irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050110

00:00.48 brlcad they are past their tipping point is all, so it just doesn't matter
00:01.02 starseeker right
00:01.51 starseeker Well, gotta do three weeks worth of laundry :-(. Thanks for all the assistance!
00:01.56 brlcad brl-cad can easily reach that point as well, but there is lots of work needed on the graphical side and user interface
00:02.20 brlcad apart from the command interface, mged's gui is overly sub-optimal
00:02.35 starseeker :-)
00:02.53 starseeker That has to be the best phrase ever for a UI critique
00:02.53 brlcad we have another product set to replace or complement it already but it'll need more testing
00:03.07 starseeker you mean mged?
00:03.16 starseeker wow!
00:03.25 brlcad i mean something to supplant mged down the road
00:03.45 brlcad effectively a rewrite by one of mged's primary original authors
00:04.21 starseeker That's really nice, having an original author around. They know what not to do the second time around ;-)
00:04.40 brlcad he's got a fully functional beta already, and funds to keep improving it, so we're on a great track
00:04.47 starseeker Awesome
00:04.53 brlcad we have lots of original authors around :)
00:05.38 brlcad actually primary is probably more appropriate than original.. mike was the original author for a vast majority
00:05.55 starseeker Wow. That's one heck of a programmer
00:06.00 brlcad ibot: seen polyspin
00:06.02 ibot polyspin <> was last seen on IRC in channel #brlcad, 17h 20m 24s ago, saying: 'very good times.'.
00:06.17 brlcad mike was a vary amazing man
00:06.38 brlcad a true wizard ahead of his time in the most classic of senses
00:06.54 *** join/#brlcad tjyang (
00:07.16 starseeker I'm glad his work has been released to the world - it's a great way to carry on the legacy
00:07.48 brlcad I think Mike would have just loved to see what we've achieved
00:07.56 starseeker When a program survives decades and waves of authors you know you have something special.
00:09.50 brlcad well, time to grab a bite to eat and get working on a binary distribution for mac os x, perhaps update 7.0.4 to fix the source tarball issues
00:10.20 starseeker :-)
00:10.25 brlcad tjyang: hi, you have a question before I take off to eat? :)
00:10.43 brlcad or maybe one of these other kind gents can help you :)
00:10.51 starseeker let me know when 7.0.4 is up, and I'll update the ebuild, run a final test, and announce on the gentoo-science list it's ready
00:11.23 noyb did you see my new vgr line?
00:11.45 noyb hehe
00:11.54 brlcad noyb: not yet.. what'dya get? :)
00:12.43 noyb I posted it about 3+ hours ago... lemme see if it's in my scroll back. (how do I do that in irssi?)
00:12.51 brlcad really horrid that these releases are overlapping with bz's release .. :)
00:13.07 brlcad noyb: I'll have it in my buffer when I get home
00:14.21 starseeker ah, bzflag - one wonders how much open source code might have been had bzflag not been unleased ;-)
00:14.23 brlcad hehe
00:15.05 starseeker just not subtlty ;-)
00:15.22 brlcad well, i'll be back soon..
00:15.26 brlcad cya
00:15.29 noyb bye
00:15.31 starseeker later
00:15.55 noyb any irssi users here?
00:18.06 EricWilhelm no, but I think there's a log file
00:18.47 EricWilhelm anything in your ~/.irssi/ ?
00:39.57 *** join/#brlcad jeoslislo (
00:42.09 *** join/#brlcad dad (
01:13.40 dad ok, i'm stumped
01:14.42 *** join/#brlcad tjyang (
01:15.23 jeoslislo Anyone get brlcad to make on OS X?
01:20.43 noyb EricWilhelm: I have a config in that dir
01:25.44 *** join/#brlcad tjyang (
01:52.20 *** join/#brlcad tjyang-away (
01:52.38 noyb I think I managed to hang or crash brlcad. It's to be expected for a person playing around with a giant powertool for the first time.
02:02.06 tjyang-away I am compiling brlcad on RHAS3.0.
