irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050623

00:05.09 brlcad Twingy: of course if it's going to break the build .. not ready yet for changes
00:06.30 brlcad move adrt from SUBDIRS to DIST_SUBDIRS in src/ and you could
00:06.44 brlcad since that would make you have to cd src/adrt && make
00:07.13 brlcad archivist: what were you trying to do
00:07.36 brlcad "there" is the source directory .. i.e. the directory with all the sources ;)
00:08.03 Twingy k
00:09.41 *** join/#brlcad jrobey (
00:09.46 Twingy hi jason
00:10.27 jrobey hello
00:10.59 jrobey I had a question on rise--wondering if you could walk me through it again
00:11.27 jrobey I had it running at work all day yesterday and didn't see any progress indicators in master, slave, or observer
00:11.52 jrobey thought I might be setting it up wrong--especially since my computer wasn't churning madly away at anything
00:12.10 jrobey hope all is well on the east
00:12.21 Twingy hrm
00:12.35 Twingy you were seeing progress on your laptop right?
00:12.50 jrobey no, that was what I was running on at work
00:12.54 Twingy ah
00:13.04 jrobey didn't get a chance to finish the new download until the next day
00:13.16 jrobey I'll start off w/ a cvs update, though
00:13.21 Twingy one sec
00:13.24 Twingy ah
00:13.24 Twingy k
00:13.28 Twingy yea, get a cvs update
00:13.33 Twingy I'm tying in python
00:13.48 Twingy lemme know when you're done
00:14.04 jrobey oh, and I still have to build ardt separately useing -lgpm, don't know if that is something that is easy to update
00:14.08 jrobey k, cool beans
00:14.20 jrobey going to look at the java interface tonight in brl-cad
00:14.21 Twingy I'd try setting in env.db
00:14.32 Twingy the rendering method to ... phong
00:14.40 Twingy and see if it atleast spits out a picture
00:14.53 jrobey k
00:14.56 jrobey will do
00:15.06 Twingy if it does then set it back to path,1024 or whatever
00:15.27 Twingy eventually rise and igvt will both have consoles
00:15.55 Twingy should make them alot more friendly
00:19.29 jrobey sounds good--want a java console on top of them?
00:19.51 Twingy the console is graphical
00:19.56 jrobey could make it web-deployable
00:19.58 jrobey right
00:20.09 Twingy the python console is done on the master
00:20.13 Twingy it could be run on a handheld
00:20.16 jrobey ah, cool
00:20.16 Twingy doesn't require libraries
00:20.21 jrobey sweet--very nice
00:20.30 Twingy just ability to network and display pixels
00:20.50 jrobey right, cool--do you have anything that starts up services remotely?
00:21.06 Twingy no... mike is working on integrating mpi into it...
00:21.16 jrobey that was always an issue for me--how to get remote machines to work w/out me having to start a process on each one
00:21.21 jrobey ah, cool
00:21.24 Twingy ah
00:21.32 Twingy well for clusters we have scripts
00:21.40 Twingy that is a simple shell script
00:21.40 jrobey right, makes sense
00:21.43 Twingy that uses rsh to login to them
00:21.52 Twingy and run it in daemon mode
00:22.16 Twingy a little tricky to setup, but works great
00:22.23 jrobey the best I've done when we were pooling our actual work computers to run things overnight was a web based deployment where folks had to click on a link before going home
00:22.33 jrobey ah, that makes sense
00:22.55 jrobey not very secure in the open I imagine, but doesn't need to be
00:23.39 Twingy well, I've not bothered with thinking about security
00:23.52 Twingy I'll let somone fork it if they want to do something like that
00:24.13 Twingy if somone wants to path trace over the net where latency and bandwidth are crap.. I could see that maybe
00:24.18 Twingy but definetly not the interactive part
00:24.33 Twingy your update finish?
00:29.07 brlcad jrobey: it's actually krsh -- Kerberized rsh so sans the usual insecurities of rsh
00:29.34 brlcad at least in-house
00:29.40 Twingy no...
