my 40's
19:51.51 mahesh ha ha...thats what even i am happy with masters
19:51.55 Twingy I do high powered amateur rocketry in my spare time, so I'd have to give that up if I go for a masters
19:52.26 mahesh do a lot of interesting stuff....i would not waste any time going to school if I were you
19:52.53 Twingy I'll know more in the coming months whether I really want to dive into a masters or not
19:53.04 mahesh how old are you?
19:53.10 Twingy it seems like you get no respect unless you have a PhD at siggraph
19:53.12 Twingy I'm 24
19:53.42 Twingy
19:53.55 Twingy ^-- my latest static test burn
19:53.57 mahesh i thought people look more at the knowledge than the degree
19:54.12 Twingy unfortunately management only looks at the degree where I work
19:54.35 Twingy you can be dumb as a brick with 2 PhD's and get paid out the wazoo
19:54.41 mahesh where do you work?
19:54.45 Twingy army research lab
19:54.57 mahesh cool
19:55.08 Twingy the pay is nice... and the work is interesting...
19:55.24 mahesh then why are you even thinking of going to school?
19:55.45 Twingy higher pay and recognition mainly
19:55.52 mahesh hmmm
19:56.07 mahesh I want to be in the field of distributed computing
19:56.18 Twingy you should work where we do then
19:56.26 Twingy we got a few super computers upwards of 2380 processors
19:56.55 mahesh but may be only US nationals can work in your place?
19:57.04 Twingy right
19:57.24 mahesh so that is not possible
19:57.30 Twingy yah :\
19:57.40 mahesh I will have to look at software industry
19:57.59 Twingy yep
19:58.24 Twingy I wrote a nurbs modeler in college for 3 years
19:58.34 Twingy I'm helping emanual with blender integrate it as "libNurbana" in to blender right now
19:58.38 Twingy so I'm quite busy :\
19:58.52 mahesh you are just amazing man
19:59.07 Twingy it's amazing what you can get done when you don't have women to entertain :)
19:59.16 mahesh ha ha
19:59.19 Twingy my productivity went to 0 when I had my girl friend last year :)
19:59.32 mahesh that is not always true i guess
19:59.47 Twingy no, but statistically true ;)
20:00.06 mahesh i can not argue because i dont have one:)
20:00.23 Twingy unless she's got a good personality it aint worth it :)
20:00.38 mahesh you seem to have had an experience
20:00.45 Twingy yes :)
20:01.03 Twingy I got rid of her to get back to raytracing ;)
20:01.16 Twingy she wasn't very happy :|
20:01.17 mahesh funny
20:01.29 mahesh obviously a great guy like you...
20:03.51 Twingy welp, I'm off to home depot to replace my door bell button
20:04.00 Twingy back in 90
20:04.23 mahesh alright
20:04.25 mahesh ttyl
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050807

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050807

01:05.55 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (~Semhirage@semhirage.user)
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05:12.51 Twingy o.O
10:42.55 *** join/#brlcad CIA-2 (
19:15.15 prasad_ ping?
20:36.37 Twingy pong
20:38.11 Twingy picked out my next laptop
20:38.24 Twingy
21:37.29 prasad_ i was going for a solaris laptop
21:39.03 prasad_ but im getting a mac
22:09.57 Twingy wee
23:34.42 prasad_ how was siggraph
23:52.45 *** join/#brlcad Erroneous (
23:52.53 Twingy beyond your wildest dreams
23:53.23 Twingy this was arguably the best year yet
23:53.52 Twingy plus I just picked up another 6% performance boost on my tracer
23:53.56 Twingy *grin*
23:55.07 Twingy for incoherent rays no less
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050808

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050808

00:03.19 prasad_ pix?
00:09.57 Twingy erm
00:10.06 Twingy I haven't modified the optical rendering any
00:10.32 Twingy I'd say by early this week I should be above the 1 million hump
00:18.13 Twingy o.O
00:46.06 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libtie/tie.c:
00:46.06 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: TIE is now more than 5% faster for incoherent rays.
00:46.06 CIA-2 BRL-CAD: It now properly uses ray segments.
01:02.18 *** join/#brlcad silvap_ (
01:03.46 Twingy o.O
01:16.27 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (~Semhirage@semhirage.user)
01:18.35 Twingy hrm
02:09.20 silvap_ i meant pix from the convention
02:27.34 Twingy ah
02:27.35 Twingy yes
02:27.44 Twingy care to see?
04:49.30 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
04:49.30 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.4.0 is now posted (20050712) || ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 is under way -- see everyone there
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15:11.45 miqlas bye
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19:41.34 *** join/#brlcad Robstafarian (
19:41.53 Robstafarian I'm having trouble running 'fbserv'
19:43.00 Robstafarian I'm following the tutorial in the MGED manual, building a cup, and the example frame buffer device "/dev/sgip" does not exist on my system
19:43.08 Robstafarian what device should I use instead?
19:46.46 *** join/#brlcad troy (
19:47.09 Robstafarian is anyone actually here?
19:51.33 troy I'm alive, but just popped in for the first time
19:51.46 troy waiting for compile to finish - reading some docs first
19:52.24 Robstafarian I'm having trouble with the tutorial
19:52.40 troy I'm not that far in yet...
19:52.55 Robstafarian the MGED manual has a nice tutorial on how to build a coffee mug, though it is missing a couple of code snippets
19:53.10 Robstafarian if you read carefully, you can infer the commands that are missing
19:53.18 Robstafarian my problem is with a command listed
19:53.52 Robstafarian it would appear that MGED can't see the entries in my /dev
19:54.06 Robstafarian which prevents me from opening a rendering window
19:54.27 Robstafarian troy, what OS are you running?
19:54.36 troy freebsd
19:54.49 Robstafarian ah, I'm on Linux
19:55.03 troy should not be largely different wrt this software
19:55.32 Robstafarian that's my thinking, though FreeBSD and Linux (using udev) handle devices differently
19:56.19 Robstafarian I'm starting to think I should help with the docutmentation effort, those missing code (actually, command) examples could prove a dead end for some readers
19:56.30 troy different /dev naming scheme - different libc - few other different things
19:56.56 Robstafarian if you like, I'll hang around until you get to that point in the tutorial and tell you what was left out
19:57.06 troy It'll be some hours
19:57.09 troy maybe tomorrow
19:57.10 Robstafarian ah
19:58.19 troy what I'm most interested in is if there are any built-in statics calculations to save me some time... will a given wall hold a weight, etc.
19:58.51 Robstafarian from the description, it sounds like there might be
19:59.12 Robstafarian objects being logical structures that appear to rely on a database of properties
19:59.34 Robstafarian for instance, the effect of using "plastic" for the shader of an object is not specified as a command
19:59.45 Robstafarian so, the meaning of "plastic" must be embedded somewhere
19:59.58 troy right - but how advanced is it... will it handle masonry or similar... (how thick does the stone wall have to be at 12 metres, etc.
20:00.06 Robstafarian I suppose it's possible there are more detailed physical properties in that definition
20:01.19 Robstafarian it certainly sounds like BRL-CAD has some ability to simulate physical interactions
20:01.44 troy yes, from the description, I could not only build my stone wall, but fire a cannon at it
20:02.15 Robstafarian which would be GREAT 8?}
20:02.37 troy indeed - anyway, I'll be back once it's done compiling
20:03.18 Robstafarian alright, good luck
22:37.39 *** part/#brlcad troy (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050809

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050809

00:17.06 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (N=Semhirag@unaffiliated/semhirage)
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03:05.49 Twingy hrm
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Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050810

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050810

01:11.19 *** join/#brlcad learner (N=brlcad@pdpc/supporter/bronze/brlcad)
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18:39.36 heina hey, is Justin around?
20:33.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (libtie/define.h libtie/tie.c rise/master/master.c): added surface area termination criteria
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050811

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050811

00:55.09 Twingy hi
00:55.11 Twingy this is justin
02:16.44 *** join/#brlcad mahesh (
03:29.32 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (n=Semhirag@unaffiliated/semhirage)
04:18.50 Twingy hrm
09:56.58 *** join/#brlcad archivist_ (
15:42.52 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
16:33.51 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
16:34.29 ``Erik heh
16:35.15 Twingy_ heh
17:04.10 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (n=Semhirag@unaffiliated/semhirage)
21:35.08 *** join/#brlcad cad838 (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050812

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050812

00:49.28 silvap_ justin
00:49.29 silvap_ u there?
01:00.20 Twingy yah
02:59.29 heina justin. ola
02:59.56 Twingy hi
02:59.57 heina i met u at SIGGRAPH. after the rtrt day.
03:00.02 Twingy ah, ok
03:00.06 heina remember now.
03:00.08 heina kewl
03:00.18 Twingy you were talking to gordon with me?
03:00.47 heina nodnod
03:00.52 heina you mentioned 700 lines of code.
03:00.56 Twingy yep
03:00.57 heina poking around, i assume you mean in the rt dir
03:01.01 Twingy nope
03:01.06 heina whereat?
03:01.09 Twingy that's brl-cad's raytracer
03:01.15 Twingy brlcad/src/adrt/libtie/tie.c
03:01.31 Twingy that's the source for the engine
03:01.33 heina ah!
03:01.37 heina ok. wouldn't have found that.
03:02.10 Twingy we were poking at the assembly output of the engine today
03:02.20 Twingy I'm starting on some of the SSE intrinsics next week
03:02.41 heina so what's in the tie engine exactly?
03:02.46 Twingy look at the header
03:03.09 Twingy and the top of tie.c
03:03.17 Twingy tie.c has doxygen documentation
03:03.28 heina ah
03:03.36 heina i have ctags anyway.
03:04.25 heina so that's what you're using mostly to "throw together" some rt'ing?
03:04.27 Twingy in its current state you'll get about 250k - 400k rays on 250k triangles on a 3ghz p4
03:04.40 Twingy it's the backend to the two applications, "RISE" and "ISST"
03:04.50 Twingy ISST is the interactive application, RISE is for producing realistic images
03:05.09 Twingy like this
03:05.15 Twingy
03:05.26 heina so, basically it's the non-shader part of the rt, which does the kd-tree and ray calculations on arbitrary meshes.
03:05.35 Twingy right
03:05.47 Twingy one source file and 2 headers
03:05.52 heina love it
03:05.53 heina ;)
03:06.07 Twingy turn-key
03:06.10 heina btw, i picked up that physically based rendering book that they recommended. haven't gotten too into it, but it's a definite great book
03:06.16 heina ooh...pretty pictures there.
03:06.20 heina how're you shading that?
03:06.24 Twingy path tracing
03:06.26 Twingy 8 trillion rays
03:06.36 heina lol. ah, that's the non-interactive one.
03:07.04 Twingy right
03:07.15 Twingy that's with depth of field
03:07.21 heina was just noticing that.
03:07.54 heina the ambient occlusion looks so good on rt images. (global illumination)
03:08.02 Twingy once I implement energy redistributed path tracing it'll take 1/10th the rays
03:08.20 Twingy yah, AO is not bad, but it's still a dirty hack imho :)
03:08.25 heina nice. what's the overhead on that.
03:08.27 heina AO rocks!
03:08.28 Twingy for interactive stuff it's the way to go
03:08.29 heina :) for offline
03:08.34 heina doing bent normals as well.
03:08.42 Twingy AO or instant radiosity
03:08.44 heina going to play around with switching it all over to PRT though
03:08.52 heina heh
03:09.00 Twingy there is a lib there called libtienet
03:09.06 Twingy so if you want to distribute you code with tie
03:09.10 Twingy you can use libtienet as well
03:09.12 heina we've got a mental ray plugin that generates AO/BN and bakes it to textures.
03:09.29 heina doh. i see it's copyright army.
03:09.39 Twingy GPL
03:09.41 heina is it GPL?
03:09.46 heina great
03:09.53 Twingy LGPL actually
03:09.59 Twingy <PROTECTED>
03:09.59 Twingy <PROTECTED>
03:09.59 Twingy <PROTECTED>
03:10.08 heina i can't imagine i'd distribute it for anything, but definitely for offline tools and such.
03:10.14 heina nodnod <-- knows LGPL and GPL
03:10.29 Twingy welp, it'd be nice to see people other than us using it
03:10.34 Twingy then I can get some feedback for improvements and whatnot
03:10.37 heina ok kewl. i'm glad i caught you on here, cuz i was poking around in the rt directory and it didn't look right.
03:10.45 Twingy yah, that's all CSG stuff
03:10.48 heina what i would use it for is the following...
03:10.51 Twingy ~25k - 30k rays/sec
03:11.09 heina ...i'd use it for generating AO/BN or PRT information in plugins to DCC tools (like maya)
03:11.23 heina i might also play around with a rt on the Cell, but you didn't hear that from me. hehe
03:11.46 Twingy PRT is photon mapping?
03:11.52 silvap_ cell..?
03:11.55 heina the rt is ~25-30k cuz of CSG? the tie is doing more like 400k/sec?
03:12.02 Twingy right
03:12.05 heina cell - new IBM processor in the PlayStation 3.
03:12.07 Twingy TIE is over an order of magnitude faster
03:12.27 Twingy librt was written by Mike Muuss, the guy that invented "ping"
03:12.31 heina PRT --> pre-computed radiance transfer for relighting and getting low-frequency lighting (soft shadows, AO, BN) at interactive rates
03:12.32 silvap_ thought so :P
03:12.36 heina ping!
03:12.42 heina rock on. (old network programmer here )
03:12.49 Twingy it was the first real-time raytracer
03:12.49 silvap_ are u on the ps3 dev team?
03:12.57 Twingy ~1995
03:13.09 heina no, i'm with a 3rd party developer
03:13.20 heina there was a guy...Pat....H-something who was at SIGGRAPH who is.
03:13.22 silvap_ game dev?
03:13.29 Twingy well, hopefully that number will jump from ~400k to ~800k over the next month
03:13.33 heina Take Two/Visual Concepts
03:13.36 Twingy Pat Hanrahan?
03:13.40 heina yes
03:13.41 silvap_ whoa cool
03:13.45 heina damn, that's SSE for ya
03:13.49 heina grin, thx
03:14.12 Twingy if I can get the MLRTA in I should be around 1.6 mil or so
03:14.22 heina my last game was for THQ/Pandemic studios....if you guys are military, you might know it. Full Spectrum Warrior. i did all the networking for that game
03:14.29 heina MLRTA?
03:14.35 silvap_ lol sweet
03:14.39 Twingy multi level ray tracing algorithm
03:14.49 heina didn't catch that one
03:14.57 heina fuck. 1.6 million tris/sec.
03:15.06 Twingy it's a frustum culling method
03:15.16 Twingy primarily for optical rendering
03:15.21 silvap_ so whats up with the interest in rt? trying to get real time ray tracing on the ps3?
03:15.31 heina grin
03:15.31 Twingy we do alot of ballistic analysis that involves firing rays all the way through geometry building a hitlist
03:15.44 heina oh sweet. that's kewl stuff.
03:15.50 Twingy as far as I know this is the fastest open-source ray-tracing engine
03:15.55 Twingy the faster ones are all closed source
03:16.00 heina damn. go army
03:16.01 heina :)
03:16.09 Twingy so, hopefully I'll begin closing the gap
03:16.16 heina silvap_, we are currently using RT for generating information offline.
03:16.38 heina silvap_, we can't do RT cuz it looks like crap, but probably you'll see some demos soon. next-gen (5 years from now) we might.
03:16.55 heina nice. how much with the MLRTA complicate the code?
03:16.59 silvap_ nice
03:17.04 Twingy saarland is doing some work with cell processors and rt
03:17.08 Twingy quite a bit
03:17.11 silvap_ oh, didnt know
03:17.15 heina yeah, that's big news
03:17.17 Twingy the frustum culling stuff complicates things
03:17.28 silvap_ how's development on the ps3?
03:17.29 heina if they get that FPGA implementation onto an ASIC or if Nvidia or ATI pick that up...then we'll have vun
03:17.36 silvap_ i assume u guys already have a reference platform?
03:17.37 Twingy the engine code itself is too cryptic to understand without the comments as it is
03:17.44 heina lol
03:17.48 Twingy I asked them how their asic progress was coming
03:17.49 heina that sucks. make it longer and clearer.
03:17.52 heina yeah?
03:17.56 heina i hope they get traction on that.
03:17.59 Twingy I bought an fpga for testing some rt code at work, but haven't had time yet
03:18.03 heina silvap_, it's interesting. still very early.
03:18.09 Twingy I think they should shove their transistors into an nvidia card
03:18.11 heina haha
03:18.22 heina you bought an FPGA. nice
03:18.35 silvap_ what's the bottom line? 2 baziilion flops hype is true? =)
03:18.37 heina yeah, i agree with that. there's a fair bit of shared approach, but it's really the memory bus that is key
03:18.45 heina silvap_, not supposed to say.
03:18.50 silvap_ ohh
03:18.56 heina silvap_, let's just say hype is hype.
03:19.10 Twingy heina, I think all you need is about a dozen lines of code to actually write a test app with the engine stand-alone
03:19.31 Twingy just remember to use all the optimizations
03:19.34 heina there are some awesome things you can do with the Cell you can't do on other proc's just cuz it is so setup for massive SSE stuff, but it's weak in other areas. extremely complicated to code for, but we'll get it figured out
03:19.42 Twingy not just -O3
03:19.57 heina Twingy, you should put together a "hello world" style rt app. something that renders a triangle.
03:20.04 Twingy I am, tommorrow morning
03:20.12 heina send me that.
03:20.15 heina you have my email?
03:20.20 Twingy nope
03:20.25 Twingy send me a msg,
03:21.03 heina sent
03:21.07 Twingy k
03:21.21 Twingy I'll be interested to see how my engine would fair on a cell processor with such limited cache
03:21.28 silvap_ ps4 with 48 cells
03:21.30 heina sweet. ok, i gotta get back to this shadow code. doing shadow map implementation
03:21.37 Twingy okie
03:21.38 silvap_ justin, 60 fps for stryker
03:21.45 heina when i get a cell under my desk, i'll set it up and let you know
03:21.55 Twingy hehe, k
03:21.57 heina i want to play around with some rt stuff on there.
03:22.05 Twingy all we got is 2,308 cpu opteron cluster
03:22.14 silvap_ lies
03:22.17 Twingy err 2,380 rather
03:22.20 heina the trick is the SPU cache is only 200k, so going to either need tiny models instanced, or a streaming solution.
03:22.23 heina fuck
03:22.33 Twingy 6GB per node
03:22.50 heina heh. so what do you need an optimized RT for again?
03:22.51 heina :)
03:23.00 Twingy beats me :)
03:23.01 silvap_ he's anal like that
03:23.17 Twingy those machines are batch queue'd
03:23.25 Twingy so getting interactive time on them is not really possible
03:23.25 heina ah
03:23.30 heina good point.
03:23.32 silvap_ im telling u man; lock everyone out
03:23.35 Twingy for RISE it would be nice
03:23.45 Twingy path tracing a few hundred trillion rays
03:23.46 heina you could tile render like crazy to that
03:23.56 Twingy the network i/o would kill you
03:24.01 Twingy it's myrinet
03:24.02 heina 8 pixels to each cpu
03:24.08 Twingy so I'd have to use MPI to get any benefit
03:24.19 Twingy unless you used the myrinet it would not be worth it
03:24.28 heina push all the geometry out. all you're pushing is camera matrix and getting pixel colors back.
03:24.41 Twingy correct, but like I said, the latency is what kills you
03:24.45 heina nodnod
03:24.49 heina well, the Cell is kinda like that
03:24.57 heina you do all the work out on the SPU's but it's got a wicked fast bus
03:25.05 heina the bus can write directly to the VRAM
03:25.08 heina rather, the SPU's
03:25.09 Twingy shoulda gone to siggraph prasad
03:25.20 heina omg SIGGRAPH ftw
03:25.54 *** join/#brlcad starseeker (
03:25.57 heina if you get the proceedings on dvd, check out the PRT half-day. from monday. you'll find that really interesting. all kinds of kewl linear algebra. lotsa Spherical Harmonics and such. kewl.
03:26.00 heina nice
03:26.06 Twingy k
03:26.15 Twingy how'd that sketch go?
03:26.25 heina k. back to work. gonna idle on here. be around.
03:26.34 Twingy okie, I'm usually on here during work day
03:26.40 heina kewl. c u round
03:27.13 starseeker is this the channel for the BRL computer aided design package?
03:27.27 Twingy yes it is
03:27.32 starseeker Cool
03:27.41 Twingy we've been discovered, flee!
03:27.45 starseeker gonna take a run at 7.4.0 on Gentoo
03:27.49 Twingy k
03:28.00 Twingy probly take you 15 - 30 mins to compile
03:28.10 silvap_ stop torturing me with siggraph!
03:28.20 Twingy :)
03:28.22 silvap_ i was a fool!
03:28.31 Twingy next year prasad, boston
03:28.40 silvap_ yay
03:28.45 silvap_ no jet lag
03:28.49 Twingy you could even... ride your bike
03:28.49 starseeker Twingy: my main concern is avoiding library name conflicts - last time I did this I hosed my system but good
03:29.03 Twingy well set your configure prefix to something like
03:29.10 Twingy /home/username/local
03:29.24 Twingy configure --enable-optimized --prefix=/home/username/local
03:29.28 Twingy then add ~/local/bin to your path
03:29.44 Twingy then you're set
03:29.44 starseeker Twingy: That would work for a local install, but I'm trying to create/debug a gentoo ebuild
03:29.50 Twingy ah, k
03:29.57 Twingy then maybe put in /usr/local/brlcad
03:30.00 silvap_ Twingy, u have a gcc x87 instr reference handy?
03:30.06 silvap_ online
03:30.07 Twingy silva, negative
03:30.22 silvap_ how am i going to trace this code then..
03:30.30 Twingy wield the mighty google
03:30.35 silvap_ negative
03:31.34 Twingy
03:32.43 Twingy I should put that onto my objectives for next year
03:33.04 silvap_ who has hot friends
03:33.29 Twingy me
03:33.30 Twingy :)
03:34.08 silvap_ who has hot female friends
03:34.31 silvap_ look, there are plenty of x87 references online
03:34.37 silvap_ none with gcc specific stuff
03:34.42 silvap_ ie: flds
03:35.24 Twingy
03:35.28 starseeker Out of curosity, has anybody here ever successfully figured out SALOME?
03:35.41 Twingy
03:37.09 starseeker
03:37.47 silvap_ and who dumped his gf for a ray tracer?
03:37.49 silvap_ huh? HUH?
03:37.51 silvap_ =)
03:38.20 Twingy is that a FEM engine?
03:38.54 Twingy hrm, dad is buying sushi tommorrow
03:39.01 starseeker It seems to be for numerical simulation on models, but I've never run it to see
03:39.06 Twingy ah
03:39.08 Twingy looks interesting
03:39.08 starseeker dependency list is a killer
03:39.39 starseeker Seems to use open cascade, that's why I'm curious
03:40.04 starseeker might be worth an ebuild (or 10) if it's powerful enough to be useful - Linux is a tad short on CAD options at the moment :-(
03:43.07 starseeker building... building...
03:43.42 Twingy got 2 cpus?
03:43.44 Twingy or HT?
03:43.59 starseeker Nah, just one - an old AMD AthlonXP
03:44.03 Twingy k
03:51.31 silvap_ justin
03:51.39 Twingy you rang?
03:51.46 silvap_ are u doing the sse in asm or using the c funcs/macros
03:51.49 silvap_ whatever they are
03:51.53 Twingy SSE intrinsincs
03:52.02 Twingy google for that, check out the MSDN site
03:52.08 Twingy 70 instructions
03:53.26 silvap_ well they are exposed through functions, no?
03:53.37 Twingy they're... intrinsics
03:53.59 Twingy the compiler treats them in a special way
03:54.05 silvap_ u and ur buzzwords
03:55.23 Twingy buzzzzzz
03:55.28 Twingy werds
03:56.19 starseeker Curosity question - could the java parts of brlcad conceivably work with gcj, or do they need sun/something else mature?
03:57.10 Twingy no clue, I'm a java troglodyte
03:57.17 silvap_ so am i
03:57.24 Twingy I took a 4 month course on it, but purged it from my head
03:57.29 Twingy apparently I got an A in it
03:57.38 silvap_ smart man
03:58.02 Twingy hrm, these bananas are a tad green
03:58.05 silvap_ ive lost my roots since m3
03:58.14 Twingy I think erik has too
03:58.25 starseeker ah, libbu one of many sources of name troubles :-).
03:58.28 Twingy feels good to dive into some assembly no?
03:58.42 Twingy starseeker, you really wanna talk to sean
03:58.46 Twingy he'll be on tommorrow
03:58.50 starseeker Cool.
03:59.09 starseeker He may remember me - I'm the one who was on here a long while back mucking with Gentoo
03:59.16 Twingy k
03:59.39 starseeker I don't know cad worth squat, but I figure doing my part to bring BRLCAD to a larger audience is the least I can do...
04:00.41 starseeker Twingy: Are you a core coder for BRL-CAD?
04:01.03 Twingy erm, define brl-cad :)
04:01.14 Twingy I know very little about brl-cad, I implemented photon mapping into it, but that's it
04:01.17 starseeker The huge thingy I just downloaded ;-)
04:01.19 silvap_ me like assembly
04:01.21 Twingy well
04:01.30 Twingy I also did the high performance ray-tracer in "adrt" under src/
04:01.37 Twingy but it's not exactly "part" of brl-cad
04:01.42 Twingy it's just sitting there for open source reasons
04:01.47 starseeker :-)
04:01.57 silvap_ starseeker, the core coder is stuck on a train somewhere in the midwest at this very moment
04:02.03 Twingy yah
04:02.05 Twingy so if it explodes
04:02.07 Twingy we're all doomed
04:02.09 starseeker Ooo, that's not fun
04:02.27 silvap_ seriously, where is sean?
04:03.50 Twingy hiding under my bed
04:04.01 Twingy don't tell lee
04:04.03 silvap_ from tranese?
04:04.09 silvap_ she's in a bad mood
04:04.14 Twingy from darth vadress
04:04.17 silvap_ thanks to mister owens
04:04.23 Twingy ah
04:04.25 Twingy well
04:04.30 Twingy stir up the bee hive and bad shit happens
04:05.20 silvap_ stirring up hives don't usually end up with the queen leaving
04:05.27 Twingy heh
04:05.36 Twingy they do when you do her sister
04:05.38 Twingy err
04:05.40 Twingy :)
04:05.48 Twingy wrong topic
04:06.44 Twingy I think nasa should send a few monkey's to mars
04:07.05 Twingy rig up some electrodes to their head with some 'ai' software to build a colony
04:07.59 Twingy silvap_, you ever listen to XRM radio?
04:08.36 silvap_ no
04:08.49 Twingy try it sometime,, xrm electronic
04:09.18 Twingy I really need to finish my nose cone for the rocket
04:09.44 Twingy maybe I'll just do something lame and make a linear cone
04:11.53 Twingy we need vulnerability algorithms that use SSE intrinsics
04:13.38 Twingy prasad, check this out
04:14.02 Twingy
04:15.22 starseeker bah, more weirdness
04:15.36 starseeker Too tired to mess with this tonight, I'll probably try tomorrow
04:15.39 starseeker thanks all!
04:15.46 Twingy k
04:15.58 silvap_ did u put in the orders yet?
04:16.09 Twingy yah, but nothings been ordered yet
04:16.13 Twingy why?
04:16.23 silvap_ im supposed to get a mac lappy
04:16.33 Twingy I put you down for a 15" w/ 2GB
04:16.52 silvap_ ok
04:17.04 Twingy or maybe it was a 8"
04:17.07 Twingy I can't remember
04:17.08 Twingy ;)
04:17.13 silvap_ wondering if gettting a sparc10 lappy is more useful
04:17.17 Twingy heh
04:17.25 Twingy why on earth would you want that
04:17.29 silvap_ that's right
04:17.31 silvap_ no more m3
04:18.20 Twingy say hello to m3.5
04:19.47 silvap_ nM
04:20.03 silvap_ nano m*****
04:20.07 Twingy heh
04:20.42 silvap_ did u say u wanted to do the procedural textures?
04:20.47 silvap_ or was that something else
04:21.48 Twingy I have a couple already
04:21.53 Twingy but more are welcome
04:22.01 silvap_ couple what?
04:22.01 Twingy I'd like a sparkle texture
04:22.06 Twingy procedural textures
04:22.11 silvap_ oh
04:22.13 Twingy like glitter/sparkle
04:22.30 Twingy then we could do glitter stryker
04:22.31 silvap_ i meant the material core
04:22.38 Twingy or sparkle stryker
04:22.42 Twingy that's what I mean
04:22.47 Twingy texture/material
04:22.58 Twingy I'm using interchangeably
04:23.02 silvap_ ahso
04:23.19 Twingy hrm
04:23.23 Twingy only $94 to fly out to reno
04:23.33 silvap_ this was in post processing yes?
04:23.42 silvap_ or is this aggregation per interaction
04:23.47 Twingy no
04:23.51 Twingy ray his surface
04:23.56 Twingy surface generates color for surface
04:24.08 Twingy (and/or normal)
04:24.14 Twingy and gets processed by rendering method
04:24.21 Twingy *hits
04:24.53 Twingy what I really need is clouds
04:24.55 Twingy more than anything
04:25.05 Twingy some kickass volumetric cell clouds
04:25.09 silvap_ volumetric
04:25.12 silvap_ jinx
04:25.19 Twingy moo
04:25.31 silvap_ MoooOOoOOoOOoOOOO
04:25.56 Twingy you see that bovine programming language?
04:25.59 silvap_ @.@ Oroooooo!?
04:26.06 silvap_ i believe i did
04:26.15 Twingy I think muves should get written in that
04:27.05 silvap_ u think gcc CFLAGS_SUPER_OPT produces the fastest code possible?
04:27.19 silvap_ or u think i can find some opcodes to prune out
04:27.35 Twingy I think I'm going to come up with a benchmark app tommorrow and you guys can help me test ideas :)
04:27.59 silvap_ 'write the whole thing in assembly'
04:28.01 silvap_ that's my idea
04:28.04 Twingy bad idea :)
04:28.18 silvap_ it's not really that hard
04:28.20 Twingy though the engine it's pretty much defined well enough you could
04:28.38 silvap_ im talkng about _work
04:28.57 Twingy yah
04:29.26 silvap_ send me the asm listing u printed out today thru email
04:29.44 silvap_ i need to.. uh.. substitute a cpl of stack-offsets with variable names
04:29.46 silvap_ for my own sanity
04:30.06 Twingy we can do it tommorrow, I'm heading to bed soon :)
04:30.11 silvap_ same
04:30.16 silvap_ gntie
04:30.18 Twingy I have like elevendy billion things to get done in the next 2 weeks
04:30.19 silvap_ gnite
04:30.22 Twingy later
05:31.57 *** join/#brlcad mahesh (
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11:11.39 *** join/#brlcad archivist_ (
14:12.51 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
21:22.46 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 (
22:29.13 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/libbn/ (29 files): Doxygen changes
22:30.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/libbu/ (50 files): Doxygen changes
22:30.50 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/libfb/ (46 files): Doxygen changes
22:31.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/librt/ (151 files): Doxygen changes
22:41.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/Doxyfile: Doxygen incorporation
22:42.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/gtools/ (g_qa.1 g_qa.c): Fixed paralell bug
23:38.36 Twingy moo
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050813

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050813

01:42.12 mahesh in rise, I know it has capabilities to run on multiple machines
01:42.28 Twingy yep
01:42.38 mahesh there, what data is partitioned and given to different machines?
01:42.50 Twingy a frame is broken into tiles
01:43.10 Twingy for 640 480 you might have 8 x 6 tiles
01:43.21 Twingy one of those tiles is sent to an available worker
01:43.26 Twingy and it computes some pixels
01:43.30 Twingy and the result is sent back
01:43.30 mahesh may be a silly question, where does this idea of frames fit into model and objects?
01:43.39 Twingy it doesn't
01:44.10 Twingy a 'frame' a set of pixels you are rendering with a given camera position, focal point, resolution, and perspective
01:44.23 Twingy among other things
01:44.34 mahesh ok
01:45.00 Twingy brlcad requires you to specify that on the command line if that is how you are using rt
01:45.11 Twingy there is no 'file' the camera is stored in
01:45.28 Twingy in ADRT there is a frames.db file that camera and transformation matrices for the objects is stored
01:45.39 mahesh oh ok
01:45.43 Twingy *has
01:45.53 Twingy ADRT is not related to librt at all
01:46.14 mahesh oh, that was the reason for confusion...i get it now
01:46.22 Twingy g-adrt convertor makes up a camera for you when running it
01:46.27 Twingy it's up to you to position it
01:46.39 Twingy or if you use blender
01:46.46 Twingy it'll grab the camera object from there
01:47.20 mahesh is it possible for you to walk me through a rendering now (may be a simple one)?
01:47.30 Twingy using librt or rise?
01:47.34 mahesh rise
01:47.41 Twingy did you facetize an object yet?
01:47.49 mahesh no
01:47.51 Twingy k
01:47.58 Twingy once you've modeled your toy truck or whatever
01:48.14 Twingy if all you want is to do non-photorealistic rendering
01:48.18 Twingy then you are good to go
01:48.28 Twingy otherwise, you will probably want to place it in a box with a ceiling light
01:48.51 Twingy so take your toy truck
01:48.56 Twingy and model a box with 6 walls
01:49.06 Twingy and place a box at the top to be the ceiling light
01:49.28 Twingy that'll give you a way to simulate global illumination
01:49.42 mahesh I am very new to cad and I don't know much these things....
01:49.53 Twingy well, a wall will be an arb8 primitive
01:49.55 Twingy in brlcad
01:50.09 Twingy figure out how big you want the room to be
01:50.15 Twingy say 3m x 3m x 2m
01:50.27 Twingy and model the 6 walls of the room
01:50.36 Twingy then make a 1cm light at the ceiling using another arb8
01:50.43 Twingy 1m x 1m x 1cm
01:50.44 mahesh I have no idea where to start...Is there a tutorial kind of a thing for beginners?
01:50.48 Twingy yes
01:50.51 Twingy I gave you the link last time
01:50.57 mahesh oh ok
01:51.02 mahesh i have it...
01:51.08 Twingy there are lessons that take you all the way up to the point where you can model a toy truck
01:51.18 Twingy I think lesson 19 or something is where you actually model a toy truck
01:51.35 mahesh ok, i will learn that first then
01:53.18 mahesh sorry for troubling you
02:23.33 Twingy no prob :)
03:24.21 *** join/#brlcad AcmeRocketSkates (
03:25.14 *** part/#brlcad AcmeRocketSkates (
03:46.16 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libtie/ (sim_brlcad.c sim_brlcad.h): un-used source for more than a year.
15:22.22 *** join/#brlcad starseeker (
15:22.55 starseeker Does anybody know if Debian has successfully packaged BRL-CAD?
15:47.33 *** join/#brlcad phcoder (
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23:53.57 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by ChanServ
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050814

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050814

02:47.04 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
02:57.36 *** join/#brlcad mahesh (
09:36.04 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050815

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050815

03:46.04 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (5 files in 4 dirs): adding local benchmark utility minus networking stuff to do benchmarking with TIE.
03:47.20 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/bench/ ( bench.c bench.h main.c): some of the benchmarking files
04:15.39 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ don't forget to add new directories to the top-level configure or their will not get generated (src/adrt/bench)
04:38.10 *** join/#brlcad mahesh (
18:15.20 brlcad great! :)
18:15.36 brlcad hrmm..
18:22.58 brlcad mmm.. bike ride to boston...
19:22.25 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 (
19:22.51 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/regress/ ( Integrated g_qa testing. Not that at the moment we run the test but don't check the results.
19:34.06 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/lib/TableView.tcl: Add support for "text" entries
19:36.08 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/lib/ (Drawable.tcl Mged.tcl): Add set_outputHandler method
19:44.23 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/lib/Display.tcl: Mods for rt and rtedge to work on Windows
19:46.00 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/lib/Dm.tcl: Mods for Windows port
20:21.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/bench/ ( bench.c): working now
20:50.51 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/bench/bench.c: here we go.
20:58.20 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/libbu/ (whereis.c which.c brlcad_path.c): Use SNPRINTF macro defined in bu.h
21:00.31 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/libbu/stat.c: include stdio.h to get rid of FOPEN_MAX redefinition warning
21:18.54 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/libbn/plot3.c: Add code to set/get the plot's output mode (i.e. binary or text)
21:22.18 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/libwdb/strsol.c: include stdio.h to get rid of FOPEN_MAX redefinition warning on Windows
21:33.08 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/librt/vlist.c: Mods to support text mode for uplots
21:36.24 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/librt/dg_obj.c: Mods for Windows port; add set_outputHandler and set_uplotOutputMode methods
21:39.20 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/librt/wdb_obj.c: Modify rmap command when checking for aircode match
21:40.23 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/librt/ (nirt.c qray.h): Mods for Windows port
21:42.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/rt/viewcheck.c: Add support for outputting plot in text mode
21:43.46 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/rt/opt.c: Add support for outputting plot in text mode
21:44.54 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/rt/main.c: Mods for Windows port
21:46.00 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/libfb/if_ogl_win32.c: Mods for Windows port
21:47.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/libfb/asize.c: include fb.h
21:51.49 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/include/ (bu.h config_win.h plot3.h raytrace.h): Mods for Windows port
22:31.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/regress/ Regression test refinements for g_qa
22:38.04 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/gtools/ (g_qa.1 g_qa.c):
22:38.04 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: Refined production of plot output into individual files.
22:38.04 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: Built test cases for each analysis type.
22:38.04 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: Added -p command line option to suppress (default) or produce plot files.
22:38.04 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: Banged head against keyboard until units were reported correctly.
22:38.04 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: Gave up on making floating point values average correctly.
22:38.06 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: Cleaned up output to always (I think) report the user specified units.
22:40.43 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/librt/db_walk.c: Cleaned up function declarations
22:43.35 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050816

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050816

03:29.07 Twingy aha
03:29.11 Twingy a 1.1% speedup
03:35.44 brlcad a 101% speedup? sweet
04:18.59 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (4 files in 3 dirs): in the process of fixing and tie.c is ~2% faster.
04:44.17 Twingy what's a sticky date
04:46.47 brlcad it's a tag that gets set when you request a specific version of a file based on date
04:46.59 brlcad you can clear sticky tags with update -A
04:47.00 Twingy I checked out an older version
04:47.02 Twingy k
04:47.19 Twingy cvs commit -A ?
04:47.49 Twingy ah
04:47.50 Twingy there we go
04:48.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libtie/tie.c: reverting
06:14.32 *** join/#brlcad mahesh (
06:14.42 learner howdy mahesh
07:02.27 learner ahh, those are mostly cheaters that slip through
07:02.35 learner ~ww
07:02.35 ibot Sucker.
12:11.56 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/conv/example_geom.c: A heavily annotated example program that accesses geometry from BRL-CAD
13:22.38 *** join/#brlcad learner (n=brlcad@pdpc/supporter/silver/brlcad)
13:22.38 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by ChanServ
17:01.39 learner in network.cxx network.h should be first, then those system headers, and no common.h
18:53.58 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/gtools/g_qa.c:
18:53.58 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: Modifications to suppress warnings on IRIX.
18:53.58 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: included own copy of strsep for those occasions (IRIX) where the system doesn't provide
19:44.19 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/gtools/g_qa.c: how about just using strtok() instead like we do elsewhere when strsep() isn't available
19:54.20 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/config_win.h: snprintf is a win32 compat function too apparently
20:34.27 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (4 files in 2 dirs): remove the SNPRINTF define since it should be safe to use snprintf() now that it's properly accounted for in config_win.h as a compat function
21:02.29 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/isst/master/ (isst_python.c master.h): in_hit is now provided in the dump.txt output
21:04.24 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad 07rel-7-4-branch * 10brlcad/ (128 files in 39 dirs): merge in changes through Aug10 for 7.4.2 release
21:10.22 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad 07rel-7-4-branch * 10brlcad/NEWS: wrapped up yesterday, so set the date and prepare for release. remove g_qa write-up until the next release since it's not quite ready yet.
21:11.41 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad 07rel-7-4-branch * 10brlcad/TODO: isst is integrated, the rest is deferred to a future iteration
21:13.31 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad 07rel-7-4-branch * 10brlcad/HACKING: mention updated the TODO file
21:16.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad 07rel-7-4-branch * 10brlcad/ (README include/config_win.h): bump the version up to 7.4.2 for release
21:25.32 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad 07rel-7-4-branch * 10brlcad/ChangeLog: ChangeLog entries for 7.4.2
21:28.45 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad 07rel-7-4-branch * 10brlcad/NEWS: technically this 7.4.2 release only includes changes through the 10th, even if posting on 16th
23:04.43 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050817

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050817

01:04.26 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
01:21.25 polyspin Anyone remember the ThinkGeek USB keys that were ultra-small? Can't find who made them.
01:23.55 Twingy
01:25.38 polyspin thx!
01:48.08 Twingy welp, "technically" I have sse in now :)
02:52.18 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (n=Semhirag@unaffiliated/semhirage)
04:19.39 *** join/#brlcad mahesh (
04:25.48 Twingy hrm
04:26.10 Twingy integrating sse is a turn-key headache
04:37.21 *** join/#brlcad cad728 (
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05:18.34 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (n=Semhirag@unaffiliated/semhirage)
05:26.09 *** join/#brlcad mahesh (
05:26.43 silvap_ Twingy, u there?
05:27.07 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (n=Semhirag@unaffiliated/semhirage)
05:28.58 silvap_ sean?
05:39.25 brlcad hey
05:41.20 mahesh hi sean, I had a question regarding librt
05:41.38 brlcad heya mahesh, good to finally catch up with you
05:42.03 mahesh yeah, I was looking for you for a long time
05:42.33 brlcad away at a conference
05:42.51 mahesh yeah...also Twingy told me you were sick
05:43.07 brlcad heh
05:43.25 brlcad I wasn't sick, I was traveling
05:43.37 mahesh oh ok
05:44.41 brlcad so, what's the question?
05:44.54 mahesh I wanted some help on partitioning the data for raytracing
05:44.58 brlcad i saw what you wrote about going forward with librt distributed
05:45.07 mahesh are right
05:45.36 mahesh I was trying to understand the way it is partitioned to run on multiprocessor
05:46.06 mahesh that is rt_prep_parallel -- > rt_cut_it --> bu_parallel. ....
05:46.34 brlcad bu_parallel is the core parallelizer
05:46.58 brlcad runs routines in parallel
05:47.12 brlcad using whatever system facility is required/available
05:47.37 mahesh so what do you should I be doing the data partition?
05:48.10 brlcad rt_prep_parallel initializes the per-cpu resource structures that get read/written to
05:48.56 brlcad well, what's you end goal?
05:49.22 brlcad to understand what it's currently doing or get it using some grid api, or using MPI or something else?
05:49.53 mahesh I want to use grid middleware to speed up the rendering
05:50.02 mahesh the way i am thinking is
05:50.13 mahesh I have a model and objects in it
05:50.35 mahesh If I could split it up and distribute it to different machines with the help of grid middleware
05:50.50 mahesh and collect the results and merge
05:51.13 mahesh it will speed up the process of rendering as a whole
05:51.19 brlcad my initial thought were I doing it would be to rewrite the parallel routines for distributed ones
05:51.37 brlcad i.e. create your own rt_prep_distributed()
05:52.14 mahesh what would that do exactly?
05:52.51 brlcad same for bu_parallel.. write your own bu_distributed()
05:53.37 brlcad prep_distributed would do whatever prep you need.. splitting up the data, any shared resources, etc
05:53.48 mahesh yes, i get it. I was only looking at bu_parallel and rt_prep_parallel to understand how the data is split
05:54.16 mahesh I am finding it hard to understand how exactly the data is split
05:55.18 brlcad what do you mean by splitting the data?
05:55.34 brlcad rt doesn't "split the data"
05:55.47 brlcad other than regular space partitioning
05:55.57 mahesh then how does it speed up the whole process when it is run on multiple processors?
05:56.06 brlcad and processing the data in chunks of pixels at a time
05:56.17 brlcad ahh
05:56.19 brlcad yeah
05:56.54 brlcad raytrace generates the picture, which is a 2D array of independant pixels
05:57.13 brlcad it spreads out the processing of those pixels in groups to multiple processors
05:57.49 brlcad there are lots of means to do that, but simple methods usually involve either scanlines at a time, or postage stamp-sized images, etc
05:58.26 mahesh ok..once the processor gets some pixels, what exactly does it do?
05:58.51 mahesh i mean which function is called (implementation point of view)?
05:58.53 brlcad it performs the ray-traversal on each pixel
05:59.08 brlcad ah, the routine passed to bu_parallel
05:59.20 brlcad which is basically rt_shootray()
06:00.09 mahesh i have that definition right here and should I understand that part of the code?
06:00.24 mahesh it looks just too complicated
06:00.37 brlcad that's the guts to the ray-tracer
06:00.46 brlcad you shouldn't have to need to understand it completely
06:00.52 brlcad since that's what you're distributing
06:01.38 mahesh ok...i get what is the result of ray-traversal (like what output and what format)?
06:01.39 brlcad more specifically, bu_parallel() calls worker()
06:01.59 brlcad worker() ends up doing the work.. which is shooting rays (rt_shootray)
06:02.07 mahesh alright
06:02.53 brlcad so for making it distributed, you'll probably want to either modify bu_parallel() and/or modify worker(), but beyond that the logic of librt should pretty much not need to change
06:04.21 mahesh i think I dont have to take care of those synchronization and threads and stuff because it will be run as single thread on different machines?
06:05.12 brlcad you could not worry about it for starters
06:05.23 mahesh ok
06:05.27 brlcad presume each distributed node is single processor
06:05.37 mahesh i get it
06:05.39 brlcad ultimately, you could do both
06:05.56 brlcad use bu_distributed and have it simply invoke a remove bu_parallel
06:06.02 brlcad s/remove/remote/
06:06.37 mahesh ok
06:09.06 mahesh so, do you say I don't even have to take care of assigning pixels to machines for ray traversal and collect it?
06:09.07 brlcad gotta run out for a little while, but hoepfully that's something to get you started at least looking at the code
06:09.33 mahesh yeah..sure
06:09.39 brlcad that's what worker() does.. you probably will have to do something there
06:09.47 mahesh fine
06:09.49 brlcad not sure
06:10.02 mahesh thats a lot of information for me...thank you very much
06:10.18 brlcad no problem, talk more later
06:10.27 mahesh sure
10:17.26 *** join/#brlcad archivist_ (
19:16.25 *** join/#brlcad archivist_ (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050818

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050818

00:30.57 *** join/#brlcad hippie23 (
00:34.48 hippie23 hello
01:14.10 learner hello
01:20.40 hippie23 hi
01:20.57 hippie23 I just downloaded brl-cad
01:20.57 learner how goes it?
01:21.01 hippie23 ok
01:21.09 learner great
01:21.54 hippie23 I'll brb
01:22.36 hippie23 I gotta change to root user so I can extract the files to the right directory
01:22.57 hippie23 unless you know the command line sequence?
01:23.06 learner you have sudo?
01:23.24 hippie23 im new to linux
01:23.28 learner ahh
01:23.36 learner you've already unpacked the tarfile?
01:23.48 hippie23 no, I havent
01:23.58 learner go ahead and unpack it
01:24.06 learner tar zxvf brlcadwhatever.tar.gz
01:24.30 hippie23 ok
01:24.43 learner you should have a usr directory now?
01:24.50 learner ls usr
01:24.51 hippie23 yes I do
01:25.10 learner let's see if you have sudo (you should)
01:25.13 learner sudo ls
01:25.24 learner should prompt you for your password
01:25.40 learner (yours not root's)
01:26.08 learner it'll just run ls as root
01:26.15 learner to make sure it works
01:26.18 hippie23 oh.. I have a root termanal open
01:26.31 learner that works too
01:26.36 learner you could have also just run 'su'
01:26.37 hippie23 its extracting
01:26.55 hippie23 it just finished
01:27.15 learner where did you extract it to?
01:27.49 hippie23 /usr/brlcad
01:27.56 learner great :)
01:29.16 Twingy hrm
01:29.28 Twingy Whatchyou lookin at foo
01:29.30 learner the next/last step will be to add /usr/brlcad/bin to your PATH
01:36.10 learner hippie23, you got it going yet?
01:38.01 hippie23 no... it installed to the wrong directory... GRRRRRR!!!!
01:38.25 learner you can just move the directory to where it needs to be
01:38.31 learner unpack it anywhere
01:38.41 learner and as root, mv usr/brlcad /usr/.
01:40.14 hippie23 ok... now its where it should be
01:40.52 learner for a quick test: export PATH=/usr/brlcad/bin:$PATH
01:40.53 learner rt
01:41.10 learner if it's all good, rt will output a usage message including version information
01:41.33 learner at which point you could fire up the modeler, mged and get started on the tutorials ;)
01:43.13 hippie23 rt: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.3' not found (required by rt)
01:43.14 hippie23 rt: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.3' not found (required by /usr/brlcad/lib/
01:43.14 hippie23 rt: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.3' not found (required by /usr/brlcad/lib/
01:43.14 hippie23 rt: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.3' not found (required by /usr/brlcad/lib/
01:43.14 hippie23 rt: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.3' not found (required by /usr/brlcad/lib/
01:43.14 hippie23 rt: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.3' not found (required by /usr/brlcad/lib/
01:43.25 hippie23 nice error message
01:43.42 learner hmm
01:43.48 learner what OS is this?
01:43.54 hippie23 rh 7.3
01:44.02 learner OH.. heh
01:44.08 learner yeah, that won't fly
01:44.23 hippie23 CRAP!
01:44.28 learner hope is not lost
01:44.33 learner you can compile it yourself easily enough
01:44.40 learner I can give you the steps if you like
01:44.45 hippie23 ok
01:44.59 learner type these:
01:45.20 learner cvs -d login
01:45.33 learner [ press enter for password, there is no password ]
01:45.41 learner cvs -d checkout -P brlcad
01:45.48 learner do this from your home directory
01:45.56 learner cd brlcad
01:46.09 learner ./
01:46.18 learner ./configure --enable-optimized
01:46.18 hippie23 bash: cvs: command not found
01:46.26 learner ah
01:46.45 Twingy hey sean, ever thought about making optimized the default and non optimized a flag?
01:46.49 learner you'll have to download the latest source tarball then from
01:47.53 learner Twingy, yeah, i have.. :)
01:48.02 Twingy let's do it :)
01:48.16 learner it's not on purpose actually
01:48.25 learner faster more debuggable builds
01:48.28 Twingy I'm still pondering how to fold in the SSE stuff to adrt
01:48.32 Twingy -msse
01:48.39 Twingy whether I want to keep it cross-platform like
01:48.47 Twingy I'm leaning towards yes
01:49.19 Twingy cause like
01:49.23 Twingy altivec will dissapear in 2 years
01:49.48 learner 7 years through maintenance, but only 4 or so for us
01:50.00 Twingy I can support Mac, Linux, FreeBSD, and Windows if I made SSE a requirement
01:51.47 Twingy everyone that's doing high performance ray-tracing these days is doing it on x86, so I might just keep an old version around for support legacy machines like sgi and stuff that may want to use it
01:51.54 learner why not just make alternate sse routines and have it pick at configure-time
01:52.09 Twingy well I was thinking about doing that anyway
01:52.14 Twingy but then I have 2 codebases to maintain
01:52.21 learner or as you put it, make the non-sse the "alternate"
01:52.23 Twingy it's under 1k lines so it's not too terrible
01:52.27 Twingy but still more work
01:52.37 Twingy I'm thinking sine the API is solid
01:52.41 learner exactly, that's not too much to maintain, and the core is less likely to change I'd imagine
01:52.42 Twingy I'll just keep an old legacy version around
01:52.43 hippie23 I hpe brl-cad doesnt run slow
01:52.50 hippie23 my computer is old
01:52.56 Twingy define old?
01:53.29 hippie23 celeron 667, 20GB HDD, 320MB ram, i810 crap video
01:53.31 learner hippie23, depends completely on what you ask it to do -- it's run on very very old/slow machines over the decades
01:53.47 learner ahh, that's not too old :)
01:53.57 Twingy that'll take you ~40 minutes to compile
01:53.58 learner i mean I wouldn't be happy if I were you, but it's not horrible :)
01:54.28 Twingy hrm
01:54.33 Twingy tommorrow I'm gonna put my house up for sale
01:54.40 hippie23 well its all I got, other than an old p133, 486dx4-100, and an 8088
01:54.41 learner 25 if he doesn't optimize the build maybe :)
01:54.54 Twingy he's gonna need every optimization he can get
01:55.06 learner yeah
01:55.08 Twingy are the distros getting installed on the sgi's at work the optimized ones?
01:55.19 learner yes
01:55.22 Twingy cool
01:55.31 learner at least when I make them
01:55.42 learner which is often not the case..
01:55.44 Twingy people like keith trying to do stryker level stuff on a 1GB 200mhz sgi o2 is painful
01:56.04 Twingy those guys need to speak up more
01:56.21 Twingy it's so sad seeing them with 1.4ghz P4's and 200 mhz O2's
01:57.28 hippie23 ima need a new HDD soon
01:57.35 hippie23 this thing is on its way out
01:58.07 Twingy heh
01:58.09 hippie23 just like my monitor blinks out sometimes
01:58.11 Twingy I'm using 11GB at home
01:58.24 Twingy mostly just source code and old projects
01:58.38 Twingy makes it kinda easy not having much digital media to store
01:58.50 learner hippie23, add --disable-runtime-debug to the configure options too when you get to it
01:59.02 learner that'll give you a small performance boost
01:59.51 hippie23 yah.. if my HDD doesnt crack before then
02:00.52 learner there is no such lib to my knowledge
02:00.59 learner ~ww
02:00.59 ibot Thanks for wasting our time yet again by telling us "ww"
02:01.13 hippie23 ww?
02:02.19 hippie23 whats ww?
02:02.27 learner wrong window :)
02:02.31 hippie23 oh
02:03.35 hippie23 do you know how to get a smaller firefox icon, the damn thing is HUGE!
02:05.54 learner heh, can't help you there :)
02:06.08 learner it's probably tiny on a big display ;)
02:06.32 hippie23 im running 1024x768
02:06.51 hippie23 its so big it makes all my other icons look tiny
02:07.08 learner ahh
02:08.11 hippie23 in winblows its the same size as all the other icons, why did they make it so big in linux?
02:10.55 learner probably "because they could"
02:12.51 Twingy all your icon are belong to me
02:28.55 hippie23 hahaha
03:29.51 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
03:42.43 silvap_ ~hoho
03:42.44 ibot Ho Ho! Merry Christmas!
03:42.56 silvap_ ~who is your creator?
03:42.57 ibot silvap_: what are you talking about?
03:43.12 silvap_ cute
03:43.21 learner ~ibot
03:43.21 ibot it has been said that ibot is a blootbot written in perl run by TimRiker on his server. logs on<chan>/ , ibot, jbot, apt are all the same process. It uses sqlite, but mysql or other SQL storage is also supported.
03:43.43 silvap_ ~what is the square root of pi?
03:43.45 ibot I think you lost me on that one, silvap_
03:43.53 silvap_ useless
03:45.01 learner ~pi
03:45.01 ibot somebody said pi was 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067982148086513282306647093844609550582231725359408128481117450284102701938521105559644622948954930381964428810975665933446128475648233786783165271201909145648566923460348610454326648213393607260249141273724587006606315588174881520920962829254091
03:45.15 learner ~2 + 2
03:45.15 ibot extra, extra, read all about it, 2 + 2 is 5 for sufficiently large values of 2
03:45.41 learner :)
04:47.38 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (N=brlcad@pdpc/supporter/silver/brlcad)
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06:39.21 *** join/#brlcad learner1 (
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20:47.58 *** part/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (n=DiscoBan@
22:00.47 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (n=Semhirag@unaffiliated/semhirage)
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050819

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050819

03:19.15 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (n=brlcad@pdpc/supporter/silver/brlcad)
03:19.15 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
03:19.15 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:19.15 *** join/#brlcad learner (
03:19.15 *** join/#brlcad archivist_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:19.15 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
03:19.15 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 (
03:19.15 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:19.15 *** join/#brlcad ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
03:19.16 *** mode/#brlcad [+oo brlcad ChanServ] by
04:07.58 Twingy hrm
04:37.14 silvap_ @_@
04:37.33 silvap_ ~time
04:37.33 ibot You are educated stupid and therefore too dumb to understand nature's perfect time cube!
04:37.49 silvap_ ~foiled again
04:37.58 silvap_ @_@
06:55.22 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (n=Semhirag@unaffiliated/semhirage)
07:09.35 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage_ (n=Semhirag@unaffiliated/semhirage)
08:02.51 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (n=Semhirag@unaffiliated/semhirage)
10:16.10 *** join/#brlcad archivist__ (
23:16.10 Twingy wee weekend
23:19.43 archivist__ midnight here time to go home
23:56.19 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050820

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050820

03:22.36 Twingy heh
03:25.43 brlcad kermit will be there tomorrow morning
03:26.03 brlcad i've thought about getting xm too -- know who's the shizzle?
03:37.43 Twingy yah
03:37.48 Twingy if you're going cheap
03:38.15 Twingy
03:38.28 Twingy I like that cause it's tiniest and portable
03:38.31 Twingy and cheapest
03:38.35 Twingy and comes with all the goodies
03:38.56 Twingy that's the one I'm gettin'
03:39.13 brlcad cool
03:40.09 Twingy ah, it gets cheaper with buying more service
03:41.11 silvap_ corral?
03:43.21 brlcad yep
03:43.24 brlcad ze golden one
03:43.33 silvap_ chinese?
03:43.41 brlcad for breakfast?
03:43.46 silvap_ im confused
03:43.48 silvap_ @_@
03:43.50 brlcad i can tell
03:43.56 brlcad golden corral
03:44.05 silvap_ the chinese restaurant
03:44.09 brlcad heh
03:44.09 brlcad no
03:44.24 brlcad i guess/bet you're never been there :)
03:44.28 brlcad the buffet on the corner
03:44.29 silvap_ strip club?
03:44.35 brlcad all you can eat
03:44.41 silvap_ well is it chinese?
03:44.43 brlcad hmm.. that would be nice, but no
03:44.47 brlcad not chinese!
03:44.49 silvap_ man..
03:44.51 silvap_ fine
03:44.54 brlcad :)
03:44.55 Twingy heh
03:45.00 brlcad you know where wendy's is?
03:45.07 Twingy building 328
03:45.09 Twingy :)
03:45.09 brlcad across from it, between the two banks
03:45.09 silvap_ in abingdon, yes
03:45.13 brlcad bah, no :)
03:45.28 brlcad kleins
03:45.38 silvap_ u are speaking in tongues
03:45.39 brlcad you have to know kleins in aberdeeny?
03:45.50 Twingy the 3 year package is a good deal
03:45.51 brlcad home depot!
03:45.52 silvap_ what type of food
03:46.06 silvap_ wait next to the all u can eat italian place?
03:46.14 brlcad near it sorta
03:46.14 silvap_ it is chinese!
03:46.26 brlcad wrong way, not back in the corner
03:46.33 Twingy ~$415 for the hardware and 3 years of service
03:46.35 brlcad it's close to the intersection
03:46.38 silvap_ what type of food
03:46.50 brlcad across from Mcdonalds
03:46.53 brlcad all sorts of food
03:47.01 brlcad "american" food
03:47.03 silvap_ hmm
03:47.12 silvap_ is it owned by chinese?
03:47.15 brlcad usually it's all you can eat steak buffet
03:47.26 brlcad no, it's owned by kermit's former neighbor
03:47.35 silvap_ who's kermit?
03:48.01 silvap_ kermit the frog
03:48.22 brlcad *sigh* :)
03:49.04 brlcad come by for breakfast :)
03:49.23 brlcad all you can eat eggs, sausage, bacon, omlets made to order
03:49.25 silvap_ if i wake up at all that is
03:49.32 brlcad should be at 8am
03:49.38 silvap_ hah
03:49.42 brlcad if I can get my arse out of bed too
03:49.51 brlcad he's tried for months, hasn't happened yet
03:49.59 brlcad but I gots a bacon craving
03:50.00 silvap_ im telling u, goto the chinese place on rt 40
03:50.07 silvap_ think near belcamp
03:50.11 silvap_ or closer to edgewood
03:50.20 silvap_ 6 full buffet tables
03:50.20 brlcad we should go for lunch next week
03:50.27 silvap_ aight
03:50.31 Twingy neat
03:50.38 Twingy $39.99 on ebay
03:50.39 silvap_ sometimes they make this pineapple chicken dish
03:50.42 silvap_ mmm mmm good
03:50.43 brlcad supposedly the fazizzle
03:50.43 Twingy free shipping
03:51.05 brlcad you're not the only person to pimp up the place on 40
03:51.27 silvap_ :(
03:51.36 silvap_ im not special anymore
03:52.05 silvap_ watched zatoichi again on commicast;.. dubbed..
03:52.28 silvap_ im not sure but i think there might be a problem when they pronounce 'please' as 'prease'
03:53.22 brlcad heh
03:53.27 brlcad prease, I'm so ronry
03:53.48 silvap_ five dolla
03:54.00 Twingy make you happy long time
03:54.26 brlcad me give you good loving, long time
03:54.30 Twingy hrm
03:54.37 Twingy wish I didn't have to wait until house sold to get prius
03:55.02 silvap_ get the 'solar' full body conversion kit ready
03:55.06 Twingy heh
03:55.36 Twingy I was planning to spend $30k on it, but it looks like I'll be under $27k
03:55.58 Twingy so I can put that towards home depot stuff
03:57.35 Twingy 72 days till closing >_<
18:10.29 Twingy welp
18:10.36 Twingy that was rather simple, house is mine
18:10.42 learner congrats
18:11.06 Twingy almost completely filled that 10x5 storage unit with non-generic stuff
18:11.32 Twingy
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050821

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050821

02:49.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (4 files in 4 dirs): add LINK_STATIC_REQUIRED to handle the MIPSpro 7.3 linker bug where rpath lines longer than 255 causes the linker to crash, link [b]tclsh/[b]wish static for that compiler
04:32.18 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (Doxyfile misc/Doxyfile misc/ move the initial Doxyfile from top-level to the misc directory, keep the top-level clean when possible
05:38.00 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/adrt/scripts/ script was apparently renamed to
07:03.39 *** join/#brlcad cad485 (
07:57.34 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (10 files in 4 dirs): merge version changes from 7.4.2 (from rel-7-4-branch)
07:58.42 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/README: next release should be 7.6.0
08:00.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ ( include/config_win.h): bump number post release to 7.5.0 in preparation for 7.6
13:43.50 *** join/#brlcad cad984 (
13:46.19 *** part/#brlcad cad984 (
13:51.30 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/comgeom-g/ (f2a.c mat.c): add missing headers
13:52.26 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/fb/ (10 files): add missing headers
13:54.18 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/halftone/main.c: use a long for the image dimensions as we start to support larger image dimensions
13:55.31 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libdm/ (dm-ogl.c dm-ogl_win.c): use %lu not %ul, one works while the other doesn't
13:56.12 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libwdb/ (ebm.c vol.c wdb.c): quell warnings, add the missing string.h header
13:57.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/ (cmd.c plot.c tedit.c): quell warnings, add missing headers
13:58.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/nirt/if.c: reorder the logic to preserve constness on sval
13:58.45 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/nirt/usrfmt.h: make sval const
14:08.26 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/proc-db/picket_fence.c: quell warnings, add missing string.h
14:17.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/remrt/remrt.c: add missing headers, quell warnings. fix/remove other dated header comments.
14:19.50 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rttherm/viewtherm.c: add missing string.h header, quell memset warnings (compliant takes void not char pointers)
14:24.22 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/util/pix-yuv.c: convert image dimensions to long ints to support larger image sizes; remove large non-compiled code block
14:26.35 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/util/ttcp.c: quell warnings
14:28.23 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/util/yuv-pix.c: convert image dimensions to long ints to support larger image sizes; remove large non-compiled code block
14:30.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/util/ (14 files): convert image dimensions to long ints to support larger image sizes. quell other various const warnings too.
17:53.14 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: add x11 and ogl config to this iteration, as well as the knobs yet again
18:09.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/Makefile.defs: add a 'noprod' or 'prodclean' make target to remove all the built binaries/libraries
18:30.29 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
19:13.34 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 (
20:16.14 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ add initial configuration options --with-opengl --with-sdl --with-python --with-x11 adding them to the output and minimal checks for the user's selection (though no meat yet)
20:16.51 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ (4 files in 4 dirs): use the new configureation conditionals for opengl, x11, and adrt
20:17.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librtserver/ java conditional is now WITH_JAVA for consistency
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050822

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050822

01:10.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ debug builds cannot omit the frame pointer, so don't add -fomit-frame-pointer when using --enable-optimized and --enable-debug together
01:20.32 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ if the user specifically requests profile or debug builds (i.e. not the 'auto' default), don't just warn -- abort.
01:30.20 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ make debug 'auto' by default instead of forced on to avoid aborting unnecessarily. move the pg test before the g test
01:34.06 PrezKennedy crazy sunday programmers
01:53.53 Twingy indeed
01:54.04 Twingy as I continue working on some sse code :)
02:07.32 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/
02:07.32 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: begin merging in the rest of the new checks -- check for a python interpreter
02:07.32 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: and sdl-config. move the display manager defines lower, soon to be killed.
02:07.32 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: move the CFLAGS override and LD sanity check to the beginning environment
02:07.32 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: section.
02:12.08 PrezKennedy if i was doing a big batch of those id leave nice little hidden messages occasionally...
02:13.07 Twingy sean is good about doing detailed messages
02:13.17 Twingy I'll change 100 lines of code and be like, "bug fixed"
02:13.28 Twingy or "2x as fast"
02:14.23 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: ogl is somewhat configurable now. prez thinks there are no hidden messages.
02:15.56 PrezKennedy i was askin for that i guess
02:21.03 Twingy welp, my house is more or less in a presentable state now
02:21.17 PrezKennedy partay at Twingy's!!!
02:21.29 Twingy heh, maybe the new one
02:21.47 Twingy I'll certainly have more floor room for one :)
02:25.26 Twingy hrm
02:25.40 Twingy having a garage means I can reclaim my sgi power series once again
02:25.47 Twingy 100 mhz, aww yea
02:26.48 Twingy assuming it still works
02:27.55 PrezKennedy firing up some real horsepower
02:28.01 Twingy damn straight
02:28.08 Twingy it's got 4 GE's
02:28.27 Twingy I can spin 10,000 poly's in real-time at like 30fps
02:28.35 PrezKennedy wow
02:28.36 Twingy :)
02:29.30 Twingy I'd use it for a web surfing machine in the garage
02:29.39 Twingy but the damn thing uses like 800 watts
02:29.58 PrezKennedy you could use it as a space heater in the garage during the winter!
02:30.02 Twingy heh
02:30.09 Twingy well, it's not a very good space heater
02:30.15 Twingy it takes like 12 hours to warm a room up
02:30.28 PrezKennedy just keep it running
02:30.30 Twingy but it gets the room up to a toasty 90 degrees
02:30.36 Twingy that's expensive :)
02:30.46 Twingy there's cheaper ways to produce heat :)
02:37.01 Twingy hey matt, you want some free mice
02:37.09 Twingy I'm about to take a batch to the pet store
02:38.53 PrezKennedy riiiiiight
02:39.03 Twingy they're cute :)
02:39.03 PrezKennedy im sure thatd go over well
02:39.10 Twingy you can't have pets at school?
02:39.21 PrezKennedy nah im at home
02:39.22 Twingy I remember we were allowed to keep rodents and fish
02:39.27 Twingy ah
02:39.28 Twingy hehe
02:39.37 Twingy wanna buy a house? :)
02:39.49 PrezKennedy if its really really really cheap
02:39.52 PrezKennedy :)
02:39.55 Twingy I'll shave off 1k for you, $186, 500
02:40.25 PrezKennedy hmm well since i cant afford college at this point i dont think i can afford that either
02:40.43 Twingy I could give you a short term high interest loan, say 20%? :)
02:41.05 PrezKennedy wanna chop of an arm and a leg too?
02:41.07 Twingy so what are you up to this fall
02:41.35 PrezKennedy part-time at UMBC... maybe learner's tedious work monkey too
02:41.42 PrezKennedy *part-time at harford
02:41.42 PrezKennedy oops
02:41.52 Twingy at apg?
02:41.59 PrezKennedy i dunno
02:42.08 PrezKennedy dont think so
02:43.16 Twingy then how are you going to be his work monkey :)
02:43.59 PrezKennedy havent really asked yet cuz i was busy this weekend
02:46.16 Twingy hrm
02:46.28 Twingy aw reck'n I crashed me a machine at work
02:46.41 PrezKennedy ooops
02:46.45 Twingy :}
02:47.10 Twingy jup
02:47.14 Twingy she's down for the count
02:47.30 PrezKennedy you killed it
02:48.41 Twingy yep
02:48.45 Twingy oh well
02:48.49 Twingy I got more machines I can kill
02:49.22 Twingy I'll just wait until tommorrow
02:49.39 Twingy seeya
02:49.46 PrezKennedy wax on wax off
10:05.05 *** join/#brlcad archivist__ (
10:17.55 *** join/#brlcad xXx (
10:18.02 *** part/#brlcad xXx (
12:38.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/
12:38.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: Put it all together: add the primary checks for building against X11, OpenGL,
12:38.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: SDL, and Python. Still vast room for improvement, but a step towards
12:38.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: fully-uncoupled builds -- especially for the folks without X11 and OpenGL.
12:38.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: Summary no longer reports auto, it reports what it decided.
13:29.27 *** join/#brlcad cad320 (
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16:12.15 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
19:44.03 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (n=Semhirag@unaffiliated/semhirage)
21:09.37 *** join/#brlcad silvap__ (
21:24.48 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/regress/ ( Trying to get nightly smoke to run again
21:37.34 *** join/#brlcad silvap_ (
21:40.33 *** join/#brlcad silvap (
22:34.26 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/ Patch for ADRT to build
22:36.29 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/ Get adrt into the dist
23:00.54 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
23:26.35 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/gtools/ (g_qa.1 g_qa.c): updates based upon code review
23:27.42 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ apply Enrique Perez-Terron's suggestions/fixes regarding assumption that sed exists when verbose is enabled, now should properly test sed
23:33.50 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050823

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050823

00:16.24 PrezKennedy im going to unplug the phone!!!!!
00:34.46 Twingy hrm
01:18.33 *** join/#brlcad learner (
01:18.33 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by ChanServ
02:23.18 silvap justin
02:23.33 silvap did lee solve the problem?
02:23.45 Twingy hrm
02:23.48 Twingy not quite
02:23.55 Twingy he wrote some psuedo code
02:24.10 Twingy we were going to stub out some sse stuff but he got tied up
02:29.31 PrezKennedy and someone forgot to untie him before they left? :-o
02:34.15 Twingy I'm sure he doesn't mind
02:35.51 Twingy I think I'm gonna have to link g-adrt to libtie
02:36.05 silvap mister im-dropping-adrt-for-fem
02:36.12 Twingy heh
02:36.14 Twingy I am
02:36.18 Twingy gracefully
02:36.35 Twingy stryker stuff is not done yet
02:36.40 Twingy so it's still in use
02:36.49 silvap make sure u give me highly optimized c code
02:36.55 Twingy for?
02:37.12 silvap so i can make it a pure optical renderer, convert to x87asm, and beat reshetov
02:37.32 Twingy hehe, you need to implement his frustum culling first
02:37.37 Twingy and that's no small feat
02:37.55 silvap mister shumaker will do that for us
02:37.59 Twingy haha
02:38.03 Twingy maybe ... :)
02:38.14 Twingy I think we should make mike do it
02:38.21 Twingy apparently he's doing 'brlcad' work soon
02:38.25 Twingy according to lee
02:38.26 silvap tegt or mark?
02:38.30 Twingy gillich
02:38.33 silvap lol
02:38.35 Twingy :)
02:38.35 silvap ok...
02:38.43 Twingy what he'll be working on, I haven't a clue
02:38.57 Twingy he's still working on the same stuff before I started
02:39.08 Twingy and he still has nothing that any of the analysts can use yet
02:39.09 silvap ok ur new tasks
02:39.16 silvap get frustrum culling working
02:39.25 Twingy I'd say 3 years is an awfully long time to not have a deliverable
02:39.46 Twingy and he makes a good bit more than I do
02:39.57 Twingy how that works I haven't a clue
02:40.09 Twingy I guess cause he has a masters in computer science
02:40.14 PrezKennedy i know!!
02:40.16 PrezKennedy cuz its gov
02:40.20 Twingy that sure worked out well for the govt :)
02:40.21 silvap he beat me to it
02:40.26 Twingy glad they're getting their money worth ;)
02:40.41 silvap look, when i beat reshetov
02:40.50 silvap new glory for arl
02:40.55 Twingy indeed
02:40.57 silvap thru amd tv ads
02:41.00 Twingy yep
02:41.05 silvap AMD!
02:41.07 Twingy if arl got to present at siggraph we'd be back on the map
02:41.35 Twingy I'm hoping this kd-tree building idea might be paper worthy by january if it works out
02:41.58 silvap it better
02:42.04 silvap i have a dependancy link pointed to u
02:42.13 Twingy no pressure right?
02:42.17 silvap =)
02:42.37 Twingy when I get moved in, you should come over on the weekends along with tegtmeyer so we can get this FEM stuff rolling
02:42.49 Twingy we'll have some beer and write code into the early hours
02:43.02 silvap not every weekend i hope
02:43.08 silvap the ladies might get lonely
02:43.08 Twingy nah
02:43.11 Twingy hahah
02:43.19 Twingy you stud muffin
02:43.24 silvap ^_^
02:43.41 Twingy well
02:43.43 Twingy bring the ladies
02:43.45 Twingy :)
02:43.55 Twingy I'm sure they'll be thrilled to work on some FEM stuff
02:43.56 silvap they dont code..
02:44.00 Twingy that's okay
02:44.04 Twingy we can take density measurements ;)
02:44.14 silvap this man is a genius
02:44.22 Twingy sink or float!
02:44.25 Twingy :D
02:44.44 silvap how much torque is required to unhook a bra?
02:44.54 silvap do it mythbuster style
02:45.00 Twingy blow it up?
02:45.11 PrezKennedy if theres ladies involved even id wanna code!!
02:45.18 silvap u have the dextrose son
02:45.35 Twingy use the dextrose
02:45.56 Twingy it's a rocket fuel and a snack, all in one!
02:46.13 Twingy behold the power of corn
02:46.56 Twingy I figure about the first week of february I can re-open fort shumaker after the BRAC occuring on november 1 :}
02:47.44 Twingy hrm, hopefully my sgi power series still works
02:47.57 Twingy that thing is almost an antique
02:48.03 silvap brac?
02:48.07 PrezKennedy otherwise youll be out of the most expensive space heater ever
02:48.10 Twingy base re-alignment and closure
02:48.16 Twingy heh
02:48.22 Twingy it was like $50k new
02:48.38 Twingy or... $300 on ebay plus 350 mile road trip
02:48.57 Twingy I was boggled we could fit that in my room-mates sisters station wagon
02:49.11 silvap did u get ur prius yet
02:49.16 Twingy negative
02:49.20 Twingy I'm waiting until '06
02:49.32 Twingy up to $3400 tax credit in 2006
02:49.40 Twingy only $2000 in 2005
02:49.56 Twingy then it ramps down until it's 0 in 2009
02:50.08 Twingy I think in november
02:50.17 silvap have u done the math yet for it
02:50.19 Twingy I'm going to do what I need to in order to get one on hold
02:50.22 silvap when do u break even
02:50.27 Twingy on gas?
02:50.32 silvap yes
02:51.05 Twingy in 2043
02:51.24 silvap given the current gas price trend?
02:51.24 Twingy if I mod it for 80 mpg then 2025 or so
02:51.31 Twingy good point, need to factor that in
02:51.42 Twingy probly 2035 and 2019 then
02:51.56 Twingy I suspect I'll have a new car by then :)
02:51.58 silvap did u account for the tax credit?
02:52.04 Twingy ah, nope
02:52.11 Twingy 2032 and 2017 then
02:52.18 silvap still not worth it
02:52.25 Twingy nope
02:52.36 Twingy but getting like $5k that I would otherwise not get during the life of the car is worth it to me
02:52.41 silvap how much is a civic hybrid?
02:52.45 Twingy no clue
02:53.05 Twingy wee, my house is listed on long and foster now
02:54.52 silvap building guis is such a pain
02:55.27 Twingy indeed
02:56.20 silvap i have an inkling that mtegt may not be able to take weekends off
02:56.38 Twingy probly not
02:56.46 silvap who's our sub #1
02:56.59 Twingy I wonder how long I will have them off before I become attached
02:57.51 silvap too much math in that question
02:57.57 Twingy indeed
02:58.58 Twingy hrm, kd-caching should drop startup time to under 10 seconds
03:00.03 Twingy grumph
03:00.08 Twingy the bench directory dissapeared
03:00.19 silvap my code!
03:00.32 Twingy it was there last week...
03:00.39 silvap my precious 5 lines of code!
03:00.39 Twingy I guess I'll have to re-add it
03:00.45 Twingy hehe
03:00.57 Twingy we should toss those gnuplot scripts into the misc folder
03:01.09 Twingy those are handy
03:01.28 silvap u need to #ifdef DEBUG those timing calls
03:01.31 Twingy oh
03:01.35 Twingy there's the bench folder
03:01.51 Twingy or #ifdef statistics
03:01.58 silvap yes
03:02.04 Twingy #ifdef STATS
03:02.45 silvap and put a pragma(warning, '#define STATS will kill your harddrive!')
03:03.19 Twingy #define STATS will eat your brains and spawn little micelings!
03:03.48 Twingy no
03:03.49 Twingy I got it
03:04.00 Twingy #define STATS will make you feel like you're running muves
03:04.05 Twingy ;)
03:04.31 Twingy only faster :)
03:05.31 silvap keep rubbing it in
03:07.01 Twingy hrm, linking g-adrt to libtie might cause breakage
03:07.06 Twingy but libtie has no deps
03:07.10 Twingy so it should be koshure
03:08.00 Twingy I really want that cnc mill I saw on ebay
03:08.12 Twingy I wonder if I could tack that onto the mortgage :)
03:50.12 Twingy night
05:21.57 learner not according to my kernel process meter
05:22.06 learner there are two ls's getting exec'd :P
05:22.47 learner heh
05:22.50 learner damn windows
05:22.52 learner ~ww
05:22.52 ibot Can I get a woot woot?
07:22.11 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
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18:00.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libtie/ (define.h tie.c): removed min surface area, bad heuristics to use
19:15.23 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
19:18.33 PrezKennedy ping
19:56.38 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libutil/ fixed dist
20:09.06 *** join/#brlcad archivist_ (
21:06.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/ (3 files in 3 dirs): Fixes for Release 7.6.0 build from distribution
21:24.10 *** join/#brlcad archivist_ (
21:25.26 *** join/#brlcad archivist_ (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050824

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050824

00:07.39 PrezKennedy nothin more fun than harassing someone playing a game without an away message up...
00:26.45 Twingy hehe
01:04.07 Twingy hrm
01:04.32 Twingy *deviation
01:15.59 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (n=Semhirag@unaffiliated/semhirage)
02:19.27 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (n=Semhirag@unaffiliated/semhirage)
02:22.47 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (n=Semhirag@unaffiliated/semhirage)
02:30.36 PrezKennedy my brother is programming...
02:30.40 Twingy cool
02:30.43 PrezKennedy im so glad its him and not me
02:30.44 PrezKennedy :-)
02:30.52 Twingy he is becomming one of us... mooooost excellent
02:31.22 Twingy mmm gnuplot
02:47.04 Twingy more data pts
02:48.02 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libsysv/strsep.c: add the bsd strsep() function for systems like irix that still don't have it
02:53.13 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libsysv/ (getopt.c memset.c strchr.c): don't compile these functions being provided for convenience if the system already has them
02:54.16 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libsysv/ enable the compilation of getopt, memset, strchr, strsep again
03:14.54 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libsysv/ ( linebuf.c): removed the antiquated linebuf.c that contained the long since deprecated port_setlinebuf() in favor of the libbu bu_setlinebuf()
03:38.53 PrezKennedy just gimme a holler whenever ya get a chance
04:08.12 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ (9 files in 2 dirs): replace the deprecated port_setlinebuf() with bu_setlinebuf()
04:16.39 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/bu.h: port_setlinebuf is deprecated, so remove it from here and move it to src/libbu/linebuf.c where we bu_log a deprecation warning message
04:18.38 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/linebuf.c:
04:18.38 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: keep port_setlinebuf around just a little bit longer even though it's been
04:18.38 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: deprecated for some time. the reason is because our own examples and several
04:18.38 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: converters still used port_ instead of bu_ even including the example
04:18.38 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: converter..
04:40.18 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/gtools/ g_qa potentially needs SYSV for strsep
04:44.02 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/conv/ asc2g potentially needs SYSV for strsep
04:45.21 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ (conv/asc2g.c gtools/g_qa.c): separate sections for strsep and strtok are no longer necessary since strsep is provided via libsysv now
04:45.33 PrezKennedy to make it even crazier you should abbreviate the other words too!
04:46.12 learner hehe
04:47.35 PrezKennedy was wonderin if you had gotten a chance to write up mission statements and etc. etc :-)
04:47.47 learner not yet
04:51.50 PrezKennedy ok
04:59.58 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/conv/ typo, remove the stray asc2g
05:49.35 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (n=Semhirag@unaffiliated/semhirage)
12:46.46 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/regress/ Added cocoa to the list of hosts
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16:19.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ ack, we're not 7.6.0 yet
16:23.17 Twingy_ kinda
17:34.53 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/rle_config.h: remove the common.h reference
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19:47.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (3 files in 2 dirs): remove the common.h dependency in the public header, move the jni.h inclusion block into the source .c files instead.
20:37.35 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/ Needed to make sure that brlcad_config.h didn't get stuffed into the dist
21:16.28 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
21:27.29 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/rle_config.h: define USE_PROTOTYPES
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21:43.30 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
22:25.52 *** join/#brlcad docelic_ (
22:25.59 docelic_ hi folks
22:31.36 brlcad howdy
22:58.08 Twingy hrm
23:00.51 brlcad ~hr
23:00.53 ibot i heard hr is Croatia
23:01.02 brlcad cool
23:01.20 docelic_ yep, our local country name is Hrvatska, that's where the .hr comes from
23:07.09 brlcad So what kind of interest does a Hrvatskian have with BRL-CAD? ;)
23:10.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/cmd.c: it is important to run Tcl_FindExecutable BEFORE running the init funcs so that they can do a better job and finding their scripts (thx Enrique Perez-Terron). use the argv[0] we stashed during startup into libbu.
23:13.53 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: fixed mged startup resource bug
23:14.16 docelic_ Well, it's out of my "primary scope" at the moment, but otherwise I am a great fan of modelling software and GIS
23:14.39 silvap sean, im dropping code coloring :P
23:23.44 brlcad hehe
23:24.17 brlcad docelic_: ooh, GIS .. fun stuff :)
23:24.51 brlcad brl-cad has some pretty nice data management for fast ray-tracing of large terrain data sets
23:25.46 brlcad though more recently, the structure size has grown, so the memory requirements can be hefty
23:26.14 docelic_ that's ok, I've got an SGI box with 3 GB of ram :)
23:28.54 docelic_ One lightweight project I have in mind is putting together land data and gps tracks for the mountaineering routes, to produce terrain images with routes visible
23:30.11 brlcad a bit exaggerated for effect,
23:33.39 brlcad more for fun:
23:36.28 docelic_ Ok nice talking to you, it's late here so, good night :)
23:36.38 brlcad night!
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050825

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050825

00:19.41 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/bu.h: need bu_argv0 to be exported, mged uses it
01:59.24 PrezKennedy "Ask Slashdot: Where New Tech Should Libraries Try Next?"
01:59.53 PrezKennedy where? i dont know!!!
02:25.51 Twingy under my bed
02:27.15 Twingy where is tommorrow's branch meeting
02:44.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libtie/ (define.h tie.c): experimenting with kd-tree's
03:17.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03johnranderson * 10brlcad/src/librtserver/rtserver.c: corrected a bad null initialized assumption
03:50.44 PrezKennedy "Ask Slashdot: Building Secures Computers?"
03:50.50 PrezKennedy i want a building that can do that
03:52.56 PrezKennedy popular websites has worser grammar then i does!!
04:19.03 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/regress/ (9 files):
04:19.03 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: updates so that regression tests run against build tree, not install dir.
04:19.03 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: Can now be run from build dir other than in source tree.
05:23.40 PrezKennedy gnight all
05:24.59 brlcad
05:25.10 brlcad wee
05:25.13 brlcad stupid screen
11:13.31 *** join/#brlcad CrlMan (
11:13.38 *** part/#brlcad CrlMan (
13:53.22 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
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14:24.20 *** join/#brlcad silvap (
15:56.45 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/regress/ No longer pass 2 arguments to script. Had to change $2 to $1
16:17.29 *** join/#brlcad docelic (
16:18.18 docelic good day gentlemen
16:36.24 *** join/#brlcad TheLastSpartan (
17:18.31 brlcad docelic: ciao
18:25.35 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/brlregex.h: remove the common.h unnecessity
18:41.16 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/regress/ (8 files):
18:41.16 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: Getting the nightly tests to work.
18:41.16 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: Making the scripts report an exit code when things go wrong.
19:02.12 docelic brlcad, are you from Italy? Or just randomly picked 'ciao' ?
19:08.51 brlcad not in italy ;)
19:40.51 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/regress/ exit takes a number not a string. Gotta get it right
20:16.54 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/regress/ ( Miscelaneous bug fixes.
20:20.50 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/NEWS: Logging changes for g_qa and regression test system
20:44.10 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
20:46.11 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
21:05.27 *** join/#brlcad docelic (
21:25.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/regress/ fixed so that mged can run and find prj_add when mged hasn't been installed yet
22:58.50 PrezKennedy ping!
22:59.21 docelic pong!
23:09.49 Twingy_ I should go home
23:25.09 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (isst/master/master.c libtie/tie.c):
23:25.09 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: experimental kd-tree code finds empty space more agressively.
23:25.09 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: master is printing fps for now.
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050826

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050826

00:32.30 silvap hrm
00:34.01 silvap srcimg is still running
00:38.21 silvap oh snap
00:38.27 silvap it's writing out the img :o
00:42.54 *** part/#brlcad Semhirage (n=Semhirag@unaffiliated/semhirage)
00:43.50 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (i=semhirag@unaffiliated/semhirage)
00:44.02 silvap well this is slow
00:44.07 silvap 200K/s
00:44.14 silvap on SATA
01:18.02 silvap iowait at 93%.. @_@
01:18.17 brlcad :)
01:18.24 brlcad you've hosed the machine
01:26.32 Twingy o.O
01:29.59 brlcad rub it in
01:49.03 Twingy because I like to snort
01:49.08 Twingy ...on my pillow
01:49.10 Twingy o.O
01:50.30 silvap well its getting there
01:51.53 silvap 644MB/2GB
01:51.56 silvap slowly..
01:52.08 Twingy :)
01:52.16 Twingy make your code faster
01:52.25 Twingy and less memory intensive
01:52.28 silvap hdd must be thrashing every mem access
01:52.38 Twingy ick
01:52.38 silvap 2GB cache used
01:52.44 silvap 7GB mem full
01:52.56 Twingy :P
01:53.21 silvap only if the 36K x 22K image has 1 color
01:56.45 Twingy hrm
01:56.52 Twingy I've speant the last 2 weeks working on nurbs
01:56.59 Twingy feels very nostalgic
01:59.43 Twingy high performance nurbs tracing
02:00.00 silvap why do u have a 15% cutoff instead of a 4tris cutoff?
02:00.21 Twingy hrm?
02:00.33 silvap 'threshold'
02:00.42 Twingy that's for the span
02:00.49 Twingy if it doesn't find a span
02:00.55 Twingy then it reverts to weighted graph
02:01.08 Twingy termination is still 4 tri cutoff
02:01.13 Twingy and depth
02:01.24 Twingy and I'm about to add the last amount of logic
02:01.37 Twingy as soon as I finish helping emanuel with integrating my nurbs code into blender
02:02.54 silvap why dont u add memory management at the same time
02:03.04 Twingy cause I'm not thinking about low level stuff right now
02:03.09 Twingy optimizations are pass #2
02:03.10 silvap heresy!
02:03.37 silvap so m3 quazi-meeting on monday
02:03.37 silvap re: performance
02:03.42 Twingy :)
02:03.45 Twingy tell them I'm over a million rays/sec now :)
02:03.52 Twingy one a lease pc!
02:03.54 silvap will do
02:04.25 silvap 'justin is getting 10 million rays/sec on stryker'
02:04.59 silvap man i cant wait for this to render
02:05.10 silvap stupid pngwriter lib is ass slow
02:05.55 silvap i think the encoding is chewing most of the time
02:06.23 learner heh, when did you start it? :)
02:06.35 silvap i thought u were asleep
02:07.13 silvap it's writing out at 200K/s
02:07.58 silvap it'd be great if my structs were the cause of this bottleneck
02:08.03 silvap then id be able to fix it
02:08.45 silvap 778MB
02:08.47 learner dude, it is a big image, and it's being compressed massively
02:09.03 silvap heh
02:09.15 silvap whats the compression btw
02:09.20 silvap 2:1 on avg?
02:09.45 learner noo
02:10.16 silvap pixel space is 2GB
02:10.17 Twingy heh
02:10.37 learner it's more like 10:1
02:10.47 Twingy me and my silly poster idea
02:10.55 silvap scene dependant, yes?
02:11.18 silvap well the png file is at 800MB now
02:11.27 learner it's all the black background, longs streams of it
02:11.43 silvap well not exactly
02:11.56 silvap there is no spacing between my glyphs
02:12.03 silvap as in no straight black lines
02:12.11 learner well, yeah, that's true -- yours is more tight
02:12.20 learner but there is still lots of black
02:12.26 Twingy tighter than a ...
02:12.26 learner maybe 4:1 or so
02:12.31 silvap png uses an index?
02:12.42 Twingy you should use jpeg at 1% quality
02:12.44 silvap well if it quit now, it'd be 2:1 so...
02:12.46 learner it can, but doesn't by default iirc
02:13.16 learner lessless wavelet compression if I had to guess
02:13.29 silvap top is reporting 186:22 time
02:13.46 silvap im guessing cpu only
02:16.23 Twingy hrm, 340 days till siggraph?
02:16.56 silvap the siggraph grifter
02:17.05 silvap siggrifter
02:17.08 Twingy hehe
02:19.42 silvap hmm
02:19.53 silvap seems i didnt specify compression
02:19.54 silvap oops
02:19.59 Twingy haha
02:20.11 Twingy small oops :)
02:20.50 silvap ah well
02:21.02 silvap at least it'll finish in an hr
02:21.38 silvap yay!
02:21.40 silvap no more thrashing
02:22.23 silvap 1.1GB
02:22.47 silvap holy crap it's done
02:22.58 silvap final size 1.1GB
02:23.19 learner heh, okay, that's horrible compression
02:23.50 silvap im gonna make a smaller one
02:24.02 learner stupid 16bit pngs -- i didn't see a simple way to make em 8bit by default in pngwriter either without hacking it up quite a bit -- lots of assumptions on the bitsize
02:32.11 Twingy neat
02:32.21 silvap that's only src/anim tho
02:32.31 silvap the GB file should be the whole src/
02:34.17 Twingy afk'ish
02:37.05 silvap off to dc
02:53.02 Twingy back
03:10.37 PrezKennedy partay at Twingy's!!
03:10.42 Twingy no
03:10.45 Twingy headache at twingy's
03:12.01 PrezKennedy i had one last night
03:13.10 Twingy I'm having one helping emanuel try to grok ton's old nurbs code in blender and convincing him to scrap the backwards compat cause of his shitty code and just use my nurbs library I wrote that is atleast consistent
03:13.24 Twingy and now he's agrees
05:29.48 PrezKennedy this just in: hollywood has finally realized that remakes of old movies and television series suck
05:34.13 PrezKennedy ...and 10 minutes of commercials before the movie is stupid
06:00.03 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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12:35.02 docelic 'day folks
14:57.36 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
14:58.18 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libtie/ (define.h tie.c):
14:58.18 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: New kd-tree building algorithm (yet to be named) is now suitable for general purpose
14:58.19 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: use as an improvement (avg 25% - 100% faster) over the old algorithm and uses about
14:58.19 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: half the memory consumption as before. One more criteria is yet to be added, more
14:58.19 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: improvements to come. Algorithm is 10x slower than mid-split so kd-tree caching
14:58.19 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: is on the way.
16:35.24 *** join/#brlcad docelic (
17:56.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libtie/tie.c: kd-tree code clean-up.
20:54.54 *** join/#brlcad docelic (
21:03.15 learner docelic, g'day
21:04.14 docelic gentlemen'
21:19.32 Twingy_ o.O
22:16.56 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libtie/ (define.h tie.c): working on final changes
22:22.24 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libfb/ damn two character omission that ends up disabling the X and ogl interfaces.. they're CFLAGS dammit
22:35.49 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050827

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050827

00:04.21 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (i=semhirag@unaffiliated/semhirage)
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05:13.09 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
05:14.19 Twingy O.o
05:15.56 PKMOBILE quite
06:18.21 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libtie/ (define.h tie.c):
06:18.21 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: Adding finishing touches to algorithm. Will be adding some controls to
06:18.21 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: tie_init to allow developer to control both agressiveness of kd-tree building
06:18.21 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: algorithm and memory consumption as a function of # of triangles.
14:25.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (7 files in 3 dirs): add a configure test for SGI knobs support, and define the IR_KNOBS and IR_BUTTONS if/when they are available.
14:26.06 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: knobs really should now work
14:31.13 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: enabled SGI knobs and button box support for IRIX; reword testing changes to what they mean to end user, fitting to column 70
14:32.28 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: X11 is technically configurable now, along with OpenGL -- might not work, but then that can be a different todo if it doesn't, k?
14:33.54 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: improved build support detection for OpenGL and X11
14:35.14 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: don't have access to mingw right now, so push it back
14:35.55 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: improved ADRT build support
14:37.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: libbu new has whereis-style support for locating it's resources at run-time
14:38.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: mged relocation support
14:40.37 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: tim has got aquatk working
15:25.55 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: multiple threading models not that important in the big picture, it works and works well enough given mips seems to be on it's way out off of sgi's high end line
15:31.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: performance enhancements to ADRT
15:33.31 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO:
15:33.31 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: add database support for constraints, expressions, parametric
15:33.31 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: values, construction history, and timestamping
15:35.39 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: mged will actually run without being installed now with the new relocation support and BRLCAD_DATA variable overrides
15:37.06 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: mged will now work without being installed
15:40.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: the X11 15 bit thing is an old bug, add a footer mentioning the 70 column width formatting.
15:41.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: ws
15:42.27 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: NEWS items are formatted to column 70
15:44.51 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
16:16.02 *** join/#brlcad DarkMaster (
16:16.58 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
16:31.02 *** join/#brlcad mahesh (
16:31.28 learner howdy mahesh
16:31.43 Twingy_ mmm, I'm seeing 1.2 - 2.5 mil rays per second on t62 now
16:31.57 learner nice
16:32.02 Twingy_ yup yup
16:32.17 mahesh hi
16:32.30 Twingy_ I'm gonna toss kd-tree caching in now I think
16:33.02 Twingy_ on the cluster :)
16:33.24 Twingy_ I might be able to squeek out a hair more with my new algorithm
16:33.32 Twingy_ but it's pretty aggressive as it is
16:33.44 Twingy_ only way to get that from 2.5 - 5 mil is with sse
16:34.54 Twingy_ still debating on whether it's worth the effort
16:35.23 Twingy_ I suspect if there were 2 people working on this project I'd be more motivated to put it in
16:36.06 learner dammit
16:36.10 learner i was looking for him
16:37.19 mahesh hey Sean, need some suggestion
16:37.40 learner sure
16:37.58 learner I suggest you don't mix peanut butter with tofu
16:38.05 mahesh ha ha
16:38.14 Twingy_ o.O
16:38.26 learner mm.. peanut butter
16:39.01 mahesh it looks like I have to rewrite lot of do_work function
16:39.23 mahesh do you think, its ok or should I think of something else
16:40.28 learner in short, yes, it should be good
16:40.52 mahesh because its doing a lot of book keeping about servers
16:40.52 learner but it's more a bigger question of architecture that I'm wondering
16:41.03 learner what means were you thinking for the distribution?
16:41.26 mahesh i would use a grid middleware which will distribute the load among the machines
16:41.28 learner did you already have a grid toolkit in mind?
16:41.32 mahesh yes i have
16:42.01 mahesh i was talking to a guy who owns a small company. he has written a grid middleware
16:42.08 mahesh it is really light weight i feel
16:42.12 mahesh can i use that?
16:42.22 learner heh, you can use whatever you want
16:42.28 mahesh cool
16:42.31 mahesh its written in java
16:42.34 learner whether it'll technically work is a different question :)
16:42.50 learner ahh, hrm -- well that's doable, but it'll be more work for you
16:43.02 mahesh so, i will have to probably do socket communication between c stuff and java stuff
16:43.07 learner since you'll have to hook into the java interface through jni
16:43.11 learner or that
16:43.14 learner even better
16:43.38 mahesh so, i will not be using rsh at all
16:44.12 mahesh all the nodes will register with the grid software
16:44.41 Twingy_ hrm
16:44.43 mahesh and the software has functionality to start process on remote machines
16:44.45 learner how do they register?
16:44.57 learner ahh, the middleware will start them up
16:45.04 mahesh all the nodes have that grid software running
16:45.09 learner okay
16:45.13 Twingy_ I can do 20 mil rays/sec on the cluster and muves is still limited to 300 rays/sec on the whole cluster
16:45.21 learner how are they going to know how to raytrace?
16:45.54 mahesh one node will talk to grid middleware which inturn talks to other nodes
16:46.02 Twingy_ heh, my engine would see 0.0015% utilization by muves
16:46.11 Twingy_ wee
16:46.14 learner yep
16:46.20 mahesh you could imagine it as a one to many relationship
16:47.03 Twingy_ hrm, they only need to speed things up by 4 orders of magnitude
16:47.17 learner i follow how the grid middle ware will manage data, but how do the remote "deamons" actually end up raytracing? would you feed the middleware your rt binaries?
16:48.01 mahesh all the nodes should have rt binaries in them
16:49.10 learner in this case they'd be rtsrv binaries yes?
16:49.21 mahesh exactly
16:49.39 mahesh i would start with the assuption that rtsrv binaries exist on all nodes
16:50.05 mahesh later i could modify in such a way that middleware will push the binaries if they dont already exists
16:58.30 mahesh i have to go now, i'll ttyl
17:20.52 learner sorry, had to run off
17:20.59 learner sounds good :)
17:32.39 Maloeran I think I may do your SSE, Justin, if you wish
17:38.18 Twingy_ prasad and I have the logic more or less worked out, but it's only going to benefit us for optical rendering
17:38.41 Twingy_ for ballistic vulnerability analysis, is won't do much for us
17:39.07 Maloeran Right.
17:39.19 Twingy_ it would be nice to have...
17:39.29 Twingy_ but for things like path tracing
17:39.33 Twingy_ and ballistics
17:39.36 Maloeran It's nice to defeat rasterization in graphics rendering
17:39.37 Twingy_ where there is no ray-coherency
17:39.42 Twingy_ it doesn't do much
17:39.53 Twingy_ yah...
17:40.05 Twingy_ that's why I'm still kinda interested in having it in there
17:40.19 Maloeran I'm at 10m rays per second, not yet up to Reshetov's. Do you know if how his is going to be "open", open-source or open specs?
17:40.26 Twingy_ I think maybe as a separate intersection function
17:40.32 Maloeran know * how
17:40.41 Twingy_ for what size scene?
17:40.50 Twingy_ his scene was like 10 million triangles
17:40.57 Maloeran Merely the usual 140k tank
17:41.08 Twingy_ well, 1m on 140k is hardly 10m on 10mil polys
17:41.11 Twingy_ er 10m
17:41.16 Maloeran I know that much :)
17:41.29 Twingy_ and he was using half the cpu power as you...
17:41.58 Maloeran Indeed. As I said, I'm clearly not yet up to his ray-tracer
17:42.28 Twingy_ I think after I get kd-tree caching in place I'll revisit the sse integration
17:42.37 Maloeran It's really puzzling still, I'm curious to read more about his
17:42.43 Twingy_ there's still some details I haven't quite worked out though
17:43.04 Twingy_ why don't you email him?
17:43.06 Maloeran In any case, it makes me consider open-source if an apparently better solution exists
17:43.34 Maloeran Does this paper exist in a digital format within reach?
17:43.42 Twingy_ tried google?
17:43.46 Maloeran Yes
17:45.01 Twingy_ well, when I get my siggraph dvd's maybe I can post it
17:45.13 Twingy_ until now it's in my siggraph book on my desk
17:45.48 Maloeran Hardly a convenient format :), okay
17:45.54 Twingy_ convenient for me ;)
17:46.07 Maloeran Will you implement his techniques?
17:46.16 Twingy_ good question
17:46.33 Twingy_ depends on what kinda performance I can eek out of what I already got
17:46.54 Twingy_ it would be nice
17:47.13 Maloeran Assuming you read it a few times already, does it really make sense to reach this level of performance in scenes of 10m triangles?
17:47.15 Twingy_ I'm mainly interested on how his techniques would speed up vulnerability analysis
17:47.25 Twingy_ yep
17:48.10 Twingy_ but it's pretty dense
17:48.22 Maloeran Are these 10m rays per second incoherent, with no shortcuts based on the organisation of primary rays?
17:48.23 Twingy_ not something you can implement in a weekend
17:48.40 Twingy_ his 10m comes from sse driven first-hit optical rendering
17:49.10 Maloeran Does he exploit the coherency and organisation of the rays, beyond SSE?
17:49.46 Twingy_ I want to say no
17:49.57 Twingy_ but I don't remember entirely
17:50.22 Twingy_ I won't be in the position to integrate his stuff until around february of '06 if I find the time
17:50.45 Twingy_ I'm falling behind on my duties with stryker by spending the last 4 days and nights on nothing but my kd-tree
17:51.06 Maloeran I'm considering joining up, since it's open-source of course
17:51.18 Twingy_ joining up what?
17:51.31 Maloeran Your ray-tracer, or ours maybe ;)
17:52.47 Twingy_ when I spoke with alexander, he basically said just email my manager and we should be able to get you a copy of the source
17:54.35 Twingy_ well, I'm certainly not going to turn down an opportunity to improve the optical rendering capabilities of adrt
17:54.54 Maloeran I just read an abstract overview of the technique
17:55.24 Maloeran It entirely rely on the organisation of rays, it's for primary or otherwise carefully organized rays
17:55.54 Twingy_ yep
17:55.56 Maloeran So it is of no use for incoherent ray-tracing, path-tracing, global illumination, ballistics
17:56.06 Twingy_ yah :\
17:56.30 Maloeran Nothing new there then :), ah I almost feel better.
17:56.57 Twingy_ I asked him about rays that go all the way through geometry on the mic
17:57.07 Twingy_ and he said he didn't test anything of the sort and thereforeh as no number
17:57.39 Twingy_ some of the ballistic ray-tracing we do is grids of rays though
17:57.47 Twingy_ whre the rays are parallel with different positions
17:57.55 Twingy_ I dunno if you're method would help with that at all
17:58.02 Maloeran His "beams of rays" are my bundles of rays that I had briefly implemented, which doubled the performance of primary rays. All right then, let's finish the job
17:58.21 Maloeran Parallel? Okay, that would require a few changes, but it would work out
17:58.47 Twingy_ O
17:58.49 Twingy_ err
17:58.56 Twingy_ I'm curious what performance you get
17:59.03 Twingy_ by means of brute force path tracing
17:59.09 Twingy_ 1 ray at a time propogating through a scene
17:59.49 Maloeran No SSE, no coherency, 2.5m per second
17:59.49 Twingy_ that would give me a number where I can compare apples to apples
17:59.57 Twingy_ ah
18:00.00 Twingy_ neat
18:00.04 Twingy_ that's about where I am
18:00.17 Twingy_ but I have (2) 3.4ghz xeons
18:00.26 Twingy_ so call it like 1.5 mil
18:00.31 Maloeran Ah, yes
18:00.40 Twingy_ you're still a bit faster, mainly due to the reliance on properly oriented triangled
18:00.44 Twingy_ err triangles
18:00.51 Twingy_ we don't always have properly oriented triangles
18:00.54 Maloeran That's for the tank in the bubble by the way, make it 3.2m or so without the bubble
18:01.01 Twingy_ some of the 15 million polygon models we get have orientations in different ways
18:01.12 Twingy_ it would be a real headache to get them all oriented right
18:01.16 Maloeran That can be annoying.
18:01.19 Maloeran Understandable
18:01.32 Twingy_ that's main reason why I support un-oriented triangles
18:01.36 Maloeran I lose some ~10% of performance if the scene require dual-sided intersection
18:01.49 Twingy_ yah, that's pretty neat though
18:02.03 Twingy_ it's sounding like your algorithm under the same constraints mine is under performs about the same, which is pretty cool
18:02.21 Twingy_ or atleast within the same ballpark
18:02.37 Twingy_ but yours still beats the pants off mine for optical rendering
18:02.53 Twingy_ well
18:02.58 Twingy_ first-hit optical rendering anyway
18:03.05 Maloeran I think the method allows much better "shortcuts" on this point
18:03.06 Maloeran Right
18:03.07 Twingy_ for 3d viz stuff, that's highly useful
18:03.22 Twingy_ when crawling around inside the vehicle to look at it
18:03.45 Twingy_ after I'm done my new kd-tree code I should go over it with you
18:03.53 Twingy_ it's fairly intelligent
18:04.08 Maloeran With some work, it would work as well for rasterization-style lighting, not just primary rays
18:04.15 Twingy_ yah
18:04.17 Maloeran but clearly, it's useless for path-tracing or anything remotely close
18:04.31 Twingy_ I think you should turn it into a source forge project with an examples directory
18:04.36 Twingy_ if the money isn't appealing of course
18:04.45 Twingy_ did you get ahold of the OpenRT spec?
18:04.54 Twingy_ it's available now
18:05.03 Maloeran The API specs? I read some papers, nothing recent
18:05.08 Twingy_ you might consider being the "first" alternative to openrt
18:05.19 Twingy_ that could get you some serious attention
18:05.43 Twingy_ you can download the library and API from the website now
18:05.55 Twingy_ you could effectively mimick the API and do a side-by-side comparisson
18:06.01 Twingy_ and then announce to the world that yours is faster
18:06.22 Twingy_ and you'd get ALOT of publicity for it
18:06.33 Maloeran I'm mostly doing this for my own enjoyment, so there's a point I would have to clarify. If I were to open-source, would you have abundant time to put together the fastest open-source ray-tracer out there?
18:07.01 Twingy_ you mean library?
18:07.05 Twingy_ or application?
18:07.06 Twingy_ or?
18:07.18 learner it is already
18:07.32 learner open-source at least
18:07.42 Maloeran The open-source part, yes... ;)
18:07.52 learner i mean fastest open source :)
18:08.00 Twingy_ I mean all I do at work is ray-tracing stuff
18:08.06 Twingy_ so I could effectively work on this at work
18:08.11 Twingy_ so the answer is yes
18:08.40 Twingy_ I'm a bit tied up helping emmanuel stone finish integrating nurbana into blender
18:08.46 Twingy_ but I suspect in 2 weeks that will be wrapping up
18:08.47 learner povray's slow, yafray too
18:09.09 Twingy_ so I won't have any other software projects going on
18:09.10 Maloeran Right, nice. I really can't give an answer yet, but... I think I'm going to open-source
18:09.26 Twingy_ I think that's a wiser decision
18:09.34 Maloeran What can I say, it just seems much more appealing, much more entertaining
18:09.34 Twingy_ in the long run I think it's worth more than what you're being offered
18:09.46 Twingy_ plus alot more people will benefit from it
18:10.07 Twingy_ if anything
18:10.12 Twingy_ you could start up a paypal donation thing
18:10.15 Twingy_ and get both
18:10.39 Maloeran Ahah, I suppose
18:10.45 Twingy_ of course I cannot have any part of that
18:11.10 Twingy_ anywho
18:11.14 Twingy_ we'll have to discuss this more later
18:11.21 Twingy_ I want to resume this kd-tree caching for now
18:11.34 Twingy_ imperative I get that in there before next stryker meeting
18:11.36 Maloeran Right, and I'll have to sort this out. Good luck
18:11.40 Twingy_ k
18:11.42 Twingy_ thx
18:14.32 Twingy_ mal
18:14.49 Twingy_ just an idea, but typically it's worth more money to create a support contract than it is to sell software or IP
18:15.17 Twingy_ tell those guys that instead of buying IP, maybe they could buy a contract with you to integrate it into their software
18:15.45 Twingy_ that'll get you the best of both worlds
18:18.26 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ knobs work
18:23.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ call them dials and buttons
18:28.28 Maloeran From what I understood, they want to IP to be able to sell it back, maybe not even to use it themselves
18:28.31 Maloeran Ah oops, he left
18:28.53 learner that he did
18:29.08 learner so you're up in quebec?
18:29.48 Maloeran Correct
18:31.04 learner yet to make it there myself other than for a drive through a couple years ago
18:31.45 Maloeran :) Could I ask what your first name is? I have come to vaguely know Justin's co-workers through various discussions, or through Erik
18:32.00 learner Sean
18:32.30 Maloeran Ah right, Sean. Pleased to meet you
18:32.32 learner technically not my first name, but that's what they'd be calling me :)
18:32.40 Maloeran Indeed :)
18:33.53 learner likewise, pleased to meet you
18:34.06 learner though we have talked once or twice before, albeit only briefly
18:35.26 learner every time i see you're nick, I'm reminded of the old Malestrom game
18:35.50 learner that was a fun game .. hmm.. raytraced at 30fps....
18:36.03 Maloeran Eheh, I don't think I have played
18:36.37 learner it was a big asteroids variant, popular on the *nix machines
18:36.39 Maloeran Internet nicknames seem to be something one can pick at 15 years old and it sticks for eternity
18:37.06 learner yep, choose wisely :)
18:39.27 learner
18:40.30 Maloeran Oh, I did play this :). I really wouldn't have guessed it could be ray-traced, it doesn't seem appropriate to the needs of the game
18:40.45 learner of course not :)
18:41.01 learner but it could still be pretty neat
18:43.57 learner hehe
18:52.47 Maloeran Ah, how I have grown to love and cherish these packages that just break with compiled on a 64 bits arch
18:52.52 Maloeran when compiled, even
18:53.11 learner tis good stuff, eh?
18:53.26 learner amd64?
18:54.43 Maloeran For incoherent branching and heavy floating point number crunching, there's really nothing like Opterons
18:55.21 learner that is quite true
19:11.27 Twingy hrm
19:12.22 Twingy definetly need to wait till the 2 yr mark to sell my home
19:22.37 *** join/#brlcad cad528 (
19:22.41 learner it's not at all like a structure
19:24.09 Twingy you guys make it to nist on time?
19:24.26 learner we were actually really early, made it in great time
19:24.36 learner had breakfast, then went over
19:24.42 Twingy good deal
19:24.58 Twingy my neighbor's mom has some friends that might be interested in buying my home
19:25.02 learner much more impressive to see it working in the cave than it was at the BoF
19:25.11 Twingy what was "it"
19:25.33 learner a framework to drive the cave
19:25.36 Twingy ah
19:25.49 Twingy you guys shoulda took joe
19:25.59 Twingy from raytheon that operates the cave in 390
19:26.22 learner it deals with positioning the geometry in three-space figuring out the view parallax of however many walls you have and their orientation
19:26.33 learner reads the head and wand tracker devices
19:26.42 Twingy gotcha
19:26.47 Twingy gpu or raytraced?
19:26.54 learner a variety of tools for interacting, and displaying stuff
19:27.03 learner like putting up menus, heads up displays, etc
19:27.12 learner opengl
19:27.15 Twingy good for a simulation program
19:27.38 Twingy I bet max lorenzo woulda liked to see that
19:27.51 learner supported many different display modes
19:27.58 learner like your standard stereo
19:28.24 learner the 3d effect we saw on ours with the shutter glasses
19:28.49 learner that was really cool, much better than the demos we saw at ours
19:29.09 learner you could stand inside your dataset and see things all around you, the immersion was much much better
19:29.30 Twingy probly a more expensive setup too
19:29.49 learner i could picture bringing up something like strker and actually getting a feel for the cabin and what it looks like from one of the chairs
19:29.58 Twingy yah, but for how much?
19:30.00 learner no, there's was cheaper than ours
19:30.01 learner considerably
19:30.04 Twingy how much?
19:30.08 learner ours is huge in comparison
19:30.10 Twingy we speant $250k on ours
19:30.33 Twingy did they load any large geometries?
19:30.36 learner same company I think, just smaller version, and only three-wall
19:30.54 learner (two wall and floor)
19:31.24 learner not really anything immense, but that wasn't really the purpose
19:31.32 Twingy understood
19:31.51 Twingy I've got a framework for the kd-tree caching down without affecting peak memory
19:32.07 Twingy I'm going to make a kd-tree free function that builds the cache while free'ing
19:32.25 Twingy so we can still utilize max memory
19:33.02 Twingy it looks like 1 of the 2 opteron machines will be here monday
19:33.12 Twingy supposedly the other one (the head node) is on the way
19:33.26 Twingy so it's pretty much useless until we get it
19:33.42 Twingy unless I slap my extra sata drive into it
19:33.49 Twingy but it's not worth the time
19:34.36 learner cool
19:34.58 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ use AC_MSG_RESULT for the starting message and summary results so that they are inserted into config.log, and so they will obey the --verbose and --quiet flags too.
19:35.18 Twingy distcc running on those two opteron machines will probly be pretty snappy
19:35.26 Twingy will be able to do make -j8
19:35.41 Twingy using (8) 2ghz opteron cores
19:35.59 learner I added a "fast" make target that should make building brl-cad on shiva actually utilize the whole machine
19:36.07 Twingy ah
19:36.08 learner using distcc
19:36.23 learner it builds and links in parallel
19:36.27 Twingy the bottleneck was network i/o no?
19:36.47 learner nah, it was the link synchronizations it has to keep doing
19:36.49 Twingy cause it was using nfs to run thousands of binaries over and over
19:36.55 learner automake serializes them all
19:36.57 Twingy ah
19:37.08 Twingy have you tried it yet?
19:37.12 Twingy I have the cluster running right now
19:37.17 learner everytime it linked a binary or a library, all the nodes had to sync up and stop
19:37.23 Twingy ah
19:37.36 Twingy compile it and get some numbers ;)
19:37.48 learner argued with the gnu make folks about it for a while, they seemed pretty clueless
19:37.55 Twingy hehe
19:38.55 Twingy I got a hostname for the 2 machine cluster, if you want to call it a cluster
19:39.10 learner should be interested to see numbers for it
19:39.32 learner s/ed/ing/
19:39.39 Twingy do it :)
19:39.52 learner i meant for the new ones coming in :0
19:39.56 Twingy oh, heh
19:40.01 learner i'll try the fast target on the cluster in a bit
19:40.04 Twingy k
19:40.50 Twingy I think I might run to home depot to pick up 2 straps to bind the 2 machines together
19:40.59 Twingy actually 3
19:41.00 learner elmers
19:41.03 Twingy 2 for bottom
19:41.08 Twingy and one for around middle
19:41.13 Twingy eek
19:41.17 learner duck
19:41.19 Twingy I got plenty of epoxy
19:41.20 learner tape
19:41.22 Twingy mmm
19:41.25 Twingy duct tape could work
19:41.39 Twingy
19:41.49 Twingy ?
19:41.53 learner
19:41.56 Twingy hehe
19:42.16 Twingy
19:42.27 Twingy hrm, food does sound good
19:42.28 learner twobits
19:42.40 Twingy I might run to riverside pizzeria
19:42.47 learner mmm
19:43.04 learner you'll be hungry by the time you get there if you're running ;)
19:43.08 Twingy heh
19:43.12 Twingy I should go running
19:43.17 Twingy maybe I'll do that tommorrow
19:43.20 learner i should go work out
19:43.26 learner but instead I think I'll stuff my face
19:43.28 Twingy I'm working on my man boobs
19:43.37 Twingy *poke*
19:43.44 Maloeran an* rather
19:43.47 Twingy you want to poke my man boobs mal?
19:43.50 Twingy :)
19:44.19 Maloeran I'll pass :)
19:44.43 Twingy that sad thing is it'll take me 30 years to catch up to chuck if I start now
19:51.26 Maloeran I'm telling you, try a hour of bicycle daily ;), plus some 40 push-ups so the arm and back muscles don't feel too neglected
19:55.57 Twingy my usual routine is 20 minutes of running and 15 minutes of bicycle with 60 situps and 25 pushups in the middle
19:56.17 Maloeran Quite good
20:25.04 Twingy back
20:30.09 Twingy sean, when you get a chance
20:30.43 Twingy can you change permission of source files in libtie to 644
20:30.49 Twingy somehow they got set to executable
20:34.43 *** join/#brlcad x_spager (n=x_spager@
20:40.10 *** part/#brlcad x_spager (n=x_spager@
21:10.01 Twingy heh
21:10.10 Twingy if my ray intersection engine did 0 work
21:10.21 Twingy I could get 5.2 million rays/sec
21:10.59 Twingy so intersecting each ray for me is like the cost of 5 function calls, damn that's cheap
21:17.09 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libtie/ (kdtree.c kdtree.h tie.c tie.h):
21:17.09 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: kdtree code was put into its own separate file since it's going to consume
21:17.09 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: more than half the actual engine code.
21:19.12 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libtie/ (kdtree.c tie.c): removed extraneous stuff
21:22.41 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libtie/kdtree.c: more cleanup
21:36.23 learner Twingy, ugh
21:36.29 learner no not really, at least not directly
21:36.44 learner have to be careful what the permissions are on check-in
21:36.53 learner s/check-in/add/
21:37.30 learner i'll have to submit a sourceforge support request to do that
22:25.24 Twingy ah
22:25.25 Twingy k
22:25.38 Twingy gotta love how cvs won't let you udpate permissions
23:01.23 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/Makefile.defs: fix the recursion traversal order so that subdirectories are fully processed before attempting to link/compile in a directory.
23:01.39 learner generally, you'd edit the cvs root for that but we don't have access to that directly
23:02.20 Twingy hrm
23:02.26 Twingy hey sean
23:02.54 Twingy somone you met at siggraph wants you to visit her in october :)
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00:12.17 *** join/#brlcad DarkMaster (
00:22.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/conv/ renamed g-wave to g-obj to reflect the conventional dominance of .obj's referring to the wavefront format and our converters using conventioned extensions.
00:23.20 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/conv/ (g-obj.1 g-obj.c g-wave.1 g-wave.c): renamed g-wave to g-obj to reflect the conventional dominance of .obj's referring to the wavefront format and our converters using conventioned extensions.
00:24.38 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: renamed g-wave converter to g-obj
00:34.04 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ (10 files in 3 dirs): use bu_setlinebuf instead of the old block that checked system 'types' and was replicated where needed
01:01.29 Twingy +e
01:10.38 Twingy grumph
01:18.38 Twingy aha
01:19.03 Twingy I'm gonna have to write a manual for this thing soon
01:19.12 Twingy developers manual anyway
01:19.45 DarkMaster "And if this screen comes up, always type 'No'"
01:20.27 Twingy "If you get the message "Core Dumped", "Bus Error" or "Segmentation Fault" then you've made a mistake."
01:20.36 Twingy :)
01:21.55 DarkMaster "Those are bad, and it's your fault."
01:23.22 Twingy hrm, halfway done kd cache
01:25.10 DarkMaster the developers manual has two pages :-)
01:25.25 Twingy the second one reads, "This page intentionally left blank."
01:29.33 Twingy grumph
01:30.52 DarkMaster title page and blank page
01:31.04 DarkMaster sounds like the manual for battlefield 2
02:02.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/regress/ ignore and and .density too
02:04.06 Twingy hooray for contiguous memory
02:22.42 DarkMaster hooray for Internet
02:25.08 Twingy I hear they have the internet on computers now
02:25.28 DarkMaster its called... "Internet"
02:25.48 DarkMaster it does things like let you connect to bulletin boards and compuserve
02:37.21 Twingy mmm, getting close
02:40.12 Twingy sean, I think I'll just put kd-cache builder in adrt_bench for now
02:40.22 Twingy and leave it out of g-adrt for time being
02:40.32 Twingy this makes things a bit less icky
02:41.43 Twingy actually, I'll probly leave it there indefinetly
02:42.08 learner k
02:42.08 Twingy cause you may want to use adrt_bench to tune the tree
02:42.15 Twingy to get optimal tree building
02:42.29 Twingy ultimately it should be completely turn-key "big red button"
02:42.42 Twingy but right now it's 50/50 in terms of getting optimal and super-optimal
02:43.33 learner 49/50/1 optimal, super optimal, badass
02:43.37 Twingy heh
02:43.54 Twingy in my opinion a kd-tree builder is not badass
02:44.06 Twingy until you can completely remove the "depth" limit termination criteria
02:44.13 learner okay, then just ass
02:44.17 Twingy yep :)
02:44.25 Twingy I've get to see somone present at siggraph
02:44.35 Twingy that doesn't still rely on that depth criteria
02:44.39 Twingy err yet
02:44.50 Twingy and I'm damn close to being able to remove it
02:44.56 learner you shall be the first
02:45.04 learner then you still wouldn't get to see it
02:45.12 learner unless you watch yourself on reply on the dvd
02:45.19 Twingy heh
02:51.11 Twingy okay, now to parse the cache
02:52.52 Maloeran What is this cache briefly?
02:53.04 Twingy a binary dump of my kd-tree
02:53.18 Maloeran Ah, right
02:53.26 Twingy I have a highly aggressive algorithm that will probly take 2 - 3 hours to generate a kd-tree for the 15 mil polygon stryker
02:53.46 Twingy if the user does not supply it then it uses the mid-split algorithm and takes about 3 minutes
02:54.18 Twingy and that'll be packed into my benchmark utility
02:54.26 Maloeran Hum. I think this aggressive algorithm could be sped up
02:54.29 Twingy so if the user wants to play with settings they can to learn how it works
02:54.40 Twingy my algorithm hasn't been optimized yet
02:54.53 Twingy I have one more piece of logic to add
02:54.58 Twingy then I plan to write a paper on it
02:55.21 Maloeran Right, okay. I mentionned before, the first pass of my scene analysis builds a tree that should be fairly close to the optimal construction for BSP rendering
02:55.26 Twingy I can make the algorithm run for 3 days if I wanted to
02:55.28 Maloeran It takes some 5-6 seconds on the usual tank scene
02:55.34 Twingy but the improvement would by about 2% more
02:55.49 Twingy I take about 3 seconds on that tank with my mid-split
02:55.52 Maloeran There are often ways to converge towards the solution much faster
02:55.58 Twingy but the aggressive one will spend about 30 - 60 seconds
02:56.36 Twingy so the idea will be the analysis converts their geometry during the day
02:56.53 Maloeran If I'm going to open-source, would you be willing to make the jump to sector based ray-tracing?
02:56.54 Twingy and at night they can crank out a tight kd-tree
02:57.11 Twingy hum
02:57.36 Twingy I think at first I'd be inclined to make it an alternative like we'd discussed about a year ago
02:57.41 Twingy like have 2 engines in the back-end
02:57.46 Twingy user just selects which one to use
02:58.11 Twingy did you see what I wrote about contract support?
02:58.16 Maloeran I didn't
02:58.44 Twingy I said you should talk to those swedes and tell them instead of buying IP, having them buy a support contract and you will integrate your engine into their software
02:58.53 Twingy support contracts are typically worth much more money and buying a product
02:59.10 Maloeran Ah yes, I read that. I have explored the idea, the "problem" is that I understood they don't want the software for themselves
02:59.24 Maloeran They want to buy the IP and sell the licenses and support
02:59.24 Twingy find out who they want it for
02:59.31 Maloeran I have tried ;)
02:59.32 Twingy and sell it to them
02:59.47 Twingy look at their website and find out who their customer base is
03:00.07 Twingy if they are in sweden
03:00.10 Twingy sell them the IP
03:00.16 Twingy their laws don't apply to canada
03:00.33 Twingy they can't sue you
03:00.37 Maloeran Eh, amusing thought
03:00.44 Twingy so do it
03:00.48 Twingy you're legally safe
03:01.17 Twingy you'll get a $16k nasty gram
03:01.18 Twingy big woop
03:01.31 Maloeran I suppose what I wanted to ask a few seconds ago was : if I'm going to open-source, will you keep working on the BSP engine or switch over to the sector engine?
03:01.47 Twingy well, you're the brains behind the sector engine
03:01.55 Twingy and I'm the brains behind the kd-tree stuff I been doing
03:02.06 Twingy so it's not like me jumping in the middle of your work will benefit you much
03:02.13 Twingy atleast in the short term
03:02.19 Twingy but we can bounce ideas off each other
03:02.26 Twingy and look over each others code
03:02.31 Twingy why not have the fastest of both types of engine
03:02.39 Twingy just to say we can
03:03.31 Maloeran I see, okay. I believe sector based ray-tracing has much more potential, BSP has been explored in depth for decades
03:03.31 Twingy it'll be like choosing between phong, blinn, torrence-sparrow lighting models
03:03.41 Twingy they all more or less do the same thing, but each have their perks
03:04.03 Twingy yep, but I still think it's nice to have both in there even for educational reasons for people getting into ray-tracing
03:04.08 Maloeran To speak frankly, the whole appeal of open-sourcing to me is being able to keep working on this with other people
03:04.15 Twingy to see what a highly optimized kd-tree engine looks like and what its short comings are
03:04.26 Twingy yep yep
03:04.30 Twingy and we would
03:04.56 Twingy I'm sure at some point yours would probably be the default engine used
03:05.06 Twingy and mine would be there for legacy reasons
03:05.31 Twingy with possibly an MLRTA choice as well
03:05.35 Twingy 3 engines to choose from
03:06.11 Maloeran *nods* But should I understand you'll keep working on yours for a while?
03:06.14 Twingy it's nice to have several engines that can plug and play so you can bench mark your work versus other approaches for when you goto write a paper
03:06.32 Twingy until yours works seemlessly with adrt, yah
03:06.39 Twingy because I have a customer base to support at work
03:06.49 Twingy the analysts...
03:07.00 Maloeran Of course. That shouldn't be too much trouble
03:07.01 Twingy once yours took the place of mine then I could drop development
03:07.07 Twingy in theory, yah
03:07.13 Twingy probly 2 - 3 weeks
03:07.26 Twingy so this kd-tree code might be the last stuff I do to this engine
03:07.46 Maloeran Good :), okay
03:07.52 Twingy I've established to management that high-performance ray-tracing is what we should be leveraging for the near future, i.e next 5 years
03:08.13 Twingy so anything that gets the job done faster the better
03:08.50 Maloeran For you to be able to work on code that doesn't belong to the ARL, I suppose it has to released under a GPL or related license?
03:08.53 Twingy I suspect once your engine plugged in and just "worked" I could be working on the sector stuff while at work
03:08.59 Twingy LGPL
03:09.05 Twingy GPL is no good
03:09.13 Twingy according to sean
03:09.28 Maloeran I see, okay
03:09.28 Twingy the applications are GPL
03:09.32 Twingy but the libraries are LGPL
03:09.56 Twingy as is all of my stuff
03:10.22 Twingy i.e anyone can download BRL-CAD, snarf libtie out of ADRT and give me no credit or tell me they're using it
03:10.52 Twingy but not the case for RISE and ISST, the apps that use it
03:11.26 Twingy openRT doesn't support clustered computing yet
03:11.33 Twingy I seriously think if we were to act RIGHT now
03:11.38 Twingy and make an openRT wrapper for your engine
03:11.43 Twingy and add my distributed cluster code
03:11.46 Maloeran Yes I get the idea, I can foresee source code and the techniques used being "stolen" abundantely
03:11.51 Twingy we're knock them out of the water
03:12.01 Maloeran Hehe, right
03:12.04 Twingy seriously
03:12.09 Twingy the code is done
03:12.16 Twingy all that needs to be done is an openRT state machine
03:12.29 Twingy that could be done in under a month
03:12.35 Maloeran You mean being API compatible to their engine?
03:12.47 Twingy an API compatible to openRT
03:12.56 Twingy so people with openRT apps (yes they are a few out there already)
03:13.00 Twingy could just include our stuff
03:13.03 Maloeran I already have a complete API, designed to cover the needs of any ray-tracing library, based on the model of OpenGL
03:13.08 Twingy and have BETTEr performance AND distributed computing
03:13.13 Twingy I know you do
03:13.18 Twingy and it's probly better than openRT
03:13.25 Twingy but to get the openRT use community we need to support them
03:13.36 Maloeran Okay, merely a wrapper then
03:13.46 Twingy more or less
03:13.53 Twingy it's a little more than that, but yea
03:14.22 Twingy then we port Quake I to this engine
03:14.27 Twingy and there you go, instant success
03:14.58 Twingy I think that's the direction to take
03:15.11 Twingy I could probly get sean to try getting a BZ-FLAG version as well
03:15.26 Twingy sean is a bzflag developer
03:15.30 Maloeran There's a lot of work ahead to handle dynamic geometry
03:15.34 Twingy yah
03:15.39 Twingy well you know how wald's doing it
03:15.43 Twingy 2 tree's
03:15.47 Twingy 1 for static, 1 for dynamic
03:16.00 Twingy it's cheap, but it works
03:16.06 Twingy if you keep that uglyness under the hood
03:16.13 Maloeran Urgh :), yes I read
03:16.16 Twingy then you could clean it up into 1 smarter structure later on
03:16.31 Twingy time is of the essence
03:16.54 Maloeran What I had in mind was a graph of sector graph ( a sector graph per object ), plus some object graphs are designed to be quickly modified if only parts of the geometry change
03:17.13 Twingy heirchical graphs, sure
03:17.16 Maloeran Anyhow, we can discuss that later
03:17.21 Twingy yep
03:17.29 Twingy well, you think this over nice and hard
03:17.35 Twingy when you're ready I'm in
03:17.45 Maloeran :) Understood
03:18.03 Twingy my obligation to nurbs help with blender is coming to an end
03:50.50 Twingy ok, time to finish this junk up
04:31.07 Twingy Gee dubya
04:31.45 DarkMaster good movie
04:34.28 Twingy aight, I'm finishing this junk tommorrow
04:35.57 DarkMaster monday?
04:36.04 Twingy sunday
04:36.10 DarkMaster tomorrow is monday!
04:36.16 Twingy for me it
04:36.19 Twingy 's sunday!
04:36.37 DarkMaster so thats why you never show up on mondays
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12:47.11 Maloeran Ahah... Really Justin, Reshetov didn't invent anything. It's something you and I had both thought of, the shortcuts of shooting rays in carefully crafted breaking up "beams" or "bundles", only viable for primary rays
12:49.57 Maloeran Ah well, I'm just relieved I suppose ;)
15:57.28 Twingy he's doing more than that
15:58.01 Twingy he's entering the kd-tree mid-level using 0 volume kd-tree nodes... this is the frustum culling aspect of it
18:30.02 *** join/#brlcad silvap (
18:33.01 silvap ~hi
18:33.06 ibot hello, silvap
18:33.06 learner heir silva
18:33.32 silvap yo sean
18:33.48 silvap did u create the sf project yet?
18:33.51 learner hehe
18:34.13 learner not yet
18:34.19 learner but not a bad idea :)
18:34.26 learner not sure about that name though :)
18:34.31 silvap aight
18:34.33 silvap whaa?
18:34.38 silvap whats wrong with it
18:35.41 learner something punny
18:36.00 learner the posterizer!
18:36.30 learner source2bigassimage
18:40.22 silvap u and ur puns..
18:51.08 Twingy welp, finished my workout and dropped 7 mice off at the pet store
18:51.22 learner donation?
18:51.36 silvap to hiss the boa
18:51.43 Twingy in exchange for 2lbs of mice food
18:51.56 learner ooh, good deal
18:52.05 Twingy about the same amount the momma consumed to have the kiddlings
18:52.29 Twingy presto chango, 2 lbs of mice food becomes little micelings
18:52.45 Twingy now if only I could change 100lbs of mice food into a hot chick...
18:54.06 Twingy hrm supposedly some people are showing up to look at my house any minute
18:55.21 Twingy Yo momma so lazy she thinks a two-income family is where yo daddy has two jobs.
18:56.27 silvap dc improv material right there
18:59.24 Twingy amusing how well the mouse tank fits in the top drawer of my filing cabinet
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Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050829

