irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050618

00:19.13 Twingy it just built for me *shrug*
00:19.36 Twingy Done.
00:19.36 Twingy BRL-CAD Release 7.3.0, Build 20050617
00:19.36 Twingy Elapsed compilation time: 19 minutes, 18 seconds
00:19.54 ``Erik build for me before I left the office
00:19.57 ``Erik built, even
00:28.43 archivist i seem to have a borked download and the animal is refusing to do another cvs checkout (my winbox is quite happy though)
00:29.49 Twingy that might explain things
00:33.54 archivist hehe must type ALL the cvs cmd
00:37.08 archivist now getting aclocal: 1409: macro `AM_PATH_SDL` not found in library
00:37.17 archivist aclocal failed
00:49.32 Twingy hrm
00:49.34 Twingy what OS?
00:49.36 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libtie/ (define.h struct.h tie.c tie.h): Added licensing info to libtie files.
00:50.53 archivist debian sarge the noo one
00:51.11 Twingy it's wanting SDL for ADRT the new realtime raytracer
00:51.37 Twingy I suppose I can have it skip ADRT if configure cannot find SDL on the system..
00:51.47 Twingy I think SDL comes standard with redhat now
00:52.10 Twingy archivist, are you familiar with SDL?
00:52.14 archivist or tell user to fetch it
00:52.18 Twingy yah
00:52.20 archivist no
00:52.30 Twingy
00:52.49 Twingy lemme poke the
00:54.57 Twingy do you have sdl-config on your machine?
00:55.35 archivist dunno
00:55.40 Twingy fine out :)
00:55.45 Twingy type "sdl-config"
00:55.47 Twingy *find
00:57.22 archivist nope
00:57.25 Twingy k
00:57.38 Twingy for now just grab sdl 1.2 and install it
00:57.53 Twingy you can obtain it via aptget I think
01:01.45 Twingy k?
01:02.28 ``Erik isn't the place to put that, it needs the m4, period... the machine needs sdl.m4, period
01:02.43 ``Erik did I repeat myself enough? :)
01:03.20 archivist command not found for aptget on this box, they want one to use the new synaptic thing (which in this case doesnt know about the web on this box)
01:03.31 Twingy so ... you want to include it in the distribution or enforce it must be installed on all users machines?
01:04.08 ``Erik when the dist gets build, the m4 data is in the thing... dist tarballs are ok and don't need sdl installed on the box... only the machine running auto* has the requirement
01:04.40 Twingy so in archivist's case we'll just enforce that he needs libsdl installed
01:04.46 ``Erik indeed
01:04.57 ``Erik (apt-get, not aptget)
01:05.04 Twingy archivist, talk to erik, I only know slackware and redhat
01:06.38 ``Erik (apt-get install libsdl-dev)
01:08.51 archivist its coming
01:10.02 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libtienet/ (8 files): Added licensing info to libtienet files.
01:21.04 archivist going forrunning make again i get the following required file misc/config.guess not found also misc/config.sub and misc/
01:21.19 Twingy erm
01:21.22 Twingy do an autoreconf -vis
01:21.25 Twingy err
01:21.27 Twingy ./
01:21.37 archivist ok
01:23.11 archivist i need a faster box
01:23.48 Twingy hehe
01:24.05 Twingy got got a couple dual cpu dual core 2ghz opterons with 8GB coming in in 2 weeks
01:24.27 Twingy one of those should compile brlcad in under 4 minutes
01:24.49 archivist mine is a dual 300meg pentium2
01:24.55 Twingy ouch
01:25.00 Twingy you're doing make -j3 right?
01:25.23 archivist no
01:25.30 Twingy what are you doing?
01:25.56 archivist just make
01:26.35 Twingy punk
01:26.42 Twingy all I had was quesadillas
01:26.55 brlcad big thing of "premium" sake too..
01:26.56 brlcad yum
01:27.24 Twingy I fixed samba today
01:30.03 brlcad archivist: it sounds like you probably got a partial set of cvs commits at some update
01:30.14 Twingy o.O
01:30.21 Twingy *boom*
01:30.34 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libutil/ (10 files): Added licensing info to libutil files.
01:30.58 brlcad Twingy: you do know that there is a script that will add the header for you?
01:31.07 brlcad sh/
01:31.08 Twingy I figured there was
01:31.25 Twingy does it operate on files with existing header info?
01:31.36 brlcad yes, should
01:31.54 Twingy cause I had no standard when creating the header stuff
01:32.02 Twingy so some of them have cvs stuff, some don't etc
01:32.10 brlcad read the header for examples how to run it
01:32.56 brlcad basically sh/ LGPL some_file.c
01:33.13 brlcad couple that with find and you can do batches at onces
01:33.34 brlcad there's also
01:34.11 Twingy hrm
01:34.16 Twingy it doesn't do author and purpose does it?
01:34.25 brlcad no, just the license header block
01:34.29 Twingy ah
01:34.38 Twingy well I'm just doing a cut and paste and editing descriptions for each one...
01:34.45 Twingy so...
01:35.01 brlcad heh, running the script once would still be faster :)
01:35.21 brlcad it does the file T I T L E . C expansion thing too
01:35.32 ``Erik (also, using an editor that could do multiple buffers with shared clipboards, etc... but... :)
01:35.59 Twingy *shrug* I don't see the big advantage
01:36.27 brlcad the big advantage? you've spent how many minutes cut and pasting now?
01:36.43 Twingy mostly editing description stuff
01:36.46 brlcad I did all 5000 or whatever existing files in less than a minute
01:36.51 Twingy yes
01:36.55 Twingy but did you enter descriptions for all of them?
01:37.04 Twingy "This is librt it contains functions that do blah blah blah"
01:37.32 brlcad already existed, and it prepends or merges with an existing header
01:37.43 Twingy yah, see with my stuff it's all in my head
01:37.53 Twingy 'sides I'm already 20% done
01:38.00 Twingy I'll be done in an hour for the entire project
01:38.05 archivist ./configure elapsed time 4m 25
01:38.16 brlcad slow machine :)
01:38.18 Twingy archivist, make sure you do make -j3 when you compile
01:38.28 brlcad he has an smp machinE?
01:38.39 Twingy yes
01:38.51 Twingy otherwise I wouldn't recommend it o.O
01:38.59 brlcad never know with you
01:39.02 Twingy though make -j2 would have a small benefit
01:39.16 Twingy thanks for that moral booster
01:39.16 archivist are but i dont think debian enabled smp
01:39.33 brlcad archivist: that doesn't matter
01:39.35 ``Erik um, cat /proc/cpuinfo
01:39.41 ``Erik if two cpu's are listed, the kernel is using two cpu's
01:40.41 brlcad cat: /proc/cpuinfo: This ain't no damn linux box
01:40.46 archivist only 1
01:41.12 archivist dozy debian install
01:41.37 Twingy brlcad, I think you had too much Sake
01:41.44 Twingy we're refering to archivist's machine
01:41.55 brlcad one can never have enough
01:42.08 Twingy uh huh, and who was the one that passed out that night at siggraph? :)
01:42.16 Twingy wasn't me ;)
01:42.17 brlcad it was like 2am
01:42.24 Twingy and your point? :)
01:43.05 archivist its 2:42 am here and no sake
01:45.13 brlcad archivist: sorry to hear that :)
01:45.58 archivist so running plain make as box is brain dead
01:46.12 Twingy as box?
