irclog2html for #brlcad on 20040802

00:44.12 *** join/#brlcad |tim| (~|tim|
00:46.03 brlcad tis lenghty!
00:48.05 |tim| 'tis u! :-D
00:48.33 brlcad almost have the new server
00:48.52 brlcad should know by tues
00:50.57 |tim| for bzflag?
00:56.52 brlcad for "everything"
00:57.11 brlcad high speed connection
00:57.30 |tim| awesome
00:57.57 |tim| i havn't had much time for bzflag this summer
01:09.31 *** join/#brlcad jano (
01:09.32 jano :D
01:12.44 jano muwah
01:13.48 brlcad mwuahahaa
01:16.32 jano
01:16.51 jano
01:17.11 jano
01:17.29 jano
01:17.39 jano :P~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
01:18.20 brlcad heh
01:19.47 jano i've got a bit of a belly there
01:19.53 jano must learn to suck it in
01:20.01 jano :P~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
01:20.02 brlcad fu
01:20.08 jano :D
01:20.15 brlcad ya lard ass
01:20.28 jano when i wake up in the morning, i think..
01:20.30 jano i'm fat
01:21.22 brlcad better pics..
01:21.25 jano yeah
01:21.30 brlcad dude, you're f-ing huge
01:21.42 jano my arms are still skinny
01:21.47 brlcad good
01:22.08 jano nothing like good, midday sun to cast shadows and make me look bigger than I am
01:22.11 brlcad bony calves too :)
01:22.14 jano :P
01:22.28 jano skinny legs after my dads
01:22.34 brlcad i did calves just tonight
01:22.48 jano i did 300 deadlifts yesterday 6 reps
01:22.51 jano :P
01:24.30 brlcad I almost pulled my knee on a leg press
01:24.50 brlcad THEN .. i biked.. that' was sweet
01:24.59 brlcad half-hour
01:25.04 brlcad sustained 22 mph again
01:25.15 brlcad 195 average bpm also sustained
01:25.22 brlcad that was tough
01:25.59 jano geez
01:26.00 brlcad mentally gruelling.. almost quit a few times
01:26.13 jano i can sustain 18mph for about 7-10 minutes
01:26.29 jano maybe my bike is slow :P
01:26.41 jano your heart rate is crazy
01:27.57 brlcad heh
01:28.00 brlcad *shrug*
01:28.09 jano did you look at the camera I emailed you?
01:28.15 jano i can pick it up on ebay for $170
01:28.26 jano plus shipping/handling ($12)
01:28.32 brlcad yeah
01:28.39 brlcad what so cool about it?
01:28.43 jano waterproof
01:28.45 jano >:]
01:28.58 jano no zoom, though
01:29.18 jano and the movies are crappy size (160x80 or something like that)
01:29.43 jano we're going to have to take pictures of you learning to surf and document it
01:29.45 jano :D
01:29.48 jano :D :D :D
01:31.09 brlcad mge
01:31.12 brlcad meh
01:31.24 brlcad you can't surf and take pics
01:31.28 brlcad of yourself
01:31.39 jano why would I take pics of myself?
