irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050716

02:04.11 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
04:04.03 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
04:25.44 *** join/#brlcad prasad (
04:25.50 prasad sean
04:26.12 prasad 7.4.0 breaks in ubuntu-hoary
04:26.20 prasad 32bit
04:45.11 Twingy urf
04:45.20 Twingy tired at 12:50 on a friday night is not good
04:45.56 Twingy then again I think I got about 33 hours of sleep this week
04:48.59 prasad it's the dextrose fumes
04:49.06 Twingy nah
04:49.24 Twingy this week was unusually demanding of me
04:50.34 prasad i see no pics up
04:51.15 Twingy nope
04:51.25 Twingy I still need to process some more data
04:51.33 Twingy and do video editing
04:51.38 prasad fine
04:51.43 Twingy and reformat the static field test section
04:51.47 prasad i think im gonna join acst soon
04:51.57 Twingy that would be cool
04:52.00 prasad first step, finish this rtedge.v2 tool
04:52.05 prasad ???
04:52.10 prasad move away from mooves
04:52.10 Twingy profit!
04:52.19 Twingy moooooooooves
04:52.26 Twingy erik wants out
04:52.28 Twingy you want out
04:52.34 Twingy jason is tired of mgmt
04:52.39 prasad ron wants completely out
04:52.43 Twingy yep
04:52.56 Twingy mgmt is now passed the point of a successful product
04:53.07 Twingy they have officially killed it.
04:53.19 Twingy the question will be, how long before they realize it
04:53.36 prasad they shouldn't have screwed with it so late in the game
04:54.03 Twingy I suspect they will get little more than a slap on the wrist and give you guys all the blame
04:54.12 prasad of course
04:54.17 prasad but hey
04:54.25 Twingy does lisa know you wanna get on acst?
04:54.26 prasad 'wendy told me to quit'
04:54.42 prasad (which is a true statement)
04:54.46 prasad nah
04:54.52 prasad i think she's pissed at me
04:54.55 prasad as it is
04:54.58 Twingy she's pissed at everyone
04:55.03 Twingy on M3
04:55.18 Twingy cause just about everyone has already told her that nobody wants to work on it anymore
04:55.30 Twingy if you told her, that might make 100%
04:55.51 prasad i doubt that's gonna do anything
04:55.59 prasad pjt specifically picked ww
04:56.00 Twingy no, not really
04:56.20 prasad lisa wont question a pjt decision imo
04:56.40 Twingy I'm wondering if pjt is deploying a clever tactic to let wendy fall on her face as a branch chief so he has enough stuff to use to fire her
04:56.56 prasad heh dunno
04:57.50 Twingy the next couple of months certainly will be interesting
04:58.06 prasad they're trying to pile stuff on me
04:58.34 prasad chip: 'i want to ask you if you have any other tasks that you would like to work on'
04:58.34 Twingy if you get too much, you gotta tell them you're overburdened
04:58.51 prasad me: 'let me ask you this; are there any tasks that havent been assigned?'
04:58.55 prasad chip: 'no'
04:58.58 prasad <end>
04:59.09 Twingy heh
04:59.15 Twingy my answer woulda been 'not muves'
04:59.33 Twingy but I'm just straight forward like that
04:59.47 prasad yes 'justin'
04:59.52 prasad _the_ justin
05:00.16 prasad i was gonna say prasad, java developer of the year
05:00.19 prasad but u know..
05:00.22 prasad =)
05:00.25 Twingy nice
05:01.08 prasad bsg season 2 ep 1 was the shiznitz
05:01.21 Twingy I never really got into it
05:01.24 Twingy I think it's well done
05:01.25 prasad tsk tsk
05:01.29 Twingy but I can't watch tv that long
05:01.38 Twingy no matter how good the show is
05:02.29 prasad man implementing a 2d graph in c is painful
05:03.04 prasad er -2d
05:03.19 prasad a _graph_
05:03.33 Twingy use gnuplot
05:03.55 prasad i meant it as in the compsci defn
05:03.55 Twingy it's painful if you've never done it before
05:04.02 Twingy ah
05:04.12 Twingy matrices
05:04.26 Twingy adjacency matrices
05:04.54 prasad that only allows single parents, no?