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050829

01:02.07 Twingy hrm
01:10.59 Twingy almost ready to test my kd caching
01:11.26 Twingy shiping this data across the network and removing peak memory issue causes lots of grunt work
01:15.44 Twingy heh
01:15.53 Twingy 15 downloads of my audio data transfer library to date
01:16.45 Twingy 1 per month, woot
03:35.17 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (n=Apathy@resnet-235-118.resnet.UMBC.EDU)
04:59.41 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 (
06:04.11 Twingy good deal, kd-tree caching works now
06:05.11 silvap do i get to quit m3 now?
06:06.00 Twingy we should talk about some of that memory alignment stuff
06:06.08 Twingy now that I can do clever stuff with the cache
06:06.26 silvap any way to abstract a few parameters out?
06:06.28 Twingy I still have a full day of work to do to the cache though
06:06.30 silvap to say a properties file
06:06.37 Twingy I want to pack in the data that was used to build the cache
06:06.38 silvap and then do some batch benches
06:06.44 Twingy and some other stuff to prevent wrong cache with wrong geometry
06:06.47 Twingy as well as endian
06:07.19 Twingy once I finish tacking on that other stuff I need to integrate the memory resizing stuff to keep peak memory from going any higher
06:07.31 Twingy abstract?
06:07.52 silvap pull the params out
06:07.56 silvap and read it at runtime
06:07.58 Twingy for the kd-tree?
06:08.04 silvap cache
06:08.13 Twingy well here's the deal
06:08.13 silvap at least temporarily
06:08.43 Twingy in my opinion a kd-tree builder is not complete until you can completely throw away the "depth" term
06:08.52 Twingy that is to say, it won't run on forever
06:09.04 Twingy so, I think once I get that one last piece of logic in
06:09.16 Twingy it should be building optimal kd-trees without any sort of 'tuning' for a scene
06:09.36 Twingy i.e the optimality of the kd-tree becomes a level of agressiveness
06:09.47 Twingy which I might expose
06:09.55 silvap k
06:09.56 Twingy right now adrt_bench is in charge of building the cache
06:10.16 Twingy by passing it the '-c' argument
06:10.21 Twingy it dumps out kdtree.cache
06:10.36 Twingy and if you put in: kdtree_cache_file,kdtree.cache
06:10.41 silvap make it so that u can variate align boundaries, packing size, etc
06:10.41 Twingy in the whatever.env file
06:10.45 silvap at least in bench
06:10.47 Twingy then it'll pull that and distribute it to the nodes
06:11.00 Twingy well, I wanted to talk to you about that before I do that
06:11.39 Twingy I haven't even optimized the cache loader yet
06:11.44 Twingy it's bloated and barely working
06:11.49 Twingy an the t62 cache loads in under a second
06:12.01 Twingy so I should have this thing screaming in no time
06:12.22 silvap ok
06:12.27 Twingy that still translates to 1 minute for stryker
06:12.39 Twingy so I should be able to very easily get that down to 10 - 15 seconds
06:12.59 Twingy I suspect I'll do a 3 hour build of the kd-tree for stryker
06:13.08 Twingy tommorrow before lunch
06:13.25 silvap i forget, is there a min tris bound for leaves now?
06:13.36 Twingy no, I cannot guarantee that
06:13.41 Twingy I wish I could though
06:13.48 Twingy cause then
06:13.52 Twingy I could pack the # of triangles
06:13.54 silvap but the tree is balanced ya?
06:13.57 Twingy into the lower bits of a ptr I have
06:14.02 Twingy that could store 0 - 7 triangles
06:14.10 Twingy that would be so sweet
06:14.23 silvap what does that buy u
06:14.26 Twingy but like I said, I have some nodes with thousands still left in them
06:14.39 Twingy that saves me 4 bytes of an int in every geometry node
06:14.51 Twingy 5 - 10% savings in memory
06:14.58 silvap on the avg case, does that save u anything
06:14.59 silvap k memory
06:15.22 Twingy mmm
06:15.30 Twingy so much fun stuff to work on now that this ugly part is over with
06:16.06 silvap cant have u two versions of tie_work running that take the num_tris packed value and the seperate num_tris value
06:16.19 Twingy atleast now if my pre-alpha version of this shot selection tool crashes while using it, I can reload in seconds instead of minutes
06:16.24 silvap hmm how to determine which to call
06:16.45 Twingy I don't understand
06:16.57 silvap nm confusing runtime with memory here
06:16.58 silvap carry on
06:17.00 Twingy k
06:17.07 Twingy I think for the time being
06:17.14 Twingy until I 'perfect' my kd-tree algorithm
06:17.19 Twingy I'm going to 'tune' a kd-tree for stryker
06:17.23 Twingy and just use that for a while
06:17.41 Twingy I'm seeing 1.2 - 2.5 million rays/sec on my desktop with t62 now
06:17.57 silvap what are the criterion being minimized/maximized?
06:17.57 Twingy using an optimal kd-tree with the new algorithm
06:18.06 silvap for this tuning process
06:18.10 Twingy I explaind the algorithm right?
06:18.11 silvap just load time?
06:18.41 silvap yea but not this tuning process
06:18.46 Twingy right now there are 5 values you can use
06:19.00 Twingy the number of initial slices from each orthogonal axis
06:19.06 Twingy known as max slices
06:19.14 Twingy which gets smaller as the # of triangles in a cell get smaller
06:19.18 Twingy min slices
06:19.27 Twingy as nodes get down to a fistful of triangles
06:19.40 Twingy min density, used to determine geometry span gaps
06:19.43 Twingy as a %
06:19.54 Twingy the min span a gap must be wrt the node dimension
06:20.17 Twingy and a scale coefficient which is the bias a node receives wrt to the center when no gaps are found
06:20.55 Twingy I can explain them more tommorrow
06:21.13 silvap k
06:21.16 Twingy there's going to be 2 more heuristics to replace 1 soon
06:21.21 Twingy as I make it even more aggressive
06:21.27 Twingy I think for the API
06:21.33 Twingy I'll have like a LOW, MED, and HIGH
06:21.41 Twingy in terms of how agressive it will be
06:21.50 Twingy and amount of memory that can be used
06:22.02 Twingy as a percentage of the geometry size
06:22.10 Twingy i.e 10% mem wrt geometry size
06:22.14 Twingy or 50%
06:22.16 Twingy etc.
06:22.26 Twingy so basically 2 arguments to engine
06:22.53 silvap too late
06:22.55 silvap talk tomorrow
06:22.58 Twingy k
06:23.02 silvap nite
06:23.07 Twingy if I'm in tommorrow :)
06:23.12 Twingy I should get to bed
06:37.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (11 files in 3 dirs):
06:37.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: Integrated kd-tree caching.
06:37.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: It's generated with adrt_bench by supplying the -c argument.
06:37.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: kdtree_cache_file,kdtree.cache goes into project.env file to make it work.
06:38.58 Twingy mmm
06:47.10 Twingy ah
06:47.12 Twingy you stink
06:47.29 Twingy allz I got is my wimpy altec lansings
06:47.59 Twingy btw, connie called me yesterday and wants to know if you and I would go visit her in reno, heh
06:48.29 Twingy I think she was serious :)
06:51.36 Twingy you camping out at the office tonight?
06:55.40 brlcad nah, just working through the night
06:55.52 brlcad no smores
06:55.55 Twingy so should I tell her you'll be visiting reno in the near future? :)
06:56.01 brlcad hmm.. smores in the toaster
06:56.07 Twingy go fer it
06:56.18 Twingy just don't plug it into the ups
06:56.24 Twingy or my ups anyways
06:56.26 brlcad hehe
06:57.08 Twingy hehe
06:57.15 brlcad actually, I'll probably burn up half my vacation this week
06:57.24 brlcad going down south later this week
06:57.24 Twingy we could go gambling and lose lots of money, it could be fun!
06:57.33 Twingy :}
06:57.41 brlcad if I wanted to do that, atlantic city would be far quicker ;)
06:57.46 Twingy indeed
06:57.55 Twingy nicer too
06:57.59 Twingy with the ocean and all
06:58.11 brlcad trump plaza
06:58.15 brlcad trump taco bell
06:58.19 Twingy I won $150 from uncle trump
06:58.24 brlcad trump exxon
06:58.31 Twingy trump donuts
06:58.36 brlcad mm.. donuts
06:58.43 brlcad i knew i should have stopped on the way in
06:58.52 Twingy I went running today
06:58.56 brlcad i didn't
06:58.59 Twingy even though my knee is feeling all fucked up
06:59.05 brlcad eek
06:59.22 Twingy so if I'm hobbling everytime I stand up tommorrow you'll know why
06:59.33 Twingy dunno if the knee thing has anything to do with running
06:59.36 Twingy it's just off and on
06:59.44 brlcad i should go workout before everyone shows up in the morning
06:59.46 Twingy a few weeks it bothers me, a few weeks it's fine
07:00.02 brlcad Twingy's getting old
07:00.09 Twingy nah
07:00.15 brlcad heh
07:00.21 Twingy ooh
07:00.26 Twingy I get lower car insurance next month
07:03.29 brlcad lex is nice to use
07:03.33 brlcad bison is a pita
07:04.24 Twingy *sniffle* I just cannot get this crappy 3ghz p4 to go above 750k rays /sec
07:04.58 brlcad maybe if you kick it hard enough
07:05.43 Twingy maybe...
07:05.54 Twingy maybe I should overclock it to 80 gigglehurts
07:06.20 brlcad supercool it to 200F
07:06.40 brlcad watch the bits just ooze all over the place
07:08.18 Twingy blah
07:08.18 Twingy groove salad just died
07:08.33 Twingy ah, there we go
07:10.22 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
07:10.45 Twingy welp, I think I'm gonna hit the sack now
07:10.58 brlcad cya
07:31.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libtie/define.h: defaults at biggest bang for the buck right now.
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11:58.46 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
12:04.51 brlcad hello d_rossberg!
12:08.36 d_rossberg hello brlcad!
12:18.15 brlcad the windows release seems to be coming together at last
12:18.43 brlcad between your changes, Bob's, and mine it looks like it won't be long before binaries are posted
12:19.10 brlcad possibly even next iteration/month
12:20.02 d_rossberg NOW libbn, libbu, librt, libsysv and libwdb should work with MS Visual Studio
12:20.19 brlcad yeah, I noticed the commits
12:20.22 d_rossberg at least my viewer application works with it
12:20.37 brlcad CIA bot is offline right now or we'd see here too :/
12:20.42 brlcad excellent
12:21.55 d_rossberg what's the difference between regex.h and brlregex.h? (the last one isnt't used any more)
12:22.39 brlcad depending on your version of studio the regex.h would conflict with a system header
12:22.53 brlcad there were also a few unix boxes that had the problem apparently
12:23.00 brlcad but I never encountered the problem myself
12:23.06 brlcad it "should" go away if it can
12:23.32 brlcad the "real" regex sources are in src/other/libregex
12:23.51 d_rossberg may i remove brlregex.h from the repository?
12:23.58 brlcad sysv files will disappear some day soon
12:24.51 brlcad i believe it's safe to delete brlregex.h
12:25.00 brlcad checking where it's referenced now
12:26.11 brlcad hmm.. interesting, only the old sysv files
12:26.17 brlcad sure, go ahead :)
12:27.15 d_rossberg until today brlregex.h was only used within ifdef (_WIN32) and only in files not contained in the MS project files, i'll remove the header
12:27.43 brlcad yeah, that goes back several years
12:27.56 brlcad vc6 iirc
12:32.00 d_rossberg all the adaptation for version 7 are in regex.h, so it looks like nobody has used brlregex.h since then
12:37.50 brlcad yeah, it should work fine
12:38.28 brlcad i use the same files in another popular project that is cross-platform to windows and works just fine there
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16:25.47 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/doc/binary_spec.txt: updated.
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18:56.49 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/librt/vlist.c: Fixed bug in overlay code when EOF encountered
18:58.15 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/NEWS: overlay command in mged fixed
19:26.26 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (5 files in 2 dirs):
19:26.26 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: kd-tree caching is now tuned to the point where full start-up time takes less than
19:26.26 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 1/4 the time as it did with the fast mid-split algorithm. This number should approach
19:26.26 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 1/8 as the various parts of the packing/unpacking and caching algorithms are tuned
19:26.26 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: even further.
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20:44.14 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/regress/ Added checks for host not known, and build failure
21:33.18 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/libbu/linebuf.c: Cannot return a void explicitly on Irix
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Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050830

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050830

00:23.08 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
01:51.21 Twingy_ mmm
01:51.28 Twingy_ clone svideo display works now
01:52.38 Twingy_ only 2 hours left for optimized kd-tree
01:53.21 Maloeran Two hours? Shouldn't you have the whole night left? :)
01:53.47 Twingy_ hrm?
01:54.09 Maloeran Ah, I thought you had some deadline, but I understand that was an estimate
01:54.26 Twingy_ I need to get a video of my ray-tracer ready by tommorrow
01:54.35 Twingy_ going to make a quicktime
01:55.06 Twingy_ just finished configuring my other machine with freebsd, it has a svideo dongle
01:55.14 Twingy_ and dorking with X for the better part of 2 hours
01:55.18 Maloeran Here, I dump raw frames on stdout and have mencoder encode on the fly from stdint
01:55.39 Twingy_ right, but then I have to encode time intervals
01:55.46 Twingy_ since all frames are not evenly spaced
01:55.52 Maloeran Ah, okay.
01:56.23 Twingy_ this way they can see me starting up the app and driving it
01:56.30 Twingy_ with the mouse and what not
01:57.16 Twingy_ the kd-tree caching kicks butt with the distributed setup
01:57.26 Twingy_ the only downside is I gotta kick more data around to the nodes
01:57.39 Twingy_ 300MB (geom + kdtree) to each node
01:57.52 Twingy_ so that only requires 24 seconds of data transfer
01:58.07 Twingy_ for my 15 mil polygon model
01:58.13 Maloeran Good deal
01:58.26 Twingy_ openrt is kinda lame like that
01:58.36 Twingy_ they require you to have the file(s) on the nodes as well
01:59.04 Twingy_ being able to just shoot the data to the nodes, which have no disks, is nice
01:59.13 Maloeran I think I'll implement distributed processing that isn't even visible to the library user
01:59.29 Twingy_ it's called MPI
01:59.35 Twingy_ it was done 30 years ago
01:59.37 Twingy_ :)
01:59.41 Maloeran Fine :)
02:00.03 Twingy_ my network code is larger than the actual engine
02:00.14 Twingy_ since I'm handling all the little cases of what can go wrong
02:00.36 Maloeran Ah yes, question : what "kind" of scene was Reschenov rendering to get 10 millions? A single object with abundant void around it?
02:00.40 Twingy_ allowing nodes to connect whenever, dissapear, etc...
02:00.53 Twingy_ he was walking around inside an office building
02:01.17 Maloeran So the count of visible polygons was much lower than 10m at any time
02:01.24 Twingy_ yah
02:01.38 Twingy_ he didn't show any outdoor scenes
02:01.42 Maloeran That's precisely the kind of scene my ray-tracer was thought for
02:01.56 Twingy_ cool
02:02.19 Twingy_ exactly the type of scene we don't do at ARL :)
02:02.56 Twingy_ (but I try to support that sort of stuff off the clock)
02:03.07 Maloeran Fine, it doesn't perform too bad in scenes where rays pass near most of the geometry either :)
02:03.20 Twingy_ yep yep
02:03.30 Maloeran I think I'll reach that 15m primary rays per second soon, for the tank model
02:03.42 Twingy_ you should get some new geometry :)
02:03.49 Twingy_ I've found some cases were my tracer bottomed out
02:03.56 Twingy_ and made smarter in the kd-tree algorithm
02:04.21 Maloeran The pipe scene isn't far from the worse cases I could imagine :)
02:05.16 Twingy_ yep
02:05.40 Maloeran At least for my ray-tracer, BSP doesn't care as much about spatial organisation and distribution
02:07.01 Twingy_ welp, time to poke at this video some
02:23.55 silvap_ so sick..
02:24.07 Twingy_ o.O
02:24.33 Twingy_ hrm
02:24.38 silvap_ think i have mono
02:24.39 Twingy_ erik undid the delacktimes
02:24.40 silvap_ :(
02:24.44 Twingy_ bummer dude
02:26.18 Twingy_ or not
02:54.12 Twingy_ hrm
02:54.27 Twingy_ 3.85 hours and going
03:03.19 Twingy_ very tempting to wait for it to finish
03:03.32 Twingy_ should be done within the hour
03:03.58 Twingy_ then I could just put the video together in the morning
03:04.03 Twingy_ hrms
03:04.45 Twingy_ I think that's what I'll do
03:05.31 Twingy_ okay, be back in about 7 hours
03:06.51 Twingy_ ooh!
03:06.54 Twingy_ it just finished
03:07.05 Twingy_ happy dance!
03:07.11 Twingy_ talk about timing
03:23.53 Maloeran Ah :), that spares you the doubt of waking up to see a Segmentation fault
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11:05.00 Twingy_ .
11:21.02 learner ./
11:24.06 Maloeran :/
12:16.08 Twingy_ mmm
12:16.16 Twingy_ sleeeeee3333eeeep
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12:47.08 brlcad yay, time to release soon
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15:17.12 AlekosP need some help on building brlcad with Microsoft Visual C; anyone can help
15:18.37 brlcad hello AlekosP
15:18.53 brlcad what sort of help?
15:22.08 AlekosP I tried to build with Vusual C++, but most of .dsp have problems; I think I fixed at least a part, but something strange happens with my TK-windows; is there anyone I can send the result of my efforts?
15:23.06 AlekosP by the way, it's my first time on a chat, so my netiquette is poor: hello brlcad!
15:23.33 brlcad heh, not a problem
15:23.38 brlcad and welcome
15:23.53 brlcad some actually live on irc ;)
15:24.20 brlcad as for the build, that's not incredibly surprising -- there's two primary devs working on the windows builds
15:25.03 brlcad there were a handful of fixes that have been made to cvs recently, you would be better off using the latest cvs than using a source tarball from the project site
15:25.25 brlcad there's also build files in the misc/ directory that look like are more up to date
15:26.44 AlekosP for that matter, I just checked on the cvs that the .dsp for the liboptical stuff is still missing the "r"s , so Microsoft becomes Micosoft and Target is spelt as Taget (and the project file isn't recognized!)...
15:27.43 AlekosP ... I mean the one in the src/liboptical folder...
15:28.53 *** join/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (n=DiscoBan@
15:29.20 brlcad heh
15:29.22 brlcad hmm
15:31.52 brlcad yep, looks like that one in particular had \r's stripped a really long time ago...
15:32.41 AlekosP who is directly in charge of the Windows/Microsoft VC stuff? And is there a place where I can learn how to track/debug the flow of a tcl/tk application? For it seems to me that The problem I'm encountering are mostly of that nature
15:33.59 brlcad I wouldn't say anyone's directly in "charge" of the VC projects, there are two devs that work on it from time to time
15:34.18 brlcad you're more than welcome to maintain that build if you're interested ;)
15:34.53 Obscene_CNN if your a masochist ;-)
15:35.06 AlekosP well, I'm for sure interested, but I can't say if I'm able to...
15:35.45 brlcad Obscene_CNN: hehe
15:36.17 brlcad AlekosP: shouldn't be too much work to rewrite the liboptical project file, there's not much tricky about that library
15:36.35 AlekosP Hi, Obscene_CNN, why shudder, if a project is open source, I think it should be as open as possible (of course working with MS VC isn't always comfortable)
15:36.46 brlcad or even readd the missing r's .. i'll have to track it back through the history to see where they were stripped accidentally
15:37.11 brlcad I should be able to restore it, but even then it may still be out of date - that goes back a couple years
15:37.14 Obscene_CNN M$ VC doesn't always work as advertised.
15:37.39 Obscene_CNN <PROTECTED>
15:38.09 brlcad VC6 is pretty buggy, the newer versions are considerably better
15:38.19 AlekosP I already have a working liboptical project file and a working mged.exe. Only it "almost" works; the tk windows behave quite strangely, get updated not when they are expected to...
15:38.39 brlcad AlekosP: that's good to hear
15:39.22 brlcad AlekosP: if you post up any mods to the sourceforge project patches tracker, I or one of the other guys can commit it
15:39.35 AlekosP I agree with brlcad about vc7 beeing better than vc6 --
15:39.38 brlcad do that more than a couple times and it's an easy means to get your own commit access
15:40.31 brlcad I'm always interested in getting new devs
15:40.32 AlekosP well, brlcad. I need some help for posting my changes
15:40.35 brlcad even if you do use windows :)
15:40.44 AlekosP sorry ...
15:40.48 Obscene_CNN M$ anounced they are going to ship the next version of their developer studio after the last beta. Users of it begged for another beta, but were denied. M$ also plans to introduce a major component without a beta test in the release version.
15:40.50 brlcad hehe, j/k
15:43.25 AlekosP so, brlcad, what if I simply pack only my modified sources (no objs or temporary things) in a tar/bz2 and I ship it to you directly?
15:44.26 AlekosP and maybe also the executable + dll's so that you can look at the strange behavior of the gui windows...?
15:46.49 brlcad sure
15:47.31 brlcad or post up that tarbz to the patches tracker (without the exe/dlls)
15:49.15 AlekosP I'll try the last one. Thanks. Bye everybody
15:50.37 brlcad you might want to comment on the devs mailing list if you can describe the problems
15:51.06 brlcad I'll be glad to take a look at it too, see what strange behavior you mean
15:54.30 AlekosP something like this; you open a .g file from the db directory from the command windows of mged; then you browse the geometry and say to mged that you want the root of the model to be displayed; nothing happens. But if you go to the help menu of the graphics window, select the item "commands" and simply exit the menu, suddenly you get your model displayed in the graphics window
15:56.57 AlekosP quite strange,isn't it? That's why I think it should be easier if you get a copy of the executable, and look directly; this is for sure just one of the problems...
16:00.33 brlcad sounds like the display manager isn't updating
16:00.46 brlcad I suspect if you resize the window, it'd draw
16:02.40 AlekosP brlcad, I'll try to see if resizing does the work; thanks in advance. By now, bye everybody, I'll try to get in touch tomorrow (morning, for you) ...
16:02.54 brlcad cya
16:03.19 brlcad by the way, you might be interested in getting a better non-web-browser based irc client
16:03.44 brlcad they're much "better" apps, the web interface is just to get folks in quick ;)
16:04.17 AlekosP of course, so I can let you not that I'm say "looking" or something like that. Any suggestion?
16:05.19 AlekosP [ ... I can let you know (not NOT) ...] cya
16:07.12 brlcad
16:07.21 brlcad xchat is one many use
16:08.07 brlcad mirc is another
16:08.11 brlcad
16:09.34 brlcad
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20:08.54 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libtie/ (define.h kdtree.c tie.c): about to try some stuff.
20:11.41 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: better configure section output, m4 macro in order
20:19.08 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: add legal headers on the manpages (as comments), update
21:20.43 *** join/#brlcad cad635 (
21:22.39 brlcad hello cad635
21:34.00 *** join/#brlcad cad293 (
21:36.40 cad293 Just looking at BRLCAD for the 1st time today
21:39.22 brlcad sounds good
21:40.30 brlcad if you have any questions or get stuck somewhere, feel free to ask your questions
21:40.41 brlcad someone will eventually answer :)
21:42.54 cad293 are there any thermal analysis capabilities?
21:43.36 brlcad there are limited analysis capabilities in general except those related to geometric structure or signal processing
21:43.41 brlcad but yes
21:43.55 brlcad there's an rttherm raytracer
21:44.22 brlcad that uses a multispectral rendering to simulate thermal energy signatures
21:44.53 brlcad hasn't been used in a long time by anyone here, but it's there
21:58.16 cad293 ok, thanks, i'll probably be back after I get this installed
21:58.21 *** part/#brlcad cad293 (
23:30.42 Twingy grumph
23:31.39 brlcad said the grinch
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050831

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050831

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02:05.02 silvap_ the pain..
02:15.55 brlcad silvap_: i'm convinced.. srcviz :)
02:16.07 brlcad or SrcViz whatever
02:19.51 Twingy that was a good nap *smacks his lips together*
02:20.33 Twingy welp, got my sleep for the week in
02:23.03 Twingy eek
02:23.15 Twingy Justin,
02:23.15 Twingy <PROTECTED>
02:23.52 silvap_ woo woo!
02:24.01 silvap_ i like lower case
02:24.55 Twingy yah
02:25.01 Twingy it requires less work
02:25.24 silvap_ or BeInG LEeT
02:25.32 Twingy or being lazy
02:25.47 silvap_ scratch that
02:25.53 silvap_ being '14 yr old asian girl'
02:26.06 Twingy mmm, almost legal
02:26.13 silvap_ kekekekeke =>^^<=
02:26.18 Twingy ^_^
02:26.32 Twingy hrm
02:26.39 Twingy I want my other opteron machine god damnit
02:26.53 silvap_ did u plug the one in
02:26.53 Twingy yah
02:26.55 Twingy it posts fine
02:27.01 silvap_ did it sound like a jet engine
02:27.02 Twingy 4 cores, 8GB of ram
02:27.05 Twingy nope
02:27.09 Twingy it was rather quiet :)
02:27.13 Twingy your machine is just retarded loud :)
02:27.22 silvap_ so u are getting two of these
02:27.27 silvap_ for 'portability' ?
02:27.51 silvap_ what's wrong with rackmount cases
02:28.04 silvap_ 8 of those should fit in that one case
02:32.25 Twingy yah
02:32.50 Twingy sec, phone
03:07.30 Twingy to get 1 mobo with 4 dual core procs woulda cost an extra $3k
03:07.34 Twingy or more
03:07.40 Twingy actually, about $7k more
03:08.06 Twingy $8k for 2 cases, $15k for 1 case, same crunch
03:08.37 Twingy to?
03:09.50 brlcad beach house, south carolina
03:09.55 brlcad leaving tomorrow
03:09.55 Twingy ah
03:09.59 Twingy cool
03:10.08 Twingy I'll be in NC the week of sept 25th
03:10.15 Twingy for a few days
03:10.33 brlcad the bus is actually surprisingly about the cost of gas
03:12.05 Twingy yah
03:12.09 Twingy my plane is $195 both ways
03:12.19 Twingy my trooper costs $75 each way in gas
03:12.24 Twingy so, no brainer
03:12.35 brlcad heh
03:12.40 brlcad spensive trooper ;)
03:12.44 Twingy yep
03:12.49 Twingy 2 tanks of gas to get there
03:12.54 Twingy each tank is like $37
03:13.12 brlcad 2 tanks for me to get to the bottom of sc, and that's just a 12g tank
03:13.47 brlcad still.. even the train is cheaper than 195
03:13.51 brlcad considerably
03:14.00 brlcad and you can do stuff on the way
03:14.09 Twingy how long is it?
03:14.17 Twingy driving is 7 hours
03:14.38 brlcad ticket for train was 105 to sc, 12 hour ride
03:14.44 brlcad yahoo says car is 10.5
03:15.24 Twingy not bad
03:15.33 brlcad bus is going to be 15 hours, but is only 65 and leaves after the crack of noon
03:15.37 Twingy if you got the time
03:15.49 Twingy ick
03:15.52 Twingy 15 hours@!
03:16.01 brlcad it stops so you can eat
03:16.06 Twingy ah
03:16.11 Twingy still
03:16.12 brlcad 3 1 hour stops
03:16.45 brlcad you've "got the time" if you have something to do
03:17.04 brlcad i'll be working on my laptop till the batteries are dead
03:17.25 Twingy I mean I got 3 days of time to visit
03:17.28 Twingy sat - mon
03:17.33 Twingy if I spend 24 hours traveling...
03:18.24 brlcad meh, 24 vs 18 aint much different..
03:18.31 brlcad could maket that up sleeping less
03:18.47 brlcad and you'd still be able to get more done
03:19.14 Twingy meh, 2 hours on the plane :P
03:19.23 brlcad ah, so you are flying
03:19.40 brlcad thought you meant 195 each way
03:20.02 Twingy ah
03:20.11 Twingy yah, 195 round trip, plus parking of course
03:20.22 Twingy so like 210 all said and done
03:20.29 brlcad yeah, that's not bad
03:30.57 Twingy hrm
03:31.02 Twingy pesky phone
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15:41.29 brlcad d_rossberg: there was another windows dev in yesterday after you left, sounded interested in improving support more for vc in the build system
15:42.24 brlcad he noticed that liboptical's vc project file apparently has most all of the r's stripped (probably someone running tr -d on it to get rid of windows newlines a long time ago)
15:42.52 brlcad anyhow, just thought that you might find that interesting
15:47.21 d_rossberg I red this conversation at rikers
15:47.36 brlcad ahh
15:49.00 d_rossberg it sounds like he has the solution too
15:49.12 brlcad possibly, or that he was close
15:49.35 brlcad I should be able to restore that build file, but it'd also be easy enough to recreate too
15:49.42 d_rossberg at least, he could build the mged.exe
15:50.21 d_rossberg I would prefer to recreate the dsp file, based on the ones in libbn etc.
15:51.51 d_rossberg but my next task is the creation of a dll which could be used in extern programs
15:55.39 brlcad now that should be something that bob's got working already
15:57.28 brlcad at leat some or the work for that
15:57.43 d_rossberg there are several solutions to this probem
15:57.49 brlcad he should be rolling changes in real soon now
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15:58.25 d_rossberg the straight forward one is to build dll's not static libraries as i did
15:58.45 d_rossberg but i prefer to have only one brlcad.dll
16:00.39 brlcad yeah, you're not alone in that regard :)
16:00.47 brlcad nor is the windows platform
16:01.04 d_rossberg i wonder what Bobs solution will be
16:01.06 brlcad that's a reasonable approach for mac os x frameworks too, one "BRL-CAD" framework
16:01.43 brlcad though on osx, you can combine frameworks, so the brl-cad framework would simply be a union of libbu, libbn, etc
16:02.04 brlcad Bob's been working on making dlls
16:02.12 brlcad he added the header hooks already
16:02.22 brlcad teh BU_EXTERN dll stuff for example
16:03.48 d_rossberg the problem is: in MS Visual Studio a function from a library will only be exported if an other function from the same source file is used in the main program/dll
16:05.04 brlcad heh
16:05.09 brlcad that could get tricky then
16:05.18 brlcad you guys have your work cut out for you then :)
16:06.06 brlcad could cheat and make one global function symbol table that registers every available function
16:06.14 brlcad so that they all become exported
16:06.25 brlcad tcl does something to this effect actually for their stub lib
16:07.16 brlcad wouldn't even have to really use the function table, it should be just enough to make it export the symbols
16:07.35 brlcad and if you did have to use it, a simple debug/print function that prints them all would do the trick
16:07.35 d_rossberg something like this could work, but you have to keep this table up to date
16:11.30 d_rossberg i'll think about it next week, when i'm on vacation :)
16:12.14 brlcad yeah, that would be an issue keeping it up to date, but not too horrible
16:12.35 brlcad it'd also be interesting to see just what exactly doesn't export without it too.. and the reasons why
16:19.15 d_rossberg in vc it's possible to list the exported functions in a seperate recource file, maybe i should try this
16:34.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/proc-db/fence.c: er, close the file please
16:44.21 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/wdb_obj.c: prevent crashing if someone attempts to call wdb_delete_cmd directly without an interpreter
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18:05.57 cad121 brlcad:I'm trying to install BRL-cad on WIN2000. I installed Cygwin with GCC and ./configure; I try to run "make" and it doesn't exist. Any suggestions?
18:13.00 archivist install make etc
18:13.21 archivist
18:16.31 cad121 ok, thanks
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18:58.14 brlcad archivist: hehe
18:59.47 archivist one wonders with some error messages! can they be clearer! hehe
21:58.35 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
22:19.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/conv/.cvsignore: g-wave renamed to g-obj
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050901

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050901

00:04.20 Twingy moo
01:10.09 PrezKennedy pong
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14:08.50 Twingy_ muu
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Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050902

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050902

00:23.00 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
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17:00.01 ManuelFelipe quien habla español
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17:14.30 dargor which tools have brlcad for mechanical design?
17:27.24 *** join/#brlcad IngMan (
17:31.16 IngMan hi
17:34.10 Twingy_ hi
17:35.10 IngMan how find the volumen of design
17:35.20 IngMan using brlcad
17:56.32 *** join/#brlcad IngMan (
17:56.44 IngMan hi
18:01.43 Twingy_ ah
18:01.50 Twingy_ there is a tool called g_qa
18:02.00 Twingy_ type "man g_qa"
18:02.07 Twingy_ it'll show you how to find volume and density
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050903

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050903

04:08.38 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
16:32.16 *** join/#brlcad af1n (
16:32.33 af1n any dev here?
16:33.39 af1n i have problems with linking libtclcad on my gnu/linux/gentoo system
16:40.15 af1n ok, got it, your automake scripts suck :P
17:18.02 Maloeran Feel free to share more information, for them to fix the problem whenever they'll take a look on irc
17:23.18 af1n thank you, for now i will leave the bugs on sourceforge, i hoped for a quick fix, but the problem seams quite severe on my system (if i still want to build brlcad with external libtk )
17:34.26 Maloeran I certainly didn't have problems compiling on Gentoo amd64, but I only played around with a very small chunk of the source
17:37.53 af1n version 7.2.4 did compile quiet ok
17:39.13 af1n in 7.4.2 libtclcad references internal libtk structures thru tkInt.h tkCanvas.h and tkPort.h
17:40.01 af1n the problem is that if one is trying to build with external libtk one doesn't have access to these files, they are lost in /dev/null after instalation of tk
17:40.16 af1n these *are not* normal header files
17:41.31 af1n and if u have tk version mismatch betwen system and brlcad, u get messed up structures when linking with libtk
17:42.27 af1n so the only solution is to stick with tk-8.4.6 and let brlcad use it's internal tk for reference, or build it with it's internal tk and mess up the system :]
17:42.51 af1n both are very bad practices from packager point of view
17:43.17 af1n and referencing internal structures of a library is wrong from programer point of view :]
17:44.25 af1n but i guess they didn't have the choice ( or didn't want to mess with tk lib itself )
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Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050904

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050904

00:22.04 *** join/#brlcad ibot_ (
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02:52.21 learner af1n, thanks for the feedback -- actually that tkCanvasBezier is actually a bonefide Tk mod, which is why it looks/acts likes it's part of tk 8.4
02:53.23 learner af1n, the reason is because it is/was a part, the sources were provided via a modified version of libtk -- it's been only recently that I pulled out tkCanvasBezier so that it was even possible to link against a system libtk
02:56.32 learner pulling it out, however, didn't change the fact that we need the bezier canvas support that the tk project has still yet to integrate (their tip submission process is painful and seemingly slow/cumbersome and way way down on our priority list). if you look into libtk's sources, you'll see that our tkcanvasbezier is actually like all the other tkcanvas* objects, hence the accessing of internal structures, internal header inclusions, etc.
03:25.59 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
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04:28.14 learner there you is
04:28.17 learner pong
04:28.44 PrezKennedy arggghh
04:29.13 PrezKennedy been poking frantically for days!! :-P
04:29.59 learner I've been gone since Wed, offline down in south carolina
04:30.17 PrezKennedy ahhh sounds like very hot
04:31.13 learner it was great
04:31.21 learner lots of sand and sun
04:31.43 PrezKennedy does sound like fun
04:32.03 learner I'll read your message right before I left, everything you said sounded fine
04:33.49 PrezKennedy i forgot what i said :-\
04:36.41 PrezKennedy ill look it up on my laptop later... my friend is over right now
04:36.59 learner you'd said something about moving the old site
05:27.21 *** topic/#brlcad by learner -> || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.6.0 is now being prepared
06:05.40 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (i=semhirag@unaffiliated/semhirage)
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08:40.37 af1n learner are you alive?
08:40.51 af1n i have problems with include conflict
08:41.14 af1n of course tcl.h and friends :)
08:41.56 af1n would it be a problem to keep the in seperate dir and include the only if --enable-tcl-build=yes
08:43.35 af1n ps: sorry for pushing the seperate build thing
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14:58.04 docelic 'day
15:13.59 learner howdy
15:14.17 learner af1n, what sort of conflicts?
15:20.00 af1n hmm, realy strange ones... tcl.h was included from brlcad include directory, and it was not compatibile with the rest of includes in my /usr/include, but the problem disappeared once i stoped mangling with --{include,data,.*}dir= i now use only --prefix and everything seams ok
15:20.42 af1n i fixed some of the autoconf scripts, they are in bugs section on sourceforge
15:22.23 af1n how long will it take for 7.6.0 to be released ? :]
15:28.48 learner should happen this week
15:29.34 learner we release on a monthly iteration, so at the beginning of every month whatever has stabilized
15:30.06 learner hmm.. i didn't get a bug/patch posting notification
15:31.09 learner ahh, so I did and there they are
15:33.16 learner af1n, i'm not sure what can exactly be done about the internal headers being used by tkcanvasbezier -- could try extracting just the declarations that are being used by it, but I'd gather that to be significant. easy enough to try though.
15:35.15 learner the "real answer" is to get someone to push them back up into Tk proper, maybe in time to make 8.6 but that'd be tough
15:42.11 af1n learner no problem, everything compiles smoothly now, i guess the problems were related to passing to much --{some}dir= to ./configure, now when i use default dirs everything works ok, even thoug there is version mismatch betwen brlcad tk/tcl and the one in my own system
15:42.43 learner k, good to hear
15:42.45 af1n the problem a bit hard for me to pin point exacly, i will update you if i find more info
15:42.57 af1n the past problem of course :)
15:43.05 learner regarding your patch, what was the reason for removing the #ifdef have header checks?
15:43.08 af1n but just for curiosity i will check :)
15:43.15 learner if they don't exist, it suggests it failed to detect them
15:43.34 af1n yes, but anyway if they dont exist the test will fail
15:43.42 af1n it won't compile
15:43.43 learner not necessarily
15:43.58 learner there are some systems where those are not the headers you'd include to get Tcl
15:43.59 af1n ok, my mistake
15:44.15 af1n sorry
15:44.28 learner it's more scaffolding that still needs to be improved upon, it'd probably make more sense if it was extended to the Tcl framework on Mac, for example
15:44.36 learner no biggie, just curious
15:46.19 af1n anyway, thx for your support, i am posting a working brlcad-7.4.2.ebuild (sort of how to make and install recepe ) to gentoos bugzilla
15:47.09 learner excellent, thank you
15:47.26 learner there have been a couple others helping getting the ebuild set up
15:47.38 learner getting tcl/tk decoupled was one of the hurdles
15:47.44 learner among many
15:48.31 learner brl-cad's such a large package that goes back to a time where installing into your own root was commonplace yet today only a couple still do (think /usr/X11R6, etc)
15:49.18 learner there are still a couple issues, that I suspect will come up at least eventually in the gentoo build that will have to be worked out yet
15:49.28 learner like what happens when there is a library name conflict
15:49.36 af1n oh, good you said that... i was thinking about where to place brlcad
15:49.58 af1n i see that the official policy from the binary tarball is to put everything in /usr/brlcad
15:50.15 learner traditionally, brl-cad *wants* to be installed into /usr/brlcad -- fixes have been made relatively recently so that places like /usr and /usr/local work just as well
15:50.29 learner right
15:50.49 learner that of course doesn't bode too well with the packaging distributions like gentoo and debian in particular
15:51.03 learner who only exempt x11 these days
15:51.41 af1n in gentoo we have large packages like kde or qt in /usr/packagename
15:51.43 learner I've taken care of colliding resources, with everything going to prefix/share/brlcad/version now
15:52.11 af1n yes i saw it, its great, we can now have multiple brlcad versions installed the same time
15:52.18 learner sort of
15:52.38 docelic is there a document describing how the ARL came to idea of gpl-ing ?
15:52.39 learner the libraries and binaries still go to prefix/bin and prefix/lib without any regard to what's there
15:53.36 learner I've yet to write that document.. :) but it is on my todo list
15:53.55 af1n learner are you one person BRLCAD team? :]
15:54.13 learner it's pretty interesting actually, took about five years of constant effort
15:54.34 learner af1n, heh, no
15:54.56 af1n but it looks like you are now the main architect :)
15:55.12 learner that would be a fair assessment
15:56.16 learner i've been leading the development for several years now, in particular on the open source side where I've been able to focus more effort
15:57.00 learner there are others that work on the code, though, and now that it's open source I'm looking to get more and more people involved
15:57.55 learner we have the potential to escalate the project up to a huge level of visibility with the right kind of involvement, and next year should be pretty exciting with all of the plans in place
16:00.38 learner eek, sorry! spelled it wrong
16:00.45 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ slolina points out a bug in the iwidgets test, the package name is capitalized (sf patch 1281175)
16:01.19 docelic That's nice
16:05.56 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ Slonina (spell it right this time) provides a fix for the iwidgets test. a null result means failure (sf patch 1281175)
16:06.42 learner probably not the best time to test enabling Tk with the release right around the corner
16:07.20 learner it's been specifically disabled with that build_brlcad_tk=yes on purpose for a couple reasons (though should all be fixed now, but weren't a month ago)
16:08.02 af1n and i was wondering where this artefact came from :), lol
16:09.04 learner it was related to a bunch of relocation issues -- if you built brl-cad to install in /usr/brlcad, yet actually installed it in /usr/local or somewhere else there were a variety of relocation problems
16:09.58 learner that should all be working now with the exception of maybe one issue that hasn't been tested in a while
16:10.45 learner you found that you needed to include tcl.h before tk.h for tk's test? it shouldn't have been required (and ideally the test should stay decoupled if possible)
16:11.08 af1n learner if i can help, i will be glad to do so, i can do some testing, but my unix skills are limited ( its the first time i am in someones changelog )
16:11.21 af1n ok, one moment i will check it
16:11.40 learner of course you can help :)
16:12.36 learner as I mentioned, I'm looking for some good folks to become a part of the dev team too, so any level of involvement is appreciated ;)
16:13.30 learner ahh you know what.. about the tcl.h header -- it is require, I forgot that the test had changed to actually invoke the tcl interpreter
16:13.43 learner thanks for pointing it out :)
16:14.01 af1n glad i could be useful :)
16:14.45 af1n and what are the current points on the TODO list?
16:14.56 af1n ok, will check the CVS :)
16:15.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ and Slonina conveniently also notices that the Tk test is now using the tcl interpreter, and thus needs the tcl header (sf patch 1281175)
16:15.37 docelic Is the person who announced brlcad ITP (intention to package) for Debian GNU in coordination with you?
16:16.09 docelic supposedly it's Balbir Thomas <>
16:17.37 learner he's one of two others that have worked on the ebuild on and off
16:18.10 learner i haven't seen him in a while
16:18.28 docelic The ITP is from January 2005, and no packages are in the archive yet
16:19.27 learner yeah, I wouldn't hold my breath :)
16:19.32 learner though he has been involved since
16:20.47 af1n learner if you need someone to package brlcad for debian i can volunteer, i was using debian 4 years ago, before i switched to gentoo, but i don't want to arrange in the official contats with Debian comunity
16:21.09 af1n arrange = engage, sorry
16:21.21 docelic af1n, that doesn't really make you an official packager :)
16:21.29 docelic s/official/ideal/
16:21.59 af1n nop, i am neither official packager for gentoo :)
16:23.19 learner that is how one gets started, though :)
16:26.35 af1n that would be an honour for me, but these bugs are so small...
16:27.14 learner don't belittle the one-line bug fixes
16:27.27 learner sometimes those are the hardest to find
16:28.16 af1n hope i find some more :], but i didn't look for these ones, they came to me :)
16:28.38 learner I'm sure you'll find more if you look hard enough, and if you don't I have a nice long list of them :)
16:28.52 af1n :)
16:28.54 af1n ok
16:30.43 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: configuration build fixes for Tk/Iwidgets (sf patch 1281175) provided by Michal Slonina
16:31.24 learner it also takes little effort to give credit where credit is due no matter now small the contribution
16:38.00 af1n learner i read the todo, and there are some little things i could fix, thx for giving me opportunity to learn some coding, excpect very small patches in two weeks ( i have 2 failed exams to pass yet, so not much time now )
16:38.27 af1n and thx for your support
16:39.58 docelic dont play with the exams, they're a priority :)
16:46.55 af1n i got red light from gentoo science team about puting brlcad into /usr/brlcad, it has to comply to FHS ( strange they didn't respect FHS in the past )
16:53.51 learner af1n, not too unexpected
16:58.45 learner the closest equivalent in the fhs structure would probably be /opt/brlcad but I'm not too fond of that idea myself
17:01.43 learner just means that more work is needed to have a /usr/lib/brlcad or somesuch to protect the libraries from conflicting
17:22.39 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ the default is still to build tk even if detected, so no sense in forcing the build on regardless of the configure argument. it's close to working now if it's not already.
19:01.25 af1n --prefix=/usr --host=i686-pc-linux-gnu --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --datadir=/usr/share --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var/lib
19:01.42 af1n learner i have a question regarding the placement of files, u see gentoo has a special command called econf in ebuilds which calls ./configure with the options given above
19:02.32 af1n it works for most packages, but brlcad behaviour seams strange
19:04.15 af1n i put the list of files i get after installing brlcad on:
19:04.19 af1n
19:04.35 af1n and the config.log:
19:05.05 af1n
19:06.26 af1n most packages understand datadir as the location where they can create their own directory
19:07.00 af1n ( from what i have observed, but i am total lame and can be wrong )
19:07.27 brlcad heh, you're just full of self-confidence :)
19:08.17 brlcad hmm
19:08.41 brlcad there are several things I see wrong in that install with those options
19:08.59 brlcad like the usr/include/brlcad symbolic link
19:09.02 af1n but they work for emacs and for wine
19:09.18 af1n sorry, the symbolic link is created in the script by me
19:09.26 af1n one moment
19:10.35 brlcad datadir of /usr/share is normal?
19:10.45 brlcad i.e. those are the defaults?
19:11.41 af1n yes
19:11.57 af1n and for most packages they are ok
19:12.26 brlcad most packages don't have nearly as many components
19:12.38 af1n
19:12.47 brlcad still, point is well taken and there is fixin' needed
19:15.13 af1n if test "x$datadir" = "x\${prefix}/share" ; then
19:15.14 af1n <PROTECTED>
19:15.14 af1n else
19:15.14 af1n <PROTECTED>
19:15.14 af1n <PROTECTED>
19:15.14 af1n fi
19:15.20 af1n from
19:15.38 brlcad yes
19:15.43 af1n it looks like there is some logic in that should do it
19:15.59 af1n but somehow it works not like expected
19:16.47 af1n ok, i will try to fix it, you can accept the patch then if u like it :]
19:16.55 brlcad speaking of FHS guidelines, using a datadir of /usr/share by default breaks those guidelines without modifying datadir further
19:17.52 af1n but the packages that use --datadir=/usr/share normaly put their files in /usr/share/packagename/
19:18.20 af1n ok i will dig autoconf doc and fhs
19:18.45 brlcad the problem I have with that is that's not what "datadir" means
19:18.56 brlcad not that it can't be fixed to do that the same here
19:20.46 brlcad similar as is done for a default datadir value
19:22.42 brlcad hmm.. configure should have reached the first case now that I think of it .. prefix is /usr, datadir is /usr/share == prefix/share
19:22.57 af1n yes, that's the point
19:23.26 brlcad that was? :)
19:23.33 brlcad oops, then :)
19:24.47 brlcad try removing the \
19:26.31 brlcad or print the quoted value .. something awry
19:27.56 af1n autoconfing... :)
19:30.15 *** join/#brlcad docelic (
19:31.36 af1n smoooth :)
19:31.47 af1n "another one bites the dust"
19:32.41 af1n those are worst kinds of bugs, they lurk in the depths :)
19:53.15 brlcad ahh, now I think I see what/why it was that way
19:53.33 af1n can you share your thoughts?
19:53.35 brlcad the default data dir really is '${prefix}' unexpanded
19:54.04 brlcad '${prefix}/share'
19:56.07 af1n hmm, '${prefix}' unexpanded? what do you mean?
19:56.25 af1n one moment i have to look in .ac
19:57.00 brlcad that the value of the datadir variable is actually '${prefix}/share', not '/usr/share' for example
19:57.04 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ support systems that provide a prefix and datadir (e.g. /usr and /usr/share respectively)
20:00.46 af1n but still even when doing ./configure without any --.* options the past behaviour was broken
20:01.00 brlcad how so?
20:01.24 brlcad without any options, data dir is '${prefix}/share' so it matches the first if case
20:01.40 af1n ok now i see it :)
20:01.44 brlcad and installs into prefix/share/brlcad/version
20:03.33 af1n such fast thinkig comes mainly from expiriance or IQ? becouse i don't know if i should continue my career in CS :]
20:03.48 brlcad heh
20:03.58 brlcad continue :)
20:04.10 af1n most of u guys are 300% faster in spoting the problems than I
20:04.33 af1n sometimes i even dont have time to type vi :)
20:05.58 brlcad just give it time, getting involved in a code that you know and work with intimately and working with others can help a lot
20:51.08 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
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23:32.51 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050905

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050905

01:21.22 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/gtools/.cvsignore: ignore g_qa too
01:24.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/.cvsignore: ignore and so_locations
01:40.24 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (i=semhirag@unaffiliated/semhirage)
02:52.46 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
05:00.44 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
05:03.54 *** join/#brlcad cad486 (
06:35.27 *** join/#brlcad ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
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06:39.13 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (i=semhirag@unaffiliated/semhirage)
07:00.51 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (i=semhirag@unaffiliated/semhirage)
07:07.15 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (i=semhirag@unaffiliated/semhirage)
12:13.27 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libsysv/strsep.c: need stdlib.h for NULL
15:19.33 *** join/#brlcad flashdrvnk (
19:01.10 *** join/#brlcad TheLastSpartan (
20:05.29 *** join/#brlcad docelic (
20:29.55 *** join/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (n=DiscoBan@
20:54.45 *** join/#brlcad docelic_ (
21:50.45 *** join/#brlcad cad193 (
21:50.53 cad193 Hi all
23:06.04 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050906

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050906

00:53.06 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
01:03.54 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (9 files in 6 dirs): Aggressive prep is about 3.3x faster now. Fixed a few's.
01:52.30 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/doc/binary_spec.txt: updated binary spec.
02:14.39 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/conv/ ( g-adrt.c): total tri num at byte position 4.
02:59.07 *** join/#brlcad K`zan (
03:00.23 brlcad howdy K`zan
03:03.33 Twingy dirka dirka dirka stan
03:05.08 K`zan Hello brlcad
03:05.34 K`zan Need a cad package for linux and looking at the options :-).
03:08.22 K`zan Uh, is this a cad package in the conventional sense or a cad programming language ?
03:08.30 brlcad lesse, as open-source there's pythoncad, qcad, and of course now brl-cad
03:08.38 brlcad it is a full-fledged cad package
03:10.03 brlcad brl-cad's been developed over the past 20 years, with emphasis on solid modeling of military vehicles (e.g. tanks, helicopters, etc)
03:10.11 K`zan Thanks, docs are a bit confusing so far. Assuming I knew something about autosketch, would it be in any way familiar to that in terms of use. So far I have been using xfig but am too rapidly outgrowing it and on a miller lite budget :-(.
03:10.51 brlcad when you say cad do you mean design/modeling or drafting (cadd)?
03:11.04 K`zan My needs are considerably simpler, some equipment / furniture drawing and just a general "draw-er-up" mostly in 2D most of the time anyway.
03:11.33 K`zan drafting is more what I need. Anything else is gravy that wouldn't be used often at all.
03:11.37 brlcad brl-cad's much (MUCH) more focused on 3D geometry and modeling techniques for various reasons
03:11.48 brlcad though there is a 2D sketch primitive
03:12.05 brlcad and a sketcher interface for modeling them in 2d
03:12.28 K`zan What lead me to this was I am currently designing a rather simple workstation but 3D in this case would be really handy :-).
03:12.31 brlcad it's not at all up to par with other drafting tools, though, which might be more in line with what you're more familiar with
03:13.12 brlcad something like qcad for example
03:13.20 K`zan :-) as noted, miller lite budget on a good day here. Plus I'm doing this mostly for myself in whatever projects I just happen to get inspired to do...
03:13.28 brlcad but if you want to jump to 3d, brl-cad is pretty much the only solid modeler open source
03:13.41 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/conv/g-adrt.c: more total tri_num stuff
03:13.44 K`zan So I noticed :-).
03:14.12 brlcad if you're a dev, 2d improvements wouldn't be rejected ;)
03:14.25 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libcommon/ (pack.c unpack.c): total tri num stuff.
03:14.26 K`zan Well, I just grabbed the source, so I can at least compile it and see how I fit into it.
03:14.26 brlcad have you read some of the documentation
03:14.48 K`zan DOwnloaded what looks to be docs, I am *assuming* that will be in the source package.
03:14.52 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libcommon/pack.c: removed prints
03:15.06 brlcad reading the mged tutorials will probably give you a good/better ideo of the modeling techniques
03:15.18 brlcad the docs are on the website,
03:15.31 brlcad the docs in the source are okay, but somewhat older
03:16.06 K`zan THis might be very handy, but any cad package is a fill in thing and not a full time job, more support for whatever I am doing. Would rather not have to spend 2 years learning to use it :-)
03:16.44 brlcad it should pretty much only take a couple days to get through all the tutorials
03:16.57 brlcad we've had summer students make it through them in less than a day
03:17.27 K`zan Ok, sounds like a plan, after all to do some of the stuff I saw there, you got to build the parts and that is mostly CAD, I would think.
03:17.32 brlcad that will give you the foundation for modeling almost anything
03:17.38 K`zan I'll go ahead and build it and see how it works out.
03:17.49 brlcad sounds good
03:18.03 brlcad if you run into any trouble, feel free to hop in here and ask or post it up
03:18.05 K`zan Played with some of the modeling stuff for flight sim related stuff and just drowned :-/.
03:18.31 K`zan THey say GMAX is supposed to be easy, but I have a fundamental problem with m$ stuff :).
03:18.42 brlcad mged's interface is rather expert-driven (unfortunately) meaning that you have to learn a handful of commands before you can run with it
03:19.03 brlcad there's little interface discovery possible, you really have to go through the tutorials
03:19.17 K`zan That shouldn't bve a big problem after autocad/sketch and xfig :-).
03:19.39 brlcad there are new modelers under development that fix this problem, but they won't be in beta for a long time
03:19.41 K`zan Good, I like to read, will capture it to the Zire and take it with me.
03:19.52 brlcad you found the pdf?
03:20.03 K`zan Got a couple so far.
03:20.28 brlcad the first three are the most important
03:20.53 K`zan These:
03:20.56 K`zan # Overview of BRL-CAD
03:20.59 K`zan # Introduction to MGED
03:21.01 K`zan # Principles of Effective Modeling
03:21.02 brlcad another thing to keep in mind is that mged, while the core modeler, is only 1 of over 400 tools in brl-cad
03:21.06 brlcad yes
03:21.23 K`zan Sounds like enough to keep a learning junkie busy for a while :-).
03:21.37 brlcad yep :)
03:22.02 K`zan Okdokee, will build it up and go through the tutorials and see what happens. Very much appreciate your help and guidance here!
03:22.11 K`zan l
03:22.15 brlcad you can do most of the modeling from inside mged until you get to more advanced techniques
03:22.23 brlcad no problem
03:22.26 brlcad have fun
03:22.54 K`zan tar -xjvf ~/zdl/
03:22.59 K`zan oops
03:23.00 brlcad hehe
03:23.14 K`zan I'll probably be back to amaze y'all with my density :-).
03:23.17 K`zan THanks again!
03:24.00 K`zan Hunm, seems to expect it's own user...
03:24.05 K`zan l
03:25.46 K`zan I think I got binary rather than source, checking....
03:26.09 brlcad default configure will prepare to install into /usr/brlcad
03:26.24 brlcad if you unpack and only find a usr dir, you've got a binary
03:26.40 brlcad you could copy usr/brlcad to /usr/brlcad and you'd be good to go
03:26.53 brlcad have to add /usr/brlcad/bin to your path
03:29.43 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
03:42.13 K`zan brlcad: Thanks, did that, LOTS of stuff in the bin directory (/me is a bit intimidated, but onward :-).
03:42.29 K`zan Off to read!
03:44.28 brlcad welcome!
03:45.44 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libtie/ (struct.h tie.c tie.h): support for unknown triangle number at tie_init()
03:45.58 PKMOBILE wassap!
03:46.09 Twingy EY DER
03:47.34 brlcad Twingy: your intention to get those changes in in time for 7.6 or just commiting?
03:48.22 Twingy just commiting
03:48.57 Twingy until I get a user community I won't be concerned whether changes make a specific release or not
03:49.04 brlcad k
03:49.15 Twingy so probly next couple releases will be same deal
03:49.33 PKMOBILE he wants some fans!
03:49.45 brlcad if you can capture a screenshot or two of isst, I'll put it in the release notes
03:49.50 Twingy I prefer air conditioning
03:50.10 PKMOBILE so do i unfortunately we've been "saving electricity"
03:50.11 Twingy I dunno if I'm ready for sceenies of it yet
03:50.38 brlcad well, this will be the release that announces it since it's the first to include it
03:51.18 Twingy yea, but, I suspect nobody will care...
03:51.54 brlcad people like pics
03:52.06 brlcad and the notes are read, I get feedback on most releases
03:52.07 Twingy but if you show them pics, they'll want to use it
03:52.10 Twingy and it's not mature software
03:52.14 Twingy it's expert friendly
03:52.24 brlcad people know that or they're told
03:52.46 Twingy a video would be more telling...
03:52.52 brlcad it's a point 0 release anyways, goes with the nature of monthly releases
03:52.55 Twingy we could post an mpeg or something
03:53.10 brlcad a video would be, though you'd have to remake one
03:53.15 Twingy already made
03:53.40 brlcad i doubt it's releasable without form 1'ing
03:53.45 Twingy cept lee wants to make his own version from my footage *shrug*
03:53.54 Twingy so I'd poke him
03:54.10 brlcad which vehicle was that?
03:54.16 Twingy stryker
03:54.21 brlcad heh, yeah
03:54.41 Twingy I could model a box
03:54.45 Twingy and fly around it :)
03:54.56 Twingy it'd compliment blender
03:54.58 brlcad or your boat thing :)
03:55.02 brlcad or the truck
03:55.05 Twingy hrm, that reminds me
03:55.11 Twingy I need to test the boat again..
03:55.32 brlcad i need to press the air force again on their models
03:55.40 brlcad some of those are silly to not release
06:12.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/isst/master/isst_python.c: dump is now save. added a load command. both have verbose output.
06:29.15 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (isst/master/master.c libtie/tie.c): investigating tie->free()
06:51.55 K`zan Nigth all
07:44.32 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
07:46.56 PKMOBILE time to do domain registrations again
07:47.12 PKMOBILE dont want any darn squatters taking the osgaming one
07:48.15 PKMOBILE guess ill do that tomorrow
07:48.19 PKMOBILE gnight world!
12:33.38 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (n=brlcad@pdpc/supporter/silver/brlcad)
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12:33.39 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by
15:59.56 *** join/#brlcad docelic (
16:00.03 docelic good day
16:12.23 brlcad day good
17:46.45 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
18:35.12 *** join/#brlcad lih82 (
18:45.52 lih82 hello everyone
18:49.35 *** join/#brlcad prasad_ (
18:49.57 prasad_ sean
18:50.21 lih82 whois prasad_
18:50.24 lih82 oops
18:51.05 lih82 sorry, I was looking for help in compiling brlcad to mac os x 64-bit
18:53.56 prasad_ np
20:08.18 *** join/#brlcad lih (
20:34.55 brlcad lih: hello
20:35.55 brlcad sorry, I was away .. probably writing an e-mail to you if you're who I think you are
20:57.42 *** join/#brlcad cad341 (
21:00.41 lih hi Sean
21:00.49 lih I just got your e-mail
21:00.55 lih I am reading it right now
21:08.45 *** join/#brlcad docelic (
21:16.07 brlcad hello docelic, how goes it
21:16.34 docelic howdy'
21:16.45 docelic quite fine, reading up some bits for tomorrow
21:17.01 docelic how about you?
21:17.16 brlcad pretty good
21:17.23 brlcad taking the day off is always nice ;)
21:49.35 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
23:01.18 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/
23:01.18 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: add support for manual pages. brl-cad's gfdl documentation is actually
23:01.18 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: dual-licensed so customize the comment block to include that detail. less and
23:01.18 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: other pagers that recognize and auto-format manpages don't work if comment is
23:01.18 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: first, so make the comment block come after the .TH
23:07.25 Twingy prasad, lisa was asking where you were today
23:09.28 docelic who's prasad ?:)
23:09.45 Twingy a co-worker
23:10.47 docelic lol a funny name.. in Croatian, word "prasad" is a singular for a group of pigs...
23:11.01 docelic (no offense anyone, of course ;)
23:17.09 brlcad heh
23:17.31 brlcad i'm sure he'll be glad to know that tid bit of information
23:17.51 docelic ;-)
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050907

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050907

00:06.34 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
00:59.29 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
01:18.08 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
03:25.43 Twingy
03:26.33 Twingy hrmph, a bottom chunk is missing
04:05.59 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
04:15.03 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
04:46.47 Twingy "One guy I know plugs his Honda hybrid into a windmill for power," Kroushl says. "It costs him practically nothing to drive."
05:00.59 PKMOBILE ahhh the annual coughing up of dough so squatters dont take my domains
05:21.27 Twingy domain names
06:44.28 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ ignore manpage .SH COPYRIGHT lines
07:58.49 PKMOBILE my all time favorite is but im not interested in doing another gaming website :-P
09:53.56 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
09:53.56 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
09:53.56 *** join/#brlcad silvap_ (n=prasad@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
13:57.49 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
14:08.04 brlcad all hail the ori
14:12.59 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
14:26.24 *** join/#brlcad polyspin ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
14:26.24 *** join/#brlcad Twingy ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
14:26.25 *** join/#brlcad ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
14:26.25 *** mode/#brlcad [+o ChanServ] by
14:26.30 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (i=semhirag@unaffiliated/semhirage) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
14:26.31 *** join/#brlcad archivist_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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14:27.32 *** join/#brlcad silvap_ (n=prasad@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
14:27.58 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (n=brlcad@pdpc/supporter/silver/brlcad) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
14:27.58 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by
14:36.22 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
14:36.22 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.6.0 is now being prepared
14:46.42 *** join/#brlcad cad448 (
14:47.13 *** join/#brlcad cad809 (
17:20.53 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
17:20.53 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.6.0 is now being prepared
17:37.11 *** join/#brlcad docelic (
18:05.57 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/conv/ fixed.
19:40.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/scripts/ new and improved blender exporter, 98% fat free.
21:42.46 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/
21:42.46 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: Needed an extern of strsep for Irix where we're using our own strsep
21:42.46 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: (hidden in libsysv)
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050908

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050908

00:19.36 Twingy hrm
00:19.39 Twingy opteron build problems
00:19.46 Twingy Making all in db
00:19.47 Twingy ../src/conv/asc2g axis.asc axis.g
00:19.47 Twingy ../src/conv/asc2g boolean-ops.asc boolean-ops.g
00:19.47 Twingy ../src/conv/asc2g castle.asc castle.g
00:19.47 Twingy ../src/conv/asc2g cornell.asc cornell.g
00:19.47 Twingy ../src/conv/asc2g cray.asc cray.g
00:19.49 Twingy Floating point exception (core dumped)
00:19.50 *** join/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (n=DiscoBan@
00:19.51 Twingy *** Error code 136
00:19.53 Twingy Floating point exception (core dumped)
00:19.55 Twingy *** Error code 136
00:19.57 Twingy Floating point exception (core dumped)
00:20.03 Twingy *** Error code 136
00:20.05 Twingy Floating point exception (core dumped)
00:20.07 Twingy *** Error code 136
00:20.10 Twingy Floating point exception (core dumped)
00:20.12 Twingy *** Error code 136
00:20.15 Twingy 5 errors
00:20.17 Twingy *** Error code 1
00:20.19 Twingy 1 error
00:32.35 brlcad nice
00:32.50 brlcad this the new box?
01:10.32 Twingy yah
01:10.37 Twingy any clue what that's about?
01:13.17 silvap_ i love coughing up blood
01:13.18 brlcad i'd need a debugger
01:13.24 silvap_ so did lisa fire me yet?
01:13.29 brlcad silvap_: taste like chicken?
01:13.45 Twingy silva, she only fires employees that cough up blood
01:14.10 brlcad silvap_: no, but there are 15 cuban refugees in your office now
01:14.11 Twingy so... it's not mono?
01:14.24 silvap_ apparently not
01:14.39 silvap_ i was taken down by unknown bacteria
01:14.41 Twingy you been taste testing anthrax again?
01:14.49 Twingy hrm, ed is taking antibiotics
01:15.13 brlcad gotta stop putting things in your mouth that aren't food :)
01:15.13 Twingy wonder if the two are linked
01:15.20 silvap_ im on antibiotics too
01:15.26 silvap_ two in fact
01:15.28 Twingy maybe it was that cheese I gave you
01:15.35 silvap_ it was
01:15.45 silvap_ in fact ull be hearing from my lawyer soon
01:15.46 Twingy then my plan worked
01:15.55 brlcad probably 3 year old pieces of toast falling out of the toaster
01:16.01 Twingy hehehe
01:16.13 Twingy old than the animal crackers
01:16.16 Twingy *older
01:16.37 Twingy where is libwdb
01:16.38 silvap_ i plan on coming to the office tomorrow
01:16.44 Twingy you've got a wall now
01:16.49 Twingy so we can quarantine your ass
01:16.54 silvap_ woot
01:16.59 silvap_ is there a door?
01:17.09 Twingy that's what the trash bags are for
01:17.11 brlcad src/libwdb
01:18.01 Twingy hrm
01:18.09 Twingy maybe I'll comment out db stuff
01:18.09 silvap_ brlcad, create the project yet?
01:18.20 silvap_ ive got plans for a n level decision tree
01:18.24 silvap_ an*
01:18.25 brlcad Twingy: I've seen that before, a long time ago
01:18.47 Twingy hrm
01:18.50 brlcad it that fails, rt aint gonna work
01:19.00 Twingy I know, I just wanna compile g-adrt
01:19.04 brlcad i think it's a machine.h define
01:19.13 brlcad so cd src/conv and make g-adrt
01:19.25 Twingy ah nm, just got it installed
01:20.09 brlcad silvap_: i aint forgotten
01:20.09 Twingy ah grumble cakes
01:20.11 brlcad but I aint done it yet either
01:20.25 brlcad i was offline for like 5 days
01:21.14 Twingy is lee still making weird noises?
01:22.08 Twingy prasad, $20 and I'll make you an account on this opteron machine
01:22.16 Twingy :)
02:32.19 Twingy 1.5 million rays / sec on 1 core
02:33.59 Twingy so effectively 6M/sec on a single box
02:34.27 Twingy hrm, upwards of 30fps @ 512x384, not bad
02:34.55 Twingy should be 30-40 fps @ 640x480 on both
14:21.33 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
14:21.33 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.6.0 is now being prepared
15:12.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/gtools/ (g_qa.1 g_qa.c): Fixes for overlap-only calculations. Improvements to the man page.
15:27.52 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/libpkg/pkg.c: Mods for windows port
15:30.55 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/libfb/ (fb_generic.c fb_log.c if_ogl_win32.c if_remote.c tcl.c): Mods for windows port
15:45.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/libdm/ (clip.c dm-ogl_win.c dm_obj.c): Mods for windows port
15:49.23 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/mged/utility1.c: bu_opt??? declared in bu.h
15:51.37 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/mged/rtif.c: Mods to use nirt from librt
15:56.34 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/mged/ (facedef.c inside.c edarb.c edsol.c): Mods to use rt_arb_calc_planes from librt
15:58.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/mged/rect.c: fb_refresh declared in fb.h
16:02.29 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/mged/mater.c: rt_material_head and rt_insert_color are declared in mater.h
16:10.22 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/mged/ (11 files): Mods for windows port
16:12.22 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/include/ (8 files): Mods for windows port
16:15.28 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/gtools/g_qa.1: Documented -N option but not so much that people will start to use it.
16:17.09 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/incrTcl/ (itcl/generic/itcl_cmds.c itk/generic/itk_cmds.c): Mods to split large strings into smaller ones for compilation, then concat at runtime
16:19.04 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/lib/ (QuadDisplay.tcl Display.tcl): Add methods for rtarea and rtweight
16:19.51 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/lib/Drawable.tcl: Minor mods
16:21.51 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/libtk/win/tkWinMenu.c: Add code for double-bar
16:23.51 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/ (22 files in 8 dirs): Mods for windows port
16:24.51 *** join/#brlcad IngMan (
16:25.06 IngMan Hi
16:25.12 IngMan Alguien que hable español
16:29.12 brlcad claro
16:29.28 brlcad que tal?
16:36.39 IngMan lo que pasa es que tengo unas preguntas
16:36.53 brlcad ok, dale
16:37.02 IngMan listo para dibujar, brlcad es muy bueno, no necesito mas
16:37.31 brlcad glad to hear it
16:37.39 brlcad gracias
16:37.46 brlcad pues que es la pregunta ;)
16:38.05 IngMan el problema es cuando trato de usarlo para diseño, cosas como volumen, linea media, distancias y esas cosas no se como usarlas, o es que no tiene esas herramientas
16:39.35 IngMan hay algun comando que me devuelva el volumen del solido que estoy trabajando
16:40.15 brlcad si
16:40.20 brlcad rtweight
16:40.20 IngMan cual
16:40.39 IngMan y para acotar que usas usted
16:40.46 brlcad oo, el volumen
16:41.52 IngMan longitudes
16:43.26 brlcad ah, bueno, depende
16:43.54 brlcad hay varias comandos
16:43.55 IngMan ???
16:44.21 brlcad nirt y rtshot para empezar
16:45.23 brlcad tiran un rayo y dan informacion de los objectos
16:46.25 brlcad rtweight calcula el peso, el centro de figura, y el volumen
16:47.17 brlcad tienes que usar un .density tabla de la densidad
16:47.58 IngMan y para hacer planos con vistas y dodo eso, como lo acoto
16:50.44 brlcad aqui es un .density para comenzar
16:51.19 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc6/asc2g/asc2g.dsp: Initial check-in
16:51.37 IngMan donde encuentro mas informacion de esto
16:53.15 brlcad rtedge produces imagenes con lineas al borde
16:53.30 brlcad hay manpages por todo los comandos
16:53.36 brlcad man rtweight
16:53.43 brlcad man rtedge
16:54.06 brlcad (en ingles, por supuesto..)
16:54.30 IngMan por lo menos cuando lo leo lo enrtiendo jaja
16:54.38 brlcad (traducciones are very welcome!) :)
16:54.52 brlcad jeje
16:55.04 IngMan deberiamos hacer un proyectico de traducciones
16:55.23 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc6/g2asc/g2asc.dsp: Initial check-in
16:55.29 IngMan y traduccir los documentos o hacer unos basados en esos
16:55.50 brlcad si.. he quierdo hacer un distribucion en español
16:56.12 IngMan hagamosle,
16:56.20 brlcad :)
16:57.05 IngMan seguro, regalame tu mail y estamos en contacto
16:57.14 IngMan y la sacamos
16:57.18 brlcad sabes programar?
16:57.23 IngMan si
16:57.27 brlcad que bien :)
16:58.38 brlcad lo mande en privado
16:59.07 IngMan pero no llego
16:59.27 brlcad debes tener un "tab" que dice brlcad
16:59.37 brlcad en rojo quiza
16:59.56 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc6/tclsh/tclsh.dsp: Initial check-in
17:00.15 IngMan dale de nuevo
17:01.32 brlcad lo tienes?
17:01.45 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc6/tkimg/tkimg.dsp: Initial check-in
17:01.55 IngMan No yo te envie el mio, No ????
17:02.02 brlcad nope :)
17:02.20 brlcad oooh...
17:02.21 brlcad 13:00 -!- Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a
17:02.24 brlcad <PROTECTED>
17:02.31 brlcad el nuevo limitacion..
17:02.38 brlcad perate
17:02.49 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
17:05.18 IngMan No me llega nada
17:05.24 brlcad heh
17:05.25 brlcad ta bien
17:05.27 brlcad morrison
17:05.32 brlcad at brlcad
17:05.34 brlcad dot org ;)
17:13.09 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc6/librt/librt.dsp: Initial check-in
17:14.08 IngMan listo
17:14.16 IngMan que quieres tu con el manual
17:18.30 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc6/ (34 files in 34 dirs): Initial check-in
17:21.13 brlcad bueno, lo que piensa sera mas util..
17:22.05 brlcad me imagino que traduciendo un comando o mged o los documentos (como los que estan en
17:24.54 IngMan tu eres ingeniero
17:26.27 IngMan o aque te dedicas
17:27.15 brlcad :)
17:27.35 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc6/wish/wish.dsp: Initial check-in
17:27.48 IngMan espara saber en que estamos deacuerdo y en que no
17:28.10 brlcad depende en lo que te interesa mas.. pienso que los documentos serán má util para empezar
17:28.41 IngMan si pero me parece que esos ejemplos no son muy de ingerieria
17:28.56 IngMan mas bien parecen de diseño grafico o algo asi
17:29.25 brlcad that would work too
17:29.34 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc6/zlibtcl/zlibtcl.dsp: Initial check-in
17:29.53 brlcad si, ejemplos de uso para casos especificos
17:30.02 IngMan mas de ingerieria
17:30.09 brlcad quieres hacer eso.. haga eso
17:30.29 IngMan pero se supone que lo vamos hacer entre los 2 o no
17:31.11 brlcad si, me interesa .. great idea
17:31.51 IngMan Ok
17:32.06 IngMan que ideas tienes tu
17:32.13 brlcad solo no lo he puesto una tanda de atencion ni pensamiento todavia en la mejor manera de empezar
17:32.46 brlcad there's just so much that could be done, all good
17:33.26 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc6/tkstub/tkstub.dsp: Initial check-in
17:34.17 IngMan Y tu que haces
17:34.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc6/tkimgpng/tkimgpng.dsp: Initial check-in
17:34.51 IngMan A que te dedics
17:36.15 brlcad soy el lider del open source proyecto
17:36.44 IngMan Que bien
17:36.54 brlcad "el arquitecto de la base" ?
17:37.07 IngMan pero me refiero a que profesion tienes
17:37.57 Twingy_ lavar los platinos
17:38.17 IngMan yo estudio ingenieria mecanica, y por eso es que te preguntaba las otras herramientas
17:38.28 brlcad arcquitecto de software, programmacion, desenyo
17:38.56 Twingy_ lavar los platinos
17:39.47 brlcad project management and planning tambien
17:39.59 IngMan por lo que estudio mecanica es que te decia del enfoque que le queremos dar
17:40.01 Twingy_ natalie imbrugllibaidhgaia
17:40.26 silvap_ hasbeen
17:40.51 Twingy_ prasad, aka dances with pigs, shouldn't you be coding muves and not wasting time on chat channels?
17:41.00 silvap_ john kicked me out
17:41.02 silvap_ so im home
17:41.09 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc6/brlcad/.cvsignore: Initial check-in
17:41.15 Twingy_ ah, in that case, carry on
17:41.34 brlcad IngMan: la programa fue construido para ingenieria mecanica y deseño de vehiculos militares
17:42.22 Twingy_ hrm, I'm going to benchmark cas2.5@400 vs cas2@333 soon
17:43.06 IngMan si eso lo sabia
17:43.11 Twingy_ I have no soda left :(
17:43.20 IngMan pero no encontraba las herramientas que te decia
17:43.45 brlcad no encontraste rtweight/rtarea/rtedge?
17:43.53 Twingy_ I think that bulgogi gave me heart burn
17:43.57 brlcad no estan en mged, estan fuera de mged
17:44.10 Twingy_ MJED
17:44.17 Twingy_ :D
17:44.33 brlcad multi juice extrapolation device
17:45.09 Twingy_ multiplexing joint eggnog detector
17:46.07 IngMan no he probado por que no estoy en la casa
17:46.30 Twingy_ su casa es mi casa
17:47.30 brlcad IngMan: ahh, ta bien
17:47.45 Twingy_ my computer is posessed
17:47.59 brlcad ignora el mono alli que dice tonterias ;)
17:48.17 IngMan o leo
17:48.18 IngMan si eso veo
17:49.10 Twingy_ bon jovi is the gayest cowboy ever
17:50.08 silvap_ that must be one heck of a heartburn
17:51.29 Twingy_ yah
17:51.38 Twingy_ the soda helped alot
17:52.02 IngMan Te envio un mail con las ideas que tengo para el manual
17:52.12 brlcad IngMan: he pensado un poco en lo que necesitariamos para producir mged en varias lenguas, lo más facil sera tener un archivo de las palabras/frases para cada lengu. tendriamos que cambiar como mged usa titulos y labels, un poco complicado
17:52.31 IngMan y hay vemos que hacemos
17:52.46 brlcad o pudieramos empezar con los herramientas primero que mged usa como comandos
17:53.01 IngMan y cuantas personas estan trabajando contigo
17:54.03 IngMan en ese proyecto
17:54.29 brlcad hmm..
17:55.49 brlcad hay como 8-10 developers en total y como 3-4 participando activamente en cualquier mes
17:56.24 brlcad como vente involucrada de vez en cuando
17:57.05 IngMan yo no se si sea tan buen programador como para entrar en el "selecto grupo", pero tengo ganas y muchas ideas
17:57.48 brlcad ganas y ideas son todo lo que se necesita, lo demas se puede aprender ;)
17:58.06 IngMan listo
17:58.14 brlcad tampoco tendrias que ser un programador
17:58.32 IngMan te mando un mail para ponernos de acuerdo como hacemos el manual
17:58.40 brlcad siempre hay mucho que hacer ;)
17:59.06 brlcad ta bien
17:59.32 IngMan y que programas PROPIETARIOS sabes usr
18:00.39 brlcad pro-engineer y unigraphics principalmente
18:01.13 IngMan y de elementos finitos que usas
18:02.44 brlcad no he usado mucho para elementos finitos aunque tengo acceso a casi todas
18:02.57 IngMan y libres que usas
18:03.04 IngMan has probado Z88 o Impact
18:03.12 IngMan son bien interesantes
18:03.22 IngMan Calculix
18:04.13 brlcad el año que viene tiene financiamiento asignado al analisis de elementos finitos
18:04.39 IngMan BRLCAD
18:05.16 brlcad si
18:05.34 IngMan que bueno eso me anima mas a trabajar con ustedes
18:06.06 IngMan Como es tu nombtre
18:06.07 brlcad no el analisis directamente quiza, pero al conversion y creacion de los meshes
18:06.22 brlcad por lo menos
18:06.30 IngMan si para que hacer cosas que ya estan hechas
18:06.53 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc6/asc2g/.cvsignore: Initial check-in
18:06.55 brlcad exacto
18:07.13 IngMan Como es tu nombre
18:07.29 brlcad Me llamo Sean
18:07.37 brlcad y el tuyo?
18:07.53 IngMan Mucho gusto Sean, yo me llamo Manuel
18:08.02 brlcad tambien
18:08.27 IngMan te mando un mail con las ideas para el manual
18:10.18 IngMan Listo quedamos asi, ya tengo que irmen
18:10.29 IngMan Chao, Bye
18:10.35 brlcad esta bien, ha sido un placer mio
18:10.51 IngMan igual for me
18:10.56 brlcad ciao
18:22.51 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc6/all/.cvsignore: Initial check-in
18:35.19 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc6/ (40 files in 40 dirs): Initial check-in
18:36.53 *** join/#brlcad brad2901 (i=brad@unaffiliated/brad2901)
18:37.01 *** part/#brlcad brad2901 (i=brad@unaffiliated/brad2901)
19:39.18 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/blt/ (374 files in 17 dirs): Initial check-in
20:18.00 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/gtools/ (g_qa.1 g_qa.c): Stop refining grid if overlaps have been found.
20:49.59 *** join/#brlcad cad303 (
20:51.06 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/tkimg/ (39 files in 5 dirs): Initial check-in
20:54.30 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/tkimg/base/ (4 files in 2 dirs): Initial check-in
21:00.08 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc6/zlibtcl/zlibtcl.dsp: Not needed
21:02.24 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc6/zlibtcl/.cvsignore: No needed
21:04.13 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc6/pngtcl/ (.cvsignore pngtcl.dsp): Not needed
21:07.00 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc6/brlcad/brlcad.dsw: Remove unneeded projects
21:08.58 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc6/tkimgpng/tkimgpng.dsp: Mods to use libz and libpng
21:11.16 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc6/ (rt/rt.dsp rtcheck/rtcheck.dsp rtedge/rtedge.dsp): Minor mods
21:17.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/archer/ (204 files in 5 dirs): Initial check-in
21:32.37 *** join/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (n=DiscoBan@
21:59.14 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (5 files in 2 dirs):
21:59.15 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: adrt now uses a mesh map, no properties embedded in adrt file. Transformation matrices being applied in unpack
21:59.15 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: again.
22:23.51 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/ (include/config_win.h HACKING NEWS Release 7.6.0 Wahoo!
22:28.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/ (HACKING NEWS ChangeLog): Release 7.6.0 Wahoo!!!
23:48.18 Twingy grumble smacks
23:51.22 *** join/#brlcad testtest (
23:51.39 *** part/#brlcad testtest (
23:58.56 *** join/#brlcad cad308 (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050909

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050909

01:47.46 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/README: next release should be 7.6.2
01:48.43 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: template for 7.6.2, currently 7.6.1
01:49.55 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ ( include/config_win.h): bump to 7.6.1 after tagging/releasing 7.6.0
02:11.47 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
03:30.08 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (260 files in 34 dirs): add the standard documentation gfdl/gpl license header and copyright/distribution notice
03:31.39 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (libcommon/pack.c libcommon/unpack.c scripts/ fixed python exporter.
04:18.09 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (61 files in 19 dirs): BRL-CAD not BRL/CAD
05:08.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (19 files in 10 dirs): consistency, BRL-CAD not BRL CAD
05:51.00 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (29 files in 8 dirs): use BRL-CAD instead of brl-cad if only to be at least internally consistent and serve good example
09:44.39 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (36 files in 16 dirs): BRL-CAD not BRLCAD, consistency
13:38.45 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
13:42.17 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
15:12.11 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
17:13.55 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
19:13.02 *** join/#brlcad docelic (
19:26.10 *** join/#brlcad IngMan (
19:26.18 IngMan Hi
19:26.24 IngMan Hi Sean
20:02.18 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
20:39.37 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/conv/g-adrt.c: generates a map file now.
21:46.07 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
21:48.43 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: tra in console mode outputs a warning about mged_players
22:06.57 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (3 files in 2 dirs): fixed 64/32 bit network communications bug in tienet.
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050910

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050910

02:09.32 Twingy hrm
02:09.42 Twingy my precioussss
02:11.44 Twingy hrm, 52 days till I move
02:13.21 Twingy 645,277 rays/sec on a 2.4ghz xeon, and 1,048,576 rays/sec on a 2ghz opteron
02:13.25 Twingy hrm, that number looks funny
02:13.34 Twingy hah
02:13.37 Twingy it's 1024^2
02:13.45 Twingy that's highly amusing
04:55.41 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
13:04.47 Maloeran Hehe Twingy, I wasn't kidding about the floating point crunching power of the Opterons, and how they flow through unpredictable branch with no penalty
13:05.45 Maloeran I hope this benchmark was ran on 64 bits too, with a -mtune=opteron so that branches are silently changed into conditional move instructions ( unlike on all Intel chips, conditional moves are as fast as regular moves )
17:21.26 Twingy hrm, a 1.5% speedup
19:13.28 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 (
19:17.02 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (6 files in 3 dirs): stuff to fix 32/64 communication
19:22.41 Twingy aha
19:25.38 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/isst/master/master.c: 32/64 comms fixed, time to fix observer-fu
19:32.19 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/isst/ (master/master.c observer/observer.c): 32/64 observer comms should work
19:43.00 Twingy hrm
19:43.10 Twingy that's highly amusing
19:47.56 Twingy apparently I've only been running at 50% speed the whole time I've been doing distributed stuff
19:48.15 Twingy something with freebsd's threading I think
19:52.36 *** join/#brlcad iSteve (
19:55.17 Twingy hrm
20:18.58 Twingy mmm 12.25 mil rays/sec
20:20.11 Twingy hrm, might be able to get that up to 14 mil/sec by tonight
21:18.01 *** join/#brlcad cad478 (
21:18.23 Twingy back
21:52.11 Twingy sean, you alive?
22:10.57 Twingy hrm
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050911

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050911

03:27.41 Maloeran That's strange, what kind of threading problem was it?
04:11.14 Twingy play yoot's tower?
04:30.33 Maloeran Not yet still, some AD&D game consumed most of the day, I soon will
04:30.57 Twingy heh
04:31.29 Twingy yoot's seems to be a bit more challenging than the previous one, the locality of offices seems to be more sensitive to traffic and noise
04:32.24 Maloeran Excellent, Sim Tower was way too easy
04:32.45 Twingy yah
04:32.52 Twingy easy and loooong
04:33.01 Twingy took forever to finish when I was playing it on my P133
04:33.06 Twingy back in '95
04:33.25 Maloeran Ahah. It didn't take too long on the dual-mp, time was flying way too fast even in non-fast mode
04:33.31 Maloeran Faster than I could spend anyway
04:33.45 Twingy heh, that certainly makes it quick
05:42.29 *** join/#brlcad Erroneous (
05:44.24 *** join/#brlcad Erroneous (
05:44.28 Twingy o.O
14:21.25 *** join/#brlcad docelic (
16:16.08 silvap_ yoot's tower came b4 sim tower, no?
18:30.25 Twingy after
18:40.14 Twingy wow, I've got a little test app here that shows how sucky performance is when multiple threads reading from the same buffer
18:40.53 Maloeran Of course, the processors keep trashing each other's cache
18:40.59 Twingy yah :|
18:41.10 Twingy but this is a 64 byte array
18:41.17 Twingy it should always live in cache o.O
18:42.30 Twingy that explains why my ray-tracer with 4 threads performans at half the speed as 4 separate instances
18:42.49 Twingy I'm getting same results on linux,bsd (xeon,opteron)
18:42.51 Maloeran If it was up to the programmer to deal with coherency of the caches, we really could scale motherboards to large amount of processors
18:43.02 Maloeran Ah I see
18:43.03 Twingy that's not the problem
18:43.09 Twingy it's the memory
18:43.20 Twingy my stryker model sucks up 1.3GB of memory when fully loaded
18:43.40 Twingy and unless I have 2GB of ram per cpu on the mobo a bajillion processors doesn't make it any better
18:44.05 Twingy which is why I got this opteron machine with 8GB of ram per box
18:44.12 Twingy so I could have (4) 2GB instances going
18:44.34 Twingy which is why I'm seeing performance soar
18:45.00 Twingy I mean this one opteron machine with 4 instances is out performing the entire cluster cause each node only has 2GB
18:45.16 Maloeran Ahah
18:45.40 Twingy now if each node has 4GB of ram (prohibitively expensive at the team, each node has 6 ram slots)
18:45.50 Twingy then I'd be seing twice the performance out of each one
18:46.11 Twingy based on these findings I'm half tempted to rip all of the threading code out
18:46.22 Maloeran I don't see the problem with multiple threads|processors sharing the same banks, although Opterons do have per-processor banks with faster access
18:46.26 Twingy cause my application is omfg fast and cache-coherent
18:46.33 Twingy it's not benefiting from threads hardly at all
18:46.49 Twingy are you getting linear speed-ups with threading?
18:46.55 Maloeran You have to garantee processors won't be stepping on each other's feet, regarding read and write to their cache
18:47.18 Maloeran I... have no idea, I haven't even tested on the dual-mp
18:47.22 Twingy ah
18:47.36 Twingy you got a demo with dynamic number of threads I can specify with no graphics output handy?
18:47.41 Twingy just the text?
18:47.57 Maloeran Hum, give me 2 minutes
18:47.59 Twingy btw, when you ship another demo
18:48.10 Twingy make the fps output a:
18:48.18 Twingy printf("fps: %d\r", fps);
18:48.20 Twingy fflush(stdout);
18:48.24 Maloeran I'm deep into rewriting large chunks of the scene prep, it might take a bit
18:48.32 Twingy that's what cvs is for :)
18:48.40 Twingy so you can checkout an older stable version
18:48.40 Maloeran So noted, fbsd doesn't naturally flush on \n
18:49.05 Twingy use cvs damnit :)
18:49.42 Twingy ugh
18:49.43 Maloeran Yes, maybe I should :)
18:50.05 Maloeran It's for historical purposes, back to the castle days and our 300k rays per second
18:50.20 Twingy you should shove those into cvs in sequential order
18:51.58 Twingy I'm boggled is doesn't shove this 64 byte array in cache
18:52.05 Twingy It's got a friggen 1MB of cache
18:55.18 Twingy heh
18:55.30 Twingy I'm causing system time to spike and user/wall time just plop along
18:56.39 Maloeran I quickly modified the latest backup to use the first argument as number of threads
18:56.45 Twingy k
18:56.56 Twingy I'll benchmark on my opteron
18:57.06 Twingy if I have linux abi going
18:57.12 Maloeran Running on 64 bits of course?
18:57.17 Twingy let me see
18:57.28 Twingy yah
18:57.35 Twingy *should* work
18:57.57 Maloeran All right, that's an ELF 64-bit LSB executable, AMD x86-64
18:59.05 Twingy ELF binary type "0" not known.
18:59.20 Twingy *shrug*
18:59.29 Twingy guess it's not bsd friendly
18:59.53 Twingy for me here's how I do on threading
19:00.11 Twingy compared to 100% performance on four separate threads
19:00.30 Twingy 1: 25%, 2: 15%, 3: 10%, 4: 5%
19:00.34 Twingy in terms of performance gains
19:00.52 Twingy so the 5 threaded version is 50 - 55% of 4 separate threads
19:00.58 Twingy and the 4th thread buys you almost nothing
19:01.12 Twingy so you really need 4 cpus
19:01.30 Twingy cause you'll probly see a nearly 2x performance gain with 2 threaded version
19:01.38 Twingy so it won't tell you much
19:01.40 Maloeran That's for dual-xeons?
19:01.43 Twingy opteron
19:01.49 Twingy 2core dual cpu
19:01.53 Maloeran Ah yes, dual core
19:01.58 Twingy and xeon is slightly worse
19:02.04 Twingy but more or less the same
19:02.26 Maloeran Do each of your threads work on fairly distinct chunks of memory?
19:02.43 Twingy they get a *chunk* of pixels to work on that are coherent
19:02.44 Maloeran Especially the write operations, they must not trash the other processors cache
19:02.51 Twingy the writes are to distinct memory
19:03.04 Twingy the reads are probly from common memory most of the time, (the triangle data)
19:03.05 Maloeran No problem there, I suppose the chunks are big enough
19:03.08 Twingy cause the rays are coherent
19:03.24 Twingy so for 128x128 pixels
19:03.33 Twingy 4 threads will take on 128 pixel scan lines for now
19:03.39 Twingy 128x128 goes across the network
19:03.48 Twingy and 4 threads gobble up a 128 pixel scanline at a time
19:03.54 Twingy (all configurable in the environment file for the project)
19:03.59 Maloeran Could it be a problem of synchronisation, mutexes and network I/O ?
19:04.02 Twingy this is is an example, nothing is hard-wired
19:04.22 Twingy I don't think so, cause I got a demo here that doesn't do any network i/o
19:04.36 Maloeran I suppose the count of mutexes is very low too
19:04.39 Twingy and the only thing a mutex is doing is locking to increment a variable (i++) then unlocking
19:04.52 Twingy and after each mutex it does millions of computations
19:05.00 Twingy so mutex should be neglidgible
19:05.05 Twingy yes
19:05.11 Twingy mutex locking is in the 10's or 100's
19:05.16 Twingy computations in the loop are in the millions
19:05.18 Maloeran Is this variable shared by all threads? How often does it increment?
19:05.26 Maloeran Ah.
19:05.27 Twingy 10 to 100 times
19:05.34 Twingy it represents work units
19:05.40 Twingy work unit index rather
19:05.45 Twingy I am working on work unit 'i'
19:06.27 Twingy an the 'work' is a float[16] array, where it does a random read from it (as happens in triangle ray-tracing from big triangle array) and does math on the value at float[...]
19:06.29 Twingy now
19:06.44 Twingy if I put a = array[rand....] in the loop
19:06.55 Twingy where it goes done millions of time, performance is horrible nasty omfg slow
19:07.04 Twingy if I put it before the loop so it only gets called a few hundred times
19:07.11 Twingy then performance is parallel
19:07.16 Twingy more threads = more cpu
19:07.20 Twingy which is why for ray-tracing
19:07.24 Twingy it's reall a mix of both
19:07.38 Twingy which is why we get 'some' performance, but it ramps down rather quickly
19:08.10 Maloeran Yes I get the picture
19:08.26 Twingy so I'm curious if it's just me
19:08.36 Twingy or if my conclusions are similiar in your case
19:08.51 Maloeran Would you be able to run a 32 bits linux binary?
19:08.55 Twingy I dunno
19:08.56 Twingy we could try
19:09.01 Twingy I don't think the 'speed' matters
19:09.06 Twingy just the threaded relationship
19:09.25 Twingy in regards to performance
19:09.58 Maloeran Right
19:10.27 Maloeran I have been glancing over your code, I don't really see a potential problem, yet
19:10.45 Twingy ah, in the engine?
19:10.51 Twingy the camera in libutil/camera.c
19:10.54 Twingy is the threading
19:11.02 Twingy the engine tie.c is the intersection code
19:11.12 Maloeran I know ;)
19:11.14 Twingy k :)
19:11.20 Twingy when is the last time you updated?
19:11.25 Twingy I have been making changes left and right
19:11.34 Maloeran It might be up to a week old
19:11.37 Twingy k
19:12.07 Maloeran Did you try the 32 bits binary?
19:13.04 Twingy anyway to remove sdl quickly?
19:13.14 Twingy I don't think I have sdl installed for linux on freebsd
19:13.17 Maloeran Oops.
19:13.24 Maloeran A moment.
19:13.28 Twingy k
19:13.39 Twingy looks like it should otherwise run though
19:17.45 Maloeran All right, download from same address
19:19.07 Twingy your printf still pours out pages and pages of numbers
19:19.08 Maloeran and I forgot the fflush() :)
19:19.12 Twingy heh
19:19.43 Maloeran You can set the number of threads by the first argument
19:19.49 Twingy yep
19:20.20 Twingy can you do the fflush thing?
19:20.35 Twingy don't think my terminal is keeping up to speed
19:21.07 Maloeran Okay... Give me a moment to re-do all the SDL removal :}
19:21.16 Twingy you just delete it?
19:21.39 Twingy this is the part where you would've tagged a branch in cvs for me ;)
19:24.14 Maloeran You know... There is already a fflush( stdout ); in there
19:24.31 Twingy using '\r' as the terminator?
19:24.44 Twingy '\n' can't be there
19:24.53 Maloeran Oh?
19:25.05 Twingy '\n' means new line
19:25.08 Twingy we don't want a new line
19:26.30 Maloeran Fine, download again
19:26.35 Twingy k :)
19:27.10 Twingy much better
19:27.32 Twingy 1: 14 fps
19:28.00 Twingy 2: 27 fps
19:28.29 Twingy 3: 37 fps
19:28.54 Twingy 4: 43 fps
19:29.26 Maloeran Four processors to run 3 times faster than one, the loss is reasonable
19:29.38 Twingy yah, it's pretty good I'd say
19:29.46 Twingy how are you threading?
19:29.48 Twingy per scanline?
19:29.57 Maloeran Per block of 32x32 pixels in what I sent you
19:30.09 Twingy each thread works on a block?
19:30.19 Maloeran Right, and fetch the next block pending in queue once it's done
19:30.29 Twingy k, that was my next step
19:30.39 Twingy for threading
19:30.47 Twingy I think you want as little coherency as possible between threads
19:31.04 Twingy otherwise you have threads doing reads from the same memory segment it seems
19:31.08 Twingy but that *should* be in cache
19:31.14 Twingy but
19:31.21 Maloeran Reads from the same segments aren't generally a problem, not a big one anyway
19:31.22 Twingy a thread has no idea if that data is current
19:31.27 Twingy so I think in general it has to do a fresh read
19:31.35 Maloeran It doesn't trash the cache, it might just be a bit of a bottleneck on a memory bank
19:31.45 Twingy right, but do you agree with my statement?
19:32.02 Maloeran I don't see what you mean by "data being current"
19:32.14 Twingy thread 1 pulls from array[1234] at time interval X
19:32.21 Twingy thread 2 pulls from array[1234] at time interval Y
19:32.36 Twingy how does thread 2 know that array[1234] at time interval Y read the same data as interval X
19:32.48 Twingy I doesn't... so I think it cannot rely on cache
19:33.03 Maloeran If no other processor has modified the data, it will remain in the processor's cache
19:33.26 Twingy okie
19:33.45 Twingy welp, let me try postage stamping the threaded work units like I'm already doing for the distributed compute nodes
19:34.08 Twingy (I've done this before in previous experiments)
19:34.25 Twingy but I never tested improvement of linearity of threads
19:34.43 Maloeran Mmhm, good luck. Verify your writes especially, I suspect something is trashing the caches somewhere
19:35.04 Twingy possibly
19:35.26 Twingy I generate a ray, I fire the ray, the ray gets intersected against triangles, the result goes to the render method, render method shades a pixel, pixel gets shoved into a 128x128x3 buffer
19:35.36 Maloeran Where do threads pull their ray vectors from?
19:35.47 Twingy each thread has an instance of a ray object
19:38.13 Twingy according to your single threaded performance, using your SSE stuff and optical bundle tricks you seem to be 7x faster than mine
19:39.13 Twingy for non-coherent path tracing stuff I think you're 1.5 - 2.0x faster
19:39.26 Maloeran :) Not too bad, but the new scene analysis/preparation is still in the workshop
19:39.30 Twingy but you don't have rays all the way through or doubled sided normals on
19:39.34 Twingy k
19:39.58 Twingy I've got a potential 15% performance improvement for optical rendering only I might drop in tonight
19:40.24 Twingy that should inch me towards 2 mil/sec
19:40.40 Twingy for certain views, but on average about 1.5 mil/sec I think
19:40.53 Maloeran I went to implement rays going through geometry with callbacks a few days ago, but it looked really messy to implement in the SSE path working in bundles
19:41.14 Twingy yes
19:41.21 Twingy now you see why I haven't done it yet
19:41.30 Twingy or anyone has
19:41.38 Maloeran I may well just support that for single rays, which is trivial, for now anyway
19:41.42 Twingy yah
19:41.47 Twingy btw
19:41.52 Twingy I'm thinking about removing callbacks
19:42.02 Twingy and just putting the intersection stack into the ray itself
19:42.13 Twingy so if you fire a ray again with a used stack
19:42.18 Twingy it'll just resume using the stack
19:42.30 Twingy removes an extra function call for optical rendering
19:42.34 Maloeran Will this ray be able to change direction?
19:42.47 Twingy huh? of course you fire a new ray
19:43.07 Twingy a changed direction means generating a new ray for me
19:43.27 Maloeran So you could re-use the intersection point of a ray, as a source for new rays, exploiting the locality of rays
19:43.44 Twingy not with a tree
19:43.59 Twingy with a graph, sure
19:44.22 Twingy when I feel I've completely run out of tricks
19:44.27 Twingy I might try the graph approach
19:44.39 Twingy brb, gonna make a quick lunch
19:44.44 Maloeran I think a shortcut would be possible, but in any case... yes, I believe a graph is much more appropriate :)
19:44.53 Twingy for path tracing, definetly
19:45.17 Twingy but *ahem* lee wanted me to implement wald's paper *ahem*
19:45.27 Twingy so I have to roll with that for now
19:45.35 Maloeran For any ray-tracing needs really, since a graph can both exploit coherency and locality
19:45.47 Twingy jup
19:45.49 Maloeran *nods* So I understood... Lee isn't here, is he? :p
19:45.55 Twingy he's polyspin
19:46.08 Twingy brb, gonna make some lunch
20:04.26 Twingy back
20:05.58 Maloeran If you are going to try a graph based technique, I still think a tetrahedron graph could be promising
20:06.13 Maloeran No sectors, no nodes, no triangle, a single primitive ; tetrahedrons
20:06.30 Twingy maybe we can work on this together...
20:07.23 Maloeran *nods* I still have a fairly long to-do list on my current design
20:07.45 Twingy I'm sure this will be some ongoing research we'll be involved with for years to come
20:08.07 Twingy we'll probly be 30 or so before this winds down
20:09.23 Maloeran Eheh, I wouldn't mind :), I haven't found a field that led to so interesting, mind boggling problems just waiting to be solved
20:09.46 Maloeran another field, that is
20:10.46 Twingy the only other thing I found nearly this interested was when I was working on my coil gun
20:11.18 Twingy it was easy to see how years of research could be speant optimizing the efficiency of the energy transfer
20:12.15 Maloeran Eh I suppose, how did this project work out?
20:12.42 Twingy I was able to get my single stage coil gun up to an efficiency of about 2% using off the shelf power supply capacitors and hand-wound litz wire
20:12.54 Twingy max efficiency I've ever seen somone get out of single stage is 10%
20:13.03 Twingy in research labs etc
20:13.03 Maloeran Hum :), I see
20:13.14 Maloeran I have been thinking sporadically about AI since my early genetic experiments too, that's something I want to get back into, I have my ideas for a lower level approach to the problem
20:13.32 Maloeran Much closer to the fundamental definition of intelligence, nothing like faking it at high-level with neural networks
20:16.59 Maloeran Any more clues on the threading performance issue?
20:17.09 Twingy I'm still playing with my demo
20:17.15 Twingy recreating a base-model of what's going on
20:17.28 Twingy and I'm seeing resonable performance from it
20:17.30 Twingy near-linear
20:17.44 Twingy 16384 random accesses to a 16MB array distributed among 4 threads
20:17.52 Twingy doing a billion iteration computation loop
20:18.13 Twingy each work unit is a random access
20:18.16 Maloeran Read operations can't be the source of such a performance bottleneck
20:18.23 Twingy indeed
20:23.38 Twingy one thing you have to worry about with opterons is the hyper transport too
20:23.59 Twingy it's a big bottle neck
20:27.11 silvap_ i swear i saw a reference to yoot saito's "yoot's tower" in the sim tower splash screen
20:30.59 silvap_ Maloeran, what sorta AI stuff have u done
20:32.14 Maloeran Long ago, genetic algorithms to build up an AI for a primitive strategy game of some sort
20:32.40 Maloeran It played for months against itself on a P3, results were deceiving ( the learning pace was below my expectations )
20:33.29 silvap_ hehe cool
20:34.13 silvap_ was it coupled with an ANN or was the state space too large?
20:35.00 Maloeran It wasn't, it really was a straight genetic algorithm
20:35.21 silvap_ ah
20:35.35 Twingy i.e brute force :)
20:35.47 Maloeran On a Pentium 3! :)
20:36.01 Twingy meh, that's not that long ago
20:36.09 Twingy now if it were a P133 ...
20:37.10 Maloeran Pentium 3 733mhz, running all nights on my father's computer, it was high end back then
20:52.48 Twingy getting closer to the problem
20:53.09 Twingy just replaced my ray intersection with a loop that does 1024 floating multiplies
20:53.26 Twingy 100% 75% 25% 19% efficiency
20:53.35 Twingy so it's definetly not the engine
20:53.46 Twingy so I think I know what to fix now
20:56.01 Maloeran Your engine's code did seem quite fine on this aspect. Would it be the callbacks?
21:06.02 Twingy no, I think it's the semaphore usage in my camera
21:06.17 Twingy I'm going running now, so I'll investigate in an hour
21:07.19 Twingy and indeed it was
21:07.50 Twingy I must've been pinching a nerve or something on the soft one
21:10.47 Maloeran Eh, good
21:58.54 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
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14:54.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/regress/ ( Scripts to support new architecture for nightly regression tests
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15:02.47 IngMan Hi
16:12.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/regress/ fixed typo in if block
16:58.24 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/regress/ Now getting the latest and greatest by doing a developer fetch instead of anonymous fetch
18:14.19 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (6 files in 4 dirs):
18:14.19 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: camera uses threads more efficiently.
18:14.19 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: isst master locks the frames down so observer doesn't get mid-render frames.
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22:39.43 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (4 files in 4 dirs): screen 2x magnification for low res contexts (F1 F2).
23:10.47 silvap_ finally sees the light
23:58.03 brlcad mole man?
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050913

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02:26.31 Twingy hrm
02:31.51 brlcad crashes with O2 or O3, but not O
02:32.17 Twingy mesh packer isn't happy on amd64
02:32.34 brlcad O gives wierd performance results, but correct
02:32.45 Twingy libpthread?
02:32.49 Twingy oh, n/m
02:33.08 brlcad nah, -pthread and -lpthread are behaving identically
02:40.11 brlcad ahh
02:41.33 brlcad If I follow it correctly, it's apparently a kernel bug, fixed in the latest 6 current
02:41.44 Twingy good
02:41.52 Twingy maybe libthr will be too
02:42.34 brlcad it talks about libthr too
02:42.45 Twingy url?
02:42.49 brlcad the threading libs apparently provoke the problem
02:43.12 brlcad start here,
02:43.18 brlcad goes on for quite a while
02:43.48 Twingy gimme the part on libthr
02:43.56 brlcad
02:44.05 Twingy thx
02:44.08 brlcad that's about 20 messasges into it after they figured out the bug
02:44.30 Twingy meh
02:44.58 brlcad though it seems to think libthr 'should' work
02:47.13 brlcad hmm.. that's a very good mailing list
02:48.02 brlcad "fork hang in child for (-lc_r & -lthr)" is that the problem you saw?
02:49.29 Twingy hang? no, random micro stalls
02:49.36 Twingy erik has a nice graph of the problem he generated from shiva
02:49.53 Twingy libthr and the problem goes away
02:52.43 silvap_ who are u gonna call for bail money?
02:54.10 Twingy the ghost busters
02:55.33 silvap_ use openthreads
02:55.43 brlcad patches welcome
02:56.27 Twingy open threads aren't available
02:57.01 silvap_ use hp-ux
02:57.25 Twingy no thanks
02:58.58 brlcad aren't available?
02:59.09 brlcad it should work on amd64 bsd
02:59.31 Twingy they're not in /usr/local/lib
02:59.37 brlcad at least it's in ports with changelog entries saying it was tested on amd64
02:59.50 brlcad well ya, you'd have to install
02:59.59 brlcad and rewrite code
03:00.11 Twingy is it posix compliant?
03:00.17 silvap_ duh
03:00.22 Twingy then I shouldn't have to
03:00.26 brlcad you don't know much about openthreads it sounds :)
03:00.46 Twingy never heard of it until yesterday
03:00.52 brlcad ah
03:01.00 brlcad been around for a while
03:01.04 brlcad not bad actually
03:01.05 Twingy where would I have seen it?
03:01.11 silvap_ OSG
03:01.12 Twingy slashdot?
03:01.32 Twingy I'm not familiar with OSG
03:01.42 silvap_ im getting windows vista super duper edition
03:01.51 silvap_ beta 234265753
03:01.54 brlcad used by several projects, osg is probably the biggest
03:02.02 brlcad at least biggest well known
03:02.03 Twingy where would I have heard about OSG?
03:02.11 brlcad jeez, man
03:02.16 silvap_ n00b
03:02.22 brlcad well, I think they go around knocking on people's doors
03:02.43 Twingy *shrug* when you code 24/7 instead of skimming freshmeat and slashdot all day you don't see these things
03:02.47 brlcad you would have heard about OSG in several places
03:02.56 brlcad they have been on /. a couple times
03:03.04 Twingy I probly skipped over it then
03:03.04 brlcad as well as at siggraph for the past several years
03:03.09 silvap_ how about uh.. siggraph
03:03.16 Twingy I haven't bounced around in the opengl stuff at siggraph since 2002
03:03.20 brlcad they had several sessions this year
03:03.45 Twingy so I probly wouldn't have been exposed to it
03:04.16 silvap_ u r fired
03:04.20 Twingy just like I stopped writing html when 1.1 was new, I stopped writing opengl when 1.2 came out
03:04.56 Twingy and I'll probly move onto something else then watch raytracing take off and get nagged about all the ray-tracing tools out there I don't know about *shrug*
03:06.10 Twingy of course I may be at a different job by then, and people will think I'm just clueless
03:06.20 silvap_ u done packing for tour de riverside?
03:06.20 Twingy since they will have only known me for a year or two
03:06.35 brlcad there are lots of packages I don't use or write code for that I know well enough about, just a matter of caring more than nil that there are others around the world doing stuff to :)
03:06.41 Twingy um, I'll begin in october
03:07.18 Twingy brlcad: yah, that helps, but I don't spend any time *trying* other packages, but instead focus research on my own :|
03:08.00 Twingy coding 12-16 hours a day I still find it's inadequate time for a day's worth of coding
03:08.38 silvap_ thought u were backpacking tomorrow
03:08.38 brlcad all about balance
03:08.48 Twingy I am
03:08.52 Twingy oh, I thought you meant for the house
03:08.56 silvap_ maybe i mean tour de apg
03:09.23 brlcad have to pay attention some or you end up doing strange things like making *cough*tcl*cough your core scripting language
03:09.26 Twingy um, I've got a couple cans of dinner in the pack, 2 nalgen bottles and some cloths
03:09.31 brlcad or reinventing the wheel unnecessarily
03:09.41 brlcad rehashing old problems that others solved long ago
03:09.58 silvap_ yea like java/swing *cough*exposed*cough*
03:10.11 brlcad see now that's paying too much attention probably :)
03:10.17 Twingy yep, I don't think that's been the case, lee seems to push that idea hard, but tends to only focus on research papers instead of doing 'new' research
03:10.43 Twingy i.e. if it's not in a paper, don't do it, you're wrong
03:11.16 silvap_ u realize to create a single dlg box in M3 (which can be done in 1 line of java/swing), i have to go thru exposed and it's ....
03:11.19 silvap_ its*
03:11.34 brlcad silvap_'s not bitter
03:11.45 silvap_ of course not
03:12.12 Twingy when that project dies I'll bang something out in a few months to pick up the slack
03:12.13 silvap_ i need to be emancipated
03:12.50 Twingy so emancipate yourself
03:12.58 Twingy start writing a tool that the analysts need
03:13.06 silvap_ the underground railroad leads nowhere
03:13.10 Twingy when they start using it and relying on it you are emancipated
03:13.18 Twingy that's cause you're not looking hard enough.
03:13.33 Twingy have you actually gone over to meet the analysts?
03:13.42 silvap_ cpl of sab
03:13.58 Twingy maybe you can come with me over there tommorrow and I'll introduce you to a few people
03:14.21 silvap_ hmm that works
03:14.34 Twingy then you can pick your underground project
03:22.19 Twingy wow
03:22.29 Twingy if(matrixind >= 0) {
03:22.30 Twingy ...
03:22.34 Twingy }else{
03:22.35 Twingy ...
03:22.36 Twingy }
03:22.42 Twingy matrixind is -1
03:22.54 Twingy and it's not going to the } else {
03:22.57 Twingy o.O
03:26.04 brlcad I'm seeing the same mess here
03:26.25 brlcad very weird stuff going on
03:26.47 Twingy maybe it needs rebooted :|
03:26.56 brlcad it's making every call twice
03:27.04 Twingy how about I reboot it
03:27.05 brlcad sometimes it just happens to work
03:28.02 Twingy k
03:34.20 Twingy interesting, reboot had no effect
03:41.55 Twingy oh, heh
03:46.29 Twingy aha, problem fixed
03:47.12 Twingy mmm 1.7 mil rays/sec
03:47.33 Twingy hehe, this ray # is so relative
03:47.39 Twingy 800k 2mil... wee
03:49.15 Twingy mm, that was some good chicken
03:50.49 Twingy prasad, since we did that benchmark on your 2.2ghz opteron and got 300k/sec
03:50.56 Twingy I'm now getting 1.5 mil/sec
03:51.06 Twingy 5x speedup over 1 month aint bad
03:57.00 Twingy grumph
03:57.19 *** join/#brlcad DarkMaster (
03:57.29 Twingy the master of darkness
03:57.39 Twingy who lives in aberdeen
03:57.45 Twingy where it's dark
03:57.52 Twingy ness
03:57.59 DarkMaster or thereabouts
03:58.02 Twingy n' stuff
03:59.02 DarkMaster fun stuff
03:59.29 Twingy hrm, 64-bit g-adrt is throwing in some 64-bit types :|
03:59.53 DarkMaster crazy programmers
04:00.50 Twingy ah
04:00.56 Twingy indeed that is a problem
04:01.00 Twingy not having current code
04:01.14 Twingy I blame no-one but my pet mice
04:01.37 Twingy leaving little black pellets everywhere
04:02.10 Twingy atleast amd64 isn't causing 'weird' stuff and it was just a programmer bug
04:02.19 DarkMaster someday someone in India will be doing what youre doing now :-P
04:02.32 Twingy indeed, for about 3 cents an hour
04:02.57 DarkMaster give em some credit
04:03.02 Twingy that's when I will sit back and watch india's economy implode
04:03.03 DarkMaster at least a quarter
04:03.12 Twingy and giggle with glee
04:03.45 Twingy we steal from the weak and give to the stupid
04:03.52 Twingy err how's that saying go?
04:05.03 DarkMaster in this case, whos the weak?
04:05.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libcommon/pack.c: fixed some fu
04:05.48 Twingy the people giving getting their money taken o.O
04:05.53 Twingy -giving
04:07.16 Twingy err 2 bazillion files
04:07.20 Twingy :)
04:08.55 DarkMaster my mouse doesnt need to be fed
04:12.45 Twingy that's okay, I've got a few you can have that do need fed
04:20.53 DarkMaster do they multiply like crazy?
04:26.31 *** join/#brlcad cad638 (
04:28.01 *** join/#brlcad cad772 (
04:33.21 *** join/#brlcad cad592 (
04:35.10 cad592 I'm going throught the tutorial on using brlcad and everytime I try to raytrace, brlcad locks up. can anyone help?
04:39.06 brlcad cad592: more details?
04:39.17 brlcad I presume you mean mged locks up?
04:40.05 brlcad which OS and version of BRL-CAD? self-compiled or downloaded/installed a binary distribution?
04:43.24 DarkMaster ill race ya
04:43.26 DarkMaster i win!
04:43.40 cad592 Yeah mged locks up. I'm using a downloaded binary on suse 9.2
04:44.18 brlcad cad592: try running this in the command window instead of using the raytrace control panel: rt -F/dev/Xl
04:44.22 brlcad does that work?
04:44.36 cad592 Let me give it a shot...
04:48.18 cad592 it worked! - but the raytracing window closed real quick. In the command window, it told me the operation was completed
04:50.13 brlcad hmm
04:50.27 brlcad you did use Xl and now just X yes?
04:50.40 brlcad s/now/not/
04:52.10 cad592 My bad - I typed X1 as opposed to Xl - A typo just as the tutorial told me to watch out for. Man, the rt function is *fast*
04:52.31 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/COPYING: external components may not be GPL
04:53.32 brlcad cad592: that's good to hear
04:53.36 cad592 Why does the rt function work from the command window as you implimented it and not as the tutorial implimented it
04:53.43 brlcad that means the problem is something related to opengl
04:54.03 brlcad opengl framebuffer is the default
04:54.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/COPYING: oop speling
04:54.18 brlcad cad592: try rt -F/dev/ogll
04:54.27 brlcad that should similarly fail for you
04:55.54 cad592 rt -F /dev/ogll made my screen go black for about 5 seconds...
04:56.16 brlcad hrm, yeah
04:56.42 brlcad i've seen that before, but not in a long time
04:56.49 cad592 I'm using an nvidia tnt2 card with the nvidia driver
04:57.36 cad592 what do you think I should be looking for in opengl as the source of the problem ...?...
04:57.37 brlcad for what it's worth, you're not losing any functionality by using the Xl framebuffer instead of the ogll framebuffer
04:57.49 cad592 whats the diff?
04:58.06 brlcad backend implementation uses different mechanisms to draw pixels
05:00.06 cad592 so, just use the syntax you have provided and all will be well?
05:01.34 brlcad for the time being
05:01.52 brlcad i've updated the priority on the bug list
05:02.35 brlcad a compile on your system of the latest would avoid the problem by not compiling the opengl interface
05:02.49 brlcad cad592: what does fbhelp report?
05:03.39 brlcad under current selection minimally
05:08.38 DarkMaster you get a chance to see my handiwork?
05:08.49 brlcad nope
05:09.00 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/HACKING: no gpl in libs or usage
05:09.00 brlcad why? did you send me a link?
05:09.14 DarkMaster yeah a few days ago
05:09.19 DarkMaster want it again in a query?
05:09.35 brlcad to me or learner?
05:09.49 brlcad and did you get my PM from a few days ago?
05:10.10 brlcad either way, sure resend :)
05:13.05 cad592 how do I get to fbhelp?
05:17.33 brlcad cad592: it's another external command
05:17.53 brlcad there are over 400 commands that comprise brl-cad in addition to mged
05:18.27 DarkMaster and brlcad knows them allllll
05:18.28 brlcad mged wraps several of them like rt, but there are still many that only work on a command line
05:18.35 brlcad heh
05:18.48 brlcad I probably know more than anyone else at this point
05:19.18 cad592 OK. I ran the fbhelp. What output are we interested in...?
05:19.19 brlcad but even I am surprised to discover a new command every now and then too :)
05:19.58 brlcad Current Selection section
05:20.50 brlcad fbhelp /dev/ogl
05:21.53 cad592 Current internal state: mi_doublebuffer=1 mi_cmap_flag=0 ogl_nwindows=1 multiple_windows=0X11 Visual: DirectColor: Alterable RGB maps, pixel RGB subfield indicies RGB Masks: 0xff0000 0xff00 0xff Colormap Size: 256 Bits per RGB: 8 screen: 0 depth (total bits per pixel): 24
05:22.23 brlcad hmm.. that all looks normal
05:22.40 brlcad does opengl actually work for y ou?
05:24.09 brlcad I'd bet the problem is related to 24bit displays, that configuration hasn't been tested in a long time "extensively" .. most is 32bit or <24bit
05:24.20 cad592 Well - Yes. I've got an nvidia card on the machine with the nvidia driver loaded. As a test, I've run a couple of screen savers that require opengl
05:25.02 cad592 Also, I'm using a couple of other scientific programs that require opengl...
05:25.34 brlcad k, good to know
05:26.58 cad592 show me a program without a bug and you'll be looking at vaporware...
05:27.44 brlcad cad592: an alternative to running -F/dev/Xl every time is to either set the FB_FILE environment variable or start up your own framebuffer server (fbserv)
05:28.31 DarkMaster alright got that link this time brlcad? ;-)
05:28.37 brlcad i'd suggest the latter actually; you can run fbserv -S 1024 0 /dev/X
05:28.57 brlcad then on rt, run rt -F0
05:29.25 brlcad or better yet, add -F0 to the Advanced Options on the raytrace control panel
05:29.49 brlcad you can use any number instead of '0' .. it's a port number offset that the server uses
05:30.07 brlcad DarkMaster: hmm.. actually no
05:30.28 brlcad DarkMaster: check your irc console, it doesn't allow pm's unless you're identified now
05:30.35 DarkMaster argh
05:35.40 cad592 Is there anyway for me to have fbserv auto start w/o me starting it in another console window?
05:37.41 cad592 never mind - I see the FB_FILE environmental variable...
05:38.15 cad592 Thanks brlcad for all your help. Have a good night.
05:39.38 cad592 CIA-5: Your a mindless twit and have not ever had, nor will you have an original thought or idea. I'm out of here...
05:41.51 brlcad hehe
05:41.58 brlcad cad592: no problem, any time
10:48.35 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
13:32.03 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 (
14:03.47 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
14:04.23 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/conv/g-adrt.c: for regions with no name they get tagged "unknown".
16:17.28 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc7/all/ (all.vcproj .cvsignore): Initial check-in
16:21.09 *** join/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (n=DiscoBan@
16:24.04 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc7/asc2g/ (asc2g.vcproj .cvsignore): Initial check-in
16:59.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc7/ (83 files in 44 dirs): Initial check-in
17:38.14 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc6/ (82 files in 41 dirs): Not needed
17:42.35 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/include/config_win.h: Add a few defines for the st_mode field of the stat structure
17:48.12 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/libz/tcl/ (19 files in 3 dirs): Initial check-in
17:50.12 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/libz/tcl/ (zlibtcl.decls Initial check-in
17:53.28 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/libpng/tcl/ (21 files in 3 dirs): Initial check-in
18:30.00 *** join/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (n=DiscoBan@
18:53.39 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/conv/ (fast4-g.c g-stl.c stl-g.c): Mods to use bu_getopt
18:55.03 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/iges/ (g-iges.c main.c): Mods to use bu_getopt
18:59.55 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
19:05.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/iges/iges_extern.h: Remove reference to bu_debug
19:06.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/iges/ (iges_struct.h make_face.c): Remove references to librt functions
19:07.04 *** join/#brlcad cad563 (
19:07.09 cad563 hi all
19:07.19 cad563 Is anybody there?
19:08.13 *** part/#brlcad cad563 (
19:08.28 *** join/#brlcad cad563 (
19:08.41 cad563 hi all again
19:11.58 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/libfb/if_ogl_win32.c: Modify the loop conditional in ogl_close()
19:13.54 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/tkimg/png/png.c: Mods to use Png_InitStubs in libpng
19:18.29 *** join/#brlcad DarkMaster (
19:21.29 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/rt/opt.c: Since there is no "background" command in rt_cmdtab and we already have the background color parsed, go ahead and set the background (Windows only, for now)
19:23.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/archer/pkgIndex.tcl: Updated to load libpng instead of pngtcl
19:24.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/archer/tclIndex: Update
20:07.47 *** join/#brlcad Moob (
20:08.32 *** part/#brlcad Moob (
20:09.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc6/brlcad/brlcad.dsw: Not needed
22:22.08 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libcommon/ (pack.c unpack.c): mesh map file is now binary.
22:22.42 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/conv/g-adrt.c: mesh map file is now binary.
23:12.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/conv/g-adrt.c: mesh map binary fix.
23:14.00 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libcommon/unpack.c: binary mesh map file fix.
23:30.05 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050914

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050914

00:39.43 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
01:30.34 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (i=semhirag@unaffiliated/semhirage)
01:36.54 *** join/#brlcad cad369 (
02:04.31 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/isst/isst_struct.h: isst_event_t handles 32/64-bit compatible event stucture, SDL_Event is not.
02:04.46 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/isst/ (master/master.c observer/observer.c): isst_event_t integration.
02:18.09 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (i=semhirag@unaffiliated/semhirage)
02:18.38 Twingy_ next order of bidness
02:18.46 Twingy_ pooperties
02:35.39 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (i=semhirag@unaffiliated/semhirage)
02:57.13 Twingy_ okay, got it assigning material based on region now
02:57.25 Twingy_ you change the region material props and all the parts under it change too
02:57.48 Twingy_ average of about 10:1 parts to a region
02:58.00 Twingy_ err 20:1
02:58.19 Twingy_ maybe 25:1
02:58.26 Twingy_ somewhere in that neighborhood
02:59.03 silvap_ sean u there?
02:59.23 Twingy_ he's hiding under my bed
02:59.31 brlcad silvap_: mebbe
03:00.02 silvap_ i found an O(nlgn) reverse tesselation algorithm
03:01.15 brlcad i've seen maybe 3 algorithms/papers to date of significance
03:01.35 silvap_ im lying
03:01.39 silvap_ just got home
03:01.41 Twingy_ hrm, I think it's chef boyardee time
03:01.43 brlcad heh
03:02.03 silvap_ but i need some docs on .g format
03:02.06 brlcad none of the papers I've seen actually performed very well at all
03:02.10 silvap_ where do i find it
03:02.41 brlcad silvap_: the easiest is to probably code by example, through the API
03:02.53 silvap_ ?
03:02.56 silvap_ i need docs
03:03.11 silvap_ outlining the .g internal format
03:03.11 brlcad there's a spec document that goes into detail
03:03.18 silvap_ in the repo?
03:03.26 brlcad it's on the website
03:03.32 silvap_ ok
03:03.45 brlcad
03:04.09 brlcad it's considerably easier to write the .g format through the api calls though
03:04.20 brlcad libwdb is the "write database" library
03:04.25 silvap_ easy to read as well?
03:04.35 brlcad mk_arb makes an arb, for example
03:05.49 brlcad yeah, when I first started, I had libwdb working in code in less than an hour
03:06.14 brlcad 'brlman libwdb' has the majority of the geometric calls in a manpage
03:06.46 silvap_ so how is this gonna work
03:06.49 brlcad the mk and proc-db directories are chocked full of examples
03:07.07 silvap_ analysts will assign groups of csg as parts?
03:07.20 silvap_ csg generated from bot2csg
03:07.27 brlcad
03:08.44 brlcad silvap_: I'd just worry about getting proof-of-concept working first, not analyst use
03:09.09 brlcad it's not a solved computer graphics problem, you get it working reliably and you will have a research paper
03:10.22 Twingy_ canned food rocks
03:10.31 silvap_ analyst.. use.. doesn't.. matter... ?? heresy!
03:11.08 silvap_ this is sad
03:11.20 silvap_ i was writing a bpn library monday
03:11.32 silvap_ when i should have been writing a ga lib
03:11.47 Twingy_ burpin library
03:12.36 brlcad silvap_: ga libs are easy enough to whip out ;)
03:13.15 Twingy_ brute force yo
03:13.59 Twingy_ hrm, with all these soda cans on my desk, it's like russian roulette figuring out which one has soda in it
03:14.58 silvap_ what i learned in class today: how plasma displays work
03:15.25 silvap_ the wonderful world of image recognition
03:17.59 Twingy_ I learned that we have bowls just big enough to hold my chef boyardee o.O
03:18.45 brlcad silvap_: for the purpose of reading an existing .g, there are even more examples -- the converters are probably good starting points
03:18.58 brlcad as for api docs, there are doxygen docs also on the website
03:19.51 brlcad silvap_:
03:21.06 brlcad for what it's worth, in librt lingo "internal" objects are in-memory geometry objects, "external" objects are serialized objects
03:22.58 brlcad that bot-raw example searches for BOTs in the .g and prints them out to a file
03:23.51 brlcad combine that with the wdb_example.c and you have just about everything you'll need to read/write to disk
03:24.30 PKMOBILE mmmmm soda
03:25.08 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/conv/g-adrt.c: region name is property now.
03:33.16 Twingy_ ah, open threads requires different function calls, that's no fun
03:34.00 brlcad yeah, that's how they hide the mess of all the different threading means
03:34.08 PKMOBILE so... is Twingy_ still in the WW3 building?
03:34.23 brlcad like using sprocs on irix instead of threads since they are considerably higher performance
03:34.50 brlcad and solaris' low latency threading instead of pthreads, etc
03:35.09 Twingy_ hooray for standards
03:51.00 Twingy_ hrm
03:52.00 Twingy_ that little 9 mile walk was nice... I'm going to have to do that more often
04:59.55 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/isst/ (isst.h master/isst_python.c slave/slave.c): added select and deselect commands to highlight parts from the console.
05:27.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (isst/slave/slave.c librender/component.c libutil/display.c):
06:50.37 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
07:29.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (5 files in 3 dirs): some friendly messages.
08:56.04 *** join/#brlcad TheLastSpartan (
12:05.03 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (librender/render_util.c libutil/display.c): 256 char len string bug in render_util.c
12:06.35 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/librender/render_util.c: same thing, different function.
12:21.38 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/librender/plane.c: highlighting of selected components in plane view as well.
13:13.39 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/mged/mged.bat: Initial check-in
13:15.24 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/archer/ (archer archer.bat archer.ico archerLicense.txt): Initial check-in
13:21.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/iges/ (g-iges-vers_win.c iges-g-vers_win.c): Initial check-in
13:26.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/ (15 files in 13 dirs): Initial check-in
13:45.03 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/archer/archerLicense.txt: Not needed
14:14.18 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/sdialogs/ (6 files in 2 dirs): Initial check-in
14:17.52 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/swidgets/ (14 files in 3 dirs): Initial check-in
14:37.51 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc7/ (17 files in 17 dirs): Mods to use *vers_win.c
14:42.20 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/fbserv/fbserv_win.c: Initial check-in
15:17.03 *** join/#brlcad DarkMaster (
15:29.57 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
15:58.19 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/archer/ (5 files in 5 dirs): Initial check-in
16:05.32 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/doc/html/manuals/small-eagleCAD.ico: Initial check-in
16:24.43 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/archer/acknowledgement.txt: Moved to doc/archer_ack.txt
16:27.28 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/doc/archer_ack.txt: Initial check-in
16:46.06 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/archer/Archer.tcl: Mods to reference COPYING instead of brlcadLicense.txt. Similarly, now referencing archer_ack.txt instead of acknowledgement.txt
19:23.26 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/include/fb.h: Include header for fd_set
19:26.52 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/burst/fb.c: Include common.h
19:28.46 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/fbserv/fbserv.c: Remove declarations that are now in fb.h
19:44.02 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/iges/main.c: Fix some badness that snuck in with the previous mod
20:55.55 *** join/#brlcad cad454 (
20:55.59 cad454 hi all
20:56.19 cad454 is anybody there?
20:56.22 cad454 no?
20:56.26 cad454 ok
20:56.28 cad454 bye
21:36.13 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/iges/ (main.c g-iges.c): Modify fopen to use "b" flag if _WIN32
21:51.33 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
21:51.49 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
22:06.49 *** join/#brlcad learner (
22:06.49 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by ChanServ
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050915

