irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050116

01:30.38 *** join/#brlcad cosurgi (
02:39.18 learner back in a few
02:55.03 brlcad wow, what a blast from the past
02:55.13 brlcad dont' think i've booted this sucker in over a year
03:45.02 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
03:46.29 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
04:10.59 brlcad howdy
04:16.01 polyspin Evenin.
04:16.21 polyspin Noticed we don't build on OSX at the moment. Trying a rebuild to check that.
04:20.58 *** join/#brlcad PhantomBantam (
04:29.00 polyspin Interseting. configure checks for X11/Intrinsic.h to see if X exists
04:29.02 polyspin That check fails
04:29.10 polyspin Thence Tk build fails.
04:29.16 brlcad odd
04:29.42 brlcad i've made a handful of changes for other plats, but nothing related to X11, iirc
04:29.56 polyspin We don't seem to check in /usr/X11R6 I guess.
04:31.31 polyspin Yet X_PREFIX is getting set to /usr/X11R6... stranger and stranger
04:31.59 PhantomBantam I see stuff about x11, does this mean the mac binary will be up soon?
04:32.09 brlcad PhantomBantam: working on it
04:32.29 PhantomBantam That's good.
04:33.18 brlcad polyspin: there's a single line that does the X checks in
04:33.28 brlcad er, .ac
04:34.25 polyspin AC_PATH_X ?
04:34.34 brlcad yes
04:35.11 brlcad if it's not finding X, I'd try to find what's changed..
04:35.17 polyspin Autoconf is 2.57.
04:35.23 polyspin I just installed Xcode 1.5
04:35.29 polyspin (new machine image)
04:35.32 brlcad ahh
04:35.59 brlcad installed dev tools? or just xcode?
04:36.21 brlcad oh, you know what.. probably didn't install teh X11 dev kit
04:36.26 polyspin Dev toosl as well.
04:36.50 brlcad X11 dev kit is a separate optional (disabled) install on the dev tools cd
04:37.04 polyspin Gotcha. I'll go check that.
04:39.17 polyspin Don't have the dev tools CD. Downloaded from
04:39.39 brlcad really.. couldn't find it there a week ago
04:41.32 polyspin It says it was posted 06Aug2004
04:42.26 brlcad *shrug*
04:42.38 brlcad just be sure it's the Dev one ;)
04:43.04 polyspin It says "Xcode Tools v1.5
04:43.45 polyspin Found the X11 SDK
04:44.24 polyspin Headers there now. Time for autogen, configure, make
04:46.13 brlcad cool
04:47.31 polyspin Wow, CHUD tools weren't installed by default either. How sad.
05:00.45 brlcad bah
05:00.57 brlcad 10.2 ends up with a 0 length configure
05:01.01 brlcad yet no error
05:02.21 a_b_normal yay autoconf!
05:02.23 a_b_normal :)
05:03.06 polyspin Sigh.
05:04.11 brlcad ahh, autoconf 2.52
05:04.37 polyspin Let that be a lesson to us :-/
05:08.02 brlcad heh, can't make our cake and eat it too? :)
05:08.15 a_b_normal as long as it's not apple pie
05:08.45 polyspin You can't make a cake unles you have ants (snigger)
05:09.04 a_b_normal i don't get it
05:09.37 polyspin "cake" was the previous build system for BRL-CAD. "ants" is a new build system popular with java folks
05:09.52 polyspin or is it "ant"?
05:09.58 a_b_normal ah
05:10.03 a_b_normal developer humor
05:10.43 brlcad just ant I think
05:11.07 brlcad scons has real promise
05:12.13 polyspin as long as it isn't too much like "cmake"
05:13.08 polyspin The web page for scons mentions some nice features.
05:14.08 brlcad you can do a lot if you have to install your build environment before you build -- we could easily force only "autoconf 2.59 and automake 1.8 and libtool 1.5.10" and most of the build problems easily go away
05:14.36 brlcad that's akin to installing ant/scons/whatever to me
05:14.39 polyspin That's why we carried "cake" all those years.
05:14.57 brlcad yeah
05:15.30 brlcad though it still was a real pita to modify
05:15.36 polyspin It would be nice to add checks to see if autoconf is a high enough version to generate the build env
05:16.02 brlcad versions notwithstanding, I'd pick this over cake even still
05:16.03 polyspin Cake was a disgusting build system. Mostly inscrutable.
05:16.13 polyspin Mike hacked long and hard on the "rules" files.
05:16.23 brlcad this has "just worked" for a lot of folks - we got a compliment on it to the list just recently from one of the old cakers
05:16.38 brlcad i can imagine
05:17.02 polyspin I like it because A) other people understand it. B) we don't have to carry/build it.
05:17.15 polyspin If (A) stops being the case, we can switch.
05:17.33 polyspin Or if A applies to some other build system
05:19.51 brlcad yeah
05:20.25 brlcad it's by far the biggest wart that we as in the industry put up with it seems
05:20.39 brlcad cept maybe microsoft.. there's a wart that's tolerated for ya
05:21.11 polyspin I personally think that the "wart" is that "autoconf" is necessary for a Unix system.
05:21.17 polyspin Unix should have converged.
05:36.49 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ match's requirements. require autoconf 2.57 and specify automake 1.6.0 (unenforced). should probably try to pull the version mins directly ourselves.
05:42.45 brlcad wow
05:44.02 brlcad we've had about 2/3rds the num of source downloads as bz's last release did (source release)
05:44.42 polyspin awesome.
