irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050221

00:13.17 brlcad bork
01:49.07 *** join/#brlcad PhantomBantam (
01:49.28 PhantomBantam Any news on the mac build?
01:51.34 brlcad there were release delays as some discovered bugs were being worked on
01:52.15 PhantomBantam Ah.
01:52.43 PhantomBantam So any idea when it will be available? I don't mean to be a pest.
02:14.21 brlcad no problem asking :)
02:14.59 brlcad how about I post up a private tarball for you ..
02:18.36 brlcad it'll take me a few minutes to make a fresh compile for you
02:23.28 PhantomBantam Ooooh. That would be nice.
02:24.12 brlcad it'll be unoptimized for now
02:25.45 PhantomBantam Okay.
02:34.10 brlcad 15 minutes for the upload to complete
02:34.39 PhantomBantam How do I get to it?
02:35.20 brlcad let you know when it's done
02:36.30 PhantomBantam Thank you.
02:37.18 brlcad are you at all familiar with the command line?
02:37.43 brlcad this isn't going to be a proper graphical install, but it's easy enough to walk you through
02:37.57 PhantomBantam A little bit.
02:38.05 PhantomBantam I'm trying to learn more.
02:51.03 brlcad okay, it's done
02:51.14 brlcad run X11 from your Applications/Utilities folder
02:51.21 brlcad that will open up an xterm window
02:51.52 brlcad in that window type: curl -O
02:57.41 skel_home brlcad: is there an html version of that intro?
02:58.14 brlcad hmm?
02:58.17 brlcad did you download it yet?
02:58.24 brlcad i.e. the curl line?
02:58.29 brlcad that's not all you need to do
02:58.44 brlcad there is documentation on
02:58.54 brlcad see the overview and introduction to mged for starters
02:59.44 PhantomBantam Whoops.
03:00.28 PhantomBantam Okay.
03:00.44 brlcad if you mean an html version of the mged introduction, no there's not .. it's normal form is actually a printed book
03:01.16 skel_home brlcad: ok I'll try and convert it with pdf2ps -> ps2html
03:01.55 brlcad it'll be huge :)
03:02.07 brlcad the book is several hundred pages
03:02.57 brlcad so after you do that curl line, type this:
03:03.00 brlcad cd /usr
03:03.18 brlcad sudo tar zxvf ~/brlcad.tar.gz
03:03.42 brlcad export PATH=/usr/brlcad/bin:$PATH
03:03.44 brlcad cd
03:03.58 brlcad mged test.g
03:04.13 brlcad then you should see mged kick off
03:04.21 PhantomBantam That's it?
03:06.24 brlcad should be it
03:07.09 brlcad you'll want to add that PATH line to your ~/.bash_profile file to make the brl-cad tools always in your path
03:08.04 brlcad skel_home: the cli predates the gui by a long shot :)
03:09.25 brlcad most everything you can do on the gui can be done (and often done more quickly) on the command-line interface
03:09.51 EricWilhelm brlcad, did you ever track-down those latex sources for the manuals?
03:10.16 skel_home PhantomBantam: the guide I'm going through right now is really straight forward.. I think you'll like it
03:11.10 PhantomBantam Where is it?
03:11.32 brlcad skel_home: logical is unfortunately not what many are used to :)
03:11.55 skel_home =/
03:12.07 brlcad there is the slightest hint of a mathematics and verbose information bias throughout brl-cad too
03:12.09 skel_home I went to the gui and create menu and there is no "make shape" option
03:12.32 skel_home err "make solid"
03:13.18 brlcad hmm? which page of the tutorial?
03:13.41 skel_home brlcad: page 18
03:13.47 PhantomBantam Is the tutorial the manual from the website?
03:14.24 skel_home when it first walks you through making a shape with the gui and you're supposed to make sph2.s
03:14.40 skel_home PhantomBantam: yeah that second link.. the pdf
03:15.02 brlcad PhantomBantam: do you go through those instructions yet to install it?
