irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050827

00:04.21 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (i=semhirag@unaffiliated/semhirage)
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02:16.47 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (i=semhirag@unaffiliated/semhirage)
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05:13.09 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
05:14.19 Twingy O.o
05:15.56 PKMOBILE quite
06:18.21 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libtie/ (define.h tie.c):
06:18.21 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: Adding finishing touches to algorithm. Will be adding some controls to
06:18.21 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: tie_init to allow developer to control both agressiveness of kd-tree building
06:18.21 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: algorithm and memory consumption as a function of # of triangles.
14:25.05 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (7 files in 3 dirs): add a configure test for SGI knobs support, and define the IR_KNOBS and IR_BUTTONS if/when they are available.
14:26.06 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: knobs really should now work
14:31.13 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: enabled SGI knobs and button box support for IRIX; reword testing changes to what they mean to end user, fitting to column 70
14:32.28 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: X11 is technically configurable now, along with OpenGL -- might not work, but then that can be a different todo if it doesn't, k?
14:33.54 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: improved build support detection for OpenGL and X11
14:35.14 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: don't have access to mingw right now, so push it back
14:35.55 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: improved ADRT build support
14:37.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: libbu new has whereis-style support for locating it's resources at run-time
14:38.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: mged relocation support
14:40.37 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: tim has got aquatk working
15:25.55 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: multiple threading models not that important in the big picture, it works and works well enough given mips seems to be on it's way out off of sgi's high end line
15:31.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: performance enhancements to ADRT
15:33.31 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO:
15:33.31 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: add database support for constraints, expressions, parametric
15:33.31 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: values, construction history, and timestamping
15:35.39 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: mged will actually run without being installed now with the new relocation support and BRLCAD_DATA variable overrides
15:37.06 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: mged will now work without being installed
15:40.47 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: the X11 15 bit thing is an old bug, add a footer mentioning the 70 column width formatting.
15:41.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: ws
15:42.27 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: NEWS items are formatted to column 70
15:44.51 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
16:16.02 *** join/#brlcad DarkMaster (
16:16.58 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
16:31.02 *** join/#brlcad mahesh (
16:31.28 learner howdy mahesh
16:31.43 Twingy_ mmm, I'm seeing 1.2 - 2.5 mil rays per second on t62 now
16:31.57 learner nice
16:32.02 Twingy_ yup yup
16:32.17 mahesh hi
16:32.30 Twingy_ I'm gonna toss kd-tree caching in now I think
16:33.02 Twingy_ on the cluster :)
16:33.24 Twingy_ I might be able to squeek out a hair more with my new algorithm
16:33.32 Twingy_ but it's pretty aggressive as it is
16:33.44 Twingy_ only way to get that from 2.5 - 5 mil is with sse
16:34.54 Twingy_ still debating on whether it's worth the effort
16:35.23 Twingy_ I suspect if there were 2 people working on this project I'd be more motivated to put it in
16:36.06 learner dammit
16:36.10 learner i was looking for him
16:37.19 mahesh hey Sean, need some suggestion
16:37.40 learner sure
16:37.58 learner I suggest you don't mix peanut butter with tofu
16:38.05 mahesh ha ha
16:38.14 Twingy_ o.O
16:38.26 learner mm.. peanut butter
16:39.01 mahesh it looks like I have to rewrite lot of do_work function
16:39.23 mahesh do you think, its ok or should I think of something else
16:40.28 learner in short, yes, it should be good
16:40.52 mahesh because its doing a lot of book keeping about servers
16:40.52 learner but it's more a bigger question of architecture that I'm wondering
16:41.03 learner what means were you thinking for the distribution?
16:41.26 mahesh i would use a grid middleware which will distribute the load among the machines
16:41.28 learner did you already have a grid toolkit in mind?
16:41.32 mahesh yes i have
16:42.01 mahesh i was talking to a guy who owns a small company. he has written a grid middleware
16:42.08 mahesh it is really light weight i feel
16:42.12 mahesh can i use that?
16:42.22 learner heh, you can use whatever you want
16:42.28 mahesh cool
16:42.31 mahesh its written in java
16:42.34 learner whether it'll technically work is a different question :)
16:42.50 learner ahh, hrm -- well that's doable, but it'll be more work for you
16:43.02 mahesh so, i will have to probably do socket communication between c stuff and java stuff
16:43.07 learner since you'll have to hook into the java interface through jni
16:43.11 learner or that
16:43.14 learner even better
16:43.38 mahesh so, i will not be using rsh at all
16:44.12 mahesh all the nodes will register with the grid software
16:44.41 Twingy_ hrm
16:44.43 mahesh and the software has functionality to start process on remote machines
16:44.45 learner how do they register?
