irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050409

02:48.26 *** join/#brlcad dan_falck (
05:49.42 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
17:08.18 *** join/#brlcad Axios (
17:09.30 Axios hi
17:10.05 Axios are there a fast tutorial, that describes how to install, and get a few basic things up and running?
17:10.21 Axios brlcad seems very interesting
17:17.26 brlcad hi axios
17:17.47 brlcad there are complete tutorial volumes (books)
17:17.56 brlcad available on the website,
17:18.18 brlcad other than that, I can walk you through whatever you like too
17:18.40 brlcad installation from source is pretty simple
17:19.11 brlcad for most at least :)
17:23.46 Axios brlcad: there are a compiled version at sourceforge, cant I use that?
17:23.56 brlcad depends
17:24.03 brlcad what os are you using?
17:24.21 Axios debian linux
17:24.35 Axios on a amd athlon cpu
17:24.46 brlcad the ia32 for linux should work
17:24.53 Axios ok
17:25.04 Axios i downloaded it, and decompressed it
17:25.14 brlcad okay
17:25.15 Axios is that all I have to do?
17:25.32 brlcad that made a usr directory with a brlcad7.0 inside it, yes?
17:25.44 Axios yes
17:26.04 brlcad ok now with root privileges, mv usr/brlcad7.0 /usr/.
17:28.19 Axios how do I remove it, if I want to do that?
17:28.34 Axios isnt that almost impossible, if I move the files?
17:28.40 brlcad you just delete the /usr/brlcad7.0 directory
17:29.03 Axios sure
17:29.09 brlcad no, brl-cad is completely contained to there, so deletion is as simple as "rm -rf /usr/brlcad7.0"
17:29.13 Axios misunderstood you at first
17:30.41 Axios I moved it
17:30.46 Axios how do I start it up?
17:31.04 brlcad is there a /usr/brlcad7.0/ia32 or a bunch of dirs?
17:31.30 Axios there is a /usr/brlcad
17:31.50 brlcad hmm?
17:31.52 Axios /usr/blrcad7.0/ia32 to be precise
17:31.58 brlcad okay
17:32.10 Axios witch has some dir
17:32.12 Axios s
17:32.14 brlcad so last step is to add brl-cad's bin directory to your path
17:32.26 brlcad e.g. export PATH=/usr/brlcad.7.0/ia32/bin:$PATH
17:32.48 Axios yeah
17:32.56 brlcad you can add that to your user or system .profile
17:33.11 Axios sure
17:33.16 brlcad the quick and simple test if you got it all right is to type: mged
17:33.45 brlcad brl-cad consists of several hundred programs, mged is one of the gui-based solid modelers
17:33.56 Axios bash: mged: command not found
17:34.11 brlcad you don't have the PATH set correctly
17:34.19 Axios must be something with path
17:34.25 brlcad perhaps you typed blrcad again? :)
17:34.40 brlcad bee are ell cad :)
17:34.44 Axios it works with ./mged from the bin directory
17:35.21 brlcad that's good to know
17:35.41 *** join/#brlcad [Prez|Kennedy] (~Matthew@
17:36.40 Axios it all works now
17:36.47 brlcad I'd suggest reading if you haven't already, and then for a full walk-through tutorial of mged
17:36.54 Axios the fonts are huge
17:37.00 brlcad :)
17:37.13 Axios is that normal?
17:37.36 brlcad mged's primary author didn't have the greatest eyesight -- it's configurable
17:37.42 brlcad :)
17:37.57 Axios lol
17:38.31 brlcad File -> Preferences -> Fonts
17:38.34 Axios I have been using products like autodesk inventor, and solidworks
17:38.40 Axios how does this compare?
17:38.58 brlcad fairly different markets
17:39.18 brlcad as powerful, if not more-so on the modeling capabilities, but not as user-friendly
17:39.27 Axios okay
17:39.33 Axios that doesn't bother me
17:39.34 brlcad brl-cad has a lot of embedded expert knowledge, hidden commands, etc
17:39.41 brlcad like discovering the unix command line
17:39.41 Axios okay
17:39.54 brlcad the tutorials help with that to a great extent at least for mged
17:40.09 brlcad but like I said, there are over 400 tools that comprise brl-cad
17:40.14 *** join/#brlcad DarkMaster (~Matthew@
17:40.23 Axios okay
17:40.27 brlcad there is a new modeler in development now (actually two) that will be much more "familiar" to you
17:40.41 Axios what are they?
17:40.45 brlcad so keep an eye out for them.. "archer" is the first you'll likely hear about
17:41.18 brlcad gui-based solid modeling
17:41.47 Axios are they open source?
