irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050321

02:07.18 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
04:27.43 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ (3 files in 3 dirs): GL_* is gone, now LIBGL for the library
04:31.47 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ massive library detection reworking, add new tests for GL and X11 libraries -- almost ready to get rid of the X11 hack. get rid of GL_* flag hacks, add /opt/X11R6 to retry search list.
05:09.15 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libdm/query.c: remove USE_MESA_GL
07:34.48 *** join/#brlcad cad645 (
16:03.10 narnia argh, tom, the new puppy, ate yet another network cable. :-(
16:20.09 brlcad you keep a lot of cables on the ground
16:20.26 brlcad i like them soaring high up in the air so you can strangle little children
16:32.36 narnia i would run them overhead if i had two good arms. working with one arm overhead is a bit difficult. ;-)
19:00.40 brlcad guess what just arrived
19:07.44 narnia the iso 10303 parts happy happy joy joy. i do not think your happy enough i will teach you to be happy.
19:10.35 brlcad hehe, yep
19:10.39 brlcad the whole damn thing
19:10.43 brlcad my god
19:10.48 brlcad what a waste of trees
19:11.29 brlcad it'll take me a while to figure out a good way to digitize it all
19:11.54 brlcad it's over 10,000 pages, loose sheets
19:12.20 narnia brlcad, fyi
19:18.26 narnia wait a minute how do parts 11,22,23,24,203,214 come to 10K pages?
19:32.50 narnia which parts did you order again?
19:34.33 brlcad I haven't rummaged through the box just yet
19:35.02 brlcad the wrapping on the loose sheets comes off really easy
19:36.23 brlcad here we go
19:36.24 brlcad 10303-21 10303-22 10303-23 10303-24 10303-203 10303-210 10303-214
19:36.56 narnia part11ed2 269pages part21 82 pages part22 222 pages part24 156 pages part28 366 pages
19:37.20 narnia parts 203, 210, & 214 must be huge.
19:37.44 brlcad part 210 is 1436
19:37.49 narnia assuming that part 23 is close to part 24 in pages.
19:38.25 brlcad eek, i take that back..
19:38.35 brlcad the first binding of part 210 is that many
19:38.42 brlcad there are at least 3 that size
19:46.51 narnia reminds me of the old saying:: no plane shall fly until the weight of documentation exceeds the weight of the plane. ;-)
20:28.41 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/lib/Table.tcl: *- added the following methods: moveRow, printColRange, sortByCol, searchCol and deleteEmptyRows
20:29.29 brlcad ooh, lookie there
20:34.22 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/lib/TableView.tcl:
20:34.22 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: *- added the following methods: bindRowLabels, cgetRowLabel, configRowLabels,
20:34.22 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: getRowLabelIndex, getLastRowLabelIndex, setLastRowLabelIndex,
20:34.22 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: configColLabel_win, getHighlightRow, unhighlightRow, sortByCol, sortByCol_win,
20:34.22 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: searchCol and flashRow
20:40.12 narnia brlcad, what is the 'unofficial rule' concerning c++ namespaces again?
21:00.55 *** join/#brlcad jerwin (
21:01.59 jerwin is it possible to install brlcad in /usr/local?
22:12.07 brlcad there is no unofficial rule, just two basic choices. whether to use the using namespace std; or not.
22:13.06 brlcad personally, I choose not as I've seen way too many conflicts/bugs/problems result from getting into the habit of trying to determine whether some symbol is coming from that namespace or from a local scope
22:13.26 brlcad so I explicitly apply the namespace where needed.. std::string foo;
22:14.53 brlcad for my own namespaces, it's different -- in that instance it's easier to say that this/some file is part of my own namespace.. libGeometry::blah foo;
23:03.09 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
23:03.09 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.0 is posted (20050305)
23:43.32 brlcad I pulled them out of the box.. 210 and 214 are the largest tree offenders coming in at roughly 3500 and 2500 pages each
23:46.43 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ make the install permissions warning find script work even when the install location is a symlink

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