irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050812

00:49.28 silvap_ justin
00:49.29 silvap_ u there?
01:00.20 Twingy yah
02:59.29 heina justin. ola
02:59.56 Twingy hi
02:59.57 heina i met u at SIGGRAPH. after the rtrt day.
03:00.02 Twingy ah, ok
03:00.06 heina remember now.
03:00.08 heina kewl
03:00.18 Twingy you were talking to gordon with me?
03:00.47 heina nodnod
03:00.52 heina you mentioned 700 lines of code.
03:00.56 Twingy yep
03:00.57 heina poking around, i assume you mean in the rt dir
03:01.01 Twingy nope
03:01.06 heina whereat?
03:01.09 Twingy that's brl-cad's raytracer
03:01.15 Twingy brlcad/src/adrt/libtie/tie.c
03:01.31 Twingy that's the source for the engine
03:01.33 heina ah!
03:01.37 heina ok. wouldn't have found that.
03:02.10 Twingy we were poking at the assembly output of the engine today
03:02.20 Twingy I'm starting on some of the SSE intrinsics next week
03:02.41 heina so what's in the tie engine exactly?
03:02.46 Twingy look at the header
03:03.09 Twingy and the top of tie.c
03:03.17 Twingy tie.c has doxygen documentation
03:03.28 heina ah
03:03.36 heina i have ctags anyway.
03:04.25 heina so that's what you're using mostly to "throw together" some rt'ing?
03:04.27 Twingy in its current state you'll get about 250k - 400k rays on 250k triangles on a 3ghz p4
03:04.40 Twingy it's the backend to the two applications, "RISE" and "ISST"
03:04.50 Twingy ISST is the interactive application, RISE is for producing realistic images
03:05.09 Twingy like this
03:05.15 Twingy
03:05.26 heina so, basically it's the non-shader part of the rt, which does the kd-tree and ray calculations on arbitrary meshes.
03:05.35 Twingy right
03:05.47 Twingy one source file and 2 headers
03:05.52 heina love it
03:05.53 heina ;)
03:06.07 Twingy turn-key
03:06.10 heina btw, i picked up that physically based rendering book that they recommended. haven't gotten too into it, but it's a definite great book
03:06.16 heina ooh...pretty pictures there.
03:06.20 heina how're you shading that?
03:06.24 Twingy path tracing
03:06.26 Twingy 8 trillion rays
03:06.36 heina lol. ah, that's the non-interactive one.
03:07.04 Twingy right
03:07.15 Twingy that's with depth of field
03:07.21 heina was just noticing that.
03:07.54 heina the ambient occlusion looks so good on rt images. (global illumination)
03:08.02 Twingy once I implement energy redistributed path tracing it'll take 1/10th the rays
03:08.20 Twingy yah, AO is not bad, but it's still a dirty hack imho :)
03:08.25 heina nice. what's the overhead on that.
03:08.27 heina AO rocks!
03:08.28 Twingy for interactive stuff it's the way to go
03:08.29 heina :) for offline
03:08.34 heina doing bent normals as well.
03:08.42 Twingy AO or instant radiosity
03:08.44 heina going to play around with switching it all over to PRT though
03:08.52 heina heh
03:09.00 Twingy there is a lib there called libtienet
03:09.06 Twingy so if you want to distribute you code with tie
03:09.10 Twingy you can use libtienet as well
03:09.12 heina we've got a mental ray plugin that generates AO/BN and bakes it to textures.
03:09.29 heina doh. i see it's copyright army.
03:09.39 Twingy GPL
03:09.41 heina is it GPL?
03:09.46 heina great
03:09.53 Twingy LGPL actually
03:09.59 Twingy <PROTECTED>
03:09.59 Twingy <PROTECTED>
03:09.59 Twingy <PROTECTED>
03:10.08 heina i can't imagine i'd distribute it for anything, but definitely for offline tools and such.