01:46.30 archivist only 1 cpu used
01:46.39 Twingy sux 2 b u
01:47.16 brlcad others should have gone to this conference
01:47.38 Twingy if you're interested in solid modeling *shrug*
01:50.21 brlcad lots of great papers on mesh generation, mesh healing, segmentation for efficient FEM purposes, lots lots more
01:51.06 brlcad the most exciting to me was a knapsack packing algorithm using simulated annealing
01:52.09 brlcad I think I can extend that to arbitrary shapes pretty easily using our ray-based volume computation
01:52.41 Twingy the FEM stuff might have interested me
01:53.09 Twingy ingo will be at siggraph
01:53.18 brlcad multilevel tetra meshes are pretty cool
01:54.06 brlcad the lead of the visible human project was there
01:54.30 brlcad clammoring that there needs to be more open source collaboration
01:54.53 brlcad there toolkit was/is apparently open source now too
01:56.32 Twingy hrm, I think it's time for some video games
01:57.00 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libcommon/ (13 files): Added licensing info to libcommon files.
01:58.03 archivist i think it stime this box finished compiling
01:58.11 Twingy heh
01:58.20 Twingy might wanna recompile your kernel tonight
01:58.26 Twingy cut your brl-cad build time in half
01:58.45 Twingy or spend $188 on a 1.5ghz walmart pc
01:59.39 archivist i do PIC stuff as well
02:00.22 Twingy I've got a 16F88 in my rocket control system
02:01.21 archivist i use 18f627 for a clock we manufacture and other control thingies
02:01.32 Twingy ah
02:01.49 Twingy you run it at 32,768 hz then?
02:02.01 Twingy or 131,072 hz
02:02.46 archivist no its mains controled to force the user to keep it switched on and to time (its in a cigarette display)
02:03.06 archivist so use the rc clock at 4mhz
02:03.16 Twingy oh, those aren't very accurate :-\
02:03.21 brlcad egads! sdl can't be required to build
02:03.28 Twingy why not?
02:03.34 brlcad are you kidding?
02:03.55 brlcad sdl is fine
02:04.02 brlcad as a requirement to build is not
02:04.04 Twingy well, most people will only be sucking down a dist
02:04.13 Twingy not the cvs archive
02:04.19 Twingy so they'll be fine
02:04.19 brlcad that's specifically one thing we do NOT do
02:04.27 Twingy hrm?
02:04.28 brlcad i.e. make people go get things to build
02:04.47 Twingy like I said, if they get a make dist of brl-cad
02:04.50 Twingy it'll have sdl.m4 in there
02:04.59 Twingy i.e the released version
02:05.13 brlcad the sdl check aborts configure
02:05.16 Twingy then they compile and it'll just not use sdl instead of fail
02:05.18 Twingy yes
02:05.22 Twingy cause you're using the cvs version
02:05.32 brlcad eh?
02:05.36 brlcad they still ahve to run configure
02:05.42 Twingy a make dist should include the m4 in the tarball
02:05.47 Twingy then when it look for AM_PATH_SDL
02:05.49 Twingy it'll have the m4 there
02:05.57 Twingy and just say "oh my, you don't have sdl, oh well"
02:06.13 brlcad no, it says "you don't have sdl, abort"
02:06.20 Twingy you did a make dist?
02:06.26 brlcad AM_PATH_SDL(1.2.0,,AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find SDL.]))
02:06.41 Twingy because you're compiling from the cvs repo
02:06.50 Twingy not from a make dist tarball
02:06.56 Twingy so you're assumed to be a developer
02:06.58 Twingy not a user
02:07.02 Twingy users will be using a make dist
02:07.05 Twingy right?
02:07.09 brlcad no
02:07.17 ``Erik heh
02:07.17 brlcad well, yes they will
02:07.20 ``Erik twiggly
02:07.29 brlcad but that's not how AC_MSG_ERROR works
02:07.32 ``Erik that should set a 'I have sdl" variable in the true and send an AC_MSG_WARNING()
02:07.37 Twingy jey
02:07.41 Twingy op me on #siggraph plz
02:07.45 Twingy and riisbot too
02:08.00 ``Erik no
02:08.05 brlcad heh
02:08.37 Twingy I dunno
02:08.41 Twingy you two can fight it out
02:09.02 ``Erik I don't think there's anything to fight about
02:09.18 brlcad it's just incomplete checks
02:09.51 ``Erik the need to have sdl installed to autogen is expected and I think acceptable, but we do need to fix up the so sdl isn't required on the host during ./configure&&make
02:10.14 brlcad the stuff needed for sdl in configure is slightly ugly
02:10.54 brlcad like i said, sdl in itself is fine .. it just shouldn't halt the build if it's not there or there and not a good version
02:11.17 Twingy sounds good to me
02:11.24 brlcad checking for sdl-config won't be sufficient
02:12.21 brlcad there are actually distros of sdl that don't include it
02:12.34 brlcad probably a bug on their part, but a reality nonetheless
02:12.42 ``Erik hrm, that's what the m4 that comes with sdl does
02:12.50 brlcad yeah, i know
02:12.54 brlcad it's a freaking pita
02:13.08 brlcad had to deal with it in bz too
02:13.25 ``Erik heh, pkgconfig? :}
02:13.41 Twingy then just copy&paste from bz
02:13.46 brlcad no, just more checks for the libraries/facilities like other libs
02:13.53 ``Erik there's so much that sdl-config fu's... :-/ like the cflags/ldflags
02:14.16 Twingy I would just not support machines without sdl-config
02:14.20 brlcad bz's "fix" is not suitable, their is rather different
02:14.22 ``Erik sdl-config on winderz gives some really... interesting... results
02:16.02 brlcad yeah, though most of the sdl-config cflag/ldflag stuff usually boils down to an -L/usr/whatever/lib -lSDL -I/usr/whatever/inclue
02:16.04 Twingy hrm
02:16.08 Twingy wish I had a 3d scanner here
02:16.48 ``Erik and some -D stuff
02:17.15 brlcad heh _THREAD_SAFE? :P
02:17.47 ``Erik reentrant
02:17.58 ``Erik thread_safe on mac
02:23.06 brlcad wonder what actually does on mac
02:23.28 brlcad there's not _THREAD_SAFE declarations in the headers and no libc_r
02:23.50 brlcad it's a freebsd'ism afaik
02:24.07 brlcad or maybe glibc'ism
02:25.13 brlcad gah Preparing build ... aclocal: 1413: macro `AM_PATH_SDL' not found in library
02:26.40 archivist hehe
02:26.49 archivist i know that error
02:27.01 ``Erik <PROTECTED>
02:27.20 brlcad reentrant is the same as thread_safe
02:27.52 ``Erik in meaning, not spelling :)
02:28.03 brlcad true true
02:28.57 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/m4/ (sdl.m4 add sdl.m4 to unbreak my build
02:29.11 Twingy
02:32.12 Twingy hrm
02:32.23 Twingy ply-g doesn't seem to like this .ply
02:32.57 brlcad hmm? i converted several of their ply's just a couple weeks ago
02:33.13 Twingy -rw-r--r-- 1 justin justin 6919168 Jun 17 22:34 Armadillo.ply
02:33.21 Twingy [justin@borg:~]$ ply-g Armadillo.ply armadillo.g
02:33.29 Twingy ignoring face with 0 vertices
02:33.32 Twingy times a billion
02:34.03 Twingy straight off stanford's site
02:34.30 brlcad *shrug*
02:34.39 Twingy I'll see if I can make it smarter
02:34.54 brlcad there's a -v verbose and -d debug flag
02:36.04 Twingy there's color indicies in this file
02:36.17 brlcad ahh
02:36.25 Twingy so what's the deal with sdl?
