irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050823

00:16.24 PrezKennedy im going to unplug the phone!!!!!
00:34.46 Twingy hrm
01:18.33 *** join/#brlcad learner (
01:18.33 *** mode/#brlcad [+o learner] by ChanServ
02:23.18 silvap justin
02:23.33 silvap did lee solve the problem?
02:23.45 Twingy hrm
02:23.48 Twingy not quite
02:23.55 Twingy he wrote some psuedo code
02:24.10 Twingy we were going to stub out some sse stuff but he got tied up
02:29.31 PrezKennedy and someone forgot to untie him before they left? :-o
02:34.15 Twingy I'm sure he doesn't mind
02:35.51 Twingy I think I'm gonna have to link g-adrt to libtie
02:36.05 silvap mister im-dropping-adrt-for-fem
02:36.12 Twingy heh
02:36.14 Twingy I am
02:36.18 Twingy gracefully
02:36.35 Twingy stryker stuff is not done yet
02:36.40 Twingy so it's still in use
02:36.49 silvap make sure u give me highly optimized c code
02:36.55 Twingy for?
02:37.12 silvap so i can make it a pure optical renderer, convert to x87asm, and beat reshetov
02:37.32 Twingy hehe, you need to implement his frustum culling first
02:37.37 Twingy and that's no small feat
02:37.55 silvap mister shumaker will do that for us
02:37.59 Twingy haha
02:38.03 Twingy maybe ... :)
02:38.14 Twingy I think we should make mike do it
02:38.21 Twingy apparently he's doing 'brlcad' work soon
02:38.25 Twingy according to lee
02:38.26 silvap tegt or mark?
02:38.30 Twingy gillich
02:38.33 silvap lol
02:38.35 Twingy :)
02:38.35 silvap ok...
02:38.43 Twingy what he'll be working on, I haven't a clue
02:38.57 Twingy he's still working on the same stuff before I started
02:39.08 Twingy and he still has nothing that any of the analysts can use yet
02:39.09 silvap ok ur new tasks
02:39.16 silvap get frustrum culling working
02:39.25 Twingy I'd say 3 years is an awfully long time to not have a deliverable
02:39.46 Twingy and he makes a good bit more than I do
02:39.57 Twingy how that works I haven't a clue
02:40.09 Twingy I guess cause he has a masters in computer science
02:40.14 PrezKennedy i know!!
02:40.16 PrezKennedy cuz its gov
02:40.20 Twingy that sure worked out well for the govt :)
02:40.21 silvap he beat me to it
02:40.26 Twingy glad they're getting their money worth ;)
02:40.41 silvap look, when i beat reshetov
02:40.50 silvap new glory for arl
02:40.55 Twingy indeed
02:40.57 silvap thru amd tv ads
02:41.00 Twingy yep
02:41.05 silvap AMD!
02:41.07 Twingy if arl got to present at siggraph we'd be back on the map
02:41.35 Twingy I'm hoping this kd-tree building idea might be paper worthy by january if it works out
02:41.58 silvap it better
02:42.04 silvap i have a dependancy link pointed to u
02:42.13 Twingy no pressure right?
02:42.17 silvap =)
02:42.37 Twingy when I get moved in, you should come over on the weekends along with tegtmeyer so we can get this FEM stuff rolling
02:42.49 Twingy we'll have some beer and write code into the early hours
02:43.02 silvap not every weekend i hope
02:43.08 silvap the ladies might get lonely
02:43.08 Twingy nah
02:43.11 Twingy hahah
02:43.19 Twingy you stud muffin
02:43.24 silvap ^_^
02:43.41 Twingy well
02:43.43 Twingy bring the ladies
02:43.45 Twingy :)
02:43.55 Twingy I'm sure they'll be thrilled to work on some FEM stuff
02:43.56 silvap they dont code..
02:44.00 Twingy that's okay
02:44.04 Twingy we can take density measurements ;)
02:44.14 silvap this man is a genius
02:44.22 Twingy sink or float!
02:44.25 Twingy :D
02:44.44 silvap how much torque is required to unhook a bra?
02:44.54 silvap do it mythbuster style
02:45.00 Twingy blow it up?
02:45.11 PrezKennedy if theres ladies involved even id wanna code!!
02:45.18 silvap u have the dextrose son
02:45.35 Twingy use the dextrose
02:45.56 Twingy it's a rocket fuel and a snack, all in one!
