irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050513

01:19.34 Twingy sean, you watch that dual photography video yet?
01:31.16 learner nope
05:48.52 narnia bison is giving me fits.
07:38.49 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
10:16.47 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
12:17.58 archivist hmm dependency hell, which java should I download
13:15.06 PrezKennedy java 1.1!!
13:16.37 archivist eh suns up to 1.4.2 now
13:20.39 PrezKennedy actually isnt that 1.5 now?
13:21.15 PrezKennedy hmm... thats a sight i dont see too often
13:23.07 PrezKennedy i need a vacation... seriously
13:25.57 archivist i dont have an outside window for such niceties
13:26.10 PrezKennedy that was inside the apartment actually...
13:37.56 learner archivist, you don't need java for brl-cad
13:39.18 archivist so what was ./configure complaining about
13:40.31 learner it can use it if you have it for building a raytrace server for java, but it's not required and should be disabled by default
13:41.32 archivist it dies when it cant find it
13:43.08 learner what's your configure line?
13:43.33 archivist i cant tell you as the box is 7 miles away
13:44.01 archivist i havt added or changed anything
13:44.16 archivist <PROTECTED>
13:45.06 learner you mean to say that you _just_ ran "./configure" with no options?
13:45.14 archivist yes
13:46.19 learner that shouldn't be possible unless you are working off of anonymous cvs and got some intermediate update
13:46.38 archivist are well could be
13:48.44 archivist just started another checkout
13:49.11 archivist oooo done already
13:49.45 archivist cant try it till i get home ( no internet there)
13:50.13 learner which OS?
13:50.42 archivist debian woody on an alpha
13:51.53 archivist which has crap networking, so updates and changes are a pain
13:53.25 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ clean up java checks so that they work on os x automatic
13:54.15 archivist eh bugger got to wait for cvs->anon now
13:54.45 learner you shouldn't need that change -- it was os x specific
13:57.14 archivist there are times I think I should bring the box here for updates but its a heavy lump
13:58.19 learner usb/firewire/serial keychain disks could help
13:59.11 archivist no usb
16:17.22 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
16:18.54 polyspin Ugh! compile error on mac: line 6737 of raytrace.h indicates error before off_t?
16:22.12 polyspin happens when compiling db5_bin.c
16:34.24 polyspin It looks like raytrace.h now relies on sys/stat.h
19:09.06 narnia okay, there are a fair number of macos-x users here so i figure the following questions may be asked: 0) anyone have experience with the mac-mini? if so how would you rate it? 1) anyone have experience with macos-x 'tiger'? is it worth upgrading from panther to tiger?
19:50.11 noyb been a mac user with the latest os since 1990, but I didn't see the need to upgrade to 10.4. None of my friends have a mini, neither have I.
19:50.24 noyb 10.3.9 is where I'm at 'til something breaks.
19:52.38 noyb If Apple wants to make *real* money... Act like Microsoft and make stuff break for no reason and put the upgrade-carrot out in front to "fix" things...
20:29.53 *** join/#brlcad archivistAshby (
20:56.40 *** join/#brlcad jpdugan (
22:38.26 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
22:39.45 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (

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