02:36.42 brlcad what do you mean?
02:36.52 Twingy we figure out what we want to do behavior wise?
02:37.20 brlcad ideally, it should test for sdl, and if available it uses it of course
02:37.53 brlcad if not available, it falls back to either not compiling whatever needed it, and/or providing an alternate display means in whatever used it
02:38.42 brlcad the is fixed, just had to add the m4 to our m4/
02:40.58 archivist it just made iges.g how far through the compile am i
02:41.23 brlcad about 2/3rds
02:41.49 brlcad maybe more
02:41.49 Twingy archivist, you're already out of date
02:41.52 archivist dam slow box :((
02:41.52 Twingy time to start over
02:42.54 archivist hmm 3:42 am
02:44.10 brlcad Twingy: you should add everything that was added to the NEWS file, maybe with a short paragraph or two writeup for the next release
02:45.00 brlcad a single line for each user-visible (non-dev) change since the previous release
02:45.25 Twingy for each change?
02:45.42 Twingy hrm
02:45.47 Twingy mged core dumps on me in freebsd
02:46.29 Twingy mged and mged -c both core dump :(
02:46.31 brlcad pretty much, the previous release notes are good examples to follow
02:46.41 Twingy each change like, every cvs add?
02:46.57 Twingy ...we added adrt.
02:47.07 Twingy that's 1 change
02:47.12 brlcad heck no, not every cvs add
02:47.19 brlcad user-visible changes
02:47.19 Twingy k, 1 change then
02:47.37 brlcad which would be the addition of a handful of commands
02:47.42 Twingy any clue why mged core dumps?
02:48.00 brlcad core dumps on startup? on file open?
02:48.04 brlcad try console mode
02:48.04 Twingy on startup
02:48.11 Twingy Twingy mged and mged -c both core dump :(
02:49.20 brlcad try mged -f
02:49.30 Twingy [justin@borg:~/src/brlcad/src/adrt]$ mged -f
02:49.30 Twingy Segmentation fault (core dumped)
02:49.42 brlcad gdb --args mged -f
02:49.52 Twingy I compiled optimized
02:49.59 brlcad that's fine
02:50.04 brlcad still has debug symbols
02:50.20 brlcad you would have had to --disable-debug
02:50.27 Twingy (gdb) run
02:50.28 Twingy Starting program: /usr/local/bin/mged -f
02:50.28 Twingy Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
02:50.28 Twingy [Switching to LWP 100318]
02:50.28 Twingy 0x285347e0 in pthread_testcancel () from /usr/lib/
02:50.28 Twingy (gdb) where
02:50.30 Twingy #0 0x285347e0 in pthread_testcancel () from /usr/lib/
02:50.32 Twingy #1 0x2851ff2b in open () from /usr/lib/
02:50.34 Twingy #2 0x2861f1e1 in glXChannelRectSyncSGIX () from /usr/X11R6/lib/
02:50.36 Twingy #3 0x28642e00 in ?? () from /usr/X11R6/lib/
02:50.38 Twingy #4 0x00000002 in ?? ()
02:50.39 brlcad eww
02:50.54 brlcad that's familar
02:51.24 brlcad should only happen if it's linking in the wrong pthread library
02:51.35 brlcad did you add cflags/ldflags?
02:51.39 Twingy nope
02:51.44 brlcad hmm.. sdl-config probably did
02:52.09 Twingy need an account on a fbsd box?
02:52.41 brlcad nope, I got a couple
02:52.42 Twingy oh
02:52.52 Twingy heh, I forgot you have access to ones at work from there
02:52.54 brlcad did you get an account on that power5?
02:53.02 Twingy nope, no desire to
02:53.03 brlcad is fbsd
02:53.26 brlcad I got one on both machines, and supposedly 4 tickets to that movie
02:53.35 archivist oo just bombed here its in tclscripts lt-btclsh cant open shared library
02:53.44 Twingy that sux
02:54.15 brlcad archivist: when did you last build ok?
02:54.23 archivist never
02:54.27 brlcad heh
02:54.36 brlcad which OS is this?
02:54.45 brlcad debian?
02:54.51 archivist debian sarge the nooo one
02:55.06 brlcad "nooo" is an understatement ;)
02:55.39 brlcad ls -la /usr/lib/libbn/.libs/*.so*
02:55.48 brlcad er, brlcad/src/libbn
02:57.59 archivist not there
02:58.15 brlcad ls -la brlcad/src/libbn/.libs/*
02:58.22 brlcad what is there?
02:58.47 brlcad sounds like you have a build that's out of sync still
02:59.12 brlcad like you've done builds before and didn't clean up properly or have a clock out of sync or something
02:59.45 archivist hehe clock WAS out of sync earlier
03:01.52 archivist rm .o for a quick fix in libbn ?
03:04.45 brlcad cd src/libbn
03:04.45 brlcad make clean
03:04.45 brlcad make
03:06.23 archivist running again
03:06.47 archivist 4 am and i wanna go home
03:07.06 brlcad if this is the first time you've built, how did you get the other builds?
03:07.17 brlcad used the posted binaries?
03:07.42 archivist who said i had other builds
03:08.18 brlcad hm, I thought I remembered you saying you'd run mged
03:08.30 archivist no
03:10.41 brlcad ok
03:14.17 archivist still same error
03:15.49 *** join/#brlcad JBdiGriz (
03:16.35 brlcad howdy JBdiGriz !