17:42.07 brlcad Axios: for a quick mged look-see, type "make sph sph" into the command window and then type "rt -F/dev/Xl -s1024"
17:42.46 brlcad er, you'll have to open a database first too.. "opendb test.g" before those two if you haven't already
17:43.20 Axios Error: A database is not open!
17:43.28 brlcad yeah, type "opendb test.g"
17:43.58 brlcad or click on File -> New...
17:44.30 Axios nice
17:44.40 Axios where does it save the picture?
17:44.56 Axios it exits when its done
17:45.08 brlcad that rt command basically said to render it to a lingering X11 window
17:45.20 brlcad you can render to a file as well with other options
17:45.38 brlcad File -> Raytrace is the gui control panel for that same thing
17:47.05 brlcad Axios: something more interesting to look at is
17:47.23 Axios this is special
17:47.49 Axios i tried ctrl-z and the sphere starts rotating
17:47.59 brlcad yep
17:48.03 Axios the more z's the faster
17:48.13 brlcad X and Y will do the other axes :)
17:48.21 brlcad hit 0 to stop it
17:48.33 brlcad 3 for a standard view
17:48.59 brlcad t for top, l for left, r for right, f for front
17:49.18 Axios okay
17:49.37 Axios is it possible render it and take a spin around it?
17:49.40 brlcad the rotation control actually hooks into old SGI knob devices that were used in modeling "back in the early 80's"
17:49.55 brlcad it is possible, but not trivial to set up
17:50.06 brlcad the animation capabilities are very mathematical
17:50.18 Axios brlcad has a lot of history
17:50.52 brlcad to give you an idea of the animation, there's a paper on the website:
17:51.10 brlcad yes, it does .. longer than most
17:51.26 Axios brlcad: how long have you been using it?
17:51.32 brlcad one of the fastest solid model raytracers too (read, non-surface only)
17:52.11 brlcad oh, lesse -- not as long as some of the other guys
17:52.41 brlcad 7 or 8 years maybe 
17:52.50 Axios okay
17:52.58 brlcad started out modeling, then developing
17:53.03 Axios I just found it on freshmeat today
17:53.08 brlcad i'm by no means one of the expert modelers of it though
17:53.15 Axios okay
17:53.16 brlcad they are just amazing how they can use it
17:53.27 brlcad the geometry just flows from their fingers
17:53.31 Axios hehe
17:53.51 Axios im a student at a university in Denmark
17:53.54 brlcad it's a different style of modeling, being a csg-centric modeler
17:53.59 brlcad ahh, okay
17:54.11 Axios at the university, the use solidworks, but I hate using the mouse all of the time
17:54.24 brlcad hehe, well then!
17:54.34 Axios you cant work with that program for hours, you would brake your hand
17:54.45 brlcad brl-cad is definitely probably up your alley ;)
17:54.49 Axios or rather wrist
17:55.10 brlcad i understand :)
17:55.39 Axios its just a little hard to understand what brlcad can and cannot do
17:55.50 brlcad i learned out to drive a mouse with my left hand to deal with my pain (i'm not left handed)
17:56.07 Axios what is your proffesion?
17:56.28 brlcad Axios: well, in broad strokes it's easy to describe what brl-cad is well and ill suited for
17:56.37 Axios I use a trackball, so its not all that bad, but the accurasy isnt good for those programs
17:56.57 brlcad i'm a software developer .. official title is a bit winded
17:57.15 brlcad a head up brl-cad's open source developments
17:57.25 brlcad i use a trackball with my left hand ;)
17:57.33 Axios do the make those?
17:57.42 brlcad sure
17:57.46 brlcad take the trackball
17:57.53 brlcad put it under your left hand
17:57.55 brlcad :)
17:58.05 Axios oh no, you cant be serius
17:58.16 brlcad what kind of trackball do you have?
17:58.20 Axios you control it with your litle finger?
17:58.30 Axios a logitech trackman
17:58.45 brlcad ahh, a trackman
17:58.59 brlcad those don't work so well
17:59.26 brlcad the logitec marble mouse should work fine
17:59.27 Axios you use one of those with the ball in the middle?
17:59.32 brlcad but my preference
18:00.08 brlcad
18:00.26 brlcad the expert mouse pro is great for cad (and gaming)
18:00.44 brlcad 11 configurable buttons
18:00.55 brlcad works left/right handed
18:01.02 Axios I see
18:01.14 brlcad and you can take that ball out and throw it at your friends
18:01.15 Axios no unix support?