00:29.45 Twingy it's rsh
00:30.04 Twingy that's why it's in a sandbox
00:30.17 jrobey ah
00:30.23 brlcad hrm
00:30.33 Twingy and yes howard approved this
00:30.33 brlcad on shiva, but anywhere else it's not
00:30.40 Twingy correct
00:30.43 Twingy cause nobody is diskless
00:30.47 Twingy and kinky like us
00:30.53 jrobey heh
00:31.03 jrobey bbiab--gotta put my burgers on the grill
00:31.08 Twingy you dont update?
00:31.10 Twingy done?
00:31.17 jrobey yeah
00:31.19 Twingy k
00:31.19 jrobey starting build
00:31.47 jrobey long day--just typed ant three times at the console to no avail
00:33.26 Twingy heh
00:41.11 Twingy hrm
00:41.17 Twingy I still have 16 years of payments left on the house
00:43.46 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/ (7 files in 4 dirs): Skeleton framework for python integration in place, console 75% done.
00:50.49 jrobey brlcad: do I still need to be copying 7.3.0/tclscripts and 7.3.0/doc/html over?
00:51.56 brlcad yes, cept they are in share now, not share/brlcad/7.3.0
00:52.18 jrobey ah, k
00:52.23 brlcad only a half-revert until I can finish fixing a couple other issues
00:52.31 jrobey k
00:55.10 jrobey Twingy: I finished update and build and am running at 512 with phong
00:56.47 jrobey top doesn't show anything I recognize as rise or brl-cad in the top 20 or so processes, but I'll let it run for a bit to see if any progress shows--will progress show in the observer?
00:57.46 jrobey also, can a slave stay up through reboot of master and observer, or should they come down too?
00:58.07 jrobey by reboot, I just mean kill and restart
01:00.12 *** join/#brlcad echristl (
01:01.07 echristl Hello? I was referred here for help installing Brlcad.
01:01.14 brlcad hello
01:01.32 echristl Hi. I'm running Fedora Core 3.
01:01.40 brlcad sorry to hear that, continue ;)
01:01.53 echristl I followed the directions on the BRLCAD website for installing.
01:02.07 echristl Now all I get is the gui error
01:02.08 brlcad those are probably already a bit out-dated
01:02.11 brlcad ahh
01:02.15 brlcad you checked out from cvs?
01:02.26 echristl yes
01:02.32 brlcad bug recently injected, simple fix
01:02.48 echristl I like simple
01:02.54 brlcad copy the tclscripts and doc/html directories to the brl-cad root
01:03.04 brlcad what was your --prefix?
01:03.11 echristl /usr/brlcad
01:03.15 Twingy back
01:03.43 Twingy jrobey, you're using rise correct?
01:03.45 brlcad so, it's mv /usr/brlcad/share/tclscripts /usr/brlcad/. && mv /usr/brlcad/share/doc/html /usr/brlcad/.
01:05.03 echristl would that be /usr/brlcad/share/brlcad/7.3.0/tclscripts ?
01:05.30 brlcad ahh, you got it from a couple days ago
01:05.31 brlcad yes
01:05.36 brlcad or a day ago
01:05.45 echristl day before yesterday
01:05.53 brlcad bingo ;)
01:08.24 echristl yoohoo!! there it is.
01:08.55 echristl Now to see if I can convert all the Pro/Desktop drawings of my airplane to BRLCAD.
01:09.00 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ ( doc/ complete the 'fix'/revert of the new installation directories back to prefix until mged is updated properly
01:10.16 echristl Thank you very much, brlcad. I'm off to find a tutorial.
01:10.21 brlcad glad to help
01:10.30 brlcad there are tutorials on the website
01:10.38 brlcad an extensive one on mged basics
01:10.56 brlcad and a more advanced one as well
01:11.09 echristl I'll go there first. Thank you, again.
01:22.51 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/viewarea.c: now the assemblies are sorted too. each depth is independently sorted.
