irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050705

01:00.37 *** join/#brlcad Mac- (
01:00.37 Mac- hi there
01:00.37 Mac- i going to change my AutoCAD to BRL-CAD
01:00.44 Mac- but under Linux Slackware
01:01.22 Twingy cool
01:03.09 Mac- but i have some questions
01:03.20 Mac- i working on AMD K6-2 450MHz is it enough for BRL-CAD ?
01:03.29 Mac- 256MB of RAM
01:05.08 Twingy yes
01:05.17 Twingy but you won't be able to work with anything significantly large
01:05.41 Twingy you'll want 2GB to work on a vehicle that has complexity down to the nut and bolt
01:05.58 Mac- 2GB of RAM ????
01:06.07 Twingy yes, that's standard where I work
01:06.17 Twingy I just ordered a pair of machines with 8GB of ram 2 weeks ago
01:06.29 Mac- no, i`m only student of mechanical engeenering division
01:06.46 Twingy I'd seriously recommend spending $200 to upgrade to something faster
01:06.55 Mac- on univeristy of minig and metallurgy in poland (Cracow)
01:06.55 Twingy like a 1.5ghz walmart pc with 512MB
01:07.40 Mac- now i working on 2D only
01:07.42 Twingy then you might be able to work on some moderately complex geometry
01:07.46 Twingy okie
01:08.04 Twingy dinner time, bbl
01:08.12 Mac- and what about hardware acceleration of graphic card ?
01:08.16 Mac- is there any ?
01:09.58 Mac- now i have S3 Savage4 AGP, but wish change to Matrox G200 AGP
01:17.07 brlcad Mac-: that should be enough for very complex models regardless
01:17.34 Mac- what does it mean 'very complex' ?
01:17.42 brlcad 256MB that is .. like he said, to do an _entire_ vehicle down to the nut, bolt, and wire
01:18.27 Mac- but is there hardware acceleration for some graphic cards ???
01:18.33 brlcad you should be able to deal with models that are at least 100 MB in size
01:19.03 brlcad it is opengl accelerated by default, but perhaps not in the manner you're thinking
01:19.29 brlcad it won't matter a whole lot what your video card is as (again by default), it's a wireframe display in mged
01:19.47 brlcad your limits will be ray-trace time
01:19.52 Mac- my models in AutoCAD had about less that 1MB :)
01:20.02 brlcad yeah, those are "tiny" :)
01:20.31 brlcad have you used mged at all?
01:20.46 Mac- no
01:21.03 brlcad autocad is mostly geared towards drafting whereas mged is geared towards csg-based solid modeling
01:21.41 brlcad there is a sketch primitive type which will be very familiar to an autocad sketch, but mged's drafting capabilities are admitedly limited
01:21.54 brlcad if you rebuild those models using csg, you'll be much better off
01:22.10 brlcad should shrink the size of your models too
01:22.21 ctjctj Mac, brlcad generates it's results on a pixel by pixel basis for the most part. So the raytracing part (making great images) requires very little in the way of a video card. The first time I used brlcad for image generation, my machine had 5MBs of memory, ran at just over 16Mhz and generated pretty dang good images. Oh the video card had less than 512Kbytes of ram.
01:22.33 Mac- but for now i have been use of AutoCAD only in 2D
01:24.15 brlcad brl-cad's mged is not well-suited for 2D-only ;)
01:24.15 brlcad for 2D only, you might want to consider qcad
01:24.15 Mac- BRL-CAD isn`t for flat drawing ?
01:24.15 brlcad that said, I'd recommend trying out the mged tutorial provided on the website
01:24.32 brlcad brl-cad/mged isn't a drafting tool, though it can do some limited drafting via the sketch primitive
01:26.05 brlcad autocad is actually a "CADD"
01:26.21 brlcad depending on whom you talk to at least ;)
01:27.02 Mac- brl-cad is something like Inventor ???
