irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050220

01:29.29 jano hmm
01:29.39 jano my irivier ain't allowing me to move files over to my pc
01:29.40 jano wtf
01:29.57 jano i don't want to have to reburn my cds
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18:23.07 *** join/#brlcad skel_home (
18:23.29 skel_home can anyone assist me? I'm trying to build brlcad from cvs
18:23.47 skel_home the complains that I don't have automake 1.6 when I run it
18:24.08 skel_home my /usr/bin/automake is symlinked to automake 1.4
18:24.34 skel_home so I re-run it after symlinking to automake-1.6 and it complains that it needs 1.4 =/
18:25.32 skel_home ERROR: To prepare the BRL-CAD build system from scratch,
18:25.32 skel_home <PROTECTED>
18:25.34 brlcad brl-cad does need 1.6
18:25.39 skel_home so I switched from 1.4 to 1.6 and I get
18:25.52 skel_home aclocal.m4:895: version mismatch. This is Automake 1.6.3, but aclocal.m4
18:25.52 skel_home aclocal.m4:895: was generated for Automake 1.4-p6. You should recreate
18:25.52 skel_home aclocal.m4:895: aclocal.m4 with aclocal and run automake again.
18:25.53 skel_home ERROR: automake failed
18:26.20 brlcad aclocal is part of automake
18:26.20 skel_home and I wiped out the cvs tree and resynced between each try
18:26.46 brlcad if you updated the automake symlink, there are a couple others you have to update too
18:26.47 skel_home so aclocal is a seperate binary I probably need to fix the symlink there too?
18:26.51 skel_home ok
18:27.05 brlcad bsd yes?
18:27.09 skel_home ty =] I'll see if I can do that
18:27.12 skel_home debian
18:27.17 skel_home ubuntu to be specific
18:27.22 skel_home on x86_64
18:27.23 brlcad ahh
18:28.03 brlcad that should be using the alternatives system no?
18:28.51 skel_home yeah Its linked to /etc/alternatives something
18:29.07 skel_home I'm not sure how that works.. so I just linked it to the other automake
18:29.10 brlcad so you should use that to switch from 1.4 to 1.6 :)
18:29.23 skel_home oh
18:29.27 skel_home ok =]
18:29.40 brlcad update-alternatives --config automake
18:29.55 brlcad as root
18:31.26 skel_home same with aclocal?
18:31.35 skel_home or does it know to change that?
18:32.06 skel_home brlcad: thats cool =] much easier than hand linking all that crap
18:32.08 skel_home brlcad: ty =]
18:33.16 skel_home cool its building now =]
18:33.46 brlcad ;)
18:34.08 brlcad aclocal is part of the automake package, so updating automake fixes everything related to it
18:36.22 skel_home you wouldn't happen to know which package contains cc1plus ?
18:36.40 skel_home it says my configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check
18:36.52 skel_home and I've got cpp installed
18:37.47 brlcad that's very wierd
18:39.08 skel_home maybe I need a newer cpp
18:39.25 brlcad ahh
18:39.39 brlcad it's failing on c++ check
18:39.39 skel_home nope its installed
18:40.11 skel_home so libc++ something
18:40.32 brlcad do you have g++ ?
18:40.45 brlcad it doesn't need it, but for some reason it's testing it
18:41.10 skel_home umm. nope.. I'll install it
18:42.10 brlcad can you send me your config.log for the failed run?
18:42.17 skel_home sure
18:43.44 skel_home I wonder if my firewall is going to mess it up
18:43.44 skel_home I haven't ever dcc'd anything before
18:44.17 skel_home are you getting the request?
18:44.36 skel_home hmm I've got g++ it just looks like its not in my path
18:50.38 skel_home ok once I linked g++-3.4 to g++ its gotten further
18:50.48 skel_home yup it finished
18:51.45 skel_home building now
18:51.58 skel_home sorry about that.. I don't know why there wasn't a general g++ link
18:58.05 skel_home I'm getting a lot of errors during compiling of if_ogl.c
18:58.20 skel_home I'm guessing I'm missing some sort of gl library or x11 maybe
18:59.44 skel_home if_ogl.c:65:29: X11/StringDefs.h: No such file or directory
18:59.44 skel_home if_ogl.c:66:20: GL/glx.h: No such file or directory
18:59.44 skel_home if_ogl.c:67:19: GL/gl.h: No such file or directory
19:01.13 brlcad you don't have X11?
19:01.28 skel_home I do..
19:01.37 brlcad if you do, you'll need the X11 developer headers
19:01.45 skel_home ok I'll get those
19:03.08 brlcad mesa-dev or something for the opengl headers
19:05.13 skel_home yeah its going further now..
19:05.24 brlcad ahh, the cpp thing is an autoconf bug apparently
19:05.29 skel_home /usr/bin/ld: /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.a(glapi.o): relocation R_X86_64_32 can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
19:05.32 skel_home /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.a: could not read symbols: Bad value
19:06.11 skel_home brlcad: that would explain it =P
19:06.25 brlcad not supposed to check more than C by default
19:06.50 brlcad but for some reason it's checking cpp's functionality with C++
19:07.14 skel_home I wonder if I needed something special for x86_64
19:07.48 brlcad try ./configure CFLAGS="-fPIC"
19:08.01 skel_home ok
19:08.24 brlcad if there are alternatives choices for autoconf and libtool, i'd select them as well
19:08.33 brlcad use the most recent version available
19:08.53 skel_home ok I'll make sure I've got everything as recent as possible
19:10.26 skel_home brlcad: so are you one of the developers?
