irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050201

00:03.30 polyspin anyone know if a cocoa app can "know" the path to it's own executable?
00:06.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ ls file sizes are in bytes, we need kilobytes
00:07.06 polyspin ls -s?
00:07.09 brlcad yes.. /me looks it up
00:11.06 brlcad couple ways
00:11.51 brlcad Cocoa way would be the NSBundle mainBundle class method
00:12.04 brlcad Carbon way would be FSFindFolder()
00:12.25 polyspin Thanks. I see that now. I couldn't remember "bundle"
00:15.14 polyspin cool, build the extra app, drop it in the MacOSX folder and "pathForAuxiliaryExecutable" will *find* it
00:22.43 polyspin I suspect the runtime env notes where the executable loads. That's how the app can find the .nib files
01:18.33 brlcad 141 mb compressed for ia32 .. that is so odd
02:39.25 brlcad ugh
02:39.39 brlcad the .so problem is a libtool version conflict
02:45.45 brlcad the AC_PROG_LIBTOOL was added from 1.5, so if you run or autoreconf on a system with 1.4, it looses the suffix for shared libs..
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14:28.38 jano bork
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17:01.45 brlcad hello slomo
17:01.54 slomo howdy
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23:14.09 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
23:14.25 polyspin Yo ho ho!
23:21.04 brlcad heh
23:23.06 brlcad polyspin: don't know if you saw, but I found the cause of the missing shared library suffix problem.. hopefully i'll figure out a good fix soon
23:23.19 polyspin Excellent!
23:23.37 polyspin I've been wrapping up pKgen to day. It's almost completely behind me.
23:23.53 polyspin Playing with doxygen right now. Looks way cool
23:24.16 polyspin What was the gem from #gforge?
23:24.38 polyspin Wanna go to a movie tonight? We're thinking of going to see Aviator
23:25.02 brlcad yeah, kermit just called
23:25.15 brlcad i'll be over in about 20
23:25.41 polyspin ab fab
23:26.39 brlcad the gforge folks helped solve a couple db problems, but the real gem is their docs.. their documentation is in docbook. excellent example with makefile rules
23:27.10 polyspin Like it better than doxygen?
23:29.39 brlcad No no..
23:29.52 brlcad different documentation needs
23:30.03 brlcad doxygen is the way to go for code/dev documentation
23:30.48 brlcad docbook would be where I'd go for things like the volumes
23:31.15 polyspin Yes. For that I agree.
23:31.18 brlcad you can go from docbook to html, pdf, tek, txt, etc from a single formatted source
23:31.49 brlcad plus, text format that could be shoved into cvs and organized/maintained there
23:32.37 polyspin The only problem is the lack of a nice, industry standard WYSIWYG editor. We looked at Docbook a couple of years ago when writing Vol-II
23:32.49 brlcad the fact that they had a nice make-based functioning example was part of the gemmage
23:33.37 polyspin how familiar are you with doxygen?
23:33.53 polyspin I'm looking to make a "section" that certain file's contents live in
23:34.00 polyspin Know hou?
23:34.07 polyspin s/u/w/
23:34.42 brlcad a per-file section?
23:34.54 polyspin no. A per-library section
23:35.03 polyspin eg. "libbu"
23:35.15 brlcad mm.. groups
23:35.41 brlcad i've ran across the syntax, but it's a pita to keep maintained sometimes
23:36.17 polyspin I tried "addtogroup" but it doesn't provide enough content in the result.
23:36.30 brlcad you have to @defgroup somewhere
23:37.08 brlcad and mark everything you want in it with @ingroup groupname
23:37.52 brlcad you can @ingroup group1 group2 group3 too
23:37.54 polyspin yes. addtogroup and defgroup are functionally similar
23:38.42 brlcad right, just gets rid of the warning
23:39.58 brlcad you might be able to get away with putting an @ingroup in the file block
23:40.08 brlcad to get the whole file contents added to some group
23:40.53 brlcad the file block is the first section in a file with a @file
23:41.59 polyspin ingroup does not work in the file section
23:44.35 brlcad ahh
23:45.20 brlcad that's odd. the docs say it can go there..
23:45.25 brlcad
23:47.23 polyspin thx
23:48.28 brlcad i've never used it, but @namespace might do the trick too
23:49.40 polyspin If I wrap the file in @addtogroup foo @{ ... @} it works
23:50.13 brlcad ahh, oops, yea :)
23:50.17 brlcad minor detail :)
23:51.59 polyspin Argh. And it cannot be in the @file block

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