irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050410

00:07.31 *** join/#brlcad narnia (
00:19.01 dan_falck narnia: hi terry. how was your week?
01:30.15 *** join/#brlcad goliche (~~@
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01:50.09 narnia dan_falck, you still here?
01:50.43 narnia dan_falck, knock, knock, you home?
01:53.26 brlcad who's there
01:57.05 dan_falck narnia: hello
01:57.12 dan_falck brlcad: hello
01:57.58 dan_falck I'm taking my family out for dinner... talk to you guys later on
01:57.59 brlcad howdy
01:58.05 brlcad cya
02:09.00 narnia brlcad, so how has your weekend been so far?
02:09.36 brlcad unproductive unfortunately, but good
02:10.11 brlcad played Diablo 2 for 6 hours on Friday, that's been the highlight so far along with some Mac binary release progress
02:10.15 narnia well i took a break from debugging express2html and began cutting down a box elder tree.
02:11.03 narnia in between cutting the tree down i have been attempting to get the tractor started.
02:12.28 narnia i think either the ignition switch or the starter motor solenoid is bad. if i jumper around the solenoid the engine turns over.
02:13.17 narnia need the tractor to pull the wagon to haul the limbs to the burn pile. funny how that works. ;-)
02:13.54 brlcad :)
02:14.20 brlcad so splitting wood for sale? for winter? just to clean up the tree?
02:14.24 narnia cutting a tree down with one good arm sucks btw.
02:14.52 brlcad of just burning it all up
02:16.39 narnia old box elder tree. probably fifty years old. big trunk. 10 ft tall. in august when the northern illinois steam power show is held we have a steam powered sawmill. i will take the trunk there to be sawn into boards.
02:17.01 narnia the larger limbs are firewood for the fireplace.
02:17.53 narnia the small stuff is for the burn pile. actually thinking of burning them where the garden will be planted. the old slash and burn method of gardening.
02:19.23 narnia the upper part of the tree was hit by lightning so the tree is dying.
02:20.33 narnia an upper 10 in diameter limb is blown part in the middle. it is sagging down on other limbs.
02:21.52 narnia btw, no i am not using an axe. i am using an electric reciprocating saw. with a 18in saw blade.
02:22.47 narnia using a chain saw one-handed is not recommended. ;-)
02:26.14 narnia last year i lost a 75 yr old maple tree in a storm. i have enough finished maple boards to build new kitchen cabinets, a pantry, and a maple hardwood floor. i gave half of the maple to the kingston saw mill for sawing the tree up.
02:27.10 narnia that maple tree was heavy. had to get a crane to pick it up and put it on the flat bed trailer.
02:27.58 narnia the useable trunk sections totaled close to 5 tons.
02:28.32 brlcad good use of an old dying tree
02:30.04 narnia i cried when i saw the maple tree up rooted. it was a large beautiful shade tree.
02:30.55 narnia i did not cut that one up. i let the saw mill guys with their two man chain saws cut it up.
02:32.32 narnia the steam saw mill has a 3ft diameter circular saw blade. will saw through the toughest oak with ease.
02:34.36 narnia have to slow the carriage down a bit but oak is no problem.
02:35.12 brlcad i can imagine
02:37.36 narnia The Northern Illinois Steam Power Club
02:38.40 narnia
02:39.20 narnia here is our pride and joy.
02:40.15 narnia the flywheel is huge. Flywheel: 8 Tons
02:40.27 brlcad cool
02:40.39 brlcad mine is about 3 pounds ;)
02:41.00 brlcad not the flywheel, either.. ;)
02:48.40 narnia i have wanted to build a small steam engine but never have gotten around to it.
02:51.37 narnia you have a steam power show out by you.
02:52.03 narnia Eastern Shore Threshermen & Collectors Association, Inc.
02:52.13 narnia Federalsburg, Maryland, USA
03:27.57 narnia that is a good show when i lived in laurel maryland.
04:54.49 [Prez|Kennedy] talk Twingy... talk!!
04:59.26 Twingy why
04:59.32 Twingy I'm tired.
