irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050506

00:05.48 narnia actually his full name is johann strauss.
00:11.38 brlcad yes, did you hear my follow up before getting disconnected?
00:13.13 brlcad i was taking it to mean the distance from torus center to toroidal inner edge, not from the center of the ring itself which is what you were referring to
00:14.12 brlcad not that I know why I get confused.. brl-cad uses the same definition, I've just always thought of it the other way around since there's no chance for degenerates other than zero-length radius
00:38.44 brlcad the scheduled changes sound impressive..
01:21.48 PrezKennedy so when can we be expecting a windows variant?
01:25.27 Twingy grumble cakes
01:58.06 *** join/#brlcad CIA-3 (
02:39.17 learner PrezKennedy: not too far off actually
03:57.48 learner ideas on a good BoF title?
03:58.08 learner right now, I'm at "BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling"
04:13.25 Twingy open source pizza
04:15.22 learner hmm.. the way open source works, that'd be one messed up pizza
04:15.53 learner pepperoni, cheese, onions, legos, cheerios, donuts, taco sauce
04:27.15 Twingy mmm legos
04:43.20 *** join/#brlcad narnia (
04:43.57 narnia well at least now i know what caused johann to crash.
04:44.15 learner oh?
04:44.21 narnia the latest debian version of ethereal is causing the crashes.
04:44.51 narnia i fired ethereal right before the earlier crash.
04:45.15 narnia i fired it up about an hour ago and johann locked right up.
04:45.30 learner nice
04:45.40 narnia fscking nearly a terabyte of disk space takes awhile.
04:46.57 learner the blessings of journaling filesystems
04:47.13 learner i don't think I've waited on an fsck in ages..
04:55.18 narnia which filesystem do you use?
04:55.54 learner hfs+ on the mac systems
04:56.15 learner ext3 and reiser on the linux/bsd boxes
04:56.51 learner all three are journalable
04:57.13 narnia johann is running ext3 on most drives. i forced e2fsck -C 0 -f <fsys>
04:57.31 learner ahh
04:58.10 learner ext3 is probably the "worst" of the three, but it does usually work at preventing data loss
04:58.13 narnia two crashes in 24 hrs has made me a bit paranoid.
04:58.48 learner better put, I've not seen it lose any data -- I've seen it force an fsck itself when it detects something the journal can't handle
04:59.11 learner but then the other two supposedly will do that too (just less likely)
05:00.43 narnia i spent yesterday, thursday, rewriting the parser.
05:00.49 learner almost a terabyte? of what?
05:00.58 narnia disk space.
05:01.15 learner I have over half, and that's a lot of room for a single users that doesn't generate much video
05:01.23 narnia or are you asking what i have stored on the terabyte?
05:01.26 learner i mean, what's the content
05:01.40 learner that's a _lot_ of pr0n
05:02.52 narnia well let me see. i ripped all my cd's to the disks. (500+) i ripped all of buffy the vampire slayer to disk. i ripped all of angel ( the buffy spinoff ) to disk. numerous software projects. several mysql databases.
05:03.08 narnia no pr0n here. never.
05:03.12 learner ahh, so you do have video
05:03.38 narnia i got tired of changing the dvds.
05:04.03 learner i'd fill up my disks fast if I ripped all my dvds.. it's on the "to do" list, but I don't want to set up the disks I'd need yet
05:04.23 narnia my middle daughter's graphics art stuff. and numerous commericials she made.
05:05.05 learner i can understand it easily with video
05:05.24 learner even graphics work, which I've done quite a bit of
05:05.47 learner I work on high-resolution old image restorations
05:06.05 learner where a single image might be over a gigabyte in size easy
05:13.05 narnia the middle daughter, is restoring her grandparents photographs. some where glass plate.
05:15.44 learner I been involved with something similar with my family
05:18.26 learner oldest pictures go back to about the mid 1800's, printed on metal -- tintypes
05:18.46 learner somewhere around my 4th great grandparents
05:19.32 learner I've been scanning, cataloging, interviewing, repairing pictures, researching
05:33.04 narnia i had an url for a guy who built a 6 disk drive firewire raid external enclosure for his mac. i cannot find it at the moment. i would like to build one lord willing i ever get some form of a settlement.
05:33.21 narnia it was 6 250gb drives.
05:46.06 narnia ptl found it. here is the url.
05:52.07 learner mm.. that'd be even more nice with 6 of the 400gb's you can get now
05:52.14 learner ~6 * 400
05:52.34 ibot 2400
05:52.44 learner wow, that took a while
05:53.27 learner ~275 * 6
05:53.38 ibot 1650
05:53.38 narnia i would be a bit worried about the heat. need some good fans to supply air flow.
05:54.07 learner for a mere $1.7k you too can have 2.4 TB of disk space
05:56.45 narnia that is a lot less expensive than purchasing something from say lacie.
06:10.24 narnia did you happen to see my question the othe rday about pdes?
06:28.44 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
06:37.19 d_rossberg ??? Narnia, which command did you used for your last message?
06:42.56 learner narnia, no i didn't
11:27.26 *** join/#brlcad cad072 (
14:39.40 narnia if an entity instance is syntactical correct but is invalidated because one or more local 'where' rules are violated ( nothing worse than a violated where. ;-) ) should 0. this be a fatal blow to the conversion give the end-user some obscure error message ( you should have brought a towel with you. bye ) and bail out. or 1. ignore this entity instance and all references to it and continue on.
14:41.49 narnia other possible error messages are: 'phase of the moon is wrong. bye' 'well i never! bye' 'coffee, need coffee.'
15:03.35 narnia my favorite 'you want me to do what?'
17:31.57 brlcad hehe
17:32.44 brlcad as a library, probably the option to do either.. the actual converter should decide whether it's fatal if the library can tell it something really bad happened
18:27.45 narnia okay, this is just out right obscene: Compilers by Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D. Ullman List Price: $105.20 and that is at

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