irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050503

00:21.37 learner PrezKennedy, just need to buy yourself a car and then that wouldn't be a problem
00:27.49 PrezKennedy not exactly what i had in mind
00:27.50 PrezKennedy :-p
00:28.43 learner :)
01:45.37 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
01:47.37 polyspin Anybody home?
02:43.12 ewilhelm_ guess not
02:48.03 polyspin doesn't look like it
02:53.50 narnia nobody here except us prisoners
04:27.18 Twingy o.O
04:28.22 Twingy these pesky microcontrollers are addictive
04:29.41 learner nobody at all
04:35.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/ config.h was renamed to brlcad_config.h
05:02.40 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/HACKING: config.h is renamed to brlcad_config.h
05:10.32 learner there are a handful of others that slipped under the radar
05:10.35 learner fixing
05:19.04 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (15 files in 10 dirs): more config.h references converted to brlcad_config.h (or common.h where appropriate) that apparently slipped under the radar
05:19.51 learner that should do it
05:20.13 polyspin fetching (rarf!)
05:20.59 learner the existing generated config.h hid those files .. that weren't supposed to be directly using config.h anyways
05:21.22 learner they must have been hiding since the original regex
05:21.56 learner doing a distcheck now to verify, that should catch anything missed better
05:23.54 narnia okay, when should the end-user receive error/warning messages during the conversion of an iso 10303 part21 (.stp) file to brl-cad? when each warning/error occurs or as a summary? also what should be included in the error/warning message?
05:25.02 learner probably include the reference names and geometry types
05:25.04 narnia i do not see much sense in telling an end-user that at line nnn entity instance #121231 has an error.
05:25.46 learner probably not, but maybe that a brep failed might be
05:26.04 polyspin The user wants to know what part it was in
05:26.30 learner probably should be as forgiving as possibe too.. they don't have much they can do about invalid files
05:27.05 narnia so telling the end-user that entity instance #121231=cartesian_point('CarPnt1', 1.0, 2.3, 12.0); at line nnn has an error.
05:28.06 learner what kind of errors are you talking about?
05:28.26 narnia part21 does not give much lead way in being forgiving. if an entity instance violates the governing schema there is no forgiving.
05:28.27 learner there are fatal errors (in which case you should probably just abort), and more common non-fatal errors
05:29.03 learner well, in your example -- what makes it an error?
05:30.19 learner there are also syntax and semantic violations that you may or may not be able to recover from, of course
05:30.21 narnia the error could be any number of things.
05:31.14 learner that's part of my point too .. there are different classes of errors, treating them all as one or another will likely just lead to unexpected results
05:31.59 narnia that entity instance may be used as an attribute to a trimmed_curve, polyline, etc. and local rules and/or global rules when constrain the values allowed for a cartesian_point.
05:33.19 learner but in your example itself, that line wouldn't be the error -- it's usage somewhere as a referenced cartesian point might be an error
05:33.48 narnia yes
05:34.38 narnia the cartesian_point is syntatically and semantically correct it is the use of the cartesian_point that is the error.
05:34.46 learner in that case, that'd be an error I'd expect the syntax/semantic parser library to catch on load, not necessarily the converter .. dunno
05:35.29 learner i suppose you might be converting a portion of a step file that is correct, so you wouldn't know until parse time
05:37.29 learner still, I imagine any converter is basically going to do just a handful of "phases" .. 1) read in the file 2) parse file contents into a parsed tree for in-memory representation 3) convert in-memory rep to brl-cad .g in-memory rep 4) write .g in-memory rep to disk
05:38.20 learner errors in 1 and 4 would likely be fatal since they'd be file/disk read errors
05:38.27 narnia converting a portion of a step file is a non-trivial task. most .stp files i am using to experiement and test with must be read entirely in and validated before you know there is an error. some depends on where the header section of the part21 .stp file specifies file_population.
05:40.04 learner 2 is the complex step since it involves parsing the entire .stp -- if it doesn't validate, it could be considered fatal but that will require good validation that the reason it didn't validate was the file's fault and not the parser (practically a "hard" task, regardless)
05:40.08 narnia currently it is an all or nothing on conversion.
05:40.54 learner "errors" in step 3 are more likely "unsupported/incomplete" geometry types .. so I'd just warn
05:42.43 learner sounds like you're mostly referring to the parsing of the step file (task 2 in my list), so sure, fail out -- might as well fail out early if there's nothing to be done about it
05:43.00 learner it's not like I'll care knowing that there were 38 errors or 1 if it's just going to halt conversion
05:43.50 narnia the more i work on 10303 the more i become convinced that there needs to be a true express language compiler.
05:43.51 learner again, though, if they're not fatal, then I'd just keep a list of warnings and output them in the summary
05:51.08 narnia the parser is being checked by wrting out a new copy of the parsed .stp file. the 'diff' of the two files is then taking.
05:52.08 narnia basically, diff -u --ignore-all-space <orginal.stp> <copy.stp>
05:53.29 learner heh, that sounds like harsh validation
05:53.35 learner it's order dependant..
05:54.03 learner i suppose if you can guarantee that you're in-memory format will preserve the parsed order, it should match
05:54.07 narnia complex entities are a nightmare. also entities which are a subtype of more than one supertype are also a nightmare.
05:55.00 learner having the in-memory order preserve the parse order sort of defeats the purspose of having an in-memory representation a little
05:58.26 narnia i have never done brep stuff. my project was all csg. brep is a new animal to me.