03:10.14 heina nodnod <-- knows LGPL and GPL
03:10.29 Twingy welp, it'd be nice to see people other than us using it
03:10.34 Twingy then I can get some feedback for improvements and whatnot
03:10.37 heina ok kewl. i'm glad i caught you on here, cuz i was poking around in the rt directory and it didn't look right.
03:10.45 Twingy yah, that's all CSG stuff
03:10.48 heina what i would use it for is the following...
03:10.51 Twingy ~25k - 30k rays/sec
03:11.09 heina ...i'd use it for generating AO/BN or PRT information in plugins to DCC tools (like maya)
03:11.23 heina i might also play around with a rt on the Cell, but you didn't hear that from me. hehe
03:11.46 Twingy PRT is photon mapping?
03:11.52 silvap_ cell..?
03:11.55 heina the rt is ~25-30k cuz of CSG? the tie is doing more like 400k/sec?
03:12.02 Twingy right
03:12.05 heina cell - new IBM processor in the PlayStation 3.
03:12.07 Twingy TIE is over an order of magnitude faster
03:12.27 Twingy librt was written by Mike Muuss, the guy that invented "ping"
03:12.31 heina PRT --> pre-computed radiance transfer for relighting and getting low-frequency lighting (soft shadows, AO, BN) at interactive rates
03:12.32 silvap_ thought so :P
03:12.36 heina ping!
03:12.42 heina rock on. (old network programmer here )
03:12.49 Twingy it was the first real-time raytracer
03:12.49 silvap_ are u on the ps3 dev team?
03:12.57 Twingy ~1995
03:13.09 heina no, i'm with a 3rd party developer
03:13.20 heina there was a guy...Pat....H-something who was at SIGGRAPH who is.
03:13.22 silvap_ game dev?
03:13.29 Twingy well, hopefully that number will jump from ~400k to ~800k over the next month
03:13.33 heina Take Two/Visual Concepts
03:13.36 Twingy Pat Hanrahan?
03:13.40 heina yes
03:13.41 silvap_ whoa cool
03:13.45 heina damn, that's SSE for ya
03:13.49 heina grin, thx
03:14.12 Twingy if I can get the MLRTA in I should be around 1.6 mil or so
03:14.22 heina my last game was for THQ/Pandemic studios....if you guys are military, you might know it. Full Spectrum Warrior. i did all the networking for that game
03:14.29 heina MLRTA?
03:14.35 silvap_ lol sweet
03:14.39 Twingy multi level ray tracing algorithm
03:14.49 heina didn't catch that one
03:14.57 heina fuck. 1.6 million tris/sec.
03:15.06 Twingy it's a frustum culling method
03:15.16 Twingy primarily for optical rendering
03:15.21 silvap_ so whats up with the interest in rt? trying to get real time ray tracing on the ps3?
03:15.31 heina grin
03:15.31 Twingy we do alot of ballistic analysis that involves firing rays all the way through geometry building a hitlist
03:15.44 heina oh sweet. that's kewl stuff.
03:15.50 Twingy as far as I know this is the fastest open-source ray-tracing engine
03:15.55 Twingy the faster ones are all closed source
03:16.00 heina damn. go army
03:16.01 heina :)
03:16.09 Twingy so, hopefully I'll begin closing the gap
03:16.16 heina silvap_, we are currently using RT for generating information offline.
03:16.38 heina silvap_, we can't do RT cuz it looks like crap, but probably you'll see some demos soon. next-gen (5 years from now) we might.
03:16.55 heina nice. how much with the MLRTA complicate the code?
03:16.59 silvap_ nice
03:17.04 Twingy saarland is doing some work with cell processors and rt
03:17.08 Twingy quite a bit
03:17.11 silvap_ oh, didnt know
03:17.15 heina yeah, that's big news
03:17.17 Twingy the frustum culling stuff complicates things
03:17.28 silvap_ how's development on the ps3?
03:17.29 heina if they get that FPGA implementation onto an ASIC or if Nvidia or ATI pick that up...then we'll have vun
03:17.36 silvap_ i assume u guys already have a reference platform?
