irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050308

01:57.58 brlcad there's not an open source nesting library yet as far as I know
02:03.34 brlcad egads!
02:03.40 brlcad a wingy Twingy
02:07.02 Twingy
02:07.05 Twingy ^-- updated basement pic
02:07.41 brlcad mmm.. ikea :)
02:08.00 brlcad i think you need more flat panels
02:08.10 brlcad or a cave
02:08.17 brlcad a homemade cave
02:08.36 Twingy yah
02:08.43 Twingy the important thing is I can offsite three people no
02:08.44 Twingy now
02:08.48 Twingy one at the desk, one on the futon
02:09.30 jano what's the blue glowy thing next to the monitors?
02:09.35 jano it has the thingies on top
02:09.37 jano the cds
02:09.42 Twingy that's my computer
02:09.53 Twingy running freebsd + blackbox-minimal
02:09.58 jano i thought it was the black thunk under the desk
02:10.03 jano next to the foot stool
02:10.06 Twingy nope, subwoofer is in there :)
02:10.15 Twingy but it houses a pc
02:10.22 Twingy or I should say used to house my dual Piii 1ghz
02:10.33 jano ah
02:10.40 Twingy the futon is comfy
02:10.48 jano i bet
02:10.49 Twingy folds out into a bed :)
02:10.51 jano i had two at jhu
02:10.55 Twingy it's like 1 foot thick of padding
02:11.08 jano futons are great until they die
02:11.11 Twingy heh
02:11.14 jano after about 4 years
02:11.19 jano unless you get the super expensive size
02:11.25 jano err
02:11.25 jano kind
02:11.29 jano almost said tits
02:11.30 Twingy that's what this is :P
02:11.33 Twingy heh
02:11.53 Twingy I think it was $500, but normaly $800 or something
02:11.54 jano my autopilot is not working and i'm driving without my eyes on the road
02:11.59 Twingy heh
02:12.07 Twingy I've done irc on the road with my CDPD PDA
02:12.10 Twingy that's tricky :)
02:12.21 Twingy of course totally legal
02:12.22 jano i mean in a figurative sense
02:12.25 Twingy it's not a cell phone :P
02:12.36 Twingy stylus in one hand, steering wheel in the other
02:13.20 Twingy Burga how far can you make a horse go?
02:13.20 Twingy Twingy depends on how many rockets you strap to it
02:13.20 Twingy Burga :P
02:14.14 jano hmm
02:14.40 jano i'm finally getting back in shape :D I can run 5 miles without a heart attack :D
02:14.49 Twingy today was day 3 of 50 for running
02:14.55 Twingy I'm doing my 50 consecutive days of running again
02:15.06 jano eeewwww
02:15.10 Twingy working back up to 8 miles
02:15.13 brlcad hmm.. 140 till siggraph?
02:15.17 Twingy yah
02:15.23 Twingy day 50 last year was 2nd day of siggraph
02:15.24 jano i hate running but i'm not alowed to bike :(
02:15.27 brlcad hehe
02:15.29 jano 140 until siggraph
02:15.34 Twingy w00t
02:15.38 jano so.. what.. 147 until we go on our surf safari????
02:15.44 brlcad :)
02:15.44 jano :D
02:15.48 jano :D :D :D :D
02:15.48 brlcad maybe maybe
02:15.51 Twingy we need to get Lee drunk this year
02:16.02 jano d00d.. like.. we can go down baja
02:16.04 brlcad sake!
02:16.10 Twingy SAKEEEEE@#!
02:16.12 jano I will send you some bruce brown movies
02:16.14 Twingy he wimped out and only had 1
02:16.25 jano i tried sake with chris last year
02:16.28 Twingy I had 4 and he had more of a buzz
02:16.29 brlcad kermit says hi
02:16.31 jano and it was nasty shit
02:16.51 jano good thing it was accompanied by good sushi :D
02:16.52 Twingy working from home rocks, nobody here to annoy you :D
02:16.58 jano ;)
02:17.02 jano who is kermit?