01:28.40 Mac- ok, thx for your help
01:28.42 brlcad yeah, that's a little bit closer comparison, though still not quite the same
01:28.47 Mac- bye for now
01:29.04 brlcad better would be pro/e and unigraphics
01:29.08 brlcad cya
01:29.26 ctjctj You are welcome, please feel free to come back or just to try BRL-CAD and see what it can do for you.
01:29.51 Mac- i will try, promise :)
01:30.07 Mac- bye
01:30.32 brlcad ctjctj: surprisingly enough, CAM/NC milling is one of the active open-source interests that quickly sprung up :)
01:31.08 brlcad there are several people interested in writing a g-gcode converter and other tools to add cam-capabilities
01:32.19 ctjctj The thing I wanted to do with DB5 was to add some parametric capabilities to our databases.
01:32.19 brlcad oh god yeah
01:32.19 brlcad parametrics and constraints
01:32.42 ctjctj I had my "joint" stuff working with XML for about 30 seconds before somebody foobared it again. :-(
01:32.58 brlcad somebody foobared it?
01:33.30 brlcad joint stuff hasn't changed in cvs in quite a while.. :)
01:33.32 ctjctj Yeah, release cycle and an argument with somebody over which XML parser we should use.
01:33.40 brlcad heh, somebody
01:35.53 brlcad i haven't played with a joint db in a couple years
01:36.07 brlcad dwayne gave a quick demo back then
01:36.10 ctjctj I don't know if it ever worked while you have been on the project.
01:36.20 brlcad it worked then
01:36.45 ctjctj Well, It doesn't work in the 6.* and later 5.* releases.
01:37.16 brlcad hrm
01:37.38 ctjctj But with our modern machines, it should dang well fly. The iteritive solver I wrote didn't dare do an update per itteration, but today, with our desk top machines, it should be able to do smooth mged motion.
01:37.39 brlcad the 'demo' was 6.x .. we did find a few bugs, but simple articulation worked
01:38.22 brlcad maybe :)
01:39.05 ctjctj It was nice to be able to send a single DB out with a joint file attached to reconfigure the model...
01:39.27 brlcad I very recently tried a simple animation (sans joints, just simple camera rotation) only to find very very wacky things going on -- seemed like a bug in the tabinterp and other table tools
01:39.37 Twingy o.O
01:40.07 brlcad hmm.. would be trivial to embed the joint file into the .g as a binary object now
01:41.18 brlcad I don't doubt it did work.. but I don't think it does right now -- I tried reproducing the exact steps in a published report only to get very different behavior
01:41.31 ctjctj Hello Twingy, I'm Chris.
01:41.35 *** join/#brlcad louipc (
01:41.40 louipc hi there
01:41.44 brlcad I believe it has a lot to do with the fact that quaternions are not dumped out in the saveview scripts instead of transformation matrices
01:41.50 brlcad howdy louipc
01:42.06 brlcad s/not dumped/now dumped/
01:42.23 louipc I've been looking for some decent CAD software for linux :D
01:42.25 ctjctj Tabinterp doesn't care. It just does table interpulation.
01:43.32 louipc well right now I'm just doing 2D but eventually I'll be drawing 3D solid models to use in CAM applications
01:44.05 ctjctj brlcad, when we were using tabinterp, we'd dump a few keyframes, write a few scripts to extract the eye_pt and orientation, then plug those together in to a table which tabinterp would read.
01:44.35 brlcad that's what I was doing
01:45.18 ctjctj louipc, have you read any of the BRL-CAD documentation? I'm not sure it will do what you want it to do.
01:45.36 brlcad like I said, I was following a set of published steps in a report -- it 'almost' would interp correctly, but it gave a slew of anamolies
01:45.49 louipc I haven't read much
01:46.32 brlcad like going berserk around 180 and 360 and fairly randomly jumping to a different Z elevation for lengths at a time
01:47.11 brlcad louipc: there are tutorials and other documentation available at if you're interested
01:47.15 Twingy ah, hi, am working on a circuit right now
01:47.22 ctjctj louipc, BRLCAD is a solid modling system. It uses CSG to create complex objects. Since there is no explict surface representation, many standard algorithms for analysing models are not applicatlb.e
01:47.57 ctjctj brlcad, what you describe sounds like euler angles going bonkers.