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050915

01:20.21 Twingy moo
03:01.52 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
03:39.30 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/fbio.h: separate out the libfb FBIO structure and associated interface declarations into their own new header
03:40.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/machine.h: remove the deprecated CONST and SIGNED defines
03:44.49 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/dm_xvars.h: this header requires X11 and Tk headers for resolving types
03:46.14 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/ include the fbio.h header
03:51.38 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/fb.h: remove the FBIO structure and assoicated rgbpixel definitions from fb.h and put them in their own fbio.h header
03:55.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/fbserv_obj.h: don't need to declare those two 'rogue' X24 and ogl interfaces since they're declared in fbio.h now
04:01.11 *** join/#brlcad cad442 (
04:04.43 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/doevent.c: ws
04:05.35 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/chgtree.c: tkwin needs to be a pointer type, quell compiler warning
04:06.32 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/jack/g-jack.c: remove unused extern declaration of fp_fig
04:06.46 *** join/#brlcad cad592 (
04:08.24 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/iges/showtree.c: remove redundant declarations of static functions (they cause compiler errors where high optimization optimizes away the static functions
04:08.56 cad592 I've read/done the tutorial "VolumeII-Introduction_to_MGED" and I'm sold on BRL-CAD. Is there a manual for 400+ commands contained in the /bin directory?
04:12.22 cad592 Or do I have to cat all of the manpages to one file...?...
04:17.04 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/shtool: add version 2.0.2 of the GNU Portable Shell Tool to cvs. the script is used by the build system to colorize configure output
04:19.58 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ add shtool
04:22.08 brlcad hehe
04:27.31 Maloeran Someone hasn't quite understood the concept of IRC, where answers are often delayed by a few hours
04:37.46 brlcad more like s/faq/rules/
04:45.47 Maloeran Out of curiousity, does brlcad have to remain C89 compliant? I noticed the almost complete lack of "inline", "restrict" keywords, or most other post-C89 features
04:55.39 brlcad the code only recently picked up c89
04:56.14 brlcad it was k&r 'compliant' up until just the last 2 years ago or less
04:56.23 Maloeran Oh, eheh.
04:57.03 brlcad as soon as we finish strict c89, we can start working on c99
04:58.01 brlcad i don't think anyone would complain about c99 stuff beforehand (i'm sure there's some there already) cept maybe // comments
04:59.48 Maloeran // comments are "C95" somewhat, but I get the point
04:59.51 brlcad there's still a bit of clean up to do, the tools that updated the code to ansi missed a bunch of k&r blocks
05:00.34 brlcad somewhat .. there are several supposedly c95 compilers that choke on that one in particular
05:00.44 Maloeran My code typically relies on a bunch of gnu99 extensions, when available, typically for these tricks which would otherwise require assembly
05:02.09 brlcad that's fine, it's usually just a matter of providing the right #define magic to make it all disappear (albeit at a performance hit) for those old systems just so they can at least compile
05:54.51 *** join/#brlcad DarkMaster (
07:19.09 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
07:24.18 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc/Dll/TclDummies.c: TCL dummy functions
07:26.20 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc/Dll/brlcad.def:
07:26.20 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: exports of brlcad.dll
07:26.20 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: if you need an additional function from the DLL, add it here
07:31.15 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc/Dll/brlcad.rc:
07:31.15 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: version and description of the DLL
07:31.16 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: this information will be written into the DLLs header
07:36.26 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc/Dll/brlcad.dsp:
07:36.26 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: MS Visual Studio 6.0 project file for a BRL-CAD Windows dynamic-link library
07:36.26 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: more recent versions of msdev can read this format too
08:05.42 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc/Dll/.cvsignore: ignore msdev generated files
08:07.04 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc/Dll/ dummy make file: there is nothing to make
08:08.45 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc/ directory Dll added
08:10.31 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc/vers.vbs: mode is Visual Basic
08:13.22 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc/brlcad.dsw: include brlcad project
11:09.46 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/include/config_win.h: macros for version information
11:14.56 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc/Dll/brlcad.dsp: include directory for resource compiler
11:16.52 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc/Dll/brlcad.rc: version numbers from config_win.h
11:25.54 *** join/#brlcad zero_k (
11:26.15 zero_k hola
11:26.36 zero_k hi
11:27.11 zero_k alguien que hable español?
12:20.01 *** join/#brlcad docelic (
12:20.05 docelic 'day
13:55.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/archer/archer.ico: Moved to doc/html/manuals/archer
13:57.48 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/doc/html/manuals/archer/archer.ico: Initial check-in
15:08.51 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/archer/plugins/utility.tcl: Initial check-in
16:24.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/archer/archer: Look for archer.ico in doc/html/manuals/archer
16:26.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/archer/plugins/Wizards/tankwizardIA.tcl: Look for TankWizardIA.tcl in plugins/archer/Wizards/tankwizardIA
16:28.38 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/archer/Archer.tcl: Look for Archer_Documentation.chm in doc/html/manuals/archer
16:33.44 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/doc/html/manuals/eagleCAD.bmp: Initial check-in
16:40.58 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc7/brlcad/.cvsignore: Added brlcad.ncb
16:43.46 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc7/ (4 files in 4 dirs): Initial check-in
17:49.50 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/blt/library/tclIndex: Update
17:53.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/incrTcl/ (itcl/library/pkgIndex.tcl itk/library/pkgIndex.tcl): Initial check-in
17:56.16 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/iwidgets/pkgIndex.tcl: Initial check-in
22:11.27 *** join/#brlcad cad864 (
22:11.52 *** join/#brlcad cad592 (
22:12.42 cad592 how do i open brl-cad?
22:13.58 cad592 hello
22:14.09 docelic hello
22:46.34 Twingy hrm
22:47.14 Twingy aw reck'n it's 0xf00d time
22:56.46 *** join/#brlcad docelic (
23:18.43 archivist_3 time for 0x0bed
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050916

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050916

01:24.45 *** join/#brlcad cad972 (
02:07.08 *** join/#brlcad dujavi (
03:17.56 Twingy o.O
03:35.06 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
04:06.11 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (i=semhirag@unaffiliated/semhirage)
05:04.36 *** join/#brlcad cad032 (
05:05.17 cad032 Do any utilites exist for importing gerber files into brlcad?
05:09.43 *** join/#brlcad cad032 (
05:51.21 PKMOBILE IRC Rule #1 - Patience
05:51.52 PKMOBILE sleepy time!!
09:50.41 *** join/#brlcad Erroneous (
09:56.05 *** join/#brlcad Erroneous_ (
17:21.31 brlcad what the heck is a gerber file?
17:21.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/m4/compiler.m4: separate out the compiler, linker, and preprocessor checks into proper macros: BC_COMPILER_AND_LINKER_RECOGNIZES, BC_COMPILER_RECOGNIZES, BC_LINKER_RECOGNIZES, BC_PREPROCESSOR_RECOGNIZES
18:01.27 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/m4/stage.m4: add macros BC_BOLD and BC_UNBOLD to set/unset the output emphasis. also add BC_CONFIGURE_STAGE macro that reports a line for each section of configure checks (using the bold/unbold)
18:13.53 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/m4/ add compiler.m4 and stage.m4
18:14.40 archivist_3 pcb laser plotting file
18:15.55 archivist_3 very much a 2d thing
18:16.44 archivist_3 supports layers eg top traces solder mask etc
18:18.22 archivist_3 though the hole sizes are a bit crude
18:20.06 archivist_3 the lines are drawn with shapes/flashes
18:28.52 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ remove the test for $prefix/etc as we do not have/use one
18:30.54 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/magic.c: comment about including stuff from libfb is a lib dependency (comment)
18:31.55 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/color.c: don't include the fb.h header, that's in a different library. provide local color defines for red/grn/blu, etc.
18:33.57 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/doc/html/manuals/ ( ReleaseNotes/ remove the empty ReleaseNotes directory
18:47.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/
18:47.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: massive changes, conversion over to new macros for the compiler/linker tests.
18:47.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: identify each section of the configure file using the configure stage macro that
18:47.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: provides bolding the output for the various stages. change the check for java
18:47.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: to be enabled by default. fix the high-optimization conflict with profiling
18:47.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: (cannot omit frame pointer). rework the java tests some. add a YFLAGS for -d
18:49.36 *** join/#brlcad phenotic (
18:52.24 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/ (16 files):
18:52.24 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: rework tkwin into cmd.c and profide the DM_X and DM_OGL defines to the build.
18:52.24 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: probably fixes a bug or two of some sort on the display manager. also migrate
18:52.25 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: the tolerance vars together along with other ws and header cleanup
18:54.48 brlcad heya phenotic :)
18:55.53 phenotic Yo, tell Twingy adrt sucks:)
18:56.05 brlcad hehe
18:58.42 phenotic Twingy, where is your working bench the new file format?
18:59.06 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libdm/ (dm-ogl.c dm-X.c): wrap the file contents in its DM_* symbol so that it can be compiled regardless of it being available
19:07.18 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libdm/dm_obj.c: header cleanup, might as well use libfb's interface file for the extern declarations and be specific about the dependency
19:12.00 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libdm/ profile the DM_X and DM_OGL flags here instead of automatically on in configure. should be autodetecting better now
19:14.52 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libfb/if_ab.c: remove the shadowing floor define, just use the math floor() instead
19:16.28 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libfb/fblocal.h: don't need machine.h
19:17.02 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libfb/fb_obj.c: ws
19:28.22 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libfb/fb_generic.c: the interfaces are now all declared in include/fbio.h for all to use
19:31.27 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libfb/ rename the interface symbols to IF_
19:34.08 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libfb/ (if_X.c if_X24.c if_ogl.c): wrap the interface headers in their respective IF_ defines so that they'll compile regardless of being available
19:43.13 *** join/#brlcad cad321 (
20:19.04 *** join/#brlcad phenotic (
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20:53.23 *** join/#brlcad silvap__ (
22:39.37 *** join/#brlcad rfilippus (
22:39.45 *** part/#brlcad rfilippus (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050917

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050917

04:13.20 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
16:40.41 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc/ a 'Dll' dir was apparently not commited or was removed
16:48.30 *** join/#brlcad john_g (
16:49.29 *** join/#brlcad YetAnotherEric (
16:49.51 john_g Hi, I updated to cvs rel-7-6-0 and could not get to give good output. Is that version ready?
16:57.39 john_g quit
20:10.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/off/g-off.c: fix mac -fast compilation error. can't declare var as static and extern; the static is optimized away and the extern becomes an undefined symbol.
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050918

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050918

01:07.44 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
01:41.00 *** join/#brlcad cad399 (
01:41.32 *** join/#brlcad silvap (
01:43.05 cad399 all quiet on the homefront...
01:43.15 brlcad peaceful ;)
01:44.42 pra5ad grr
01:44.55 cad399 everyone running 7.6 by now?
01:45.09 pra5ad webirc chat box has dissaperear
01:45.17 pra5ad dissapeared...
01:45.35 brlcad pra5ad, what are you using cgi:irc for? get a real client :)
01:45.46 brlcad cad399: of course
01:45.51 pra5ad lazy and on laptop
01:46.04 cad399 any problems with rtwizard?
01:47.02 brlcad cad399: such as?
01:47.43 cad399 hangs. popup says: loading megawidgets, then it hangs at 40% every time
01:47.57 brlcad hmm
01:48.36 brlcad cad399: that sounds worthy of a bug report
01:48.49 cad399 I haven't really dug into it yet, thought maybe it was a known issue
01:49.13 brlcad there was something about rtwizard hanging, but it's been years since that's been seen
01:49.32 brlcad it was related to loading incrtcl as a shared lib on mac os x
01:49.44 cad399 debian sarge here
01:50.08 brlcad you compiled from sources?
01:50.25 cad399 not yet, I'm new to brl-cad.
01:50.47 cad399 so far everything else works as advertised
01:51.55 brlcad that's really odd.. especially if you didn't compile
01:52.28 cad399 yeah
01:53.03 cad399 probably something I'm doing/not doing
01:53.19 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: report of rtwizard hanging at 40% on Debian (from binary distro)
01:54.03 brlcad how are you running rtwizard?
01:54.04 cad399 Actually, I'm impressed that it runs so well 'out of the box'
01:54.21 cad399 as per manpage
01:54.21 brlcad it might be presuming a file name
01:56.12 brlcad manpage.. manpage.. what manpage? :)
01:57.13 cad399 ahh... rtwizard dosen't HAVE a manpage. My bad. But rt does.
01:57.32 cad399 running rtwizard cup.g mug.r
01:59.21 brlcad ahhh
01:59.36 brlcad hehe, I don't think rtwizard accepts the same args
01:59.42 brlcad try just "rtwizard cup.g"
02:00.16 cad399 same result
02:00.20 brlcad hrmph
02:00.52 cad399 popup says "Megawidget packed" progress bar hangs at 40%
02:01.19 cad399 must be a tcl thing
02:01.28 brlcad you know what.. might just be a window manager issue
02:01.43 brlcad at 40%, it makes a new window
02:01.51 cad399 hmmm
02:01.57 brlcad "supposed" to minimize the progress bar
02:02.03 brlcad and bring the new window to focus
02:03.01 brlcad that said, I don't believe the tool has been tested in a little while, so something has evidently changed
02:03.46 cad399 the xterm says "Error in startup script: rtarea is not defined in class ::display...
02:04.39 brlcad yeah, I just got that here too
02:04.56 brlcad probably something to do with the new resource locations being changed recently
02:05.17 cad399 sounds right
02:06.51 cad399 I'm sure it'll be sorted out LONG before I get the hang of brl-cad lol
02:07.09 brlcad heh, probably :)
02:07.31 brlcad presuming we don't get too sidetracked with the windows release and bug reports there ..
02:07.52 cad399 can of worms
02:08.23 cad399 If I build from source, will I get any addiotional documentation?
02:09.10 brlcad not any additional user documentation
02:09.18 cad399 wow... spellcheck is our friend
02:09.23 brlcad there is more documentation on the website, though
02:09.34 brlcad find a spelling mistake?
02:09.40 cad399 just mine
02:09.57 brlcad ah, heh
02:25.28 cad399 so, to use rtweight I have to set up a density file?
02:26.21 brlcad yes
02:26.26 brlcad pretty simple format
02:26.41 cad399 is there an example somewhere?
02:26.56 brlcad sure,
02:27.29 cad399 thanks, sorry to be a bother. trying to rtfm
02:27.49 brlcad no problem at all
02:29.51 cad399 wow, that rocks.
02:30.03 cad399 now if it would just generate G-Code... lol
02:30.47 brlcad :)
02:31.02 brlcad there was a couple guys working on that for a while, but they haven't been involved in a while
02:32.56 cad399 tough nut to crack
02:39.56 cad399 Has there been any discussion of moving away from tcl?
02:40.08 Twingy heh
02:40.21 Twingy you volunteering? :)
02:40.59 cad399 Maybe... I would have to be a LOT further along the learning curve
02:42.32 cad399 an ipython interface would be nice
02:42.37 brlcad gtk's not portable enough as a sole frontend
02:42.52 cad399 fltk?
02:43.25 brlcad why??
02:43.29 brlcad what does it buy you?
02:43.42 cad399 fltk, nothing.
02:43.47 Twingy me not having to write a gui :)
02:43.49 cad399 ipython, hmmm
02:43.54 brlcad i meant gtk
02:44.31 cad399 nothing
02:44.31 Twingy I've done a bunch of fltk stuff in the past, wanna give gtk a whirl
02:45.00 brlcad you already tied into python, why not just use that?
02:45.27 Twingy cause I'd prefer to write some tight C/C++ gui code
02:45.47 Twingy I'm not really using python as much as you think o.O
02:46.05 brlcad i know, but you are using it, i.e. a dependency
02:46.11 Twingy jup
02:46.19 brlcad each new lib is a pile of dependency headaches
02:46.22 Twingy hey, it was lee's idea to shove adrt into brl-cad *shrug*
02:46.26 brlcad and gtk is one of the worst, probably the worst
02:46.35 Twingy not on freebsd :)
02:46.52 Twingy or loonix for that matter
02:46.58 brlcad it even is on bsd
02:47.09 brlcad it might be simple to just tell ports to install it
02:47.15 brlcad but it's not a simple dependency library
02:47.17 Twingy uh, what part about doing cd /usr/ports/wm-toolkits/gtk2 and doing make install is hard?
02:47.21 brlcad there are tons of subdependencies
02:47.28 brlcad and they all have their own dependencies
02:47.36 cad399 that depends...
02:47.38 Twingy if you installed it right then you don't have to worry about those :)
02:48.52 brlcad adrt being in brl-cad was a good idea, there's no real need for it to be _required_ to be coupled to external components
02:49.20 Twingy indeed
02:49.22 brlcad it's one thing to use when available, and provide alternatives for portability
02:49.39 brlcad it's a good tool, more useful across systems
02:49.50 Twingy I dunno, I'm more of a fan of breaking things up into smaller packages and just chewing on the ones you're using...
02:49.56 Twingy kinda like /usr/ports does it
02:50.07 brlcad the more complex it's made, the more likely you're just killing it's ability to be adopted
02:50.23 Twingy *shrug* gimp has a pretty large user base
02:50.25 brlcad it's relatively non-trivial for anyone to use it unless they use the same environment you do
02:50.41 Twingy there's what, about a million gimp users?
02:50.43 brlcad you're not gimp in the least, regardless of whether you use gtk or not
02:50.55 Twingy right, but if people can install gimp, then can install this :)
02:51.02 brlcad and their build is much much much more forgiving than yours
02:51.22 brlcad and they do have support hooks for other libs for some of their deps
02:51.38 Twingy so, I'll add em into the build system *shrug*
02:51.51 brlcad you can't add gtk
02:51.54 brlcad it's way too big
02:52.02 brlcad not to mention all it's dependencies
02:52.13 Twingy so... make it it's own entity then
02:52.14 brlcad even gdk is too big
02:52.42 Twingy less headaches for you o.O
02:52.47 cad399 where do I learn about adrt?
02:52.49 brlcad that doesn't solve any problem other than your ability to play with others :P
02:53.06 brlcad I care more that you're just crippling your own app needlessly
02:53.48 brlcad exactly the problem, it's way more useful than that
02:53.54 brlcad at least it could be
02:54.01 brlcad with relatively little effort
02:54.07 Twingy in what way?
02:54.25 brlcad in what way what?
02:54.45 brlcad visualization framework, high performance rendering
02:54.47 Twingy people can get their hands on higher performance ray-tracing engines...
02:55.12 Twingy alexis's is 10x faster, most people care about optical rendering, they should use that for such purposes
02:55.22 Twingy cause it's geared for pretty pictures
02:55.22 brlcad open source? I doubt it
02:55.28 Twingy soon :)
02:55.29 brlcad more feature-filled, perhaps, but not faster
02:55.42 Twingy his is 10x faster
02:55.52 brlcad yeah yeah.. "soon" .. i'll hold my breath until I see it up on
02:56.12 Twingy might be sooner than you think o.O
02:56.24 brlcad i mean specifically released already
02:56.40 brlcad it could be tonight for all i know/care (which I don't much)
02:56.44 cad399 could your renderer be ported to graphics hardware?
02:58.57 brlcad cad399: there are several renders, some could, some have
02:59.29 cad399 is it worth the effort?
02:59.37 brlcad depends what you goal is
02:59.48 cad399 speed
03:00.27 brlcad speed for what? generating pretty pictures? generating shaded views? performing signature analyses?
03:00.28 cad399 I don't really like tcl,
03:00.34 pra5ad ustin
03:00.37 pra5ad justin
03:00.44 Twingy O.o
03:00.55 cad399 shaded views
03:01.01 pra5ad u plan on adding adaptive packet sizes
03:01.05 brlcad cad399, you don't have to deal with tcl really, even the majority of the code isn't tcl
03:01.17 pra5ad based on worker traffic
03:01.19 pra5ad etc
03:01.43 Twingy we got homogeneous cluster y0
03:01.44 cad399 what I started to say was that although I don't really like tcle,
03:02.00 cad399 I can generate geometry pretty quiclkly
03:02.08 cad399 trendering is slow though
03:02.27 brlcad cad399: ahh, shaded views should be taken care of with the new intermediate viewer that's being merged in now
03:02.44 pra5ad what can get ur efficiency curve to 100% linear
03:03.22 Twingy 100% efficiency cruve != best performance
03:03.39 brlcad 110%!
03:03.47 pra5ad ?
03:03.50 Twingy elevendy billion percent!
03:03.57 pra5ad linear ramp for runtimes
03:04.08 pra5ad == best performance
03:04.11 Twingy smaller packets == 100% efficiency == more overhead == slower rendering
03:04.36 Twingy if you have slow horribly code likes muves then smaller packets == better performance
03:04.53 pra5ad how wrong u are
03:04.56 pra5ad :)
03:04.58 Twingy when the packets take like miliseconds to compute then you are network bound
03:05.15 Twingy okay, I'm wrong
03:05.39 cad399 what's the deal with the intermediate viewer?
03:06.19 brlcad cad399: there was a tool that was developed by a 3rd party using mged in a pseudo plugin-mode, but that does shaded views by default
03:07.08 brlcad that tool's starting to be merged into cvs now, probably an iteration or two before it's released initially
03:07.18 cad399 fast enough to rotate, pan, etc?
03:07.24 brlcad sure
03:07.29 brlcad it's all just opengl
03:07.50 cad399 kewl
03:07.55 brlcad even mged can do it now in an experimental mode if you turn it on
03:08.03 cad399 pray tell
03:08.15 brlcad but it's a little clunky and with a couple known bugs
03:08.56 cad399 How do I turn it on?
03:09.06 brlcad shaded_mode 2
03:09.44 brlcad turn on Misc -> z buffer and Misc -> lighting
03:09.55 brlcad then (re)display some geometry
03:10.33 brlcad oh, and Misc -> z clipping
03:10.50 cad399 ahha! nice
03:11.51 cad399 yeah, a bit buggy.
03:11.55 brlcad just don't try to display really complex geometry .. it'll bog down with some geometry
03:12.46 cad399 so intermediate will be better?
03:13.37 brlcad yeah
03:14.07 brlcad then the longer term replacement under development completely fixes the problem, but that's very far out from release
03:15.14 cad399 If it had a renderer that was fast like varicad...
03:17.28 brlcad there is a fast renderer, two of them for different purposes
03:19.19 brlcad rt will handle large complex csg models with all sorts of options in parallel better than most; adrt does triangles faster than just about anything else out there freely available
03:20.29 cad399 how do I play with adrt?
03:21.35 brlcad it's not really set up for end-users yet, but if you want to try then Twingy is your guy
03:21.52 Twingy erm, you needs bots or blender
03:22.28 cad399 bots as in bags of triangles?
03:22.38 cad399 what good is blender going to me?
03:22.51 Twingy python exporter, plus it's got lots of triangle shtuff
03:23.04 cad399 hmmm
03:23.25 Twingy and lots of nifty animation utils you can use to make movies
03:26.49 cad399 Seems like VTK should be a good option for animation
03:27.20 cad399 But I don't think they're GPL
03:28.03 cad399 Some of the OpenCASCADE people are using VTK as a faster renderer
03:28.22 cad399 SALOME in particular
03:28.31 brlcad if opengl is all you want, there are several options
03:30.02 cad399 OpenGL isn't everything, it just seems that it would speed up geometry creation
03:30.15 brlcad sure
03:30.33 brlcad that's why it's the foundation in the new modeler
03:31.20 cad399 I'm probably getting ahead of myself
03:31.33 cad399 I'm still learning how to create geometry
03:31.49 cad399 and figuring out this whole shotline thing...
03:32.51 cad399 interesting method of interogating a model.
03:34.42 Twingy sean, you got any issues with fltk?
03:36.30 brlcad Twingy: not a big fan of the api or look, but nah, it's fine
03:36.35 brlcad nice tight library
03:36.45 Twingy aight
03:37.09 brlcad simple deps, we actually ship 2 of it's 4 deps
03:37.32 brlcad and they're just recommended
03:38.07 Twingy before writing nurbana's custom 10k line opengl gui I used fltk
03:38.37 brlcad why'd you drop it?
03:38.47 brlcad i mean, i probably would have too.. just curious :)
03:39.04 Twingy cause my gui design paradigm needed to interact with the opengl display
03:39.13 Twingy not as separate entities
03:39.19 Twingy black A gui, block B display
03:40.12 brlcad (good) opengl guis
03:44.42 Twingy we can include lgpl crap right?
03:44.50 brlcad yep
03:44.58 Twingy hrm, I'm leaning towards paragui then
03:52.08 brlcad paragui's got more deps I believe, a lot more .. not sure which are required though
03:53.03 Twingy sdl image and sdl ttf
03:55.41 brlcad according to the maintainer list I ran across, it lists libjpg, libpng, sdl and company, tiff, perl, python, readline, and ruby
03:56.01 brlcad if perl and ruby are "optional", and there aren't any others, I wouldn't see a problem
03:57.17 brlcad hmm. uses expat and freetype too
03:57.28 brlcad probably okay too
03:57.56 Twingy there's options to not depend on those
03:57.59 Twingy in configure
03:58.08 Twingy expat atleast
03:58.11 brlcad cool
03:58.16 brlcad what's required?
03:59.42 Twingy SDL, freetype, SDL_image, zlib, option (expat, libjpg, libpng)
03:59.47 Twingy *optional
04:00.13 Twingy I don't see perl and ruby
04:00.29 brlcad could just be a bindings thing, or a subdep
04:00.34 Twingy according to the INSTALL
04:00.48 brlcad freetype's required?
04:00.58 Twingy yah I think so
04:01.03 brlcad freetype2 or 1?
04:01.23 Twingy 2.0
04:01.32 brlcad well that's good
04:01.45 Twingy or higher
04:02.00 Twingy sdl image can be turned off
04:02.08 brlcad 1 vs 2 are completely different font engines
04:02.13 Twingy jup
04:02.25 Twingy 2 became grotesquely huge :|
04:02.54 brlcad yeah :/
04:06.56 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: odd -fast optimization/aliasing bug where rtip contents are lost in rt after returning from rt_gettrees()
04:37.47 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
05:18.10 cad399 Is there a tool to set up a 'working' coordinate system?
05:18.56 cad399 like a named reference system?
05:19.48 cad399 And then work within that reference frame?
05:30.16 *** join/#brlcad thumPer1052 (
15:39.49 *** join/#brlcad cad422 (
15:39.54 cad422 hey
15:40.04 cad422 anyone know where the installation goes to in OSX?
15:40.19 cad422 it's not showing up in applications
15:42.38 brlcad it goes to /usr/brlcad
15:43.00 brlcad *presently* you have to run X11 and set your PATH on OS X for the time being
15:43.12 brlcad it'll be a full double-clickable app in the very near future
15:43.52 cad422 thanks so much, I see it there
15:44.06 cad422 the install gave the impression that it was a clickable item :)
15:44.19 cad422 is there a tutorial?
15:54.06 brlcad there are
15:54.32 brlcad back to your first question, though, you know how to set your PATH, I presume?
15:54.49 brlcad the tutorials are on the website under the Documents section at
19:53.26 *** join/#brlcad thumPer1052 (
20:33.00 brlcad howdy thumPer1052
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050919

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050919

00:43.55 thumPer1052 howdy
01:57.03 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
03:40.38 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
03:45.30 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
03:56.32 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
04:01.34 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
04:05.29 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
04:08.07 thumPer1052 Twings back
04:08.36 Twingy yah
04:08.41 Twingy testing oc stuff
04:08.49 thumPer1052 ahh
04:09.06 Twingy CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz (3533.02-MHz 686-class CPU)
04:09.35 thumPer1052 yes, yours is bigger than mine *sniff*
04:09.55 Twingy meh, this is a year old
04:10.37 Twingy I figure it's got a good 12 months of life in it
04:11.32 thumPer1052 I upgrade when I can buy a cpu/board combo that is twice as fast [as what I'm using] for less thatn 300
04:11.43 thumPer1052 every couple of years
04:12.03 Twingy same here, but I budget for up to $1k
04:12.12 Twingy my last box was a dual PIII 1ghz I had for 3 years
04:12.25 thumPer1052 nice
04:12.36 Twingy I gave it to a friend for free last year
04:13.02 thumPer1052 cool
04:13.15 thumPer1052 drop me a line when you're tired of your girlfriend
04:13.17 thumPer1052 lol
04:13.20 Twingy heh
04:13.56 Twingy I did give it to a girl, who is a friend, but not my girlfriend :P
04:14.17 thumPer1052 I have one of those
04:14.25 thumPer1052 she has 'veto rights' at the club
06:43.14 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
06:51.02 d_rossberg brlcad: cvs update -d creates any directories that exist in the repository if they're missing from the working copy
09:19.18 *** join/#brlcad Erroneous_ (
10:39.43 *** join/#brlcad ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
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14:56.15 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc/ oops, so there is a Dll directory.. I swear I update dP'd.. hrmph
15:00.26 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ generate the misc/win32-msvc/Dll/Makefile
15:06.53 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/prep.c: memset the size that was allocated
16:33.41 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/doc/binary_spec.txt: updated binary spec doc
16:51.58 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/raytrace.h: remove the unused prototypes block, remove the non-nmg structure definitions
17:32.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/shadework.h: these happen to actually be lights, so use light_specific instead of shar*
17:33.18 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/rtprivate.h: header wrapping foo, headers deps, and provide RT_BUFSIZE for default parseable title length
17:34.09 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/nurb.h: nmg.h wraps itself now, so just include it
17:39.23 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/nmg.h: common.h
17:45.09 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/light.h: provide OPTICAL_EXPORT, replicated from optical.h and include the headers this header requires
17:59.32 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/viewedge.c: remove stale comment
18:02.41 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/ (rtwalk.c rtshot.c rtexample.c main.c): use RT_BUFSIZE define from rtprivate.h instead of constant 132
18:34.45 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/liboptical/shade.c: sw_visible is light_specific
18:35.26 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/liboptical/sh_plastic.c: ws
18:36.16 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/liboptical/sh_billboard.c: quell warnings, make the image dimensions longs instead of ints
18:58.20 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/liboptical/sh_light.c: if the partition list is empty, break out early; sw_visible is a light_specific now
19:21.57 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: fill in the items people should have been adding. build support checks for X11 and opengl; windows build support; isst observer magnification, 64bit support imprements, updated manpages.
19:47.35 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ -fast seems to provoke stack corruption in the shadow computations so disable it for now
20:08.37 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
20:16.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libtie/ removed quotes
20:54.50 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ bzw isn't ready
20:56.13 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ -mdynamic-no-pic needs to pass by the compiler too since the linker doesn't seem to care if it's not valid (at least on linux)
20:57.45 brlcad major commits to configure should be all done now, lemme know if there are any troubles
21:05.16 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (n=Apathy@
21:11.46 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/jack/ (g-jack.c jack-g.c): s/RT_EXTERN/BU_EXTERN/
21:14.39 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/liboptical/sh_light.c: s/RT_EXTERN/BU_EXTERN/
21:15.56 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/off/g-off.c: BU_EXTERN
21:17.00 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/vdeck/vdeck.c: BU_EXTERN
21:18.12 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/ (11 files): RT_EXTERN -> BU_EXTERN
21:21.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/light.h: BU_EXTERN
21:24.03 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/libbu.3: h/ directory is now the include/ directory
21:36.09 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ (5 files in 2 dirs): s/RT_ARGS/BU_ARGS/g
21:39.56 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/iges/g-iges.c: don't need both rev and header
21:55.56 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/iges/g-iges.c: ugh, RCSrev is actually used in the code. that should probably be changed but for now just revert it.
21:57.15 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/iges/g-iges.c: ;
22:02.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/iges/g-iges.c: for the love of q!
22:17.19 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ have_java_h was changed to found_jni_h
23:23.43 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
23:48.44 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/HACKING: e-mailing the cad-linux-dev requires special attention not appropriate for general release announcement
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050920

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050920

00:32.00 *** join/#brlcad tegtmeye (
00:39.01 silvap__ sup mike
00:39.25 tegtmeye yo...
00:39.30 tegtmeye seen justin
00:39.34 tegtmeye ?
00:39.40 silvap__ nop
00:40.02 tegtmeye adrt is breaking badly under mac...
00:40.20 silvap__ thought u got it running at 2M
00:40.27 silvap__ 2M/s
00:40.44 tegtmeye yea... 2M/s of black...
00:40.50 silvap__ ah
00:40.57 silvap__ so u checked -d
00:40.58 silvap__ heh
00:43.04 tegtmeye yea... even doing simple boxes renders bad...
00:50.57 ``Erik oh, hey, it's prasad, hah
00:51.49 ``Erik justin had to scoot early, he may be at the realtors o.O or looking at that "backup house"
00:51.50 tegtmeye Thanks, I don't think that it is going to help Justin's stuff though...
00:52.08 ``Erik yeah, sorry, skimmed real quick, brain ain't workin'
01:02.20 tegtmeye <PROTECTED>
01:28.07 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
01:29.15 tegtmeye yo justin, your raytracer is giving me headache
01:29.26 Twingy woah :)
01:29.36 Twingy just got a new set of tires and shoes
01:29.52 Twingy can I help?
01:30.24 tegtmeye got the benchmark to run on mac with the blender file and...
01:30.39 Twingy the benchmark might not run since your .map file is not binary
01:30.39 tegtmeye 3.8 milllliiioooon rays/sec of nothing
01:30.51 Twingy I have to update the python script to do binary .map
01:30.58 Twingy only g-adrt does it right now
01:31.04 Twingy but you don't care about the .map file
01:31.34 Twingy if you get sean to add you to developer list
01:31.38 Twingy I could make the changes quicklike
01:31.38 tegtmeye no but, I'd like to have some indication everything is working alright...
01:31.43 Twingy right
01:31.48 Twingy let me update the python script...
01:31.54 Twingy I can post it on my webserver or somphin
01:32.05 tegtmeye I am a dev on brlcad now...
01:32.08 Twingy ah
01:32.12 Twingy okay, that makes like easier
01:32.27 Twingy and you copied the camera line into the .frames file?
01:32.37 tegtmeye yea, didn't matter where I put it
01:32.55 tegtmeye I did manage to render some crap though...
01:33.06 Twingy k, lemme update my python script and test here
01:33.06 tegtmeye lots of pretty colors...
01:33.12 Twingy after I verify it's working I'll let you try
01:33.15 Twingy gimme like 5-10 mins
01:33.18 tegtmeye kl
01:39.26 Twingy testing
01:43.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/scripts/ uses binary .map file now
01:43.37 Twingy need to test matrix thingy
01:47.44 Twingy uno momento por favor
01:47.51 tegtmeye k
01:48.47 Twingy this thing is running surprisingly stable at 3.486ghz
01:49.16 Twingy granted I got the voltages cranked up
01:49.24 tegtmeye what is it? a 16F877?
01:49.40 Twingy CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz (3486.49-MHz 686-class CPU)
01:50.01 tegtmeye You would have impressed me more if it was a PIC
01:50.20 learner heh
01:50.35 Twingy I don't think the gate lengths are short enough :(
01:51.04 Twingy with a little luck I might be able to get one going at 50 or 60mhz though
01:51.05 tegtmeye 80 millimeters, 80 nanometers, whats the difference
01:51.21 Twingy maybe just high enough to screw with your radio
01:51.34 tegtmeye lol
01:53.11 Twingy k, jus aboot done here eh
01:53.46 Twingy jeepers
01:54.44 Twingy oooh
01:54.51 tegtmeye ?
01:54.59 Twingy one sec, checking somphin
01:55.25 Twingy ah, found a buggie
01:55.38 tegtmeye elaborate...
01:55.41 Twingy wasn't null terminating a string in python exporter
01:55.58 Twingy have to pack a 0 after I pack the string name
02:00.14 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/scripts/ fixed string termination on mesh name
02:00.28 Twingy okay
02:00.29 Twingy try that
02:00.38 tegtmeye k, gimme a sec...
02:00.39 Twingy you want a .blend?
02:00.47 tegtmeye sure
02:00.49 Twingy k
02:02.02 Twingy
02:06.32 Twingy brb
02:06.36 Twingy got a zombie to kill
02:07.23 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
02:08.00 Twingy I get 1.36 mil rays/sec on that scene
02:09.54 Twingy hrmph
02:10.27 tegtmeye 1.96 mil rays/sec of black
02:10.52 Twingy hrm
02:10.56 tegtmeye is the frams file right?
02:11.07 tegtmeye frame,1
02:11.07 tegtmeye transform_mesh,Suzanne,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,-1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,1.000000
02:11.07 tegtmeye camera,2.774529,-4.754521,0.000000,2.274529,-3.888496,-0.000000,0.0,19.923788,0.000000
02:11.21 Twingy looks right
02:11.48 Twingy and you got latest and greatest adrt source?
02:12.54 tegtmeye yea, just updated everything...
02:13.02 Twingy k one sec
02:13.14 tegtmeye have you tried this on your pbook?
02:13.21 Twingy not in ages
02:13.46 tegtmeye your tax dollars at work...
02:13.47 Twingy and video editing
02:13.54 Twingy I didn't ask for it!
02:14.23 Twingy once my dell laptop comes in I plan to get much use out of it
02:14.55 Twingy k, lemme debug for a sec
02:15.24 tegtmeye k, I'm going to split here shortly, be at this since I got home...
02:15.45 Twingy heh
02:15.56 Twingy s/lone/long
02:16.06 Twingy then again I don't have a wife to entertain...
02:16.14 tegtmeye exactly...
02:16.29 tegtmeye they have a way of being persuasive...
02:16.42 Twingy I'll poke at some stuff for a bit
02:16.55 Twingy I guess you can poke at it tommorrow
02:17.08 Twingy I'm done my accomplishments, so I'll have a few hours to write code this week
02:17.32 tegtmeye yea, I'm goingt to let sean's commits compile overnight...
02:17.39 Twingy hehe
02:17.43 tegtmeye and look at this again over "lunch"
02:17.53 Twingy you just need a 12401925 cpu altix
02:18.00 Twingy then it'll compile supah fast
02:18.33 tegtmeye or...
02:18.45 tegtmeye just drop the need to compile brlcad at all...
02:19.02 Twingy hrm... reminds me of an old version of adrt... Heretic!
02:19.21 tegtmeye lol
02:19.35 Twingy All Hail the brl-cad-ori
02:20.19 Twingy :-)
02:20.26 Twingy grumble cakes
02:20.44 tegtmeye ...just tried again using complex supermesh box geometry to no avail...
02:20.53 Twingy k, hold on a sec
02:20.57 Twingy isst is not snarfing it
02:21.02 Twingy it might not be fixed yet
02:25.17 tegtmeye "...ld: .libs/Runput.o has local relocation entries in non-writable section (__TEXT,__text)
02:25.17 Twingy yah
02:25.18 Twingy bug
02:25.35 Twingy need one more adjustment
02:25.40 tegtmeye brlcad has issuess...
02:26.32 Twingy I should make a *stable* branch in brlcad
02:26.33 Twingy that doesn't change but more than once a month
02:26.33 tegtmeye lol...
02:26.33 Twingy for adrt
02:26.53 Twingy then I can have my mad-crazy-changes-every-five-picoseconds-branch
02:27.23 tegtmeye Whata mean, I like the microsoft, er, MUVES3, er, java, er... appraoch..."
02:27.51 Twingy heh
02:30.24 tegtmeye tommorrow then...
02:30.46 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/scripts/ signed stuff
02:31.08 Twingy ^-- won't fix you problem
02:32.16 Twingy H
02:32.21 Twingy got it I think
02:32.25 Twingy newp
02:38.09 tegtmeye nope...
02:38.25 Twingy I told you it wouldn't do anything :)
02:38.47 tegtmeye I'll try angain tomorrow...
02:38.51 tegtmeye see ya...
02:38.53 Twingy k
02:38.54 Twingy l8r
03:20.04 *** join/#brlcad thumPer1052 (
03:22.00 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
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04:30.19 silvap__ woo woo skins!
04:41.42 Twingy heh
04:42.53 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/scripts/ null terminator
04:58.20 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
06:44.25 PKMOBILE zzzzzzz sleep time
07:21.09 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
14:33.50 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/archer/images/aboutArcher.png: Update to to 0.7.0
14:39.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/libtk/library/panedwindow.tcl: Put catch statements around " identify ". This hacks around annoying error messages. Need to investigate further.
14:48.21 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/iwidgets/generic/panedwindow.itk: Modify the look of the sash (i.e. always raised); add check in the fraction method to check for the existence of _ret before using it
14:51.37 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/iwidgets/generic/toolbar.itk: Add mods to ensure that the balloon help window is not clipped by the screen
14:54.28 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/doc/archer_ack.txt: Minor mods
16:21.23 *** join/#brlcad AlekosP (
16:36.04 *** part/#brlcad AlekosP (
19:05.39 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
19:06.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libutil/camera.c: optimized non depth of field rendering, performance is 1% faster.
19:17.19 Maloeran Eheh Justin, don't we hunt these 1% performance gains :)
19:28.25 Twingy_ they add up
19:28.27 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libutil/camera.c: removed expensive memcpy from camera ray generation, 1.4% performance boost.
19:28.58 Twingy_ 2.4% speedup today, wee
19:32.20 Maloeran Eheh, I did notice that memcpy :)
19:33.05 Twingy_ 2.64 mil/sec on my xeon box
19:34.16 Twingy_ kind of fun watching my t62 scene run at 120 fps on the cluster
19:34.20 Maloeran I have briefly started an amd64 assembly version of the ray-tracing function, but I'll write it in a more generic way, full of gas preprocessor macros to expand and cover all combinations of settings ( as the procedurally generated C versions do )
19:34.26 Twingy_ ah
19:34.39 Twingy_ fun
19:34.40 Maloeran I'm sure :), we could make that 800fps, wee
19:34.44 Twingy_ hehe
19:34.53 Twingy_ we'd probly have to start optimizing sdl
19:34.56 Twingy_ ;)
19:35.19 Twingy_ that's sad isn't it :}
19:35.54 Maloeran SDL did seem a bit slow somehow, in comparison to what I'm used to with X shared pixmaps
19:35.58 Twingy_ I just got the 2 opteron machines strapped onto a thick sturdy adjustable plastic tv cart
19:36.06 Twingy_ now I can wheel them around the compound
19:36.11 Twingy_ well
19:36.14 Maloeran Neat :}
19:36.17 Twingy_ you need to be fullscreen to get hardware acceleration
19:36.31 Maloeran I generally run my benchmarks in 1600x1200 full screen
19:36.37 Twingy_ which is why I have a fullscreen toggle
19:36.41 Twingy_ ah, k
19:36.54 Twingy_ I find that 640x480 meets my needs
19:37.28 Maloeran By the way, the last executable I sent you was optimized for P4, and was 32 bits ; somewhat slower on Opterons than it should have been o.O
19:37.35 Twingy_ that is to say, none of the analysts are complaining the resolution is too low
19:38.06 Twingy_ mal, I'll privmsg you tonight
19:38.11 Twingy_ I have more news
19:38.21 Maloeran Great, sure
20:23.05 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (i=semhirag@unaffiliated/semhirage)
20:29.52 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libcommon/unpack.c: unpack_free is enabled again
20:34.18 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/bench/bench.c: calling common_unpack_free()
20:34.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libtie/tie.c: tie_push doesn't throw warning anymore
20:55.56 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libtie/tie.c: formatting
20:59.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libtie/tie.c: more formatting
21:04.03 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libtie/tie.c: enough formatting already
21:08.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/librender/ ( phong.c render.h render_internal.h): no more ambient term
21:53.59 *** join/#brlcad thumPer1052 (
21:54.45 thumPer1052 ahh, the Twingy twins
23:30.06 Twingy hrm
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050921

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050921

00:03.39 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (8 files in 2 dirs):
00:56.04 *** join/#brlcad tegtmeye (
01:42.49 Twingy grumph
02:12.05 Twingy time for a big commit
02:15.32 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (43 files in 12 dirs):
02:15.32 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: librender is now libvis, render method terminology becomes visualization method or vis
02:15.32 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: method for short.
02:16.43 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/ changed to reflect libvis
02:17.43 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/librender/ (25 files): removed
02:49.01 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
07:13.21 *** join/#brlcad cad830 (
07:14.05 *** join/#brlcad cad770 (
07:14.49 *** join/#brlcad cad770 (
12:40.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/tkimg/ Not needed
12:48.30 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/tkimg/ (5 files in 2 dirs): Not needed
12:58.27 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/include/ (zlib.h zconf.h): Update to zlib 1.2.2
13:00.59 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/tkimg/png/init.c: Use TKIMG_PNG_PACKAGE_NAME instead of PACKAGE_NAME
13:10.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/tkimg/ (22 files in 5 dirs): Initial check-in
13:12.27 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/tkimg/ (aclocal.m4 ANNOUNCE Reorganization.Notes.txt ChangeLog): Not needed
13:16.19 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/util/ (png-pix.c pix-png.c bw-png.c): Modified to use bu_getopt
13:21.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/archer/bgerror.tcl: Check for the existence of App::gui before using
13:26.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/archer/ (Archer.tcl GeometryEditFrame.tcl pkgIndex.tcl tclIndex): Mods to accommodate the fact that strings like SystemWindow are not recognized on platforms other than Windows
13:31.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/ Add archer, sdialogs and swidgets to SUBDIRS
13:38.09 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/libz/tcl/ ( configure Not needed
13:39.22 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/libpng/tcl/ ( configure Not needed
13:44.25 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/libtk/ Remove -static option from libtk_la_LDFLAGS so shared libs get built
13:46.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/libpng/tcl/pngtcl.c: These mods don't matter. This entire directory is going away
13:55.30 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/blt/ (acconfig.h aclocal.m4 configure Not needed
13:57.52 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/blt/library/ Not needed
13:59.53 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/ Add TKIMGDIR and BLTDIR
14:01.45 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/archer/archer: Mods for running on non-Windows platforms
14:06.46 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/archer/plugins/Wizards/tankwizardIA.tcl: Mods to use bu_brlcad_data
14:09.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/ Add archer to kitchensink_dirs
14:10.26 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/doc/html/manuals/ Add archer to SUBDIRS
14:12.44 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/blt/src/ Not needed
14:18.35 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/ Add support for tkimg, blt, sdialogs, swidgets and archer
14:25.03 ``Erik set
14:28.13 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/doc/ Add archer_ack.txt to documentation_DATA
14:46.38 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/ (79 files in 22 dirs): Initial check-in
14:51.56 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/blt/src/ Initial check-in
15:23.50 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/ (zconf.h zlib.h): (late) update to zlib 1.2.2
16:03.14 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/librender/ (25 files): libvis->librender
16:11.51 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libvis/ (24 files): libvis->librender
16:13.45 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libvis/component.c: boogla
16:16.46 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (19 files in 12 dirs): reverted
16:18.32 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/ libvis->librender
16:23.28 *** join/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (n=DiscoBan@
16:57.14 *** join/#brlcad mnemoc (n=amery@
16:57.47 mnemoc hi, sorry for the dumb question but... how is brl-cad started? :( it has hundred binaries :p
17:01.39 brlcad mnemoc: depends which binary you want to start :)
17:01.51 brlcad there's not a hundred :)
17:02.08 brlcad there's over four hundred
17:02.44 brlcad mnemoc: the main modeler is called 'mged', that's probably where you want to start
17:04.19 mnemoc thanks :D
17:13.44 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/fb/fb-png.c: use bu_optarg, bu_optind and bu_getopt
17:17.49 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/fb/ (36 files): use bu_optarg, bu_optind and bu_getopt
17:27.14 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/lib/TableView.tcl: quick fix for the windows-specific symbols, just use the default colors
17:33.30 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/lib/Display.tcl: declare rtarea and rtweight (found by Karen Murray)
18:06.38 *** join/#brlcad cad473 (
18:44.09 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/fb/bw-fb.c: needs bu.h for bu_getopt
18:49.29 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/fb/fb-bw.c: needs bu.h for bu_getopt
18:53.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/fb/fb-fb.c: needs bu.h for bu_getopt
18:55.46 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/fb/ (fb-pix.c pix-fb.c): needs bu.h for bu_getopt
19:00.59 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/fb/ (33 files): needs bu.h for bu_getopt
19:06.08 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/util/ (73 files): needs bu.h for bu_getopt
19:28.51 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/util/ needs libbu
19:46.45 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/util/ bu stuffage for bu_getopt
22:55.16 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/doc/html/manuals/archer/Archer_Documentation.chm: Initial check-in
23:35.05 ``Erik did sean say "who was that?" when I said "'night, dudes"? o.O
23:35.43 brlcad :)
23:36.20 ``Erik uh huh, that and you were engrossed in bz
23:36.31 brlcad what else?
23:36.32 Twingy hehe
23:57.21 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/libpng/tcl/ (18 files in 3 dirs): Not needed
23:57.42 Twingy br0k3n
23:58.18 Twingy j/k ;)
23:58.25 brlcad agar finally compiledthat's on a branch ;)
23:58.36 Twingy does it run?
23:58.40 brlcad nope
23:58.43 Twingy hehe
23:58.55 Twingy what's it complaining aboot?
23:58.59 brlcad at least the stuff in tests won't compile
23:59.04 brlcad missing symbols of it's own
23:59.06 Twingy ah
23:59.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/libz/tcl/ (18 files in 3 dirs): Not needed
23:59.09 Twingy maybe I can fix
23:59.47 *** part/#brlcad mnemoc (n=amery@
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050922

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050922

00:01.28 brlcad doesn't look like it's anything too horrid to fix, but i'm spent -- time to go home
00:01.34 Twingy k
00:08.52 ``Erik heh
00:09.25 Twingy gotta keep us coders plump and happy
00:09.36 Twingy *grunt*
00:10.01 ``Erik dude, you're all rich having no family and a short drive to work and shit, quitcher whinin' :D
00:10.11 Twingy :P
00:12.28 Twingy err uhh
00:13.01 Twingy I love balmers nick name... mini-microsoft
00:13.27 Twingy <drevil voice>he shall be called </drevil voice> mini microsoft
00:14.49 ``Erik heh
00:15.09 ``Erik I d'no, you think ballmer has the word "leaner" in his vocab?
00:15.12 ``Erik :)
00:15.51 Twingy heh, only word that comes to mind is genocide
00:16.02 Twingy but that's just me
00:16.47 ``Erik seen 'uncyclopedia'? it was pretty funny before it got on /., had lots of "steve ballmer quotes", which were basically f(x) "I'm going to kill that guy, I'm going to fucking kill %x, ..." or whatever the ballmer quote was, heh
00:17.06 Twingy heh
00:17.26 ``Erik
00:21.34 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/util/ new dep on bu, still need to add a lot more
00:22.22 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/util/ (37 files): add bu.h for bu_getopt stuff
00:38.15 *** join/#brlcad tegtmeye (
01:00.35 ``Erik pheer
01:01.13 Twingy heh
01:44.41 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
01:54.29 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
02:41.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/archer/archer: Set brlDataPath depending on the platform
03:07.35 PKMOBILE can you try logging into the site? for some reason its not working for me
03:33.08 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/archer/Archer.tcl: Set brlcadDataPath depending on the platform
03:39.57 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/archer/archer: Change brlDataPath to brlcadDataPath
03:46.24 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
05:27.11 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
05:34.26 *** join/#brlcad DarkMaster (
11:47.39 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/util/ reorganize the whole lot of sources/ldadd descriptors so that they are sorted. add libbu as a dep for the bu_getopt mods
12:18.51 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/parallel.c: (log message trimmed)
12:18.51 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: Daniel Eischen on the FreeBSD project suggested using SIGINFO instead of calling
12:18.51 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: the the private _thread_dump_info() function. _thread_dump_info is/was provided
12:18.51 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: by the bsd c_r library which is not used in certain 5.* versions of bsd (e.g.
12:18.51 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 5.4 on amd64) when using the -pthread option. since _thread_dump_info is called
12:18.51 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: when a SIGINFO is raised, it should be equivalent. probably drops support for
12:18.53 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: older bsd systems that predate sysinfo, but they'll probably require more work
12:20.25 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ check for the signal.h header and raise(), used by libbu/parallel.c
12:37.37 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/archer/archer: Minor cleanup
17:06.24 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
17:15.05 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
17:18.19 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
18:00.53 PKMOBILE brlcad, learner, when ya get a chance can you try logging into the site? my password just stopped working for no apparent reason and its bothering the heck out of me
23:41.32 *** join/#brlcad tegtmeye (
23:52.28 Twingy o.O
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050923

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050923

00:25.16 Twingy brb
00:31.46 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
02:52.59 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
03:07.35 PKMOBILE sweet
03:07.45 PKMOBILE i figured out a way to get in
03:07.52 learner i got in no trouble
03:07.55 learner but I use keys
03:08.51 PKMOBILE i had no trouble getting in before and all of a sudden my password stopped working
03:09.35 learner wierd
03:09.50 learner did you try one of the other login nodes?
03:10.03 PKMOBILE yeah it was the password
03:10.09 PKMOBILE something happened with it
03:10.23 PKMOBILE so i used one from a different site
03:10.28 PKMOBILE in encrypted form
03:11.41 PKMOBILE heck i even saved the password and it just stopped working
03:11.43 PKMOBILE weird stuff
03:13.59 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
03:16.46 Twingy moo
03:19.54 PKMOBILE oink
03:25.51 Twingy mmm bacon
06:20.30 *** join/#brlcad darthmux (n=electric@
06:21.02 *** part/#brlcad darthmux (n=electric@
13:32.37 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
14:35.48 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/README: includes a benchmark performance analysis suite
20:22.16 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/ FreeBSD renames libtcl8.4 to libtcl84
21:42.45 *** join/#brlcad silvap_ (
22:08.32 *** join/#brlcad YetAnotherEric (
22:10.00 YetAnotherEric hello all
22:10.18 YetAnotherEric learner, good news with the uber-converter
22:11.05 YetAnotherEric
22:11.54 brlcad woo
22:12.35 brlcad YetAnotherEric: excellent
22:12.52 silvap_ batik and this = win ?
22:13.09 YetAnotherEric now if I could just get the same kind of support from the CAD side of things
22:13.44 silvap_ heh that was the project that got shot down by lee
22:13.51 silvap_ o well
22:13.58 YetAnotherEric batik?
22:14.23 silvap_
22:14.38 YetAnotherEric yes, I see that. But what = win?
22:15.22 silvap_ that was in regards to a java project that i'm involved in
22:15.37 YetAnotherEric o.
22:26.34 ``Erik voluntarily?
22:26.36 ``Erik java?
23:06.10 silvap_ no, M3
23:06.17 silvap_ exporting cell view as svg
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050924

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050924

00:22.58 *** join/#brlcad tegtmeye (
02:05.10 *** join/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (n=DiscoBan@
02:39.46 *** join/#brlcad archivist_3 (
04:03.49 Twingy hrm
04:03.57 Twingy heh
04:04.02 Twingy yetanothereric
04:23.42 Twingy sean, you got a pointer on how to setup a CIA bot for a cvs repo on irc?
06:21.39 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
13:16.16 *** join/#brlcad cad392 (
16:07.18 YetAnotherEric Twingy, yeah?
17:31.14 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
19:43.20 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
20:03.11 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050925

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050925

00:18.49 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
03:13.05 PKMOBILE drupal requires outgoing mail for passwords
03:13.13 PKMOBILE we aint got outgoing mails
03:13.16 PKMOBILE *mail
03:40.42 brlcad yep
03:41.02 brlcad accounts can be created through the web interface, though, iirc, yes?
03:41.24 brlcad presuming that's the case, accounts can be created by hand
03:53.42 PKMOBILE yeah they can
07:52.11 *** join/#brlcad scope (
07:56.49 *** part/#brlcad scope (
17:39.08 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
18:11.57 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon (
18:13.12 AchiestDragon hi all
18:17.49 AchiestDragon dave@linux:~/Documents/usr/brlcad/bin> ./mged
18:17.49 AchiestDragon ./mged: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open share d object file: No such file or directory
18:18.13 AchiestDragon guess i need to put it in the path statement someware ?
18:23.40 *** join/#brlcad learner (n=brlcad@pdpc/supporter/silver/brlcad) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:23.40 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:23.40 *** join/#brlcad archivist_3 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:23.40 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:23.41 *** join/#brlcad TheLastSpartan (
18:23.41 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 (
18:23.41 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:23.41 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (n=brlcad@pdpc/supporter/silver/brlcad) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:23.41 *** mode/#brlcad [+oo learner brlcad] by
18:29.15 *** join/#brlcad learner (n=brlcad@pdpc/supporter/silver/brlcad) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:29.16 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:29.16 *** join/#brlcad archivist_3 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:29.16 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:29.16 *** join/#brlcad TheLastSpartan (
18:29.17 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:29.17 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:29.17 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (n=brlcad@pdpc/supporter/silver/brlcad) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:29.17 *** mode/#brlcad [+oo learner brlcad] by
19:27.32 *** join/#brlcad EricWilhelm (
20:55.32 AchiestDragon well , got it installed and working now :)
21:24.06 AchiestDragon hmmm think i may have a list of feature requests
23:08.49 AchiestDragon ok , converted a dxf file to a .g file , loaded it into brlcad , and get nothing displayed , cannot seem to get it to raytrace eather , also get the same if loading any of the example files , but displays if i draw a object
23:10.02 AchiestDragon says 0 objects found when trying to raytrace
23:57.12 *** join/#brlcad _AchiestDragon (
23:57.38 _AchiestDragon umpf dam , bang goes my uptime ,,
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050926

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050926

01:38.32 brlcad AchiestDragon: mged doesn't display anything by default when you load a file
01:38.56 AchiestDragon k, how do you get it to
01:39.05 brlcad contrary to other modelers, brl-cad's .g files may actually contain an arbitrary number of objects/parts/assemblies/etc
01:39.37 brlcad the 'tops' command will give you the starting list of top-level geometry objects in a geometry database
01:39.45 brlcad or the Misc->Geometry Browser too
01:39.48 brlcad on the menu
01:41.26 brlcad most 'real' brl-cad .g files take a relatively long time to load sometimes too if they are highly detailed (models that would grind pro-E to a halt), so it's up to the modeler to decide when they want to view geometry
01:44.17 brlcad feature requests are very much appreciated.. also interested what you did to fix the problem too.
01:45.07 AchiestDragon the fix for the lib was to unpack the zip in /usr not /home/dave/usr
01:45.54 brlcad ahh
01:46.25 AchiestDragon biggest feature request at moment would be to reduce the number of open windows , its hard hunting for the right one when there all stacked
01:46.29 brlcad you could have set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH too
01:47.12 brlcad what about going full-screen by default, would that help?
01:48.47 AchiestDragon maybe , it would have to have a split window system so that it say had 3 or 4 lines for the command and the rest for graphics space
01:49.21 AchiestDragon guess its a long job redesigning the whole gui
01:49.32 brlcad it is :)
01:49.46 brlcad several years have gone into the new modeler's design already
01:51.01 AchiestDragon yes , the program seems exelent , its the user interface and ease of use ( for those that like point and click ) that seems to be a letdown
01:51.08 brlcad mged does have a mode where it will combine the command and graphics window into one, it's just not easily end-user accessible right now
01:51.50 brlcad yeah, the interface of mged has always been minimal priority, more focus on validity of results, performance, flexibility, extensibility, etc
01:52.04 brlcad it's a shame too, since that's the sole metric for many ;)
01:52.12 brlcad but understandable
01:52.18 AchiestDragon yes
01:52.43 brlcad there's no reason (other than money/time) for a difficult interface
01:53.27 brlcad course what's difficult for one might not be for others, the expert brl-cad modelers are rather efficient at using it as is (mostly sans mouse)
01:55.19 AchiestDragon :) its fine once you get used to programs and use them every day , where the big corps offer training , but for open source its a case of download install and go , or not , as the case may be
01:56.28 brlcad yeah
01:57.10 brlcad fortunately, there are decent training materials available that were developed to teach the basics
01:57.35 brlcad a rare find for most open source projects (decent documentation) for all but the most mature/active
01:57.49 brlcad you did see the tutorial series on the website I hope?
01:57.56 AchiestDragon yes
01:58.55 AchiestDragon found another bug ,, need to check see if its already reported
01:59.25 AchiestDragon program exits if you try creating and extrude...
01:59.53 brlcad ahh, that's a very recent bug I just noticed last week myself
02:07.17 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
02:14.36 AchiestDragon it locked up on me earlyer , had to hit the big red restart button ,was doing a raytrace and had cpu usage saying 120% and no responce from mouse or keyboard
02:23.17 brlcad woah
02:28.12 brlcad if you can find steps to repeat that one, that'd be rather high priority
02:28.45 brlcad regardless, feel free to report that bug and/or any others to the bug tracker
02:30.54 AchiestDragon hope not :), had it set to photon mapping and changed the global photons to someting rather high
02:32.21 AchiestDragon but i think it was a ram limit , theres only 512mb ram on here and 2Gb swap allocated , and it looked like it was hitting the upper limit of the swap space also
02:35.15 AchiestDragon there is another , in the preferences , font settings ,font tools the list of fonts in each "famaly" is longer than will display on the screen
02:38.00 brlcad OOooh.. hehe photon mapping.. :)
02:38.10 AchiestDragon if i set the font size to 8 or below i get more in each list but still miss quite a few
02:56.27 AchiestDragon i know theres converters from autocad dxf with it but what about blender and .pov file types
02:57.09 brlcad they do not yet exist, though they are on the wish/todo list
03:13.32 EricWilhelm mine too
03:25.44 brlcad soon as I finish up with the .bzw converter, I'll be moving on to one of those two ..
03:27.21 AchiestDragon kool
03:29.33 AchiestDragon its 4:30 am here , time for bed for me , will play arround with it some more tomorow , try to get used to it some more then
03:35.09 brlcad thanks for the feedbacks
03:35.11 brlcad and reports
03:59.21 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (i=semhirag@unaffiliated/semhirage)
04:14.54 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (i=semhirag@unaffiliated/semhirage)
11:03.16 AchiestDragon hmm , having fun , been trying to import dxf files into brlcad , ok so seem to endup with a mess , ok so it looks to be a problem with blender that i'm exporting them to dxf from , as it shows the same mess in autocad
11:26.38 *** join/#brlcad cad462 (
12:16.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/include/ (png.h pngconf.h): Updates for libpng 1.2.8
12:18.35 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/tkimg/zlibtcl/ (zlibtcl.c zlibtcl.h zlibtclStubLib.c): Get zlibtcl's package name from ZLIBTCL_PACKAGE_NAME
12:20.34 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/tkimg/pngtcl/ (pngtcl.h pngtcl.c pngtclStubLib.c): Get pngtcl's package name from PNGTCL_PACKAGE_NAME
12:35.56 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/tkimg/pngtcl/pngtcl.c: Not exporting Png_Init
12:36.59 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/tkimg/zlibtcl/zlibtcl.c: Not exporting Z_Init
12:39.29 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/tkimg/png/init.c: Not exporting Tkimgpng_Init
12:42.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/tkimg/png/png.c: Minor mod to appease compiler
12:47.02 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/tkimg/base/tkimgStubLib.c: Use TKIMG_PACKAGE_NAME
12:49.55 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/tkimg/base/tkimg.c: Provide extern declarations for a few embedded packages
12:55.55 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/libpng/png.h: Exporting png_read_destroy and png_write_destroy (tkimg needs them)
13:01.22 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/archer/Archer.tcl: Add haveSdb to Archer namespace; move code that sets haveSdb to LoadArcherLibs
13:07.58 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/archer/LoadArcherLibs.tcl: Add code to set haveSdb; No longer need to load libpng and tkimgpng
13:12.35 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/include/config_win.h: Change INSTALL_DIRECTORY
13:17.57 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc7/ (4 files in 4 dirs): Mods to reflect the move of zlib/tcl and libpng/tcl stuff to tkimg
13:27.25 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
13:28.26 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc7/fast42g/.cvsignore: Initial check-in
15:18.46 *** join/#brlcad cad105 (
15:18.55 cad105 hi ya
15:20.45 BRLcad_firstday this is my first day using brlcad
16:49.58 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad (
17:50.10 *** join/#brlcad knightstalker (n=knightst@
17:52.29 knightstalker hello;
17:52.29 knightstalker I'm new to brlcad. I'm running linux, but I'm thinking about using it in the university I work, and I have a question google couldn't answer me: are there any compiled package of brlcad for windows, or, is there a way to compile brlcad under windows? I found a precompiled package of a beta release of the 6.x series, but it asks me for a serial. Thanks
17:56.03 Maloeran It can be compiled on windows, there are Makefiles ( or the MSVC equivalent ) for this purpose
17:57.10 brlcad knightstalker: the windows release is imminent
17:57.15 brlcad ~spell imminent
17:57.25 knightstalker so, with a port of GNU make for windows I can do the job of compilation? I've never done something like that :P
17:58.25 brlcad knightstalker: you can use cygwin and get a full functioning build using the existing build
17:58.46 brlcad or.. you can use the msvc files in the BobWinPort branch
17:58.55 brlcad and build everything using Studio
17:59.28 knightstalker ack. I've heard of cygwin before, but I've never tried it....
17:59.29 knightstalker well, I'll try that, all I need is something to show up to the boss
17:59.39 brlcad or.. you can ask for the alpha release zip if you want to alpha test :)
17:59.49 knightstalker I'll take a look at this
17:59.49 knightstalker thank you guys
17:59.57 knightstalker hey, you do have it?
18:00.02 brlcad yup
18:00.08 knightstalker woa, please
18:00.12 brlcad :)
18:00.20 knightstalker "can I have the alpha zip release?"
18:00.21 knightstalker :P
18:00.35 brlcad it's not been tested much, but it should work
18:03.42 knightstalker but I'm afraid I can't download it right now
18:04.20 knightstalker I'm on a dial-up connection now, and if I download it in this computer I won't be able to take it to home
18:04.33 brlcad okay
18:04.47 brlcad it's about 14M fwiw
18:05.02 knightstalker it would be too much to ask to put it on a server, like sourceforge
18:05.13 knightstalker so, I'll come back later
18:05.37 brlcad i'm uploading it to one of our mirrors now
18:05.48 brlcad but it's not going to go up on until it's been tested some more
18:05.52 knightstalker hey, thanks man
18:06.05 knightstalker please, tell me what's the address
18:06.25 knightstalker so I'd proud of downloading it and testing it for you
18:06.25 brlcad one sec
18:06.28 knightstalker :P
18:10.16 brlcad it'll be at in about a minute, I'll leave it up there until a new build replaces it
18:10.27 knightstalker woa; ok
18:10.32 knightstalker thank you
18:10.34 knightstalker so much
18:10.52 brlcad just please report back any issues you run into
18:11.08 knightstalker I'll download it, and show to the guys there
18:11.09 knightstalker ok, I'll do my best
18:11.17 knightstalker thanks again
18:13.43 brlcad no problem
18:14.01 knightstalker oops,
18:14.18 knightstalker it returns a 550 error: no such file or directory
18:14.25 brlcad "about a minute"
18:14.31 brlcad it's there now
18:14.32 knightstalker ok
18:14.43 brlcad not ftp
18:14.53 knightstalker ack, http
18:15.05 brlcad you have to type the http:// prefix
18:15.16 knightstalker ok
18:15.37 brlcad I presume you've found the manuals on the website?
18:15.53 knightstalker yeah
18:16.06 knightstalker I've read some, but not all
18:16.19 brlcad they are pretty much required reading for unfamiliar users ;)
18:16.38 knightstalker I was more intersted in the one about conversion between files
18:16.38 brlcad mged is not really 'discoverable' like it should be
18:17.35 knightstalker yeah, but I like it, he is somehow cool, the command-line interface where you type the commands and the visual window where things appear
18:18.22 knightstalker perhaps someday it'll have an full OpenGL interface, such as the one Blender have
18:19.14 knightstalker say, that isn't a bad idea? something more... interactive
18:19.33 brlcad it's under development
18:19.46 brlcad there's a soon to be released tool that does the shaded displays
18:20.14 brlcad and a full replacement modeler under development that will fully replace mged but that's at least a year out
18:20.21 knightstalker woa... I really need to read some changelogs and to go down into the source tree lol
18:20.32 brlcad the soon to be released tool will probably be ready in a month or two
18:20.39 brlcad please do ;)
18:20.49 brlcad I'm always open to new developers
18:21.21 brlcad the package is broad-scoping enough for pretty much any skill set ;)
18:21.28 knightstalker I'd like to contribute with something, but I'm not with the time to do it
18:21.32 knightstalker I'm trying a degree in one university, and I work in another one
18:22.05 knightstalker perhaps at the end of the year, when I'll be off the two
18:22.07 AchiestDragon well you got a willing beta tester for the new modeler
18:22.42 knightstalker sure thing, I'd like to see it and do some stuff too
18:23.46 knightstalker well, g2g guys
18:23.50 knightstalker c ya later
18:23.55 knightstalker and, thanks again
18:23.59 knightstalker Ciao
18:28.39 AchiestDragon shame im no good at C or C++
18:32.39 archivist_3 well download the source, read and learn
18:36.24 brlcad AchiestDragon: damn shame
18:36.28 AchiestDragon its years since i did any C , i gave up on C++
18:37.03 brlcad you know tcl? sh? perl? html? english? I'm sure there's a lang that we could find where help is needed :)
18:37.29 AchiestDragon python
18:38.40 brlcad that works ;)
18:39.45 AchiestDragon assembler on z80, 68000, amd29000 , pdp11 ,pic microcontrlers , and others but not iX86 if i can help it
18:41.13 AchiestDragon i can read and follow C and C++ (mostly) but know i would have problems writing code
18:43.53 brlcad have you used simh?
18:44.09 AchiestDragon ive been trying to learn qt3 but since kde is moving to qt4 for kde 4 its all change , got good at designing frontends for gui's but getting the programs to do someting when i press a button is a diferent matter
18:44.57 AchiestDragon no to simh
18:45.42 brlcad it's a historic computing simulation virtual machine framework
18:45.56 brlcad you can run a vax, pdp11, etc
18:46.21 brlcad i compiled it up a few years ago, ran the vax simulator, installed bsd, compiled brl-cad on it .. fun :)
18:46.25 AchiestDragon used stuff similar to it
18:47.29 AchiestDragon gave my pdp11/03 and pdp11/23 to a musem about 8 years ago now
18:47.30 brlcad i'd love to get the simulator time-synced so that we can recompute the BRL-CAD Benchmarks again, get a VGR performance metric of '1'
18:47.45 brlcad
18:48.47 AchiestDragon brb
20:58.41 AchiestDragon back
21:01.26 AchiestDragon i used to run povray on a old xt an 8086 with 8087 co proc 24hrs for a 640*480 res output was common on complex images , :) would be a few seconds on current machines for the same res
21:02.55 Maloeran With the amount of ram these boxes had, it couldn't have been too complex :)
21:03.44 AchiestDragon well a complex image then was 8 interwoven transperent torus's
21:04.29 brlcad heh
21:05.14 brlcad the brl-cad benchmark images used to take about week to render all of them on the vax 11/780
21:05.41 brlcad (5 512x512 images back then)
21:06.00 Maloeran The pre-Justin ray-tracer is quite slow though
21:06.14 AchiestDragon yes some would , but 24 hrs was the maximum i would run , needed to use the machine for other things
21:07.32 AchiestDragon but you could stop it tracing , and restart it later , so over night was the time it got ,
21:09.48 AchiestDragon btw i have only come across 1 3d editor that i liked , but unfortunatly its not got full ray trace options and is limited to be a addition to a pcb package for doing board visulisation
21:11.23 archivist_3 which pcb package?
21:11.29 brlcad Maloeran: i'd be very interested in seeing a comparison of the two that produces pixel-identical results
21:11.50 AchiestDragon blender has alot of good features , but a intreface so bad that it takes you longer to remeber what mode you need to be in for the key to work
21:11.55 *** join/#brlcad docelic (
21:12.17 Maloeran I was refering to the brlcad's ray-tracer before Justin's, not mine there, if it wasn't clear
21:12.35 brlcad if you simplify the problem, of course it's going to run faster -- having it outperform on equivalent inputs will the be the real interesting test to me
21:12.38 AchiestDragon autotrax , its got a package bundled called active3d, its a doddle to use
21:12.40 brlcad yeah, I mean that too
21:13.28 docelic Good evening gentlemen
21:13.41 docelic Folks, do you know the exact name of a project similar to Grass (that's what I remember first associating it with), but it's primary use was for water & depth, and was named something like SeaCad or SeaDac or something like that.. I searched for months and I wasnt able to locate it again..
21:14.33 brlcad Maloeran: it should still outperform (both yours or his), but whether it's incredibly faster when it's doing equivalent work is unproven yet
21:15.26 Maloeran It's certain that having a wider range of primitives than triangles complexify the tracing task
21:15.38 brlcad triangles are something the brl-cad does not deal with well at all, and something that has historically not been developed, so comparing an rt-raytraced BoT model to that in adrt is not exactly apples to apples
21:19.06 AchiestDragon triangles are on of the reasons that blender dosent do a good job , and that meshes and sphears in it never seem to have have true curves
21:19.53 brlcad i'm a bit tempted to take a traditional csg model and incrementally facetize the heck out of it, comparing the raytrace results of rt to your tracer to see just what level of facetization is required to get the same results
21:20.00 brlcad Maloeran: you have phong implemented?
21:20.33 Maloeran Sure
21:20.39 brlcad cool
21:20.57 brlcad maybe at some point down the road
21:22.01 Maloeran This should be interesting. Performance isn't really related to the global triangle count, but to the spatial complexity in the vicinity of the rays
21:24.28 brlcad yeah, hence just a "traditional csg model" .. i can imagine some pathalogically bad cases where a triangle-only tracer would just crumple to get pixel-accurate results, sphere flake for example or something with higher curvature
21:24.57 brlcad and then there's the memory/disk tradeoff
21:37.02 AchiestDragon grr im raytracing the demo db (m35.g) with photon mapping and forgot to note the start time
21:38.00 AchiestDragon 10:34 or 10:35 but can't remember witch
21:39.16 AchiestDragon to 10:40 so about 5 mins not bad realy
21:55.25 brlcad heh, the photon mapping is pretty slow :)
21:56.20 brlcad but 5 min isn't "too" bad for a pseudo gloabal illum render
21:59.41 pra5ad sean, who at work is a custom PC builder person?
21:59.58 pra5ad i know most of u are macphiles
22:11.45 AchiestDragon no i use pc's
22:16.33 AchiestDragon theres a number of ways to optimize rendering , but some can take more effort than thay gain in effectivness , it can depend verry much in the sceen beeing rendered
22:17.30 AchiestDragon for animation though theres a number of diferent ways to optimise that can be verry effective
22:17.52 *** join/#brlcad docelic (
22:20.57 AchiestDragon hmmm just debating if its crashed ,, i got the message Irradience Cache Progress :100% about 10 mins ago , and the cpu usage is still close to 100% and still wating for it to finish
22:37.44 *** join/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (n=DiscoBan@
22:46.11 brlcad pra5ad: just cause I prefer the simplicity of a mac doesn't mean I haven't built my fair share of boxes from scratch over the years
22:46.38 brlcad I just value my time way more than the 'savings'
22:47.08 brlcad anyways.. half the people in the building are :P
22:48.40 brlcad AchiestDragon: I doubt it's stuck .. the only bug I know of right now that causes a crash is using the cache file
22:59.43 AchiestDragon too late stoped it anyway
23:05.13 AchiestDragon started it again
23:05.30 brlcad how many photons?
23:10.49 AchiestDragon 32768
23:24.19 AchiestDragon ok maybe , i closed the app , killed the rt prog then restarted it its taken 20 mins so far to get 25%
23:30.04 AchiestDragon time for a coffee i think
23:38.09 *** join/#brlcad tegtmeye (
23:40.53 AchiestDragon hmm and problems with the win32 version ,,, rt can't connect to fb server on host "localhost", port "5561"
23:43.57 AchiestDragon was only doing a basic full render on the windows box
23:51.14 AchiestDragon :) now archer looks kool
23:52.11 AchiestDragon brlcad: is archer also avalable for the linux version ???
23:55.34 brlcad AchiestDragon: what do you mean?
23:55.40 brlcad archer is platform agnostic
23:56.11 brlcad a release hasn't been made yet that includes archer .. it's only recently starting to get merged in to cvs
23:56.49 AchiestDragon thinks i need to update to the cvs version
23:57.04 brlcad archer's not on head yet :)
23:57.33 brlcad it's all in a branch, if you want to take a peek -- all very untested and integrated so far :)
23:57.55 brlcad but if you're interested, it's in the BobWinPort branch
23:59.17 AchiestDragon i downloaded the win port version from the link you gave earlyer today , thats where i found it
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050927

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050927

00:00.25 brlcad yeah, that's not yet released
00:00.47 brlcad that's effectively what's on that branch, though
00:02.38 AchiestDragon will it compile for linux or is it just for win at the moment
00:04.46 brlcad i haven't tested building that branch recently, it's being left somewhat alone so the dev can make the windows release more easily
00:05.01 AchiestDragon k
00:05.10 brlcad archer itself isn't a porting/compiling issue -- it'll just work
00:05.33 brlcad the bigger untested question is if all the's are updated with the right stuff so that it actually makes it through the build
00:06.01 brlcad I believe he recently did a test on linux, so it should be working
00:06.38 *** join/#brlcad cad787 (
00:06.46 cad787 hello
00:06.49 brlcad hello
00:07.03 cad787 I can't get BRL-CAD to work on Mac OS X.
00:07.08 docelic hello
00:07.47 brlcad cad787: run /Applications/Utilities/X11 and type /usr/brlcad/bin/mged in the xterm that opens up
00:07.54 cad787 oh
00:07.57 cad787 ill try
00:08.29 brlcad that surprisingly seems to be the question of the month.. :)
00:09.10 tegtmeye mr. brlcad... I can't get BRLCAD to *compile* on Mac OSX...:)
00:09.18 brlcad cad787, the X11 dependency will be going away shortly, but right now it's required
00:09.33 brlcad tegtmeye: really? what's it saying?
00:09.55 tegtmeye still the same old Framework complaints...
00:10.08 brlcad ooh, you mean adrt
00:10.50 tegtmeye well, actually, I just downgraded to a previous version from Justin and haven't updated in a while... JK
00:11.07 tegtmeye it was BRLCAD though...
00:11.38 brlcad that's a slightly different ball of wax ..
00:12.16 brlcad edit src/adrt/isst/master/ and change isst_master_LDFLAGS = -static to isst_master_LDFLAGS = -static -framework Python
00:12.23 brlcad and
00:12.49 brlcad isst_master_CFLAGS = @SDL_CFLAGS@ -D__STRICT_ANSI__ -I.. -I${top_srcdir}/src/adrt/libtie -I${top_srcdir}/src/adrt/libtienet -I${top_srcdir}/src/adrt/libtexture -I${top_srcdir}/src/adrt/libcommon -I${top_srcdir}/src/adrt/librender -I${top_srcdir}/src/adrt/libutil -I${top_srcdir}/src/adrt/isst
00:13.15 tegtmeye is this in cvs?
00:13.28 brlcad edit src/adrt/isst/master/isst_python.c and make #include "Python.h" read #include <Python/Python.h>
00:13.39 brlcad what do you mean?
00:14.03 tegtmeye if it is in cvs, I'll just update...
00:14.10 brlcad no, it's not
00:14.14 tegtmeye k
00:14.30 brlcad requires changes that haven't gotten to
00:14.37 tegtmeye gotcha
00:14.37 brlcad s/changes/checks/
00:15.00 brlcad since -framework Python isn't exactly going to do anything useful on non-mac ;)
00:15.38 AchiestDragon grrr cvs problems cvs [login aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if any)
00:15.50 brlcad you should be able to get away with just running make twice without rerunning after making those edits on mac
00:16.07 AchiestDragon after hitting return at password prompt
00:16.08 brlcad AchiestDragon: sourceforge is like that sometimes, just keep retrying
00:18.55 *** join/#brlcad cad863 (
00:19.15 cad863 i left...i was the one with the problem running brl-cad
00:19.30 cad863 so, does the app need to be in a certain folder?
00:19.59 AchiestDragon dave@linux:~/brlcad> cvs -z3 co -P brlcad
00:19.59 AchiestDragon can't create temporary directory /tmp/cvs-serv817
00:19.59 AchiestDragon Too many links
00:20.02 brlcad cad863: brl-cad is actually several hundred apps total..
00:20.16 brlcad mm youngins with no patience
00:20.54 brlcad AchiestDragon: heh, yeah.. looks like is a bit overloaded at the moment
00:21.08 *** join/#brlcad cad684 (
00:21.31 cad684 sorry, its the guy with the app-running problem again... the internet was messed up for a sec where i am
00:21.40 cad684 so wat is the command to run it again?
00:21.42 brlcad cad684: brl-cad is actually several hundred apps total.. and yes the binary installers do expect to go to a specific location
00:22.27 brlcad to run the modeler, it's called 'mged' -- brl-cad installs to /usr/brlcad by default, so running /usr/brlcad/bin/mged from xterm should start it up
00:22.39 cad684 ok
00:22.42 cad684 ill try it now
00:22.58 tegtmeye brlcad, rise/observer ld is still complaining but the patch seemed to work on isst, no biggie tho, I don't use it...
00:23.13 brlcad what's the error?
00:23.13 tegtmeye _IOCreatePlugInInterfaceForService
00:23.13 tegtmeye _IOIteratorNext
00:23.13 tegtmeye _IOMasterPort
00:23.13 tegtmeye _IOObjectRelease
00:23.13 tegtmeye _IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties
00:23.14 tegtmeye _IORegistryEntryGetParentEntry
00:23.16 tegtmeye _IOServiceGetMatchingServices
00:23.18 tegtmeye _IOServiceMatching
00:23.18 brlcad ahh
00:23.20 tegtmeye _HideMenuBar
00:23.22 tegtmeye _ShowMenuBar
00:23.23 cad684 it works :D
00:23.24 tegtmeye _CDSequenceEnd
00:23.26 tegtmeye and lots others...
00:23.46 brlcad cad684: there are manuals/tutorials on the website at to get you started
00:23.54 brlcad see the intro to mged
00:24.26 cad684 hanks
00:25.04 brlcad tegtmeye: what's the compile line? it needs to be sdl-config --static-libs not --libs
00:25.35 tegtmeye hold on to your butt...
00:25.42 tegtmeye gcc -I/sw/include -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -fPIC -g -O3 -ffast-math -fstrength-reduce -fexpensive-optimizations -finline-functions -fno-omit-frame-pointer -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -fPIC -Wl,-search_paths_first -mdynamic-no-pic -g -O3 -ffast-ma
00:25.51 tegtmeye err...
00:26.09 tegtmeye bunch of stuff... what are you looking for?
00:26.15 brlcad i know you work on gcc and all, but I dont' think -ffast-ma is valid ;)
00:26.35 tegtmeye lol
00:26.44 brlcad looking for `sdl-config ...` in the compile line
00:26.59 brlcad or python-config
00:27.07 tegtmeye negative...
00:27.23 brlcad look at the libtool line that preceeded it
00:28.10 tegtmeye nope. it is ld that is complaining in gcc
00:28.26 tegtmeye making clean...
00:28.41 brlcad it will be ld that ultimately complains, missing -framework lines
00:29.00 tegtmeye insert wrong answer buzz sound here...
00:29.25 tegtmeye -o rise_observer -static -framework Python rise_observer-main.o
00:29.59 brlcad ahh, sdl-config is already expanded..
00:30.13 tegtmeye ise_observer-observer.o -L/sw/lib -lSDLmain -lSDL -framework Cocoa -framework OpenGL
00:30.30 tegtmeye ... in libtool...
00:30.49 brlcad yeah, already expanded, that's nfg
00:31.47 brlcad run this:
00:31.49 brlcad /bin/sh ../../../../libtool --mode=link gcc -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -fPIC -Wl,-search_paths_first -g -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/local/lib -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -fPIC -Wl,-search_paths_first -g -o rise_observer -static rise_observer-main.o rise_observer-observer.o -L/sw/lib -lSDLmain -lSDL -framework Cocoa -framework OpenGL ../../../../src/adrt/libtienet/ ../../../../src/adrt/libtie/ ../../../
00:32.02 brlcad from adrt/rise/observer
00:33.33 brlcad heh, or the shorthand variant
00:33.35 brlcad make LDFLAGS="`sdl-config --static-libs`"
00:34.08 tegtmeye using make version...
00:34.15 tegtmeye AchiestDragon::__default_alloc_template<true, 0>::deallocate(void*, unsigned long)
00:34.15 tegtmeye AchiestDragon::__default_alloc_template<true, 0>::_S_force_new
00:34.15 tegtmeye AchiestDragon::__default_alloc_template<true, 0>::_S_free_list
00:34.15 tegtmeye AchiestDragon::__default_alloc_template<true, 0>::_S_node_allocator_lock
00:34.15 tegtmeye AchiestDragon::__default_alloc_template<true, 0>::allocate(unsigned long)
00:34.16 tegtmeye AchiestDragon::__default_alloc_template<true, 0>::_S_refill(unsigned long)
00:34.18 tegtmeye collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
00:34.42 tegtmeye err...
00:34.43 tegtmeye Undefined symbols:
00:34.44 tegtmeye AchiestDragon::__default_alloc_template<true, 0>::deallocate(void*, unsigned long)
00:34.44 tegtmeye AchiestDragon::__default_alloc_template<true, 0>::_S_force_new
00:34.44 tegtmeye AchiestDragon::__default_alloc_template<true, 0>::_S_free_list
00:34.44 tegtmeye AchiestDragon::__default_alloc_template<true, 0>::_S_node_allocator_lock
00:34.45 tegtmeye AchiestDragon::__default_alloc_template<true, 0>::allocate(unsigned long)
00:34.47 tegtmeye AchiestDragon::__default_alloc_template<true, 0>::_S_refill(unsigned long)
00:34.55 tegtmeye collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
00:35.14 AchiestDragon so is me
00:35.16 tegtmeye yea, me too
00:35.36 brlcad happen to have tabs in that output? :)
00:35.50 tegtmeye pasted "std::++default..."
00:35.59 tegtmeye shouldn't
00:36.11 brlcad wierd
00:36.12 tegtmeye whatever, that was a std::__default... in there
00:36.33 tegtmeye :)
00:36.41 brlcad hmm.. your'e using gcc 4?
00:36.51 tegtmeye yea, Tiger...
00:37.11 brlcad and that /sw/lib sdl was built pre-tiger wasn't it ..
00:37.39 tegtmeye I'm not using this so don't kill yourself to fix it if you have other things going on..
00:37.41 tegtmeye yea
00:37.48 brlcad those are c++ template incompatibilities
00:37.57 brlcad 3.3 -> 4.0
00:38.12 tegtmeye ahhh, your righ....
00:38.13 Twingy woo, is up
00:38.25 tegtmeye actually,
00:38.47 brlcad tegtmeye: if you gcc_select 3.3 and rebuild everything, it should work ;)
00:39.04 tegtmeye well, the source ones were build with 4.0, but if fink pulled something in binary then prob. no
00:39.21 brlcad that was what was going on up at nist actually when I had to rebuild everything
00:39.47 tegtmeye ahh, I'm not sure it is that important to me though...
00:39.55 brlcad prolly not
00:39.57 brlcad you have the libs
00:40.06 tegtmeye exactly...
00:41.37 tegtmeye Justin, what is the last triple in your .frame file?
00:42.04 Twingy uh
00:42.37 Twingy tilt, perspective, depth_of_field
00:42.41 Twingy all angles
00:45.03 tegtmeye ahh, thought last was up, for an interesting picture try camera,0.0,0.1,10.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,20.0,10.0 using bench
00:45.25 tegtmeye looks like an eye...
00:47.22 tegtmeye at 4k rays per sec...
00:48.25 tegtmeye Also,
00:48.50 tegtmeye camera,0.0,0.0,10.0,0.0,0.0,-10.0,0.0,20.0,0.0 renders black
00:49.37 tegtmeye where camera,0.0,0.1,10.0... is fine. Future issues though...
00:57.24 AchiestDragon sourceforge cvs still busy by looks
01:03.02 AchiestDragon 2am here makes it 8pm central us time so guess it wil be busy for another 2 to 4 hrs
01:04.31 brlcad it's usually a configuration problem, they don't usually have trouble with capacity
01:04.50 AchiestDragon dave@linux:~/brlcad> cvs -z3 co -P brlcad
01:04.50 AchiestDragon can't create temporary directory /tmp/cvs-serv10959
01:04.50 AchiestDragon Too many links
01:06.26 brlcad yeah, i'm seeing that here too on anonymous
01:08.19 AchiestDragon svn is better
01:09.17 brlcad that it is
01:09.57 AchiestDragon once you done a svn checkout its just a case of changing into one of the dirs and doing > svn up , no messing arround loging in and trying to remeber the dirs ect
01:09.59 brlcad sourceforge has been trying to bring svn on-line for a couple years now, apparently not stable enough yet for the volume of use they need
01:10.35 brlcad once you do a cvs checkout, that's pretty much the case too
01:10.54 brlcad the benefit of svn is the changeset management, handling of dirs and file movements
01:36.57 AchiestDragon >From now on cvs users won't be able to access repository. How to solve this
01:36.57 AchiestDragon problem? There is a cvs server option which allow us to use another temporary
01:36.57 AchiestDragon directory. Just create /usr/cvsroot/cvstmp directory and append following
01:36.58 AchiestDragon string to your cvspserver line: "-T /usr/cvsroot/cvstmp"
01:37.47 AchiestDragon looks like is a DOS fix that was done to the cvs , but it only tells you how to fix it from the sever end
01:40.53 brlcad yeah, we don't have access to that -- it's still just temporary
01:41.04 brlcad anonymous is only updated every 5 hours or so
01:42.44 brlcad AchiestDragon: did you want cvs HEAD or BobWinPort ?
01:43.29 AchiestDragon one with archer and for linux
01:47.55 brlcad AchiestDragon: here's a HEAD checkout
01:48.30 brlcad but since you want archer, that's in BobWinPort.. be a few min to update to it
01:48.34 AchiestDragon k
01:49.08 brlcad s/BobWinPort/bobWinPort/g
01:50.13 AchiestDragon HEAD downloaded
01:58.52 brlcad other one's ready, same url, just replace HEAD with bobWinPort
02:00.29 AchiestDragon k
02:20.24 AchiestDragon png.c: In function `SetupPngLibrary':
02:20.24 AchiestDragon png.c:111: error: `PNGTCL_PACKAGE_NAME' undeclared (first use in this function)
02:20.24 AchiestDragon png.c:111: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
02:20.24 AchiestDragon png.c:111: error: for each function it appears in.)
02:20.24 AchiestDragon make[4]: *** [png.lo] Error 1
02:20.25 AchiestDragon make[4]: Leaving directory `/home/dave/dev/brlcad/src/other/tkimg/png'
02:21.28 brlcad not too surprising, but easy to work around :)
02:21.32 AchiestDragon this is on the bobwinport branch
02:21.48 brlcad make CFLAGS=-DPNGTCL_PACKAGE_NAME=pngtcl
02:23.33 AchiestDragon well a bit further but not much
02:23.35 AchiestDragon png.c: In function `SetupPngLibrary':
02:23.35 AchiestDragon png.c:111: error: `pngtcl' undeclared (first use in this function)
02:31.35 brlcad yeah, that's the symbol we just defined, probably needs to have a decl in a header
02:31.46 brlcad looks like the branch needs some work
02:32.18 AchiestDragon hmm
02:34.07 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
02:34.54 brlcad AchiestDragon: i'll be taking a look at it some this week going through some test builds, so it should be all better soon
02:34.57 AchiestDragon maybe not , looks like its a dependancy problem for pngtcl
02:35.33 brlcad 'pngtcl' was just a name I made up
02:35.52 AchiestDragon The package 'pngtcl' depends on 'zlibtcl' and has to be built after
02:35.52 AchiestDragon it. Beyond that the order of building is free. Their TEA build systems
02:35.52 AchiestDragon can be found in the directories listed above.
02:36.26 brlcad or it conveniently overlaps the real tcl package name ;)
02:40.52 AchiestDragon well make fails doing this make[4]: Entering directory `/home/dave/dev/brlcad/src/other/tkimg/png
02:41.39 brlcad yeah, thats very new stuff
02:41.46 brlcad stuff archer uses
02:41.49 AchiestDragon can i disable ping support
02:42.02 AchiestDragon * png
02:42.04 brlcad nope
02:42.32 AchiestDragon k
02:42.34 brlcad and that's just a submodule to tkimage, but it's the hooks/interface to libpng
02:42.54 brlcad it's what makes the graphic buttons, and other icons/images in archer
02:43.20 brlcad i'm sure it's just simple build/makefile issues to get it working
02:43.27 brlcad but I can't look at it just this second
03:00.14 AchiestDragon np , am looking here but this one has lost me , found the line :-
03:00.16 AchiestDragon <PROTECTED>
03:01.33 AchiestDragon but (png.c:111: error: `PNGTCL_PACKAGE_NAME' undeclared (first use in this function) ) ok so wheres the PNGTCL_PACKAGE_NAME come from , its not in the file
03:05.00 brlcad yes?Png_InitStubs is a macro
03:05.19 brlcad pngtcl.h
03:05.53 brlcad #define Png_InitStubs(interp, version, exact) \
03:05.53 brlcad <PROTECTED>
03:05.54 brlcad #endif
03:48.10 AchiestDragon ok ,, seems it may not of been defined right ,, PNGTCL_PACKAGE_NAME is used but is not defined and has no type allocation should be char and defined somewhere if i recall
03:53.28 brlcad that was why I had you add the -D to CFLAGS
03:53.52 brlcad it's supposed to be a preprocessor symbol provided by the compiler or a header
04:00.59 AchiestDragon ok , so the Tcl_PkgRequire(interp, XXXX, version, exact) is found in 7 diferent headers , but in all but 2 the XXXX is >> "diferent text in quotes " , looks like there diferent object orientated stuff
04:04.54 PKMOBILE hey brlcad / learner, what content can i be adding while i work on making this thing pretty?
04:14.31 AchiestDragon ok found a definition for it :(
04:14.34 AchiestDragon PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32;NDEBUG;_WINDOWS;BUILD_tkimg;BUILD_pngtcl;BUILD_zlibtcl;TKIMG_VERSION=\&quot;1.3\&quot;;TKIMG_PACKAGE_NAME=\&quot;Tkimg\&quot;;TKIMG_PNG_PACKAGE_NAME=\&quot;Tkimgpng\&quot;;ZLIBTCL_PACKAGE_NAME=\&quot;Zlibtcl\&quot;;PNGTCL_PACKAGE_NAME=\&quot;Pngtcl\&quot;"
04:15.51 AchiestDragon so replacing PNGTCL_PACKAGE_NAME with "Pngtcl" should do it
04:16.15 learner :)
04:16.41 learner PKMOBILE, start with the existing content
04:17.08 PKMOBILE the stuff on the current site?
04:17.16 learner yeah
04:17.25 PKMOBILE okie dokie
04:18.06 learner there's more to add, much more, but starting with just wrapping what we have in a framework is good
04:23.56 PKMOBILE ok
04:24.23 PKMOBILE im learning drupal's style which is quite a bit different from XOOPS...
04:27.01 learner cool
05:09.56 AchiestDragon :) well not many changes to get it to make ok
05:16.53 AchiestDragon so replacing PNGTCL_PACKAGE_NAME with "Pngtcl" 2 files 3 enteries and ZLIBTCL_PACKAGE_NAME to "Zlibtcl" in another 2 files 3 enteries total
05:18.22 AchiestDragon and commenting out a "error" in another file that had a coment saying if you encounter an error here read the install notes near the end , but no note there
06:05.08 AchiestDragon shame that all i get is a empty window when running archer :(
06:06.19 AchiestDragon looks like errors in the tcl files not the c ,,, never done any tcl so stuck
07:30.42 AchiestDragon Benchmark results indicate an approximate VGR performance metric of 2412
09:10.10 archivist_3 7960
13:24.32 brlcad archivist_3: that's pretty impressive -- dual amd?
13:28.32 archivist_3 er what? that no was randome from my server, I wasnt in the building
13:29.28 archivist_3 actually a barcode reader in series with the kb
13:29.56 archivist_3 or a ghost
13:30.02 brlcad heh
13:31.11 brlcad was going to say.. those numbers you generally don't see on a dual, would need to be a quad or greater
13:33.09 archivist_3 hehe its a 1 gig amd with windoze and the barcode scanner has been annoying me for nearly 2 yrs but i need a power down to remove
13:34.01 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
16:24.54 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
17:11.45 AchiestDragon :(
17:59.03 brlcad AchiestDragon: hehe, at least you got the window ;)
17:59.28 AchiestDragon :)
18:04.09 AchiestDragon btw i'm hoping that in the long run i will be able to draw something using bricad and export it to dxf for a cnc router
18:04.23 Twingy_ mmm cnc
18:04.33 Twingy_ AchiestDragon: which kind you got?
18:04.58 AchiestDragon one about half built at moment , see last link for pic
18:05.39 brlcad AchiestDragon: pretty neat custom setup there ;)
18:06.02 brlcad so how are you planning on driving it?
18:06.08 brlcad g-code? :)
18:06.10 Twingy_ I want to get my hands on a 5-axis
18:06.24 AchiestDragon its a prototype , once i get that working i will be welding a propper frame together
18:06.55 Twingy_ got any pics of the setup?
18:07.32 Maloeran Ahah, neat
18:07.49 Twingy_ ah, other link
18:07.52 AchiestDragon g code , theres emc for linux
18:08.37 Twingy_ I would need something with a significantly larger domain for Z
18:08.50 AchiestDragon i have kcam for windows , autocad , 3ds , and a number of other cad programs that i can use for generating code also
18:10.14 brlcad AchiestDragon: you're not the first to suggest using brl-cad for cnc, sounds like a great plan to me -- waiting for someone to make it a reality ;)
18:11.12 Twingy_ here's a cheap one
18:11.16 Twingy_
18:11.16 AchiestDragon well been playing with doing that using blender , but blender has big dxf export bugs , and theres no way to get the size right in blender
18:12.59 archivist export to STL, dxf is often borked
18:13.17 Twingy_ it was written 10 years ago and Ton hasn't touched it since
18:14.15 Maloeran Most Blender exporters are broken in my experience, the 3ds one eats triangles upon saving
18:14.34 Twingy_ *shrug* it's open source, fix it
18:15.46 AchiestDragon and it introduces some unwanted lines in exporting that are verry problamatic if you want to cnc the shape
18:16.13 Twingy_ mal, register your nick
18:16.33 Twingy_ ooh, one sec
18:17.51 AchiestDragon ie draw mesh , export it looks fine , send it to cnc , starts by cutting a hole in the middle of the work , milling accoss to the corner , then does a good job of the mesh , and just before finishing machines a big cross accross the work
18:18.24 archivist that may be the machines fault as well
18:18.40 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
18:18.58 AchiestDragon no its some extra paths that end up in the blender dxf export of the mesh
18:19.21 AchiestDragon have to sift though the g-code and manualy remove them
18:19.41 brlcad I don't think the machine should be healing the geometry for you, and without that exporting arbitrary meshes isn't going to fly without ensuring a solid model and export that retains solidity
18:19.46 archivist i had a dxf fix script once
18:20.07 AchiestDragon with 1 mesh its not too bad , but when you have to stich a few together its a pain
18:20.15 brlcad yeah
18:21.19 AchiestDragon bbl , need to call shop
18:21.20 brlcad that distinction is one of the reasons (among many) that solid modelers are not in the same category as animation modelers
18:22.25 archivist hehe yes line ends need to meet exactly (buggers a laser cutter if they dont)
21:12.20 AchiestDragon bk
21:13.56 AchiestDragon re using brlcad for doing cnc , well ok going to give it a go , but might involve a few feature requests
21:16.26 brlcad if you happen to have a reference to the g-code format, that could make writing a converter easier
21:18.52 AchiestDragon i will have a look for info
21:19.21 archivist there are some free resources available
21:20.49 AchiestDragon thers references in linuxcnc , on the wiki and in the handbook
21:21.36 AchiestDragon
21:23.48 brlcad hey, I think I know her
21:27.24 AchiestDragon who
21:27.36 brlcad elena messina
21:27.53 AchiestDragon k , kool
21:31.56 AchiestDragon although alot of cnc machines and software use a subset of the G-code
21:34.14 archivist interesting article
21:38.07 archivist we have a crude cnc here that could be made a lot better, but would need a lot of work
21:39.19 archivist AchiestDragon as your on demon you cant be that far away from me
21:39.41 AchiestDragon north wales
21:40.06 archivist east midlands burton on trent
21:40.50 AchiestDragon kool :)
21:54.42 *** join/#brlcad docelic (
23:48.58 *** join/#brlcad tegtmeye (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050928

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050928

01:08.52 *** join/#brlcad Twingy2 (
01:32.12 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
02:19.35 Twingy hrm
02:50.27 PKMOBILE hmm
03:34.35 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
09:17.14 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/src/libbn/libbn.dsp: deleting vers.c was counterproductive
09:18.04 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/src/ (4 files in 4 dirs): deleting vers.c was counterproductive
13:32.22 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
15:25.09 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
15:49.02 *** join/#brlcad Erroneous (
16:10.23 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/archer/archer: Change archerDebug to Archer::debug; move SetNormalCursor and SetWaitCursor totclscripts/archer/cursor.tcl
16:13.44 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/archer/cursor.tcl: Initial check-in
16:20.38 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/archer/Archer.tcl: Add refreshTree, find, get and report methods
21:48.23 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
23:30.01 *** join/#brlcad archivist_3 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
23:42.07 *** join/#brlcad archivist_3 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050929

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050929

01:03.46 Twingy grumble smacks
02:49.49 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad (
02:50.13 pra5ad argh osg+sdl kills x
02:52.54 pra5ad ooh nm =)
02:54.13 Twingy o.O
02:55.13 pra5ad twas eating up all key events
02:55.34 Twingy I think we've ironed out enough bugs that it's usable for my app now
02:55.44 pra5ad got transparency?
02:55.51 Twingy didn't look into it
02:56.32 Twingy hrm, uncle sam should be making a deposit soon
02:57.12 Twingy *customer
02:57.31 Twingy maybe maryland too :)
02:59.47 pra5ad are these the less than 2% efficient ones?
03:01.27 Twingy erm, close to that
03:01.34 Twingy like $1 a watt
03:01.41 Twingy best I can find right now is $4.30 a watt
03:05.29 Twingy At present the organic versions have an efficiency of 3.4 percent, according to the details of the study in the Nov. 29 issue of the journal of Applied Physics Letters, but Kippelen hopes that figure will approach 5 percent in the near future.
06:15.02 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
06:21.30 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad 07rel-7-6-branch * 10brlcad/ ( README include/config_win.h): bump to 7.6.2 for an emergency patch release to coincide with a muves release
06:22.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad 07rel-7-6-branch * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/lib/Display.tcl: add the missing rtarea/rtweight declarations
06:23.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad 07rel-7-6-branch * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/lib/TableView.tcl: get rid of the SystemBuuton and System Window symbols as they are windows-specific and cause breakage in one of the muves tools (this file is not used internally yet, it's used by archer)
06:24.30 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad 07rel-7-6-branch * 10brlcad/NEWS: new section for 7.6.2
06:28.51 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad 07rel-7-6-branch * 10brlcad/NEWS: murray and morrison fixed 'embedded mged' tclscript files so that muves-s2 integrates correctly and simplifies ajem integration later.
06:37.08 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad 07rel-7-6-branch * 10brlcad/NEWS: this release is being made so that muves-s2 works, so that ajem integration is simplified (ajem folks won't need to patch anything, muves-s2 team doesn't need to explain anything).
06:46.19 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad 07rel-7-6-branch * 10brlcad/ChangeLog: very simple change set for this emergency release
11:33.03 *** join/#brlcad cad991 (
11:35.33 *** join/#brlcad cad991 (
11:36.45 *** join/#brlcad cad993 (
11:37.43 cad993 hello are there any interfaces for integration into a document or content management system ???
11:46.01 brlcad cad993: you mean the geometry format interfaces?
11:47.13 brlcad cad993: for the geometry, there is not -- the sources to the package are in CVS, though, as can be the geometry files themselves of course
11:47.41 brlcad the next major verion of the geometry format will have revision and history support
15:35.22 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
15:50.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/swidgets/scripts/tree.itk: Modified the tree widget to not use the canvas' selection mechanism
16:44.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/lib/TableView.tcl: Create various SystemXXX variables and set depending on platform
18:32.37 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/archer/tclIndex: Update
19:06.34 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad 07rel-7-6-branch * 10brlcad/README: tagged, bump to 7.6.4
19:07.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad 07rel-7-6-branch * 10brlcad/NEWS: new section for 7.6.3
19:07.42 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad 07rel-7-6-branch * 10brlcad/ ( include/config_win.h): bump to 7.6.3 after tag/release
21:16.37 pra5ad \
23:33.41 pra5ad sean u alive?
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050930

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050930

00:49.09 brlcad never
00:59.26 ``Erik heh
01:09.52 pra5ad seems I will be determining the future of java-M3
01:10.15 pra5ad if SCJ+BAD is too slow, java-M3 will be dropped i think
01:10.22 pra5ad muahaha
01:13.13 brlcad heh
01:13.23 brlcad ``Erik: how's the vacation?
01:13.41 brlcad movie at 2 tomorrow
01:13.49 brlcad regality
01:28.29 ``Erik pseudo-vacationy
02:46.36 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
10:19.04 *** join/#brlcad archivist_ (
14:08.18 *** join/#brlcad _AchiestDragon (
21:37.23 Twingy moo
22:33.27 *** join/#brlcad archivist_ (
22:46.58 *** join/#brlcad Erroneous (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051001

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051001

00:09.55 pra5ad agarrrr
00:17.14 Twingy arrr
06:56.10 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
06:56.11 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.6.0 is now being prepared
07:53.40 *** join/#brlcad Erroneous (
14:40.02 *** join/#brlcad learner (
14:54.51 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by ChanServ
17:33.05 *** part/#brlcad learner (n=learner@pdpc/supporter/silver/brlcad)
17:52.42 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ autoconf 2.52 on os x 10.2 does not support the -f option, so try to continue without it if autoconf fails
18:09.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ follow our own ws rules
18:57.03 *** join/#brlcad learner (
19:06.46 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by ChanServ
19:23.28 *** part/#brlcad learner (n=learner@pdpc/supporter/silver/brlcad)
19:55.31 *** join/#brlcad docelic (
19:55.38 docelic Evening, gentlemen
20:15.42 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon (
20:48.16 AchiestDragon i have an idea for some objects , that may be a bit easyer than the current method , just want to throw the idea arround a bit see what you think ,,
20:49.28 AchiestDragon to have a list of standard object parts like box section , angle section , I or H beem section , to enter the dimentions for it then place it
20:51.01 AchiestDragon so for angle section you could have a 20mm* 20mm * 3mm thick piece thats 50mm long , better than having to calculate each point of the ends
20:54.30 AchiestDragon could also be linked to preset values so the standard industrial sizes could be in a database , so you would select the item you want to use (say same angle section as above ) from the database then specify the lenth
20:55.22 AchiestDragon it would make drawing objects made from standard materials verry easy
20:57.53 AchiestDragon may take some time to get a full database but if a structure is in place for letting it do this then the database itself could be by user contributions ( if theres a easy way for them to enter new items )
21:00.13 AchiestDragon it could even be extended to allow for more complex objects ( like "parts" ) that would be individual .g files in themselves ( think it may already be able to do this sort of thing )
21:03.54 AchiestDragon then it should be just a case of entering the insert points , and x,y,z rotation for it ( or maybe positioning it by moving it arround with the mouse )
21:11.37 AchiestDragon brb
21:12.02 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon (
21:14.42 AchiestDragon back
23:03.59 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ make note of the fact that ac_gnu_source requires autoconf 2.54+, and ac_header_stdbool requires 2.55+
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051002

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051002

00:29.54 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (log message trimmed)
00:29.55 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: don't buy into the philosophy of requiring a minimum version so strictly. add
00:29.55 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: extra failure support for files that are actually using autoconf
00:29.55 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: macros newer than the stated minimum requirement on the half-presumption that
00:29.55 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: they are perhaps not strictly necessary for the build. warn verbosely about any
00:29.55 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: edits iff it helps autoconf succeed. this helps everything 'just work' even for
00:29.57 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: the maintainers without requiring tools to be updated for potentially
03:01.19 *** join/#brlcad learner (
03:01.20 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by ChanServ
07:12.28 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
07:17.33 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
07:17.33 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.6.0 is now being prepared
13:38.41 AchiestDragon hi
14:21.44 learner hello
14:22.14 AchiestDragon ha life :)
14:40.53 learner :)
14:43.32 AchiestDragon grrr , been generating a gui to show an idea , done it twice now , but qt designer crashed on me both times , another 2 hrs down the drain
14:44.41 learner ahh, yes .. gotta save often with that sucker
14:46.14 AchiestDragon had almost finished it as well
14:46.48 learner i'm sure it was wonderful ;)
14:50.38 AchiestDragon trying to show an idea for an ( auto parts generator ) , so objects such as box, tube , I beems etc can be easaly generated
14:52.36 AchiestDragon by selecting from the standard end profiles ( or a custom profile ) specifying the lenth or a bend profile file and it should generate the main part , then you may have to do object add/ subtract to put holes in it
14:53.16 learner sort of like basic feature-based editing
14:53.29 AchiestDragon yes
14:57.24 AchiestDragon so for a paperclip it would be round bar 1mm dia folowing say a dxf of a paperclip bend path
15:01.34 AchiestDragon component libs would be usefull so you could have std nuts bolts screws or whatever
15:05.21 brlcad yeah, that would be useful
15:07.05 AchiestDragon question that i find odd it that brlcad was a us gov program , so why are dimementions in mm
15:07.43 brlcad :)
15:08.08 brlcad actually, you can set to units to whatever you like, it's just the default that's mm ;)
15:08.20 AchiestDragon k
15:08.22 AchiestDragon :)
15:08.26 brlcad units command
15:09.21 AchiestDragon is fine for me in mm , just seemed odd that it was by default
15:10.27 brlcad brl-cad's always had an international community of users, 'some' default unit of measurement was needed
15:11.16 brlcad just because most of the rest of the country has difficulty adopting metric doesn't mean we can't :)
15:11.47 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
15:13.19 AchiestDragon ive been using metric and imperial units for some time , since the uk went metric in the 70's , its still a case of some odd things like 1"*1" steel bar comes in 6m lenths now
15:15.51 AchiestDragon finding imperial spanners and tools like drill bits , all seem to be metric here now so its hard to get imperial tools
15:16.00 brlcad yeah, that's what makes the unit command useful.. you can change units on the fly for each object if you wanted
15:17.49 AchiestDragon at least you dont need 12 fingers when calculating metric mesurement
15:17.57 AchiestDragon s
15:20.13 AchiestDragon cool, so i can have a 1" cube with a 20mm hole though it for example ,
15:21.14 *** join/#brlcad learner (
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15:21.30 AchiestDragon wb learner
15:24.44 AchiestDragon what's the time scaile for archer for linux ( well even for a working alpha version )
15:29.03 brlcad hopefully by the end of this month
15:29.25 AchiestDragon :)
15:33.19 AchiestDragon will need to sort cvs out so i can test it
15:36.31 learner that would be cool
15:38.59 AchiestDragon now cvs is working ok this time , not changed anything so must of been sourcefourge's end
15:39.20 brlcad usually is
15:39.39 brlcad usually just a matter of waiting for guys to get in to work the next day..
15:47.50 AchiestDragon any ./configure options you recomend other than --enable-optimized debug ones for example
15:53.01 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
16:09.47 brlcad AchiestDragon: debug is default, regardless of optimization --enable-optimized is all I'd suggest
16:10.07 brlcad the rest is all auto-detect and will build everything it can
16:10.28 AchiestDragon k , is on make at moment , did ./configure --enable-optimized --prefix=$HOME
16:16.25 brlcad that'll work, though it's going to toss a bunch of dirs into $HOME
16:16.40 brlcad bin, share, lib, include, man
16:18.21 AchiestDragon should of done $HOME/brlcad but bit late now
16:19.26 AchiestDragon well guess not , have'nt done make install yet
16:19.53 brlcad it does matter ;)
16:20.12 brlcad the libraries and resource utilities keep track of where they will install at configure time
16:20.56 AchiestDragon stoped it and started with ./configure --enable-optimized --prefix=$HOME/brlcad this time
17:00.59 AchiestDragon :) well cvs version compiles ok and seems to be running ok
17:01.58 AchiestDragon see that wire frame overlay seems to be working in perspective mode now
17:10.31 brlcad shouldn't have ever stopped working ..
17:11.09 brlcad except for shaded_mode where there's a bug
17:12.26 AchiestDragon ha , well when i have overlay selected and whenever i enabled perspective the wire frame vanished , making it hard to position the image , had to do a quick render and guess when repositioning the image
17:14.09 AchiestDragon since doing this render its now not showing , hopes it comes back , half way though a trace so will wait for it to finish first
17:17.05 brlcad you do know about underlay/overlay, yes?
17:17.32 brlcad if you're rendering to the framebuffer in the graphics window, the wireframe can be on top or below the framebuffer
17:19.03 AchiestDragon yes underlay draws it underneath and overlay draws it over the top , so overlay should desplay it regardles
17:20.25 AchiestDragon but depends on what bit is beeing layed over the top layer will be the prominent image ,
17:21.18 AchiestDragon its set to underlay , theres no wire frame , so i guess thats a bug ??
17:23.54 AchiestDragon i think from what i know of it that the underlay refers to the rendered image , not the wire frame , so the frame is top with the renderd image under it , that right ?
17:24.26 AchiestDragon it seems to work that way when its working ok
17:25.09 brlcad yes
17:26.03 AchiestDragon will see if i can get it back when its finished this ,, its 50% though a photonmap render
17:26.34 brlcad if you turn perspective off, does it return?
17:27.03 brlcad the size projection of perspective often places the wireframe in front of the clipping plane
17:27.52 brlcad you have z-clipping on or off?
17:28.32 brlcad (make sure it's off -- Misc menu)
17:30.23 AchiestDragon k will try when its done this render ,,btw z clipping is on
17:30.32 AchiestDragon hopes its that
17:30.58 brlcad once the render starts, it will render the state from image start
17:31.44 brlcad it doesn't matter what you change after that in the view
17:32.04 brlcad so you can turn perspective on/off or even spin the model around, it won't affect the image being rendered
17:32.14 AchiestDragon k
17:32.47 brlcad the only thing you can't change is the window dimensions, since it will distort the framebuffer
17:33.06 AchiestDragon k :) z clipping on / off , brings the wire frame back
17:36.33 brlcad yeah, so it's a matter of how large the thing is that you're rendering
17:37.17 AchiestDragon k ,, m35.g
17:50.33 AchiestDragon odd its finished the raytrace but the image is the same , ie still showing the quick render
17:58.14 AchiestDragon maybe me
18:03.15 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
18:21.23 brlcad AchiestDragon: you said you were doing a photonmap render of the m35? that would require a _lot_ of photons without putting the m35 into a box
20:20.59 AchiestDragon yes ,, but it should still show the image it has just rendered shouldent it ???
20:23.25 AchiestDragon i did a render using surface normals first this time , so i get a image that is coloured diferently , then did a photonmap render , it has finished some time ago but the image beeing displayed is still the coloured surface normals one
20:24.24 AchiestDragon is this a bug or is there a diferent output option to turn on ??
20:29.05 AchiestDragon see
21:06.11 AchiestDragon ok closed the program reopened it , set the photons to 4194304 and started , this is going to take a long time , hope it works
21:39.42 brlcad heh...
21:40.12 brlcad unless you have a massive cluster, I doubt that many photons will complete this month without putting the truck in a box ;)
21:41.02 brlcad hmm, that screenshot helps -- it did not terminate correctly
21:42.10 brlcad looks like a bug in the photon map rendering code.. I'd file a report on it, if you dont' mind
21:53.13 AchiestDragon k
21:54.18 AchiestDragon no big cluster here, a its dual xeon 2Ghz machine
22:02.39 AchiestDragon and it only seems to be using 25% of cpu
22:04.11 brlcad probabbly swapping .. that many photons require a fair bit of memory
22:04.22 brlcad unless it's a dual-core dual
22:04.49 brlcad or hyperthreaded which I gather it is if it's xeons
22:05.09 brlcad the prep stage in photon mapping hasn't been parallelized
22:05.18 AchiestDragon k
22:05.21 brlcad so it's just using one cpu (one virtual of your four)
22:06.43 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
22:10.00 AchiestDragon bug report submitted
22:43.48 AchiestDragon opps it submitted it twice
22:45.14 brlcad no problem, it'll get cleaned up
22:47.58 pra5ad hey sean
22:48.02 pra5ad where's ur singleton code
22:52.18 brlcad pra5ad: or
22:52.58 brlcad 2 is more simple, and what I use in bz -- presumes single thread model and only default constructor creation
22:53.17 ``Erik grumble grumble hxx grumbl
22:53.18 brlcad the first has (mostly unimplemented) hooks for threading and memory methods
22:54.55 brlcad pra5ad: so to use it.. say i have a singleton file manager, you derive off the templatized version:
22:54.58 brlcad class FileManager : public Singleton<FileManager>
22:55.31 brlcad and make him a friend with himself in his protected or private:
22:55.33 brlcad friend class Singleton<FileManager>;
22:55.43 brlcad where you've also placed the constructor/destructor
22:57.04 brlcad initialize your singleton in a compilation unit so that you have a handle:
22:57.13 brlcad template <>
22:57.15 brlcad FileManager* Singleton<FileManager>::_instance = (FileManager*)0;
22:57.25 brlcad and that does it
22:57.41 brlcad might want to create a #define to make accessing the instance simple:
22:57.51 brlcad #define FILEMGR (FileManager::instance())
22:58.21 brlcad so then I can use FILEMGR.lookUpFile("blah.h"); etc
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051003

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051003

00:35.39 *** join/#brlcad cad107 (
02:18.34 pra5ad arent u paying a penalty for the instance==0
02:23.49 brlcad heh, not really
02:25.27 brlcad over-optimizing early, eh? profile it if you think it's a problem, and you'll see it's not :)
02:25.52 pra5ad how bout instantiate it at startup and use a custom smart pointer to guarantee garbage collection
02:26.15 pra5ad man this is getting complex
02:26.30 brlcad i wouldn't
02:26.53 brlcad it's very simple as is, and it works very well
02:27.07 pra5ad memory manager is a singleton, singleton is a managed object,... cycle
02:28.35 pra5ad heh i tried atexit with a class method parameter; gcc kept whining about it
02:28.43 pra5ad guess it works after all
02:30.30 brlcad functions, not methods :P you'd have to wrap it in a func
02:30.43 brlcad or make it static
02:40.02 Twingy woo, agar is finally in usable state
02:40.25 Twingy nothing like a weekend long of bug fixes
03:54.59 pra5ad :D getting good results from mem manager
04:25.32 pra5ad 300% improvement over 'new' is trivial
05:07.42 Twingy damn C++ weenies
05:50.56 Twingy hrm
05:59.20 Twingy btw
05:59.34 Twingy I think something weird is happening to pthread_create pthread_join as a result of including agar
05:59.45 Twingy In file included from observer/observer.c:20:
05:59.45 Twingy /home/justin/local/include/agar/engine/engine.h:122:1: warning: "PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER" redefined
05:59.45 Twingy In file included from observer/observer.c:2:
05:59.45 Twingy /usr/include/pthread.h:155:1: warning: this is the location of the previous definition
05:59.45 Twingy observer/observer.c: In function `observer':
05:59.46 Twingy observer/observer.c:59: warning: passing arg 1 of `pthread_create' from incompatible pointer type
05:59.48 Twingy observer/observer.c:64: warning: passing arg 1 of `pthread_join' makes pointer from integer without a cast
06:00.17 Twingy for some reason it things my pthread_t's are wrong type
06:00.20 Twingy *thinks
06:21.08 Twingy hrm
06:21.09 Twingy you there still?
07:01.56 Twingy welp, I Tried everything I can think of
07:02.05 Twingy if I SDL_LockSurface(agView->v)
07:02.07 Twingy then do a blit
07:02.18 Twingy then SDL_UnlockSurface(agView->v)
07:02.22 Twingy I get nothing
07:02.24 Twingy however
07:02.32 Twingy if I leave the locking off
07:02.44 Twingy every now and then I see the image that's supposed to be there
07:03.01 Twingy so I think something is overwriting it, like the window or something
07:03.36 Maloeran Surfaces must not be locked for SDL blitting functions
07:04.02 Twingy oh my, it's getting late
11:59.26 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
16:30.13 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
16:42.34 *** join/#brlcad lll (
17:10.18 brlcad hello lll
18:09.37 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (n=Apathy@
18:41.34 PKMOBILE so heres a question brlcad, does this sucker have to be drupal cuz im becoming less fond of it the more im working on it
18:42.15 brlcad :)
18:42.24 brlcad alternative?
18:42.48 brlcad drupal was appealing due to it's api interface for developing plugins, it's very clean
18:43.17 brlcad that is where I expect to be spending most of my time, once the basic site is up and running
18:43.32 brlcad that said, no i've not got religion on it
18:43.45 PKMOBILE ah ok... im just not enjoying how it does things
18:44.06 brlcad is it just familiarity or are you actually stuck on something?
18:44.39 brlcad and still.. what alternatives?
18:44.50 brlcad mambo and plone are probably the only two I'd think about
18:45.17 PKMOBILE well i added that first whitepaper about what brl-cad was and now i cant find it anywhere but by using the admin control panel
18:45.26 brlcad plone would be a real bear given how it would have to be shoehorned in to work on sourceforge (being based on python/zope)
18:45.40 brlcad mambo is possible, but I don't know if they work on either
18:45.56 PKMOBILE yeah and i know you dont like how xoops works
18:47.22 brlcad yeah, I'm not fond of xoops or the myriad of nuke sites
18:48.29 brlcad joomla might be better than mambo now that they've forked
18:52.21 PKMOBILE the problem ive been having is that every drupal site looks almost exactly the same
18:53.46 PKMOBILE and after trying to make this thing work i can see why
18:56.40 Twingy_
18:57.28 brlcad yes, that will have to be avoided -- i don't want there to be any hint that it's running drupal even via the URL when all is said and done
18:59.48 PKMOBILE sourceforge hosting kinda stinks
18:59.59 brlcad PKMOBILE: I have seen some sites running drupal that you'd have no idea that was what they are running so I know it's possible
19:00.20 brlcad it's a win/lose situation :)
19:01.28 brlcad high redudancy, automatic backups, unlimited bandwidth, seamless accounts integration .. just no outbound
19:01.59 brlcad and no zope :/
19:02.14 brlcad though it's an utter pig when it comes to memory and resources
19:02.41 PKMOBILE the no outbound is a bit frustrating
19:02.54 brlcad hey, if you get an idea of other worth testing, lemme know...
19:03.25 PKMOBILE oh yeah...
19:03.32 PKMOBILE thats the first thing i did
19:03.53 docelic Sorry may I ask what's the word about? I use this silly irc client where I can't or don't know how to get scrollback
19:04.45 brlcad feature-popularity-wise, I'd still try to get drupal or mambo/joomla
19:07.19 brlcad docelic: talking about the new website
19:08.37 brlcad provides hosting, and given all the features that will ultimately be integrated, a CMS system makes sense instead of rolling something custom .. but then's limitations make using various CMS a pain sometimes
19:09.02 PKMOBILE unless its nuke, which is a pain in itself
19:10.00 brlcad nuke is horrible to write extensions for, not to mention the history of 'insecure' programming limitations it seems to encourage
19:10.22 docelic All 'portal' software is lousy programmed
19:10.38 PKMOBILE i was reading a site about nuke security
19:11.00 PKMOBILE the guy claimed his hacker friends crack postnuke in 20 seconds and phpnuke in 30 seconds thereby making phpnuke more secure
19:12.33 docelic The only thing that happened for 30 secs is that I was just staring at this message of yours..
19:12.48 docelic Don't know which aspect of it to laught at first..
19:13.06 Twingy_
19:13.22 PKMOBILE i wish i could have commented, i really had a good one at the time too
19:15.11 docelic this guy thinks he's in circus or something..
19:15.15 docelic this ebay pal
19:15.38 Twingy_ I want to grow up to be just like that guy
19:15.52 PKMOBILE i want to be his lackey
19:17.22 Twingy_ and a fine lackey you would make
19:52.14 AchiestDragon plastic barrels ar not the best thing for putting beer in
19:57.30 AchiestDragon well not from the taste point of view but in a plastic barrel it will give it a plasticy taste , but shake it and it will split or burst
20:05.24 AchiestDragon feature request , or hopfully small change ,, when rendering (long ones with big photon maps ) is it posible to add more frequent (like some ) percentage compleation indication
20:16.46 brlcad AchiestDragon: it's possible, but I'd still suggest filing a feature request for it -- easier to track and be reminded since it's not a 2-sec fix.
20:17.04 AchiestDragon k
20:37.35 AchiestDragon submitted
20:37.44 brlcad okay
20:37.46 brlcad thanks
20:53.27 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (n=Apathy@
21:01.22 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
21:01.22 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.6.0 is now being prepared
21:05.16 AchiestDragon submitted the one for libs also
21:07.55 brlcad I noticed ;)
21:08.24 brlcad i particularly like that idea, the basic feature is something being integrated into the new modeler
21:08.43 brlcad ability to call up catalogs of geometries
21:10.53 AchiestDragon thinking on things like items that you may want to use oftern , if you like say house plans , then you may not want to have to draw the furnature each time , so beeing able to import furnature items that you have drawn would be usefull
21:13.55 brlcad indeed
21:14.09 brlcad and to be able to classify and group geometries by domains
21:14.43 brlcad I don't want to be sorting through furniture when I'm building an engine, but I might want bolts regardless of whether I'm building a house or a teapot
21:15.49 AchiestDragon simple lib dir with sub dirs for each sub clasification would work better , and be more custamizable
21:16.00 AchiestDragon dblib
21:17.50 AchiestDragon then it can grow as required , and be easy for the user to edit
21:18.54 brlcad perhaps, though I wouldn't want to deal with that more than necessary myself .. leave it up to the user to decide what to cache/modify locally, but provide access to an entire database of models and parts 'globally'
21:19.54 brlcad just use it like a card catalog for looking up books, some similar sort of organization for geometry, where I could have access to others' models that have been contributed
21:21.14 archivist_ solid works has something loke that
21:21.27 archivist_ loke=like
21:21.34 brlcad yeah, for their parts available on-disk
21:23.00 archivist_ and a patr that you choose the dims/spec of ans a new part gets placed in the drawing eg bearing or standars metal shape
21:25.24 AchiestDragon archivist_: thats my other feature request not submitted yet , but that needs more scripting to impliment ,
21:27.13 archivist_ im just thinking how to implement "definable" part where solidworks uses an embeded excell worksheet
21:28.47 AchiestDragon standard metal sizes / sections , but its a diferent method to the libs
21:28.53 archivist_ eg i draw a gear and set teeth qty thickness bore dia etc (and the interelations) in the worksheet
21:31.49 AchiestDragon can be done , but you need a script for each item , so you could have a gear script , that asks you the params and generates the apropriate model for it
21:32.55 AchiestDragon was thinking mor on the lines of simpler things to start with like angle iron , rod and bar , I beem and things like that
21:34.42 archivist_ are but one can edit the parts in solid works once inserted in the assembly
21:34.58 AchiestDragon then things like nuts , bolts etc
21:36.53 archivist_ yup i insert a standard screwed pillar and vary the height as i design parts around them
21:37.56 archivist_ i just right click on a pillar in the drawing and select a new configuration
21:40.28 AchiestDragon that could be implimented if when you select the part in the current workspace that there is a referance to the script that created it
21:41.18 archivist_ so that instance of part uses named configuration x,y etc where each configuration is a line in the controling worksheet in the part
21:42.45 AchiestDragon think something that may bee needed for the libs function could also be used for this ,, not sure as i have not seen the .g format , but is there space or a way for some information like author , discription , and comments etc in the file format
21:43.24 AchiestDragon if so then a script used to generate a object could strore the paramiters it used for it in there also
21:47.02 archivist_ one needs arbitary calculations between dimensions constants etc
21:48.50 brlcad AchiestDragon: yes, the .g format supports assignment of arbitrary attributes to objects as well as the storage of arbitrary non-geometric data (like even things like Word .doc files, text summaries, etc)
21:49.13 AchiestDragon k
21:50.59 AchiestDragon but takeing a script to generate box section , the script asks for values for some dimentions , h,w,l , if it stores thease allong with an identifyer to the script that created it , then to edit it
21:52.12 AchiestDragon it should be a case of presenting the valuse as the "defaults " allowing the user to change them ( with the original script) , then replacing the old output with the updated one
21:53.55 AchiestDragon its when you decide that the tube that you placed needed to be a square box section that its not going to manage
21:53.58 archivist_ see for a worksheet for solidworks
21:55.46 archivist_ 8 configurations in that one
22:01.08 archivist_ to explain the sequence 1 draw the blank with bore 2 exttrude thickness 3 cut N slots shape of tcut
22:26.25 brlcad archivist_: yeah, I've thought about that to some extent.. it's similar to mged's props and idents editor tables
22:27.05 brlcad archivist_: the direct spreadsheet manipulation is a win there, since if one knows how to 'spreadsheet' properly, you can do some more complex manipulations/updates
22:27.39 brlcad not always, but sometimes .. and even if not, it makes for simple means to update a class of objects all at once
22:33.56 AchiestDragon well maybe , but if done by a script in brlcad rather than an external spread sheet , there is a advantage ...
22:34.08 brlcad oh, definitely
22:34.14 brlcad i don't want to leave my modeler to model
22:34.41 brlcad being a spreadsheet doesn't necessarily imply it has to be an excel spreadsheet ;)
22:34.56 brlcad or the only editing means to update geometry in groups
22:35.59 AchiestDragon the script for a gear would draw a disk , the tooth profile is another object that is rotated and repeated by n arround the disk and subtracted from it , ok ,, but the profile for the tooth could be slightly spireled so you could do spiral cut gears
22:38.36 AchiestDragon change the profile eliment for something diferent and it could do turbine blades
22:40.47 AchiestDragon if the tooth profile is also a .g file or object then theres lots of things that can be done with the same basic script and some simple mods to it
22:59.00 ``Erik heh, "sc" was cool
23:17.58 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
23:17.58 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.6.0 is now being prepared
23:35.36 *** join/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (n=DiscoBan@
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051004

