irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050421

00:42.01 brlcad saw that
02:19.02 narnia any thoughts on that peculiar point-of-view?
03:20.51 *** join/#brlcad |tim| (
04:06.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/rt/viewweight.c:
04:06.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: I created a simple test of a 1cm^3 block and got the wrong volume (reported with
04:06.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: inches despite the database being set to cm). The constat compared to base3local
04:06.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: value was wrong for the g/cm^2 case, as was the text label.
04:06.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: Both are now fixed.
04:11.17 brlcad hmm.. i think the manpage says the units must be inches.. but good he fixed it regardless :)
04:11.59 brlcad narnia: well I suspect it's an issue completely outside of control, not that I completely understand the problem myself
04:13.13 brlcad he's a nist guy and has probably as only a small overall influence on the iso spec via the committee agreement
04:13.30 brlcad not to mention all of the vendors that support the "feature" as-is already
04:34.11 narnia my point is that several people who did reply are on tc184-sc4 working groups since it is broken yet not fix it.
04:34.47 narnia they complain about 10303 not being adopted well perhaps the reason is that it is broken.
04:35.53 narnia my answer to ed barkmeyer is going to take awhile to write and it will be long.
04:39.00 brlcad well try not to burn your bridges with them too much :) probably still need them for information regardless of whether they individually have an influence ..
04:40.09 narnia i mean look at the replies i received concerning part201. there is no way anyone could claim to have implemented part201. 10303-201-aim-long.exp is hosed. by correcting it it is no longer 'official' 10303-201-aim-long.exp.
04:40.15 brlcad i really doubt their adoption issues have much to do with whether it's broken or not .. it took you weeks to figure that out :)
04:40.22 brlcad it's too complicated and too expensive
04:40.58 narnia i totally agree that it is too complicated.
04:41.29 brlcad i mean I almost chimed in when the guy mentioned something about purchasing the whole spec ..
04:41.40 brlcad that should not have cost 2k for the small subset I have
04:41.42 narnia it is a computer program written by committe.
04:42.49 narnia despite the continued disclaimer that express language is not a programming language it is a programming language.
04:43.28 narnia the whole spec is over 20k.
04:45.36 brlcad yep
04:45.56 brlcad actually, the impression I got from our librarians was that it was even more than that
04:46.24 brlcad still, point in hand -- rediculous even if the market is niche
04:49.02 narnia yet another problem is that there is no audit trail. which versions where used to create the long forms. that is basic.
04:52.14 narnia instead of fixing the problem they are off doing stepmod project. what programming languages are they using a dialect of common lisp and java (spit, gag, spit).
04:54.05 brlcad heh
04:54.18 narnia i do not know which i dislike more ada or java.
04:56.33 brlcad hmm.. i'd have to go with ada on that one
04:57.01 brlcad java has it's uses, ada is just archaic
04:57.35 narnia i know lisp, have not used it in years but i did program in lisp for awhile. back when expert systems where the current buzz phrase. lisp machines. symbolics computers. symbolics operating systems was called a 'world'. i could crash the 'world' and rebuild it in less than 7 days. ;-)
04:59.31 brlcad i like the idea and language features of lisp, the semantics aren't bad either .. syntax is tolerable .. it's just impractical for end-user applications programming imo
04:59.51 narnia i wrote one java program and that was to prove that java was not going to hack it. ;-)
05:04.25 narnia back in 2001 a client of motorola cellular wanted to 'mine' the call records for analysis. they had 1 trillion call records. they wanted to process 1 million call records every 15 minutes and they wanted to use java. my first question for them was if they had any idea how long it would take. they had no clue. i suggested they figure out how many years 15 million minutes was. i them showed them that java would not hack the load of processing that ma
05:04.25 narnia ny call records. i ended up writing it in perl.
05:07.01 narnia btw, 15 million minutes is roughly 28.5 yrs.
05:13.14 brlcad the story of my life
05:13.18 brlcad as told by perl
05:13.22 brlcad news at 11
05:13.31 brlcad (in smalltalk)
05:25.40 narnia sorry had to whitelist some people.
05:26.41 narnia after two days of just outstanding beautiful weather we are back to normal april weather. cold and damp. :-(
05:28.39 brlcad it was mid 80's here today
05:29.39 narnia we went from a high of 82 yesterday ( tuesday ) to a high of 52 today ( wednesday ).
05:33.53 narnia it is currently 45?F Wind Speed: NE 15 MPH Wind Chill: 38?F (3?C)
05:34.22 narnia sleeping bag night.
06:49.28 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: fixed rtweight cm units bug
11:08.03 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
14:12.48 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
17:28.47 narnia well that is really anti-social. while downloading a file from mozilla blew its little brain out. awlful sight bits oozing out on the desktop from the fatal head wound.
17:46.21 narnia interesting topic on a linux channel:: IRC where men are men, women are men, and little girls are FBI agents.
19:05.12 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: rtarea doesn't compute an area on smp linux pthreading systems
19:28.00 narnia brlcad, any comments or thoughts on my reply to ed barkmeyer of nist?
20:52.37 brlcad narnia: looked pretty tactfully stated/asked ..
20:53.02 brlcad maybe you'll spark some motivation into them to issue a fix
21:10.07 narnia brlcad, i could have included more documentation but i figured it was all ready long enough.
22:34.54 *** join/#brlcad cad645 (

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