03:17.37 Twingy the engine code itself is too cryptic to understand without the comments as it is
03:17.44 heina lol
03:17.48 Twingy I asked them how their asic progress was coming
03:17.49 heina that sucks. make it longer and clearer.
03:17.52 heina yeah?
03:17.56 heina i hope they get traction on that.
03:17.59 Twingy I bought an fpga for testing some rt code at work, but haven't had time yet
03:18.03 heina silvap_, it's interesting. still very early.
03:18.09 Twingy I think they should shove their transistors into an nvidia card
03:18.11 heina haha
03:18.22 heina you bought an FPGA. nice
03:18.35 silvap_ what's the bottom line? 2 baziilion flops hype is true? =)
03:18.37 heina yeah, i agree with that. there's a fair bit of shared approach, but it's really the memory bus that is key
03:18.45 heina silvap_, not supposed to say.
03:18.50 silvap_ ohh
03:18.56 heina silvap_, let's just say hype is hype.
03:19.10 Twingy heina, I think all you need is about a dozen lines of code to actually write a test app with the engine stand-alone
03:19.31 Twingy just remember to use all the optimizations
03:19.34 heina there are some awesome things you can do with the Cell you can't do on other proc's just cuz it is so setup for massive SSE stuff, but it's weak in other areas. extremely complicated to code for, but we'll get it figured out
03:19.42 Twingy not just -O3
03:19.57 heina Twingy, you should put together a "hello world" style rt app. something that renders a triangle.
03:20.04 Twingy I am, tommorrow morning
03:20.12 heina send me that.
03:20.15 heina you have my email?
03:20.20 Twingy nope
03:20.25 Twingy send me a msg,
03:21.03 heina sent
03:21.07 Twingy k
03:21.21 Twingy I'll be interested to see how my engine would fair on a cell processor with such limited cache
03:21.28 silvap_ ps4 with 48 cells
03:21.30 heina sweet. ok, i gotta get back to this shadow code. doing shadow map implementation
03:21.37 Twingy okie
03:21.38 silvap_ justin, 60 fps for stryker
03:21.45 heina when i get a cell under my desk, i'll set it up and let you know
03:21.55 Twingy hehe, k
03:21.57 heina i want to play around with some rt stuff on there.
03:22.05 Twingy all we got is 2,308 cpu opteron cluster
03:22.14 silvap_ lies
03:22.17 Twingy err 2,380 rather
03:22.20 heina the trick is the SPU cache is only 200k, so going to either need tiny models instanced, or a streaming solution.
03:22.23 heina fuck
03:22.33 Twingy 6GB per node
03:22.50 heina heh. so what do you need an optimized RT for again?
03:22.51 heina :)
03:23.00 Twingy beats me :)
03:23.01 silvap_ he's anal like that
03:23.17 Twingy those machines are batch queue'd
03:23.25 Twingy so getting interactive time on them is not really possible
03:23.25 heina ah
03:23.30 heina good point.
03:23.32 silvap_ im telling u man; lock everyone out
03:23.35 Twingy for RISE it would be nice
03:23.45 Twingy path tracing a few hundred trillion rays
03:23.46 heina you could tile render like crazy to that
03:23.56 Twingy the network i/o would kill you
03:24.01 Twingy it's myrinet
03:24.02 heina 8 pixels to each cpu
03:24.08 Twingy so I'd have to use MPI to get any benefit
03:24.19 Twingy unless you used the myrinet it would not be worth it
03:24.28 heina push all the geometry out. all you're pushing is camera matrix and getting pixel colors back.
03:24.41 Twingy correct, but like I said, the latency is what kills you
03:24.45 heina nodnod
03:24.49 heina well, the Cell is kinda like that
03:24.57 heina you do all the work out on the SPU's but it's got a wicked fast bus
03:25.05 heina the bus can write directly to the VRAM
03:25.08 heina rather, the SPU's
03:25.09 Twingy shoulda gone to siggraph prasad
03:25.20 heina omg SIGGRAPH ftw
03:25.54 *** join/#brlcad starseeker (
03:25.57 heina if you get the proceedings on dvd, check out the PRT half-day. from monday. you'll find that really interesting. all kinds of kewl linear algebra. lotsa Spherical Harmonics and such. kewl.