03:16.50 JBdiGriz howdy, I was just looking for you
03:29.30 *** join/#brlcad archivist2 (
03:30.56 brlcad archivist: how'd it go?
03:33.02 archivist it still cant find*
03:33.26 archivist no erros from the mak in libbn
03:34.28 archivist just setting up the other box so i can copy paste
03:35.47 brlcad but what does it actually make in the libbn directory
03:36.10 brlcad ls -la src/libbn/.libs/libbn*
03:40.03 archivist2 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1977188 2005-06-18 04:38 .libs/libbn.a
03:40.03 archivist2 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 11 2005-06-18 04:38 .libs/ -> ../
03:40.03 archivist2 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 936 2005-06-18 04:38 .libs/libbn.lai
03:40.03 archivist2 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 2005-06-18 04:38 .libs/ ->
03:40.04 archivist2 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 2005-06-18 04:38 .libs/ ->
03:40.06 archivist2 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1858391 2005-06-18 04:38 .libs/
03:40.37 archivist looks ok
03:41.00 brlcad yeah, okay, so it's there
03:41.07 brlcad cd src/bwish
03:41.08 brlcad make clena
03:41.13 brlcad er, clean
03:41.16 brlcad and make
03:41.21 brlcad then ./btclsh
03:43.16 archivist2 portacabin:/home/djc/brlcad/src/bwish# ./btclsh
03:43.16 archivist2 /home/djc/brlcad/src/bwish/.libs/lt-btclsh: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
03:43.48 brlcad hrm, libtool bug
03:43.55 brlcad ls -la .libs
03:44.56 archivist2 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2005-06-18 04:43 .
03:44.56 archivist2 drwxr-xr-x 4 djc djc 4096 2005-06-18 04:42 ..
03:44.56 archivist2 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 285558 2005-06-18 04:42 btclsh
03:44.56 archivist2 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 428812 2005-06-18 04:42 bwish
03:44.56 archivist2 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 285686 2005-06-18 04:43 lt-btclsh
03:45.42 brlcad try running: .libs/btclsh
03:46.29 archivist2 .libs/btclsh
03:46.45 archivist 4:45 am and its light outhehe wrong window
03:46.56 brlcad does it give you a % prompt?
03:47.27 archivist no an aerror
03:47.51 archivist2 portacabin:/home/djc/brlcad/src/bwish# .libs/btclsh
03:47.51 archivist2 .libs/btclsh: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
03:48.12 brlcad ahh
03:48.24 brlcad did librt build?
03:48.50 archivist dunno where to look?
03:48.59 brlcad ls -la src/librt/.libs/librt*
03:51.32 archivist2 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 15082652 2005-06-18 03:14 librt/.libs/librt.a
03:51.32 archivist2 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 11 2005-06-18 03:14 librt/.libs/ -> ../
03:51.32 archivist2 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 961 2005-06-18 03:14 librt/.libs/librt.lai
03:51.32 archivist2 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 2005-06-18 03:14 librt/.libs/ ->
03:51.32 archivist2 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 2005-06-18 03:14 librt/.libs/ ->
03:51.33 archivist2 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 13841082 2005-06-18 03:14 librt/.libs/
03:52.04 brlcad i hope that last line was really 19.0.1 ?
03:52.26 archivist2 yup was my error
03:53.04 brlcad hmmm
03:53.37 brlcad if you want, I'll debug on it from here if you want to provide up a temp account
03:54.16 brlcad something is wrong with libtool
03:54.55 archivist router wont let you in i could reconfigure monday some time
03:55.06 brlcad libtoolize --version ?
03:55.34 archivist 1.5.6
03:56.10 brlcad that 'should' be okay
03:56.19 brlcad built on it just fine before
03:56.47 brlcad oh, hrm
03:56.53 brlcad do you have an LD_LIBRARY_PATH set?
03:57.22 brlcad set|grep -i ld_lib
03:58.26 brlcad unset it if it's set
03:58.43 archivist hehe havnt set the kb properly yet cant do |
03:59.00 brlcad just set, and look for it :)
03:59.56 archivist heh fount it under~ its not set
04:01.31 archivist2 set
04:01.38 brlcad hm?
04:01.40 brlcad it's set?
04:01.56 archivist2 no
04:02.05 brlcad okay
04:03.55 brlcad export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/djc/brlcad/src/librt/.libs:/home/djc/brlcad/src/libbu/.libs:/home/djc/brlcad/src/libbn/.libs
04:04.27 brlcad src/bwish/btclsh
04:04.44 brlcad src/bwish/.libs/btclsh
04:09.28 archivist2 <PROTECTED>
04:09.29 archivist2 portacabin:/home/djc/brlcad/src# bwish/btclsh
04:09.29 archivist2 /home/djc/brlcad/src/bwish/.libs/lt-btclsh: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
04:09.38 brlcad cool, progress
04:10.20 brlcad export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/djc/brlcad/src/librt/.libs:/home/djc/brlcad/src/libbu/.libs:/home/djc/brlcad/src/libbn/.libs:/home/djc/brlcad/src/other/libtcl/.libs
04:12.36 archivist ooo btclsh> prompt
04:14.51 archivist so i run make in brlcad and.....
04:15.21 archivist2 make[2]: Entering directory `/home/djc/brlcad/src/tclscripts'
04:15.21 archivist2 ../../src/bwish/btclsh ../../src/tclscripts/ampi.tcl ../../src/tclscripts
04:15.21 archivist2 /home/djc/brlcad/src/bwish/.libs/lt-btclsh: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared obje
04:16.33 brlcad expected
04:16.41 brlcad libtool still hijacks it
04:17.13 brlcad cp src/bwish/.libs/btclsh src/bwish/.libs/lt-btclsh
04:17.19 brlcad make
04:19.14 archivist permmission denied
04:19.35 brlcad eh?
04:19.49 brlcad you can't keep switching between root and djc :)
04:19.56 brlcad pick one and stick with it :)
04:20.22 brlcad given you have root files now, you have to be root
04:20.39 brlcad you generally should not compile as root
04:21.03 archivist i did a chown and chgrp -R to set it all to djc and it seems to have gone wrong
04:21.45 brlcad you'd have to chown as root
04:21.47 brlcad to djc
04:22.53 archivist i did
04:22.57 archivist2 cp: cannot create regular file `bwish/.libs/lt-btclsh': Text file busy
04:23.29 brlcad did you quit that btclsh prompt?
04:23.41 archivist2 no just doing it
04:24.04 archivist2 done
04:24.42 archivist2 time for a make
04:24.47 archivist2 ?
04:24.54 brlcad yeah
04:26.28 archivist2 ../../src/bwish/btclsh ../../src/tclscripts/ampi.tcl ../../src/tclscripts
04:26.28 archivist2 /home/djc/brlcad/src/bwish/.libs/lt-btclsh: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared obje
04:29.53 brlcad cp src/bwish/.libs/btclsh src/bwish/btclsh
04:31.22 brlcad need to make that ampi script not occur until install time to avoid this..