16:44.57 learner ahh, the middleware will start them up
16:45.04 mahesh all the nodes have that grid software running
16:45.09 learner okay
16:45.13 Twingy_ I can do 20 mil rays/sec on the cluster and muves is still limited to 300 rays/sec on the whole cluster
16:45.21 learner how are they going to know how to raytrace?
16:45.54 mahesh one node will talk to grid middleware which inturn talks to other nodes
16:46.02 Twingy_ heh, my engine would see 0.0015% utilization by muves
16:46.11 Twingy_ wee
16:46.14 learner yep
16:46.20 mahesh you could imagine it as a one to many relationship
16:47.03 Twingy_ hrm, they only need to speed things up by 4 orders of magnitude
16:47.17 learner i follow how the grid middle ware will manage data, but how do the remote "deamons" actually end up raytracing? would you feed the middleware your rt binaries?
16:48.01 mahesh all the nodes should have rt binaries in them
16:49.10 learner in this case they'd be rtsrv binaries yes?
16:49.21 mahesh exactly
16:49.39 mahesh i would start with the assuption that rtsrv binaries exist on all nodes
16:50.05 mahesh later i could modify in such a way that middleware will push the binaries if they dont already exists
16:58.30 mahesh i have to go now, i'll ttyl
17:20.52 learner sorry, had to run off
17:20.59 learner sounds good :)
17:32.39 Maloeran I think I may do your SSE, Justin, if you wish
17:38.18 Twingy_ prasad and I have the logic more or less worked out, but it's only going to benefit us for optical rendering
17:38.41 Twingy_ for ballistic vulnerability analysis, is won't do much for us
17:39.07 Maloeran Right.
17:39.19 Twingy_ it would be nice to have...
17:39.29 Twingy_ but for things like path tracing
17:39.33 Twingy_ and ballistics
17:39.36 Maloeran It's nice to defeat rasterization in graphics rendering
17:39.37 Twingy_ where there is no ray-coherency
17:39.42 Twingy_ it doesn't do much
17:39.53 Twingy_ yah...
17:40.05 Twingy_ that's why I'm still kinda interested in having it in there
17:40.19 Maloeran I'm at 10m rays per second, not yet up to Reshetov's. Do you know if how his is going to be "open", open-source or open specs?
17:40.26 Twingy_ I think maybe as a separate intersection function
17:40.32 Maloeran know * how
17:40.41 Twingy_ for what size scene?
17:40.50 Twingy_ his scene was like 10 million triangles
17:40.57 Maloeran Merely the usual 140k tank
17:41.08 Twingy_ well, 1m on 140k is hardly 10m on 10mil polys
17:41.11 Twingy_ er 10m
17:41.16 Maloeran I know that much :)
17:41.29 Twingy_ and he was using half the cpu power as you...
17:41.58 Maloeran Indeed. As I said, I'm clearly not yet up to his ray-tracer
17:42.28 Twingy_ I think after I get kd-tree caching in place I'll revisit the sse integration
17:42.37 Maloeran It's really puzzling still, I'm curious to read more about his
17:42.43 Twingy_ there's still some details I haven't quite worked out though
17:43.04 Twingy_ why don't you email him?
17:43.06 Maloeran In any case, it makes me consider open-source if an apparently better solution exists
17:43.34 Maloeran Does this paper exist in a digital format within reach?
17:43.42 Twingy_ tried google?
17:43.46 Maloeran Yes
17:45.01 Twingy_ well, when I get my siggraph dvd's maybe I can post it
17:45.13 Twingy_ until now it's in my siggraph book on my desk
17:45.48 Maloeran Hardly a convenient format :), okay
17:45.54 Twingy_ convenient for me ;)
17:46.07 Maloeran Will you implement his techniques?
17:46.16 Twingy_ good question
17:46.33 Twingy_ depends on what kinda performance I can eek out of what I already got
17:46.54 Twingy_ it would be nice
17:47.13 Maloeran Assuming you read it a few times already, does it really make sense to reach this level of performance in scenes of 10m triangles?
17:47.15 Twingy_ I'm mainly interested on how his techniques would speed up vulnerability analysis
17:47.25 Twingy_ yep
17:48.10 Twingy_ but it's pretty dense
17:48.22 Maloeran Are these 10m rays per second incoherent, with no shortcuts based on the organisation of primary rays?