01:38.08 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: rewrote rtarea for region and assemblies support; added sorting and hierarchy support to rtarea. include a paragraph describing/emphasizing the new rtarea changes since they are user-requested
01:42.42 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ ( NEWS README): bump the revision up to 7.3.1 for a progress marking. technically rtarea is an incompatible update, albeit not binary incompatible
01:56.55 jrobey Twingy, yes, using rise at 512 w/ phong
01:57.29 Twingy ah
01:57.32 Twingy don't feed 512 to phong
01:57.37 jrobey still no status or apparent process
01:57.41 Twingy the 512 is paths per pixel only for path tracing
01:58.42 jrobey ah
01:58.59 Twingy
01:59.02 Twingy paste your env.db there
02:08.04 jrobey k
02:09.45 jrobey k, done
02:09.54 Twingy url?
02:10.02 jrobey
02:10.35 jrobey bbiab--dog walking time
02:11.39 Twingy image_size,640,480,40,40
02:11.50 Twingy rendering_method,phong
02:39.28 *** join/#brlcad jrobe1 (
02:40.12 Twingy hi
02:40.26 jrobe1 hi, I'm back, updating env.db
02:40.47 Twingy k
02:40.56 jrobe1 oops, I'm logged on twice--how do I get rid of one of these
02:41.05 Twingy goto the other one and kill it
02:42.24 jrobe1 not sure if I can dothat in gaim
02:42.47 Twingy *shrug* I never used gaim for irc
02:42.59 jrobe1 probably a good reason for that
02:43.18 jrobe1 I do get kicked off a lot
02:43.33 jrobe1 what client do you use again?
02:43.43 Twingy BitchX and Xchat
02:44.05 jrobe1 ah, yes
02:50.26 jrobe1 yeah
02:50.42 Twingy hrm?
02:52.03 jrobe1 my phantom just logged off
02:52.31 jrobe1 I'm running rise, but still no status and my processes seem to always be asleep, but that might not indicate anything
02:53.17 Twingy you made that changed to env.db?
02:53.32 Twingy let me login to your box
02:53.55 jrobe1 yeah
02:54.19 Twingy k
02:54.19 jrobe1 I'm behind earthlink dsl, so I'm not sure that is possible
02:54.23 Twingy I'm in
02:54.29 jrobe1 seet
02:54.31 jrobe1 sweet
02:54.37 Twingy got burlycad there?
02:54.45 jrobe1 ??
02:54.49 Twingy on www
02:55.07 Twingy btw, you're not using rise_observer right?
02:55.19 jrobe1 yes I am
02:55.21 Twingy eek
02:55.29 Twingy it's broken right now
02:55.31 jrobe1 looking at xchat and rafb
02:55.32 jrobe1 ah
02:55.34 Twingy just use rise_slave and rise_master
02:55.39 jrobe1 heh
02:55.39 jrobe1 k
02:55.48 Twingy rise got pushed onto back burner until july 12
02:55.55 jrobe1 ah
02:56.09 Twingy you should see progress going up now
02:56.20 jrobe1 I killed that and got scene data received and prepping geometry
02:56.48 Twingy should only take a second or two to compute the image
02:56.57 jrobe1 master just got a segmentation fault
02:57.00 jrobe1 let me try again
02:57.11 Twingy hrm
02:57.18 Twingy something is wrong with your input files then
02:57.33 Twingy it's not very forgiving if you have a typo in your input files
02:57.48 jrobe1 yeah, it worked
02:57.51 Twingy k
02:57.55 Twingy shoulda generated a ppm file
02:58.08 Twingy does it look like a humvee?
02:58.38 jrobe1 I don't see a ppm so maybe it didnt
02:58.46 Twingy in the humanim folder
02:58.55 Twingy it puts it in the project folder for you
02:58.59 jrobe1 jason@ice:~/humanim$ rise_master -p . -g ./mesh.db
02:58.59 jrobe1 Preparing frame #1 of 1
02:58.59 jrobe1 Master is shutting down, standby.