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051004

01:52.41 brlcad AchiestDragon: that it could.. the existing "pattern tool" in mged is like that, albeit with a horrid user interface that could be improved upon
04:53.19 *** join/#brlcad cad030 (
10:26.43 archivist_ the gear form varies with the blank dir so cant be too separate from the complete part
13:24.18 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
13:26.35 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
13:29.49 *** join/#brlcad cad243 (
14:30.07 ``Erik *yawn*
16:21.59 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
16:49.07 Twingy_ mal, you here?
17:30.23 Maloeran *nods* Hi Twingy
17:30.32 Twingy_ hop onto #agar
17:33.46 ``Erik O.o
18:58.48 *** join/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (n=DiscoBan@
19:26.37 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: M-x indent-region scripts
19:44.56 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: manpages have their legal headers added
19:45.30 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: configure outputs better
19:59.50 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: support variable overrides for
22:15.51 *** join/#brlcad TheLastSpartan (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051005

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051005

03:05.33 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
03:05.33 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.6.0 is now being prepared
03:39.28 *** join/#brlcad _AchiestDragon (
10:57.17 *** join/#brlcad thumPer1052 (
11:02.44 thumPer1052 Wow! There IS a time when all the world's asleep!
12:17.46 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
13:06.00 archivist_ sleep causes programming deprivation
14:58.37 brlcad lhehe
15:39.43 *** join/#brlcad MikeC (
15:42.31 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
15:43.22 MikeC hi Twingy_
15:54.45 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
15:55.21 brlcad howdy MikeC
15:56.49 MikeC hello brlcad
15:57.14 MikeC This is Mike Caruso, I visited ARL in mid july
15:57.40 brlcad the name is very familiar
15:58.12 brlcad aah, and you spoke with Lee for quite a while, iirc
15:58.20 MikeC yes
15:58.29 MikeC and Justin
15:58.45 brlcad got it
15:59.03 MikeC do you know anything about Justin's ray tracer? along the lines of shot line analysis?
16:01.10 brlcad a little bit, he'll be back in a while .. ping Twingy_ for his attention ;)
16:01.40 brlcad the ISST tool in ADRT is toolset he put together
16:01.40 MikeC ok I messaged him, thanks
16:01.50 MikeC <PROTECTED>
16:01.57 MikeC I forgot the name of the ray tracer
16:01.58 brlcad i'm more familiar with librt's shot-line analysis interface
16:02.00 MikeC so its called ADRT?
16:02.24 brlcad ADRT is a collection of tools based around his triangle-tracer
16:02.33 MikeC ok
16:02.41 brlcad in adrt is isst and rise
16:02.53 MikeC what is isst and rise?
16:02.59 brlcad "interative shotline selection tool" and the "realistic image synthesis engine"
16:03.46 MikeC ok I'll talk to him later on today
16:03.50 brlcad basically isst is real-time ray-tracing for model visualization, rise is path-tracing for pretty pictures
16:04.51 MikeC I'll be back in a few hours
16:50.06 ``Erik shoulda gone to lunch with us, sean
16:51.17 Twingy_ hi
16:52.52 brlcad ``Erik: i had good noodles
16:53.05 Twingy_ as opposed to BAD noodles
16:53.12 brlcad yup
16:53.13 Twingy_ behind armor debris noodles
16:53.16 Twingy_ :)
16:53.24 brlcad kermit had lots of BAD noodles
16:53.50 brlcad i didn't think they could go bad.. but sure enough, give 'em a decade..
16:54.02 Twingy_ I think the mouse would get to them before then
16:57.54 *** part/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
17:25.43 ``Erik heh
17:26.00 ``Erik did kermit spall all over?
18:14.59 *** join/#brlcad ibot_ (
18:14.59 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.6.0 is now being prepared
18:41.49 MikeC-Away Twingy_ do you have a moment to discuss ADRT?
18:42.11 Twingy_ yep
18:42.59 MikeC1 can the code for ADRT be found in the 7.6.0 distribution of brlcad?
18:43.19 Twingy_ brlcad/src/adrt/
18:44.02 MikeC1 ok the application that displayed the fault tree, is that a separate thing?
18:44.27 Twingy_ that's fuzzy attribute viewer, part of brian's project
18:44.50 MikeC1 that is probably not part of the brlcad source tree right?
18:44.56 Twingy_ correct
18:45.08 MikeC1 is it possible to get just the fault tree data itself?
18:45.21 Twingy_ that's a sysdef file
18:45.27 Twingy_ those are usually classified/sensitive
18:46.03 Twingy_ did you mean input data or result data?
18:46.06 MikeC1 are there any example fault trees we can work with?
18:46.15 MikeC1 well just the tree itself
18:46.21 Twingy_ yes, I think 2 are included in the fuzzy attribute project
18:46.42 MikeC1 ok thats good
18:46.51 MikeC1 should we talk to Brian on getting the code for that project?
18:46.55 Twingy_ you'll have to contact brian if you want to see about getting a copy of that
18:46.58 MikeC1 ok
18:47.07 Twingy_ he'll be in tommorrow
18:47.12 Twingy_ you can call him
18:47.18 MikeC1 ok cool, does he come on here at all?
18:47.33 Twingy_ nope, he's an irc troglodyte :)
18:47.42 MikeC1 hahahaha
18:47.46 brlcad heh
18:48.11 MikeC1 its good to know you guys are available here
18:48.22 MikeC1 just dont die from those noodles
18:48.24 MikeC1 or something
18:48.36 brlcad the noodles were great ;)
18:48.47 Twingy_ if the noodles kill him, brl-cad dies :)
18:48.51 MikeC1 I had some noodles today too
18:49.26 Twingy_ unfortunately sean is the brl-cad team :)
18:49.56 brlcad not "entirely", but mostly the heavy lifter for anything not in src/adrt ;)
18:50.05 MikeC1 so does the fault tree need to mirror the articulation of the object in the g file being rendered by the ADRT?
18:50.27 Twingy_ it requires a regmap file
18:50.36 Twingy_ that maps a .g file's region ID to a muves component name
18:50.42 MikeC1 oh ok
18:50.43 Twingy_ the component name is what is used in the sysdef file
18:50.52 Twingy_ my g-adrt converter takes an option regmap file
18:51.06 Twingy_ and converts region names to muves names for you
18:51.30 Twingy_ it's not a very turn-key process yet
18:51.38 MikeC1 do you have brian's number handy? if not i'll call the general number
18:51.39 Twingy_ mostly bubblegum and duct tape
18:51.39 MikeC1 thats ok
18:51.45 MikeC1 as long as you are here
18:51.48 MikeC1 and we can ask questions
18:51.51 Twingy_ yep
18:51.53 Twingy_ one sec
18:52.19 Twingy_ 3872
18:52.22 MikeC1 k
18:52.30 Twingy_ oops
18:52.32 Twingy_ 3782
18:53.01 MikeC1 how is the windows port going?
18:53.18 brlcad MikeC1: there's an alpha ready for testing if you're interested
18:53.24 MikeC1 ooooo
18:53.33 MikeC1 adrt too?
18:53.41 Twingy_ not so much :)
18:53.48 MikeC1 ok
18:53.58 MikeC1 Twingy: will FC4 work?
18:54.04 Twingy_ windows for distributed computing seems kinda hairy :)
18:54.12 Twingy_ yes
18:54.14 MikeC1 oh thats one thing i should point out
18:54.15 brlcad nope, mainly mged and all the tools exposed by mged (rt, converters) and archer
18:54.22 MikeC1 we do not have a distributed environment set up here
18:54.27 Twingy_ ah
18:54.28 MikeC1 looking to run everyone on one CPU for now
18:54.37 MikeC1 everything*
18:54.39 Twingy_ well, don't expect great performance
18:54.44 MikeC1 thats ok
18:54.49 Twingy_ you'll be lucky to top 1mil rays/sec
18:54.54 MikeC1 we're going to use some simple models
18:54.58 MikeC1 thats ok for us man
18:55.20 MikeC1 we are mainly looking at it for the fault tree and shot line stuff
18:55.26 MikeC1 with the slicing views
18:55.54 Twingy_ ah
18:56.04 Twingy_ should buy a couple AMD X2's ;)
18:56.10 MikeC1 is there any work being done related to giving mass to the projectile?
18:56.53 Twingy_ erm, that's a vulnerability algorithm, you could toss that in
18:57.02 MikeC1 ok
18:57.16 Twingy_ I've got a new program I'm working on that might address that
18:57.39 MikeC1 and mainly what our goal is to expose the capabilities of these things to the TENA/HLA world
18:57.52 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
18:57.53 MikeC1 so that people who simulate vehicles/projectiles/etc in a scenario can use this as a result
18:58.21 Twingy_ yep, I've got plans for that too ;)
18:58.30 Twingy_ check back on me in a few weeks :}
18:58.56 MikeC1 oh you are working with TENA/HLA?
18:59.02 Twingy_ erm, not so much
18:59.15 ``Erik weee, network breakage hehehe
18:59.29 Twingy_ muhaha
19:00.36 Twingy_ the great thing about standards is there's so many to choose from :)
19:00.43 ``Erik prasad, jason, ron, etc have no neworking hehehe
19:00.49 ``Erik who said that quote?
19:00.53 Twingy_ maybe I should plug their calbes in
19:01.01 Twingy_ watch out
19:01.04 Twingy_ tammy is on her way upstairs
19:01.12 Twingy_ gillich is following her
19:01.27 ``Erik mebbe I shoudln't have played in the cable room with a pair of dikes
19:02.06 PrezKennedy that just dont sound right
19:02.58 Twingy_ ``Erik likes his ho's yo
19:03.09 ``Erik foshizzy
19:03.14 Twingy_ manizzle
19:03.42 ``Erik (define (deps port) (sys-chdir port) (string-split (process-output->string "make -V LIB_DEPENDS -V BUILD_DEPENDS -V RUN_DEPENDS") " "))
19:03.45 ``Erik awesome
19:04.09 Twingy_ schemizzle lispskizzle
19:04.58 ``Erik ghah, mike is polluting prasad with more c++ crap
19:05.32 Twingy_ yes :(
19:05.41 ``Erik right nw, in the hallway whiteboard
19:05.52 PrezKennedy c++ is the shizzle
19:06.33 PrezKennedy so when can we expect to see brl-cad ported entirely to java?
19:06.35 PrezKennedy X-D
19:06.35 Twingy_ can't priv msg :(
19:06.49 ``Erik um, register yourself with nicksuck
19:06.52 Twingy_ I did
19:06.57 Twingy_ but Twingy is logged in at home
19:07.01 Twingy_ and I don't feel like killing it
19:07.04 ``Erik set up a secondary hostname
19:07.10 Twingy_ I'm lazy
19:07.20 Twingy_ I think you should call mike
19:07.24 Twingy_ he won't leave our office
19:07.26 Twingy_ call his phone
19:07.30 Maloeran Ahah
19:07.32 ``Erik what #?
19:07.52 ``Erik I'll search the directory
19:08.05 Twingy_ 7820
19:08.12 brlcad heh
19:08.14 PrezKennedy thats a creative way to get rid of someone
19:08.38 Twingy_ hurry
19:08.52 brlcad woo
19:09.04 Twingy_ woo
19:09.12 ``Erik damn, I think he was quicker than I anticipated
19:09.25 Twingy_ he's like kramer
19:09.46 ``Erik damn, these things have caller id
19:09.50 Twingy_ yes
19:09.55 Twingy_ uh og
19:09.57 ``Erik he may try calling or visiting
19:09.59 Twingy_ I think he's on his way upstairs
19:10.03 Twingy_ lock the door!
19:10.07 Twingy_ oh wait, bathroom
19:10.11 Twingy_ I hear the squeaky door
19:10.12 ``Erik oh, wait
19:10.13 ``Erik hah
19:10.16 ``Erik I used rons number
19:10.17 ``Erik SWEET
19:10.20 Twingy_ nice
19:10.32 ``Erik next time, I'll call mike from his own number
19:10.32 ``Erik mwahaha
19:10.35 Twingy_ awesome
19:11.03 Twingy_ so when I say DEY TUK R JBS! you need to call mike
19:11.26 Twingy_ DEY TUK R JBS!
19:11.31 Twingy_ DEY TUK R JBS!
19:11.37 Twingy_ DEY TUK R JBS!
19:11.45 Twingy_ DEY TUK R JBS!
19:11.59 PrezKennedy its antics like this that make me wish i worked there
19:12.05 Twingy_ hurry!
19:12.10 Twingy_ ok
19:12.11 Twingy_ he's gone
19:12.34 Maloeran It sure sounds like a very productive environment :)
19:12.43 Twingy_ not with mike around :(
19:21.59 Maloeran Did you run some benchmarks on Pathscale, Twingy? I never really fixed that "key" problem, it couldn't be much worse than GCC
19:22.27 ``Erik (tried tendra?)
19:23.35 ``Erik
19:23.45 ``Erik (ports/lang/TenDRA on fbsd)
19:27.51 Maloeran Doesn't seem to support amd64, nor do any better than gcc in public benchmarks...
19:28.18 ``Erik hm, some fbsd pundits wanted to change the base compiler from gcc to tendra citing a few percent performance gain *shrug*
19:29.27 Maloeran Ah, what wouldn't fbsd fanatics say just to move away from GPL'ed code :)
19:30.04 ``Erik heh, plenty of gpl stuff being added, dude
19:42.52 *** join/#brlcad Erroneous (
23:04.28 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
23:04.28 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.6.0 is now being prepared
23:09.15 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
23:14.24 *** join/#brlcad thumPer1052 (
23:31.15 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051006

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051006

00:14.07 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
01:16.07 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
01:16.08 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.6.0 is now being prepared
02:44.04 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
04:37.42 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
04:37.42 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.6.0 is now being prepared
04:55.23 Twingy night
05:38.41 *** join/#brlcad ibot_ (
05:38.41 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.6.0 is now being prepared
05:51.48 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
05:51.48 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.6.0 is now being prepared
06:45.13 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
11:52.56 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
11:52.56 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.6.0 is now being prepared
13:13.22 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
13:13.22 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.6.0 is now being prepared
14:34.07 *** join/#brlcad ibot_ (
14:34.07 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.6.0 is now being prepared
18:00.42 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
19:53.53 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
20:48.16 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/archer/archer: Change the location where archer.ico is found. This affects only the windows version
21:44.56 *** join/#brlcad cad856 (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051007

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051007

01:06.34 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03johnranderson * 10brlcad/src/libbn/vectfont.c:
01:06.34 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: Added new symbols: plus/minus, degree, and centerline.
01:06.34 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: Corrected tp_setup() method (it was over-writing the symbols)
01:11.33 pra5ad whoa
01:14.06 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03johnranderson * 10brlcad/src/librt/nmg_misc.c:
01:14.06 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: Added a new method: nmg_vlist_to_eu( struct bu_list *vlist, struct shell *s )
01:14.06 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: creates wire edges in the specified shell. The edges correspond to line segments in the
01:14.06 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: list of "bn_vlist" structures passed in. Used in "dxf-g" to handle tet strings.
01:15.53 pra5ad hey sean
01:16.13 pra5ad configure isn't setting some vars in config.h correctly
01:16.25 brlcad such as?
01:16.26 pra5ad do i need something extra in .ac
01:16.31 pra5ad PACKAGE and VERSION
01:16.35 pra5ad even tho AC_INIT has em
01:17.40 brlcad huh?
01:17.59 brlcad #define PACKAGE "brlcad"
01:18.23 brlcad #define VERSION "7.6.1"
01:18.26 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03johnranderson * 10brlcad/src/conv/dxf-g.c:
01:18.26 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: Added rudimentary text handling. Uses vector font in libbn (vectfont.c) and
01:18.26 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: nmg_vlist_to_eu() to create wire edges to represent the text.
01:18.33 pra5ad AC_INIT(blah, 1.0) <<--
01:18.49 pra5ad #define PACKAGE "Package" <<- config.h
01:18.59 pra5ad shouldn't configure fill it in correctly?
01:19.07 pra5ad since it's creating config.h from
01:19.33 brlcad AC_INIT doesn't create config.h
01:20.07 pra5ad soo i need to AC_SUBST(PACKAGE) ?
01:20.36 brlcad no
01:20.38 brlcad AM_CONFIG_HEADER
01:21.03 pra5ad config.status: creating src/memory/Makefile
01:21.03 pra5ad config.status: creating include/config/config.h
01:21.03 pra5ad config.status: include/config/config.h is unchanged
01:21.03 pra5ad config.status: executing depfiles commands
01:21.28 pra5ad i have AC_CONFIG_HEADER
01:21.42 pra5ad docs said AM_CONFIG_HEADER is obsolete
01:22.54 brlcad meh, those idiots make just about everything obsolete every other version
01:23.19 brlcad ac_config_header([config.h]), yes?
01:23.31 pra5ad upper case, yes
01:23.52 pra5ad i run autoheader and ./configure
01:24.00 pra5ad config.h doesnt have the right subst
01:24.01 brlcad er, include/config.h
01:24.09 pra5ad er, yes
01:24.11 pra5ad :)
01:24.30 pra5ad AC_CONFIG_HEADER([include/config/config.h])
01:24.52 brlcad kill your autom4te cache and run autoreconf (or snarf
01:25.54 pra5ad #define PACKAGE "package"
01:26.32 brlcad try the long version of ac_init
01:27.01 brlcad ac_init(long, version, url, shortname)
01:31.11 pra5ad hehe think i found the prob
01:31.30 pra5ad was doing ac_init([var],...)
01:33.39 pra5ad hrm nm
01:33.51 pra5ad thought it was just subst with 'var'
01:35.44 pra5ad grr
01:36.19 pra5ad ./* Name of package */
01:36.19 pra5ad #define PACKAGE "PACKAGE_SHORT_NAME"
01:37.56 brlcad yep
01:38.12 pra5ad what am i doing wrong
01:38.40 brlcad i'm not sure what you think you're doing wrong
01:39.00 pra5ad i define PACKAGE_SHORT_NAME="blah blah"
01:39.08 brlcad package is the short name
01:39.11 Twingy use scons :)
01:39.35 brlcad package_name is the long name
01:39.47 pra5ad shouldnt that line in config.h be: #define PACKAGE "blah blah"
01:39.48 pra5ad ???
01:40.03 brlcad short_name shouldn't ahve spaces
01:40.18 brlcad i dont' think eitehr is supposed to have spaces
01:41.20 pra5ad i thought PACKAGE would be #defined to be a string, so code can use it in cout, etc
01:41.38 brlcad it is a string
01:41.51 pra5ad right..
01:41.58 pra5ad so why isnt configure subst it correctly
01:41.59 brlcad that doesn't mean it can have spaces .. that's up to autoconf
01:42.10 pra5ad ok fine, look at this
01:42.38 pra5ad PACKAGE_SHORT_NAME="yats"
01:42.42 pra5ad that's what is in my code
01:42.56 pra5ad "blah blah" was my example..
01:43.18 brlcad pra5ad: what's your exact AC_INIT line?
01:43.37 brlcad heh, that's no good
01:43.46 brlcad put the values
01:43.55 pra5ad why not?
01:44.01 brlcad even if you were trying to use variables, that's wrong
01:44.09 pra5ad how would i use a var
01:44.29 brlcad well, for AC_INIT in particular, you can't use shell variables
01:44.37 brlcad you'd have to use an m4 variable
01:44.42 brlcad s/variable/define/
01:45.17 pra5ad argh
01:45.17 pra5ad ok
01:45.25 brlcad but if it was allowed, it'd be something like AC_INIT([$PACKAGE_LONG_NAME], ...
01:47.32 brlcad but it's not, so don't bother ;)
01:48.10 brlcad ac_init must occur before variables, otherwise they're not technically set when AC_INIT is processed
01:48.26 pra5ad righto
01:48.28 pra5ad works now
01:48.31 brlcad m4 macros aren't like c preprocessor macros
01:48.33 pra5ad tanx
01:48.36 brlcad it's not substitution
01:51.10 pra5ad anyone know of a good SDL replacement?
01:51.33 brlcad what aspect of sdl?
01:51.46 brlcad graphics/windowing?
01:52.18 pra5ad + kb/mouse at least
01:52.30 pra5ad + opengl support
01:52.41 pra5ad *(support for opengl contexts)
01:52.51 brlcad clanlib is similarly geared in that regard
01:52.58 brlcad probably the only other full-fledged api
01:55.15 brlcad otherwise you start gearing towards a platform
01:55.55 brlcad like gtk, cocoa, and qt
01:56.10 brlcad kdelibs
01:56.24 pra5ad hrm
01:56.25 brlcad openstep
01:56.49 pra5ad sdl mac port is unsupported
01:56.56 pra5ad sorted concerned
01:56.59 pra5ad sorta*
01:57.04 brlcad it works fine
01:57.09 pra5ad yea?
01:57.17 pra5ad alrighty then
01:58.01 brlcad replaced bz's custom cocoa+carbon platform code with sdl platform code relatively easily
01:58.26 pra5ad im | | close to getting this project compiled in cygwin, but cygwin's gcc isn't linking to the sdl libs correctly
01:58.54 Twingy fozhizzle
01:58.55 pra5ad msg boards say gcc-mingw will work
01:58.56 brlcad very slight performance hit (< 2% probably) .. but well worth it in the extra features it provided for free (like full-screen/window toggles, resizing, events)
01:58.59 pra5ad too lazy to try yet
01:59.50 pra5ad toggle only works on x11 no?
02:00.04 pra5ad so says sdl header
02:01.40 brlcad no, never would use that on x11 unless I had to
02:23.36 pra5ad dammit
02:23.56 pra5ad where's tegtmeyer
02:24.03 pra5ad need his vast template expertise
05:04.44 Maloeran SDL's fullscreen toggle couldn't work on windows for ogl, it requires destroying and recreating the context due to some limitations
05:05.23 Maloeran There wouldn't be a problem for mere 2d rendering, but that's probably why it's only for x11 in any case
06:37.17 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
13:46.21 brlcad Maloeran, we use SDL's fullscreen toggle on ogl windows in bz just fine (on all platforms, x11 or otherwise). it does require an ogl state reinit inside your code, but that's generally not a problem since you have to do that anyways at least once.
14:25.57 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
14:28.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/src/libbn/bn_tcl.c: initialize scale structure
14:30.44 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/TODO:
14:30.44 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: new section: oddities
14:30.44 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: why is there a scale in bn_cmd_noise_slice?
16:45.00 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
17:25.16 *** join/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (n=DiscoBan@
20:44.02 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
20:44.02 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.6.0 is now being prepared
20:44.14 BigIslandVegan i typed ``Erik's command and it came back with the command prompt, I assume that is a good thing
20:44.18 brlcad no X11 running and it's not an "app" in to Finder without going through some hoops (like shoving the binary into a .app or making a .script that execs x11 and mged)
20:44.35 ``Erik BigIslandVegan: yes, you can do "cat ~/.bashrc" to see if it worked, it should give you the export line back
20:44.36 brlcad BigIslandVegan: yes, now close the window and open a new xterm
20:45.01 brlcad type "rt" to see if it worked
20:45.13 brlcad you should get a usage block of info about rt
20:45.25 BigIslandVegan do i need to quit x11 and mged entirely or just close this particular x11 window and open a new one?
20:45.38 ``Erik just the xterm window
20:45.39 brlcad just the xterm window
20:45.42 brlcad damn
20:45.43 BigIslandVegan ok
20:45.49 ``Erik and you don't really need to close it, you could 'source' the file instead
20:46.03 BigIslandVegan new x11 terminal window
20:46.29 BigIslandVegan rt gave me brl-cad info and switch options
20:46.42 ``Erik sweet, it works, now you can run "mged"
20:46.49 BigIslandVegan hmm
20:46.54 BigIslandVegan what is "rt"?
20:46.58 ``Erik raytracer
20:47.00 BigIslandVegan raytrace something?
20:47.02 BigIslandVegan ok
20:47.06 brlcad makes pretty pictures
20:47.16 ``Erik mine makes ugly pictures :(
20:47.18 BigIslandVegan YAY!
20:47.27 brlcad there are over 400 commands like that in BRL-CAD ..
20:47.29 BigIslandVegan too soon
20:47.32 BigIslandVegan :-)
20:47.43 BigIslandVegan hmm, brl-cad is heavy on command line?
20:47.49 brlcad though much that you'll initially care about is available through mged
20:48.20 brlcad there's an expectation of minimal command line familiarity if you get into advanced modeling
20:48.28 BigIslandVegan ok
20:48.29 brlcad otherwise, you can model and render using mged
20:48.46 BigIslandVegan hopefully
20:48.49 Twingy all I know how to make is sphere's
20:48.52 brlcad BigIslandVegan: suggest going through the mged tutorial series (available on the website) if you haven't started yet
20:48.55 BigIslandVegan I will explore it a big
20:48.59 Twingy I think dwayne is the arb8 specialist
20:49.15 BigIslandVegan that is the pdf file on mged that i mentioned earlier, right?
20:49.35 brlcad BigIslandVegan: in the mged command window type: opendb /usr/brlcad/share/brlcad/7.6.0/db/havoc.g
20:49.41 brlcad e havoc
20:49.46 brlcad rt -F/dev/Xl
20:49.57 *** join/#brlcad Linux_User (
20:50.00 brlcad BigIslandVegan: yes
20:50.33 Linux_User hi
20:51.02 Linux_User i canr intall the brlcad in my linux i cant find the scripit for instalation
20:51.23 Linux_User *i cant install the brlcad in my linux i cant find the scripit for instalation- sorry for bad english
20:51.31 Linux_User someone can helpe me?
20:52.00 BigIslandVegan brlcad: I typed the firt line ending in havoc.g and got "Error invalid command name..."
20:52.07 BigIslandVegan firt - first
20:52.31 ``Erik BigIslandVegan: the big grey window that popped up when you ran mged, not the xterm
20:52.38 BigIslandVegan yes, that's what i used
20:53.05 BigIslandVegan the MGED 7.6.0 Command Window (id-0), etc
20:53.24 brlcad Linux_User: which download are you trying to install? binary or source?
20:53.47 brlcad BigIslandVegan: that command goes into mged, not into xterm
20:53.52 Linux_User source of source page
20:53.55 Linux_User ops source forge i download from here
20:53.58 brlcad Linux_User: and you compiled?
20:54.09 BigIslandVegan yes, i typed that command into the MGED command window, grey one
20:54.21 brlcad "opendb"
20:54.33 *** join/#brlcad MikeC1 (
20:54.47 BigIslandVegan opendb by itself
20:54.47 MikeC1 Hi
20:54.51 MikeC1 Twingy you there?
20:54.52 brlcad howdy bub
20:54.59 brlcad BigIslandVegan: sure
20:55.09 brlcad BigIslandVegan: either by itself of with the path after it
20:55.09 Twingy sorta
20:55.15 MikeC1 brlcad: Im trying to compile adrt
20:55.34 brlcad Twingy: "W" was looking for you but said she'll talk to you Tuesday
20:55.53 Twingy okie
20:55.55 Linux_User brlcad: copiled i extracted and i didint find the script how i copile?
20:55.59 MikeC1 brlcad: and i am running autocnf to generate the necessary conf files but it says there is a missing required file config.guess and config.sub
20:56.16 MikeC1 brlcad: actually automake
20:56.30 BigIslandVegan READ ONLY BRL_GSI Paris Air Show Soviet HAVOC Helicopter, etc
20:56.32 brlcad Linux_User: run ./ for starters then ./configure
20:56.40 brlcad BigIslandVegan: that's good
20:56.55 BigIslandVegan what did that command do?
20:56.55 brlcad BigIslandVegan: now 'e havoc'
20:57.10 brlcad BigIslandVegan: you just opened a sample geometry database that was part of the install
20:57.16 BigIslandVegan done
20:57.38 brlcad 'e havoc' means edit the havoc object, which happens to be something mildly interesting
20:58.13 brlcad MikeC1: run instead of the steps manually
20:58.48 MikeC1 brlcad: ok so cd src/adrt; ../; ?
20:58.55 BigIslandVegan I see a wireframe helicopter
20:59.03 BigIslandVegan greem amd greu
20:59.13 BigIslandVegan green
20:59.19 brlcad MikeC1: no, at the top-level
20:59.27 MikeC1 brlcad: I did that already
20:59.29 brlcad BigIslandVegan: that's a start
20:59.37 brlcad MikeC1: and it succeeded or failed?
20:59.46 MikeC1 succeeded and I did a make after that
20:59.54 brlcad BigIslandVegan: File->Raytrace 
20:59.55 MikeC1 and after installation I did not see the adrt binary
21:00.04 brlcad MikeC1: after you have to run configure
21:00.12 MikeC1 brlcad: Yes I did that too
21:00.16 Linux_User brlcad: where is the floder where i musth do this?
21:00.26 MikeC1 brlcad: sh; ./configure; make; make install;
21:00.27 BigIslandVegan i see the raytrace control panel
21:00.31 brlcad MikeC1: did the configure summary say adrt was enabled?
21:00.37 MikeC1 brlcad: yes
21:00.51 brlcad MikeC1: then you cd'd to src/adrt
21:00.57 brlcad ?
21:01.07 brlcad BigIslandVegan: hit the raytrace button ;)
21:01.17 MikeC1 brlcad: well before I ran I cd'd into adrt and I thought I could build adrt by itself
21:01.28 MikeC1 brlcad: I tried running autoconf, automake etc and faield
21:01.37 MikeC1 brlcad: then i went to the top level and found
21:01.45 MikeC1 brlcad: I ran that and it did say adrt was enabled
21:02.02 MikeC1 brlcad: did a configure and make and make isntall and looked in the installation directory
21:02.07 MikeC1 brlcad: and did not find the adrt birnary
21:02.09 brlcad BigIslandVegan: to hide the wireframe, you can select Framebuffer -> Underlay/Overlay to hide/unhide
21:02.25 MikeC1 brlcad: the adrt libraries are not in the installation lib directory either
21:02.40 brlcad MikeC1: there is no 'adrt' binary.. it's a collection of binaries like 'isst_observer'
21:02.52 BigIslandVegan I see, hmm
21:02.58 BigIslandVegan neato
21:03.17 MikeC1 brlcad: i dont see an isst_observer in the bin installation directory
21:03.24 brlcad BigIslandVegan: not incredibly purdy, but slightly more interesting than most of the other "freebies" that get installed
21:03.44 brlcad MikeC1: cd to src/adrt and make .. what does it say/do?
21:04.18 ``Erik I d'no, sphereflake is kinda nifty... m35 is ok... moss world is a pretty normal looking 'first raytrace demo'
21:04.50 MikeC1 brlcad: it is going through configure right now
21:04.52 brlcad dunno why
21:05.06 brlcad MikeC1: okay, that means you did something out of order ;)
21:05.17 MikeC1 brlcad: ok Im going to start over
21:05.25 brlcad it should be fine to let it finish
21:05.42 BigIslandVegan what i would like to do is digitally represent a housing project I have in my mind, using ~30' diameter steel reinforced concrete domes arranged in close proximity, surrounded by a retaining wall, the domes would be covered with soil, each dome would have a cupola sticking above the soil. You think brl-cad would be good or should I try to learn blender instead? I'm new to both
21:06.29 brlcad BigIslandVegan: it depends on what your intent of the modeling is -- if it's just to make some pictures, blender will probably be better
21:06.57 brlcad if it's to perform any sort of analysis, compute values/weights, etc, brl-cad should be better
21:06.59 BigIslandVegan raytrace complete
21:07.06 brlcad both are going to have a steep learning curve
21:07.18 Linux_User brlcad i cant find the autogen please reply me where is it?
21:07.19 BigIslandVegan i figured that last part to be true
21:07.37 brlcad Linux_User: .. it's at the top level ./
21:08.11 MikeC1 brlcad: also I got the source from CVS
21:08.15 Linux_User brl cad in usr ?
21:08.31 Linux_User where is the past of it?
21:08.33 brlcad Linux_User: you said you downloaded source not binary, right?
21:08.39 brlcad Linux_User: hablas español?
21:08.57 Linux_User i downlloaded the file of source forge .net
21:09.02 Linux_User si
21:09.06 brlcad Linux_User: brl-cad installs into /usr/brlcad by default, you'd have to add /usr/brlcad/bin to your path
21:09.33 Linux_User how i didi it?
21:09.37 Linux_User como eu faco isso?:
21:09.56 brlcad Linux_User: si prefieres, escribame en español y te contesto en ingles o español
21:10.34 BigIslandVegan oh wow, multilingual even :-o
21:11.07 BigIslandVegan Thanks``Erik and brlcad, very much!
21:11.21 brlcad BigIslandVegan: you're quite welcome, happy modeling
21:11.28 BigIslandVegan ;_)
21:11.51 brlcad Linux_User: ls -lad /usr/brlcad tienes algo alli?
21:12.11 MikeC1 brlcad: is there a repository of .g files somwhere other than the ones that come from share/db?
21:13.03 Linux_User brlcad: oly pastes the bin include man and share
21:13.04 brlcad MikeC1: there are many repositories, though most are restricted distribution or only available to certain groups for a fee or not available without a clearance..etc
21:13.20 Linux_User and lib too
21:13.38 brlcad Linux_User: so it sounds like it's installed.. which is good
21:13.56 brlcad Linux_User: run "export PATH=/usr/brlcad/bin:$PATH" si usas bash/sh
21:14.11 brlcad and then "mged"
21:16.32 pra5ad ``Erik, if i go with DEBUG(asd << asd << asd); ... can i do multiline << operations?
21:16.34 brlcad MikeC1: I've been trying to get the air force to release a couple tank models to me for inclusion, that will be very nice if/when it happens
21:16.50 ``Erik yes
21:16.52 MikeC1 brlcad: that would be cool
21:16.52 brlcad heh
21:17.08 ``Erik gcc -E will show you what it does
21:17.26 MikeC1 brlcad: it seems isst_observer or any other supporting adrt things are not part of the 7.6.0 linux binary distribution?
21:17.34 brlcad very cool, one in particular is the T72, beautiful and externally detailed model
21:18.01 brlcad MikeC1: that is correct, not included by default in the binary distributions
21:18.21 MikeC1 brlcad: understoof
21:18.24 MikeC1 brlcad: understood*
21:18.36 Linux_User brlcad: eu escrvi e dei enter mas nada se passou
21:18.43 brlcad adrt makes use of a couple external resources that aren't included/includable, so adrt ends up getting disabled during configure
21:18.54 pra5ad DEBUG(asd <<
21:18.56 pra5ad asd);
21:19.00 pra5ad should work fine?
21:19.06 Linux_User era apra ter usado o comado onde?
21:19.10 ``Erik yes, prasad...
21:19.13 brlcad Linux_User: cuando escribes el export o mged?
21:19.20 pra5ad hrm
21:20.34 brlcad Linux_User: solo escribe el export una vez.. despuez escribe mged
21:22.29 brlcad Linux_User: type "/usr/brlcad/bin/rt" .. what does it say? command not found? or a usage message about BRL-CAD?
21:24.07 AchiestDragon what about user submitted .g files for inclusion as examples , shurely there must be someone with some
21:24.35 brlcad AchiestDragon: I'd happily include new ones if/when people provide them
21:24.35 MikeC1 brlcad: I deleted my brlcad build and installation directories, checked out code from CVS, ran sh, ran ./configure and it says adrt is enabled, is there anything I can look for in the src/adrt directory to verify that adrt will be built?
21:24.49 ``Erik pra5ad: (for shits and giggles, hit it with g++ -E | tail -n 20)
21:25.36 Linux_User brlcad: i dont find rt
21:26.08 Linux_User no such a file or directori
21:26.41 brlcad MikeC1: just compilation success, no errors -- run make and then ls -la src/adrt/isst/observer/isst_observer
21:26.51 MikeC1 ok
21:27.20 MikeC1 im building the debug version of brlcad
21:27.39 brlcad Linux_User: hmmm .. that means you didn't install fully or correctly
21:28.03 brlcad Linux_User: you downloaded the source or binary distribution?
21:28.28 brlcad MikeC1: that should be fine, just to make sure everything works
21:29.58 Linux_User i will downladed the compressed file of version 7.6.0
21:30.16 Linux_User i dont know if this is binary or source
21:30.33 brlcad what's the name of what you downloaded?
21:30.49 brlcad the file
21:32.42 AchiestDragon well into day 4 or 5 of the render of m35.g here , lost count , still no percentage indication shown
21:33.03 MikeC1 Achiest are you rendering an animation?
21:33.24 Linux_User <PROTECTED>
21:34.44 AchiestDragon no single frame , photonmap , with lots of photons 4194304
21:35.18 brlcad Linux_User: that's a binary distribution
21:35.37 Linux_User ok and now waht i do?
21:35.59 brlcad Linux_User: you unzipped and untarred?
21:39.12 AchiestDragon and cpu still trickleing at 25% usage ,
21:39.48 Linux_User unziped yes untarred... waht is untarred?
21:40.28 brlcad bunzip2 brlcad-7.6.0_linux_ia32.tar.bz2
21:40.34 brlcad tar xvf brlcad-7.6.0_linux_ia32.tar
21:40.49 brlcad sudo cp -R usr/brlcad /usr/.
21:41.09 AchiestDragon question does the raytracer have a throttle back function that would allow me to set the max percentage total cou usage, would be usefull on some machines where the cooling is not up to 100% cpu for more than a hr or so
21:41.36 brlcad AchiestDragon: with that many photons, I doubt it will finish for weeks .. not worth it
21:42.10 brlcad AchiestDragon: by default, rt renices itself so that it doesn't take over the system's performance
21:42.38 Linux_User yes it is in the paste user now
21:42.50 AchiestDragon well ether it finishes before archer for linux is in cvs or it gets stoped while i cvs up
21:42.58 brlcad Linux_User: no errors?
21:43.21 brlcad AchiestDragon: yeah, archer for linux will be available before that finishes :)
21:44.19 Linux_User nao mas o atrquivo configure e autogen nao constavam aonde deviam estar nem no zip file
21:44.27 *** join/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (n=DiscoBan@
21:44.28 Linux_User i am redonwloading it
21:45.30 brlcad Linux_User: there is no configure/ that's a binary distribution that is just ready to use
21:45.41 AchiestDragon was reading some grid computer forums , the grid software used any spare cpu capacaty (same way as brlcad does) , but there was concern that some systems (especialy over clocked ones) tended to overheat and run the risk of burning out the cpu
21:45.59 Linux_User how i execute the progam
21:45.59 Linux_User ?
21:46.08 brlcad Linux_User: try /usr/brlcad/bin/rt again
21:46.58 Linux_User no such a valid file or directori
21:47.02 Linux_User i donwloaded this now brlcad-7.6.0_linux_ia32.tar.bz2
21:47.26 Linux_User im extracting
21:47.34 AchiestDragon so it was sugested that thay include a max continuous percentage usage , so the cpu could run continuously at 70%
21:49.13 AchiestDragon only realy affects some sytems where the cooling on alot of desktops and laptops is only rated for a constant 70 to 75% cpu ,laptops are worse , alot worse
21:50.06 Linux_User man its very low the extract
21:51.04 brlcad ls -la /usr/brlcad what does it show?
21:51.31 brlcad AchiestDragon: one might say those are fundamentally flawed systems ;)
21:51.45 AchiestDragon yes aggrees
21:52.30 AchiestDragon but lots of people have them , and most dont know about it
21:52.30 Linux_User bin include man lib share
21:52.46 brlcad I don't see a reason to not accept a cpu throttling patch to the tracers, but I don't think I'll be writing it until I have a massive cluster that requires it at my disposal ;)
21:52.59 brlcad Linux_User: ls -la /usr/brlcad/bin/rt*
21:54.32 AchiestDragon may be worth a note about the 100% usage in the documentation and that the system cooling should be up to it
21:55.07 Linux_User no such a valide file or directori
21:55.21 Linux_User i m redonwloading this file brlcad-7.6.0_linux_ia32.tar.g
21:55.50 Linux_User myu conection its hight speed
21:56.06 Linux_User but i cant fint this rt
21:56.11 Linux_User in bin
21:56.35 AchiestDragon or you may get the following bug reports from some users :- works fine but when doing a long trace the system crashes after XX hrs
21:56.45 Linux_User ops
21:56.46 Linux_User i find
21:57.30 brlcad Linux_User: ls -la /usr/brlcad/bin .. just what is in there?
21:57.51 Linux_User very much executable files
21:58.02 Linux_User i find rt in grafic mode but i can run it
21:58.14 brlcad Linux_User: you mean mged works?
21:58.36 Linux_User i dont know aht is mged?
21:58.39 brlcad ls -la /usr/brlcad/bin/m*
21:58.52 brlcad mged is the primary modeler application
22:00.26 Linux_User i cant find mged
22:00.43 Linux_User no its here butt dont start
22:00.49 Linux_User how i star the program?
22:02.19 Linux_User i find mged and rt but they dont start when i clic in they how i start the program?
22:02.39 brlcad Linux_User: you start them on the command line
22:02.46 brlcad export PATH=/usr/brlcad/bin:$PATH
22:02.47 brlcad mged
22:03.49 Linux_User comand not found
22:04.09 Linux_User i tip export like you mean and tipo mged and the console said comand not found
22:05.01 brlcad what shell do you use?
22:05.08 brlcad bash, tcsh, zsh?
22:05.11 Linux_User kurumin
22:05.25 Linux_User kde
22:06.04 brlcad that's the distribution.. and the gui.. what's the command line?
22:06.18 brlcad type: echo $SHELL
22:07.04 Linux_User is /bin/bash
22:07.34 brlcad then something isn't adding up with what you're telling me
22:08.00 brlcad if there are lots of executables in /usr/brlcad/bin, there should be an rt and mged minimally
22:08.27 Linux_User i type shenm and aperare it: /bin/bash
22:08.29 brlcad if you can find them through kde yet cannot on the command line, it sounds like you might not be using the command line correctly.. ?
22:09.13 Linux_User i use the grafic mode to execute ant he dont work too
22:09.35 brlcad that won't work
22:09.50 brlcad but the fact that you find them in graphic mode yet cannot on the command line is wrong
22:09.58 Linux_User there are very much executables in bin i tiped export PATH=/usr/brlcad/bin:$PATH 10 times and PATH=/usr/brlcad/bin:$PATH 5 time and wont work
22:10.13 brlcad echo $PATH
22:10.16 Linux_User yes sorry for english you speak portuguese?
22:10.22 brlcad I wish I did :)
22:10.40 brlcad I can understand it usually, but cannot write/speak
22:11.23 brlcad echo $PATH
22:11.25 Linux_User ok look eu escrevi echo $PATH e apareceu muitas coisas
22:11.38 brlcad paste them here
22:11.42 Linux_User usr/brlcad/bin:usr/brlcad/bin:/usr/brlcad/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/games
22:11.46 Linux_User is this
22:12.01 brlcad okay, that's good
22:12.31 brlcad the first two are wrong.. missing the "/" in front of usr, but the third is right so you should be fine.. :)
22:12.48 brlcad that's all of it?
22:12.52 MikeC1 brlcad: I jsut finished a make and I do not see a src/adrt/isst/observer/isst_observer
22:13.25 brlcad MikeC1: did you get any error after make?
22:13.25 Linux_User usr/brlcad/bin:usr/brlcad/bin:/usr/brlcad/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/games
22:13.31 Linux_User yes it is all of it
22:13.38 brlcad Linux_User: okay, good
22:13.47 Linux_User therea re not hte / in the frist usr
22:13.47 brlcad Linux_User: type: which brlman
22:13.52 MikeC1 brlcad: make continue all the way through and did not stop if there was an error
22:14.07 brlcad MikeC1: what version are you working with?
22:14.18 MikeC1 BRL-CAD Release 7.6.1, Build 20051007
22:14.20 Linux_User i tiped now?
22:14.21 MikeC1 downloaded from CVS
22:14.42 brlcad Linux_User: yes, type "which brlman" .. what does it say?
22:14.50 brlcad MikeC1: ah, okay, should be good
22:14.58 brlcad MikeC1: so now cd src/adrt and make
22:15.15 brlcad copy-paste the output to pastebin
22:15.19 Linux_User nothing its like pat olni jump one line
22:15.28 brlcad Linux_User: okay.. hrmm
22:15.37 MikeC1 brlcad: it is compiling now
22:18.45 Linux_User man thanks for help if you find the solution for me send for i must go now tanks
22:19.06 brlcad Linux_User: okay, sorry I'm not sure what's going on in your situation
22:19.11 brlcad like it's untarring wrong
22:21.25 Linux_User n this case send me the link where i find a diferent version
22:22.12 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ oh yeah, twingy disabled ADRT permanently, though I forget why. re-enable it.
22:22.19 brlcad MikeC1: I forget exactly why, but adrt was disabled even though it says it wasn't
22:22.27 MikeC1 brlcad: oh ok
22:22.37 brlcad cd'ing to the directory is a simple workaround though (or editing
22:22.42 MikeC1 brlcad: I'm having a python issue, im going to fix that
22:22.55 MikeC1 brlcad: yea thanks at least i can get it to compile to some level now
22:23.39 brlcad MikeC1: k, you might have to edit the's to get the build to complete correctly, or pass CFLAGS/LDFLAGS etc (make CFLAGS="...")
22:23.47 pra5ad ``Erik, whats the easiest way in sh script to traverse a dir tree
22:23.52 MikeC1 brlcad: understood
22:23.55 brlcad pra5ad: find
22:24.20 pra5ad the captured output is in array form?
22:25.04 brlcad pra5ad: sudo find /tmp -type f -exec rm -rf {} \;
22:25.28 brlcad pra5ad: what are you trying to do?
22:25.47 brlcad find is the tool regardless .. it can output file/dir lists or run commands on files/dirs recursively
22:25.55 pra5ad run anything with _test in the directory tree + wait for user input between each exec
22:28.28 brlcad wait for user input?
22:28.35 brlcad what sort of waiting?
22:29.15 pra5ad <press c to quit; any key to continue>
22:29.20 pra5ad something like that
22:29.52 brlcad ahh, you'll probably want to script the sucker then
22:30.06 pra5ad yea
22:30.12 brlcad echo "read blah" > wait
22:30.13 pra5ad trying to figure out the dir traversal
22:30.20 brlcad otherwise something like: find dir_tree -name \*_test -exec echo "ready to run {}" \; -exec sh wait \; -exec {} \;
22:31.04 brlcad files="`find dir_tree -name \*_test`"
22:31.16 brlcad for file in $files ; do
22:31.27 brlcad echo "<press c to quit; any key to continue>"
22:31.34 brlcad read quit
22:32.08 brlcad [ "x$quit" = "xc" ] && exit 0
22:32.11 brlcad $file
22:32.12 brlcad done
23:21.38 *** join/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (n=DiscoBan@
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051008

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051008

00:38.58 *** join/#brlcad MikeC1 (
00:59.27 *** join/#brlcad `Erik (
04:51.07 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:52.38 *** join/#brlcad cad769 (
07:38.11 *** join/#brlcad ibot_ (
07:38.11 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.6.0 is now being prepared
17:39.50 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
19:29.32 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
20:25.56 *** join/#brlcad docelic (
22:45.09 pra5ad hiyo
22:46.24 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051009

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051009

01:31.58 *** join/#brlcad craigbass1976 (
01:53.54 craigbass1976 Is anyone in here?
03:06.21 pra5ad Twingy, what font lib do u use for adrt?
03:11.55 Twingy my own
03:16.27 Twingy hrm
03:16.49 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
03:20.50 pra5ad yea?
03:20.56 pra5ad using freetype2?
03:21.27 pra5ad or just a bmp of 8x8 glyphs?
03:27.38 Twingy ooh
03:27.57 Twingy bitmaps
03:28.03 Twingy #include font.h
03:28.13 Twingy made it in gimp
03:28.47 pra5ad howd u make the bmp?
03:28.57 pra5ad gimp plugin?
03:29.00 pra5ad manually?
03:29.44 Twingy used fixed font, typed 128 characters
03:29.52 Twingy used SDL_Rect to map em
03:40.06 pra5ad do u have font color support?
03:43.41 Twingy nope
03:43.50 Twingy trivial to add though
03:46.03 pra5ad how so?
03:46.37 Twingy well, for my font it's got 2 colors cause it's shadowed
03:46.54 Twingy set the primary color to 1,1,1 and on init() just set the color
03:47.11 Twingy or
03:47.32 Twingy use some sdl foo
03:47.32 pra5ad i meant multi font color at run time
03:47.32 Twingy sdl's got masking
03:47.32 pra5ad <draw text in blue> <draw text in yellow>
03:47.32 pra5ad oh?
03:47.32 Twingy so set the color to white
03:47.32 pra5ad cool
03:48.14 Twingy I've got an idea for nitrous propane pulsed rocket motor
03:49.41 Twingy ya know, a pair of jet engines mounted to the side of the rocket for initial ascent would be kinda clever
03:49.54 Twingy then at 5 miles it dumps em
03:51.52 pra5ad do u have alpha in ur font bmp? how are u loading it into the sdl surface?
03:52.08 Twingy it's alpha 32bit
03:52.51 pra5ad raw? no header?
03:53.09 Twingy hrm?
03:53.18 pra5ad windows 'bitmap' has a header
03:53.22 Twingy oh
03:53.23 Twingy use gimp
03:53.28 Twingy save it as a "c-source" file
03:53.31 Twingy rename it to font.h
03:53.35 pra5ad rofl
03:53.36 Twingy and you're set
03:53.48 pra5ad ok then what?
03:53.51 pra5ad sdl_load_bmp?
03:53.53 Twingy no
03:53.57 Twingy it's a struct
03:54.08 Twingy it's raw rgba data
03:54.13 Twingy memcpy it into surface->pixels
03:54.20 Twingy check out my display.c file
03:54.23 pra5ad k
03:54.43 Twingy it's like 15 lines of code
03:55.17 Twingy hrm, I think when I get my machine tools I'm gonna build a jet engine and rocket motor
04:00.36 Twingy I wonder how many years I'd have to spend in school before I'd actually get to build one, heh
04:48.14 pra5ad yo
04:48.19 pra5ad are u using an opengl context?
04:48.22 Twingy no
04:48.26 pra5ad ah
04:48.53 pra5ad cos sdl blit w/ color key transparency doesnt produce 'transparency'
04:48.58 pra5ad just replaces it with white
04:49.25 pra5ad hmm perhaps not
04:50.04 pra5ad nm same thing :(
04:51.15 Twingy white means you don't have a n^2 texture
04:55.43 pra5ad huh?
04:56.00 pra5ad sdl blit doesnt go through opengl
05:05.22 Twingy erm
05:05.36 Twingy don't recall
05:05.42 Twingy been too long since I've done opengl
05:16.12 Maloeran SDL 2d graphics operations can go through opengl calls if you pass some flag to SDL on context creation, but it's not really recommended
05:18.33 pra5ad oh
05:19.13 Maloeran SDL_OPENGLBLIT on SDL_SetVideoMode() if I recall correctly
05:20.59 pra5ad i had that
05:21.09 pra5ad took it out; nothing shows up now
05:21.19 pra5ad do i blit after the flip?
05:22.38 Maloeran Blitting operations are the equivalent of glDrawPixels() calls, render before flipping buffers
05:26.15 pra5ad w/o sdl_openglblit, updaterect seg faults
05:26.29 pra5ad gldrawpixels it is
05:26.50 Maloeran Yes, just use glDrawPixels directly
05:27.18 pra5ad was doing blitsurface + updaterect b4
05:27.22 Maloeran If the image is static, it would be more efficient to upload it as a texture and render a textured quad
05:27.23 pra5ad latter was seg faulting
05:28.01 pra5ad i agree, but at this point in time efficiency isnt an issue =)
05:28.47 Maloeran It's also a matter of flexibility, textured quads can be rendered with bi/trilinear filtering to adapt to any viewport size...
05:29.06 Maloeran What are you working on, briefly?
05:29.09 pra5ad so the seg fault screwed up my desktop (gnome on debian)
05:29.26 pra5ad any way to restore it w/o ctrl-alt-backspace
05:29.49 Maloeran Screwed how?
05:30.10 pra5ad desktop seems to have a bigger resolution that the monitor.. can scroll around with mouse
05:30.39 Maloeran Ah right. leftctrl+leftalt+numpadPlus or +numpadMinus
05:30.55 Maloeran By default, this should cycle through available resolutions
05:31.14 pra5ad no go
05:31.29 pra5ad ctrl-alt-bspace is gonna log me out (iirc)
05:31.37 pra5ad rather not do that
05:34.10 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad (
05:34.15 pra5ad ah well
05:34.17 pra5ad had to kill x
05:35.28 Maloeran You don't have to kill x to change resolution ;), but anyway
05:36.39 pra5ad didnt work thru gnome :(
05:36.55 pra5ad dont really know any other way to change res
05:39.56 brlcad pra5ad: ctrl-alt-plus ctrl-alt-minus don't work?
05:40.17 brlcad Xconfigurator can change it for you too, iirc
05:40.55 pra5ad didnt work
05:41.03 Maloeran Eh. xrandr -s 0
05:41.07 pra5ad lol it works now
05:41.19 pra5ad didnt work after the seg fault :(
05:41.53 Maloeran Try xrandr after the next crash :)
05:42.10 pra5ad heh np
07:02.37 pra5ad #_#
07:08.21 Twingy 80mpg is quite tempting
13:34.35 `Erik sean: flex -i
13:40.10 brlcad `Erik: and a more portable way?
13:40.46 brlcad i think I have something working just using the rules where it converts unknowns and reprocesses caseinsensitive
13:42.49 `Erik *shrug* filter rules to force lower (or upper) case?
13:43.16 brlcad yeah, that's sort of what I used
13:43.22 `Erik (does irix lack flex or something?)
13:43.27 brlcad was hoping for some sort of %rule
13:44.19 `Erik d'no of any % rule, I tend to do case sensitive shtuff *shrug* :)
13:44.20 brlcad more worried about solaris, aix, hpux and older systems
13:44.40 `Erik could always distribute the yylex.c file
13:44.53 `Erik then they only need flex if they modify the .l files
13:45.12 brlcad could, but changing the rule works
13:48.57 `Erik [::alpha::] for all your characters? :)
13:51.42 brlcad heh, nah .. when it finds an unknown symbol, it converts them to lowercase and pushes them back on the stream
14:51.27 pra5ad how do u link against .so and not .a?
14:53.03 brlcad -l
14:53.23 pra5ad yea?
16:03.26 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
16:33.41 Twingy grumph
17:15.09 `Erik prasad: yeah...
17:42.22 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
17:42.24 Maloeran Even the credit card(s) are fully loaded? :)
17:51.59 pra5ad who does the gnu free documentation licence apply to code snippets
17:52.30 pra5ad s/who/how
19:00.45 Twingy good run *grunt*
19:02.12 Twingy haha, net worth $5.02
20:02.32 pra5ad yes
20:05.14 Twingy I wanna build a hybrid rocket jet engine
20:05.27 Twingy using nitrous and propane with a platinum catalyst
20:06.09 Twingy where the nitrous kicks in at 8 miles altitude
20:06.52 Twingy I think something like that would be rather efficient
20:16.52 pra5ad w/ a type-r sticker
20:30.24 `Erik you fruityassed fruity twink
20:30.24 `Erik :D
20:33.48 `Erik man, this is fun
20:34.54 Twingy mm, 3 weeks till I move
21:08.57 pra5ad i hate tga
21:11.47 Twingy and tga hates you
21:29.17 pra5ad sigh finally
21:29.25 pra5ad text in opengl
21:29.46 Twingy heh
21:29.56 Twingy that'll teach you to make text *grunt*
21:30.05 Twingy I actually wrote my own font system for nurbana
21:30.17 Twingy made a font editor too, all fonts were made out of bezier curves
21:30.36 Twingy was kinda fun
21:30.53 Twingy took 2 days, just stripped out a bunch of junk out of the modeler and I had a font editor
21:33.01 Twingy wee, table works
22:12.10 pra5ad hrm how do u modulate texture colors
22:12.20 pra5ad i know how to do it in dx9
22:12.32 pra5ad not in opengl :(
22:17.57 pra5ad ohh that was easy
22:17.59 pra5ad nm :)
22:26.10 Maloeran Are you around Twingy? I would have a question on go-through ray needs
22:28.02 Maloeran Basically, are these rays typically stopped after a variable amount of steps, or you usually let them go through all the scene, or up to a specific count of steps? A callback per hit is costly, having to flush the whole working data set in registers to stack for the function call, and restore it back
22:29.56 Twingy the rays are stateful
22:30.13 Twingy each successive call to the intersection function continues
22:31.03 Maloeran Ah, so you don't check a return value from the callback to know if the ray must be stopped, for example
22:31.14 Twingy I do
22:31.23 Twingy but the architecture will soon to what I just described
22:31.29 Twingy *change
22:31.36 Maloeran Right, thanks
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051010

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051010

00:26.18 *** join/#brlcad DarkMaster (
04:23.37 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
05:04.51 Twingy ah, performance is good again
05:06.37 Maloeran Ahah, that just can't be good
05:07.17 Twingy it's quite tastey :)
05:08.57 Maloeran I'm sure, maybe if you cover the plate with Parmesan Regiano and Romano :)
05:11.12 Twingy that would help
05:11.15 Twingy but I was on a budget
05:11.25 Twingy I moved $4 from my one account to the other
05:11.36 Twingy so I technically have $7 I can spend on wed if I need to
05:12.11 PKMOBILE whoa youre rich
05:12.16 PKMOBILE can i have a $1?
05:12.48 Twingy I don't think the ATM spits out $1 bills anymore
05:12.55 Twingy or $5 for that matter
05:13.08 Twingy only way I can access that money is buying something
05:13.16 Twingy that reminds me
05:13.34 Twingy you wanna make $25 on evening of nov 1?
05:13.45 PKMOBILE how?
05:13.53 Twingy helping me make a couple trips to my new house
05:14.00 PKMOBILE ok
05:14.16 Twingy probly end up moving like a couch, a book case, and maybe something else
05:14.31 Twingy and that's about it
05:14.42 PKMOBILE im free nov 1
05:14.58 Twingy k, probly like 6:30pm - 8:30pm
05:15.03 PKMOBILE ok
05:15.14 Twingy I'm renting a truck
05:16.32 PKMOBILE ok... may want to remind me when it gets closer
05:17.12 Twingy k
05:17.36 pra5ad is this offer open to everyone?
05:17.44 Twingy everyone but prasad
05:18.19 pra5ad man tex fonts look like ass on lcds
05:18.24 Twingy yep
05:18.47 Twingy prasad, I'm gonna get the honda insight
05:18.53 Twingy 80mpg
05:18.57 pra5ad no fidelity shape-wise until about 14px height
05:19.14 pra5ad how long till u recoup cost?
05:19.25 Twingy I'll save $1k a year in gas
05:19.38 pra5ad do the math
05:19.44 Twingy plus $2600 tax credit in '06
05:19.48 Twingy car is $21k
05:20.38 Twingy saving about $80 a month it'll pay for the insurance and gas
05:21.20 Twingy probly wait till march 1 to get it
05:21.34 Twingy I wanna put down atleast $10k to finance it
05:21.52 Twingy then jan1 07 I might just pay it off
05:22.52 Twingy then I'll end up getting sucked into some kind of relationship
05:23.06 Twingy and money will be gone :(
05:25.11 pra5ad sucker
05:34.23 Twingy I'm so glad we have tommorrow off
05:36.25 Maloeran The performance gain is sweet, but how painful to debug :)
07:24.43 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
07:38.41 pra5ad who's the resident vector math guru here
07:41.02 pra5ad ohh redundancy..
07:44.45 Maloeran Just ask away, I'm sure someone here can answer
07:46.01 pra5ad think i found the answer
07:46.11 pra5ad implementing camera strafing
07:46.40 pra5ad seems i need the vector perpendicular to the up vector and the view vector
07:46.54 pra5ad as in cross product
07:53.10 pra5ad how do most ppl manage objects in the scene that require their own transformations?
07:53.39 pra5ad do they loadident() -> apply camera transform() -> render object() .. for each object?
07:53.53 pra5ad er apply object transform() somewhere in there
07:54.11 pra5ad or is there an easier/better way
07:55.22 Maloeran Depends of your needs, it's common to maintain a matrix per object and glPushMatrix,glMultMatrix,Render,glPopMatrix for each
07:56.02 Maloeran You can follow the same patterns if you have objects with an orientation and position relative to others, you may want to store your rotations as quaternions for more flexibility
07:56.14 pra5ad done and done
07:57.55 pra5ad just to clarify, the camera transformation has to be mult'ed per object, yes?
07:58.14 pra5ad i assume the glmultmat is the camera
07:59.48 pra5ad gah .. brain is shutting down
07:59.49 Maloeran Yes, you post-multiply the object's matrices by the current modelview matrix, after setting up the eye
08:00.15 Maloeran I'm using the opengl vocabulary, this is what you are working with, right?
08:00.21 pra5ad yea
08:01.54 pra5ad what's the benefit of pushmat in this case?
08:03.17 Maloeran Just to restore the previous matrix, to render the following objects
08:06.29 pra5ad sample call list: camera.setperspective(does modelview transforms); pushmat(); obj.translate(); obj.render(); popmat();
08:07.02 pra5ad that sequence wont position the obj correctly relative to the eye, yes?
08:08.39 Maloeran Why would it not? You have the consider the translation matrix will be multiplied by the current matrix though
08:08.59 Maloeran Personally, I find it less bothersome to just manage matrices myself and glLoadMatrix
08:10.20 pra5ad ahh
08:14.16 pra5ad thanks much =)
08:15.08 Maloeran :) Good luck
08:15.59 pra5ad fix one more problem and i sleep
08:16.45 pra5ad view vector X (0,1,0) .. causes strafing to be x-axis aligned
08:19.16 Maloeran Your 3 axis vectors are stored in your "eye" matrix, [2,6,10] is forward
14:13.07 `Erik *yawn*
15:36.07 *** join/#brlcad MikeC1 (
15:38.54 *** join/#brlcad raz (
15:39.13 raz hello mikeC1
15:39.17 MikeC1 hello raz
15:39.31 raz where is everybody?
15:39.48 *** part/#brlcad raz (
16:06.40 pra5ad [2, 6, 10] cross [0, 1, 0] gives me correct strafing
16:07.12 pra5ad but using that to translate camera forward/back isn't working right
17:14.09 pra5ad gah this camera is pissing me off
17:21.16 pra5ad rofl
17:21.49 pra5ad maybe i should start typing something in this channel whenever i have a problem
17:21.58 pra5ad gets solved cpl of minutes later
17:22.03 pra5ad :)
18:03.52 pra5ad anyone know how to get the orthogonal vector (AxB) when A.dir == -/+B.dir ?
18:30.57 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
18:43.20 `Erik mebbe you should borrow a linear algebra book instead ;)
18:56.03 Maloeran Hm sorry pra5ad, I think I confused with my ray-tracer's matrix orientation, try [8,9,10] :) and [0,1,2], [4,5,6] for the other axes
19:11.33 pra5ad that's funny
19:11.39 pra5ad since 2,6,10 works fine
19:13.07 Maloeran Ah, good
19:14.39 Maloeran You shouldn't have to cross though, use [0,4,8] or [1,5,9] directly for your other axes
19:16.02 Twingy ?This is new stuff,? said Linda Hernandez, a New Mexico State University engineering student. ?It gets you excited.? This first-of-its-kind air show was all about space travel. It was created to give people ? who might be future customers ? an insight to the new industry of space tourism.
19:16.15 Twingy
19:16.19 AchiestDragon :( the g-dxf only seems to convert .g to a 2d dxf format
19:17.00 pra5ad no need to cross!
19:17.01 pra5ad excellent
19:17.19 pra5ad er which axis is which
19:17.43 Maloeran X,Y,Z :), in that order
19:18.34 pra5ad hrm
19:19.18 pra5ad if 2,6,10 is forward, 0,4,8 would be up?
19:20.05 pra5ad nm 1,5,9
19:28.44 `Erik o.O
19:31.37 pra5ad dunno how it works, but it does =) thanks again
19:34.35 Maloeran It really would be useful to understand the math behind 3d graphics ; second chapter of the Redbook,
19:37.12 AchiestDragon realy need it to beable to convert it into dxf with 3d position info ,, do any of the converters give a 3d output ??
19:39.01 Twingy you could try g-stl
19:39.15 Twingy I don't think I've ever used g-dxf
19:39.22 Twingy but I know dxf-g works, most of the time
19:40.07 AchiestDragon thinks i remeber getting dxf-g importing a 3d image into brlcad
19:40.41 Twingy *shrug*
19:40.55 Twingy what do the man pages say
19:41.01 AchiestDragon but just trying other way at moment
19:41.16 AchiestDragon theres a manual :) never looked
19:41.40 AchiestDragon if it needs a manual its way to complicated :D
19:41.59 Twingy the man page would tell you what the output is
19:42.50 AchiestDragon hmmm
19:42.52 AchiestDragon dave@linux:~/brlcad/bin> man g-dxf
19:42.52 AchiestDragon No manual entry for g-dxf
19:44.59 Twingy is it in your path?
19:44.59 AchiestDragon and the g-acad does not produce a valid dwg file that autocad can read
19:45.15 Twingy man -M /location/to/manpages g-dxf
19:46.47 brlcad it produces 3d dxfs, not 2d dxf
19:47.42 AchiestDragon well done a simple .g file ( one torus ) eported it to dxf and got a flat view of one
19:50.22 *** join/#brlcad MikeC1 (
19:52.11 brlcad AchiestDragon: g-dxf, I'd file a bug report on it -- but it sounds like something that just wasn't implemented fully (torus export) .. do you get the same effect with other objects?
19:53.07 AchiestDragon hmm
19:53.37 brlcad AchiestDragon: also, g-acad is _not_ autocad .. ACAD is a different CAD package
19:53.56 AchiestDragon well still trying diferent g-dxf export options things atm
19:54.06 AchiestDragon k on acad
19:54.46 brlcad
19:54.56 brlcad lockheed martin cad system
19:56.00 AchiestDragon dave@linux:~/brlcad/bin> ./g-dxf -o/home/dave/1.dwg /home/dave/1.g tor.1
19:56.00 AchiestDragon db_walk_subtree() FAIL on '/tor.1'
19:56.00 AchiestDragon 224 triangles written
19:56.36 brlcad that looks like the cause
19:56.43 brlcad try putting the torus in a region
19:59.13 MikeC1 are there any known issues with compiling brlcad using gcc 4.0.0-8?
20:00.48 brlcad MikeC1: not that I know of. if there are, they'd be very minor issues
20:01.03 brlcad i built on 4 just a couple days ago
20:01.39 MikeC1 im getting a compile error when compiling jove_buf.c
20:02.13 MikeC1 ./jove.h:253: warning: built-in function 'exp' declared as non-function
20:02.14 MikeC1 ./jove.h:472: error: conflicting types for 'getline'
20:02.14 MikeC1 /usr/include/stdio.h:577: error: previous declaration of 'getline' was here
20:02.14 MikeC1 ./jove.h:474: warning: conflicting types for built-in function 'malloc'
20:03.05 brlcad ah, jove
20:03.09 brlcad --disable-jove ;)
20:03.17 MikeC1 k
20:03.47 `Erik when're we gonna completely expunge jove?
20:04.08 brlcad not anytime soon, I expect
20:04.11 `Erik :(
20:04.16 `Erik why not?
20:04.19 MikeC1 vi should be good enough for everyone
20:05.14 brlcad `Erik: there needs to be a backup editor for systems that don't have vi, emacs, or some other editor -- no presumption of any system editor
20:05.23 brlcad e.g. needed for windows
20:05.39 brlcad for some of the editing interfaces that dump you into an editor
20:06.06 `Erik ?
20:08.03 brlcad hmm, not sure what that would do in a brl-cad terminal .. not that I'd want to use it
20:08.17 brlcad but perhaps
20:08.37 AchiestDragon may be better haveing a config option where the user can specify one
20:09.54 brlcad the user can specify one
20:10.04 brlcad EDITOR env var prevails
20:10.20 brlcad the issue is supporting configurations where there may not be a suitable system editor
20:10.52 brlcad or where there is an expectation of jove as the editor (as brl-cad has shipped jove for over a decade)
20:11.13 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
20:11.15 brlcad phasing it out is probably in order, though
20:11.36 brlcad perhaps simply disabling it's compilation by default, instead of the current "compile jove if not detected" behavior
20:12.50 AchiestDragon was going to sujest including a editor as there are a number of simple small gnu ones arround , but if it already has one then may as well keep it there
20:13.09 brlcad i'm not about to try and force an editor preference on someone, and if they're used to getting jove from brl-cad, so be it
20:13.35 AchiestDragon yes there will be some that expect it to be there
20:13.36 brlcad AchiestDragon: that is sort of the idea of including jove -- it's a simplified emacs
20:13.42 PrezKennedy force vi down everyone's throats :-)
20:13.46 *** join/#brlcad raz (
20:13.51 AchiestDragon hates vi
20:13.56 MikeC1 hey raz!
20:14.04 brlcad PrezKennedy: kermit would slap you silly for that :)
20:14.17 brlcad though he'd probably suggest just providing 'ed' ;)
20:14.28 PrezKennedy i learned vi first... and never really got into all that ctrl-shift-alting stuff in emacs
20:14.39 MikeC1 yea vi is nice
20:15.39 `Erik vim, actually
20:15.43 brlcad those are butt cheeks right?
20:15.47 `Erik and bash -o vi
20:16.04 `Erik yes, sean, those are buttcheeks. I ass visual editor. Exactly.
20:16.05 AchiestDragon vi is devised for people that like to have sheets of paper with the commands written on bluetacked to the front of the mahine
20:16.14 PrezKennedy i dont think kermit knows that i use vi...
20:16.29 PrezKennedy i didnt mind xemacs too much
20:17.11 AchiestDragon kate is a nice editor
20:17.28 raz brlcad: I am converting the example db m35.g to BOT but I receive a v4 database format only message. What do I need to do?
20:17.36 `Erik just like I fled to leenewx after my mfc experience, heh
20:17.38 PrezKennedy im a noob... i use a java based editor now
20:17.39 PrezKennedy :-P
20:18.04 brlcad raz: v4 message? .. where'd you get the m35.g from?
20:18.54 raz installed brlcad 7.6.1
20:19.00 `Erik O.O
20:19.55 brlcad hmm
20:20.06 raz brlcad: m35.g can be found in the example dir
20:20.30 brlcad raz: mged -c m35.g dbversion
20:22.09 raz brlcad: it says 5
20:22.50 brlcad so it's a v5 not a v4
20:23.02 brlcad how are you trying to convert it to bot?
20:23.16 brlcad the one installed will be read-only
20:24.31 raz brlcad: poly-bot
20:25.45 brlcad that's for polysolid geometry
20:25.51 brlcad you don't have polysolids :)
20:26.38 raz what do I need to convert the m35.g to BOT
20:26.44 brlcad the 'facetize' command in mged will create BOTS
20:27.11 brlcad BOTs for what purpose?
20:27.34 raz for usage in ADRT
20:27.42 brlcad ahh, g-adrt
20:28.07 brlcad (which basically does a facetize for you)
20:28.50 brlcad it doesn't have a manpage -- blame Twingy ;)
20:28.57 brlcad or just ask him
20:29.03 raz cool. I will give it a shot
20:29.40 brlcad raz: ah, though g-adrt only works on BOTs maybe.. hrm..
20:29.47 brlcad yeah, just run 'facetize' in mged
20:29.50 brlcad then g-adrt
20:30.51 Twingy yah
20:30.56 Twingy the command outputs argument
20:45.17 Twingy meh, I'll get around to one one of these days
20:45.51 `Erik wendy should fund me to help you polish shit up
20:46.06 Twingy hehe
20:46.19 AchiestDragon is trying to tempt another dev here ...
20:48.43 AchiestDragon he has cnc knolage also and dont think he's working on any projects at present
20:49.18 Twingy I think I'm gonna get a grizzley mill, but not cnc
20:49.23 Twingy grizzly
20:50.47 AchiestDragon well mines comming on ok
20:51.06 Twingy 3-axis?
20:51.20 AchiestDragon still another couple of weeks off beeing ready
20:51.23 AchiestDragon yes 3
20:51.38 Twingy cheapest 3-axis cnc I can find is $6k
20:52.23 Twingy and I can get a 5-axis non-cnc for $3k
20:52.53 AchiestDragon lost count of cost , but recon its still cost less than £1000 ( even though i scraped the first attempt and rebuilt it )
20:53.03 archivist there is a set of pcbs (PIC based) to cnc
20:53.45 AchiestDragon the controls on this are driven from a pc parallel port
20:54.04 AchiestDragon im building a pc into the machine stand atm
20:56.32 `Erik cnc is more work than it's worth unless you're doing bunches of pieces, imho
20:56.40 AchiestDragon my long term project is to build a robot to make and bring me coffee so decided i needed a cnc to make the parts
20:56.51 `Erik plus it's theraputic driving a mill by hand :)
20:57.22 AchiestDragon and yes machineing 240 track segments for the tracks is not fun
20:58.06 AchiestDragon although have been enjoying beeing outside with the mig all week
20:59.21 AchiestDragon hate stick , love gas , mig is like gas welding more than stick
20:59.53 `Erik gas annoyed me, I probably used too light of sheet when doing it, but I kept blowing holes in it
21:00.17 `Erik 1/4 plate and a stick and I was happy
21:01.20 archivist_ took a while to fine see this lot for cnc bits
21:01.22 `Erik anyways, it's been over a decade since I did any of that stuff *sigh* I'd probably explode or electrocute myself if I tried it again ;)
21:03.46 `Erik mmmm, poisenous fumes....
21:03.56 AchiestDragon yes know
21:05.05 archivist I got a job as a welder 30+ years ago, can be good fun
21:05.31 `Erik and chicks dig that welders tan? ;) *duck*
21:06.23 AchiestDragon i took engineering at collage before taking microelectronics , so never done engineering as a job but make use of skills for hobby
21:06.39 archivist A friend is a terrer for just shutting his eyes with a mig, he gets a tan!
21:07.03 `Erik heh, 'cept even closing your eyes, you go blind after a while o.O
21:08.24 archivist well he's 70+ and doesnt take any notice when told (his eyesight is bad!)
21:10.58 AchiestDragon have proper mask and gloves here but know some that try with just sunglasses :( then wonder why thay have headache rest of day )
21:11.29 archivist A dose of ark eye should cure them
21:12.09 archivist Common where I worked as we ran about 400 amps ally welding
21:15.14 archivist That machine is going to be lovely and noisy, will the neighbours mind
21:15.29 AchiestDragon hopes not
21:17.20 AchiestDragon had no complaints , but woman next door is almost deaf , so doubt she would complain
21:25.54 archivist_ Boxford cnc that was on my bench (now nextdoor in portacabin)
21:47.57 pra5ad cept when it autoindents and autocomments on paste
21:48.17 `Erik :set paste
21:51.15 `Erik (and :set nopaste when you're done...)
21:58.30 AchiestDragon archivist: kool
22:01.33 *** join/#brlcad razz (
22:02.02 MikeC1 hey razz!
22:06.23 *** topic/#brlcad by brlcad -> || BRL-CAD is now Open Source!
22:25.14 *** join/#brlcad cad856 (
22:25.34 cad856 Hi all
22:25.38 brlcad howdy
22:25.45 cad856 Hey!
22:25.50 raz hey!
22:26.11 cad856 It's the first time I found anybody
22:27.04 cad856 Are you there?
22:27.33 cad856 no
22:27.35 cad856 ok
22:27.38 cad856 bye all
22:28.06 brlcad kids
22:28.15 MikeC1 A.D.D.
22:48.54 `Erik heh
22:58.26 Twingy hrm
23:18.32 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
23:21.48 Twingy and remember, your seat also serves as a floatation device
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051011

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051011

02:01.21 *** join/#brlcad phcoder (
02:04.22 *** join/#brlcad cad459 (
02:08.04 `Erik heh, damn, everyone's showing up now o.O
02:08.45 `Erik 8lb 15oz boy? congrats, dude :)
02:43.16 pra5ad woot
02:43.19 pra5ad congrats!
05:17.52 *** join/#brlcad phcoder (
06:29.53 pra5ad ill make love to you
06:29.57 pra5ad like you want me to
06:31.16 pra5ad and i will not let go until you tell me to
06:31.38 pra5ad shit
06:31.43 pra5ad windixie lives in 238 now
06:35.00 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
07:14.34 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
08:20.49 *** join/#brlcad cad583 (
08:30.54 *** join/#brlcad phcoder (
10:03.23 *** join/#brlcad Erroneous (
11:40.22 *** join/#brlcad phcoder (
13:15.03 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
14:52.13 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
15:11.06 *** join/#brlcad cad218 (
16:56.55 *** join/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (n=DiscoBan@
17:24.20 *** join/#brlcad Kurumin_BR_user (
17:25.28 Kurumin_BR_user blrcadi cant use the source version of blrcad 7.6.0
17:25.44 Kurumin_BR_user where i can dowload teh binari version ?
17:28.58 AchiestDragon
17:29.46 Kurumin_BR_user this version dont worked here
17:29.56 Kurumin_BR_user Dragon where you downloades the 7.6.1 version?
17:30.32 AchiestDragon the 7.6.1 is source only at the moment afaik
17:30.59 AchiestDragon but done it from cvs
17:31.33 AchiestDragon
17:31.54 AchiestDragon do you have a problem building from source ?
17:32.07 Kurumin_BR_user ok the version what i donwloaded dont worked here its was that versinon what comes instaled but wont worked here
17:32.55 AchiestDragon ok ,, what opperating system and cpu type
17:33.38 Kurumin_BR_user linux-kurumin 256ram duron 1.0gz
17:34.07 Kurumin_BR_user i extracted i dont find the script for instalation
17:34.29 Kurumin_BR_user i tri open one of fles on bin directori and dont worked too
17:35.09 AchiestDragon did you extract them to the right folder
17:35.29 AchiestDragon <PROTECTED>
17:35.42 Kurumin_BR_user th empeg dont work
17:35.42 Kurumin_BR_user yes
17:36.07 Kurumin_BR_user ops
17:36.45 AchiestDragon from /usr/brlcad/bin in console ./mged
17:36.49 Kurumin_BR_user no not is
17:37.03 Kurumin_BR_user is on home/kurumin/usr paste
17:37.09 Kurumin_BR_user have a problen?
17:37.10 AchiestDragon no
17:37.27 AchiestDragon has to be "root"/usr/brlcad
17:37.46 AchiestDragon should work them
17:37.58 AchiestDragon *them/then
17:39.07 Kurumin_BR_user i musth put hte blrcad in usr paste?
17:40.41 AchiestDragon well should be able to move them , or extract it again to the right location
17:41.58 Kurumin_BR_user ok done
17:42.32 AchiestDragon cd to /usr/brlcad/bin in console and ./mged
17:43.16 Kurumin_BR_user worked thanks ^^
17:43.22 AchiestDragon :)
17:44.16 Kurumin_BR_user wow now how i use this? :(
17:45.43 AchiestDragon documentation at should be a good place to start
18:07.30 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
19:06.20 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
19:37.21 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
20:38.05 *** join/#brlcad phcoder (
20:45.57 AchiestDragon hmmm ,, this took some doing to get it imported to a .g , and quite a while to render
20:46.49 AchiestDragon
20:47.03 AchiestDragon a 6.4Mb .g file also
20:48.32 AchiestDragon better than the intermidiate STL file that was 77Mb
23:38.41 *** join/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (n=DiscoBan@
23:43.20 AchiestDragon hmmm , meshes ,, when i draw a mesh it looks smooth and flows curved accross its surface , but once i export it i from one package to another it looses its smothness and becomes formed of "flat" triangles
23:43.53 AchiestDragon is there a way to get it to be smooth and curved again
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051012

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051012

00:31.43 `Erik export it to what?
00:33.34 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
00:36.44 AchiestDragon well for example , if i draw a sphear , and render it it shows as a sphear , in most packages (brlcad,3ds,blender for example ) but when i export it to another i end up with a sphear built of triangles
00:38.58 AchiestDragon same with meshes , if i draw a mesh with a nice sweeping curve , once i export it i endup with a mesh with a curve built of flat triangles
00:39.39 AchiestDragon thay never render the same , not shure how best this problem could be overcome
00:42.56 AchiestDragon examples
00:44.34 AchiestDragon this is the original mesh ( blender )
00:45.10 AchiestDragon this is what it looks like after beeing converted in this case to brlcad
00:45.52 AchiestDragon now the same happens the other way also , just windering if it would be posible to restore the curve once imported
00:49.11 AchiestDragon think its a case of drawing splines or besiers rather than lines when redrawing the mesh
00:49.50 AchiestDragon and the same path for surfaces when rendering
00:51.09 AchiestDragon like it would do if it generated the object its self ? if thats the way it does it
00:54.32 AchiestDragon thought thay may of been a way to turn this back on in the object properties
00:54.35 `Erik if you export to a format that has no sphere primitive, it has to be tesselated to triangles, and I don't believe any of the brlcad export formats get 'fake' normals attached, a la opengl
00:54.56 `Erik so the only way to get a smooth looking sphere in one of those is to tessellate so far that no triangle is more than 1 pixel
00:57.04 *** join/#brlcad reisio (n=reisio@gentoo/user/reisio)
01:21.21 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
01:31.53 AchiestDragon was pondeering if theres a way to smooth out the surfave in software once a bot has been loaded basicaly transform the bot (bunch of triangles) into a bob bunch of besiers, but the maths is beyond me
01:38.06 AchiestDragon shold be splines ,as besier curves dont actualy pas though all points on the path but close to them
01:38.40 AchiestDragon will sleep on it , night
02:15.31 pra5ad Twingy,
02:15.43 pra5ad whats your tsp page url?
02:23.20 pra5ad whoa any of u looked into L funds?
02:29.12 reisio L funds?
02:51.55 PKMOBILE whoa... i see myself
02:52.23 reisio PKMOBILE: nice
02:52.53 reisio oh, two cilents? :p
02:53.03 pra5ad that's what the pk stands for
02:53.08 PrezKennedy no im far more wasteful... two computers!
02:54.25 reisio ah, makes sense
02:55.23 PrezKennedy the power of the remote desktop on windozer
02:55.33 reisio :p
02:56.46 pra5ad which one of chuck's sons are u? the one who was porting warzone 2100?
03:00.26 Twingy what
03:00.55 Twingy who summons me out of my cave
03:01.07 pra5ad prometheus
03:01.42 pra5ad tsp url
03:01.49 pra5ad pwwweease
03:02.40 Twingy it's broke
03:02.49 Twingy they changed their friggen page
03:02.55 Twingy I'll have to update
03:03.10 Twingy maybe I'll do that tonight
03:03.16 Twingy you're the 2nd person that's been bugging me about that
03:04.07 pra5ad <shaft>L funds, m****r f****r, DO YOU KNOW IT?</shaft>
03:04.15 pra5ad i like the idea
03:05.23 Twingy the L funds are for people that don't understand the stock market
03:06.19 pra5ad in 2 years??
03:06.36 Twingy since jan '03
03:06.38 pra5ad wtf have u been doing? i funds?
03:06.53 Twingy 401k for 18 months, then rolled 401k into tsp
03:07.12 Twingy now it's 50/50 S and I
03:07.20 Twingy it's climbing fast
03:07.44 Twingy my calculations tell me 2.5 million by 2037
03:08.03 pra5ad i have g:20, c:25, s:25, i:30
03:08.11 Twingy then I will form the Twingariun Empire, LLC
03:08.16 Twingy get rid of g
03:08.25 Twingy you're just throwing money away
03:08.34 pra5ad but then i see the L fund progression
03:08.38 pra5ad yup looks like
03:08.39 pra5ad it
03:08.58 pra5ad i should move to g fund after about 10 yrs
03:08.59 Twingy better long term investment
03:09.06 Twingy no
03:09.08 Twingy after about 30
03:09.11 pra5ad then bump it up each year
03:09.14 Twingy right before you retire
03:09.17 pra5ad rofl
03:09.21 Twingy watch
03:09.25 pra5ad right after the 3rd crash?
03:09.34 Twingy I'll have 2.5 million, and you'll have a 1.2 million, and we'll see who was right
03:09.45 Twingy meh, it's only 1.3 million right?
03:09.50 Twingy :)
03:09.53 pra5ad bastard
03:10.00 pra5ad u are corrupting me
03:10.04 Twingy good
03:10.19 pra5ad i didnt go s and i because of the 100% risk
03:11.04 Twingy your money won't gain anything in g
03:11.13 Twingy $10 now will be worth $10 then
03:11.40 Twingy look at the history of the S&P 500
03:12.36 pra5ad i know about g
03:12.53 pra5ad gonna spread it to c,s,i
03:13.40 Twingy find me a 30 year period where it's lower return than G fixed
03:14.14 pra5ad dude
03:14.16 pra5ad i get it about g
03:14.23 pra5ad tell me why it shouldnt goto c
03:16.22 Twingy c is ok
03:16.38 Twingy I had CSI for a while
03:16.55 Twingy but SI are outperforming C
03:16.59 pra5ad i should go 70% I for the next 5 years
03:17.17 pra5ad until india's IT economy busts
03:17.23 Twingy I is just europe
03:17.39 pra5ad no
03:17.49 pra5ad says australasia, europe and far east
03:17.55 Twingy so europe
03:17.58 Twingy :)
03:18.08 pra5ad europe isnt going anywhere
03:18.21 pra5ad its the other two that's prolly pushing the index
03:18.31 Twingy sure they are, plate techtonics indicate they'll move 153cm in the next 5 years
03:18.58 Twingy no tsp for you!
03:19.22 pra5ad welp, 15c, 35s, 60i
03:19.36 Twingy 50/50 S,I *grunt*
03:19.36 pra5ad im gonna retired with 50k while u retire with 0
03:19.49 Twingy you're so gonna lose :)
03:20.45 Twingy especially since social security will be non-existant by the time we retire
03:21.04 Twingy so many people are gonna be fucked by that
03:30.58 Twingy ok
03:31.00 Twingy gimme an hour
03:31.07 Twingy and I should have it working again
03:38.36 Twingy stupid fucking...
03:40.20 pra5ad temper temper mon capitan
03:49.42 Twingy ah, that was clever
03:49.49 Twingy I'll have this done quicker than estimated
03:50.53 `Erik o.O
03:54.32 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
03:59.40 pra5ad argh i hate java
03:59.50 pra5ad why the hell cant i get a copy of a bufferedimage
04:00.02 pra5ad i just want a stupid copy
04:02.13 Twingy hah
04:02.30 Twingy here pra5ad
04:02.31 Twingy
04:02.36 Twingy there's your tsp graph
04:03.16 `Erik something seems... wrong...
04:03.30 Twingy yes
04:03.36 Twingy I forgot they added those fucktarded L funds
04:03.48 pra5ad soo what u are saying is
04:03.53 pra5ad i should cash out on even days?
04:03.57 Twingy yes
04:04.04 Twingy and on primes
04:04.12 pra5ad shazbot
04:04.15 Twingy refresh
04:04.17 `Erik I think you're only allowed to do that once before retirement
04:04.19 Twingy that one is cooler
04:04.41 Twingy okay, enough playing, I'll fix now
04:05.12 pra5ad wow so my g fund CAN beat ur s-i
04:05.25 Twingy yeeees
04:05.30 Twingy so you should move all your money to g fund
04:05.44 pra5ad lemme go do that right now
04:05.53 Twingy <font 1>Twingy claims no responsibility for those actions</font>
04:06.11 PrezKennedy pra5ad, im the older one who runs an open source gaming website
04:06.38 `Erik gaming is for queers
04:06.44 pra5ad ah
04:06.52 pra5ad how goes the wz2100 port?
04:07.00 pra5ad that was a cool game
04:07.09 PrezKennedy haha i dont program... but there is a linux port
04:07.21 `Erik not coding is gay
04:07.23 pra5ad i 'got' it from the neighborhood 'store'
04:07.35 pra5ad cpl of yrs back
04:07.36 PrezKennedy coding is the gayerest!
04:07.48 pra5ad loved the fact that u could customize units
04:07.55 PrezKennedy yeah its a fun game
04:07.58 `Erik gay like a FOX!
04:07.58 pra5ad u could win that game just by building walls
04:08.01 pra5ad in layers
04:08.03 PrezKennedy weve been playing a lot of it lately
04:08.04 pra5ad right into the enemy
04:08.23 PrezKennedy not as bad as the original C&C though
04:08.30 pra5ad whoa whoa
04:08.36 pra5ad do NOT diss original c&c
04:08.44 Twingy k
04:08.44 PrezKennedy im not saying its bad
04:08.48 Twingy now to tie date ranges back in
04:08.48 `Erik c&c sucks sc's fat dong
04:08.56 Twingy but d&d rocks
04:08.58 PrezKennedy im saying that sandbags could hold back the AI
04:08.59 pra5ad sc is for koreans
04:09.07 pra5ad `Erik is korean
04:09.12 `Erik kekeke
04:09.25 pra5ad ah yes sandbags
04:09.28 Twingy <>_<>
04:09.38 pra5ad ai tanks didnt realize they could run over em
04:09.48 pra5ad ok so there was 1 problem with it
04:09.49 pra5ad :)
04:09.55 PrezKennedy they couldnt in the first one :-P
04:10.18 pra5ad generals is phat
04:10.25 PrezKennedy yeah we play that too
04:10.28 pra5ad 3d added a lot of depth
04:10.48 pra5ad cept when the chinese scud-variant rains on u from across the map
04:10.53 PrezKennedy yeah... it like added a whole new dimension to the game
04:10.55 `Erik was that a pun?
04:11.12 pra5ad of course
04:11.57 pra5ad the red alert 2 iso views weren't all that great imo
04:12.19 pra5ad oh btw PrezKennedy , do u have openttd on ur site?
04:13.04 PrezKennedy theyre on sourceforge so i dont worry about adding that to the collection
04:13.08 PrezKennedy i do have a link to them though
04:13.17 `Erik PrezKennedy: is it your broodwars cd I have in my dual boot box?
04:13.39 PrezKennedy i dunno... i never missed it
04:14.03 pra5ad zing
04:14.07 PrezKennedy ive got the homeworld and warzone source though
04:14.13 PrezKennedy
04:14.14 pra5ad ZERG RUSH
04:14.17 `Erik heh, kermit loaned me one *shrug*
04:14.25 pra5ad whoa homeworld src was out?
04:14.25 pra5ad when
04:14.34 pra5ad i know freespace 2 came out cpl of years ago
04:14.36 PrezKennedy we have so many it doesnt matter if we lost them all...
04:14.40 `Erik uhm, like over a year ago?
04:14.41 pra5ad wish tribes 1 was released
04:14.55 pra5ad i uh.. have the half life 2 'src'
04:14.56 `Erik 'torque' gets you tribes related source fairly cheap
04:15.03 pra5ad NEIN
04:15.03 PrezKennedy i have the allegiance source too
04:15.15 pra5ad never mutter those words again in the context of tribes
04:15.19 pra5ad that's what killed the game
04:15.28 PrezKennedy pfff tribes 2 was way better
04:15.31 `Erik heh, torque?
04:15.40 PrezKennedy once they got to vengeance thats when it died
04:15.49 pra5ad it died with torque
04:15.52 pra5ad and that's final
04:15.54 pra5ad !!
04:15.55 TheLastSpartan pra5ad: Huh?
04:16.06 pra5ad yes?
04:16.09 PrezKennedy i always enjoyed t2 much more
04:16.20 PrezKennedy im decent in tribes though
04:16.23 pra5ad ur dad should be ashamed of u
04:16.24 `Erik how did it die with torque?
04:16.41 pra5ad game became sluggish with that engine
04:16.46 `Erik o.O
04:17.02 `Erik I thought "that engine" was what was used all along, it just was breeded like ut's
04:17.06 pra5ad hell no
04:17.13 pra5ad the t1 engine was frikken great
04:17.18 PrezKennedy sluggish if your PC is old
04:17.23 pra5ad the only things used from it was the net code
04:17.29 pra5ad wait, i could be wrong
04:17.38 PrezKennedy the netcode for both tribes's was impeccable
04:17.39 pra5ad but there's no correlation between the two engines
04:17.45 PrezKennedy if only battlefield 2's was as good
04:17.50 pra5ad t2 netcode had issues
04:18.13 pra5ad or maybe it was the servers
04:18.13 PrezKennedy by the final patch it was all ironed out
04:18.20 PrezKennedy usually it was the server
04:18.22 PrezKennedy being overloaded
04:18.23 pra5ad yes, one patch too late
04:18.35 pra5ad mark frohenmeyer wrote the netcode
04:18.39 pra5ad guy is a great coder
04:20.54 pra5ad !asdf
04:20.56 TheLastSpartan pra5ad: Tai-kong suo-yo duh shing-chiouh doh sai-jin wuh duh pee-go
04:21.14 pra5ad !kungpow
04:21.15 TheLastSpartan pra5ad: Wuo de ma!
04:21.23 pra5ad @_@
04:21.50 pra5ad !sprt(PI)
04:21.50 TheLastSpartan pra5ad: I'm sorry, I was listening to Fatboy Slim.
04:21.53 pra5ad !sqrt(PI)
04:21.55 TheLastSpartan pra5ad: WTF mate?
04:22.26 pra5ad !sqrt(22/7)
04:22.27 TheLastSpartan pra5ad: Tai-kong suo-yo duh shing-chiouh doh sai-jin wuh duh pee-go
04:22.31 pra5ad :(
04:23.52 pra5ad whatchu doin there
04:23.53 `Erik arizona? o.O
04:24.01 Twingy hrm, just about done
04:24.08 PrezKennedy hes migrating for winter
04:24.10 PrezKennedy :-)
04:24.19 pra5ad did u take the train again?
04:24.24 brlcad beautiful sunny weather
04:24.29 brlcad heh, no
04:24.40 pra5ad vacation?
04:24.41 `Erik heading to panama again?
04:24.53 pra5ad oh, he's using the secret trail
04:25.07 brlcad `Erik: that'd be fun, but no this is business
04:25.33 brlcad lee and I are acquiring a model
04:25.35 `Erik whizmer?
04:25.49 brlcad bumblefuck, arizona
04:25.54 `Erik heh
04:26.00 `Erik whizmer is nm?
04:26.13 pra5ad yes
04:26.15 brlcad yeah
04:26.22 brlcad white sands, new mex.
04:26.32 pra5ad where's sandia?
04:27.04 pra5ad !where is sandian national lab?
04:27.22 brlcad new mexico
04:27.40 pra5ad do we win anything for guessing this place?
04:27.51 brlcad that's not where I'm at
04:28.07 brlcad pra5ad: you win a twinkie
04:28.16 PrezKennedy United States!!
04:28.17 pra5ad no a twingy?
04:28.17 brlcad but you have to share it with the mice
04:28.23 pra5ad not*
04:31.33 Twingy erik
04:31.36 Twingy curl -# -d startdate="20030602" -d enddate="20030615"
04:31.41 Twingy see anything wrong with that?
04:32.10 Twingy or that
04:32.13 Twingy curl -# -d startdate=20030601 -d enddate=20030631
04:32.36 `Erik <-- doesn't use curl o.O
04:34.33 Twingy grumph
04:34.39 Twingy it aint picking up the args
04:36.07 PrezKennedy do you need ''''?
04:36.31 Twingy the tsp people are onto me
04:36.50 Twingy it's not a quotation issue
04:38.21 PrezKennedy too many -d?
04:39.43 Twingy newp
04:40.02 Twingy their page is evil
04:41.34 Twingy blasphemy
04:41.42 Twingy I should call them up and bitch
04:42.12 Twingy if their shit was open sauce I could fix0r
04:42.25 pra5ad revenge of html 4
04:42.33 Twingy html 71
04:42.47 Twingy 71 times more confusing than v1
04:43.05 Twingy <form class="navigation" ACTION="/rates/share-prices.html" method="post">
04:43.05 Twingy <table class="navigation" border="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" cellpadding="4">
04:43.11 Twingy what the hell is class="navigation"
04:43.25 `Erik should you use -F instead?
04:46.42 pra5ad class is for style sheets
04:47.24 Twingy I dunno what -F gets me
04:47.37 Twingy the first sentence sounds interesting
04:47.43 Twingy but the examples don't grok
04:48.26 `Erik smells like a get/post schism
04:48.35 `Erik to me
04:48.57 `Erik php has fu to get shit either way, iirc
04:49.37 Twingy -G don't work :|
04:52.34 *** part/#brlcad reisio (n=reisio@gentoo/user/reisio)
04:55.23 Twingy welp
04:55.25 Twingy no tsp
04:55.40 Twingy I gots no ideas left
04:55.55 Twingy worked on the old tsp page *shrug*
04:55.58 Twingy still does
04:56.17 Twingy thing is fubar'd with the new one
04:57.49 Maloeran Have the POST variables for the form changed?
04:58.50 Twingy Start Date:
04:58.50 Twingy <select size="1" name="startdate">
04:58.55 Twingy End Date:
04:58.55 Twingy <select size="1" name="enddate">
04:59.15 Twingy curl -# -d startdate=20030601 -d enddate=20030631
05:00.10 Maloeran The dates you picked aren't in the lists
05:00.16 Maloeran Maybe that's the source of the problem
05:00.26 Twingy nope
05:00.31 Twingy I tried dates in the list
05:00.50 Twingy or thought I did *shrug*
05:00.53 Twingy I'll try again
05:01.37 Twingy newp
05:02.00 Maloeran Mystifying.
05:02.37 Maloeran telnet time, if I can remember the http protocol enough
05:03.08 Twingy heh
05:03.21 Twingy I even tried faking the agent
05:05.07 Maloeran Hum... Their server stopped sending data half-way to my crafted request :)
05:05.15 Twingy heh
05:05.29 Twingy doesn't like those damn canadian connections
05:06.24 pra5ad erm
05:06.30 pra5ad whats wrong with that curl command again?
05:06.36 pra5ad u weren't getting a response?
05:06.50 Twingy it's not accepting startdate and enddate
05:06.51 Maloeran Yeah, Canada is full of hackers, terrorists and beavers
05:07.04 pra5ad sure it does
05:07.12 pra5ad i got a full html page back with rates
05:07.14 Twingy yes
05:07.17 Twingy look at the dates
05:07.25 Twingy l
05:07.30 pra5ad ah :)
05:11.43 Twingy most confusing
05:11.58 Twingy my browser does one thing
05:12.01 Twingy and curl does another
05:12.03 Twingy wee
05:16.22 pra5ad woot woot
05:16.23 pra5ad it works
05:16.30 Twingy hrm?
05:16.39 pra5ad curl -# -d startdate=20030601 -d enddate=20030631 -d submit=Retrieve\ Share\ Prices
05:16.54 Twingy ah
05:17.17 Twingy gj
05:17.53 Twingy wanna see it?
05:18.10 pra5ad yes
05:18.26 Twingy k
05:18.54 Maloeran Ah of course, I forgot the submit name of the form... telnet attempts didn't work any better
05:19.10 Twingy
05:19.31 Twingy I'll make it so more than 1 person can use it at once
05:19.46 Twingy if multiple people try and view it, undefined results
05:19.54 pra5ad holy crap
05:19.57 pra5ad c is below f
05:19.58 pra5ad wtf
05:20.13 Twingy no
05:20.16 Twingy that's not right
05:20.24 Twingy let me check labels
05:20.47 pra5ad u arent doing g either
05:20.57 Twingy 1 sec
05:22.39 Twingy ok, refresh
05:22.45 Twingy that's right
05:23.07 Twingy let me normalize
05:24.00 pra5ad damn
05:24.15 Twingy ok, refresh again
05:24.20 Twingy that's much better
05:24.47 Twingy pay pal donations will be accepted
05:25.50 pra5ad u need to add some general stats
05:25.56 Twingy like?
05:26.11 pra5ad trends, rate deltas
05:26.42 pra5ad risk analysis with neural nets
05:26.44 pra5ad u know
05:26.46 pra5ad easy shit
05:27.13 Twingy I think you get enough meaningful data from just looking at the graph
05:27.22 Twingy adding deltas and other stats won't influence my decision
05:27.30 Twingy as to what my distribution is
05:27.38 Twingy that's the purpose of this graph
05:27.44 Twingy to influence my decision
05:27.53 Twingy and clearly my S&I decision holds
05:28.38 pra5ad 10c, 30s, 60i should catch up to 50s, 50i
05:28.53 Twingy mebe
05:29.13 Twingy I don't see the utility in C
05:29.17 pra5ad then again c seems to have flatlined
05:30.50 Twingy I'll add flock()
05:31.12 pra5ad why not just recreate the image once per day?
05:31.19 Twingy thinking about it
05:31.36 Twingy I s'poze that's more efficient
05:32.35 pra5ad hmm survey for brlcad devs
05:32.43 Twingy ?
05:32.52 pra5ad from some texas tech phd student
05:32.57 pra5ad on oss development
05:32.59 pra5ad check email
05:33.52 Twingy that looks like work
05:34.00 Twingy no free t-shirt!
05:34.18 pra5ad htf does anyone get a phd for that
05:34.28 Twingy makes you wonder how dixie got hers
05:34.31 Twingy *duck*
05:34.44 Twingy look at me, I have a phd!
05:34.49 Twingy I am your superior!
05:34.51 Twingy muhaha
05:35.02 Twingy I should've not finished college in spite of what I think of education system
05:35.23 Twingy last time I make that mistake
05:35.30 Twingy then again
05:35.33 Twingy I wouldn't own a house right now
05:35.36 Twingy so it was a tradeoff
05:35.55 pra5ad yea, now u are broke again
05:35.55 Twingy waste some brain cells, or get a garage to build rocket engines in
05:35.58 pra5ad but broke w/ house
05:36.02 Twingy actually
05:36.07 Twingy nov1 I'll have $10k in my account
05:36.19 pra5ad ok, broke w/ house and milling machine
05:36.24 Twingy no no
05:36.27 Twingy buying a honda insight
05:36.34 Twingy 80mpg yo
05:36.34 pra5ad ok, broke w/ house and honda insight
05:36.38 Twingy yes
05:36.39 Twingy :)
05:36.46 Twingy until I get a raise in january
05:36.54 pra5ad so wait
05:36.56 Twingy then, less broke
05:37.06 pra5ad accomplishments dont get added until dec 31?
05:37.11 Twingy I think so
05:37.17 pra5ad argh
05:37.17 Twingy then locality is like jan 16
05:37.23 Twingy suxors
05:37.23 pra5ad i want my M3 cheese
05:37.29 Twingy heh
05:37.36 Twingy what if they take money from you? *duck*
05:37.54 pra5ad i have two great managers who wont
05:37.57 Twingy lesse "prasaaaa prasaaaa prsaaanagganna work here no more"
05:38.06 Twingy :D
05:38.17 pra5ad haha
05:38.26 Twingy I'm gonna try and throw a life raft to erik tommorrow
05:38.30 Twingy with pvt and voxel stuff
05:38.46 Twingy I think it has a reasonable chance of success too
05:39.05 pra5ad who's next on the pipe
05:39.13 Twingy you
05:39.31 Twingy tegtmeyer seems to be doin' his own groove
05:39.36 pra5ad aight
05:39.46 pra5ad better pass that ticket along asap =)
05:39.56 Twingy dunno what the next one is yet
05:40.01 Twingy but I think if you finish that algorithm
05:40.06 Twingy that might give me some leverage
05:43.05 pra5ad hmm
05:43.08 pra5ad we'll see
05:46.03 Twingy ok
05:46.10 Twingy it only updates when day changes
05:46.24 Twingy but I have to factor in date ranges again
05:46.25 Twingy meh
05:46.28 Twingy I'll poke at it tommorrow
05:46.30 Twingy it's bed time
06:25.00 Twingy night
07:12.45 *** join/#brlcad cad824 (
13:34.38 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
13:36.56 `Erik *yawn*
14:52.17 *** join/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (n=DiscoBan@
15:18.16 AchiestDragon ok now having a look though the source , hmmm , lots of it ,, need a pointer or two i think
15:18.56 AchiestDragon is the section that handles the drawing of BOTs a library function ???
15:21.30 AchiestDragon and where can i find .g file format info
16:58.03 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
18:26.02 *** join/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (n=DiscoBan@
19:03.57 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
19:27.32 AchiestDragon do i have to use c++ or tcl for code for brlcad , can i use python ?
20:01.00 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
22:32.39 *** join/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (n=DiscoBan@
22:33.12 Obscene_CNN Ahhhh!! Main computer moved and online. I can download spam and get on the IRC. I'm 95% operational now.
22:54.33 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
23:53.51 pra5ad argh
23:54.01 pra5ad j allard of m$/xbox fame looks like chip
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051013

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051013

01:18.39 *** join/#brlcad Tegan (
02:03.37 Tegan goodnight
02:03.44 *** part/#brlcad Tegan (
02:33.17 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
02:57.21 *** join/#brlcad Tegan (
03:41.49 *** part/#brlcad Tegan (
05:21.12 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 (
12:37.08 *** join/#brlcad TheLastSpartan (
13:16.14 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03johnranderson * 10brlcad/src/librtserver/rtserver.c: getItemTree() implementation now saves los, material name, and use count in the ItemTree leaf nodes.
14:39.04 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/include/machine.h: _SYS_OPEN is an anchestor of FOPEN_MAX too
14:43.08 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/src/librt/bigE.c: unused variables deleted
14:48.52 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/src/librt/nmg_fuse.c:
14:48.52 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: initialize pl in nmg_snurb_is_planar (look at pl[3]!)
14:48.52 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: unused variable deleted
14:50.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/src/libbu/stat.c: machine.h requires stdio.h to be included first
14:50.59 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
15:10.12 *** join/#brlcad corandum (
15:11.47 *** join/#brlcad coreyloke (
15:12.49 *** join/#brlcad Corandum (
15:13.05 Corandum How do I remove brlcad from my computer?
15:13.35 AchiestDragon delete it
15:13.56 Corandum I tried >rmdir /usr/brlcad/ but it denies me everytime
15:14.07 AchiestDragon need to be root
15:14.14 Corandum ah, ok
15:23.02 Corandum what does "Directory not empty mean"
15:23.13 Corandum errr, "directory not empty" mean
15:23.28 AchiestDragon theres files in the dir that need deleteing
15:24.10 Corandum i don't have a lot of knowledge with the terminal, i am trying to delete the directory, and that is the answer it gives when i try to
15:24.45 AchiestDragon maybe better logging in as root in kde , and removing it from the file manager from there , of if you are running kde the superuser file manager will do that
15:24.57 Corandum what is kde?
15:25.23 AchiestDragon what you running linux , or other
15:25.29 Corandum i have osx
15:25.43 AchiestDragon k
15:25.46 AchiestDragon not shure
15:26.10 Corandum ok, thanks
15:29.27 *** join/#brlcad asdasd (
15:29.52 *** part/#brlcad asdasd (
15:34.28 *** part/#brlcad Corandum (
18:00.42 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
18:16.30 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
18:33.15 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
18:33.48 *** join/#brlcad DarkMaster (
20:21.51 *** join/#brlcad Tegan (
20:23.39 `Erik heh
20:40.52 Tegan oh?
21:01.18 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
21:17.13 Tegan it works!
21:38.44 `Erik it does?
22:07.57 Tegan yes, it does
22:08.31 `Erik what is "it"?
22:08.53 Tegan BRL-CAD, specifically mged
22:08.58 `Erik ah, cool
22:09.17 `Erik <-- has a very very vague understanding of how to use mged... o.O
22:09.30 `Erik which is disturbing, since I am (or was) one of the developers ;) *duck*
22:10.16 Tegan <-- has no cad experience, but the tutorial is pretty clear so far
22:11.01 AchiestDragon watig = waiting
22:11.20 Tegan archer?
22:12.09 AchiestDragon diferent gui interface and command system for brlcad like mged
22:15.27 AchiestDragon but its not in cvs yet
22:15.39 AchiestDragon exept for windows version
22:15.44 Tegan ah
22:16.50 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
22:37.57 brlcad it's in CVS, just sitting on a branch that doesn't compile yet ;)
22:38.13 brlcad howdy Tegan :)
22:38.24 Tegan hey brlcad :)
22:44.41 AchiestDragon hi brlcad
22:45.59 brlcad howdy
22:46.05 AchiestDragon well been working on a BOT surface normalizer , this is a tough one ,
22:47.47 brlcad normalizer? you mean a simplification tool?
22:48.56 AchiestDragon so far working on a bot structure analizer that trys to determing the structure of the object , ie if its a curved mesh , a enclosed object (like a sphear or torus) or a tube , or something more complex like say a face mesh
22:49.24 AchiestDragon basicaly so i can convert a BOT to a BOS (bunch of splines )
22:49.43 brlcad ahh
22:49.52 brlcad that would be SWEET!
22:50.36 AchiestDragon simple objects should work ok , but its complex objects like say a mesh of a hand that is the pain
22:52.24 AchiestDragon the fingers would have individual spline vectors
22:54.07 brlcad for what it's worth, since you're working on that .. there is bspline primitive support that was added to brl-cad over a decade ago but never made it into mged
22:54.59 AchiestDragon noticed that , maths is not my strong point but logic is
22:55.03 brlcad you can create bsplines through the libwdb interface (write database library, i.e. the library used to create geometry programmaticly)
22:55.43 brlcad there are a couple demo applications that use the libwdb interface and create some bspline objects that can be rendered, like the utah teapot
22:57.42 AchiestDragon i canot seem to find chapter 10 of the docs , its mentioned in the contents but dose not appear to exist anyware
22:58.11 brlcad hmm? which document?
22:59.14 AchiestDragon <PROTECTED>
22:59.52 AchiestDragon 10 File Formats
23:01.01 brlcad ahh
23:01.37 brlcad those docs are somewhat out of date once work started on putting the pdf's together in the new documentation
23:01.55 AchiestDragon k
23:03.57 brlcad hmm.. i'm not sure that section was actually ever written .. looks like it was stubbed out to be written
23:04.09 brlcad there are manpages for most of the file formats
23:04.18 AchiestDragon k :)
23:04.57 brlcad $ ls /usr/brlcad/man/man5/
23:04.58 brlcad bw.5 cmap.5 pix.5 plot3.5 png.5 rle.5
23:07.55 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/nmg_fuse.c: type consistency initialization
23:16.05 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad (
23:16.10 pra5ad blarg
23:16.30 pra5ad upgrade to breezy badger borked x :(
23:19.53 AchiestDragon grrr try installing 1 small x based man reader and get 48mb of dependancys to update
23:20.59 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad (
23:37.29 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon (
23:46.34 AchiestDragon canot get man to read the man pages for brlcad
23:46.39 AchiestDragon :(
23:46.50 Tegan even I can do that ;)
23:47.04 Tegan man --path
23:47.15 Tegan is it in your MANPATH?
23:47.33 AchiestDragon man -M /usr/brlcad bw
23:48.34 AchiestDragon k managed it
23:48.41 Tegan cool
23:49.22 Twingy Tegan == tegtmeyer?
23:49.30 Tegan nope
23:49.32 Twingy k
23:50.09 Tegan <-- at least not this Tegan
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051014

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051014

00:06.52 AchiestDragon hmm was after the DB file format not output graphics formats
00:33.46 Twingy
00:35.26 pra5ad chewie's gonna work for arl
00:35.42 Twingy yep
00:36.03 Twingy doesn't he look like bob ruschley?
00:36.10 pra5ad who
00:36.20 Twingy hrm, you don't know him
00:36.39 pra5ad damn this monitor.. misaligned at 75hz, fine at 60
00:36.51 Twingy so crank it up to 120hz
00:37.16 pra5ad ive never run anything above 60
00:37.28 Twingy gah
00:37.35 Twingy 60 sends me into a seisure
00:37.36 pra5ad what exactly is the benefit of high refresh
00:38.08 Twingy the flourescent lights run at 60hz AC
00:38.13 Twingy you get *beats*
00:38.21 Twingy it's nauseating
00:38.30 Twingy I can't use a monitor at 60hz.
00:40.56 pra5ad how do u add new refresh rates
00:41.05 Twingy in what?
00:41.07 Twingy X?
00:41.08 pra5ad yea
00:41.20 Twingy XF86Config, VertRef
00:41.33 *** part/#brlcad Tegan (
00:41.51 Twingy VertRefresh 72.0 - 85.0
00:41.59 Twingy Section "Monitor"
00:43.14 AchiestDragon if you have it installed ,sax2, gives you configure options for the monitor and allows you to test before commiting
00:43.22 pra5ad hmm i have xorg
00:43.34 pra5ad my xorg.conf doesnt have a vertrefresh field under monitor
00:49.01 AchiestDragon :)
00:52.36 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad (
00:52.51 pra5ad well alignment problem is fixed at 75hz at least
01:04.28 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
01:10.04 brlcad AchiestDragon: 'groffer' and to a lesser extent 'less' if set up properly will format up manpages
01:10.49 brlcad AchiestDragon: I wouldn't suggest reading the .g file format directly, use librt's API -- that said, if you really want to know, it's on the website
01:12.17 brlcad Twingy: hmm.. seisures eh? ... good to know... mauhaha
01:17.07 Twingy bah
02:07.12 pra5ad is there any way to find out the fsb speed on linux?
02:07.31 brlcad cat /proc/cpuinfo have it?
02:12.53 pra5ad nop
02:31.06 Twingy dmesg
02:53.03 pra5ad [2]prasad@duriel:/home/prasad :. dmesg | grep fsb
02:53.03 pra5ad <PROTECTED>
13:09.36 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
13:33.31 d_rossberg AchiestDragon: are you looking for smooth bot's?
13:33.43 AchiestDragon yes
13:34.10 d_rossberg did you had a look at "mk_bot_w_normals"?
13:35.31 AchiestDragon what im trying to do is take a bot that has been imported (that has lost the normals) and find a way to add them again
13:36.58 AchiestDragon <PROTECTED>
13:37.59 d_rossberg you could take a weighted avarege of the normals of the surrounding surfaces to determin the normals in the vertices
13:38.39 d_rossberg mk_bot_w_normals is used by mk_bot with an empty normal array
13:39.05 AchiestDragon yes
13:40.07 d_rossberg it looks like every face has 3 normals assigned (one for each vertex?)
13:40.07 AchiestDragon the code is ther to create the bot with normals , its the code to convert a bot without normals to one with that seems to be missing
13:42.00 AchiestDragon but fine if brlcad is beeing used to generate the bot in the first place as you can make it with normals , but when you have imported the bot from another package it loses them
13:42.13 d_rossberg thats true, but it should be easy to hack g-dxf: use mk_bot_w_normals with a weighted avarege of the normals of the surrounding surfaces for each vertex
13:42.51 d_rossberg BTW i've never used mk_bot_w_normals direktly, it's only an idea
13:43.44 AchiestDragon well trying to write a program that takes a db containing the bot and makeing another db containing a bot with normals
13:44.01 d_rossberg i'ts also possible brl-cad crashes if the normals array isn't 0
13:45.33 AchiestDragon but the way i am trying to do it , it should be posible to create the output in the form of a db of splines
13:46.09 AchiestDragon and maybe allow a hack to use besiers instead of splins
13:51.15 d_rossberg i'm sceptical about splines: it looks very difficult
13:51.48 AchiestDragon mk_bspline( struct rt_wdb *wdbp, const char *name, struct face_g_snurb **surfs )
13:52.24 AchiestDragon in nurb.c
13:54.49 AchiestDragon well for simple objects like sphears torus , and grid based objects , its easy , problem starts when you get a bot of say a hand , finding direction vectors for arround the fingers
13:58.04 d_rossberg thats why i recommend a weighted avarege: you could use the distance of the surfaces center from the vertex as weight
13:58.53 AchiestDragon im working on the principal that for each line in the triangle the 2 end points connect to 2 other points that are the end points of the triangle next to it (as a continuation of the line )
13:58.54 d_rossberg how much spline surfaces do you get? as many as triangles are in the bot?
14:00.32 AchiestDragon about 1 spline for every triangle ,
14:02.07 AchiestDragon with 2 where one side of the triangle is a open edge
14:07.59 d_rossberg it sounds still difficult. it's much more than simly saying whats the normal in a vertex, you need a reasonamle 3D curve
14:08.48 AchiestDragon <PROTECTED>
14:10.49 AchiestDragon on say bot that was a sphere , find a path ( where a line travels arround the object ) use all points of that line in the creation of the spline for it , find next path ...
14:11.38 AchiestDragon first one relative axis then one at 90deg to it
14:13.17 AchiestDragon basicaly convert the cordinates that the bot draws into a group of single points then play join the dots with splines
14:16.38 AchiestDragon theres a lot of code needed to analize the structrure of the bot so it can determine what paths the splines would need to take take
14:18.44 AchiestDragon anyway no garantee that im going to be able to get it working , but going to be worth a try
14:18.53 d_rossberg do you determine these paths onle once fot the bot or for every triangle?
14:24.04 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/src/librt/nurb_c2.c: probable a typing error: it should be vve, not uve
14:25.35 AchiestDragon what i intend doing is converting the bot to a array of points , then trying to determin from the bot the paths a spline would be best taking (though the points of intersections )
14:27.23 AchiestDragon so take a grid mesh (100*100) try to determing a path from one side to the other , and use the points recovered from the bot to find what next direction allong that path the spline should take
14:30.01 AchiestDragon and again for the path next to it ... ,then again for the lot at 90deg to it to form a spline grid ,
14:30.33 d_rossberg grid is easy, how about a tetrahedron?
14:30.45 AchiestDragon assuming theres no pertusions that would need extra processing
14:32.53 AchiestDragon a enclosed object ( ie no open side ) would start from one point and find longest path arround , then procide to do the path to one side of it .. then the other ... and again repeate at 90 deg
14:34.41 d_rossberg for a grid it looks good
14:37.07 AchiestDragon seems to be ok on spheare and toruses , etc also , , its random shaped bots that have extrusions that give more points on some paths and have sub paths to be found
14:41.41 AchiestDragon for example
14:42.52 AchiestDragon thats one bot
14:45.11 AchiestDragon should look more like (given diferent pose)
14:45.32 d_rossberg BTW: found a function rt_smooth_bot, usable from mged via "bot_smooth" command (untested)
14:47.57 AchiestDragon opps
14:48.04 d_rossberg i get a time out for your web site, but i think it's the alien
14:48.09 AchiestDragon for example
14:48.19 AchiestDragon should look more like (given diferent pose)
14:48.30 AchiestDragon missed the www bit
14:48.38 AchiestDragon yes
14:49.17 brlcad beautiful
14:49.46 brlcad yeah, bot_smooth will add vertex normals to a bot
14:49.52 d_rossberg bot_smooth doesn't work in the actual windows version
14:50.26 brlcad that's odd.. shouldn't be anything platform-specific
14:50.46 brlcad d_rossberg: what does it say/do?
14:52.44 brlcad simple test: make sph sph
14:52.46 brlcad facetize sph
14:52.50 brlcad B
14:52.52 brlcad rt -F/dev/Xl
14:53.01 brlcad should see a hard edges
14:53.34 brlcad bot_smooth
14:53.36 brlcad B sph.smooth
14:53.39 brlcad rt -F/dev/Xl
14:53.45 brlcad should see smooth edges
14:54.33 brlcad (er, that last should have been B ..)
14:55.42 *** part/#brlcad `Erik (
14:55.44 d_rossberg ok, my error, typed smooth_bot
14:55.57 AchiestDragon just trying it with the alien model
14:56.20 brlcad probably will take a "little" bit longer with that many triangles in the alien model :)
14:58.23 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
15:01.47 AchiestDragon well seems to be processing it , well its using a lot fo cpu time anyway
15:01.48 d_rossberg the interrior of looks good, but not the edge (when the ray doesn't hit any triangle)
15:07.59 brlcad yeah, it's not going to fake a hit for the sake of smoothing, which leaves discontinuities on the surface near the edges
15:08.39 brlcad resolved somewhat by increasing the tesselation tolerance or the curvature tolerance when facetizing
15:12.32 d_rossberg i've to go
15:56.11 AchiestDragon by little bit longer is that days or hours longer ?
17:22.28 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
18:41.32 *** join/#brlcad cad105 (
19:52.45 AchiestDragon hmm think its not working
19:59.37 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: facetize -t
19:59.54 brlcad AchiestDragon: can you post the .g somewhere, I'll take a look at it
20:00.10 AchiestDragon k
20:00.25 brlcad facetizing an already facetized object will take a very long time (you shouldn't do that)
20:00.37 brlcad but smoothing the bot shouldn't take long at all
20:00.47 brlcad I meant a few seconds, maybe minutes
20:01.01 brlcad the sphere is instantaneous
20:02.45 AchiestDragon its a 6.9mb file , just uploading it atm
20:05.51 AchiestDragon
20:06.56 AchiestDragon let me know when you downloaded it ok i can remove it from my web space then
20:08.19 ``Erik sean, can radmind upgrade x.3 to x.4?
20:11.13 brlcad ``Erik: yes
20:11.36 ``Erik thnx
20:12.11 brlcad AchiestDragon: getting it now.. 30% .. 40% ..
20:13.07 brlcad AchiestDragon: got it
20:13.27 ``Erik (is tesselating tesselated data slow because it tries to tesselate bots? if so, shouldn't it just consider bots to be tesselated and just hand them over?)
20:13.54 AchiestDragon k if anyone elce is downloading it speek now before i remove it
20:14.18 brlcad yay, flight was cancelled out of yuma ....
20:14.51 ``Erik heh, take the train back? :D
20:15.50 brlcad be back in a bit, they're kicking me out
20:15.55 ``Erik hasta
22:47.55 *** join/#brlcad ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
22:47.55 *** mode/#brlcad [+o ChanServ] by
23:19.37 pra5ad yipes
23:19.41 pra5ad JPL layoffs
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051015

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051015

00:07.17 ``Erik yut oh
00:07.18 ``Erik o.O
00:21.19 AchiestDragon hooo look noodles
01:17.57 *** join/#brlcad ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
01:17.57 *** mode/#brlcad [+o ChanServ] by
03:16.13 Twingy hrm
03:16.37 Twingy I found solenoid for $77
03:46.29 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
05:38.45 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
07:10.34 pra5ad has anyone used clock() ?
07:10.38 pra5ad defined in time.h
07:11.10 pra5ad i seem to be getting 0 everytime
07:11.21 pra5ad correction: i am*
07:23.45 pra5ad dammit
07:24.00 pra5ad grrr it's broken
07:31.45 Maloeran Has the program been running for long enough to return more than zero?
07:51.36 pra5ad sleep(5) ?
07:52.20 pra5ad and i have 10^7 sqrts running in a loop
07:52.48 pra5ad start: 209888617136098
07:52.48 pra5ad stop: 209897595875140
07:52.48 pra5ad Elapsed : 8978739042 ticksRDTSC
07:52.48 pra5ad start: 0
07:52.48 pra5ad stop: 0
07:52.49 pra5ad Elapsed : 0 ticksSDL
07:53.08 pra5ad (SDL uses clocks() iirc)
07:53.15 pra5ad -s
07:53.41 pra5ad system is ubuntu 5.10 , gcc 4.0.2
08:42.45 Maloeran A sleep() won't increase the time spent in the process itself, your square roots should...
11:28.10 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
11:28.20 clock_ hi
11:28.25 clock_ how is it possible to make a hex?
11:28.37 clock_ i. e. hex bolt head
13:47.06 AchiestDragon 2 arb6's and a arb8
13:51.00 clock_ or one arbn ;-)
13:51.12 clock_ actually I am now writing a program you'll call like
13:51.27 clock_ ./bolt M10x50 and it will generate you an ASCII database of M10x50 bolt.
13:51.50 clock_ Because there aren't even the most basic engineering primitives in BRL-CAD like bolts, nuts, washers etc.
13:52.24 AchiestDragon kool
13:53.17 clock_ Would it be possible to embed it into newer versions of BRL-CAD?
13:53.24 clock_ I write in standard C
13:53.57 clock_ like one would call command bolt, nut or washer etc.
13:55.38 AchiestDragon you need to speek to brlcad
13:56.11 AchiestDragon but think it could get included , it needs some more options like that
14:27.00 pra5ad Maloeran, that's what i dont get. it's still 0.
15:14.04 clock_ Would it possible to make tab autocompletion into brlcad?
15:14.18 clock_ like I would type nut<tab> and it would fill in nut1.s?
17:57.59 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
21:22.27 clock_ BRL-CAD is simply incredible.
21:22.34 clock_ Such a power in the combined GUI-CLI
21:22.47 clock_ plus scriptable and programmable
21:23.02 clock_ plus can be called from makefile for automatic data transformations
21:23.11 clock_ I think it's the best 3D CAD in the world...
21:23.14 clock_ And free software
21:23.21 clock_ The best things in life are always for free ;-)
22:18.33 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051016

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051016

01:11.57 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
02:53.29 Twingy hrmph
04:59.00 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
07:43.46 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
08:01.02 *** join/#brlcad fenn (
09:57.38 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
10:02.10 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon (
10:09.07 *** join/#brlcad _AchiestDragon (
10:19.55 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon_ (
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10:57.56 *** join/#brlcad _AchiestDragon (
11:28.18 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
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16:44.39 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad (
18:49.22 *** join/#brlcad cad476 (
19:10.44 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
19:56.37 pra5ad The physicist and the engineer are in a hot-air balloon. Soon, they find themselves lost in a canyon somewhere. They yell out for help: "Helllloooooo! Where are we?"
19:56.37 pra5ad 15 minutes later, they hear an echoing voice: "Helllloooooo! You're in a hot-air balloon!!"
19:56.37 pra5ad The physicist says, "That must have been a mathematician."
19:56.37 pra5ad The engineer asks, "Why do you say that?"
19:56.37 pra5ad The physicist replied: "The answer was absolutely correct, and it was utterly useless."
21:08.11 *** join/#brlcad mahesh (
21:38.03 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
22:52.35 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051017

