irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050830

00:23.08 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
01:51.21 Twingy_ mmm
01:51.28 Twingy_ clone svideo display works now
01:52.38 Twingy_ only 2 hours left for optimized kd-tree
01:53.21 Maloeran Two hours? Shouldn't you have the whole night left? :)
01:53.47 Twingy_ hrm?
01:54.09 Maloeran Ah, I thought you had some deadline, but I understand that was an estimate
01:54.26 Twingy_ I need to get a video of my ray-tracer ready by tommorrow
01:54.35 Twingy_ going to make a quicktime
01:55.06 Twingy_ just finished configuring my other machine with freebsd, it has a svideo dongle
01:55.14 Twingy_ and dorking with X for the better part of 2 hours
01:55.18 Maloeran Here, I dump raw frames on stdout and have mencoder encode on the fly from stdint
01:55.39 Twingy_ right, but then I have to encode time intervals
01:55.46 Twingy_ since all frames are not evenly spaced
01:55.52 Maloeran Ah, okay.
01:56.23 Twingy_ this way they can see me starting up the app and driving it
01:56.30 Twingy_ with the mouse and what not
01:57.16 Twingy_ the kd-tree caching kicks butt with the distributed setup
01:57.26 Twingy_ the only downside is I gotta kick more data around to the nodes
01:57.39 Twingy_ 300MB (geom + kdtree) to each node
01:57.52 Twingy_ so that only requires 24 seconds of data transfer
01:58.07 Twingy_ for my 15 mil polygon model
01:58.13 Maloeran Good deal
01:58.26 Twingy_ openrt is kinda lame like that
01:58.36 Twingy_ they require you to have the file(s) on the nodes as well
01:59.04 Twingy_ being able to just shoot the data to the nodes, which have no disks, is nice
01:59.13 Maloeran I think I'll implement distributed processing that isn't even visible to the library user
01:59.29 Twingy_ it's called MPI
01:59.35 Twingy_ it was done 30 years ago
01:59.37 Twingy_ :)
01:59.41 Maloeran Fine :)
02:00.03 Twingy_ my network code is larger than the actual engine
02:00.14 Twingy_ since I'm handling all the little cases of what can go wrong
02:00.36 Maloeran Ah yes, question : what "kind" of scene was Reschenov rendering to get 10 millions? A single object with abundant void around it?
02:00.40 Twingy_ allowing nodes to connect whenever, dissapear, etc...
02:00.53 Twingy_ he was walking around inside an office building
02:01.17 Maloeran So the count of visible polygons was much lower than 10m at any time
02:01.24 Twingy_ yah
02:01.38 Twingy_ he didn't show any outdoor scenes
02:01.42 Maloeran That's precisely the kind of scene my ray-tracer was thought for
02:01.56 Twingy_ cool
02:02.19 Twingy_ exactly the type of scene we don't do at ARL :)
02:02.56 Twingy_ (but I try to support that sort of stuff off the clock)
02:03.07 Maloeran Fine, it doesn't perform too bad in scenes where rays pass near most of the geometry either :)
02:03.20 Twingy_ yep yep
02:03.30 Maloeran I think I'll reach that 15m primary rays per second soon, for the tank model
02:03.42 Twingy_ you should get some new geometry :)
02:03.49 Twingy_ I've found some cases were my tracer bottomed out
02:03.56 Twingy_ and made smarter in the kd-tree algorithm
02:04.21 Maloeran The pipe scene isn't far from the worse cases I could imagine :)
02:05.16 Twingy_ yep
02:05.40 Maloeran At least for my ray-tracer, BSP doesn't care as much about spatial organisation and distribution
02:07.01 Twingy_ welp, time to poke at this video some
02:23.55 silvap_ so sick..