03:26.00 heina nice
03:26.06 Twingy k
03:26.15 Twingy how'd that sketch go?
03:26.25 heina k. back to work. gonna idle on here. be around.
03:26.34 Twingy okie, I'm usually on here during work day
03:26.40 heina kewl. c u round
03:27.13 starseeker is this the channel for the BRL computer aided design package?
03:27.27 Twingy yes it is
03:27.32 starseeker Cool
03:27.41 Twingy we've been discovered, flee!
03:27.45 starseeker gonna take a run at 7.4.0 on Gentoo
03:27.49 Twingy k
03:28.00 Twingy probly take you 15 - 30 mins to compile
03:28.10 silvap_ stop torturing me with siggraph!
03:28.20 Twingy :)
03:28.22 silvap_ i was a fool!
03:28.31 Twingy next year prasad, boston
03:28.40 silvap_ yay
03:28.45 silvap_ no jet lag
03:28.49 Twingy you could even... ride your bike
03:28.49 starseeker Twingy: my main concern is avoiding library name conflicts - last time I did this I hosed my system but good
03:29.03 Twingy well set your configure prefix to something like
03:29.10 Twingy /home/username/local
03:29.24 Twingy configure --enable-optimized --prefix=/home/username/local
03:29.28 Twingy then add ~/local/bin to your path
03:29.44 Twingy then you're set
03:29.44 starseeker Twingy: That would work for a local install, but I'm trying to create/debug a gentoo ebuild
03:29.50 Twingy ah, k
03:29.57 Twingy then maybe put in /usr/local/brlcad
03:30.00 silvap_ Twingy, u have a gcc x87 instr reference handy?
03:30.06 silvap_ online
03:30.07 Twingy silva, negative
03:30.22 silvap_ how am i going to trace this code then..
03:30.30 Twingy wield the mighty google
03:30.35 silvap_ negative
03:31.34 Twingy
03:32.43 Twingy I should put that onto my objectives for next year
03:33.04 silvap_ who has hot friends
03:33.29 Twingy me
03:33.30 Twingy :)
03:34.08 silvap_ who has hot female friends
03:34.31 silvap_ look, there are plenty of x87 references online
03:34.37 silvap_ none with gcc specific stuff
03:34.42 silvap_ ie: flds
03:35.24 Twingy
03:35.28 starseeker Out of curosity, has anybody here ever successfully figured out SALOME?
03:35.41 Twingy
03:37.09 starseeker
03:37.47 silvap_ and who dumped his gf for a ray tracer?
03:37.49 silvap_ huh? HUH?
03:37.51 silvap_ =)
03:38.20 Twingy is that a FEM engine?
03:38.54 Twingy hrm, dad is buying sushi tommorrow
03:39.01 starseeker It seems to be for numerical simulation on models, but I've never run it to see
03:39.06 Twingy ah
03:39.08 Twingy looks interesting
03:39.08 starseeker dependency list is a killer
03:39.39 starseeker Seems to use open cascade, that's why I'm curious
03:40.04 starseeker might be worth an ebuild (or 10) if it's powerful enough to be useful - Linux is a tad short on CAD options at the moment :-(
03:43.07 starseeker building... building...
03:43.42 Twingy got 2 cpus?
03:43.44 Twingy or HT?
03:43.59 starseeker Nah, just one - an old AMD AthlonXP
03:44.03 Twingy k
03:51.31 silvap_ justin
03:51.39 Twingy you rang?
03:51.46 silvap_ are u doing the sse in asm or using the c funcs/macros
03:51.49 silvap_ whatever they are
03:51.53 Twingy SSE intrinsincs
03:52.02 Twingy google for that, check out the MSDN site
03:52.08 Twingy 70 instructions
03:53.26 silvap_ well they are exposed through functions, no?
