irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050609

00:07.40 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
01:58.39 *** join/#brlcad PhantomBantam (
01:58.47 *** part/#brlcad PhantomBantam (
02:01.35 *** join/#brlcad PhantomBantam (
02:01.54 *** part/#brlcad PhantomBantam (
02:19.23 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ remove noprod target until there is an include makefile
02:29.25 *** join/#brlcad calyps0 (
02:34.44 calyps0 whats a decent win prog for making small handheld things? im fairly new to cad, and can only find building architecture-related progs.
02:49.06 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: (re)add a make target that removes only build products
03:16.56 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: woot, bump it up
03:48.50 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ChangeLog: changelog entries from 7.2.4 to 7.2.6 for release
03:49.41 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (NEWS README bump revision to 7.2.6
04:26.04 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
04:26.04 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon! || Release 7.2.6 due out today...
06:18.14 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (~c28bf505@
15:07.52 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
15:07.52 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon! || Release 7.2.6 due out today...
22:49.49 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
22:49.49 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Screenshots: || || Release 7.2.4 is now posted (20050511) || We will be at Siggraph 2005, BoF meeting on Monday 11am-12noon! || Release 7.2.6 due out today...
23:17.06 *** join/#brlcad des_ (
23:20.14 des_ anyone on?
23:21.45 archivist yes but
23:21.52 brlcad howdy
23:21.57 des_ evening.
23:22.24 des_ I am having the strangest problem with mged.
23:23.03 des_ I have a very simple model - a box made of five separate panels (no bottom), one of which has a cutout and a door.
23:23.39 des_ when I try to combine these panels into a region or comb or group, mged goes nuts and adds five copies of each item to the group...
23:23.55 des_ I must have done a stupid newbie mistake, but there you are...
23:24.40 des_ I'd cut'n'paste from the command window, but it's rather long.
23:24.46 des_ anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong?
23:26.34 brlcad hmm
23:26.41 brlcad how long is long?
23:26.48 des_ 30-odd lines.
23:26.55 brlcad eep
23:27.04 brlcad
23:27.12 brlcad paste it there
23:28.24 des_
23:29.21 des_ reload, I added 'l panel.front;
23:29.27 des_ 'l panel.front' even.
23:30.00 brlcad add an l panel.back
23:30.31 des_ reload
23:30.36 brlcad I've never seen g do that.. hrm
23:31.38 des_ same thing happens with r and comb
23:32.02 brlcad can you add another ls -la
23:33.01 des_ done. I also redid panels as a region.
23:33.52 brlcad has mged crashed on you at any point?
23:33.57 des_ no.
23:34.24 brlcad those messages from kill panels sounds like part of the problem
23:34.43 brlcad if you kill panels again, and do a 'db get panels' what does it report?
23:35.12 des_ I'm starting to wonder if I've tripped some kind of secret "do everything five times" command :-)
23:35.46 des_ for instance:
23:35.51 brlcad heh, no, but you might have _somehow_ corrupted your database or found some other obscure bug
23:35.54 des_ mged> make foo rpp
23:35.54 des_ foo: already exists
23:36.06 des_ (but there was no foo)
23:36.25 brlcad if you 'db get foo' it returns nothing?
23:36.43 des_ mged> db get foo
23:36.43 des_ foo: not found
23:36.43 des_ mged> make foo rpp
23:36.43 des_ foo: already exists
23:36.52 des_ mged> kill foo
23:36.52 des_ db_lookup(foo) failed: foo does not exist
23:36.56 des_ wheee!
23:37.01 brlcad arf
23:37.05 brlcad can you send me that .g?
23:37.10 des_ yep.
23:38.01 des_ if my firewall will allow it.
23:39.08 brlcad e-mail?
23:40.40 des_ yep. addy?
23:40.54 brlcad sent via pm
23:45.50 des_ made with brlcad 7.2.4, btw.
23:46.11 des_ and another thing: it doesn't save font settings to .mgedrc.
23:46.32 des_ is that a known issue?
23:46.52 brlcad yes, it is
23:47.04 des_ fixed in 7.2.6?
23:47.11 brlcad you can still set the fonts in your .mgedrc manually
23:47.26 des_ yep.
23:47.52 brlcad it's not beed looked at by anyone really afaik
23:48.07 brlcad there's actually quite a bit that's not persisted in the .mgedrc
23:48.22 brlcad mostly only the settings on the misc/modes menus
23:48.51 brlcad hmm.. try this and let me know if it works:
23:49.14 brlcad keep test.g door.flap panels
23:49.21 brlcad opendb test.g
23:49.27 brlcad kill panels
23:49.47 brlcad r panels u panel.left u panel.right u panel.back u u panel.front
23:49.49 brlcad l panels
23:49.57 des_ yep.
23:50.00 brlcad paste the l panels output
23:50.02 des_ no udplicates.
23:50.08 des_ ged> l panels
23:50.08 des_ panels: REGION id=1000 (air=0, los=100, GIFTmater=1) --
23:50.08 des_ <PROTECTED>
23:50.08 des_ <PROTECTED>
23:50.08 des_ <PROTECTED>
23:50.09 des_ <PROTECTED>
23:50.11 des_ <PROTECTED>
23:50.17 brlcad good...
23:50.37 des_ bug or pilot error?
23:50.54 brlcad not sure yet
23:51.06 brlcad sounding like a bug, but no idea how it might have been caused
23:51.25 brlcad basically it sounds like there's a slight corruption in the .g
23:51.59 brlcad so slight that it hasn't tripped any of the corruption detections (which is something very hard to do)
23:52.39 des_ hm.
23:52.43 des_ ever heard of sudoku?
23:52.58 brlcad have not
23:53.17 des_ it's a silly little numbers puzzle you find in newspapers and stuff.
23:53.22 des_ I've written a solver for it.
23:53.43 des_ I spent most of yesterday evening trying to figure out why it tripped an assertion
23:53.50 des_ poring over debugging printouts line by line...
23:53.55 brlcad heh :)
23:54.06 brlcad hmm.. the file you sent me works here just fine too...
23:54.08 des_ and finally figuring out that I had mistyped the problem.
23:54.14 brlcad that must mean it's something internal to your mged instance
23:54.33 des_ so sometimes a complicated problem can have a simple explanation :)
23:54.39 brlcad if you restart mged on the original .g and kill panels, and recreate, does it still happen?
23:54.55 des_ yes, I've done that several times already...
23:55.35 des_ does mged have some sort of logging functionality?
23:55.46 des_ I mean, can it keep a log of the command window?
23:56.38 des_ it might be useful in the future if I trip over this (or something similar) again
23:57.05 brlcad there's a means to save the commands themselves to a file, but that won't keep their output
23:57.15 des_ hm.
23:57.21 brlcad there's a means to capture all the output, but you have to invoke mged differently
23:57.54 des_ maybe I'll go dive into the source code and figure out how to keep a running log...
23:58.35 des_ hmm, I really should try to set up a second monitor
23:58.46 des_ one for the command window, one for the graphics window...
23:58.59 brlcad it would be a relatively simple addition to make to the command that saves the command history
23:59.03 des_ but most of all, I should really go to bed. It's 2 am over here in .no.
23:59.42 des_ thank you very much for your help.
23:59.47 brlcad no problem
23:59.52 brlcad if you do want to save a log:

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