02:24.07 Twingy_ o.O
02:24.33 Twingy_ hrm
02:24.38 silvap_ think i have mono
02:24.39 Twingy_ erik undid the delacktimes
02:24.40 silvap_ :(
02:24.44 Twingy_ bummer dude
02:26.18 Twingy_ or not
02:54.12 Twingy_ hrm
02:54.27 Twingy_ 3.85 hours and going
03:03.19 Twingy_ very tempting to wait for it to finish
03:03.32 Twingy_ should be done within the hour
03:03.58 Twingy_ then I could just put the video together in the morning
03:04.03 Twingy_ hrms
03:04.45 Twingy_ I think that's what I'll do
03:05.31 Twingy_ okay, be back in about 7 hours
03:06.51 Twingy_ ooh!
03:06.54 Twingy_ it just finished
03:07.05 Twingy_ happy dance!
03:07.11 Twingy_ talk about timing
03:23.53 Maloeran Ah :), that spares you the doubt of waking up to see a Segmentation fault
10:00.54 *** join/#brlcad cad028 (
10:41.39 *** join/#brlcad learner (
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11:05.00 Twingy_ .
11:21.02 learner ./
11:24.06 Maloeran :/
12:16.08 Twingy_ mmm
12:16.16 Twingy_ sleeeeee3333eeeep
12:23.39 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
12:47.08 brlcad yay, time to release soon
15:10.37 *** join/#brlcad cad241 (
15:13.39 *** join/#brlcad AlekosP (
15:15.40 *** join/#brlcad AlekosP (
15:17.12 AlekosP need some help on building brlcad with Microsoft Visual C; anyone can help
15:18.37 brlcad hello AlekosP
15:18.53 brlcad what sort of help?
15:22.08 AlekosP I tried to build with Vusual C++, but most of .dsp have problems; I think I fixed at least a part, but something strange happens with my TK-windows; is there anyone I can send the result of my efforts?
15:23.06 AlekosP by the way, it's my first time on a chat, so my netiquette is poor: hello brlcad!
15:23.33 brlcad heh, not a problem
15:23.38 brlcad and welcome
15:23.53 brlcad some actually live on irc ;)
15:24.20 brlcad as for the build, that's not incredibly surprising -- there's two primary devs working on the windows builds
15:25.03 brlcad there were a handful of fixes that have been made to cvs recently, you would be better off using the latest cvs than using a source tarball from the project site
15:25.25 brlcad there's also build files in the misc/ directory that look like are more up to date
15:26.44 AlekosP for that matter, I just checked on the cvs that the .dsp for the liboptical stuff is still missing the "r"s , so Microsoft becomes Micosoft and Target is spelt as Taget (and the project file isn't recognized!)...
15:27.43 AlekosP ... I mean the one in the src/liboptical folder...
15:28.53 *** join/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (n=DiscoBan@
15:29.20 brlcad heh
15:29.22 brlcad hmm
15:31.52 brlcad yep, looks like that one in particular had \r's stripped a really long time ago...
15:32.41 AlekosP who is directly in charge of the Windows/Microsoft VC stuff? And is there a place where I can learn how to track/debug the flow of a tcl/tk application? For it seems to me that The problem I'm encountering are mostly of that nature
15:33.59 brlcad I wouldn't say anyone's directly in "charge" of the VC projects, there are two devs that work on it from time to time
15:34.18 brlcad you're more than welcome to maintain that build if you're interested ;)
15:34.53 Obscene_CNN if your a masochist ;-)
15:35.06 AlekosP well, I'm for sure interested, but I can't say if I'm able to...
15:35.45 brlcad Obscene_CNN: hehe
15:36.17 brlcad AlekosP: shouldn't be too much work to rewrite the liboptical project file, there's not much tricky about that library
15:36.35 AlekosP Hi, Obscene_CNN, why shudder, if a project is open source, I think it should be as open as possible (of course working with MS VC isn't always comfortable)
15:36.46 brlcad or even readd the missing r's .. i'll have to track it back through the history to see where they were stripped accidentally
15:37.11 brlcad I should be able to restore it, but even then it may still be out of date - that goes back a couple years
15:37.14 Obscene_CNN M$ VC doesn't always work as advertised.
15:37.39 Obscene_CNN <PROTECTED>
15:38.09 brlcad VC6 is pretty buggy, the newer versions are considerably better
15:38.19 AlekosP I already have a working liboptical project file and a working mged.exe. Only it "almost" works; the tk windows behave quite strangely, get updated not when they are expected to...