01:48.09 louipc hmm I'll have to read more about it for sure
01:48.38 ctjctj louipc, we'll be glad to help you, but we'd rather you be happy then upset if our software doesn't match your needs.
01:49.20 louipc *grin* thanks I understand, I'm a pretty laid back guy so no worries
01:51.07 brlcad several very good papers came out at this year's international shapes and solids conference
01:51.26 ctjctj Cool. Who is current team leader?
01:51.42 brlcad ...
01:52.04 brlcad well, as far as I know it's unchanged for the near future
01:52.31 brlcad though I'm the only one actually dedicated with a full man-year of time explicitly to brl-cad afaik
01:52.47 brlcad yep
01:55.56 brlcad getting the package open sourced was specifically for the purposes of keeping it alive regardless of the various personal and 'corporate' politics that might/could have otherwise killed it
01:55.56 louipc # sing An Appropriate Skimmer
01:55.56 brlcad at least now, I could quit and keep working on the package indefinitely ;)
01:55.58 louipc oops sorry
01:56.06 louipc ;)
01:56.14 brlcad ~dict skimmer
01:56.52 louipc I was looking up coolant skimmers for the CNC machine in the shop *Grin*
01:56.56 ctjctj I figured as much. I tried to sign off on my stuff but the requirement to get it notarized slowed me down, then I was told it wasn't needed. I'm glad it was released in spite of my fumble.
01:58.27 brlcad it only took what.. 4 or 5 years? that was a lot of continual pressing and meetings and e-mails and persistence ;)
01:59.43 brlcad I think the package can really 'take off', it's very well poised for it
01:59.49 ctjctj I think that something like 99% of my code was either public domain or given to the Army. So those should have been "ok". The other stuff had copyright requirements to announce my authorship when in verbose mode.
01:59.50 brlcad mged's user interface is probably the largest detriment, windows support is probably the second (as much as I dislike and don't care about that platform)
02:01.56 brlcad wrapper libraries :)
02:01.56 brlcad like tk
02:01.56 brlcad but not so fugly
02:01.56 ctjctj This was using "glut" and it still was contaminated.
02:02.42 brlcad mm, modern glut is interesting, but still not practical for large apps -- no threading and different event loop supports
02:03.14 ctjctj Oh I understand that. Just found the fact that they used glut to only be about 50% of the solution.
02:04.11 brlcad sdl, clanlib, and maybe gtk or qt are the few big packages I'd consider if starting over (unless the language was constrained to non-C/C++)
02:06.03 brlcad the biggest decision is what to do about widgets -- go with a wrapper lib like sdl and qt provide using native widgets, draw your own and stick to just opengl, something else
02:06.10 ctjctj I've not used SDL yet. I don't like QT but that's because I'm addicted to gnome.
02:06.11 brlcad gtk is nice, though it's the least cross-platform of the bunch (at least in terms of even just supporting windows, linux, and mac)
02:06.59 brlcad it'd work, but you have to wait for the gtk guys to fix/support the other platforms (which they seem to be _very_ slow at doing sometimes) .. like os x aqua support
02:07.25 brlcad course one does have the source, so if it really was a problem..
02:07.34 brlcad but then the motivation for using any lib is to avoid that
02:07.41 ctjctj Have you tried to fix anything in GTK?
02:07.47 brlcad nah
02:08.01 brlcad it's a large codebase, I try to avoid that ;)
02:09.33 ctjctj Everything is three and four places removed from where I expect it to be.
02:10.10 louipc hey... I don't know much about these things but is wxWigets something like these libraries you're mentioning?
02:10.35 ctjctj Yes, it is louipc.
02:10.52 louipc ah, is that one any good?
02:11.33 ctjctj But, IMHO it goes in the wrong direction. It is more for moving windows apps to linux/unix than for moving in the other direction. And I believe ithas a license that isn't "wonderful".
