irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050818

00:30.57 *** join/#brlcad hippie23 (
00:34.48 hippie23 hello
01:14.10 learner hello
01:20.40 hippie23 hi
01:20.57 hippie23 I just downloaded brl-cad
01:20.57 learner how goes it?
01:21.01 hippie23 ok
01:21.09 learner great
01:21.54 hippie23 I'll brb
01:22.36 hippie23 I gotta change to root user so I can extract the files to the right directory
01:22.57 hippie23 unless you know the command line sequence?
01:23.06 learner you have sudo?
01:23.24 hippie23 im new to linux
01:23.28 learner ahh
01:23.36 learner you've already unpacked the tarfile?
01:23.48 hippie23 no, I havent
01:23.58 learner go ahead and unpack it
01:24.06 learner tar zxvf brlcadwhatever.tar.gz
01:24.30 hippie23 ok
01:24.43 learner you should have a usr directory now?
01:24.50 learner ls usr
01:24.51 hippie23 yes I do
01:25.10 learner let's see if you have sudo (you should)
01:25.13 learner sudo ls
01:25.24 learner should prompt you for your password
01:25.40 learner (yours not root's)
01:26.08 learner it'll just run ls as root
01:26.15 learner to make sure it works
01:26.18 hippie23 oh.. I have a root termanal open
01:26.31 learner that works too
01:26.36 learner you could have also just run 'su'
01:26.37 hippie23 its extracting
01:26.55 hippie23 it just finished
01:27.15 learner where did you extract it to?
01:27.49 hippie23 /usr/brlcad
01:27.56 learner great :)
01:29.16 Twingy hrm
01:29.28 Twingy Whatchyou lookin at foo
01:29.30 learner the next/last step will be to add /usr/brlcad/bin to your PATH
01:36.10 learner hippie23, you got it going yet?
01:38.01 hippie23 no... it installed to the wrong directory... GRRRRRR!!!!
01:38.25 learner you can just move the directory to where it needs to be
01:38.31 learner unpack it anywhere
01:38.41 learner and as root, mv usr/brlcad /usr/.
01:40.14 hippie23 ok... now its where it should be
01:40.52 learner for a quick test: export PATH=/usr/brlcad/bin:$PATH
01:40.53 learner rt
01:41.10 learner if it's all good, rt will output a usage message including version information
01:41.33 learner at which point you could fire up the modeler, mged and get started on the tutorials ;)
01:43.13 hippie23 rt: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.3' not found (required by rt)
01:43.14 hippie23 rt: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.3' not found (required by /usr/brlcad/lib/
01:43.14 hippie23 rt: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.3' not found (required by /usr/brlcad/lib/
01:43.14 hippie23 rt: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.3' not found (required by /usr/brlcad/lib/
01:43.14 hippie23 rt: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.3' not found (required by /usr/brlcad/lib/
01:43.14 hippie23 rt: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.3' not found (required by /usr/brlcad/lib/
01:43.25 hippie23 nice error message
01:43.42 learner hmm
01:43.48 learner what OS is this?
01:43.54 hippie23 rh 7.3
01:44.02 learner OH.. heh
01:44.08 learner yeah, that won't fly
01:44.23 hippie23 CRAP!
01:44.28 learner hope is not lost
01:44.33 learner you can compile it yourself easily enough
01:44.40 learner I can give you the steps if you like
01:44.45 hippie23 ok
01:44.59 learner type these:
01:45.20 learner cvs -d login
01:45.33 learner [ press enter for password, there is no password ]
01:45.41 learner cvs -d checkout -P brlcad
01:45.48 learner do this from your home directory
01:45.56 learner cd brlcad
01:46.09 learner ./
01:46.18 learner ./configure --enable-optimized
01:46.18 hippie23 bash: cvs: command not found
01:46.26 learner ah
01:46.45 Twingy hey sean, ever thought about making optimized the default and non optimized a flag?
01:46.49 learner you'll have to download the latest source tarball then from
01:47.53 learner Twingy, yeah, i have.. :)
01:48.02 Twingy let's do it :)
01:48.16 learner it's not on purpose actually
01:48.25 learner faster more debuggable builds
01:48.28 Twingy I'm still pondering how to fold in the SSE stuff to adrt
01:48.32 Twingy -msse
01:48.39 Twingy whether I want to keep it cross-platform like
01:48.47 Twingy I'm leaning towards yes
01:49.19 Twingy cause like
01:49.23 Twingy altivec will dissapear in 2 years
01:49.48 learner 7 years through maintenance, but only 4 or so for us
01:50.00 Twingy I can support Mac, Linux, FreeBSD, and Windows if I made SSE a requirement
01:51.47 Twingy everyone that's doing high performance ray-tracing these days is doing it on x86, so I might just keep an old version around for support legacy machines like sgi and stuff that may want to use it
01:51.54 learner why not just make alternate sse routines and have it pick at configure-time
01:52.09 Twingy well I was thinking about doing that anyway
01:52.14 Twingy but then I have 2 codebases to maintain
01:52.21 learner or as you put it, make the non-sse the "alternate"
01:52.23 Twingy it's under 1k lines so it's not too terrible
01:52.27 Twingy but still more work
01:52.37 Twingy I'm thinking sine the API is solid
01:52.41 learner exactly, that's not too much to maintain, and the core is less likely to change I'd imagine
01:52.42 Twingy I'll just keep an old legacy version around
01:52.43 hippie23 I hpe brl-cad doesnt run slow
01:52.50 hippie23 my computer is old
01:52.56 Twingy define old?