02:17.08 Twingy a green frog
02:17.16 brlcad a big green frog
02:17.17 Twingy who works on top secret military projects for the government
02:17.31 Twingy with miss piggy
02:17.33 Twingy :)
02:17.33 brlcad okay, time for pats or something
02:17.36 brlcad cya
02:17.39 Twingy later
02:17.39 jano chow
02:17.46 Twingy it's choi damnit
02:17.47 Twingy :D
02:18.01 jano no, that's a kind of fish
02:22.56 Twingy americas army time, afk
04:17.14 brlcad I have been thinking about a nesting library today
04:17.17 brlcad since the comments
04:17.28 brlcad i actually don't think it would be incredibly too hard
04:18.19 brlcad it could be done pretty simply as a space optimization problem for generic geometry using librt
04:18.53 brlcad even a simple n^2 algorithm would work in 3d
05:14.43 narnia brlcad, what do you think of the idea of asking the emc folks if brl-cad could have a sub-wiki on their wiki site.
05:18.01 brlcad i do intend to bring the new website on-line soon, and it will have a wiki
05:18.35 brlcad it's next on my plate after release 7.2.0
05:20.04 Twingy hrm
05:20.10 brlcad I'm hoping that within two weeks it'll be up and running
05:20.10 Twingy gotta get me some asianseses
05:20.26 brlcad ghod bless the internet for that
05:20.50 brlcad ahh, i was thinking of asians of a completely different sort
05:21.10 Twingy all your g5 are belong to me
05:21.27 Twingy I'll show you my observer-fu tommorrow, it's neat stuff y0
05:21.46 Twingy TEAM AMERICA FUK YA!
05:21.57 narnia brlcad, did not know that. a new website.
05:22.24 Twingy the photon mapping in brl-cad sucks, who wrote that crap?
05:22.48 brlcad er, I mean points
05:23.22 brlcad you can't pass that buck on
05:23.31 brlcad you're name's locked in cvs at least :)
05:23.38 Twingy ugh
05:23.48 Twingy can't we put mikes name in there
05:23.49 brlcad blessed 20 years of history preserved
05:24.10 Twingy cause ya know he'll never be done shock and blast
05:24.16 Twingy so atleast he'll be in cvs somewhere
05:24.45 Twingy :}
06:02.23 Twingy that was amusing
07:08.48 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (~Matthew@
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14:16.52 wiebe Is there a port to Debian?
14:18.16 narnia wiebe, i am running debian sarge and the brl-cad source code compiles clean. i know of no debian package for brl-cad.
14:20.25 wiebe OK, sounds good then.
14:32.43 brlcad there is a submit for debian unstable iirc
14:32.51 brlcad don't know the current status
14:42.52 brlcad I could probably get the .deb finalized more quickly myself, but I'd rather leave that to some kind soul that actually _likes_ debian
15:08.51 *** join/#brlcad ToughShooter (
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16:29.47 jano i like debian from management standpoint
16:29.55 jano simple, no brains monkey installing
16:30.08 jano setting up debs is a nightmare though
16:54.14 brlcad It's "meh" to me from a management standpoint .. apt is nice, but I do like emerge better
16:54.37 brlcad install was better than most linuces i admit
16:55.14 brlcad from a dev perspective, it's one of my least favorite platforms
16:55.41 brlcad not as bad as solaris dev'ing, but it's down there somewhere
17:23.43 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
17:23.43 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.0 is posted (20050305)
17:43.38 narnia brlcad, i am curious why you rate debian low for development.
17:59.16 jano emerge is nice if you want to wait for your program to install
17:59.19 jano and compile
17:59.28 jano it's a waste of time if you ask me
17:59.39 jano but you didn't ask me :)
17:59.43 jano so I won't say it
18:10.57 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
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18:31.51 narnia brlcad, any thought on writing up a plan similar to the one i wrote for my project?
