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01:23.54 *** join/#brlcad Torfbolt (
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05:56.02 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ some systems (e.g. solaris) use /usr/X11 instead of /usr/X11R6, so be sure to go there too
06:14.27 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ add checks for sys/sched.h sys/sysmp.h sys/wait.h ulocks.h headers as well as prtcl() and sysmp() functions
06:14.44 narnia brlcad, would you happen to have any preliminary write-ups about the database plug-ins?
06:16.27 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/parallel.c: ugh, so much to do in this file.. -- use some of the new header and function checks
06:18.18 narnia brlcad, also in your copious amounts of free time ( ;-) ) have you had a chance to test the diesel engine step file with pro/e?
06:18.55 narnia brlcad, any thoughts on getting the 10k pages scan into pdfs?
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07:44.54 narnia <PROTECTED>
15:53.56 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/include/bu.h: changes to suport Jim Hunt's fast memory debugging
15:56.37 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/libbu/malloc.c: Changes to support Jim Hunt's fast memory debugging
16:17.03 narnia brlcad, on a serious note. i think it may be wise to rethink how to implement express/step file in general. i have a good understanding now of how the nist step class library works and while it does work there are, in my opinion, other ways it can be done better.
16:21.08 brlcad the other comments weren't on a serious note? :) good to know ;)
16:21.40 narnia brlcad, the best analogy i can come up with is perl. the express language is the basis for all other 10303 parts. it appears to me that despite iso stating that the express language is not a programming language there is nothing to prevent us from treating express language as a programming language.
16:22.07 brlcad there are writeups on the database plugins, but they are not electronic -- have to scan them in or something
16:22.33 brlcad i'm sometimes old-fashioned in that respect when it comes to architecting.. pen and paper, big whiteboards
16:22.48 narnia brlcad, just as perl has modules which extend perl the parts of 10303 extend express.
16:23.28 narnia brlcad, i have a large easel with a large paper pad mounted on it. color markers. ;-)
16:24.16 narnia brlcad, i than tape the paper up to walls, patio doors, nearly any vertical flat surface.
16:25.24 brlcad I find index cards extremely helpful/portable along with a small notebook
16:28.38 narnia brlcad, paper placemates also work well for notes and drawings. ;-)
16:35.50 narnia brlcad, on a side note: a metal working friend who i recommended brl-cad to asked me about auto-dimensioning in brl-cad. i look briefly and did not find any references to auto-dimensioning. it auto-dimensioning currently supported in brl-cad?
16:38.24 narnia brlcad, as the awareness of brl-cad increases the requests for 'features' is also growing. is there an official 'wish list'?
16:41.12 narnia brlcad, would you happen to have a list of who is working on what?
17:38.02 brlcad narnia: auto-dimensioning is not presently supported.. would be nice ;)
17:39.44 brlcad narnia: if they are things that you plan on doing, feel free to add them to the TODO in cvs, if they are bigger plans that you intend on doing, there's the sf Task manager. if they are "wish list" items, they belong in the sf RFE section (request for enhancement).
17:41.26 brlcad narnia: there isn't a list of who's working on what beyond what people have assigned to them on the bugs and feature request trackers and the task manager .. a couple of the devs don't have accounts yet either
19:29.46 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/libbu/malloc.c: *- removed duplicate lines of code (this wouldn't compile on Windows)
19:41.47 narnia brlcad, auto-dimensioning, i have to think on this. a couple friends who i have recommended brl-cad to would really like this. two of those friends are also wanting the step support. i really think i have enough on my plate at the moment.
19:47.13 narnia brlcad, i recall a past discussion concerning layout nesting. i do not recall what was decided concerning layout nesting.
21:23.01 brlcad narnia: in the new modeler, auto-dimensioning and full constraint system will be included -- it'll take more thought to do it in mged.. how would you forsee the interface to auto-dimensioning being?
21:25.12 brlcad narnia: as for layout nesting from the linux cad mailing list comment, I researched that for a couple days last week. It'd be really simple to write up a small application or library to do the task in brl-cad for 2d or 3d. the bigger question is what the real need is for as that'll drive what sort of flexibility is needed
21:26.21 brlcad example, are we solving the knapsack problem where we have to pick how many N objects fit into a M space or is it merely the best/good fit across an unbounded area?
21:27.13 narnia brlcad, i have not given auto-dimensioning any addtional thought.
21:27.37 brlcad and what is meant by auto-dimensioning?
21:27.58 brlcad in a constraint-based system, it's usually a side-effect of fulfilling other constraints
21:28.01 narnia brlcad, the context for nesting is sheet metal and woodworking.
21:28.33 narnia brlcad, the request i have received are all 2d.
21:29.39 narnia brlcad, given a 4x8 sheet how many of item 'a' can be cut from it.
