irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050322

02:06.08 EricWilhelm it needs curtains
02:08.27 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
05:48.29 *** join/#brlcad kcelboo (
05:49.36 kcelboo I was hoping someone in here could give me some pointers on running brl-cad on windows XP..
05:49.43 kcelboo maybe a binary package?
05:49.55 kcelboo i'm dumb and don't know how to compile this sort of application.
05:50.39 kcelboo is anyone awake in here?
05:51.57 brlcad yep
05:52.55 brlcad the short short answer is that there is presently not a good binary available for windows yet
05:52.57 brlcad there is a beta out there, and a complete report in progress right now
05:53.12 brlcad re-porting, that is
05:53.57 narnia ;-)
05:55.05 kcelboo heh..
05:55.12 kcelboo I have that. Does it not run on Windows?
05:55.22 brlcad heh, narnia I have to digitize it first
05:55.37 kcelboo because the SF project page says .. maybe thats for the viewer?
05:55.39 brlcad kcelboo: it does, it's been ported by a couple groups
05:55.56 kcelboo can you tell me any of those groups names? I'd like to try it.
05:56.08 brlcad there is a beta available (not on the sf website) that has the core components working
05:56.18 brlcad but that's really only intended for developers
05:57.31 kcelboo I haven't tried it yet, but do you know if it runs ok in cygwin?
05:57.34 brlcad kcelboo: there's quite a bit of work presently under way to push out a full port as well as a shiny new modeler interface that to date has only been tested on windows
05:57.47 kcelboo cool.
05:58.26 brlcad I've put a little bit into cygwin/mingw support myself, as have a couple others
05:59.17 brlcad the build will get pretty far automatic before you run into autoconf assumptions that will need to be changed
05:59.42 brlcad I've just not had time to get back to that yet, though it will happen soon
06:00.00 brlcad there are just a coupld things in front of that on the perverbial to-do list
06:00.19 kcelboo cool
06:00.32 kcelboo I'm looking forward to trying the program.
06:01.09 brlcad I'm looking forward to you trying the program too ;)
06:01.23 kcelboo heh
06:01.27 brlcad but keep in mind that BRL-CAD is not a program - it's a suite of programs
06:01.29 kcelboo is there an anouncement mailing list aor anything?
06:01.33 brlcad there is
06:01.50 kcelboo well, ok (rememeber, I'm a windows user, we're dumb)
06:01.51 brlcad and you can be sure that the windows port announcement will be going there as soon as it's done
06:01.58 brlcad brlcad-news
06:02.12 kcelboo is that on SF? or on the
06:02.27 brlcad
06:02.31 kcelboo thanks
06:02.46 brlcad np
06:07.26 kcelboo So I guess I'll go poke around for one of those ports you mentioned. Thanks.
06:08.05 brlcad it should work fine on any platform except windows
06:08.18 kcelboo that's encouraging. =P
06:08.19 brlcad and windows works -- but you gotta be a dev to play :)
06:08.24 kcelboo ok
06:08.57 brlcad once it gets out of alpha/beta testing, it'll get announced and pushed out
06:09.22 kcelboo ok, I'm on the list. Thanks!
06:09.25 *** part/#brlcad kcelboo (
07:13.36 narnia brlcad, can you think of any reason why a typedef would not be used throughout the code. even in the same source file i am finding both the typedef and the variable being typedefed.
07:16.02 narnia example: case sdaiSELECT and case SELECT_TYPE: occur in the same nist source file
07:17.11 narnia in baseType.h: #define SELECT_TYPE sdaiSELECT
07:17.27 narnia what am i missing?
09:17.18 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
09:17.18 *** join/#brlcad dan_falck ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
09:17.18 *** join/#brlcad guu (
09:19.39 *** join/#brlcad CIA-8 (
09:21.05 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (~brlcad@brlcad.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
09:21.05 *** join/#brlcad learner (~brlcad@brlcad.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
09:21.05 *** mode/#brlcad [+oo brlcad learner] by
13:09.53 *** join/#brlcad guu` (
13:15.47 *** join/#brlcad dan_falck ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
13:24.10 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
14:38.40 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/libbu/malloc.c: *- call to bzero requires two arguments
16:24.58 *** join/#brlcad spengler (~pdebruic@
16:34.04 spengler Im new to BRL-CAD, and was wondering if there is a way to print dimensioned drawings from a model already included with the standard install or if that was something that is being developed, or if it is something that will not be developed for whatever reason. Thanks
16:40.45 brlcad it is something that is not presently developed but would be welcomed
16:41.56 *** part/#brlcad spengler (~pdebruic@
18:52.05 narnia brlcad, did you happen to see my question concerning typedef's before the net split last night?
19:17.14 brlcad I can't think of any reason that would matter unless the #define is wrapped in optional #if logic itself
20:30.54 narnia no #if logic.
20:37.38 narnia an interesting #ifdef in the original nist step class library source: #ifdef bpzdofbqlvzbfxck ;-)
20:46.40 *** join/#brlcad Torfbolt (
20:49.46 Torfbolt hi, how do i move a whole region in mged, so the primitives also move?
