irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050515

01:45.41 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
02:00.06 narnia fyi. johann is going down for maintenance. his cpu fan is flakey and he gets a new dvd-rom drive. bbl
03:48.11 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
04:25.38 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/
04:25.38 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: refactor the benchmarks into a functional form to ensure consistency across all
04:25.38 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: the tests as the testing becomes more complicated (e.g. for adding
04:25.38 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: variance/deviation checks and superscaling). this should be posix shell
04:25.38 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: compliant, hopefully most all platform /bin/sh these days are minimally
04:25.38 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: compliant too. function form happens to shave a couple hundred lines off the
04:25.40 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: file too.. ;)
04:27.50 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ oh yeah, added DEBUG flag on that last change too that will output extra run-time information for testing/debugging/development
04:32.33 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/malloc.c: comment on the different allocation choice
05:28.18 *** join/#brlcad cad618 (
05:35.36 cad618 would anyone be able to walk me through an install on a linux machine
06:09.41 popcorn sure
06:10.00 popcorn cad618: binary or source?
10:16.14 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
18:43.30 *** join/#brlcad ewilhelm__ (
18:43.42 *** join/#brlcad clock- (
18:45.08 ewilhelm__ brlcad, I'm curious about your plan for these other formats
18:45.34 ewilhelm__ is the goal mostly import or export or both?
18:48.05 ewilhelm__ of the ones you mentioned (.pov, .bzw, .3ds, .nff, and .obj) I'm only somewhat familier with .3ds, but aren't these all polygons?
18:48.32 ewilhelm__ (ok, polygons and textures right?)
18:49.55 ewilhelm__ learner, anybody home?
18:50.13 learner both
18:50.36 learner many of them are only polygons or even just triangles
18:50.42 learner like our existing stl converter
18:51.03 learner or the vrml converter
18:51.35 learner triangles/polygons will work for import/export, they're just not preferred much of the time
18:51.42 ewilhelm__ I'm gearing up to add polygons to dxf2rhizopod in the near future, so I was curious whether it would be better in the long run to just do a rhizopod2g g2rhizopod setup
18:52.15 ewilhelm__ how much would BRLCAD be able to support materials (e.g. do you need those to come in/out?)
18:52.51 learner depends by what you mean by materials, brl-cad has a couple ways to describe them
18:53.08 learner the main difference is whether it's a visual material or a physical material
18:53.13 ewilhelm__ rhizopod has colors, layers, and styles in the spec, but not materials (I guess named materials)
18:53.21 learner most only do the prior, where we mostly only care about the latter
18:53.33 learner we do both, though
18:54.03 learner there isn't support for layers directly, though you can add just about anything as an attribute
18:54.08 learner same goes for styles
18:54.13 ewilhelm__ I've actually been planning on these formats going into the next-generation (sturgeon or something) format
18:54.34 learner there is, of course, support for color, shader types, material ids
18:54.51 clock- hi
18:54.55 learner howdy clock-
18:55.18 ewilhelm__ but that would have a lot in common with rhizopod (still YAML) so adding materials later wouldn't require too much extra work (mostly just renaming the tools :-)
18:55.33 clock- learner: my learning with brlcad goes pretty well:
18:55.36 clock-
18:55.58 clock- However I can't rotate an object using commandline :(
18:56.08 learner ewilhelm__, to answer your question, yes probably a rhizopod2g etc will be best in the long run since it won't necessitate a decimation of primitive types and/or a loss of content through the dxf converter
18:56.10 clock- I want to rotate bolt head by 90 degrees - swap axes
18:56.21 clock- learner: and what about you? :)
18:56.48 clock- I have discovered that Mike Muuss also written the ping program :)
18:56.54 learner heh, my learning is a never ending task ;)
18:57.44 learner yes he did
18:57.53 clock- I tried qorot in edit ('sed') mode and it writes:
18:58.03 ewilhelm__ learner, ok. If someone shows up wanting to write converters for these formats, please point them my way.
18:58.06 learner also ttcp, and several aspects of the ever popular tcp stack
18:58.19 learner ewilhelm__, will do
18:58.35 clock- mged> qorot 0 0 0 0 0 1 90
18:58.35 clock- Error: Unable to do <Object Rotation> from SOL EDIT state.