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051017

00:11.06 *** join/#brlcad mahesh (
00:41.17 *** join/#brlcad fenn (n=fenn@
03:19.01 *** join/#brlcad dorkmeister (
03:19.19 dorkmeister narf!
03:19.49 *** part/#brlcad dorkmeister (
03:20.39 learner heh
03:21.18 fenn was playing with the web=based irc client... not bad for web based chat
03:22.01 learner yeah, it's not too shabby and it gets past firewalls since the connection is a live proxy
03:23.15 learner still prefer folks to get "a real irc client" for various reasons, but it's a good first step for those that no nothing of irc
05:01.26 pra5ad u back?
08:40.05 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
08:41.50 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
08:59.20 *** join/#brlcad clock__ (
09:19.25 *** topic/#brlcad by clock__ -> ttp:// || BRL-CAD is now Free Software!
09:19.34 *** topic/#brlcad by clock__ -> || BRL-CAD is now Free Software!
10:50.31 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
12:02.28 *** join/#brlcad _AchiestDragon (
13:16.55 *** join/#brlcad clock__ (
14:04.02 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
14:49.18 brlcad pra5ad: yeah, though I'm staying at home today -- decompression catch-up
15:07.03 clock__ brlcad: decompression catchup? What's that?
15:07.45 clock__ brlcad: I have written a program for generation of hex head metric bolts, nuts, washers, and inner hex bolts.
15:07.48 clock__
15:08.19 brlcad clock__: I heard/read .. sounds very useful ;)
15:08.24 clock__ brlcad: like you say ./allenbolt M8x15 and it makes allenbolt_M8x15.asc which then you import into brlcad
15:08.34 clock__ brlcad: I already used it once and it's very quick to operate with.
15:08.49 clock__ And nuts and washers are already mirrored so if you combine with bolt they don't overlap :)
15:09.49 brlcad excellent :)
15:09.57 brlcad any reason you make a .asc instead of a .g?
15:10.07 clock__ brlcad: because it's easy to make
15:10.17 clock__ I don't know how to make g I didn't read anything.
15:10.26 clock__ I just took example asc and make the program generate the same.
15:10.55 brlcad got it
15:11.07 clock__ brlcad: If I make plate.c and use hole.s inside with various matrics
15:11.10 clock__ matrices
15:11.26 clock__ and then try to select, it always greens up only one instance and never the other three
15:11.33 clock__ So I can edit only one matrix
15:12.11 clock__ brlcad: why doesn't mged have --version flag? How can I determine the version?
15:12.38 clock__ brlcad: should I upgrade?
15:12.50 clock__ to 7.6.2?
15:13.02 brlcad nah, no need to upgrade
15:13.04 brlcad yet
15:13.25 clock__ is it a bug or whatever?
15:14.15 brlcad no, it's not if I understand you correctly
15:14.53 clock__ and how do I green the other instances? Those are instances which cannot be never greened, but I want to edit their matrix.
15:15.34 brlcad you can get the version in various ways -- there are no "dash dash" mged options, hence no --version though there are commands and other tools to get the version
15:15.55 brlcad i usually just run 'rt' with no arguments, it will output all the versions of libraries being used
15:16.03 clock__ even help-> about doesn't exist. No clue
15:16.20 brlcad the version is in the window titlebar
15:16.23 brlcad in mged
15:16.33 clock__ I got 7.2.6
15:17.08 clock__
15:17.08 brlcad hmm, that is a bit old, but still what you're doing isn't a bug I believe
15:17.19 clock__ sorry should be
15:17.30 brlcad how are you grouping?
15:17.38 clock__ The last one is what I did recently and has the bolts and nuts and washers from the program
15:17.53 clock__ like I want to make a plate with 4 holes
15:18.00 clock__ then I make plate.s as rpp
15:18.03 clock__ hole.s as rcc
15:18.10 clock__ and then red plate.c and type
15:18.14 clock__ u plate.s
15:18.23 clock__ - hole.s <matrix>
15:18.28 clock__ - hole.s <different matrix>
15:18.29 clock__ ...
15:18.30 clock__ etc.
15:18.38 clock__ is this incorrect?
15:18.51 brlcad hmm
15:19.31 clock__ sometimes mged stops displaying the 3 remaining hole.s so I have to do "B" again.
15:19.34 clock__ Sometimes it segfaults
15:19.35 brlcad in theory, I believe so :)
15:19.44 clock__ How should it be correct?
15:19.49 brlcad the problem may be 'red'
15:19.54 clock__ why?
15:19.59 clock__ what should I type instead of red?
15:20.24 brlcad I think I need try exactly what you're doing to see what's going on
15:20.33 clock__ But it fucks up only sometimes
15:20.51 clock__ But the grerening works never, that's replicable :)
15:21.20 brlcad you mean after doing the red, only one is highlighted?
15:21.28 clock__ grerening -> greening
15:21.59 clock__ no after doing red none is highlighted
15:22.08 clock__ but if I want to "select matrix" or how it's called in the edit menu
15:22.22 clock__ I can select only one hole. The three other never green up in the selection.
15:24.20 *** join/#brlcad LaptopDragon (
15:24.35 brlcad that's probably due to how mged applies matrices seems a bit akward at first -- you select above the combination point you want to apply the matrix at
15:25.19 clock__ I don't understand
15:25.50 clock__ what does "you select above the combination point you want to apply the matrix at" mean?
15:26.15 brlcad does par_welded_we.g have an example combination?
15:26.26 brlcad that sort of shows what you were trying?
15:26.56 clock__ yes plate.c
15:27.48 clock__ but it's not displayed in par_welded_we.g It's displayed in par_welded.g
15:28.09 brlcad there is a plate.c in par_welded_we.g
15:28.31 clock__ yes the 3 files are just symlink
15:28.40 brlcad with four plate_h1.s objects
15:28.51 clock__ this is used to rended differen cutaways and completion stage views.
15:28.55 clock__ yes those are the holes
15:42.40 brlcad when you red plate.c and type in matrices after hole.s .. what is an example matrix you're using?
15:46.47 clock__ 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
15:47.47 clock__ or I insert just one hole, don't type matrix, the edit the hole, shift it around using tra and rot, then accept, then red plate.c, copy the lines in vi and adjust the numbers - that's usually faster
15:47.56 clock__ the -> then
15:48.21 brlcad k
15:49.10 clock__ Anyway when it segfaulted I posted a bugreport including the .g file and full backtrace from gdb.
15:49.24 brlcad yeah, I saw that -- thanks
15:49.29 clock__ So if there is a bug you should be probably able to spot it
15:49.36 clock__ is the bug in 7.6.2 anymore?
15:49.45 brlcad there's clearly a bug as it should never segfault ;)
15:50.06 brlcad but I imagine the bug is just related to an invalidated display list
15:50.22 brlcad perhaps related to why you have to B after a red
15:53.56 brlcad it has to do with using the same primitive name multiple times during matrix selection .. it uses the path to the solid which is identical for all four holes
15:56.16 brlcad so, red is actually working correctly since you're editing the values directly -- but the gui is not since it's looking up the path and always editing the first match (which is why it always edits just one hole (the first hole))
16:01.11 *** join/#brlcad fenn (
16:06.39 clock__ so how do I edit the 2.-4. instance's matrix?
16:07.30 brlcad clock__: well, I would consider the Edit->Matrix Selection behavior a bug
16:07.35 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
16:07.37 brlcad but there is a simple workaround
16:09.08 brlcad the "usual" manner someone would do what you're trying is to make a combination for each hole that instances your template rcc
16:09.39 brlcad the matrix is applied to the combinations (which are named uniquely), the combinations are used in plate.c instead of prims directly
16:10.09 clock__ so 4 combinations, each combination holding just a single hole?
16:10.50 brlcad right
16:11.02 brlcad at least until the bug is squashed :)
16:11.26 brlcad alternatively, you could just copy the hole
16:11.48 clock__ if the gui cannot edit the 3 remaining holes, my vi can edit them :)
16:12.35 brlcad clock__: fyi, I'm looking to present a brief overview of your work with brl-cad at next month's users group meeting
16:12.51 brlcad if that's alright with you
16:13.41 clock__ it's OK
16:14.39 brlcad great
16:15.15 brlcad would have been even better if you could present, but that would be quite a hike to make it to the symposium :)
16:21.31 clock__ where is it?
16:21.43 brlcad it's in Maryland
16:22.13 brlcad about a half-hour northeast of baltimore
16:22.33 clock__ what symposium is it?
16:22.51 brlcad every couple years we hold a BRL-CAD symposium
16:23.30 ``Erik shoulda came in, sean, free lunch :)
16:23.43 brlcad folks can present what they're working on, tutorials and overviews are usually given, there's open discussion with the community on what people are intersted in
16:23.48 clock__ I don't think it's necessary for me to travel there to stutter there myself
16:23.52 brlcad ``Erik: free? :)
16:24.03 brlcad clock__: heeh
16:24.28 ``Erik yup, bill made taco goop, bought an ice cream cake, etc
16:24.38 ``Erik was pretty good
16:25.22 ``Erik kermit got his promotion
16:25.29 brlcad excellent!
16:25.37 brlcad heh, taco "goop"
16:25.40 ``Erik so it was a celebration thing
16:25.55 brlcad cool
16:26.21 ``Erik they might have some left in their fridge tomorrow
17:51.55 Twingy_ sean
17:52.11 Twingy_ can I steal the office on Nov 8 1300 1700 for a meeting?
18:02.53 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: mged's matrix selection does not modify the correct matrix
18:06.31 clock__ brlcad: is it the bug I reported here?
18:07.35 brlcad clock__: yes
18:07.39 brlcad Twingy_: possibly
18:07.47 Twingy_ k
18:08.08 Twingy_ I'll need to know kinda soonish...
18:08.41 Twingy_ unless you don't mind being in the office during the meeting
18:08.48 clock__ brlcad: thanks
18:09.07 brlcad Twingy_: 'morrow
18:09.11 Twingy_ k
18:22.20 Twingy_ dooooughnuts *drool*
18:22.48 Twingy_ white sugar powder *slobber*
18:43.20 *** join/#brlcad thumPer1052 (
18:44.57 thumPer1052 Good afternoon
18:46.31 brlcad howdy
18:51.42 Twingy_ sean
18:51.51 Twingy_ chuck can't su on the branch server
18:54.41 thumPer1052 I need a right parabolic cylinder with a variable height vector. Any sugestions?
18:55.48 Twingy_ I can't priv msg
18:56.03 Twingy_ I suggest you call him
18:57.20 brlcad thumPer1052: what do you mean by variable?
18:58.11 thumPer1052 It needs to change along the length of the rpc. In a linear fasion
19:00.13 thumPer1052 The height needs to 'taper' but the width [of the rpc] remains constant.
19:08.07 fenn then it is no longer a right parallel cylinder?
19:08.23 fenn er parabolic
19:08.29 thumPer1052 no, I suppose not...
19:08.45 thumPer1052 but that's what I need.
19:09.06 fenn i forget, can you do lofts in brlcad?
19:09.15 thumPer1052 I don't think so
19:10.07 thumPer1052 lofts require brep don't they?
19:10.39 fenn i really haven't used brlcad that much, sorry
19:10.49 fenn i dont know
19:10.55 thumPer1052 yeah, me either. lol
19:10.57 thumPer1052 thanks
19:11.18 fenn i'm just hanging out in here to remind myself that i need to learn how to use brlcad some day :)
19:15.02 fenn wish these manuals were in html instead of pdf
19:20.30 ``Erik what's wrong with pdf?
19:21.02 fenn it takes forever and the implementation of it is buggy in kde 3.x
19:21.17 ``Erik use gnomegv? ;)
19:21.21 fenn wah
19:21.25 fenn what's wrong with html?
19:21.26 Twingy_ xpdf works just fine for me
19:21.33 thumPer1052 me too
19:21.33 Twingy_ pdf2ps, use ghostscript
19:21.43 fenn i am using ghostscript
19:21.49 Twingy_ then use xpdf
19:21.57 fenn that would be too easy :)
19:22.00 thumPer1052 lol
19:22.23 thumPer1052 At least brlcad HAS docs
19:22.32 Twingy_ pdf2ps $_ && ps2ascii $_
19:22.35 Twingy_ *shrug*
19:23.11 fenn looks like there actually is a pdf2html
19:23.32 ``Erik there you go, quit being a kde use and learn to master your machine ;) *duck*
19:23.58 Twingy_ or just quit using kde
19:24.03 fenn oh, right
19:24.07 ``Erik twingy, did kermie get it sorted out?
19:24.13 Twingy_ blackbox, metacity, twm...
19:24.19 Twingy_ dunno
19:24.22 fenn actually i am using icewm
19:24.35 fenn but i use konqueror quite a lot
19:24.41 ``Erik ice looks too win32 to me
19:24.45 thumPer1052 fluxbox
19:24.57 ``Erik <-- sawfish, metacity, quartz
19:25.10 Twingy_ <-- blackbox, blackbox, and umm blackbox
19:25.24 fenn i dont really mind how it looks, but rather how it works
19:25.34 Twingy_ that's why I use blackbox :)
19:25.44 fenn i'll try that some day
19:25.48 Twingy_ which blackbox
19:25.51 fenn yeah
19:26.28 ``Erik sawfish was neat because absolutely everything could be 'configured' in insane ways using 'rep' (a lisp/scheme descendant language)
19:27.13 thumPer1052 I used sawfish 'way back'
19:27.29 ``Erik that and the nanoscopic footprint
19:27.54 thumPer1052 small footprint is most of what matters
19:28.13 thumPer1052 icewm is also good in that respect
19:28.14 ``Erik only when you run out of memory
19:28.38 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (
19:28.39 thumPer1052 Linux: doing more with less
19:28.49 fenn footprint == screen usage?
19:28.51 ``Erik <-- ran sawfish, gnome, galeon, etc on a box with 48m ram and barely ever touched swap *shrug* :)
19:28.58 ``Erik fenn: memory used
19:28.58 thumPer1052 memory
19:29.55 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
19:29.56 Twingy_ hrm, blackbox uses 4.9MB
19:30.11 thumPer1052 I forgot all about galeon
19:31.12 fenn i cant imagine how a window manager would use more than like 50k
19:31.29 fenn it just has to remember where all the windows are!
19:31.47 thumPer1052 uh...
19:48.56 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
19:53.14 ``Erik I like that, you should write an mwm compatible window manager, fenn
19:59.06 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/archer/Archer.tcl: Modify importFg4Sections to take a delta for translation purposes. Add the following methods: erotate, escale, etranslate, launchDisplayMenuBegin and launchDisplayMenuEnd.
20:01.53 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/librt/wdb_obj.c: Add erotate, escale and etranslate commands.
20:05.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/librt/importFg4Section.c: Scaling of bot is not necessary here (it's already in base units)
20:33.24 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (n=Apathy@
20:34.05 thumPer1052 Twingy: is that blackbox number virtual, or resident?
20:36.05 thumPer1052 blackbox memory footprint
20:36.15 Twingy_ that's what I'm currently using
20:36.20 Twingy_ oh
20:36.27 Twingy_ it's um
20:36.31 Twingy_ resident
20:36.47 Twingy_ 27035 justin 96 0 6532K 4900K select 1 0:11 0.00% 0.00% blackbox
20:37.03 thumPer1052 huh... I'm using fluxbox, and it's using over 7MB...
20:37.55 Twingy_ maybe it's the alpha blended winderz
20:38.08 thumPer1052 yah, maybe
20:41.14 thumPer1052 ahhh, misread. fluxbox res is 4.5 :) I feel better lol
20:44.58 ``Erik guys measuring vsize or res-size?
20:45.18 thumPer1052 both
20:46.18 thumPer1052 fluxbox is 4.5MB res 7MB virtual
20:46.24 ``Erik vsize 182.7m, res 8.6m
20:46.39 ``Erik (quartz-wm)
20:46.45 thumPer1052 wow
20:47.01 thumPer1052 hope it looks good
20:47.05 ``Erik (it's got 2g of ram to chew through, lots of alpha blending, lots of windows...)
20:47.13 ``Erik dude, it's a mac, of course it looks good
20:47.17 thumPer1052 lol
20:47.39 thumPer1052 I have to use my 256M CAREFULLY
20:48.24 ``Erik just turn off the stupid bits and it's all snappy
20:48.50 thumPer1052 My first computer had a 40MB hard drive
20:49.01 ``Erik oh fuck I feel old
20:49.04 thumPer1052 snappy green graphics
20:49.29 ``Erik my first had cassette tapes, we bought 120 minute ones so we could store more
20:49.37 ``Erik then I upgraded to a commodore 64
20:49.38 ``Erik :(
20:50.08 thumPer1052 I'm glad tapes are gone
20:50.26 ``Erik <-- thinking about getting dat4 for offline storage
20:50.41 thumPer1052 not really cost effective anymore
20:50.49 ``Erik a couple bucks for 40g?
20:51.12 thumPer1052 the tapes are that cheap now?
20:52.11 ``Erik looks like prices run between 6 and 10 bucks for a 20/40gb
20:52.24 ``Erik 4mm dds4's
20:52.30 thumPer1052 huh
20:53.10 thumPer1052 Most of my 'important stuff' fits onto a dvd
20:53.25 ``Erik you must have a puny porn collection
20:53.26 ``Erik I mean, uh
20:53.29 ``Erik source code repository
20:53.33 ``Erik :)
20:53.42 thumPer1052 love'em and leave'em
20:53.47 fenn someone's giving away a pile of sun ultras and some SGI Indy workstations.. but you have to take the whole pile - makes me feel old even
20:54.06 ``Erik hock 'em on ebay?
20:54.31 fenn surely there's some gold or diamonds inside those things
20:54.42 thumPer1052 what whould you do with them
20:57.57 fenn well the monitors are pretty nice
20:58.20 ``Erik dude, sell 'em on ebay
20:58.28 ``Erik "vintage unix computers"
20:58.29 ``Erik o.O
20:58.47 thumPer1052 sell'em by the pallet
20:58.58 thumPer1052 people think they're getting something for nothing
20:59.33 brlcad ``Erik: you only feel it because you are :)
20:59.42 thumPer1052 ouch
20:59.44 fenn going rate is like $10 on ebay
20:59.50 ``Erik heh, you're only what, a year younger than me, sean?
21:01.06 thumPer1052 once impotence sets in, you'll give anything for "one more year" :)
21:04.07 brlcad heh
21:06.24 thumPer1052 or so I'm told...
21:09.00 thumPer1052 brlcad: Have you figured out my modeling problem? Or do I have to break out my crayons?
21:10.32 brlcad mmm.. crayons
21:12.32 thumPer1052 :(
21:13.03 thumPer1052 What good are crayons without a Big Chief Pad?
21:13.18 brlcad thumPer1052: sorry, I missed your question -- got disconnected right after "14:57:19: brlcad: thumPer1052: what do you mean by variable?"
21:14.17 Twingy_ s/long/log
21:14.18 thumPer1052 the rpc needs to taper.
21:14.38 thumPer1052 a linear taper
21:14.51 thumPer1052 while the width remains constant
21:15.50 thumPer1052 does that make sense?
21:17.10 brlcad not sure.. how are you rpc?
21:17.21 brlcad er, how are you _orienting_ the rpc
21:17.33 thumPer1052 flat side down
21:17.42 brlcad rectangular side down
21:17.51 thumPer1052 right
21:17.53 brlcad ok
21:18.09 thumPer1052 one parabolic end should be smaller than the other
21:18.20 brlcad ahh
21:18.36 thumPer1052 but the sides [of the rectangle] are parralell
21:18.39 brlcad heh, you mean a "non-right" parabolic cylinder ;)
21:18.46 thumPer1052 :)
21:19.33 brlcad the best way to do that is to probably use a truncated general cone instead
21:19.42 brlcad and subtract half
21:20.01 thumPer1052 yeah, I saw that.
21:20.17 thumPer1052 but it looks like that would only be an approximation
21:20.45 thumPer1052 should have paid more attention in class.
21:21.06 brlcad the outline will still be a parabolic curve
21:21.50 brlcad now had you said a hyperbolic cylinder.. you'd have a more tough time
21:22.40 thumPer1052 damn... I think you're right...
21:24.47 thumPer1052 It'll take a bit of math to get the tgc and the cut right, but I think that's how its done.
21:25.36 brlcad only mildly of relevance:
21:26.56 thumPer1052 thanks. Great cheat sheet.
21:27.17 brlcad it's missing a few of the experimental types, but a good start
21:27.20 ``Erik CHEATER!
21:27.20 ``Erik :D
21:27.28 brlcad oh, and here's an old one :)
21:27.57 brlcad not sure all of those latter ones are still supported
21:28.13 ``Erik is 'dsp' like a heightmap variant?
21:28.31 brlcad it's a horribly named heightmap
21:28.38 brlcad "displacement map"
21:28.42 Twingy_ it's a heightmap, 16bit with no set domain
21:28.57 brlcad it replaced the "hf" height field primitive
21:29.27 ``Erik <-- opengler, apt to think in triangles o.O
21:29.34 thumPer1052 Yes, dsp IS a horrible name
21:29.44 Twingy_ didn't lee pick that name?
21:29.44 thumPer1052 digital signal processor
21:29.52 brlcad yep
21:29.52 ``Erik *snrk*
21:31.14 thumPer1052 why not dmap? or hmap? or ???
21:31.26 Twingy_ you should ask lee
21:32.03 Twingy_ hrm, almost time for me to quietly escape
21:32.09 ``Erik via the window?
21:32.18 Twingy_ I'm on the first floor :D
21:32.30 ``Erik so you read the training handbook o.O
21:32.33 thumPer1052 I usually just flush myself down the toilet
21:32.46 ``Erik auto-swirly?
21:32.55 thumPer1052 :)
21:33.29 Twingy_ ``Erik #fubar
21:33.38 Twingy_
21:34.22 Twingy_ sure, whatever
21:35.46 thumPer1052 Did you settle on a gui toolkit?
21:40.07 ``Erik acorn primitives
21:40.15 Twingy_ monkey head primitive
21:40.25 ``Erik twingy doesn't remember the acorn :)
21:54.28 brlcad thumPer1052: some of the tools are not named via any sort of extensive reasoning :)
21:54.59 thumPer1052 AS long as they work :)
21:55.28 brlcad much/most of the original primitivess are at least founded in mathematics
21:58.32 thumPer1052 Does anyone know if g-dfx is broken?
21:59.25 thumPer1052 er dxf
21:59.58 brlcad it's not broken
22:00.31 brlcad but there may be some unsupported object types -- dxf includes some aspects that don't translate to solid modling (e.g. think stipple lines)
22:01.12 thumPer1052 ahh. I tried to use g-dxf to import an object into Varkon... Varkon's importer must be broken.
22:02.26 brlcad could very well be -- seen similar issues in blender and other packages for isolated cases
22:02.45 thumPer1052 I need to find a method of generating dimensioned drawings from my brlcad objects.
22:02.50 brlcad now that said.. g-dxf tesselates the geometry into triangles -- and _that_ does have some limitations and known bugs
22:03.05 brlcad but those should be reported in the output as warnings/errors during conversion
22:03.27 brlcad ahh.. yes, dimensions
22:03.41 brlcad that's something that's been desired for a while now
22:04.04 brlcad rtedge gives you something close to what most usually want via a render -- but sans the dimensions
22:04.29 thumPer1052 Yes, but the output is not a vector file
22:04.36 brlcad it would seem simple enough a modification for "someone" to add a modification to rtedge to add computed edge dimensions for objects requested
22:05.01 brlcad or to have it output vector even -- it has everything it needs almost before it goes to pix
22:05.43 thumPer1052 we (the users) could then use qcad or something to create dimensioned drawings
22:07.40 thumPer1052 Ideally, one could dimension the models within brlcad
22:08.37 thumPer1052 then you could just read the dimension off the model as needed.
22:08.47 thumPer1052 thereby bypassing the need for shop drawings
22:14.40 brlcad that you could
22:15.06 thumPer1052 I know... easier said than coded.
22:15.16 brlcad the dimensions are there, they're known -- it's just a matter of providing the user interface that lets the modeler actually denote what they want to show up in the drawing
22:17.06 thumPer1052 I expect that would provide a HUGE boost to the userbase.
22:20.00 thumPer1052 If you could place dimensions, annotations, etc into the model, and then have these items only show up at certain viewing angles...
22:20.11 thumPer1052 unprecitented.
22:20.38 thumPer1052 er unprecidented
22:20.41 brlcad it's precedented :) unigraphics, pro/E, autocad all do that ;)
22:21.14 brlcad you can add annotations now, but they won't show up in the graphics window
22:21.35 brlcad showing them is effectively the same work to show the dimensions
22:21.53 PKMOBILE argh exam tonight
22:21.55 brlcad you need a good means to select, place, orient
22:23.03 thumPer1052 autocad has dimensions that only show at specific angles?
22:23.10 thumPer1052 within model space?
22:23.49 brlcad at specific angles, perhaps not
22:23.54 brlcad but I believe so
22:24.12 brlcad unigraphics does, though
22:24.54 thumPer1052 maybe if you asked rel nice... they'd donate some code.
22:25.08 thumPer1052 lol
22:27.30 brlcad hah
22:28.33 brlcad writing the code is actually not the hard part .. finding the time or extra developers is ;)
22:41.23 ``Erik heh, indeed
23:48.18 Twingy flaming poo balls
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051018

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051018

00:27.12 *** join/#brlcad BigIslandVegan (
00:44.24 Twingy hawaii
00:45.04 brlcad mmm.. offsite support visits
01:59.01 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
02:58.27 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
03:23.09 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
03:29.22 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
03:32.12 *** part/#brlcad polyspin (
03:32.25 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
03:45.22 polyspin Quiet here tonight
03:45.30 Twingy indeed
04:50.14 thumPer1052 nite nite
06:28.43 *** join/#brlcad cad928 (
07:11.41 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
07:11.41 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Free Software!
08:00.07 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
09:22.48 *** join/#brlcad clock__ (
11:01.05 *** join/#brlcad dhpeterson (
11:01.39 dhpeterson hi there ... anyone about to answer a quick qn?
11:02.39 dhpeterson i am wondering whether there is any integration between brlcad and a FEM/FEA tool
11:02.42 dhpeterson open source or otherwise
11:03.02 dhpeterson i am completely new to brlcad
11:11.57 clock__ what is FEM/FEA?
11:12.05 clock__ finite element analysis?
11:12.22 clock__ like calculate bending etc.?
11:18.50 dhpeterson hi
11:18.54 dhpeterson yes, finite element
11:19.11 dhpeterson stress calculation specifically, but bending or displacement also would be interesting
11:19.16 dhpeterson :)
11:23.02 clock__ what free software tools are for this?
11:24.18 dhpeterson there are a few FEA solvers
11:24.24 dhpeterson none are great
11:24.29 dhpeterson z88 looks interesting
11:24.46 dhpeterson you can integrate it with DXF (autocad) from what I understand
11:24.50 dhpeterson and brl-cad exports DXF
11:24.54 dhpeterson again, from what I understand
11:25.28 dhpeterson FElt is another free FEM solver
11:25.33 dhpeterson but it may only do 2D, not sure
11:25.38 dhpeterson z88 is 3D
11:25.58 dhpeterson I think it would be interesting to take the z88 code (GPL) and inegrate it into brlcad
11:26.05 dhpeterson or at least build a bridge
11:26.22 dhpeterson but i am talking thru my ^#% as I have not got the experience with BRL to know
11:26.45 dhpeterson ...
11:26.52 dhpeterson i must apologise, i have to go now
11:26.57 dhpeterson i will try to check back later
11:27.06 dhpeterson or i can be reached on if you wish to follow up
11:27.16 dhpeterson gtg
11:40.25 fenn yeesh z88 is 22MBG
11:40.28 fenn er 22 MB
11:42.45 fenn "kompakt und schnell" mein ass
12:48.16 learner fea integration is something being worked on, but there currently exists no such direct solving inside of brl-cad
12:48.36 learner ~x de en kompakt und schnell
14:29.06 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
15:01.49 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
17:13.23 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
17:30.03 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
19:03.40 ``Erik *yawn*
20:38.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/doc/ (7 files): add stub README files: README.AIX README.BSD README.Linux README.Solaris README.Windows
20:54.06 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/doc/README.WIN32: oops, named it README.Windows instead
23:27.47 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
23:34.10 AchiestDragon hmm , is there a bug in the raytracer or does it not do shadows ?
23:34.14 AchiestDragon
23:52.01 ``Erik o.O
23:52.08 ``Erik which lighting model did you use?
23:52.44 AchiestDragon tryed it with the full and the photonmap renders same with both
23:53.00 AchiestDragon that screenshot is a full render
23:53.26 AchiestDragon just wating for another photonmap one to compleate then will take another screenshot
23:54.50 ``Erik I know I've seen m35.g throw shadows
23:55.14 ``Erik but I'm not really a brlcad user, I just kinda code on it o.O mebbe you need to define an explicit light?
23:55.22 AchiestDragon is wondering if its because the object is a single bot
23:56.06 ``Erik hrmmm
23:56.18 ``Erik try putting a box or sphere on a plane ?
23:58.21 AchiestDragon
23:58.36 AchiestDragon photon maped one , still now shadows
23:59.56 AchiestDragon more concerned with shadows cast from top tracks and sprocket wheels to the lower tracks , as i have not put nay ground plane into the model
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051019

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051019

00:02.01 AchiestDragon think it may be dew to it beeing a bot ,
00:03.10 ``Erik *shrug* I d'no... a few quick experiments and you'd know A) if bots self-shadow and B) if bots shadow at all
00:03.17 ``Erik ooh, wait, moss world throws loads of shadows
00:03.30 ``Erik I've a feeling you have to model an explicit light source
00:03.34 ``Erik and I've a feeling that you have not done so
00:03.41 AchiestDragon maybe
00:03.52 AchiestDragon still learning how to use it
00:05.06 ``Erik you're way ahead of me *shrug* :)
00:05.17 ``Erik <-- chucks "the prisoner" in the dvd player
00:10.55 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
00:13.10 AchiestDragon well is lost on how to apply a lighting model to it
00:28.07 ``Erik ?
01:07.40 brlcad AchiestDragon: heh, it does shadows :)
01:08.12 AchiestDragon ok so how do i get it to do them
01:08.32 brlcad photonmapping is a bit complicated to set up "correctly" .. those parameters have to be set up just correctly as do the lights and the model
01:08.51 AchiestDragon k
01:08.51 brlcad the default lighting model is better for general use (and considerably faster)
01:08.59 brlcad the lights will determine the lights
01:09.11 brlcad if you don't create lights, default lights are created
01:09.48 AchiestDragon so if using the default lights should it show shadows ?
01:10.21 brlcad yes, but they will be very much dependant upon your model and the direction you're viewing from
01:10.39 brlcad iirc, there is one overhead and two over each shoulder
01:11.06 brlcad so in your view, you're not really going to see a shadow from that orientation on that geometry
01:11.31 brlcad it's easy enough to create your own lights, I'd suggest you do that if you want a particular lighting
01:12.01 brlcad to do that, create some primitive (e.g. a sphere), put it in a region, apply the light shader to it
01:12.13 brlcad place it where you want in the scene
01:14.54 AchiestDragon last one
01:15.31 AchiestDragon seem to have changed view and done all arround it now
01:17.07 AchiestDragon but one over each sholder and one above should give 3 faint shadows , if mapping them correctly
01:18.00 brlcad i could be mistaken about the default light orientation
01:18.04 brlcad but they do follow you
01:18.47 brlcad hmm.. now that I think about it -- the default lights might not cast shadow rays
01:19.26 brlcad very likely given your renderings and where I believe the lights are
01:19.30 AchiestDragon from last screenshot i would say the light is to the left of the shot , if the default doesnt cast shadows then that would explain it
01:20.35 brlcad the defaults are oriented and set with an intensity to light up as much as possible without overlighting
01:20.45 brlcad still, probably not casting shadows
01:26.19 pra5ad hehe doxygen is coooool
01:27.05 Twingy I think header files are cooler *shrug*
01:28.22 pra5ad whatever you say buuuuuddy
01:28.24 pra5ad =)
01:32.20 brlcad AchiestDragon: bingo
01:32.24 brlcad <PROTECTED>
01:33.06 AchiestDragon :)
01:34.27 AchiestDragon so ether include a lighting model or edit the code and recompille it with it and i should get shadows yes
01:35.15 brlcad either include your own lights or edit the code, yes ;)
01:37.06 brlcad pretty simple to make a light.. "make sph sph", "r light.r u sph", "mater light.r light" .. position and resize sph and/or light.r where you want the light to be
01:42.45 AchiestDragon will have a go later , its almost 3am here , time for bed for me
01:45.23 brlcad cya
01:57.23 AchiestDragon laters ,, btw would help if i knew how to move and resize it :)
01:57.37 AchiestDragon lol
02:00.20 brlcad heh
02:00.41 brlcad so you haven't gotten through the mged tutorials yet :)
02:01.49 brlcad on the Edit menu, either primitive edit and select sph or matrix edit and select light.r
02:02.25 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
02:02.32 brlcad the Edit menu will change showing you the edit operations you can perform, including scale, translate, etc
02:02.47 brlcad or once in edit mode, just issue the 'sca' and 'tra' commands
02:04.37 brlcad the combination editor has a shader panel that will let you set the light parameters, like making it invisible, turning on the shadows, etc
02:45.50 pra5ad Twingy, i need a cpl of screencaps of isst in action
02:45.57 pra5ad for a M3 CCB meeting
02:45.59 pra5ad :)
02:46.47 Twingy heh
02:47.00 Twingy not unless you give me more details :)
02:47.49 pra5ad denis has issues with the 'large' grid sizes in the results viewer
02:48.01 Twingy meaning the resolution is too small?
02:48.06 pra5ad yes
02:48.19 pra5ad and some grid elems overlap target and empty space
02:48.37 pra5ad the solution they've been throwing around is increasing the resolution
02:48.37 Twingy made the grid smaller
02:48.45 Twingy and show him a 1cm x 1cm picture :)
02:48.49 Twingy *make
02:48.55 pra5ad and hey.. who has the per pixel resolution
02:49.00 pra5ad so gimme gimme
02:49.09 pra5ad so i can join a new project
02:49.12 Twingy well, I'm not actively working on isst anymore
02:49.19 Twingy I can take some captures of the new app
02:49.22 pra5ad fine, screen caps
02:49.28 pra5ad hrm
02:49.37 pra5ad yea sure
02:49.47 Twingy k
02:49.47 pra5ad i need some highlighted components
02:49.49 pra5ad tho
02:49.57 Twingy yah, I can do that
02:50.00 pra5ad faux colors
02:50.01 pra5ad k
02:50.02 pra5ad cool
02:50.05 Twingy this new app has all of the old isst capabilities
02:52.15 Twingy I need to tie one or two things back in
02:52.27 Twingy when is this meeting
02:52.46 pra5ad ur window of opportunity is from now until i'm force to reply to that conversation
02:52.56 Twingy ah
02:53.00 pra5ad which may be tomorrow
02:53.02 Twingy you'll have it tommorrow.
02:53.25 pra5ad CCB meeting on FUDGE tomorrow at 1300
02:53.33 pra5ad major players 'should' be there
02:53.45 pra5ad has denis seen isst?
02:53.49 pra5ad or any variant?
02:53.56 pra5ad has jodi or marianne?
02:53.58 Twingy I dunno if I'd call dennis a major player
02:54.06 Twingy yes, they've all seen it
02:54.13 pra5ad hrmph
02:54.27 pra5ad then this may turn out to be pointless
02:54.30 pra5ad :(
02:54.38 Twingy I've demoed this to vp at northrop and undersecretary of defence
02:54.44 Twingy maybe
02:54.48 Twingy defense
02:55.44 Twingy bug me tommorrow afternoonish
02:56.01 Twingy I can spend the morning tieing some stuff back in
02:56.37 pra5ad heh
02:56.46 pra5ad 100x100x5 takes nearly 5 minutes to load
02:57.07 pra5ad me neither
02:57.49 pra5ad to get a single iteration, RV has to drill down the full heirarchy
02:57.57 Twingy I can generate 100x100x5 50 times in a second with my slow tracer :(
02:58.46 pra5ad it's hibernate
02:59.04 pra5ad generates a zillion sql stmts per object
02:59.10 ``Erik erm
02:59.11 ``Erik ccb?
02:59.14 ``Erik I got it as mrb
02:59.28 ``Erik and a brat at 9
02:59.37 brlcad 9 should be cool
02:59.42 Twingy you're a brat whore
02:59.43 Twingy what brat?
02:59.47 pra5ad oops, the meeting is mrb. cell size issue was ccb
02:59.56 ``Erik ummmmm
02:59.58 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
03:00.00 ``Erik d'no if I can say?
03:00.06 brlcad I wouldn't
03:00.08 Twingy I'll read email
03:00.22 pra5ad 'shooting pies through brick walls'
03:00.23 ``Erik it seems semi-interesting
03:00.29 brlcad frozen turkies
03:00.35 ``Erik frozen chickens
03:00.38 ``Erik through windshields
03:00.50 pra5ad brainiacs > mythbusters
03:00.53 Twingy after 10/6 ?
03:01.01 ``Erik whu?
03:01.09 Twingy the email was sent after 10/6 ?
03:01.20 pra5ad dont think so
03:01.31 ``Erik not sure
03:01.42 pra5ad hmm dont have it on my calender..
03:01.57 Twingy *shrug* I woulda jotted it down if I thought it was interesting enough
03:02.01 ``Erik show up before 9, I'll try to do the same and show you what I have down
03:02.06 Twingy I probly deleted it soon as I Got it
03:02.23 ``Erik bah, you probably saw 'brat' and hit delete
03:02.30 Twingy probly
03:02.48 ``Erik will you be in before 9?
03:02.58 Twingy possibly
03:03.05 Twingy won't be very coherent though
03:03.14 Twingy so not much point in going to the meeting
03:03.34 ``Erik 'k, my records say that this is an applied subject, not bs like 'how to use project to suck goat nuts' that beth did heh
03:03.54 Twingy k
03:04.19 ``Erik (it's one that starts with that big ugly question right at the beginning, if that helps)
03:05.13 ``Erik anywho, I'm gonna go to both the brat and the ft meeting :)
03:05.14 Twingy early retirement briefing? :)
03:05.33 ``Erik 25 yrs?
03:05.56 Twingy I'm doing the super early retirement
03:06.02 Twingy after I blow myself up :)
03:06.17 Twingy ho hum
03:06.20 Twingy I'm tired
03:06.20 ``Erik I'd ask if you favor burial or cremation
03:06.27 ``Erik but I'm going to guess that you'll effect that yourself.
03:06.33 Twingy yah
03:07.04 Twingy time to transport my collection of organized neurons upstairs to regenerate
03:08.51 ``Erik hasta
03:22.47 *** join/#brlcad archivist ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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12:17.35 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/swidgets/scripts/tree.itk: Mods to prevent the selectcmd from being called recursively. Mods to limit the number of redraws from the "remove" method
12:23.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/lib/ (Mged.tcl Db.tcl): Add the following methods: erotate, escale and etranslate
12:28.19 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc7/brlcad/brlcad.sln: Add dbupgrade
12:29.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc7/dbupgrade/dbupgrade.vcproj: Initial check-in
13:08.11 *** join/#brlcad archivist_ (
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19:13.53 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/gtools/g_qa.c: HUGE is not portably available, provide alternatives (fixes sf bug 1328013)
19:24.52 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
22:35.59 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/AUTHORS: added special thanks to Sander Pronk of TNO-PML for his work on v4 platform issues
23:21.23 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/main.c: initialize pointers to NULL
23:43.35 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051020

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051020

01:49.25 *** join/#brlcad louipc (
01:49.35 louipc how's it going?
01:59.34 *** join/#brlcad thumPer1052 (
02:01.06 thumPer1052 good evening gentlemen
02:03.11 thumPer1052 When I use 'shaded_mode 2' brl-cad renders invisible objects.
02:03.35 thumPer1052 That is objects which have been subtracted.
02:03.55 thumPer1052 Is this the state of the software?
02:04.30 louipc neat
02:04.51 thumPer1052 well...
02:05.00 louipc I'm not sure...
02:05.08 thumPer1052 neat that it does ANY opengl
02:05.31 thumPer1052 is that what yours is doing?
02:06.05 louipc shaded_mode 2 is a rendering option?
02:06.15 thumPer1052 yes,
02:06.21 louipc that never happened to me when rendering
02:06.53 thumPer1052 turn on Z clipping Z buffer and lighting
02:07.02 thumPer1052 then enter 'shaded_mode 2
02:07.07 louipc I'm just downloading the new version now - I have the first open source version
02:07.09 thumPer1052 and redraw something
02:07.14 thumPer1052 ahh
02:07.51 louipc what is that mode supposed to do?
02:08.34 thumPer1052 instead of wireframe, you get solid rendered opengl
02:08.59 louipc ah ok
02:09.17 thumPer1052 dosen't seem to work very well though
02:09.31 thumPer1052 I think they're just starting on the opengl stuff
02:09.54 louipc it worked ok for me before - but I have an old version
02:10.42 thumPer1052 brl-cad itself works great
02:10.49 thumPer1052 this feature is new
02:11.02 thumPer1052 or at least hasen't been developed very far
02:12.13 louipc ooh you mean they added a solid view of the model for editing?
02:12.24 thumPer1052 yeah
02:12.39 louipc nice
02:12.50 louipc yeah I never used that
02:13.14 thumPer1052 it's not very useful yet, but I'm sure they'll sor tit out
02:13.22 thumPer1052 er sort it out lol
02:13.56 louipc lol
02:15.50 brlcad thumPer1052: it's the state of shaded_mode 2, which is very much just an experimental test
02:16.13 thumPer1052 ok, thanks. Thats what I suspected.
02:16.13 brlcad the wireframe is actually opengl too
02:16.53 brlcad archer does it "correctly" as does the new modeler
02:17.14 thumPer1052 Thought maybe it was a bug that was being corrected.
02:17.22 thumPer1052 archer?
02:17.23 brlcad it is a bug :)
02:17.58 brlcad and might get corrected .. not clear whether it's worth the effort or to make sure it's okay in the next generation interface
02:18.22 thumPer1052 the new modeler is in cvs?
02:18.25 brlcad archer is an intermediate visualizer/modeler based on mged
02:18.34 brlcad yes, it's in a branch though
02:18.34 louipc new ui?
02:18.56 brlcad it has a different new ui, yes
02:19.10 brlcad both archer and the next generation modeler
02:19.14 thumPer1052 I'm learning to like mged
02:19.26 brlcad don't worry, your learning isn't going to waste :0
02:19.28 louipc sounds exciting
02:19.29 brlcad er :)
02:20.04 brlcad everything you do in mged should be accessible in the new interface, it'll just have a better user interface
02:20.14 thumPer1052 kewl
02:21.35 thumPer1052 what about annotations?
02:21.52 thumPer1052 er visible ones
02:26.49 brlcad that's already being worked on :)
02:27.34 brlcad the ability to store plot files in the .g file too (sort of related)
02:31.45 thumPer1052 I was looking at the source, and it is well commented, and pretty clean.
02:31.51 thumPer1052 but there's a LOT of it!
02:32.19 brlcad patches welcome!
02:33.34 thumPer1052 How do you come to terms with a project this big?
02:33.56 brlcad focus on some small part of it
02:34.35 brlcad it's rather modular and contained, relatively very well organized given it's size
02:35.15 brlcad you learn more and more as you go along
02:35.37 thumPer1052 I guess start by understanding the database?
02:37.12 brlcad depends really
02:37.15 brlcad what do you want?
02:37.20 brlcad what do you want to do?
02:37.30 brlcad what do you want to have/make/create? :)
02:37.35 thumPer1052 not sure yet...
02:37.39 brlcad :)
02:38.34 brlcad step 1 would be to read the very short "volume I" overview of BRL-CAD
02:38.53 thumPer1052 k
02:39.12 brlcad if you're interested in code, the next step would be to read the HACKING file in the source
02:39.32 brlcad from there, it really depends on what you want
02:40.51 thumPer1052 As a user, what I'd like to see is the ability to output a 2d vector file. Like we discussed the other day.
02:41.02 brlcad "Volume I" is simply:
02:44.22 brlcad the TODO and BUGS files list some good places to start too ;-)
02:44.33 thumPer1052 thanks
02:45.00 brlcad 2D vector file.. hmm
02:45.42 thumPer1052 like a vector option to rtedge
02:45.51 brlcad if you know your C, I'd jump right in to rtedge's source code, modify it to output vectors instead of pixels
02:46.47 brlcad should be some extra book keeping, a few extra rays to calculate dimensions of requested objects
02:47.22 thumPer1052 most of the heavy lifting has probably already been done.
02:47.57 thumPer1052 May have to do some line/curve fitting
02:48.56 brlcad right, mostly it has (setting up the view projection, firing rays to interrogate geometry, storing hit results, computing rays hitting an edge)
02:50.23 brlcad you have a 2D grid and knowledge of exactly what object is at every grid cell -- so computing lines/curves using the edge/pixel values is a direct neighbor search
02:51.30 brlcad find all neighbors that are of the sme current cell edge type and you have points in 2D that could be fit to a polynomial/line/curve/whatever
02:52.08 thumPer1052 hmmm
02:52.24 thumPer1052 might be more straight forward than I thought
02:54.42 brlcad getting a vector out of rtedge really shouldn't be hard at all, getting dimensions might be slightly harder since you need to know how/where to orient/display the dimension data onto the vector image
02:56.34 pra5ad whoa dejavu
02:56.35 pra5ad =)
02:56.51 brlcad yeah, and you might get that pra5ad guy to help you out ;)
02:57.07 pra5ad u know i woulda coded something up, but lee shot it down
02:57.15 pra5ad something about already knowing topology..
02:58.03 brlcad the topology isn't known until you evaluate the boolean
02:58.22 brlcad and evaluate the implicits
02:58.35 brlcad neither of which is done for free
02:58.46 thumPer1052 yes, I see that...
02:59.17 brlcad you have to either raytrace, where you evaluate both boolean and implicits at once, or you tesselate, where you evaluate the boolean an an explicit form
02:59.42 brlcad he's probably thinking the latter, which I'd say looks like crap for a vector
02:59.57 pra5ad *shrug*
03:00.14 thumPer1052 innacurate also
03:00.20 brlcad plus you have to tesselate.. which .. can be painful
03:00.42 brlcad until someone fixes/replaces/improves the tesselation
03:00.51 pra5ad whoa dejavu again
03:00.57 brlcad werd
03:01.13 pra5ad according to mgmt i can't provide external support
03:01.15 pra5ad =)
03:01.20 brlcad hehe
03:02.25 brlcad telling you, just have to work on something useful a few hours a week and deliver a report on it or deliver it to someone "important" .. then you'll be stuck working on it :)
03:02.44 brlcad which means you won't be available to work on other stuff as much, of course
03:03.12 pra5ad meh
03:03.28 *** join/#brlcad mahesh (
03:03.32 pra5ad has been since ultimatum
03:03.55 pra5ad enjoyed the ftd presentation?
03:04.15 brlcad yeah, it was fine
03:04.24 brlcad the flower were pretty
03:04.48 pra5ad the stems confused me
03:05.16 brlcad see, there's something that's seriously needed
03:05.31 brlcad something better than boolean and/or trees
03:05.47 brlcad or probabilistic trees even
03:05.57 pra5ad i was discussing with ``Erik a way to combine both
03:06.02 brlcad it's not at all unlike the requirements of a shader language
03:06.13 pra5ad oh?
03:06.29 brlcad almost identical in many ways
03:06.48 pra5ad i dont get the whole flowchart business
03:07.12 pra5ad i visualize the 'tree' as a TREE
03:07.13 brlcad the next logical progression is to proper flowcharting, which isn't currently used
03:07.31 pra5ad the whole system of systems paradigm
03:07.35 brlcad it's a simplified flowchart with most of your regular flowchart operators missing
03:07.48 pra5ad but it's not supposed to have direction
03:07.55 pra5ad where's the flow
03:07.57 pra5ad and what is it
03:08.08 brlcad but even once/if there was a full flowchart, you run into the issues that programming languages ran into
03:08.47 brlcad sure there is flow .. they treat it as states, but the more advanced it gets, you need logic -- iterative logic for starters
03:09.07 brlcad if X then if Y then Z else A else B
03:09.21 brlcad multivariate states
03:09.54 pra5ad hrm
03:10.01 brlcad what's totally unrepresentable, though, is parallel dependent evaluation
03:10.14 brlcad where flowcharting falls apart
03:10.21 brlcad and that will eventually be needed
03:11.03 pra5ad so why not get a bunch of ppl together and discuss this once and for all
03:11.21 pra5ad lol
03:11.25 brlcad i should just write a report or something
03:11.35 pra5ad i swear noone knows wtf is going on
03:11.38 pra5ad how codes work
03:11.41 pra5ad ... sigh
03:11.48 brlcad discussions just turn into long drawn out nothings
03:15.23 brlcad howdy mahesh :)
03:15.43 mahesh hey, had some questions for you
03:16.31 brlcad ask away
03:17.15 mahesh instead of trying to plugin mpi stuff into the existing code, do you think I should just write a completely new one?
03:18.09 mahesh so that i wont have to worry about those complicated stuff done to handle multiprocessors
03:18.56 pra5ad hmm where would u need iterative logic?
03:19.02 brlcad initial gut feeling is that you should go with the existing as it takes care of quite a lot of details that you'd otherwise have to handle (like setting up the view grid, collecting results)
03:21.39 brlcad pra5ad: strictly speaking, you don't need iterative when asking a single node to evaluate (though you certainly could and one could argue that is the natural way to describe them)
03:22.03 brlcad they could all be recursively evaluated, functionally, etc too
03:22.27 brlcad it's a state machine, we're querying state at different conditions
03:22.29 pra5ad u cant mimic this using probabilities?
03:22.45 pra5ad keep maintaining the tree
03:23.08 brlcad depends what "this" is
03:23.15 pra5ad iterative logic
03:23.30 brlcad much yes -- that's what's done now
03:23.44 pra5ad whats missing
03:23.58 brlcad there are plenty of states that do not fit well like that though
03:24.44 brlcad parallel dependent evaluation is an easy one that comes to mind just because it doesn't even fit into a static state machine (which all our ft's are)
03:25.21 brlcad I could try to fake it with probabilities, but there are easily cases where the probabilities would be either meaningless or flat out wrong
03:26.20 brlcad and regardless, it's still a matter of whether or not that even is a "natural" way to describe the state and state failures
03:26.34 pra5ad u'll have to explain 'parallel dependent evaluation' tomorrow
03:26.50 brlcad seems rather natural to say "if this happens followed by this and this, then that happens some of the time"
03:27.53 brlcad think of some parallel code executing with interdependencies between them, locking whatever
03:28.32 brlcad try to flowchart the logic
03:28.32 pra5ad ah time dependancy
03:29.15 brlcad time/state/events/pcdh's/pkcurves/whatever
03:31.37 brlcad mahesh: if it's getting too confusing, please let me know :) I'm sure something can be done to help by either making a simplified rt with some aspects removed, or by explaining
03:32.28 brlcad mahesh: if you really think starting fresh will help, I'll still support you, but I do think you'll end up doing more work in the long run and we'd still want to merge the stuff in with rt eventually
03:40.15 brlcad mahesh: perhaps a good starting point would be to "make your own" raytracer by copying rt's existing front-end (cp src/rt/view.c src/rt/viewparallel.c) and adding it to the build (edit src/rt/ as 'rtp' or 'rt2' or something so you can make changes and remove stuff and still compare to the original
03:40.48 brlcad i could do that for you in just a few minutes, if you think it'd help
03:50.57 mahesh that was one more thing i wanted to ask
03:51.26 mahesh i am not that good with Makefile
03:51.38 mahesh I want to compile my program with mpicc
03:51.43 mahesh how do i do it?
03:53.00 brlcad you should be able to override when you run make
03:53.03 brlcad example:
03:53.21 brlcad make CC=mpicc
03:56.39 mahesh it
03:56.40 mahesh now,
03:56.54 mahesh do you remember the structure named server?
03:58.38 brlcad vaguely, can look it up
03:59.10 mahesh that actually stores information about each processor
03:59.23 brlcad huh?
03:59.29 brlcad not in rt, afaik
03:59.34 brlcad maybe in remrt
03:59.50 mahesh oops...wait a sec
04:00.38 brlcad rt uses a resource structure .. named "resource"
04:01.17 brlcad and one special one named rt_uniresource
04:01.38 mahesh i am sorry...thats what i meant
04:01.44 brlcad those allow for per-cpu storage of data
04:01.56 brlcad that should be thread/processor safe
04:02.38 mahesh should i use that structure?
04:04.05 brlcad sure you could, or create your own struct resource array for the nodes
04:04.54 brlcad i'd probably allocate your own for starters, just to keep it separate
04:05.05 mahesh ok got it
04:05.43 brlcad struct resource mydata[MAX_NODES_IN_CLUSTER];
04:05.59 brlcad or allocate dynamically with malloc, etc
04:08.51 mahesh thats fine....i was more concerned about alll the fields in the resource structure
04:09.58 mahesh i will go over again and ask you specific questions tomorrow
04:10.18 brlcad you'll need to init each one in the array
04:10.36 brlcad for (i=0; i < MAX_NODE_IN_CLUSTER; i++) {
04:10.50 brlcad rt _init_resource( &mydata[i], i, rtip);
04:10.53 brlcad }
04:11.01 mahesh yeah yeah...i get those stuff
04:12.12 mahesh i wonder when i will start coding some stuff!
04:15.49 brlcad mahesh: curious, what do you need the resource structures for?
04:17.05 brlcad if you mimic/replace the bu_parallel interface, you can use whatever structure/pointer you like
04:18.15 mahesh i wanted to follow the same way it is done currently. Now it is done for multiprocessors...i was planning to do for nodes
04:18.27 mahesh thats why i thought i could use the resource structure
04:20.11 mahesh you are spot on... replacing bu_parallel is what i should do
04:24.43 brlcad if you can replace bu_parallel dead on by only modifying libbu and librt, you'd actually add distributed capabilities across dozens and dozens of apps :)
04:25.26 mahesh every time you say such things, i get so excited
04:26.40 mahesh but till date, its all been flop from me
04:55.20 pra5ad u cant be serious.. migw-g++ doesnt recognize enums..
05:00.59 brlcad sure it does
05:01.21 brlcad i've compiled brl-cad with it
05:01.35 brlcad and there's at least one enum in there somewhere I think
05:03.30 pra5ad ahh there's an identifier that passes thru the linux gcc version
05:03.38 pra5ad that the cygwin one has reserved apparently
05:32.32 pra5ad =~(
07:24.05 *** join/#brlcad Guu` (
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13:59.52 *** join/#brlcad Inktvlek (
14:00.08 Inktvlek Hello
14:00.24 Inktvlek I was wondering if there is any news on windows builds
14:00.44 Inktvlek I couldn't find it on the sf page
14:02.39 brlcad hello
14:02.53 brlcad there's an alpha build available if you're interested in testing it
14:03.13 Inktvlek yes that's ok with me
14:03.27 Inktvlek where can I find it?
14:03.39 brlcad if you run into any issues, please report them back here to me
14:03.45 brlcad
14:03.47 Inktvlek I will
14:04.26 Inktvlek thank you!
14:04.27 brlcad there will likely be a beta next month that gets posted to the site
14:04.46 brlcad under the Documents section for tutorials/documentation
14:05.42 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
14:17.41 *** part/#brlcad Inktvlek (
16:50.49 ``Erik *burp*
16:57.50 brlcad *burp*
17:17.21 Twingy_ *meow*
17:33.38 ``Erik don't you mean *flip* ?
17:33.51 Twingy_ *barf*
17:34.23 ``Erik;en-us;Q325038
17:34.38 ``Erik;en-us;Q172653
18:42.20 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
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20:20.29 *** join/#brlcad raz (
21:40.37 *** join/#brlcad Erroneous (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051021

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051021

03:06.31 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/m4/compiler.m4: make the compiler, linker, and preprocessor checks look for 'nrecognize' in the test output in case the return value happens to be zero so that options are properly enabled/disabled.
03:13.39 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/
03:13.39 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: get rid of the -fPIC hack, libtool really should take care of it (figure out the
03:13.39 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: altix problem later if it's still around); get rid of -mdynamic-no-pic as it
03:13.39 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: wasn't supposed to actually get added to a flag, it only encouraged the test to
03:13.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: fail on non darwin systems before the tests were refactored to BC_ tests.
04:18.43 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
07:56.19 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
07:56.19 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Free Software!
09:35.10 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
09:59.22 *** join/#brlcad cad562 (
12:34.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/src/libwdb/vol.c: machine.h requires stdio.h
12:35.56 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/src/libwdb/submodel.c: machine.h requires stdio.h
12:37.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/src/libwdb/ (dsp.c ebm.c): machine.h requires stdio.h
12:48.22 *** join/#brlcad learner (n=brlcad@pdpc/supporter/silver/brlcad) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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12:48.22 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:48.22 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by
12:49.50 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/src/libsysv/engine.c: MS VC 6.0 complained about a control path that does not return a value
12:54.34 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
12:56.18 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/src/librt/db_io.c: variable s only if HAVE_UNIX_IO
12:57.44 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/src/librt/g_bot.c: unused variable deleted
13:27.17 *** join/#brlcad clock__ (
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14:09.47 brlcad_ d_rossberg: I know machine.h says it needs it.. but I don't see why exactly it should need stdio.h
14:10.10 clock__ brlcad_: will you be able to use my bolt generation code?
14:10.17 brlcad_ was there a symbol causing trouble?
14:10.23 brlcad_ clock__: definitely
14:10.50 clock__ brlcad_: and put it into the brlcad program?
14:11.07 brlcad_ that would be the idea :)
14:11.57 brlcad_ probably as a standalone tool for starters, eventually as a procedural geometry generator when the new interface is up
14:12.31 brlcad_ though I'd also want to convert it to the binary api too instead of ascii
14:13.01 brlcad_ post it up as a patch, and I should be able to get it in today probably
14:17.09 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/machine.h: machine.h apparently requires stdio.h so migrate towards self-describing headers (even though machine.h is going away soon)
14:34.11 d_rossberg brlcad: machine.h asks for FOPEN_MAX which is defined in stdio.h
14:35.04 d_rossberg I got a compiler warning when stdio.h was included after machine.h
14:35.05 brlcad_ as an ifdef though.. so you're seeing redifine warnings/errors?
14:35.15 brlcad_ got it
14:36.30 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/machine.h: needed for FOPEN_MAX
14:36.35 brlcad_ d_rossberg: on a side note, no headers should appear before common.h in any file
14:40.38 d_rossberg brlcad: ok, i'll have a look at this (but maybe not today)
14:41.09 brlcad_ order is common then single interface header if it exists then system headers then common interface headers then local headers
14:41.21 d_rossberg I try to eliminate all MSVC compiler warnings, because they may lead to crashes
14:41.39 brlcad_ d_rossberg: no worries, I fixed the headers already
14:42.44 d_rossberg it's not about the header, it's about the sources i've changed with stdio.h on the top
14:42.46 brlcad_ yeah, I've got a similar laundry list of warning squashing to go through -- causes similar issues on some 64bit systems (e.g. when a header is missing and function is presumed to return an "int")
14:43.13 brlcad_ d_rossberg: i know -- i mean i've fixed those already too -- about to commit them
14:43.44 d_rossberg brlcad: thanks
14:44.07 brlcad_ i'm just happy I actually get to code today ;)
14:44.26 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libwdb/ (dsp.c ebm.c submodel.c vol.c): machine.h includes stdio.h, common.h goes first too
14:46.21 d_rossberg fyi: a compiler warning in MSVC may be an indication of a "confused" compiler which may produce wrong code, especially in the release build
14:46.43 clock__ "S" and "V".
14:46.44 brlcad_ good to know
14:56.47 clock__ sometimes you even have to delete windows and replace them with linux to get rid of a problem
14:56.53 clock__ rebooting may not be sufficient
14:57.03 clock__ or even reinstalling windows may be insufficient ;-)
14:57.12 ``Erik meh, linux has it's own issues, freebsd, baybee
14:57.26 clock__ yes luniks is krap :)
14:57.55 archivist_ well use djgpp for the windows port
14:58.14 ``Erik cygwin?
14:58.43 ``Erik (I thought djgpp ended as a 32b dos compiler, no goop to wire to nt based crap?)
15:01.39 brlcad_ msys for the purist
15:17.29 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: aix build fixes, configure option for no flag dorkage, and fixing benchmark path issue before next release
15:26.35 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
16:08.21 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
16:29.51 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
17:13.23 ``Erik done with my disc yet, boy?
17:14.20 brlcad yep
18:47.47 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
18:57.37 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: g2asc exports attr lines but will not grok them on asc2g
18:58.35 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: mged should add bin dir to search path so that subcommands like rt and company work as expected without path problems
20:03.09 *** join/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (
22:03.13 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad (
22:24.11 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad (
22:39.04 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
22:49.17 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad_ (
23:09.48 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051022

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051022

01:10.50 brlcad woooo
04:08.15 pra5ad_ ^_^#
04:22.26 Twingy can't get enough of that sea urchin eh?
04:36.06 brlcad never
04:49.18 *** join/#brlcad cad613 (
04:58.05 pra5ad @_@'
06:59.07 archivist_ 4325
08:12.34 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
09:12.31 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
09:41.35 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
12:36.21 *** join/#brlcad cad438 (
12:38.10 cad438 Hello, I have a problem using MGED. I hope this is the right place to get advice?
12:39.56 cad438 I have version 7.2.4 installed, and it seems I can only select primitive shapes. I can't find anything like "solid selection" that is referred to on page 105 of the Butler et. al. manual
12:40.23 cad438 Is there anyone actively following this box?
13:14.58 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon (
14:40.13 brlcad cad438: sure is
14:43.31 brlcad cad438: primitives are solids, some of the interface in mged has been reworded slightly since, but the words solids and primitives are pretty much interchangeable (i.e. there's a primitive select on the menu)
14:56.06 brlcad or "Prim Select" to be more exact
14:56.14 brlcad on the Edit menu
15:04.56 cad438 Thank you!
15:05.09 cad438 But that leaves me with another problem.
15:06.39 cad438 What I am trying to do is to combine primitives into a combination (or region or whatever) and change the position of the assembly by rotating or translating.
15:07.01 brlcad okay
15:07.39 cad438 I am sure there must be an easy way to do that
15:07.56 cad438 But I haven't found it yet.
15:08.07 brlcad ah, well of course there is ;-)
15:08.21 brlcad you've not gotten through the tutorial covering combinations yet?
15:08.44 cad438 I have
15:09.08 cad438 I even made the nice looking globe :-)
15:09.59 brlcad say you create a couple primitives (e.g. make sph sph and make box arb8)
15:10.16 cad438 yes?
15:10.35 brlcad you position then where you like (e.g. sed sph and tra 1000 0 0)
15:11.20 brlcad then you combine them into a region (r some_region.r u box - sph)
15:11.52 cad438 Yes, I know how to do that, but what I was looking for is a way to do it the other way rounr.
15:12.02 cad438 For instance...
15:12.33 brlcad when you make regions, it doesn't automatically display them, so you can display it up (B some_region.r)
15:12.38 brlcad not done yet ;)
15:12.54 brlcad now say you want to translate/rotate/scale/whatever that region
15:13.24 brlcad the gui way is to select Edit -> Matrix Selection
15:14.19 brlcad you'd pic either the /some_region.r/sph or /some_region.r/box line and then some_region.r in the subsequent dialog to indicate that you want to edit the matrix over some_region.r
15:15.24 brlcad The edit menu now has all the options you might hope for including scale, move, rotate
15:16.10 brlcad or you can just issue the command line verisons: rot 100 0 0 and tra 0 1000 1000 and sca 1.2 etc
15:16.34 cad438 I tried it this way, but as you explain it I am still acting on primitives, right?
15:16.49 cad438 Or can I do this with a region within a region?
15:16.50 brlcad nope
15:17.15 brlcad a region within a region is a modeling error, but a combination with a region or region within a combination is okay
15:17.23 brlcad or a combination within a combination
15:18.11 cad438 yes, okay, that's what I meant really. But can I move a combination within a combination in the way you described it?
15:18.23 brlcad when you make a region, that's akin to making a 'part' in other cad packages -- you're denoting the intent that it's something that takes up physical space instead of just being some template shape
15:19.09 brlcad combinations of regions are akin to 'assemblies', combinations of primitives are merely grouped template shapes
15:19.27 brlcad to answer your question, yes you can
15:19.44 brlcad you go into matrix select, and select the matrix over the combination you wish you apply the modification to
15:20.59 cad438 Thanks! I am trying to create a disk with a few boreholes equidistantly distributed over a ring. The boreholes themselves are not simpe cylinders, but are a combination of a few primitives.
15:21.23 cad438 And I don't want to redraw them every time, you see.
15:21.46 cad438 I'll try again to do it the way you suggest.
15:22.47 brlcad yeah, that should be fine
15:23.29 brlcad you can make a copy of the 'combination of a few primitives' template that you have positioning each one where you want it to be using the matrix selection
15:24.12 cad438 That is indeed exactly what I want to do.
15:24.43 brlcad just be sure to give each copy a unique name so that you can find it in the matrix selection
15:25.08 brlcad it's all simple references, so it's very fast and compact
15:33.32 cad438 I don't get it to work :-(
15:33.44 cad438 When I choose for matrix select...
15:33.55 cad438 I first have to select a primitive
15:34.10 cad438 The combinations do not appear in the drop-down menu
15:34.26 brlcad then you're not displaying the combination
15:34.37 brlcad it only gives you a list of what's been "e"'d up
15:34.48 brlcad type "who" to see what is currently being edited
15:35.14 brlcad when you create the combination, it doesn't display/e it for you
15:35.27 brlcad so you'd still be looking at the primitives only
15:35.39 cad438 oops
15:35.51 brlcad that was the B some_region.r in the example I gave to redisplay the newly created region or combination
15:36.03 cad438 you're right, that's what's going on!
15:40.30 cad438 No....
15:41.17 brlcad problem?
15:41.32 cad438 In the first drop down that comes up after selecting "matrix select..." I have to select a primitive.
15:42.00 brlcad the first drop down should have a path like /comb1/prim1
15:42.15 cad438 There are no combinations there, only the primitives belonging to the shown combinations
15:42.30 cad438 yes
15:43.11 brlcad /comb1/prim1 /comb1/prim2 etc yes?
15:43.33 cad438 but I am trying to rotates /comb1/comb2/* within /comb1
15:44.01 brlcad okay, so then it's listing /comb1/comb2/prim1 /comb1/comb2/prim2 etc .. yes?
15:44.22 brlcad or are you only seeing /comb2/prim1 /comb2/prim2 etc
15:45.34 cad438 yes, it says /comb1/comb2/prim1
15:45.41 brlcad you want to edit the matrices of the combinations inside the combination, so you need to display that top-level comb1
15:45.46 brlcad okay, that's good
15:46.06 brlcad you can select any one of the lines that says comb2
15:46.27 brlcad i presume you have a comb2 a comb3 a comb4 etc inside comb1 yes?
15:46.52 cad438 yes
15:46.59 brlcad good
15:47.25 brlcad so yeah, select any one of the comb[2 through whatever] lines -- it doesn't matter that it displays the primitives underneath it
15:48.14 brlcad it's effectively asking you what you want to treat as a coordinate system point of reference at the same time in case you need to position things exactly
15:48.47 brlcad the second dialog will list comb2 prim1 prim2 prim3 -- select comb2 and you'll be editing the matrix over comb2 inside comb1
15:50.49 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad (
15:56.56 cad438 No, it seems I am editing the matrix over comb2 inside comb1 relative to comb1/comb2/prim1 (which I selected in the first menu)
15:57.22 cad438 Or else, the boreholes are rotating around themselves, rather than around the disk...
15:58.18 cad438 Whci makes sense, because at no point I have told the software to use comb1 as a reference
15:59.02 cad438 right?
16:00.03 cad438 In fact, in the procedure I just followed, comb2 could as well have been the top-level combination, rather than comb1.
16:05.43 brlcad right
16:05.54 brlcad that's what I meant about the prim being the point of reference
16:06.28 brlcad mged wants to use something inside comb2 as a point of reference for the coordinate system
16:08.28 brlcad there is a way to set up alternative modeling axes too, but that's a rather advanced modeling technique that I wouldn't recommend until you've been using mged for a long time ;)
16:11.15 brlcad if it's rotations you are having trouble with, you might be interested in Settings->Rotate About
16:12.08 brlcad also Modes -> Axes to actually see the axes you are working with
16:34.21 cad438 You have solved my problem!
16:34.49 cad438 Thank you.
16:34.52 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
16:36.42 cad438 It was not necessary to pack comb2 within comb1, the latter being the body of reference for rotation, as it is not possible to go up in the hierarchy to set the reference system.
16:38.03 cad438 Instead I proceeded as you told me, picking any primitive in the region-to-be-rotated, and subsequently picking the region itself in the two menus of "matrix selection..."
16:39.42 cad438 I then make sure that the axes of reference are set conveniently (in my case that was just the model origin, so that was easy) so that the choice made in the first menu is effectively disgarded.
16:40.19 cad438 And finally the right commands for rotation can be given.
16:40.28 cad438 Again, thanks a lot!
16:40.47 brlcad no problem
16:40.59 brlcad glad it all worked out :)
16:44.20 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad (
16:47.28 cad438 I got to go now, but I'll remeber this place! See you next time ;-)
16:48.46 brlcad see you around
17:10.35 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ search for libtoolize14, make sure that we can pinpoint the alternate libtoolize's location via which/dirname in order to print instructions correctly. fix typo on glti
17:28.38 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
17:36.40 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
20:10.03 *** join/#brlcad mahesh (
20:40.29 *** join/#brlcad mahesh (
20:52.45 mahesh Sean, are you there?
20:57.02 brlcad perhaps ;)
20:57.14 mahesh ha ha
20:57.47 mahesh another question for you if you are not yet tired of answering
20:57.54 brlcad never tired
20:58.21 mahesh i am not able to understand clearly the function do_pixel in worker.c
20:58.38 mahesh could you just tell me what it does with each pixel it takes as argument
20:59.47 brlcad sure, give me sec
21:01.05 brlcad do_pixel actually handles the processing of exactly one pixel
21:02.25 mahesh but after processing that pixel, it should be writing to framebuffer or to a file?
21:03.32 brlcad neither
21:03.40 brlcad it stores the pixel result in memory
21:04.02 brlcad in the application structure, there is a_color
21:04.13 brlcad that is filled in with the rgb result
21:04.38 mahesh oh it
21:04.43 brlcad view_pixel() is called at the end to
21:05.05 brlcad let the application handle what it wants to do with the pixel
21:05.24 brlcad (it's a raytracer-specific function in view.c)
21:07.00 mahesh how about making each node in the network call do_pixel on a chunk of pixels allocated to it?
21:08.35 brlcad yes definitely
21:08.48 brlcad you're basically going to need to define your own worker()
21:08.59 mahesh cant be so simple isnt it :) ?
21:09.09 brlcad :)
21:09.24 brlcad not sure for certain until it's done ;)
21:09.30 mahesh true
21:14.38 brlcad bu_parallel() is called with worker() to run worker() on each processor
21:16.17 brlcad all the worker()'s running in parallel on the various cpus available coordinate processing chunks of pixels at a time
21:18.41 brlcad so I imagine that there's effectively two functions that you'll have to write
21:19.11 mahesh bu_distributed and worker?
21:19.13 brlcad a bu_parallel of your own (call it bu_parallel or bu_distributed or whatever)
21:20.05 brlcad and yes, a worker (mpi_worker perhaps) routine that will handle actually shoveling off work to remote hosts (who could in turn call bu_parallel with worker)
21:27.05 mahesh right...things are more clear now
23:11.46 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051023

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051023

00:54.04 pra5ad =)
00:55.20 Twingy o.O
00:57.08 pra5ad i was up $9k.. lost a bunch and ended up at $1k, won 3 all ins in a row and got up to $8k, called other guy's all in waiting for a flush draw which didnt come (guy had pocket kings)
00:57.11 pra5ad now im at 60
00:57.31 Twingy hrm?
00:57.41 pra5ad texas holdem
00:57.44 Twingy where?
00:57.51 pra5ad
00:58.00 Twingy online poker? *shudder*
00:58.11 Twingy fake money or real?
00:58.23 pra5ad game i played was obviously fake
00:58.30 pra5ad there are real money tourneys tho
00:58.40 pra5ad high rollers have $1k+ blinds
00:58.50 pra5ad well for single tables
00:58.57 Twingy Bank: 8580000
00:58.58 pra5ad tourney winnings can be $1million
00:59.01 Twingy mudding :)
00:59.09 pra5ad (real money)
00:59.14 Twingy I'm gonna buy a war galeon for 4.25 mil
00:59.28 pra5ad is there a GM in ur mud?
00:59.46 Twingy gm?
00:59.52 Twingy guild master?
01:01.08 pra5ad game master
01:01.27 Twingy nope
01:01.33 pra5ad persistant world?
01:01.38 pra5ad (wait.. duh)
01:02.00 Twingy hrm
01:02.06 Twingy I want my machine tools *pout*
01:02.16 Twingy I'm going through withdrawls
01:02.26 Twingy food, brb
01:02.37 pra5ad which mud is this again
01:36.42 Twingy tirn aill
01:38.53 *** join/#brlcad learner (
01:38.54 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by ChanServ
02:02.52 pra5ad the firmware upgrade for my linksys router has a broken implementation for dyndns
02:03.09 pra5ad even dyndns' faq mentions this
02:03.11 pra5ad =(
02:08.19 pra5ad whats the host/ip for the mud
02:09.07 Twingy 4000
02:09.12 Twingy telnet
02:09.14 Twingy or zmud
02:09.40 Twingy it'll seem kinda confusing and boring for the first few levels until you get out onto the world map
02:09.53 Twingy after that it's disturbingly addictive
02:10.31 pra5ad pvp? pve?
02:13.10 Twingy ?
02:13.19 pra5ad player vs player?
02:13.24 Twingy no
02:13.24 pra5ad or is this carebear
02:13.27 pra5ad k
02:13.41 Twingy just create a char, play a bit, you'll die alot
02:13.47 Twingy then you'll get an idea of how it all works
02:13.53 Twingy then you'll probly create a real character
02:17.53 pra5ad how long does it take for the reg letter to arrive
02:18.05 Twingy immediately
02:18.39 Twingy hehe
02:18.51 pra5ad still nothing
02:19.07 pra5ad bleh
02:19.21 Twingy hrm
02:19.28 Twingy delete the character and try agian *shrug*
02:19.57 pra5ad whats ur char name
02:20.05 Twingy Twingy
02:24.22 pra5ad wow grammar..
02:24.35 pra5ad or is that supposed to be elvish
02:24.45 Twingy type:
02:24.47 Twingy color complete
02:24.48 Twingy display all
02:24.50 Twingy autoloot
02:24.51 Twingy autosplit
02:25.00 Twingy and keep typing "reroll" until you get good stats
02:25.05 Twingy then go all the way down
02:25.07 Twingy and kill stuff
02:25.09 Twingy by typing
02:25.10 pra5ad how do i chat
02:25.11 Twingy "hit whatever"
02:25.15 Twingy type gossip or chat
02:28.08 pra5ad how do i open doors?
02:28.28 Twingy "open door"
02:28.52 Twingy type who
02:29.10 pra5ad i dont see u on
02:30.33 Twingy I'm invisible
02:30.47 Twingy I'm a gnome mage
02:31.02 pra5ad how do i go through doors
02:31.07 pra5ad ah nm
02:31.30 Twingy go all the way down
02:31.34 Twingy and kill some birds and humanoids
02:31.36 Twingy to get to level 2
02:35.39 pra5ad i bought a sword
02:35.41 pra5ad how do i equip
02:36.20 Twingy wield sword
02:36.21 Twingy sheath
02:36.22 Twingy unsheath
02:36.26 Twingy hit <object>
02:36.32 Twingy consider <object>
02:38.52 Twingy type eq for equipment
02:39.43 pra5ad how do i use a key
02:39.48 Twingy unlock door
02:39.50 Twingy unlock gate
02:39.51 Twingy unlock ...
02:40.49 Twingy kill anything yet?
02:41.32 pra5ad how do i pick up soemthing
02:44.26 pra5ad server die?
02:46.13 Twingy possibly
02:46.16 Twingy try again
02:47.10 Twingy hrm
02:47.12 Twingy can't connect
02:47.54 Twingy once you get to level 3 I'll show you the world map
02:48.19 pra5ad annoying ui
02:48.24 Twingy heh
02:48.30 pra5ad cant u emulate a chatbox on part of the screen?
02:48.34 Twingy better than a bunch of kludgy buttons
02:48.39 Twingy hrm?
02:48.46 Twingy I use telnet
02:49.03 pra5ad why does chat have to screw with the text u are reading
02:49.13 Twingy hrm?
02:49.16 pra5ad yea me too
02:49.18 Twingy doesn't mess mine up...
02:49.24 Twingy I'm using xterm on freebsd
02:49.24 pra5ad mess up as it
02:49.26 pra5ad it scrolls
02:49.30 pra5ad everything
02:49.36 pra5ad whenever a chat msg shows up
02:49.37 Twingy what os are you on
02:49.40 pra5ad linux
02:49.47 Twingy *shrug*
02:49.49 pra5ad xterm
02:49.51 Twingy not quite sure what your problem is
02:49.58 Twingy it's back up
02:50.21 pra5ad too much text is my problem =)
02:50.27 pra5ad tv time
02:51.10 Twingy heh
03:24.12 *** join/#brlcad BigIslandVegan (
03:36.23 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ add a check to see if automake chokes on libtool as well (since sans -f autoconf may complete successfully)
03:36.42 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ (23 files): ws
04:25.12 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ ( trailing ws
04:26.46 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/m4/ (8 files): trailing ws
04:27.39 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/ (8 files in 4 dirs): trailing ws
04:44.57 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (1413 files in 98 dirs): trailing ws
05:13.37 Twingy muhaha
05:35.29 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ ws
07:04.25 pra5ad heh im at $10 (real $$) profit at this holdem table
07:04.33 pra5ad i should cash out now
07:04.36 pra5ad then again im dumb
07:11.13 archivist_ 228
07:12.29 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
07:30.33 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
07:51.22 pra5ad woo $13 profit
09:21.18 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
09:22.02 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
09:22.49 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
16:29.04 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
21:07.49 *** join/#brlcad cad539 (
22:26.08 AchiestDragon brlcad: re Bug #1311228,photon map rendering not outputting result to screen , since building from cvs i have not had the same problem
22:26.47 brlcad AchiestDragon: good to know, though that code hasn't changed ;)
22:30.49 AchiestDragon could be a function call looking in the wrong place for a lib , suse seems to put things in odd locations
23:50.51 Twingy sean
23:51.05 Twingy can you add a brlcad-config in the near future?
23:53.51 brlcad yep, it's on the todo list
23:54.55 Twingy k, cool
23:55.06 Twingy I've got a new convertor I want to include in my proggie
23:55.17 Twingy and I don't wanna shove it into brl-cad cause of various dependencies
23:55.39 brlcad sounds good
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051024

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051024

00:02.35 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
01:02.55 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
01:49.30 *** join/#brlcad _AchiestDragon (
03:16.02 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ now it becomes clear -- even if they do have python and sdl, that doesn't mean adrt will build until the adrt makefiles are fixed and the hard paths are removed
03:17.21 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ heh, not C code
03:21.43 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/bwish/ libtclcad no longer includes tk, so link against it
03:23.18 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libdm/ libtk not needed
03:24.34 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libtclcad/ libtk not needed, aix fixes
04:34.14 pra5ad =)
04:39.09 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/libtk/ ( generic/ altix adjustments to accommodate non-pic object linking bug
05:16.21 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/libtk/ unnecessary to include the .la, sort
05:50.43 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/adrt/bench/.cvsignore: ignore adrt_bench
06:01.32 Twingy off to bedski
12:39.58 *** join/#brlcad archivist_ (
13:24.45 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
13:57.23 Twingy_ grumble cakes
13:59.20 ``Erik erm
13:59.21 ``Erik uh
13:59.24 ``Erik no
13:59.28 Twingy_ too late
13:59.28 ``Erik orthus shouldn't be using cvsup anymore
13:59.37 ``Erik it's all striaght cvs
13:59.42 ``Erik and tied into all the other fbsd machines
13:59.45 Twingy_ *shrug*
13:59.49 Twingy_ it's 50% done
13:59.55 ``Erik kill it before I beat you
14:00.03 Twingy_ okie
14:00.17 Twingy_ make sure ports gets updated to latest eand greatest though
14:00.23 Twingy_ I need a new version of mysql50-server
14:00.27 ``Erik unless you really want to attempt downgrading all the systems, which will render all fbsd systems unusable
14:00.57 ``Erik I d'no if the port is updated just yet, grU just noted that the software was released and was working on finding the port maintainer
14:00.59 Twingy_ I dunno why you would link them all like that...
14:01.00 ``Erik like a couple minutes ago
14:01.15 ``Erik I thought I deinstalled cvsup
14:01.21 Twingy_ I just installed it
14:02.12 Twingy_ so what's the deal?
14:02.17 ``Erik don't do that, it's all anoncvs now
14:02.27 Twingy_ well you can inform us when you do these things
14:02.30 Twingy_ like
14:02.30 Twingy_ email
14:02.35 ``Erik meh
14:02.38 Twingy_ instead of magically doing shit
14:02.41 Twingy_ and complaining about it
14:02.44 Twingy_ I should beat you for that
14:03.02 ``Erik meh
14:03.11 ``Erik it's gonna take a while to recover the damage
14:03.29 Twingy_ I think installing a fresh copy of fbsd 6
14:03.37 Twingy_ and have it without all the connection crap
14:03.42 Twingy_ to the other machines would be optimal
14:03.51 Twingy_ then I can cvsup
14:03.56 Twingy_ and get my latest copy of mysql
14:04.03 ``Erik heh
14:04.07 Twingy_ :)
14:04.12 ``Erik so you can spend the time doing it on orthus
14:04.18 Twingy_ yes
14:04.21 ``Erik and I can spend the time doing it on nifleim and shiva
14:04.24 Twingy_ yep
14:04.29 ``Erik and we can waste a good chunk of time
14:04.32 Twingy_ yep
14:04.46 Twingy_ or
14:05.04 Twingy_ you can fix things, and get me the latest version of mysql, and inform me of any machines you do changes to that I'm on the admin list for
14:05.06 ``Erik um
14:05.15 ``Erik why don't you hold your horses until the freebsd port is updated
14:05.39 ``Erik you'd have installed an old mysql50 if you'd have gone through with it
14:05.52 ``Erik
14:06.13 *** join/#brlcad alex_joni (n=alex_jon@
14:06.24 alex_joni greetings..
14:06.34 Twingy_ 5.0.10 or higher will do
14:06.59 Twingy_ according to this
14:07.00 ``Erik what's in 5.0.10?
14:07.01 Twingy_ it's 5.0.13
14:07.03 alex_joni anyone heard of a data format called .src (is some CAD inside)
14:07.08 Twingy_ a working compilation
14:07.17 Twingy_ so this would be fine
14:07.18 ``Erik 5.0.13rc, a 'beta'
14:07.24 Twingy_ that's fine
14:07.30 Twingy_ it's for me
14:07.35 Twingy_ hence installing on orthus
14:07.43 Twingy_ actually ya know what, you can fix orthus
14:07.47 Twingy_ I'll install it on my local box
14:07.50 Twingy_ :)
14:08.49 Twingy_ problem solved
14:09.22 ``Erik and it's on orthus
14:09.40 Twingy_ I installed it last week
14:09.49 ``Erik the client was there, the server was not
14:09.53 Twingy_ yes
14:09.56 Twingy_ I just did a deinstall
14:09.59 ``Erik oh
14:10.00 ``Erik heh
14:10.03 Twingy_ obviouslly not on the client
14:10.06 ``Erik then I guess I reinstalled it
14:10.45 ``Erik mebbe I'll do a "how to admin our fbsd boxen" email or something today
14:11.09 Twingy_ or finish your paper
14:11.15 Twingy_ and stop complaining people are breaking your stuff
14:11.19 Twingy_ by leaving them in the dark
14:11.26 Twingy_ and expecting them to have mental telepathy
14:11.58 Twingy_ cause you find some clever modification to make life easier and not telling anyone about it
14:12.01 ``Erik heh, cvsup being gone didn't seem odd? :)
14:12.09 Twingy_ orthus is new'ish
14:12.14 Twingy_ I figured it wasn't installed
14:12.21 *** part/#brlcad alex_joni (n=alex_jon@
14:12.37 ``Erik it went through a system upgrade o.O
14:12.38 Twingy_ how am I to know you're upstairs spending time configuring the system
14:12.46 ``Erik anyways *shrug*
15:22.05 *** join/#brlcad Guest11278 (n=rd@
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15:42.33 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
16:23.02 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
17:15.30 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
17:59.24 Twingy_
18:00.03 Twingy_ MySQL 5.0 Now Available for Production Use
18:10.41 *** join/#brlcad joevalleyfield (
18:43.00 *** join/#brlcad joevalleyfield (
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19:47.00 *** join/#brlcad joevalleyfield (
21:31.55 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon (
22:03.38 *** join/#brlcad Erroneous (
23:06.58 ``Erik hm, so that's what 3 heart attacks feel like
23:07.36 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051025

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051025

02:11.08 *** join/#brlcad joevalleyfield (
03:09.28 pra5ad i dont wanna study *wah*
03:16.58 Twingy hah
04:18.58 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
06:45.49 *** join/#brlcad reisio (n=reisio@gentoo/user/reisio)
06:50.48 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon (
07:15.00 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon (
07:18.18 *** part/#brlcad reisio (n=reisio@gentoo/user/reisio)
08:42.36 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
12:32.11 *** join/#brlcad joevalleyfield (
12:44.33 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon (
13:32.43 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
15:00.06 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak|RDP (
15:02.11 *** join/#brlcad joevalleyfield (
15:08.59 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
15:21.10 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (n=Apathy@
15:33.55 *** join/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (
15:46.22 *** join/#brlcad raz (
15:51.44 raz brlcad: I was not able to facetize m35.g model; any thoughts?
16:18.17 Twingy_ what's the problem?
16:18.31 Twingy_ the facetizer gives up on complex geometries
16:18.40 Twingy_ it's not 100% working
16:43.40 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
17:01.24 brlcad raz: yeah, usually it'll succeed on a component-by-component basis if it does not succeed on a high-level object
17:09.17 brlcad or by tweaking the tolerances
17:38.03 *** join/#brlcad Guu (
17:42.51 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/lib/ (Mged.tcl Db.tcl Database.tcl): Mods to allow sharing of the database object
17:49.14 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/lib/Drawable.tcl: Minor formatting
17:56.13 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/archer/plugins/Wizards/tankwizardIA/TankWizardIA.tcl: Move XML related methods to src/tclscripts/archer/Wizard.tcl
17:59.58 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/archer/Wizard.tcl: Add XML helper functions (from src/archer/plugins/Wizards/tankwizardIA/TankWizardIA.tcl
18:02.50 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/archer/Archer.tcl: Mods to support sharing of a database object
20:00.02 *** join/#brlcad DarkMaster (n=Apathy@
20:00.49 DarkMaster that was weird
20:00.51 DarkMaster fight to the death!
20:01.27 brlcad heh
20:01.45 *** join/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (
20:04.20 raz brlcad: I tried facetizing individual components with no success. The only one that worked was the 'light' component in m35.g
20:05.09 brlcad raz: okay, gimme a sec and I'll look/fix it
20:22.34 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/librt/g_tgc.c: don't abort a tgc tesselation on invalid absolute tolerance
20:23.29 brlcad oops, wrong branch
20:26.38 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/g_tgc.c: join bobWinPort tolerance fix
20:28.54 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: fixed tgc absolute tesselation tolerance issue
20:53.29 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
20:53.29 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Free Software!
20:54.07 AchiestDragon when you change the fonts and save the .mgedrc it does not save the new font configuration , so when you exit and restart it , it reverts to the default ones
20:55.17 AchiestDragon the one i think i filed was when displaying the list of fonts the list is longer than the screen , so you cannot get at half the font types
21:09.27 brlcad known issue, iirc, it doesn't save them
21:09.52 AchiestDragon k so no point with a bug report for it
21:10.10 AchiestDragon is there one for the font list
21:10.11 brlcad nah, I wouldn't bother -- though you could file a RFE
22:13.27 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
22:13.27 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Free Software!
23:55.45 ``Erik continuations are nifty
23:55.55 ``Erik woops
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051026

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051026

00:37.54 *** join/#brlcad joevalleyfield (
01:17.23 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
01:44.09 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
02:25.46 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
02:26.07 pra5ad what a horrible exam
03:11.13 brlcad was the laplacian on it? :)
03:25.24 pra5ad nope
03:25.40 pra5ad fourier and hough were there
03:26.03 brlcad heh, wierd
03:26.16 pra5ad first page, 2nd question
03:26.24 pra5ad 'explain what causes invariant moments'
03:26.30 pra5ad me: uhhh.. wtf is that
03:28.44 joevalleyfield so what does cause invariant moments?
03:28.53 pra5ad beats me :)
03:29.15 pra5ad i went to baltimore and drowned my sorrows with beer
03:29.25 joevalleyfield :)
03:29.48 joevalleyfield is it shepards class?
03:30.01 pra5ad no
03:30.15 pra5ad he doesnt teach image processing
03:30.33 pra5ad 'el tony' is teaching robotics w/ machine vision next semester
03:34.41 pra5ad i didnt realize capt. morgan's costume was so damn complicated
03:34.44 pra5ad damned*
03:34.54 pra5ad ill have to pick another one :(
03:39.49 joevalleyfield google knows what an invariant moment is, but not what makes them pop up
03:40.15 Twingy it's when the moment becomes invariant
03:40.26 Twingy that was an invariant moment
03:40.52 Twingy plus alot of funky math symbols
03:41.05 joevalleyfield you agree with google
03:42.16 pra5ad i prolly misquoted the problem
03:42.26 pra5ad my ram has been flushed already
03:42.46 Twingy good
03:42.50 Twingy you can help me build a forge
03:42.55 pra5ad ?
03:43.00 Twingy for melting aluminum
03:43.07 pra5ad good night
03:44.41 pra5ad excellent
03:44.50 pra5ad u can clear out our recycling bin
03:44.53 pra5ad in my office
03:45.02 Twingy *nod*
03:45.14 Twingy is it the big one?
03:45.17 pra5ad no
03:45.19 Twingy aww
03:45.21 Twingy they took it
03:45.32 Twingy I'll have to pillage the recycling guys truck
03:45.45 pra5ad u need to build the forge next to the fridge
03:46.14 Twingy as the fire marshal, I must say, I like your thinking
03:46.20 pra5ad omg
03:46.25 pra5ad wendy put u in charge
03:46.27 pra5ad i forgot
03:46.28 pra5ad lmao
03:46.30 Twingy :)
03:46.44 Twingy <insert sinister laugh here>
03:47.02 pra5ad hmm red playa costume at walmart
03:47.07 pra5ad that'll have to do i guess
03:48.43 Twingy hrm
03:48.48 Twingy I think I'll weld a crucible first
03:49.01 pra5ad mm crucibles
03:49.06 pra5ad i remember those from chem class
03:55.18 ``Erik heh
03:55.37 ``Erik didn't the romans crucible people? o.O
03:55.53 ``Erik and sir francis drake circumcised the world with a 60' clipper
03:59.57 Twingy In the latest poll, 55 percent of the respondents said that they would vote for the Democratic candidate if Bush were again running for the presidency this year.
04:00.06 Twingy I'm surprised it's not more
04:00.33 joevalleyfield and how is that different than the 2004 exit polls??
04:00.48 Twingy so that basically means 45% of americans are beyond the capacity to do trivial thinking
04:03.43 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/wdb_obj.c: rework the 'tol' tolerance command to not allow any negative tolerances. also auto-handle the case where an absolute tesselation tolerance was requested at a level less than the calculation distance tolerance.
04:04.43 ``Erik I'm sure that more than 45% of americans (and more than 45% of the world) is incapable of trivial thought o.O
04:05.10 pra5ad "Half the world is composed of idiots, the other half of people clever enough to take indecent advantage of them" - Walter Kerr
04:05.48 ``Erik aw, DAMNIT
04:05.56 Twingy :D
04:06.16 Twingy he's drunk, he won't care
04:06.30 Twingy Remote Control for Humans?
04:06.54 Twingy sounds like that thing at siggraph
04:08.20 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: improved mged 'tol' command tolerance value checks
04:08.22 pra5ad "An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists only as an idea."
04:08.34 pra5ad aw snap
04:08.35 Twingy indeed
04:08.38 pra5ad my costume: lil john
04:08.41 pra5ad OKAAAAY
04:08.47 ``Erik WHAT?
04:08.51 pra5ad now to find some dreads
04:09.01 pra5ad and a football jersey
04:09.08 ``Erik and a hugeassed goblet
04:09.11 ``Erik and diamond grill
04:09.12 ``Erik yo
04:09.15 pra5ad and a pimp cup
04:09.33 ``Erik you should go as 'drunk'
04:09.37 Twingy pra5ad: who's the quote by?
04:09.47 pra5ad buddha
04:09.51 pra5ad =)
04:09.52 pra5ad
04:09.56 ``Erik buddha was not a mathematician, obviously
04:09.57 joevalleyfield developed and checked into cvs
04:10.45 ``Erik buddha obviously didn't do java code o.O :D *duck*
04:11.27 pra5ad "You cannot travel the path until you have become the path itself" - justin has become (a) diva
04:11.42 Twingy O.o
04:12.04 ``Erik ... justin's a diva? ... I've become enlightened
04:12.21 Twingy damnit
04:12.22 Twingy bricks
04:12.26 Twingy I wanna build a forge again
04:12.29 Twingy >_<
04:12.45 ``Erik heh
04:12.49 ``Erik I can just see it now
04:12.51 Twingy I need to contaminate my yard one last time
04:12.58 pra5ad "Good ideas are common - what's uncommon are people who'll work hard enough to bring them about"
04:13.01 ``Erik your neighbor is wandering around wondering where all their landscaping bricks went
04:13.13 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: merge from rel-7-6-branch to get the 7.6.2 release notes
04:13.17 Twingy sounds like me and this buddha guy would get along
04:13.27 Twingy hehehe
04:13.32 Twingy I'm out of propane though
04:13.38 Twingy so I'd have to borrow their propane too
04:14.17 pra5ad how exactly are u making the crucible?
04:14.19 pra5ad or are u buying one
04:14.26 Twingy gonna make one outta steel
04:14.32 Twingy and weld a handle onto it
04:14.41 Twingy probly 1 meter long
04:15.15 ``Erik man, this greenfield shit is fucked up
04:15.24 Twingy so'z it can hold about 64 cm^3 of aluminum
04:15.31 pra5ad what are the melting points of steel and alum?
04:15.37 Twingy high and low
04:15.42 pra5ad ?
04:16.03 Twingy ~1500 to 650
04:16.05 ibot inf
04:16.16 Twingy ~1500 to 1600
04:16.18 ibot inf
04:16.22 Twingy ~inf to NaN
04:16.31 Twingy haha, crashed it
04:16.32 Twingy fucker
04:16.43 pra5ad ceramic is too hard?
04:16.52 Twingy cermic is not very weldable o.O
04:17.02 pra5ad :(
04:17.54 Twingy more than likely I'll buy a large diameter pipe
04:18.01 Twingy cut a V into the lip
04:18.23 Twingy and weld on a V lip
04:18.42 Twingy at 90 degree to the handle
04:18.48 Twingy then I can just rotate it into the casting
04:20.34 Twingy I'm thinking we might be able to build some of the parts for the bot out of the aluminum
04:20.42 Twingy like internals and stuff
04:20.53 Twingy to save the pricey steel for armor
04:21.01 Twingy plus keeping the bot as light as possible
04:21.58 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (README ChangeLog include/config_win.h): merge rel-7-6-branch to HEAD to update rev. to 7.6.3
04:22.35 pra5ad what? we're not using chobum for armor?
04:22.54 Twingy hey
04:22.59 Twingy if you make it...
04:23.05 Twingy I'll even settle for titanium
04:23.52 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/lib/TableView.tcl: merge rel-7-6-branch to HEAD.
04:24.10 pra5ad i thought u had access to a scrapped challenger mkII
04:24.32 Twingy hrm
04:24.44 Twingy too bad we can't rummage through stuff at the range
04:47.06 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
10:46.29 AchiestDragon Twingy: if you want someting like that you should look at
10:46.48 AchiestDragon theres other places that do the same sort of thing also
10:53.10 AchiestDragon as to recycleing cans , the problem you will have with a furnice is that the aluminum cans tend to evaporate as the aluminium is too thin , you will need to get lots and compress them into blocks
10:53.22 AchiestDragon like a car crusher does
12:42.07 *** join/#brlcad joevalleyfield (
13:46.09 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
14:01.55 ``Erik (and I'm grinning because I went through that after the network outage)
14:02.26 Twingy_ *shrug* I got all me proggie source, I I think all I had in that directory was and old checkout of brlcad
14:03.23 ``Erik then why bother?
14:03.43 Twingy_ dunno if there was something else there I'm nothinking of
14:04.03 Twingy_ I'll be awake in about 4 hours
14:04.07 Twingy_ ask me then :)
14:06.19 ``Erik mmm, donuts
14:07.12 Twingy_ mmm, torus
14:07.27 archivist_ hmm dunkin donuts, a good excuse to come to america
14:10.17 ``Erik ew
14:11.56 ``Erik uh oh, mike g is talking to someone about adrt
14:14.53 Twingy_ I guess it's time to rename it again
14:14.58 ``Erik meh, some software got deinstalled, that was the issue :(
14:26.02 Twingy_ cool 1% done
14:26.21 ``Erik woohoo
14:26.31 ``Erik by crunching the numbers? or are you using bar?
14:49.57 Twingy_ 12 of 833 GB
14:50.25 Twingy_ this will take about a week?
14:51.54 ``Erik uhmmmmm
14:52.05 ``Erik 883 gb compressed, and you have 12 uncompressed gigs out of it?
14:52.14 Twingy_ yah
14:52.16 ``Erik (the final file should be more like 1.6tb I think)
14:52.22 Twingy_ ah
14:52.26 Twingy_ so 2 weeks
14:52.34 ``Erik yeah
14:52.40 ``Erik took about a month to compress I think
14:52.45 Twingy_ k
14:52.54 Twingy_ that's non-optimal back up
14:53.03 ``Erik (you're not using bunzip2 in a way that'll unlink the compressed file, are you?)
14:53.04 ``Erik I know
14:53.13 Twingy_ I typed bunzip2 file
14:53.20 ``Erik I'm not sure what'd be better... I'm tempted to use gzip instead, it's quicker
14:53.27 ``Erik uhmmmm, that's destructive
14:53.42 Twingy_ you wanna do it then?
14:53.55 ``Erik the decompression? sure *shurg*
14:53.58 Twingy_ you setup the backup doohicky
14:54.04 Twingy_ okay, I'll cancel
14:54.22 Twingy_ canceled
14:57.53 Twingy_ I'm thinking that if bill lost a file
14:58.00 Twingy_ he'd not be so flexible with 2 weeks to get it
15:00.00 ``Erik well, if he 'lost a file', it'd take a day or two, because we could do a partial recovery on just the .2 or .3 file
15:00.10 Twingy_ ah
15:00.22 Twingy_ even the .2's are kind ahefty
15:00.33 ``Erik losting a whole directory, however, is... rough
15:01.02 Twingy_ I'm definetly gonna have a tarball of my stuff made on the weekends
15:01.07 ``Erik okie
15:01.19 Twingy_ probly over nfs on my local box
15:01.33 ``Erik because of how big the file system is, there is no such thing as a "fast" recovery :(
15:01.45 Twingy_ for a file system, sure
15:02.10 Twingy_ I think the whole level N backuping is overkill *shrug*
15:02.33 Twingy_ 99% of the time the person lost something and they want it back
15:03.32 ``Erik the N level is to make things fast and use less space
15:04.02 Twingy_ all the n's combined uses alot more space than just making a tarball of everyone's junk on the weekends *shrug*
15:04.12 ``Erik um
15:04.28 Twingy_ plus we wouldn't have to use compression, which is the big killer
15:04.28 ``Erik our total consumption is like 2.5tb? weekend #2 would blow by that
15:04.43 Twingy_ I'm talking about 1 file per person
15:04.52 ``Erik weekend number 2 without compression would put us over 3tb
15:04.57 Twingy_ no weekend #2
15:05.00 ``Erik yeah, but we'd have a bunch of big files
15:05.07 Twingy_ huh?
15:05.12 Twingy_ no bigger than what we got now
15:05.18 Twingy_ my directory is like 70GB
15:05.25 ``Erik heh, mines not
15:05.29 Twingy_ I'd have a 70GB tarball of my directory as old as "last weekend"
15:05.43 Twingy_ take 10 minutes to uncompress
15:05.48 Twingy_ err
15:05.49 Twingy_ untar
15:05.59 Twingy_ instead of 2 weeks
15:06.08 ``Erik mebbe, but if you wrote a file on monday, and whacked it this morning?
15:06.09 ``Erik :)
15:06.15 Twingy_ I'd have something
15:06.32 Twingy_ losing 1 day of work is moot
15:06.39 joevalleyfield how about no compression and no tarballs
15:06.41 Twingy_ losing 2 years of work is not
15:06.46 ``Erik o.O
15:06.53 joevalleyfield google rsync backup
15:06.58 ``Erik uhhhh
15:07.05 Twingy_ heh
15:07.10 Twingy_ that's terribly amusing
15:07.37 ``Erik I'm not about to go through security to have every single file I ever touch or modify marked for public release, sorry
15:07.48 joevalleyfield no no
15:07.53 joevalleyfield don't rsync to google
15:08.05 joevalleyfield lookup "rsync backup" on google
15:08.15 Twingy_ we know what rsync is
15:08.19 joevalleyfield right
15:08.26 Twingy_ I implemented an rsync backup years ago
15:08.38 Twingy_ 'sides
15:08.40 joevalleyfield so why the need for tarballs?
15:08.45 Twingy_ lee is the one that wants this incremental junk
15:08.50 Twingy_ because "it's the way we've done things"
15:09.01 Twingy_ and clearly the "wahy we've done things" is the best way
15:09.05 ``Erik dump/restore has some advantages
15:09.11 Twingy_ otherwise we wouldn't have 80's state of the art software
15:09.13 Twingy_ :)
15:09.21 Twingy_ yes it does
15:09.21 ``Erik heh
15:09.23 Twingy_ but I'm just ranting
15:09.56 ``Erik because the architects and requirements people only have experience with bad 70's style
15:09.56 ``Erik :(
15:09.56 Twingy_ I got you beat
15:10.01 Twingy_ I'm working on 90's state of the art
15:10.18 Twingy_ :P
15:10.52 ``Erik we should probably go to get there by 11:30
15:10.57 ``Erik we have to be back by 1 or so
15:11.02 Twingy_ for wwhat?
15:11.06 ``Erik jasons thing
15:11.10 ``Erik and the class thing
15:11.12 Twingy_ <PROTECTED>
15:11.17 Twingy_ oh, I'm not gonna go
15:11.23 Twingy_ I got too much stuff to get done
15:11.35 ``Erik well, lets grab a couple people and go anyways
15:11.47 Twingy_ okie
17:20.36 *** join/#brlcad joevalleyfield (
17:28.36 brlcad joevalleyfield: you're added now -- should be able to cvs up read/write now
17:28.46 joevalleyfield thanks
17:28.53 joevalleyfield thanks
17:29.53 joevalleyfield it blows up spectacularly when linked to the aqua tk and trying to play with x
17:29.57 brlcad chatty, ain't he :)
18:19.36 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
18:20.25 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
18:22.36 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
18:35.27 Twingy_
18:51.13 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ add an enable-automatic-flags option to enable/disable automatically messing with the CFLAGS/CPPFLAGS/LDFLAGS. Useful on systems with different compilers were flags might seem to work when they don't (like aix)
18:52.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: added configure option to leave flags alone
20:35.44 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/archer/Archer.tcl: Added the unRegisterWizardXmlCallback method
20:36.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: g_qa's -g option doesn't seem to work for anything except -g #
20:46.33 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
20:55.38 *** join/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (
21:16.18 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/doc/IDEAS: some ideas for new BRL-CAD contributed by yours truely. could use lots of work, but it lets me throw away a piece of scrap paper.
21:31.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/doc/IDEAS: formatting, spelling, reference the tasker too
21:58.04 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon (
22:01.45 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon (
22:20.49 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon (
22:21.08 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
22:30.58 pra5ad HAH
22:31.03 pra5ad got last copy of civ 4
22:31.07 pra5ad goodbye life
22:42.57 Twingy heh
22:48.46 Twingy IT: Does Visual Studio Rot the Brain?
22:54.10 ``Erik O.o
22:54.22 archivist_ any visual button pressing does
23:02.46 ``Erik I saw a button once, but we were able to chase it from our village
23:22.12 pra5ad wow the load times are worse than an m3 analysis run
23:25.24 pra5ad so this is a python based game
23:32.26 ``Erik I doubt slow load times would be because it's a python based game
23:32.37 ``Erik slow load times tend to be developer stupidity.
23:40.31 pra5ad swapping the whole game out to load the military screen lol
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051027

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051027

00:05.43 Twingy mmm, yummy in my tummy
00:09.21 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon (
00:10.04 pra5ad so fuckin choppy
00:10.11 pra5ad and im just above recommended specs
00:10.13 pra5ad wtf =(
00:12.21 Twingy wtfo
00:14.50 ``Erik O.o
00:20.19 pra5ad hahah lowest res, lowest gfx quality
00:20.34 pra5ad and it's still slow
00:20.53 Twingy :)
00:21.04 Twingy somone should give him a 486
00:21.09 Twingy and tell him to make it fast
00:34.21 pra5ad 'never fight a land war in asia'
00:34.24 pra5ad so says civ 4
00:34.27 pra5ad o.o
00:37.00 pra5ad what the f
00:37.07 pra5ad at highest setting the games runs fine
00:37.13 pra5ad #_#
00:37.26 Twingy heh
01:09.08 ``Erik weee, broodwars
01:09.36 ``Erik cyrix
01:09.46 ``Erik will it run on that? :D (civ4, I mean... I know broodwars does)
01:10.08 Twingy with liquid nitrogen and quantum tunneling, yes
03:36.35 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (167 files in 14 dirs): moved all the geometry converter directories from src/. to src/conv/.
03:39.59 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/HACKING: iges converter moved
03:42.06 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/iges/iges.c: a single iges file didn't make it for some bizzare reason, manually move from src/iges to src/conv/iges
03:45.20 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/conv/iges/ (89 files): moved all the geometry converter directories from src/. to src/conv/.
03:46.14 Maloeran Sid Meier games only seem to be getting worse every year
03:52.23 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/util/strchr.c: strchr is provided via libsysv if it's not available
04:01.27 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libsysv/ (strdup.c add strdup.c (moved from src/util)
04:02.34 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/util/ ( strdup.c): moved strdup.c to src/libsysv/.
04:03.21 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libsysv/ (strchr.c strsep.c): header cleanup
04:31.16 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (n=brlcad@pdpc/supporter/silver/brlcad)
04:31.17 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by
04:46.13 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (n=brlcad@pdpc/supporter/silver/brlcad)
04:46.13 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by
06:24.25 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/gtools/g_qa.c: squash a ton of compiler warnings, fix a bug related to printing "" as the invalid units on -g, still doesn't parse the units/values correctly though
06:33.29 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/gtools/g_qa.c: delimit on comma like the docs state, not on dash -- looks like a negative
06:34.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/gtools/g_qa.1: delimit -g option with a comma, not a dash -- dash is indistinguishable from a negative sign
06:35.32 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (BUGS NEWS): fixed the g_qa tolerance option bug
12:27.06 *** join/#brlcad archivist_ (
12:46.13 *** join/#brlcad joevalleyfield (
13:47.11 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
13:58.43 brlcad heh
13:58.47 Twingy_ o.O
13:59.00 Twingy_ circlemud license sucks
13:59.21 ``Erik just to test some of my software against... got a better mud in mind?
13:59.33 ``Erik (all your mud talk makes me wanna work on bmud again)
13:59.54 Twingy_ circle is the best I know of, but I'd write something from scratch before I built on it
14:00.05 Twingy_ you could reconstruct what circle has in a month
14:00.14 ``Erik again, I'm just doing it to test my client software :)
14:00.30 Twingy_ brian is interseting :)
14:01.53 ``Erik heh, what's he doing now?
14:01.59 ``Erik should I grab some popcorn and head down?
14:06.44 ``Erik sean, I abducted control of forge and created a sysadmin project... I'm going to imagine that you should create a 'mortal' account, so people don't start calling you 'admin' on the street :)
14:10.11 brlcad i already have/had a mortal account
14:10.34 ``Erik ah, hm, I tried adding your unix name to the project, said no such account
14:10.56 ``Erik and now I see why, you used your first name :)
14:12.04 ``Erik (or, uh, middle name, rather... :D )
14:12.21 brlcad 3.x (and maybe 4) won't let you create usernames that match existing system user names
14:12.35 ``Erik hrmmmmm
14:12.46 brlcad so you have to either create the gforge account first, then the forge account or hack the db
14:12.54 brlcad or just pick another name, which I did
14:13.14 ``Erik the 4 box just needs some mail stuff set up, right?
14:13.26 brlcad yep, and the data import/migration
14:13.34 brlcad you have an account there, iirc
14:13.47 ``Erik mebbe I'll try to work on that today or tomorrow
14:14.32 ``Erik 151 is freakin' evil
14:14.53 ``Erik and so is java *sigh* *loads idea*
14:15.32 brlcad 151?
14:15.38 ``Erik bacardi
14:15.43 brlcad mmm
14:15.54 Twingy_ rocket fuel
14:15.55 brlcad got a bottle on you?
14:16.05 ``Erik plus stoli, plus saphire, plus beer, ...
14:16.12 ``Erik <-- rubs his head
14:16.17 ``Erik nope
14:16.20 brlcad bah
14:16.23 brlcad ~lart ``Erik
14:16.24 ``Erik left the explosive shit at home
14:16.43 ``Erik but it is pretty cool pouring a shot, setting it on fire in the dark, then drinking it :D
14:17.06 brlcad very cultish
14:17.19 brlcad cult of the bacardi
14:17.23 ``Erik just need somethin' to chase with
14:17.38 brlcad more bacardi
14:17.45 ``Erik gold, maybe, not 151
14:50.23 brlcad joevalleyfield: if you want an account on a machine so you don't have to cgi:irc, let me know
14:56.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rttherm/ have to link static due to librttherm.a, the aix linker, and duplicate symbols in optical/multispectral
14:58.14 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/ cleanup new bot_faces target using COMMON, and utilize COMMON in ALLSRCS
14:59.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/remrt/ 1 per line consistency for easier diff'ing as they change
15:17.45 joevalleyfield brlcad: i would be thankful
15:28.52 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (n=Apathy@
15:29.09 *** join/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (
15:29.36 brlcad joevalleyfield: okie dokie
15:34.17 brlcad after lunch sometime
15:36.12 joevalleyfield i removed the -static flag from the builtin tk's
15:36.18 joevalleyfield any idea which platform needed it?
15:36.44 brlcad i'd have to read the cvs log
15:37.19 joevalleyfield it got there with a reorg
15:37.20 joevalleyfield
15:38.28 joevalleyfield btclsh wasn't happy with it on here; linux didn't seem to mind though
16:51.12 ``Erik that's alcohol abuse
17:29.41 *** join/#brlcad joevalleyfield (
17:35.51 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
18:20.33 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon (
18:37.28 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
19:59.24 *** join/#brlcad joevalleyfield (
20:07.29 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
20:36.07 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon (
20:46.32 Twingy_ find any aluminum?
21:13.11 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon (
21:19.32 *** join/#brlcad LostThePlot (
21:28.01 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon (
21:28.22 AchiestDragon grrrrr
21:39.21 AchiestDragon hate it when that happens , updated to kde3.5beta2 a couple of days ago , then after 2 days of bug free use
21:40.08 AchiestDragon and for no reason the sound system stopped working , and no way to recover it
21:41.28 AchiestDragon so tryed downgradeing back to 3.4 , to find that the reinstall of that failed on a download , and then refused to start kde at all
21:41.55 AchiestDragon currently reinstalling the compleate o/s :(
23:16.46 *** join/#brlcad _AchiestDragon (
23:58.13 *** join/#brlcad _AchiestDragon (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051028

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051028

00:06.48 *** join/#brlcad brlcad ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:13.28 brlcad AchiestDragon: ah, that sucks
00:14.30 LostThePlot o/s reinstalled , just installing the updates
00:50.01 pra5ad yeaaaah! found dreads
00:50.51 ``Erik swank
00:51.23 brlcad yay pizza
00:51.50 pra5ad i need to raid goodwill tomorrow
00:52.31 pra5ad i couldnt find normal gold teef; got the buck tooth one with a diamond in it
00:58.21 pra5ad Twingy, howd ur meeting go
00:58.38 *** join/#brlcad ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
00:58.38 *** mode/#brlcad [+o ChanServ] by
01:01.49 Twingy fine, got about halfway through in 10 minutes and decided to postpone till tommorrow
01:02.11 pra5ad i stole ur time slot
01:02.19 Twingy ...and the one after that
01:02.23 pra5ad =)
01:02.34 pra5ad cell cpu research is a go
01:02.41 pra5ad time to go find a cell dev kit
01:02.54 Twingy good luck :)
01:03.25 Twingy maybe in 5 years you'll have something the analysts can use
01:05.16 pra5ad excellent point =)
01:06.58 pra5ad apparently dixie has an fem background
01:07.08 pra5ad from wmrd
01:08.40 Twingy too bad she doesn't have time/motivation to do something with it
01:09.05 pra5ad we'll see
01:26.12 ``Erik "fem background" as in, she has ran the 70's cfd fortran code before?
01:26.20 Twingy heh
01:26.28 pra5ad wendy was lacking detail
01:26.32 Twingy :)
01:26.55 Twingy details shmetails
01:27.44 ``Erik arl isn't 180 degrees out of phase with the real world, but it's probably in the neighborhood of 90...
01:29.37 Twingy something like that
01:31.35 Twingy I think by tommorrow I more or less will have things in order with my new program
01:31.43 ``Erik gas 2.28, booyeah
01:32.10 ``Erik churchville 'xtra fuels', wawa there was 2.29
01:32.27 *** join/#brlcad _AchiestDragon (
01:32.38 Twingy not bad
01:33.12 ``Erik see, if you were flying again, you'd be driving by these dirt cheap gas stations
01:33.14 ``Erik :D
01:33.44 Twingy heh
01:33.48 Twingy I will
01:33.52 Twingy I think this spring
01:33.58 Twingy I'm ready to get back into it for a third time
01:34.07 Twingy meh, cars are boring
01:34.11 ``Erik I bought gloves, I may be ready by spring
01:34.20 Twingy electric or gas?
01:34.22 ``Erik yeah, but they frown on flying shit around the office
01:34.24 ``Erik gas
01:34.26 ``Erik of course
01:34.27 ``Erik well
01:34.28 ``Erik hrm
01:34.32 ``Erik mebbe high performance electric
01:34.35 Twingy I want that twin
01:34.36 ``Erik charge 'em at work :D
01:34.38 Twingy with tiny gas motors
01:34.44 ``Erik oh, planes? gas
01:34.50 Twingy yah
01:34.51 ``Erik I got a .46 that needs to be broken in
01:34.56 ``Erik the blue os
01:35.05 ``Erik bearings, even
01:35.07 Twingy I that a .46 that's... broken... in :)
01:35.13 Twingy several times in :)
01:35.20 ``Erik like twice the hp of the .40 sleeved I was using
01:35.26 Twingy yea
01:35.37 ``Erik which is why I bought leather gloves
01:35.49 ``Erik with leather backings, none of those lame cotton backings
01:37.42 ``Erik hey, prasad, did I show you my finger pics?
01:38.00 pra5ad yes
01:38.34 ``Erik :D
02:01.10 Twingy server is up
02:01.31 Twingy seems to be snappy agian
02:01.43 Twingy good to go
02:01.45 Twingy so anyway
02:01.51 Twingy I'm thinking we should just leave it as is
02:01.56 Twingy that wasn't so bad, an hour?
02:02.02 Twingy better than things getting fucked up with snap
02:02.11 Twingy 'sides this is the first time in how many months?
02:02.15 Twingy like 7?
02:04.17 ``Erik twingy, yesterdays new sotuhpark is on
02:05.39 Twingy ah
02:05.43 Twingy what time is it?
02:05.47 ``Erik now
02:05.52 Twingy 10:06
02:05.53 Twingy I'm mudding
02:05.58 ``Erik ok, 6 minutes ago
02:05.59 ``Erik log out
02:06.04 ``Erik southprak u up
02:06.05 Twingy I'm close to level 100
02:06.12 ``Erik !!!~!#!~@!~@!~#!~
02:06.12 Guu ``Erik: But I am le-tired.
02:06.26 Twingy heh
02:06.33 Twingy !!!~!#!~@!~@!~#!~
02:06.34 Guu Twingy: WTF?
02:06.41 Twingy !!!~!#!~@!~@!~#!~
02:06.42 Guu Twingy: Poke me there again, and you'll pull back a stump.
02:06.43 ``Erik another shot of 151 says oh fuck yeah
02:06.53 Twingy heh
02:06.58 Twingy finish the bottle yet? :)
02:07.05 ``Erik no, heh
02:07.05 brlcad heh
02:07.09 ``Erik that shit is brutal
02:07.17 Twingy my bottle lasted 4 months?
02:07.21 ``Erik I'm not even 1/2 yet
02:07.27 ``Erik shit, I don't think I'm 1/4 yet
02:07.42 ``Erik yeah, twingy, but you're a puss
02:07.44 ``Erik :D
02:07.46 Twingy the bottle has enough to get me piss drunk 10 times over
02:07.47 ``Erik O:)
02:07.59 Twingy then again I don't drink like a fish
02:08.14 ``Erik given that it's 17 shots, at twice the normal content, so equivelantly
02:08.15 ``Erik uh
02:08.17 ``Erik 34?
02:08.20 ``Erik shots?
02:08.26 Twingy yah
02:08.32 ``Erik means you're a 3.4 shot drunk
02:08.40 Twingy that's about 10 sakes?
02:08.54 ``Erik sake varies a lot
02:08.59 Twingy well, the stuff we had
02:09.03 ``Erik heh
02:09.05 ``Erik mebbe
02:09.15 ``Erik mebbe more sakes...
02:09.18 Twingy I think 3.4 shots and I'd be comfortably num
02:09.20 Twingy numb
02:09.23 ``Erik the shit we had wasn't all that great
02:09.31 Twingy far better than previous years
02:09.47 ``Erik I think I got more of a buzz from the social significance than the alcohol
02:09.48 Twingy combined
02:10.04 ``Erik cheapassed american sake *shakes fist*
02:10.18 Twingy that was jap no?
02:10.38 ``Erik DUDE, sp, butters is "margarine", who likes getting "her" snootch pouted on friday night
02:10.43 ``Erik no, it was cali, dude
02:10.54 ``Erik you musta been swimmin' that night :)
02:11.13 Twingy aha, level 100
02:11.16 ``Erik californian sake *shudder*
02:11.29 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
02:11.46 ``Erik ah, look, a dorque :D
02:13.25 Twingy k, I'll go watch
02:34.54 pra5ad rofl civ4 just bsod and restart the box
02:42.48 brlcad quality
02:55.33 Twingy that was amusing
02:55.50 Twingy sounds like ole' Sid is slacking off
04:11.47 pra5ad ohhh i just found baghdad
04:11.58 pra5ad time for operation iraqi freedom
04:12.38 Twingy get get'em tiger
04:31.30 *** join/#brlcad mahesh (
06:31.28 *** join/#brlcad peterson_ (n=peterson@
06:31.41 peterson_ hui
06:31.44 peterson_ i mean, hi :)
06:32.15 dhpeterson just starting with brlcad
06:32.25 dhpeterson does anyone know of a good reference to CSG
06:32.35 dhpeterson (constructive solid geometry)
06:33.05 dhpeterson specifically I am trying to understand the relative effectiveness of building models using CSG vs building models in other (CAD) ways
06:33.29 dhpeterson for example, from what i know of pro/e, it supports more of a "parametrized" solid geomery model, rather than CSG
06:33.40 dhpeterson i would like some pointers to references if possible
06:35.22 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
12:29.05 *** join/#brlcad joevalleyfield (
13:20.54 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
13:25.20 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
13:30.40 ``Erik yarhg.
13:30.53 Twingy_ Arrrr
13:31.35 brlcad you guys missed talk like a pirate day
13:31.49 brlcad ``Erik: how's the stomach lining holding out?
13:31.54 ``Erik still there
13:31.56 ``Erik why? :)
13:32.16 Twingy_ cause you've got a big wet spot on your shirt
13:33.29 Twingy_ hrm
13:33.35 Twingy_ I recnk'n that logo meeting will end soon
13:33.51 ``Erik heh, fucking retarded waste of time and money.
13:33.58 Twingy_ *nod*
13:35.27 Twingy_ haha
13:35.33 Twingy_ George Takei, 'Trek's' Sulu: I'm gay
13:35.46 Twingy_ George Takei and his partner have been together for 18 years.
13:35.57 ``Erik mr... sulu........ set course.... for..... the closet..... sector....
13:36.25 Twingy_ beam me up scotty, up scotty, UP SCOTTY, err uhh
13:36.59 Twingy_ woo
13:37.02 Twingy_ Huricane Beta
13:37.11 Twingy_ That one should hid redmond
13:37.17 Twingy_ making the world a better place
13:39.49 ``Erik heh
13:52.13 brlcad heh
14:20.13 Twingy_ hey mal
15:32.53 Twingy_ logos, wee
16:12.11 *** join/#brlcad joevalleyfield (
16:49.54 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
17:06.41 brlcad joevalleyfield: ping
17:17.36 ``Erik they all suck o.O
17:18.51 ``Erik hehehehe (define (ccor a b) (call/cc (lambda (x) (if a (x #t)) (if b (x #t)) #f)))
17:21.14 brlcad #f ?
17:23.25 brlcad just compiles a or b, no?
17:24.45 ``Erik sorta, but with some stack manipulation, controlled intrepretted short circuit
17:25.54 ``Erik so if you do (or (some wonk) (someother crap)), it evalutates (some wonk) and (someother crap), then does an or, this ccor does (some wonk), tests the result, then continues execution if decidable, or computes the someother if not
17:26.23 ``Erik #f is the 'default' clause
17:26.35 brlcad so like a no-op
17:27.11 *** join/#brlcad IngMan (
17:27.14 ``Erik I coulda done (x #f) to follow form, but it falls through ok
17:27.43 brlcad that's effectively providing C-style or's which is a little twisted, but funny ;)
17:27.50 ``Erik ayup
17:33.15 ``Erik twingy, two drivers reporting degraded now
17:35.32 Twingy_ same controller?
19:08.24 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ since is a succint step, presume that we simply want to end up with the same COPYING and INSTALL that we started with, so restore from backup if they change regardless of the current revision
19:25.03 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
21:48.09 ``Erik *yawn*
22:14.58 pra5ad YEEEAAAAAAAH
22:36.06 ``Erik heh
22:36.25 ``Erik we expect pictures on monday.
23:41.23 *** join/#brlcad mahesh (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051029

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051029

02:28.07 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
03:11.06 DTRemenak the in-tree copy of jove fails to compile for me. seems to be because _GNU_SOURCE gets defined by configure. adding an appropriate #undef to jove.h fixes it, but I dunno what you folks would prefer.
03:12.31 brlcad hmm
03:12.49 brlcad jove is not really a huge concern, whatever makes it work ;)
03:12.54 DTRemenak heh
03:13.09 brlcad it's one of the few where not even the warnings are quelled
03:13.21 DTRemenak I'm somewhat curious why it's required, actually
03:13.47 brlcad that's history that goes back a LONG ways
03:13.55 DTRemenak heh :)
03:14.20 brlcad preinternet days, pre networked machines often
03:15.12 brlcad it was so when brl-cad was installed on a system that had no editor or at least no decent editor, there would be at least jove (some brl-cad functions require editing files, so ..)
03:15.29 brlcad jove is basically a very stripped down version of emacs
03:15.38 brlcad "jonathans own version of emacs"
03:16.07 DTRemenak ah. and it's kept around why? :)
03:16.25 brlcad these days, it's included mainly because there are a slew of old brl-cad users that grew up with it, rely on it, and expect it
03:16.34 brlcad and try to take an editor away from a zealot..
03:17.04 brlcad i pulled it once, instantly heard complaints :)
03:17.14 DTRemenak heh :)
03:17.35 brlcad so now it builds only if it doesn't detect a jove installed (you can disable it of course too)
03:17.53 brlcad odd that _GNU_SOURCE would be an issue
03:18.36 DTRemenak getline is defined by stdio.h if _GNU_SOURCE is defined
03:18.43 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03dtremenak * 10brlcad/src/other/jove/jove.h: jove.h conflicts with stdio.h if _GNU_SOURCE is defined. make sure it's not.
03:18.44 DTRemenak a different getline is defined by jove.h
03:18.57 brlcad ah
03:24.11 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
04:07.27 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
04:09.21 DTRemenak do_subfigs.c:38:28: ../librt/debug.h: No such file or directory
04:10.58 DTRemenak seems to be ../../librt/debug.h
04:12.04 brlcad eh?
04:12.19 brlcad what system is this?
04:12.58 DTRemenak Slackware Linux 10.2. Linux dtremenak 2.4.31 #6 Sun Jun 5 19:04:47 PDT 2005 i686 unknown unknown GNU/Linux
04:13.33 brlcad ahh, slack -- haven't had hands on that in ages
04:13.52 DTRemenak do_subfigs is in src/conv/iges. have to go up two levels to get to librt.
04:13.57 brlcad and that iges directory was _just_ moved yesterday
04:14.01 DTRemenak ahh
04:14.03 brlcad haven't tested extensively
04:14.17 DTRemenak "haven't tested extensively" -> "haven't built"? :)
04:14.22 brlcad it used to be in src/iges, now in src/conv/iges with the other converters
04:14.32 brlcad well, you know how that goes with me sometimes :)
04:14.44 brlcad I thought I did :)
04:15.53 DTRemenak getting the same thing from jack
04:16.50 brlcad maybe it's cause I did a make test after the build targets were already created.. :)
04:16.57 brlcad jack is another converter
04:17.04 DTRemenak yup
04:17.08 DTRemenak moved at the same time?
04:17.10 brlcad as are all the subdirs in conv/
04:17.15 brlcad yep -- all of them
04:17.38 DTRemenak those are the only two that complained. perhaps the others don't include librt/debug.h
04:18.24 DTRemenak or maybe it's not done
04:21.24 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/conv/ (8 files in 3 dirs): fix relative include paths after the move to src/conv (thanks dtr)
04:21.52 DTRemenak heh. I knew that would happen. cvs commit: Up-to-date check failed for `iges/do_subfigs.c'
04:22.00 brlcad hehe, sorry
04:22.05 brlcad shoulda said something
04:22.59 DTRemenak g-iges.c:71:29: ../../iges/iges.h: No such file or directory
04:23.11 DTRemenak not all the relative paths are wrong :)
04:23.28 brlcad typo :)
04:24.05 brlcad yeah, only made that mistake once
04:24.11 brlcad should be just ./iges.h
04:24.18 DTRemenak ah, ok
04:24.20 brlcad me or you got it? :)
04:25.00 DTRemenak looks like you also missed the ones in jack
04:25.21 brlcad i did?!
04:25.31 DTRemenak one of them
04:25.44 DTRemenak in g-jack.c
04:25.46 DTRemenak I got them
04:25.59 brlcad ah, yeah i see it
04:26.04 brlcad missed the line in emacs output
04:26.13 brlcad eyes are cross-eyeing
04:26.31 brlcad probably shouldn't commit after all this wine
04:26.52 DTRemenak heh :)
04:27.16 brlcad but i gather if I can still type, can't be that bad ;)
04:27.47 DTRemenak haven't noticed any bad typing mistakes yet :)
04:28.04 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03dtremenak * 10brlcad/src/conv/ (iges/g-iges.c jack/g-jack.c): librt is two levels away. iges is one level away.
04:28.08 brlcad saving a major commit of new code for tomorrow
04:28.52 DTRemenak what fun
04:28.59 DTRemenak anything interesting?
04:29.42 brlcad somewhat
04:30.07 brlcad depends on what you want, for you perhaps not :)
04:30.38 brlcad we have access to some equipment, actually it's surveying equipment
04:30.48 brlcad very high precision stuff, 40k pricetags and whatnot
04:30.51 DTRemenak cool
04:31.12 brlcad you set the system up, calibrate and have this variable length staff/pole with sensors on it
04:31.44 brlcad the system knows where a tip of the pole is in 3-space and you can acquire highly precise 3d points with it
04:32.19 brlcad this code lets you take sets of that point data acquired in a predetermined manner and automatically create geometry from it
04:32.59 brlcad like for a sheet of metal, you'd collect points on the contour of the object, and then a depth point -- that is automatically converted into geometry in the cad system on import
04:33.06 DTRemenak ah, nifty
04:33.15 brlcad very cool, huge timesaver for reverse-modeling
04:33.57 brlcad which is a pretty darn common need surprisingly enough
04:34.51 DTRemenak why is it so common? do people just not keep their original design files around?
04:35.40 brlcad huge disconnects between modelers, vendors, contractors, manufacturers, etc
04:36.04 DTRemenak ah
04:36.06 brlcad everyone wants major $$ to provide for whatever the other guy needs
04:36.17 brlcad so rarely is stuff just shared
04:36.37 brlcad especially if the terms aren't built into the contracts, which are very often the case
04:36.41 DTRemenak so instead, they spend $$ on equipment to figure it out? :)
04:37.04 brlcad different scale of "major" $$
04:37.27 brlcad a 5 digit piece of equipment is "cheap" in that context
04:37.33 DTRemenak yeah, I know. just muttering about waste. you know me and efficiency.
04:37.40 brlcad yeah
04:58.17 *** join/#brlcad mahesh (
04:59.32 *** join/#brlcad mahesh (
05:24.46 mahesh Sean, had a question
05:45.54 brlcad mahesh: fire away
05:46.00 mahesh oh there you are
05:46.02 brlcad mahesh: great to hear about the progress!
05:46.10 brlcad sounded excellent!
05:46.14 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/conv/iges/g-iges.c: just reference current dir instead of up and down to iges dir
05:48.36 mahesh in worker.c, there is cur_pixel and last_pixel
05:49.04 mahesh basically, do_pixel is called for each pixel from cur_pixel to last_pixel
05:49.29 mahesh but even if i set both of them to 0, the program seems to be running fine
05:49.43 mahesh that is, the image is being created
05:49.56 mahesh why is that? it should not have created the image right?
05:51.48 brlcad hmm
05:53.51 brlcad i can see setting both to zero could be troublesome
05:53.58 brlcad it's not meant to be called with "no work" to do
05:54.16 brlcad so probably the per_processor_chunk lets it skip the check
05:54.36 mahesh oh
05:55.33 mahesh another thing i tried was
05:55.42 brlcad test out real bounds like setting cur_pixel to half the image, and last to last pixel
05:56.03 mahesh ok
05:56.32 brlcad you also realize, I hope, that brl-cad uses first-quadrant image coordinates
05:56.44 brlcad i.e. 0,0 is left bottom corner of the image
05:57.44 mahesh where is this x and y coordinates here....cur_pixel is 0 and last_pixel is 262143 for the model i am working on
05:58.28 mahesh per_processor_chunk number of them is being assigned to each processor
05:59.06 brlcad cur_pixel would be bottom-left pixel at 0, 262143 would be the last pixel in the default image size in the top-right corner
06:00.04 mahesh it
06:00.35 mahesh do you know how exactly this code runs on smp machine
06:00.48 mahesh say, i am running on dual processor machine
06:00.59 brlcad pretty much, though I still read code for reference ;)
06:01.37 mahesh is main() which is the starting point of execution run by both processors?
06:01.48 brlcad no
06:02.03 brlcad inside bu_parallel is where the multi-execution begins
06:02.04 mahesh ok...because in mpi that is how it works
06:02.25 brlcad right
06:02.34 mahesh i have to use some conditions to make only one processor start it
06:03.08 mahesh none of the other processors come into picture till the worker function is called right?
06:03.32 brlcad you could let them all run with exactly the same task specification, but recognize a designated host as the controller
06:04.24 brlcad say, for example, if you have them all check if current node == node that initiated the job (or node specified on the command line, whatever) then talk to that node for getting tasks of work
06:04.56 brlcad the alternative, like you mention, is to have just one exec that invokes all of the mpi nodes into action
06:05.15 brlcad i initially was thinking the latter too (and it would make for a more maintainable application)
06:05.47 brlcad but if it's too difficult, then I'd just as quickly ditch it ;) more important to get functioning first than it is to get functioning beautifully ;)
06:06.39 mahesh true...i really want to get some stuff working
06:06.39 brlcad and to answer your question, yes -- none of the other processors come into the picture until worker is called (except that prepr can be performend in parallel too, but that's a minor detail)
06:07.14 brlcad sounds like you're making progress from what you wrote
06:07.48 mahesh little bit, i think
06:08.37 mahesh ok, one last question for the day
06:09.54 mahesh assume that controller gave chunks of pixels to each node. They all called do_pixel on each pixel they received
06:10.21 brlcad okay
06:11.03 mahesh to perform do_pixel, dont they have to have populated application structure or tree structure whatever
06:11.24 brlcad by the way, this is sort of what I envisioned in a simplistic tutorial view of how it'd communicate to a single node for requesting work:
06:12.26 mahesh oh wow....thanks for the link
06:13.24 brlcad alternatively, something like for distributing the full job to everyone and negotiating who works on what via the scatter/reduction
06:13.48 brlcad one of those two should be considerably easier than the other ;)
06:14.09 brlcad not sure which.. the first has setup issues, the other has communication issues
06:14.58 mahesh it should be fun, i will be look into it
06:14.59 brlcad to perform do_pixel, it will need to have performed an rt_dirbuild and a prep
06:15.28 mahesh good. i was right..just wanted to confirm
06:15.31 brlcad so you'll need to communicate the .g data to the remote hosts
06:15.41 brlcad and prep each one independently
06:16.19 brlcad that cost is pretty much fixed per model per node
06:16.40 mahesh and once they are done with do_pixel, there will be RGB values right which they have to give it back to controller?
06:16.50 brlcad though you can amortize that cost over multiple simultaneous frames (e.g. animations)
06:17.02 brlcad yes, exactly
06:17.26 brlcad the rgb values will be the result that has to get passed back to the controler so it can piece it all together
06:17.47 mahesh and that is in a_color or something like that
06:17.53 brlcad yep
06:19.39 mahesh weekend will be fun with this!
06:19.42 brlcad after every single pixel it calls view_pixel() inside do_pixel() and for each line, it calls view_eol()
06:20.09 brlcad do_pixel is of course called by worker()
06:20.30 mahesh do i have to take care of those things (that is view_pixel and view_eol)?
06:21.02 brlcad no, you shouldn't have to I wouldn't think though you could
06:21.13 brlcad i'd suggest you don't just to minimize impact ;)
06:22.03 brlcad but what you ultimately need to get the mpi going might make that a more complicated task, dunno.. ;)
06:22.47 mahesh well, actually speaking, i should right? because do_pixel running on remote machine means view_pixel also is on remote machine but view_pixel should be called on local machine
06:23.15 mahesh or may be i got it wrong
06:23.33 brlcad no you got it right
06:24.01 brlcad but you don't necessarily need to replace view_pixel()
06:24.25 mahesh ok
06:24.32 brlcad maybe just do_pixel.. and do_pixel sends results back .. or buffers then and worker() sends them back
06:25.30 mahesh yeah
06:25.55 mahesh when do you sleep?
06:26.06 brlcad what's that? :)
06:26.11 mahesh ha ha
06:26.19 mahesh its 1:25
06:26.35 brlcad it's 2:30am here now
06:26.52 mahesh oh EST
06:28.34 brlcad i'll be lively and sober again in a few hours
06:28.59 brlcad probably 6 or 7 your time
06:29.48 mahesh my day will be ruined if i get up at 6 or 7
06:31.23 brlcad well, feel free to just sit and idle -- I read the log
06:31.42 brlcad i'll answer you directly, or to memoserv or via e-mail eventually
06:31.50 mahesh ok
06:32.03 mahesh thanks for clarifying all my doubts
06:32.08 brlcad no problem
06:32.13 brlcad great work on the progress
06:32.30 mahesh thanks
06:32.48 brlcad probably a good first step is to distribute the .g file from a single master to all the others via mpi
06:33.08 brlcad and prep all of the remote using this .g
06:33.45 brlcad or just presume they all have disk access (is it common in a cluster to have distributed filesystem access?)
06:34.07 mahesh not necessarily
06:34.36 brlcad so yeah, some mpi-means to transfer the .g for prep
06:35.19 mahesh i shall do it that way
06:37.26 brlcad probably can work out some sort of mpi tricks in that case since any peer that has the portion you need will serve just as well as the master node
06:37.52 brlcad a broadcast scatter/gather of some sort
06:38.21 mahesh i have ideas about that, but i want to use them only after i get this initial stuff done
06:38.34 brlcad well, hope to hear how it goes :)
06:38.36 brlcad good luck
06:40.27 mahesh thanks
07:58.00 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
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15:42.05 *** join/#brlcad mahesh_ (
17:45.22 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libtclcad/ revert tk back in, the lib uses tk extensively so it needs to be on the list
17:48.42 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/bwish/ try making the libs consistent between bwish and btclsh to get around symbol and run-time issues
18:58.13 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/libtk/ don't link libtk static, causes trouble in libtclcad on altix where non-PIC get included which causes an ld failure.
20:05.42 *** join/#brlcad cad155 (
21:29.28 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/points/ (main.c points_parse.y points_scan.l process.c process.h):
21:29.29 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: initial files for a points file parser that reads them all in and processes
21:29.29 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: groups of them at a time based on recognized line labels. data collected in a
21:29.29 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: requisite order may then be automatically turned into geometry using a tclscript
21:29.29 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: helper code.
21:30.34 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/points/ (count.c count.h): generic counting routines for reporting parse/scan statistics
21:30.57 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/points/ initial for building a utility library to be used by mged for reading point files
21:31.29 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ generate the makefile for src/mged/points
21:31.48 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/ traverse into the points subdir too
21:32.46 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/ (cmd.h cmd.c): export the cmd_parse_points routine for parsing point files
21:33.15 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/chgview.c: comment cleanup, several functions have disappeared or been renamed
21:34.24 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/ged.h: there is no f_edit()
21:36.39 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/points/ wrong fast objects list, no sense just making it static -- libtool will figure it out
21:39.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/mged/points.tcl: initial points tclscript for generating geometry based on sets of points being processed in certain styles, written by lee -- works in conjunction with the src/mged/points library that parses the points from a given file
21:39.20 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/mged/ include the points.tcl file
21:42.12 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
23:04.44 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/points/ (main.c process.h): header file is named points_parse.h now
23:04.54 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/points/ designate the BUILT_SOURCES so that they are generated first
23:09.31 brlcad <PROTECTED>
23:28.21 PrezKennedy hey its goin well
23:28.28 PrezKennedy bit tired
23:31.15 brlcad how's the site work been going?
23:31.29 brlcad or have you been doing other stuff
23:32.47 PrezKennedy its going ok other than all the annoying limitations at sourceforge
23:33.05 brlcad if you've got some time, there's something else I'd like you to work on if you're interested that's not website-related
23:33.14 PrezKennedy ok what is it
23:33.51 brlcad remember the docs I mentioned earlier
23:33.57 PrezKennedy yeah
23:34.03 brlcad there are several that I'd like to make
23:34.10 PrezKennedy ok
23:34.44 brlcad one being a history of the package, the other a current overview of what's in the package now
23:35.11 brlcad the latter is something that would really be useful
23:35.26 brlcad and wouldn't be too difficult to put together
23:35.36 PrezKennedy can i put it together using the info already up?
23:36.29 brlcad sure
23:36.41 brlcad it can all go onto a web page, or into a spreadsheet
23:36.48 brlcad or even into a simple text file for that matter
23:37.22 PrezKennedy jok ill get on that tonight
23:37.27 brlcad it'd be a mini database of all the tools and libraries, with a short description of each one
23:38.09 brlcad there's over 400 tools and about 2 dozen libraries to describe
23:38.36 PrezKennedy yeah i knew there were a lot
23:38.50 PrezKennedy where can i find out what each does?
23:39.18 brlcad keep in mind any information that might be useful to an outsider, try to come up with a set of categories too like "image converter", "geometry converter", "geometry tool", "data processing tool", "framebuffer I/O tool", etc
23:39.31 PrezKennedy ok
23:40.05 brlcad you'll need a source download of the package, and perhaps a binary one too just to get a list of what's installed
23:40.33 brlcad about 1/4th have man pages
23:40.54 brlcad so those should be pretty easy, just copy the description line out of there, maybe clean up the engrish ;)
23:41.16 PrezKennedy engrish is the best
23:41.57 brlcad for the others, there's usually a line or two description at the top of their source files, or they have a usage statement
23:42.09 PrezKennedy ok
23:42.27 brlcad a spreadsheet or database probably will work best for being able to go back and see what's known and what's not
23:48.03 AchiestDragon is cvs buildable at the moment , or would i be better waiting before doing a cvs up ?
23:49.01 brlcad AchiestDragon: I'd suggest waiting just a little bit to make sure you don't get an update in the middle of a commit with the 5 hour anonymous cvs window and all
23:49.12 brlcad but yes, it should be buildable
23:49.17 AchiestDragon k
23:49.26 brlcad easy enough to try ;)
23:50.11 AchiestDragon :) just better to ask with all the commits going in , dont want to get some that need another thats ont yet entered
23:51.57 brlcad in general, when there's a slight lull, it's safe and working ;)
23:52.11 brlcad but not a bad idea
23:53.46 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/
23:53.46 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: itcl doesn't need to include the include directory, in fact it causes problems
23:53.46 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: since it can pick up our itcl.h which picks up our tcl.h which requires common.h
23:53.46 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: which requires HAVE_CONFIG_H to be defined which causes problems. (thanks Stefan
23:53.46 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: Fiedler) in face, don't add include to our overall cppflags either since
23:53.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: autoheader is supposed to take care of this in the makefiles
23:55.49 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: fixed itcl configuration issue
23:56.23 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051030