20:52.06 Torfbolt anyone here?
20:52.43 brlcad yep
20:53.31 brlcad you can apply a matrix transformation (translation/move, scale, rotate, etc) to any primitive, region, or combination
20:54.18 brlcad select Edit -> matrix selection on the menu
20:54.33 Torfbolt yep, but the primitives dont move
20:54.41 brlcad select any one of the lines that has your region included
20:55.00 brlcad you should then get a second menu
20:55.15 brlcad select your top region
20:55.15 Torfbolt ok
20:55.31 brlcad the entire region should then become illuminated white
20:55.44 Torfbolt yep
20:55.48 brlcad you may have more than one thing being displayed
20:55.57 brlcad if you type "who" .. it'll tell you what's being drawn
20:56.31 Torfbolt ok, when i do an tra 0 0 5 , the region moves
20:56.43 brlcad so if you're viewing both the primitives and the regions that combine them, you'll see them "twice"
20:56.44 Torfbolt but the primitives stay where they are
20:57.38 brlcad "B region_name" will erase and only draw the region
20:58.21 Torfbolt okay, so I probably should just leave the primitives where they are, just not display them and move the region?
20:58.29 brlcad right
20:58.48 brlcad you can actually move the primitives, but that makes for a real pain down the road when you need to re-edit them
20:59.24 Torfbolt ok, so just using the matrices is better
20:59.29 brlcad you can also globally "push the matrix" down on the primitives to actually move them, but that's not recommended for the same reason
20:59.43 brlcad using matrices is definitely the better way
21:00.00 brlcad you can delete and reapply matrices without doing any math ;)
21:00.14 Torfbolt it's just i get the origin cluttered with primitives :/
21:01.04 brlcad they're not really there, though, until you add them to a region
21:01.32 Torfbolt oh btw, can i somehow move primitives into "folders" or should they stay in the db root?
21:01.43 brlcad you should be able to "e" up any combination
21:02.09 brlcad if you type "tops" do you see a lot of few objects?
21:02.14 brlcad you should see very few
21:02.45 brlcad groupings of primitives can be peformed via combinations "comb blah u foo u bar ..."
21:03.07 brlcad you can make regions comprised of combinations too
21:03.19 brlcad and combinations of regions
21:03.21 Torfbolt what's tops?
21:03.25 brlcad you just shouldn't make regions of regions
21:03.34 brlcad tops shows you the top level geometry objects
21:03.40 brlcad it's a hierarchy
21:03.43 Torfbolt ok...
21:03.56 brlcad like a file-system tree
21:04.15 brlcad you can view this graphically via the Tools -> Geometry Browser
21:04.16 Torfbolt i already started with making some reions, can i transform them to combs?
21:04.41 brlcad you can
21:05.03 brlcad Edit -> Combination Editor .. Is Region button
21:05.15 brlcad the distinction between a region and a combination is very small
21:05.57 Torfbolt but i can make comb's of comb's?
21:06.02 brlcad sure
21:06.17 brlcad a combination is litterally just a generic grouping
21:06.25 Torfbolt ok, and for raytracing i need regions
21:06.35 brlcad in fact calling it a "group" (e.g. "g" command) is synonymous
21:06.49 brlcad right
21:07.18 Torfbolt can combinations have material properties?
21:08.12 brlcad does a collection of pens have a material property? :)
21:08.24 brlcad each pen does
21:08.31 brlcad and the container that contains them may
21:08.39 brlcad but the collection as a whole doesn't
21:09.08 brlcad that's what it means to be a region .. it embodies some physical volume of space
21:09.16 Torfbolt ok.. i just checked, raytracing works also with combinations
21:09.16 brlcad has material properties, etc
21:09.55 brlcad yes, it works because rt will generate an automatic region of your objects being rendered if they are not regions
21:10.36 Torfbolt ah cool..
21:10.58 brlcad and you can apply shader properties to combinations, it's just not recommended
21:12.05 brlcad it becomes problematic when you have combinations that specify shader properties and they are a part of larger combinations that also specify different shader properties
21:12.12 brlcad that can be interpreted in various ways
21:12.26 Torfbolt combination matrices support mirroring, do they?
21:12.40 brlcad explain?
21:12.42 Torfbolt so i can make a mirrored copy of a comb
21:12.54 brlcad ah, copying/instancing?
21:13.14 Torfbolt yes, like a left and a right shoe
21:13.42 brlcad see the mirror command ;)
21:14.27 Torfbolt hmm, does the tutorial also exist as html or wiki?
21:14.41 brlcad not yet
21:14.57 brlcad there's a different tutorial in html form in the distribution
21:15.09 brlcad in the doc/html directory, iirc
21:15.24 Torfbolt did you get the sources for the pdf tutorials?
21:15.54 brlcad yes, I have the original files
21:16.19 brlcad the volumes were actually printed documentation passed out to users at our users meetings initially
21:16.23 brlcad as well as to others on request
21:16.30 brlcad the pdf's were posted shortly thereafter
21:16.46 brlcad just haven't gotten back to the originals to convert them and clean them up for inclusion
21:17.00 Torfbolt probably not that easy to convert the pdf sources to html...