02:14.40 louipc ooh
02:14.40 brlcad louipc, there's also the issue of context creation (the windows) and then there's widgets (buttons, dialogs, knobs, etc) -- wxwindows is poor on the prior, aimed mostly at the latter
02:14.40 brlcad it also does a 'meh' job at the widgets themselves imo
02:14.40 ctjctj For any windowing system, you have a couple of major components. "The event loop", "window control", and "objects/widgets"
02:14.40 ctjctj The event loop is often the easiest to deal with. It normally has pretty direct translations, mouse buttons, mouse movements, key presses, and things like that.
02:19.14 louipc hehe I did that in Java ages ago, "addMouseListener()" :P
02:19.14 ctjctj The window creation is usually the hardest. It is so closely tied to the window system that it is easy for OS or window specific things to leak in to your generic window creation system.
02:19.14 ctjctj I.e. "Hand the window creation function the X visual you want" or "use the hPallet when creating a window"
02:19.14 brlcad my current "biased choice" or preference is to only rely on a framework for the window and opengl context creation -- then do everything else internally (draw one's own widgets)
02:19.14 brlcad i.e. basically treat it like a game interface
02:19.14 ctjctj Then you have the widgets. They define your programming paradime(sp). In addition, widgets ARE your look and feel, and if they aren't beautiful, people hate them.
02:19.15 louipc that's a lot more work eh?
02:19.15 brlcad gui/widgets are often the most time-intensive aspects
02:19.15 ctjctj For example, MOTIF was the only game in town for high quality widgets for X Windows for many years. But because they were for pay, people left them behind till open-motif. But motif themes/widgets look boring and fugly by todays standards.
02:19.15 louipc yeah for sure
02:24.44 brlcad wooo.. damn that looks nice
02:24.44 brlcad Twingy: the photon map rendering of moss completed :)
02:24.44 ctjctj One of Mike's project's was the "Bump project" A virtual file system using tape backing. Mike had all the code done, kernel mods, userland mods. He built a generic set of scripts for the UI and tossed it over the fence.
02:24.44 ctjctj Cray Research picked it up, put a new gui on it, broke the user land stuff, then sold it for lots and lots and then sold 1000s of systems just to do "file migration"
02:24.44 louipc horrible
02:24.45 Twingy heh
02:25.35 louipc who
02:25.42 ctjctj what?
02:30.18 brlcad ctjctj: nice ;)
02:31.55 ctjctj Max gave me a G5 with 0.5 terrabyte to work with. And a fibre channel interface. Seems he expects me to add a few more terrabytes to the system in the next few months... :-)
02:36.59 brlcad we're supposed to meet with max "rsn"
02:40.06 brlcad Twingy:
02:40.06 ctjctj Good. I'll try to see if I can show up at the same time.
02:40.06 Twingy a littler better
02:40.06 brlcad heh
02:40.06 Twingy you save the photon map this time?
02:40.06 Twingy oh
02:40.06 Twingy you said it didn't work
02:40.06 Twingy *shrug*
02:40.06 brlcad i did save it just in case
02:40.06 Twingy the irradiance gathering on the other side of the box is bad
02:40.06 brlcad that's supposedly a million photons
02:40.06 Twingy near the corner
02:40.06 brlcad i noticed
02:40.06 Twingy that's part of the 'T' degeneracy
02:40.06 brlcad the splotch up the side of the torus is wierd
02:40.08 brlcad dunno if that's a reflection of the cone's top or something
02:40.23 brlcad the color bleeding all turned out quite nicely, though
02:40.48 brlcad that's a lot of shadow rays I threw at it
02:41.15 brlcad you know.. that corner of the box shouldn't have anything to do with irradiance gathering
02:42.15 brlcad or do you mean the boxes actual side facing away?
02:44.16 brlcad Twingy, took 13 hours to fire those million global photons, 256 irradiance rays (most of the time processing the irradiance cache progress)
02:45.23 Twingy
02:46.19 brlcad heh
02:46.28 brlcad no?