17:48.23 Twingy_ not something you can implement in a weekend
17:48.40 Twingy_ his 10m comes from sse driven first-hit optical rendering
17:49.10 Maloeran Does he exploit the coherency and organisation of the rays, beyond SSE?
17:49.46 Twingy_ I want to say no
17:49.57 Twingy_ but I don't remember entirely
17:50.22 Twingy_ I won't be in the position to integrate his stuff until around february of '06 if I find the time
17:50.45 Twingy_ I'm falling behind on my duties with stryker by spending the last 4 days and nights on nothing but my kd-tree
17:51.06 Maloeran I'm considering joining up, since it's open-source of course
17:51.18 Twingy_ joining up what?
17:51.31 Maloeran Your ray-tracer, or ours maybe ;)
17:52.47 Twingy_ when I spoke with alexander, he basically said just email my manager and we should be able to get you a copy of the source
17:54.35 Twingy_ well, I'm certainly not going to turn down an opportunity to improve the optical rendering capabilities of adrt
17:54.54 Maloeran I just read an abstract overview of the technique
17:55.24 Maloeran It entirely rely on the organisation of rays, it's for primary or otherwise carefully organized rays
17:55.54 Twingy_ yep
17:55.56 Maloeran So it is of no use for incoherent ray-tracing, path-tracing, global illumination, ballistics
17:56.06 Twingy_ yah :\
17:56.30 Maloeran Nothing new there then :), ah I almost feel better.
17:56.57 Twingy_ I asked him about rays that go all the way through geometry on the mic
17:57.07 Twingy_ and he said he didn't test anything of the sort and thereforeh as no number
17:57.39 Twingy_ some of the ballistic ray-tracing we do is grids of rays though
17:57.47 Twingy_ whre the rays are parallel with different positions
17:57.55 Twingy_ I dunno if you're method would help with that at all
17:58.02 Maloeran His "beams of rays" are my bundles of rays that I had briefly implemented, which doubled the performance of primary rays. All right then, let's finish the job
17:58.21 Maloeran Parallel? Okay, that would require a few changes, but it would work out
17:58.47 Twingy_ O
17:58.49 Twingy_ err
17:58.56 Twingy_ I'm curious what performance you get
17:59.03 Twingy_ by means of brute force path tracing
17:59.09 Twingy_ 1 ray at a time propogating through a scene
17:59.49 Maloeran No SSE, no coherency, 2.5m per second
17:59.49 Twingy_ that would give me a number where I can compare apples to apples
17:59.57 Twingy_ ah
18:00.00 Twingy_ neat
18:00.04 Twingy_ that's about where I am
18:00.17 Twingy_ but I have (2) 3.4ghz xeons
18:00.26 Twingy_ so call it like 1.5 mil
18:00.31 Maloeran Ah, yes
18:00.40 Twingy_ you're still a bit faster, mainly due to the reliance on properly oriented triangled
18:00.44 Twingy_ err triangles
18:00.51 Twingy_ we don't always have properly oriented triangles
18:00.54 Maloeran That's for the tank in the bubble by the way, make it 3.2m or so without the bubble
18:01.01 Twingy_ some of the 15 million polygon models we get have orientations in different ways
18:01.12 Twingy_ it would be a real headache to get them all oriented right
18:01.16 Maloeran That can be annoying.
18:01.19 Maloeran Understandable
18:01.32 Twingy_ that's main reason why I support un-oriented triangles
18:01.36 Maloeran I lose some ~10% of performance if the scene require dual-sided intersection
18:01.49 Twingy_ yah, that's pretty neat though
18:02.03 Twingy_ it's sounding like your algorithm under the same constraints mine is under performs about the same, which is pretty cool
18:02.21 Twingy_ or atleast within the same ballpark
18:02.37 Twingy_ but yours still beats the pants off mine for optical rendering
18:02.53 Twingy_ well
18:02.58 Twingy_ first-hit optical rendering anyway
18:03.05 Maloeran I think the method allows much better "shortcuts" on this point
18:03.06 Maloeran Right
18:03.07 Twingy_ for 3d viz stuff, that's highly useful
18:03.22 Twingy_ when crawling around inside the vehicle to look at it
18:03.45 Twingy_ after I'm done my new kd-tree code I should go over it with you
18:03.53 Twingy_ it's fairly intelligent
18:04.08 Maloeran With some work, it would work as well for rasterization-style lighting, not just primary rays
18:04.15 Twingy_ yah
18:04.17 Maloeran but clearly, it's useless for path-tracing or anything remotely close
18:04.31 Twingy_ I think you should turn it into a source forge project with an examples directory
18:04.36 Twingy_ if the money isn't appealing of course
18:04.45 Twingy_ did you get ahold of the OpenRT spec?