05:00.11 [Prez|Kennedy] im watching mystery science theater
05:00.12 [Prez|Kennedy] :)
05:00.25 Twingy static test firing at 8am, tearing down neighbors shed, tearing down fence, planting grass, running to home depot, pouring gravel, shoveling dirt, running 2 miles, on 3 hours of sleep, makes you kinda tired
05:00.41 Twingy here's a pic
05:00.50 Twingy
05:00.50 [Prez|Kennedy] ok
05:00.55 Twingy thursday mornings static test
05:01.13 [Prez|Kennedy] cool
05:01.24 Twingy ~150lbs of thrust
05:02.01 [Prez|Kennedy] how long did it last?
05:02.15 Twingy the burn on thursday mornings test lasted 1.1 seconds
05:02.28 Twingy this mornings test lasted 0.6 seconds with the ignition on the bulk head end this time
05:02.34 Twingy the thrust output was ~200lbs I think
05:02.40 Twingy it's an "I" class motor
05:02.54 Twingy which is 320 - 640 newton seconds of specific impulse
05:02.58 Twingy mine is about 550 N-s
05:03.16 [Prez|Kennedy] would you call it a successful test?
05:03.21 Twingy
05:03.23 Twingy yes, entirely
05:03.26 Twingy I have a video
05:03.39 Twingy once I finish the log entry for the 2 tests I'll give you the link
05:03.45 Twingy probly sometime later this week
05:03.50 [Prez|Kennedy] ok
05:03.52 Twingy I've got a mountain of data to churn
05:03.56 [Prez|Kennedy] haha
05:04.21 Twingy this motor is significantly more powerful than the one stephen went out with me for
05:04.37 Twingy I ignite it via my r/c plane controller
05:04.44 Twingy using a servo and a receiver
05:04.50 Twingy that way I can ignite it from 400 feet back
05:05.04 [Prez|Kennedy] you dont wanna get toasted if somethin goes wrong afterall
05:05.25 Twingy yep
05:05.29 Twingy I triple checked the math
05:05.31 Twingy before I tested the motor
05:05.36 Twingy and everything checked out
05:05.42 Twingy and so far both static test firings are 100% successful
05:05.50 Twingy this is a powerful motor
05:06.00 Twingy should put my rocket about 2,500 feet up
05:06.17 Twingy in about 1 second
05:06.29 Twingy I'd guess it'll be traveling around 500 mph
05:07.29 Twingy my next motor should excede mach-1
05:07.35 Twingy *exceed
05:07.42 [Prez|Kennedy] cool
05:07.47 [Prez|Kennedy] will it make a sonic boom or anything?
05:08.07 Twingy no, but you'll hear a distinct difference in the sound
05:08.22 Twingy more of a warble sound
05:08.26 Twingy instead of a woosh sound
05:08.35 [Prez|Kennedy] itll make a wiish sound
05:08.48 Twingy more like a choppy warble / woosh sound
05:08.55 Twingy it's choppy
05:09.07 Twingy
05:09.11 Twingy look at some of those rocket videos
05:09.14 Twingy from "Mach Maddness"
05:09.20 Twingy and then some that aren't mach
05:09.24 [Prez|Kennedy] ok
05:09.25 Twingy you'll hear the difference
05:09.37 Twingy I'm off to bed
05:09.43 Twingy going to NJ tommorrow morning
05:09.43 [Prez|Kennedy] g'night!
05:09.59 [Prez|Kennedy] ive been there... went to Newark
05:10.38 Twingy I've been there too
05:10.46 Twingy 1982 - 2002 :)
05:10.48 [Prez|Kennedy] at 3 AM?
05:10.51 [Prez|Kennedy] oh
05:10.52 [Prez|Kennedy] :-p
05:10.52 Twingy yes, 3am :)
05:11.12 Twingy later
05:11.15 [Prez|Kennedy] adios!
05:42.33 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (~Matthew@
06:01.16 *** join/#brlcad learner (~brlcad@brlcad.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
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06:07.24 *** join/#brlcad learner1 (
15:56.04 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ improvement that allows the script to work with NFS mounted home directories, defaulting to try making the package in /tmp. if an existing package exists, they are warned now and asked if they want to delete it.
19:15.40 *** join/#brlcad cad273 (
20:43.41 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ spell version right
20:54.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ improvement to set the background image, find the alternate pkg dir in /tmp, and create a sparse dmg image instead of a fixed-size dmg.

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.