irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050718

00:40.28 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
02:03.10 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/cmd.c: search path enhancements, search for tclscripts explicitly and search even harder still when running from uninstalled
02:04.16 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/bwish/main.c: search path enhancements, search for tclscripts explicitly and search even harder still when running from uninstalled
02:10.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/brlcad_path.c:
02:10.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: improve the path failure reporting with customized messages for data vs root
02:10.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: searching. fix the 'bug' of adding a trailing slash when there is no right-hand
02:10.07 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: side. if the left-hand side is empty, let that imply a current directory.
02:22.31 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/brlcad_path.c: searched results string is optional
04:04.35 *** join/#brlcad Pimpi (
05:01.46 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libtclcad/tclcadAutoPath.c: add tclcadAutoPath.c which includes a routine for adding the brl-cad tclscripts to the tcl auto_path.
05:03.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/ (tclcad.h add an initial tclcad.h interface file for the tclcad library
05:04.15 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/bu.h: add a check for MAXPATHLEN just to be sure it gets set
05:04.26 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libtclcad/ (tclcadTkSetup.c tclcad.c): rename tclcad.c to tclcadTkSetup.c
05:05.49 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libtclcad/ add tclcadAutoPath.c and tclcadTkSetup.c, remove the renamed tclcad.c
05:06.54 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libtclcad/tkCanvBezier.c: fix header, credit john
05:09.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/bwish/main.c: abstract out the auto_path crappage to libtclcad and make it a tclcad_auto_path call instead.
05:10.00 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/cmd.c: abstract out the auto_path crappage to libtclcad and make it a tclcad_auto_path call instead. fix the other bu_brlcad_data call to specify the tclscripts dir instead of leaving it open-ended.
05:11.49 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/bwish/ add libtclcad to the btclsh deps since it's using tclcad_auto_path now
05:13.25 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/brlcad_path.c: MAXPATHLEN is now in bu.h, no need to abort if searched and where arguments to bu_find_path are NULL, make bu_find_path static like it is supposed to be
07:09.53 *** join/#brlcad learner (
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12:38.10 *** join/#brlcad dpy (
12:38.45 dpy hi guys
12:39.34 dpy one small question: is brlcad similar to commercial tools like solidedge or solidworks ? or is there still a large gap between brlcad and those programs ?
12:39.51 dpy for instance is it possible to make assemblies in brlcad ?
12:47.40 dpy anyone alive here ?
12:47.50 archivist yup
12:48.11 archivist some questions take time here
12:48.27 archivist depends of timezones
13:39.12 brlcad mornin'
13:40.27 brlcad feature-wise brl-cad is indeed quite similar to several other commercial tools, though the interfaces are radically different so it very much depends on how you are comparing the two packages
13:40.55 brlcad it is indeed possible to make assemblies, they are simply combinations in brl-cad
13:41.13 dpy but is it as intuitive
13:41.44 brlcad intuitive if you understand it of course ;)
13:42.03 brlcad it's really hard to compare without having gone through the basic modeling tutorials
13:42.04 dpy what I'm primarily looking for is a simple engineering cad program
13:42.07 dpy for simple models
13:42.12 brlcad the methodologies are generally quite different
13:42.13 dpy legos++ as I like to call it
13:42.28 dpy I don't need so many degrees of freedom
13:42.40 dpy just as long as it is intuitive to use and simple
13:43.23 brlcad brl-cad's user interface is very much command-driven, so discovery of the facilities at your fingertips is about as easy to come by as it is learning that "ls" will give you a listing in unix
13:43.54 dpy hmm ok
13:43.57 brlcad for something like legos-style modeling, brl-cad is pretty well suited
13:44.03 dpy I like drag drog point and click more
13:44.07 brlcad those are very well defined machinable shapes
13:44.08 dpy that would about answer my question
13:44.13 dpy drog=drop
13:44.22 brlcad brl-cad is the only 3d open source solid modeler
13:44.34 dpy hmm
13:44.39 brlcad your next best bet might be qcad, which is akin to a drafting app
13:45.00 brlcad or that actual "legos" modeler
13:45.11 dpy well I want to model and then load the models into my own opengl app
13:45.25 dpy legos are too limited
13:45.30 dpy that's why I call it legos++
13:45.33 brlcad just going with your example :)
13:45.52 dpy more complex than legos but simpler than endless combinations of units etc..
13:46.03 brlcad I'd really suggest just going through maybe one exercise in the mged tutorial to get a feel
13:46.36 brlcad
13:47.17 brlcad brl-cad has a variety of programmatic interfaces as well, so embedding or linking with other apps is generally quite easy
13:47.54 brlcad in fact at least a dozen other codes directly do just that
13:48.21 dpy hmm
13:48.24 dpy will look into it
13:48.55 brlcad not to mention easy access to the devs here if you run into any problems ;)
13:49.12 brlcad or the ability to become one of the devs yourself should you want to improve/extend something
13:51.52 brlcad as for combinations/regions/assemblies/parts/etc, the main distinction in brl-cad is that you are only working with shapes until you create a 'region' -- regions are akin to parts in some other packages. you can then continue to combine regions together and create assemblies. There is, however, only one region on a given path in the csg hierarchy
14:54.33 *** join/#brlcad Captain (
14:55.18 brlcad Hello Captain my Captain
15:03.51 Captain hello brlcad
15:04.10 Captain just lurking for a bit while i check out the tutorial :-)
15:05.09 brlcad not a problem
15:05.35 brlcad feel free to ask any questions, complain, suggest, etc ;)
15:07.02 brlcad it's worth pointing out the BRL-CAD consists of much more than just MGED, there are actually over 400 tools including geometry converters, various raytracers, a nice path-tracer, data manipulators, framebuffer tools, image converters and more
15:08.02 brlcad mged is, however, the long-standing solid modeler interface for now (with two new ones in development, but they're long-term from production use)
15:10.25 archivist names? in the source tree?