02:46.52 brlcad i'd expect you'd get photons reflecting between the box and the surface several times
02:46.55 Twingy no, it's gathering past the box
02:47.08 Twingy the box wasn't acting as a boundary for the irradiance gathering
02:47.16 Twingy as it should be
02:47.58 Twingy main reason why I dislike photon mappin
02:48.00 Twingy g
02:48.51 Twingy I mean
02:48.58 Twingy it's better than ambient phong
02:51.34 Twingy but it's still far from path tracing
02:51.34 brlcad that it is
02:51.34 Twingy if you're looking for something in between it's just fine
02:51.34 brlcad should shove moss into rise and see what 13 hours can do
02:51.34 Twingy 1 box or cluster?
02:51.34 Twingy I have a utility now
02:51.34 brlcad wopr
02:51.34 Twingy g-adrt
02:51.34 brlcad i noticed
02:51.34 Twingy oh, give it 1 hour
02:51.34 Twingy and you'd have almost perfect rendering
02:51.34 brlcad g-adrt does a tesselation pass?
02:51.34 Twingy no
02:51.34 Twingy it expects bots
02:51.34 Twingy I'd like to add auto tesselation into it at some point
02:51.35 Twingy but it creats the adrt project framework
02:51.36 Twingy you just need to be sure to position your camera and put a light source in the scene
02:51.36 Twingy I don't have g-adrt pulling light source info from shaders
02:51.36 brlcad moss's open-air wouldn't be an issue for the path tracer?
02:51.36 Twingy just color
02:51.40 Twingy nope
02:51.42 Twingy no issue at all
02:51.44 brlcad good
02:51.51 brlcad i'll have to try it post-release sometime
02:51.57 Twingy yep
02:52.09 brlcad maybe whip up a quick tutorial
02:52.26 Twingy after july 12 I can focus on making it a little less expert-friendly
02:53.03 brlcad after july 12, it'll be siggraph prep time
02:53.31 brlcad I should plan out some sort of schedule for the BoF
02:53.41 Twingy yah
02:54.11 Twingy how long is the bof?
02:55.59 brlcad an hour
03:02.19 brlcad ctjctj: for what it's worth, there's a BRL-CAD BoF at Siggraph this year "BRL-CAD: Open Source Solid Modeling" .. interesting to see what kind of response/interest there is
03:02.19 louipc actually I think BRL-CAD is pretty much what I've been looking for, it has some features that I don't need but that's ok
03:03.33 louipc I'd like to try adding some CAM extention to it
03:04.00 brlcad ~seen clock
03:04.00 ibot brlcad: i haven't seen 'clock'
03:04.02 brlcad ~seen clock_
03:04.02 ibot brlcad: i haven't seen 'clock_'
03:04.06 brlcad hrm
03:04.26 brlcad louipc: that would be very cool
03:05.08 ctjctj brlcad, I wish I was going to SIGGRAPH. Every year I put it in the budget and every year something comes up.
03:05.19 brlcad louipc: most interesting would probably be either mged extensions and/or a new tool for converting geometry to machining code
03:06.11 ctjctj It would be interesting to see if using NMGs to get a surface representation which could then be used to feed a CNC...
03:06.17 louipc yeah that would be the first step
03:07.33 ctjctj Part of the fun will be adding the "tweeks" needed to convert a virtual object to a real object. Such as the fact that pro/e, by default, slightly slopes sides for "better mold release" and other things like that.
03:10.49 brlcad bah, let'em turn the cnc upside down and shake it ;)
03:11.13 brlcad then put "crane required for proper operation" in the docs
03:12.49 ctjctj I attended a pro/e demo a couple of years ago. Most of the stuff they had was about turning pretty math into ugly reality. Things like describing the radius of the "line" where a cylendar joined a plate. In math terms, that's a right angle, but in cnc terms, there is a little rounding that happens there. On purpose. To keep the strength of the join up.
03:12.58 ctjctj Otherwise things break at the joint... :-(
03:14.31 ctjctj think of dropping a RCC against a ARB8. Then drop a torus around the RCC such that the center of the major axis was at the surface of the arb8 and the major radius was equal to the major radius of the RCC.