01:31.49 jano i'd have it for two things
01:31.59 jano take pics of you learning to surf so we can laugh later >:]
01:32.05 jano and spying on the surfer babes
01:32.09 jano 8)
01:32.22 brlcad har har
01:32.43 jano there were a whole bunch there today
01:32.46 jano mm
01:32.49 jano :)~
01:32.52 brlcad so we can laugh at my raw nipples and bloodshot eyes from swallowing too much seawater
01:32.57 jano hehehe
01:33.12 jano we're going to go two or three times
01:33.20 jano it takes only a day to get unraw
01:33.43 jano if you can bike so much and keep your heartrate up, you won't wear out too easily
01:34.38 brlcad we'll see
01:34.41 jano :)
01:34.45 brlcad takes a long time to build up cardio
01:34.52 brlcad I've not been going strong for very long
01:34.58 jano you'll be fine
01:35.07 jano besides, once you learn to sit on the board
01:35.27 jano you'll end up getting plenty of rest between waves
01:36.13 brlcad I'll also have the entire week of siggraph filled with steaks and gallons of beverage to lard me up a bit
01:36.53 jano which of course will make me look that much better
01:36.57 jano :D :D :D
01:37.00 brlcad yep
01:37.10 brlcad we need to go women hunting
01:37.23 jano women hunting
01:37.23 brlcad you can't look like that forever :)
01:37.24 jano hmm
01:37.39 jano i'm sending these to court and ana
01:37.40 brlcad hehe
01:37.46 jano :D
01:38.01 jano i can't walk around without a shirt and hunt women
01:38.21 jano that would be just totally gay
01:38.25 brlcad heh
01:38.27 brlcad of course not
01:38.37 brlcad just wear something snug ;)
01:38.49 jano i don't wear snug clothes, i sweat too much
01:38.59 jano :P
01:39.02 brlcad I do too
01:39.08 brlcad undershirts!
01:39.20 brlcad and just needs to be snug in the arms ;)
01:39.31 jano oh, sure, make fun of my puny arms
01:39.44 jano barely over 14"
01:39.47 brlcad I'm finally starting to fill out a known shirt again
01:39.59 jano in the gut? :P~
01:40.03 brlcad arms
01:40.16 brlcad my gut in an immutable constant
01:40.21 brlcad s/in/is/
01:40.31 jano hahahahahahah
02:16.11 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
02:27.01 brlcad argh
03:29.26 jano what?
03:33.35 brlcad it works
03:33.44 brlcad woo000g00s000a0s0d0fasd001023123ASDF YAY
03:33.48 brlcad :)
03:34.00 jano :)
03:34.04 jano what was wrong ewith it?
03:34.26 PrezKennedy uhhh
03:34.40 PrezKennedy bzflag is one of the oldest links in this database and it has only 5 hits
03:34.45 PrezKennedy cube has 150...
03:34.56 brlcad database hasn't been alive that long
03:35.04 brlcad and bz hasn't had a release .. everyone knows :)
03:35.22 brlcad jano: just ripping tcl/tk a new hole
03:35.43 brlcad plus you didn't haven't had a bz mention since you moved :P
03:35.47 PrezKennedy i think its cuz the cube site went down and everyone is trying to find it
03:35.55 brlcad ah, heh
03:37.55 jano dude
03:37.59 jano i forgot about the pelicans
03:38.06 jano they were dive bombing everywhere
03:38.14 jano there were at least a dozen of them
03:38.26 jano diving into the water within 5 feet of my board
03:38.39 jano and all the little seagulls would then nip at the guys pouch trying to get some fish
03:38.42 jano hahaha
03:39.52 brlcad <PROTECTED>
03:40.23 jano it's the goggles
03:40.27 brlcad no it's not
03:40.30 jano yes it is
03:40.32 brlcad they didn't look that bad
03:40.35 brlcad seriously
03:40.45 brlcad it's your head maybe
03:40.45 jano that's cause these pics are low quality
03:40.48 brlcad blindy
03:40.57 jano you see close up, they look terrible
03:41.00 PrezKennedy id surf to pick up chicks if i wasnt deathly afraid of putting my head underwater
03:41.03 brlcad you didn't see the girls checking you out last time eitherr
03:41.12 brlcad hah, really?
03:41.24 jano there were no girls last time, except for the two teeny boppers, way too young
03:41.29 PrezKennedy yeah when i was 3 or 4 years old i got dropped in the ocean and almost drowned
03:41.35 jano ouch
03:41.43 jano how were you dropped in the ocean?
