irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050412

01:34.12 *** join/#brlcad cad911 (
02:04.15 brlcad hello cad911
03:32.08 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ ( ensure the environment by overriding the path, the locale, and the umask. search for a suitable tmpdir.
04:01.20 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ add openUp as a dmg target dependency, automatically edit the ReadMe and Welcome rich text Installer documents to set their version automatically.
04:13.14 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ ( search /usr/sbin too
04:15.31 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ try to fit on a 250 zip
04:40.21 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ the engrish was suckish, so make it slightly less suckish
05:31.55 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ run openUp on the volume so that OS X 10.2 will automatically open the directory in Finder when mounted. while we're at it, make sure a disk with the same name we're trying is not already mounted
05:52.14 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ screw the .background .. there can be only one
10:16.39 *** join/#brlcad Fikrann (
10:18.14 Fikrann Hello
12:05.17 *** join/#brlcad EricWilhelm (
16:05.28 narnia brlcad, in interfacing the express language library and the part21 step files with brl-cad, what should the end-user be working with; the part21 step file entity instances or the brl-cad database equivalent?
16:46.56 *** join/#brlcad Fikrann (
16:49.47 narnia Fikrann, hello again.
16:52.05 narnia brlcad, even though i have express2html working i do not think it is needed. exppp (express langauge pretty print) could be used as the bases for a new express language cross-reference program.
16:56.15 Fikrann brlcad, btw, there are some issues with openGL and configure. configure script seems not to set up compiler flags properly, it doesn't add -lGL to link list.
17:00.17 Fikrann I'm using brlcad 7.2.2 on Ubuntu .. I'll tell you what where exactly the problem shows up when I get make rolling again.
17:03.07 Fikrann From ./configure:
17:03.10 Fikrann Open GL support ......................: yes
17:15.25 Fikrann Interesting... I unpacked the program again, run ./configure && make .. and this time it went okay. o.o
17:31.23 *** join/#brlcad narnia ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
17:31.53 Fikrann wb narnia
17:46.35 narnia brlcad, the reason i say that is that exppp prints out an express schema without re-parsing the file. express2html, on the other hand uses both the libexpress parser and a second parser. so basically, express2html is parsing the express language file twice. exppp, only parses the express language file once.
17:47.52 narnia microwave links and storms do not play well together.
17:49.03 Fikrann Ouch
17:59.52 narnia when it rains hard the microwave link drops out.
19:31.08 Axios Im beginning to like brlcad
19:37.28 narnia Axios, that is a 'good' thing. ;-)
19:42.17 Axios ;)
19:42.27 Axios does alt + click has a funktion?
19:43.01 Axios because in my windows manager that makes me pull the window around (totally nice feature)
19:45.11 Fikrann Axios, if it has, I haven't found it.
19:45.38 Axios ok
19:45.45 Axios just wanted to hear
19:56.18 Axios delete key is strande
19:56.21 Axios strange
20:12.55 *** join/#brlcad Fikrann (
20:14.36 narnia brlcad, have you had any time and/or chance to scan in any of 10303 parts? i am interested specifically in part203.
20:43.34 brlcad Fikrann: hrm.. that's rather odd .. did the libGL test fail? if you send me your config.log (or take a peek) I can look into that
20:44.31 brlcad Fikrann: automatic opengl detection is still being worked on.. but it should at least be adding the -lGL now.. ;-) maybe a priority issue
20:45.27 brlcad narnia, I have not yet, though I did schedule some time to test the pdf scanner .. i'll make 203 my test case then (or at least some of it)
20:45.30 Fikrann brlcad, no, it went nicely
20:46.27 Fikrann I had all libraries and header files installed .. In fact I've been compiling oGL stuff just before I tried to install brl.
20:48.08 brlcad Axios: glad to hear it =) questions?
20:48.31 brlcad Axios: the keys are configurable (though I forget the .mgedrc magic that binds them)
20:49.12 brlcad Fikrann: but you say it didn't add -lGL?
20:49.27 brlcad that implies that the libGL test failed or a "better" library was chosen before it
20:51.20 Fikrann No, it didn't add -lGL, had to force it with --with-libs=GL
20:51.28 narnia brlcad, that will be fine. i am still testing and mulling over different ideas concerning the libexpress library. i still do not like the idea of writing 10303 ap specific parsers.
20:52.14 brlcad Fikrann: can you look into your config.log file and see what happened during the -lGL test?
20:52.26 brlcad without using --with-libs option
20:52.46 brlcad narnia: what don't you like about that?
20:53.03 brlcad isn't that the idea? you write a parser for 203 .. another for 214
20:55.51 narnia brlcad, in my mind part203 should just be treated like modules are in perl. instead of perl we are dealing with express language.
20:56.17 brlcad so sort of a mega parser for all things step
20:56.26 brlcad that could get very complicated.. :)
20:56.34 brlcad very quickly
20:57.45 narnia brlcad, we 'see' a part21 step file which is 10303-203. we pull in the part203 short or long form and parse the part21 step file.
20:58.35 brlcad i still haven't quite grasped the point of having both a short and long form
20:58.42 brlcad shouldn't the long form be sufficient?
20:58.49 narnia brlcad, the current method is build a parser on top of a parser. the lowest level parser is the express language parser and next level is the ap parser.
20:58.52 brlcad or is the short not a proper subset?
20:59.28 Fikrann btw, you might want to drop -g when compiling with --enable-optimized configure option
21:00.16 brlcad --disable-debug does that
21:01.11 brlcad there's often a need to test optimized with debug symbols too, default is simply to "on" unless disabled
21:01.14 narnia brlcad, concerning short and long forms for the ap parts i do not understand that either. the best i am able to come up with is if one of the underlying ir's changes using the short form would pull in those changes where as the long form would not. a new long form would have to be generated using shtolo (short-to-long).
