irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050405

03:50.16 brlcad narnia: yes i did and you'll probably be interested in some of the stats ;)
03:51.21 brlcad granted this was loading up on an old sgi via an r10k processor -- keep that in mind
03:52.04 brlcad pro/E quickly spiked to 280MB usage after about 2 minutes where it remained steady for the rest of the import
03:52.21 brlcad the import took 25 minutes
03:52.38 brlcad it was a clean import, though
04:16.27 narnia brlcad, ummm
04:16.57 narnia brlcad, not bad for a 40+mbytes step file.
04:17.33 narnia brlcad, pro/e must have some compact hash tables.
04:18.11 narnia brlcad, definitely beats opencascade.
04:18.27 brlcad hmm
04:18.39 brlcad just because opencascase sucks more? :)
04:18.40 narnia brlcad, would you happen to remember how the model looked?
04:18.52 brlcad yeah, looked like an engine :)
04:19.05 brlcad couldn't figure out how to hide all the damn labels, though
04:19.15 narnia ah
04:19.25 brlcad the iges surface export is 152MB :)
04:19.33 brlcad gonna see how well that converts
04:20.13 narnia brl-cad groks iges correct?
04:20.31 brlcad versions at least up to about iges 4.3
04:21.27 narnia opencascade does suck. ;-)
04:22.34 narnia i have not tried the file lately. still tracking down those 'happen once on a blue moon' type bugs.
04:23.26 narnia exp2html is pretty cool. nothing fancy. no bells and whistles.
04:25.28 narnia well i need to wander off to bed. in theory court tomorrow. i need to somewhat rested.
04:26.33 brlcad cya later
05:36.07 Twingy welp, new rocket motor is done
05:41.22 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
15:01.12 narnia brlcad, before i wander off to court in downtown chicago (argh spit), any suggestions for a logo for the step stuff?
15:02.02 brlcad a logo?
15:02.20 brlcad 3d steps? :)
16:34.56 *** join/#brlcad cad507 (
16:35.10 brlcad hello cad507
16:36.14 brlcad goodbye cad507
23:28.15 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/conv/ (g2asc.1 g2asc.c): if the converter isn't going to let me do stdio redirection any more, the usage and manpage need to reflect that
23:34.04 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: removed redirection usage examples in g2asc docs. outputting the object name when the root solver fails actually didn't make the 7.2.2 release apparently due to a misunderstanding on my part so remove from list.

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.