irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050301

00:44.55 *** join/#brlcad guu (
01:03.45 jano *sigh*
01:04.12 jano poek is sweedish for poke
01:04.15 jano :D
02:29.43 PrezKennedy golden corral?
02:30.09 brlcad was going to be there but they were closed
02:30.13 brlcad so went to the tree
02:31.19 PrezKennedy mmmm
05:50.14 narnia knock, knock, anyone home?
05:51.59 danfalck yes
05:52.17 danfalck I haven't installed brlcad yet
05:53.14 danfalck had to do other things last night. It will be another weekend before I can do it.
06:17.05 brlcad no worries
06:20.27 brlcad mm.. so much to do .. so much to do
06:20.52 danfalck so much to learn
06:21.03 brlcad improved the package builders so that it'll attempt to detect and warn if an install was not yet performed
06:22.26 brlcad i'm hoping we can have all of the platforms stabilized, backup systems in place, and test system back on-line by the end of this month
06:23.59 brlcad a bit wishful with all of the pressing deadlines.. but we shall see
06:29.44 danfalck I will chat with you tomorrow.
06:30.21 brlcad g'night
07:41.56 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ check for prefix and bindir initially for invalid permissions; create an install timestamp file that is used to warn the binary package makers if an install was never performed.
10:07.19 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
11:42.18 *** join/#brlcad brainZzZ (
13:04.32 *** part/#brlcad brainZzZ (
13:20.23 *** join/#brlcad Ric (
13:24.10 *** join/#brlcad grrRic (
16:50.16 *** join/#brlcad cad002 (
16:53.08 *** join/#brlcad cad202 (
16:54.00 cad202 Hi! I need to know how can I animate with brlcad. Is there any tutorial to animate?
17:20.57 brlcad howdy
17:21.49 brlcad the animation tools are very mathematical, but fairly robust
17:22.04 brlcad there's a couple papers on the web as well as some documentation in the distribution
17:22.42 brlcad
17:25.39 cad202 ok!! Thank u very much!!!
18:00.27 jano geezus
18:00.43 jano they filled my office with balloons
18:00.46 brlcad heya
18:00.48 brlcad oooh
18:00.59 narnia brlcad, hello, how goes it?
18:01.14 brlcad jano, is today a special day? =)
18:01.23 brlcad you know i'm horrible with dates... b'days in particular..
18:01.31 brlcad narnia: howdy .. going well
18:01.46 brlcad how about you?
18:02.00 narnia i am okay.
18:04.11 narnia been working on cleaning up the express library, more conversion of c++ to straight c. stuff like that.
19:22.02 jano i hate when people do this crap
19:24.07 jano now i have to fake "joy" to make them happy
19:24.28 brlcad i'm happy when you fake joy
19:28.37 narnia jano, why are you upset?
19:34.40 jano i don't like people doing this stuff
19:36.28 narnia jano, look at this way at least you are able to be around other people.
21:41.43 narnia jano, there are those of us who have no really contact with other people in a face-to-face environment. our only contact is via the internet, e-mail, telephone, or the infrequent visitor who happens to drop in.
21:43.33 narnia jano, i have been homebound for 8+yrs. i would love to have people around who would fill my cube/office/etc with balloons. however, given the circumstances, i see the same walls everyday, 24/7.
21:44.41 narnia jano, or on the more rare occassion that someone actually offers to take me out for even just coffee. but like i said those of rare.
21:52.27 jano i like interaction with people. I do not like being center of attention.
21:52.51 jano the only reason they do "nice" things is ultimatley selfish.. they think i like it, and so feel good about themselves
21:52.54 jano i do not like it
21:53.07 jano so i ask them not to, and they persist
21:53.11 narnia jano, then tell them.
21:53.18 jano i did
21:54.07 narnia jano, then tell them again this time using the words "harassment", "lawyers", and "complaint".
21:55.01 jano i know brlcad doesn't like it, either
21:55.07 jano :P
21:56.07 brlcad is that where you scratch his eyes out and eat his liver? :)
21:56.51 narnia brlcad, i would never do that to jano. besides he is not my type. ;-)
21:57.29 brlcad i doubt he tastes very good too
21:57.39 brlcad not enough fat to flavor the meat
22:00.28 narnia brlcad, would be nice if the opensource community had a library of the iso standards that could be checked out over the net. sort of like an iso standard version of netfliks.
22:08.24 jano no fat
22:08.33 jano I'm all skin and bones
22:11.16 jano wowo
22:11.24 jano helen got me a photography book
22:11.36 jano huge thing, weighs like 5 pounds
22:28.42 jano

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