21:01.41 brlcad Fikrann: perhaps you could rerun configure without the with-libs option and send me your config.log file?
21:02.41 brlcad narnia: hrm.. i didn't think the short/long had anything to do with changes
21:03.07 brlcad the long/short are both available from iso in what appeared to be pretty "stable" forms
21:03.08 Fikrann I'm checking if it'll crash.
21:03.19 brlcad if what will crash? :)
21:03.35 Fikrann the build process.
21:03.44 brlcad k
21:07.00 narnia brlcad, the short form of part203 has several 'use' and 'reference' which 'use' or 'reference' ir's and aic's (part 41,42,43,44,45, etc and 501, 502, etc). the long form of part203 does not. the long form is a 'frozen' snapshot of whatever the ir's and aic's at the time it was created. if part41 changes the part203 long form would have to be generated again.
21:07.55 *** join/#brlcad cad533 (
21:08.22 narnia brlcad, the ir's and aic's are 'shared' between many part2xx. think of the ir's and aic's as include files. the part203 as a specific 'program'.
21:09.00 brlcad yeah, I get
21:09.33 brlcad sounds like a parser nightmare if the changes are not backwards compatible
21:09.40 brlcad hello cad533
21:10.33 narnia brlcad, this is definitely true.
21:10.58 Fikrann brlcad, it went okay this time .. I guess it was just a local glitch
21:11.19 *** part/#brlcad cad533 (
21:11.39 brlcad Fikrann: you notice if it was a cached result?
21:12.28 brlcad deleting the cache, it should be pretty much deterministic results
21:12.56 Fikrann Hmmm...
21:13.09 narnia brlcad, in theory, if any of the ir's or aic's change the specific part 2xx parser may have to change also.
21:13.24 brlcad it will tell you, however, whether the cache was used or not
21:13.57 brlcad narnia: to be honest, I would just stick to the long form pushed out by iso and update as/when they update
21:14.49 brlcad unless you're looking to take over that project as well and become the defacto source of "the" step parsing suite ;)
21:15.24 brlcad which is fine.. it's just my goal is pretty much limited to importing/exporting step geometry coming from other cad packages ;)
21:17.10 brlcad which probably in theory is also limited to pro/e, unigraphics, acis, and solidworks for starters if not just the first two even
21:17.46 brlcad for a first step goal, that is
21:21.20 brlcad no pun intended
21:35.28 Fikrann Hmmm .. it seems that gcc-3.4 is generating faster code than gcc-4.0 with the same compiler flags.
21:54.59 narnia brlcad, understand.
22:08.00 Fikrann brlcad, where I can find the meaning of the numbers showing up at the end of make benchmark?
22:12.59 brlcad Fikrann: there's a couple places where the BRL-CAD benchmark is documented .. one of the most recent is on the website under the presentations link under Documents
22:13.41 brlcad Fikrann: another is the doc/ troff file
22:13.53 brlcad that's better for explaining it in more detail
22:14.41 brlcad it's easy enough to describe too: the results are comprised of two lines, an Abs and vgr line
22:15.59 brlcad the Abs line shows your raw performance number for each raytrace test in terms of a number that is rays/s (aka 'rtfm's)
22:16.56 brlcad the vgr line shows you how much faster/slower you are from the base system, which is an old vax 11/780 (where the vgr count is 1.0) .. so you are N times faster than that machine
22:17.33 brlcad the last number on each row is the important one, in particular the last vgr number, as that's your overall average performance metric
22:18.59 Fikrann Yes..
22:19.06 brlcad you can equate that number directly from machine to machine, from version to version, etc to see exactly how well you compare in terms of real end-application performance. and there are historical values that will show how you compare through time (see how you compare to an 512 processor Origin 3000 for example)
22:19.44 Fikrann heh
22:20.05 brlcad we decommissioned our vax about 5 years ago now .. shame too, that beast was interesting
22:21.16 brlcad the historic computing project has a vax in their virtual machine -- I want to set that up for historic regression testing (version to version comparisons)
22:21.55 brlcad I got a basic install of NetBSD going on it a couple of years ago and got a compile started.. pretty cool
22:22.33 brlcad getting data in/out of the virtual machine was tricky, though
22:22.49 Fikrann I guess so ..
22:23.17 Fikrann Even trickier than from the real thing, I guess.
22:31.27 brlcad that was why the machine had to be decommisioned.. the last remaining disk controller failed and no reasonable means to repair it
22:32.35 brlcad the virtual machine is pretty neat, though.. that got me excited for a bit.. attaching a file to the vm as a device, read from the raw device to transfer data into the vm's filesystem environment (no tcp/ip)
22:33.27 brlcad we could lock-step the vm to the original cpu frequency and should get a vgr count of 1.0
22:36.32 Fikrann ahh
22:37.50 Fikrann btw, looking at the .. vapour, wilson and wax had 1024 GB of RAM?
22:41.42 brlcad yes, those were the supercomputers of the day
22:42.27 brlcad ack, GB
22:43.35 Fikrann All three has G instead of M .. which makes the amount quite stunning, even in today's terms.
22:47.44 brlcad yeah, heh, good eye..
22:47.53 brlcad that was a typo
22:47.56 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/doc/ heh, old old typo.. wax,wilson,vapor had a gig of memory, not a terabyte
22:48.32 brlcad and those weren't one of the supercomputers.. they were just midsize
22:53.08 brlcad thx for catching that
23:20.28 Fikrann See you all tomorrow.
23:30.35 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (INSTALL doc/README.IRIX doc/ separate out the irix notes into it's own readme in the doc directory. refer readers to the doc/README.* files in INSTALL

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