irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050629

00:00.11 Twingy ick
00:00.42 menotume although I did do that on my very first z80 TRS-80
00:00.57 menotume and saved code to casette tape
00:05.46 Twingy heh
00:05.52 Twingy third time the UPS has kicked in the last 5 minutes
00:06.29 menotume t-storm ?
00:07.13 Twingy jup
00:07.28 Twingy I got 5+ hours of UPS time, so I'm not worried
00:07.36 menotume :)
00:08.03 Twingy
00:08.26 Twingy when I get a bigger place I'll have a bunch more batteries
00:09.10 menotume eeeeeeeep. do you sell power back to the power company ?
00:09.17 Twingy no..
00:09.22 Twingy I'm not generating any
00:09.28 Twingy I'm in a crappy town house
00:09.38 menotume :)
00:10.00 Twingy I think I'm going to build a thermal vection generator for my next place
00:10.23 Twingy sean, you mind adding me to the chanserv list?
00:10.42 Twingy I gotta stick around in this place for another year before I can buy a bigger place
00:11.08 Twingy I need a place with a bunch of land so I can build a big workshop
00:11.17 Twingy then I can build stuff
00:12.11 Twingy divide it into 4 parts, chem lab, physics lab, metal shop, electronics bench
00:12.42 Twingy I wand atleast 400 sq ft for it
00:12.44 Twingy *want
00:21.21 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
00:26.20 brlcad about half an hour if stryker was tossed in too
00:32.03 *** join/#brlcad DarkMaster (
01:28.04 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
02:19.01 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
03:21.25 *** join/#brlcad Pimpinella (
03:25.39 *** join/#brlcad jrobey (
04:29.46 *** join/#brlcad fenn (
04:30.08 fenn heh brlcad==bzflag
04:33.01 brlcad hmm?
04:33.29 brlcad i'm a core developer for both projects
04:33.30 fenn any plans for integrating a bzflag module into brlcad? :)
04:33.48 brlcad actually there are plans ..yes :)
04:33.55 fenn awesome
04:34.11 brlcad support for the .bzw world format so you can use brl-cad to edit bzflag worlds
04:34.39 fenn i started playing bzflag in second grade on an SGI IRIX system
04:35.32 fenn just got back from the cnc-workshop, and wanting to get my feet wet with some CAD
04:37.16 brlcad ah, fun
04:40.10 brlcad which cnc-workshop are you referring to?
04:40.12 fenn i'm thinking about writing a CAM plugin for 6-axis machines, but i'll have to re-learn all that math
04:40.32 fenn it was a week-long seminar/gathering held in illinois last week
04:40.35 fenn
04:41.15 brlcad ahh, interesting
04:41.22 brlcad how much interest did it gather?
04:41.57 brlcad the seminar that is
04:41.57 fenn there were maybe 160 people total.. 120 on thursday, 50-100 the rest of the week
04:42.05 brlcad not bad
04:42.13 fenn way more than the organizers expected :)
04:42.22 brlcad more than I would have expected too :)
04:42.26 fenn it was pretty amazing really
04:42.50 brlcad so was brl-cad mentioned at some point or did you just run across it on your own?
04:43.24 fenn brlcad was mentioned a couple times, but i was just reading the linux-cad mailing list and saw the "released undre open source" thread
04:43.47 fenn last time i looked at brl cad it wasn't open source, i think?
04:44.42 brlcad it's always been available via a source distribution, but via non OSI-approved agreement
04:45.27 brlcad the former agreement was a real pain to deal with, you had to fax/mail in a request for the software and wait for decryption keys
04:45.53 brlcad but ... "other than that" it was pretty much an open source license
04:46.40 fenn hmm that was probably why i never looked into it further
04:46.41 brlcad it was only recently released as "Open Source (tm)" under the OSI approved gpl, lgpl, bsd, licenses
04:47.03 fenn why the big fuss about some source code?
04:47.18 fenn i mean, why was it such a pain to get the source before?
04:47.43 brlcad well, the practice predates the existance of things like "the internet"
04:48.03 brlcad brl-cad has been in development since 1979
04:48.11 fenn woah, you mean, people can survive without the internet?
04:48.12 brlcad distributed/released since 1984
04:48.46 brlcad the original distribution involved someone copying the sources onto tapes and sending them to you via regular mail
04:49.06 brlcad so they wanted/needed to know who everyone was
04:49.19 brlcad that practice continued through the past couple decades until recently
04:49.57 fenn oh my 37 megs.. that would take a long time to download in the 80's
04:49.58 brlcad there was also a rather complex intellectual property issue
04:51.02 brlcad it being a gov't code with restrictions on development/use (i.e. exempt from FOIA), a complex set of developers/contributors, a potential for commercialization, etc
04:51.59 brlcad anyhow, it's now open source and all is better in the world
04:52.07 fenn yeehaw
04:52.27 brlcad and th eopen source community gets the benefit on the tens of millions invested into the development to date
04:52.50 fenn i'm working on EMC and the original public domain license is currently being switched to GPL
04:54.07 brlcad interesting, i've seen and heard of the linuxcnc project a while ago
04:54.24 fenn it's changed quite a bit in the last year or so
04:54.28 fenn with EMC2 and all
04:55.15 brlcad a cam module would be very interesting to see
04:55.35 fenn linux really needs some type of CAM software
04:56.17 brlcad there was another interested in integrating brl-cad with linuxcnc and the gnu-cad-cam project
04:56.41 brlcad he stops in from time to time, though has been busy of late
04:56.53 fenn gawd ribbonsoft
04:56.56 fenn gimme a break
04:57.16 fenn wtf is the point of taking GPL software and making it closed source?