21:17.01 brlcad I'd like to make them a proper docbook document in the repository
21:17.23 brlcad no no.. i'd work with the original non-pdf originals
21:17.39 brlcad bleh, that came out wrong, but I think you get what I meant :)
21:18.08 Torfbolt of course... that's why i said "pdf sources"
21:18.35 Torfbolt :)
21:18.38 brlcad one could, but you'd have to reformat everything and would probably lose the images unless you have a pdf decomposer
21:19.00 Torfbolt the things that get compiled to pdf
21:20.21 Torfbolt well, i get the impression that brlcad is obviously the right solution to model a rc-tank :)
21:20.31 Torfbolt just found "track"
21:20.39 brlcad once we get it in docbook in cvs, it'll be easy to publish up as html, pdf, txt, etc
21:22.34 Torfbolt is there a way to enable tab completion in the mged shell?
21:22.50 brlcad *sigh* i wish
21:23.16 brlcad that would normally be a feature of the shell, which is actually tclsh
21:23.22 brlcad which does not support completion (yet)
21:23.39 brlcad the revamped editor will, however
21:23.51 Torfbolt revamped editor?
21:23.56 brlcad long story ;)
21:24.28 Torfbolt why not use bash instead of tclsh?
21:24.33 brlcad there's two projects under way that will initially compliment and later probably replace mged (read: in like 5 years)
21:25.03 brlcad mged is a large tcl/tk application
21:25.12 brlcad at least the gui'd version you're using
21:25.48 brlcad it's support for automatic command modification of the existing runtime language along with it's performance made it a good choice back in the day
21:26.10 brlcad predates bash's popularity
21:26.20 brlcad and is a completely different language
21:26.43 Torfbolt ok, one of the remains of early unix days..
21:26.54 brlcad that's only part of it
21:27.14 brlcad tcl/tk is used throughout mged -- things that could not be done in bash
21:27.22 brlcad s/could/can/
21:27.55 brlcad half of mged is C, half of it is tcl/tk
21:28.15 Torfbolt therefore a new editor, completely in c?
21:28.43 brlcad like, I said -- the new interface is a long story ;)
21:28.49 brlcad supports many scripting interfaces
21:29.03 brlcad including tcl, sh/bash, perl, python
21:29.42 Torfbolt :) the *iwanttosupportanythingnotyetexisting* phenomenon
21:30.24 brlcad actually just a generic command interface that can run most of the common shell interfaces
21:30.27 brlcad like a terminal does
21:30.50 Torfbolt but sounds good, is there already anything working of it?
21:31.16 brlcad yes, but it's not something you'll see for a while regardless
21:32.26 brlcad so basically, don't hold your breath .. it'll be ready when it's ready ;)
21:32.48 Torfbolt ok, ill stick to mged for a while then
21:33.01 brlcad yeah, mged is definitely the way to go
21:33.10 brlcad even the new interface will support most of what you learn in mged
21:33.19 brlcad there just may be easier ways down the road
21:33.26 Torfbolt or edit the database in an hex editor :)
21:33.44 brlcad BRL-CAD has too many expert modelers to simply replace their interface with no support for them
21:34.00 brlcad run g2asc and edit with a text editor ;)
21:35.51 brlcad the new editing "environment" will also support collaborative editing, database repositories, version tracking, and construction history tracking too
21:37.10 Torfbolt undo :)
21:37.36 brlcad yep
21:58.33 *** join/#brlcad mlf29 (
21:59.07 brlcad hello mlf29
21:59.12 mlf29 hi
22:02.44 mlf29 i am a new user to brlcad and am interested in open source 3D modeling
22:03.08 brlcad excellent ;)
22:03.38 brlcad brl-cad is a great place to start being the only open source solid modeler
22:04.02 mlf29 I am using the Algor FEA package and it accepts IGES files but it has problems with the ones generated by g-iges
22:05.44 brlcad really? that's odd
22:06.30 brlcad maybe they only support IGES 6
22:06.56 brlcad brl-cad outputs what should be iges 4.x+ compliant
22:10.00 mlf29 good thought - I'll call Algor support on this matter and send them the file
22:11.30 mlf29 I'm also new to using irc
22:12.00 brlcad not a problem
22:14.39 mlf29 thanks for the "4.x+compliant" thought brlcad; need to go now
22:15.10 Torfbolt brlcad, mged always cuts of part of the wireframe image when i zoom in, can i do something against that?
22:16.51 *** part/#brlcad mlf29 (
22:43.29 Torfbolt is there a shell command to apply changes like tra to a primitive?
22:57.18 brlcad Torfbolt: yes, turn off the Misc -> Z clipping
22:57.50 brlcad Torfbolt: if you are in an edit mode, yes .. type "accept" or "reject"
23:08.16 Torfbolt thanks :)
23:09.23 brlcad no problemo

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