02:58.59 jrobe1 Total data transfered: 2088 kB
02:58.59 jrobe1 jason@ice:~/humanim$ ls
02:59.24 jrobe1 no directories in humanim
02:59.34 Twingy just do
02:59.35 Twingy echo *
02:59.56 jrobe1 jason@ice:~/humanim$ echo *
02:59.56 jrobe1 env.db env.db.bak first.g first.plot frame.db frame.db.bak mesh.db properties.db texture.db
03:00.18 Twingy hrmph
03:00.25 Twingy maybe it's not spitting them out right now
03:00.27 Twingy one sec
03:00.32 jrobe1 k
03:00.44 Twingy ah
03:00.45 Twingy hehe
03:00.46 Twingy yah
03:00.50 Twingy I have the saving part comented out
03:00.56 Twingy go into rise/master/master.c
03:00.57 jrobe1 awesome ;)
03:01.00 Twingy search for //
03:01.07 Twingy uncomment those 3 lines
03:01.08 jrobe1 k
03:01.10 Twingy I'll commit
03:02.18 jrobe1 vi is cool
03:02.41 Twingy not as cool as tapping moorsecode through your serial port with a couple wires
03:02.45 Twingy j/k :)
03:02.50 jrobe1 lol
03:05.16 jrobe1 uh, oh, now I get a Segmentation fault every time I run rise_master
03:05.22 jrobe1 right away
03:07.24 Twingy let me test if it works on my end
03:07.29 jrobe1 k
03:08.33 Twingy hrm
03:08.37 Twingy try doing a make clean in adrt
03:08.38 jrobe1 did a clean update in master.c
03:08.44 jrobe1 will try to make and run
03:08.49 Twingy I just tested on my fbsd box and it worked
03:08.54 jrobe1 k
03:09.00 Twingy try something different with the paths
03:09.12 Twingy rise_master -p /full/path/.. -g /full/path/.../mesh.db
03:09.21 Twingy just curious
03:09.31 jrobe1 k
03:09.35 Twingy there's a bug there
03:09.41 Twingy I haven't fixed, known about it for months
03:10.29 jrobe1 ah, nevermind--I'm starting from the wrong directory
03:10.33 Twingy ah
03:11.22 Twingy urf
03:11.27 jrobe1 much better
03:11.32 Twingy still atleast 8 hours left on this python integration
03:11.49 Twingy k
03:11.52 jrobe1 wow, late night
03:11.52 Twingy now
03:11.59 Twingy replace phong with path,16
03:12.02 Twingy and
03:12.09 Twingy 640,480,40,40 with 640,480,10,10
03:12.10 jrobe1 looks like one of my scout hmmwv's
03:12.15 jrobe1 k
03:12.41 Twingy should get a VERY grainy path traced image
03:13.05 Twingy 256 might be acceptable
03:13.48 jrobe1 k, taking a bit longer to process
03:13.51 Twingy yep :)
03:14.10 jrobe1 about 2 tenths of a percent per second on this box
03:14.18 Twingy 117 million rays
03:14.34 jrobe1 that's a bunch
03:14.37 Twingy yah
03:14.42 Twingy probly more like 90 million
03:14.47 Twingy but in that neighborhood
03:15.23 jrobe1 gotchya
03:18.19 Twingy done?
03:20.56 jrobe1 80%
03:21.39 Twingy k
03:21.48 Twingy betchya wish you had a cluster now ;)
03:24.18 jrobe1 heh, for sure
03:24.32 jrobe1 this is pretty grainy, but the tail lights are on
03:25.08 Twingy yah
03:25.26 Twingy not if you do that at like 256
03:25.35 Twingy you'll get something more respectable
03:25.41 Twingy s/not/now
03:25.43 jrobe1 k, cool, I'll try it
03:25.53 Twingy got any other *nix machines there?
03:25.54 Twingy like www?
