irclog2html for #brlcad on 20040825

00:02.28 *** join/#brlcad CIA-2 (
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01:46.44 shorty114 !help
01:46.48 *** part/#brlcad shorty114 (
01:46.51 learner no help for you
02:12.12 *** join/#brlcad Jdsfgfgd (
02:13.38 learner hello wierd named one
02:28.18 *** join/#brlcad |tim| (
04:08.54 *** join/#brlcad jano (
04:08.55 jano bork
04:09.08 jano did you find the film at work?
04:09.13 learner :(
04:09.17 jano :(
04:09.24 jano :( :( :(
04:09.33 learner :.(
04:10.02 learner siggraph, santa monica, getty
04:10.14 learner but I have a slight clue..
04:10.17 jano man, i hope we find it
04:10.20 jano kodak film, right?
04:10.22 jano what iso?:
04:10.25 learner also missing my business card case
04:10.36 learner which is..
04:10.49 jano business card case?
04:10.50 jano hmmm
04:11.07 learner
04:11.30 learner that likely would have been in my pocket at the same time..
04:11.50 jano hmm
04:11.57 jano did you try the pockets of those pants???
04:12.10 learner which means it's really likely that either 1) I left it someplace at your house (maybe kitchen counter) or 2) left it in the car :(
04:12.20 jano i will check kitchen
04:12.20 jano brb
04:13.06 learner not likely.. i really doubt i left it there..
04:13.53 learner only places I left stuff are in the room, on the kitchen counter, on that side table, and on the computer desk .. and I don't visually remember leaving that stuff anywhere but the room
04:15.13 learner you remember anything in the car door when you drove from jolene's?
04:16.39 jano no
04:17.04 jano maybe try calling enterprise?
04:17.07 jano it's worth a shot
04:17.12 learner maybe..
04:17.33 jano 21:13 <@learner> not likely.. i really doubt i left it there.. <-- was this in response to "21:11 < jano> did you try the pockets of those pants???"
04:17.39 learner if my business cards where in there, I'd think they would try to contact me..
04:18.02 learner no, i mean not likely it's in the kitchen
04:18.09 learner i checked all the pockets already
04:18.13 jano damn
04:18.20 jano i checked the kitched counter
04:18.30 jano mom and i ransacked all the drawers there, too
04:18.35 learner it's not like sitting just to your left is it? :)
04:18.40 jano found some film, but all of it was new
04:18.56 learner naw, it would have been left out plain in the open
04:19.29 jano my dad might have put it away, he does that
04:19.34 jano not to my left :(
04:19.36 learner i cannot remember what I did with the film I changed at the getty..
04:19.59 learner don't even exactly remember when I ran out
04:20.12 jano i honestly don't remember you changing film
04:20.20 learner though the shots indicate it was up high before we started wandering around
04:20.26 jano you took like four pictures
04:20.37 jano what's the first shot you have?
04:20.40 jano in the roll
04:20.49 learner you see the roll I just got back?
04:20.50 jano top outside by the asian chick?
04:20.54 jano no
04:21.29 learner
04:22.03 learner so that first shot is up pretty high.. meaning I probably changed either there or somewhere inside
04:23.03 learner those photo cd's aren't worth jack shlt
04:23.36 jano i remember when you took that shot
04:23.43 jano hold on
04:25.30 learner that might have been around the time you said something about it making a loud camera "shralick!"
04:25.36 jano
04:25.55 learner haha
04:25.57 jano was that it?
04:26.02 learner that's too close to the garden
04:26.03 jano shoot
04:26.03 jano brb
04:28.01 learner wait.. that's good..
04:28.06 learner which pants are those.. :)
04:28.32 learner oh, i think those are the striped guess
04:34.37 jano find it?
04:34.39 jano :) :) :)
04:35.58 learner :(
04:36.01 jano :(
04:36.15 learner found the tips to my ipod earphones
04:36.22 jano well, that's good
04:36.29 learner shrug
04:36.35 jano why are the pictures so grainy?