18:01.25 brlcad sure is
18:01.42 brlcad that's one of the oldest most popular trackballs
18:02.05 brlcad the cheaper suitable alternative:
18:02.14 Axios okay, I thought logitech was the only company that made trackballs
18:03.40 Axios do you rotate the ball with you palm
18:03.44 Axios ?
18:04.05 brlcad no, it sits in your fingers
18:04.21 brlcad slightly on the top of the palm
18:04.47 Axios must try one of thoose some day
18:04.47 brlcad so you have subtle side to side hand jestures for moving the ball
18:04.58 brlcad liek if you sweep a desk with your fingers
18:05.13 Axios I see
18:05.35 Axios that gave a nice picture
18:06.05 brlcad the ball's the same size and similar weight as a pool ball too, so you can drop an 8 ball in there for nice effect :)
18:06.23 Axios does it work?
18:06.29 brlcad sure
18:06.29 Axios with an 8 ball?
18:06.32 Axios nice
18:07.10 Axios are there a site, where I can see some pictures and/or animations done with brlcad?
18:08.01 Axios the ones on are small, and not at all as interesting as the tanks in the pdf files ;)
18:08.06 brlcad there's a couple here
18:08.55 brlcad i've got a more to uplaod at some point too
18:09.05 Axios I like the old one, in the middle
18:09.12 Axios okay
18:09.26 Axios oh, its the author right+
18:09.27 Axios ?
18:09.30 Axios or one of them
18:09.45 brlcad that's the original author -- mike muuss back in the 80's
18:10.00 Axios oaky
18:10.47 brlcad a better screenshot:
18:11.12 Axios it could be reel cool, if there were some pictures of something extreme
18:11.26 Axios so that you could get an ideo of the limits of the program
18:11.28 brlcad there are lots of those
18:11.37 brlcad most of them are classified or sensitive :)
18:11.52 Axios the one you just linked to seems pretty basic
18:12.04 brlcad they are
18:12.14 Axios does the army still use brlcad, or are they switching?
18:13.18 brlcad it's still very much used
18:13.25 Axios okay
18:13.37 Axios well, thanks a lot for the help
18:13.41 brlcad here's an example model that was rendered in a different light pass:
18:14.03 Axios nice!!
18:14.10 brlcad by different light pass, I mean not through rt
18:14.52 Axios I have to learn brlcad now
18:15.09 Axios before I was more sceptical(or how its spelled)
18:15.16 Axios 3jeg bliver n�d til at l�re det
18:15.28 Axios sorry, wrong channel
18:15.31 brlcad :)
18:15.48 Axios thats an example of danish
18:15.55 brlcad i figured :)
18:16.26 Axios i just posted the pictures to some friends, and said I had to learn brlcad now
18:16.53 Axios thanks again for the help
18:17.10 brlcad another example:
18:17.20 Axios how much time would you gees, that they spend on that humvee?
18:17.40 brlcad not as good a render
18:17.49 brlcad but more detail
18:18.17 brlcad oh, I couldn't say how long it took to make it
18:18.28 Axios oh, its for bzflag
18:18.36 brlcad it's not
18:18.43 brlcad i just happen to be a bz dev too
18:18.50 Axios hehe
18:18.51 brlcad and I own that domain name
18:19.04 Axios wheres .bz?
18:19.25 brlcad Belize :)
18:19.36 brlcad ~bz
18:19.37 ibot bz is probably Belize
18:19.53 Axios youre from there, or just own the domain?
18:19.58 brlcad just own the domain
18:20.12 brlcad it's conveniently the same suffix
18:20.28 Axios yeah
18:20.29 brlcad ~da
18:20.32 Axios nice touch
18:20.36 brlcad ~.da
18:20.43 Axios .dk
18:20.48 brlcad ~dk
18:20.50 ibot methinks dk is Denmark
18:21.20 Axios I think you have to be a danish citisen to buy .dk's
18:23.29 Axios brlcad: if you had to gues on how long i takes to make a humvee like that, what would it be?
18:24.42 brlcad it's really dependant upon the modelers skills.. in one of the expert modelers hands probably a week or two
18:24.57 brlcad the missing detail is that all of the insides are there too
18:25.05 brlcad the engine, the cables, the seats, etc
18:26.32 Axios how about just the outside shell?
18:27.01 brlcad oh something that simple?
18:27.05 Axios jep
18:27.09 Axios yeah
18:27.12 brlcad in a couple days maybe
18:27.28 Axios 14 hours of work?
18:27.30 brlcad getting the information simply input takes time
18:27.42 brlcad it's possible
18:28.52 Axios is brlcad faster than using inventor or solidworks if you are experienced?