18:59.06 clock- Does qorot work for you?
18:59.09 learner clock-, there are two types of edit states, solid edit and matrix edit
18:59.23 clock- learner: which command do I use to enter matrix edit?
18:59.32 learner solid edit implies you'red editing an individual primitive
18:59.38 clock- learner: matrix edit edits the transformation matrix?
18:59.49 learner matrix edit is for grouped changes like translations, scalings, rotations, etc
18:59.55 learner clock-, yes
19:00.06 clock- learner: Can I matrix edit a region?
19:00.11 learner you sure can
19:00.29 learner you can matrix edit pretty much any geometry
19:00.59 learner if you actually wanted to rotate in soledit state, try the rot command
19:01.07 clock- Heh, cool, screw head rotated :)
19:01.38 learner wow, you are making progress :)
19:01.44 clock- I did a screw hex head by computing linear algebra on paper and then entering coefficients.
19:01.45 learner that's usually a tricky task for most to grasp :)
19:02.00 clock- However is it possible to make it simpler by using the 6-fold rotastional symmery?
19:02.33 learner yes, the pattern tool could have helped
19:02.58 learner could have started with a cylinder, for example, and subtracted arb8's using the pattern tool
19:03.06 clock- Heh rot says "rotate the view" - shouldn't it say "or object in solid edit state"?
19:03.46 clock- I can't imagine how fast it's the work going to be when I learn these tricks.
19:04.01 clock- O have been editing with very limited command knowledge and it already goes pretty fast.
19:04.05 learner the pattern tool is a pain to use sometimes since it tries to cover a slew of different pattern types in one single interface, but it is covered in the principles of effectively modeling guide (book that comes after the intro to mged)
19:04.23 clock- Volume III?
19:04.47 learner yes
19:06.11 clock- BRL-CAD is really awesome. 25 years of U. S. Army development for free..
19:06.17 clock- 26 actually.
19:06.23 clock- It's exactly as old as I am :)
19:06.44 learner :)
19:06.45 clock- Does anyone know which day Mike Muuss displayed his M1 Abrams prototype predecessor on the screen?
19:06.54 learner ahh, my bad, you're right.. rot is view only
19:07.03 learner too many commands :)
19:07.05 clock- But rot rotates the head.
19:07.21 clock- rot works. Only the label doesn't say it works for rotating in sed mode too.
19:07.30 clock- What's equivalent of 'sed' for matrix mode?
19:07.36 learner red
19:07.38 learner ;)
19:07.59 learner not quite equiv.. but close
19:08.03 clock- "edit a group or region using a text editor"
19:08.12 clock- it doesn't say it can be used on solids, too :)
19:08.40 learner you do know the "p" command, yes?
19:09.06 clock- p - set parameters. What parameters?
19:09.12 learner if you are in a rotate solid edit state, for example, p becomes rot
19:09.24 learner parameters for whatever state you are in
19:09.52 learner works for both solid edit and matrix edit states, but depends exactly on what you are doing
19:10.58 learner e.g. select a primitive for solid edit mode, select move or rotate and enter p 10 0 0 and it'll either translate 10 units or rotate 10 degrees along X
19:11.59 learner i don't recall if the book covers it, but you can type reject, accept, etc as commands instead of going to the menu
19:14.26 clock- yes that what I use
19:15.08 clock- the trying-to-hit-a-button-and-then-reversing-the-consequences-of-hitting-the-wrong-one style of work with the computer is slower for me than typing a couple of characters on the commandline.
19:15.20 learner if you want to save the list of commands to a file for easy searching, you can using classic mode
19:15.32 learner mged -c 2> help.txt <<EOF
19:15.33 learner help
19:15.34 learner EOF
19:16.16 clock- what's the difference between group and combination?
19:17.12 learner a group is pretty much a short-hand that is akin to an assembly in other apps
19:17.21 learner it's basically a union of the objects you specify
19:17.27 clock- Let's say I have a complicated holder
19:17.40 clock- and want to copy the holder and put it 300mm aside.
19:17.42 clock- How do I do it?
19:17.46 clock- though the group?