04:36.52 learner i must have left it in the car :(
04:37.01 learner because the photocd sucks *ss
04:37.09 jano ah
04:37.11 learner the originals are beautiful
04:37.18 jano btw way, that flower is a bird of paradise
04:37.34 jano we have them all over our garden, too :)
04:37.52 jano i think you took that first picture from the top
04:37.57 jano up where that asian girl was
04:38.09 learner yeah yeah..
04:38.15 jano why are there only 14 pictures?
04:38.17 learner that's right
04:38.26 jano was this a half roll?
04:38.37 jano or maybe the photo service didn't print all the pics?
04:38.42 jano or you didn't upload all of them?
04:38.57 learner no, I accidentally switched the camera from autospeed to 2000 after that bike shot..
04:39.06 jano ah
04:39.08 jano doh!
04:39.18 learner and that was approaching sunset
04:39.25 learner so they all came out black
04:39.31 jano :(
04:39.36 learner just more hydrants mostly :)
04:39.43 jano so only two things pretty much remain
04:39.46 learner and a good shot of 95 traffic
04:39.53 jano either its up in the guest house
04:39.57 jano or in the car :(
04:40.02 learner or left it in the car..
04:40.09 jano call enterprise tomorrow
04:40.11 jano you never know
04:40.17 jano maybe someone was a good samaritan
04:40.35 jano they'll probably say, "sorry sir, we can't keep track blah blah"
04:40.37 jano but you never know
04:40.51 learner has to be common
04:41.03 jano which is exactly why they wouldn't keep it
04:45.12 learner I'll try again tomorrow
04:45.34 learner got a lady at the counter that transferred me to the dept. that handles that .. and got voicemail
04:46.41 jano doh
04:46.42 jano okay
04:46.45 jano crossing fingers
04:47.12 learner I am half-sure that the last time I saw the bus. card case was in the car door
04:47.27 jano i don't remember with jolene
04:47.29 learner and I was distracted/busy enough leaving that I might have not noticed
04:48.38 learner did I put the finished roll into the center console?
04:48.55 jano you were seated in the car before me
04:49.04 jano i was mucking around the back seat with my back
04:49.14 learner damn my memory sucks sometimes
04:49.23 jano btw.. i totally forgot i left my guitar in the trunk of the car
04:49.27 jano we should have parked in the shade
04:49.31 jano :o
04:49.40 learner eep, me too
04:49.46 jano no damage fortunatley, other than very wacked out of tune
04:49.55 jano sometimes the glue can melt
04:50.01 jano and the guitar falls apart
04:50.05 jano not happened yet to me
04:50.08 learner that woulda sucked
04:50.27 jano i hope they get your fil,
04:50.29 jano film
04:50.33 jano i wanna see siggraph chick
04:50.40 learner oh, I didn't tell you... took me over an hour to find my car
04:50.49 jano at the airport?
04:50.55 learner at the parking lot, yeah
04:50.59 jano lol!
04:51.01 jano hahaha
04:51.02 jano :D
04:51.10 jano poor chris!
04:51.13 learner walked up and down, up and down.. the number I had ingrained into my brain was wrong
04:51.19 learner !3C
04:51.56 learner so much walking..
04:52.00 jano doh!
04:52.28 learner it was on the 5th floor I checked..
04:53.04 learner 3 .. 2 .. 3 .. 4 .. 5 .. 3 .. 2 .. 1 .. found it!
04:53.48 learner tried going to 1 after 4, but that elevator wouldn't let me for some reason.. wanted me to suffer
04:59.06 learner OOoo.. who's she?
04:59.21 jano no idea
04:59.34 jano i was geocaching and they had some thing going on at the pilgrim boat
04:59.39 jano she had a great butt
04:59.42 jano had to capture it
04:59.59 learner mmhmm
05:00.15 jano i need to go geocaching again
05:02.51 learner
05:03.20 jano hahahahaa
05:03.39 jano that's disgusting
05:03.53 learner hey hey..