18:28.59 Axios equally experienced
18:29.30 Axios I must say, im very impressed with brlcad
18:30.18 brlcad oh, i'm sure if you're equally experienced in those tools and you had the information, you could model in about the same amount of time
18:30.29 brlcad especially for a surface model only
18:30.42 brlcad which a brl-cad model rarely ever is
18:31.42 brlcad the bigger benefit we can also tout is being able to perform signature (i.e. full penetration) analyses on models in general
18:31.56 Axios okay
18:31.59 brlcad like tell what kinds of geometry are on a given path, and answer that question very quickly
18:32.42 Axios in solidworks you can get it to tell you the mass, and momentums and such
18:32.51 Axios can you do the same with brlcad?
18:33.31 brlcad yes, you can -- though not through mged
18:33.46 brlcad rtweight and nirt are good for that
18:35.44 Axios its nice that its open source
18:35.59 Axios so if you really needed something extra, you could make it
18:37.09 brlcad yep
18:37.12 brlcad that's the idea
18:37.19 brlcad we're the only open source solid modeler
18:37.32 Axios is the whole of brlcad open source, or are there still a large portion that is closed?
18:37.33 brlcad with millions already invested and an existing user-base
18:37.46 brlcad all of brl-cad was open sourced
18:37.55 Axios its amazing
18:38.19 Axios I thought that there werent any god open source cad tools at all
18:38.20 brlcad there are components that were under development that weren't "brought under the umbrella" of brl-cad just yet
18:38.32 brlcad those should eventually get merged in, though (like archer)
18:39.01 brlcad well, you might not think it's as good as you hope after you're on page 300 of the tutorial :)
18:39.32 Axios because theres so much to learn?
18:39.48 Axios and yeah, you have to read endless materials
18:42.11 Axios but when youre done with it all, you can do more than you ever could with one of the other cads?
18:42.30 brlcad there's a lot to learn
18:42.38 brlcad a lot of commands and tools
18:43.04 brlcad it's geared towards analysis needs specifically too, with very little investment in making a pretty shiny user interface
18:43.09 Axios I like using commands, they are totally precise, I hate that dragging and dropping
18:43.23 Axios I can see
18:43.48 brlcad in fact, mged's origins actually had no gui
18:43.59 Axios but like everything else, beauty is only skin deep
18:44.43 Axios well, I have a lot of reading to do
18:45.11 Axios and thanks again
18:45.35 Axios oh one last question
18:45.42 Axios why did they open source it?
18:46.29 brlcad they are
18:46.36 brlcad i fought for 5 years to get it open sourced
18:46.41 brlcad it was not easy at all
18:47.22 Axios do you work in the military?
18:47.59 brlcad e-mail after e-mail to the lawyers, to various levels of management, others
18:48.05 brlcad meetings after meetings :)
18:48.30 Axios i love the open source revolution
18:48.34 brlcad I can't really say that here, if you visit MD I'd be happy to answer in person :)
18:49.01 Axios I think i get the point
18:50.03 brlcad it was open sourced for lots of reasons
18:50.53 brlcad the administrative overhead of the closed-source license agreement that brl-cad had before was rather burdensome
18:51.18 brlcad you've actually been able to get brl-cad (including source code) since it was first released
18:52.03 brlcad you would have to get a form, fill it out, mail/fax it back.. wait for an approval process, wait for a decryption key to get mailed back to you, download or get sent the software, decrypt it, install it
18:52.12 Axios so a lot of not military people have used brlcad?
18:52.21 brlcad it was a pain in the rear for users that just want something to download
18:52.31 brlcad yeah, a lot of universities and businesses
18:52.32 Axios yeag
18:52.42 Axios i never heard about it
18:53.00 Axios is it good for collision simulations and such?
18:53.22 brlcad it's used in codes that do that
18:53.23 Axios were you able to use brlcad for buisness, before it got open sourced?
18:53.39 brlcad sure
18:54.24 Axios well im off
18:54.33 brlcad it was basically similar terms as the LGPL license _except_ that you were prohibited form redistributing brl-cad (i.e. you had to come to us to get it, fill out the form, etc)
18:54.46 Axios okay
18:54.58 Axios so there wasnt not much difference
18:55.02 brlcad so going open source was just an easy simplification in a way
18:55.11 Axios yeah
18:55.17 brlcad it's a huge difference to development
18:55.21 Axios are there other projects like this?