05:04.59 prasad parent*
05:05.28 prasad i think linked list per [][] cell would work
05:09.43 Twingy I think I'd need to know more about what the 2d graph is being used for
05:10.05 prasad vectorized line drawing
05:10.26 Twingy just drawing lines?
05:10.30 Twingy using bresenham?
05:10.50 prasad er what about it
05:10.57 prasad rtedge generates a raster img
05:10.59 Twingy the point is to draw 2d lines?
05:11.20 prasad based on a csg scene in brlcad
05:11.27 Twingy heh
05:11.53 Twingy I should implement that as a post-processing filter into mine
05:12.04 Twingy trivial todo
05:12.22 prasad raster maybe trivial
05:12.27 Twingy no, using raytracing
05:12.36 prasad well that's what rtedge does
05:12.46 prasad uses region boundaries and normals
05:12.49 Twingy yah
05:12.57 Twingy curvature tolerances, wee
05:13.19 prasad ive stumbled upon a great excuse to not work on M3
05:14.39 Twingy once you finish integrating into rt you can integrate into adrt :)
05:14.54 prasad profit!
05:15.11 Twingy some isoparametric line drawing has been requested from my interactive tool
05:15.18 Twingy well "wire frame viewing"
05:15.31 Twingy but it's essentially isoparameteric line rasterization
05:15.54 Twingy urf
05:15.59 prasad just use a pixel shader
05:16.07 Twingy I need to hire me some kid to do these web pages
05:16.16 Twingy I hate writing web pages
05:16.29 prasad dont u have an underling
05:16.30 prasad at work
05:16.43 Twingy nope
05:16.49 Twingy this isn't work related though
05:16.53 Twingy I wish it was :)
05:16.59 Twingy that would so kick ass
05:17.09 prasad its a secret wmrd project
05:17.12 prasad done
05:17.24 Twingy maybe after I hit mach-3 and sustaint a +10 second burn it'll be interesting
05:17.44 Twingy most supersonic jets are still under mach-3
05:18.20 prasad firefox
05:18.20 Twingy I need to make the jump to hybrid motors at some point
05:18.29 prasad or maybe the mig25
05:18.35 Twingy these solid ones were a nice stepping stone
05:19.19 Twingy unless I figure out a clever way of packing in longer burn times
05:19.30 prasad u need a logarithmic ramp to max impulse
05:19.32 Twingy I'd like to try rubber and potassium nitrate
05:20.22 prasad 'justin? i don't know anyone named justin'
05:20.48 Twingy I think an old tire would work well
05:21.23 Twingy hrm, I'll have to do a little chemistry to figure out what proportions I'll need
05:22.13 Twingy I've got some liquid plastic I'd like to try
05:22.25 Twingy infact, I'm gonna go whip up a batch
05:22.29 Twingy bbiab
05:22.43 prasad ...
05:48.04 Twingy back
05:48.35 Twingy the reaction wasn't energetic enough to be a candidate, but I need to conduct a test after it's had time to dry
05:49.04 Twingy I suspect the combination of that and enough pressure will result in a sub 50lb burn
06:02.39 Twingy hrm
06:02.43 Twingy only 470 N-s
06:03.40 Twingy > 320 N-s, so still an I-class burn
06:05.22 Twingy 152lb peak
06:09.00 Twingy 2.03 seconds of > 10lb thrust burn time
06:21.02 Twingy I got the thrust graph up now
07:32.38 brlcad hmmm
10:26.04 *** join/#brlcad TheLastSpartan` (
11:20.54 *** join/#brlcad cad455 (
17:48.36 brlcad hmm
17:48.43 brlcad time to get back to business
18:07.25 Twingy gotta goto the bathroom again?