15:11.30 brlcad archer will probably the next generation replacement for mged
15:12.40 brlcad it's not in the source tree yet, but it is already being distributed as part of the AJEM software suite (a multi military service standard which BRL-CAD is a part of)
15:13.30 brlcad that tool is effectively mged with a newly written and more user-friendly, user interface
15:13.41 Captain cool, appears like a great package
15:14.24 Captain is there a timetable for importation into the source tree?
15:15.30 brlcad it's still several months out at best since it will require a lot of cross-platform integration testing
15:16.35 brlcad the full windows port release is taking precedence for the next month or so from the dev primarily familiar with archer
15:17.21 brlcad and archer itself is only tested on windows to date (though written in Tk, so it should "just work".. or be close to just working)
15:18.07 brlcad archer actually uses mged at it's core, but running in an embedded object mode of sorts
15:21.06 Captain i suppose that's the beauty of scripting interfaces
15:31.48 Captain so, is there a built in version control system?
15:40.28 brlcad if you mean is there an in-house version of brl-cad too, no there's not
15:41.37 brlcad there are, however, a couple codes remaining that just haven't beed added to cvs yet
15:42.05 Captain i meant more from the model point of view
15:42.19 brlcad archer has the added complication that it's been primarily developed externally by Survice Engineering (one of our close-partner dev groups)
15:42.20 Captain basically CVS for your drawings
15:42.31 brlcad ahhhhh
15:42.42 brlcad ~fishslap brlcad
15:42.42 ibot ACTION slaps brlcad up side the head with a wet fish.
15:43.06 brlcad no, not yet -- though versioning has been discussed on many an occasion for the .g file format
16:00.02 Captain the .g file format is binary, correct?
16:00.16 brlcad yes
16:00.28 Captain ok, thanks!!
16:00.30 brlcad there is an accompanying .asc file format that's ascii
16:01.19 brlcad but those are pretty much for historic use -- the .g's should be used for any new application development
16:02.03 Captain ok, cool
16:52.20 *** join/#brlcad learner (~brlcad@brlcad.bronze.supporter.pdpc) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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17:34.38 *** join/#brlcad TheLastSpartan (
19:07.09 fenn ~fishslap
19:07.45 fenn what's the deal with holding back archer until it has been thoroughly tested?
19:07.52 fenn you will find bugs eventually anyway
19:08.25 fenn holding it back just slows down the discovery of bugs
19:10.17 archivist hear hear
19:14.17 *** part/#brlcad tarzeau (
19:26.58 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
19:28.13 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/gtools/g_qa.1: Man page for g_qa
20:53.43 brlcad ~fishslap fenn
20:53.43 ibot ACTION slaps fenn up side the head with a wet fish.
20:54.03 brlcad fenn: it's partially a delivery issue -- it's not in my hands yet
20:55.08 brlcad brl-cad also has a fairly solid policy on not breaking the build arbitrarily, so to integrate it into the build system requires at least some level of effort (which has yet to happen)
20:55.28 fenn don't you have a testing branch of some sort?
20:55.44 brlcad one could be created, and actually has been planned for it
20:55.55 brlcad but then, like i said.. it's not even in my hands yet
20:56.36 fenn i like the kernel strategy of alternating development/testing releases
20:57.02 brlcad we already do something similar, although our testing "releases" only live in cvs
20:57.11 fenn ah right
20:57.13 brlcad and regardless, testing doesn't necessarily mean build failure
20:58.27 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (24 files in 5 dirs): IVAT is now ISST (Interactive Shot Selection Tool).
20:58.45 brlcad like that one there :)
20:59.30 fenn heh
20:59.50 fenn looks like you have a mess on your hands
20:59.51 brlcad that's a pretty cool tool
21:00.18 fenn lots of stuff in one package
21:00.36 brlcad Twingy's been busy making it a nice high-performance visualization tool
21:00.52 fenn this is a ballistics simulation tool right?
21:00.53 brlcad aside from just simply implementing the whole damn thing too ;)
21:01.25 brlcad it's a visualization tool -- visualize a "shotline" of a ray .. see what's along a ray's path
21:01.39 brlcad spin large complex models around in relatively real-time
21:03.25 brlcad fenn: yeah, lots of stuff -- though most of the tools are small contained-function tools in-line with the "unix philosophy"
21:03.47 brlcad and most all are somehow related to the various aspects of solid modeling
21:04.21 fenn ah usually thats referred to as 'raycasting"
21:05.36 brlcad depends on your audience, there is a hint of ballistics in the "shotline" terminology, that's what's mainly used
21:09.56 brlcad the larger more general benefit of that tool is the visualization of very complex models (millions of triangles or more) in real-time
21:10.34 brlcad slice the geometry with various cutting planes, see what's inside
21:21.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/librender/ (plane.c spall.c): plane view and spall view now use partial component color to better visualize internals.
21:26.57 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (README doc/rise.txt): updated README for ISST
21:36.32 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/gtools/ don't forget to modify the when adding files. add the missing g_qa.1 manpage
21:59.39 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/librender/ (plane.c spall.c): Faded coloring a bit more.
22:13.51 brlcad Twingy:
22:39.06 polyspin ?
22:41.15 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/gtools/ (g_qa.1 g_qa.c): Just a checkpoint. added support for minimum rays required per region.
23:38.16 prasad sean

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