15:38.39 brlcad AlekosP: that's good to hear
15:39.22 brlcad AlekosP: if you post up any mods to the sourceforge project patches tracker, I or one of the other guys can commit it
15:39.35 AlekosP I agree with brlcad about vc7 beeing better than vc6 --
15:39.38 brlcad do that more than a couple times and it's an easy means to get your own commit access
15:40.31 brlcad I'm always interested in getting new devs
15:40.32 AlekosP well, brlcad. I need some help for posting my changes
15:40.35 brlcad even if you do use windows :)
15:40.44 AlekosP sorry ...
15:40.48 Obscene_CNN M$ anounced they are going to ship the next version of their developer studio after the last beta. Users of it begged for another beta, but were denied. M$ also plans to introduce a major component without a beta test in the release version.
15:40.50 brlcad hehe, j/k
15:43.25 AlekosP so, brlcad, what if I simply pack only my modified sources (no objs or temporary things) in a tar/bz2 and I ship it to you directly?
15:44.26 AlekosP and maybe also the executable + dll's so that you can look at the strange behavior of the gui windows...?
15:46.49 brlcad sure
15:47.31 brlcad or post up that tarbz to the patches tracker (without the exe/dlls)
15:49.15 AlekosP I'll try the last one. Thanks. Bye everybody
15:50.37 brlcad you might want to comment on the devs mailing list if you can describe the problems
15:51.06 brlcad I'll be glad to take a look at it too, see what strange behavior you mean
15:54.30 AlekosP something like this; you open a .g file from the db directory from the command windows of mged; then you browse the geometry and say to mged that you want the root of the model to be displayed; nothing happens. But if you go to the help menu of the graphics window, select the item "commands" and simply exit the menu, suddenly you get your model displayed in the graphics window
15:56.57 AlekosP quite strange,isn't it? That's why I think it should be easier if you get a copy of the executable, and look directly; this is for sure just one of the problems...
16:00.33 brlcad sounds like the display manager isn't updating
16:00.46 brlcad I suspect if you resize the window, it'd draw
16:02.40 AlekosP brlcad, I'll try to see if resizing does the work; thanks in advance. By now, bye everybody, I'll try to get in touch tomorrow (morning, for you) ...
16:02.54 brlcad cya
16:03.19 brlcad by the way, you might be interested in getting a better non-web-browser based irc client
16:03.44 brlcad they're much "better" apps, the web interface is just to get folks in quick ;)
16:04.17 AlekosP of course, so I can let you not that I'm say "looking" or something like that. Any suggestion?
16:05.19 AlekosP [ ... I can let you know (not NOT) ...] cya
16:07.12 brlcad
16:07.21 brlcad xchat is one many use
16:08.07 brlcad mirc is another
16:08.11 brlcad
16:09.34 brlcad
17:22.30 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
20:08.54 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03twingy * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libtie/ (define.h kdtree.c tie.c): about to try some stuff.
20:11.41 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: better configure section output, m4 macro in order
20:19.08 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: add legal headers on the manpages (as comments), update
21:20.43 *** join/#brlcad cad635 (
21:22.39 brlcad hello cad635
21:34.00 *** join/#brlcad cad293 (
21:36.40 cad293 Just looking at BRLCAD for the 1st time today
21:39.22 brlcad sounds good
21:40.30 brlcad if you have any questions or get stuck somewhere, feel free to ask your questions
21:40.41 brlcad someone will eventually answer :)
21:42.54 cad293 are there any thermal analysis capabilities?
21:43.36 brlcad there are limited analysis capabilities in general except those related to geometric structure or signal processing
21:43.41 brlcad but yes
21:43.55 brlcad there's an rttherm raytracer
21:44.22 brlcad that uses a multispectral rendering to simulate thermal energy signatures
21:44.53 brlcad hasn't been used in a long time by anyone here, but it's there
21:58.16 cad293 ok, thanks, i'll probably be back after I get this installed
21:58.21 *** part/#brlcad cad293 (
23:30.42 Twingy grumph
23:31.39 brlcad said the grinch

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