02:03.00 tjyang-away anyone have a sucess to compile it on Mac OSX 10.3.7 ?
02:03.22 *** join/#brlcad dad (
02:06.35 noyb ~seen learner
02:06.37 ibot learner is currently on #brlcad (1d 21h 44m 32s) #bzflag (1d 21h 44m 32s). Has said a total of 609 messages. Is idling for 7h 42m 56s
02:06.50 noyb ~seen brlcad
02:06.51 ibot brlcad is currently on #brlcad (2h 52m 39s) #bzflag (2h 52m 39s). Has said a total of 49 messages. Is idling for 1h 51m 25s
02:09.02 noyb somehow, with a little guessing and very little rtfm, I managed to open the star.g db and draw some of it. any brl-cad experts here?
02:11.30 noyb yes, I have it running on 10.3.7
02:16.00 tjyang-away what is your configure switches ? I include /usr/X11R5/include etc but still have compilation errors.
02:16.11 tjyang-away oops
02:16.17 tjyang-away X11R6
02:16.21 dad :)
02:19.47 tjyang-away ./configure --prefix=/opt/ --x-includes=/usr/X11R6/include --x-libraries=/usr/
02:19.47 tjyang-away X11R6/lib
02:20.00 tjyang-away what am I missing ?,noyb.
02:21.06 tjyang-away oh, I fogot to say the magic word. Please.
02:22.26 tjyang-away failed at "tk.h:100:29: X11/Xlib.h: No such file or directory"
02:22.51 tjyang-away looks like the tk inlcude path need to corrected.
02:22.59 tjyang-away noyb, are you still here ?
02:25.47 learner tjyang-away, which os?
02:26.11 learner tjyang-away, and which X11?
02:27.45 tjyang-away mac os 10.3.7, /usr/X11R6
02:28.00 learner i mean is it apple's X11 or XFree's
02:28.16 learner i.e. XDarwin
02:28.39 tjyang-away apple's X11.
02:29.01 tjyang-away be back
02:29.41 dad learner: i can't seem to get anything but 'nu' display manager, and i'm stumped
02:29.43 learner k
02:29.50 learner you shouldn't need X11 options
02:30.03 learner there is a problem with the source tarball for macs
02:30.34 learner i'd suggest "make distclean" and then starting over fresh (./ .. ./configure .. make
02:33.00 dad my system? Debian stable in i686 with a voodoo3 graphics adapter
02:33.18 learner heh, nice name
02:33.43 learner dad, no, those suggestions were from tjyang-away
02:34.22 learner but thanks for the info .. yeash does debian not play well with the build
02:34.26 dad learner: i guessed as much
02:34.28 learner dad, how did you compile
02:35.16 dad i got the sources from sourceforge (not he CVS) it had a ./configure there already
02:35.43 dad compiled, installed no problems, except it took a long time
02:35.59 learner that's good
02:36.21 learner taking a long time is expected.. unless you have lots of cpus ;)
02:37.46 learner so then what happened?
02:37.58 learner you installed and tried to run mged?
02:39.28 tjyang learner, are you sure about no X11 option is needed ?, I started out with no X11 option.
02:40.10 learner on OS X, yes -- should not be needed
02:40.16 dad mged starts, but i can't get any display manager except nu
02:40.24 learner it's in a standard path
02:40.38 tjyang leaner,ok I am going to try it again.
02:40.50 learner dad, can you send me your config.log?
02:40.58 dad so, no i can
02:41.06 dad email? or ???
02:41.13 learner sure
02:41.31 noyb no I wasn't still there... kids, wife, dinner... forgot to mention my away-ness.
02:41.59 noyb learner, you're back!
02:43.01 learner i am, with 2 dozen things going on ;)
02:43.48 tjyang the build on RH AS3.0 was sucessful.
02:45.13 learner glad to hear it.. rh is more readily on hand
02:50.26 dad learner - it's on its way...
02:55.30 *** join/#brlcad cc_ (