03:26.32 jrobe1 I could probably use that one--it's just the server in New York or Dallas
03:26.40 jrobe1 I never remember where the primary is
03:27.20 jrobe1 I'm not supposed to leave intense server processes running since it is being shared by several others
03:27.26 Twingy ahh
03:27.36 Twingy hrm
03:27.40 Twingy could expose the port on the firewall
03:27.46 Twingy and I could have a box here connect to it, hehe
03:28.40 jrobe1 heh, maybe--I've failed to get even a dns visible to the outside from my home before--I get things through my home firewalls, but earthlink blocks everything after that
03:28.56 Twingy ahh
03:29.02 Twingy oh well
03:29.08 Twingy just goto walmart and buy a cluster of linares, hehe
03:29.17 jrobe1 I'm replacing myself as network god at work, so he would probably see it if I opened up the cluster at work
03:29.19 jrobe1 yeah
03:29.56 jrobe1 I've got four computers here at home I could get up and running
03:30.10 jrobe1 I'll play around w/ it over the weekend
03:30.11 Twingy ah
03:30.20 Twingy how's the progress on the 256?
03:30.43 jrobe1 I need to complete ms stuff by friday
03:30.59 Twingy ah
03:31.15 jrobe1 k, just started
03:31.37 jrobe1 about 8 seconds a tenth of a percent
03:32.12 Twingy hehe
03:32.20 Twingy ker chunk ker chunk
03:32.29 jrobe1 heh, yeah, go Dell go
03:32.41 Twingy this one will be 1/4 as grainy
03:32.47 jrobe1 k
03:32.50 Twingy quaduple the paths to cut noise in half
03:32.55 jrobe1 I'll try a bigger one over night
03:32.56 Twingy *quadruple
03:33.00 Twingy k
03:33.01 jrobe1 got it
03:36.22 Twingy the noise is same result of using a camera with a super high shutter speed
03:36.33 Twingy the longer the exposure etc...
03:38.07 jrobe1 ic
03:41.51 *** join/#brlcad prasad (
03:43.06 prasad that was a funny skit
03:43.27 Twingy batteries for the rocket came yesterday
03:43.52 Twingy just need to get crap mounted inside now
03:44.22 prasad nice
03:44.35 Twingy I need to weigh in all the parts
03:44.39 Twingy eventually
03:44.52 Twingy make sure I'm under the 3kg mark
03:45.02 prasad why's that?
03:45.06 Twingy otherwise I'll never reach sean's house
03:45.08 Twingy err I mean uhh
03:45.13 prasad *rimshot*
03:45.40 Twingy hrm
03:45.48 Twingy almost done adding python interprester to interactive raytracer
03:45.57 Twingy still a bunch of little doodads left though
03:46.08 prasad u need to add a Mode -1
03:46.12 prasad for desktops
03:46.17 Twingy no no no
03:46.19 Twingy Mode 13
03:46.23 Twingy for HIGH color
03:46.24 prasad that renders at 10x10
03:46.26 Twingy muhaha
03:46.32 Twingy heh
03:46.33 Twingy come on
03:46.36 Twingy you could atleast..
03:46.38 Twingy 16x16
03:46.47 prasad oh right
03:46.58 Twingy and probly 24x24 on your opteron box
03:47.04 prasad render it on a GLtex and blow it up to 2048
03:47.07 prasad genious
03:47.08 Twingy yah
03:47.12 Twingy genius? :)
03:47.27 prasad argh
03:48.28 prasad so im creating this game that needs 325GB just for the terrain
03:48.34 prasad <- leet
03:48.51 Twingy erm
03:49.04 Twingy that's why I don't wanna start my FEM game yet
03:49.11 Twingy just not enough memory
03:49.17 Twingy but if you write the game
03:49.22 Twingy in 10 years you'll be able to run it
03:49.35 prasad it'll take 10 years at this rate
03:49.39 prasad ???
03:49.40 prasad profit
03:49.41 Twingy there you go
03:49.59 prasad oi!
03:50.10 Twingy
03:50.53 prasad what is that? south park?
03:50.57 Twingy yes
03:52.15 prasad hey who's the main admin for shiva?
03:52.18 prasad erik?
