irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050831

00:57.24 *** join/#brlcad CIA-7 (
00:57.29 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:58.04 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:06.54 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
02:05.02 silvap_ the pain..
02:15.55 brlcad silvap_: i'm convinced.. srcviz :)
02:16.07 brlcad or SrcViz whatever
02:19.51 Twingy that was a good nap *smacks his lips together*
02:20.33 Twingy welp, got my sleep for the week in
02:23.03 Twingy eek
02:23.15 Twingy Justin,
02:23.15 Twingy <PROTECTED>
02:23.52 silvap_ woo woo!
02:24.01 silvap_ i like lower case
02:24.55 Twingy yah
02:25.01 Twingy it requires less work
02:25.24 silvap_ or BeInG LEeT
02:25.32 Twingy or being lazy
02:25.47 silvap_ scratch that
02:25.53 silvap_ being '14 yr old asian girl'
02:26.06 Twingy mmm, almost legal
02:26.13 silvap_ kekekekeke =>^^<=
02:26.18 Twingy ^_^
02:26.32 Twingy hrm
02:26.39 Twingy I want my other opteron machine god damnit
02:26.53 silvap_ did u plug the one in
02:26.53 Twingy yah
02:26.55 Twingy it posts fine
02:27.01 silvap_ did it sound like a jet engine
02:27.02 Twingy 4 cores, 8GB of ram
02:27.05 Twingy nope
02:27.09 Twingy it was rather quiet :)
02:27.13 Twingy your machine is just retarded loud :)
02:27.22 silvap_ so u are getting two of these
02:27.27 silvap_ for 'portability' ?
02:27.51 silvap_ what's wrong with rackmount cases
02:28.04 silvap_ 8 of those should fit in that one case
02:32.25 Twingy yah
02:32.50 Twingy sec, phone
03:07.30 Twingy to get 1 mobo with 4 dual core procs woulda cost an extra $3k
03:07.34 Twingy or more
03:07.40 Twingy actually, about $7k more
03:08.06 Twingy $8k for 2 cases, $15k for 1 case, same crunch
03:08.37 Twingy to?
03:09.50 brlcad beach house, south carolina
03:09.55 brlcad leaving tomorrow
03:09.55 Twingy ah
03:09.59 Twingy cool
03:10.08 Twingy I'll be in NC the week of sept 25th
03:10.15 Twingy for a few days
03:10.33 brlcad the bus is actually surprisingly about the cost of gas
03:12.05 Twingy yah
03:12.09 Twingy my plane is $195 both ways
03:12.19 Twingy my trooper costs $75 each way in gas
03:12.24 Twingy so, no brainer
03:12.35 brlcad heh
03:12.40 brlcad spensive trooper ;)
03:12.44 Twingy yep
03:12.49 Twingy 2 tanks of gas to get there
03:12.54 Twingy each tank is like $37
03:13.12 brlcad 2 tanks for me to get to the bottom of sc, and that's just a 12g tank
03:13.47 brlcad still.. even the train is cheaper than 195
03:13.51 brlcad considerably
03:14.00 brlcad and you can do stuff on the way
03:14.09 Twingy how long is it?
03:14.17 Twingy driving is 7 hours
03:14.38 brlcad ticket for train was 105 to sc, 12 hour ride
03:14.44 brlcad yahoo says car is 10.5
03:15.24 Twingy not bad
03:15.33 brlcad bus is going to be 15 hours, but is only 65 and leaves after the crack of noon
03:15.37 Twingy if you got the time
03:15.49 Twingy ick
03:15.52 Twingy 15 hours@!
03:16.01 brlcad it stops so you can eat
03:16.06 Twingy ah
03:16.11 Twingy still
03:16.12 brlcad 3 1 hour stops
03:16.45 brlcad you've "got the time" if you have something to do
03:17.04 brlcad i'll be working on my laptop till the batteries are dead
03:17.25 Twingy I mean I got 3 days of time to visit
03:17.28 Twingy sat - mon
03:17.33 Twingy if I spend 24 hours traveling...
03:18.24 brlcad meh, 24 vs 18 aint much different..
