irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050216

02:24.53 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
02:26.57 polyspin yodel ley hei hoo!
02:27.35 brlcad riiicola
02:29.12 polyspin Is there any description of the "task" system on sourceforge that I could quote for the CMP?
02:30.13 brlcad i don't think so, but lesse.
02:32.01 brlcad
02:33.39 polyspin The word "task" does not seem to appear on the page
02:33.53 brlcad no, that's for the tracker system
02:34.01 brlcad the task tracker is a separate system
02:34.28 brlcad task was the first one we looked at that has the simple TODO list for now
02:34.56 brlcad the bug reporting, feature requests, support requests, patches are all part of the tracker system
02:35.21 brlcad that's a simple manual of how to use it -- not exactly recommended usage, but seomthing
02:35.56 polyspin I was going to "play" with it, so I could see what we wanted to claim in our "process" about it. Didn't want to create anything I couldn't delete.
02:39.07 brlcad hrm
02:46.30 brlcad the only really configurable part is the categories and groups
02:47.33 brlcad the categories are fairly well defined already .. the groups are unused for the most part though
02:48.18 brlcad sf support uses groups internal to their project to group requests into first/second/third tier support levels
02:48.33 brlcad we don't have that kind of grouping
02:49.07 brlcad the rest of the fields are fairly standardized for the tracker types -- topic, submitter, assignee, priority, ..
02:51.21 polyspin categories and groups are wrt trackers, not tasks right?
02:52.33 brlcad right
02:52.35 polyspin I've played with the tracker enough now that I like, and we'll use it.
02:53.05 brlcad it might be easier to actually use the tracker system for tasks too, depending on the need
02:53.06 polyspin If there is any value in the "task" system, I wanted to know. It's ok for us to ignore it for now.
02:53.16 polyspin Yes. I agree
02:53.24 polyspin I like the traceability the tracker provides.
02:53.25 brlcad what the task system gives you that the tracker system doesn't is dependencies
02:54.25 polyspin s in "this task depends on that one" and "that one starts when this one finishes" kind of stuff?
02:54.36 brlcad most projects actually don't use the task tracker on sf as that generally get's into a project's "business", which gets into a degree of planning that most open source projects don't have
02:55.13 brlcad hmm.. I gotta stop saying "task tracker".. it's the "task system", not a tracker really -- at least not part of the tracker system
02:55.40 brlcad the few that I have seen using it are for short term and long term planning
02:56.23 brlcad e.g. one task category will be the next two minor revisions, another may be the next major protocol-breaking revision
02:56.30 polyspin might be of value to us then. Though we might not want THAT kind of thing publicly available (as in, on an outside server)
02:56.36 brlcad the task items will be a feature list or todo list of sorts
02:56.55 polyspin got it.
02:57.20 brlcad there can be private task lists too
02:57.27 brlcad only visible to devs, for example
02:57.59 polyspin and not mgmt? ;-)
02:58.43 brlcad could even create an "ARL Management" user identifier that could be granted access
02:58.54 brlcad you can create arbitrary user classifications
02:59.19 brlcad but they would have to at least have an sf account, be logged in, and be in the appropriate group, of course
02:59.37 polyspin Since they want to do everything through a "CR" type structure, I guess it's not important.
02:59.39 brlcad not exactly something I'd recommend :)
03:00.06 polyspin we'll stick to the tracker.
03:00.16 brlcad change requests are effectively the RFE tracker
03:00.25 polyspin yup
03:00.31 polyspin or the bug tracker.
03:00.43 brlcad yeah
03:01.35 polyspin beep beep beep beep (as the truck backs up to the loading dock)
03:04.00 polyspin Have you tried the "Camino" browser?
03:04.08 brlcad interesting read:
03:04.15 brlcad yeah, I've tried camino
03:04.22 brlcad too buggy last I checked
03:04.38 brlcad but that was a while ago
03:04.41 polyspin I've used it since the weekend. Pretty cool.
03:05.37 polyspin Found a good paper on OSS Config Mgmt.
03:05.57 brlcad per that article, we don't seem to fit any of the potential negatives but do all the positives
03:06.08 brlcad yeah, I want to read that sometime
03:06.12 brlcad is it posted somewhere?
03:06.25 polyspin Hang on, I'll try to send you a copy
03:07.32 polyspin on its way
03:07.43 brlcad cool
03:09.20 polyspin Hmmm. DCC still says "connecting"
03:10.32 brlcad try again
03:10.55 brlcad i usually ignore dcc's
03:11.18 brlcad says I can't connect to you
03:11.25 brlcad oh, you're on cable yes?