03:14.47 brlcad yep
03:15.31 brlcad that's interesting .. hard to intuit
03:15.36 ctjctj Except that there is a limit on the size of the torus, otherwise the angle is to steep, so they actully make the torus a little smaller and bury it a little deeper. And pro/e has 100s or 1000s of these sorts of rules.
03:16.40 brlcad there's a new primitive that I've been dying to add ever since I got started on the super ellipsoid
03:16.48 brlcad a sweep primitive
03:17.04 brlcad that would solve the curvature on curvature problem we currently have
03:17.34 ctjctj Then you add the external analysis program to do things like "fluid flow under pressure" to allow them to verify that the thing just created can be created by injection molding or hot metal or what ever. It was impressive.
03:18.04 brlcad e.g. take your RCC against and ARB8 example and make it RCC against RCC .. we can't model a blend on that seam continuously
03:18.11 brlcad we could with a sweep primitive
03:19.07 ctjctj The down side? Pro/e had a hard time displaying anything much bigger than a widget. I think they were using an O2 and wouldn't show us a complete cylender head, much less a complete engine or vehicle.
03:19.38 brlcad yeah.. a sweep primitive would give springs too
03:19.55 ctjctj I'm still impressed with P.T.'s math for the particle solids.
03:19.56 brlcad heh, pro/e's a dog still on large models
03:20.44 ctjctj Did you hear I did a brlcad movie a couple of years ago? Had about 3 billion solids in the database.
03:21.36 brlcad the missile fly through?
03:22.09 brlcad i did see a missile movie, but maybe not the finished
03:22.25 ctjctj Nope, it was a helo fly through of fort AP Hill. Near the drop zone. sound track was "low rider" and "danger zone".
03:22.36 brlcad ahh, don't think so
03:22.45 brlcad releasable? :)
03:23.23 ctjctj Started with the helo at altitude of about 2000 meters, did a slow slant into a near target indicator, then did nape of the ground (1-2 meters) till egress.
03:23.44 brlcad using tabinterp? :)
03:24.40 ctjctj I don't remember the size of the terrain, but I had 1/2 million trees planted correctly.
03:25.58 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
03:26.05 ctjctj Is there anybody else that's real in this channel?
03:26.26 brlcad yep, only three aren't real
03:26.46 ctjctj ibot, archivist and CIA-5?
03:26.48 brlcad though we all idle differently
03:26.58 brlcad sorry, 4
03:27.12 brlcad ChanServ, CIA-5, ibot, TheLastSpartan (usually known as guu)
03:27.41 brlcad several timezones represented
03:27.57 ctjctj I can see that.
03:28.20 ctjctj I've been missing Mike and the CAD team a lot these last few weeks.
03:48.40 brlcad here's the list if you happen to know where any of the folks under "To Be Filed" fall
03:48.43 brlcad
03:49.59 brlcad they're "at least" special thanks .. main question is whether they submitted code, whether it was substantial, etc
03:50.09 brlcad to be filed is at the end
03:50.10 ctjctj correction: CTJ: Paladin Software with out an "inc" and before JRMTech, please.
03:50.44 ctjctj And Cray Research, Inc before Geometric Solutions, inc.
03:51.25 ctjctj Reed, Jr., Harry was the head of the BRL, NOT a member of Geometric solutions.
03:53.10 ctjctj And the special thanks Reed, Harry needs a JR.
03:53.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/AUTHORS: add cray research and reorder affiliations for johnson
03:53.36 ctjctj Adam Dray from geometric solutions, inc. He is also a code contributor. More than special thanks.
03:53.49 brlcad hrm, I swear someone corrected me differently re reed
03:54.02 ctjctj John Ousterhout is the author of TCL/Tk.
03:54.26 ctjctj Harry Reed, Jr is the ELDER of the two and was the head of the BRL.
03:54.34 brlcad yeah, though tcl/tk isn't an affiliation :)
03:55.04 ctjctj Harry Reed NO JR, is the younger and contributed both as a member of BRL and Geometric Solutions.
03:56.02 ctjctj John K. Ousterhout is founder and CEO of Electric Cloud, Inc.