18:04.54 Twingy_ it's available now
18:05.03 Maloeran The API specs? I read some papers, nothing recent
18:05.08 Twingy_ you might consider being the "first" alternative to openrt
18:05.19 Twingy_ that could get you some serious attention
18:05.43 Twingy_ you can download the library and API from the website now
18:05.55 Twingy_ you could effectively mimick the API and do a side-by-side comparisson
18:06.01 Twingy_ and then announce to the world that yours is faster
18:06.22 Twingy_ and you'd get ALOT of publicity for it
18:06.33 Maloeran I'm mostly doing this for my own enjoyment, so there's a point I would have to clarify. If I were to open-source, would you have abundant time to put together the fastest open-source ray-tracer out there?
18:07.01 Twingy_ you mean library?
18:07.05 Twingy_ or application?
18:07.06 Twingy_ or?
18:07.18 learner it is already
18:07.32 learner open-source at least
18:07.42 Maloeran The open-source part, yes... ;)
18:07.52 learner i mean fastest open source :)
18:08.00 Twingy_ I mean all I do at work is ray-tracing stuff
18:08.06 Twingy_ so I could effectively work on this at work
18:08.11 Twingy_ so the answer is yes
18:08.40 Twingy_ I'm a bit tied up helping emmanuel stone finish integrating nurbana into blender
18:08.46 Twingy_ but I suspect in 2 weeks that will be wrapping up
18:08.47 learner povray's slow, yafray too
18:09.09 Twingy_ so I won't have any other software projects going on
18:09.10 Maloeran Right, nice. I really can't give an answer yet, but... I think I'm going to open-source
18:09.26 Twingy_ I think that's a wiser decision
18:09.34 Maloeran What can I say, it just seems much more appealing, much more entertaining
18:09.34 Twingy_ in the long run I think it's worth more than what you're being offered
18:09.46 Twingy_ plus alot more people will benefit from it
18:10.07 Twingy_ if anything
18:10.12 Twingy_ you could start up a paypal donation thing
18:10.15 Twingy_ and get both
18:10.39 Maloeran Ahah, I suppose
18:10.45 Twingy_ of course I cannot have any part of that
18:11.10 Twingy_ anywho
18:11.14 Twingy_ we'll have to discuss this more later
18:11.21 Twingy_ I want to resume this kd-tree caching for now
18:11.34 Twingy_ imperative I get that in there before next stryker meeting
18:11.36 Maloeran Right, and I'll have to sort this out. Good luck
18:11.40 Twingy_ k
18:11.42 Twingy_ thx
18:14.32 Twingy_ mal
18:14.49 Twingy_ just an idea, but typically it's worth more money to create a support contract than it is to sell software or IP
18:15.17 Twingy_ tell those guys that instead of buying IP, maybe they could buy a contract with you to integrate it into their software
18:15.45 Twingy_ that'll get you the best of both worlds
18:18.26 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ knobs work
18:23.17 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ call them dials and buttons
18:28.28 Maloeran From what I understood, they want to IP to be able to sell it back, maybe not even to use it themselves
18:28.31 Maloeran Ah oops, he left
18:28.53 learner that he did
18:29.08 learner so you're up in quebec?
18:29.48 Maloeran Correct
18:31.04 learner yet to make it there myself other than for a drive through a couple years ago
18:31.45 Maloeran :) Could I ask what your first name is? I have come to vaguely know Justin's co-workers through various discussions, or through Erik
18:32.00 learner Sean
18:32.30 Maloeran Ah right, Sean. Pleased to meet you
18:32.32 learner technically not my first name, but that's what they'd be calling me :)
18:32.40 Maloeran Indeed :)
18:33.53 learner likewise, pleased to meet you
18:34.06 learner though we have talked once or twice before, albeit only briefly
18:35.26 learner every time i see you're nick, I'm reminded of the old Malestrom game
18:35.50 learner that was a fun game .. hmm.. raytraced at 30fps....