03:54.29 Twingy me
03:55.12 prasad k
03:55.18 prasad be bugging u soon
03:55.25 Twingy oh yea
03:55.27 Twingy erik is the admin
03:55.39 prasad need to spawn a jini service
03:55.45 prasad 'diagnostics'
03:55.57 Twingy brb, hotdogs
03:56.01 prasad to notify the fire dept if the cluster starts smoking
03:59.35 *** join/#brlcad EricWilhelm (
04:14.40 Twingy hrm
04:14.44 Twingy I'm out of propane
04:25.38 brlcad jrobey: NickServ manages nicks -- you can register your irc aliases with it, and then ghost any that go stale /msg nickserv help
04:30.19 Twingy hrm
04:30.30 Twingy my python interface is going to be less command driven
04:30.42 Twingy it'll consist of a content editor with console
04:31.01 Twingy you write your 1 to n lines of python, hit ctrl+p and it processes it and spits output to console
04:31.11 Twingy same way blender works
04:31.21 *** join/#brlcad jrobey (
04:31.48 brlcad jrobey: NickServ manages nicks -- you can register your irc aliases with it, and then ghost any that go stale /msg nickserv
04:31.52 brlcad <PROTECTED>
04:32.08 prasad hey sean's not asleep
04:32.22 Twingy sleep is for the weak
04:33.10 prasad ill have to write a jni wrapper to adrt
04:33.23 Twingy o.O
04:33.45 brlcad that could be interesting
04:34.10 prasad then we have a reason to take over msrc under the guise of muves3
04:35.01 Twingy heh
04:35.10 Twingy I think you'll need msrc
04:35.14 Twingy for the database transactions
04:35.42 Twingy and a pocket calculator for the raytracer
04:35.47 Twingy with it 92% idle
04:38.36 prasad g3d engine can only reach 50fps at 100K tri/sec on a ti4600
04:38.44 prasad bleh
04:38.52 Twingy really?
04:38.57 Twingy how about 1 mil?
04:39.08 prasad im just running the demo
04:39.11 Twingy ah
04:39.17 Twingy that's not all that great
04:39.22 prasad sure isnt
04:39.31 Twingy wonder how it'd fair on 12.8 mil
04:39.34 prasad not enough to support my 325GB memory footprint
04:45.14 jrobey Twingy: 48% complete
04:45.25 Twingy heh
04:45.30 Twingy overclock that thing
04:45.35 Twingy to like... 50 gigglehurts
04:45.39 jrobey lol
04:46.20 jrobey heh, at least I don't have m$ anymore and can multitask
04:46.37 Twingy hehe
04:56.22 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (7 files in 4 dirs):
04:56.23 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: Python interpretor working now. Command interface has become a blender style
04:56.23 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: editing interface with ctrl+p to process and ctrl+l to clear buffers. Rise image
04:56.23 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: output re-enabled.
05:06.36 prasad hmm
05:06.51 prasad irrlicht is a nifty little engine
05:11.31 Twingy aha
05:14.12 prasad ?
05:15.26 Twingy alice in chains
05:18.44 brlcad ARL in Chaos
05:19.20 Twingy heh
05:19.28 Twingy
05:19.38 Twingy,0,0)
05:19.49 Twingy hrm
05:22.38 Twingy Advanced Computer Sausages Team
05:22.49 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (igvt/master/igvt_python.c libutil/display.c): memory bug fix.
05:23.03 prasad none of these engines can do outdoor scenes well enough
05:23.10 prasad i dont want to write my own engine dammit
05:23.19 Twingy writing your own engine is over-rated
05:24.19 Twingy payday
05:24.19 prasad (dyslexia) soo its easy?