03:56.28 brlcad if I'm not mistaken, though -- his 'contribution' was not through that affiliation, he was self-consulted
03:56.39 brlcad s/consulted/consulting/
03:57.07 brlcad where does dray fall in the timeline?
03:57.16 brlcad names are listed cronologically
03:57.18 ctjctj Adam worked for me at GSI.
03:57.44 ctjctj John Ousterhout did tcl/tk at U.C. Berkeley.
03:57.47 brlcad we have all the gsi modifications now, btw
03:58.00 ctjctj Great!
03:58.24 ctjctj I know david becker. I think he was Cray Research.
03:58.25 brlcad and a few of the pretty models.. which the air force is being a pain about
03:58.47 ctjctj The air force should be a pain about some of those models.
03:59.36 brlcad some of them, but not one in particular
03:59.50 brlcad trying to get release authority approval for it, still pending
03:59.50 ctjctj Bob Miles is one of the original bunch of people Mike gathered in the lab in 394. He was famous for "It compiles,ship it" and then going on vacation.
04:00.04 brlcad hehe
04:00.24 ctjctj MMDF was one of the places Bob worked on.
04:00.53 ctjctj Musgrave worked with us through Max. So that would be about the time Lee was going back to school.
04:01.17 ctjctj Sorry, Let me see, years fly by so fast when you are having fun.
04:01.24 brlcad before reschley?
04:02.01 ctjctj Adam Draw was post Sue Muuss and long after Reschley. Remember that Reschley was also part of the 2nd group in to the 394 lab. And stayed on in part till very near the end.
04:02.30 ctjctj I'd guess that adam was around 1995 time frame. And only there for a year or so.
04:03.14 brlcad hmm.. perhaps before laut then
04:03.18 ctjctj I know George E Toth but didn't meet him in person. Is Dave Rodgers in that list?
04:03.48 ctjctj Wolff was part of the original team then went off to head up the NSF Internet.
04:04.13 brlcad no rodgers listed
04:05.14 ctjctj He needs to be added under mathmaticl help and is attributed as US Navel Acadamy
04:05.29 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/AUTHORS: swap the harry reeds (yet again?), dray was with gsi and contributed significant amounts of code
04:05.46 brlcad wolff or rodgers?
04:05.58 ctjctj Dave Rodgers is math from USNA
04:06.33 brlcad before darisson?
04:06.38 brlcad er, davisson
04:07.29 ctjctj I meet Dave Rodgers in the early 90's and he'd been working with Mike for years at that point. Dave Rodgers wrote a book with a title simular to "Math for computer graphics"
04:07.48 ctjctj I'd put Dave Rodgers after Ed Davisson.
04:08.22 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/AUTHORS: added david rodgers of usna for providing mathematical support
04:08.31 brlcad Ed's pretty cool to work out math problems with
04:08.46 ctjctj One of David Rodger's books has an image that Mike rendered for a cover.
04:08.53 brlcad I go to him whenever I get stuck on some math formulation
04:08.58 brlcad which seems to happen a lot
04:09.21 brlcad oh, that's neat
04:09.27 brlcad that'd make for a good plug
04:09.29 ctjctj Yep, I like Ed. One of the shitty things about being "the expert" for my team is that I don't have the math back up I need.
04:12.23 ctjctj I can't find George E. Toth on google. :-(
04:14.29 brlcad where does miles fit in the special thanks list?
04:14.48 brlcad before jill?
04:14.58 ctjctj Yes, long before Jill.
04:15.28 ctjctj Jill Smith came in as team leader around 1988-1989. Bob Miles left BRL before then.
04:16.13 ctjctj that's a bad date for Jill's first interactions with BRLCAD
04:16.44 ctjctj Let me see, Weaver, Dietz and Mike were the first ones.
04:16.52 brlcad jill, zumbrunnen, monk, and all of cecom where shoe-horned in "somewhere"
04:17.17 ctjctj Zum Brunnen was GSI time frame. Same time as Adam Dray.