19:17.54 learner whereas a combination can be any boolean and might be used as part of a region
19:18.11 learner okay, with that example
19:18.23 learner do you want an independant copy, or a dependant copy?
19:18.39 learner i.e. if you edit one holder, do both update or does only one?
19:18.39 *** part/#brlcad Pimpi (
19:19.24 clock- Dependent copy
19:19.32 clock- It know both? Really cool :)
19:19.35 learner if you don't know/care, then cp is probably sufficient, and you apply the translation matrix to the copy
19:19.38 clock- Why are people using AutoCad at all? :)
19:19.54 clock- I had two heads on bolts
19:20.01 clock- and now want to copy them so they become the nuts.
19:20.09 clock- So I did g heads head8a.s head8b.s
19:20.15 learner autocad is much better than we are at 2d drafting
19:20.17 clock- and cp heads nuts
19:20.23 clock- but now I can't matrix edit nuts.
19:20.34 clock- red doesn't allow me and matrix edit menu doesn't show nuts, too.
19:20.45 clock- How do I matrix edit them to do "tra 0 30 0"?
19:21.06 clock- Who cares about 2D drafting? I am using free software qcad for 2D drafting already :)
19:22.04 learner hold on.. trying to grasp what you just said :)
19:22.13 clock- yeah - red nuts shows an editor (vim) where I can add and remove objects, but doesn't go into the matrix edit state.
19:22.44 learner it uses whatever EDITOR is set to (default id ed, eek)
19:23.49 clock- I want matrix edit nuts (group) -- how do I invoke the mode?
19:25.17 learner ahh, ted was what I was trying to remember earlier too
19:25.33 learner that won't help you with this, though
19:25.51 learner so you have head8[ab].s .. those are primitives yes?
19:26.11 learner you grouped them together into heads
19:26.26 learner and then made a copy of the that group called nuts
19:27.12 clock- yeas primitives arbn with 8 planes
19:27.23 clock- yes nuts group
19:27.55 clock- hehe - there is some hidden level in matrix selection :)
19:28.10 clock- If I click nuts/head8a.s, it goes to level 2, where I can select nuts :)
19:28.25 clock- So the problem is solved :)
19:28.44 learner you can only matrix edit the things that you're looking at -- you couldn't matrix edit nuts because it wasn't being displayed
19:28.45 clock- Also once one my .g file fucked up that in the primitive selection menu, everything was twice.
19:29.01 clock- When I did "s head1.s" it said that error, head1.s is multiply referenced.
19:29.14 clock- How do I clear this condition? Exiting and restarting program didn't help.
19:29.22 clock- I am not aware about doing anything strange.
19:29.25 learner that's not a fatal error -- it's quite true
19:29.32 learner it's referenced from nuts and heads
19:29.48 learner that was from the sed command, I presume?
19:29.58 learner ah, yes.. "s"
19:30.16 learner you have to feed it the full path for multiply referenced objects
19:30.28 learner sed /nuts/head8a.s for example
19:31.12 clock- But the whole content of the file was listed twice
19:31.38 clock- it was not nuts and heads - it was before, when I didn't yet know I can do groups.
19:32.22 learner it will let you create invalid states, it can be rather unforgiving to new users
19:33.06 clock- I could dump it to ascii, remove half of the file and then reimport ;-)
19:33.12 learner like if you do a red and enter invalid geometry dimensions, it can be very hard to recover/correct it
19:33.26 learner "keep" command will do that in binary
20:01.24 clock- Is it possible to set the "V (0, -7, 32)" of tgc (truncated general cone) numerically from commandline without deleting the cylinder and creating it again with in rcc?
20:32.35 learner clock-, yes -- tra command (translate)
20:32.57 learner sed tgc
20:33.03 learner tra 100 0 0
20:33.11 learner accept
20:36.43 learner or use ted, but you have to be very careful that you don't enter invalid geometry (best to use tra/rot/sca)
21:16.43 clock- Fruits of your help:
21:16.45 clock-
21:17.14 clock- (the three last boxes of total 5 on the page)
21:18.38 clock- Thanks for help, end of today's fun, going to sleep :)
21:18.40 clock- \bye

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