03:15.11 skel_home brlcad: I'm just as well on the cli .. I just wanted to make sure my mged wasn't missing something
03:15.17 PhantomBantam Oh, that's downloading.
03:15.23 brlcad ahh
03:16.12 PhantomBantam Unfortunately, I still have dial-up. So although it will take forever, I can download it.
03:18.18 brlcad skel_home: pdf page 18 or book page 18 ?
03:19.13 brlcad skel_home: ahh, pdf page 18 i see it
03:20.09 brlcad yeah, that was changed, there's no longer the separate submenu -- it's simply the entire Create menu
03:20.23 skel_home brlcad: pdf
03:21.02 brlcad sph is an ellipsoid
03:21.28 skel_home book page 7 I think
03:21.28 skel_home no 6
03:21.28 skel_home sorry
03:21.28 skel_home 13. Creating a new sphere
03:21.29 skel_home using the gui
03:21.37 brlcad yeah, i found it
03:21.47 skel_home brlcad: ah ok =]
03:22.26 skel_home cool. just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing out on anything =P
03:23.55 brlcad nah, there shouldn't be anything drastically different since the book except subtle movements and renamings -- and very few of those at that
03:27.07 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: fix reference to the Create Solid submenu in volume ii
03:28.41 skel_home heh
03:32.33 *** join/#brlcad ThePhantomBantam (
03:33.43 ThePhantomBantam So, is it the second volume with the most meat?
03:33.55 brlcad yes
03:34.08 ThePhantomBantam Excellent.
03:34.12 brlcad but that's because it starts simple and covers a lot of "newbie" ground
03:34.54 brlcad the other volumes are much shorter, but presumes all of the basics and deal with much harder topics
03:36.15 ThePhantomBantam Oh.
03:45.34 *** join/#brlcad ThePhantomBantam (
03:46.45 ThePhantomBantam So, can this do 2d drafting, or is it just 3D?
03:47.25 brlcad it's primary focus is 3d solid modeling right now
03:47.37 brlcad but there is some 2d support via the sketch primitive
03:47.44 brlcad select create sketch on the menu
03:47.56 brlcad when you finally get it installed, of course :)
03:48.30 brlcad i've heard various praise/hate of qcad for 2d drafting
03:58.00 ThePhantomBantam Is there anything like in solidworks, where you can automatically create a 2D model of the solid?
03:58.43 brlcad for what purpose?
03:58.52 brlcad for visualization there is -- rtedge
03:59.14 brlcad for parametric modeling for drafting, there's not yet
03:59.21 ThePhantomBantam Oh.
04:00.17 ThePhantomBantam I don't need it, I was just wondering.
04:05.59 *** part/#brlcad ThePhantomBantam (
04:23.19 *** join/#brlcad PhantomBantam (
04:40.40 *** part/#brlcad PhantomBantam (
05:07.23 jano bork
05:08.05 jano yech
05:59.17 *** join/#brlcad noyb (
06:22.02 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
08:23.29 *** join/#brlcad fridge (
11:44.25 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
16:53.24 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/
16:53.24 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: libtool has a bug that causes a /lib/cpp sanity check failure if a C++ compiler
16:53.24 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: is not installed. This makes the sanity test pass regardless of whether there
16:53.24 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: is a c++ compiler by setting the c++ preprocessor to the c preprocessor.
16:55.11 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10CVSROOT/loginfo: re-enable commit e-mails, save indent for later?
16:57.23 *** join/#brlcad kraig (
17:44.50 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ ( remove the out-of-date as it refers to a build setup and environment assumptions that no longer exist
17:51.31 jano bork
18:02.05 brlcad hey
18:03.28 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ ( force locale setting to C so things like date output as expected
18:04.41 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ ( force locale setting to C so things like date output as expected
18:09.51 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ ( force locale setting to C so things like date output as expected
20:16.48 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ update bug e-mail to go to the dev list moderated as
21:00.39 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ remove old tcl ranlib hack and add comment about old cake 'ar ts' from
22:33.10 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (

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