05:24.30 Twingy time consuming
05:24.42 Twingy very time consuming
05:24.44 prasad that's what i meant
05:25.41 prasad same here
05:26.20 prasad but i dont think there's a 'free' engine out there that supports a 1 billion square tile terrain
05:26.38 prasad or at least render it with some optimizations
05:26.43 Twingy I don't think there's a pc out there that can render 1 billion square tile terrain
05:27.05 Twingy at any interactive rate anyhow
05:27.06 prasad ;)
05:27.21 Twingy I think you should raytrace it
05:27.36 prasad keep the zoom level at a decent level
05:27.43 prasad u could do it easily with a quadtree
05:28.47 Twingy 3 more months before I can take another week off :(
05:29.05 prasad u on credit hrs?
05:29.15 Twingy hrm?
05:29.33 prasad know what it is?
05:29.56 Twingy that where you borrow?
05:30.03 brlcad 1 billian square? like 1billion x 1billion?
05:30.18 Twingy yes
05:30.22 Twingy err
05:30.24 prasad no
05:30.30 Twingy no
05:30.42 Twingy sqrt(1 billion) x sqrt(1 billion)
05:30.44 prasad sqrt(billion) x sqrt(billon)
05:30.49 prasad argh
05:30.53 Twingy beetcha to it
05:30.54 brlcad that's about 32k x 32k
05:31.03 brlcad lots of engines can do that
05:31.13 prasad free ones?
05:31.27 brlcad heck, mged can do that
05:31.31 Twingy heh
05:31.33 Twingy I doubt it
05:31.46 Twingy unless you have like 8GB of ram
05:32.13 Twingy kind of funny how it can't work with my 1 million polygon dragon :P
05:32.14 brlcad it is an in-core algorithm, but it is fairly well-optimized
05:33.46 prasad i can support a 5k x 5k tile terrain with 500MB at 16bytes per tile
05:33.47 brlcad limited to short-int height variations, so 32k x 32k would use 2GB just for the grided data values
05:35.21 prasad but if there's a good caching system, with intelligent loading on a low priority thread, i guess 32kx32k would work
05:35.35 prasad now if u zoom out to view the whole map
05:35.38 prasad hmm
05:35.41 brlcad it's mmap'd, so as good as the system VM
05:36.44 prasad i could probably do some LOD stuff
05:36.59 prasad if the backend is a modified quadtree
05:37.11 brlcad
05:38.13 prasad ohh nice
05:40.06 prasad heh i somehow forgot look at osg
05:40.58 brlcad this looks interesting too ..
05:50.51 brlcad cool
05:52.30 prasad now to generate a 32kx32k bmp :)
05:52.53 brlcad I can try that :)
05:53.21 brlcad only using 20M resident with the puget
05:53.45 brlcad full view
05:53.47 prasad 32kx32k would be 1gb for 8bit grey scale
05:53.53 prasad oh thats cool
05:53.58 prasad can u zoom out?
05:54.37 prasad well.. puget sound is 1k x 1k
05:56.56 brlcad
05:57.00 brlcad yeah, pretty small
05:57.41 brlcad the .g is only 2MB, neat
06:00.12 brlcad oh, now we're talking.. a 16k x 16k elevation map of the puget sound at georgia tech
06:01.00 brlcad ooh, with a 300MB png texture map that I can add as a shader..
08:38.24 *** join/#brlcad clock- (
08:42.23 *** join/#brlcad narnia (
12:43.16 learner heya narnia.. been a while
14:24.36 *** join/#brlcad jrobey (
14:56.52 *** join/#brlcad reed (
14:56.55 reed hello all
15:01.31 brlcad hello
15:12.35 *** join/#brlcad clock-_ (
15:36.20 narnia learner, i am still attempting to print the 30,000+ pages of legal documents.
15:36.57 narnia learner, basiccally tied up with the 8+yr legal nightmare.
15:38.14 narnia learner, my network has been under attack for the past couple days so i have had not much of a life.
17:35.39 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/Makefile.defs: initial Makefile.defs for providing a global build options to all the files. presently includes a 'fast' target that will link targets in parallel when the includes a FAST_OBJECTS directive
17:37.35 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/ add Makefile.defs to the dist, use the new pro/e BUILD_PROE define
17:49.10 *** join/#brlcad narnia (
19:54.33 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
20:01.26 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (igvt/master/igvt_python.c libutil/display.c): Several minor additional improvements to the editor window, 80% done.
