irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050531

05:25.25 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
09:08.54 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
09:08.54 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon!
11:28.07 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
17:25.52 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
17:26.51 *** join/#brlcad learner (~brlcad@brlcad.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
17:26.51 *** join/#brlcad archivist ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
17:26.51 *** join/#brlcad guu (
17:26.51 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by
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17:30.49 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by ChanServ
21:40.09 *** join/#brlcad starseeker (
21:40.26 starseeker Anybody around?
21:56.42 brlcad yep
21:56.47 brlcad howdy starseeker
21:56.52 starseeker Howdy!
21:57.03 brlcad how goes it?
21:57.04 starseeker looks like someone was able to fix the gentoo ebuild - trying it out nwo
21:57.06 starseeker er now
21:57.09 starseeker good!
21:57.10 brlcad ahh, really
21:57.13 brlcad cool
21:57.27 starseeker Might want to switch the readme credits to that person...
21:57.30 starseeker checking name...
21:58.29 brlcad you're still my gentoo POC until I see another name in here :)
21:59.12 starseeker I'll tell him to mosey on in :-) Michal Slonina is the miracle worker
21:59.32 starseeker Just for reference the discussion is at
21:59.42 starseeker Coool :-)
22:03.16 brlcad nice, looks like he worked through several tcl/tk issues too
22:03.28 brlcad i'll have to walk through that patch list
22:03.49 brlcad wonder if I can merge them in before 7.2.6 ..
22:04.01 starseeker Yep. Not sure if his diff is relevant to main brlcad tree or not? Not to worry, it's quite normal for gentoo specific diffs to be maintained.
22:04.21 brlcad it's always relevant ;)
22:04.33 starseeker :-)
22:04.34 brlcad if a system requires modifications, it's our policy to accommodate
22:05.22 brlcad there's rarely ever a situation where we can't accommodate easily enough, and often it's for the overall better even if it's only relevant to one or two platforms initially
22:05.49 starseeker I'll post a note pointing him to this IRC channel - maybe we can get him to sign on :-)
22:06.03 starseeker And/or anybody else following the bug
22:06.24 brlcad question for you
22:06.28 brlcad under the DEPEND in the ebuild
22:06.29 starseeker shoot
22:06.36 brlcad it lists >=dev-lang/tk-8.4
22:06.45 brlcad that means to use a system tk?
22:06.57 starseeker Hmm. Normally, yes
22:07.09 starseeker or rather, if this ebuild is installed
22:07.10 brlcad odd.. that won't work
22:07.16 starseeker it will also install tk on that system
22:07.26 starseeker whether it actually uses it is another question
22:07.28 starseeker it may not
22:07.45 brlcad ahh, he just says it's dependant (though it actually isn't) .. doesn't use that later one
22:08.06 starseeker in the past, I have had conflicts between system tk libs and brlcad's - I'm hoping the /usr/lib/brlcad stuff will fix that
22:08.28 starseeker ah - compile finished...
22:08.28 brlcad our tk is actually modified, so we cannot use a system tk
22:08.32 starseeker right.
22:08.40 starseeker hard drive grinding...
22:08.48 brlcad at least until someone presses the tcl guys to accept our mods
22:09.05 starseeker I can add a "me too" to a petition
22:09.53 starseeker Dunno any of the tcl/tk guys myself
22:10.02 starseeker er - Don't know
22:11.13 starseeker Should I go ahead and mention the IRC channel in the bug report?
22:11.53 starseeker fingers crossed - old brlcad has been removed...
22:12.03 starseeker last time this happened tcl/tk didn't work...
22:13.11 starseeker opps, NOW it's removing it
22:13.24 starseeker me should read more carefully
22:14.46 starseeker yep, there goes my system tcl/tk setup. OK, reinstalling those...
22:15.13 starseeker anybody remember what the other name conflicts were?
22:29.53 brlcad hehe
22:30.13 brlcad possibly libbu, libbn, librt
22:30.52 brlcad librt being an old deprecated system library in glibc I believe, libbn in openssl maybe? and libbu you probably didn't have ..
22:34.19 brlcad other system libs that get installes are listed as disable items in the new ebuild
22:34.58 brlcad urt, png, zlib
22:35.15 brlcad and termlib in the latest 7.2.4, though the ebuild isn't updated with that yet
23:20.39 starseeker OK, tcl/tk back on, emergeing glibc and openssl...
23:21.17 brlcad you might not have had a problem with those, I don't know
23:21.25 brlcad I have no lidea what it actually conflicts with on a given gentoo box yet
23:21.43 starseeker can't hurt - re-emerging on general principles is not a bad idea, really
23:21.52 starseeker I need to totally rebuild this sucker
23:22.14 starseeker but I figured, as long as it's mildly foobared anyway, I'd give the new experimental ebuild a whirl :-)
23:22.46 starseeker letsee - what's the name of the gui again?
23:23.34 starseeker ah mged
23:26.33 brlcad yeah
23:26.39 brlcad started up?
23:26.42 starseeker Hmm - no
23:26.50 starseeker Where do I paste output?
23:27.25 brlcad how long is it?