18:33.28 brlcad it's on the todo
18:33.31 brlcad but I need the website first
18:34.35 brlcad there is the sf task system that has some plans
18:35.07 brlcad you're on the access list to add to that too
18:44.38 narnia brlcad, if i wrote one up and replaced my original gnu-cad-cam project plan with the new project plan?
18:49.41 narnia i am unable to add tasks under says i do not have permission.
18:50.29 narnia may be because i have no 'role' assigned under brlcad. i am listed but i have no 'role'. :-(
18:50.34 narnia no joy.
20:22.35 brlcad sounds fine with me
20:22.47 brlcad hrm, must have missed a checkbox
20:23.27 brlcad ahh, yes, you were given tentative cvs access only
20:28.15 brlcad i have to be a little conservative on the access until to some things util most of the CMP issues get worked out, but you should have access to the tasker now
20:29.25 brlcad if you need to add an actual task subproject, let me know to discuss
20:30.12 brlcad since they're persistent, want to make sure the namespace stays clean as possible .. but certainly willing to add whatever we need
20:31.09 brlcad adding tasks to the TODO should be good for now .. succint unit goals of some sort
20:53.42 narnia i was going to add to the todo list.
20:54.05 narnia update libexpress to express language reference manual edition 2
20:55.05 narnia create new c language bindings to standard data access interface
20:55.26 narnia update the c++ language bindings
20:56.16 narnia create part21 parser (part21 Implementation methods: Clear text encoding of the exchange structure)
20:57.27 narnia scope out and write requirements document for brl-cad to g-code and/or step-nc interface
20:57.57 narnia that should be enough for now.
20:58.40 narnia tomorrow is going to so much fun *_not_*. court is extremely boring.
21:08.36 narnia hmm, it appears that i am still roleless under brl-cad. still no joy.
21:09.01 narnia would had the above tasks and assign them to me?
21:09.15 narnia would you add the above tasks and assign them to me?
21:09.30 brlcad hrm, you're logged in, right? )
21:09.43 brlcad the roles don't do anything
21:09.45 narnia sure am
21:10.23 brlcad okay, try now
21:10.46 narnia still no joy. "Access to this page is restricted (either to project members or to project administrators) and you do not meet the requirements to access this page. Please contact the administrator of this project for further assistance."
21:11.01 brlcad ehh, you're marked as a task admin and tech
21:11.07 brlcad refresh?
21:11.21 narnia let me logout and log back in. brb
21:12.45 narnia okay it is working now.
21:12.59 narnia okay to add the above tasks to the todo list?
21:13.36 brlcad of course
21:14.01 narnia brb
21:20.57 narnia okay how about an end-date of june 1st?
21:23.12 narnia okay, done, 5 tasks add to the todo list.
21:23.21 narnia all assigned to me.
21:47.25 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
21:55.53 *** join/#brlcad DarkMaster (
22:26.41 brlcad so what are all the 10303 specs that are of primary interest? -11, -21, -203, -214, others?
22:27.19 narnia -22, -23, -24, -203, -214, possible -210
22:27.59 brlcad what's 210?
22:28.14 brlcad what're 22, 23, 24 for that matter? other encodings?
22:28.25 brlcad 21 was text, iirc, yes?
22:28.50 narnia Part 210: Application protocol: Electronic assembly, interconnection, and packaging design
22:29.43 narnia 21 is clear text, 22 is standard data access interface, 23 is c++ binding to 22, 24 is c bininding to 22
22:34.29 narnia nist scl covers all or part of 11ed1, 21ed1, 22, 23. there are no c language bindings in nist scl. the c++ language bindings probably need to updated.
22:36.51 narnia craig lanning mentioned ap210 on step-os. Actually, if you implement a translator for AP203, you will then have
22:36.51 narnia most of what you need for the other AP's. Personally, I would like to
22:36.51 narnia see BRL-CAD support the geometric portions of AP210 (this will require
22:36.51 narnia support for shape_aspect).
22:38.21 narnia the above is what craig has written concerning ap210.
22:43.45 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
22:43.45 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.0 is posted (20050305)
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23:18.42 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.0 is posted (20050305)

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