irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050416

00:52.52 *** join/#brlcad dan_falck (
01:38.35 Twingy crystals
03:04.15 Twingy heh
03:42.16 Twingy heh
04:47.39 *** join/#brlcad learner (
04:47.40 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by ChanServ
05:37.02 Twingy NEW YORK (AP) -- At bustling post offices and their own keyboards, Americans by the millions played their annual game of Beat the Clock on Friday, racing to file tax returns by midnight.
05:37.02 Twingy Postal workers supplied coffee and doughnuts -- Tax Day fixtures -- and were joined in some places by local radio DJs who cheered on the procrastinators.
05:49.39 Twingy heh
05:49.42 Twingy how old are you?
05:59.11 narnia i am 53yo.
06:01.47 Twingy retired?
06:07.28 narnia no
06:08.54 narnia i was in a work accident on 26 nov 1996. i have been basically homebound since then. i have multiple physical challenges as a result of the accident.
06:09.38 narnia i am an electronic engineer. b.s.e.e university of illinois urbana-champaign, ill many years ago.
06:10.31 narnia i am in pain to varying degrees 24x7.
06:10.57 narnia to keep my skills somewhat up to date i work on opensource projects.
06:11.52 narnia basically, on 26 nov 1996, my body was trashed. i was pinned underneath a large electronic rack.
06:13.06 narnia i have been in 8+yr legal nightmare since the accident.
06:13.35 narnia next court date is 11 may 2005 in chicago, ill. state of illinois building.
06:20.15 Twingy ah
06:20.20 Twingy urbana has a decent graphics program
06:20.52 Twingy I shoulda done electrical engineering instead of computer science
06:21.19 Twingy the comp sci program was a complete waste of time
06:26.10 narnia did you attend uofi urbana-champaign?
06:28.08 Twingy nope
06:28.14 narnia in 2000 it was old to be back at uofi to attend my daughter's graduation. i remembered pushing her baby scroller in the quad.
06:28.17 Twingy went to NJIT (formerly Newark College of Engineering)
06:28.22 narnia s/old/odd/
06:29.48 Twingy what's she doing now?
06:30.05 narnia degrees and experience mean absolutely nothing when you are 'disabled/handicapped'. no employer wants to hire 'disabled/handicapped' people.
06:30.29 Twingy *shrug* lots of people want to employ steven hawking
06:30.58 narnia she is assistant director for a non-profit agency which gives support services to children born with aids.
06:31.14 Twingy very noble
06:32.50 narnia one out of three turning out all right is not bad these days. my son is a bum and the oldest one is 28yo. but acts like she is 16yo.
06:34.40 Twingy funny how no matter how much effort you put into steering your kids right they can still end in unpredictable circumstances :)
06:35.14 Twingy ...and how some of the worst parents can raise some of the brightest minds
06:37.39 narnia it is called 'free will'
06:42.27 Twingy tell you what, having a C compiler for this pic sure makes life easy
06:47.50 narnia Twingy, what are using the pic for?
06:49.32 Twingy my rocket
06:49.49 Twingy recovery system and gps data logging
06:51.26 narnia not any estes rocket i assume.
06:53.37 Twingy nope
06:53.45 Twingy I make my own rocket motors from stock steel
06:53.58 Twingy my current one is an "I" motor
06:54.08 Twingy ~250lbs of thrust
06:54.31 Twingy estimated peak altitude of about 1 mile
07:00.26 narnia what do you use for fuel? solid or liquid?
07:01.49 Twingy solid
07:01.57 Twingy I make sugar motors
07:02.05 Twingy potassium nitrate + dextrose
07:05.02 narnia well i need to crawl off to bed. good to talk with you.
07:06.03 Twingy yep, later
07:51.19 PrezKennedy if i ever get ahold of a particle cannon their house is toast
16:57.17 narnia PrezKennedy, why is that?
16:57.36 *** join/#brlcad Fikrann (
16:58.13 narnia Fikrann, hello, how goes it?
17:01.34 PrezKennedy well narnia... theyre more trouble than theyre worth
17:01.52 PrezKennedy and if i stop talking to them some other poor guy will be stuck dealing with them
17:21.04 narnia PrezKennedy, understand. may i suggest a neutron bomb, tactical of course.
17:30.48 PrezKennedy i dont wanna take out the neighborhood... just them
17:32.43 Fikrann heh
17:33.10 Fikrann How about 220mm howtizer, then?
17:54.37 brlcad sorry to hear that Fikrann
17:56.09 narnia PrezKennedy, what does a little collateral damage matter?
17:56.38 PrezKennedy AC-130
17:57.16 Fikrann h3h3
17:57.19 Fikrann er
17:57.27 Fikrann *hehe
17:59.10 Fikrann The world's most interesting attack craft..
18:05.10 Fikrann PrezKennedy, Who are you trying to drown under DU rain?
18:05.38 PrezKennedy two girls with some very serious emotional problems
18:19.51 Fikrann O.o
18:56.53 PrezKennedy cant say i wasnt innocent of any charges though... i did hurt one's feelings
21:30.36 Fikrann heh
22:51.47 Fikrann Be well everyone

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