01:53.29 hippie23 celeron 667, 20GB HDD, 320MB ram, i810 crap video
01:53.31 learner hippie23, depends completely on what you ask it to do -- it's run on very very old/slow machines over the decades
01:53.47 learner ahh, that's not too old :)
01:53.57 Twingy that'll take you ~40 minutes to compile
01:53.58 learner i mean I wouldn't be happy if I were you, but it's not horrible :)
01:54.28 Twingy hrm
01:54.33 Twingy tommorrow I'm gonna put my house up for sale
01:54.40 hippie23 well its all I got, other than an old p133, 486dx4-100, and an 8088
01:54.41 learner 25 if he doesn't optimize the build maybe :)
01:54.54 Twingy he's gonna need every optimization he can get
01:55.06 learner yeah
01:55.08 Twingy are the distros getting installed on the sgi's at work the optimized ones?
01:55.19 learner yes
01:55.22 Twingy cool
01:55.31 learner at least when I make them
01:55.42 learner which is often not the case..
01:55.44 Twingy people like keith trying to do stryker level stuff on a 1GB 200mhz sgi o2 is painful
01:56.04 Twingy those guys need to speak up more
01:56.21 Twingy it's so sad seeing them with 1.4ghz P4's and 200 mhz O2's
01:57.28 hippie23 ima need a new HDD soon
01:57.35 hippie23 this thing is on its way out
01:58.07 Twingy heh
01:58.09 hippie23 just like my monitor blinks out sometimes
01:58.11 Twingy I'm using 11GB at home
01:58.24 Twingy mostly just source code and old projects
01:58.38 Twingy makes it kinda easy not having much digital media to store
01:58.50 learner hippie23, add --disable-runtime-debug to the configure options too when you get to it
01:59.02 learner that'll give you a small performance boost
01:59.51 hippie23 yah.. if my HDD doesnt crack before then
02:00.52 learner there is no such lib to my knowledge
02:00.59 learner ~ww
02:00.59 ibot Thanks for wasting our time yet again by telling us "ww"
02:01.13 hippie23 ww?
02:02.19 hippie23 whats ww?
02:02.27 learner wrong window :)
02:02.31 hippie23 oh
02:03.35 hippie23 do you know how to get a smaller firefox icon, the damn thing is HUGE!
02:05.54 learner heh, can't help you there :)
02:06.08 learner it's probably tiny on a big display ;)
02:06.32 hippie23 im running 1024x768
02:06.51 hippie23 its so big it makes all my other icons look tiny
02:07.08 learner ahh
02:08.11 hippie23 in winblows its the same size as all the other icons, why did they make it so big in linux?
02:10.55 learner probably "because they could"
02:12.51 Twingy all your icon are belong to me
02:28.55 hippie23 hahaha
03:29.51 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
03:42.43 silvap_ ~hoho
03:42.44 ibot Ho Ho! Merry Christmas!
03:42.56 silvap_ ~who is your creator?
03:42.57 ibot silvap_: what are you talking about?
03:43.12 silvap_ cute
03:43.21 learner ~ibot
03:43.21 ibot it has been said that ibot is a blootbot written in perl run by TimRiker on his server. logs on<chan>/ , ibot, jbot, apt are all the same process. It uses sqlite, but mysql or other SQL storage is also supported.
03:43.43 silvap_ ~what is the square root of pi?
03:43.45 ibot I think you lost me on that one, silvap_
03:43.53 silvap_ useless
03:45.01 learner ~pi
03:45.01 ibot somebody said pi was 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067982148086513282306647093844609550582231725359408128481117450284102701938521105559644622948954930381964428810975665933446128475648233786783165271201909145648566923460348610454326648213393607260249141273724587006606315588174881520920962829254091
03:45.15 learner ~2 + 2
03:45.15 ibot extra, extra, read all about it, 2 + 2 is 5 for sufficiently large values of 2
03:45.41 learner :)
04:47.38 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (N=brlcad@pdpc/supporter/silver/brlcad)
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06:06.08 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (N=brlcad@pdpc/supporter/silver/brlcad)
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06:39.21 *** join/#brlcad learner1 (
17:11.17 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
17:46.49 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
20:42.19 *** join/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (n=DiscoBan@
20:47.58 *** part/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (n=DiscoBan@
22:00.47 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (n=Semhirag@unaffiliated/semhirage)

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.