04:33.22 archivist2 i need a better chat client to copy from
04:33.39 Twingy hrm
04:36.20 archivist2 ../../src/bwish/btclsh: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file:
04:36.39 archivist2 are we chasing a never ending nasty
04:37.21 brlcad no, but it'd probably be easier if I dealt with it directly
04:39.50 archivist2 5:40 can i leave it till monday as I need a b it of sleeeeeeeeep
04:40.03 brlcad ok
04:40.07 brlcad thanks for your patience
04:40.17 brlcad sorry it's not just working for you
04:40.18 archivist2 thanks for your patience
04:40.30 Twingy hrm
04:40.33 archivist2 hehe
04:40.37 Twingy 5:40 is an acceptable time to leavae
04:41.20 archivist2 im supposed to go out tomorow
04:41.47 brlcad archivist2: monday is fine :)
04:43.38 Twingy bu_malloc is in librt right?
04:43.41 Twingy well
04:43.43 Twingy libbu
04:43.46 brlcad bu
04:43.50 Twingy but does that come with librt.a ?
04:43.59 brlcad should
04:44.06 Twingy hrm
04:44.10 Twingy I gots some linking problems
04:44.21 brlcad wouldn't rely on it in a .a
04:44.26 brlcad should link all three
04:44.30 Twingy yah
04:44.36 Twingy I think I will
04:44.45 Twingy db_walk_tree
04:44.50 Twingy that's librt thought right?
04:44.55 brlcad yeah
04:45.11 Twingy hrm
04:45.23 Twingy ../../../../src/librt/.libs/librt.a
04:45.28 Twingy ../../../../src/adrt/libcommon/.libs/libcommon.a(g.o)(.text+0x1175):/usr/home/justin/src/brlcad/src/adrt/libcommon/g.c:497: undefined reference to `db_walk_tree'
04:45.42 brlcad libbu is on librt's LIBADD line
04:45.48 Twingy ah
04:45.57 Twingy but I don't understand why it's not picking up db_walk_tree
04:46.01 Twingy from librt.a
04:48.35 brlcad what's your link line?
04:49.36 Twingy one sec phone
04:49.42 brlcad <PROTECTED>
04:50.39 brlcad it's a libtool library, you can't just make it through flags
04:50.49 brlcad have to set it as a libadd
04:51.36 Twingy I did have in libadd
04:51.43 Twingy k
04:51.50 brlcad not the one in cvs
04:52.03 Twingy night
04:57.50 brlcad autogen runs autoreconf
04:58.01 Twingy yah
04:58.09 Twingy just on an order of magnitude more stuff :-\
04:58.10 brlcad it takes longer because the configure script is 20x longer
04:58.59 brlcad you shouldn't have to reconf if everything is set up
04:59.12 Twingy I'm tweaking's
04:59.14 brlcad you edit the am and it should rebuild itself
04:59.26 Twingy to et bu_* and db_walk_tree resolved
04:59.34 Twingy hrm
04:59.39 Twingy doesn't seem to be the case for me
04:59.41 brlcad that's what I mean -- editing .am's should rebuild the makefile
04:59.47 brlcad make Makefile
04:59.49 Twingy yes
04:59.49 brlcad make
04:59.55 Twingy it used to do that before I merged into brlcad
05:00.27 brlcad it's no different
05:00.31 Twingy LDADD = ${top_builddir}/src/librt/.libs/librt.a
05:00.36 Twingy in for libcommon
05:00.47 Twingy and I still get lcad/src/adrt/libcommon/g.c:497: undefined reference to `db_walk_tree'
05:00.47 Twingy *** Error code 1
05:00.47 brlcad it should be attached to the build target
05:01.09 brlcad libcommon_la_LIBADD
05:01.14 Twingy ah
05:01.15 brlcad it's not an LDADD
05:02.17 brlcad same goes for the CFLAGS if you want to be correct
05:02.22 Twingy gcc -D__STRICT_ANSI__ -I.. -I../../../../src/adrt/libtie -I../../../../src/adrt/libtienet -I../../../../src/adrt/libtexture -I../../../../src/adrt/libcommon -I../../../../src/adrt/librender -I../../../../src/adrt/libutil -I../../../../src/adrt/rise -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -fPIC -O3 -ffast-math -fstrength-reduce -fexpensive-optimizations -fomit-frame-pointer -finline-functions -g -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-commo
05:02.22 Twingy n -fPIC -O3 -ffast-math -fstrength-reduce -fexpensive-optimizations -fomit-frame-pointer -finline-functions -g -o rise_master dispatcher.o main.o master.o post.o -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/local/lib -lpthread ../../../../src/adrt/libcommon/.libs/libcommon.a ../../../../src/adrt/librender/.libs/librender.a ../../../../src/adrt/libutil/.libs/libutil.a -lm ../../../../src/adrt/libtexture/.libs/libtexture.a ../../../../src/adrt/libtiene
05:02.23 Twingy t/.libs/libtienet.a ../../../../src/adrt/libtie/.libs/libtie.a -lz
05:02.30 brlcad otherwise there are issues overriding
05:03.12 brlcad you have to make the makefile firest
05:03.24 brlcad otherwise it'll build the target before the makefile
05:03.50 Twingy and I do that by typing?
05:03.54 brlcad now you'll have to delete the target too
05:04.08 Twingy make clean in libcommon?
05:04.14 brlcad sure
05:04.25 brlcad then make
05:04.44 Twingy ../../../../src/adrt/libcommon/.libs/libcommon.a(g.o)(.text+0x1175):/home/justin/src/brlcad/src/adrt/libcommon/g.c:497: undefined reference to `db_walk_tree'
05:05.09 brlcad is it on the link line?
05:05.28 Twingy ../../../../src/adrt/libcommon/.libs/libcommon.a ../../../../src/adrt/librender/.libs/librender.a ../../../../src/adrt/libutil/.libs/libutil.a -lm ../../../../src/adrt/libtexture/.libs/libtexture.a ../../../../src/adrt/libtienet/.libs/libtienet.a ../../../../src/adrt/libtie/.libs/libtie.a -lz
05:05.44 Twingy I thought by doing ldadd stuff it's now part of libcommon
05:05.59 Twingy as one big honkin archive
05:06.01 brlcad it's not ldadd(!)
05:06.06 Twingy I didn't do ldadd
05:06.14 Twingy lib_LTLIBRARIES =
05:06.14 Twingy libcommon_la_SOURCES = canim.c cdb.c env.c pack.c unpack.c g.c
05:06.14 Twingy libcommon_la_LIBADD = ${top_builddir}/src/librt/.libs/librt.a
05:06.23 Twingy k?
05:06.28 Twingy that's the stuff yo
05:06.48 brlcad heh
05:06.59 brlcad that's probably why
05:07.04 Twingy hrm?