03:41.47 PrezKennedy yeah not a big fan of sticking my head underwater anymore
03:41.48 brlcad jano: Nooo.. when we were arriving and leaving .. girl even did a double-take on you
03:41.59 PrezKennedy dad dropped me in when a big wave hit us
03:42.03 jano chris.. don't make up stuff, you're memory isn't that good
03:42.09 PrezKennedy haha
03:42.14 brlcad it's horrible, but I do remember than
03:42.47 jano you guys were on a boat?
03:42.51 brlcad PrezKennedy: so you train and become an olympic swimmer to overcome it ;)
03:43.05 jano hey.. I got pushed off a 30ft diving board
03:43.25 jano when I was 9
03:43.28 jano or 10?
03:43.34 jano i was so afraid of heights
03:44.01 jano then went rock climbing, I got over my fear :)
03:44.07 jano i still won't jump off a diving board though
03:49.38 brlcad ahh, you went with berliOS
03:49.49 jano wrong channel?
03:49.53 brlcad nope
03:49.59 brlcad wrong guy
03:50.02 jano ah
03:50.10 jano hehe
03:50.21 jano funny quote
03:50.41 jano women are a lot like hurricanes.. when they come it's wet and wild, when they leave, they take the house and car with them
03:50.45 jano :D
03:50.47 jano rofl
03:51.01 jano and then..
03:51.26 jano breasts are a lot like toy trains.. meant for kids but grown men still play with them
03:51.30 jano lol
03:52.36 brlcad hehehehe
03:53.15 brlcad that's great.. I'll have to remember those
03:53.24 PrezKennedy me too
03:54.47 PrezKennedy thats strange
03:54.51 jano ?
03:55.21 PrezKennedy Anonymous Gamer
03:55.21 PrezKennedy (
03:55.48 PrezKennedy i can recognize 3 ip blocks off hand and that one is one i wouldnt expect to see
03:56.23 brlcad :)
03:56.31 brlcad you wanted a vote, no?
03:56.38 PrezKennedy youre at work?
03:56.57 brlcad Yes, yes I am
03:57.08 brlcad I've been working most of the day
03:57.15 brlcad finally got this fscking thing to build
03:57.32 PrezKennedy so i can imagine theres like 2 people in the entire compound
03:58.00 PrezKennedy that ip block gives me the creeps though
03:58.16 PrezKennedy i expect someday to see it on my other website and then get a call in to talk to some boss...
03:58.28 jano heheh
03:58.31 jano they are watching
03:58.40 PrezKennedy i know
03:58.45 PrezKennedy im one of the watchers
03:58.47 PrezKennedy 8-)
03:58.52 jano uh oh
03:59.22 PrezKennedy its already too late
03:59.26 PrezKennedy theyre coming to get you
03:59.28 PrezKennedy ;-)
03:59.35 brlcad As soon as you get popular enough to get notice, your site will be banned from work ;)
03:59.35 jano they and what army?!
04:00.02 PrezKennedy the U.S. Army
04:00.05 PrezKennedy the good Army
04:00.06 PrezKennedy ;-)
04:00.10 jano pshah
04:00.26 PrezKennedy i dont think they ban sites...
04:00.39 PrezKennedy
04:00.52 PrezKennedy i would think theyd like to hear about the kid suing NY over the snapple machine falling on him
04:05.09 brlcad they do ban sites
04:05.15 brlcad there are several blocked at the router
04:05.20 brlcad there's a master list
04:05.37 brlcad mostly due to DOS or snoop attacks
04:06.09 brlcad I've had to get a few unblocked because they were too broad
04:06.16 brlcad like the entire university of colorado
04:06.45 brlcad which is still blocked
04:06.55 jano hahaha
04:21.44 PrezKennedy yeah colorado...
04:33.29 *** join/#brlcad CIA-2 (
04:35.00 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
04:35.37 PrezKennedy that was exciting
04:36.29 brlcad hhmm.. I'm split
04:38.39 brlcad heh
04:38.41 brlcad poor you
06:10.40 *** join/#brlcad CIA-2 (
07:36.46 *** join/#brlcad |tim| (~|tim|