02:46.13 Twingy behold the power of corn
02:46.56 Twingy I figure about the first week of february I can re-open fort shumaker after the BRAC occuring on november 1 :}
02:47.44 Twingy hrm, hopefully my sgi power series still works
02:47.57 Twingy that thing is almost an antique
02:48.03 silvap brac?
02:48.07 PrezKennedy otherwise youll be out of the most expensive space heater ever
02:48.10 Twingy base re-alignment and closure
02:48.16 Twingy heh
02:48.22 Twingy it was like $50k new
02:48.38 Twingy or... $300 on ebay plus 350 mile road trip
02:48.57 Twingy I was boggled we could fit that in my room-mates sisters station wagon
02:49.11 silvap did u get ur prius yet
02:49.16 Twingy negative
02:49.20 Twingy I'm waiting until '06
02:49.32 Twingy up to $3400 tax credit in 2006
02:49.40 Twingy only $2000 in 2005
02:49.56 Twingy then it ramps down until it's 0 in 2009
02:50.08 Twingy I think in november
02:50.17 silvap have u done the math yet for it
02:50.19 Twingy I'm going to do what I need to in order to get one on hold
02:50.22 silvap when do u break even
02:50.27 Twingy on gas?
02:50.32 silvap yes
02:51.05 Twingy in 2043
02:51.24 silvap given the current gas price trend?
02:51.24 Twingy if I mod it for 80 mpg then 2025 or so
02:51.31 Twingy good point, need to factor that in
02:51.42 Twingy probly 2035 and 2019 then
02:51.56 Twingy I suspect I'll have a new car by then :)
02:51.58 silvap did u account for the tax credit?
02:52.04 Twingy ah, nope
02:52.11 Twingy 2032 and 2017 then
02:52.18 silvap still not worth it
02:52.25 Twingy nope
02:52.36 Twingy but getting like $5k that I would otherwise not get during the life of the car is worth it to me
02:52.41 silvap how much is a civic hybrid?
02:52.45 Twingy no clue
02:53.05 Twingy wee, my house is listed on long and foster now
02:54.52 silvap building guis is such a pain
02:55.27 Twingy indeed
02:56.20 silvap i have an inkling that mtegt may not be able to take weekends off
02:56.38 Twingy probly not
02:56.46 silvap who's our sub #1
02:56.59 Twingy I wonder how long I will have them off before I become attached
02:57.51 silvap too much math in that question
02:57.57 Twingy indeed
02:58.58 Twingy hrm, kd-caching should drop startup time to under 10 seconds
03:00.03 Twingy grumph
03:00.08 Twingy the bench directory dissapeared
03:00.19 silvap my code!
03:00.32 Twingy it was there last week...
03:00.39 silvap my precious 5 lines of code!
03:00.39 Twingy I guess I'll have to re-add it
03:00.45 Twingy hehe
03:00.57 Twingy we should toss those gnuplot scripts into the misc folder
03:01.09 Twingy those are handy
03:01.28 silvap u need to #ifdef DEBUG those timing calls
03:01.31 Twingy oh
03:01.35 Twingy there's the bench folder
03:01.51 Twingy or #ifdef statistics
03:01.58 silvap yes
03:02.04 Twingy #ifdef STATS
03:02.45 silvap and put a pragma(warning, '#define STATS will kill your harddrive!')
03:03.19 Twingy #define STATS will eat your brains and spawn little micelings!
03:03.48 Twingy no
03:03.49 Twingy I got it
03:04.00 Twingy #define STATS will make you feel like you're running muves
03:04.05 Twingy ;)
03:04.31 Twingy only faster :)
03:05.31 silvap keep rubbing it in
03:07.01 Twingy hrm, linking g-adrt to libtie might cause breakage
03:07.06 Twingy but libtie has no deps
03:07.10 Twingy so it should be koshure
03:08.00 Twingy I really want that cnc mill I saw on ebay
03:08.12 Twingy I wonder if I could tack that onto the mortgage :)
03:50.12 Twingy night
05:21.57 learner not according to my kernel process meter
05:22.06 learner there are two ls's getting exec'd :P
05:22.47 learner heh
05:22.50 learner damn windows
05:22.52 learner ~ww
05:22.52 ibot Can I get a woot woot?
07:22.11 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
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18:00.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libtie/ (define.h tie.c): removed min surface area, bad heuristics to use
19:15.23 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
19:18.33 PrezKennedy ping
19:56.38 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libutil/ fixed dist
20:09.06 *** join/#brlcad archivist_ (
21:06.36 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/ (3 files in 3 dirs): Fixes for Release 7.6.0 build from distribution
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.