05:07.35 brlcad not the right libadd for libtool
05:07.42 Twingy k
05:07.53 Twingy what's it want then?
05:07.54 brlcad you've never suppoed to link/think/look at anything in .libs
05:08.06 Twingy I do it for performance reasons
05:08.13 brlcad do what?
05:08.18 Twingy include the .a's
05:08.25 brlcad that's not what I said
05:08.35 brlcad you link static which has nothing to do with the .libs dir
05:08.42 brlcad there's a -static libtool flag
05:08.50 Twingy *shrug* I'm doing .libs stuff all over adrt
05:08.59 Twingy and it works fine... cept with librt apparently
05:09.00 brlcad yeah, and that's completely not portable
05:09.06 Twingy not portable?
05:09.12 Twingy it works on a bunch of OS's
05:09.15 brlcad not according to libtool in the least
05:09.21 Twingy *shrug*
05:09.35 brlcad you didn't read the libtool manual did you
05:09.38 Twingy newp
05:09.43 Twingy I let erik do all that auto-fu
05:10.03 brlcad use ${LIBRT}
05:10.46 brlcad and add -static as an libcommon_la_LDFLAGS
05:12.12 brlcad working on "a bunch of OS's" doesn't make it right, just happenstance
05:12.15 Twingy meh, still not working, I'll figure something out, you should get some sleep
05:12.27 brlcad thinks only really get different on systems we don't use much
05:12.47 Twingy <-- only plans on supporting systems we use alot
05:13.10 Twingy nobody will be using a realtime raytracer on a vax
05:13.13 brlcad well, brl-cad supports more systems than you :)
05:13.15 Twingy or a cray
05:13.17 Twingy yah
05:13.17 Twingy well
05:13.23 Twingy lee had the bright idea of shoving it into brlcad repo
05:13.37 Twingy *shrug*
05:14.07 brlcad meh, it'll do more for adrt than it'd ever do on it's own
05:14.24 Twingy in what sense?
05:14.39 brlcad exposure/recognition
05:14.44 brlcad downloads
05:14.54 Twingy *shrug* I think a separate tarball would've been more effective
05:15.07 Twingy quicker to d/l and compile if anything
05:15.19 Twingy 12 minutes for cvs checkout and 12 minutes to build versions 1 minute to download and build
05:15.27 brlcad perhaps, but the numbers would have been far fewer I bet
05:15.28 Twingy s/versions/versus
05:15.40 brlcad brl-cad's getting 2-4 thousand downloads a month right now
05:15.46 brlcad with little publicity
05:16.05 Twingy yah, but I dunno how many of those people are interested in a realtime raytracer...
05:16.32 Twingy we could put the linux operating system in there too, but that doesn't tell me how many people are using linux
05:17.11 brlcad sure, but you are getting installed on way more systems so exposure is intrinisically higher than it would have been
05:17.22 brlcad and it will be in the documentation, release notes, etc
05:17.30 brlcad so people will learn about it, try it
05:17.42 Twingy yep
05:23.24 brlcad the only real downside in being included in brl-cad is that adrt will have to build on more systems and more flexibly (e.g. sdl as an option eventually)
05:24.27 brlcad the build time could be cut down with something like what was done for muves --enable-only-adrt-build for example
05:28.54 brlcad is the path tracer in there as well?
05:29.36 Twingy yes
05:30.10 brlcad people will probably like that more than anything I bet
05:30.33 brlcad suckers for pretty pictures, no matter what the cputime
05:31.13 Twingy k fixed the rebuilding of Makefile
05:31.19 Twingy it apparently wanted automake-1.9
05:31.22 Twingy and I had automake19
05:31.30 Twingy and I always ln -s automake19 to automake
05:31.33 Twingy so now I
05:31.37 Twingy ln -s automake19 automake-1.9
05:31.41 Twingy problem #1 solved
05:31.45 Twingy problem #2
05:31.52 brlcad ahh, yeah cept there are like 3 automake tools
05:32.00 Twingy fuck em
05:32.24 brlcad it won't work right if they're not in sync
05:32.37 Twingy if I see it complain
05:32.38 Twingy I'll fix it.
05:32.41 brlcad i mean it "might" work right .. but that would just be luck
05:32.55 brlcad i've had that same problem bite me in the ass a couple times on fbsd
05:32.59 Twingy right now I need to figure out why these archives are being to god damn bitchy
05:34.49 brlcad how in the world do you get away with using lpthread on freebsd in rise's observer
05:35.03 brlcad that really shouldn't work
05:35.07 Twingy sure it should
05:35.12 Twingy there's like 3 threading models in fbsd
05:35.14 Twingy lpthread is one of em
05:35.40 brlcad -pthread is the switch, however
05:36.05 Twingy *shrug*
05:36.09 Twingy not a problem right now
05:36.30 brlcad do you actually use pthreads?
05:36.37 Twingy of course
05:36.54 Twingy grep for pthread
05:36.58 Twingy you'll get tons of code
05:38.23 brlcad I'm just surprised it actually doesn't crash
05:38.36 brlcad pthread is pretty much required by the libc
05:38.42 brlcad lpthread conflicts with it
05:38.53 brlcad you should get a crash like you saw in mged
05:39.39 brlcad wicked.. maybe that's why mged crashes on you.. you've swapped out your -pthread lib maybe
05:40.02 Twingy ?
05:40.15 Twingy I'm running a standard fbsd distro
05:40.21 Twingy nothing fancy schmancy
05:40.26 Twingy same config as branch server and shiva
05:40.39 brlcad then yeah, it should crash on you
05:40.40 Twingy so if it breaks here, good chance it breaks on shiva
05:40.57 Twingy what should crash
05:41.01 Twingy adrt stuff or mged?
05:41.05 brlcad adrt
05:41.35 brlcad mged works fine on branch server, shiva, etc as of a week ago
05:41.53 brlcad regardless, the -pthread vs -lpthread thing is a fairly well known issue
05:42.45 Twingy hrm
05:42.51 Twingy this is surprisingly annoying me
05:43.10 Twingy you feed it libbu.a
05:43.16 Twingy and it's like, no effect
05:43.32 Twingy it's working in the opposite way the rest of the libs in adrt are
05:43.50 Twingy I say, each libblah.a bitch, and it's like "thank you, problem resolved"
05:43.54 Twingy s/each/eat
05:44.08 Twingy I feed it librt.a
05:44.16 Twingy and it's like, "pardon? did you do something?"
05:44.51 brlcad i told you, you're not supposed to do _anything_ inside .libs
05:45.05 brlcad so it really is your own fault, even if it did work before
05:45.13 Twingy well
05:45.15 brlcad use the on LIBADD
05:45.23 brlcad and add -static to LDFLAGS
05:45.58 Twingy to rise/master/ or libcommon/ ?