18:08.47 prasad *golfclap*
18:15.35 Twingy the graph is up
18:15.44 Twingy
18:15.50 Twingy going to add the videos now
19:35.59 Twingy video is compression
19:36.04 Twingy compressing
19:36.48 *** join/#brlcad benford (
19:36.53 *** part/#brlcad benford (
19:46.31 prasad photos arent up
19:47.31 Twingy nope
19:47.45 Twingy debating whether to make a thumbnails thing or not
19:48.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ report a summary on make fast too
19:48.34 brlcad 404
19:48.49 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
19:51.28 prasad sean
19:51.48 prasad has 7.4.0 been tested on debian
19:51.49 prasad ?
19:52.00 prasad *compiled
19:54.15 brlcad yeah
19:54.35 brlcad three different ones actually
19:54.45 prasad ./configure -> make : gives me GL errors on ubuntu
19:54.59 brlcad common problem
19:55.10 prasad whats the fix
19:55.13 brlcad you probably don't have the gl dev package installed
19:55.42 brlcad i forget what it's called, something like mesa-gl-dev
19:55.53 brlcad or x11-gl-dev
19:56.19 Twingy 127MB for complete video, doing a burn-only one now
19:56.27 brlcad configure assumes gl availability right now
19:56.44 Twingy 128MB even
19:56.55 prasad xlibmesa-gl-dev is installed
19:57.17 prasad ubuntu uses xorg
19:57.25 prasad is that an issue?
19:58.30 brlcad configure doesn't care
19:58.39 brlcad it just expects the headers to be installed
19:59.15 brlcad and that the headers/libs match up
19:59.38 prasad im saying the libs maybe in another place, since it breaks when building
19:59.47 prasad the gl lib that is
19:59.48 brlcad some systems make a bogus library symlink
19:59.55 brlcad is the error a compile or link error?
20:00.09 Twingy compressing burn-only
20:00.19 prasad gcc -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -fPIC -g -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -fPIC -g -o .libs/fbserv fbserv.o -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/local/lib ../../src/libfb/.libs/ /home/prasad/download/brlcad-7.4.0/src/libbu/.libs/ -lc -lpthread /home/prasad/download/brlcad-7.4.0/src/libpkg/.libs/ /home/prasad/download/brlcad-7.4.0/src/other/libtcl/.libs/ -ldl -lnsl -lz -lm -lX11 -lXi -Wl,--r
20:00.20 prasad path -Wl,/usr/brlcad/lib
20:00.20 prasad ../../src/libfb/.libs/ undefined reference to `glPixelStorei'
20:00.20 prasad ../../src/libfb/.libs/ undefined reference to `glDrawPixels'
20:00.28 brlcad link error
20:01.00 brlcad locate
20:01.07 brlcad or
20:02.37 brlcad should be in /usr/X11R6/lib or /usr/X11R6/lib/GL or somesuch
20:03.00 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: shipped, start off this iterations todo list with a few items. retire and integrate isst for starters.
20:03.02 Twingy k prasad, videos and photos are up
20:03.06 brlcad one of the nvidia driver installs does install broken symlinks
20:05.21 prasad its under /usr/X11R6/lib/nvidia
20:05.40 brlcad wow, that's a new one
20:06.04 prasad lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 2005-06-16 01:48 ->
20:06.05 prasad lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 2005-06-24 00:05 ->
20:06.10 brlcad the install should have made symlinks from /usr/X11R6/lib to that dir
20:06.25 brlcad ls -la*
20:06.55 prasad :. ls -la libGL
20:06.55 prasad libGLU.a libGLw.a
20:07.00 prasad o.O
20:07.09 brlcad busted symlink
20:08.17 brlcad you apparently have the gl utility, but not gl
20:08.48 *** join/#brlcad jrobe1 (
20:08.50 prasad need to make a symlink to the lib in nvidia/ no?
