irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050722

01:17.51 *** join/#brlcad Twingy2 (
01:19.28 Twingy2 you all done moving?
01:52.58 brlcad boxed up everything and cleaned up upstairs
01:53.25 brlcad going to try some stuff out mañana
01:53.58 brlcad like ask what's her name about the tables, try without the 2'er on the end, etc
02:04.12 Twingy2 ah
02:04.45 Twingy2 you in tommorrow?
02:08.03 brlcad yep
02:37.17 Twingy2 judy
02:37.43 Twingy bring the plasma ball in
04:05.53 brlcad
04:06.00 Twingy hrm
04:06.06 Twingy 1 week till siggraph
04:06.15 Twingy and the friggin cluster hasn't been ordered yet
04:06.22 Twingy god damn I hate procurement, those people are next to worthless
04:07.00 Twingy heh, 3 apple minis
04:07.26 brlcad yep
04:07.28 Twingy doesn't look like we'll have a cluster for siggraph
04:07.30 Twingy :(
04:07.41 Twingy I think I will bring my 8 port switch
04:07.47 brlcad
04:07.47 Twingy and use our 3 laptops or something if I have time to port
04:08.35 Twingy if I had $50k and a year I could build a bot to finish the darpa track
04:09.24 Twingy I might just do it when I move into my next house and I have a workshop big enough
04:36.33 Twingy hrm
04:36.41 Twingy I might wanna get a low-end ibook replacement
04:36.52 Twingy the 12" w/ 768MB is tempting
04:37.18 brlcad the ibooks are supposed to get a revamp this month or next, widescreen
04:37.48 Twingy ah, well I like the small ones
04:37.58 Twingy as little tty's
04:38.14 Twingy I think I might wanna get that as my replacement and stay on the cheap side
04:38.45 Twingy $1224
04:38.55 Twingy meets my needs
04:39.30 Twingy I don't think the 1.25GB vs 768MB does me anything
04:39.52 Twingy nor does the 80GB do me any more than the 60GB
04:40.26 Twingy I'm looking into how I can strap gigabit onto these
04:40.32 Twingy I'm wondering if I can get something for firewire
04:42.30 Twingy I don't think I care if it's gigabit
04:42.41 Twingy I don't plan on munching anything huge on it
04:44.02 Twingy hrm?
04:45.40 Twingy ah
04:45.46 Twingy anywho
04:47.32 Twingy can we only choose from apple and dell?
04:50.47 Twingy ah
04:50.50 Twingy I think I know what I want
04:54.03 brlcad not so much choosing as it is wishing
04:54.51 brlcad no, not limited to them -- just have to justify
04:55.53 Twingy k
04:55.56 Twingy here's what I think I want
04:56.04 Twingy
04:56.22 Twingy 9 hour battery life
05:00.01 Twingy anywho
05:00.14 Twingy I think I'm off to bed
05:00.22 Twingy I want to see if I can get that laptop
05:00.39 Twingy I don't think anyone comes close to that battery life
06:38.31 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
14:39.44 *** join/#brlcad Twingy2 (
21:00.11 *** join/#brlcad tarzeau (
21:00.16 tarzeau !seen clock
21:00.17 TheLastSpartan tarzeau: I have not seen clock.
21:00.22 tarzeau !seen clock
21:00.23 TheLastSpartan tarzeau: I have not seen clock.
21:00.27 tarzeau !seen clock-
21:00.28 TheLastSpartan tarzeau: clock- was last seen here 3 weeks, 2 days, 5 hours, 23 minutes, and 11 seconds ago saying: <clock-> brlcad: also it has to be flipped upside down
22:08.39 *** join/#brlcad phcoder (
23:56.47 *** join/#brlcad prasad (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.