irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050320

00:20.27 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ (6 files in 3 dirs): bye bye USE_MESA_GL .. needs some good testing on the ogl interface
00:29.22 narnia okay everything compiled and built. libexpress edition 2 still needs work. part21 read still needs work. at least moving in the correct direction.
00:48.25 narnia well back to work.
00:50.09 brlcad cool
00:55.52 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ add BC_SEARCH_DIRECTORY to find locations that should always be searched (e.g., for X11), remove the forced retry hack
00:56.30 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/m4/search.m4: add BC_SEARCH_DIRECTORY to find locations that should always be searched (e.g., for X11)
01:07.34 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/m4/ add search.m4
02:00.57 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/conv/dxf-g.c: prevent the converter from crashing on input mismatch
02:07.27 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
03:24.39 narnia brlcad, in the currect c++ standard is 'using namespace std;' required after the '#include s'
03:25.18 brlcad no, definitely not
03:25.53 brlcad there is a bunch of functionality that's wrapped up in namespace scopes, though
03:26.01 brlcad like strings, lists, streams, etc
03:26.30 brlcad and without the namespace declaration, for example you'd need to declare a string as:
03:26.37 brlcad std::string foo = "blah";
03:26.45 brlcad with it that becomes:
03:26.51 brlcad string foo = "blah";
03:27.39 brlcad In projects I have any domain over, I usually prefer the explicit namespaces (i.e. using std:: where needed) since it makes it clear what's in the standard library and what's not
03:29.38 narnia okay, thank you.
03:31.01 brlcad but that does, of course, make for more to type if you're using the standard library a lot
03:31.43 brlcad some just get used to it and always include it just for the sake of having it
03:31.45 narnia hotkeys ;-)
03:32.18 narnia sed scripts. ;-)
03:32.21 brlcad lots of undergrad classes teach that to simplify the explanations, less visual confusion of what a namespace is
03:34.54 narnia ah, ( as the light bulb goes on ). like perl modules.
03:37.02 narnia i.e. LWP::Protocol Locale::Maketext::TPJ13
03:37.53 brlcad exactly
04:24.07 narnia brlcad, just in case i happen to have some spare sheikels at the end of month; what would be a good c++ book to get?
04:24.46 brlcad stroustrup's book is all I've ever needed
04:24.59 brlcad it's pretty comprehensive and easy to get through
04:25.36 brlcad presumes a bit of C background, which works out nicely
04:26.05 narnia brlcad, i have the 1st edition which is out od date. plus tom, the new puppy, has decorated the pages with tooth marks.
04:26.58 *** join/#brlcad cad726 (
04:27.10 narnia cad726, hello, how goes it?
04:28.55 narnia cad726, knock, knock, anyone home?
04:30.05 cad726 just browsing by to see what's here...
04:31.14 brlcad you scared him
04:31.17 narnia guess seeing someone in the cage of doom scared him.
04:31.40 narnia :-)
04:33.19 narnia has jano ever been gone this long?
04:33.26 brlcad yeah
04:33.37 brlcad he goes 'walkabout'
04:33.43 narnia ah
04:34.16 narnia jano is from australia or new zealand?
04:34.27 brlcad nope
04:34.46 narnia just goes "walkabout"
04:35.07 brlcad yep
04:35.57 narnia was to australia twice. perth and alice springs. both surrounded by desert. alice springs has more camels than people.
04:37.13 narnia i missed the 'all expenses paid tour of viet nam'. ;-)
04:38.23 narnia argh, tom.!!! he eat the ethernet patch cable to the printer. argh.
04:39.05 narnia s/eat/ate/
05:00.59 brlcad hehe
06:01.50 narnia little bugger.
06:25.54 *** join/#brlcad cad789 (
20:33.12 narnia brlcad, i looking through the original nist scl source there is alot that could be removed. 10303 part26 was cancelled so anything related to part26 should be removed. that simplifies the code. still need part23 documentation to bring the nist scl up to date.
23:38.57 *** join/#brlcad EricWilhelm (

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