irclog2html for #brlcad on 20041223

00:36.39 *** part/#brlcad brlcad (~brlcad@brlcad.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
01:48.05 *** join/#brlcad jdr9109 (
02:38.59 *** join/#brlcad jdr9110 (
03:25.12 *** join/#brlcad jdr9110 (
03:26.37 *** join/#brlcad jdr9109 (
03:27.03 jdr9109 good evening, all, I'm getting farther w/ cygwin build, thanks for the cvs updates
03:27.38 jdr9109 I just made a change to my src->conv->asc2g.c around line 328
03:27.59 jdr9109 cygwin doesn't have inttypes.h as a system header
03:28.42 jdr9109 instead, these are defined in cygwin/types.h, so I put a preprocessor conditional around it looking for definition of __CYGWIN__
03:29.01 jdr9109 looks to be the only place inttypes.h is used so far--still building
03:29.39 jdr9109 #if defined(__CYGWIN__)
03:29.39 jdr9109 # include <cygwin/types.h>
03:29.39 jdr9109 #else
03:29.39 jdr9109 # include <inttypes.h>
03:29.39 jdr9109 #endif
03:56.36 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
03:56.57 PrezKennedy
03:57.00 PrezKennedy for one brief second i enjoyed a MMORPG
04:39.46 PrezKennedy
04:40.45 darthJano bork
05:01.46 darthJano hmm
05:01.47 darthJano where's learner
05:21.42 *** join/#brlcad jdr9109 (
05:28.59 learner mm..
05:29.10 learner howdy folks :)
05:29.28 learner PrezKennedy, that's been up for many years :)
05:29.40 PrezKennedy or 3...
05:29.46 PrezKennedy no wait
05:29.47 PrezKennedy 4
05:29.51 learner at least 4
05:30.24 darthJano yay!
05:31.07 learner dang.. i can't stop coughing
05:31.12 darthJano :(
05:31.45 jdr9109 heh
05:32.16 learner hehe
05:32.22 darthJano :D
05:32.32 learner actually now it's sort of a wheezing coughing laughing ;)
05:32.47 darthJano fsck you! :P
05:32.58 darthJano :D
05:32.59 learner heh, it's all good
05:33.25 darthJano :)
05:40.59 PrezKennedy wait... whos jdr9109??
05:41.10 darthJano someone trying to port brlcad to cygwin
05:41.35 jdr9109 ah, yes, greeting from NM
05:41.50 learner hrm.. inttypes..
05:42.00 PrezKennedy aloha
05:42.08 jdr9109 got past that one by using cygwin/types.h
05:42.16 learner where was that?
05:42.28 jdr9109 let me find it, one sec
05:43.16 jdr9109 other->libtk->generic->default.h
05:43.43 jdr9109 sorry, wrong place
05:43.48 learner i'll be sure to verify the build tonight too.. it's not been fully validated since before all the open source changes
05:44.19 learner was gonna say.. tcl/tk should require no modifications except perhaps to for missing defines
05:44.42 learner i saw your message about win/ include dir .. that's a problem
05:44.45 jdr9109 cool--the above location needed line 21 to point to ../win/tkWinDefault.h"
05:44.53 jdr9109 ah, k
05:45.22 jdr9109 I need to get better familiar w/ automake in gnu--used to ant and such
05:48.04 PrezKennedy ahhh programming speak
05:48.26 darthJano yes
05:48.32 darthJano programspeak
05:48.43 PrezKennedy yeah it was givin me chills
05:48.46 PrezKennedy i had to /clear
05:49.11 darthJano wow
05:49.12 learner oh, neat .. /clear worked here too
05:49.17 darthJano wish I thought of that, too
05:51.37 jdr9109 heh, I thought this was the place for program speak
05:51.49 jdr9109 src->conv->asc2g.c
05:52.55 PrezKennedy 10 PRINT "HELLO"
05:52.58 PrezKennedy :-D
05:53.01 jdr9109 is where inttypes.h is referenced--I surrounded by conditional--maybe a config thing too
05:53.12 jdr9109 <reply>Hello there </reply>
05:53.29 learner 20 GOTO 10
05:53.47 darthJano hahah
05:53.52 darthJano learner, remember bomb.c ???
05:53.52 jdr9109 lol
05:53.52 darthJano :D
05:54.11 darthJano you and jason did that malloc thing in the lab and ran it 5 minutes before the deadline :D :D :D
05:54.17 learner darthJano, bomb.c.. what about it??
05:54.18 darthJano hahahahaha
05:54.22 darthJano rofl
05:54.36 learner ooh, the memory gobbler thing? :)
05:54.42 darthJano yeah
05:54.45 learner hehe
05:54.46 darthJano tee hee
05:54.53 darthJano that was frickin' awesome!!
05:54.54 learner silly jhunix
05:54.58 darthJano hehehe
05:55.12 darthJano it wasn't jhnuix
05:55.14 darthJano it was hops
05:55.20 darthJano the one for the cs students
05:55.22 learner it was also jhunix ;)
05:55.32 darthJano ah
05:55.39 learner it was all of the servers actually..
05:55.46 darthJano you mean you went and knocked out those servers without me?!?!
05:55.48 darthJano WTF?!?!
05:55.50 learner easy to bring to their knees that way :)
05:55.52 darthJano I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS!
