irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050215

03:39.25 CIA-3 libIRC: 03jeffm2501 * 10libirc/ (3 files in 3 dirs): no more crash.. crash bad... null mode string bad.. ignore bad strings.
03:58.08 jano oh son of a bitch
03:58.10 jano
03:58.45 jano boooo!
04:00.46 EricWilhelm jano, what's wrong with google?
04:04.13 jano political affiliation!
04:04.39 jano i've made so much money on it
04:47.20 jano ah, he's prolly already asleep
06:01.42 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
06:58.55 PrezKennedy darn apple people
06:58.59 PrezKennedy bananas are so much better
19:27.23 *** join/#brlcad manfred (
20:48.14 *** join/#brlcad manfred (
20:48.59 manfred Hi. What's the mail address of brlcad?
20:49.14 manfred We spoke about g-iges on Saturday and I want to send him a follow-up.
20:50.08 manfred Is it possible that the iges header generated by g-iges is wrong? The integer word size is in field 8, but my importer expects that in field 7.
21:36.23 *** join/#brlcad [Prez|Kennedy] (~Matthew@
21:39.27 manfred I think I figured out what is wrong: g-iges -o file.iges test.g works, g-iges test.g > file.iges doesn't. Bug in w_start_global, I've submitted a bug report to
22:32.10 jano gone up $20 since I bought it a few weeks ago!!!
22:32.12 jano :D
23:25.07 jano salts
23:25.11 jano what in the world?
23:25.19 salts :)
23:25.52 jano :D
23:26.00 jano hurry up and come out here, i think she's lonley !
23:26.03 jano ;D
23:26.34 salts MMmm
23:26.47 salts that'd be too dangerous
23:27.05 jano ?
23:27.06 salts as I'd have no issue with the .. differences .. at all
23:27.10 jano :D
23:27.26 jano so hurry up!
23:27.27 salts and I don't need that right now :)
23:27.31 jano yes you do
23:27.39 salts oh hell I don't :)
23:27.51 jano hey.. she wouldn't even have to change her name!
23:27.54 jano :D
23:27.58 salts i know what i'd be getting into
23:28.26 salts plus it was you two that hit it off so well
23:28.34 salts no telling how much she'd hate me :)
23:28.41 jano ?
23:28.44 jano we talked about you
23:28.48 jano ;)
23:29.30 salts heh

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.