irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050813

01:42.12 mahesh in rise, I know it has capabilities to run on multiple machines
01:42.28 Twingy yep
01:42.38 mahesh there, what data is partitioned and given to different machines?
01:42.50 Twingy a frame is broken into tiles
01:43.10 Twingy for 640 480 you might have 8 x 6 tiles
01:43.21 Twingy one of those tiles is sent to an available worker
01:43.26 Twingy and it computes some pixels
01:43.30 Twingy and the result is sent back
01:43.30 mahesh may be a silly question, where does this idea of frames fit into model and objects?
01:43.39 Twingy it doesn't
01:44.10 Twingy a 'frame' a set of pixels you are rendering with a given camera position, focal point, resolution, and perspective
01:44.23 Twingy among other things
01:44.34 mahesh ok
01:45.00 Twingy brlcad requires you to specify that on the command line if that is how you are using rt
01:45.11 Twingy there is no 'file' the camera is stored in
01:45.28 Twingy in ADRT there is a frames.db file that camera and transformation matrices for the objects is stored
01:45.39 mahesh oh ok
01:45.43 Twingy *has
01:45.53 Twingy ADRT is not related to librt at all
01:46.14 mahesh oh, that was the reason for confusion...i get it now
01:46.22 Twingy g-adrt convertor makes up a camera for you when running it
01:46.27 Twingy it's up to you to position it
01:46.39 Twingy or if you use blender
01:46.46 Twingy it'll grab the camera object from there
01:47.20 mahesh is it possible for you to walk me through a rendering now (may be a simple one)?
01:47.30 Twingy using librt or rise?
01:47.34 mahesh rise
01:47.41 Twingy did you facetize an object yet?
01:47.49 mahesh no
01:47.51 Twingy k
01:47.58 Twingy once you've modeled your toy truck or whatever
01:48.14 Twingy if all you want is to do non-photorealistic rendering
01:48.18 Twingy then you are good to go
01:48.28 Twingy otherwise, you will probably want to place it in a box with a ceiling light
01:48.51 Twingy so take your toy truck
01:48.56 Twingy and model a box with 6 walls
01:49.06 Twingy and place a box at the top to be the ceiling light
01:49.28 Twingy that'll give you a way to simulate global illumination
01:49.42 mahesh I am very new to cad and I don't know much these things....
01:49.53 Twingy well, a wall will be an arb8 primitive
01:49.55 Twingy in brlcad
01:50.09 Twingy figure out how big you want the room to be
01:50.15 Twingy say 3m x 3m x 2m
01:50.27 Twingy and model the 6 walls of the room
01:50.36 Twingy then make a 1cm light at the ceiling using another arb8
01:50.43 Twingy 1m x 1m x 1cm
01:50.44 mahesh I have no idea where to start...Is there a tutorial kind of a thing for beginners?
01:50.48 Twingy yes
01:50.51 Twingy I gave you the link last time
01:50.57 mahesh oh ok
01:51.02 mahesh i have it...
01:51.08 Twingy there are lessons that take you all the way up to the point where you can model a toy truck
01:51.18 Twingy I think lesson 19 or something is where you actually model a toy truck
01:51.35 mahesh ok, i will learn that first then
01:53.18 mahesh sorry for troubling you
02:23.33 Twingy no prob :)
03:24.21 *** join/#brlcad AcmeRocketSkates (
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03:46.16 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libtie/ (sim_brlcad.c sim_brlcad.h): un-used source for more than a year.
15:22.22 *** join/#brlcad starseeker (
15:22.55 starseeker Does anybody know if Debian has successfully packaged BRL-CAD?
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