irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050723

00:10.57 brlcad it's a prasad
00:18.16 prasad yo what up g
00:18.56 brlcad sup to da homie
00:28.30 prasad man this natasha bedingfield song is catchy
00:29.45 brlcad you just think she's hot
00:30.14 prasad ive got a thing for brit chics
00:30.55 brlcad ive got a thing for hot chics
00:33.31 prasad rofl $9 for 10 remixes of the same song
00:55.13 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
00:58.57 prasad brlcad, stl::map uses a red-black tree
00:59.20 brlcad what's the order guarantee?
00:59.38 brlcad sgi's site is great for all things stl
00:59.43 brlcad
00:59.48 prasad should be nlogn; lemme check
01:00.20 brlcad there's a hash multimap too
01:00.50 prasad heh
01:00.55 prasad map is O(lgn)
01:01.01 brlcad you could also have a data management problem
01:01.10 brlcad where it's creating a copy on every add
01:01.36 prasad they're bytes
01:01.51 prasad well the int is 4b
01:01.58 prasad char is b
01:03.13 prasad not finding anything that says otherwise
01:03.44 brlcad it can't be logn on the worst case, not possible
01:04.37 prasad dont see why not
01:04.43 prasad its a full binary trie
01:04.50 brlcad unless the spec required a red/black, which I don't ever recall reading
01:04.56 prasad tree*
01:05.35 prasad <PROTECTED>
01:06.33 prasad i can't see how O(2log2n) could contribute that much to runtime; unless its implementation borks the pipe
01:06.37 prasad line*
01:07.22 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak_ (
01:07.48 brlcad i can't either, but there are still other costs associated with going through the stl container
01:07.55 brlcad like the iterator func
01:09.02 prasad im not using an iterator
01:09.27 prasad unless u mean it uses one internally
01:09.49 brlcad it uses one internally
01:10.08 brlcad you can access it and call it yourself, override it, etc
01:10.49 brlcad that sgi url -- it's the compare function basically
01:11.42 brlcad get's called to interpret equality, set to templatized "<" operator by default
01:22.08 Twingy urf
01:40.59 prasad can either of u ssh into my box?
01:41.04 prasad (work)
01:51.01 brlcad hrmph, no i can't for some reason
02:18.59 Twingy I'm debugging
02:19.22 Twingy muhahaha
02:53.34 Twingy fuzzy noodles
02:53.36 Twingy mmmm
02:53.47 fuzzy fuzzy navels too
03:07.23 prasad blah i should have picked siggraph over j1
03:39.53 *** join/#brlcad jano (
03:39.59 jano where'd he go
03:43.21 phcoder jano!
03:43.28 phcoder funky punk
03:45.48 phcoder prasad, what are you working on?
03:46.04 jano all we need is fsckbunny fred
03:46.11 phcoder haha
03:46.13 phcoder :-)
03:46.18 jano \o/
03:47.34 phcoder no bagging on j1, prasad - you are developer of the year...
03:50.03 phcoder fuzzy fuzzy bunny
04:01.23 prasad eeeeevil
04:01.52 prasad u missed a pretty good bsg ep
08:33.59 *** part/#brlcad tarzeau (
13:31.43 *** part/#brlcad jano (
15:53.28 *** join/#brlcad dmw (
22:24.21 *** join/#brlcad phcoder (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.