18:36.03 Maloeran Eheh, I don't think I have played
18:36.37 learner it was a big asteroids variant, popular on the *nix machines
18:36.39 Maloeran Internet nicknames seem to be something one can pick at 15 years old and it sticks for eternity
18:37.06 learner yep, choose wisely :)
18:39.27 learner
18:40.30 Maloeran Oh, I did play this :). I really wouldn't have guessed it could be ray-traced, it doesn't seem appropriate to the needs of the game
18:40.45 learner of course not :)
18:41.01 learner but it could still be pretty neat
18:43.57 learner hehe
18:52.47 Maloeran Ah, how I have grown to love and cherish these packages that just break with compiled on a 64 bits arch
18:52.52 Maloeran when compiled, even
18:53.11 learner tis good stuff, eh?
18:53.26 learner amd64?
18:54.43 Maloeran For incoherent branching and heavy floating point number crunching, there's really nothing like Opterons
18:55.21 learner that is quite true
19:11.27 Twingy hrm
19:12.22 Twingy definetly need to wait till the 2 yr mark to sell my home
19:22.37 *** join/#brlcad cad528 (
19:22.41 learner it's not at all like a structure
19:24.09 Twingy you guys make it to nist on time?
19:24.26 learner we were actually really early, made it in great time
19:24.36 learner had breakfast, then went over
19:24.42 Twingy good deal
19:24.58 Twingy my neighbor's mom has some friends that might be interested in buying my home
19:25.02 learner much more impressive to see it working in the cave than it was at the BoF
19:25.11 Twingy what was "it"
19:25.33 learner a framework to drive the cave
19:25.36 Twingy ah
19:25.49 Twingy you guys shoulda took joe
19:25.59 Twingy from raytheon that operates the cave in 390
19:26.22 learner it deals with positioning the geometry in three-space figuring out the view parallax of however many walls you have and their orientation
19:26.33 learner reads the head and wand tracker devices
19:26.42 Twingy gotcha
19:26.47 Twingy gpu or raytraced?
19:26.54 learner a variety of tools for interacting, and displaying stuff
19:27.03 learner like putting up menus, heads up displays, etc
19:27.12 learner opengl
19:27.15 Twingy good for a simulation program
19:27.38 Twingy I bet max lorenzo woulda liked to see that
19:27.51 learner supported many different display modes
19:27.58 learner like your standard stereo
19:28.24 learner the 3d effect we saw on ours with the shutter glasses
19:28.49 learner that was really cool, much better than the demos we saw at ours
19:29.09 learner you could stand inside your dataset and see things all around you, the immersion was much much better
19:29.30 Twingy probly a more expensive setup too
19:29.49 learner i could picture bringing up something like strker and actually getting a feel for the cabin and what it looks like from one of the chairs
19:29.58 Twingy yah, but for how much?
19:30.00 learner no, there's was cheaper than ours
19:30.01 learner considerably
19:30.04 Twingy how much?
19:30.08 learner ours is huge in comparison
19:30.10 Twingy we speant $250k on ours
19:30.33 Twingy did they load any large geometries?
19:30.36 learner same company I think, just smaller version, and only three-wall
19:30.54 learner (two wall and floor)
19:31.24 learner not really anything immense, but that wasn't really the purpose
19:31.32 Twingy understood
19:31.51 Twingy I've got a framework for the kd-tree caching down without affecting peak memory
19:32.07 Twingy I'm going to make a kd-tree free function that builds the cache while free'ing
19:32.25 Twingy so we can still utilize max memory
19:33.02 Twingy it looks like 1 of the 2 opteron machines will be here monday
19:33.12 Twingy supposedly the other one (the head node) is on the way
19:33.26 Twingy so it's pretty much useless until we get it
19:33.42 Twingy unless I slap my extra sata drive into it
19:33.49 Twingy but it's not worth the time
19:34.36 learner cool
19:34.58 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ use AC_MSG_RESULT for the starting message and summary results so that they are inserted into config.log, and so they will obey the --verbose and --quiet flags too.
19:35.18 Twingy distcc running on those two opteron machines will probly be pretty snappy
19:35.26 Twingy will be able to do make -j8
19:35.41 Twingy using (8) 2ghz opteron cores
19:35.59 learner I added a "fast" make target that should make building brl-cad on shiva actually utilize the whole machine
19:36.07 Twingy ah
19:36.08 learner using distcc
19:36.23 learner it builds and links in parallel
19:36.27 Twingy the bottleneck was network i/o no?