05:46.02 brlcad that's just how libtool works -- there are platforms that don't perform symbol resolution until you actually install anyways
05:46.25 brlcad libraries use LIBADD, execs use LDADD
05:46.45 brlcad both would need static if you only make static libraries
05:48.05 brlcad basically, everywhere you have .libs/libblah.a, it can be swapped with and add -static to LDFLAGS
05:48.42 Twingy libcommon_la_SOURCES = canim.c cdb.c env.c pack.c unpack.c g.c
05:48.42 Twingy libcommon_la_LDFLAGS = -static
05:48.42 Twingy libcommon_la_LIBADD = ${top_srcdir}/src/librt/
05:49.05 Twingy *** Error code 1
05:49.16 Twingy src/adrt/libcommon/g.c:497: undefined reference to `db_walk_tree
05:49.39 brlcad that looks right, cept librt is provided via ${LIBRT}
05:49.57 brlcad dude, the error doesn't help -- look at the link line
05:50.04 Twingy <PROTECTED>
05:50.05 Twingy <PROTECTED>
05:50.05 Twingy config.status: creating src/adrt/libcommon/Makefile
05:50.05 Twingy [justin@borg:~/src/brlcad/src/adrt/libcommon]$
05:50.07 brlcad if it's not linking librt, somethings wrong
05:50.19 Twingy still aint werkin
05:50.32 Twingy librt is hosered
05:50.46 brlcad heh riight
05:51.04 Twingy I mean
05:51.06 brlcad what was the command before that missing line
05:51.09 brlcad make?
05:51.12 Twingy I see db_walk_tree via the grace of "nm"
05:51.32 Twingy make?
05:51.42 brlcad 01:50 < Twingy> cd ../../.. && /usr/local/bin/bash /home/justin/src/brlcad/misc/missing --run automake-1.9 --gnu --ignore-deps
05:51.42 Twingy what if I just commit what I got
05:51.47 Twingy and you poke at it
05:51.51 brlcad what was the command that did that?
05:52.03 Twingy that was from make
05:52.10 brlcad well then that's the problem
05:52.17 Twingy hrm?
05:52.24 brlcad I said that you have to make the makefile before making the target
05:52.28 brlcad separate steps
05:52.32 Twingy I did a make clean
05:52.32 Twingy make
05:52.48 Twingy or something
05:52.50 Twingy I don't remember
05:52.56 Twingy but I've done make clean
05:52.57 Twingy and make
05:53.01 Twingy several hundred thousand times now
05:53.03 Twingy and same error
05:53.07 brlcad so then what's the link line?
05:53.16 Twingy gcc -D__STRICT_ANSI__ -I.. -I../../../../src/adrt/libtie -I../../../../src/adrt/libtienet -I../../../../src/adrt/libtexture -I../../../../src/adrt/libcommon -I../../../../src/adrt/librender -I../../../../src/adrt/libutil -I../../../../src/adrt/rise -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -fPIC -O3 -ffast-math -fstrength-reduce -fexpensive-optimizations -fomit-frame-pointer -finline-functions -g -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-commo
05:53.16 Twingy n -fPIC -O3 -ffast-math -fstrength-reduce -fexpensive-optimizations -fomit-frame-pointer -finline-functions -g -o rise_master dispatcher.o main.o master.o post.o -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/local/lib -lpthread ../../../../src/adrt/libcommon/.libs/libcommon.a ../../../../src/adrt/librender/.libs/librender.a ../../../../src/adrt/libutil/.libs/libutil.a -lm ../../../../src/adrt/libtexture/.libs/libtexture.a ../../../../src/adrt/libtiene
05:53.17 Twingy t/.libs/libtienet.a ../../../../src/adrt/libtie/.libs/libtie.a -lz
05:53.37 brlcad I see no librt there
05:53.43 Twingy me either
05:53.51 Twingy I never added anything to rise master
05:53.57 Twingy cause I thought libcommon was taking care of this issue
05:54.05 Twingy <-- has always dealt with this crap in the binary
05:54.07 Twingy not the lib
05:54.16 Twingy I used to have librt fu in rise/master/
05:54.18 Twingy when it was standalone
05:54.23 Twingy never had to touch libcommon
05:54.42 brlcad so what's changed?
05:55.00 brlcad it build for me here
05:55.23 Twingy LDADD = @BRLCAD_LDFLAGS@ -lpthread ${top_builddir}/libcommon/.libs/l.........................
05:55.28 Twingy in adrt standalone
05:55.44 Twingy <PROTECTED>
05:55.45 brlcad add
05:55.58 brlcad you're not getting that any more
05:56.15 Twingy no kidding :)
05:56.20 Twingy that's what I said standalone
05:57.11 brlcad libcommon_la_*=?
05:57.26 Twingy libcommon_la_SOURCES = canim.c cdb.c env.c pack.c unpack.c g.c
05:57.27 Twingy libcommon_la_LDFLAGS = -static
05:57.27 Twingy libcommon_la_LIBADD = ${LIBRT}
05:57.56 brlcad grep LIBRT Makefile
05:58.09 Twingy LIBRT = ${top_builddir}/src/librt/
05:58.09 Twingy libcommon_la_LIBADD = ${LIBRT}
05:59.16 brlcad still sounds like the missing didn't rebuild the Makefile right
05:59.24 brlcad because it's not using the LIBADD
05:59.32 brlcad which means you ahve to
05:59.35 Twingy yep
06:00.29 Twingy alliteration, wee
06:00.32 brlcad i hope your aclocal and acheader links at least match your automake version
06:00.53 brlcad er, s/autoheader//
06:00.59 brlcad just aclocal at least
06:01.24 brlcad that could explain the libtool mismatch
06:01.27 Twingy autoheader is 259
06:01.40 brlcad aclocal, forget autoheader
06:01.44 Twingy aclocal is 1.9
06:01.57 brlcad and automake was 1.9 too?
06:02.12 Twingy lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 25 Jun 17 19:26 /usr/local/bin/automake -> /usr/local/bin/automake19
06:03.36 Twingy -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/local/lib -lpthread ../../../../src/adrt/libcommon/.libs/libcommon.a ../../../../src/adrt/librender/.libs/librender.a ../../../../src/adrt/libutil/.libs/libutil.a -lm ../../../../src/adrt/libtexture/.libs/libtexture.a ../../../../src/adrt/libtienet/.libs/libtienet.a ../../../../src/adrt/libtie/.libs/libtie.a -lz
06:03.44 brlcad there is a cache option to configure that you can set to make it always use cached values -- cuts the time by a third or better
06:03.57 Twingy ../../../../src/adrt/libcommon/.libs/libcommon.a(g.o)(.text+0x1175):/usr/home/justin/src/brlcad/src/adrt/libcommon/g.c:497: undefined reference to `db_walk_tree'
06:04.07 Twingy would you like me to just commit this?
06:04.57 brlcad you sure librt isn't before your .o's or something?