05:56.01 learner hah
05:56.07 darthJano easy to bring them to their knees you say?
05:56.08 darthJano hmmm
05:56.12 darthJano i wonder if it works on women
05:56.39 learner hmm.. maybe if I print out the code, drop the paper, and ask them to pick it up..
05:56.49 darthJano :D
05:57.03 learner while they're down there.. *ahem*
05:57.04 darthJano just put the letters, "r u n" on it
05:57.10 darthJano have them say it aloud
05:59.16 learner jdr9109, oop, i believe that inttypes.h include might have just been a recent testing mistake commit
05:59.34 jdr9109 ah, ok
06:06.13 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/conv/asc2g.c: oop, that inttypes.h include wasn't supposed to get commited.
06:08.53 learner distcc would be sweet too..
06:10.32 jdr9109 heh, I'm getting a strange error in if_ogl.c (libfb) -- complaining about unknown reference to _shmget at 457
06:11.01 learner makes sense.. you don't have shared memory
06:11.23 learner at last in the shmem sense..
06:12.03 learner compile error or link error?
06:12.34 jdr9109 tru 'nuff
06:12.44 jdr9109 compile--unresolved symbol
06:12.53 jdr9109 problem is i don't see that symbol anywhere
06:13.10 jdr9109 ah, nope, I lied
06:13.19 jdr9109 after all the complaining, it was ld
06:13.53 jdr9109 lots of shared memory unavailable
06:13.55 learner used in 5 places in that file.. if( (SGI(ifp)->mi_shmid = shmget( SHMEM_KEY, size, 0 )) < 0 ) { for example
06:14.15 jdr9109 yeah, those would be the lines being flagged
06:15.38 jdr9109 damn eclipse takes forever to do file searches
06:15.38 learner probablem is you shouldn't be compiling that file..
06:16.06 learner the problem's been fixed on win32.. have to remove those calls and rework some of the code for windows
06:16.14 learner it's been done in if_ogl_win32.c
06:17.16 jdr9109 ah
06:17.17 learner this is a stab in the dark.. by try replacing if_ogl.c with if_ogl_win32.c (i.e. rename the latter to the prior (after saving a backup))
06:17.57 jdr9109 k, I'll try--btw, what kind of rendereing capabilities are in brl-cad--does it offload anything to a graphics card or do everything on the cpu?
06:18.07 learner if_ogl_win32 will potentially replace if_ogl.c .. but it's not well tested yet
06:18.17 jdr9109 understood
06:18.36 learner depends which graphics system you're referring to
06:18.47 learner the raytracing is all done on the cpu
06:18.59 learner visualization in mged is cpu and graphics card
06:19.11 learner uses opengl for the editor
06:19.40 learner that framebuffer interface is an opengl framebuffer interface
06:20.08 learner so all pixel/buffer manipulations are via ogl calls
06:21.09 learner there are framebuffers and display managers.. both have numerous ogl and non-ogl implementations
06:21.45 learner fb's are pretty much for visualizing 2d graphics, dm's are for 3d and 2d
06:22.20 jdr9109 gotchya, thanks
06:22.32 jdr9109 rebuilding now
06:26.26 darthJano dum dum dum
06:26.32 darthJano dum dee dum dum dee dum
06:26.50 jdr9109 good thing for laptops and direct tv
06:27.37 jdr9109 this is much quicker on my work machine--very nice boxes we just built
06:31.43 learner yeah.. i need to upgrade soon..
06:31.56 learner configure takes just a couple seconds at work.. takes many minutes here
06:32.24 learner course compilation just takes a couple minutes at work too :)
07:00.56 *** join/#brlcad jdr9110 (
07:01.30 jdr9110 can't find PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTION
07:02.22 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ revert the java flag additions.. they don't need to get added for every binary (plus they broke the darwin build)
07:05.20 learner eh, hrm?
07:06.27 learner i don't see a hint of PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTION
07:06.50 learner ah, perhaps: PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR
07:07.30 jdr9110 maybe I mistyped
07:07.48 jdr9110 yup, sure did
07:08.14 jdr9110 did a search in source and can't find a definition
07:08.20 learner
07:08.53 learner part of wgl..
07:08.57 learner perhaps a header is missing
07:09.27 jdr9110 ah
07:09.55 learner try #include <wingdi.h>
07:11.26 jdr9110 alright
07:12.05 learner implies that you'll need to link against gdi32.lib too
07:14.15 jdr9110 k, I hate to cut out early, but the wife becons--time for bed for me--I'll hit it tomorrow
07:14.25 jdr9110 make sure my gl is setup properly
07:14.33 learner alternatively, skip trying to compile the ogl interface (it's not required) for now by removing the -DIF_OGL from and the if_ogl.c in the src/libfb/ .. so long as there's just one if_*.c being built you will be able to proceed
07:14.50 learner okie dokie
07:14.54 jdr9110 ah, ok
07:15.05 learner i'll be around half of tomorrow.. then have to finish the christmas shopping
07:15.39 learner then back late night again ;) I'm a night guy
07:15.49 jdr9110 k, I start vacation tomorrow, so I'll try in the morning barring any house tasks
07:15.56 jdr9110 heh, I'm more of a morning person, but I'll catch up w/ you
07:16.30 learner were it not for holidays, I'm generally on irc all of the time regardless
07:17.13 jdr9110 cool beans, ttyl
07:17.22 learner cya