06:00.13 learner not much different, just pitch topological connectivity information out the window for primitive shapes and you have brep ;)
06:02.12 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
06:02.25 learner guten tag, d_rossberg
06:02.58 d_rossberg god morning, who ever you are
06:04.19 d_rossberg isnt't it a little bit late for US, in Germany it't a nice time to start working
06:04.41 learner a lil bit, more so in some parts
06:05.03 narnia it is 0101 hours here.
06:05.55 d_rossberg sorry, some keys seem not no be at the right position on my keyboard :-}
06:06.14 d_rossberg yes, I see, 6h difference
06:07.06 d_rossberg or, wait, this are 7h!
06:07.38 d_rossberg so you are likely not at the east coast
06:07.53 learner i seem to live on pacific time in an atlantic zone
06:08.00 narnia no, i am 79 miles west of america's tallest target.
06:09.49 narnia in case you do not know that is the sears building in chicago, illinois.
06:11.06 narnia i hear the rent in the sears building is really cheap. it is also cheap in the buildings close to the sears building.
06:11.21 d_rossberg no, i didn't know it
06:11.56 narnia since 9/11 the sears building became the tallest building in u.s.a.
06:12.37 d_rossberg this explains something
06:13.31 d_rossberg I was once in NY but nevet in Chicago
06:14.04 narnia so most of us who live here are just waiting for the sears building to be 'hit'. it is not a matter of 'if' just a matter of 'when' it will be 'hit'.
06:15.10 narnia learner, any good urls that explain brep for the novice?
06:15.49 d_rossberg nobody knows the sears building so why should anybody want to hit it ;-)
06:16.03 learner
06:16.16 narnia because of what it represents.
06:17.23 learner it's worth noting that brl-cad technically supports all four of those, it's just csg that it emphasized and catered to
06:17.53 learner the raytrace process almost completely through implicit equations
06:18.42 learner brl-cad's stl format is technically one type of brep
06:18.48 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
06:18.54 learner bleh, s/stl/BoT/
06:18.59 d_rossberg sorry, wrong mouse buton
06:19.10 learner no harm done :)
06:19.32 d_rossberg I'm working with the web interface at
06:19.59 d_rossberg and "page back" closes the conection
06:20.04 learner your identifying information tells that when you join ;)
06:21.00 d_rossberg OK, something about me:
06:25.06 d_rossberg the program the is unfortunately old
06:25.48 d_rossberg i couldn't get a permission distribute version build on BRL-CAD 6.02
06:26.14 learner that looks like it's less about you and more about a viewer that you wrote :)
06:27.22 learner fortunately you don't need permission for version 7+
06:27.31 learner any plans to update to 7?
06:27.50 d_rossberg i thought, my connection to BRL-CAD is of special interest here
06:27.54 learner file format is the same as 6
06:28.19 d_rossberg yes, thats why i'm here (+ sth. other)
06:29.29 learner your connection is definitely of special interest.. :)
06:31.14 learner all will become more clear soon enough probably
06:31.57 brlcad soon enough indeed :)
06:33.50 d_rossberg btw, the viewer is build on the Qt libraries, therefore it isn't so MS specific as it look like
06:34.34 learner narnia: the biggest issue that came out of the old brep vs csg wars was that it's generally much harder to perform "feature operations" in csg (blends for example) whereas csg is generally much more efficient and exact
06:34.54 brlcad ooh, that I did not know.. nice
06:40.05 learner narnia, in implementation it generally boils down to implicitly defined primitives, voxel shapes, spline surfaces, and polygonal surfaces
06:41.43 learner traditional csg modeling generally refers to just implicit primitives, though the latter three can technically be primitives (as they are in brl-cad) and be successfully used in csg as well
06:42.28 learner traditional finite element analysis modeling generally uses polygonal surfaces (meshes) or voxel shapes
06:43.13 learner traditional brep is generally one of the later two (spline or polygonal)
06:43.48 learner not much is traditional any more, though .. most have shades of all four of them to some degree
07:06.12 PrezKennedy ping pong...
09:54.15 narnia pong ping
10:20.35 narnia okay this is not normal. may 3rd and it is 28?F outside.
10:21.07 narnia a new record low temperature.
10:58.59 d_rossberg 64°F (yesterday 86°F)
12:41.13 *** join/#brlcad learner (~brlcad@brlcad.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
12:41.13 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:41.13 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 (
12:41.14 *** join/#brlcad brlcad ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:41.14 *** join/#brlcad cad542 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:41.14 *** join/#brlcad guu (
12:41.14 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by
12:42.43 *** join/#brlcad learner (~brlcad@brlcad.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
12:42.43 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by ChanServ
17:00.53 *** join/#brlcad cad625 (
17:48.57 narnia how many dimensions does brl-cad grok? 2d and 3d i would consider the norm. does brl-cad grok dimensions higher than 3?
20:14.51 ewilhelm_ are you trying to model temperature or time?
20:29.52 narnia no, i noticed in iso 10303 that dimensions higher than 3 are allowed.
20:57.47 *** join/#brlcad Twingy2 (
21:08.20 narnia Twingy, i see you are into cloning.
22:19.04 brlcad narnia: 3d in the format
22:19.47 brlcad 2d is really 3d, and 4d is supported through the animation tools to a limited degree (time)
22:20.01 brlcad but the geometry format itself is presently only 3d
22:26.37 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tab/tabinterp.c: ansify
22:30.16 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tab/tabsub.c:
22:30.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: fix a bug on filesystems computing the buffer size on 64bit filesystems. we
22:30.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: shouldn't directly attempt to allocate a buffer equal to the input file size,
22:30.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: but with the size_t it should actually work (casting from off_t) so long as the
22:30.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: size is less than max size_t. add some extra error checking while we're in here
22:30.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: and get rid of a global.
22:33.52 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: fixed tabsub 64bit filesystem file read bug

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