04:17.56 brlcad cept they're in different lists
04:18.55 ctjctj Sean, I'm sorry, in my head they go "Jill showed up before I left cray. Adam and Zum Brunnen were after I divorced Gwen." but I don't have any dates to put to those events. :-(
04:20.52 brlcad hehe
04:22.50 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/AUTHORS: miles sneaks onto the special thanks list, becker was reportedly with cray research
04:24.27 brlcad 18 left to be filed, not too shabby
04:25.08 ctjctj I'm trying to remeber if Terry Slattery was contributing to BRLCAD or just Bump.
04:27.47 ctjctj I think that George E. Toth was a BRL person.
04:29.03 brlcad i know a lot of the remaining, if not most all of them are just special thanks -- folks he talked to or that worked with someone on the team
04:29.12 brlcad or managerial support of some sort
04:30.51 brlcad when the new website comes on-line, i'd like to give a little more historic detail about the key contributors somewhere on it
04:31.19 brlcad the 4 bins don't do some of those names justic
04:31.23 ctjctj I'll do what I can do to help.
04:36.39 brlcad I'm planning on writing a technical paper on the history of brl-cad here at some point (maybe while I'm at siggraph if I can)
04:36.59 brlcad from inception to open source
04:37.34 Twingy sean, when you back at work?
04:37.38 Twingy I was gonna call judy
04:37.47 brlcad probably would appreciate some degree of input/contribution for it
04:38.07 brlcad if you'd be willing, that is
04:38.08 ctjctj I'll try to hang here a bit more, if that will help.
04:38.31 brlcad Twingy: judge judy?
04:38.36 brlcad oh, office lady
04:38.53 brlcad Twingy: I'm there now, but won't/shouldn't be tomorrow
04:39.51 brlcad ctjctj: that would definitely help (on many levels) ;)
04:41.21 brlcad oh, speaking of open source brl-cad adoptions.. this is one of the more recent and very neat projects:
04:42.24 brlcad he provides drawings, instructions schematics for making those point to point optical datalink connections, made .g's
04:42.58 brlcad those are brl-cad renderings too, btw
04:43.57 brlcad if clock ever shows up, he's always happy to talk about it in detail :)
04:46.13 ctjctj Looks neat.
04:48.08 brlcad currently at 96 sites around the world (albeit most are in czech repulic and most somewhere in europe)
04:49.15 ctjctj I would have loved something like that a few years ago. How do you get 10mbit/sec across a road?
04:51.45 Twingy pringles can
05:02.40 ctjctj What is surprising Pimpi?
05:03.44 Pimpi [5:28] * brlcad pokes Pimpi to wake u p
05:04.52 Pimpi ouch
05:05.11 ctjctj Well, I'm going to head off to bed. Night all.
05:05.14 brlcad ahh, i guess that was a bit early for you ;)
05:05.16 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/ged.c: dang it, nfds is off by one -- check our own pipe fd ya dolt.
05:05.18 brlcad cya ctjctj
05:08.04 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/ged.c: cull the blocking read now that select is selectively selecting appropriately
05:09.25 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: fixed mged backgrounding when parent quickly fails
06:08.59 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/AUTHORS: toth was possibly BRL
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15:06.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libtie/tie.c: experimenting with more efficient BSP building methods.
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16:29.51 ctjctj Hey, do we have a document describing the changes made to the directory structure from before the src's were in the src subdirectoryl.
16:48.06 learner hmm, some of the directory structure is covered in the HACKING file
16:49.44 learner for the most part, the directories simply moved to src/ if they contained source or src/other/ if it was not our code
16:50.44 learner h/ was renamed to include/
16:51.11 learner other than that, all the directories should pretty much be intact
16:51.43 learner there was no combining/splitting as part of the process
16:59.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/HACKING: mr. jackson of gov computer news has requested to be updated on new releases of BRL-CAD
17:00.29 ctjctj Thanks. I'm going to take a look at what it takes to drop the new g_bot.c into the code.
17:02.27 learner ahh, that much I know fairly well having been the last person to add a new primitive
17:24.13 learner here's a quick summary
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21:39.34 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/conv/g-adrt.c: adding region map support.
21:53.39 *** join/#brlcad EricWilhelm (
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