irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050817

01:04.26 *** join/#brlcad polyspin (
01:21.25 polyspin Anyone remember the ThinkGeek USB keys that were ultra-small? Can't find who made them.
01:23.55 Twingy
01:25.38 polyspin thx!
01:48.08 Twingy welp, "technically" I have sse in now :)
02:52.18 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (n=Semhirag@unaffiliated/semhirage)
04:19.39 *** join/#brlcad mahesh (
04:25.48 Twingy hrm
04:26.10 Twingy integrating sse is a turn-key headache
04:37.21 *** join/#brlcad cad728 (
04:38.46 *** join/#brlcad cad728 (
05:18.34 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (n=Semhirag@unaffiliated/semhirage)
05:26.09 *** join/#brlcad mahesh (
05:26.43 silvap_ Twingy, u there?
05:27.07 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (n=Semhirag@unaffiliated/semhirage)
05:28.58 silvap_ sean?
05:39.25 brlcad hey
05:41.20 mahesh hi sean, I had a question regarding librt
05:41.38 brlcad heya mahesh, good to finally catch up with you
05:42.03 mahesh yeah, I was looking for you for a long time
05:42.33 brlcad away at a conference
05:42.51 mahesh yeah...also Twingy told me you were sick
05:43.07 brlcad heh
05:43.25 brlcad I wasn't sick, I was traveling
05:43.37 mahesh oh ok
05:44.41 brlcad so, what's the question?
05:44.54 mahesh I wanted some help on partitioning the data for raytracing
05:44.58 brlcad i saw what you wrote about going forward with librt distributed
05:45.07 mahesh are right
05:45.36 mahesh I was trying to understand the way it is partitioned to run on multiprocessor
05:46.06 mahesh that is rt_prep_parallel -- > rt_cut_it --> bu_parallel. ....
05:46.34 brlcad bu_parallel is the core parallelizer
05:46.58 brlcad runs routines in parallel
05:47.12 brlcad using whatever system facility is required/available
05:47.37 mahesh so what do you should I be doing the data partition?
05:48.10 brlcad rt_prep_parallel initializes the per-cpu resource structures that get read/written to
05:48.56 brlcad well, what's you end goal?
05:49.22 brlcad to understand what it's currently doing or get it using some grid api, or using MPI or something else?
05:49.53 mahesh I want to use grid middleware to speed up the rendering
05:50.02 mahesh the way i am thinking is
05:50.13 mahesh I have a model and objects in it
05:50.35 mahesh If I could split it up and distribute it to different machines with the help of grid middleware
05:50.50 mahesh and collect the results and merge
05:51.13 mahesh it will speed up the process of rendering as a whole
05:51.19 brlcad my initial thought were I doing it would be to rewrite the parallel routines for distributed ones
05:51.37 brlcad i.e. create your own rt_prep_distributed()
05:52.14 mahesh what would that do exactly?
05:52.51 brlcad same for bu_parallel.. write your own bu_distributed()
05:53.37 brlcad prep_distributed would do whatever prep you need.. splitting up the data, any shared resources, etc
05:53.48 mahesh yes, i get it. I was only looking at bu_parallel and rt_prep_parallel to understand how the data is split
05:54.16 mahesh I am finding it hard to understand how exactly the data is split
05:55.18 brlcad what do you mean by splitting the data?
05:55.34 brlcad rt doesn't "split the data"
05:55.47 brlcad other than regular space partitioning
05:55.57 mahesh then how does it speed up the whole process when it is run on multiple processors?
05:56.06 brlcad and processing the data in chunks of pixels at a time
05:56.17 brlcad ahh
05:56.19 brlcad yeah
05:56.54 brlcad raytrace generates the picture, which is a 2D array of independant pixels
05:57.13 brlcad it spreads out the processing of those pixels in groups to multiple processors
05:57.49 brlcad there are lots of means to do that, but simple methods usually involve either scanlines at a time, or postage stamp-sized images, etc
05:58.26 mahesh ok..once the processor gets some pixels, what exactly does it do?
05:58.51 mahesh i mean which function is called (implementation point of view)?
05:58.53 brlcad it performs the ray-traversal on each pixel
05:59.08 brlcad ah, the routine passed to bu_parallel
05:59.20 brlcad which is basically rt_shootray()
06:00.09 mahesh i have that definition right here and should I understand that part of the code?
06:00.24 mahesh it looks just too complicated
06:00.37 brlcad that's the guts to the ray-tracer
06:00.46 brlcad you shouldn't have to need to understand it completely
06:00.52 brlcad since that's what you're distributing
06:01.38 mahesh ok...i get what is the result of ray-traversal (like what output and what format)?
06:01.39 brlcad more specifically, bu_parallel() calls worker()
06:01.59 brlcad worker() ends up doing the work.. which is shooting rays (rt_shootray)
06:02.07 mahesh alright
06:02.53 brlcad so for making it distributed, you'll probably want to either modify bu_parallel() and/or modify worker(), but beyond that the logic of librt should pretty much not need to change
06:04.21 mahesh i think I dont have to take care of those synchronization and threads and stuff because it will be run as single thread on different machines?
06:05.12 brlcad you could not worry about it for starters
06:05.23 mahesh ok
06:05.27 brlcad presume each distributed node is single processor
06:05.37 mahesh i get it
06:05.39 brlcad ultimately, you could do both
06:05.56 brlcad use bu_distributed and have it simply invoke a remove bu_parallel
06:06.02 brlcad s/remove/remote/
06:06.37 mahesh ok
06:09.06 mahesh so, do you say I don't even have to take care of assigning pixels to machines for ray traversal and collect it?
06:09.07 brlcad gotta run out for a little while, but hoepfully that's something to get you started at least looking at the code
06:09.33 mahesh yeah..sure
06:09.39 brlcad that's what worker() does.. you probably will have to do something there
06:09.47 mahesh fine
06:09.49 brlcad not sure
06:10.02 mahesh thats a lot of information for me...thank you very much
06:10.18 brlcad no problem, talk more later
06:10.27 mahesh sure
10:17.26 *** join/#brlcad archivist_ (
19:16.25 *** join/#brlcad archivist_ (

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