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051030

01:15.56 ``Erik *yawn*
02:08.49 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03johnranderson * 10brlcad/src/conv/iges/trimsurf.c: Convtrimsurfs() was calling nmg_km() when it shouldn't
02:11.52 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03johnranderson * 10brlcad/src/librt/g_nmg.c: rt_nmg_export5() broke out of loop too early. Changed "break" into an if block
02:57.07 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
05:11.15 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
05:43.13 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: john fixed bug in dxf-g and nmg export
06:23.14 pra5ad well then
06:23.18 pra5ad lil john was a hit
06:23.26 pra5ad need to bug ppl for pix
14:57.18 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
15:09.45 ``Erik *yawn*
17:26.21 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
17:26.51 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon (
18:22.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: added los and material name support to librtserver
18:35.34 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: point parsing/import interface to mged
18:37.46 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/ jove must come after termlib (fixes sf bug 1342352 from nohn)
20:36.07 AchiestDragon :(
20:36.10 AchiestDragon config.status: error: cannot find input file: src/conv/comgeom/
20:38.33 AchiestDragon after cvs up
20:39.08 AchiestDragon the dir src/conv/comgeom is present in the tree but empty
20:42.49 brlcad AchiestDragon: update -dP ?
20:44.46 brlcad if you did update -dP, then anonymous is just lagging, but it should have those updates by now
20:45.51 AchiestDragon did >cvs up first ,, just tryed > cvs up -dP ,, and still get same error on ./configure
20:46.26 brlcad did cvs update -dP update files?
20:46.47 AchiestDragon yes
20:47.05 AchiestDragon the up is to update isnt it
20:47.09 brlcad good, then you'll need to ./ again since there are new/modified Makefile.ams
20:47.28 brlcad yes up == update
20:52.07 AchiestDragon :)
20:54.18 brlcad you have to run or autoreconf anytime a is added or changes
20:54.56 AchiestDragon is used to kde where its > make -f Makefile.cvs
20:55.31 ``Erik o.O
20:56.04 brlcad heh
20:56.28 brlcad i suppose we could add such a makefile, but it's generally more common to just reautogen in projects
20:57.02 ``Erik heh, or gmake and let it autoregen for you
20:58.55 brlcad gmake doesn't run it for you.. the makefile has rules to update them if configure/autoconf detected a gnu make
20:59.23 brlcad and detected the tools necessary
20:59.42 ``Erik meh, functionally equivelant
21:00.02 ``Erik update, run gmake, automake is run *shrug*
21:00.17 AchiestDragon np as long as theres a way ,
21:00.46 ``Erik automake-1.9, for example, does nto exist on fbsd, it's automake19 ...
21:01.29 ``Erik and i'm not quite sure who to shake my fist at... gnu for sucking, or fbsd for cockblocking
21:01.50 ``Erik heh
21:01.59 brlcad either/both should be a little more accommodating
21:02.02 ``Erik indeed
21:02.42 ``Erik the gnu guys imagine that everyone is using gnu/linux, and the fbsd guys consider autoconf an unnecessary burden, since everyone should be using fbsd
21:02.44 AchiestDragon prefer the ./configure ,, make ,, make install, way its what im used to , if its ./ first then fine
21:03.12 brlcad AchiestDragon: it's only first because you are working out of CVS
21:03.16 ``Erik "configure && make && make install" is a post-developer type setup... if you grab the tarball of brlcad, it's that way
21:03.24 brlcad if you download a source tarball, it's just ./configure make make install
21:03.39 AchiestDragon yes understand that
21:03.52 ``Erik and it's a whole hell of a lot better than "cake" imho
21:03.54 brlcad all configure-based projects are that way
21:04.10 brlcad yep
21:04.41 ``Erik *sigh* I used to do valuable things before this damn m3 project. :(
21:05.10 ``Erik and I can't convince justin to step out and say "I need erik's help for blah
21:13.22 ``Erik o.O
21:15.44 AchiestDragon getting alot of :-
21:15.56 AchiestDragon <PROTECTED>
21:17.57 brlcad not important
21:35.14 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ see if they have sched.h (aix fix)
21:35.26 ``Erik heh
21:38.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/parallel.c: include sched.h if it's available instead of sys/sched.h (aix fix)
21:53.24 AchiestDragon well compiled and now running ok
21:53.39 AchiestDragon still no archer for linux
21:57.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: fixed jove compilation issues
21:59.27 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ (14 files in 9 dirs): remove C++-style // comments as there's no assumption of c99 compiler compliance yet, only c89 (mostly aix compiler though other old compilers too)
21:59.45 brlcad AchiestDragon: when you see commit messages about merging bobWinPort to HEAD will be when archer starts to appear ;)
21:59.57 AchiestDragon k :)
22:14.53 AchiestDragon another bug ?
22:15.39 AchiestDragon < graphics window does not update while error message is beeing displayed
22:17.15 brlcad not exactly a bug, but certainly bad/undesirable behavior
22:40.20 ``Erik I'm under the impression that nmg stuff is ass buggy
22:41.04 brlcad some bugs
22:41.07 brlcad lots of complexity
22:41.24 ``Erik it's the part that handles facetization, right?
22:41.33 brlcad the complexity gets it more than anything, lots of cases not accounted for (as they were never encountered during development)
22:42.03 brlcad so they are encountered finally, and then bad things happen "sometimes" (sometimes not too)
22:42.15 brlcad yeah, that's what handles facetization
22:42.26 ``Erik which is ass slow and buggy... :D *duck*
22:43.40 ``Erik O.o
22:44.01 ``Erik and losing half your geometry during teh 2nmg pass is uncool
22:44.19 ``Erik if only someone had the time to fix it...
22:46.05 brlcad well, the alternative in those cases is abort or crash
22:46.23 brlcad since it was something unknown
22:46.40 brlcad it is ass slow and buggy
22:47.06 ``Erik personally, I'd favor noise abort, with a flag to force 'bad data' to be allowed
22:47.10 ``Erik noisey, even
22:47.23 ``Erik loss of data is a cardinal sin o.O
22:47.49 brlcad it's not bad data though - just don't know how to handle it (yet)
22:48.10 brlcad and not converting anything is generally even less useful than converting something :)
22:48.14 ``Erik well, it's a loss of data
22:48.46 ``Erik if I convert object X to object Y, and Y is missing big honkin' chunks, what use was the conversion?
22:48.49 brlcad data's already being "lost" because we're going from an implicit model to an explicit one
22:49.20 ``Erik true, it's coarser by necessity, but when entire regions simply vanish...?
22:49.39 brlcad the use is that you can always convert subportions when a higher level might fail
22:50.06 brlcad so even if a portion is missing, I could figure out which that was, and export that one individually
22:50.40 brlcad (which was the process in the past when there wasn't time to debug)
22:50.50 ``Erik *shrug* i'm still brlcad illiterate, so'z all I can see is "lots of shit is missing"
22:54.04 brlcad maybe i'll beat mike to reimplementing a new tesselator *cough*
22:54.16 ``Erik <-- looks at the clock
22:54.17 brlcad he's somewhat tasked with that indirectly via meshing
22:54.24 ``Erik better step to that, you only have, um
22:54.26 ``Erik 20 or so years
22:54.53 ``Erik I thought he was tasked with a voxel generator?
22:55.24 ``Erik extracting voxel info from brlcad geometry might take a whole 2 hours? the hard part is writing to the "common" format
22:55.47 brlcad depends who you ask and for what
22:56.05 brlcad fem analysis is the base need
22:56.08 ``Erik what's the voxel format lee decided is necessary? starts with n?
22:56.26 brlcad voxels is stuff lee's thinking is sufficient
22:56.49 brlcad though hardly _any_ fem codes prefer regularly gridded meshes
22:57.15 ``Erik heh
22:57.19 brlcad you just don't get good energy simulation/propagation with regularlized voxel grids
22:57.34 brlcad most use adaptive tetrahedral meshes
22:57.42 ``Erik cutting edge is mixed tetrahedron and hexahedron mesh with an active wall
22:57.50 brlcad yeah
22:58.18 ``Erik I tried to tell wendy that I'd be perfect for the fem shit
22:58.20 ``Erik o.O
22:59.02 brlcad i don't think the direction he's suggesting is a good one at all, rather nieve direction really but who knows, it might be sufficient
22:59.08 brlcad even if it's inherintly wrong
22:59.14 brlcad or utterly inefficient
22:59.27 ``Erik who, lee?
22:59.44 brlcad who else
22:59.52 ``Erik <-- swigs more flammable shit
22:59.53 ``Erik o.O
23:00.11 ``Erik hm, "chronicles of riddick" is on tv
23:00.30 ``Erik sometimes lee has a good idea, but I think they may be diamonds in a turd pile
23:00.44 brlcad there were several excellent meshing papers at solid modeling, he's totally ignoring current research
23:00.55 ``Erik but at least when proven wrong, he's willing to admit he was wrong, no?
23:01.01 ``Erik unlike... many....
23:01.02 ``Erik :)
23:01.10 brlcad :)
23:01.30 brlcad also not that the person tasked will be able to implement any of the latest ideas
23:01.53 brlcad or even what's currently being suggested
23:01.59 ``Erik he also provides an effective and astonishing level of protection for those under him, I didn't realize to what extent until after the 'team split'
23:01.59 brlcad without lots of help
23:02.29 ``Erik if by "help" you mean someone doing for him... :D
23:03.20 ``Erik he might actually have some ability, I've just never seen him actually produce
23:03.47 brlcad he's good at fast solutions to a specific problem
23:03.54 ``Erik (he who? I mean mg)
23:04.01 brlcad might not be maintainable, or readable, or extensible
23:04.13 brlcad but it usually works, and works well enough for what was needed at the time ;)
23:04.26 brlcad and didn't take too long to implement
23:04.37 brlcad at least if we're talking code
23:05.16 brlcad ahh, i didnt mean him of course if it wasn't obvious.. ;)
23:06.41 ``Erik figured, heh
23:07.12 ``Erik <-- watches chronicles of riddick and waits for his tamales and margarita
23:51.29 AchiestDragon given current situation here , going to have to spend some time securing the firewall , and getting up to date on net securaty
23:52.08 AchiestDragon and find out what legal action i can take against yahoo :(
23:52.57 AchiestDragon dam spammers
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051031

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051031

00:11.25 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (4 files in 2 dirs): consistent casting of the nmg_visit state pointers, don't need a double pointer (genptr_t IS a pointer already!)
00:20.15 AchiestDragon was getting spam advertizing yahoo geocitys sites , so emails yahoo , it stoped but
00:21.51 AchiestDragon then startes getting lots of email returned notices from diferent places , so thay stoped sending me email but are spoofing my email addresses for sending there spam
00:21.59 AchiestDragon so emailed them over this
00:22.08 ``Erik heh... "shit! I hate not being the bad guys"
00:22.11 AchiestDragon now getting viruses in my emais
00:22.21 AchiestDragon so its time for legal action
00:23.11 AchiestDragon glad there win32 viruses , so thay dont work in linux but thats not the point
00:23.26 AchiestDragon what next ? :(
01:36.27 PrezKennedy AchiestDragon, are you positive its actually yahoo? its not hard to spoof an email address
01:38.31 AchiestDragon as far as i know , the emails recived today that came with the virus are titled re:yahoo!
01:39.52 PrezKennedy uhh... that means nothing
01:41.59 AchiestDragon what gets me is normaly if a machine of someone i know gets a virus it sends 1 copy out to everyone on the mailing list
01:42.36 AchiestDragon im getting multiple emails with viruses from the same spoofed email
01:43.00 PrezKennedy welcome to my life
01:43.07 PrezKennedy except i get them everyday
01:43.15 PrezKennedy on the order of 20+
01:44.37 AchiestDragon my g/f managed to get 50 viruses infecting her system in one day a while ago , with virus protection installed and running
01:47.52 AchiestDragon what makes me think is i emaild yahoo over the spam , and it stopped , then again over the use of spoofing my email address , that seems to have stoped also , now this
01:48.29 AchiestDragon so it appears to point to them beeing able to contact those responcable in some way
01:52.18 AchiestDragon viruses where part of the reason i swiched to linux , the other beeing microsoft
01:55.52 PrezKennedy its highly unlikely yahoo would do that
01:56.41 AchiestDragon well its those responcable for advertizing the geocity sites that are now owned by them
01:57.04 PrezKennedy are you sure it isnt spoofing the links too?
01:58.13 AchiestDragon ? , anyway the events have been reported, so will hear from them about it
02:00.09 PrezKennedy would you mind forwarding one to me?
02:00.15 PrezKennedy of the virus emails?
02:00.31 PrezKennedy or one of the geocities ones?
02:00.59 AchiestDragon will do , wont include the actual virus though
02:01.15 PrezKennedy eh just forward the whole thing
02:01.21 PrezKennedy
02:16.04 AchiestDragon k sent , dont think it sent the virus
02:18.25 AchiestDragon theres the asci version of it in the email but it did not send it as an attachment ( because the attachment is still in the original email and not saved as a file on disk )
02:20.41 AchiestDragon but the virus is Win32.Bagle.BT@mm
02:38.05 PrezKennedy guess gmail filtered it cuz i didnt get it
02:38.46 AchiestDragon ha thats the other problem i got since thay started using my email address for spoofing there emails
02:39.40 AchiestDragon gmail , you have to go to in the webmail view it will be in the spam box there
02:39.52 PrezKennedy nope not there
02:41.29 AchiestDragon sent it again from my gmail address
02:41.45 PrezKennedy ok
02:42.07 AchiestDragon may have filtered it because of the virus
02:44.07 AchiestDragon that one arrive ?
02:45.22 PrezKennedy nope
02:47.19 AchiestDragon ok removed virus and resent
02:48.02 PrezKennedy gmail isnt cooperating... someone else sent me something and i havent gotten it yet
03:02.42 AchiestDragon gmail seems to be fine here
03:03.06 AchiestDragon and normaly prity fast
03:13.48 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
03:56.48 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
05:14.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/table.c: prototype and declaration consistency with the non-ansi sections
05:19.44 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/tree.c: non-ansi aix build fixes regarding initialing arrays in a struct (can't use curlies)
05:25.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libsysv/ (memset.c strchr.c strdup.c strsep.c): quell potential compiler warnings/errors about empty compilation units, toss in a static
05:28.37 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/conv/bot-bldxf.c: aix build fix, remove old embedded decl of strrchr. include common.h while we're at it.
05:28.49 PKMOBILE AchiestDragon, finally got your email
05:29.43 PKMOBILE those are all spoofed and have nothing to do with yahoo
05:29.51 PKMOBILE theyre spammers using geocities
05:53.18 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libtclcad/tkImgFmtPIX.c: quell image size warnings
06:08.52 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libdm/ (dm-Null.c dm-X.c dm-plot.c dm-ps.c): quell aix compiler warnings, cast bu_free pointer to genptr_t
06:13.59 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libcursor/cursor.c: no sense casting to a void*, puts takes an int(*)(int) function pointer so make PutChr match (quells aix warnings too)
06:16.59 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/burst/Mm.h: header cleanup, get rid of the non-ansi cruft
06:28.39 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/burst/Tc.c: removed the empty compilation unit that's been deprecated/replaced for years
06:29.25 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/burst/ remove the obsolete Tc.h and Tc.c interface files
06:29.34 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/burst/ (Hm.c Sc.h error.c prnt.c Tc.h): remove the deprecated Tc terminal capabilities routines/defines that were converted to use libtermio -- just use libtermio directly now making the Tc routines officially obsoleted
06:30.10 pra5ad working hard i see
06:31.58 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/burst/error.c: what the hell is fb_log doing defined in here? my eyes are burning, please make it stop.
06:33.33 PKMOBILE oh the humanity
06:34.00 brlcad tis a good evening, and with my clock reset, I can hit my active hours again
06:34.10 brlcad fg
06:35.24 PKMOBILE most productive between the hours of 1 and 4?
06:35.32 brlcad pretty much
06:36.05 brlcad more like 11 to 3, but it takes a couple hours to "get up to speed" when coding
06:47.44 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad_ (
06:53.30 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/fbed/loadfont.c: set return type to int, quell warning
06:54.56 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/fbed/extern.h:
06:54.56 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: declare the Va_Decl functions the same when Va_Decl decides how to prototype
06:54.56 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: them, otherwise there can be a mismatch (and there was on aix). add prnt_Debug
06:54.56 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: while we're at it since one of the routines uses it as an extern func.
06:55.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/fbed/ (execshell.c fbed.c pos_pad.c): quell compiler warnings by including the requisite headers
06:57.46 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/fbed/prnt.c: remove the unnecessary prnt_Event declaration, can conflict anyways
07:02.44 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/dm-Null.h: missing end comment. fortunately it's an empty header, but say so to be open about it
07:04.35 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/rtif.c: remove unused chan1 var
07:05.13 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/dodraw.c: aix compiler fix for non-ansi support -- curlies are a no go, so __STDC__ them away
07:11.43 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/ (chgmodel.c cmd.c): quell warnings
07:31.29 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/ (16 files): header cleanup, reorg, and general bug squashing including adding missing headers
07:38.35 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/remrt/rtsrv.c: call setpgrp correctly (no args, always valid return) and use a configure check result for setpgid
07:38.50 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ check for setpgid function
07:41.15 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/remrt/rtsrv.c: comment on oddity of bu_log being here
10:15.23 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
12:45.14 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
13:18.13 *** join/#brlcad joevalleyfield (
14:19.52 ``Erik *yawn*
20:04.46 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
23:02.26 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak|RDP (
23:03.46 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (n=Apathy@
23:34.03 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/mged/points.tcl: add support for creating spheres from point sets
23:35.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/g_nurb.c: header cleanup
23:42.09 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/liboptical/shade.c:
23:42.09 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: if the intersection normal that's returned is knowingly reversed, flip it (while
23:42.09 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: still complaining). this usually indicates a bug in the underlying primitive or
23:42.09 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: a problem with the geometry itself, but rendering nothing/black is pretty
23:42.09 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: worthless. also, limit the number of shade_input messages about flipped normals
23:42.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: to just 100 so as not to spew unnecessarily to the console and slowing down the
23:42.12 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: raytrace.
23:44.09 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: raytrace of -s64 and remote -F/dev/Xl crashes inside an empty memcpy
23:45.08 PKMOBILE ph the humanity!
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051101

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051101

02:09.20 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
02:24.08 *** join/#brlcad louipc (
02:24.13 louipc greetings
02:26.12 brlcad howdy
02:27.30 pra5ad_ meep meep
02:47.32 louipc is there an html version of the docs?
02:52.20 brlcad louipc: there is but it's not as up to date or well written as the pdf docs are
02:52.47 brlcad still relevant and useful, though -- you get more detail from the html
02:53.31 brlcad the html docs are installed with the binary distributions, look in /usr/brlcad/share/brlcad/VERSION/doc/html
02:53.33 louipc ah that's cool - I was wondering because it'd be easier to search through the docs for me
02:53.52 brlcad you can get to the html docs from within mged on the help menu
02:55.23 louipc are you still using tcl in the new interface?
02:56.40 louipc ah I found some stuff in /usr/brlcad/html/manuals
03:50.36 brlcad which new interface?
03:50.47 brlcad /usr/brlcad/html .. what version are you using?
03:51.07 brlcad that sounds slightly dated, though the docs haven't changed
04:58.00 louipc oh yeah it is old hah
06:00.46 louipc well thanks, take it easy
08:48.18 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ accept a modified version of Stefan Fiedler's tail/head patch for -n # instead of -# as the line option. this conforms to _POSIX2_VERSION 200112 and tools compiled against said posix version too.
08:53.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (4 files in 3 dirs): presume posix behavior in the tools, accepting a modified version of stefan fiedler's e-mailed patch. solaris is known to have issues but that should be extremely minor
08:54.54 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ presume posix behavior in the tools, accepting a modified version of stefan fiedler's e-mailed patch. solaris is known to have issues but that should not be relevant to this script at all
08:58.52 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ -n comes before
09:05.31 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/
09:05.31 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: accept a modified version of Stefan Fiedler's tail/head patch for -n # instead
09:05.31 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: of -# as the line option. this conforms to _POSIX2_VERSION 200112 and tools
09:05.31 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: compiled against said posix version that allow run-time complaince forcing.
09:08.38 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: head/tail -n usage posix compliance, accepting a modified version of Stefan Fiedler's tail/head patch for -n # instead of -# as the line option. this conforms to _POSIX2_VERSION 200112 for head/tail.
09:43.12 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
15:49.27 ``Erik grar
16:12.07 brlcad so where's ``Erik
18:19.07 ``Erik ?
18:21.10 brlcad never mind
18:21.16 brlcad crapped out again
18:23.29 ``Erik this is pissin' me off
18:23.57 ``Erik smb still workin'
18:24.01 brlcad don't shoot the messenger
18:24.07 brlcad shoot the architect
18:25.15 ``Erik heh
18:38.48 ``Erik whuddre you doin' to mah machine, bo'?
19:47.18 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/points/ the header file depends on a libtool object
20:12.45 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
20:34.03 *** join/#brlcad ibot_ (
20:34.03 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Free Software!
20:35.08 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ ( src/mged/points/process.c): check for stdint.h and inttypes.h (irix doesn't have stdint.h)
20:45.05 *** join/#brlcad ibot_ (
20:45.05 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Free Software!
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051102

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051102

00:05.44 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak|RDP (
01:33.00 *** join/#brlcad hbramlet (
01:34.44 hbramlet hello
01:35.21 hbramlet I had a question regarding ray-tracing on the Windows Build if anyone has a sec to discuss it?
01:39.28 hbramlet I seem to have a problem when I attempt to ray trace (such as when performing the very first shape2.r tutorial in the brlcad documentation).
01:40.25 hbramlet it says "Could not connect to "Local User"" and the operation fails. Is there a configuration I need to set in the application, or do I need to open up a port so that this works?
02:12.03 brlcad hbramlet: hello
02:12.40 brlcad hbramlet: raytracing into the display manager directly is a known issue in the windows build -- you can render to a window, though.
02:12.57 brlcad in the mged command window, run: rt -F/dev/ogl -s1024
02:13.17 brlcad that'll raytrace into a 1024x1024 window (default is 512x512)
16:16.15 *** join/#brlcad Erroneous (
16:46.49 hbramlet awesome...thanks for the help. I'll try tonight
17:32.42 *** join/#brlcad Erroneous (
20:19.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/util/ strchr.c went to libsysv so remove it from the dist list
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051103

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051103

02:15.28 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (TODO NEWS): improved AIX compiler support
02:29.54 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
11:20.45 *** join/#brlcad cad159 (
16:04.59 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (n=Apathy@
17:22.27 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/points/process.c: accomodate irix's lack of c99 compliance
17:44.22 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/util/ (pl-sgi.c sgi-pix.c): missing bu.h header for bu_getopt()
19:33.15 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (n=Apathy@
21:16.12 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
21:35.06 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/
21:35.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: readd the searching of top_srcdir/include as it is required in order to support
21:35.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: distcheck and building in non-srcdir builds. since it causes trouble for the
21:35.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: system facility/header checks (e.g. tcl.h -- which probably shouldn't be in
21:35.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 'our' main header dir anyways), set the cppflag after the system checks are
21:35.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: done.
22:03.30 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/points/ the headers are missing, help make distcheck work
22:22.44 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
22:36.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/points/ cylic dependency apparently -- try the .y
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051104

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051104

00:21.06 pra5ad_ hrmph
00:21.29 pra5ad_ flashed new bios, and my 'ddr400' ram is reported as ddr333
00:22.00 pra5ad_ sorta makes sense since i could never run the ram at >150
00:22.23 learner looked up the memory's model number to verify which it's supposed to be? maybe sent you the wrong ones
00:22.34 pra5ad_ package says ddr400
00:22.43 pra5ad_ can i sue someone? lol
00:23.13 pra5ad_ hmm i dunno
00:23.25 pra5ad_ cos i ran memtest86+ for 9 hrsa
00:23.29 pra5ad_ 0 errors
00:23.32 pra5ad_ at 200mhz
00:23.32 learner heh
00:23.42 learner so crank it up
00:23.59 pra5ad_ crank what up? 200 is ddr400
00:24.26 learner ah true dat
00:25.05 pra5ad_ let's see if it's stable with the bios settings
00:25.09 pra5ad_ 157mhz
00:25.23 pra5ad_ default settings dont have auto cas #s
00:26.17 pra5ad_ im a little concerned that the vid card and onboard lan share the same irq
00:26.23 pra5ad_ ? what outsourcing
00:26.28 pra5ad_ and to where
00:26.52 learner some other group's announcement that they need someone for a while
00:26.56 learner don't remember details
00:27.01 learner check your mail ;)
00:27.07 ``Erik o.O
00:27.16 pra5ad_ is this the adelphi job?
00:27.25 learner *shrug*
00:28.22 pra5ad_ so i finally plugged in 2 of the 4 power connectors on the mobo ...
00:28.23 ``Erik why aren't you at work? o.O
00:28.31 pra5ad_ wonder if that fixed it
00:28.45 learner heh, i had alcohol cravings to cater to
00:28.45 ``Erik does your mb support 200mhz memory?
00:28.49 ``Erik oh, uh
00:28.51 pra5ad_ yes
00:28.54 ``Erik <-- tucks the bottle back in hsi desk
00:29.16 learner and some of that new shot stuff to test out
00:29.23 ``Erik I finished my babba vakka last night, but I'll wait a couple weeks to get another
00:29.25 ``Erik 'shot stuff'?
00:29.29 learner tuaca or somesuch
00:29.37 ``Erik are you pussifying your vodka?
00:29.42 learner wa wa wait a couple weeks??
00:29.47 ``Erik well, yeah
00:29.51 ``Erik I have a full bottle of tequila
00:29.54 ``Erik a full bottle of whiskey
00:29.56 ``Erik a full bottle of gin
00:29.57 ``Erik ...
00:30.03 pra5ad_ damn u drunks
00:30.04 ``Erik a shelf full of beer
00:30.18 learner ahh, so you're getting low
00:30.31 ``Erik you have two choices if you stay on this project, prasad... either drink heavily, or all your hair will fall out.
00:30.39 ``Erik who's cooler, man, me or ron? ;) *Duck*
00:30.48 learner rum!
00:30.57 pra5ad_ hah!
00:30.58 ``Erik OOH, I still got half a bottle of 151
00:31.12 ``Erik the problem is that I need a chaser
00:31.16 ``Erik and I was using vodka, but I'm out
00:31.18 ``Erik *pout*
00:31.28 pra5ad_ how bout c) stop caring, get masters and bail
00:31.30 pra5ad_ =)
00:32.17 learner what does drinking have to do with c)?
00:32.28 ``Erik my c gets better with drinking
00:32.30 learner ``Erik: heh
00:33.06 pra5ad_ staying on this project has something to do with c)
00:33.07 learner how far away is cmu from here? i haven't looked it up
00:33.07 pra5ad_ i think
00:33.09 pra5ad_ ..
00:33.25 ``Erik um, pittsburg, I think?
00:33.39 learner ah, so about the same distance really
00:33.40 ``Erik too far to do without extended training
00:33.59 learner heh, maybe on paper
00:34.17 learner oh, wait, i'm confusing cities, never mind
00:34.37 ``Erik heh, pennsylvania would be doable
00:34.39 ``Erik er
00:34.40 ``Erik philly
00:34.41 ``Erik heh
00:34.52 ``Erik pittsburg is a wee bit up the road, tho
00:34.57 learner yeah
00:35.05 learner though if you got paid for the commute, who cares ;)
00:35.18 ``Erik heh, but mah po' truck!
00:36.36 ``Erik the ones I'm on just celebrated their 10th bday
00:37.04 pra5ad_ learner needs a new gearbox
00:38.05 ``Erik dude, 327, shaved heads, quarter cams, fat supercharger, run it on 94, big fat tranny with a short ratio diff and a clutch with massive pads
00:38.21 pra5ad_ big fat tranny eh
00:38.22 ``Erik oh, mill down the flywheel so you don't torch the clutch to get the acceleration
00:38.37 pra5ad_ what street in baltimore have u been frequenting
00:38.44 ``Erik axle weights, slicks, big honkin' sway bars
00:40.19 ``Erik drop a transfer case to get the front wheels spinnin' too
00:41.07 learner heh, it would either explode or implode I'm sure
00:41.22 ``Erik heh
00:41.32 learner some quantum mechanics at work that prevent a souped up prizm :)
00:41.53 ``Erik nah, plain old newtonian physics can explain
00:42.24 ``Erik start it and when it catches and revs up to speed, the block will launch out of the engine well, taking the hood with it and roll off into the distance
00:42.47 ``Erik "you know what'd be awesome?"
00:42.55 learner heh
00:43.14 learner and next year I win a darwin award
00:43.22 ``Erik <-- ponders putting "grom" on one of our fbsd boxen
00:43.48 learner i'm really interested in testing out some software on openbsd's new malloc scheme
00:44.04 ``Erik hm, with the buffer gaurding?
00:44.08 learner yeah
00:44.12 pra5ad_ buffer guarding?
00:44.22 learner do an nmg comversion and take bets on it segfaulting ;)
00:44.30 ``Erik a no-write page between heap and stack
00:44.38 pra5ad_ ohh
00:44.40 ``Erik so buffer overflows that hit that point throw an interrupt
00:44.41 pra5ad_ interesting
00:44.58 ``Erik do they use 11? or another signal?
00:45.24 ``Erik mebbe reuse one of those 2460's
00:45.28 learner pra5ad_ single byte accesses to unallocated memory zones are pretty much guaranteed to cause a segfault for allocations > pagesize, and somewhat possible for < pagesize
00:46.07 learner it's a segfault -- the memory is owned by the kernel
00:46.33 ``Erik hrm, may've been more useful to cerate a new interrupt for those pages *shrug* but perhaps prohibitively expensive...
00:46.51 ``Erik actually, no, it shouldn't be expensive, if a segfault happens, look in a map to see if it's a gaurd page or not
00:46.54 ``Erik *shrug*
00:46.55 learner pra5ad_, basically the traditional memory overwrites that "might" cause bad things to happen are guaranteed to halt the program now under their new system
00:47.17 ``Erik electric fence and dmalloc are supposed to provide similar behaviors
00:47.30 learner right, just that this is considerably higher performance
00:47.36 ``Erik the big deal with obsd is that it's "on by default", I thought
00:47.49 learner implying they did some magic in the kernel memory page management that make the padded zones more efficient
00:47.59 pra5ad_ how do they enforce this?
00:48.08 pra5ad_ check allocation header for every page?
00:48.14 pra5ad_ on each mem access?
00:48.15 ``Erik uh, by placing a page in the virtual memory?
00:48.33 ``Erik and let the mmu catch the fault
00:48.46 learner pra5ad_, by rewriting malloc and kernel memory management -- the memory is now owned by the kernel instead of your app potentially -- so you _can't_ write past a buffer without causing a segfault
00:49.21 ``Erik (is it actually a kernel owned page? not a "bad entry" in the mmu or something? I'd be surprised if they burnt a page to get a segfault, seems nonoptimal to me)
00:49.30 pra5ad_ can u potentially write above SP-page_size ?
00:49.33 learner whereas before it only happens if you happen to write past enough bytes that spans into another apps memory space or the kernels .. now a single byte will be another zone
00:50.04 learner it's not a full page, but it is owned by kernel
00:50.05 ``Erik tlb hax0ring, heh
00:50.17 pra5ad_ hm
00:50.26 learner from what I gathered, that was part of the trick making it efficient -- getting those small kernel-owned paddings
00:50.45 learner very cool shizzle
00:51.02 ``Erik make ww give me time and a machine to set up an obsd box for us :D
00:51.04 learner i can't imagine the system being "functional" for some time though .. with all the apps crashing
00:51.12 ``Erik and a slowaris-x86 10 box, too
00:51.33 learner sounds like a gem for debugging ease
00:51.35 ``Erik if the core os functions, it's a usable machine... bsd ain't like leenewx
00:51.47 ``Erik for buffers overflowing into the stack, sure
00:52.05 learner well yeah, if emacs, sh, gcc, and the kernel work, I'm set
00:52.10 learner but I mean general user ;)
00:52.19 ``Erik heh, emacs is not part of the base system. Use vi.
00:53.05 pra5ad_ all hail visual studio
00:53.45 learner taking the leap off of pico back in the day was the big hurdle
00:53.52 ``Erik nothin' like unifying *nix holywarriors by mentioning ms
00:53.52 learner but that's like a baby taking his first steps
00:54.05 ``Erik my leap off of pico was easy, I used 'joe'
00:54.10 learner heh
00:54.10 ``Erik then used emacs for a short bit
00:54.11 ``Erik then vi
00:54.14 pra5ad_ i like vi visual mode :P
00:54.15 ``Erik I upgraded
00:54.20 ``Erik that's vim, prasad
00:54.23 ``Erik not vi
00:54.25 pra5ad_ that's what i meant
00:54.31 ``Erik vim is not part of the base system. Use vi.
00:54.32 ``Erik :D
00:54.35 learner never learned "the true power of the dark console"
00:54.54 pra5ad_ i am part of the 'say no to vi' army
00:55.15 ``Erik s/d/ds machine/
00:55.38 learner heh
00:55.41 learner that's just mean
00:55.50 pra5ad_ i feel so violated
00:55.59 learner but pra5ad_ probably deserves it
00:56.14 learner yeah, me to .. "q"
00:56.21 ``Erik heh
00:56.35 ``Erik repair work on a system that ate and crapped out all its termcap information
00:56.47 pra5ad_ so is ``Erik going to port freebsd to cell?
00:57.05 ``Erik why bother? no one uses cell procs, so netbsd has been ported to it
00:57.19 ``Erik sum yung gai?
00:57.27 pra5ad_ and i thought u wanted to get off m3
00:57.30 learner yup
00:57.43 learner and some of that new fangled vodka
00:57.53 ``Erik mmmm, babba vakka
00:58.28 ``Erik as in, 'not jim beam'?
00:58.37 pra5ad_ heh new jprofiler runs show what seems to be deadlocks on large analysis runs
00:58.40 ``Erik which one did you go to? the one by mogrorian?
00:58.42 learner niet!
00:58.47 learner yeah
00:58.48 pra5ad_ wonder who's going to fix those
00:58.56 ``Erik that's a hillbilly booze store
00:59.07 learner hole-in-the-wall mostly just stocked with the basics try not to get shot place
00:59.16 ``Erik they consider regular jack to be top shelf
00:59.37 ``Erik "makers whu?" heh
00:59.54 learner my options are sorta limited without driving into bel air or towards the city
01:00.12 ``Erik heh, yeah
01:00.16 learner nothing on the way at least
01:00.26 ``Erik the barn thing down the road looks worse than the one in that strip mall
01:00.30 learner there is that place between abby and havre
01:00.41 ``Erik if you make it down to belcamp, anchor isn't too bad
01:01.04 learner ok, now I'm parched, cheers!
01:01.07 ``Erik I've gotten spoiled with my forest hill snob stores
01:01.10 ``Erik hasta, duder
01:20.07 pra5ad_ cell rd kit in april 2006
01:20.23 pra5ad_ enough time to sell it to mgmt
01:56.25 ``Erik *yawn*
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05:15.55 pra5ad_ sean
05:16.00 pra5ad_ what tool create config.guess
05:18.01 pra5ad_ ah nm
05:52.04 Maloeran Mmm, Twingy isn't back online yet. Is he all settled, ``Erik?
10:36.54 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/
10:36.55 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: define compile-time debug/non-debug symbols DEBUG and NDEBUG so they are
10:36.55 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: consistently available across the package (and so assert() can pick up NDEBUG
10:36.55 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: correctly). DEBUG is used by rt to make a note in the log that this is a debug
10:36.55 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: build
10:39.23 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/main.c: output a warning iff compile-time debugging is enabled so the benchmark tests can look for it
10:43.35 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/burst/ (Hm.c burst.c grid.c idents.c paint.c prnt.c trie.c ui.c): DEBUG/NDEBUG cleanup, pull the value from and include common.h before system headers
10:56.49 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ (log message trimmed)
10:56.49 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: refactor the resource searching into a look_for function so that it's clear
10:56.49 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: exactly what directories are being searched for which resources. remove the
10:56.49 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: compiling and automatic conversion of encountered ascii files for now too.
10:56.49 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: resources are searched for presuming first that we're a binary install and
10:56.50 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: failing that, we're being run from a source distribution after a make or make
10:56.52 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: benchmark. identify the major sections with comment labels, and rename the
12:15.19 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/
12:15.20 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: add support to look for specific types of files, executables, dirs, scripts as
12:15.20 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: well as cleaning up detection and output of whether this is a 'valid' benchmark
12:15.20 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: run. if it does seem to be valid, inform about the documentation and encourage
12:15.20 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: submission of results.
12:34.33 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ it's not _really_ necessary that there be no debug symbols, just make a note of it in the output. inform about the document regardless.
14:51.33 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/burst/ (14 files):
14:51.33 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: burst the non-ansi-yet-willing-to-pretend-we-are-c99 bubble that the burst code
14:51.33 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: likes to use. that is, use static instead of STATIC and don't clobber the
14:51.33 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: bool/true/false reserved words of the c++ compilers. clean up the headers to
14:51.33 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: support this.
15:11.28 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/librt/wdb_obj.c: The default behavior of the "find" command has been changed. It now ignores hidden objects. A -a option has been added to give the original behavior (find all, even hidden).
15:14.16 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/archer/Wizard.tcl: Add the following methods: buildGridZonesXML, vectorAdd and vectorScale
15:18.05 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/archer/Archer.tcl: Add code to guard against an old .archerrc that uses the "Crystal (Large)" theme. Add code to toggle whether to use the draw command -n option (normals).
16:12.03 *** join/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (
18:18.57 ``Erik meh
18:20.13 ``Erik he says 35% moved into his new house, it's actually his now, but it sounds like a fairly rough transaction... I know I was helping him move stuff monday night and some shit fell through on him with that, so his schedule got collapsed into a smaller chunk of time
18:20.26 ``Erik heh, he beat the shit out of a table and yelled all through lunch telling the story today
18:20.40 ``Erik poor prasad was having trouble pouring sake ;)
19:01.04 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
19:26.12 brlcad mmm.. sake!
19:32.00 ``Erik was good
19:32.04 ``Erik you shoulda went with us
19:58.03 brlcad i'll go their for dinner instead me thinks
20:20.36 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libpkg/pkg.c: strerror section is in the wrong section
20:26.14 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/config_win.h: sys_nerr is _sys_nerr under windows too
20:28.02 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ (burst/prnt.c other/URToolkit/tools/into.c): sys_errlist is defined as _sys_errlist in include/config_win.h so no need for the duplicated WIN32 sections
20:33.15 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
20:36.45 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/rle_config.h: include common.h so that HAVE_ symbols may be used to work around compilation support issues. e.g. sys_errlist on solaris
20:46.39 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/doc/README.Solaris: comment on the solaris/gcc -mimpure-text option to get a static system library to link against a shared library being built
20:54.25 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/lgt/execshell.c: the win32 section for _sys_errlist isn't needed as the config_win.h header takes care of it
20:55.53 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/URToolkit/cnv/rletoabA62/rletoabA62.c: quell warning about main not returning an int
21:05.21 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/doc/README.Linux: comment on the inability to run binaries from an uninstalled ppc64 debian system
22:16.47 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/ (3 files in 3 dirs):
22:16.47 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: make_bb didn't have the ubiquitous -u option that all the other raytracing
22:16.47 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: apps have. Now it does. This allows users to make bounding boxes of
22:16.47 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: geometry that includes/is air.
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Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051105

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051105

01:21.17 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
04:36.58 pra5ad ``Erik,
04:37.50 pra5ad am i appending opengl.m4 to acinclude.m4?
04:38.03 pra5ad i don't want external dependancies
04:38.20 pra5ad or is there a way to #include files in acinclude
04:40.50 pra5ad opengl.m4 doesn't add -lGLU || -lglu32
12:23.33 *** join/#brlcad hosk (
14:14.05 ``Erik put opengl.m4 in your own m4/ directory and aclocal -I m4, and no, it doesn't do glu, glu isn't opengl o.O
16:52.34 pra5ad u should make m4s for glu + glut then
16:53.06 brlcad where'd the opengl.m4 come from?
16:53.24 pra5ad erik's site
16:53.43 brlcad erik has a site.. hmm
16:54.26 pra5ad
16:56.52 pra5ad hmm if i do aclocal -I m4, will autoreconf run that same command later?
16:58.02 brlcad nope
16:58.12 brlcad autoreconf has it's own option
16:58.23 brlcad brl-cad's will autodetect the m4 directory and do the right thing
16:58.34 brlcad take a look in there, or just use it
16:59.25 pra5ad is explicitly called?
16:59.42 brlcad hmm?
17:00.01 brlcad you run it instead of aclocal/autoreconf/whatever .. it does all the steps for you
17:00.12 brlcad ./ then on to ./configure
17:00.20 pra5ad arr
17:00.26 pra5ad ok
17:01.40 brlcad or just run it once with -v and it'll tell you the autoreconf steps
17:01.51 brlcad (-v is verbose)
17:04.02 brlcad so which project uses the opengl.m4?
17:04.07 brlcad glpong?
17:04.15 brlcad vp?
17:08.50 pra5ad gamem4
17:10.09 brlcad thx
17:13.47 brlcad heh
17:13.48 brlcad GLXEXTRALIBSHIT
17:14.42 brlcad those sources are like pg-13 :)
17:17.23 pra5ad heh
17:18.33 brlcad "windows is fucking retarded. ..."
17:18.50 AchiestDragon :) whats new
17:19.35 pra5ad i guess i change all the gl references to glu or glut equivalent to create their own m4s
17:20.22 brlcad not really, though that would be a start
17:20.36 brlcad glu requires gl itself, but not necessarily -lGL
17:20.47 pra5ad argh
17:21.04 pra5ad i should just modify opengl.m4 to my own reqs
17:21.35 brlcad might be in -lglu32 or -lGLU or maybe even in -lGL
17:21.45 brlcad or -framework OpenGL, etc
17:23.11 brlcad pull up the's from several cross-platform opengl games, you'll get the picture
17:23.39 brlcad bz has a fair bit of .ac/.m4 code dedicated to gl detection for example
17:23.52 pra5ad it's lgpl right?
17:24.33 pra5ad is there a store nearby that sells atx cases?
17:25.26 brlcad bz's isn't neatly put into an m4 for ogl, it's mixed between sdl checks and lots of ogl checks in .ac
17:26.40 pra5ad i already have sdl.m4.. hmm
17:28.43 pra5ad libsdl faq - "If you are using autoconf and automake for your project, you can copy the contents of 'sdl.m4' into your acinclude.m4 file, and then add the following to your file:"
17:30.12 brlcad yes, and?
17:30.33 pra5ad just saying =)
17:32.18 brlcad it's more easy to just use the sdl.m4 as is, but "how" is a bit much to put into a faq
19:51.33 *** join/#brlcad mvenkate (
21:42.11 ``Erik aslo
21:57.40 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
22:46.31 *** join/#brlcad ircleuser (
22:47.16 ircleuser hello everybody
22:49.19 brlcad howdy!
22:49.30 ircleuser i am fine
22:49.39 ircleuser how abt you?
22:49.40 brlcad glad to hear it
22:49.45 brlcad peachy
22:49.52 ircleuser good!
22:50.59 ircleuser Are you a senior developer ?
22:52.54 ircleuser u there?
22:52.55 brlcad you could say that
22:54.13 ircleuser I just found this program on I think its a very interesting project and i d really like to contribute to it
22:54.13 brlcad not sure there's another dev that understands as much of the code at this point
22:54.37 ircleuser Oh I see.
22:54.43 brlcad ircleuser: glad to hear it, we're always interested in folks joining in
22:55.03 brlcad we're not short on ideas or work
22:55.09 brlcad we're short on devs and time ;)
22:55.28 ircleuser Oh I see.
22:55.55 brlcad not short in a bad way, but there's lots of work and ideas and only so many people ;)
22:56.01 ircleuser I have software development experience of ~2 yrs
22:56.14 ircleuser may be i could help
22:56.16 brlcad excellent
22:56.18 brlcad sure
22:56.38 brlcad have anything in particular in mind? ahve you used the package at all?
22:56.42 ircleuser But i need some help initially
22:56.47 brlcad understandably
22:57.12 ircleuser I just could install it
22:57.18 brlcad the best place to start is the HACKING file in the source distribution, I'd start with a CVS checkout and go from there
22:57.20 ircleuser after a lot of trouble
22:57.42 ircleuser i did CVS checkout and compiled it.
22:58.21 ircleuser I come from windows platform background..and I currently own a ibook
22:59.16 brlcad know of anything you're interested in working on in particular?
22:59.24 ircleuser I want to set up development environment on my ibook. but not exactly sure how to do that
22:59.42 ircleuser you mean a particular module
22:59.55 brlcad build system support, bug squishing, modeler improvements
23:00.09 brlcad setting up on your ibook for development shouldn't be too hard at all
23:00.28 brlcad os x is one of the primary supported platforms
23:01.37 ircleuser As long as it is coding, it does not matter if if its build system support or bug squishing
23:02.26 ircleuser Ok. CanI use Xcode Ide to debug the source code?
23:03.10 ircleuser this might look like stupid questions to you but I have no dev experience on non-windows platform.
23:03.21 brlcad not a problem
23:03.27 ircleuser I am assuming it wouldn't be drastically different
23:03.34 brlcad you can use xcode if you like, but there's not an xcode project any longer
23:04.02 brlcad i could probably make one pretty easily if that's what you want to work with
23:04.13 brlcad one that invokes the unix build environment, though
23:04.20 ircleuser Oh that would be great.
23:04.48 brlcad that's the biggest difference -- the build system is the 'gnu build system' using autoconf/automake/libtool
23:05.15 brlcad there is a main file and's spread out throughout the project
23:05.33 brlcad that describe how to build, what to build, etc
23:06.04 ircleuser Oh I see.
23:06.36 ircleuser so do you use a gui based compiler?
23:06.49 brlcad so you could use xcode to see and edit the sources, but the build system would still be the gnu build system
23:07.04 ircleuser ok.
23:07.14 brlcad i have from time to time, but I prefer Emacs for just about everything these days
23:07.28 brlcad some other's prefer their own editors
23:07.28 ircleuser Oh ok.
23:08.47 ircleuser on a higher level, can you say how I can do a build? I have vim editor
23:10.36 brlcad sure
23:10.45 brlcad from a checkout, or source distribution?
23:11.26 brlcad vim won't do the compiling, that's all done through commands on the command-line (though you can issue the commands from inside vim)
23:11.30 ircleuser checkout..(does it mean the source code check out on to my system?)
23:11.46 ircleuser ok
23:11.52 brlcad it means whether you pulled the sources from cvs or whether you downloaded a source tarball
23:12.05 ircleuser sources from cvs
23:12.41 ircleuser please
23:12.42 brlcad okay, so then to build
23:12.47 brlcad ./
23:12.48 brlcad ./configure
23:12.51 brlcad make
23:13.22 brlcad about 30-40 minutes later on an ibook, you should have a full compile
23:14.17 ircleuser ok. How about debugging? say if I want to edit code , set breakpoints etc..
23:18.21 brlcad gdb is the gnu debugger
23:18.44 brlcad you edit with an editor (vim for example), debug with a debugger (gdb)
23:19.06 brlcad xcode integrates that seeing how it's an IDE, but even it just invokes gdb
23:19.37 ircleuser ok. cool
23:20.47 ircleuser I will try to familiarise with the package
23:21.10 ircleuser first and then try to see how the code works
23:22.06 ircleuser I did work with Unigraphics.
23:22.09 brlcad the thing to keep in mind, if it's not obvious, is that it's a big package ;)
23:22.22 ircleuser :-)
23:22.28 brlcad there are lots of applications included
23:22.50 ircleuser ok.
23:22.50 brlcad with various programming styles, and various goals
23:23.02 ircleuser oic
23:23.12 ircleuser and is there documentation
23:23.15 ircleuser ?
23:23.40 brlcad try not to let it overwhelm, best to focus on something you want/need and work on improving that area and expanding your familiarity bit by bit
23:23.54 brlcad otherwise, it will become very daunting very quickly
23:23.56 ircleuser Ok.
23:24.02 brlcad yes, there are quite a bit of docs
23:24.23 brlcad HACKING file is really a good place to start, as is the first few docs on the website
23:24.43 ircleuser ok. cool
23:25.16 ircleuser so this packages primary purpose was to do ballistics analysis?
23:26.05 brlcad modeling for ballistic analysis
23:26.26 brlcad brl-cad doesn't actually perform the ballistic analysis itself, but it's used to make the models of tanks, buildings, etc
23:26.47 ircleuser Oh ok.
23:26.49 brlcad it's also got tools for raytracing, signal analysis (thermal signatures, etc)
23:27.00 ircleuser cool.
23:27.14 brlcad there's also a lot of geometry converters
23:27.22 brlcad including a unigraphics converter
23:27.38 ircleuser good
23:27.44 brlcad also iges, pro/e, dxf, etc
23:28.00 brlcad all with their plus's and minus's that could be improved upon
23:28.07 ircleuser oh i see.
23:28.21 brlcad there's always room for improvement ;)
23:28.47 ircleuser yes sure. Which companies / research labs use this package?
23:29.03 brlcad heh
23:29.48 brlcad quite a few, varies over the years -- but all three main military labs use it as it's the primary DoD modeler for ballistic analysis which army, air force, and navy all do
23:30.18 ircleuser wow. thats interesting !
23:30.43 brlcad since it's gone open source, it's a little harder to keep track of exactly who other than paying attention to the names and e-mails of people asking questions on the mailing lists and bulletin boards
23:30.58 ircleuser true.
23:31.57 brlcad there's over 2k downloads sustained at this point, and we haven't even put up the windows binary yet
23:32.08 brlcad (per month)
23:32.22 ircleuser great!
23:32.39 ircleuser when did this go open source?
23:32.58 brlcad if you wanted, there are windows build files for studio -- though they will ultimately be moving towards the gnu build system under msys or mingw as well probably too
23:33.37 brlcad it went open source on Dec 23, announced mid January or so
23:34.02 ircleuser less than a year
23:34.35 brlcad we're just about to make the 11th iteration release next week
23:34.55 ircleuser any major additions?
23:35.03 brlcad from the open source side?
23:35.13 ircleuser yes
23:35.44 brlcad depends what you consider major, but I'd probably say "no" if you count out everyone that wasn't already a dev
23:36.02 brlcad so there's definitely room to shine ;)
23:36.12 ircleuser :-)
23:36.16 brlcad there are a couple guys working on what I'd consider major features
23:36.33 brlcad but they're not done yet
23:37.48 ircleuser ok. do you provide direction for the building effort? or is it individual's idea?
23:38.00 ircleuser i
23:38.01 brlcad one guy made great progress on a step converter, which would have been major major, but has been dealing with personal issues at home
23:38.27 ircleuser oh thats sad
23:38.35 brlcad you can go either way -- I'd rather leave it up to what interests you to be honest
23:38.58 ircleuser oh ok
23:39.19 brlcad there are a few parts of the code that necessarily are more tightly watched than others, like changing the format of the .g database files or changing the behavior of the ray-tracer
23:39.34 brlcad but even those can be changed if it's done carefully
23:40.02 brlcad if you're looking for "something to do" I can certainly help push you in directions too or try to seed you with some ideas
23:40.05 ircleuser oh i see.
23:40.11 brlcad help you familiarize yourself with the code, etc
23:40.39 brlcad I communicate with a couple devs via e-mail and irc in that manner, explaining code and pointing them in directions
23:40.44 ircleuser Yeah that would be great
23:41.40 ircleuser well initially i might benefit from some direction because i have never worked on such application
23:41.59 brlcad what interests you?
23:42.28 brlcad modeling? converters? raytracing? creating models?
23:42.57 ircleuser modeling/ray tracing..
23:43.08 ircleuser visual aspects basically..
23:43.28 brlcad you'll probably like the new modeler and can probably help out with that once code is commited
23:43.50 ircleuser ok.
23:43.51 brlcad it basically provides an integrated IDE over all the brl-cad system tools and libraries
23:44.17 ircleuser yes. i just need to brush up my CSG knowledge
23:44.19 brlcad which was sort of mged's intent, albeit not a great effort gui-wise
23:44.43 ircleuser oh i see
23:45.54 brlcad have you used mged yet?
23:45.57 brlcad heh
23:46.01 ircleuser no
23:46.10 ircleuser i just could install it
23:46.20 brlcad well, it isn't unigraphics ;-) but it very much does get the job done
23:46.38 brlcad and there are even power users that can use it just as efficiently most of the time
23:46.55 ircleuser hmm. interesting
23:47.04 brlcad i'd compile and install from cvs if you're interested in dev'ing
23:47.33 brlcad you'll have a little more learning on just how a unix command line works at the start, but I think you'll eventually appreciate it's flexibility
23:47.43 brlcad could be wrong, but most do that learn it
23:48.10 ircleuser yes, i am not much familiar with command line
23:48.27 brlcad the INSTALL file in the cvs checkout includes instructions that should walk you through/repeat those steps that I mentioned
23:48.49 brlcad 'less INSTALL' to read the contents on the command-line
23:49.00 ircleuser ok.
23:49.52 ircleuser so can you build/debug indivdual module without having to do it all over again?
23:50.08 brlcad right
23:50.26 ircleuser cool.
23:50.39 brlcad if you want to read the install file, it'll open up in textedit too of course
23:50.53 ircleuser yes i read that already.
23:51.22 ircleuser one last question
23:52.02 ircleuser on my ibook, to start mged i have to open X11 window and then issue 'mged'command
23:52.35 ircleuser so does it start happen automatically if I debug it?
23:53.02 ircleuser (this sounds dumb to me too..but i had to ask :-))
23:53.18 brlcad does what start to happen automatically?
23:53.48 brlcad gdb debugging is an exercise/simple tutorial in itself
23:54.38 ircleuser ok..i mean does the application start if there are no breakpoints ?
23:54.48 ircleuser or errors?
23:54.55 brlcad it starts when you tell it to start only
23:55.14 brlcad gdb mged
23:55.26 brlcad .. some output, gdb initializes ..
23:55.33 brlcad you are given a gdb prompt
23:55.54 brlcad at which point you can type "help" or "start" or "breakpoint file.c:123" etc
23:56.01 ircleuser oh ok.
23:56.23 brlcad i'll see if I can whip up the xcode project for you, since that wraps it all in the xcode ide ;)
23:56.49 ircleuser ok i will read the gdb tutorial.
23:57.35 ircleuser Yes, it would be lot useful if I have a Xcode project
23:57.40 brlcad it's the defacto debugger next to studio's on windows, useful to learn regardless
23:58.38 ircleuser sure. well i am guessing it won't take much effort to learn gdb
23:59.02 brlcad nah, it's pretty intuitive even for a command-line interface
23:59.18 brlcad "next" (or "n" for short) for single-stepping
23:59.43 brlcad "backtrace" or "bt" to see the backtrace call stack
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00:00.07 ircleuser well I will google for a tutorial
00:00.16 brlcad "break function_name" to break on a particular function or file:line for a particular line number
00:00.45 ircleuser oh i see
00:01.55 ircleuser I need to go now. but you have been a lot of help
00:02.01 ircleuser Thanks a lot !
00:02.07 brlcad no problem
00:02.21 ircleuser i will keep in touch.
00:02.27 brlcad if there's nobody here, feel free to drop questions on the dev mailing list too
00:02.53 ircleuser Can I have your email address? mine is
00:02.56 brlcad though i'm usually here myself or read the log if i'm not
00:03.14 ircleuser oh thats good.
00:03.41 ircleuser perfect
00:03.48 ircleuser !
00:03.54 ircleuser bye now
00:03.58 brlcad cya
01:00.25 ``Erik O.o
01:28.32 *** join/#brlcad cad402 (
01:31.07 cad402 I followed the installation instructions for the latest version of BRL CAD for MAC OSX and I cannot figure out how to start the application.
01:33.33 *** join/#brlcad cad402 (
01:58.52 pra5ad gah
01:59.40 pra5ad i should read the 'do not unscrew the canister until it is empty' warning on this dust cleaner
01:59.51 pra5ad i think my ear drums popped
03:16.34 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: mged's solid illuminate doesn't work when Lighting is turned on
03:51.30 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/URToolkit/ (77 files in 5 dirs): include stdlib.h to quell ansi c warnings about exit being implicitly defined
03:57.22 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/URToolkit/tools/clock/rleClock.c: stack_t is a standard type, rename to clock_stack_t
04:27.41 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: the benchmark suite searching was rewritten, fixed, and improved. ready to release
04:32.48 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: fixed 'benchmark' tool resource searching
05:28.32 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (NEWS src/tclscripts/mged/bindings.tcl): set default mged Escape key binding to reject
07:42.21 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad (
08:43.10 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad (
14:07.26 *** join/#brlcad cad005 (
16:32.23 *** join/#brlcad mahesh (
17:06.05 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/ged.c:
17:06.05 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: if tk fails to load, try a simple local port initialization. replace the exit
17:06.05 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: calls with mged_finish calls like we're supposed to. if the database doesn't
17:06.05 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: exist, notify the parent we're done before exiting so parent exits cleanly.
17:12.13 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: mged utilizes a local display if unspecified/unset
17:19.35 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
17:35.19 ``Erik heh
17:36.36 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad (
17:56.52 ``Erik o.O
18:27.40 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad (
19:38.08 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: instead of a helpful display message, try just using a local port -- if that fails, leave it up to X11's "useful" error message
20:10.44 *** join/#brlcad skel_home (
20:10.56 skel_home hi =] is there an ebuild for brlcad?
20:14.36 ``Erik "ebuild"/
20:14.37 ``Erik ?
20:14.47 skel_home the package system for gentoo =]
20:15.12 ``Erik ah, the 'portage' stuff? I wouldn't know, I do real ports, a la freebsd
20:15.47 skel_home =]
20:17.33 skel_home will try in #gentoo
20:18.42 skel_home I would like to design a type of turbine =] would brl-cad be good for something like that?
20:20.40 skel_home like, are there templates for various things? like parts I can import?
20:20.47 brlcad there was a test ebuild
20:20.52 brlcad but not an official one to date
20:21.18 skel_home brlcad: would you happen to know where I could find it?
20:21.22 brlcad there aren't really any templates, but building such an assembly wouldn't be too hard
20:21.58 skel_home I've installed brl-cad once before and started going through the tutorial =]
20:22.07 skel_home I liked it, just didn't have a purpose back then
20:22.18 brlcad and now you do, excellent ;)
20:22.22 skel_home =D
20:23.06 brlcad the previous ebuild is probably already a bit out of date, I'd suggest either just using a binary or compiling/installing again
20:23.24 brlcad brl-cad is fully contained into /usr/brlcad by default so uninstall is a simple matter of rm -rf /usr/brlcad
20:23.46 skel_home cool. and I imagine there's a --prefix option that I can modify
20:23.52 brlcad yep
20:23.57 skel_home okie =]
20:24.00 brlcad you could specify /usr/local if you like
20:24.16 skel_home I stick all my non-packaged stuff in opt =]
20:24.41 brlcad it'll make a prefix/bin prefix/include prefix/share/brlcad/VERSION prefix/man and prefix/lib
20:24.55 skel_home since its self-contained, I shouldn't have to modify LD_LIBRARY_PATH right?
20:25.17 brlcad don't have to modify ld_library_path
20:25.28 skel_home yay =]
20:25.34 skel_home ok grabbing the tarball
20:25.36 brlcad you'll just need to set PATH if it's not in your PATH
20:25.52 brlcad the binary tarballs install to /usr/brlcad -- you'll need source to install into /opt
20:26.26 skel_home okie =]
23:47.43 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon (
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00:28.59 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
01:08.23 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/rtif.c: sanity check for null rt_cmd_vec
01:11.19 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/ged.c: need to init the vls before first use, potential for crash.
01:19.00 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/db5_scan.c: remove stale notification that files are v5 format, everything is v5
01:21.10 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/dg_obj.c: argv[0], not 'rt' -- used by all the rt-style binaries
04:40.27 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/dg_obj.c: simplify the ifdef logic and always use argv for rtcheck
04:43.06 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/rtif.c: don't presume that nirt is in the path, invoke it from the brlcad bin search order like the other commands
05:01.15 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: auto-locate mged external apps regardless of PATH
07:59.38 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad (
08:34.30 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
13:07.03 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik_ (
13:50.02 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad (
13:57.26 *** join/#brlcad yjoevallefield (
13:59.17 *** join/#brlcad joevalleyfield (
16:08.15 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/points/process.c: make it easier to toggle between printing and doing
16:14.04 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/points/process.c: do instead of say what we're doing
18:49.21 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
20:54.18 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/points/process.h: ws
20:55.14 brlcad joevalleyfield: ping
20:55.37 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/points/points_parse.y: compatibility with bsd parser, wants semicolon terminated blocks
20:56.08 ``Erik *yawn*
21:00.37 joevalleyfield png
21:14.35 joevalleyfield i guess joevalleyfield then
21:14.45 joevalleyfield or that old standby phantom
21:14.51 brlcad your pick
21:15.04 joevalleyfield let me have joevalleyfield
21:15.04 joevalleyfield its a new day
21:15.04 brlcad ssh access
21:17.36 joevalleyfield any idea about xoff?
21:17.44 joevalleyfield is it getting physically shuffled?
21:19.32 brlcad it is getting physically shuffled afaik
21:23.08 ``Erik xoff is on the floor downstairs
21:23.25 ``Erik tomorrow the racks should get forklifted down and we can start re-racking the machines
21:31.19 Maloeran Hey ``Erik, what news of Justin? Seems he doesn't have internet at home, still
22:14.23 *** join/#brlcad joevalleyfield (
22:17.03 brlcad if anyone wants a network cloak to hide their ip, lemme know and I can set it up
22:17.19 brlcad or you can do it yourself too by contacting one of the staffers in #freenode
22:23.06 AchiestDragon ? is mine cloaked
22:24.45 AchiestDragon cannot seem to get any more info on it other than > AchiestDragon is (david powell)
22:31.48 brlcad it is not cloaked
22:32.10 AchiestDragon but no ip
22:32.12 brlcad the domain would be the cloak instead of
22:32.41 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/lib/TableView.tcl: Add code to limit calls to lostFocusCallback
22:33.01 brlcad freenode will resolve the ips to a name if they resolve -- the cloak will hide that if/when you identify
22:33.12 brlcad e.g.
22:33.15 *** part/#brlcad brlcad (n=brlcad@pdpc/supporter/silver/brlcad)
22:33.19 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (n=brlcad@pdpc/supporter/silver/brlcad)
22:33.19 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
22:33.30 brlcad that's a supporter cloak
22:33.34 AchiestDragon is my website , so better in some ways , no ip link to the machine
22:33.46 brlcad ~nslookup
22:34.03 brlcad yep, no ip link ;)
22:34.13 AchiestDragon lol
22:35.21 AchiestDragon guess i will need one , will make the bigger donation this year and do i then
22:42.10 brlcad you don't have to donate to get a cloak, you just have to ask
22:42.22 brlcad s/ask/register and ask/
22:42.52 AchiestDragon i donate the $8 a year at the moment
22:47.57 AchiestDragon ok asks
22:48.35 AchiestDragon nick is registered
22:49.02 AchiestDragon suppose i better link the alternate nick
22:50.19 *** join/#brlcad LostThePlot (
22:51.33 AchiestDragon done
22:52.56 *** part/#brlcad LostThePlot (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051108

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051108

01:24.00 pra5ad have any of u used anjuta?
01:29.44 brlcad crazy talk
01:31.51 pra5ad ?
01:35.31 AchiestDragon arrrggg gtk
01:36.20 AchiestDragon no , but been learning kdevelop instead
01:37.43 AchiestDragon or should i say started to but since there chaning to qt4 wating for the qt4 version of it to be stable ,, hmm so 12 month delay or so atm
02:16.53 pra5ad ``Erik, u there?
02:22.47 pra5ad fyi -
02:23.03 pra5ad underquoted defun
02:32.28 pra5ad bah.. autoreconf -I m4 doesn't pass the include dir to autoconf
02:34.58 joevalleyfield ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I m4
02:35.02 joevalleyfield in
02:35.31 joevalleyfield ?
02:35.46 joevalleyfield you probaby knew that
02:36.20 pra5ad no i didn't
02:36.29 joevalleyfield i just came across it today
02:36.43 pra5ad hmm u say
02:36.46 pra5ad not ?
02:36.50 joevalleyfield yep
02:36.53 joevalleyfield not
02:37.01 pra5ad that's counter intuitive..
02:37.18 joevalleyfield and as far as i can tell, AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR doesn't do squat
02:37.44 pra5ad ah
02:37.59 pra5ad ``Erik, spelling error
02:38.02 pra5ad checking for library containing glFrustum... no
02:38.02 pra5ad configure: error: Need OpenGL
02:44.31 pra5ad heh, 'forward compatibility' they say (re: AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR)
02:45.15 pra5ad joevalleyfield, but don't u still need to call aclocal -I m4 ?
02:45.20 pra5ad explicitly
02:46.06 joevalleyfield at first
02:46.20 joevalleyfield but when it does the maintainer mode thing
02:46.24 joevalleyfield it doesn't screw it up
02:47.05 pra5ad ah
02:47.18 pra5ad im reading here about setting up
02:51.39 pra5ad ``Erik, scratch that. not a spelling error
03:04.29 pra5ad seems AC_SEARCH_LIBS is broken..
03:04.36 pra5ad checking for library containing glFrustum... no
03:04.36 pra5ad configure: error: Need OpenGL
03:21.21 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/
03:21.21 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: bogus autom4te.cache protection. handle corrupted/invalid cache dirs that will
03:21.21 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: cause aclocal to fail. handle out-of-date cache dirs that autoconf 'should'
03:21.22 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: recognize but obviously doesn't for at least most current versions of autoconf
03:21.22 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: as well resulting in an unnecessary failure. cache files shouldn't halt tools,
03:21.22 CIA-9 BRL-CAD: stupid lame gnu build system tools.
03:22.39 pra5ad man wtf.. it can find gluPerspective in GLU but not glFrustum in GL
03:23.13 joevalleyfield i guess it doesn't put its failed programs in config.log for that
03:27.46 pra5ad tim saves the day once again
03:27.49 pra5ad configure:4984: gcc -o conftest -g -O2 -I./src conftest.c -lGL -lSM -lICE -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lXext -lXmu -lXt -lXi >&5
03:27.49 pra5ad /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lXmu
03:27.55 pra5ad while testing -lGL
03:28.15 pra5ad ``Erik, i have xorg
03:30.36 brlcad pra5ad: brl-cad's should be a drop-in and run -- accommodates more stupidities of the gnu build system than I care to enumerate
03:30.58 brlcad ultimately runs autoreconf with the right flags if it'll work, otherwise it'll run the steps manually for you too
03:31.15 pra5ad well this is an issue with ``Erik's script
03:31.18 pra5ad no?
03:32.08 brlcad yes it is, i'm just saying from earlier comment about setting up an script
03:32.13 pra5ad ah
03:32.22 pra5ad well, here's my
03:32.36 pra5ad #!/bin/sh
03:32.36 pra5ad autoreconf --force --install -I config -I m4
03:32.40 pra5ad :P
03:33.04 brlcad yeah, well that will fail in plenty of situations when it shouldn't
03:33.48 pra5ad true, but i only care for ubuntu 5.10 and cygwin (for now)
03:34.17 brlcad *shrug*, your time down the road, not mine ;)
03:35.15 pra5ad heh
03:35.25 pra5ad how much work would it be to update one script
03:38.01 brlcad there's probably a solid two or three weeks worth of time in the current script between hunting down why autoreconf or the other various tools fail under certain situations, debugging some GBS stupidity/bug
03:38.15 brlcad starting out about where you are now in the beginning
03:38.43 brlcad depends just how accommodating you want to ultimately be -- if it's just for you it probably doesn't matter as much
03:40.16 brlcad having any script at all is rather against the gnu folk's retarded "methodology"
03:41.46 brlcad they say basically that you should force all devs onto a specific revision of the gbs tools for all your platforms, with no support for different versions, no accountability for their own bugs and various issues you can run into
03:43.07 brlcad one of the worst aspects of gnu, imo -- those guys and their ideas can be incredibly counterproductive and impractical
03:43.46 pra5ad i expect nothing less from anything connected to 'methodology'
03:43.48 brlcad one of the biggest reasons that make me wish there was a practical popular alternate
03:45.10 ``Erik o.O
03:45.13 brlcad but alas there is not
03:45.34 ``Erik wher'es my 7.6.4 ?
03:46.26 brlcad ``Erik: there's a meeting to uhm discuss it wednesday morning
03:46.38 ``Erik ....
03:46.46 ``Erik nov01, bitch
03:47.05 brlcad preaching to the preacher
03:47.16 ``Erik I'm of the user community, right? tell mgmt that the user community is complaining about the delayed release.
03:47.23 ``Erik contributing user community.
03:47.27 ``Erik damnit.
03:47.41 brlcad i'll be bringing up something to that effect
03:47.47 ``Erik heh
03:48.11 ``Erik :(
03:48.23 pra5ad brlcad, what module do i checkout from the rep
03:48.24 pra5ad o
03:48.33 brlcad pra5ad: for what?
03:48.38 pra5ad brlcad
03:48.46 brlcad heh
03:48.48 brlcad "brlcad"
03:48.54 brlcad you didn't even try did you
03:49.05 pra5ad u know i didnt
03:49.06 pra5ad =)
03:49.17 brlcad heh
03:49.54 ``Erik damn student (crazy daisy, w00)
03:50.02 pra5ad ``Erik, soo
03:50.07 pra5ad whats with the X libs
03:50.14 ``Erik they're libs
03:50.15 ``Erik for X
03:50.17 pra5ad my system doesnt have Xmu defined
03:50.26 ``Erik really?
03:50.30 ``Erik that's... interstying
03:50.33 ``Erik interesting
03:50.35 pra5ad have the library*
03:51.06 pra5ad (as in has no symlinks by default)
03:51.26 pra5ad but why are the x libs required for the gl test
04:07.40 pra5ad sean
04:08.01 pra5ad the .cvsignore files in the src subdirs dont include
04:08.44 pra5ad the top level .cvsignore adds it. does it propogate down to the subdirs?
04:09.07 pra5ad iirc the man page said it wouldn't
04:57.25 pra5ad haha once of my classmates from umd just got into redmond (win ce team)
04:58.12 brlcad they are not recursive, no
04:58.25 brlcad if you want global, you can add it to the CVSROOT ignores file
04:59.06 pra5ad bad external dependancies
04:59.15 pra5ad ``Erik, u didnt answer my question
04:59.45 ``Erik what question?
05:00.08 pra5ad pra5ad but why are the x libs required for the gl test
05:00.20 pra5ad i can build w/o em
05:00.55 ``Erik historically, gl libs quired X libs available on leenewx and fbsd
05:01.33 ``Erik bear in mind the age of the m4's... i cracnked the fuckers up during the 'glide' days, yo
05:01.54 pra5ad well besides the xlibs, the ac_defun function names need [] to kill some warning
05:02.01 pra5ad other than that
05:02.11 pra5ad i have it working on ubuntu 5.10 & cygwin
05:10.45 *** join/#brlcad joevalle1field (
05:22.55 pra5ad
05:23.12 pra5ad xbox 360 will be $600 (base), $700 (fully loaded)
05:23.15 pra5ad good god
05:25.26 *** join/#brlcad lachyg (
05:28.15 lachyg hi....does does brlcad include the ballistics and radar simulation tools? because the website doesn't make it too clear
05:33.41 brlcad lachyg: yes and no
05:34.18 brlcad there are various analysis codes that are non-geometric specific that utilize brl-cad
05:34.34 brlcad but that brl-cad does not ship ourselves
05:34.47 lachyg ah ok, that's what i wanted to know
05:34.56 brlcad the base tools, however, are -- that is the tools for geometric interrogation and rendering
05:35.13 lachyg any Free (with a capital) ones out there?
05:35.15 lachyg okay
05:35.17 brlcad including non-optical rendering, multispectral imaging
05:36.08 lachyg ok
05:36.08 brlcad there are some free, but not necessarily readily available or available to just anyone
05:36.45 lachyg i'd meant GNU-style Free...but yeah, i'm outside the US, so i doubt i'd be able to get them too easily
05:37.52 brlcad some of them are in a gnu-style free, just not gnu ;)
05:38.31 brlcad ballistics and radar are very domain specific, you're not going to find much
05:39.13 brlcad brl-cad is probably the defacto base code for the ballistics analysis codes
05:40.02 lachyg okay....any names i should google for? 'cos i'm just learning it at the moment, looking for some of the "hey, this is cool" type stuff
05:41.39 lachyg yes, it's childish i admit :)
05:42.21 brlcad nothing I could really suggest :)
05:42.52 brlcad search long enough and you'll undoubtedly find some of them though
05:43.05 brlcad at least references to them
05:43.44 lachyg brlcad, ok, thanks a lot then
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13:04.53 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/m4/compiler.m4: give the tests something to compile, a simple int should do.
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14:16.08 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/librt/wdb_obj.c:
14:16.08 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: The MGED mvall command was not catching when the user renames a sketch that
14:16.08 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: is used by an extrude primitive. The change mimics the treatment for
14:16.08 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: combination records. If the primitive being renamed is a sketch, we search
14:16.08 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: to see if any "extrude" uses the sketch and updates the name in the "extrude".
14:37.07 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/gtools/ (g_qa.1 g_qa.c):
14:37.07 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: The -g command line option can now have its arguments separated by either
14:37.07 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: a comma or a hyphen now, based upon user request.
14:51.42 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/libbn/bn_tcl.c:
14:51.42 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: Exposed two additional routines in the Tcl interface:
14:51.42 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: bn_isect_line2_line2
14:51.42 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: bn_isect_line3_line3
14:51.43 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: This allows us to process data from the Arcsecond Vulcan(tm) in Tcl scripts
14:51.43 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: instead of C code.
16:50.18 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
21:12.44 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/points/ (process.c process.h):
21:12.44 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: rename the create functions to have a create_ prefix (e.g. create_plate), add
21:12.44 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: condense_points and delete_points for removing null points from a set and
21:12.44 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: deleting detected 5-point replicates in the input (implying a need to delete the
21:12.44 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: previous point).
22:54.49 ``Erik *yawn*
23:25.20 *** join/#brlcad cad517 (
23:46.31 ``Erik sean
23:54.08 brlcad erik
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051109

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051109

00:32.08 ``Erik a lot in churchville has a carmen gia for like 9k
00:33.32 ``Erik karmann ghia, meh
01:04.55 brlcad heh
01:22.12 ``Erik,1&item=4579633665
01:23.49 brlcad purdy
01:24.02 brlcad freaking pristine
01:24.57 ``Erik *nod*
01:27.01 ``Erik hah, a sticker that says "important! this vehicle is wired negative earth!"
01:28.05 ``Erik anyways, saw the ghia on the drive home, *shrug* it's the lot right after grimmils furniture
02:43.21 ``Erik hehehe "swine before perl"
03:29.31 pra5ad brlcad,
03:29.47 pra5ad u guys goto the gym next to the theatre?
03:45.12 ``Erik there's oen right outside the gate
03:53.05 pra5ad same size?
03:59.37 brlcad i go to both
03:59.47 brlcad but for lunch we've been going to the one right outside
04:00.23 brlcad it's much smaller, but mostly fully equiped
04:00.27 ``Erik what're the differences?
04:00.32 ``Erik heh
04:01.25 ``Erik i imagine the only two things I'd want in a gym are a uni and a pool... those, plus decent outdoor walks, and I think I'd be set...
04:01.31 brlcad no nautilus, sauna, steamroom, or courts -- otherwise just one piece of each of the usual
04:01.35 ``Erik treadmills and shit don't make sense to me
04:01.52 ``Erik whu? the near one has nautilus gear?
04:01.55 ``Erik *perk*
04:03.10 brlcad there are the usual machines, but not nautilus (tm) -- the far one has the nautilus room
04:03.47 brlcad though i'm not sure far one is technically fully nautilus either, don't recall
04:03.49 ``Erik I'm not sure if I favor nautilus or freeweight
04:04.15 ``Erik *nod*
04:04.26 ``Erik freeweight is more "real", nautilus has ufll range motion
04:04.36 ``Erik both are better than wire&weight uni's, tho, heh
04:04.57 brlcad usually do one for a while, then switch to the other from time to time just to keep the muscles guessing
04:05.07 ``Erik heh
04:05.14 ``Erik all my muscles went away :(
04:06.07 ``Erik what's the near gym have?
04:08.22 ``Erik uni's, free's, bikes, treadmills, and steppers?
04:08.35 ``Erik showers and lockers?
04:09.22 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/
04:09.22 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: re-add a benign flag along with the -search_paths_first option so that it's not
04:09.22 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: accidentally picked up by other linkers as a -s and -e linker path resulting in
04:09.22 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: warnings regarding an 'arch_paths_first' symbol entry point. used
04:09.23 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: -fconstant-cfstrings (which we have none of).
04:09.26 pra5ad towels?
04:09.27 pra5ad heh
04:09.42 brlcad bikes, ellipticals, treadmills, freeweights, cables, aerobic room, various machines
04:09.49 brlcad showers, lockers, towels
04:10.02 brlcad both supply towels
04:10.04 pra5ad o.o
04:10.06 ``Erik cool
04:10.31 ``Erik of course, most of my gym time was in mat rooms for sparring, heh
04:10.47 pra5ad fencing?
04:10.53 ``Erik no
04:11.01 pra5ad karate?
04:11.05 brlcad lots of folk you'd recognize go to the close one, not so frequent on the far one
04:11.09 ``Erik ke, etc
04:11.14 ``Erik closer to karate
04:11.21 pra5ad ah
04:11.30 brlcad more "fit" folk in the main gym
04:11.40 pra5ad ahso
04:11.47 ``Erik so pussies like me should hit the near one
04:11.51 brlcad heh
04:11.57 pra5ad sean goes to the main one for the ladies
04:12.06 ``Erik and that's horribly wrong if you're going for nihongo, prasad
04:12.26 brlcad pra5ad: no, that's why I still have my bally's membership
04:12.28 pra5ad and the right way is?
04:12.36 pra5ad hah nice =)
04:12.36 ``Erik aso
04:12.44 ``Erik aso desu
04:12.45 pra5ad see, noone would get that
04:12.58 pra5ad well but noone i mean no american
04:13.06 ``Erik hey, bitch
04:13.08 ``Erik I'm american
04:13.10 ``Erik and I get it
04:13.13 pra5ad me too! wtf
04:13.13 ``Erik ano baka kuso ttaro
04:13.15 ``Erik ttare
04:13.24 ``Erik sumimasen, 'ttare'
04:13.39 pra5ad sorry, <what?> ?
04:13.44 pra5ad er excuse me
04:13.47 ``Erik heh
04:13.56 pra5ad what's the 2nd word
04:13.58 brlcad this whole half/third of the planet is "american"
04:14.01 ``Erik tarre, not tarro
04:14.08 ``Erik eh?
04:14.18 pra5ad oh lol
04:14.24 pra5ad i didnt see the quotes
04:14.26 ``Erik you mean a third of the planet is chinese... like, less than a tenth is american, no?
04:14.59 pra5ad bokuwa namaewa ...
04:15.17 ``Erik boku wa namae wa?
04:15.37 ``Erik which is a degredate form of "anata no o'namae wa nani desu ka"
04:15.38 pra5ad is that 'my name is (masculine)' ?
04:15.49 ``Erik yeah, masculine/rude
04:16.01 brlcad i mean like there's like north, central, and south american folk -- with large portions not nearly as ignorant as half the northerner ones ;)
04:16.31 ``Erik er, wait
04:16.32 ``Erik sorry
04:16.34 ``Erik not anata
04:16.41 pra5ad sean's south american?
04:16.43 brlcad ~tr en jp hello moto
04:16.45 ``Erik 'wakashi', or formally, 'wakuzashi'
04:16.59 ``Erik iirc
04:17.16 ``Erik meh
04:17.26 pra5ad anata is 'dear/darling' no?
04:17.26 ``Erik I don't rememeber... time for yet another shot of 151.
04:17.28 brlcad ~x en jp hello moto
04:17.31 ``Erik it doesn't even burn anymore
04:17.36 ``Erik "anata" is "you"
04:17.46 ``Erik second person indicator
04:17.56 pra5ad very familiar 'you'
04:18.13 ``Erik no, medium ground "you"
04:18.24 pra5ad i swear ive only heard women say that
04:18.40 pra5ad usually in a romantic context
04:18.44 pra5ad *shrug*
04:18.47 ``Erik women's degredate is "an'ta", regular formal is anata
04:19.12 ``Erik I don't recall males degredate, perhaps ana
04:19.24 pra5ad orewa ?
04:19.35 ``Erik (indicating that the recipient is more a thing htan a person)
04:19.38 ``Erik "are-wa"?
04:19.45 pra5ad mebe
04:19.58 ``Erik 'are wa' means "that thing"
04:20.20 pra5ad damn i shouldn't have stopped work on the manga translator
04:20.29 ``Erik (third person, inanimate or highly offensive)
04:20.42 ``Erik like, today, I said "are wa baka kuso ttare"
04:20.46 ``Erik that's highly offensive
04:20.48 ``Erik :D
04:21.22 ``Erik I think the literal translation is "that thing has shit around its asshole"
04:24.29 ``Erik er, wait, sorry
04:24.44 ``Erik ano is thing, are, is third person
04:24.50 ``Erik kore, sore, are, ...
04:25.07 ``Erik (kore being myself, sore being you, are, being third person)
04:25.30 ``Erik <-- drinks more 151 and notes that only 1 shot remains in the bottle *pout*
04:26.02 ``Erik (and shut up, it's been a decade)
04:29.37 ``Erik mal, efnet
04:29.59 pra5ad mm coke zero
04:42.23 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ use -Wnewline-eof instead of -fconstant-cfstrings as the 'benign' search_paths_first flag to be less confusing and perhaps even slightly useful -- the flag warns about files missing the trailing newline
04:55.18 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
05:39.03 pra5ad hmm left + right mouse buttons down == middle button
05:39.54 pra5ad could this be an OS setting that sdl picked up?
05:42.00 Maloeran Sounds like X's setting for emulation of middle-click, yes
05:43.36 pra5ad i also cant poll the mouse wheel outside an sdl_pollevents loop (apparently this works; havent tried it)
05:43.55 pra5ad have you played around with mouse wheel + sdl?
05:45.53 Maloeran Only middle clicks, not wheel events
05:46.11 pra5ad =(
05:46.45 pra5ad the button state vector isnt being updated after a sdl_getmousestate
05:47.34 Maloeran The "button state vector" ?
05:49.58 pra5ad sdl_getmousestate returns a uint8
05:50.41 pra5ad 5 lower bits are for the 5 'buttons' (3 buttons + wheel has an up and down state)
05:51.26 Maloeran Sure I know that, but what is the "button state vector"?
05:52.16 pra5ad the uint8 returned by sdl_getmousestate... ?
05:53.14 Maloeran Hum okay, I don't think "vector" was the appropriate term :)
05:53.36 pra5ad sorry, didn't know i was butchering the english language
06:44.09 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad (
07:50.50 lachyg does brlcad compile under cygwin? are there any problems under windows?
12:28.11 brlcad lachyg: it should and has been fully compiled under cygwin before, though it has been a couple months since I've done it myself
12:29.03 brlcad the only significant problem that comes to mind is that you can't render into the graphics window, but you can render into a regular framebuffer
12:55.10 brlcad compilation-wise, any problems you run into should be rather trivial and easy to get working regardless
16:08.28 *** join/#brlcad Edgard_ (
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Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051110

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051110

00:06.10 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
00:06.10 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Free Software!
00:11.01 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
00:11.01 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Free Software!
01:27.16 ``Erik fuck, cooked out another power supply
01:28.20 ``Erik (and 'button state vector' is legitimate english... vector is a highly overloaded term)
01:28.59 ``Erik prasad, don't listen to mals assertations about english, the damn frog barely speaks it ;) *duck*
01:29.30 ``Erik and mal, sorry, didn't get a chance to ask today, will try to remember tomorrow...
01:55.07 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad (
03:14.35 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
03:56.16 *** join/#brlcad Erroneous (
04:48.37 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad_ (
05:02.24 Maloeran Really, ``Erik? My mistake then, I don't see any definition of "vector" known to me that applies in the context... Better grab a dictionary on that one, thanks
09:59.30 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (log message trimmed)
09:59.30 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: simplify the summary printing at the end, where a separation line comprised of
09:59.30 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: asterisks is output with a length based on the dynamic length of the 'brl-cad is
09:59.30 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: installed here' line. the motivation for the change is due to the peculiar
09:59.30 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: difference in the behavior of bsd make vs gnu make. performing a mathematical
09:59.31 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: expr that evaluates to zero (e.g. expr 3 - 3) causes expr to return a non-zero
09:59.33 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: return value causing bsdmake to think something failed, even though we are in
10:02.06 brlcad that's been in need of a squishing for some time now I suppose
10:02.32 brlcad all for the sake of pretty printing
10:08.15 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/doc/README.BSD: (log message trimmed)
10:08.15 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: comment on the 'libtool: install: warning: ... .la ... has not been installed
10:08.15 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: in' warnings being spewed by libtool due to some libtool bug that fails to
10:08.15 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: install the .la files. this bug is not bsd specific, but considerably more
10:08.15 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: frequently observed on bsd since ports has had a never version of libtool for
10:08.16 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: some time now. seems to be a bug in the newest versions and may be related to
10:08.18 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: not using LT_INIT or using the slightly older libtool.m4 with the newest.
10:41.44 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS:
10:41.45 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: no longer install tclsh/wish, use btclsh/bwish. this simplifies our scripting
10:41.45 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: consistency and gives better knowledge over whose tools are being invoked, aside
10:41.45 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: from also being able to customize the command processing, providing brl-cad tcl
10:41.45 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: commands, and auto-loading our required packages. this was done in 7.4.0
10:48.52 *** join/#brlcad ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
10:48.52 *** mode/#brlcad [+o ChanServ] by
20:40.13 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 (
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21:05.35 AchiestDragon back in a bit , as in sometime between 4 hrs and 5 days depending how long this reinstall takes , when its finished thease burning these iso's
23:50.36 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051111

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051111

02:25.55 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
02:26.03 *** join/#brlcad Twingy2 (
03:54.05 pra5ad_ ``Erik, u around?
03:54.17 pra5ad_ brlcad, learner
03:57.53 learner sup g
04:10.35 pra5ad_ undecipherable g++ output
04:11.02 pra5ad_ changed one file and it's spewing errors from files not related to that source
04:11.35 learner ~pastebin
04:11.37 ibot it has been said that pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
04:11.37 pra5ad_ sec, stepping through the diff
04:28.57 ``Erik probably didn't put a semicolon at the end of a class header file o.O that always stings me
04:34.34 pra5ad twas my unsafe used of s///
04:34.52 pra5ad s/used/use/g
04:34.57 pra5ad aw crap
04:36.13 pra5ad wait.. spoke too soon
04:37.46 pra5ad dammit
04:37.52 pra5ad curlie bracket it is
04:45.20 *** join/#brlcad tex9745 (
04:46.12 tex9745 list
04:47.55 Maloeran gcc produce warnings about unbalanced counts of brackets in a file, I thought, assuming -Wall
05:02.20 *** topic/#brlcad by learner -> || BRL-CAD is now Free Software! || 7.6.4 to be released this weekend (Nov 11th)
05:41.05 *** join/#brlcad mahesh (
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21:30.29 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/lgt/ (15 files): convert STATIC to static and obliterate the NDEBUG hacks now that it's consistent provided throughout the package via configure
21:34.59 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ ( bench/ sh/ more consistency between the tail/head checking for the functionality of -n. check for head and tail separately
21:42.31 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/fb/ (fbstretch.c gif-fb.c): get rid of the NDEBUG hacking, configure provides for it now. clean up the include/header ws
21:44.48 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/attach.c: hide a malformed Tk erorr that ends up missing a newline between statements. since this is inherintly a Tk application, just remove that part of the interpreter result (loosing those few bytes of memory, but only once)
21:52.07 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ check for strtok
21:53.58 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libsysv/strtok.c: initial strtok.c file pulled/moved from src/lgt, with proper libsysv inclusion testing and some cleanup.
21:54.30 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libsysv/ add strtok.c
21:59.02 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/ged.c:
21:59.02 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: append the brl-cad bin directory to the end of the user's PATH during run-time
21:59.02 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: to allow binaries to be automatically located without the user needing to append
21:59.02 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: our location to their environment. this will let the user invoke any brl-cad
21:59.02 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: binary on the mged command-line even through an exec.
22:00.25 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/lgt/strtok.c: strtok.c was moved to libsysv
22:01.28 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: mged now adds our bin dir to the user search path so that subcommands like rt and company work as expected without path problems
22:57.32 brlcad_ cvs hasn't been working all day until just then
22:57.44 brlcad_ compile-testing now
23:05.28 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
23:32.16 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051112

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051112

00:07.04 pra5ad is adding a null char in a static string bad form? (gcc warning)
00:07.34 Twingy why are you doing that?
00:08.06 pra5ad does it append a sentinel to the end automagically?
00:08.43 Twingy strcpy(string, "blah"); sprintf(string, "%s", "blah"); both append null to the end
00:08.59 pra5ad those arent static strings
00:09.08 Twingy "blah" is
00:09.33 pra5ad it's not sprintf that's appending it?
00:09.44 Twingy huh?
00:09.51 Twingy sprintf add's a null char to the end
00:12.57 pra5ad alrighty then
00:44.53 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
01:56.20 Maloeran gcc shouldn't give a warning for appending a 0 at the end of a string, unless you used NULL which is meant for pointers
01:56.36 Maloeran Though of course, by definition of the C standard, you can use 0 for pointers just as much
02:51.05 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/parallel.c: move the bu_param for irix 64 outside the block so it gets defined, also fix a typo in a ppc section where sysctl return value wasn't getting checked correctly
03:44.48 *** join/#brlcad ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
03:44.48 *** mode/#brlcad [+o ChanServ] by
04:12.10 ``Erik heh, prasad is a dork
04:31.10 pra5ad sprintf(str, "something %d\0", intvar); gives a warning w/ Wall
04:32.18 pra5ad gcc version 4.0.2 20050808 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.0.1-4ubuntu9)
04:39.53 Maloeran Ah yes, a string litteral is defined as already being null terminated, this extra \0 is very pointless...
04:40.29 pra5ad at compiler time, yes?
04:41.21 pra5ad guess i didn't parse correctly what justin was saying
04:42.17 pra5ad s/compiler/compile/
04:43.00 pra5ad ``Erik, did u make the opengl.m4 updates yet?
04:43.07 Maloeran He meant that sprintf() appends a \0 too
04:46.31 pra5ad interesting
12:25.28 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
12:51.43 *** join/#brlcad Bl4d3 (
12:51.49 *** part/#brlcad Bl4d3 (
13:53.52 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ missing the damn trailing slash on an extra_dist entry
14:01.23 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ remove the inadvertent m-x 4 f .. extraneous 4 removed
14:59.52 *** join/#brlcad IngMan (
15:02.46 IngMan hi
15:03.51 brlcad howdy
15:04.24 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/adrt/misc/ another trailing slash missing
15:07.58 IngMan what comands for measure
15:09.48 brlcad measuring what?
15:10.40 brlcad rtarea will provide presented area measurements, rtweight will give weight/volume/moments measurements, g_qa as well
15:11.35 brlcad the nirt/shoot_ray tool will provide length, thickness, obliquity measurements
15:13.09 IngMan for planes,
15:13.54 IngMan nirt/shoot_ray
15:14.10 IngMan no work
15:15.58 IngMan for "acotar" planes
15:20.25 IngMan hi
15:21.48 *** join/#brlcad IngMan (
15:24.29 IngMan hi
15:28.19 *** join/#brlcad IngMan (
15:28.29 brlcad ~x es en acotar
15:28.48 IngMan yes
15:29.15 IngMan what command
15:29.35 brlcad still not clear what you are measuring
15:30.52 brlcad si quieres la distancia entre un punto y un objecto, usas nirt
15:31.38 IngMan a model, i wish see de planes with to limit
15:31.53 IngMan yo quiero ver los planos de una pieza acotados
15:33.57 brlcad cual planos?
15:34.02 brlcad qual
15:34.35 brlcad the bounding box planes?
15:34.37 IngMan los de una pieza
15:35.01 brlcad that doesn't make any sense .. which planes?
15:35.13 brlcad i can make a plane anywhere
15:35.30 brlcad you're working in arbitrary 3-space
15:37.14 IngMan por ejemplo: yo dibujo una cubo, quiero que me muestre el plano con las cotas de ese cubo
15:37.15 brlcad quiza si dibujas lo que estas pensando..
15:37.47 IngMan eso pense
15:38.01 IngMan te mando una imagen por mail
15:38.57 IngMan tu eres morrison
15:38.59 brlcad con una cubo, tendrias que modelar las cotas con algo.. un halfspace object
15:39.00 IngMan cierto
15:39.04 brlcad si
15:39.33 IngMan te mando la imagen al mail que un dia me distte
15:39.39 brlcad ok
15:43.58 IngMan listo
15:44.06 IngMan revisa a ver si llego
15:45.14 brlcad si, ya llego
15:45.56 brlcad aja.. quieres 'annotations'
15:46.24 brlcad acotado .. not to the limit but annotated
15:47.54 brlcad brl-cad does not provide that information graphically right now, but it is being worked on
15:49.32 brlcad eso es algo que usalmente encuentras con un 'drafting tool' algo que brl-cad no es pero algo useful regardless
15:52.19 brlcad it wouldn't be hard to add annotations to mged, but having them dynamically recompute when you change an object is the somewhat harder aspect as it requires parametrics
15:52.45 brlcad or some viable means to make the annotations associated with the object that they reference
15:52.46 IngMan <PROTECTED>
15:53.31 brlcad si, no ayuda directamente
15:53.44 brlcad todavia
15:54.20 IngMan y digamos, si tu tubieras que hacerlo que harias
15:54.25 brlcad es algo que tradicionalmente no hemos necesitado
15:55.12 IngMan pero cualquier otro programa cad lo hace
15:55.32 IngMan solid edge solid work
15:56.13 brlcad si, porque incluyen "cadd" computer-assisted design and drafting ..
15:57.14 IngMan ah, y tu que harias en mi caso
15:57.29 brlcad no me entiende mal, yo lo quiero tambien ;-) solo que nadie lo he necesitado antes que convertio al open source
15:57.58 IngMan a mi me gusta mas que otros programas
15:58.09 IngMan pero tengo la necesidad de hacer eso
15:58.31 brlcad yo computaria las distancias a mano usando nirt o el bounding box distances
15:59.31 brlcad brl-cad will import annotations from dxf now
15:59.50 brlcad so if you happened to compute them in another package, they should show up I think
16:00.39 IngMan <PROTECTED>
16:01.52 brlcad personalment, si yo lo necesitaba, i'd probably modify the sketch primitive to allow an easy means to write text/numbers ;)
16:02.09 brlcad you can get the bounding box of any object/assembly
16:02.28 brlcad that's often what you are annotating, not the individual solids
16:03.19 IngMan voy a probar y te cuento como me fue
16:03.39 IngMan ya enpece con lo de las traducciones de los manuales
16:03.57 brlcad excelente
16:04.36 IngMan aunque la verdad es que no he tenido mucho tiempo libre, pero espero poder ahora que se acabe el semestre
16:05.01 brlcad tambien aqui
16:06.09 IngMan y en que estan trabajando ahora
16:06.32 IngMan tu trabajas en brlcad de tiempo compreto
16:06.35 brlcad estaba trabajando con annotations hace unas semanas -- usando el 'sketch' primitive por un basis
16:06.36 IngMan completo
16:06.49 brlcad si completo
16:07.30 IngMan que bien
16:07.33 brlcad pero eso incluye _mucho_ tiempo gastado en administracion
16:07.56 IngMan y cuanto pagan, para ver si cuando termine me voy para brlcad
16:08.17 brlcad politica y reuniones
16:08.38 brlcad jeje
16:08.48 IngMan no es chiste es mi futuro
16:08.52 IngMan jajaj
16:08.54 brlcad pagan bien ;)
16:09.03 IngMan no necesitan ing Mecanicos
16:09.40 IngMan incluir FEA
16:10.22 brlcad siempre necesitan ingenieros
16:12.33 IngMan y tu por que hablas español, de donde eres
16:13.40 brlcad de Panamá
16:13.51 brlcad vivi alli por muchos años
16:14.29 brlcad aunque se me va mi español poco a poco cuando no regreso por un tiempo
16:14.59 brlcad lo hablo mucho mejor de que lo escribo ;)
16:16.25 IngMan yo soy de colombia
16:16.42 IngMan creo que por ahora me tengo que ir.
16:16.55 IngMan estamos hablando
16:17.02 IngMan bye
16:17.03 brlcad el mayoría de mi juventud.. que divertido
16:17.10 brlcad aja
16:17.26 brlcad hasta luego
16:18.06 IngMan te escribo cuando tenga el manual o cuando tenga mas dudas de brlcad
16:18.14 brlcad ta bien
17:01.27 ``Erik uh, burrito taco spaghetti
17:01.48 ``Erik has it hit the wire?
17:08.12 brlcad waiting on the damn irix build to confirm testing
17:08.51 brlcad take a few hours, it's been going for a couple
17:09.24 brlcad you should pimp brl-cad to the .jp sites ;)
17:09.52 brlcad ~x en jp that would be interesting
17:22.15 brlcad i really need to get this whole process fully automated
19:12.24 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
19:12.56 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: begin release preparations for 7.6.4. add verbose release notes on the new geometry creation interface to mged that reads in point data sets.
19:13.10 *** join/#brlcad xvoom (
19:13.46 xvoom hi 2 all
19:13.52 xvoom anyone alive
19:14.01 brlcad howdy
19:15.22 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ ( include/config_win.h): update version to 7.6.4, release preparations under way
19:15.42 xvoom brlcad hi
19:15.45 xvoom how r u
19:15.53 brlcad ~ma
19:15.55 ibot rumour has it, ma is milliampere(s). Morocco
19:16.10 brlcad i'm doing great, how about yourself?
19:16.45 xvoom ibot is a bot
19:17.13 xvoom why he have to tell my location
19:17.15 brlcad ~ibot
19:17.16 ibot extra, extra, read all about it, ibot is a blootbot written in perl run by TimRiker on his server. logs on<chan>/ , ibot, jbot, apt are all the same process. It uses sqlite, but mysql or other SQL storage is also supported.
19:17.29 xvoom hehe
19:17.35 xvoom k
19:17.42 brlcad he didn't tell your location, your IP address did ;)
19:17.57 brlcad i was just wondering where .ma was .. neat ;)
19:18.08 xvoom look im looking for information about a cad software named somthing like anthek
19:18.47 brlcad doesn't ring a bell
19:19.13 brlcad this is the channel for a different cad package ..
19:19.34 xvoom yes i know
19:20.04 xvoom im just wandering about this package
19:20.33 xvoom do u know any site specialized in cad package
19:20.36 brlcad there is the ANTEC plastics conference, somewhat CAD related
19:21.02 xvoom u tried to search on google
19:21.41 brlcad not exactly, I'm not the one looking for it ;)
19:22.08 brlcad a site specialized in cad packages.. hmm
19:22.09 brlcad
19:22.21 brlcad there's a list there somwhere
19:23.12 xvoom by the way u coded this package
19:23.15 xvoom brlcad
19:23.55 brlcad are you asking if I coded brl-cad?
19:24.11 brlcad i am one of the core devs
19:24.28 brlcad brl-cad has been under development for over 20 years though too, many people have been involved
19:24.38 brlcad mike muuss started the project
19:24.52 brlcad
19:25.33 xvoom how is the mathematic underlying it ?
19:26.18 brlcad it's foundations are based on mathematical principals, very solid
19:27.11 brlcad if you're familiar with ray-tracing, brl-cad's primary ray-tracer is the first distributed raytracer that was ever written
19:27.42 xvoom coool
19:27.43 brlcad the preferred modeling technique of CSG is founded in mathematical principals too
19:28.27 xvoom i think i will try it in the future r8 now i must learn some cad
19:29.04 brlcad brl-cad's supported primitves:
19:29.40 xvoom an that mean
19:29.42 brlcad brl-cad is a solid modeler, not a drafting tool like autocad
19:30.00 xvoom sorry
19:30.00 xvoom wow
19:30.10 xvoom i like it
19:30.18 xvoom a lot man
19:30.55 xvoom do u know of any training for drafting
19:31.06 brlcad more details here and here under the Documents section
19:31.36 brlcad if you're interested in open source drafting, qcad might be a place to look
19:31.36 xvoom thank man u r really a good 1
19:32.02 xvoom kok
19:32.20 xvoom where r u from
19:34.32 brlcad from all over ;)
19:34.48 brlcad in the US now
19:35.38 xvoom u mean u own coputer all over the world
19:37.12 brlcad no, i mean i've lived in several places
19:37.41 xvoom and u r origin
19:40.07 xvoom see ya man
19:40.11 xvoom later
19:40.13 brlcad cheers
20:10.33 *** join/#brlcad mahesh (
20:38.08 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ChangeLog: changelog entries since 7.4.0 (7.4.2 only included the patched files)
20:59.38 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ bah, the version is in two places .. should maybe change that sometime
23:14.09 ``Erik ghah, ibot is in perl? and permitted in chan???
23:28.49 Twingy mmm perl goodness
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051113

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051113

00:29.19 *** join/#brlcad ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
00:29.19 *** mode/#brlcad [+o ChanServ] by
01:31.35 brlcad ``Erik: heh
01:32.24 brlcad for better or worse, ibot is filled with tons of factoids from over the years, hard to compete with that
01:33.24 brlcad on the other hand Guu is in python, which while improved is mainly lacking in user interface (i.e. she's a pain in the ass to talk to unless you know/speak her command set)
01:45.07 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
02:37.11 Twingy on the other hand I have 4 fingers and an opposable thumb
03:29.21 ``Erik Sammy says hiiiii
05:34.17 *** join/#brlcad ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
05:34.17 *** mode/#brlcad [+o ChanServ] by
06:47.39 *** join/#brlcad joevalleyfield (
07:42.42 *** join/#brlcad joevalleyfield (
12:54.58 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (n=brlcad@pdpc/supporter/silver/brlcad)
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13:20.11 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (n=brlcad@pdpc/supporter/silver/brlcad)
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13:46.40 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad 07rel-7-6-branch * 10brlcad/ (1801 files in 120 dirs): merge changes from HEAD aka rel-7-6-4 to the rel-7-6-branch just in case someone peeks a gander or tries to continue/build the branch
13:48.55 brlcad heh, boom
14:05.36 AchiestDragon :) 130 emails for that commit
14:09.26 AchiestDragon 117 rather
14:11.25 brlcad just a couple.. ;)
15:21.05 *** join/#brlcad tofu (n=brlcad@pdpc/supporter/silver/brlcad)
15:21.05 *** mode/#brlcad [+o tofu] by ChanServ
15:23.18 *** part/#brlcad tofu (n=brlcad@pdpc/supporter/silver/brlcad)
17:09.09 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (n=brlcad@pdpc/supporter/silver/brlcad)
17:09.09 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
17:45.33 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad 07rel-7-6-branch * 10brlcad/ (193 files in 26 dirs): more merging changes from HEAD aka rel-7-6-4 to the rel-7-6-branch, adding the items that were moved and resolving rcs keyword conflicts
17:59.56 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad 07rel-7-6-branch * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc/ bad cvs merge, no donut for you
18:02.12 *** join/#brlcad kb9wte (
18:22.59 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (31 files in 12 dirs): merge the rel-7-6-branch merging removals of some of the rcs vars that don't seem so useful right now
20:36.49 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051114

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051114

05:52.52 *** part/#brlcad brlcad (n=brlcad@pdpc/supporter/silver/brlcad)
05:59.49 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (
06:39.06 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
07:09.33 *** join/#brlcad mahesh (
08:46.48 lachyg how do I translate an object using the command line?
13:26.17 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (
13:27.23 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
14:30.56 *** join/#brlcad joevalleyfield (
16:00.50 *** join/#brlcad JonnyRo (
16:40.08 *** join/#brlcad josel (n=josel@VDSL-130-13-195-66.PHNX.QWEST.NET)
17:52.48 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
18:24.46 *** join/#brlcad josel (n=josel@VDSL-130-13-195-66.PHNX.QWEST.NET)
19:31.16 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (n=Apathy@
19:45.29 *** join/#brlcad josel (n=josel@VDSL-130-13-195-66.PHNX.QWEST.NET)
19:52.49 PKMOBILE argh whenever i have the time to seriously work on the site something on sourceforge HAS to be down
20:10.44 learner lachyg, tra command
20:10.58 learner tra, rot, and sca for translate, rotate, and scale respectively
20:11.35 learner you'll need to be in edit mode so either sed or oed if it's a solid or combination
20:28.04 PKMOBILE
20:28.10 PKMOBILE argh!!!!!
20:32.14 brlcad yeah, that happened last week when sourceforge performed the mysql server migrations
20:32.45 brlcad we have to use a different host/user iirc, forget the details
20:34.43 PKMOBILE do you have em somewhere?
20:34.54 brlcad woah
20:34.57 brlcad new sourceforge site just went live
20:35.13 PKMOBILE yeah ive got mixed feelings about it
21:03.31 PKMOBILE farewell ye IRC goers
21:03.37 PKMOBILE i shall return
21:06.29 *** join/#brlcad josel (n=josel@VDSL-130-13-195-66.PHNX.QWEST.NET)
21:12.12 brlcad hello josel
21:24.18 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/ged.c: dammit! remove the mged_finish() debug line so mged does not terminate early
21:28.30 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad 07rel-7-6-branch * 10brlcad/src/mged/ged.c: merge bogus abort removal from HEAD
22:14.06 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (n=Apathy@
22:38.14 *** join/#brlcad josel (n=josel@VDSL-130-13-195-66.PHNX.QWEST.NET)
22:46.12 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak|RDP (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051115

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051115

02:10.09 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: should probably learn how to spell my name right
03:08.43 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad 07rel-7-6-branch * 10brlcad/NEWS: merge spelling fix from HEAD
03:11.31 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/macosx/Resources/ReadMe.rtfd/TXT.rtf: update to 7.6.4, fix whitespace formatting of the urls
03:12.05 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/macosx/Resources/Welcome.rtfd/TXT.rtf: update to 7.6.4
03:22.58 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/regress/ fix path to iges, now in conv subdir
03:28.06 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/ged.c: disable the path modification as the putenv seems to confuse tcl
04:00.19 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
07:34.57 lachyg how do I get out of edit mode?
08:40.27 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak|RDP (
10:20.34 brlcad lachyg: 'reject' or 'accept' commands, or 'press reject' and 'press accept'
10:21.02 brlcad if you're in the graphics window, the 'q' key is bound to 'press reject'
11:29.14 lachyg brlcad, okay, thanks
13:11.46 brlcad there's also 'apply' like on the menus
18:23.15 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak|RDP (
18:25.50 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
22:28.14 *** join/#brlcad archivist_ (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051116

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051116

02:14.21 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad (
02:32.17 ``Erik o.O
03:55.27 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon (
03:57.24 brlcad joevalleyfield: ping
05:21.12 pra5ad pong?
05:21.45 ``Erik are you joevalleyfield, prasad? no? then stfu.
05:21.45 ``Erik :D
05:30.40 pra5ad drunk again?
06:01.48 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:01.48 *** join/#brlcad archivist_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:01.48 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:01.48 *** join/#brlcad joevalleyfield ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:01.48 *** join/#brlcad CIA-12 (
06:01.48 *** join/#brlcad lachyg ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:01.48 *** join/#brlcad archivist ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:01.48 *** join/#brlcad Guu (
06:05.10 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
13:45.49 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon (
13:56.25 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon (
15:25.27 joevalleyfield 64 bytes from joevalleyfield: icmp_seq=0 ttl=indefinate[C[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[C time=0.128 ms
15:36.11 learner :)
16:37.19 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon (
17:11.38 ``Erik ping -f -c 9999 -s 65490 joevalleyfield
17:12.02 ``Erik :-D
17:57.33 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
18:07.15 joevalleyfield \me kernel panic
18:26.12 ``Erik AIEEEE!
18:26.55 brlcad woot
18:27.10 ``Erik get all the lappies you need, sean?
18:42.01 brlcad yeah, got 5
18:42.06 brlcad should be plenty
22:13.57 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
23:59.27 *** join/#brlcad setuid (i=japh@
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051117

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051117

00:21.20 *** join/#brlcad setuid (i=japh@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:21.20 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
00:21.20 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:21.20 *** join/#brlcad archivist_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:21.20 *** join/#brlcad joevalleyfield ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:21.20 *** join/#brlcad CIA-12 (
00:21.21 *** join/#brlcad lachyg ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:21.21 *** join/#brlcad archivist ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:21.21 *** join/#brlcad Guu (
00:27.04 setuid ping
00:28.02 AchiestDragon pong
00:29.49 AchiestDragon :( hate server splits , got to wait for my text to speech to finish speaking about 200 nick join and part events
00:35.20 setuid I'm putting BRL-CAD up as a case study for the Open Power project... wanted to ask some questions
00:35.28 setuid Sean submitted it
00:44.15 AchiestDragon need to speek to him about that , or one of the other devs here , thay sould be arround but sometimes its a while before thay check for new messages in irc
00:48.16 setuid Ok, I'll just sort of reword his submission a little bit and submit it
00:59.25 ``Erik ?
01:01.24 setuid a'ight
01:01.28 AchiestDragon well me just beeing a lowly beta tester for a part that isnt in cvs yet then i dont know too much about it
01:01.42 setuid I'll throw something together, I can be eloquent..
01:02.18 setuid Hrm, I don't see mention of what the license is
01:06.34 AchiestDragon it included in the source
01:06.44 setuid So what is the license?
01:06.56 AchiestDragon
01:07.47 AchiestDragon i pasted it ther for you , but that is what is included in the source distribution
01:10.07 setuid Great, thanks...
01:10.12 setuid Would be nice if that was clearly stated on the website
01:10.30 AchiestDragon should pont out that link will only be valid for a few days , if you need a more perminent copy of the licence it is in the source or sean can send you one
01:10.42 setuid Nope, just need to know so I can include that in the case study
01:27.45 setuid Ok, how does this sound:
01:28.56 setuid
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01:45.02 AchiestDragon <PROTECTED>
01:49.16 AchiestDragon not shure if sean would want to high light some other developemts that are in the pipeline , like the new frontend "archer" and other work that is going on (that is not in cvs or the distribution as yet)
05:52.52 brlcad setuid: howdy
05:55.00 brlcad excellent, glad to hear it about going up as a case study and feel free to rewordsmith it -- could go into more detail as well, but I wasn't sure how much or little information was desired
05:57.06 brlcad setuid: brl-cad is a rather large codebase with separate portions under separate licenses -- the COPYING file from the source distribution that AchiestDragon pasted starts out by saying "it's gpl" but in reality "portions are gpl, lgpl, gfdl/gpl, bsd, and public domain"
05:57.57 brlcad the website doesn't mention this simply because that was a quick website that was posted when the package was first open sources less than a year ago, a more comprehensive and informative website is under development
06:00.29 brlcad the legalities to fall fairly neatly into categories for the most part forunately -- the intent is to be as flexible as possible while encouraging contributions too only -- so the binaries are gpl, the libraries are lgpl, the documentation is selectably gfdl or gpl if it's not already public domain, the build system and support scripts are bsd or public domain depending on the script
06:03.10 brlcad the fact that the libraries are not gpl, but lgpl is very important to most of our primary users (so I wouldn't just say it's gpl in the write-up)
06:03.46 brlcad it's "over 20 years" in development (21 or 26 depending on when you start counting)
06:07.52 brlcad setuid, I'd prefer not publishing that particular e-mail if you do submit it, there are others that would be better suited like morrison at brlcad dot org -- not a big issue either way, though.
06:12.56 brlcad last thing I'd suggest changing is to say that BRL-CAD is Open Source software with portions covered by the GPL, LGPL, and BSD licenses.
06:28.09 setuid I'm here
06:28.24 setuid Was just putting a coat of paint on the livingroom
06:29.11 setuid brlcad, What would be nice, is to have a 'What problem we had', 'What solutions we tried', 'Why we settled on POWER' or something like that... but I can forge up something like that.
06:30.22 brlcad hmm
06:31.10 brlcad that could be somewhat tricky -- the problem is more one of exposure and os/hardware combinations (which I think I went into somewhat in the original submission)
06:32.00 setuid ok
06:32.11 brlcad i actually have access to power4 and 5 machines, huge ones, but not any running debian -- the particular combination of debian on a 64 bit ppc showed some compilation issues that we were able to fix once exposed to the machine
06:33.03 setuid *nod*
06:33.08 setuid Did you try the Gentoo and SuSE ones?
06:33.53 brlcad can't exactly say we "settled on power", although it is one of my personal favorite architectures if only by the beauty of the interprocess communication architecture and shared levels of cache memory
06:34.14 brlcad bleh, inter-processor
06:34.46 setuid Oh, don't let me twist your arm, I have no allegence per-se, but 'case studies' generally have the flow of 'problem, ideas, solution'. No need to box you into that model if it doesn't fit.
06:37.17 brlcad yeah, i'm not so sure it fits in this case -- brl-cad has historically had a philosophy of compiling successfully on everything we can get our hands on, making for incredibly portable code that runs on some really old and isoteric hardware (think pre-tcp/ip, machines that aren't little or big endian, etc)
06:38.19 brlcad and all the while, scaling up from single processor to vast multiprocessor architectures -- providing a good means to evaluate an smp architecture's scaling efficiency using real-world application metrics
06:44.37 setuid Yep
06:45.28 brlcad in this case, we were given the opportunity and access to build our code on a platform that we didn't presently have on hand -- this allowed us to resolve compilation issues on a conveniently fast machine and afforded the opportunity to test that platform's scalability performance (which is excellent and boils down to core business decisions for the military often)
06:47.17 setuid I'll bubble this up into something coherent tomorrow... need sleep now =)
06:47.20 setuid Thanks again
06:47.38 brlcad now I can't make any official statements about ARL or the military, or their infrastructure business practices and how they relate to BRL-CAD with any great detail, but I can say that the BRL-CAD benchmark does give an excellent metric
06:47.49 brlcad not a problem, thanks to you and your group
06:47.59 brlcad the resource is great to have
06:48.34 brlcad if I could install into system space, I'd be making our binary ppc linux releases off of it ;)
06:49.13 brlcad cheers and g'night!
06:50.38 setuid We might actually talk again about that... a BRL-CAD ppc64 build (rpm for SuSE 9/10 or RHEL 3/4) satisfies a request from another group internally
07:03.02 brlcad I'd be more than happy to and of course interested as well, not to mention interested in what the internal group's BRL-CAD usage is as well
07:05.24 setuid Its more of a way to promote it to other clients, partners, stuff like that.
07:05.39 setuid Kind of a "See? BRL-CAD even ships with a ppc64-specific build..."
07:15.55 brlcad i'm not sure i'm fully aware of the other machines (suse, rhel, gentoo that you've mentioned) being available too as part of the openpower project
07:16.47 brlcad i'm only familiar with tick and the peking server
07:17.12 setuid Portland is online, probably not advertised yet
07:20.08 brlcad I'll have to keep an eye out for it then, thanks
07:21.11 brlcad been nice chatting with you, nice to meet you -- feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions, or hang around or stop by here again too
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10:14.44 AchiestDragon brlcad: was only going on the information in the included file re copying , if it is not the case then i think that file needs to be updated
10:17.04 AchiestDragon before someone starts distributing the code in a distribution under a global gpl and failing to be aware of the multiple licensing of the individual parts
10:18.30 AchiestDragon like sony for example :P (re DRM root kit including unlicensed use of gpl and lgpl code )
11:55.33 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
11:55.33 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Free Software! || 7.6.4 to be released this weekend (Nov 11th)
12:18.55 brlcad AchiestDragon: no worries, you didn't do anything wrong -- if you keep reading that long file it states (hopefully very clearly) exactly what is meant
12:20.31 AchiestDragon k, just that it needs a better explanation at the top , so it doesnt just get a quick scan of the first few paragraphs and a concusion drawn that its gpl from that
12:21.23 AchiestDragon so that the point is made near the begining not at the end
12:21.24 brlcad it just starts out saying gpl intentionally both as a catch-all to safeguard cases not carefully worded below where someone tries to take more liberty than was intended
12:23.44 brlcad It probably does need a sentence more early on, but it can't go into too much detail without giving someone undue leeway about what applies to what
12:23.46 AchiestDragon out of interest how much of the code is not gpl (lgpl) and has retrictions that could casues big problems if it was not able to be included in a gpl distribution , in that the program would not function
12:24.55 brlcad if I understand your question correctly, none of brl-cad
12:25.10 AchiestDragon with kttsd , and festival its a simalar case , in that
12:25.34 brlcad gpl is the most restrictive getting more and more flexible with other parts that are lgpl, bsd, and public domain
12:26.03 brlcad now there are several packages that use brl-cad's libraries
12:26.11 AchiestDragon festival has to be downloaded seperatly , and if you need mobrola voices you need a seperate download for that , and nether can be distributed as part of kde
12:26.16 brlcad that amounts to a LOT of code, but is not brl-cad
12:27.00 AchiestDragon k
12:29.23 brlcad the spirit of the licenses chosen was to encourage the community to contribute back to brl-cad when possible, but not limit use -- whatever that use may be even if commercial or private so long as we don't end up in a situation where someone forks, makes improvements, and doesn't return those changes to the community
12:30.04 AchiestDragon just that i think maybe when some of the packagers get round to including it in distributions that thay may need the code to be grouped into gpl, lgpl .. etc so thay may include or not parts that there distribution licenseing will allow
12:30.06 brlcad (public improvements, of course)
12:30.19 AchiestDragon maybe why it is not already
12:31.06 brlcad i don't think that is the case -- at worst the entire package can be treated as gpl
12:31.08 AchiestDragon tend to aggree , and if writing code for a program i prefer to use the existing licence for that program
12:31.47 brlcad exactly, gpl/lgpl were chosen for familiarity and usefulness, not to push the gnu/fsf agenda
12:32.16 brlcad if we need to hand out tailored licenses, that is possible as well
12:33.56 brlcad by the way, with regard to the packaging distributions, I've been in touch with most of them -- the only licensing issue that came up was with debian and their prohibition of the gfdl on documentation
12:34.32 brlcad in which we accommodated, hence why the user gets to choose whether they want gfdl or gpl on documentation if it's not public domain already
12:34.48 AchiestDragon k
12:35.05 brlcad the delay has otherwise been rather technical related to entirely different installation methodologies/practices
12:35.36 brlcad brl-cad has always used a private installation root given it's size and several conflicts that can occur
12:36.38 brlcad several of our core libraries conflict with other common libraries so a lot of effort has been going into the build system to work around a centralized installation hierarchy to a distributed one
12:37.14 AchiestDragon k
12:38.27 brlcad an example, one of the core freebsd devs is a brl-cad dev as well but getting brl-cad into the frebsd ports packaging system has taken many months and still isn't fully integrated even now
12:38.54 AchiestDragon think its one of the failing points of the difernt distros using diferent locations for some main components
12:40.08 brlcad the biggest problem you run into is usually conflict resolution, especially if the conflict cannot practically be resolved
12:40.27 brlcad brl-cad's core libraries for example, libbu, libbn, and librt
12:41.00 brlcad those are libraries that have been around for over 20 years, there is a community of developers and users that have come to know them and expect their interfaces
12:41.41 brlcad yet if I install any one of those three into /usr/lib on a given OS, there is a chance I will clobber someone else who has a library of the same name
12:43.33 brlcad anyhow, the short skimmy of it all is that it means a lot more work has to go into configurable installation schemes for the packaging systmes that limits possibilities for naming collisions (which most package systems don't prevent in the least, but often provide means to try to limit them from happening if you go through hoops)
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16:31.42 ``Erik myorp
17:00.22 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/lib/TableView.tcl: Tweek updateVscroll method: put a catch around "after idle" command
17:07.33 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/archer/Archer.tcl: Add exportVrml method
17:12.45 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/archer/LoadArcherLibs.tcl: Fixed typo (i.e. errantly dereferenced a variable)
17:14.22 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/archer/images/aboutArcher.png: Update to 0.7.1
17:25.08 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/swidgets/scripts/tree.itk: Check-in for Doug: Mods for multiple selection
17:29.41 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/libtk/ (4 files in 3 dirs): Mods to silence the debug runtime checker
17:32.36 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/tkimg/ (base/tkimg.c pngtcl/pngtcl.c zlibtcl/zlibtcl.c): Added seperate init routine for debug mode
17:33.47 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon (
17:36.01 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/libdm/dm-ogl_win.c: Fixed a line of code that was trashing the stack. Other minor mods.
17:46.19 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/archer/plugins/Wizards/tankwizardIA/TankWizardIA.tcl: vectorAdd and vectorScale moved to tclscripts/archer/Wizard.tcl
17:51.04 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon (
17:53.25 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc7/ (16 files in 16 dirs): Update debug version
17:56.46 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc7/dbupgrade/.cvsignore: Initial check-in
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Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051118