18:55.23 Axios yeah
18:55.29 brlcad but mainly because it's so mcuh easier to collaborate now
18:55.31 Axios you are a lot more free
18:55.36 brlcad for new developers to get directly involved
18:55.44 brlcad for new features to get added
18:55.49 Axios so brlcad is gonna change a lot?
18:56.10 brlcad oh, we'll see what happens :)
18:56.19 brlcad there are core values that are protected by the core devs
18:56.30 Axios its hard to build something like a cad system that is open source from scratch
18:56.33 brlcad but there are also long-term improvement goals
18:56.38 brlcad it is
18:56.45 brlcad people don't realize that at all
18:56.56 Axios almost impossible
18:57.01 brlcad the reason unigraphics and pro/E and solid works can charge so much
18:57.07 brlcad they've invested millions
18:57.12 Axios yeah
18:57.20 Axios on physics and matematics
18:57.25 Axios programmers
18:57.31 brlcad if you think about even the time in brl-cad .. 20 years with a team of 5-10 directly/specifically working on brl-cad
18:57.31 Axios none of thoose are cheap to hire
18:57.46 brlcad do the math on their salaries alone and you start seeing the $$$
18:57.53 Axios yeah
18:58.24 brlcad yes, and the math and computer science skills needed.. not an everyday hacker
18:58.28 Axios most big open source projects start of with something thats already semi done
18:58.50 Axios and then it just get polished and beautiful
18:59.05 Axios all the errors get out of the code, with time
18:59.15 brlcad beatiful is in the eye of the (sometimes twisted) beholder, but yes, I agree ;)
18:59.25 Axios lol
19:00.02 brlcad it's a slow continual improvement usually
19:00.34 Axios you probadly would be cut of, of all your social relations, if you talk about beaty and computers
19:00.34 brlcad not as fast as funded, but it's continual -- like the tortoise vs. rabbit parable
19:00.47 brlcad :)
19:01.02 Axios tortoise vs. rabbit
19:01.14 brlcad well if you run into anything ugly in brl-cad, feel free to drop me a line or post it up on the website
19:01.30 brlcad you can make feature requests and post bugs up on
19:01.42 Axios im not good at programming
19:01.43 Axios yet
19:01.46 brlcad
19:02.06 brlcad there's plenty to do that does not involve programming :)
19:02.30 brlcad heck even if you just learn how to model and make suggestions for improvement, that's very useful ;)
19:03.06 Axios okay, I will certainly learn to model
19:03.26 Axios if not I get a headecke whilst reading the manual
19:03.32 brlcad :)
19:03.56 brlcad you might want to just jump to the glossaries and command indices at the end from time to time and just poke around
19:04.09 Axios yeah
19:04.11 brlcad take a look at that havoc.g if you want a more "full" model
19:04.23 Axios it will take months to learn this system
19:04.32 brlcad it's a helicopter model that's decent enough to play with
19:04.34 Axios how do i that?
19:04.42 Axios can i just load it?
19:05.03 brlcad yes, File -> Open
19:05.12 brlcad e havoc
19:05.38 brlcad tops <-- gives a list of top level geometry
19:05.52 brlcad e [object] <-- displays some geometry
19:06.12 brlcad l [object] <-- lists what that geometry is or is comprised of
19:06.20 brlcad Z <-- erases the display
19:06.38 brlcad who <-- tells you what objects you're looking at
19:08.08 Axios i cant find the file..
19:08.08 brlcad there's a glossary of most of the commands at the end of the mged tutorial book
19:08.13 Axios havoc.g
19:08.16 brlcad
19:09.03 brlcad you can get all of the geometry files that are in cvs if you like
19:09.19 brlcad cvs -d login
19:09.23 brlcad [no password]
19:09.29 brlcad cvs -d checkout brlcad/db
19:11.32 brlcad of course you'd have to apt-get cvs if you hadn't already
19:13.20 brlcad the thing about the graphical window that you'll probably find out early in the tutorial is the "shift-grips" .. pressing shift, alt, etc while click-draggin can do the scaling, translations, zoomings that you're probably used to
19:13.50 brlcad there are command equivalents to all of them as well, of course ;) (top, front, left, zoom 1.4, etc)
19:15.14 Axios okay
19:15.57 Axios the window gets messy, if you raytrace in it
19:16.50 *** join/#brlcad [Prez|Kennedy] (
19:17.47 Axios it seems very powerfull
19:18.33 brlcad you used the raytrace control panel?
19:18.51 Axios just pressed file > raytrace
19:19.16 brlcad yes, look on that panel window's menu
19:19.36 brlcad Framebuffer -> Overlay
19:19.52 brlcad that will display the image underneath or on top of the wireframe
19:21.08 Axios can i get back to a black background?