20:09.38 prasad this is whats in the nvidia dir
20:09.40 prasad -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 675582 2005-04-05 12:06 libGL.a.xlibmesa
20:09.40 prasad -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2378006 2005-04-05 12:06 libGLcore.a.xlibmesa
20:09.41 prasad -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 413376 2005-04-05 12:06
20:09.41 prasad lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 2005-06-16 01:48 ->
20:09.42 prasad lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 2005-06-24 00:05 ->
20:09.44 prasad -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 477946 2005-04-05 12:06 libglx.a.xlibmesa
20:10.29 brlcad ultimately you have to have either a file or valid symlink named or libGL.a for ld to find it
20:11.19 brlcad "usually" if everything is set up correctly, those are symlinks in /usr/X11R6/lib to whatever driver libs you installed
20:11.54 brlcad which in this case would be to /usr/X11R6/lib/nvidia/ for example
20:12.29 prasad well made symlink
20:12.36 prasad still cant find it
20:13.02 brlcad of course not, configure was ran before the fix
20:13.27 brlcad where'd you make the symlink?
20:13.43 brlcad which dir
20:13.44 prasad /usr/X11R6/lib
20:13.59 prasad gcc -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -fPIC -g -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -fPIC -g -o .libs/fbserv fbserv.o -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/local/lib ../../src/libfb/.libs/ /home/prasad/download/brlcad-7.4.0/src/libbu/.libs/ -lc -lpthread /home/prasad/download/brlcad-7.4.0/src/libpkg/.libs/ /home/prasad/download/brlcad-7.4.0/src/other/libtcl/.libs/ -ldl -lnsl -lz -lm -lX11 -lXi -Wl,--r
20:14.00 prasad path -Wl,/usr/brlcad/lib
20:14.13 prasad i dont see a -lGL
20:14.15 brlcad so you should get away with: make LDFLAGS="-lGL"
20:14.16 prasad flag
20:14.19 brlcad right
20:14.30 brlcad that's because that comes from the configure check
20:14.33 prasad aight
20:14.46 brlcad configure detected that -lGL didn't work, so the makefiles are wired without it
20:14.58 brlcad you'd have to delete your configure cache and rerun configure for it to add it
20:15.03 prasad k
20:15.48 brlcad configure should dump out one of it's usual "WARNING: your system is misconfigured..."-style messages or simply disable the opengl interface
20:16.56 prasad Twingy, GIMP->resize pls
20:26.32 jrobey you in #rt?
20:26.33 Twingy [gotta go
20:26.41 Twingy be back later tonight
20:38.33 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
20:39.39 brlcad :)
21:03.06 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/pix/ (cube.rt add an initial cube.rt saveview raytrace script, formerly known as the bench/ script but now moved to pix/cube.rt instead
21:05.44 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ ( the script is now moved from 'bench' to 'pix' dir and renamed to cube.rt
21:32.56 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ ( rename to and rewrite it in the process, decoupling it from and improving the tool checks in the process
21:40.18 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ use the more generic path_to_this instead of path_to_run_sh so the var can be consistent across scripts
23:02.53 *** join/#brlcad fenn (
23:14.33 brlcad woot
23:15.10 brlcad can raytrace to file and framebuffer simultaneously
23:17.37 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/main.c: allow rt to output simultaneously to a file and to a framebuffer
23:18.37 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/view.c: allow rt to output simultaneously to a file and to a framebuffer, allowing the -o and -F options to be combined together
23:20.22 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/view_bot_faces.c: knr to ansify funcage
23:22.42 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/viewedge.c: add support for simultaneous -o file and -F framebuffer output to rtedge
23:24.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/viewxray.c: add support for simultaneous -o file and -F framebuffer output to rtxray
23:27.43 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: simultaneous -o and -F options to rt, rtedge, rtxray
23:32.02 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/bench/ completely rewrite so that it basically calls the main script with the X framebuffer option, making sure that only one frame per test is displayed.
23:58.12 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/sh/ bye bye, presume path is set up correctly beforehand for now

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