19:11.00 brlcad yes
19:11.58 skel_home cool
19:12.03 skel_home this program is huge
19:13.35 brlcad it's actually several hundred programs
19:14.06 skel_home ah
19:15.05 skel_home does it do any simulation? like if I made gears on an axis and they weren't correct size can I animate it to see if it will line up?
19:15.38 brlcad it can do ariticulations and animation
19:15.38 skel_home bummer.. same error
19:15.51 skel_home cool =]
19:16.22 skel_home I don't have any 32bit libraries.. will this work on a pure 64 system?
19:16.29 brlcad yep
19:16.52 brlcad it's actively maintained on several pure 64 bit systems
19:16.58 skel_home hmm ok
19:17.51 brlcad have you tried the x86 64bit binary?
19:18.08 skel_home I didn't know there was one
19:18.19 brlcad
19:18.30 skel_home I'm just getting used to no binaries being available for 64 stuff
19:18.32 skel_home =/
19:18.56 brlcad there's binaries posted for irix64, ia64, and amd64 :)
19:19.54 skel_home awesome :)
19:19.58 brlcad there are others, but only a few binaries are posted right now
19:20.04 brlcad those happen to be some of them :)
19:21.12 skel_home thats refreshing :-]
19:21.37 skel_home since I got an athlon64 I've been finding out all sorts of stuff isn't ready for it yet
19:22.10 skel_home ie. openoffice
19:24.24 brlcad brl-cad's made to work on everything down to an old vax to a large cray or multi-thousand-node sgi to you common desktop workstation
19:25.07 brlcad right now, most of the limitations are only because we recently moved to the gnu build system
19:25.18 skel_home ah
19:25.28 brlcad which is crap, but it's hopefully easier to maintain than the old build system down the road
19:25.37 skel_home =/
19:25.54 brlcad so far it's been mostly a myrid of incompatibilities and bugs
19:26.18 skel_home that sucks
19:26.30 skel_home whats the general command to start brl ?
19:26.32 brlcad it's amazing that it's what everyone uses
19:27.03 brlcad it's a royal pain to configure cleanly without vehemently requiring very specific versions of autoconf/automake/libtool
19:27.45 skel_home brlcad: its all I'm used to.. =P
19:27.47 brlcad tried to keep it very open for now -- but then it results in having to continually work around the bugs in that triad
19:27.50 skel_home brlcad: the symlink shuffle
19:28.01 brlcad i know.. that's part of why we've moved to it
19:28.57 brlcad results in a configure script that's larger than most, a real complex pain to maintain, but people are familiar with it so that's a pluss
19:30.06 brlcad most folks that dont' have a specific need tend to learn the modeler first, that's MGED
19:30.10 skel_home brlcad: you could just break it down into the core app and make the other apps dependencies =P
19:30.39 brlcad skel_home: what do you mean?
19:31.01 brlcad that wouldn't fix the autoconf/automake/libtool problems
19:31.32 brlcad having been around for a couple decases, brl-cad itself has no trouble compiling on most any system
19:31.45 skel_home brlcad: wouldn't it make the config script smaller?
19:32.06 brlcad not really
19:32.22 skel_home hmm ok
19:32.31 skel_home I'm obviously no developer =P
19:32.32 brlcad it's just the nature of how autoconf/automake works
19:32.37 skel_home aside from a python app here an there
19:32.43 brlcad only "solution" would be to not use it
19:32.55 brlcad and use something like scons or ant to build
19:34.05 brlcad I'd suggest reading document 2 on if you're just getting started
19:34.13 brlcad it's a very detailed tutorial
19:34.45 skel_home cool =]
19:34.53 skel_home I'll check that out
19:39.51 brlcad skel_home: oh, that reminds me.. what did the configure summary say for 64-bit compilation?
19:40.23 brlcad or are you going with the binary now?
19:40.58 brlcad binaries are on down near the middle under BRL-CAD on Linux files section
19:47.06 skel_home brlcad: I went with the binary :)
19:47.16 skel_home brlcad: just not sure what to start first
19:48.17 brlcad most of the binaries are contained tools that perform a specific task
19:48.26 brlcad like ls or grep in linux
19:48.50 brlcad a handful kick off gui apps -- the most commonly used is the modeler, which is called mged
19:49.42 brlcad it's got a less than brilliant user interface and is under a rewrite, but it will get the job done and is very flexible
19:50.02 skel_home ok I'll play with mged =] get familiar with it
19:50.32 brlcad just try to not use it as a metric for the whole package :)
19:51.13 brlcad the ray-tracers are fun
19:52.08 skel_home do I need to download databases from somewhere?
19:52.32 brlcad there are some simple ones in the source checkout in the db/ directory
19:53.03 brlcad since you didn't compile, you'll have to convert them from ascii to binary
19:53.37 skel_home ok
19:53.48 brlcad asc2g db/havoc.asc db/havoc.g
19:55.16 brlcad mged db/havoc.g
19:55.20 skel_home cool no errors =]
19:55.28 brlcad tops
19:55.35 brlcad e havoc
19:56.27 skel_home this is sweet
20:00.43 skel_home I gotta run but I'm going to read that tutorial when I get back :)
20:00.51 skel_home brlcad: thanks so much for all your help =]
20:01.54 brlcad no problem
20:02.23 brlcad feel free to drop me any questions if you run into them
20:31.32 brlcad ahh.. damn libtool again
20:31.48 brlcad that's what's making the check for c++
20:31.51 brlcad
20:32.13 brlcad my sentiments match: "libtool - it makes me so happy I want to drive a steel spike through my skull to make the pain go away."
23:10.30 *** join/#brlcad noyb (
23:52.20 jano bork

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