03:53.37 Twingy they're... intrinsics
03:53.59 Twingy the compiler treats them in a special way
03:54.05 silvap_ u and ur buzzwords
03:55.23 Twingy buzzzzzz
03:55.28 Twingy werds
03:56.19 starseeker Curosity question - could the java parts of brlcad conceivably work with gcj, or do they need sun/something else mature?
03:57.10 Twingy no clue, I'm a java troglodyte
03:57.17 silvap_ so am i
03:57.24 Twingy I took a 4 month course on it, but purged it from my head
03:57.29 Twingy apparently I got an A in it
03:57.38 silvap_ smart man
03:58.02 Twingy hrm, these bananas are a tad green
03:58.05 silvap_ ive lost my roots since m3
03:58.14 Twingy I think erik has too
03:58.25 starseeker ah, libbu one of many sources of name troubles :-).
03:58.28 Twingy feels good to dive into some assembly no?
03:58.42 Twingy starseeker, you really wanna talk to sean
03:58.46 Twingy he'll be on tommorrow
03:58.50 starseeker Cool.
03:59.09 starseeker He may remember me - I'm the one who was on here a long while back mucking with Gentoo
03:59.16 Twingy k
03:59.39 starseeker I don't know cad worth squat, but I figure doing my part to bring BRLCAD to a larger audience is the least I can do...
04:00.41 starseeker Twingy: Are you a core coder for BRL-CAD?
04:01.03 Twingy erm, define brl-cad :)
04:01.14 Twingy I know very little about brl-cad, I implemented photon mapping into it, but that's it
04:01.17 starseeker The huge thingy I just downloaded ;-)
04:01.19 silvap_ me like assembly
04:01.21 Twingy well
04:01.30 Twingy I also did the high performance ray-tracer in "adrt" under src/
04:01.37 Twingy but it's not exactly "part" of brl-cad
04:01.42 Twingy it's just sitting there for open source reasons
04:01.47 starseeker :-)
04:01.57 silvap_ starseeker, the core coder is stuck on a train somewhere in the midwest at this very moment
04:02.03 Twingy yah
04:02.05 Twingy so if it explodes
04:02.07 Twingy we're all doomed
04:02.09 starseeker Ooo, that's not fun
04:02.27 silvap_ seriously, where is sean?
04:03.50 Twingy hiding under my bed
04:04.01 Twingy don't tell lee
04:04.03 silvap_ from tranese?
04:04.09 silvap_ she's in a bad mood
04:04.14 Twingy from darth vadress
04:04.17 silvap_ thanks to mister owens
04:04.23 Twingy ah
04:04.25 Twingy well
04:04.30 Twingy stir up the bee hive and bad shit happens
04:05.20 silvap_ stirring up hives don't usually end up with the queen leaving
04:05.27 Twingy heh
04:05.36 Twingy they do when you do her sister
04:05.38 Twingy err
04:05.40 Twingy :)
04:05.48 Twingy wrong topic
04:06.44 Twingy I think nasa should send a few monkey's to mars
04:07.05 Twingy rig up some electrodes to their head with some 'ai' software to build a colony
04:07.59 Twingy silvap_, you ever listen to XRM radio?
04:08.36 silvap_ no
04:08.49 Twingy try it sometime,, xrm electronic
04:09.18 Twingy I really need to finish my nose cone for the rocket
04:09.44 Twingy maybe I'll just do something lame and make a linear cone
04:11.53 Twingy we need vulnerability algorithms that use SSE intrinsics
04:13.38 Twingy prasad, check this out
04:14.02 Twingy
04:15.22 starseeker bah, more weirdness
04:15.36 starseeker Too tired to mess with this tonight, I'll probably try tomorrow
04:15.39 starseeker thanks all!
04:15.46 Twingy k
04:15.58 silvap_ did u put in the orders yet?
04:16.09 Twingy yah, but nothings been ordered yet
04:16.13 Twingy why?