19:21.29 brlcad there's an fbclear button on that control panel
19:22.11 Axios but it doesnt restore to the display I had, before I raytraced it
19:22.41 brlcad did you change the underlay/overlay?
19:22.47 Axios yes
19:23.10 Axios afterwards i did the fbclear
19:23.11 brlcad so you have to put it back under and/or turn the framebuffer off
19:23.15 Axios and the screen is blue
19:23.50 brlcad that's the color setting on the control panel
19:23.50 brlcad 0 0 50
19:23.55 Axios now i get it
19:24.12 brlcad Framebuffer -> Active will turn it on/off
19:24.13 Axios does alt + click do anything?
19:24.16 Axios yeah
19:24.21 Axios i can see
19:24.45 brlcad "framebuffer" is the thing you render into when you raytrace
19:24.53 brlcad it's completely separate from the wireframe
19:25.48 Axios yeah
19:26.24 Axios is it possible to make it solid and rotate it, instead of just the wireframe?
19:26.54 brlcad it is, though doing that with the full blown havoc is not recommended
19:27.28 Axios isnt opengl enabled?
19:28.05 brlcad it is, but the conversion from solid geometry to opengl triangles takes a few seconds
19:28.13 brlcad is your computer "fast"? :)
19:28.14 Axios its fun that games and such get so high performance, while other program doesnt get anything near that
19:28.26 Axios xp 3000+ with an nvidia gfx
19:28.30 Axios so okay fast
19:28.41 Axios but not a super computer
19:28.46 brlcad should be.. can give it a try
19:28.55 brlcad try something simple first:
19:29.25 brlcad first go to Misc menu
19:29.36 brlcad turn off Z-clipping, turn on Lighting
19:30.29 Axios on the havoc?
19:30.39 brlcad doesn't matter
19:31.29 Axios <PROTECTED>
19:32.01 brlcad there's more.. hold on
19:32.11 brlcad Z
19:32.17 brlcad make sph sph
19:33.30 brlcad shaded_mode 2
19:34.28 brlcad my bad, turn z-clipping back on
19:34.40 brlcad B sph
19:34.57 brlcad it should show up shaded
19:35.17 Axios nice
19:35.24 Axios looks like a golfball
19:35.37 brlcad okay, now B havoc
19:35.46 brlcad should take a few seconds
19:36.22 brlcad btw, the new modeler does this all by default so there's no delays etc
19:36.27 brlcad more like a game ;)
19:36.32 Axios ;)
19:36.40 Axios with opengl support?
19:37.00 brlcad opengl is presently required
19:37.07 brlcad at least software mode
19:37.24 brlcad which is pretty much anything made within the last 10 years
19:37.46 brlcad havoc still churning?
19:37.46 Axios it takes some time
19:37.49 Axios jep
19:37.54 brlcad heh
19:37.58 Axios but it isnt takin up cpu...
19:38.44 Axios mged seems a bit frozen
19:39.06 brlcad hmmm
19:39.08 Axios a lot actually
19:39.43 brlcad that's odd for sure
19:39.54 Axios i think its broken
19:40.04 brlcad could very well be
19:40.10 brlcad killall mged ..
19:40.28 brlcad i'll have to take a look at that
19:40.40 Axios did it do the same with yours?
19:40.44 brlcad shaded_mode is still experimental with mged
19:41.02 brlcad yes it did
19:41.07 Axios oh
19:41.13 Axios i love linux
19:41.25 brlcad though it just worked fine the other day on my g5
19:41.29 Axios it doesnt freeze it the apps freeze
19:41.33 Axios nice
19:41.40 Axios it runs on ppc?
19:42.20 brlcad brl-cad runs on just about anything
19:42.20 Axios will it run okay on my 1,2 ghz g4 ibook?
19:42.20 brlcad it was designed to scale up to as big as they come (2048 processor origin 3000 anyone?)
19:42.32 brlcad and it's history takes it back to very small machines that predate tcp/ip
19:42.45 brlcad yes, it'll run on your ibook ;)
19:42.50 Axios nice
19:43.13 Axios it can run on any platform?
19:43.25 brlcad presently mged's an X11 app, though -- I'm hoping to decouple it with aqua tk shortly
19:43.42 brlcad pretty much any platform.. the only problematic one is Windows
19:43.47 Axios is there a windows port?