03:11.41 polyspin still seems to be stuck at "Connecting". Oh, probably because I'm behind a router/firewall
03:11.44 brlcad you can't negotiate dccs there
03:11.59 polyspin Hang on, I'll find the URL
03:12.02 brlcad can scp up to .bz into /tmp
03:13.01 polyspin
03:27.07 polyspin I am postulating that every bug fix should result in a "Release", and that the nightly regression test should "package" the release.
03:27.36 polyspin this makes it trivial to create a release, and upload binaries.
03:28.50 brlcad easy enough to post that to the website, but would be more problematic to get it into the file release system
03:29.19 brlcad since that requires creation of release revision numbers through the web interface after authentication, upload of ftp, selection, etc
03:29.29 polyspin I don't care about automating the uploads. I expect that can be done by hand. Given that we're talking about a 1/week activity
03:29.57 brlcad I've seen dozens of bugs get fixed in a day or two
03:30.05 brlcad one a day every day for a month ..
03:30.12 polyspin OK, so we limit it to 1/day
03:31.07 polyspin I am trying to get people to think in terms different from the "when should we get around to releasing" ones they historically have.
03:32.37 brlcad i agree that's a good thing .. release new patch updates after every fix -- perhaps push those automatically up to the website, though
03:32.50 polyspin What metric would YOU suggest for making a "release" binary kit?
03:33.03 brlcad and then periodically (e.g. 1/month) upload the latest up to the tracker
03:33.23 polyspin A good idea.
03:33.43 polyspin Tracker? File Release System
03:33.48 brlcad er, yeah :)
03:33.54 polyspin VersionTracker ;-)
03:34.00 brlcad that too
03:34.22 polyspin That would make CCB happy: They could exercise their "Release decision"
03:34.58 brlcad a "full release" will normally take days after everything's in place - news channels to notify, sites to update, places like versiontracker/freshmeat/etc to update, dozens of e-mail notifications
03:35.17 brlcad hence 1/month would be good for that
03:36.42 polyspin Who are the e-mail notifications?
03:36.53 polyspin Could that be automated?
03:37.15 brlcad should be automateable
03:37.24 brlcad i've listed some in HACKING
03:37.37 brlcad some I've discovered since by following the on-line CAD sites
03:37.58 brlcad already e-mailed a few to update their information, though I'm sure there are lots out there
03:38.35 polyspin 'k
03:41.27 brlcad some of them will not be every time, like /. submissions
03:41.59 brlcad some are web forms, some are e-mail -- some specify format requirements for news postings, some don't
03:42.24 brlcad for the static web forms and e-mailers, though, it should be possible to automate it to at least some extent
03:45.08 polyspin I love Pareto's Law at the bottom of that ACM paper
03:48.36 brlcad btw, our version control doc is in doc/cvs.txt iirc might be useful
03:49.54 polyspin Yes, I've got that.
03:55.58 brlcad second paragraph on the second page pretty much sums it up correctly
03:57.44 polyspin Third para on third page is the one I plan to point out most
03:58.27 polyspin This is going to be a part of my CMP hand-outs
04:00.03 brlcad oh that is a good bullet
04:01.08 brlcad at least the first two sentences
04:02.34 polyspin yes, those first two sentences
04:03.07 brlcad second bullet of lessons learned is interesting (and quite true)
04:03.28 brlcad self-assigned tasks
04:04.00 polyspin And users of the system. I'm going to propose we become more active users.
04:04.16 polyspin Things like: Should Keith be on our team?
04:04.49 brlcad unless/except where there is money backing the development, development improvements will be rather across the board
04:05.01 brlcad hmm.. keith.. what would he "do"?
04:05.10 polyspin model
04:05.25 polyspin We would model some too.
04:05.34 polyspin That way, the changes we make benefit US
04:05.39 brlcad i figured the later a given
04:05.46 polyspin WE see what needs to be done, and do it becuase WE need it.
04:06.11 brlcad yes, quite -- so long as there's someone letting us fix the things we find need fixing :)
04:06.12 polyspin Self interest, self motivation.
04:06.21 polyspin Precisely.