03:18.31 brlcad could maket that up sleeping less
03:18.47 brlcad and you'd still be able to get more done
03:19.14 Twingy meh, 2 hours on the plane :P
03:19.23 brlcad ah, so you are flying
03:19.40 brlcad thought you meant 195 each way
03:20.02 Twingy ah
03:20.11 Twingy yah, 195 round trip, plus parking of course
03:20.22 Twingy so like 210 all said and done
03:20.29 brlcad yeah, that's not bad
03:30.57 Twingy hrm
03:31.02 Twingy pesky phone
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12:37.43 *** join/#brlcad archivist_ (
13:00.32 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
15:41.29 brlcad d_rossberg: there was another windows dev in yesterday after you left, sounded interested in improving support more for vc in the build system
15:42.24 brlcad he noticed that liboptical's vc project file apparently has most all of the r's stripped (probably someone running tr -d on it to get rid of windows newlines a long time ago)
15:42.52 brlcad anyhow, just thought that you might find that interesting
15:47.21 d_rossberg I red this conversation at rikers
15:47.36 brlcad ahh
15:49.00 d_rossberg it sounds like he has the solution too
15:49.12 brlcad possibly, or that he was close
15:49.35 brlcad I should be able to restore that build file, but it'd also be easy enough to recreate too
15:49.42 d_rossberg at least, he could build the mged.exe
15:50.21 d_rossberg I would prefer to recreate the dsp file, based on the ones in libbn etc.
15:51.51 d_rossberg but my next task is the creation of a dll which could be used in extern programs
15:55.39 brlcad now that should be something that bob's got working already
15:57.28 brlcad at leat some or the work for that
15:57.43 d_rossberg there are several solutions to this probem
15:57.49 brlcad he should be rolling changes in real soon now
15:58.09 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
15:58.25 d_rossberg the straight forward one is to build dll's not static libraries as i did
15:58.45 d_rossberg but i prefer to have only one brlcad.dll
16:00.39 brlcad yeah, you're not alone in that regard :)
16:00.47 brlcad nor is the windows platform
16:01.04 d_rossberg i wonder what Bobs solution will be
16:01.06 brlcad that's a reasonable approach for mac os x frameworks too, one "BRL-CAD" framework
16:01.43 brlcad though on osx, you can combine frameworks, so the brl-cad framework would simply be a union of libbu, libbn, etc
16:02.04 brlcad Bob's been working on making dlls
16:02.12 brlcad he added the header hooks already
16:02.22 brlcad teh BU_EXTERN dll stuff for example
16:03.48 d_rossberg the problem is: in MS Visual Studio a function from a library will only be exported if an other function from the same source file is used in the main program/dll
16:05.04 brlcad heh
16:05.09 brlcad that could get tricky then
16:05.18 brlcad you guys have your work cut out for you then :)
16:06.06 brlcad could cheat and make one global function symbol table that registers every available function
16:06.14 brlcad so that they all become exported
16:06.25 brlcad tcl does something to this effect actually for their stub lib
16:07.16 brlcad wouldn't even have to really use the function table, it should be just enough to make it export the symbols
16:07.35 brlcad and if you did have to use it, a simple debug/print function that prints them all would do the trick
16:07.35 d_rossberg something like this could work, but you have to keep this table up to date
16:11.30 d_rossberg i'll think about it next week, when i'm on vacation :)
16:12.14 brlcad yeah, that would be an issue keeping it up to date, but not too horrible
16:12.35 brlcad it'd also be interesting to see just what exactly doesn't export without it too.. and the reasons why
16:19.15 d_rossberg in vc it's possible to list the exported functions in a seperate recource file, maybe i should try this
16:34.11 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/proc-db/fence.c: er, close the file please
16:44.21 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/wdb_obj.c: prevent crashing if someone attempts to call wdb_delete_cmd directly without an interpreter
17:04.09 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
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17:49.19 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
17:58.37 *** join/#brlcad cad121 (
18:05.57 cad121 brlcad:I'm trying to install BRL-cad on WIN2000. I installed Cygwin with GCC and ./configure; I try to run "make" and it doesn't exist. Any suggestions?
18:13.00 archivist install make etc
18:13.21 archivist
18:16.31 cad121 ok, thanks
18:22.59 *** part/#brlcad cad121 (
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18:58.14 brlcad archivist: hehe
18:59.47 archivist one wonders with some error messages! can they be clearer! hehe
21:58.35 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
22:19.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/conv/.cvsignore: g-wave renamed to g-obj

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.