04:16.23 silvap_ im supposed to get a mac lappy
04:16.33 Twingy I put you down for a 15" w/ 2GB
04:16.52 silvap_ ok
04:17.04 Twingy or maybe it was a 8"
04:17.07 Twingy I can't remember
04:17.08 Twingy ;)
04:17.13 silvap_ wondering if gettting a sparc10 lappy is more useful
04:17.17 Twingy heh
04:17.25 Twingy why on earth would you want that
04:17.29 silvap_ that's right
04:17.31 silvap_ no more m3
04:18.20 Twingy say hello to m3.5
04:19.47 silvap_ nM
04:20.03 silvap_ nano m*****
04:20.07 Twingy heh
04:20.42 silvap_ did u say u wanted to do the procedural textures?
04:20.47 silvap_ or was that something else
04:21.48 Twingy I have a couple already
04:21.53 Twingy but more are welcome
04:22.01 silvap_ couple what?
04:22.01 Twingy I'd like a sparkle texture
04:22.06 Twingy procedural textures
04:22.11 silvap_ oh
04:22.13 Twingy like glitter/sparkle
04:22.30 Twingy then we could do glitter stryker
04:22.31 silvap_ i meant the material core
04:22.38 Twingy or sparkle stryker
04:22.42 Twingy that's what I mean
04:22.47 Twingy texture/material
04:22.58 Twingy I'm using interchangeably
04:23.02 silvap_ ahso
04:23.19 Twingy hrm
04:23.23 Twingy only $94 to fly out to reno
04:23.33 silvap_ this was in post processing yes?
04:23.42 silvap_ or is this aggregation per interaction
04:23.47 Twingy no
04:23.51 Twingy ray his surface
04:23.56 Twingy surface generates color for surface
04:24.08 Twingy (and/or normal)
04:24.14 Twingy and gets processed by rendering method
04:24.21 Twingy *hits
04:24.53 Twingy what I really need is clouds
04:24.55 Twingy more than anything
04:25.05 Twingy some kickass volumetric cell clouds
04:25.09 silvap_ volumetric
04:25.12 silvap_ jinx
04:25.19 Twingy moo
04:25.31 silvap_ MoooOOoOOoOOoOOOO
04:25.56 Twingy you see that bovine programming language?
04:25.59 silvap_ @.@ Oroooooo!?
04:26.06 silvap_ i believe i did
04:26.15 Twingy I think muves should get written in that
04:27.05 silvap_ u think gcc CFLAGS_SUPER_OPT produces the fastest code possible?
04:27.19 silvap_ or u think i can find some opcodes to prune out
04:27.35 Twingy I think I'm going to come up with a benchmark app tommorrow and you guys can help me test ideas :)
04:27.59 silvap_ 'write the whole thing in assembly'
04:28.01 silvap_ that's my idea
04:28.04 Twingy bad idea :)
04:28.18 silvap_ it's not really that hard
04:28.20 Twingy though the engine it's pretty much defined well enough you could
04:28.38 silvap_ im talkng about _work
04:28.57 Twingy yah
04:29.26 silvap_ send me the asm listing u printed out today thru email
04:29.44 silvap_ i need to.. uh.. substitute a cpl of stack-offsets with variable names
04:29.46 silvap_ for my own sanity
04:30.06 Twingy we can do it tommorrow, I'm heading to bed soon :)
04:30.11 silvap_ same
04:30.16 silvap_ gntie
04:30.18 Twingy I have like elevendy billion things to get done in the next 2 weeks
04:30.19 silvap_ gnite
04:30.22 Twingy later
05:31.57 *** join/#brlcad mahesh (
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14:12.51 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
21:22.46 *** join/#brlcad CIA-5 (
22:29.13 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/libbn/ (29 files): Doxygen changes
22:30.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/libbu/ (50 files): Doxygen changes
22:30.50 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/libfb/ (46 files): Doxygen changes
22:31.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/librt/ (151 files): Doxygen changes
22:41.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/Doxyfile: Doxygen incorporation
22:42.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/gtools/ (g_qa.1 g_qa.c): Fixed paralell bug
23:38.36 Twingy moo

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