06:05.41 Twingy yep
06:05.57 Twingy should rise/master/
06:06.02 Twingy be picking up librt from libcommon?
06:06.39 brlcad no
06:06.46 Twingy okay
06:06.52 brlcad oh, that was a link for rise
06:06.55 Twingy then why would we be seeing librt on the link line
06:07.33 Twingy libcommon compiles fine
06:07.35 Twingy rise is bitching
06:07.43 Twingy that it doesn't have db_walk_tree
06:07.53 Twingy via libcommon
06:08.02 brlcad it's because of the link against the .a instead of the .la
06:08.11 Twingy for libcommon?
06:08.15 Twingy I'll try la
06:08.18 brlcad for rise
06:08.23 brlcad everywhere really
06:08.39 Twingy so in rise
06:08.41 Twingy what do I need
06:08.53 Twingy same thing
06:08.54 Twingy -static
06:08.58 Twingy and LDADD
06:09.09 brlcad to make all the .libs/lib* be lib*.la and use -static
06:09.10 Twingy rise_master_ldflags = -static
06:09.44 brlcad rise_master_LDFLAGS = -static
06:09.49 Twingy yah yah
06:09.56 Twingy I'm just tired
06:10.46 Twingy testing
06:11.15 brlcad libtool will probably be pissy if the libs are still .a
06:11.41 Twingy everything in rise Makefile is .la now
06:11.56 brlcad all the rise makefile's you mean?
06:12.02 Twingy just master to see if it works
06:12.08 brlcad s/rise/adrt/
06:12.10 Twingy if master works I wiggle my nose and everything else works
06:12.42 brlcad that's what I mean -- libtool requires everything to become libtool libraries to work correctly
06:12.59 Twingy I have .la's in all those directories.
06:13.07 Twingy in all of the libraries.
06:13.13 Twingy k?
06:13.17 brlcad la's the properly reference the .la's they depend on?
06:13.26 brlcad or that reference .a's
06:13.43 Twingy none of my libs rely on other libs
06:13.46 Twingy err
06:13.50 Twingy do add lib crap
06:13.56 Twingy just check out libutil
06:14.00 Twingy it's simple
06:14.29 brlcad libcommon at least relies on one :)
06:14.43 Twingy "Makefile", line 595: Need an operator
06:14.43 Twingy make: fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue
06:14.43 Twingy *** Error code 1
06:14.43 Twingy Stop in /usr/home/justin/src/brlcad/src/adrt/rise.
06:14.43 Twingy *** Error code 1
06:14.49 Twingy for rise/Master/Makefile
06:14.59 brlcad sounds like you typod
06:15.20 Twingy ah
06:15.27 Twingy part of irc buffer got put in there
06:17.16 brlcad wopr rox
06:17.36 Twingy if you're interested in developing remotely
06:17.52 Twingy I have like graphical output and stuff
06:17.58 Twingy and need to use keyboard mouse stuff to test
06:20.18 Twingy hrm
06:20.23 Twingy how about I commit this and you look at it
06:20.27 Twingy output is... different
06:21.38 brlcad mine compiles right now, so I dunno what you're referring to
06:21.58 brlcad so commit if you like, maybe i'll look at it on the train
06:21.59 Twingy yours compiles cause you don't have the version where I have g.c actually being used by pack.c
06:22.12 Twingy cause of a HAVE_BRLCAD define
06:22.15 Twingy that existed in the standlone
06:22.18 Twingy that now isn't defined
06:22.20 Twingy in the new system
06:22.22 brlcad ah
06:22.22 Twingy which I ended up removing
06:22.25 Twingy so I could load a .g file
06:22.27 Twingy :)
06:22.29 brlcad so make HAVE_BRLCAD=1
06:22.37 Twingy then you'd get the same error :)
06:22.47 Twingy cause that tells it to use g.c
06:22.55 Twingy so my removing #if HAVE_BRLCAD
06:22.56 Twingy in 2 places
06:23.00 Twingy so it's _IN_ brlcad
06:23.04 Twingy that would be retarded
06:23.14 Twingy it's now just compiling g.c period.
06:23.18 Twingy hence
06:23.20 Twingy your version works
06:23.22 Twingy and mine does not
06:23.24 Twingy :)
06:23.43 brlcad your engrish confusith me
06:23.49 Twingy or lack there of
06:23.58 Twingy cause I hate explaining shit in fine detail
06:24.06 brlcad that's okay
06:24.13 brlcad i hate understanding shit in fine detail
06:24.59 Twingy autoconf depresses me
06:25.20 brlcad it's really quite simple when you stop this hacking crap you keep doing to it
06:26.38 brlcad GBS sucks ass, but it's what everyone uses/expects and it does work when used correctly
06:26.40 Twingy turn-key :)
06:26.51 Twingy GBS?
06:26.57 brlcad gnu build system
06:27.03 Twingy beat me to it
06:27.05 brlcad autoconf+automake+libtool
06:27.31 Twingy makes users happier
06:27.34 Twingy makes developers bitter
06:27.45 brlcad it's also more cross platform
06:27.55 Twingy hrm
06:27.57 Twingy I need a room
06:28.01 Twingy where I can take sheets of glass
06:28.04 Twingy and throw them on the ground
06:28.07 brlcad scons would probably be the only alternate worth considering
06:28.11 Twingy that'd make me happier
06:28.22 brlcad a fireplace
06:28.26 brlcad wine glasses
06:28.29 Twingy hehe
06:28.31 Twingy no fireplace
06:28.41 brlcad arc-weld one
06:28.46 Twingy maybe I'll just make some rocket fuel and blow shit up :)
06:29.06 Twingy autoconf has turned me to violence
06:29.52 brlcad i think i have a way to fix the tesselator now
06:30.14 brlcad and even improve it's performance and guarantee convergence
06:32.09 Twingy s/pump/pimp
06:40.24 *** join/#brlcad ibot_ (
06:41.11 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (23 files in 7 dirs): fixing linking problems to get adrt to properly link to brlcad.
07:09.08 *** join/#brlcad ibot_ (ibot@
12:27.26 *** join/#brlcad clock- (
12:39.22 brlcad clock-: i don't know if you ever saw my response the other day, but the weight e+276 value happens when it ends up using a -1 density
12:40.06 brlcad all densities are currently initialized to -1 so when it cannot find the material you set, that can happen
12:40.15 brlcad bad behavior, of course
13:09.31 clock- brlcad: thanks
15:53.59 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
21:25.03 *** join/#brlcad clock- (
21:31.00 *** join/#brlcad clock-_ (
21:59.17 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (45 files in 6 dirs): Added licensing info to libtexture files.
22:18.12 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/igvt/ (master/master.c observer/observer.c): put Observer F12 to shutdown master back in.
22:26.09 CIA-3 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/igvt/master/master.c: Shotline visualization is working again.

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.