23:27.32 starseeker ~20 lines
23:27.35 brlcad just the first few lines should be enough
23:27.38 starseeker ldd output
23:27.46 brlcad i know the whole "couldn't find itcl.tcl" deal
23:27.55 starseeker the mged startup is just mged: error while loading shared libraries: libtcl8.4.19
23:28.15 starseeker <PROTECTED>
23:28.30 brlcad ahh
23:28.30 starseeker ldd reports several such problems
23:28.37 brlcad paste the ldd then
23:28.41 starseeker righto
23:28.46 starseeker in the chat window?
23:28.52 brlcad here's fine
23:29.01 starseeker <PROTECTED>
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23:29.54 starseeker <PROTECTED>
23:30.10 starseeker /usr/lib/ is present, but libitcl3.3.0 apparently is not
23:30.25 brlcad that's all the >dev lines from the DEPEND
23:30.33 brlcad that library name is wrong too
23:30.49 brlcad shouldn't be libtcl8.4.19
23:30.52 starseeker Hmm.
23:30.59 brlcad should be
23:31.08 starseeker Did you see anything in the ebuild or diff that could cause something like this?
23:31.09 brlcad same for the others
23:31.22 brlcad it was a build of 7.0.x right?
23:31.29 starseeker No, 7.2.4
23:31.35 brlcad hrm, then no
23:31.55 brlcad that would normally be a libtool bug if it was a brl-cad build
23:32.04 starseeker Oh joy
23:32.07 starseeker letsee...
23:32.26 brlcad do you still have the build tree?
23:32.28 starseeker (GNU libtool) 1.5.18
23:32.31 brlcad did it build libitcl3.3.0 ?
23:32.44 starseeker itcl is a separate package in gentoo
23:32.56 starseeker that's those last few posts on the bug
23:32.56 brlcad yes, but did it build brl-cad distribution of it?
23:33.07 starseeker no, it installed it to /usr/lib
23:33.29 brlcad hmm? how did it install it if it didn't build it? :)
23:33.30 starseeker I think the brlcad build tree got erased, let me check
23:33.55 starseeker the itcl package installed it - I don't know if brlcad did anything at all with it. Let me see if I can find out
23:33.58 brlcad probably should stop saying "it" and be more specific..
23:34.15 starseeker oh, right. Sorry
23:34.21 starseeker itcl
23:34.22 brlcad <PROTECTED>
23:34.31 starseeker well, both of us
23:35.03 starseeker Well, it's got some itcl stuff in /usr/share/brlcad/include/brlcad/...
23:35.18 brlcad the --disable-itcl/itk/tcl options are not well tested since installing into /usr is still troublesome for other reasons
23:35.40 brlcad yeah, those headers will get installed regardless, that's fine
23:36.13 starseeker The package does not report installing anything that looks like an itcl lib
23:36.21 starseeker brlcad package
23:36.29 brlcad can you force brl-cad to install again and capture the entire configure/build output?
23:36.39 starseeker Yes, I think so
23:37.00 brlcad emerge ... > file.log 2>&1
23:37.52 starseeker Okie doke...
23:39.22 starseeker underway... should be done configuring in a moment...
23:39.30 starseeker where do I post this? it will be long
23:39.44 brlcad e-mail it to me if you would
23:39.49 starseeker OK.
23:40.02 brlcad have my address?
23:40.08 starseeker Not offhand
23:40.38 brlcad thanks for working on it again
23:40.50 starseeker not at all :-)
23:41.01 starseeker I needed a break from the Maxima units package
23:41.47 starseeker OK, got it - let me chop off the non config part...
23:42.09 brlcad send the whole thing if you like, that's fine
23:42.26 starseeker OK, will do... on it's way via kmail
23:43.31 starseeker Sent.
23:47.13 starseeker Dingnabbit, he put the libraries in /usr/lib! Bad ebuild writer! ;-)
23:48.40 brlcad hmm.. that build was aborted
23:48.46 starseeker right
23:48.54 starseeker I aborted it after I had the configure output
23:49.12 starseeker Didn't think you'd want the whole thing?
23:49.25 brlcad ahh, I wanted to see if it tried to build incrTcl, libtcl, etc
23:50.03 brlcad maybe let bwish link too
23:50.12 starseeker Oh, OK. So do the whole thing?
23:50.21 brlcad if you don't mind
23:50.25 starseeker no problem
23:52.14 starseeker estimated time remaining - 30 min
23:52.18 brlcad you can watch the build and save it to a log with: emerge ... 2>&1 | tee build.log
23:52.33 brlcad or tail -f the log file
23:53.45 starseeker Cool :-). It's already well underway, so I'll let it go. What might happen, by the way, is this will work until I emerge the system tcl/tk - I think that has happened once or twice.
23:58.16 brlcad you can tail -f the log file from another terminal at any time .. that just "watches" the log file
23:58.21 brlcad e.g. tail -f output.log
23:59.06 starseeker Cool!
23:59.15 starseeker Never knew that
23:59.33 brlcad useful for watching system logs too
23:59.47 starseeker Indeed.

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