19:43.58 brlcad it does actually run on windows, but only a developer release has been made to date
19:44.06 Axios okay
19:44.15 Axios not that i wanted to use that
19:44.44 brlcad there's been quite a demand for the Windows port for some time .. it's slowly coming along
19:44.50 Axios its impossible to find cad for macs
19:45.00 Axios oh
19:45.09 brlcad there's a good architecture cad program on os x
19:45.19 brlcad but yeah, beyhond that there's not
19:45.19 Axios okay
19:45.35 brlcad that'll soon be remedied ;)
19:45.41 Axios but im more into mechanical engineering
19:45.46 Axios ;)
19:46.21 brlcad it has to be an aqua or at least X11-less app on OS X for anyone to really take it seriously
19:46.28 brlcad for that platform, that is
19:46.41 Axios i saw someone using it on a mac
19:46.49 Axios with x11
19:46.51 brlcad yes, I primarily use it on a mac myself :)
19:46.51 Axios though
19:46.59 Axios you use mac osx?
19:47.08 brlcad but of course :)
19:47.33 Axios i bought an ibook 12" for about four weeks ago
19:47.37 brlcad as well as linux, bsd, and irix
19:47.45 brlcad but os x is my primary platform
19:47.50 Axios i wanted to use debian-ppc on it
19:47.57 Axios but im not sure anymore
19:48.01 brlcad ahh
19:48.11 brlcad me and debby have a hate-hate relationship
19:48.16 Axios i hate to say it, but that osx isnt that baad
19:48.35 Axios what linux do you then use?
19:48.56 brlcad debian gave more porting issues than any other linux mostly due to a busted gnu build system setup in debian stable
19:49.33 brlcad I prefer to use gentoo, often have to use red hat, I have debian of late as well
19:49.34 Axios im using debian - testing
19:49.52 Axios oh, i meant unstable
19:49.57 brlcad i believe testing has the same misconfiguration
19:49.58 Axios debian - unstable
19:50.36 brlcad doesn't matter any more -- the build system was changed to accommodate it
19:50.44 brlcad but that's a couple days of my life I'm not getting back :)
19:51.28 brlcad debian gives similar grief from time to time for bzflag development, so I'm a bit biased
19:51.40 brlcad and it's only from a dev's perspective
19:52.05 brlcad it's fine for a user, the features and apps are fine, the apt package management is nice
19:52.54 Axios very nice
19:53.11 Axios im thinking about trying ubuntu
19:53.32 brlcad haven't tried that one
19:53.34 Axios the unstable branch is a bit unstable at times, and testing is to old
19:53.45 brlcad I'm _really_ interested in trying out Zeta
19:53.53 Axios havent heard about that one
19:54.22 brlcad it's basically rumored to be what's left of BeOS
19:54.56 Axios okay
19:55.15 brlcad rumor has been that a german company (yellowtab) were granted the rights to the unreleased BeOS 5,1 before Be was sold to Palm
19:55.29 brlcad and they're starting to ship 1.0 this month
19:55.41 brlcad
19:55.48 brlcad not open source, mind you
19:56.08 Axios oh
19:56.11 brlcad but I was a big fan of the raw features and performance of BeOS back when they were a choice
19:56.13 Axios think ill skip it then
19:56.24 brlcad heh :)
19:57.14 brlcad there are things that BeOS could do on my old Pentium that I can barely do on my best Linux and Mac workstations
19:57.25 Axios wow
19:57.38 Axios i though beos was ppc, with their bebox
19:57.54 brlcad that was one of their first products
19:58.04 brlcad they expanded shortly after that
19:58.27 brlcad bebox was eventually killed, and they started giving away all but their pro version of the operating system
19:58.56 Axios k
20:00.42 Axios hope they go broke and open source it then
20:01.29 brlcad BeOS was bankrupt by M$ years ago
20:01.38 brlcad Palm bought up Be's remaining assest
20:02.08 brlcad Be later sued MS and settled for over 23 million
20:02.30 brlcad yellowtab is what remains
20:02.52 brlcad they can't open source it, because of the code's origins
20:03.31 brlcad there are proprietary codes that are part of the core OS that make that a practical impossibility without someone getting sued or going to jail
20:03.50 Axios thats the nasty software world
20:03.53 brlcad part of why BeOS performed so well was those special codes
20:04.02 brlcad yep
20:04.24 Axios they are probadly gonna allow software patents in europe
20:04.26 brlcad there are like a dozen forked open source projects in BeOS's name/style
20:04.39 brlcad OpenBeOS, for example
20:05.02 Axios and you can brake one of those, by contributing to open source, with out even knowing it
20:05.16 Axios okay
20:05.45 Axios so you could become a criminal without even knowing it
20:05.56 Axios heh, just by using double clicks in your program
20:06.33 brlcad heh
20:07.09 brlcad there's a place for both of them, but I sure am glad to see open source win out most of the time
20:07.49 Axios patents are the worst
20:08.02 Axios copyright is alright
20:08.12 brlcad copyright is a pita
20:08.21 brlcad that was our biggest hurdle to going open source
20:08.35 brlcad that issue alone took over a year to resolve
20:08.54 Axios what does pita mean?