21:29.48 brlcad for a solid modeler that means you have to either have a 2d shape (e.g. sketch primitive in brl-cad) or you have a specific cross-section in mind
21:30.48 narnia brlcad, or given items a-f place them on the 4x8 sheet to minimize waste.
21:33.25 narnia brlcad, concerning auto-dimensioning the request either refer to autocad or turbo-cad or some other cad program. i have nver used autocad, turbo-cad, or other commercial cad programs.
21:33.57 narnia brlcad, i would have to ask them what they mean by 'auto-dimensioning'.
21:36.53 narnia brlcad, when i started my gnu-cad-cam project i went around to local job shops and talked with them what they needed. it took alot of talking to understand what they really meant.
21:37.52 brlcad I understand, that's why I said there are lots of unanswered questions for what that means ;)
21:38.15 narnia brlcad, perhaps this summer it when various 'enhancements' are included and stablized it would be worth having a 'dog and pony' show for the local job shops to get their feedback.
21:38.18 brlcad if they want to file up RFE's or interactively work out what they'd like to see, that's fine ;)
21:39.07 brlcad I have a todo list out the wazoo already so I'm not exactly in search of something else to do ..
21:39.18 brlcad it's a great idea to keep in mind, though, as development continues
21:41.10 brlcad it's probably not so apparent in the open source community, but brl-cad does have a long established community
21:41.38 brlcad most of those users and codes we have to interact with, though, are not public media knowledge (with good reason)
21:41.57 narnia brlcad, understand.
21:42.10 brlcad doesn't mean we don't have room to expand into -- we do .. huge room and huge potential
21:42.19 brlcad especially in the cadd and cam areas
21:43.43 narnia brlcad, i agree with todo list. i have enough at the moment.
21:44.35 brlcad basically, if someone wants to add some new feature that has anything to do with cad/cadd/cam, they're quite welcome to join in ..
21:46.03 brlcad brl-cad gives them a foundation, user community, modeling methodology, user community, docs, and more for free that can usually be easily extended
21:49.46 narnia brlcad, i wish more of the people requesting 'features' were programmers. ;-)
21:51.37 narnia brlcad, are you still at work? it is 1651 hours on the east coast.
21:58.39 narnia argh
21:58.54 brlcad yes, still at work
21:59.12 brlcad and YES.. I'm really interested in getting more programmers ;)
21:59.34 brlcad but that aspect I won't expect until the prototype for either archer or the new modeler are ready
22:00.41 narnia brlcad, that is the second time you have mentioned a 'new modeler'. what 'new modeler'? ;-)
22:01.02 narnia brlcad, who or what is 'archer'?
22:02.22 brlcad archer is effective an mged replacement prototype written for a project called ajem
22:02.41 narnia brlcad, of the 10 members listed on sourceforge who are developers (programmers)?
22:02.47 brlcad ajem is a joint collaboration across several military services where brl-cad is one of the backend components
22:03.19 narnia brlcad, ajem is not written in java is it?
22:03.21 brlcad archer was written for ajem with a more "up to date" gui
22:03.29 brlcad no, it's not
22:03.36 brlcad ajem is not publicly available either
22:03.38 narnia brlcad, thank god. ;-)
22:04.11 narnia brlcad, that was a concerning java.
22:04.19 brlcad archer is being released back to us in part because it pertains directly to brl-cad
22:04.37 brlcad and in part because it was written by one of mged's primary authors
22:04.40 narnia brlcad, ah
22:04.50 brlcad Bob :)
22:05.03 brlcad bob will probably make an appearace in here eventually
22:05.36 brlcad you're trapped ;)
22:05.52 narnia hehe
22:06.35 brlcad every single person listed on the members page is a seasoned programmer with some area of expertise
22:07.20 narnia brlcad, is that spicy or mild seasoning? ;-) (sorry i could not resist. ;-) )
22:08.24 narnia brlcad, am i the only 'outsider' ?
22:10.49 narnia be back in a bit, news is on.
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23:33.28 brlcad narnia: heh, spicy
23:33.58 narnia back
23:34.00 brlcad narnia: no you're not the only outsider ;)
23:34.23 narnia brlcad, that is comforting to know.
23:35.02 brlcad lee, john, and myself I probably the definitive experts on the package as a whole
23:35.15 brlcad bob did most of mged
23:35.27 brlcad erik started the new build system
23:35.50 brlcad charles did much of the old command-line mged and some utilities
23:36.02 brlcad ron did rtwizard
23:36.38 brlcad justin is working on a triangle-based real-time raytracer and global illumination
23:36.42 brlcad also did photon mapping
23:37.02 brlcad jee and john have done too much to mention so succintly ;)
23:37.37 brlcad there are others, listed in the authors file
23:38.58 brlcad unfortunately, features were not tracked as closely as they are now in terms of who did what, but cvs does tell all
23:41.01 narnia you work for Quantum Research International, Inc.?

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