05:04.16 jano near port deposit
05:04.23 jano who would call a port... Port Deposit
05:04.24 jano lol
05:04.30 learner
05:04.32 jano you took that picture :)
05:04.49 learner i like to bike there
05:04.54 jano you need to straighten the pics
05:04.55 jano :P
05:04.58 learner
05:05.06 learner yeah.. i know.. need to do lots to them
05:05.13 learner i'm trying to hunt down a negative scanner
05:05.25 jano nikon has a good one i think
05:05.36 learner maybe ebay has a good nikon scanner ..
05:05.40 learner heh, yeah
05:05.51 jano i think it was the 4000 or something
05:05.53 jano btw
05:05.54 jano
05:05.57 learner it is pretty darn good.. hopkins mmdc lab had a couple
05:06.00 learner i used them all the time..
05:06.12 jano i think the hp photosmart is supposed to be good, too
05:06.41 learner i could try using my flatbed scanner..
05:06.45 jano uhmm
05:06.47 jano errr
05:06.48 jano no
05:06.54 learner :)
05:06.56 jano unless you scan your actual picture
05:07.04 learner it'd be 600x600 pic :)
05:08.12 jano okay
05:08.20 jano so for my next photo club meeting
05:08.25 jano i'm printing out that yellow rose
05:08.39 jano the shot in the getty that's kinda blurry (the one I printed at home)
05:08.41 jano and.. I need a third
05:08.43 jano which one?
05:09.16 learner hrm.. nothing on the proving ground..
05:09.33 jano hehehe
05:10.31 learner red fire hydrant!
05:10.42 jano ?
05:10.48 learner third pic :)
05:11.14 learner the girl taking a pic?
05:11.21 learner she was cute
05:11.41 jano i don't like the way the pic turned out
05:12.09 jano
05:12.11 learner it's got great lines
05:12.22 learner her angle matches the ceiling even
05:12.26 jano yeah, but it really would look better in B&W
05:12.34 jano but B&W I get this glow on her
05:13.27 jano ah, it was the canon fs4000
05:13.35 learner that canon looks good.. but $500 :/
05:13.41 jano check ebay?
05:13.48 learner froogle
05:13.56 jano check pricegrabber
05:14.16 jano still $500
05:14.17 jano damn
05:14.22 jano wait until end of september
05:14.27 jano new cameras and stuff at photokina
05:14.33 jano hopefully prices drop
05:14.34 learner eek.. the nikon is $1500
05:14.49 jano on cameras
05:15.02 jano the lost film cartridge is a good hint at going digital :P
05:15.18 learner :P
05:15.29 learner I'd just lose my memory stick/drive
05:15.38 jano took the words right out of my keyboard
05:17.46 learner minolta's has the cheapest at $250 ..
05:18.13 learner or i could just drive down to hopkins
05:18.15 learner :)
05:18.32 jano you'd end up paying more in gas
05:18.35 jano long run :P
05:18.47 learner naw.. 3 bucks vs 300
05:19.08 jano hopkins is a good 40 minute round trip
05:19.21 jano that's what... $6
05:19.23 learner heh no
05:19.26 learner 40 to get there
05:19.45 learner i can get downtown faster than hopkins
05:22.26 jano
05:23.33 learner puppy
05:23.49 jano i hope sigma comes out with a better slr at photokina
05:23.52 jano man i hope!
05:23.52 jano :)
05:24.00 jano i want that foveon sensor!
05:37.27 jano hmm
05:37.37 jano minolta will be releasing a dslr, too
05:37.38 jano :)
05:37.41 jano love the competition
05:37.43 jano hate the choices!
05:37.55 jano now only wish i had the problem with women :)
05:45.37 jano chris:
05:45.38 jano
05:46.48 jano hmm
05:46.49 jano nevermind that
05:46.57 jano those low prices are from crap resellers
05:52.53 learner hrm
06:50.25 learner night