19:36.47 learner nah, it was the link synchronizations it has to keep doing
19:36.49 Twingy cause it was using nfs to run thousands of binaries over and over
19:36.55 learner automake serializes them all
19:36.57 Twingy ah
19:37.08 Twingy have you tried it yet?
19:37.12 Twingy I have the cluster running right now
19:37.17 learner everytime it linked a binary or a library, all the nodes had to sync up and stop
19:37.23 Twingy ah
19:37.36 Twingy compile it and get some numbers ;)
19:37.48 learner argued with the gnu make folks about it for a while, they seemed pretty clueless
19:37.55 Twingy hehe
19:38.55 Twingy I got a hostname for the 2 machine cluster, if you want to call it a cluster
19:39.10 learner should be interested to see numbers for it
19:39.32 learner s/ed/ing/
19:39.39 Twingy do it :)
19:39.52 learner i meant for the new ones coming in :0
19:39.56 Twingy oh, heh
19:40.01 learner i'll try the fast target on the cluster in a bit
19:40.04 Twingy k
19:40.50 Twingy I think I might run to home depot to pick up 2 straps to bind the 2 machines together
19:40.59 Twingy actually 3
19:41.00 learner elmers
19:41.03 Twingy 2 for bottom
19:41.08 Twingy and one for around middle
19:41.13 Twingy eek
19:41.17 learner duck
19:41.19 Twingy I got plenty of epoxy
19:41.20 learner tape
19:41.22 Twingy mmm
19:41.25 Twingy duct tape could work
19:41.39 Twingy
19:41.49 Twingy ?
19:41.53 learner
19:41.56 Twingy hehe
19:42.16 Twingy
19:42.27 Twingy hrm, food does sound good
19:42.28 learner twobits
19:42.40 Twingy I might run to riverside pizzeria
19:42.47 learner mmm
19:43.04 learner you'll be hungry by the time you get there if you're running ;)
19:43.08 Twingy heh
19:43.12 Twingy I should go running
19:43.17 Twingy maybe I'll do that tommorrow
19:43.20 learner i should go work out
19:43.26 learner but instead I think I'll stuff my face
19:43.28 Twingy I'm working on my man boobs
19:43.37 Twingy *poke*
19:43.44 Maloeran an* rather
19:43.47 Twingy you want to poke my man boobs mal?
19:43.50 Twingy :)
19:44.19 Maloeran I'll pass :)
19:44.43 Twingy that sad thing is it'll take me 30 years to catch up to chuck if I start now
19:51.26 Maloeran I'm telling you, try a hour of bicycle daily ;), plus some 40 push-ups so the arm and back muscles don't feel too neglected
19:55.57 Twingy my usual routine is 20 minutes of running and 15 minutes of bicycle with 60 situps and 25 pushups in the middle
19:56.17 Maloeran Quite good
20:25.04 Twingy back
20:30.09 Twingy sean, when you get a chance
20:30.43 Twingy can you change permission of source files in libtie to 644
20:30.49 Twingy somehow they got set to executable
20:34.43 *** join/#brlcad x_spager (n=x_spager@
20:40.10 *** part/#brlcad x_spager (n=x_spager@
21:10.01 Twingy heh
21:10.10 Twingy if my ray intersection engine did 0 work
21:10.21 Twingy I could get 5.2 million rays/sec
21:10.59 Twingy so intersecting each ray for me is like the cost of 5 function calls, damn that's cheap
21:17.09 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libtie/ (kdtree.c kdtree.h tie.c tie.h):
21:17.09 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: kdtree code was put into its own separate file since it's going to consume
21:17.09 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: more than half the actual engine code.
21:19.12 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libtie/ (kdtree.c tie.c): removed extraneous stuff
21:22.41 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libtie/kdtree.c: more cleanup
21:36.23 learner Twingy, ugh
21:36.29 learner no not really, at least not directly
21:36.44 learner have to be careful what the permissions are on check-in
21:36.53 learner s/check-in/add/
21:37.30 learner i'll have to submit a sourceforge support request to do that
22:25.24 Twingy ah
22:25.25 Twingy k
22:25.38 Twingy gotta love how cvs won't let you udpate permissions
23:01.23 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/misc/Makefile.defs: fix the recursion traversal order so that subdirectories are fully processed before attempting to link/compile in a directory.
23:01.39 learner generally, you'd edit the cvs root for that but we don't have access to that directly
23:02.20 Twingy hrm
23:02.26 Twingy hey sean
23:02.54 Twingy somone you met at siggraph wants you to visit her in october :)

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.