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051118

00:00.51 ``Erik pra5ad:
00:10.54 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/points/ (points_parse.y points_scan.l process.c): add support for CYL and SPHERE lines, hook in to the callbacks
00:13.37 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/mged/points.tcl: update of point parsing to include support for pipes cyls and sphere
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01:11.08 *** topic/#brlcad by brlcad -> || BRL-CAD is now Free Software! || 7.6.4 is released || Developer meeting on Friday Nov 17!
01:11.21 brlcad hmm
01:15.25 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (
01:15.49 brlcad is this thing on?
01:16.04 brlcad woot, silly logging junk
01:39.13 ``Erik O.o
01:49.10 ``Erik grar.
01:52.01 *** join/#brlcad age (
01:52.24 age is anyone in the channel using the BRL on windows?
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02:39.05 brlcad age: yes
02:39.41 brlcad though it's only intended for developers still.. "soon" one will be posted
03:03.40 *** join/#brlcad Guu (
03:06.11 ``Erik heh, it's justin! :D
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05:50.13 polyspin Hey there!
05:51.24 polyspin Is the code for the vulcan working?
09:41.27 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ aclocal will fail with an autom4te error if cache is way out of date .. probably should just obliterate the cache dir on autogen regardless, but try this for now
09:51.31 *** join/#brlcad fenn (
10:17.41 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/points/process.h: condense points doesn't need tolerance
10:18.47 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/points/process.c: fix an off-by-one in the 5+-point removal where the last point wasn't getting removed. condense points doesn't need tolerance. add some debug printing to verify condense_points.
11:32.39 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: remove cache dir
11:35.15 Maloeran Even performing updates at 5-6h in the morning, brlcad? :) That's admirable dedication
11:39.16 brlcad good stuff
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12:15.08 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/g_pipe.c: prevent a crash if someone attempts to export an empty pipe
12:18.51 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/points/process.c: yuck, delete points was returning the count deleted not the total remaining .. we need to know how many remain. separate out the debug printing from the printing of the objects from the creation of the objects
12:21.31 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/g_pipe.c: don't free null pointers (empty segment lists on pipes)
13:54.37 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/mged/points.tcl: add functionality to create simple points (with a fixed size for now)
14:13.53 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/points/process.c: off by one error in the group processing, include the last point\!
14:14.17 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/mged/points.tcl: off by one error, missing the last point when making point sets. make points with a 1mm diameter.
14:14.55 *** join/#brlcad docelic (
14:14.59 docelic Hello
14:55.12 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/points/process.c: off by one on the end marker
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20:15.13 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/points/main.c: close the dang file and make sure it opened before hopping into feof so we don't crash
21:29.16 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/points/process.c: rewrite of the multigroup process handler where jason found lots of nastiness and fixed it for me :)
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Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051119

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051119

02:53.58 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
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17:47.47 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/mged/points.tcl: Changes to add debugging plot file generation
20:08.13 *** join/#brlcad docelic (
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Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051120

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051120

02:50.31 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
04:49.10 *** join/#brlcad cad200 (
04:50.09 cad200 i just installed brlcad on my mac osx but i can't figure out how to open the program???
04:58.55 cad200 ok i just relized that i don't have x11
04:59.15 cad200 i don't want xll or brl cad
04:59.33 cad200 how can i uninstall brlcad
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06:15.48 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ simplify the autom4te.cache management by deleting the directory if it exists. this should prevent aclocal and automake from failing when there is an out of date or corrupted cache.
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14:21.43 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: blows away the cache directory, need to fix the mged path problem
14:30.46 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/HACKING: don't forget to update the version number in include/config_win.h after release
14:35.58 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (README include/config_win.h): bad me, no donut for me -- should have updated the version numbers to the next version (7.6.5) after the cvs was tagged
18:01.37 pra5ad sean
18:01.39 pra5ad brlcad,
18:01.45 pra5ad are u in tomorrow?
18:03.26 pra5ad k
18:03.42 pra5ad need to setup my mac w/ radmine (sp?)
18:03.48 ``Erik_ radmind
18:03.53 pra5ad :)
18:04.15 pra5ad also i think the new linux box needs a dual-link vid card
18:04.18 ``Erik I have my mac up now, I can give you the bundle and any server info
18:04.42 pra5ad cos the kvm isn't working w/ single-link afaik
18:10.17 pra5ad is there a trick to it?
18:10.26 ``Erik sean, your coloc is beefy, right?
18:11.12 ``Erik prasad: if there is, I've not discovered it... like if I kvm switch my fbsd box, it won't light up the display, but if I reboot the fbsd box while lit ont he kvm, it brings the screen up... I just enabled sshd on the fbsd box and use ssh/remoteX now :(
18:11.33 pra5ad ah
18:12.13 ``Erik (and my g5 is set up to start X11 on boot)
18:12.25 pra5ad ive got an uncomfortable setup right now; the mouse/kb are through the kvm, but the display is connected to the dell lcd (shared w/ windows)
18:12.44 ``Erik why not just run second kbd/mouse?
18:13.32 pra5ad they're only connected to the win box; i want the mac/linux boxen on the same kvm :(
18:13.55 pra5ad i guess i can use ssh
18:15.29 ``Erik about all the interface stuff I use on my fbsd boxen now would be xmms... the mac does everything else I need, *shrug* spoze I could use itunes, if I wanted
18:18.31 brlcad ``Erik: it's not a coloc, it's dedicated
18:18.44 brlcad but yes, it's fairly beefy net-wise
18:22.51 ``Erik ah, I have an, uh, idea for an app :) probably start out very crud, d'no if i wanna abuse my alma mater with it
18:24.33 ``Erik should be light on the net side, and the memory side, but may do some cpu crunch for graph traversal (shortest path type stuff)
18:25.11 brlcad one-time sort of crunching on per-web-access or something?
18:25.20 brlcad can always toss it up and see
18:25.55 ``Erik hm, I forgot my nickserv password, otherwise I'd msg ya what it is :)
18:26.40 brlcad good time to figure out how I can disable that filtering anyways.. hold on
18:28.01 brlcad there, try pm'ing
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Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051121

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051121

01:01.16 *** join/#brlcad learner (
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01:24.51 ``Erik *yawn*
01:28.24 ``Erik yes, sean, I realized that :)
01:28.27 ``Erik work is retarding me.
01:28.54 ``Erik sysutils/uptimed and lang/gauche
01:30.07 ``Erik uptimed give you uptime records with some neat stuff like milestone notifications, etc... so your awesome uptimes aren't lost forever when the janitor kicks the cord
01:30.13 ``Erik and lang/gauche, well, I want my scheme ;)
01:30.38 brlcad sounds good to me
01:31.18 brlcad probaby a good time to portupgrade -Ra too ..
01:31.24 ``Erik -Raus
01:31.27 ``Erik well
01:31.27 brlcad maybe later tonight
01:31.30 ``Erik sudo -Rau
01:31.33 ``Erik :)
01:31.50 ``Erik ooh, that reminds me, I'm gonna do sysutils/pkg_cutleaves, too
01:32.05 brlcad never heard of it
01:32.17 ``Erik pkg_cutleaves -l <-- will display all ports installed that are not dependancies for other ports
01:32.26 ``Erik and it has an interactive mode that lets you cull down your pkg list
01:33.07 brlcad why would one cull down your pkg list?
01:33.38 ``Erik I've installed shit to try something, then forgot it *shrug*
01:34.18 brlcad ah
01:34.40 ``Erik also; similiar uses as "deborphan"
01:34.54 ``Erik if you've done much serious debian admin
01:35.38 ``Erik it's my favorite leenewx, but I haven't tried gentoo or ubuntoo yet
01:36.17 ``Erik woops, ruby is getting upgraded here
01:36.53 brlcad upgrades are fine, so long as it doesn't clobber or break existing stuff
01:37.23 ``Erik hopefully not :)
01:37.31 ``Erik that reminds me
01:38.15 ``Erik purdue hosts anoncvs for fbsd, their machine ate part of itself, so anoncvs is gone right now... I talked to the admins, "greg" says that parts are on order and the parts will be in next week...
01:38.31 ``Erik once that's back, I'll send-pr brlcad 7.6.4 for fbsd
01:38.49 ``Erik and submit a pkg to the sf site
01:38.59 brlcad cool deal
01:39.18 brlcad there's one patch to make to the source tarball potentially
01:39.29 ``Erik hrmmmmm
01:39.41 ``Erik I know there's be considerable changes, since I'll be using the system tcl now...
01:39.56 brlcad a quick test of an mged build will tell you if it works or not
01:40.05 brlcad if it runs, it works ;)
01:40.15 ``Erik well, that's the trivial part... the hard part is the pkg-plist
01:40.24 brlcad if it doesn't, have to add a 0 && to a line in src/mged/ged.c
01:40.47 ``Erik if it doesn't work, I'll talk to ya
01:41.16 brlcad hopefully this cvsup doesn't bork your portupgrade..
01:41.29 ``Erik ummmmm
01:41.29 ``Erik hrm
01:41.51 ``Erik there wasn't much in the update list... I think I'm on the last package, so probly not
01:42.22 brlcad it's only up to ports/lang so far
01:42.34 brlcad ports/mail
01:43.03 brlcad misc
01:43.15 brlcad multimedia
01:43.24 brlcad net
01:43.26 ``Erik I'll tell ya when mine is done, then you can do the portupgrade...
01:43.33 brlcad like ticking timebomb :)
01:43.53 ``Erik I intend to bring most if not all our work machines to 60, btw
01:44.35 ``Erik the clusters already run it, it's the fs's that need updating...
01:44.53 ``Erik and those highly deviant zen labs boxen
01:45.40 brlcad past sysutils
01:46.40 brlcad all done
01:46.58 brlcad eh, ruby just coredumped
01:47.34 ``Erik doing what?
01:48.12 ``Erik try removing INDEX.db ?
01:48.13 brlcad no idea, ruby18
01:48.22 ``Erik (did you try running portupgrade?)
01:48.38 brlcad it didn't crash on ME.. just a process on the system crashed
01:48.45 ``Erik hrm
01:48.53 brlcad i just see the core dump notifications
01:49.55 brlcad portupgrade is written in ruby? never noticed
01:50.15 ``Erik yup
01:50.29 ``Erik seems to be chunkin' along for me
01:51.28 ``Erik guess i'm doing the portupgrade for ya
01:51.51 brlcad ahh, you did add -a, yeah
01:52.46 Maloeran Interesting, Gentoo's portage written in Python sure is pathetically slow
01:53.36 ``Erik I don't think python is inherently slow, but it may be poorly coded... :)
01:54.13 brlcad compiled bootstrap, python, and shell tools optimized?
01:54.24 brlcad default isn't exactly the best set of optimization options
01:56.46 ``Erik makes me nervous to try gento
01:56.48 ``Erik o
01:57.03 Maloeran Sure, all optimized and on amd64, I'm just amazed how slow it can be
01:57.39 ``Erik hrmmmmm, I've seen "more" optimization produce significantly slower executables o.O
02:03.24 ``Erik heh, I got some for the wench, and she decided she didn't like it anymore *sigh*
02:05.25 brlcad that's succulent ;)
02:06.01 ``Erik hold the olives???
02:06.04 ``Erik you FREAK
02:06.19 brlcad more optimization producing slower execs sounds like a gcc4ism or otherwise buggy compiler ;)
02:06.46 Maloeran I'm not sure, we would have to benchmark against this royal couscous with merguez and sublime lamb :)
02:06.48 ``Erik 3 did it, too... probably related to cache misses or something
02:07.39 Maloeran Compilers don't really know what's the fastest solution, sometimes -Os prove fastest as it makes the whole algorithm fit in L1 cache
02:08.11 ``Erik maybe
02:09.14 brlcad that's the problem, they SHOULD know .. call it a bug or compiler inadequacy -- they know the hardware they are compiling on, it shouldn't get slower
02:09.59 Maloeran There's so much that compilers can't know regarding the code execution, I don't think it would be possible without collecting abundant statistics and recompiling from previous runs
02:10.25 brlcad and several compilers do that now ;)
02:11.14 brlcad multipass compilation is almost a forgone necessity now for effective branch prediction and cache coherency
02:11.16 Maloeran When I tried GCC's branching collection and prediction switches, the result was slower :)
02:12.02 Maloeran In any case... I just ended up writing an amd64 assembly path of my ray-tracer's pipeline, I welcome any compiler to try to defeat that :}
02:12.12 brlcad gcc, as prevalent as it is, has never shaken a decent stick at optimization compared to the compilers from the vendors
02:12.39 brlcad except for maybe solaris, which has a compiler that actually generates slower code for their own platform
02:12.43 brlcad but then they suck
02:13.50 Maloeran GCC's register allocation scheme is fairly poor, to me it seems to be the most important problem
02:14.15 ``Erik x86 registers are extremely poor
02:14.18 Maloeran Plus various chip-specific stupidities it tend to generate once in a while, stalling execution
02:14.29 Maloeran Sure, I'm mostly referring to amd64
02:16.29 ``Erik bah, who uses those lame amd chips anyways ;)
02:17.04 ``Erik stare all you want, but lemme go hide, um, all my x86 breed machines...
02:17.06 ``Erik first
02:17.07 ``Erik :)
02:17.25 brlcad mm.. chips, I could go for a bag of salt and vinegar right about now
02:17.51 brlcad deep fried hopefully
02:18.50 Maloeran Most chips aren't too far from being the worst thing one can eat and still bears the label "food"
02:19.41 brlcad you've apparently never tried sea urchin
02:20.25 Maloeran Indeed, I haven't :)
02:20.28 brlcad that defined a whole new level of "bad food" to me
02:20.42 brlcad but an interesting experience nonetheless
02:21.10 ``Erik *ghah*
02:21.22 ``Erik
02:21.30 ``Erik
02:22.31 ``Erik
02:22.32 ``Erik
02:22.52 brlcad that sucker is huge
02:23.13 brlcad oooh, now that one is purdy
02:23.14 ``Erik which, the beast in the nova?
02:23.21 ``Erik the 69 camaro is sweet
02:23.31 brlcad the greenie
02:23.33 ``Erik supposedly that nova pushes more than 750bhp
02:23.36 brlcad shweet
02:27.57 ``Erik do you know how many kw you can put out?
02:28.27 ``Erik that nova is, um, 560kw
02:28.36 Maloeran Definitely not, any idea how to mesure that? :)
02:29.09 ``Erik um, here's a webpage that says the average human can put out about 125 watts from pedalling
02:29.13 ``Erik
02:29.29 ``Erik hand cranking is about 50 watts
02:29.55 ``Erik so that car has as much muscle as probably about 4500 of you.
02:29.56 ``Erik :)
02:30.16 Maloeran 0.17 horse power, neat
02:31.15 ``Erik my pickup has about 90kw, so, um, 720 of you :D
02:32.17 Maloeran Amusing thought that it might be possible to keep a 200-300W box on by pedalling for a little while
02:36.21 ``Erik get a more efficient machine? :)
02:49.56 pra5ad anyone know if jason is online?
02:50.18 pra5ad and when is the partay tomorrow
02:51.11 brlcad all day no?
02:51.20 pra5ad even morning?
02:51.27 pra5ad im supposed to bring drinks (and keg)
02:51.44 pra5ad w/ jason
02:52.03 brlcad joked that both of you should just bring 1 bottle
02:52.14 brlcad just to see the panic
02:52.40 pra5ad and piss off wendy9000
02:52.42 pra5ad no thanks =)
05:56.08 *** join/#brlcad learner (n=brlcad@pdpc/supporter/silver/brlcad)
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19:27.19 blossa Hi! I run Gentoo and having problems with framebuffer... anyone that can point me into the right direction?
19:28.57 blossa Also, i don't know if it matters but, I use udev...
19:44.19 blossa brb
19:50.49 *** join/#brlcad blossa (
20:05.00 joevalleyfield udev makes no difference
20:05.05 joevalleyfield it works for me on gentoo
20:05.18 joevalleyfield the "/dev/fb" is just an identier
20:05.37 joevalleyfield not a device or pipe or file or anything at all
20:06.05 joevalleyfield did you try fbserv standalone?
20:32.17 blossa I got it working now. I found an old log from irc:
20:33.31 blossa that lead me into the right direction. :-)
20:41.37 blossa I thought... hehe I used /dev/X, and got a 'framebuffer-window'. When i use /dev/ogl the hole screen goes black. /dev/fb gives me 'no such device'.
20:41.54 blossa So /dev/X is the right for me?
20:56.34 *** join/#brlcad _AchiestDragon (
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21:07.27 joevalleyfield you're right
21:13.41 blossa I have been testing some rendering now... At the beginning I thought I made something wrong, but then I realized that it is fast!!! :-)
21:22.16 blossa As far as I can see, rendering uses both processors. But are there any settings I can do to make sure it uses both processors?
23:01.07 *** join/#brlcad fenn (
23:01.44 fenn any estimate for when archer will be released?
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051122

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051122

00:18.23 brlcad fenn: you mean released to linux I presume?
00:23.04 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
00:25.08 fenn well i'm totally in the dark about it.. is it functional already?
00:26.33 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
00:29.43 ``Erik ahhhh
00:32.27 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon (
02:45.47 pra5ad vector< list< mystruct* > > compound_structure; compound_structure.reserve(50); compound_structure[ idx ].push_back( new mystruct ); <----- seg faults on the list insert
02:46.08 pra5ad (not the vector index)
02:46.29 pra5ad i dont believe lists need mem allocation
02:46.33 pra5ad :\
02:55.03 pra5ad ah reserve not resize
02:55.12 pra5ad er resize not reserve =)
03:43.41 brlcad fenn, archer is already functional and works under linux and other platforms well enough -- the biggest issue is that it's sitting on a branch with most of the windows port mods which has to be merged to head at some point
03:48.32 fenn ok i understand that
03:49.12 brlcad that said, archer itself could use all sorts of enhancements
03:50.08 brlcad it's got lots of improvements over mged, but in doing so it's also missing a lot of functionality too that will just come with time
03:54.15 fenn could i have a hint which directory to look in?
03:55.08 fenn ah n/m.. duh
05:07.08 brlcad :)
05:07.43 brlcad most of the logic is in src/tclscripts
05:08.03 brlcad seeing how it's primarily a incr tcl based application
05:08.07 ``Erik phrackin' A you let this puppy get out of date
13:10.02 brlcad if it ain't broke, I don't go fixin it
13:10.28 brlcad plus it isn't the fastest compiling dohickey either
13:22.13 ``Erik ah haaaaaaa
13:25.56 brlcad mysql failed?
13:27.28 ``Erik yeah, well, help2man was failing, got that fixe3d
13:27.49 ``Erik mysql is failing because of the fixes to how badly that versions threading stuff was fucked up :D
17:15.50 *** join/#brlcad raz (
17:24.08 raz brlcad: Does release 7.6.4 address the facetize problem I mentioned weeks ago when attempting to facetize m35.g file?
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Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051123

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051123

01:35.33 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon (
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04:41.39 pra5ad ``Erik, have u messed with lately?
12:37.24 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
13:56.37 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=ubuntu@
17:13.21 ``Erik prasad: no.
17:13.27 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/g_nmg.c:
17:13.28 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: remove the gratuitous debug printing. if the debug statements were intended to
17:13.28 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: be permanent, they should be tied to the RT_G_DEBUG symbol and regular debug
17:13.28 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: masking levels. DEBUG is intended to indicate -g debug symbols now. add the
17:13.28 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: missing license header while we're at it
17:16.23 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: added a section for 7.6.6; removed gratuitous nmg debug printing from mged (in response to new DEBUG meaning and sf message board id 3434475 from cobbaut)
18:41.53 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon (
20:08.01 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon (
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Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051124

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051124

00:07.08 *** join/#brlcad learner (
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00:25.50 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
04:19.40 pra5ad chirp
04:24.10 brlcad prihc
04:24.35 brlcad oh dang, it's snowing
04:53.36 pra5ad wtf
04:53.38 pra5ad u are kidding me
05:09.00 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/vmath.h:
05:09.00 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: include math.h and float.h since they are required by this header; remove the
05:09.01 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: archaic sqrt() prototyping (should be detected/provided by configure); add
05:09.01 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: comments on NEAR_ZERO and CLAMP; implement INTCLAMP for determining whether a
05:09.01 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: value is within computation tolerance of an integer -- if it is, return the
05:09.01 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: value clamped to the integer.
05:09.01 pra5ad gah u are right
05:13.30 pra5ad brlcad,
05:13.34 pra5ad about radmind
05:13.57 pra5ad tegtmeyer says it hasn't configed my system properly
05:14.06 pra5ad even though radmind completes w/o probs
05:14.12 pra5ad (and yes i rebooted)
07:11.56 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/vmath.h: add V2INTCLAMPARGS, V3INTCLAMPARGS, V4INTCLAMPARGS, V2INTCLAMPPRINT, VINTCLAMPPRINT, HINTCLAMPPRINT macros that utilize INTCLAMP for clean printing.
10:15.47 *** join/#brlcad cad690 (
10:18.13 cad690 ist
10:18.28 cad690 show
10:18.40 cad690 exit
11:29.33 *** join/#brlcad ubuntu (n=ubuntu@
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14:26.13 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/g_arb.c:
14:26.13 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: clamp the number being printed by the describe function to their closest integer
14:26.13 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: if it's within hardware tolerance of an integer. this is done only in the
14:26.13 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: describe function for now so it's only cosmetic, though it could conceivably
14:26.13 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: happen on store/load too. (addresses sf 'bug'/request 1359253)
14:28.53 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/ (26 files):
14:28.54 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: clamp the number being printed by the describe function to their closest integer
14:28.54 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: if it's within hardware tolerance of an integer. this is done only in the
14:28.54 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: describe function for now so it's only cosmetic, though it could conceivably
14:28.54 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: happen on store/load too. (addresses sf 'bug'/request 1359253)
15:07.13 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: (log message trimmed)
15:07.13 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: clamped integer value printing of primitives in mged (addresses sf 'bug'/request
15:07.13 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 1359253). this is a cosmetic change that identifies primitive values being
15:07.13 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: displayed that are within hardware floating point tolerance of an integer and
15:07.13 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: clamps the value to the integer instead of printing the floating point fuzz that
15:07.14 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: got injected (most likely due to units or a double->float->double conversion).
15:07.16 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: this could be extended to all load/store operations to correct floating point
15:48.42 *** join/#brlcad archivist_ (
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21:02.10 blossa Hi! My brlcad is uggly. hehe It seems that I don't have trutype fonts in it. Will a recompile solve this? Are there any special flags I should use when compiling? I'm using Gentoo linux.
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Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051125

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051125

01:56.36 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
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Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051126

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051126

01:38.03 *** join/#brlcad cad809 (
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04:42.11 pra5ad chirp
05:43.21 *** join/#brlcad solon (n=Clara@
05:43.35 solon hello all
11:55.34 *** join/#brlcad docelic (
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23:29.39 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03johnranderson * 10brlcad/src/conv/dxf-g.c: Added another text alignment handler
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051127

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051127

02:54.11 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (n=brlcad@pdpc/supporter/silver/brlcad)
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03:28.05 *** join/#brlcad lachyg (
04:02.31 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: john added another text alignment handler to dxf-g
04:50.45 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
04:57.11 PKMOBILE hey did you ever do that support request for the database brlcad?
05:57.51 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:57.51 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051128

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051128

17:35.10 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
17:35.10 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Free Software! || 7.6.4 is released || Developer meeting on Friday Nov 17!
19:27.49 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (n=Apathy@
19:40.59 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: fixed grouping bug, mged point importer; improved mged point import support; fixed bug in plate orientation of mged point importer
19:42.41 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: fixed benchmark tool default resource location bug
19:44.32 *** join/#brlcad cad865 (
19:45.32 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: fixed modified env(PATH) startup issue in mged
19:46.00 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: oops, don't commit the partial paragraph yet
20:42.47 *** join/#brlcad raz (
20:46.45 raz brlcad: any changes made to the facetize tool in latest version of brlcad?
21:18.23 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
21:18.23 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Free Software! || 7.6.4 is released || Developer meeting on Friday Nov 17!
21:41.37 *** join/#brlcad Erroneous (
21:44.31 brlcad raz, there have been some changes made, though I haven't been able to test them on your geometry case just yet
21:45.03 brlcad there's another release that will go out in about a week -- I'd suggest waiting for it before testing regardless
22:09.44 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak|RDP (
22:52.16 *** join/#brlcad jricher (
22:55.25 jricher I am thinking about attempting to build BRLcad under windows XP. I know that it is currently not working. My question is _where_ it's not working
22:55.47 jricher is there anyone out there who can point me toward that information
22:59.51 *** part/#brlcad jricher (
23:25.44 brlcad ahh, 6 whole minutes of waiting
23:41.24 ``Erik heh
23:45.24 brlcad actually only half that from the time he actually asked the question
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051129

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051129

00:39.13 pra5ad sean
03:02.34 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
03:02.34 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Free Software! || 7.6.4 is released || Developer meeting on Friday Nov 17!
03:19.17 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
03:57.22 *** join/#brlcad fenn (
05:28.36 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak|RDP (
05:40.18 *** join/#brlcad autoeagle (
05:43.46 autoeagle hi,is any body here?
05:44.27 *** join/#brlcad autoeagle (
05:44.45 brlcad hello
05:45.09 brlcad someone's always here, we're just not always quick to respond ;)
05:47.33 autoeagle But I can't find any one or any information in the channel.
05:49.20 autoeagle I have a question about the usage of the Brlcad.
05:52.55 autoeagle If there are an existent function or software in the brlcad that could determine a point in or out of the model which build by brlcad?
05:54.19 autoeagle If not, i want try to develop one for my project.
05:55.36 autoeagle Beside, how to use the irc?
05:57.49 learner determine a point in or out of the model?
05:58.03 learner like shooting a ray and determining the entry and exit hit point?
05:58.11 learner that's exactly what brl-cad is designed around ;)
05:59.33 brlcad there are various net ettiquite rules for irc, the most important is probably to just be patient and ask well thought out questions if you have questions
06:00.13 brlcad the conversation comes and goes so you pretty much stay in the channel while you do other things and check it from time to time
06:01.23 brlcad as for your question about determining the in and out points of an intersection, it also matters whether you mean in the modeler or in code (both of which are possible
06:02.06 brlcad in mged, you can run nirt or shoot_ray to fire a single ray (default is from the view center) and it will report some default hit information
06:02.38 brlcad in code, rt_shootray() is where it all happens, and you register callbacks that get called on a hit/miss at which point you can report in/out points, etc
06:03.04 brlcad e.g. look at src/rt/rtexample.c in the source distribution for a simple example that reports in and out hit points
06:03.14 autoeagle In fact,it is not a very effective way to determine by shooting a ray and determining the entry and exit hit point.
06:03.50 brlcad not effective for what purpose?
06:04.23 brlcad and again, are you talking about code or user tools in brl-cad or just theoretically?
06:05.35 learner most who use irc don't use that web interface, there are binary apps available for most all platforms ( is a decent starting point)
06:06.14 autoeagle In my project , the in or out test must be done more than billions times for a model.
06:07.51 autoeagle In some case , such as the solid base on mesh, the ray test is effective for in and out test.
06:07.57 brlcad billions isn't too bad, that's on par with the analysis simulations that are written to use brl-cad
06:08.48 brlcad brl-cad csg ray-tracer can handle several million rays per second on a decent machine
06:09.31 brlcad and if that's not fast enough, there is a triangle/mesh-based ray-tracer that can handle considerably more in brl-cad
06:09.38 autoeagle And my model base on about 140 solid.
06:09.50 brlcad that's a tiny model :)
06:10.45 brlcad most of the models we're used to dealing with have thousands
06:10.55 brlcad or tens of thousands
06:11.03 autoeagle I think so.
06:13.29 brlcad so it sounds then that you're interested in the programmatic interfaces in brl-cad?
06:14.55 autoeagle but my project include 1M particles. each one need the in or out test per turn.And the whole process includes more than 100,000 turn,
06:16.32 brlcad that should be pretty straight-forward to implement
06:16.51 brlcad though if it's a particle system you're implementing, you probably don't need full-blown ray-tracing
06:17.19 brlcad you just need simple locale-specific collision detection and velocity updates
06:17.35 brlcad that would be a cool feature to add to brl-cad
06:17.53 autoeagle Yes
06:17.55 brlcad there's minimal particle system and time-based update support
06:19.03 brlcad that said, you certainly 'could' implement the particle system using the ray-tracer pretty darn easily
06:20.15 autoeagle theoretically, a simple locale-specific collision could save 50-90% calculate time vs ray test.
06:20.28 Maloeran Adding code to break out of adrt's tracing loop after travelling a certain distance wouldn't be much trouble, for local collision tests
06:20.36 brlcad you'd shoot a ray for every particle, every timestep to determine if/where they intersect -- it would take about 1s per timestep on a desktop
06:21.08 brlcad that'd be about a 26 hour computation on a desktop
06:21.16 brlcad for 100k timesteps
06:21.38 autoeagle really?
06:21.39 brlcad you can undoubtedly improve upon that given the simple nature of the sim
06:23.32 brlcad the main killer time sink by ray-tracing is probably going to be prep time since the model changes every time step, i'd bet that'd account for most of the time without some customization
06:25.28 autoeagle Yes,In my project , the rebuild of the list will cost about 90% calculations.
06:26.26 brlcad what are your time constraints? what's the goal? an animation of the simulation? a (real-time?) simulation framework?
06:27.45 autoeagle not real time.
06:28.09 brlcad no sense worrying about whether it's going to take 26 hours or 40 hours if real-time is a requirement; vice-versa if real-time isn't a requirement and you're just rendering off-line, no bid deal if it simulates and renders for a day
06:30.36 autoeagle but the now effection is too bad.So i want to optimize it with brlcad.
06:31.25 autoeagle the first step the change the modeling system to mged
06:31.45 brlcad if you represent your particles with spheres or triangles, you should get optimal raytrace performance using rt or adrt respectively
06:31.50 autoeagle the first step is to change the modeling system to mged
06:32.06 brlcad please do :)
06:36.59 brlcad in the meanwhile, presuming you're going to hang around (which I hope you do) -- I'd suggest or for an irc client
06:37.28 autoeagle thank you:)
06:40.22 autoeagle which Networks should I choice in Xchat.
06:42.06 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: it's 7.6.5, not 7.6.6 quite yet..
06:42.08 brlcad
06:42.23 brlcad #brlcad
06:43.28 brlcad (port 6667)
06:43.34 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: fix pathing issue
06:43.40 brlcad fg
06:45.22 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: test pic/nonpic build problems with librtms/libmultispectral
06:48.42 brlcad welp, time for me to sleep a lil bit I think
06:48.55 brlcad nice talking to you autoeagle, see you around more hopefully
06:50.36 autoeagle thank you.
06:51.21 autoeagle bye
06:52.32 autoeagle blushing for my poor english.
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21:01.47 raz twingy: we are running the isst apps but not seeing anything rendered. we followed the usage steps in the readme. Any input?
21:12.06 ``Erik is it printing the framerate in the console?
21:27.49 raz the splash screen shows up and the caption reads: ADRT_ISST_Observer Loading...
21:37.43 ``Erik hrm, lemme go kick justin and make him look at irc o.O
21:39.47 raz thanks
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051130

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051130

03:15.36 pra5ad damn good 1lb burger for $5 @ inner harbor
03:15.41 pra5ad mmm so full =)
03:18.21 brlcad mm.. them rats is good eatn
03:18.50 pra5ad
03:19.00 pra5ad jackpot :)
03:19.43 pra5ad brlcad, did u fix the mounts yet?
03:21.37 pra5ad gutter, mind, bad
03:21.55 brlcad bad gutter, no donut for you
04:37.32 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
14:28.32 ``Erik grar, the wench keeps trying to make me go to fells point o.O I'll have to check that place out next time I'm weak
14:28.56 ``Erik usually I eat at duclaws or that, uh, 'admirals club' or whatever restraunt on the water by the stagey area
15:41.54 ``Erik 2/det
15:42.11 ``Erik meh
15:50.05 brlcad drinking earlier I see
16:19.24 *** join/#brlcad amatus_ (
16:42.57 *** join/#brlcad MikeC (
16:43.06 MikeC Hi everyone
16:43.25 MikeC I just downloaded the source for brlcad 7.6.4 and compiled it
16:43.39 MikeC I went into adrt to compile it as well and it seems a header file is missing: isst.h
16:44.11 MikeC isst.h is in a previous version we have compiled successfully 7.6.1
16:51.11 MikeC I'd like to try to get the code from CVS but how do I specify that I would like version 7.6.4?
17:29.54 MikeC I'll be back later
19:41.18 *** join/#brlcad MikeC2 (
19:42.14 MikeC2 hi anyone here, I have some questions about ADRT related things and a CVS question
19:43.45 *** join/#brlcad raz (
19:46.40 ``Erik O.o
19:55.21 MikeC2 hi Erik
20:00.33 MikeC2 Erik you know if Sean or Justin are around?
20:12.03 brlcad howdy
20:12.16 MikeC2 hey man!
20:12.41 MikeC2 We found in downloading the source code that there is a missing header file named isst.h in the adrt src directory
20:12.55 MikeC2 however it seems when we obtain the code through CVS the isst.h file is there
20:13.10 MikeC2 also how do we checkout a specific version of brlcad using CVS?
20:15.54 MikeC2 I can checkout brlcad with CVS but it always gives the latest version
20:16.02 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/adrt/isst/ isst.h and isst_struct.h were missing from the dist, thanks MikeC
20:16.35 MikeC2 ok thanks CIA-12
20:16.37 brlcad thanks
20:17.00 brlcad you checkout a specific version using the -r flag to checkout
20:17.28 MikeC2 is there a way to get a list of existing revisions available for checkout?
20:17.34 brlcad cvs -d blahblah checkout -P -r rel-7-6-2 brlcad
20:17.40 MikeC2 oh ok
20:17.52 brlcad yeah, do a cvs status some_file
20:17.54 MikeC2 and I assume you recommend not using the latest HEAD from CVS right?
20:18.39 brlcad cvs head is generally pretty stable, and it's easier for me to fix problems on the fly if you run into any but it all depends on you
20:18.47 MikeC2 ok
20:18.57 brlcad head should be working fine right now
20:19.14 brlcad head 'usually' is working fine
20:19.36 MikeC2 we found a problem in the isst slave code that causes a seg fault in normal usage of it
20:20.47 MikeC2 you cannot run the isst package successfully as it is
20:20.55 MikeC2 we found a solution but would like to bounce it off you guys
20:24.01 brlcad excellent, bounce away
20:24.29 brlcad does the fix change behavior really or just fix the segfault?
20:24.38 MikeC2 fix the segfault
20:24.45 MikeC2 ok first lets describe the problem
20:25.09 MikeC2 if you look in src/adrt/libcommon/unpack.h
20:25.43 MikeC2 notice the prototype for the function: extern void common_unpack_free();
20:25.43 brlcad eww, fixed array sizes
20:25.44 brlcad okay
20:25.57 MikeC2 now look in src/adrt/libcommon/unpack.c
20:26.10 MikeC2 look for the common_unpack_free function
20:26.30 MikeC2 notice that the prototype in the c file does not match the prototype in the header file
20:26.50 MikeC2 now look in src/adrt/isst/slave/slave.c
20:27.24 MikeC2 look at the function: isst_slave_Free
20:27.29 MikeC2 oops isst_slave_free
20:27.35 MikeC2 notice it calls common_unpack_free
20:27.38 MikeC2 with no parameters
20:27.51 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libcommon/unpack.h: prototype should match, common_unpack_free -- thanks to MikeC
20:28.00 brlcad heh
20:28.02 MikeC2 somehow this compiles
20:28.13 brlcad the prototype let that compile
20:28.17 brlcad which is bogus ;)
20:28.27 MikeC2 we are using gcc (GCC) 4.0.0 20050519
20:28.38 brlcad results in an anonymous argument (which C allows)
20:28.44 MikeC2 and also gcc 3.4.4 on another computer
20:29.04 MikeC2 ok that causes a major problem
20:29.13 MikeC2 now the question is, how has it been running in the past?
20:29.17 brlcad it's like how I can call malloc(); without a size and it'll compile
20:29.38 brlcad presuming I declare a matching prototype
20:29.46 MikeC2 ok well I guess I been in the C++ world too much
20:29.52 brlcad it's just undefined as to what it'd do (and in malloc's case it'd crash probably)
20:30.22 MikeC2 since the slave crashes how has it been running before?
20:30.25 brlcad C++ carrys that same baggage, but you don't see it much since you also have polymorphic function args
20:30.52 MikeC2 I understand that part now
20:30.53 brlcad it's a free routine.. so it's like passing a bogus pointer to free()
20:30.56 brlcad it may or may not crash
20:31.08 brlcad in your case it does
20:31.17 brlcad he's apparently gotten lucky ;)
20:31.37 MikeC2 ok
20:31.48 MikeC2 we'll fix it for now in our stuff
20:31.54 MikeC2 we got it running after fixing it
20:32.04 MikeC2 but we still have to actually do aa shotline
20:32.09 MikeC2 aa = a
20:34.24 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libcommon/unpack.c: make sure db is a valid pointer so common_unpack_free doesn't crash
20:34.25 brlcad did you do anything to isst_slave_free?
20:34.45 MikeC2 yes
20:35.06 MikeC2 there is a global variable called db
20:35.20 MikeC2 we pass in &db to common_unpack_free
20:35.44 brlcad ahh, there it is
20:37.03 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/adrt/isst/slave/slave.c: free the global db node
20:37.18 brlcad who may I credit for the fix in the release notes?
20:37.33 MikeC2 Mike Caruso and Razak Arunaogun - Qryon LLC
20:39.17 brlcad people get the credit when the announcements go out, not organizations -- though I'll note them in the cvs commit log and authors file
20:39.33 brlcad thanks for finding that
20:39.47 MikeC2 no problem, we'll let you know if we find more as we go
21:51.08 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: fixed adrt/isst client crash bug
21:54.11 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/AUTHORS: special thanks to Mike Caruso and Razak Arunaogun - Qryon LLC for fixes and feedback
22:05.04 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/AUTHORS: Qryon not Qryan
22:15.45 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/AUTHORS: dtremmy to special thanks for his build fixes
23:57.31 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051201

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051201

00:10.30 ``Erik <-- scratches his chin
00:11.24 brlcad that's where I store crumbs for later too
00:11.46 ``Erik heh
00:11.53 ``Erik lookin' at those kids website
00:12.04 brlcad those kids?
00:12.06 ``Erik they do hla shit
00:12.09 ``Erik yeah, mike and raz
00:12.12 brlcad ahh
00:12.12 ``Erik qryon
00:12.22 ``Erik dis and hla stuff in their military sim page
00:12.53 brlcad mm, maybe they'll add an hla interface to librt
00:12.54 brlcad heh
00:13.57 brlcad oh, polygon reduction tools
00:14.19 ``Erik they're even local, heh
00:14.51 brlcad they've been over to talk
00:15.11 brlcad working sort of related with max's group
00:15.19 ``Erik centreville, va
00:15.33 ``Erik looks like a tiny and fairly new company
00:15.48 brlcad no better kind ;)
00:16.03 ``Erik gis stuff
00:16.23 ``Erik wonder why they're spending that much time on adrt
00:17.56 brlcad if anything large model visualization where it can't be easily stuffed into opengl
00:18.14 brlcad they could probably use their mesh simplification stuff to improve performance too
00:18.30 ``Erik perhaps
00:18.55 brlcad even if they just repackage adrt/isst to their gov folks there ..
00:19.04 brlcad or embed it in something
00:19.27 ``Erik but good scene subdivision gives very sublinear scalability, almost constant if done well enough *shrug* so mesh optimization only buys you a tiny bit, if anything
00:19.44 ``Erik justin has been working out of repo for a long time now
00:20.12 ``Erik if he's off in his own world, it'll just be parallel effort duplication :(
00:20.37 brlcad he forked his own project, his choice ;)
00:22.40 brlcad or probably better put, he lost interest in his own project so he turned it into something else
00:23.21 ``Erik heh
00:31.17 pra5ad url?
00:31.29 brlcad google is your friend
00:31.36 pra5ad google for?
00:31.41 brlcad good grief man!
00:31.50 pra5ad ahh qryon
00:31.52 pra5ad =)
00:31.55 brlcad google for porn
00:32.06 pra5ad
00:32.08 brlcad ~google porn
00:32.26 brlcad ibot: wake up!
00:32.31 ibot up!: GOOD MORNING!!!
00:36.57 ``Erik google for "miserable failure" and click "I'm feeling lucky"
00:37.06 ``Erik :D
01:33.11 ``Erik stupid fucking jewelry is too fucking expensive... stupid wimminz
05:39.31 Maloeran Mmhm, so the Bush family includes two dogs, named Barney and Miss Beazly, plus a cat named Willie. They sure put all the essential in this biography
09:04.10 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
14:40.51 ``Erik O.o
15:35.28 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/jove/ fix sandbox errors on installing jove's extra resources, missing DESTDIR
15:39.48 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: fixed Jove sandbox installation issue
16:03.15 ``Erik when do we get to fix jove entirely out of the repo? :D
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Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051202

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051202

00:38.58 pra5ad damn
00:39.26 pra5ad sean, massive shoulder bruising
00:39.31 pra5ad :(
00:59.49 ``Erik shoulda had korean instead
03:16.23 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad (
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13:23.15 learner especially when the muscles are weak and get hit up the for the first time in a long time
13:23.31 learner it's all good
14:51.50 ``Erik heh
15:22.07 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (NEWS AUTHORS): add a local variable line to indicate these files are utf-8 encoded so names may be correctly represented and correctly displayed in emacs/vi at least
19:04.37 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
21:08.51 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/gtools/g_lint.c: use RT_APPLICATION_INIT instead of zero'ing
21:11.17 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/gtools/solshoot.c: use RT_APPLICATION_INIT
21:12.31 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/gtools/g_qa.c: ws
21:14.23 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/irprep/all_sf.c: use RT_APPLICATION_INIT and deglobal the unnecessarily global ap structure
21:16.02 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/irprep/firpass.c: use RT_APPLICATION_INIT and deglobal the unnecessarily global ap structure
21:17.36 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/irprep/secpass.c: use RT_APPLICATION_INIT and deglobal the unnecessarily global ap structure
21:19.48 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/irprep/ (shapefact.c showtherm.c): use RT_APPLICATION_INIT and deglobal the unnecessarily global ap structure
21:27.35 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/raytrace.h: static const application structure isn't very useful, static was perhaps the intent. clean up the m-q format a smidgen.
21:32.39 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/liboptical/refract.c: initialize the sub_ap application structure
21:47.43 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/liboptical/refract.c: initialize the appl application struct
21:49.06 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/liboptical/sh_air.c: init my_ap structure just in case
21:53.43 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/liboptical/sh_billboard.c: k&r to ansi functification
22:11.11 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/libbu/ (whereis.c which.c): openbsd requires sys/param.h for all the preprocessor symbols...
22:38.14 ``Erik woohoo, just got rt to run on obsd, no crashes
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051203

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051203

02:37.43 learner sweet!
03:12.43 pra5ad ping
03:27.53 ``Erik mged pukes on, uh, point/
03:27.58 ``Erik that's the only issue left
03:28.19 ``Erik mged/point/point_parser ... the yacc makes ugliness that makes the c compiler cry
03:28.23 ``Erik iirc
03:29.32 brlcad hmm, it could be an ordering issue
03:29.49 brlcad took a while to get the rules right.. make sure it lexes before it yaccs
03:30.13 brlcad make point_scan.lo or something
03:30.45 ``Erik when bison crunches on your .y file, it spews out some tokens
03:30.50 ``Erik on leenewx, the tokens are sane
03:31.11 ``Erik on obsd, the tokens have square brackets around 'em
03:31.19 ``Erik #define [COMMA] 42
03:31.22 ``Erik like that
03:31.31 ``Erik obviously, C compilers are unhappy
03:31.35 ``Erik I'll dig on it more on monday
03:32.06 brlcad that's wierd
03:32.48 brlcad if you want to just avoid the whole points thing to get a compile going, comment out the last command in src/mged/cmd.c and edit the to skip points
03:41.10 ``Erik well, I'd like to get it working, heh
03:45.36 ``Erik <-- wonders if we should do stable and devel branches or something
03:46.29 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
03:49.01 brlcad we've talked about doing both before
03:49.24 brlcad but at the current rate and type of commits, it's not really an issue
03:49.33 brlcad i'm not going to branch just for my health
03:50.26 brlcad head is treated as devel with an inclination towards being stable 25 days of the month and stable the other few
03:52.40 pra5ad o.0?
03:53.03 pra5ad it's never unstable eh
03:55.52 pra5ad bloops parsed it wrong =)
03:56.00 pra5ad the pain is getting to me
04:49.25 PKMOBILE the thing is like 25 years old... its probably older than some of the people working on it
05:31.16 pra5ad good thing im not working on it
20:21.30 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
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Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051204

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051204

02:31.40 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/db_lookup.c: ws and comment formatting
02:33.45 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/db_lookup.c: M-x indent-region
03:14.45 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/raytrace.h: comment what the flags are for the directory functions
03:40.30 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
04:10.14 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/db_lookup.c: comment on what the arguments to db_diradd mean
04:15.56 pra5ad the paaain!
04:16.02 learner heh
04:16.25 pra5ad what's for monday
04:16.26 learner newbie
04:16.44 learner we were just talking about that
04:16.50 pra5ad dude i think i killed a calfstring or something
04:16.58 learner probably triceps and maybe shoulders
04:17.02 pra5ad gonna have a limp on monday
04:17.03 learner hehe, no you didn't :)
04:17.20 learner calfs are just particularly weak if you don't use them
04:18.14 learner then maybe quads on tues, cleans or squats
04:18.31 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
04:18.33 learner wed for aerobic, thurs for bench
04:18.43 ``Erik weirdos
04:18.54 pra5ad er u pushed the schedule back a day?
04:19.04 learner hmm? no
04:19.21 pra5ad wasnt aerobic thurs and bench fri this week
04:19.26 learner we're just rotating around certain muscle groups
04:19.31 pra5ad k
04:19.34 learner it's not tied to days of the week
04:19.43 learner it's tied to how long ago the muscle was used
04:20.35 learner if we do tris on monday, won't be able to bench until at least thurs
04:21.14 pra5ad anything besides legs will do for me mon/tues
04:21.56 learner biceps are okay?
04:22.11 learner they should start hurting if they're not yet
04:22.16 pra5ad not as bad as the calf
04:22.48 pra5ad left bicep is hurtin little
04:22.52 learner and pecs
04:23.09 pra5ad yea pecs
04:23.15 learner my pecs are nice and sore a little bit
04:23.16 pra5ad ill live :)
04:25.09 brlcad
04:25.12 brlcad pretty
04:27.18 pra5ad brown rice ramen
04:27.30 pra5ad straight from the 3rd world
04:27.31 pra5ad mmmm
05:16.28 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/cmd.c: sort commands alphabetically
05:32.35 *** join/#brlcad phcoder (
05:43.42 *** part/#brlcad phcoder (
05:48.58 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/cmd.h: sort the externs, add the ged.h header dependency for MGED_EXTERN, add f_tracker and f_clone
06:05.15 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/clone.c: (log message trimmed)
06:05.15 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: initial file. adds initial support for the clone and tracker commands with
06:05.15 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: updates to the code applied for changes that have occurred over the
06:05.15 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: years.
06:05.15 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: these are the first of many contributions provided by the former GSI
06:05.16 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: with permission for inclusion in the open source release at last. the
06:05.17 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: sources were found from an almost dead O2 external hard drive
06:07.25 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/ add clone.c
06:08.37 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/cmd.c: add clone and tracker commands from the newly added clone.c for unannounced internal testing
14:06.11 *** join/#brlcad zottel (
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15:54.47 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/db_lookup.c: protect from crashing by aborting if a db_diradd caller passes a null minor type
17:32.42 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/db5.h: reserve a minor type of 0 .. invalid/unset
18:59.42 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/db_lookup.c: abort earlier instead of later and make it a runtime failure instead of a hard application abort
20:12.21 pra5ad
20:12.22 pra5ad lol
20:14.00 pra5ad oh god so funny
20:14.01 pra5ad lol
21:09.21 brlcad heh
22:10.23 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (n=sean@pdpc/supporter/silver/brlcad)
22:10.23 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051205

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051205

00:58.27 *** join/#brlcad _AchiestDragon (
02:03.43 pra5ad hey justin
02:03.44 pra5ad
02:03.49 pra5ad u gotta top this guy
02:41.53 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
02:44.57 brlcad omg that's freaking awesome!
02:45.00 brlcad hehe
02:45.13 brlcad oh man that had me crackin up
02:55.08 Twingy if it aint lynx compatible don't bother
02:57.23 brlcad it's not flash
02:59.05 Twingy welp, it's some sort of pluggin
04:10.28 ``Erik hrmmmm, won't play in the browser, but downloaded for me
04:26.32 ``Erik and, uh, whoa
04:27.04 ``Erik for the straight wmv link
13:12.12 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (n=sean@pdpc/supporter/silver/brlcad)
13:12.12 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by
14:01.12 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (n=sean@pdpc/supporter/silver/brlcad)
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14:03.17 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (
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14:06.19 *** join/#brlcad brlcad_ (
14:08.22 *** part/#brlcad brlcad_ (
15:41.39 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ comment on the minimum version of autoconf required, add an initial --enable-everything option without implementing it yet
15:43.00 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/m4/args.m4: create bc_VARIABLE_default variables that are set to the original default variable value
18:32.16 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/mged/points/process.c:
18:32.16 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: OpenBSD lacks INT32_MAX, but provides INT_MAX which is (hopefully)
18:32.16 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: equivelant. So we kluge^Wtest and set in the cpp.
19:59.23 *** join/#brlcad cad459 (
20:01.44 *** join/#brlcad cad459 (
20:16.35 *** join/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
20:17.19 pier hi everyone in the chat
20:21.07 pier I wondered if anyone could give me some hint on the fbserv device problem with Linux OS
20:34.21 learner sure
20:34.23 learner what's what?
20:34.30 learner er, what's the question?
20:35.11 pier I was following the mug tutorial
20:35.15 learner k
20:35.48 pier and the rendering session with the command exec fbserv 1 /dev/sgip &
20:35.48 pier 4574
20:35.48 pier mged> fb_open: no such device "/dev/sgip".
20:35.54 learner ahh
20:36.41 learner <PROTECTED>
20:36.45 pier I've found some explanation on the net but I haven't been able to work it out
20:37.05 pier go on please
20:37.20 learner there are various framebuffer device types
20:37.31 pier yep
20:37.33 learner the /dev part is not at all related to the filesystem /dev
20:37.42 learner but rather, framebuffer devices
20:37.58 learner horrible naming convention, yes, but it made sense to someone 20 years ago ;)
20:38.09 learner that said, the part after the /dev/ is what matters
20:38.20 learner the form is /dev/DEVICEoptions
20:38.33 learner where DEVICE is one of the known device types for your system
20:38.51 learner and options are a set of available options that DEVICE allows
20:39.04 learner lingering and shared memory are common options
20:39.10 learner type fbhelp
20:39.16 pier I tried with /dev/fb0 fb1
20:39.19 learner it should list the framebuffers that were compiled for you
20:39.20 pier ok
20:39.38 learner <PROTECTED>
20:39.42 learner for displaying to a window
20:39.47 pier no dice... command not found
20:40.12 learner your path isn't set up
20:40.21 learner export PATH=/usr/brlcad/bin:$PATH
20:40.29 learner or just type /usr/brlcad/bin/fbhelp
20:40.37 pier ok
20:41.02 pier feel laike a jackass
20:41.07 pier like
20:41.13 learner rt and fbserv recognize all of the device types as well as the 100+ fb-* and *-fb commands
20:41.31 learner nah, you wouldn't have known without reading the older manual pages
20:41.54 pier got plenty of infos
20:42.15 pier Device: /dev/ogl
20:42.16 pier Max width height: 1280 1024
20:42.16 pier Default width height: 512 512
20:42.18 learner usually /dev/Xl is sufficient
20:42.37 learner that's your "current"/default setting
20:42.54 learner rt -F/dev/Xl some_file.g object
20:43.12 pier so I ought to try fbserv 1 /dev/ogl?
20:43.25 learner sure, that should work
20:43.45 learner or just fbserv 0 since /dev/ogl is your default
20:44.04 pier screen went black
20:44.06 learner -S to specify the square size
20:44.12 pier mmmh
20:44.28 learner ah, then you have a system with the X11 opengl bug
20:44.33 learner use /dev/Xl instead
20:44.40 pier ok
20:45.14 learner fbserv -S 1024 0 /dev/Xl
20:45.21 learner for a 1024x1024 X11 window
20:45.35 learner there's a manpage for fbserv
20:45.36 pier now it is better.... the blank window is now a framed one
20:45.53 learner if you don't set up your manpath, you can run /usr/brlcad/bin/brlman fbserv
20:46.04 pier ok
20:46.17 learner or brlman whatever .. there are a lot of manpages
20:47.21 pier Lord I have to save all the infos you are providing
20:48.30 pier the mug is still missing
20:48.54 pier but yet I've made some step forward
20:48.59 pier thanks
20:50.04 pier I can see the mug in the dm_oglo window though
20:50.31 learner fbserv just opens a framebuffer window
20:50.40 learner you'll have to raytrace into that framebuffer
20:51.03 learner rt -F0 or -F1 depending on what number you provided to fbserv
20:51.37 learner you can also raytrace directly to a window just by specifying the framebuffer to rt also
20:53.03 ``Erik sean, it's definitely a bug with bison on obsd, I replicated it on other software, and have sent in a bug report... I believe that's the last hitch for obsd, and I've already gotten rt to draw some crap for me...
20:53.39 pier oh man... so sorry for such question... I stopped following the instructions in thje tutorial
20:54.01 ``Erik your points_parse.l file seems to expect yylval to be handy without an extern define, which the default yacc on obsd lacks, tho :-/
20:57.23 learner that's easily added
20:57.45 learner but I guess more problematic is bison
20:57.52 ``Erik it's your baby, I'll let you fix it
20:58.04 ``Erik bison isn't our issue, it's theirs, and it's reported
20:58.12 learner oh wait, yylval?
20:58.16 ``Erik ja
20:58.32 pier may I...?
20:58.41 ``Erik bathroom is down the hall
20:58.48 pier :)
20:59.05 pier I get an error while raytracing
20:59.06 learner that's defined in the .h from bison
20:59.51 pier pkg_open: client connect: errno=111
20:59.51 pier rem_open: can't connect to fb server on host "localhost ", port "5560".
20:59.51 pier fb_open: can not open device ":1", ret=-3.
20:59.51 pier rt: can't open frame buffer
20:59.51 pier Raytrace complete.
21:00.12 learner so, wrong -F
21:00.32 learner are you going the fbserv route or the rt -F/dev route?
21:01.26 pier I beg your pardon..
21:01.56 learner there are two ways to raytrace into a window
21:02.21 learner you either start up a frame buffer server (fbserv) and tell rt to raytrace into it via -F and some number
21:02.31 pier ok
21:02.43 pier or..
21:02.44 learner or you tell rt to raytrace directly to a framebuffer window via -F/dev/something
21:02.48 ``Erik rt -F/dev/Xl /path/to/ktank.g tank g17
21:02.49 ``Erik yo
21:04.07 ``Erik all that's in oldschool yacc's generated header is the token name and numbers
21:05.03 ``Erik but there is a yylval used in the .c, so I guess we need to test if yylval is defined, and extern it if it's not
21:05.14 learner my .h has #ifndef YYSTYPE
21:05.14 learner typedef int yystype;
21:05.14 learner # define YYSTYPE yystype
21:05.14 learner #endif
21:05.14 learner extern YYSTYPE yylval;
21:05.29 learner YYSTYPE is defined
21:05.35 learner in the .y
21:05.54 ``Erik ../../../../../src/mged/points/points_scan.l:128: error: `yylval' undeclared (first use in this function)
21:06.07 ``Erik mmmmebbe your .h isn't being included by the old yacc?
21:06.10 ``Erik *looks*
21:06.52 learner the .c from the .l includes process.h which includes points_parse.h
21:07.12 learner which is what's expected to provide the extern
21:07.22 ``Erik oohhhh, not it doesn't, it includes ./process.h
21:07.25 ``Erik and I build out of dir
21:07.27 learner i.e. you have to successfully run bison/yacc before you can lex
21:07.29 ``Erik that's probably the issue
21:08.27 ``Erik nope, still getting the issue
21:08.31 learner out of dir shouldn't be a problem, ./ is used throughout to mean a local header -- configure adds a builddir and a srcdir
21:08.51 ``Erik you in tomorrow?
21:08.55 learner ya
21:08.59 learner unfortunately
21:09.02 pier Thanks a lot.... have a nice day!
21:09.03 ``Erik I'l give you an account and you can shell into it
21:09.07 learner i should just take the day off
21:09.11 learner s/day/week/
21:09.13 learner but I won't
21:09.14 ``Erik it's snowing o.O
21:09.21 learner yeah, maybe I'll get lucky
21:09.28 learner pier, no problem
21:09.36 learner feel free to hang out and ask questions whenever
21:09.41 learner someone will eventually answer if they can
21:10.25 pier Thanks again! (good night... I can call it a day)
21:10.36 learner ``Erik: the real kicker will be to run g-nmg or one of the variety that tesselate .. :)
21:10.45 ``Erik ok, I can do that right now
21:10.48 ``Erik gimme a command line
21:11.32 learner mm. g-stl path/to/stryker.g stryker
21:11.42 learner or maybe something less pigish
21:11.50 ``Erik gggghhhhaaaahhhh, that means getting the model to that machine, heh
21:12.01 learner g-stl /usr/brlcad/share/brlcad/VERSION/db/havoc.g havoc
21:12.14 learner er
21:12.24 learner g-stl -o havoc.stl /usr/brlcad/share/brlcad/VERSION/db/havoc.g havoc
21:13.19 ``Erik be a few minutes, heh, wdb isn't installed and I'd cleaned the build dir...
21:14.09 ``Erik shouldn't you be working on bz? :D
21:14.50 learner actually, i've been working on one of the old GSI mged extensions
21:15.18 learner try to get it working before posting so I can get some testing on it
21:15.26 learner but it's been a cascade of issues
21:15.56 learner the mods are against a version over 10 years old so there's been several api changes
21:16.28 ``Erik ew, probably needs an almost total rewrite, heh
21:21.56 ``Erik chunking...
21:27.37 learner nah, it
21:27.50 learner it's actually surprisingly well written, pretty easy to follow
21:28.39 learner more just, api was modified to take new params, so I add what I think it wants, only to watch it crash, then I debug why the hell did the api call crash for an hour applying fixes
21:29.14 learner just cascading issues, some started by the script, but most in the api -- documentation needing updating, checks for crashables etc
21:30.36 ``Erik woot, k0r3
21:31.02 ``Erik rerunning in gdb
21:45.12 ``Erik ooh, not entirely trivial
22:19.03 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/librt/view_obj.c: Add mrotPoint, v2mPoint and m2vPoint methods to the view object.
22:45.20 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/librt/wdb_obj.c:
22:45.22 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: Update wdb_do_trace() to consider WDB_EVAL_ONLY. Change erotate, etranslate and
22:45.22 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: escale to orotate, otranslate and oscale, respectively. Also updated these
22:45.22 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: renamed commands to consider any matrices along the path. Added the ocenter
22:45.22 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: method. Added wdb_get_obj_bounds(), wdb_get_obj_bounds2() and
22:45.22 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: wdb_get_objpath_mat().
22:48.31 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/lib/View.tcl: Added m2vPoint, v2mPoint and mrotPoint methods
22:52.17 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/lib/ (Db.tcl Mged.tcl): Changed erotate, etranslate and escale method names to orotate, otranslate and oscale, respectively. Added the ocenter method
22:56.09 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/lib/Display.tcl: Added the following methods: orotate_mode, oscale_mode, otranslate_mode, screen2model, screen2view, handle_orotation, handle_oscale and handle_otranslation. Other minor stuff.
23:00.07 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/lib/QuadDisplay.tcl: Added the following methods: m2vPoint, v2mPoint, orotate_mode, oscale_mode, otranslate_mode, screen2model and screen2view.
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051206

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051206

04:06.48 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
08:12.47 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
08:22.04 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
08:33.28 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
08:37.05 PrezKennedy sometimes i really miss the black console with no frills
09:53.24 d_rossberg i expect rint to be equivalent to floor(x + 0.5)
10:03.18 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/include/config_win.h: has math.h, rint for Windows
13:02.15 learner d_rossberg, i would too, or at least close enough
13:07.08 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/m4/retry.m4: allow a second option to the restart macro for configure args so that they may be preserved.
13:12.55 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/
13:12.55 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: add support for --enable-everything and --disable everything options to simplify
13:12.55 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: configuration when making distributions. this requires consolidating all the
13:12.55 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 'checking' print messages for whether args were select together after checking
13:12.55 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: for the everything setting. also, add the args to BC_RETRY_CONFIGURE so that
13:12.55 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: they are preserved on reinvocation.
14:51.06 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/archer/Archer.tcl: Changed erotate, etranslate and escale to orotate, otranslate and oscale, respectively. Miscellaneous minor mods
15:20.52 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/AUTHORS:
15:20.52 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: Adam Ross of GSI has provided extensive constributions including what appears to
15:20.52 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: be most of the actual GSI source mods for mged-unified (clone, tracker, etc).
15:20.53 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: borderline being considered a full developer, could have even be considered one
15:20.53 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: give his level of contributions had that all been after open sourcing
15:27.08 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: rtwizard doesn't work with perspective
15:35.58 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: rtwizard/rtedge creates incorrect "fuzzy" edge overlay when creating a "Ghost Image with Insert and Lines"
16:20.53 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/ (regress/ src/gtools/g_qa.1 src/gtools/g_qa.c): (log message trimmed)
16:20.53 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: Updated termination check so that "vol/weight" tests cannot cause early
16:20.53 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: termination when "error checks" are being done. The -n required_hits flag
16:20.53 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: now only applies to vol/weight calculations. This fixes a behavioral bug
16:20.53 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: where analysis could run past the "lower" limit on the grid spacing.
16:20.55 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: Since interface checking is not implemented, it was removed it from the manpage.
16:20.56 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: Updated manpage with new syntax for -g option. This is not implemented, but it
17:13.31 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/ (regress/ src/gtools/g_qa.c):
17:13.31 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: Changed handling of -g option. If user specifies only 1 value, it is now the
17:13.31 CIA-12 BRL-CAD: LIMIT on how small to let the gridspacing get, not the initial spacing.
19:25.23 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 (
20:14.59 *** join/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
20:30.50 brlcad howdy pier
21:12.07 pier fine thanks
21:12.34 pier messing around a bit with brl-cad
21:13.54 pier going to switch to it if I get enough good at using it
22:29.49 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: support for fillets and chamfers as object/combination operations
22:44.59 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: early termination grid spacing limit bug in g_qa fixed, updated g_qa manual page documentation
22:51.54 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/doc/README.Windows: remark about it being a known issue that the display manager is not fully functional yet under windows
23:26.50 ``Erik *yawn*
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051207

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051207

01:31.07 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
03:29.42 pra5ad choo choo
03:37.38 ``Erik O.o
03:38.09 ``Erik I think you're supposed to say something or like "ding ding ding goes the trolley" or something, prasad
03:38.11 ``Erik O:-)
03:38.34 pra5ad i dont get it
03:38.43 pra5ad @_@'
03:54.36 ``Erik ...
06:17.21 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
07:02.47 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
10:39.54 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
11:22.42 *** join/#brlcad archivist_ (
11:56.10 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
16:44.13 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
18:31.37 *** join/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
21:41.20 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
22:28.00 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ (
22:28.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: the script is completely absorbed into as the function perf()
22:28.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: allowing utilization of's existing search techniques for locating
22:28.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: resources. This fixes a problem/bug where was incorrectly searching the
22:28.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: right directory for reference logs. by bringing the functionality internal,
22:28.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: now gets to control righting to summary and there is no need to blindly
22:28.03 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: tail the summary file for results.
22:31.21 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ is gone, absorbed into 'benchmark'
22:43.14 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: fixed pathing issue, sucked file into as a function -- can consider an option later that allows only computation of perf stats instead of running the benchmark there later
23:18.22 *** join/#brlcad robin_sz (
23:32.55 brlcad hello robin_sz
23:33.22 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: need to release soon, relegate testing of pic/nonpic build problems with librtms/libmultispectral to later
23:45.30 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/liboptical/refract.c: k&r -> ansi
23:51.51 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/liboptical/sh_prj.c: k&r -> ansi
23:54.32 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/liboptical/wray.c: k&r -> ansi
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051208

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051208

00:01.52 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/bigE.c: RT_APPLICATION_INIT
00:03.06 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/bigE.c: no sense zero'ing twice explicitly now that we're init'ing
00:05.55 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/fortray.c: RT_APPLICATION_INIT instead of bzero
00:07.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/g_bot.c: RT_APPLICATION_INIT instead of bzero
00:36.02 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/g_bot_include.c: k&r -> ansi
00:43.57 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/g_ebm.c: RT_APPLICATION_INIT
01:19.21 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/g_xxx.c: k&r -> ansi
01:21.31 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/nmg_rt_isect.c: RT_APPLICATION_INIT instead of memset
01:26.34 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/vshoot.c: k&r -> ansi
01:28.06 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/wdb_obj.c: RT_APPLICATION_INIT instead of BU_GETSTRUCT
01:30.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librtserver/rtserver.c: RT_APPLICATION_INIT instead of memset
01:32.02 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/hideline.c: k&r -> ansi
01:34.39 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/solids_on_ray.c: RT_APPLICATION_INIT and k&r -> ansi
01:35.31 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/nirt/nirt.c: RT_APPLICATION_INIT
01:35.47 brlcad wee
01:38.28 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/rt_simple.c: RT_APPLICATION_INIT
01:41.31 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/rtexample.c: make the application structure non-global, use RT_APPLICATION_INIT; ws
01:43.32 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/rtshot.c: make the application structure non-global, use RT_APPLICATION_INIT; ws
01:47.41 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/rtwalk.c: make the application structure non-global, use RT_APPLICATION_INIT; ws
01:51.03 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/viewarea.c: k&r -> C
01:55.16 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/viewedge.c: RT_APPLICATION_INIT; ws
01:59.55 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/viewscat.c: k&r -> ansi; ws
02:02.53 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: application structures are now all initialized (or at least they should be) so that the magic number gets set correctly and so the application is properly zero'd.
03:36.00 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 (
07:02.37 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad_ (
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19:58.40 *** join/#brlcad pier__ (n=pier@
20:34.14 *** join/#brlcad pier_ (n=pier@
21:41.48 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051209

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051209

03:10.09 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS:
03:10.09 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: concave arbs give correct wireframe but do not raytrace correctly -- this is
03:10.09 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: documented as unsupported, but mged shouldn't allow it if it's not going to
03:10.09 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: work. regardless the wireframe shouldn't imply that it should work or it should
03:10.09 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: be made to work
03:18.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/bodyio.c: remove dead #if 0'd code -- regardless, importing an object from disk shouldn't imply creating the object if it doesn't exist..
03:34.44 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/db_tree.c: already did an RT_INIT_DB_INTERNAL
03:45.08 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/dir.c: no sense in bombing if we're asked to free an internal with an unset meth function pointer. if it's set, make sure it's valid, then call the callback.
04:35.04 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/db_io.c: lseek() function allows the file offset to be set beyond the end of file so make sure we check that the offset provided to db_read is not larger than the size of the file
05:01.39 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/AUTHORS:
05:01.39 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: ran across george toth's name on src/librt/memalloc.c which cvs shows dating
05:01.39 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: back to at least 1988. that makes him almost certainly a BRL contributor,
05:01.39 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: though uncertain where he falls in the timeline in relation to the others and
05:01.39 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: whether or not he was a core developer (indications point towards isolated
05:01.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: contributions)
05:01.54 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
05:13.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/AUTHORS:
05:13.34 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: traced down george hartwig jr. contributions down to src/libbn/tplot.c which
05:13.34 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: dates back to 1979(!), seeming from a fortran code that was converted to C
05:13.34 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: before or as part of the process of getting brought into brl-cad circa 87. gotta
05:13.34 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: be a contendor for oldest written code in brl-cad still in use. move hartwig up
05:13.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: to code contributions
05:36.28 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/AUTHORS:
05:36.28 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: Tom DiGiacinto's contribution dates back to 1988 at least with Mike attributing
05:36.28 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: the sh_stxt.c solid texture map shader to him as the author. there are
05:36.28 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: references to his name also in conjunction with the marble shader (which also
05:36.29 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: implies the camo shader) in the cvs logs.
07:48.31 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
14:35.02 *** join/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
15:01.19 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon (
15:30.04 pier Hi everyone
16:55.29 *** join/#brlcad pier_ (n=pier@
17:24.02 *** join/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
17:55.15 *** join/#brlcad pier_ (n=pier@
19:43.31 learner howdy pier_
19:43.47 learner just on my way out the door
19:43.49 learner back sun
20:39.27 pier_ hi leaner, have a nice w-end!
20:39.37 pier_ learner
20:47.21 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
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22:38.38 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
23:49.23 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051210

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051210

07:58.36 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
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20:48.45 *** join/#brlcad Guu (
23:30.24 *** join/#brlcad _AchiestDragon (
23:39.27 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon_ (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051211

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051211

02:00.06 *** join/#brlcad _AchiestDragon (
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03:05.20 *** join/#brlcad docelic_ (
09:52.38 *** join/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
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19:27.32 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (n=sean@pdpc/supporter/silver/brlcad)
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20:40.32 *** join/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
20:52.42 *** join/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (
21:13.16 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051212

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051212

00:25.11 *** join/#brlcad cad707 (
00:26.53 cad707 Hello, anyone there?
01:01.59 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
01:33.38 *** join/#brlcad DarkMaster (
03:00.54 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
07:12.20 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 (
08:37.44 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
11:30.16 *** join/#brlcad archivist_ (
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13:15.30 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik_ (
14:56.38 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad (
17:16.36 *** join/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
17:18.35 pier Hi everybody
17:25.32 pier I am reading and carefully following the tutorials in the 2nd volume manual
17:27.30 pier yet I am eager to know whether it is possible or not to produce dimensions in the brl-cad enviroment
17:28.00 pier once you have produced your piece of work
17:29.24 pier Thanks for any piece of information.
23:05.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ check for setenv
23:11.16 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ instead of not even trying autoreconf on a configuration where it's well known to not work (e.g. mac os x), give it a try anyways but with a little more explanation. perhaps raise awareness of broken configurations.
23:15.15 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ report the LOG setting
23:36.52 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/db_comb.c: allow rt_comb_ifree to continue even if the comb pointer, i.e. the object's internal resource pointer is not (yet) set.
23:42.16 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/dir.c: avoid crashing, only call the internal free routine if the internal pointer is valid/set
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051213

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051213

02:54.47 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad (
03:45.24 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/setup.c:
03:45.25 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: separate mged_setup() into it's own file, adding/fixing the block for modifying
03:45.25 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: the PATH for finding brl-cad resources that match the running mged -- it must
03:45.25 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: come before the tcl init routines for it to match tcl's internal env tracking
03:46.02 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/ add setup.c, containing mged_setup() from cmd.c
03:47.48 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/cmd.c: move mged_setup() to it's own file setup.h.; make the tcl_output_hook static since it's not needed anywhere else; move the Tcl_Interp interp global to ged.c
03:48.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/ged.h: declare the mged_view_obj_callback() and the Tcl_Interp *interp global so that they are available elsewhere
03:52.27 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/ged.c: the Tcl_Interp *interp global is moved to ged.c since it's prevalent to all of mged; remove the PATH modification, moving it into mged_setup() (now in setup.c)
03:59.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/clone.c:
03:59.48 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: increment in steps of 100 instead of the previous 500 -- not likely to have 100
03:59.48 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: objects being cloned together; replace the dist function with the vmath.h
03:59.48 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: DIST_PT_PT macro; add comments out the wazoo for what's going on; provide the
03:59.48 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: correct minor_type for db_diradd(); add some sanity checks and debug printing;
03:59.48 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: convert all the string manipulations to be strncmp, strncpy, etc (though they
03:59.50 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: should be just bu_vls strings)
04:47.48 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ (libbu/ librt/ mged/ remove the ancient 'fast' build scripts, the make fast rule trumps
05:04.31 pra5ad ping
05:10.34 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/mater.c: color_putrec only works on v4 databases as it ends up calling db_diradd, so say so
05:40.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: added an --enable/disable-everything option to configure
05:42.23 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: add a section for both the current and next release iteration items. mged path foo should be fixed, relegate clone/tracker, windows branch, and new geometry to the next release iteration
06:37.31 *** join/#brlcad learner (
06:37.32 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by ChanServ
08:54.16 *** join/#brlcad paefchen (
08:54.31 *** part/#brlcad paefchen (
09:04.28 *** join/#brlcad Jakamara (n=jakamara@
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10:32.46 *** part/#brlcad Jakamara (n=jakamara@
11:33.14 *** join/#brlcad cad898 (
13:18.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/gtools/g_qa.c: irix fix, can only declare variables at the start of a scope block in c89
15:05.51 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
15:35.56 *** join/#brlcad tech9iner (
15:36.04 *** part/#brlcad tech9iner (
16:07.22 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/AUTHORS:
16:07.22 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: adam ross was really a full developer, even through GSI, given the quantity and
16:07.22 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: level of his changes and contributions so credit him appropriately. time-wise,
16:07.23 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: that slots him around chris johnson and mike markowski. markowski confirmed
16:07.23 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: that he started during BRL and that he doesn't mind his e-mail being added. jra
16:07.23 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: is still active.
19:36.08 *** join/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
20:30.43 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon (
21:35.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/vls.c: if bu_vls_init is called on a vls that already has space allocated, be sure to free that space before wiping out the pointer to prevent memory leaks and safely allow multiple init calls
21:45.30 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
22:07.09 *** join/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (
22:21.26 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/cmd.c: revert back to a non-pointer bu_vls so we're not calling bu_vls_init() on a NULL pointer. bu_vls_init() was updated to allow multiple init statements
22:25.12 *** join/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (
23:59.27 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051214

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051214

00:24.08 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbn/tplot.c: ansify PL_FORTRAN, ws, style consistency, commentification.
01:19.50 *** join/#brlcad tegtmeye (
01:20.49 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon (
01:51.55 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
02:27.38 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/vls.c: make sure the supposedly valid vls string pointer is actually allocated some space before trying to free it on the offchance that the magic was set and no space was allocated yet.
02:29.59 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/viewedge.c: the rewrite to allow output to both a file and a framebuffer simultaneously overlooked the else that attempted to test neither file nor framebuffer. fix output blather of 'strange, no end of line actions taken'
02:32.42 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: cleaned up erroneous rtedge end of line output
02:49.07 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
02:49.07 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Free Software! || 7.6.4 is released || Developer meeting on Friday Nov 17!
03:47.21 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
05:12.51 *** topic/#brlcad by learner -> || BRL-CAD is now Free Software! || 7.6.6 to be released by the 15th!
11:12.27 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
14:13.16 *** join/#brlcad Erroneous (
19:11.54 *** join/#brlcad blah001 (
19:12.12 blah001 I need a new computer specially for CAD, any recommendations?
21:06.25 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
21:37.43 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libtclcad/tkCanvBezier.c: simple check to prevent infinite recursion on complex bezier paths
21:57.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: fixed sketch primitive bezier path computation bug
22:19.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/AUTHORS: (log message trimmed)
22:19.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: As reported directly from George Hartwig, Jr.:
22:19.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: "In the late 70's Dr Bruce Henriksen and Dr Stephen Wolff were trying to bring
22:19.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: BRL into the world of multi-user computing and as a part of this process bought
22:19.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: a PDP 11/70 computer, a variety of terminals and Mike Muuss to install a version
22:19.06 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: of JHU Unix. Early in this experiment Mike wrote a plotting package called
22:19.08 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: Terminal Independent Graphics so that things could be plotted to terminals,
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051215

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051215

01:15.22 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
07:16.07 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
11:33.43 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/clone.c: make sure the number of objects being displayed is not more than the number that were copied
16:43.15 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon (
17:05.13 *** join/#brlcad cad600 (
18:40.09 *** join/#brlcad docelic (
20:24.02 ``Erik *yarn*
20:31.50 *** join/#brlcad docelic (
21:03.20 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
23:30.21 *** join/#brlcad cad187 (
23:30.49 cad187 Hello anyone out there (first time using irc, also want to talk about brl-cad)
23:32.58 cad187 I guess not, see you.
23:36.22 *** join/#brlcad bcherian (
23:37.08 bcherian I've just downloaded a BRL-CAD binary for use on Ubuntu 5.10. What exactly do I do with it?
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051216

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051216

00:21.43 pra5ad punchline city
00:58.22 pra5ad Twingy,
01:03.12 brlcad I suppose I should have been paying attention..
01:07.31 pra5ad <PROTECTED>
01:07.31 pra5ad <PROTECTED>
01:07.35 pra5ad that seem right to u?
01:08.09 brlcad not really
01:08.17 brlcad that's basically 0 0 0 and inf inf inf
01:08.21 pra5ad straight from DIVA's db
01:08.32 pra5ad and there isnt any stride issues
01:08.48 brlcad diva's db?
01:08.51 pra5ad cos i get the mesh list with fully formed name elemts
01:09.17 pra5ad justin put everything on the opterons
01:09.20 pra5ad mysqld
01:16.14 brlcad ah, yes he's using mysqld for his storage
01:16.24 ``Erik cuz he's el loco
01:21.47 *** join/#brlcad tegtmeye (
01:21.48 pra5ad so ive got an infinitely long triangle
01:21.56 pra5ad yo mike
01:22.01 tegtmeye hey!
01:22.14 tegtmeye Sean on?
01:22.18 brlcad of course not
01:22.28 pra5ad i should make that a trigger
01:22.30 pra5ad =)
01:22.47 brlcad while I make /kick pra5ad a trigger
01:22.55 pra5ad gattaca!!
01:23.07 brlcad good movie
01:23.13 ``Erik hehehe
01:23.16 brlcad uma hotman
01:23.30 tegtmeye yo, more autoconf ?s
01:24.24 pra5ad ahh i meant 'attica! attica!'
01:24.24 tegtmeye how to set your PREFIX as a macro inside, ie
01:24.26 pra5ad bloops =)
01:24.50 tegtmeye #define MIKE_FOO PREFIX
01:25.03 tegtmeye where do I get the PREFIX
01:25.11 tegtmeye that I used in configure?
01:25.45 pra5ad mike: u have two meshes before and one after my mesh list, other than that the mesh/face counts are the same
01:25.50 brlcad prefix is just the var "prefix"
01:26.28 pra5ad my mesh stride is correct (since im getting the correct mesh names)
01:26.29 brlcad when configure is running, if the user hasn't specified prefix, it's set to "NONE"
01:27.17 tegtmeye so, I just set my macro as AC_DEFINE(prefix,...)?
01:27.26 brlcad not quite
01:28.10 brlcad you'll need to check for "NONE" otherwise you'll have a value of NONE in your config.h
01:28.14 tegtmeye prasad, did justin change the file?
01:28.27 pra5ad u mean db
01:28.28 brlcad so make up your own var and check it.. something like:
01:28.30 pra5ad i dunno
01:28.44 brlcad if test "x$prefix" = "xNONE" ; then
01:29.17 brlcad <PROTECTED>
01:29.19 brlcad else
01:29.24 brlcad <PROTECTED>
01:29.31 brlcad <PROTECTED>
01:29.33 brlcad fi
01:30.04 brlcad AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([MIKE_FOO], "$tegt_prefix", "Location where we are installing to")
01:31.01 tegtmeye ah...
01:31.19 brlcad that'll put a #define MIKE_FOO /path/to/whatever in your config.h
01:31.39 tegtmeye thx!
01:32.08 brlcad which can then be used in string concat or snprintf's or whatever
01:32.19 tegtmeye is that the std way of getting the prefix dir into your src or
01:32.47 tegtmeye do folks usually do something else?
01:33.45 tegtmeye prasad, u want me to generate and send you the component names?
01:34.28 pra5ad sure
01:34.33 pra5ad xon/tmp
01:34.57 brlcad that's the only way i've seen used to date
01:35.08 brlcad not many put the path in their project
01:35.22 brlcad since you usually want to allow the package to be relocateable
01:35.53 brlcad brl-cad only embeds it and uses it as part of a search-order for finding mged resource files
01:36.17 brlcad check run-time path, compile-time path, current dir, etc
01:37.27 tegtmeye I'm asking for the config files, so the app knows to look in its PREFIX/etc dir unless told otherwise...
01:37.49 tegtmeye so basically the same reason...
01:40.07 brlcad pretty much, though it should probably check the run-time path too ;)
01:40.27 brlcad you could snarf the code from libbu for that
01:41.21 brlcad src/libbu/which.c for 'which' search semantics or src/libbu/whereis.c for 'whereis' style search semantics
01:41.27 brlcad (probably would want 'which')
01:43.00 pra5ad what does the bu stand for
01:44.04 brlcad libbu, the brl-cad utility library
01:44.39 brlcad libbn, the brl-cad numerics library
01:44.48 tegtmeye prasad, tmp/out
01:44.54 brlcad you can s/brl-cad/basic/ too if you really wanted to
01:48.20 pra5ad names match
01:48.32 tegtmeye ackkk!!!! gotos in which.c! you bad modern programmer you;)
01:50.25 brlcad compile-time messy preprocessor convenience
01:51.17 brlcad you can rewrite it without the gotos but one of the few cases where the logic was more simplified with than without
01:52.40 tegtmeye just giving you trouble..., I have no trouble with the occasional goto
01:52.44 brlcad the files work well with bu_argv0() in src/libbu/brlcad_path.c if there's going to be a long time between starting up the app and searching for the runtime path
01:55.22 pra5ad man wtf :\
01:56.55 brlcad tegtmeye: mind you those are for finding where the current running binary are located, you'd then use a relative path to find ../etc for example
01:57.06 brlcad if it wasn't obvious
01:57.36 tegtmeye gotcha
01:57.51 tegtmeye whats up prasad?
01:59.39 pra5ad headache
01:59.39 pra5ad this doesnt make sense
01:59.39 ``Erik damn you whine a lot
01:59.42 ``Erik :D
01:59.45 pra5ad yes i do
01:59.48 pra5ad deal with it
01:59.59 ``Erik <-- unsheathes "tar arn"
02:00.26 ``Erik don't step up, boy, I'm tequila drunk right now :D
02:00.33 pra5ad tegtmeye, look at this
02:00.34 pra5ad <PROTECTED>
02:00.34 pra5ad <PROTECTED>
02:00.50 ``Erik 0,0,0, sane,inf,inf ?
02:01.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: run-time path identification of mged resources was never completed
02:01.36 ``Erik are you assuming something like float[3] when it's double[3] or visa versa?
02:03.34 tegtmeye actually, depends on what your doing. in adrt, those last #'s are considered 0 in 19 and wtf in 20
02:04.27 pra5ad <PROTECTED>
02:04.27 pra5ad <PROTECTED>
02:04.30 pra5ad that's with doubles
02:04.33 tegtmeye are you actually doing somthing or still just reading in?
02:04.47 brlcad what's your printf?
02:04.55 brlcad or whatever you're using
02:05.02 tegtmeye everything he gave me was in floats with the indes as shorts
02:05.11 pra5ad cout << "\t Vertex " << vidx << ") [ " << pt_list[ pt_idx ] << " , " <<
02:05.11 pra5ad pt_list[ pt_idx + 1 ] << " , " << pt_list[ pt_idx + 2 ] << " ]" << endl;
02:05.15 pra5ad yea ive been using floats
02:05.38 pra5ad pt_list is a float*
02:05.56 brlcad what's 19/20 for double?
02:06.35 pra5ad er?
02:06.42 pra5ad oh sec
02:07.15 pra5ad hrm would help if i remember what mesh it was
02:07.24 pra5ad lemme get a new pair of vals
02:08.19 pra5ad <PROTECTED>
02:08.19 pra5ad <PROTECTED>
02:08.22 pra5ad for float
02:09.34 pra5ad <PROTECTED>
02:09.35 pra5ad <PROTECTED>
02:09.37 pra5ad dbl
02:10.01 brlcad eh, you have something screwy going on elsewhere
02:10.14 brlcad they shouldn't be different if the db has a float
02:11.13 brlcad double looks more correct
02:11.24 pra5ad no its not
02:11.27 pra5ad <PROTECTED>
02:11.27 pra5ad <PROTECTED>
02:11.30 pra5ad for dbl
02:11.45 brlcad well, for 19/20 it "looks more correct"
02:11.53 brlcad which it shouldn't regardless
02:12.02 brlcad hence "you have something screwy going on elsewhere"
02:13.36 tegtmeye I agree, the values should not have an 'e' in them anywhere if memory serves
02:13.45 tegtmeye for any of the meshes
02:14.17 pra5ad the mesh strides are correct for float and dbl
02:14.26 pra5ad id assume both are dbl word
02:14.55 pra5ad .. *shrug*
02:15.43 Twingy what
02:16.14 pra5ad did u change the geometry data in the db recently?
02:16.36 Twingy in mysql?
02:16.40 pra5ad yes
02:16.57 Twingy nope, haven't changed the format since tegtmeyer suggested a change in september
02:17.21 pra5ad ur tfloat is a normal float, yes?
02:17.28 Twingy currently, yes
02:17.45 pra5ad getting bogus values for vertex data
02:17.47 Twingy parsing difficulties?
02:17.53 pra5ad yes
02:17.58 Twingy did you read in the endian and revision?
02:18.05 Twingy 2 byte endian, 2 byte revision
02:18.24 pra5ad hmm
02:18.41 Twingy then mesh name length 1 byte, mesh name string N bytes, vertex num, vertex data
02:18.52 Twingy it's all in the 200 or so lines of load.c
02:19.05 pra5ad <PROTECTED>
02:19.05 pra5ad <PROTECTED>
02:19.09 pra5ad that's all u do
02:19.19 pra5ad i dont see any revision extraction
02:19.19 Twingy ok, then do that
02:19.26 pra5ad and that's what i did
02:19.28 Twingy I probly removed it
02:19.39 Twingy in september
02:19.40 pra5ad so is there a 2B revision ?
02:19.50 Twingy don't worry about revision for now
02:20.01 Twingy what's the next 4 bytes
02:20.09 pra5ad i can traverse ur byte array fine
02:20.16 pra5ad since i can extract mesh names correctly
02:20.21 Twingy I see
02:20.46 pra5ad dunno why vertex data is giving inf values
02:20.52 Twingy and vertex num is okay?
02:21.04 Twingy are you getting sane vertex num values?
02:21.11 pra5ad not all the time
02:21.25 Twingy are you handling the face indices correctly?
02:21.32 pra5ad and vnum has to be correct for the mesh strides to work right
02:21.34 pra5ad and ive checked with tegtmeyer's output
02:21.35 Twingy 1 byte to denate short or int
02:21.42 pra5ad yes
02:21.51 pra5ad it's a direct translation from ur code
02:22.03 Twingy maybe your mysql loader is borked?
02:22.28 Twingy you did a use result, and then got the first row
02:22.33 Twingy and are running through row[0] I guess
02:22.38 tegtmeye tegtmeye doesn't see any tile work going on...
02:22.46 Twingy tile work for what?
02:22.50 Twingy oh
02:22.53 Twingy just laid down 22
02:22.53 tegtmeye u finished?
02:22.57 tegtmeye ah
02:23.09 Twingy I need a break or else I can't lay down another batch tonight
02:23.14 Twingy I'm at 160 now
02:23.22 Twingy speant the last 3 hours on that
02:23.22 pra5ad dude.. i just told u i can extract ur mesh names from the byte array. to do that i need to have the correct data sizes and limits (which apparenty i do)
02:23.26 pra5ad whatever
02:23.46 Twingy does the first mesh come through ok?
02:24.01 Twingy I think it's like 22 faces
02:24.12 Twingy I remember that from tegtmeyer's test program
02:24.31 pra5ad name: /scene/light1.r/^@
02:24.31 pra5ad vertices: 8
02:24.31 pra5ad faces: 12
02:24.48 Twingy what's the ^@ ?
02:25.10 pra5ad ask mike
02:25.27 pra5ad this is his output
02:25.34 Twingy what geometry is this?
02:25.40 Twingy is this the humvee?
02:25.55 pra5ad t62
02:25.56 ``Erik heh
02:26.09 ``Erik isn't ^@ a \0 ?
02:26.19 Twingy anyway
02:26.26 Twingy that looks okay
02:26.33 pra5ad has to be the t62, since my #1 mesh is his #3 mesh
02:26.34 Twingy what do you get for first vertice?
02:26.39 pra5ad and it follows that pattern
02:26.48 pra5ad my mesh id = tegt mesh + 2
02:27.00 pra5ad and mesh properties are equal
02:28.21 tegtmeye yea, t62. the ^@ is mac newline stupidity
02:28.53 Twingy sooo you gonna answer my question?
02:29.23 pra5ad [Mesh16 0] '/compartment/hull/hull_ext/hull_armor/rt_side/r160/'
02:29.23 pra5ad - ( 66 | 140 )
02:29.50 pra5ad that's (verts, faces)
02:30.00 Twingy k
02:30.27 Twingy and the first vert?
02:30.55 ``Erik yowza, i'm behind on rvb
02:31.14 pra5ad sec
02:32.05 Twingy meh, I need to shave
02:32.10 Twingy and get some sleep again
02:32.20 pra5ad <PROTECTED>
02:32.20 pra5ad <PROTECTED>
02:32.20 pra5ad <PROTECTED>
02:32.20 pra5ad <PROTECTED>
02:32.28 Twingy those look sane
02:32.33 pra5ad yea well..
02:32.49 Twingy it almost seems like a memory leak or buffer overlow or something
02:32.53 pra5ad <PROTECTED>
02:32.53 pra5ad <PROTECTED>
02:32.58 Twingy ah
02:33.07 Twingy at 55 it starts screwing up?
02:33.19 pra5ad <PROTECTED>
02:33.19 pra5ad <PROTECTED>
02:33.19 pra5ad <PROTECTED>
02:33.19 pra5ad <PROTECTED>
02:33.34 brlcad probably walking the array in some bogus manner
02:33.38 Twingy and you're 100% positive for that mesh you're reading the face indexes in as shorts
02:34.01 Twingy *indices
02:34.08 pra5ad if it printed out as mesh16 then yes
02:34.15 Twingy ah, k
02:34.30 pra5ad its weird
02:34.33 pra5ad at 17 it goes haywire
02:34.38 pra5ad then at 36 it's sane again
02:34.40 Twingy let me think
02:34.47 pra5ad at 46 it goes nuts again
02:34.54 Twingy is there a pattern?
02:34.54 pra5ad at 57 its sane
02:35.26 brlcad i bet you're reading garbage or filling your array wrong
02:35.33 brlcad init your array to all zero
02:35.40 pra5ad what array? lol
02:35.43 Twingy he's not filling an array
02:35.49 Twingy he's parsing a blob of binary data
02:35.53 pra5ad yes there looks like a pattern
02:36.07 pra5ad there's N sane and N garbage
02:36.13 brlcad the blob the array then
02:36.18 Twingy so there's a 2*X issue
02:36.36 brlcad and your index is probably wrong then
02:36.40 pra5ad but the num_verts and num_faces are good
02:37.06 Twingy print the face indices out
02:37.10 Twingy not the vertice values
02:37.15 pra5ad doing that too
02:37.19 pra5ad and there's the same pattern
02:37.25 Twingy what're they?
02:37.29 pra5ad <PROTECTED>
02:37.29 pra5ad <PROTECTED>
02:37.29 pra5ad <PROTECTED>
02:37.29 pra5ad <PROTECTED>
02:37.29 pra5ad <PROTECTED>
02:37.30 pra5ad <PROTECTED>
02:37.37 pra5ad that 2x issue
02:37.57 brlcad how big is the blob?
02:38.07 brlcad byte-wise
02:38.14 Twingy select gsize from geometry
02:38.30 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
02:38.33 Twingy of course not
02:39.14 pra5ad Geom data size: 1549673
02:39.20 brlcad i wouldn't know otherwise, i don't know what the geometry is :P
02:39.24 Twingy 1.5 meg
02:39.41 Twingy he's parsing a little itty bitty mesh < 100 triangles
02:39.42 pra5ad the face idx should be 0 < fidx < 66
02:39.50 Twingy yea
02:40.17 Twingy wait
02:40.25 Twingy why are you printing face 67 - 72
02:40.29 Twingy oh, nm
02:44.09 Twingy your indexing is wrong
02:44.09 Twingy <PROTECTED>
02:44.09 Twingy pra5ad mesh.AddVertex( pt_list[ pt_idx ] ,
02:44.09 Twingy pra5ad pt_list[ pt_idx + 1 ],
02:44.09 Twingy pra5ad pt_list[ pt_idx + 2 ] );
02:44.09 pra5ad damn
02:44.09 Twingy pt_idx is not bytes
02:44.09 pra5ad that's not it
02:44.09 Twingy it's an integer into the array
02:44.19 Twingy you're calculating bytes
02:44.20 pra5ad yea agreed
02:44.44 pra5ad thanks :D
02:44.52 Twingy you bet
02:45.48 pra5ad much better
02:47.15 Twingy get rid of mesh.AddVertex when you're done too
02:47.25 Twingy calling a function will cause you great performance grief
02:47.45 Twingy it'll add an extra minute to loading stryker
02:50.23 pra5ad O3 will inline it
03:00.51 tegtmeye cya...
04:28.51 Twingy and that makes another 10
05:56.43 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
07:46.08 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
11:37.29 *** join/#brlcad fenn (
11:37.52 fenn ahoy mateys!
11:38.52 fenn i'm looking for a relatively simple solid modeling language to simulate collisions in machine tools
11:39.21 fenn stuff like cylinder, cube, sphere, cone, prism
11:57.46 fenn also testing for collisions with a nurbs toolpath would be nice
11:58.16 fenn what parts of the brlcad tree would i need for this? or is brlcad the wrong tool for the job?
13:27.31 brlcad fenn, brl-cad wouldn't be the wrong tool for the job, but depending on exactly what you want changes what you might want to look at
13:27.41 brlcad and coding will probably be required
13:27.46 fenn yeah definitely
13:28.02 brlcad librt is where all the primitive and geometry introspect (via ray shooting) lives
13:28.20 fenn what handles geometry intersections?
13:28.52 fenn oh the other tricky thing is i have to transform some things into n dimensional space
13:28.52 brlcad it's implicit geometry representations
13:29.04 brlcad so geometry intersections are known when a ray is fired
13:29.19 brlcad and the implicit equations and segment/partition lists are computed
13:30.00 brlcad you can register callback handles via the raytrace programming api for hit/miss/overlap
13:30.24 fenn so a ray is like a vector? it has magnitude?
13:30.47 brlcad a ray has a starting position and a direction
13:30.57 fenn hmmm
13:31.12 brlcad you can get geometry information along that ray
13:31.18 fenn i need to know if a vector is inside a volume
13:32.48 fenn brlcad is probably the wrong tool for this
13:33.59 brlcad if your talking about what I think you're talking about
13:34.24 brlcad then you have some "tool", a shaped carving/cutting bit with some 3d shape
13:34.38 fenn eh, no that's a different project
13:35.12 brlcad oh? then what the "testing for collsions with a nurbs toolpath" mean?
13:35.53 fenn ok these projects are all related you can see
13:36.11 fenn i have a CAM project that takes a solid and plans out the toolpaths
13:36.22 brlcad k
13:36.34 fenn now we are working on a new CNC motion controller to replace emc
13:37.07 fenn they have some similar functions and some redundant functions
13:37.20 fenn like the cnc controller has to be able to compensate for cutters of different sizes
13:38.07 fenn so if you have are cutting a sharp inside corner for instance, you dont want to blindly offset the path by some amount
13:38.21 fenn this kinda hard without pictures
13:38.28 brlcad i think i follow though
13:38.51 fenn so, cutter comp and toolpath planning in the CAM are pretty similar
13:38.58 brlcad you want a sharp corner, and if you were using a large circular cut, you'd have a big corner curve
13:39.08 fenn yeah
13:39.48 fenn if you follow the path that was made for a smaller cutter it might go too far into the corner and gouge the part
13:40.12 fenn so i wanted to do collision detection between the toolpath and the cutter
13:40.17 fenn make sense?
13:40.24 brlcad now do you restrict the toolpath to "mostly" 2D (like a thin slab of metal being cut), or entirely 2D (sheet-metal style cutting), or entirely 3d?
13:40.47 fenn it's restricted to mostly 2d
13:40.52 fenn i think it's kinda dumb myself
13:41.02 fenn why not just run it thru cam again?
13:41.10 fenn but anyway..
13:41.47 brlcad so basically it's a 2D cutting path and toolbit exercise where you just have to take the vertical shape of the toolbit into consideration
13:43.16 fenn the main problem i've been thinking about is how to transform arbitrary geometries from "cartesian space" to "joint space"
13:43.39 fenn where "joint space" is the space with a set of basis vectors defined by the actual motions of the machine tool
13:44.09 fenn like a milling machine will have a quill, a knee, an X axis and a Y axis
13:44.40 fenn so in this instance you are taking a 3d toolpath and transforming it into 4 dimensional space
13:45.36 fenn now you want to make sure that you are within a specified tolerance, but the information in realtime is coming from the joints
13:46.12 brlcad have you run rtedge in brl-cad yet?
13:46.17 fenn so i think it's easier to transform the tolerance into joint space before the machine moves than to try to transform all the joints back into normal cartesian coordinates
13:46.28 fenn no.. *hangs his head*
13:46.56 fenn i get lost every time i try to use brlcad
13:46.59 brlcad that effectively solves the path contour, detecting/reporting the edge of a specified slice of geometry
13:47.28 brlcad you could even use the results as basis vectors for a 2D bezier path directly
13:47.54 fenn like slicing a part along the z axis?
13:48.00 brlcad you'd have to account for the direction changes to detect inside/outside corners that would need a different toolbit
13:48.17 brlcad again, as you noted, pictures would help :)
13:51.11 fenn i figured this is the sort of stuff you did in simulations
13:52.06 brlcad it is in many ways
13:52.56 brlcad those are almost always custom algorithms but the basic need is for geometric introspection, which is what librt provides
13:53.05 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
13:53.25 brlcad full blown simulations of a munition hitting a target can be simulated that way
13:53.32 fenn is there a way to get librt without all the rest of brlcad?
13:53.40 brlcad or energy/blast effects, etc
13:53.51 brlcad heh
13:53.58 fenn if not it's not a big deal
13:53.59 brlcad you could, sure .. but "why"? :)
13:54.22 fenn for instance if you're running a cnc controller off a usb stick and dont have space for all of brlcad
13:54.32 brlcad ah, for that purpose, sure
13:55.05 fenn cool.. i'll have to look into it more then
13:55.53 brlcad librt relies upon brl-cad's basic numerics and utility libraries (libbn and libbu), libregex, and libz
13:56.20 brlcad so you pull those four directories out, and you'd have just what you needed, a fairly contained library
13:56.45 fenn they're just shared library files right? (.so)
13:56.46 brlcad I could make a configure target for that as well for convenience
13:57.11 brlcad shared or static
13:57.11 fenn well, .a, close enough
13:58.34 fenn i can just link to that at compile time
14:14.18 fenn thanks for talking to me.. i'll be back
14:14.32 *** part/#brlcad fenn (
14:33.06 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: rtedge-style tracer that outputs tool paths for CNC/CAM tool path decriptions (g-code output)
14:34.54 archivist definable g-code as not all machines use all g-codes
14:35.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/regress/
14:35.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: the regression tests should run regardless of the output files. in fact, start
14:35.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: by cleaning out the directory first so we're always at a known starting state.
14:35.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: have each test output when it's complete and a message at the end to indicate
14:35.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: that testing was completed successfully
14:35.55 brlcad definable, hmm
14:36.12 brlcad from what i've seen, g-code is a mostly 'standardized' format
14:36.42 brlcad not sure if it was a proper ieee/acm spec of any sort, but the doc I remember reading from many moons ago seemed relatively clear
14:37.13 archivist some machines(older) have a very small subset
14:37.26 brlcad ah, subsets would probably be fine
14:38.03 brlcad could be some sort of compliance/version level option on the output
14:38.14 brlcad like outputting vrml 2 vs 1 etc
14:38.39 archivist I have seen tick box method to choose avalable before processing
14:39.13 brlcad easy enough
14:39.34 brlcad the task really is mostly written already via rtedge
14:39.56 brlcad all that's missing is tying the segments together into continuous contours solving for a bezier path
14:40.47 brlcad since associativity is lost/not needed for creating an image
14:40.52 archivist machine here would not understand a bezier
14:41.05 brlcad wouldn't need to
14:41.12 brlcad it's just solving "the path"
14:41.29 brlcad the actual output could be segments, points, arcs, whatever
14:41.55 brlcad since they're just a descretization of the mathematical tooling path
15:34.33 archivist had a visitor
15:35.43 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/AUTHORS:
15:35.44 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: david becker provided vectorized implementations of the shot routines for
15:35.44 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: several of the primitives. the qualifies as a significant coding contribution.
15:35.44 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: his placement in the time ordering might not be right, but CVS log shows he
15:35.44 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: contributed circa 1988/1989
15:37.20 archivist order matters as machining one dir will give a different size due to tool and machine spring (older machines have no compensation or tool path direction sorting/correction)
15:55.19 *** join/#brlcad paul_c (
16:03.48 learner howdy paul_c
16:04.08 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/AUTHORS: (log message trimmed)
16:04.08 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: Spencer, Thomas W.; McKie, Jim; Davies, Steve; Turkowski, Ken; Woods, James A.;
16:04.08 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: Orost, Joseph; all added with special thanks for the (indirect) contributions to
16:04.08 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: the package. in particular, they all worked on the code 'compress.c' that
16:04.08 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: serves as the basis for out libfb compression, added by chris johnson in 1991.
16:04.09 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: the code was derived from software contributed to Berkeley by James A. Woods,
16:04.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: derived from original work by Spencer Thomas and Joseph Orost. Spencer Thomas
16:04.35 paul_c Hi learner
16:04.58 paul_c Just wondering if there was a Debian package for brlcad
16:05.04 learner heh
16:05.11 learner sort of
16:05.15 learner it's not in apt yet afaik
16:05.34 learner nobody has taken the time to submit it or be a sponsor or request a sponsor, etc
16:05.46 learner but there was at least one fellow that made a .deb for it
16:06.58 learner to be honest, though, it should be considerably more easy to compile from source
16:07.13 learner the .deb was for an older version
16:07.35 learner i'd be glad to walk you through the steps if you're interested
16:07.54 paul_c source compiles are OK up to a point..
16:08.47 paul_c google is my fiend...
16:09.35 learner looks good enough
16:09.57 learner 7.6.6 is the latest going out today so that's not too far back (3 months or so)
16:10.14 learner though the gfdl comment is no longer valid
16:10.41 learner the docs are user-selectably gfdl or gpl
16:10.51 paul_c With the source package available, it wouldn't be too difficult to rebuild with 7.6.6 sources.
16:13.31 paul_c the next Q. which I 'spose gets asked quite often....
16:13.45 paul_c Are there any CAM export options ?
16:16.19 learner yep, very often :)
16:16.35 learner almost as often as questions regarding cadd (drafting/dimensioning)
16:16.47 learner there are not cam export options
16:17.20 paul_c any in the pipeline that you know of ?
16:17.29 learner though moding one of the existing tools, or writing a new tool to do this would not be very hard at all .. just need to find someone interested enough to take the initiative
16:17.38 learner s/though/through/
16:18.30 learner it's in the pipeline for sure, but it's very far down the list of priorities for this year with the current devs .. need more people to get involved that have cam interest
16:18.55 learner so far, more people are stepping up to the plate in support of cadd and fem
16:20.55 paul_c that doesn't suprise me TBH
16:21.19 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/AUTHORS: recognize special thanks to balbir thomas for putting together the first debian package for brl-cad
16:21.35 learner there was one guy heavily interested at first
16:22.04 learner but he started working on a step converter first
16:22.27 learner and that is one big complicated/expensive and time consuming task to approach
16:22.29 paul_c eeeuuw... ;)
16:23.23 learner we have most of the pieces now
16:23.43 learner purchased most of the relevant portions of the spec from ieee
16:24.00 learner have a c parser for at least the 2001 revision, iirc
16:24.17 paul_c a parser for step ?
16:24.32 learner yes, ap21 or whatever it's called
16:24.43 learner the file format for step
16:25.03 learner for the purpose of creating step-g and g-step converters
16:25.16 learner at least step-g
16:25.21 paul_c ears prick up big time.
16:25.51 paul_c step is mostly XML data format ?
16:26.15 learner he started updating the parser for the 2003 revision of step and that's where he started hitting brick walls, incompatible inconsistencies in the spec
16:26.22 learner no, it's not
16:26.43 learner they use EXPRESS
16:27.05 learner which is a markup language in itself, similar to XML
16:27.37 learner so you have to write an express parser (which is what we have, through support of nist)
16:28.01 learner and then a translation from express for conformancy against one of the step AP interfaces
16:28.11 learner like AP201 for "solid modeling"
16:28.30 learner or 203 for CSG operations, etc
16:29.01 learner THEN .. you can worry about translating objects to/from brl-cad and step format
16:29.09 paul_c got it.. Some test data from NIST. It includes some *.stp files.
16:29.32 paul_c which I assume are the STEP files ?
16:29.47 learner there express parser had several bugs and cross-platform support issues that we updated too
16:29.55 learner yes, stp are step files
16:30.09 learner those are the 2001 variant/compliant that I referred to
16:31.04 learner nist only developed the parser as a one-shot deal and are no longer interested in maintaining the project, so we were given pretty leniant leeway to take over development
16:31.14 paul_c *slap.. I know where the XML idea came from now.
16:31.50 learner there is a proposal for an xml-based step format, but it's still not finalized or even in final draft form iirc
16:31.56 paul_c Will & Fred over at NIST were working on XML data exchange with rcslib
16:35.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/AUTHORS: consistent usage of periods on middle name initials
16:38.12 paul_c hrmm.. Was there a reason for patching tcl/tk ?
16:40.16 learner yes
16:40.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/AUTHORS:
16:40.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: daniel dender was involed in the 3.0->4.x days minimally and has code credited
16:40.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: to his name in mged (facedef.c) as well as the patch-g converter, so attribute
16:40.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: him appropriately into the coding contributions section. he was also actively
16:40.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: involved on the old mailing list.
16:40.48 learner we've made several tcl/tk mods over the years, some that have made their way into the distribution, some that haven't still
16:41.21 learner one of the two main differences we have now are a bezier canvas widget to Tk
16:41.33 learner though I recently moved that out of libtk into a different library
16:41.59 learner archivist, where?
16:42.23 archivist daniel dender was involed in the 3.0->4.x
16:42.28 learner ah
16:42.51 learner no biggie then :) i at least got it right later on
16:44.04 learner woo hoo.. only 8 more names unaccounted for in the authors file
16:46.43 learner paul_c, the other reason is that the tcl/tk build was broken for several platforms that we support so we actually don't use their build system for the version we ship
16:47.11 learner theoretically, though, you should be able to --disable-tcl-build and --disable-tk-build and have brl-cad use a system-installed tcl/tk with no problem
16:47.56 paul_c OK.. I'll have to look in to that over the weekend.
16:48.36 learner the decoupling of modifications to tcl/tk was specifically done to appease the apt/ports/portage crowds
16:49.36 learner there's still a few more things that I'd like to change in support of the packaging systems, but it should at least 'work' now without requiring installation into /usr/brlcad
16:50.39 paul_c I have to head off to the wastelands of Norfolk in a few mins...
16:51.00 paul_c I'll try and catch you guys early next week.
16:52.06 archivist tis a bit barren in Norfolk
16:52.09 learner sounds like fun
16:52.25 learner yet Norfolk & Western play good music ;)
16:52.38 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/AUTHORS:
16:52.38 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: joe johnson worked with steve satterfield on the Lyon-Lamb VAS IV video
16:52.38 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: animation controller (vas4) code .. should probably be in code contributions,
16:52.38 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: need to revisi more carefully later. maybe have a talk with steve first.
16:53.23 archivist oo revisi another new word
16:53.44 learner hmm yes
16:53.59 learner i should type less when I've not eaten or drank anything today yet
16:54.31 archivist my typing on irc can be bad sometimes
17:01.54 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/AUTHORS:
17:01.54 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: Martin, Glenn E. and Willson, Stephen Hunter of the Northrup Research and
17:01.54 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: Technology Center worked with Mike on the Tektronix 4109 device driver display
17:01.54 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: manager interface circa 1986 according to cvs logs. credit them with special
17:01.54 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: thanks.
17:34.46 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
17:35.51 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/AUTHORS: special thanks to f. kenton musgrave and robert skinner for algorithm support in the perlin-style noise function and height field primitive (Grid Tracing: Fast Ray Tracing for Height Fields paper)
17:36.52 learner woot, only 3 names left!
18:33.52 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/AUTHORS: brant ross wrote the FrameBuffer library interface for Raster Technology One/80 (libfb's if_rat.c), fairly significant coding contribution
18:34.40 brlcad 2!
18:41.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/AUTHORS: special thanks to william sebok for his fast Princeton memory allocater routines that john added to libbu as pmalloc.c in 1997 with some modifications.
18:52.20 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/AUTHORS:
18:52.20 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: special thanks goes out to charles stanley for his support of the package in the
18:52.20 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: development of mged. charles/chuck is listed in the historic documentation, but
18:52.20 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: is not authored on any of the files -- managerial support in a similar vein as
18:52.20 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: deitz perhaps, though his participation does seem to go far back to near the
18:52.20 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: start of the project
18:54.50 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/AUTHORS:
18:54.50 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: WOO HOO, no more names to be filed.. there may be a few names that still need to
18:54.50 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: get credited, but the list is considerably more comprehensive now. could use
18:54.50 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: more work on the chronological ordering and perhaps some indication of years in
18:54.50 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: the file itself, but it's a good start.
19:01.43 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
21:01.26 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
21:01.26 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Free Software! || 7.6.6 to be released by the 15th!
21:57.29 *** join/#brlcad _AchiestDragon (
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22:54.45 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (NEWS prepare for release, 7.6.6
23:52.30 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ add an alias for --enable-everything of --enable-build-everything
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051217

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051217

00:14.00 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: add a summary paragraph that mentions the continued point modeling support enhancements and completion of the AUTHORS file history research.
00:23.46 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ChangeLog: updates since 7.6.4
02:02.17 pra5ad blargh
02:02.24 pra5ad vbo had no improvement
02:02.30 pra5ad 2fps for stryker
02:56.43 *** join/#brlcad polyspin_ (
02:59.18 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
03:07.33 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
05:26.24 Twingy oof
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12:03.06 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Free Software! || 7.6.6 to be released by the 15th!
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18:50.42 *** join/#brlcad IngMan (
19:10.13 brlcad ahh
19:14.08 pra5ad yes
19:18.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/stat.c: add debug printing for all files that are checked for existence
19:28.02 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/vls.c: add a bu_vls_sprintf() that differs from bu_vls_printf() in that it truncates the vls before printing into it, whereas the printf variant appends. doxygenify the existing comments while we're in here.
20:30.20 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libtclcad/tclcadAutoPath.c:
20:30.21 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: rewrite tclcad_auto_path() to search somewhat more intelligently and
20:30.21 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: consistently when brl-cad hasn't been installed yet. search up to SEARCH_DEPTH
20:30.21 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: levels (currently 7) so deep tclscript paths will ami.tcl correctly (presently 4
20:30.21 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: or 5 levels required)
21:07.02 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: improved mged resource searching when not installed
21:12.37 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
21:43.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libtclcad/tclcadAutoPath.c: s/not apparently/apparently not/
22:12.46 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/g_dsp.c: make sure the dbip pointer is valid before dereferencing it
22:46.12 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
23:28.48 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/conv/ asc2g needs to be built static if this in the buggy 7.3 irix compiler that crashes on long rpaths
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051218

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051218

00:29.37 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/regress/ (5 files): negative numbers are not valid exit codes. they're 8 bit unsigned values, so just exit 1 instead to indicate the error.
02:48.23 *** join/#brlcad argusman (
03:07.33 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
04:10.05 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
06:31.50 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: our awf doesn't understand ./" manpage comments
13:17.09 *** join/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
16:25.30 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/vls.c: revert the free'ing of memory on bu_vls_init -- instead report on the issue so that those callers may be fixed.
20:06.41 *** join/#brlcad IngMan (
20:12.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/liboptical/sh_prj.c: don't rely on the content length of the bu_vls when printing for now. doxygenify the comments
20:24.54 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/vls.c: there are apparently a lot of these, so disable the check for now until it's determined why this happens
23:48.31 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051219

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051219

01:30.46 *** join/#brlcad argusman (
01:31.13 argusman whois Twingy
04:29.22 *** join/#brlcad Tesh (
04:29.24 *** part/#brlcad Tesh (
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18:09.30 *** kick/#brlcad [cad930!n=sean@pdpc/supporter/silver/brlcad] by brlcad (brlcad)
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19:05.09 *** join/#brlcad pier_ (n=pier@
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20:54.38 pier_ Hi everyone! Is anyone out there?
21:01.43 joevalleyfield out there... ou-air... ou-air
21:07.20 ``Erik O.o
21:11.19 *** join/#brlcad archivist__ (
22:17.00 brlcad moo
22:40.32 ``Erik a cow says: "plop"
23:00.36 *** join/#brlcad cad193 (
23:00.46 cad193 is anybody here
23:01.53 cad193 i was looking for the latest brlcad version in .exe or .rpm (I can't get it to work with .bz2 or .gz)
23:04.00 *** join/#brlcad maccam912 (
23:05.40 maccam912 hi i was just here as cad193 but now i'm on my windows box. I am wondering about the .exe or .rpm brlcad software, current version please. If I am not here when I have a reply, send me links or more info at Thanks
23:05.56 cad193 Thanks
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051220

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051220

00:35.46 *** join/#brlcad maccam912 (
00:36.13 maccam912 hello?
00:37.01 maccam912 stilll waiting for links to .exe or .rpm compiled versions of BRLCAD. email links to please.
00:43.22 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
00:44.19 polyspin anyone remember how to duplicate a boot disk on a Mac?
01:03.40 *** join/#brlcad archivist_ (
01:24.16 brlcad DiskCopy?
01:26.37 brlcad if you mean duplicate the contents of your bootable drive contents, something like Carbon Copy Cloner does the trick
01:26.51 brlcad if you mean duplicate a bootable CD, should just be a matter of copying the CD
01:27.05 brlcad
01:28.50 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/config_win.h: sourceforge finally removed the stale cvs lock, update version to 7.6.6
01:30.32 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/macosx/Resources/ (ReadMe.rtfd/TXT.rtf Welcome.rtfd/TXT.rtf): update to 7.6.6
01:32.30 pra5ad Twingy,
01:32.48 pra5ad is the endian flag set for all models in the db?
01:33.15 pra5ad if so, which value for big endian
01:36.07 polyspin I've got a second drive with a partition I'd like to make 1) bootable and 2) an exact duplicate of my main drive.
01:36.31 brlcad ahh, then that link is more in line with what you need
01:36.55 polyspin thx
01:48.58 pra5ad brlcad,
01:49.06 brlcad pra5ad,
01:49.12 pra5ad does bzflag have endian swap/check code ?
01:49.25 brlcad of course
01:49.42 pra5ad got a url?
01:50.47 brlcad well, what do you mean first
01:51.03 brlcad the protocol code does what bz does, calls htons htonl, etc
01:51.13 brlcad network representation is the "standard"
01:51.31 pra5ad
01:51.38 brlcad you could/should just use those routines
01:51.39 pra5ad this guy is clueless then?
01:51.51 pra5ad Q: Why didn't you just use 'ntohl()' and 'htonl()'?
01:51.51 pra5ad A: These functions
01:51.51 pra5ad <PROTECTED>
01:51.51 pra5ad <PROTECTED>
01:52.14 brlcad heh
01:52.38 brlcad neither does that code necessarily
01:52.50 brlcad you see, you have objects that are maybe 4 bytes long
01:52.58 brlcad they can be 4321 or 1234
01:53.08 brlcad or 4312 4123 etc
01:53.22 brlcad depends if you want to support that
01:54.09 brlcad htonl and family take care of that and are about as portable as fork()
01:54.11 pra5ad and what endian are those?
01:54.20 brlcad "middle endian"
01:54.30 brlcad pretty rare these days
01:54.49 brlcad but about as lame as his reason for not using htonl
01:55.51 brlcad they aren't part of C but so is a ton of other stuff everyone uses, they are however a part of POSIX
01:56.10 brlcad and posix is the best golden ruler to follow if your gonna follow any of them
01:56.25 pra5ad what additional dependancy does htonl need
01:56.34 brlcad dependency?
01:56.52 pra5ad yes
01:57.29 brlcad your question makes no sense
01:57.40 pra5ad arpa/inet.h
01:57.51 pra5ad what lib is that part of?
01:59.00 brlcad it's not an external library
01:59.08 brlcad you're still dealing with the C library
01:59.25 brlcad it's just not part of the early C standards, heck might have even been added to the latter C standard
01:59.43 brlcad doesn't matter, it's been a part of systems for about two decades
01:59.54 brlcad was part of the bsd standard
02:00.01 brlcad became part of posix
02:00.07 pra5ad netinet/in.h
02:00.43 brlcad are you asking what headers do you need to include to use htonl?
02:00.57 brlcad that's not an "additional dependency" :P
02:01.14 brlcad that's just how you use functions, man byteorder
02:01.23 pra5ad no, lib
02:01.38 pra5ad thought it was a seperate net lib
02:01.56 brlcad should just need to include arpa/inet.h and maybe add -lc
02:04.28 brlcad by the way, you will need to check whether you are the same or different as the network format
02:04.48 brlcad if you are the same, ntoh is going to be a pass-through
02:06.40 brlcad so given you know it's already one way or the other, you might just want to write a simple swap define
02:08.15 brlcad e.g. #define swap16(x) ((((uint16)(x) & 0xff00) >> 8) | (((uint16)(x) & 0x00ff) << 8))
02:08.47 brlcad then you can detect his big/little endian flag, and compare to you and if they are different, swap bytes
02:08.56 brlcad define something similar for swap32 and so on
02:11.40 pra5ad hmm
02:12.08 pra5ad how bout a generic swap( byte* , sizeof )
02:15.54 *** join/#brlcad DarkMaster (
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04:13.56 brlcad macro version is considerably faster
04:40.37 pra5ad force inline
04:46.18 learner even inlined
04:46.56 learner not that it matters a whole lot, you only need to swap once on read
04:51.43 pra5ad yes
05:37.42 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
08:52.29 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
09:59.37 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
11:23.30 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon (
13:13.10 *** join/#brlcad cad416 (
14:12.26 learner /away i'm not really here
14:12.40 brlcad that's not very useful now is it
15:23.53 *** join/#brlcad cad969 (
18:53.43 brlcad
18:54.21 brlcad cool tankie :)
18:55.33 joevalleyfield looks a little like the batmobile from last summer's movie
20:46.30 *** join/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
20:56.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/archer/Archer.tcl: Add the following methods: decimate, decimate2, decimateAttr and decimateAttr2. Mods to import a single STL file or a directory of STL files.
21:04.55 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (n=alexis@
21:13.59 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran_ (n=alexis@
21:17.35 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/shoot.c: these comparisons are order invariant so change from a >= b to !(a < b) for better performance on G5 processors
21:57.48 *** part/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
22:01.52 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ ( README include/config_win.h): bump the revision number to 7.6.7 post release, next version is trepidly going to be 7.6.8, maybe 7.8.0 if windows work begins merging in time (which isn't likely given there's only two weeks).
22:05.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: add a section for 7.6.7, make initial note that this is our one year anniversary
22:55.42 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran_ (n=alexis@
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051221