20:08.57 brlcad well, maybe not the "biggest" .. but it was close
20:09.00 brlcad ~pita
20:09.01 ibot pita is probably pain in the ass
20:09.11 Axios yeah
20:10.32 brlcad it's even more complicated when you start considering international multi-author projects and codes developed by governments
20:10.59 brlcad in the US, the Gov't is the single largest "entity", pretty much the single largest business
20:11.17 brlcad yet the laws are very complicated with respect to copyright
20:11.47 brlcad since there are no "copy rights" by default for Gov't-generated works to tax payers of that Gov't
20:12.17 brlcad there are internationally where recognized, and there are through assignment
20:12.28 Axios its the same in denmark
20:12.56 Axios the goverment in denmark is a lot larger in ratio to citisents than the us
20:13.07 brlcad all very boring that basically boils down to being a major pita when you want to open source Gov't software (where it could be encouraged in the first place)
20:13.07 Axios we are socialliberal in denmark
20:13.12 Axios about half/half
20:13.40 Axios i think open source is going to be a problem for the us
20:13.44 Axios US
20:14.46 Axios software is the biggest export fra USA, right?
20:15.03 brlcad BRL-CAD isn't the first per-se, but I can probably count on one hand how many there have been from the army
20:15.10 Axios fra = from
20:16.38 Axios but if the public pay for you to produce the software, in some sence, it have to be in a public license
20:17.13 brlcad another big one is GRASS GIS from the core of engineers, they got around the copyright problem by just public domaining it and then schools picked it up in italy/germany that later converted it to open source
20:17.28 brlcad sure, but only to the public that pays
20:17.42 brlcad which is why that is tricky for international projects
20:17.46 Axios yeah, i know what you mean
20:17.53 Axios the internet works globally
20:17.54 brlcad that's what brl-cad was .. anyone could get it, could get the source -- for free
20:18.11 brlcad that doesn't make it "open source" in the OSI definition terms though
20:18.39 brlcad and it was copyright in all countries except the U.S.
20:18.49 Axios oh
20:19.22 brlcad we were only able to open source it the way we did because we were able to acquire the copyright in the US as well
20:19.51 brlcad that's in-part a weakness of the GNU licenses
20:20.01 brlcad they are all based on copyright law
20:20.20 brlcad if you cannot claim copyright, you cannot enforce the license terms
20:20.41 brlcad they need to make licenses that are based on contract law (they can even be the same terms)
20:22.43 Axios does the army take patents on some of its software?
20:23.23 brlcad just like any other corporate entity they "can"
20:23.43 brlcad any gov't office can
20:23.57 brlcad there's just limited benefit to do so
20:24.14 brlcad since the government doesn't make money that way
20:24.50 Axios i have been in the US once
20:24.55 brlcad same for trademarks
20:25.15 brlcad though trademarks are useful to protect name ownership
20:25.37 brlcad like I said, I had to fight it for 5 years :)
20:25.46 Axios i believe
20:25.47 Axios you
20:26.25 brlcad i had to understand the gpl, copyright law, contract law, international implications inside out or it wouldn't have happened
20:27.06 brlcad up to early last year, the answer was "it's impossible -- that could never happen."
20:27.13 brlcad "BRL-CAD cannot be open sourced"
20:27.17 brlcad and here we are
20:28.14 Axios lol
20:28.18 Axios nicely done
20:29.22 brlcad can't take all of the credit, I had to get a lot of guy-in support from various levels of managemnet
20:29.40 brlcad and the rest of the dev team itself (which was the easiest of all, of course)
20:30.14 Axios Columbo is comming on
20:30.19 brlcad well, time to let my dog outside
20:30.42 Axios so now im gonna go off
20:30.45 Axios ;)
20:30.48 brlcad feel free to idle in here, or come back later, or whatever anywtime
20:31.09 Axios okay
20:31.21 brlcad i read the channel log if I'm not around too, so you can drop questions and private message me an e-mail if you want an answer and you don't idle
20:50.03 Axios this episode of columbo is as old as brlcad ;)
20:50.16 Axios or older, its from 78
21:11.09 brlcad that'd be older :)

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