21:16.01 archivist skeletons rattle
21:51.29 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
21:51.58 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (4 files in 2 dirs):
21:51.58 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: Camera position, azimuth, and elevation accessible from python now.
21:51.58 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: Added cut and paste to editor, 85% done.
22:02.06 *** join/#brlcad clock- (
22:02.49 *** join/#brlcad clock- (
22:41.48 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (igvt/master/master.c librender/grid.c): adjusting parameters.
22:46.56 brlcad otherwise this will be about 100 e-mails
23:03.12 Twingy_ I don't get emails
23:03.16 Twingy_ so go right ahead
23:10.56 brlcad that can be easily "fixed"
23:11.06 brlcad "we fixed the glitch"
23:11.43 Twingy_ *shrug* I'll just remove myself if you do it :)
23:12.02 CIA-8 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/igvt/observer/ (observer.c splash.h): New splash screen, and renaming IGVT to Interactive Shot Selection Tool (ISST) in progress,,,
23:13.05 brlcad heh, not if I set it as a fixed archive copy e-mail instead of a subscribed user :)
23:18.55 archivist_ oo same error as last night
23:18.58 archivist_ configure: error: source directory already configured; run "make distclean" there first
23:18.58 archivist_ ./build: line 3: ./brlcad/make: No such file or directory
23:19.30 archivist_ but did run make distclean
23:20.31 brlcad how in the world are you getting it into an inconsistent state??
23:20.40 brlcad you have yet to even build
23:21.01 brlcad you can no longer make after running make distclean
23:21.12 brlcad you have to start over after a distclean
23:21.17 brlcad ./ && ./configure ...
23:21.32 archivist_ yes
23:21.47 archivist_ in a shell script
23:22.05 brlcad huh?
23:22.14 brlcad you're writing a build script of some sort?
23:22.26 brlcad it should be a simple 3-liner at worst
23:22.33 archivist_ 3 lines
23:23.43 archivist_ i wonder if getting anon can ecen work for a large system
23:26.50 brlcad what do you mean?
23:28.25 archivist_ allyou are fetching from logged in cvs i am anon with said delay and whatever inconsistencies
23:28.56 brlcad what's your id?
23:29.55 archivist_ archivist
23:30.50 archivist_ i also wonder if ther is some setup not covered yet
23:30.55 brlcad I can grant non-anon cvs, though only under the understanding that you'll follow all the rules and guidelines listed in the HACKING and COPYING files
23:32.17 brlcad you're on Debian, right?
23:32.31 archivist_ i agee
23:32.34 archivist_ yes
23:32.43 archivist_ 3.10a
23:32.54 brlcad agee?
23:33.19 brlcad age?
23:33.37 archivist_ i think i saw that d rossberg is also on the same debian
23:33.45 archivist_ agree
23:33.51 brlcad ahh, heh
23:34.20 archivist_ did he do anything to get it going?
23:34.44 brlcad I've built it on a couple different debian boxes several times
23:34.50 archivist_ ive got vnc working also now
23:35.10 brlcad usually involved ensuring that the gnu autotools are all installed correctly
23:35.19 brlcad but after that, it works
23:36.36 brlcad rossberg didn't mention anything special
23:36.54 brlcad okay, you're added to the project now with access
23:37.05 brlcad "don't break anything" ;)
23:37.14 brlcad you'll have to check out again
23:37.50 archivist_ ok thanks i wont checkout tonight as was about to go home 12:40
23:38.35 brlcad save the build steps to a log file so I can see exactly what happened in order in case it still doesn't work
23:38.46 brlcad i.e. run the build as follows:
23:39.00 brlcad ./ > autogen.log 2>&1
23:39.15 brlcad ./configure --enable-optimized > configure.log 2>&1
23:39.28 brlcad make > build.log 2>&1
23:39.47 brlcad if anything fails, can send me *.log (which includes a config.log file)
23:40.56 archivist ok thanks

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.