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051221

00:05.29 ``Erik yo ho ho
00:06.17 pra5ad bah humbug
00:10.14 brlcad mmmm.. tastes like burning
00:12.32 pra5ad smells like blood
00:13.05 archivist is toast on the menu
00:47.50 pra5ad whats the last line in canadian addresses?
00:51.39 pra5ad hmm guess its not the last line
00:54.45 pra5ad ahh postal code
01:12.43 *** join/#brlcad tegtmeye (
01:29.00 pra5ad mike
01:29.34 pra5ad is it possible to 'templatize' the inheritance system we discussed
01:30.09 tegtmeye how so?
01:30.29 pra5ad u r the expert
01:30.30 pra5ad heh
01:31.03 tegtmeye short answer yes, they are called policy traits
01:31.12 pra5ad oh
01:31.36 tegtmeye they syntax is ugly, but you don't pay for it at runtime
01:32.01 tegtmeye what did you have in mind?
01:32.19 pra5ad good question
01:32.24 pra5ad wanted to simplify it
01:32.53 pra5ad just wondering if it's at all possible
01:33.59 tegtmeye without being a cliche', almost anythign is possible with templates, it is just a matter of how ugly and unmaintainable do you want your code to be
01:34.34 pra5ad has someone invented the 'write-once-reuse-forever' code yet?
01:34.56 tegtmeye yea, they tried and failed (Java) :)
01:35.07 pra5ad hah
01:35.25 pra5ad so u r telling me that templates will be obfuscated by something else
01:35.59 pra5ad eep wrong word
01:36.04 pra5ad obsolete*
01:36.16 pra5ad made*
01:36.17 pra5ad ..
01:37.34 tegtmeye I'm sure eventually, just like any other language.
01:37.59 pra5ad heretic words
01:38.14 pra5ad i thought u were a template zealot
01:38.14 pra5ad =)
01:38.20 tegtmeye Some are just harder than others, look at FORTRAN, its still trieng to be put down...
01:38.29 pra5ad s/were/are/
01:38.48 tegtmeye I am:)
01:38.58 tegtmeye and with luck, I'll make you one too ;)
01:39.53 pra5ad hehe
01:40.07 pra5ad so far ive avoided it
01:44.39 brlcad templates are/can be good stuff
01:46.37 tegtmeye I generally agree,
01:47.38 tegtmeye It comes down to cost/benifit, most will overlook overly templatized code if it result is a significant performance gain
01:48.47 brlcad sure, but then my take on that is that computers get faster than we can write code .. i'll take maintainable over bleeding fast any day
01:48.53 brlcad it is a tradeoff though for sure
01:49.01 brlcad some is great
01:49.35 brlcad doing it blindly "'cause it's faster" is like "never" using goto or "never" using assembly etc
01:49.53 brlcad absolutes are always evil ;)
01:50.32 tegtmeye Since your on...
01:50.58 brlcad heh
01:51.02 brlcad i'm always on
01:51.10 tegtmeye How to you set up your convenience library in autoconf again? Is it ???
01:51.19 tegtmeye heh
01:51.22 brlcad just not always listening or willing to answer ;)
01:51.26 tegtmeye lol
01:51.43 brlcad convenience libs are noinst_LTLIBRARIES
01:51.53 tegtmeye sorry,
01:52.08 brlcad flags for them go to LDFLAGS
01:52.16 brlcad libs they depend on go to LIBS
01:52.25 brlcad same as for binaries
01:52.25 tegtmeye ok,
01:52.42 tegtmeye binary foo needs to link agains convenience lib bar...
01:52.46 brlcad somelib_la_LIBS = $(top_srcdir)/path/to/
01:52.56 tegtmeye ah, right,
01:52.58 tegtmeye thanks
01:53.13 brlcad er, sorry
01:53.46 brlcad that'd be a LIBADD to add a lib to a lib
01:54.03 brlcad somelib_la_LIBADD = $(top_srcdir)/path/to/
01:54.23 tegtmeye what about binary?
01:54.27 brlcad somebinary_la_LDADD = ...
01:54.34 tegtmeye roger...
01:54.38 tegtmeye thanks
01:54.42 brlcad de nada
01:58.54 tegtmeye adrttest_la_LDADD= $(top_srcdir)/adrt/
01:59.03 tegtmeye adrt_test/ variable `adrttest_la_LDADD' is defined but no program or
01:59.03 tegtmeye adrt_test/ library has `adrttest_la' as canonic name (possible typo)
01:59.13 tegtmeye ...lost of ld errors....
01:59.22 tegtmeye s/lost/lots
01:59.34 brlcad :)
01:59.38 brlcad you got em reversed
01:59.56 brlcad if it's a library libadd, binary, ldadd
02:00.04 tegtmeye drat!
02:00.36 brlcad hence you used ldadd, so it presumes a binary program and gives an error about no adrttest_la program
02:01.00 tegtmeye or drate four thos wo caan reed
02:01.37 brlcad huukt awn fonicks
02:02.21 pra5ad mike, does stringstream.str() create a copy?
02:02.36 tegtmeye yes it does
02:02.46 tegtmeye lol...
02:02.47 pra5ad how bout c_str()
02:02.50 tegtmeye no
02:02.53 pra5ad k
02:03.55 brlcad hence the constness of the type it returns :P
02:04.34 brlcad the old sgi references are great for stl info
02:06.59 pra5ad id rather ask mike "i breath stl" tegtmeyer
02:07.00 pra5ad =)
02:07.04 pra5ad breathe*
02:08.56 tegtmeye ;)
02:12.38 ``Erik O.o
02:14.06 ``Erik when I looked at stl, sgi was the only implementation worth noting o.O
02:15.01 brlcad although these days their implementation is crippled with a few critical bugs that they have no intention of ever fixing (at least for mips)
02:16.28 tegtmeye nah... gcc's is pretty good these days
02:17.04 brlcad actually probably the best now that comes to mind
02:18.57 tegtmeye metrowerks and stlport also have complete ones, as far as I know, but
02:19.25 tegtmeye youd have to really look hard to find the advantages of one over the other...
02:19.48 tegtmeye harder than I feel like looking anyway
02:35.17 tegtmeye anyone remember off the top of their head what the *name" of the stdin fd is? (I know it is 0)...
02:35.43 tegtmeye I thought that there was a stdin_fd macro assigned to it in posix...
02:35.54 tegtmeye or somethng like that...
02:36.01 brlcad eh, isn't it just 'stdin'
02:36.12 tegtmeye I thought that was a FILE*
02:36.26 brlcad hmm
02:37.02 brlcad so it is
02:38.42 brlcad STDIN_FILENO
02:38.50 brlcad is in unistd.h
02:39.03 brlcad seems reasonable
02:39.15 tegtmeye ah... thanks, I couldn;t find it...
02:39.35 tegtmeye your googling is faster than mine...
02:41.46 tegtmeye well your grey matter is denser than mine then ;)
02:47.52 tegtmeye sweet! now if you can just point me in the right direction with that whole IN_MEM thing, I could test it out...
02:47.56 tegtmeye jk
02:48.12 brlcad i've been mentally preparing
02:52.16 brlcad only half joking, would like a tool slightly useful.. current idea is to implement a tool similar to ttcp for the geometry utilizing libpkg (net transfer) and librt (.g management)
02:52.39 brlcad unless you can think of something better
02:52.58 brlcad you'd then be able to rip out libpkg for mpi or just follow example
02:55.53 tegtmeye whatever is easiest for you, networking stuff is pretty easy, it would be nice to not have to have a dependency on libpkg though...
02:58.44 tegtmeye Name: ttcp
02:58.45 tegtmeye Version: 1.10
02:58.45 tegtmeye Category:net
02:58.45 tegtmeye Maintainers:fenner
02:58.45 tegtmeye Description:Benchmarking tool for analysing TCP and UDP performance
02:58.48 tegtmeye Long Description: TTCP is a benchmarking tool for determining TCP and UDP performance between 2 systems. The program was created at the US Army Ballistics Research Lab (BRL) and is in the public domain. Feel free to distribute this program but please do leave the credit notices in the source and man page intact.
02:59.10 tegtmeye Had to look that one up.
02:59.25 tegtmeye Kinda cool it was made by us.
02:59.42 brlcad muuss wrote it around the time of ping
03:00.00 tegtmeye cool
03:01.02 brlcad it's even standardized into one of the networking specs, rfc something
03:01.14 brlcad always been included in brl-cad too
03:01.18 tegtmeye yea, jsut saw that
03:02.02 brlcad works great for raw network testing or even for transferring files
03:02.02 pra5ad yo someone pls tell wendy/john that i will be 'officially' late tomorrow
03:02.07 pra5ad ty =)
03:04.07 pra5ad i need to buy a pair of crutches
03:04.18 tegtmeye eh?
03:04.47 tegtmeye typing with your toes again?
03:07.55 pra5ad ask my fitness instructor
03:08.46 brlcad didn't do legs yesterday
03:09.16 brlcad unless you hammies are all sore from the back extensions :)
03:11.25 tegtmeye later guys
03:32.44 ``Erik heh
04:11.23 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ protect against division by negative numbers and returning a negative variance, fixes benchmark output complaining about trying to take a square root of a negative number
04:15.49 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: (log message trimmed)
04:15.49 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: the variance computations in the benchmark suite weren't correctly
04:15.49 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: checking for a negative average error causing a negative variance
04:15.49 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: causing a computation of a sqrt against that negative causing the
04:15.49 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: suite to catch and output the error as:
04:15.49 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: ERROR: square root of negative numbers is only in your imagination
04:15.51 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: awk: division by zero
05:33.38 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
08:13.11 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
08:40.30 *** join/#brlcad pier (
14:56.00 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
17:49.12 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
18:12.57 *** join/#brlcad cad082 (
18:13.03 cad082 brlcad
18:13.13 clock_ hi
18:13.15 brlcad moo
18:13.25 cad082 where are u
18:13.59 cad082 u bailed on gym :\
18:14.09 brlcad ah, you
18:14.10 clock_ brlcad: do you ride surfboard?
18:14.24 brlcad clock_: yes, though only a few times
18:14.33 clock_ brlcad: and skateboard?
18:14.38 clock_ brlcad: wow, that's cool and l33t :)
18:14.41 brlcad cad082: you're un-named if you don't provide a callsign :P
18:14.44 clock_ and wicked ;-)
18:15.06 clock_ brlcad: where are you actually from?
18:15.14 sean_morrison so
18:15.17 brlcad cad082: and I'm not guaranteed to be in the rest of the week (though I'll undoubtedly arrive at some point to submit some papers)
18:15.26 *** kick/#brlcad [sean_morrison!n=sean@pdpc/supporter/silver/brlcad] by brlcad (brlcad)
18:15.26 clock_ sean_morrison: and you? are you a surfer?
18:15.41 brlcad he's just someone trying to cause trouble
18:16.01 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad2 (
18:16.06 pra5ad2 wtf
18:16.09 pra5ad2 no <3
18:16.18 pra5ad2 so yea
18:16.23 brlcad you felt the love :)
18:16.35 brlcad how are the wings?
18:16.35 pra5ad2 u at home or what
18:16.40 brlcad yep
18:16.46 pra5ad2 wuss
18:16.46 clock_ what love? is anyone gay here?
18:16.53 brlcad heh clock_
18:17.08 clock_ <PROTECTED>
18:17.13 brlcad clock_: i tried skateboarding in my younger years, wasn't too successful
18:17.24 brlcad clock_: no, but I've visited several times
18:17.26 clock_ brlcad: cool! leet! wicked!
18:17.37 clock_ brlcad: and have you seen dogtown and z-boys?
18:18.23 brlcad that doesn't ring a bell
18:18.23 pra5ad2 i'd be surprised
18:18.23 clock_ brlcad: yes I am posessed by the evil daemon of Jay Adams HA HA HA HA HAAA!
18:18.23 pra5ad2 har har
18:19.01 brlcad the skateboarder?
18:19.07 clock_ brlcad: yes
18:19.17 pra5ad2 R j00 4 l33t h4X0R 700 ?
18:19.24 clock_ brlcad: and have you been to the dogtown?
18:19.39 brlcad doesn't ring a bell
18:20.02 pra5ad2 u in tomorrow?
18:20.08 brlcad so pra5ad2, how are the wings holding up?
18:20.13 clock_ brlcad: free software developer and is a skater *and* surfer!
18:20.18 pra5ad2 wings? what wings
18:20.28 brlcad lats
18:20.31 pra5ad2 oh
18:20.41 clock_ brlcad: are you going to gym?
18:20.46 pra5ad2 its not bad
18:20.52 pra5ad2 im limping tho
18:20.56 brlcad pra5ad2: not yet at least :)
18:20.58 pra5ad2 calves are shot
18:21.28 brlcad i somehow bet you will be sore bad, you seem to be 24-48 hour pain
18:21.33 brlcad clock_: yes
18:22.15 pra5ad2 so says the guy who stayed home today
18:22.35 pra5ad2 .g to ?
18:23.46 brlcad transferring the .g over the net keeping it in-memory only
18:23.48 pra5ad2 interesting
18:23.48 brlcad heh, split
18:24.10 pra5ad2 who's mr. clock_ ?
18:24.11 brlcad someone else apparently
18:24.31 archivist perhaps he's at the xmas spirit
18:24.51 brlcad or drunk and lost 10 years age
18:25.42 pra5ad2 so u in tomorrow or what
18:26.03 brlcad pra5ad2: example use that both tegt and I have in mind.. send the .g file to some remote processing unit for distributed work
18:26.34 brlcad e.g. an mpi raytracer or .. an mpi lethality server, etc
18:26.42 pra5ad2 ya
18:26.52 brlcad pretty simple
18:27.09 brlcad but the only example code that does this right now is the remote raytracer remrt
18:27.16 brlcad which includes a ton of other logic
18:27.42 brlcad load balancing, throttling, failure recovery, etc
18:27.56 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (n=clock@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:28.14 brlcad the prodigal clock_ winds his way back
18:28.33 clock_ brlcad: how old are you actually?
18:28.33 clock_ brlcad: prodigal?
18:28.54 brlcad old enough
18:29.15 brlcad young at heart fortunately ;)
18:29.21 clock_ brlcad: 46?
18:29.31 pra5ad2 42
18:29.36 archivist 97
18:29.46 brlcad the answer to everything
18:29.51 pra5ad2 1337
18:30.03 brlcad we actually have a bz dev in his late 80s
18:30.10 clock_ what's bz dev?
18:30.12 brlcad one of the best
18:30.16 brlcad bzflag
18:30.19 pra5ad2 bobs?
18:30.21 brlcad another project I dev on
18:30.22 pra5ad2 oh
18:30.22 clock_ bzflag?
18:30.33 pra5ad2 im out, lata
18:30.34 clock_ late 80's = early -10's ;-)
18:31.05 brlcad clock_: it's a game
18:31.22 clock_ brlcad: but how old are you, seriously?
18:31.25 brlcad fairly popular for open source
18:31.34 brlcad seriously, i'm not going to tell you ;)
18:31.38 clock_ rings a bell a bit
18:31.54 brlcad unless we meet in person
18:32.00 clock_ brlcad: OK
18:32.06 brlcad come to siggraph, i'm usually there ;)
18:33.42 clock_ brlcad: why not? security measure?
18:34.08 brlcad well several reasons
18:34.20 brlcad it's not relevant to getting any work done here
18:34.50 brlcad security is always an issue
18:35.05 brlcad everything is logged and publicly archived
18:35.26 clock_ what server is this?
18:35.35 brlcad server?
18:35.38 clock_ yes
18:35.44 brlcad this is the freenode network
18:35.50 clock_ aha
18:36.02 brlcad who are you and what have you done with clock_
18:36.22 clock_ and what if someone knew how old you are and where you live?
18:37.14 brlcad i'm not going to say why that is or isn't something undesireable here
18:38.03 brlcad again, regardless it's not in the least bit relevant here
18:38.33 clock_ brlcad: where do you stand on the surfboard?
18:38.40 brlcad heh
18:38.42 clock_ in the middle? in the back?
18:38.57 brlcad whatever keeps me upright :)
18:39.25 brlcad usually in the middle or towards the front
18:39.26 clock_ brlcad: why does the board turn when you lean to the side? Because the leaned to side gets more drag?
18:40.09 brlcad not really, you're cutting into the water with that edge
18:40.39 clock_ brlcad: but why cutting into the water makes the board turn?
18:40.55 clock_ I understand it with my skateboard - there are trucks that turn - but not with surfboard
18:41.03 brlcad the board isn't perfectly flat
18:41.20 clock_ are you talking about the bottom or the top?
18:41.28 brlcad the whole thing
18:41.35 clock_ is it bent?
18:41.49 brlcad lay it on the ground, you'll see it curves
18:41.53 clock_ like the middle lower and the ends higher?
18:42.02 brlcad right
18:42.03 clock_ how much?
18:42.08 brlcad heh
18:42.10 clock_ do you have a .g model of a surfboard? *G*
18:42.13 brlcad depends on the board
18:42.29 brlcad no, but you could make one pretty quickly
18:42.43 clock_ brlcad: more bent -> you can cut sharper curves?
18:43.24 brlcad it's like the turning radius of a car, big boards have a slow curve, harder to turn generally
18:43.37 brlcad smaller boards curve small, so they're more agile
18:44.08 brlcad can't curve too much or it'd mess with riding the wave I'd imagine
18:44.57 clock_ have you surfed in santa monica?
18:45.07 clock_ have you been there between 1970 and 1975?
18:45.44 brlcad close to santa monica, further south -- i only started surfing a couple years ago
18:46.43 clock_ and have you been to santa monica between 1970 and 1975?
18:47.20 brlcad why?
18:47.44 clock_ if you saw the pacific ocean park debris
18:47.48 ``Erik O.o
18:47.57 clock_ and the rundown neighbourhood around
18:48.08 clock_ ``Erik: what do you mean with this?
18:48.18 ``Erik I mean O.o
18:48.20 ``Erik opposed to o.O
18:48.21 ``Erik :)
18:48.22 brlcad :)
18:48.26 clock_ what does this smilie mean?
18:48.37 brlcad what do all your questions mean?
18:48.39 ``Erik it's either a cocked eyebrow, or a 'bill the cat' look
18:48.58 clock_ brlcad: nothing. what do you expect they would mean?
18:49.09 brlcad or that his jewels are hanging out of balance today
18:49.29 clock_ That I want to stalk you with a sniper gun and the only thing that I miss to find out where you are is to know if you have been to SM between 1970 and 1975?
18:49.49 brlcad ahh, well if that's all
18:50.19 clock_ brlcad: I'm just curious
18:51.21 ``Erik uh oh, I lost my spoon
18:51.34 brlcad sporks!
18:52.03 brlcad ~sporks
18:52.15 brlcad hmm
18:52.16 brlcad ~spork
18:52.18 ibot [spork] an amazing utensil, because it's totally useless as a fork, and totally useless as a spoon, yet everyone has used one before
18:52.23 clock_ brlcad: answer, answer, worse questions will follow ;-)
18:52.55 ``Erik "mah spoon is too big!" bitter films - rejected
18:54.28 clock_ brlcad: OK ask me anything from Ronja design
18:54.35 brlcad heh
18:54.55 clock_ how should I prove my identity?
18:55.03 clock_ send you an e-mail from faked address?
18:55.04 brlcad btw I presented a brief overview of ronja to some other cad folk
18:55.08 brlcad they liked
18:55.18 clock_ because a lot of nuts and bolts? :D
18:56.15 brlcad just the entire concept of the project, and the detail provided
18:56.30 brlcad not to mention the usage of brl-cad too
18:56.50 brlcad stil going though the reported issues
18:57.18 clock_ brlcad: I *am* riding a skateboard:
18:57.35 clock_
18:57.58 brlcad nice shot
18:58.02 clock_ and look at the bottom news image on the left side:
18:58.29 clock_
18:58.57 brlcad ahh, you changed the site..
18:59.09 brlcad i like the new layout
19:01.24 brlcad i don't mind the killing and stalking, but do you have to trace?
19:04.19 clock_ brlcad: thanks for liking the new layout
19:05.11 clock_ brlcad: no I'm just joking. I'm not really pozessed, nor anyhow Jay Adams figures here.
19:05.55 clock_ brlcad: actually was you 1970-1975 in Santa Monica>?
19:06.57 brlcad heh
19:07.28 brlcad i don't think i was
19:07.34 clock_ brlcad: actually can someone get into legal trouble when he uses "kill you" and "stalk you" in an obvious joke in IRC?
19:07.35 brlcad but my memory is foggy
19:07.47 brlcad heh, sure can :)
19:07.51 clock_ omg!
19:08.09 clock_ brlcad: how?
19:08.13 brlcad especially since irony and intent don't come across
19:08.26 clock_ what does the last sentence mean?
19:09.06 brlcad whether you are joking or not doesn't exactly always get conveyed when just writing text
19:09.18 clock_ brlcad: I was definitely joking
19:09.20 brlcad no matter how much you're laughing in your chair or how many smilies you use
19:09.25 brlcad ;)
19:09.32 clock_ brlcad: hereby I assure you that I was only joking :)
19:12.12 brlcad heh
19:12.17 brlcad good to know
19:12.31 brlcad clock_ has a sense of humor, albeit somewhat twisted :)
19:12.48 clock_ brlcad: albeit a bit black ;-)
19:12.58 brlcad that too
19:13.18 clock_ Let's call it "black humour in the style of Goedel Escher Bach: The golden Brain"
19:13.21 clock_ Brain -> Braid
19:13.22 brlcad i'm sure there's probably another joke in there about twisted black bits, but I'm not going to touch it
19:13.42 clock_ twister black bits?
19:13.47 clock_ twisted
19:13.55 brlcad never mind :)
19:13.56 clock_ I didn't joke about Pacific Ocean Park
19:14.11 brlcad i didn't either, don't know what you're talking about :)
19:14.20 clock_ brlcad: and I also assure you that I wasn't, am not, and don't plan to be posessed by any daemon.
19:14.26 clock_ brlcad: that was just a joke, too.
19:14.59 clock_ brlcad: or do you mean the fact that Jay Addams killed a gay man?
19:15.19 clock_ brlcad: are you gay?
19:15.29 brlcad i didn't know that he did that
19:15.35 clock_ brlcad: he did.
19:15.50 brlcad alas i'm a happy fellow, but not gay nor homophobic
19:16.19 clock_ brlcad: I am asking because I am gay, not because I want to pry out sensitive information from you ;-)
19:16.41 clock_ Nor in the connection with the fact that Jay Adams killed a gay man.
19:16.46 brlcad i figured
19:17.00 clock_ from what?
19:17.03 clock_ e-mail headers?
19:17.13 clock_ brlcad: are you goofy or regular?
19:17.27 brlcad i have no idea what that means
19:17.59 clock_ brlcad: do you ride with your right foot in front or with left?
19:18.06 brlcad heh
19:18.23 brlcad i'm a starboard when rowing crew
19:18.40 clock_ what does it mean?
19:18.49 brlcad exactly what i'm wondering :)
19:19.19 clock_ this is really horrible conversation ;-)
19:19.25 brlcad :)
19:24.37 clock_ brlcad: with a bayesian classifier someone could probably find out how old you are from the text you write
19:24.55 clock_ but since you are not gay, it doesn't make sense for me to be interested ;-)
19:25.16 clock_ brlcad: how old do you guess I am?
19:26.26 brlcad if those pictures are of you, early/mid 20s
19:27.06 brlcad age is a state of mind
19:27.37 clock_ brlcad: hehe thanks, I'm 26
19:27.41 brlcad clock_: you can be interested, I just won't exactly reciprocate in the same manner :)
19:28.00 clock_ brlcad: no I am not interested in anyone who's not gay
19:28.51 brlcad mine's a logarithm i think
19:30.42 ``Erik mine stays at 2 :(
19:32.36 clock_ brlcad: so are you like 64?
19:32.55 brlcad heh, not even close
19:32.56 ``Erik *snort*
19:33.02 clock_ 32
19:33.09 ``Erik more like 14 o.O *duck*
19:33.21 brlcad we're back to this whole age guessing personal info topic ;)
19:33.44 brlcad ``Erik: I wish, with what i know now..
19:33.49 ``Erik don't we all?
19:34.06 clock_ brlcad: to be how much? 6? 12? 15? 18? 20?
19:34.20 brlcad any of those will do quite nicely
19:34.31 ``Erik I'd even be happy being 26 again, heh
19:34.56 ``Erik heh
19:35.00 ``Erik you should work on the other project
19:35.11 ``Erik we get to spend our entire day waiting for compile and test cycles
19:35.14 ``Erik no coding involved
19:35.38 brlcad heh
19:35.44 clock_ Decline in sexual activity can be observed in men starting with 90
19:35.45 ``Erik productivity ain't our style, yo
19:36.00 ``Erik s/90/marraige/ ?
19:36.01 brlcad there's a good slogan
19:36.45 brlcad with the yo of course
19:36.51 ``Erik heh
19:37.26 clock_ ok I'm leaving for now
19:37.30 clock_ have a nice time here
19:37.45 ``Erik I spent friday evening arguing with john infront of wendy about the future of the project, mondy morning arguing to the team, then standing there with john to explain it to dixie... I've pissed enough people off for a few days :)
19:38.25 ``Erik that boy is fucked up in the head o.O
19:41.15 brlcad heh, and like you're not
19:46.11 ``Erik true
20:30.22 *** join/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
20:33.54 pier Hi everyone in the list
20:34.51 brlcad howdy pier
20:35.21 pier hi brlcad
20:36.08 pier I have been messing around with brlcad for about a month now
20:36.23 brlcad excellent
20:36.31 pier and I think that it is really nice
20:36.42 pier though I am not an expert
20:36.44 brlcad glad you think so
20:36.54 brlcad the experts I know think so too
20:37.08 brlcad though there's always/definitely lots of places it can be improved
20:37.11 brlcad and will be
20:37.21 brlcad all just a matter of time and priorities ;)
20:37.30 pier now I am trying to export a printout of my masterpieces :)
20:37.48 brlcad ahh, yes
20:38.07 brlcad you have several means to capture printouts
20:38.17 pier and I am getting mad with the ps output
20:38.18 brlcad conversion of the wireframe to postscript/lot
20:38.21 brlcad s/lot/plot/
20:38.26 brlcad heh, okay
20:38.37 brlcad you also tried rtedge and/or rtwizard?
20:38.43 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad2 (
20:38.46 pra5ad2 brlcad
20:38.49 pier no, not yet
20:39.06 pier but now I am fighting with fonts in ps files
20:39.13 pra5ad2 how do you override the compiler in
20:39.15 brlcad if you have something open in mged already, you can type: rtedge -F/dev/Xl
20:39.29 pier ok
20:39.30 brlcad pra5ad2: ./configure CC=whatever
20:39.42 pra5ad2 can't u add an entry in
20:39.54 brlcad you can, you're not supposed to
20:40.08 pra5ad2 ok
20:40.24 brlcad you can test if it's not set and if it's not, change the default
20:40.36 brlcad by just setting CC
20:41.09 pier wow
20:41.46 pier got the hidden lines removed!!
20:41.57 pier feel pretty dumb
20:41.59 brlcad heh
20:42.12 brlcad no need for that, how would you have known ;)
20:42.39 pier perhaps readin again the TOMES :)
20:42.56 brlcad there are probably a lot more things like that you don't know about
20:42.59 brlcad :)
20:43.10 pier You bet
20:43.41 pier I'll perform a test
20:44.29 pier I forgot the command (damn..)
20:44.37 brlcad test of what?
20:45.02 pier I am courious to see if I still have problems with fonts
20:45.46 pier I am never able to view (gv) the output ps file on account of references to fonts
20:46.14 pier unless I manually remove any reference to fnt in the ps file
20:46.21 brlcad how are you generating the ps file?
20:46.36 brlcad there shouldn't be font references
20:47.20 pier with the menu command File -> renderview -> postscript
20:47.46 brlcad hrmm
20:47.58 pier now I don't know how to generate the ps file of the n.1 fb window
20:48.20 pier the one I generated with the command you suggested
20:48.35 brlcad rtedge doesn't generate postscript, it generates images
20:48.43 pier yes
20:49.01 brlcad you can extract that image as a postscript image, but usually better to just keep it as an image (e.g. a png or somesuch)
20:49.22 pier but how one can export the image as ps
20:49.41 brlcad that window is just a lingering framebuffer window when you use -F/dev/Xl (a lingering 24bit X11 interface)
20:49.59 pier I need it to print the views and put dimensions on them
20:50.24 brlcad you can render directly to file with the -o option to rtedge rtedge -o somefile.pix
20:50.40 brlcad use -s for the image size (e.g. -s 1024 for 1024x1024)
20:51.13 pier ok but I need a format that I can put my hands on
20:51.23 brlcad you can convert a pix file with the pix-ps command
20:51.31 brlcad png with the pix-png command
20:51.46 pier ah
20:51.49 brlcad pix-[tab][tab] to get a list of the various formats you can export to
20:51.53 brlcad (in bash)
20:52.19 brlcad or pix[tab][tab] for all the pix tools
20:52.21 pier but is the ps file got from a pix accurate enough?
20:52.40 brlcad only as accurate as the pix
20:53.00 pier this is the problem
20:53.08 brlcad if you want to actually print something at 600dpi, that's going to be a pretty big image
20:53.33 pier May I explain the way I proceed now?
20:53.38 brlcad sure
20:54.18 pier Imagine I have produced a ps file from the menu command
20:54.56 pier I open it and remove all the damned references to fonts
20:55.20 brlcad k
20:55.35 pier then I convert it to dxf 2d view which I can scale and put the correct dimension on
20:56.00 pier pstoedit -f dxf fresa_t.dxf
20:56.10 pier for example
20:56.33 brlcad interesting, okay
20:56.50 pier Is that a hawkward way to proceed?
20:57.15 brlcad pstoedit is complaining about the font?
20:57.21 pier yes
20:57.38 pier not only pstoedit but any viewer I use
20:57.40 brlcad you tried different font settings on the postscript panel?
20:58.03 brlcad fourth line lets you select the font, default is Courier iirc
20:58.12 pier ghostview and internal kde kpsview
20:58.19 pier yes
20:58.22 brlcad i mean in mged
20:58.29 pier I did that too :(
20:58.48 pier I don't understand
21:00.09 brlcad hmm and they all give you font warnings/errors?
21:00.09 pier Sean, is it possible to produce the view in F 1 as a ps file?
21:00.14 pier yes
21:01.47 pier I mean what command the menu file call when the ps file of the graphic mged window is produced?
21:07.30 brlcad the menu item ends up calling init_psTool
21:09.43 pier ok
21:10.14 brlcad but not meant to be called directly
21:10.26 brlcad that ends up calling do_ps
21:10.32 pier ok
21:11.03 pier is that a shell command in /brlcad/bin?
21:11.35 brlcad no, it's an mged command, it's talking directly to mged's display manager
21:12.51 brlcad only mged talks to the display manager
21:12.58 pier it'a a build in compiled function
21:12.59 brlcad the other tools talk to framebuffers
21:13.08 brlcad it's not compiled, it's tclscripting
21:13.15 pier ok
21:13.27 brlcad lives in share/brlcad/version/tclscripts directory
21:13.59 pier weird that fb created with rtedge becomes [defunct] after a while
21:14.09 pier yet it is visible
21:15.09 pier is it possible to get rtedge plot on the mged graphic display?
21:15.15 brlcad it's set to be unresponsive, just waiting for closure
21:15.32 brlcad yeah, you can render to the framebuffer in mged
21:15.33 pier I see
21:15.33 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
21:16.13 pier how? [if I am pestering you just tell...]
21:17.15 brlcad first make sure the framebuffer is turned on
21:17.23 pier ok
21:17.25 brlcad Settings->Framebuffer, make sure the last two options are on
21:17.47 pier they are
21:17.55 brlcad then you should be able to run: rtedge -F0
21:18.07 pier so 0 is the number
21:18.24 brlcad it's technically a port number
21:18.38 brlcad 0 being the first, if 0 was in use, it'd use 1
21:18.41 brlcad etc
21:19.11 pier yep. Thanks
21:20.30 brlcad you can start your own framebuffer server with the fbserv command
21:20.56 pier of course the menu command File -> renderview -> postscript will output the wireframe with visible hidden lines all the same
21:21.14 pier yes I learnt how to do that
21:21.38 pier It was learner a week ago to tell me
21:24.42 pier may I send the error message I get about font?
21:25.14 brlcad yep, the postscript does a dump of what you're seeing in the mged display
21:25.20 brlcad sure please do
21:25.24 pier ok
21:25.26 pier Error: /invalidfont in findfont
21:25.31 pier Operand stack:
21:25.37 pier FntH Courier Font Courier 183935 Courier --nostringval-- Courier NimbusMonL-Regu
21:25.37 pier Execution stack:
21:25.46 pier cution stack:
21:25.47 pier <PROTECTED>
21:25.47 pier --nostringval-- --nostringval-- --nostringval-- false 1 %stopped_push 6 4 %oparray_pop --nostringval-- --nostringval-- --nostringval-- 1 -1 1 --nostringval-- %for_neg_int_continue
21:25.47 pier Dictionary stack:
21:25.49 pier <PROTECTED>
21:25.52 pier Current allocation mode is local
21:25.55 pier Last OS error: 2
21:25.56 pier Current file position is 249
21:25.58 pier ESP Ghostscript 815.01: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
21:26.00 pier taht's greek to me
21:26.22 pier now I revone the following lines
21:26.26 pier remove
21:26.45 brlcad hmm
21:27.13 pier t
21:27.22 pra5ad2 exit
21:27.22 pra5ad2 xit
21:27.26 pra5ad2 er
21:27.27 brlcad it's not understanding the FntH findfont directive
21:27.35 pier "/FntH /Courier findfont 80 scalefont def"
21:27.39 pier etc
21:27.50 brlcad yeah
21:27.55 pier "/DFntL { /FntL /Courier findfont 73.4 scalefont def } def"
21:28.09 brlcad maybe a complaince issue with 1.0
21:28.17 pier ?
21:28.24 pier sorry
21:30.18 pier now the image is visible but not printable......
21:30.40 pier I ps2pdf it and finally it is printable
21:30.51 pier spooky
21:31.38 brlcad ps2pdf gives the font error too?
21:33.17 pier no unless I remove the obovementioned lines
21:35.29 pier I get errors with dxf files got with g-dxf too [Autocad doesn't open the files and complain]
21:37.18 pier I had a look at the g-dxf source to have an idea on how it works and write a g-dxf-modified command apt to produce 2d views
21:38.26 brlcad the dxf converter isn't trivial but it should be fully compliant with their spec
21:39.13 pier of the object but I must admit it's beyond me
21:39.41 pier I'll have a look at it to pinpoint the error message
21:40.16 brlcad please report it
21:40.58 pier ok, I'll do it.
21:41.17 brlcad if you can provide the .g, that would be even better
21:41.54 pier who am I supposed to provide the file to?
21:42.20 pier to the address above?
21:42.27 brlcad yeah
21:42.33 brlcad as part of the bug report
21:42.33 pier OK
21:42.36 brlcad you can attach files
21:42.57 pier explaining all the ps and dxf stuff?
21:42.57 brlcad
21:43.09 brlcad one report per problem :)
21:43.17 pier ok :)
21:43.24 brlcad i'm looking into the ps one now
21:44.48 pier tried to google for ps lexicon but no luck
21:45.53 pier In any case I did a bit of a progress today too
21:46.28 pier I got my first dxf view I can work on with dimentions and that makes me happy
21:47.00 pier I can call it a day now
21:47.12 pier time to go to bed
21:47.18 brlcad do you have the Courier font?
21:47.27 brlcad size 80
21:47.36 pier wait....
21:47.58 brlcad wondering if the error is real and we're just outputting a size yours wont make for some reason
21:48.43 pier courier 4.5
21:48.55 pier is set in the window
21:49.02 pier text box
21:49.12 brlcad i mean if you have courier installed as a system font
21:49.30 pier ... how could I work it out?
21:49.58 pier now I don't remember
21:50.02 brlcad locate cour | grep font
21:50.20 brlcad or maybe "locate Courier"
21:50.35 pier flooded ... wait...
21:50.43 brlcad then you do have it
21:50.55 brlcad okay, i'll keep looking into it
21:50.57 pier qiute a few
21:51.01 brlcad thanks for the report
21:51.08 brlcad i'm guessing it's size related right now
21:51.17 brlcad i'll see if I can reproduce it here
21:51.21 brlcad what OS are you on?
21:51.57 pier Linux Slack 10.2 Ker 2.4.31
21:52.14 brlcad ah, k
21:52.21 pier courier size available 75 and 100 dpi
21:52.32 brlcad don't have a slackware to test on, but i should be able to pin down another linux close enough
21:53.48 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: /FntH /Courier findfont 80 scalefont def is giving errors in ghostview tools: Error: /invalidfont in findfont
21:54.09 pier tried with courier 75 but no dice
21:57.16 pier Thanks a lot for the support and patience. Bye
21:57.34 brlcad thank you!
21:57.41 brlcad for the same
21:57.49 brlcad hopefully we can get those bugs fixed
21:58.15 pier no doubt! :) nite!
21:58.58 *** part/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
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23:08.29 *** part/#brlcad terhau (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051222

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051222

01:40.53 pra5ad yay! text renderer works
01:41.09 *** join/#brlcad maccam912 (
01:41.19 maccam912 is anybody here? I have a question
01:41.44 maccam912 I will ask anyway
01:42.05 maccam912 I am running Windows XP and have finally figured out how to compile it and install with CYGWIN
01:42.15 maccam912 I am trying to start mged
01:42.43 maccam912 and when I click on it it said that it was looking for some .dll's so I copy pasted them from cygwin install folder
01:43.12 maccam912 they were all of the ones I was looking for, so I copy pasted them all from cygwin to the mged directory
01:44.11 maccam912 then when I click on it it says 'Initializing and backgrounding, please wait...' so I wait, then it closes without me doing anyting after a couple of seconds
01:44.34 maccam912 I installed it on linux, but It doesn't even open up on there
01:44.56 maccam912 it is 7.6.6 if that matters
01:45.04 maccam912 waiting for a reply...
01:53.33 *** join/#brlcad tegtmeye (
01:55.03 maccam912 hey
01:55.10 maccam912 tegtmeye
01:55.34 maccam912 are you there tegtmeye
01:57.16 maccam912 ok, i have mged open, but when I try to do something
01:57.46 maccam912 it says "no database has been opened
01:57.49 maccam912 "
02:05.06 ``Erik heh
02:08.51 pra5ad what was the issue with a close-to-0 zNear plane?
02:11.39 ``Erik Z buffer is logarithmically scaled against the znear, so as you make the znear smaller, you lose z precision further out
02:11.45 ``Erik then you get overlap artifacts
02:12.24 ``Erik <-- steve baker wrote a bit on it
02:18.16 pra5ad so whats the work around
02:18.41 ``Erik you should probably read everything at , just think some and don't blindly believe everything he says... he knows his shit, but I disagree with him on a couple minor points :)
02:18.49 ``Erik the workaround is to put the z as far away as possible
02:19.19 ``Erik another workaround is to do multipass... draw everything with a znear of 1, then draw everything close (again) with a znear of .1 and a zfar of 1, or something
02:31.22 pra5ad these articles seem .. old
02:33.18 ``Erik some of 'em are a bit old, but little has changed, I think
02:41.17 pra5ad xenogears time
02:42.52 ``Erik *giggle*
05:18.43 *** join/#brlcad CIA-6 (
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06:17.33 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Free Software! || 7.6.6 to be released by the 15th!
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06:24.56 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO:
06:24.57 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: updates for the next two release iterations. for next release: start of windows
06:24.57 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: merging, mingw build, clone, tracker, geometry examples. for release after,
06:24.57 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: run-time path identification completion,, tracker scripts.
06:26.07 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: write .g in-memory transfer example (tegt needs)
06:32.37 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/ (main.c opt.c): use 0.0 as the 'default' aspect ratio to represent unset. catch a negative aspect ratio as an error. a 'default'/unset aspect ratio will get adjusted to be the image dimensions ratio.
06:36.09 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS:
06:36.09 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: raytracers use image size for default aspect ratio now instead of just 1.0 so
06:36.09 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: that model space aspect is maintained and preferred over the image space aspect.
06:36.09 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: stops making the dang squished pics when you specify -n/-w options to any of the
06:36.09 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: raytracers
06:41.23 *** join/#brlcad archivist_3 (
06:48.44 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: use environ for run-time path tracing lookups
06:53.14 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: investigate performance impact of using sched_setaffinity and/or pthread_attr_setaffinity_np for linux threading affinity in librt
07:04.48 *** join/#brlcad Twingy ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
07:43.37 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
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09:03.11 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
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16:35.57 clock_ hi
16:43.18 brlcad hey :)
16:47.38 clock_ I found out that free software project structure is identical to a structure of a gang
16:47.47 clock_ With the only exception, and that is evil polarity
16:48.14 clock_ fits really excellent
16:48.50 clock_ Actually not only free sw, but also User Controlled Technology
16:53.35 brlcad sounds about right
16:54.04 brlcad also known as and managed as a meritocracy in most cases
16:54.31 brlcad where merit is the driving force of who's in charge, who gets overthrown (stabbed, forked, whatever)
16:54.44 brlcad and the hierarchy of developers and contributors
16:59.39 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/shoot.c: only test the debug flags extensively if something in run-time debug is enabled
17:00.27 clock_ merit driving force? Can you explain?
17:02.22 brlcad ~dict merit
17:02.55 brlcad you have a value as determined by your peers, others involved with the project
17:03.07 clock_ OK now I almost understand
17:03.08 brlcad the more and better work you do, the more merit you have
17:03.23 brlcad those with high merit are in charge
17:03.57 brlcad having history with a package or starting a package gets you high merit, which usually explains why original devs tend to stay in charge
17:04.21 brlcad but they can be overthrown or replaced if others do more and work harder/better
17:05.14 brlcad simple example, you already have more merit than an average person who enters the channel and asks for help
17:05.46 brlcad simply because you're already an existing user who has used the package, has expressed an interest, has contributed to the project, etc
17:07.30 brlcad it's not an artificially imposed structure like you working for a boss at work who might be an idiot. you are valued by your partipation, insight, contributions, etc
17:09.09 brlcad in most open source projects, you become a developer not by applying for the job/role of developer -- you become a developer by earning the respect of the other existing developers through useful contributions
17:09.26 clock_ that's what fascinates
17:09.27 clock_ me
17:10.19 clock_ skater also doesn't apply for a skater job, but has to skate and the better he skates, the bigger respect the others have.
17:10.41 brlcad yep
17:11.08 clock_ do you have gangs in the US?
17:11.21 brlcad and if/when he becomes good enough or better than others, people start listening, paying attention, respecting his wants and options
17:11.24 clock_ or where you live?
17:11.24 brlcad heh, of course
17:11.38 clock_ are they persistent and difficult to eradicate?
17:11.39 brlcad there are gangs everywhere
17:12.01 brlcad mostly inner-city in the big cities
17:12.27 brlcad young kids usually
17:12.38 clock_ almost invariably doing crime, right?
17:12.40 clock_ how young?
17:12.57 brlcad mostly teenagers
17:13.07 brlcad some are crime gangs, some aren't
17:13.23 clock_ who do those noncrime gangs do?
17:13.33 clock_ teenager=13 to 19 right?
17:13.43 brlcad yeah, pretty much
17:13.44 clock_ were z-boys gang as well?
17:13.56 brlcad i'm sure there are others outside that age range
17:14.14 clock_ toddlers with machine guns ;-)
17:15.00 clock_ have you ever been in any gang?
17:15.01 brlcad z-boys was a team
17:15.04 brlcad they competed
17:15.20 clock_ against other teams right?
17:15.21 brlcad but probably a fine line as to whether they behaved as a gang too
17:15.25 brlcad ~dict gang
17:16.17 brlcad lots of definitions (2 of 8)
17:16.25 brlcad merriam-webster's is better:
17:16.27 brlcad (1) : a group of persons working together (2) : a group of persons working to unlawful or antisocial ends; especially : a band of antisocial adolescents
17:16.57 brlcad 2: a group of persons having informal and usually close social relations
17:17.07 clock_ how can be adolescents antisocial?
17:17.27 brlcad so doesn't have to be illegal, just have to have be a close group of people
17:18.04 brlcad just frequently do engage in illegal activity sometimes
17:18.04 brlcad depends on the people
17:18.25 clock_ and otherwise drink and smoke weed
17:18.33 clock_ or what can "classical" gang do?
17:18.43 brlcad i would hope the don't drink week
17:18.45 clock_ chase girls
17:18.46 brlcad *weed
17:19.22 brlcad most adolescents chase mates :)
18:40.49 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/do.c: make sure pixmap is null before wiping it out. instead of setting all the elements to zero, save cpu cycles and just request a bu_calloc...
18:56.35 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/worker.c: (log message trimmed)
18:56.36 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: rewrite do_pixel() for a 30% performance enhancement on an model-less scene.
18:56.36 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: this results in a savings of 5-30% time depending on model complexity/size. the
18:56.36 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: performance is gained by removing some rediculous memory copying into
18:56.36 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: temporaries and optimizing away several divisions and modulos. the main loop is
18:56.36 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: also unrolled one iteration since the default case does not involve
18:56.38 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: hypersampling. also rework the logic on testing whether a pixmap (previous
19:04.44 Maloeran Have we met last friday, Sean? I didn't catch the name of everybody ( Alexis at Survice's place )
19:05.16 brlcad No, I couldn't make it over to SURVICE
19:05.48 Maloeran Ah, right
19:06.02 brlcad heard that you were there though
19:06.57 *** join/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
19:07.17 brlcad ciao pier
19:09.35 pier salve
19:09.52 pier how are you?
19:16.25 brlcad going good
19:24.27 pier I post a request this moning
19:24.30 pier
19:25.08 pier of course I am trying to get some result before asking for help
19:25.24 pier reading the source code
19:26.02 brlcad pier: yes, I read that
19:28.25 pier but I think I'll have to dig first in the header files to get an idea on how the various functions called in g-dxf code work
19:29.03 pier not easy but I'll have a go before giving up
19:32.15 brlcad it's not going to be trivial using g-dxf since it specifically generates 3D dxf files
19:34.29 brlcad if it's just a hidden line drawing you're looking for, it would probably be easier to modify rtedge to output splines
19:35.26 brlcad if it's a hidden line _image_ you're looking for, that's specifically what rtedge generates
19:35.49 pier not really
19:35.51 brlcad just without the ability to annotate as it's a raster image, not vector line drawing
19:36.48 brlcad have recently discussed that it'd be fairly easy to implement an rtannotate of sorts that could add annotations to an image and render as an overlay (or be an option to rtedge even)
19:38.01 brlcad the main problem is that the .g files are generally modeled using implicit geometric primitives
19:38.16 brlcad dxf only supports explicit geometric primitives
19:38.23 pier mmh I am going to have a look at the file format got from rtedge -o
19:40.01 brlcad so you have to either 1) convert to splines, 2) convert to triangles (which is what g-dxf does), or 3) write a research paper ;)
19:41.04 pier looks like rtedge -o produces a binary...
19:41.38 brlcad output is .pix file format (an image)
19:41.49 brlcad pix-png <image.pix > image.png
19:42.15 brlcad or rtedge -F/dev/Xl to display directly to a window
19:42.38 pier ok but it would be incredibly difficult to get lines and oder stuf from a pix file
19:42.48 brlcad at that point it would
19:42.56 brlcad but inside rtedge, not so difficult
19:43.26 pier go on
19:45.04 brlcad inside rtedge, it has the model that it's firing rays at
19:45.12 pier you mean I could workout a new routine studying rtedge source and make it to output a vector image file?
19:45.32 brlcad yes
19:45.47 brlcad it could be spline curves
19:45.51 brlcad or even something like svg
19:45.55 pier like in the old days commodor assembler games
19:46.32 pier projecting an image on a plane with a given normal vector
19:46.46 brlcad for a 2D dxf, it needs the outline curve of a primitive
19:47.15 brlcad you could also get this by performing 2D projections of the basic primitive shapes, but with CSG operations, this becomes very very non-trivial
19:47.46 pier yep
19:48.13 pier sorry for being slow in understanding
19:48.32 brlcad no problem, it's a common issue mainly stemming from implicit vs. explicit
19:50.04 brlcad iff the purpose is to get annotations/dimensions by using qcad
19:50.17 brlcad the main issue is "getting the object outlines"
19:51.02 pier for outlime you mean the lines that define the profile of the object?
19:51.07 pier outline
19:51.09 brlcad you could do this by performing a 3D projection of the triangles in g-dxf and computing inside/outside points, stitching together a spline
19:51.37 pier yes that was what I wanted to do
19:51.38 brlcad you could also do this in rtedge which has already formed the projection to 2D, requiring you to just stitch together a spline
19:52.03 brlcad right, the outlines define the profile
19:52.25 brlcad both/either approach could be made to work
19:53.20 brlcad gut feeling is that it'd be a fair bit easier in rtedge, though g-dxf might make more sense in the long run
19:54.12 pier say rtedge has a part in wich it makes all the "calculus" so what it is to modify is the piece of code that prepare the output
19:54.48 pier in order to make it write a dxf file rather than a pix file
19:55.02 brlcad right
19:55.26 pier then I'll switch to rtedge
19:55.40 pier and have a look at it
19:55.55 brlcad hey, might just give g-dxf a try first
19:56.15 brlcad that does "make more sense" as it is the exporter
19:56.47 brlcad it's just not clear to me even exactly how to proceed
19:56.48 pier now I am puzzled
19:57.51 brlcad you would not be able to reimport the 2D dxf back into brl-cad when you're done without adding 2D support to dxf-g
19:59.15 brlcad i'd say keep going the g-dxf route unless you hit a brick wall and get stuck -- if/when that happens, maybe switch to rtedge instead
19:59.15 pier but that issue doesn't iterest me now (and what's more would reeeeallyyyy beyond me)
19:59.54 brlcad more than happy to support you and help you understand what's going on in g-dxf and/or rtedge
20:00.12 brlcad both are pretty much contained to a single file for their entire main implementation
20:00.40 pier Lord! I am not a professional programmers and in that case I might turn in a thorn in your side
20:00.46 pier programmer
20:01.16 brlcad what we're working on is a means to add the annotations directly in brl-cad
20:01.37 brlcad first as a raster-only means via something that would be named like rtannotate
20:01.55 brlcad later as a fundamental capability where you can specify annotations and dimensions in the modeler
20:02.22 archivist swap later and first please
20:03.08 pier sounds scary
20:03.18 brlcad the first can be done in just a couple days
20:03.24 pier :)
20:03.50 brlcad the latter is a deep change and requires adding a new primitive type, modifying the .g format, and adding modeler interface improvements
20:04.39 pier I can't see how to make such thing (the first ex later)
20:05.04 pier perhaps
20:05.58 brlcad i.e. the latter is brl-cad 8.x material, it breaks compatibility to support it fully
20:05.59 pier adding a new method to the shape
20:06.34 brlcad that's a possibility
20:06.39 brlcad hmm
20:07.00 brlcad that's not a bad idea
20:07.37 brlcad could add explicit outline projection routines where you query a primitive from a particular direction and it performs the 2D projection to a given plane
20:07.39 pier a new primitive that could inherit all the legacy from the old ones
20:07.52 brlcad that could be done without breaking anything
20:08.18 pier and dimensions to
20:08.21 pier too
20:08.48 pier with hidden and visibility flag
20:08.54 brlcad the actual dimensions and annotations themselves are still not so trivial
20:09.03 brlcad they do require a new primitive
20:09.40 brlcad what I was talking about is something better than performing projections in g-dxf or trying to extract non-raster connectivity in rtedge
20:10.03 brlcad have to think about it some more
20:10.33 brlcad csg operations might make it impossible still
20:10.41 pier a primitive has its dimensions
20:10.58 pier radious for sph, vertex etc
20:11.32 brlcad sure, a sphere is fairly trivial
20:11.59 brlcad harder ones would be something like extracting an outline of a dsp (terrain) or even a torus rotated on an angle
20:12.39 pier once they are known one need a method to draw the dimension on the chosen plane
20:13.17 brlcad that was part of the idea of rtannotate
20:17.33 pier in the case of a torus you would need a plan view of it in any case if one want to put dimensions on it
20:20.23 pier funny... I can't see the pix image got with the rtedge fresa.g -o fresa.pix
20:22.14 brlcad pix is a first quadrant raw image format (old sgi standard)
20:22.27 brlcad you can read them with photoshop, or just use the brl-cad image tools
20:22.40 brlcad pix-fb -F/dev/Xl fresa.pix
20:23.09 brlcad plus your rtedge doesn't look right: rtedge -o fresa.pix fresa.g some_object
20:24.06 pier It is visible with pix-fb -F/dev/Xl fresa.pix
20:24.15 pier not with gimp
20:50.57 brlcad you have to rename it for gimp
20:51.09 brlcad rename it to .raw and gimp should be happy
20:51.16 brlcad it thinks .pix are something else
20:51.22 pier I'll try
20:52.01 brlcad it will be flipped, if you open in gimp/photoshop as it is stored as a 1st quadrant image, they assume 4th quadrant
20:52.31 pier get an error
20:53.07 brlcad what error?
20:53.18 pier unknown file type
20:53.19 brlcad there's no magic to it .. it's just a plain raw image :)
20:53.40 brlcad ah, I think you have to tell gimp that it's raw
20:53.58 brlcad there's a drop-down iirc
20:54.03 pier as a matter of fact I fancied that renaming would have been useless
20:54.21 brlcad photoshop insists it be named .raw
20:55.18 pier xv doesn't recognise it as well
20:55.31 pier neither image magic
20:55.38 brlcad heh, they will/can
20:55.44 pier weird
20:55.52 brlcad but you really have to go throught their means to specify it as raw
20:55.55 pier is my pc haunted?
20:55.56 brlcad which is not a common format
20:56.06 brlcad so it's usually a special option/selection
20:56.18 brlcad regardless.. if you want to see it, convert it to a different format
20:56.19 pier I'll open the gimp again
20:56.23 brlcad pix-[tab][tab]
20:56.48 brlcad pix-png being the most generally useful
20:57.23 brlcad pix-ppm useful for coding, latter versions of xv and gimp read it
21:08.49 pier ....... have to kill mged
21:09.04 pier it gets stuck after giving
21:09.27 pier rtedge -o fresa.pix fresa.g telaio.r
21:10.45 pier but not after
21:10.48 pier rtedge -o fresa.pix fresa.g
21:11.27 pier and
21:11.32 pier pix-png fresa.pix
21:11.59 pier gives a ot of rubbish on the screen and no png file
21:17.25 ``Erik pix-png fresa.pix > fresa.png
21:18.03 ``Erik rtfm o.O :)
21:19.28 pier ok
21:20.58 pier nice one!
21:21.31 pier even though the fresa (router) came with a foot cut into two parts
21:27.12 brlcad oh, rtedge inside of mged is different than outside, I gave syntax for outside mged
21:27.24 brlcad inside mged, you don't need to specify the geometry or the .g
21:27.30 brlcad it uses what's currently displayed
21:29.53 brlcad that "rubbish" is the png file data ;) so you have to redirect it
21:30.23 brlcad the command should have a check added to make sure output isn't a terminal like the other converters do, someone must have missed it
21:31.23 pier ok it works
21:31.44 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: pix-png should make sure output is not to a terminal
21:32.39 pier but does not accept -w -n parameter
21:32.48 brlcad what doesn't?
21:33.24 pier ~/brlcad/bin$ pix-png -w 1024 -n 768 fresa.pix > fresa.png
21:33.25 pier pix-png: Short read
21:33.41 brlcad short read, fresa.pix isn't 1024x768 apparently
21:33.53 brlcad default is 512x512
21:34.00 pier ok
21:34.03 brlcad you have to specify 1024x768 when you render
21:34.18 pier ok ok
21:35.00 brlcad rtedge -w 1024 -n 768 -V1024,768 -o ...
21:36.47 pier gas
21:36.52 pier ok
21:37.47 brlcad ?
21:38.02 pier as I am going to bed would you kindly address me to the source of rtedge to ease my sleep :)
21:38.13 pier I got lost in
21:38.46 pier brlcad-7.6.6.src.tar.gz/brlcad-7.6.6/src/rt
21:39.43 pier rtedge -w 1024 -n 768 -V1024,768 -o ... Was perfect
21:42.00 brlcad if you were still here, I would have said viewedge.c
21:42.03 *** join/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
21:42.06 brlcad heh
21:42.13 brlcad viewedge.c
21:43.03 brlcad all the raytracers basically just provide implementation for a set of callbacks
21:43.30 brlcad view.c is rt's, viewedge.c is rtedge's, vieweight.c is rtweights's etc etc
21:43.56 pier ok .. found
21:44.11 brlcad main.c and opt.c and most of the rest of files are common to all of them
21:44.35 brlcad rtsimple.c and rtexample.c give a tutorial on how they all work
21:44.47 brlcad with a relatively simple raytracer that just fires one ray
21:59.58 pier going to have a printout of rtexample.c and study it. May I be back with questions? Hope not though!
22:02.53 brlcad sure sure
22:03.05 brlcad it should compile outright, it's part of the build actually
22:03.23 brlcad viewedge.c is just the callbacks that are in rtexample.c
22:03.42 brlcad rtexample is a full program example
22:04.01 pier yes I see
22:04.47 pier Would gcc compile it?
22:04.50 brlcad sure
22:05.16 pier ....... an example perhaps...
22:05.54 brlcad [morrison@hole (Thu Dec 22 17:05:29) ~/brlcad/src/rt]$ gcc -L/usr/brlcad/lib -I/usr/brlcad/include -I/usr/brlcad/include/brlcad rtexample.c -o rtexample -lbu -lrt
22:05.56 brlcad [morrison@hole (Thu Dec 22 17:05:42) ~/brlcad/src/rt]$ ./rtexample
22:05.59 brlcad Usage: rtexample model.g objects...
22:07.44 pier Thanks a lot to you all. A merry Christmas. Good night!
22:08.15 brlcad same to you
22:09.53 *** part/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
22:12.35 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051223

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051223

00:22.13 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
01:01.17 ``Erik O.o
01:25.56 ``Erik hrm
04:11.05 Twingy MySQL Beats Commercial Databases in Labs Test
04:20.10 ``Erik yet psql still whups mysql
04:20.12 ``Erik :-D
04:28.22 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
04:36.38 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad (
04:36.51 pra5ad Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
04:36.51 pra5ad [Switching to Thread -1223330080 (LWP 7699)]
04:36.51 pra5ad 0xb7b87e09 in __gnu_cxx::__exchange_and_add () from /usr/lib/
04:36.54 pra5ad ... =(
04:39.28 learner eh, that's not very informative
04:39.49 pra5ad (gdb) where
04:39.49 pra5ad #0 0xb7ba4e09 in __gnu_cxx::__exchange_and_add () from /usr/lib/
04:39.49 pra5ad #1 0xb7b83d39 in std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::~basic_string () from /usr/lib/
04:39.59 pra5ad =((
04:40.02 learner keep going
04:40.20 pra5ad #2 0x0804f733 in main (argc=1, argv=0xbff89424) at GLAMR_mesh.h:55
04:40.22 pra5ad <end>
04:40.26 learner there ya go
04:40.37 pra5ad there what
04:40.52 learner you're apparently in some template code in GLAMR_mesh that isn't right
04:41.09 pra5ad no templates
04:41.27 learner then what's line 55?
04:41.38 learner maybe inlined code
04:41.44 learner or class code in the header
04:42.04 pra5ad it's an empty decotr
04:42.06 pra5ad heh
04:43.10 learner is there a std::string in that class's data?
04:43.18 pra5ad yes
04:43.22 learner or a pointer to one
04:43.27 pra5ad not pointer
04:43.45 learner class have a virtual base?
04:44.10 pra5ad no
04:45.12 pra5ad time to trace the prog line by line
04:45.15 learner if there's no #3, smells like stack corruption
04:46.23 learner program should be in main() somewhere ultimately unless you're just starting up or quitting and have a problem with some static data initializer
04:47.53 pra5ad that was after an exception
04:48.02 pra5ad objects were being cleaned up
04:48.15 pra5ad seems i have issues with my data structs
04:48.15 learner ahh
05:03.32 pra5ad oh wow
05:03.54 pra5ad function has ret val of (model*)
05:03.59 pra5ad but body wasn't returning at all
05:04.02 pra5ad and g++ didnt complain
05:04.05 pra5ad yikes
05:06.15 pra5ad oops, twas a warning that was lost in the compiler output
05:06.15 pra5ad =)
05:15.05 learner easy to avoid those in the future, add -pedantic -ansi -Werror
05:16.39 pra5ad righto
05:17.26 pra5ad does -Wall include -Werror ?
05:17.44 brlcad no
05:17.49 brlcad but use Wall too
05:18.22 pra5ad ah 'make all warnings into errors'
05:18.43 brlcad yyyep
05:19.06 brlcad shouldn't have warnings accumulate for new code
05:19.24 pra5ad /usr/include/mysql/mysql.h:114: error: ISO C++ does not support 'long long'
05:19.24 pra5ad make[1]: *** [glamr.o] Error 1
05:19.25 pra5ad lol
05:20.16 brlcad add a -std=c99
05:20.49 brlcad still errors?
05:21.14 pra5ad cc1plus: warning: command line option "-std=c99" is valid for C/ObjC but not for C++
05:21.41 brlcad ah
05:21.56 brlcad then perhaps -DNO_CLIENT_LONG_LONG
05:25.45 pra5ad works
05:25.47 pra5ad tnx
05:29.51 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
05:30.12 brlcad if you run into it on a different system header, just add -Wno-long-long
05:33.36 pra5ad k
05:34.43 pra5ad effectively doubled my fps with these new changes
05:34.49 pra5ad styker at 2fps!
05:34.52 pra5ad woo woo =)
14:08.38 *** join/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
17:12.42 *** join/#brlcad bob1961 (
17:16.01 *** join/#brlcad bob1961 (
17:53.36 *** join/#brlcad bob1961 (
18:29.05 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad2 (
18:29.31 pra5ad2 brlcad
18:39.02 brlcad ~ask
18:39.03 ibot Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise and on-topic. Don't ask if you can ask a question first. Better questions more frequently yield better answers. Remember, we're all volunteers. Please don't /msg people without permission. See also
18:53.42 pra5ad2 my singleton has a cpl of std::string members. i know the ctor is called, but when i try read/write to said strings, i get a seg fault
18:54.22 pra5ad2 do i need some special syntax to init the strings?
19:02.03 brlcad heh
19:05.36 pra5ad2 gdb is of no help
19:05.47 pra5ad2 although i have a hunch that the string ctors arent called
19:05.51 pra5ad2 dunno why
19:05.53 brlcad so, you're not using my relatively simple singleton interface that has all those issues worked out and you want me to help you with your singleton
19:06.04 brlcad let me think about that one somme
19:06.39 pra5ad2 it doesnt break on singletongs w/ non stl member :\
19:06.45 pra5ad2 singletons*
19:07.17 pra5ad2 hell, it worked yesterday
19:07.32 pra5ad2 ill rip out the code changes
19:07.40 pra5ad2 sigh..
19:24.25 pra5ad2 its certainly not the singleton
19:25.08 pra5ad2 hrm
19:25.11 pra5ad2 create a new object and its the same error
19:35.26 pra5ad2 #0 0x00568641 in __gnu_cxx::__exchange_and_add () from /usr/lib/ 0x0805108a in ~GLAMR_DatabaseDIVA (this=0xbfe46d40) at /usr/lib/gcc/i386-redhat-linux/3.4.4/../../../../include/c++/3.4.4/bits/basic_string.h:217#2 0x0804e7fe in main (argc=1, argv=0xbfe47214) at /usr/lib/gcc/i386-redhat-linux/3.4.4/../../../../include/c++/3.4.4/ext/new_allocator.h:69
20:13.52 pra5ad2 damn where's tegtmeyer when u need him
20:46.32 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
21:26.59 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/ (954 files in 130 dirs): Merge of bobWinPort
21:31.17 brlcad woah
21:36.04 archivist_3 just a few
21:56.48 *** part/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
22:03.12 brlcad just a few
23:34.12 ``Erik *yawn*
23:34.39 ``Erik bob merged to.. head? or did he mfc our stuff?
23:35.08 pra5ad cvs get tail
23:37.05 pra5ad dragon warrior xiii, radiata stories, xenosaga ii and ffxii demo
23:37.13 pra5ad that should last me 4 days
23:37.58 pra5ad s/warrior/quest/
23:40.35 pra5ad march is gonna be painful :(
23:40.51 pra5ad grandia iii, suikoden v, elder scrolls iv, ffxii full
23:48.57 ``Erik heh
23:59.03 *** join/#brlcad hapoteh (
23:59.38 hapoteh good evening folks.
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051224

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051224

00:01.00 hapoteh I was expecting to see a lot more people on here to be honest.
00:01.05 hapoteh this software looks absolutely amazing.
00:15.18 learner heh
00:15.22 ``Erik most of the developers and users don't irc, as it's been in development for over 25 yrs
00:15.53 learner the irc channel is a relatively new phenomenon for burly cad
00:16.08 ``Erik heh
00:16.54 ``Erik you heard that at a conf?
00:17.53 learner i've heard that several times in various places :)
00:18.04 learner brill cad
00:18.29 learner brall
00:18.33 learner burl
00:25.45 ``Erik heh
00:25.51 ``Erik xmas shopping?
00:25.56 ``Erik <-- looks at the calendar
00:26.17 learner yeah, just about time to get started
00:26.31 ``Erik well, I guess we're all allowed to be fucking retarded once in a while :D
00:26.42 learner heh
01:29.40 Twingy hrm
01:30.34 Twingy I modified the freebsd driver to get my card to show up in ifconfig now
01:30.51 Twingy except I need to modify the control register values to pick up the MAC address now
01:31.59 Twingy working on freebsd drivers is alot like laying tile, time consuming
01:58.23 ``Erik heh, indeed
01:58.39 ``Erik any driver writing tends to burn time like mad
02:43.53 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
02:44.40 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/conv/iges/ (g-iges-vers_win.c iges-g-vers_win.c): This was missed during the merge because the iges directory was moved.
04:07.04 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
05:06.25 CIA-6 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc7/ (17 files in 17 dirs): Update the project settings (release only)
06:55.24 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 (
11:19.42 *** join/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
14:53.51 pra5ad brrrrlcad
15:53.27 ``Erik *yawn*
19:29.18 ``Erik I thought you were working off of 6 already
19:33.33 Twingy 6 stable
19:34.01 Twingy here, read up
19:34.17 Twingy
20:06.49 ``Erik hrmmmmmmmm
20:07.01 ``Erik loan me two cards next week, I'll make it work... 3 if you want
20:32.53 Twingy what do you need two for?
20:43.35 ``Erik if the mac address doesn't map easily, there's gotta be some mapping function...
20:43.50 ``Erik unlike our coworkers, i'm uncomfortable generating a function from a single data point
21:12.51 Twingy heh
21:12.55 Twingy I considered popping another card in
21:13.50 Twingy but all the control registers are pushing back 0's except there's no data in the control registers which looks like it could generate a valid mac address since it has to begin with 00:06:F4
21:14.28 Twingy and there is no way to permute the data I "did" get from the control registers to generate atleast that much
21:21.12 Maloeran Shouldn't you two take a break on christmas? :)
21:21.32 Twingy I am, by not tiling
21:21.45 Twingy this way my body can heal
21:21.48 Maloeran Eheh, good good
21:22.00 Twingy all I've got left is half the laundry room
21:22.11 Twingy put 14 down last night
21:22.49 Twingy I found a $2k kitchen table and corner unit I really like yesterday
21:23.07 Maloeran I suppose most of the mess has been... displaced for your family's arrival
21:23.18 Twingy oh, it's in like perfect order now
21:23.24 Twingy mom and I speant last 3 days cleaning
21:23.44 Twingy went on a shopping spree for cleaning products and other things to spiff the place up
21:23.54 Twingy think I speant about $1k on ikea, and other random stuff
21:24.02 Twingy speant $700 on the car yesterday
21:24.37 Twingy huge difference since you were last here
21:25.30 Maloeran :) I can only hope so for your family
21:27.35 Twingy in two weekends I'll finish up the kitchen when I'm back in town, and finish the unfinished closet in the finish
21:27.41 Twingy in the basement
23:18.14 *** join/#brlcad _AchiestDragon (
23:36.07 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad (
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051225

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051225

00:31.19 *** join/#brlcad joevalle1field (
00:31.58 *** join/#brlcad BZBot` (
00:37.13 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:37.13 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:37.13 *** join/#brlcad archivist_3 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:37.13 *** join/#brlcad BZBot (
00:37.14 *** join/#brlcad joevalleyfield ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:47.20 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad (
00:47.54 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
02:15.03 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
10:08.19 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
18:49.53 Twingy Hiiiidy Hooo, merry x-mas from mr. hanky poo
20:06.57 ``Erik O.o
21:27.20 *** join/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
21:43.25 *** part/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051226

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051226

00:23.01 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
10:06.59 *** join/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
12:22.49 *** join/#brlcad mikelo (
12:23.37 mikelo hi
12:23.44 mikelo is this sw 3d?
12:41.07 pier Hi, yes it is
12:48.08 mikelo ok
12:48.12 mikelo thanx
12:48.21 pier you are wellcome
12:48.30 mikelo is it easy to install in ubuntu?
12:49.01 pier you get bynaries so it wouldn't be all that hard
12:49.19 pier regardless your distro
12:50.35 mikelo ok
14:04.13 *** join/#brlcad mikelo (
14:14.26 mikelo hi i downloaded brlcad how do i install it?
14:29.19 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
15:37.27 ``Erik which distribution did you download? an rpm? the source tarball? something else?
19:15.44 *** part/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051227

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051227

02:11.18 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
04:34.52 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
04:54.30 pra5ad hah
04:54.40 pra5ad finished radiata stories
04:54.57 pra5ad just in time
06:08.48 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
07:14.17 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
10:10.45 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
10:11.18 clock_ hello
11:20.59 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
11:34.20 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
14:36.51 *** join/#brlcad docelic (
14:51.26 brlcad howdy
14:54.35 docelic howdy !
15:01.49 clock_ hi
15:03.32 joevalle1field good afternoon
15:04.35 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
15:40.10 ``Erik grar
18:13.52 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
18:13.52 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Free Software! || 7.6.6 to be released by the 15th!
18:14.47 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
18:14.48 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Free Software! || 7.6.6 to be released by the 15th!
18:17.28 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
18:17.29 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Free Software! || 7.6.6 to be released by the 15th!
19:00.36 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
19:04.37 *** join/#brlcad clock__ (
19:06.14 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
19:23.38 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/libtcl/unix/dltest/ got rid of the other tcl files, might as well get rid of this one too
19:27.18 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/tkimg/base/ don't need files in CVS when there are files
19:30.59 clock_ hmm brlcad is active :)
19:53.41 *** join/#brlcad docelic (
20:22.49 ``Erik <-- suspects he has spurts of activity, then sets up 'at' or something to slowly commit his stuff so he looks like he's always hard at work o.O
21:40.39 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
21:40.39 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Free Software! || 7.6.6 to be released by the 15th!
21:41.26 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
21:41.26 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Free Software! || 7.6.6 to be released by the 15th!
21:41.58 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
21:41.59 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Free Software! || 7.6.6 to be released by the 15th!
21:42.51 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
21:42.51 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Free Software! || 7.6.6 to be released by the 15th!
21:43.59 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
21:43.59 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Free Software! || 7.6.6 to be released by the 15th!
21:46.50 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
21:46.50 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Free Software! || 7.6.6 to be released by the 15th!
21:49.21 *** part/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
23:06.46 *** join/#brlcad A_Meteorite (
23:07.12 A_Meteorite you there, brlcad?
23:44.38 brlcad A_Meteorite: yep
23:44.49 A_Meteorite yay
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051228

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051228

01:22.10 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
02:58.53 *** join/#brlcad RPG_ (
03:00.10 *** part/#brlcad RPG_ (
06:52.20 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
15:09.28 *** join/#brlcad tegtmeye (
15:10.39 tegtmeye prasad, you awake?
15:44.22 ``Erik heh
15:45.43 brlcad helps to use folk's nick so the client can highlight
15:48.08 *** join/#brlcad orchid (n=bzgirl@unaffiliated/orchid)
15:48.21 ``Erik depends on the client
15:48.37 ``Erik some don't highlight, others let you define a set of highlightable items
15:49.04 brlcad sure, there are sucky ones :)
15:52.01 *** part/#brlcad orchid (n=bzgirl@unaffiliated/orchid)
16:16.07 *** join/#brlcad tegtmeye (
16:50.00 *** join/#brlcad hapoteh (
17:08.19 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/archer/archer.bat: Added code to set the BRLCAD_DATA environment variable.
17:09.48 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/mged/mged.bat: Added code to set the BRLCAD_DATA environment variable.
18:11.01 *** join/#brlcad joevalleyfield (n=joevalle@
19:04.30 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
19:34.55 *** join/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
20:29.15 *** part/#brlcad A_Meteorite (
21:01.13 *** part/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
21:15.50 brlcad there were two name servers (2 of 4) listed that shouldn't have been, now all fixed
21:16.34 brlcad I added a third name server for reliability/speed and changed the first server to be one in jersey so it should respond faster in maryland
21:17.32 brlcad the three name servers are in jersey, florida, and germany for ns1, ns2, and ns6 respectively
21:25.17 ``Erik damn I hate java.
21:54.30 Maloeran Who doesn't :)
22:02.26 hapoteh Oddly enough, some people like it ;-]
22:33.02 *** join/#brlcad cad791 (
22:34.16 *** join/#brlcad cad791 (
22:34.55 *** join/#brlcad cad791 (
22:35.15 *** join/#brlcad cad791 (
22:35.40 *** join/#brlcad cad791 (
22:36.48 cad791 hello. i'm new to brlcad. has anyone installed it on freebsd?
22:37.21 *** join/#brlcad cad791 (
22:37.29 ``Erik es, there's a port, ports/cad/brlcad
22:37.33 *** join/#brlcad cad791 (
22:37.40 ``Erik heh
22:40.01 *** join/#brlcad cad791 (
22:40.32 *** join/#brlcad cad791 (
22:40.33 ``Erik someone seems to be having issues o.O
22:41.21 *** join/#brlcad cad791 (
22:41.44 *** join/#brlcad cad791 (
22:42.55 *** join/#brlcad cad791 (
22:43.11 *** join/#brlcad cad791 (
22:44.12 *** join/#brlcad cad791 (
22:45.54 *** join/#brlcad cad753 (
22:48.07 cad753 lost my connection. i run fbsd4.11-stabel, but the brlcad port is broken. downloaded it via CVS, but i'm getting an error when i do make, i wonder if it has something to do with the fact that i;m using libtool15 instead od libtool14
22:49.39 *** join/#brlcad cad753 (
22:49.49 *** join/#brlcad cad753 (
22:54.39 brlcad hmm
22:55.50 brlcad issues indeed
22:55.58 brlcad seems to have given up
22:58.38 ``Erik heh, mebbe he should upgrade, 'stable' is 6.0 now
22:59.01 ``Erik 4 is 'legacy' and should've had support dropped many moons ago
22:59.05 brlcad that's your excuse for anything that breaks? :)
22:59.44 brlcad curious what his actual error is, if it's anything valid
23:01.06 brlcad would it be unheard of to have a ports package that actually pulled sources from cvs?
23:02.43 ``Erik not unheard of, but greatly frowned upon
23:03.05 brlcad i was thinking a separate ports package
23:03.10 brlcad brlcad-cvs or something
23:03.26 brlcad or make cvs, etc
23:03.32 ``Erik since it throws the pr system out of whack, when the port maintainers can't make their system identical to reproduce problems
23:03.45 ``Erik why? I thought monthly releases was good and brisk
23:03.56 brlcad they is
23:04.13 brlcad just for working out issues in the meantime
23:04.39 ``Erik the minute a new file is added, or installed files name changes (like a lib version bump), or anything, the port is immediately damaged and starts leaving crap around or failing on uninstall, which gets it marked broken
23:04.40 brlcad plus bsd port build issues could be sorted out before a release is made
23:05.39 ``Erik gimme a candidate tarball a couple days before release, and maybe a diff of installed files from the last release, I'll make it work :D
23:05.43 brlcad mm, so then not as a separate port package
23:05.55 brlcad 7.6.6 is posted
23:06.09 ``Erik if it's just to smooth out 4, a good chunk of ports are already broken for it...
23:06.18 ``Erik oh? hrm, you need to do the freshmeat release thingy, dude
23:06.19 ``Erik :D
23:06.34 ``Erik so I can get my 'new software' reminder email
23:06.36 brlcad yeah, freshmeat, mailing list, sf news, linux cad, ...
23:06.50 brlcad planned on doing that tonight
23:07.21 ``Erik fuck, their anoncvs is still busted
23:07.35 brlcad
23:07.38 ``Erik fbsd
23:07.41 brlcad ahh
23:07.56 brlcad gonna say
23:07.57 ``Erik I like to do a cvs diff for the send-pr patch
23:08.04 brlcad brl-cad's head is busted anyways
23:08.13 ``Erik heh, I don't need anoncvs for that
23:08.17 brlcad that too
23:08.20 ``Erik quit breaking it
23:08.30 brlcad not me
23:08.32 brlcad this time
23:08.35 ``Erik o.O
23:08.43 ``Erik bob?
23:08.44 brlcad massive merge of the windows port
23:08.50 ``Erik ahhh
23:08.54 ``Erik heh
23:08.59 brlcad mainly petty build issues
23:09.02 brlcad but still broken
23:09.10 ``Erik lets go kick bob in the shins
23:09.13 brlcad linux should be good
23:09.19 ``Erik and threaten to revoke his bit
23:09.20 brlcad he tested windows and linux
23:09.30 brlcad all he has access to
23:09.50 ``Erik at least he did linux
23:10.05 ``Erik he doesn't have accounts on our non-lame machines?
23:11.51 brlcad nope
23:12.20 ``Erik hm, pedro sent me an email with some stuff, um, about trying to get patches to itcl/itk so we don't have to build our own, or something
23:13.13 ``Erik he also wanted sdl added to the dependency list, heh
23:14.28 brlcad sdl? heck no
23:14.45 brlcad that shizzle is optional
23:15.32 brlcad pedro probably meant the tk mods
23:15.35 ``Erik heh, and only justins stuff uses it
23:15.43 brlcad that's why it's optional
23:15.51 brlcad if more used it, it'd get snarfed in
23:16.14 brlcad I did add a --diable-everything option that you should be able to put to good use on fbsd
23:16.41 brlcad that disables compilation of everything in src/other that may or may not be installed
23:17.32 ``Erik tk has modifications for the bezier patch still?
23:20.02 *** join/#brlcad rricardo23 (
23:20.34 ``Erik that thing is fast. damn.
23:20.59 ``Erik hm, fPIC breakage
23:27.39 ``Erik why is librtms -static?
23:28.50 rricardo23 hello everyone! newbie to irc and to brlcad..:-)...been trying to install it on freebsd 4.11 stable, but no luck so far. the port is broken so I downloaded it with anonymousCVS. after I do the 'make' and error pops up. don't know excatly what it means but was wondering if having libtool15 could be the cause. according to the README file, is recommended to have libtool14 instead...could this be the reason of the error?
23:29.23 ``Erik probably not, I use libtool15
23:30.06 ``Erik fbsd4 is antiquated legacy... I don't have one around to test on :) 5 and later should work, 6.0 is 'stable'
23:32.47 rricardo23 Thanks Erik. Do you know if the port is working in 5.x or 6.0? I would gladly upgrade my system.
23:33.07 ``Erik 5, 6, and 7
23:33.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/liboptical/
23:33.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: libtool on fbsd/amd64 seems to not use fPIC on this, causing breakage due
23:33.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: to non-relocatable code in libmultispectral. This seems to fix it, and
23:33.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: shouldn't damage other platforms.
23:33.25 ``Erik I'm working on an update to the port right now
23:33.51 ``Erik if you decide to upgrade, perhaps they'll commit the update before your finish your world and port grind :)
23:34.15 ``Erik or you can tell me the exact errors and we can see about making it work on 4
23:35.47 rricardo23 i would have to run it again, and save the output to be able to send it. but if Id be more than happy to upgrade to 6.0..:-)
23:37.20 ``Erik *shrug* it's up to you, mebbe some day I'll set up an emulator with 4 on a disk image, heh
23:48.29 ``Erik sean, Elapsed compilation time: 4 minutes, 26 seconds
23:49.37 ``Erik not quite as fast as the altix, but fairly close
23:54.46 brlcad not bad
23:55.24 brlcad see if a make fast is any faster
23:55.48 brlcad that should link in parallel too
23:55.59 brlcad make fast -jwhatever
23:57.15 *** join/#brlcad rricardo23 (
23:58.00 brlcad rricardo23: what's the 4.x error?
23:58.14 rricardo23 i'll type it in a minute..:-)
23:58.36 brlcad oh, and anonymous cvs isn't the greatest.. we just had a major merge of our windows port a couple days ago
23:58.42 brlcad should cvs update -r rel-7-6-6
23:58.51 brlcad should cvs update -r rel-7-6-6 -dP
23:59.22 brlcad s/anonymous cvs/anonymous cvs HEAD/
23:59.52 rricardo23 what's the entire command for that??
23:59.55 brlcad and where exactly did you read that libtool14 was preferred?
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051229

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051229

00:00.05 brlcad cvs update -r rel-7-6-6 -dP
00:00.07 rricardo23 in the README file
00:01.00 rricardo23 basically the error is
00:01.18 brlcad danka
00:02.45 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/README: remove the outdated warning about libtool 1.5 since works around the problem now
00:04.01 rricardo23 how do i remove it?
00:04.13 brlcad remove what?
00:04.25 brlcad you didn't paste the error
00:04.57 brlcad ~pastebin
00:04.59 ibot methinks pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
00:06.39 rricardo23 the error says...'../usr/home/ricardo/brlcad/src/libbu/.libs/ undefined refrence to pthread_mutex_unlock...also mutex_lock, and mutex_init...'
00:06.55 brlcad hmm
00:07.05 brlcad good ol' bsd threading libs
00:07.05 ``Erik meh, that means -pthread isn't being used
00:07.27 brlcad rricardo23: what did configure say about -pthread?
00:08.15 rricardo23 the configure just went fine...
00:08.23 brlcad i mean what were the test lines
00:08.25 brlcad something like:
00:08.26 brlcad checking for pthread_create in -lc_r... no
00:08.26 brlcad checking for thr_create in -lthread... no
00:08.26 brlcad checking for pthread_create in -lpthread... yes
00:08.44 brlcad run it again, watch for section 3
00:08.44 rricardo23 i'll do it again...:-(
00:08.46 brlcad checking ... l i b r a r i e s ... (3 of 9)
00:08.51 ``Erik (bsd4 needs -pthread, not -lpthread)
00:09.03 ``Erik it's not a library per se, it's an ad hoc compiler option :(
00:09.06 brlcad yeah, should be one more
00:09.16 brlcad -pthread is tested after -lpthread fails
00:11.49 rricardo23 it says '...checking for pthread_create in -lc_r...(cached) yes
00:12.08 brlcad hmm
00:12.33 brlcad well, that sucks
00:12.45 ``Erik hurrr, libc_r exists on 4, but it still needs -pthread
00:12.48 brlcad hack it in as an ldflag
00:12.51 rricardo23 it does for me...:-(
00:13.03 brlcad ./configure LDFLAGS=-pthread
00:13.13 rricardo23 i'll do that...wait
00:13.19 brlcad then make again
00:13.50 ``Erik it might be a CFLAG
00:15.07 rricardo23 got a bunch of syntax errors...:-(
00:15.44 brlcad example?
00:16.20 rricardo23 syntax error before 'uintptr_t'...before 'u_short'...'pid_t'...'*'
00:16.37 brlcad using it as an ldflag is usually sufficient
00:16.50 rricardo23 ...'warning: data definition has no type or storage class...Error code 1
00:16.59 brlcad hm.. what test was that?
00:17.12 brlcad checking.. what?
00:17.28 ``Erik do CFLAGS=-pthread instead
00:17.38 rricardo23 i did it
00:17.56 rricardo23 sorry....:-D
00:18.03 rricardo23 i'll do that now
00:19.25 rricardo23 same errors Erik...
00:21.35 brlcad what test do you first see the errors on?
00:23.52 brlcad oh right, c_r means -pthread gets added
00:24.37 rricardo23 could the install_dir has something to do with it?
00:24.58 brlcad not likely
00:25.14 brlcad rerun your original configure
00:25.27 brlcad what was your original ./configure ?
00:25.41 Twingy a light!
00:25.44 brlcad did you use any options?
00:25.50 Twingy *happy dance*
00:26.11 rricardo23 didn't use any options....
00:26.24 rricardo23 just ./configure...
00:26.29 brlcad rricardo23: okay, that's fine
00:26.32 brlcad so rerun it
00:26.40 brlcad and get back to the libbu error
00:26.46 rricardo23 without options?
00:26.50 brlcad sure
00:26.56 rricardo23 ok...
00:27.51 rricardo23 problema!.
00:28.33 rricardo23 do you want me to run 'make' now?
00:28.34 brlcad que bien, ahora: make LDFLAGS=-pthread
00:28.42 rricardo23 ok...
00:29.24 rricardo23 same olde errors...:-(
00:29.57 rricardo23 syntax errors i mean
00:30.23 brlcad can you paste your build log to
00:30.55 brlcad you paste there, they give you a url -- you provide us the URL
00:31.40 rricardo23 i'll try that...
00:32.28 ``Erik pr away, wee.
00:32.35 brlcad if you care to provide a system account, I wouldn't mind logging in to fix the build
00:32.41 brlcad ``Erik: did you try make fast?
00:32.56 ``Erik no
00:33.03 ``Erik just wanted to get the pr out the door
00:33.40 ``Erik configuring a fresh extract
00:35.24 rricardo23 how the heck I paste it?!....I'm working from CLI
00:35.25 ``Erik building (tk, itcl/itk, iwidgets, x11, ogl, 64b, -O2)
00:36.13 brlcad rricardo23: depends how you've set up your console :)
00:36.20 Twingy woo
00:36.23 Twingy wireless on freebsd
00:36.32 ``Erik heh, finally fixed the driver? :D
00:36.45 Twingy well, I was scared when I got these cards, cause they had the same vendor string
00:36.49 ``Erik <-- still thinks you shoulda loaned him a couple cards
00:36.50 Twingy so my modified driver is working
00:36.58 brlcad rricardo23: just paste it here then if you can (but just the last few lines of the build)
00:37.12 Twingy I'll just copy my driver source over to the other boxen as I put the cards in
00:37.28 ``Erik send-pr it, dude
00:37.35 Twingy never! :)
00:37.48 ``Erik then loan me two cards so I can replicate the fix and send it myself
00:38.15 Twingy ral0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
00:38.15 Twingy <PROTECTED>
00:38.15 Twingy <PROTECTED>
00:38.15 Twingy <PROTECTED>
00:38.15 Twingy <PROTECTED>
00:38.15 Twingy <PROTECTED>
00:38.17 Twingy <PROTECTED>
00:38.19 Twingy <PROTECTED>
00:38.21 Twingy <PROTECTED>
00:38.35 Twingy cool eh?
00:38.51 brlcad the "T-Wing Net"
00:38.52 Twingy dude, you complain about driving to the booze stoor
00:39.03 Twingy how in the world are you going to drive here
00:39.17 ``Erik heh, you're supposed to drive here
00:39.19 ``Erik :D
00:39.21 brlcad that's a valid complaint
00:39.26 brlcad you have to be sober to get more
00:39.56 Twingy FreeBSD 7.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 7.0-CURRENT #3: Sat Dec 24 16:40:44 EST 2005 i386
00:40.08 Twingy good shit
00:40.15 ``Erik erm , it finished, but didn't say the time
00:40.22 brlcad rricardo23: que haces? :)
00:40.34 ``Erik my 7.0 box still has a borked up bootloader
00:40.40 brlcad didn't say the time?? hrm
00:40.50 Twingy I think I might drop back to 6 stable
00:40.55 ``Erik make clean ; time make -j8 fast
00:41.02 rricardo23 f...trying to paste it...:-)
00:41.12 brlcad ahh, jeje
00:41.22 ``Erik rricardo23: moused running? :)
00:41.22 Twingy I got one of them magnetic mount antennas with each of these 3 cards too
00:41.29 Twingy just plops onto the top of the box, love it
00:41.36 rricardo23 yup
00:41.43 ``Erik heh, and when you turn on your power series, you lose wifi? :D
00:42.08 Twingy I'm thinking about getting a lynksys wireless bridge to have the only wireless powerseries in existence :)
00:42.28 ``Erik you might already have the only home power series
00:42.29 Twingy AUI -> RJ45 -> Wireless
00:42.52 Twingy I need to get that thing bootable again
00:43.11 Twingy it's got enough crunch for surfing the web
00:43.27 Twingy and spinning shiney 3d things around
00:43.34 ``Erik Booting... IRIX 5.6
00:43.39 Twingy 5.3
00:43.44 ``Erik > AM KRUSHINK WEB, DA
00:43.46 ``Erik login:
00:44.20 Twingy ok, lemme think
00:44.29 Twingy rc.conf
00:44.40 Twingy I need to pass a bunch of parameters to ral0
00:45.16 ``Erik real 4m28.200s
00:45.23 rricardo23 ...'checking if pthreading works... no' <-- i got this in the output of the ./configure
00:45.30 Twingy o.O
00:45.30 ``Erik 2 seconds slower, sean, close enough to say 'no difference'
00:47.16 brlcad good to know
00:47.36 rricardo23 good you know..:-)
00:56.20 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (log message trimmed)
00:56.20 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: add a check to test whether we ended up with POSIX threading if only primarily
00:56.20 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: to have the hint in the config.log output. the pthread test was found in gd's
00:56.20 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: and seems a reasonable fairely comprehensive test.
00:56.20 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: pthread_cleanup_push is reportedly non-functional stub function on solaris;
00:56.20 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: pthread_create and pthread_join are not necessarily in the same lib on irix
00:56.22 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: (even though we prefer sproc on irix for performance); pthread_attr_init is
00:57.31 brlcad rricardo23: are you running gpm?
00:57.57 brlcad if it's running and /dev/mouse is set, you can middle-click to paste a selection
00:58.34 brlcad or moused
00:58.55 rricardo23 don't know...i'll check
00:59.15 rricardo23 no
00:59.29 brlcad run moused
00:59.44 rricardo23 i'm running moused
01:00.29 brlcad hmm
01:00.57 brlcad you have a three-button mouse?
01:00.59 brlcad or two?
01:01.08 rricardo23 3
01:01.26 brlcad hmm, does the mouse cursor move if you move the mouse?
01:01.35 brlcad i.e. can you make selections?
01:01.42 rricardo23 no..:-(
01:02.05 rricardo23 ource='fb_generic.c' object='libfb_la-fb_generic.lo' libtool=yes DEPDIR=.deps
01:02.05 rricardo23 <PROTECTED>
01:02.05 rricardo23 libtool --tag=CC --mode=compile gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../include -
01:02.05 rricardo23 I/usr/X11R6/include -I/usr/local/include -I../../include -I/usr/X11R6/include -
01:02.05 rricardo23 DIF_REMOTE -DIF_AB -DIF_X -DIF_OGL -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -g -c
01:02.06 rricardo23 <PROTECTED>
01:02.08 rricardo23 <PROTECTED>
01:02.10 rricardo23 include -I../../include -I/usr/X11R6/include -DIF_REMOTE -DIF_AB -DIF_X -DIF_OG
01:02.12 rricardo23 L -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -g -c fb_generic.c -Wp,-MD,.deps/libfb
01:02.14 rricardo23 _la-fb_generic.TPlo -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/libfb_la-fb_generic.o
01:02.16 rricardo23 *** Error code 1
01:02.18 rricardo23 Stop in /usr/home/ricardo/brlcad/src/libfb.
01:02.20 rricardo23 *** Error code 1
01:02.23 rricardo23 Stop in /usr/home/ricardo/brlcad/src/libfb.
01:02.26 rricardo23 *** Error code 1
01:02.26 rricardo23 Stop in /usr/home/ricardo/brlcad/src.
01:02.28 rricardo23 *** Error code 1
01:02.30 rricardo23 Stop in /usr/home/ricardo/brlcad.
01:02.32 rricardo23 top in /usr/home/ricardo/brlcad.
01:02.34 rricardo23 top in /usr/home/ricardo/brlcad.
01:02.36 rricardo23 :-D
01:02.38 rricardo23 is that what you meant?...
01:02.41 brlcad yeah
01:02.46 rricardo23 :-D
01:03.01 brlcad though it doesn't say the error :)
01:03.16 rricardo23 wait
01:03.57 brlcad looks like it was ctrl-c'd or something
01:04.18 rricardo23 you want thew whole output of the make?
01:04.29 rricardo23 or the ./configure?
01:04.37 brlcad not the whole output of configure
01:05.01 rricardo23 make or conf?
01:05.22 brlcad output of make from right before the errors
01:05.29 rricardo23 k...
01:05.59 rricardo23 source='fb_generic.c' object='libfb_la-fb_generic.lo' libtool=yes DEPDIR=.deps depmode=gcc /usr/local/bin/bash ../../misc/depcomp /usr/local/bin/bash ../../libtool --tag=CC --mode=compile gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../include -I/usr/X11R6/include -I/usr/local/include -I../../include -I/usr/X11R6/include -DIF_REMOTE -DIF_AB -DIF_X -DIF_OGL -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -g -c -o libfb_la-fb_generic.lo `test -f 'fb_gen
01:05.59 rricardo23 <PROTECTED>
01:05.59 rricardo23 In file included from /usr/include/sys/select.h:40,
01:06.01 rricardo23 <PROTECTED>
01:06.03 rricardo23 <PROTECTED>
01:06.05 rricardo23 In file included from ../../include/fb.h:40,
01:06.07 rricardo23 <PROTECTED>
01:06.09 rricardo23 In file included from fb_generic.c:56:
01:06.11 rricardo23 ../../include/fb.h:233: syntax error before `*'
01:06.13 rricardo23 ../../include/fb.h:233: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
01:06.15 rricardo23 *** Error code 1
01:06.17 rricardo23 Stop in /usr/home/ricardo/brlcad/src/libfb.
01:06.19 rricardo23 *** Error code 1
01:06.21 rricardo23 Stop in /usr/home/ricardo/brlcad/src/libfb.
01:06.23 rricardo23 *** Error code 1
01:06.25 rricardo23 Stop in /usr/home/ricardo/brlcad/src.
01:06.27 rricardo23 *** Error code 1
01:06.29 rricardo23 Stop in /usr/home/ricardo/brlcad.
01:07.03 brlcad that's good
01:07.10 rricardo23 :-)
01:07.12 brlcad complaining about fd_set
01:08.08 rricardo23 workaround?...if there's any...
01:08.38 brlcad yeah, hold on a sec
01:08.45 rricardo23 :-)
01:08.59 brlcad grep -r fd_set /usr/include/*| grep struct
01:09.03 brlcad what does that output?
01:09.09 rricardo23 wait..
01:11.58 brlcad usually that's in /usr/include/sys/select.h
01:12.12 brlcad probably wants sys/types.h or somesuch
01:12.56 brlcad alternatively, if you do a "man select", what are the #include line(s)?
01:13.53 rricardo23 d... it!
01:14.08 brlcad ?
01:15.15 rricardo23 '...#include <sys/types.h>, #include <sys/time.h>, #include <unistd.h>
01:15.50 brlcad doesn't list sys/select.h ?
01:16.31 rricardo23 no
01:16.36 brlcad interesting
01:16.51 brlcad grep HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H include/brlcad_config.h
01:16.54 rricardo23 could it be the C-compiler version?
01:17.14 brlcad nah, but it is related to the OS version
01:17.27 brlcad and C library version
01:18.07 rricardo23 ' such file or directory...'
01:18.33 brlcad er
01:18.55 brlcad the include dir in your brlcad checkout
01:20.26 brlcad it's there somewhere
01:22.13 rricardo23 '...define HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H 1...'
01:22.25 brlcad k, that's why
01:22.25 rricardo23 ...#define...
01:22.55 rricardo23 ??
01:23.05 brlcad try: make CPPFLAGS="-UHAVE_SYS_SELECT_H"
01:23.14 rricardo23 k, wait..:-)
01:23.41 brlcad if that doesn't work, will have to comment out a few lines in fb.h
01:24.28 rricardo23 In file included from /usr/include/sys/select.h:40,
01:24.29 rricardo23 <PROTECTED>
01:24.29 rricardo23 <PROTECTED>
01:24.29 rricardo23 In file included from ../../include/fb.h:40,
01:24.29 rricardo23 <PROTECTED>
01:24.29 rricardo23 In file included from fb_generic.c:56:
01:24.31 rricardo23 ../../include/fb.h:233: syntax error before `*'
01:24.34 rricardo23 ../../include/fb.h:233: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
01:24.35 rricardo23 *** Error code 1
01:24.37 rricardo23 Stop in /usr/home/ricardo/brlcad/src/libfb.
01:24.39 rricardo23 *** Error code 1
01:24.41 rricardo23 Stop in /usr/home/ricardo/brlcad/src/libfb.
01:24.43 rricardo23 *** Error code 1
01:24.45 rricardo23 Stop in /usr/home/ricardo/brlcad/src.
01:24.45 brlcad okay, so it didn't work
01:24.47 rricardo23 *** Error code 1
01:24.49 rricardo23 :-(
01:24.55 brlcad it's still that problem
01:25.06 rricardo23 same 'ol...
01:25.11 brlcad it's including sys/select.h, which doesn't have fd_set like it's supposed to on fbsd 4
01:25.18 brlcad edit include/fb.h
01:25.37 brlcad at the top, it says "/* Needed for fd_set */
01:25.48 rricardo23 where do i find that file? is it under /brlcad??
01:25.57 brlcad before that line add:
01:26.05 brlcad yeah, that's in brlcad/include
01:26.09 brlcad in your checkout
01:26.16 brlcad add:
01:26.26 brlcad #include <sys/types.h>
01:26.30 brlcad #include <sys/time.h>
01:26.36 brlcad #include <unistd.h>
01:26.46 brlcad that should do it
01:28.23 rricardo23 sorry....i have no sys/select under include...:-(
01:28.33 brlcad eh?
01:28.40 brlcad no no
01:28.49 brlcad edit brlcad/include/fb.h
01:28.59 brlcad edit that file with a text editor
01:29.09 brlcad add the three #include lines
01:29.14 rricardo23 ok,ok
01:29.19 brlcad before the line that says /* Needed for fd_set */
01:31.17 rricardo23 done
01:31.29 brlcad now 'make
01:31.34 rricardo23 k...
01:31.54 rricardo23 source='fb_generic.c' object='libfb_la-fb_generic.lo' libtool=yes DEPDIR=.deps depmode=gcc /usr/local/bin/bash ../../misc/depcomp /usr/local/bin/bash ../../libtool --tag=CC --mode=compile gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../include -I/usr/X11R6/include -I/usr/local/include -I../../include -I/usr/X11R6/include -DIF_REMOTE -DIF_AB -DIF_X -DIF_OGL -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -g -c -o libfb_la-fb_generic.lo `test -f 'fb_gen
01:31.55 rricardo23 <PROTECTED>
01:31.55 rricardo23 In file included from /usr/include/sys/types.h:126,
01:31.56 rricardo23 <PROTECTED>
01:31.58 rricardo23 <PROTECTED>
01:32.00 rricardo23 ../../include/machine.h:704: warning: this is the location of the previous definition
01:32.02 rricardo23 In file included from fb_generic.c:56:
01:32.04 rricardo23 ../../include/fb.h:38: sys.time.h: No such file or directory
01:32.06 rricardo23 *** Error code 1
01:32.08 rricardo23 Stop in /usr/home/ricardo/brlcad/src/libfb.
01:32.10 rricardo23 *** Error code 1
01:32.12 rricardo23 Stop in /usr/home/ricardo/brlcad/src/libfb.
01:32.14 rricardo23 *** Error code 1
01:32.16 rricardo23 Stop in /usr/home/ricardo/brlcad/src.
01:32.18 rricardo23 *** Error code 1
01:32.20 rricardo23 Stop in /usr/home/ricardo/brlcad.
01:32.23 brlcad you wrote sys.time.h
01:32.29 brlcad should be sys/time.h
01:33.02 rricardo23 sorry.....syntax error...:-D
01:33.16 ``Erik ahhh
01:34.08 rricardo23 bunch of syntax errors now...:-(
01:34.16 rricardo23 In file included from fbserv_obj.c:52:
01:34.17 rricardo23 In file included from /usr/include/netinet/in.h:493,
01:34.17 rricardo23 <PROTECTED>
01:34.17 rricardo23 *** Error code 1
01:34.17 rricardo23 Stop in /usr/home/ricardo/brlcad/src/libfb.
01:34.17 rricardo23 *** Error code 1
01:34.19 rricardo23 Stop in /usr/home/ricardo/brlcad/src/libfb.
01:34.21 rricardo23 *** Error code 1
01:34.23 rricardo23 Stop in /usr/home/ricardo/brlcad/src.
01:34.25 rricardo23 *** Error code 1
01:34.27 rricardo23 Stop in /usr/home/ricardo/brlcad.
01:34.46 ``Erik no error listed... all that *** Error code and Stop in stuff is just noise, rricardo, please don't paste it
01:35.13 ``Erik if we were to tell you a list of commands that would generate a file, do you have anywhere you can put that file, like a website?
01:35.28 rricardo23 i could mail it
01:35.40 brlcad what's the line before the "In file included from fbserv_obj.c:52" line?
01:36.15 ``Erik sean, should we have him send you a `script` output?
01:37.06 brlcad could, though we're making progress
01:37.20 ``Erik okie, just lookin' for a cleaner quicker way :)
01:37.33 brlcad it's past at least three problems so far, not the same ones
01:37.46 brlcad quicker would be for me to log on and just fix it :)
01:37.59 rricardo23 i'm doing a '....make > outout file..' but i don't see that line...sorry, kinda newbie to UNIX too...:-D
01:38.00 brlcad undoubtedly a bunch of header/define junk
01:38.12 brlcad rricardo23: you'd have to redirect stderr too
01:38.13 ``Erik yeah, bsd5 shifted a lot of stuff around
01:38.21 brlcad make > output 2>&1
01:38.24 ``Erik um
01:38.30 ``Erik depends on the shell he's running, dude
01:38.35 rricardo23 bash
01:38.39 ``Erik okie, then it'll work
01:38.40 brlcad nyah nyah
01:38.59 brlcad only crazy people use that tcstuff
01:39.01 ``Erik no nyahing when a blind assumption isn't wrong, beeyotch :D
01:39.25 brlcad it wasn't blind
01:39.26 brlcad it was quite educated
01:39.26 ``Erik fbsd defaults to a reduced ksh variant
01:39.26 brlcad even if a guess
01:39.42 ``Erik which is why I wanna PUNCH RON IN THE HEAD when he writes bash scripts with #!/bin/sh instead of #!/usr/bin/env bash
01:40.28 brlcad it's still supposed to be a posix compliant if it's /bin/sh (ksh, bash, sh, lots support)
01:40.34 ``Erik it is
01:40.37 ``Erik rons scripts are not
01:40.41 brlcad just fix any bashisms them
01:40.47 rricardo23 '...make > m1 2>&1...' ....ambigoues redirect...:-(
01:40.52 brlcad hehe
01:40.56 brlcad tcsh it is
01:41.00 ``Erik are you sure you're running bash, rricardo?
01:41.08 rricardo23 i AM!
01:41.13 brlcad it's not bash
01:41.20 rricardo23 :-(
01:41.26 ``Erik echo $0
01:41.48 ``Erik erik@fenris ~$ echo $0
01:41.52 ``Erik /usr/local/bin/bash
01:43.26 rricardo23 '...~$ echo $0...' <-- command not found
01:43.36 brlcad hehe, beautiful
01:43.50 ``Erik :o
01:44.28 brlcad whereis echo
01:44.35 rricardo23 '... :o ...' command not found.....hehe
01:45.09 ``Erik if /bin isn't in the path... o.O
01:45.36 rricardo23 '.../bin/echo /usr/share/man/man1/echo.1.gz /usr/src/bin/echo...'
01:45.57 brlcad /bin/echo $SHELL
01:46.28 ``Erik (or just type "bash" and hit enter, then you'll be in bash forizzy)
01:46.46 brlcad (unless bash isn't even installed)
01:47.00 ``Erik then it'll bitch and whine and be obvious
01:47.08 rricardo23 '.../bin/echo/ $SHELL...' <--- /usr/local/bin/bash
01:47.27 brlcad hmmm
01:47.33 ``Erik what happened to bin/ ?
01:47.43 brlcad i'm quite dubious of that bash
01:47.52 brlcad went poof
01:47.53 rricardo23 f.y.i i'm running it as root (su)
01:48.06 ``Erik hrmmm, how did you su?
01:48.06 brlcad absorbed into the benchmark proper
01:48.07 rricardo23 went poof
01:48.20 ``Erik did you do "su -"?
01:48.25 rricardo23 just did su and enetred the psswrd
01:48.43 ``Erik you're running reduced set posix sh, but your environment variables from your user were carried
01:48.43 rricardo23 been doing it all as su...:-D
01:48.58 ``Erik you might be better off getting it to compile as your mortal user
01:49.15 brlcad > file 2>&1 is valid posix, unambiguous
01:49.28 rricardo23 tryied it, but could CVS from my 'mortal' account
01:49.37 ``Erik never worked in the reduced set posix complient mode of /bin/sh for me
01:49.47 rricardo23 'tried'
01:50.05 brlcad rricardo23: how about make >& build.log
01:50.20 rricardo23 i would try that as well..
01:51.07 ``Erik that should work
01:51.22 rricardo23 brb..
01:54.03 rricardo23 ...rricardo is drinking Guiness...:-)...
01:54.35 rricardo23 notin' happened with 'make >& buil.log'...:-(
01:54.40 brlcad the only thing I can think regarding that redirection is that it's bash1 or something and being a bastage about where stdout is supposed to go
01:54.40 ``Erik meh, left my last bottle at the gf's parents house
01:54.53 brlcad like make 1> build.log 2>&1
01:55.03 ``Erik rricardo: it'll sit for a long time, then give you a prompt, then you'll have a file caleld buil.log with the output in it
01:55.25 ``Erik sean, it's bsd's reduced ksh to fit strict posix, he su'd
01:55.36 rricardo23 sorry brlcad....:-)...i'll tru that too.
01:55.42 ``Erik and he didn't so something silly like ln -s /usr/local/bin/bash /bin/sh
01:55.43 ``Erik ...
01:55.44 brlcad i know, I'm saying that it is part of posix
01:55.52 ``Erik izzit?
01:56.06 brlcad fairly sure
01:56.15 ``Erik I don't remember ksh and old bsh being able to do it, just bash
01:56.17 rricardo23 nothing again....
01:56.34 brlcad rricardo23: it's not going to output anything, it all goes to the file
01:56.36 brlcad cat build.log
01:56.44 rricardo23 k...
01:56.45 brlcad so if you got "nothing", it probably worked
01:57.00 brlcad and it was just being a bastage
01:57.44 rricardo23 syntax errors in that file...again...:-(
01:58.10 brlcad [morrison@hole (Wed Dec 28 20:57:33) ~]$ bash --posix
01:58.10 brlcad [morrison@hole (Wed Dec 28 20:57:35) ~]$ echo hello > file 2>&1
01:58.10 brlcad [morrison@hole (Wed Dec 28 20:57:46) ~]$ echo hello 1> file 2>&1
01:58.10 brlcad [morrison@hole (Wed Dec 28 20:57:50) ~]$ cat file
01:58.10 brlcad hello
01:58.41 brlcad rricardo23: send me the file
01:58.47 ``Erik check it out, I got a sixpack of dogfish head last night
01:58.58 rricardo23 k....
01:59.01 ``Erik ?
01:59.14 ``Erik (or dcc... heh)
01:59.47 ``Erik I mean, uh, package at package dot org
01:59.58 ``Erik (you don't have filters?)
02:00.13 ``Erik I think I automagically throw away 400 a day
02:00.35 rricardo23 sent...
02:00.40 brlcad no sense encouraging it needlessly
02:01.13 ``Erik true
02:01.19 rricardo23 got it?
02:01.27 ``Erik I'm tempted to write a revenge script
02:02.11 ``Erik but the worm spammers would be innocent victems
02:02.37 brlcad rricardo23: not yet
02:04.22 rricardo23 sent it again...
02:04.23 ``Erik how late ya staying tonight, sean?
02:04.48 brlcad hopefully all night
02:05.29 ``Erik doing a burn to get your hours up?
02:05.46 ``Erik while you're in the office, why don't you... *duck* :)
02:06.08 ``Erik ooh, and we're going to need you work sunday, toooo....
02:06.20 brlcad woo hoo!
02:06.52 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ finish the sentence
02:06.54 ``Erik heh, this lumbard moment has been brought to you buy the letters ...
02:07.27 ``Erik vanna, kick the shit outta this boy
02:07.36 rricardo23 should have it by now...
02:11.00 rricardo23 ?
02:11.19 ``Erik
02:13.42 brlcad rricardo23: got it
02:14.22 brlcad rricardo23: remove the entire block below /*Needed for fd_set*/ in include/fb.h
02:16.49 rricardo23 thanks for all you help guys
02:18.46 ``Erik o.O
02:19.38 *** join/#brlcad ricardo (
02:20.11 brlcad most folks just hang out in irc indefinitely ;)
02:20.43 ``Erik I've heard rumor of secret horrible commands like "/part" and "/quit", but I've never been brave enough to quest for them
02:20.56 brlcad like leaving an encylopedia next to your desk open
02:21.25 brlcad an encylopedia that bickers, is inconsistent, and periodically whaps you over the head with itself
02:21.30 ``Erik heh
02:21.48 ``Erik open, it's almost as horribly addictive as irc :)
02:22.11 brlcad never been too addicted there
02:22.26 ``Erik I've had fits that last days
02:22.31 brlcad edited several pages, but only ones of specific interest
02:22.44 ricardo it's as addictive as beer itself...
02:22.46 ``Erik like the brlcad page? :)
02:22.50 brlcad :)
02:23.03 brlcad you should see how many permutations on the case I registered :)
02:23.14 brlcad almost got them all before I got sidetracked onto something else
02:23.18 ``Erik surprised you haven't crunched on arl an apg :)
02:23.20 ``Erik case?
02:23.32 ``Erik I looked at the h istory of the brlcad page and snickered
02:23.39 brlcad BrlCAD, BrlCad, BRL-cad etc
02:23.41 ``Erik you also did something on the muuss page, iirc?
02:23.46 brlcad yeah
02:26.42 ``Erik who's the copyright holder for that diagram?
02:27.51 ``Erik also; a discrepency
02:28.06 ``Erik the first m1 rolled off the assembly line in '78
02:28.13 ``Erik mike started brlcad on a dare in '79
02:28.29 ``Erik and it was the first time anyone had seen anything other than a drawing of the new design
02:28.36 ``Erik ...
02:29.48 Twingy ah, turns out the stock driver works with these cards
02:29.57 ``Erik so you did something silly?
02:30.03 Twingy huh?
02:30.10 Twingy the new cards
02:30.14 ``Erik oh
02:30.18 ``Erik loan me the old ones
02:30.22 Twingy okie
02:32.41 ``Erik if I get my fbsd7 box working again, I'll try to get 'em working
02:32.50 ``Erik you'll be in on the 3rd?
02:33.29 Twingy I'm running on 6 out of the box
02:33.35 Twingy afk, doing a fresh 6 install
02:33.37 ``Erik cool
02:33.55 ``Erik if I get the fix in 7, it'll probably be "mfc"d
02:33.59 ``Erik into 6 and maybe 5
02:43.11 brlcad ``Erik: what's being called "brl-cad" and what was called the m1 varies
02:44.34 ``Erik <-- just noted that the text seems to have a discrepency... knows very little of brlcad's history and pretty much nothing of the abrams history
02:44.50 brlcad the first prototype rolled off late 70's
02:44.58 brlcad it's not really a discrepancy, just lacking detail
02:45.04 ``Erik okie
02:45.05 ``Erik there ya go
02:45.11 ``Erik if you know the detail
02:45.17 ``Erik you have a DUTY TO SOCIETY
02:45.18 ``Erik :D *duck*
02:45.23 brlcad it's not wrong
02:45.33 brlcad even if you're confused by it :)
02:45.45 ``Erik <-- easily confused
02:46.03 ``Erik "my mom says there's a lot of black people in china"
02:46.10 brlcad some other guy added the bulk of that paragraph about the xm1
02:47.18 brlcad if you notice.. "first M1 rolled off the assembly line in 1978" .. "the first of these vehicles was delivered .. 1980" .. "XM1 was accepted for full production in February 1981"
02:47.32 ``Erik heh
02:47.42 brlcad so calling that first one the M1 is what could be confusing
02:47.52 brlcad it was the M1, albeit really an early early XM1 prototype
02:48.11 brlcad which is what Mike worked on visualizing
02:48.41 brlcad lil ol' jove don't hurt nobody
02:49.07 brlcad bleh, I wouldn't
02:49.18 brlcad i hate external dependency hell
02:49.35 ``Erik and, optimally, I'd like libtcl/libtk/itcl/itk/iwidgets to really disappear, giving way to ruby, python, or scheme
02:49.39 brlcad i've come to appreciate the brl-cad way over the years
02:49.43 brlcad especially when porting
02:49.57 brlcad i don't need to get anything, and everything that thing needs, and everything it needs
02:49.59 ``Erik brlcad has been pulled in and kept sane
02:50.11 ``Erik when the approach is left to it's natural form
02:50.16 ``Erik we get things like ajem and matrex
02:50.19 brlcad it's fine for ports, apt, fink, portage, etc, but not outside that
02:50.48 ``Erik any reasonably managed package system will cope
02:50.55 ``Erik and reasonable os has a reasonable package system
02:51.21 ``Erik even solaris and aix and redhat variants have some facility to cope
02:51.23 brlcad that's a cop out for just pushing the work onto someone else
02:51.27 ``Erik :)
02:51.30 brlcad the package is meant to compile anywhere
02:51.38 brlcad regardless of the warts of the system it
02:51.39 ``Erik given certain constraints
02:51.42 brlcad 's going on
02:51.52 ``Erik like, say, posix support.
02:51.54 brlcad bare minimum constraints
02:52.01 brlcad even that is a real new one
02:52.05 ``Erik it's not like I can put any of it on my palm
02:52.09 brlcad used to just be a shell and a compiler
02:52.18 brlcad didn't need net, didn't need sockets, ..
02:52.35 ``Erik heh, it's still drawing a line somewhere
02:52.40 brlcad actually, you could put it on your palm, why not?
02:52.50 brlcad not the tcl bloat, but that's only a small part
02:52.57 ``Erik um, no posix support?
02:53.00 ``Erik no standard C support?
02:53.14 ``Erik no concept of std{in|out|err} ?
02:53.21 brlcad you can get a C compiler
02:53.27 ``Erik I have a C compiler for palm
02:53.31 ``Erik it doesn't have libc
02:53.35 ``Erik ...
02:53.50 brlcad then you're about where the vax was
02:53.54 ``Erik it's actually a variant of gcc
02:53.59 ``Erik it doesn't have vax funtions
02:54.05 ``Erik it doesn't have the concept of a command line
02:54.24 ``Erik it's more limited than DOS
02:54.49 brlcad it could still be made to work, at least the old dm interface
02:54.51 ``Erik it has a proprietary sdk and only works with that :)
02:55.19 ``Erik the only programming I've really done on my palm has been using LispMe
02:55.20 ``Erik heh
02:55.27 ``Erik cuz the C is so... alien
02:55.35 brlcad mged and rt have certainly run on hardware with less memory and cpu power
02:55.49 ``Erik in past incarnations, sure
02:55.56 ``Erik brb, more vodka...
02:56.00 brlcad it's not that far frm past incarnations
02:56.35 brlcad it wouldn't compile outright today, I"m sure -- it barely compiles on supposedly posix systems
02:58.30 brlcad there are still plenty of systems that don't have reliable packaging systems or any packaging system at all, or they might have one that can't be used
02:58.57 brlcad for whatever reason (and there are lots of possible reasons)
02:59.06 ``Erik anyways, i'm an advocate for strong package systems and leveraging their capabilities, if an os doesn't provide solid package management, it's a bad os and should be scrubbed from existance or brough up to par
02:59.26 ``Erik that's osX's big weakness
02:59.35 ``Erik and one of the many suck points of winderz
02:59.36 ``Erik :)
02:59.36 brlcad it's not really difficult to suck in sources and only compile when needed, if there's a decent packaging system, great. all that's been wasted is a few bits of space.
02:59.40 ``Erik <-- hops off his soapbox
02:59.52 ``Erik dude, I've got religion on the issue
02:59.56 ``Erik ...
03:00.12 brlcad i can see that
03:00.49 brlcad still not going to alienate 95+% of users just because their packaging system sucks
03:00.51 ``Erik we all gotta have some aspect we're an idealist for, right?
03:00.54 ``Erik hehehe
03:01.02 brlcad there's better reasons than that to alienate them
03:01.04 ``Erik how often do you run across a machine without zlib?
03:01.13 ``Erik or libpng?
03:01.16 brlcad heh
03:01.23 brlcad mac os doesn't provide a libpng :)
03:01.27 ``Erik how many people actually use jove?
03:01.49 brlcad they have their own png part of the system quicktime libs
03:02.17 ``Erik my contacts at apples os chunk have fled the company, otherwise, I'd be btiching them up and down right now
03:02.53 ``Erik a couple of 'em seem to have disappeared o.O
03:04.11 ``Erik so, yeah, vodka, heh
03:04.31 ``Erik as long as we have disable knobs on stuff that isn't ours, I'll survive
03:04.53 brlcad those knobs aren't going away
03:05.11 ``Erik the libtk issue is my current primary concern
03:06.05 ``Erik bezier can't be implemented in tcl ontop of tk?
03:06.06 brlcad the one bit of code (the sketcher) that uses the tk bezier canvas is being rewritten
03:06.12 ``Erik okie
03:06.25 brlcad heh "in tcl ontop of tk"?
03:06.43 brlcad it's a proper canvas
03:06.46 brlcad it was done right
03:06.59 brlcad just nobody willing to shovel it through acceptance
03:07.13 brlcad TIP process is a pain
03:07.16 ``Erik uhm, vodka talkin... :D there isn't a generic canvas in tk that you can write bezier curve functionality on top of, instead of implementing a new canvas?
03:07.46 brlcad not really, without actually drawing to the canvas as well
03:07.49 brlcad that'd be nasty
03:08.08 brlcad worse than what we have now, slow as balls too
03:08.09 ``Erik nasty code wise, or user experience (like performance) wise?
03:08.20 brlcad code and performance
03:08.30 brlcad you could make user experience "close" maybe
03:08.45 brlcad regardless, don't matter too much if/when the replacement is finished
03:08.57 brlcad jason's working on it as a prototype/test
03:09.04 ``Erik hrm, since it has code fugliness, it might not be worth it no matter the
03:09.05 ``Erik uh
03:09.08 ``Erik vodka blank...
03:09.18 ``Erik heh, use base
03:09.48 ``Erik given jasons 'object broker' and 'expose' efforts in m3, I'm a bit scared of his stuff :(
03:09.52 brlcad all your base are belong to vodka?
03:09.58 ``Erik indeed
03:10.39 ``Erik talking shop with him is great, the stuff he puts in the repo ...
03:10.58 ``Erik (mebbe he was under pressure to over-abstract, I d'no...)
03:11.40 ``Erik do ya play any blackjack?
03:12.23 brlcad i've lost 4 figs playing, so i don't know if that could be considered playing or not
03:13.01 ``Erik yesterday, I looked at some "programming exercises", one of them mentioned implementing blackjack... so I did a quick and dirty implementaton of a deck generation func, cutting func, semi-realistic shuffling func, and vegas rules 'hard 17' dealer func
03:13.11 ``Erik tempted to make a full on blackjack video game
03:13.34 ``Erik (all that shit I implemented... 44 lines of scheme)
03:13.41 brlcad i did that several years ago myself
03:13.50 brlcad (after loosing 4 figures)
03:13.53 ``Erik all of it yesterday, cuz I didn't wanna look at my given task
03:13.56 ``Erik heh
03:14.12 ``Erik over how much time?
03:14.13 brlcad had it learn how to play the game and a genetic algorithm to optimize game strategy
03:14.17 ``Erik not all in one night, I hope
03:14.26 brlcad couple nights
03:14.37 ``Erik damn
03:14.40 brlcad it played, and learned
03:14.42 ``Erik <-- very not a gambler
03:14.49 brlcad not as good as a brute force solution though
03:15.05 ``Erik justin claims to have a method for roulette that puts him ahead
03:15.20 ``Erik says he's succeeded in atlantic city
03:15.40 ``Erik I'm just not down with the concept of gambling
03:16.26 brlcad i'm down with it if i'm winning
03:16.40 ``Erik heh, I'm a bit, um, risk adverse
03:16.47 ``Erik hell, that's why I moved up here
03:17.00 ``Erik "stable gov't job"
03:17.04 brlcad of what? not stopping?
03:17.08 brlcad ahh
03:17.13 brlcad adverse to taking risk, heh
03:18.07 ``Erik tho I took a mind-numbing risk a bit ago... heh
03:20.40 ``Erik wee, more vodka
03:40.31 ``Erik "and getting my snooch pounded every friday night" hehhehehee
03:41.28 ``Erik southpark rocks
03:50.58 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/fb.h: avoid including sys/select.h outright since it conflicts on some systems (e.g. fbsd4). would be good to decouple fb's interface from the fd_set struct since it's only used in one place
03:53.23 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/archer/archer: add support to archer for running without necesssarily being installed yet
05:07.03 pra5ad hrm
05:12.04 pra5ad =(
05:13.32 brlcad foiled
05:15.38 pra5ad that's $80 dammit
05:15.55 pra5ad wait i cant
05:16.00 pra5ad cos im in pain
05:17.06 brlcad mmm.. triceps today
06:32.28 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
08:03.52 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/archer/plugins/ missing utility.tcl, add maintainercleanfiles and the Makefile.defs include
08:04.19 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/archer/ (4 files in 4 dirs): add the maintainercleanfiles sections, an rcs id, and the venerable Makefile.defs for consistency
08:04.55 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ ws
08:07.08 *** join/#brlcad mobilone (
08:07.16 mobilone hello
08:07.59 brlcad howdy
08:13.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libfb/if_ogl.c: copy some of the event/alive checking that was added to if_ogl_win32.c for the if_ogl.c interface too.
08:16.39 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libfb/if_remote.c: use the HAVE_NETINET_IN_H header define instead of !_WIN32
08:21.29 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc7/ add an automake makefile for the new win32_msvc7 directory so that it will get included in source distributions, traverse through it even
08:22.24 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ add an automake makefile for the new win32_msvc7 directory so that it will get included in source distributions, traverse through it even
08:31.44 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc7/ (47 files in 47 dirs): add the automake templates for all of the studio projects so that they are included in source distributions.
08:35.51 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/ traverse into the win32-msvc7 dir
08:35.55 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ generate the Makefiles for all of the new win32_msvc7 project dirs
08:45.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS:
08:45.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: these need a LOT more detail, but it's something. new Archer modeling and
08:45.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: visualization tool - Bob Parker, Doug Howard; extensive Windows build support
08:45.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: enhancements - Bob Parker. this isn't close to a patch update, 7.7.0 it becomes
08:47.12 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (README include/config_win.h): next release is going to be 7.8.0 given all the major enhancements, so bump revision up to 7.7.0
09:02.32 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
09:02.45 brlcad hmm
09:45.17 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
09:52.04 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon (
13:19.00 *** join/#brlcad cad806 (
15:13.13 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ (13 files in 13 dirs): missing the vers_win.c files for making source distributions that will compile on windows
15:16.39 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/ (swidgets/.cvsignore sdialogs/.cvsignore): ignore generated tclIndex and pkgIndex.tcl scripts
15:16.58 clock_ brlcad: hi
15:17.06 brlcad howdy
15:17.18 clock_ brlcad: yesterday I have first time on snowboard :D
15:17.22 clock_ "" -> been
15:17.27 brlcad excellent
15:41.53 brlcad heh
19:51.11 *** join/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
20:02.22 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
20:08.16 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/lib/Command.tcl: Utilize a slave interpreter for better command/script parsing.
20:20.19 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/archer/Archer.tcl: Add the "Compact" file menu item.
20:49.32 *** join/#brlcad ricardo (
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22:16.50 pier Hi everyone. I just compiled and tested ver 7.6.6. What are the most significant differences with respect to the 7.6.4? Thanks
22:18.46 brlcad pier: did you see the NEWS file?
22:19.03 pier sorry.. not yet
22:19.17 pier OK I'll go have a look at it
22:19.18 brlcad it should be installed
22:19.38 brlcad in /usr/brlcad/share/brlcad/7.6.6/NEWS iirc
22:20.02 brlcad or here:
22:20.41 *** join/#brlcad cad731 (
22:21.16 brlcad howdy cad731
22:21.41 Twingy there's a bug in the wlan_wep kernel module
22:23.02 cad731 hey
22:23.10 cad731 small group
22:23.19 cad731 what u using brl for?
22:23.47 Twingy seaquest is the lamest show ever
22:25.43 pier ok thanks
22:26.56 brlcad cad731: lots of different interests, mostly geared for analysis, solid modeling, and raytracing
22:28.55 cad731 tried Hammer / Source? I haven't used them or BRL-CAD. How are they different?
22:29.05 brlcad there are folks here with other interest too, though -- drafting, machining, CAE, finite element analysis, ..
22:29.19 brlcad never heard of hammer/source
22:30.08 cad731 its for building geometry in games
22:30.17 cad731 have a look at "applications of CSG"
22:30.20 cad731
22:30.46 cad731 I'm working in advertising using 3D graphics
22:32.07 brlcad ahh, heh, there's that interest in BRL-CAD too -- using it to make brl-cad the geometry modeler for bzflag :)
22:32.34 cad731 bzflag uses it!!! haha, I played a bit
22:32.45 brlcad it's under development
22:32.54 brlcad there's some polish and more bridging needed still
22:33.04 brlcad most bzflag models are still done by hand so far
22:33.49 brlcad hehe
22:34.23 Twingy having a file server that requires nothing more than a power cable rocks
22:34.31 cad731 need to install linux, try out BRL
22:34.41 cad731 anyone using cygwin and brl?
22:34.58 brlcad i've compiled it before under cygwin a couple times
22:35.02 brlcad a few users have too
22:36.04 cad731 am I better off getting linux going
22:36.14 brlcad probably
22:36.30 brlcad at least that's what I'd recommend for reasons completely unrelated to brl-cad :)
22:37.29 cad731 maybe I can wait until I get a laptop
22:37.38 cad731 anyone messing with the source code?
22:38.01 cad731 I'm interested in the CSG core
22:38.01 pier I just got it compiled
22:38.30 pier went smooth
22:39.28 cad731 it's all C
22:40.08 cad731 hehe
22:41.10 cad731 I want to see the geometry editor, how primitives are arranged and grouped
22:41.41 cad731 the screenshots aren't very informative
22:41.54 brlcad
22:41.59 cad731 19 developers.. are you one?
22:42.37 brlcad
22:42.54 cad731 ahhhhh good stuff!
22:42.55 brlcad yes, i'm the lead architect
22:45.01 cad731 nice work!
22:48.40 cad731 the primitives don't blend together like metaballs?
22:53.17 pier brlcad, is it possible to get a tapered wing kind of solid? I didn't get it from man
22:54.50 brlcad cad731: no, but it wouldn't be too hard to implement that if someone tried
22:56.56 brlcad feature operations are generally implemented by hand via CSG explicitly right now, blending, fillets, chamfers, etc
22:57.42 cad731 hmm, want to see it in action
22:58.34 brlcad theres a rather extensive tutorial series on the website, including a comprehensive one on mged, the solid modeler
22:59.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: windows branch is merged
23:03.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: before next release: test intel compiler performance on Altix, add performance options
23:03.55 *** part/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
23:09.10 cad731 familiar with Bill Wyvill's work on soft objects?
23:12.29 cad731 can I see how primitives are implemented? there's a lot of source!
23:19.45 brlcad yep
23:19.48 brlcad and yep
23:20.36 brlcad look at src/librt/g_*.c
23:20.48 brlcad each one is a different primitive
23:21.39 brlcad g_ell.c is a relatively simple one to start with, ellipsoids
23:21.51 cad731 far out
23:23.01 cad731 blending is always an add-on feature
23:23.10 brlcad making a new primitive is basically implementing the new g_whatever.c file, adding the primitive to a few tables, and providing a type-in interface for creating them
23:23.36 brlcad blending itself could be implemented as a "primitive" in brl-cad methodology
23:23.55 brlcad or as an operation akin to CSG operations
23:24.18 cad731 my spheres/ellipsoids start using field functions.. soft object/metaball/blobby/inverse radius
23:24.29 brlcad example, the "extrude" primitive takes a sketch and sweeps it linearly along a vector
23:25.21 brlcad g_metaball.c where you define a set of points/radius, or maybe even any arbitrary primitive
23:25.22 cad731 ahhhh.. u know the movie "Dark City" ???
23:25.39 cad731 think someone here wants that kind of effect, the stretching buildings
23:43.44 *** join/#brlcad igotbsd (
23:45.45 brlcad heh, igotbsd :)
23:45.58 igotbsd hi everyone. hi brlcad, did you ever got the chance to look into my build.log file...<-- used to be rricardo on fbsd4.11
23:46.00 brlcad cad731: I think I saw it several years ago, don't really remember it
23:46.32 igotbsd :-)...yes i got it
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051230

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051230

00:11.40 *** join/#brlcad igotbsd (
00:18.12 *** part/#brlcad igotbsd (
00:18.30 ``Erik grar, vodka yummy
00:18.39 ``Erik pedro needs to settle the mcfuck down
00:19.31 *** join/#brlcad igotbsd (
00:21.56 brlcad ``Erik: ?
00:24.28 brlcad the bug report or something else?
00:25.25 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/mged/reid.tcl:
00:25.25 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: add a new reid and get_regions command to mged. reid assigns region IDs to all
00:25.25 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: regions under some assembly starting at some given region ID number.
00:25.25 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: get_regions is used by reid to obtain the names of regions under a given
00:25.25 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: combination.
00:26.34 ``Erik I got like 4 emails today from his bug comments
00:26.51 brlcad heh
00:27.08 ``Erik a couple of them after I'd been working on the issue, and I don't recall seeing a direct mail from him, mebbe it got eaten by a faulty spam blocker or I skimmed over it assuming it wasn't for me :)
00:30.41 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/mged/remat.tcl: add a remat command to mged. remat assigns material IDs to all regions under some assembly to some given material ID number
00:33.59 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/mged/help.tcl: add help data for reid, get_regions, and remat
00:36.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/mged/ add reid.tcl and remat.tcl, re-add the mysteriously commented pkgIndex.tcl
00:36.38 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/mged/ (raypick.tcl solclick.tcl): add the script name to the error message when searching for the commands the script uses
00:37.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/mged/ (e_id.tcl openw.tcl): ws
00:45.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: reid mged command, recursively assign region IDs; remat mged command, recursively assign a material ID; get_regions mged command, list assembly regions
00:50.20 ``Erik beefaroni
00:50.26 ``Erik woops
01:05.00 *** join/#brlcad igotbsd (
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04:16.57 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Free Software! || 7.6.6 to be released by the 15th!
04:17.12 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik_ (
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08:49.55 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
08:49.55 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Free Software! || 7.6.6 to be released by the 15th!
11:51.57 *** join/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
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13:58.20 ``Erik_ blargh
17:04.07 *** part/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
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20:58.53 *** part/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
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21:11.13 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/gtools/g_qa.c: added standard legalese file header, converted to bu_getopt for portability, increased max title length stored
21:12.42 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/gtools/g_qa.c: quantitative analysis instead of quality assurance
21:15.43 *** join/#brlcad igotbsd (
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21:35.31 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ misc/win32-msvc7/Makefile listed twice
22:52.41 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/rtarea.1: credit/blame me since rtarea was almost entirely rewritten when adding presented/exposed areas
23:35.12 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ make tcl, itcl, iwidgets and the new blt and tkimg packages all default to 'auto' for determining whether to use/install them; fix the aliases for the two new packages and put their result output in the right place.
23:46.15 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ consistent case on BLT and tkImg when printing the name of the package, order them after iwidgets for each section.
Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc. irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051231

irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051231

00:17.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/
00:17.48 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: rename --enable-everything to --enable-almost-everything just to keep things
00:17.48 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: more truthful, yet keep the original as an alias. make jove and the proe-plugin
00:17.48 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: have a -build by default to be consistent with the other provided packages,
00:17.48 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: exand on the proe plugin aliases.
00:50.41 pra5ad yo unix h4x0rs
00:59.18 pra5ad i need a one-liner to make dirs for a bunch of zip files based on their filenames (sans extension) and unzip em to said folders
00:59.25 pra5ad (w/o using gawk)
01:01.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: don't have access to intel compiler so reprioritize the benchmark testing to a later release.
01:03.34 brlcad for i in *.zip ; do base=`echo $i | sed 's/.zip//'` ; mkdir $base ; unzip $i -d $base ; done
01:05.33 pra5ad sh?
01:06.21 brlcad posix
01:07.32 pra5ad no work on tcsh
01:07.40 brlcad of course not
01:07.46 brlcad tcsh isn't posix :P
01:08.10 brlcad and no i ain't converting that to tcsh syntax
01:10.01 pra5ad excellent =)
01:11.19 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/conv/iges/ add the missing g-iges-vers_win.c iges-g-vers_win.c windows vers.c files to the dist
01:11.38 brlcad it's the way of the future
01:14.43 pra5ad how about mkdir+unzip in another directory?
01:14.51 pra5ad given the files are in the current dir
01:15.03 pra5ad do i cd out?
01:15.22 brlcad huh?
01:15.31 brlcad -d option to unzip
01:15.35 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/iges/ (g-iges-vers_win.c iges-g-vers_win.c): bogus merge to dead directory. iges moved to src/conv/iges/.
01:16.06 pra5ad ... helps if i read
01:16.21 brlcad if it didn't put them into base, you'll need to shove that into a file and sh it
01:16.50 brlcad since the ` ticks might get eval'd on the interactive
01:18.09 pra5ad unrar doesnt have a -d option
01:18.15 pra5ad only has 'unrar to current dir'
01:18.19 brlcad heh
01:18.31 brlcad then those are zip files now are they :)
01:18.41 brlcad and you're probably not doing something legal :)
01:18.52 pra5ad unzip doesnt do rar3
01:18.57 pra5ad i have unrar (non-free)
01:19.08 pra5ad help me oh unix master
01:19.10 brlcad just add a cd and cd .. before/after an unrar
01:22.53 pra5ad filenames have spaces
01:22.55 pra5ad mkdir is borking
01:22.57 pra5ad =P
01:23.49 brlcad 20:16 <@brlcad> if it didn't put them into base, you'll need to shove that into a file and sh it
01:24.52 brlcad quote the filenames
01:27.01 brlcad echo 'for i in *.zip ; do base="`echo $i | sed \'s/.zip//\'`" ; mkdir "$base" ; cd "$base" ; unrar "$i" ; cd .. ; done" | sh -
01:27.25 brlcad oop, small 1-char typo there, but i'll let you figure it out
01:32.56 pra5ad yay
01:33.50 brlcad 20:11 * brlcad thinks pra5ad should learn him some posix shell
01:34.38 pra5ad the force is not strong in this one
01:35.55 ``Erik *sneeze*
01:37.02 *** join/#brlcad tegtmeye (
01:37.16 pra5ad tegtmeye, get my email?
01:37.27 tegtmeye no, I'll look now...
01:37.52 tegtmeye wait... whats the URL to our webmail?
01:40.12 tegtmeye thx, reading now...
01:47.47 tegtmeye hmmm....
01:48.06 tegtmeye what did you think about it?
01:48.21 pra5ad seemed elegant enough
01:48.54 tegtmeye *very* expensive tho
01:49.19 tegtmeye + a reinterpret_cast???
01:49.41 pra5ad i meant the optional var system
01:49.44 pra5ad not the implementation
01:49.51 tegtmeye ah...
01:50.29 tegtmeye you could have done...
01:51.00 tegtmeye pair<valid_flag_type,data_type> foo()...
01:51.22 tegtmeye It basically gives you the same.
01:51.24 pra5ad *eyes bleeding*
01:51.25 pra5ad =)
01:51.34 tegtmeye exactly...
01:52.05 pra5ad optional<optical_interaction>
01:52.32 tegtmeye both are syntatic sugar for the same thing
01:52.49 pra5ad pair isnt intuitive
01:52.50 pra5ad imo
01:52.52 pra5ad *shrug*
01:53.31 tegtmeye yea, but there is some precedence though...
01:54.27 tegtmeye pair<iterator, bool> std::map::insert(const value_type& x);
01:54.57 tegtmeye the bool is to indicate whether the insert succeeded
01:55.05 pra5ad oh
01:55.20 pra5ad but that's not the behavior u want
01:55.25 brlcad if it's the syntax, just typecast the pair
01:55.37 brlcad pairs are very useful
01:55.54 brlcad pairs of pairs can be fun too
01:56.03 brlcad not that I'd ever do that
01:56.13 brlcad *ahem*
01:56.19 tegtmeye have you ever seen the compile-time n-tuple?
01:56.29 tegtmeye *that* will make your eyes bleed...
01:56.33 brlcad :)
01:56.37 brlcad n-tuple? heh no
01:56.43 brlcad but i've seen various tuples
01:57.01 brlcad hmm, easily implemented with pairs even
01:57.25 tegtmeye all syntax hell imo
01:58.15 tegtmeye if you replaced the <>'s with ()'s, you'd have LISP:)
01:58.33 brlcad cept lisp is more forgiving
01:58.50 brlcad with respect to whitespace at least
01:59.10 tegtmeye will it forgive mefor shooting myself in the head for using it?
01:59.28 brlcad i'll forgive you
02:00.33 brlcad of course everyone knows it's supposed to be in ML if you want pure functional
02:01.35 tegtmeye I had to use ML for my Logic and Autonoma class...
02:01.41 tegtmeye I hated that class...
02:01.58 pra5ad automata?
02:02.37 tegtmeye uh, yea...
02:02.45 tegtmeye I hated English too
02:02.47 tegtmeye :)
02:02.58 brlcad used ML for a course on writing compilers and programming languages
02:03.30 tegtmeye I had to write compilers the good old fashoned way...
02:03.41 tegtmeye lex, yacc, and c
02:03.55 pra5ad i wrote abel..
02:03.55 brlcad good stuff
02:04.28 brlcad this year actually
02:05.22 tegtmeye for a class or brlcad?
02:05.49 brlcad just on my own initially, was writing a parser for bzflag's world file format
02:06.06 brlcad figured I'd give it a stab, very enlightening/useful
02:06.54 brlcad makes the simple "oh, we'll just add this here" crap that creeps into formats pretty blatently obvious in the grammar
02:07.20 brlcad later used it for writing a point parser for the vulcan scan data in brl-cad
02:08.55 tegtmeye yea, for nothing else, it does force your grammar to be well structured, ie
02:09.33 tegtmeye if your language can't be done in lex/yacc, it is probably screwed up
02:14.20 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: add support to restore the backups when an step aborts
02:16.25 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/ add the rtcheck_vers_win.c rtedge_vers_win.c that were added from the windows port branch so they are included in the dist
02:17.39 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/rtexample.c: add more comments on what the file is and its purpose, fix the compile example so that it works on an installed brl-cad too
02:19.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/common.h:
02:19.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: do not include our config.h header in common.h if common has been installed (our
02:19.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: public header files shouldn't be using config defines anyways). this will
02:19.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: undoubtedly require more testing, but it makes it such that 3rd party developers
02:19.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: don't necessarily need to include /usr/brlcad/include or use -DHAVE_CONFIG_H to
02:19.41 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: get the header to simply work
02:25.35 pra5ad dood
02:25.46 pra5ad tris feel like calves from three weeks ago
02:31.15 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
04:00.57 Twingy you want calves? do some grout
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20:30.58 clock_ happy new year
21:04.14 ``Erik O.o
22:09.16 pier happy 2006 to everyone!
22:50.40 *** part/#brlcad pier (n=pier@
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Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.