04:57.52 fenn oops nevermind that last comment
04:59.08 fenn anyway, i would like to implement it as a semi-standalone chunk of code that can work with brlcad's native file format
05:00.00 fenn originally i was going to use opencascade libraries to parse the CAD files into something i could use
05:00.25 brlcad qcad isn't at all geared for cam IMO
05:00.26 fenn but their documentation is non-existent and getting the source/licensing is a pain
05:00.32 *** join/#brlcad jrobey (
05:00.41 fenn heh qcad is a drawing application
05:01.30 brlcad brl-cad's design bodes well with your plan to implement it as a stand-alone chunk of code
05:01.44 brlcad brl-cad is actually over 400 binaries
05:01.51 fenn cool
05:02.04 brlcad each serving a different purpose like diff, awk, sed, less, etc
05:02.28 brlcad most of them can be strung together as well in a similar fashion
05:02.42 fenn i can pipe stuff in/out of them?
05:02.50 brlcad many of them, yes
05:03.08 brlcad like the image manipulators/converters
05:03.20 brlcad s/image/image and data/
05:04.24 brlcad so it fits right in with the design to have something like g2gcode or something similar
05:05.24 brlcad something that might take a brl-cad database and output cnc machining code for it
05:05.40 brlcad or perhaps a module to the gui-based mged modeler
05:06.52 fenn huh?
05:07.05 fenn like toolpath verification?
05:07.21 fenn (verified by human eyes that is)
05:07.43 brlcad yeah, something like that
05:08.03 brlcad maybe visually pick your tools and materials setup
05:08.54 fenn automatically avoiding fixtures and clamps would be nice, and i need to think about it while developing the software, but i'm going to start with the simple stuff
05:09.10 fenn raster, waterline
05:09.42 brlcad yeah, that will be very cool ;)
05:10.06 fenn does brlcad use nurbs?
05:10.44 fenn heh you should check out rapid prototyping.. it can produce working models fully assembled
05:11.24 brlcad brl-cad has a nurbs primitive and a slew of library support for manipulating them, but they are not one of the primitive types that are easily created via the gui
05:11.41 fenn :(
05:11.49 brlcad the internal representation is implicit geometry, a vast array of primitive shapes
05:11.52 fenn better than "no" at least :)
05:12.26 brlcad we've used rapid prototyping .. fun stuff
05:13.00 brlcad the programmatic interface to nurbs should be there
05:13.05 fenn once we get nurbs motion interpolation in EMC it should be easy to use a nurbs toolpath... easier than the usual 1000's of tiny lines to make one inch of curved surface
05:13.16 brlcad there are example codes that create/manipulate nurbs geometry in the src/proc-db directory
05:13.48 brlcad there's also been talk of adding a sweep primitive that would work on spline paths
05:13.59 fenn nice
05:14.13 fenn i was thinking of using sweeps with CSG to make a part preview
05:14.24 fenn sweep the tool shape along the tool path and you get the volume removed
05:14.28 brlcad that's actually why it's really needed :)
05:14.56 brlcad not for cam, but for modeling itself -- sweep out a path of an arbitrary shape and treat it as material, or a subtraction, etc
05:15.15 brlcad so you can create curvature on curvature geoemtry
05:15.47 fenn a sweep makes a surface.. is it difficult to turn that surface into a solid?
05:15.48 brlcad something brep does rather easily, but csg has difficulty with without a sweep primitive (which to date we actually ahven't needed)
05:16.03 brlcad nope, not difficult at all
05:16.31 brlcad that's what I'm actually referring to -- using sweep as a primitive object shape/type/solid
05:16.41 brlcad that can be used in CSG just like any other primitive
05:17.26 brlcad similar to the extrusion primitive, which is of course just an extrusion on a planar surface linearly
05:17.45 fenn should be interesting to see a virtual part with a "milled" finish on it
05:18.04 brlcad but that same sweep primitive could be used for cutting purposes, filleting, roundings, etc
05:19.01 brlcad mm.. a milled shader.. that would be neat too
05:19.13 brlcad could be done as a purely rendering effect too
05:21.13 fenn i meant as a side effect of using csg sweeps
05:21.36 fenn would take forever to manipulate due to the complexity of the solid model
05:22.38 fenn sweep the path of the tip of the cutter at 1000 rpm, moving at 5 inches/min
05:23.06 fenn its not useful for anything, really
05:24.11 brlcad ahh, hehe yes
05:26.46 brlcad well, time to zZzZ -- hope to see you around more
05:34.07 fenn nite
05:34.18 *** part/#brlcad fenn (
06:48.31 tarzeau Build libpng .........................: no (using system)
06:48.49 tarzeau that means you ship libpng, libregex and zlib sources in the one 20mb large tarball?
06:49.05 tarzeau but i don't use it since i have it on my system, and it's linked against my
06:49.22 tarzeau Build optimized release ..............: no
06:49.26 tarzeau i probably want yes here?
06:49.56 tarzeau do really need ./configure complete ?
06:50.52 tarzeau what's --enable-jove ?
06:54.49 tarzeau hehe ah ok
07:04.40 tarzeau hmm i got the first build problem (probably missing some library): if_ogl.c:2335: error: `GL_AUX_BUFFERS' undeclared (first use in this function)
07:04.43 tarzeau if_ogl.c:2341: error: `None' undeclared (first use in this function)
07:26.45 tarzeau ok i can't figure out which library i need
07:26.58 tarzeau brlcad: if you can help me now

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