05:45.12 brlcad scary amount of interest :)
05:45.34 brlcad more than I expected really, at least at first
05:45.57 polyspin two words: Free CAD
05:46.14 brlcad yep
05:46.29 polyspin I'm waiting for the first distro to include, the first developer contributions, and the first contributed model
05:46.30 brlcad New too
05:46.54 PhantomBantam I don't mean to be a bother, but do you know when will the mac binary be available>
05:47.12 polyspin Phantom: Linking now.
05:47.22 PhantomBantam Sweet.
05:47.26 polyspin If it goes well, we might upload tonight.
05:47.39 PhantomBantam Awesome.
05:47.58 polyspin Unless I have to sleep first :-(
05:48.03 brlcad I was thinking Sunday myself :)
05:48.19 polyspin It's Sunday now :-)
05:48.57 PhantomBantam That it is.
05:49.26 brlcad not it the timezones I feel like I'm in
06:35.14 polyspin Have you heard of "swig" before?
06:36.21 polyspin For a modest amount of work, we could have full bu/bn/rt support in python, Tcl, java and others.
06:36.33 polyspin I've been playing with it tonight, and I've almost got it configured.
06:36.51 polyspin There's one gotcha: It doesn't like name re-use.
06:37.09 polyspin We have a number of structs, which also have variables or functions of the same name.
06:37.36 polyspin If we were willing to change this, SWIG would generate the "wrapper" libraries for us.
06:51.03 brlcad i've heard mention of it, but not whether it's good/bad/painful/painless etc. .. sounds like a potential middle layer
06:51.48 polyspin It eats somthing that is pretty much a header file for C/C++ and generates the wrappers from the "extern" statements and data declarations.
06:52.55 brlcad pretty much a header file?
06:53.06 brlcad or is it really a header file with some labels of theirs
06:53.20 polyspin It needs a few lines to tell it the name of the "package" you want to build.
06:53.37 polyspin The second.
06:54.22 polyspin I'm building the python wrap now.
07:00.33 *** join/#brlcad fgq (
07:17.09 brlcad hello fgq
07:24.15 polyspin Good luck with bz
07:24.33 brlcad thx
07:24.46 brlcad brl-cad held it off long enough.. :)
07:26.30 *** join/#brlcad fvhg (
07:47.05 EricWilhelm brlcad, the swig interface file has some typemaps and such that aren't standard header matter
07:47.34 brlcad good to know
07:47.49 EricWilhelm If you don't have any nested arrays (or even non-char arrays) in your header, it can try to "do the right thing" by just looking at a header file
07:48.08 EricWilhelm but, to get (say) a proper perlish interface, you want to do some typemaps
07:48.53 EricWilhelm I found that my CAD::Drawing::IO::DWGI module worked much better for making the OpenDWG library binding in a perlish way than the swig code.
07:49.32 EricWilhelm IMO, the way of doing things is easier than swig, but that only gets you a perl binding.
07:49.37 brlcad cept the end goal we were talking about was specifically intent on supporting about 5 different languages
07:50.08 brlcad we can do those bindings manually.. but one slightly painful swig (or anything) is going to be better than 5 custom
07:50.22 brlcad and those languages may change..
07:50.24 EricWilhelm I think the best way would be to lovingly craft a set of functions which raise the functionality level to something appropriate to each language.
07:50.51 EricWilhelm failing that, if you can master typemaps with swig, that might do the trick.
07:51.23 EricWilhelm trouble is, that if you don't pass data-structures, you tend to have functions with a lot of simple (float) parameters
07:51.32 EricWilhelm so, you have perl code like:
07:52.11 EricWilhelm ($x1, $y1, $z1, $x2, $y2, $z2) = do_stuff($x1a, ... )
07:52.20 EricWilhelm it's too painful for me to even type.
07:52.54 EricWilhelm what I'm saying is that swig doesn't play nice (easily) with complex data structures
07:53.21 EricWilhelm with shadow classes, it gets better, but a lot of arrays (in C) are read-only because swig can't derive how to extend them, etc.
07:54.08 EricWilhelm It can be made to work with typemaps, but you need one for each type within each language.
07:55.03 EricWilhelm I'm not sure what polyspin is working on, but let me know if I can be of some advice with the SWIG stuff.
07:55.26 brlcad hrm.. we'll probably just have to test out some concrete bindings to perhaps libbu in a couple manners to see just how much is involved
07:55.44 brlcad oh, i'm not exactly sure what his motivation was.. probaby a discussion we had last week
07:58.39 EricWilhelm sounds cool. It would be great to be able to extend brlcad with perl.
08:04.33 brlcad yes it would
08:04.40 brlcad i'd prefer perl over tcl at least
08:05.14 brlcad but then.. i'd prefer almost anything over tcl
08:05.29 brlcad tcl's not bad.. there's just so much more that's better
09:41.22 *** part/#brlcad noyb (
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19:35.57 *** join/#brlcad phshadow (
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22:18.44 *** join/#brlcad stafa77 (
22:39.16 a_b_normal shields up
22:39.21 a_b_normal phaser...
22:39.25 a_b_normal phsaers...
22:39.29 a_b_normal FIRE!
23:09.58 *** join/#brlcad PhantomBantam (
23:13.43 a_b_normal yay
23:13.53 a_b_normal i think i caught a cold
23:14.01 brlcad great
23:14.10 a_b_normal three hours of sleep a night since wed has taken it's toll!
23:14.37 brlcad sounds like all you need is a solid day working out in the gym to take you out good ;)
23:14.49 a_b_normal i might have another hernia :(
23:15.02 a_b_normal actually, i think i have two
23:15.44 brlcad then you can introduce one to the other
23:15.50 a_b_normal hahah
23:16.03 a_b_normal nut hernia.. meet the stomach.. stomach, say hello to nut
23:31.26 *** join/#brlcad fgq (

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