irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050304

00:20.34 brlcad hmm?
00:21.10 brlcad compiling on linux for windows.. mingw or cygwin is about as close as you're going to get
00:45.12 Azlan ok.. haven't checked.. thx.. I'll try tomorrow.. Good night..
00:55.16 brlcad good night!
01:27.50 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
01:31.04 jano I'm sick again :\
01:52.51 brlcad zee poo beebee
03:09.59 narnia <PROTECTED>
03:10.49 brlcad sort of
03:10.55 brlcad not home yet
03:21.12 narnia brlcad, good you are swtill here.
03:25.29 narnia going through 10303-11:1994 and 10303-11:2004 is going slower than i thought it would.
03:25.50 brlcad so is releasing 7.2
03:26.57 narnia the both 11:1994 and -11:2004 the syntax rules change depending on the context.
03:28.25 narnia it would be nice if there was an official 'diff' of -11:1994 and -11:2004.
03:29.08 brlcad 'diff' isn't helpful? :)
03:30.16 narnia well, pdf2text is not that good. i only have -11:2004. i do have the important part of -11:1994 namely the bnf.
03:31.10 brlcad ahh, true.. pdf ;)
03:32.53 narnia -11:2004 does not provide any insight as to why the syntax has changed. so i am having to re-read parts in an attempt to get the 'flavour' of what is being changed.
03:34.10 narnia did you subscribe to step-os? just wondering.
03:38.27 brlcad yes, I did
03:38.55 narnia the additions to express are relatively easy. it is the obsolete and deprecated syntax that does not change since express ed1 should still be supported. it is where the syntax has changed that is the hard ones.
03:39.20 narnia brlcad, great. we can double-team them. ;-)
03:41.46 narnia thankfully, there is not a lot of express ed2 aps out in the wild yet.
03:41.56 brlcad heh
03:42.19 brlcad yes, that would be a pita if it wasn't a 2004 spec
03:45.16 narnia here is a good example of a change that i am trying to understand
03:45.31 narnia express ed1 function_decl = function_head [ algorithm_head ] stmt { stmt } END_FUNCTION ';' .
03:45.51 narnia express ed2 function_decl = function_head algorithm_head stmt { stmt } END_FUNCTION ';' .
03:46.22 narnia algorithm_head is optional in ed1 but required in ed2.
03:46.53 brlcad yes, what's not understood?
03:47.32 narnia why the change?
03:48.18 brlcad ahh.. could be simply because having optional arguments without surrounding arguments is rather difficult to parse
03:48.32 brlcad what if my algorithm mand statement are the same
03:48.52 brlcad making it optional precludes that possibility
03:49.19 brlcad could have been some other less practical and more political reason
03:49.47 brlcad that's an easy one to support though.. just make sure it's optional and both are supported, unless we add a strict conformance mode for each spec
03:51.34 narnia back when i worked for a united nations agency i know how meetings would turn out based on the color of passports. red == communists block blue == u.s.a block black = non-aligned block.
03:52.49 narnia back when i worked at ft. meade, maryland. the outcome of meeting was along which branch of service had the most uniforms present.
03:56.15 brlcad :)
04:00.12 narnia brlcad, are you still at work?
04:00.24 brlcad yes
04:00.52 brlcad few more things to finish up
04:01.01 narnia brlcad, it is 2300 hrs in maryland.
04:01.18 brlcad 2301, but yes :)
04:01.33 brlcad this is not unusual for me
04:01.54 narnia well i am going to go catch the news. be back around 2330.
04:02.08 brlcad okie dokie
04:02.15 narnia brlcad, i do my best work between 2200 and 0600 . ;-)
04:02.26 brlcad likewise
04:02.29 narnia i normally sleep from 0600 to noon.
04:02.36 brlcad likewise :)
04:03.02 brlcad though sometimes I'll get up a lil eariler than noon
04:45.22 jano i wake up about 0530
04:57.35 brlcad I sleep about 0530
04:58.40 jano hahah
04:58.52 jano had time to think about surf safari? :)
05:15.46 brlcad not much yet :)
05:26.41 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/db5.h: define the db5 minor type for superell even if it uses the v4 macro
05:27.46 jano :(
05:56.40 *** join/#brlcad guu (
06:04.39 jano llama llama llama duck
07:06.55 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (~Matthew@
09:44.40 *** join/#brlcad guu (
10:10.02 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
10:30.15 *** join/#brlcad [Prez|Kennedy] (
12:35.09 Azlan Cannot compute sizeof (void *), 77 ??? Help
12:39.03 Pimpinella what should this be?
12:41.11 Azlan in configure
12:44.28 Azlan using Cygwin for compilation to windows
12:47.14 Azlan Have to go to work now.. But i'll be back later.. Bye.
19:50.17 narnia brlcad, ping
22:45.30 narnia brlcad, ping
23:00.39 brlcad pong
23:10.33 [Prez|Kennedy] ding
23:44.30 brlcad dong
23:48.34 [Prez|Kennedy] hahah you said dong
23:48.59 narnia brlcad, you still here?
23:58.02 brlcad there really is no need to keep asking if i'm here or not .. i'll read it eventually regardless ..
23:59.33 brlcad I phase in out of doing other things but rarely just hang around waiting on irc ;)
23:59.54 brlcad so best to just say/ask/do whatever :)

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