04:06.31 brlcad it's easy to point out deficiencies
04:06.43 brlcad could pick pretty much any tool, and file and find a way to improve it
04:06.55 brlcad only a handful will impact the bottom line, though
04:07.03 polyspin Sure. But which ones would contribute to you being able to model faster/better
04:07.15 polyspin Which ones make the analysis easier?
04:07.15 brlcad yes, quite
04:07.31 polyspin Which ones result in less human work in the end.
04:08.07 polyspin What I've learned from blender ... sigh
04:08.57 polyspin Bottom line: I think we need to be more tightly tied to the analysis being done.
04:08.59 brlcad hehe.. quote from another fella that read the paper: "more likely oss succeeds because there is no marketing/sales or management types involved :)"
04:09.05 polyspin It server our Vis purposes too.
04:09.31 brlcad it does
04:11.03 brlcad the ability to model the full details of practically anything efficiently is something I'm hoping we'll have soon
04:11.31 brlcad and to be able to introspect any of that data, and apply basic physics interactions for the purpose of modeling
04:11.47 brlcad introspection also for visualization, of course too
04:11.58 polyspin Yee Ha!
04:13.06 polyspin Proprioception being the latest buzzword for all that
04:13.22 brlcad do things like model a fully contrained tank and a building -- drive the tank into the building and have basic physics take over for the interactions
04:13.56 brlcad analyses could rather esaily intercept the "basic physics" and apply real dynamics simulations
04:14.14 brlcad if not, you get a quick and dirty for the purpose of modeling
04:14.37 brlcad perpahs all you wanted is a model of a building that looks like a tank rammed into it
04:15.02 brlcad perhaps you wanted to see how the turret structure holds
04:15.31 brlcad add the hooks in for a modeler, and the coupling to analyses becomes pretty clear
04:17.08 brlcad the third bullet of transfer of lessons learned in the paper is interesting, though I think we can get by that by simply referencing sf tracker id's in the commit messages for commits that fulfill some tracker item
04:17.31 brlcad that should give the traceability he says often isn't there
04:18.11 brlcad setting priority (fourth bullet) can be a problem
04:18.24 polyspin Yes, I can spit that third bullet back at them.
04:18.25 brlcad since there's a conflict between what's paid for, what's not -- who's doing what
04:19.00 brlcad for those "self-assigning" tasks -- they will work regardless of any priorities we set on items to some extent
04:19.08 polyspin Except for us, we are not entirely self-assigned. We have a specific mission.
04:19.14 polyspin So we dodge that bullet too.
04:23.24 polyspin If the mission is OURS. I think that pretty much drops that argument into the wastebasket
04:23.24 brlcad example: bzflag's maintainer has had "high priority" on a karma system that none of the other devs really like or think will work well as least without major changes
04:23.24 polyspin Key: He's not putting MONEY behind it.
04:23.24 brlcad so it's been 3 or more years and progress on it pretty much crawls just at the rate of what he can implement himself which loads of time is invested by others into other tasks
04:23.24 brlcad yes, and he knows that so he can only "encourage" or complain so much
04:23.24 brlcad it is a beautiful thing when all the devs agree and work on some feature though.. that I have to admit
04:23.24 brlcad akin to working off-site for a week on some goal
04:23.24 polyspin Yeap. I miss those days.
04:24.55 brlcad getting started on the new modeler interface would be a nice offsite
04:25.24 polyspin I may have an angle on getting that funded. I'll talk to you in private about that sometime.
04:25.45 brlcad what're your thoughts on the application interface for that?
04:26.24 polyspin I don't want to record that in this forum.
04:26.25 brlcad i've been leaning towards doing the whole thing in open gl, and just picking some library to provide the context
04:27.05 brlcad pm's work too :)
04:27.55 polyspin True, but I think we'll want to spend an hour if I start, and I need to get some sleep soon.
04:28.21 brlcad fair enough
04:31.57 polyspin cya tmrw?
04:32.03 brlcad yeah
04:32.09 brlcad it is about that time
04:32.14 polyspin pasta la vida
04:32.31 brlcad hasta tamale
04:40.29 jano como frijoles?
04:42.21 brlcad no gracias.. me da farts
04:48.33 jano como frijoles: mexican for "how have you bean" :P
06:19.29 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
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15:14.39 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/iges/iges.c: removed erroneous trailing comma on stdout header output case. (fix from manfreds, sf bug 1123436)
15:40.13 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: fixed g-iges stdout header bug (sf bug 1123436)
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21:37.09 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.0 is under way today (20050211)...
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