irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050926

01:38.32 brlcad AchiestDragon: mged doesn't display anything by default when you load a file
01:38.56 AchiestDragon k, how do you get it to
01:39.05 brlcad contrary to other modelers, brl-cad's .g files may actually contain an arbitrary number of objects/parts/assemblies/etc
01:39.37 brlcad the 'tops' command will give you the starting list of top-level geometry objects in a geometry database
01:39.45 brlcad or the Misc->Geometry Browser too
01:39.48 brlcad on the menu
01:41.26 brlcad most 'real' brl-cad .g files take a relatively long time to load sometimes too if they are highly detailed (models that would grind pro-E to a halt), so it's up to the modeler to decide when they want to view geometry
01:44.17 brlcad feature requests are very much appreciated.. also interested what you did to fix the problem too.
01:45.07 AchiestDragon the fix for the lib was to unpack the zip in /usr not /home/dave/usr
01:45.54 brlcad ahh
01:46.25 AchiestDragon biggest feature request at moment would be to reduce the number of open windows , its hard hunting for the right one when there all stacked
01:46.29 brlcad you could have set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH too
01:47.12 brlcad what about going full-screen by default, would that help?
01:48.47 AchiestDragon maybe , it would have to have a split window system so that it say had 3 or 4 lines for the command and the rest for graphics space
01:49.21 AchiestDragon guess its a long job redesigning the whole gui
01:49.32 brlcad it is :)
01:49.46 brlcad several years have gone into the new modeler's design already
01:51.01 AchiestDragon yes , the program seems exelent , its the user interface and ease of use ( for those that like point and click ) that seems to be a letdown
01:51.08 brlcad mged does have a mode where it will combine the command and graphics window into one, it's just not easily end-user accessible right now
01:51.50 brlcad yeah, the interface of mged has always been minimal priority, more focus on validity of results, performance, flexibility, extensibility, etc
01:52.04 brlcad it's a shame too, since that's the sole metric for many ;)
01:52.12 brlcad but understandable
01:52.18 AchiestDragon yes
01:52.43 brlcad there's no reason (other than money/time) for a difficult interface
01:53.27 brlcad course what's difficult for one might not be for others, the expert brl-cad modelers are rather efficient at using it as is (mostly sans mouse)
01:55.19 AchiestDragon :) its fine once you get used to programs and use them every day , where the big corps offer training , but for open source its a case of download install and go , or not , as the case may be
01:56.28 brlcad yeah
01:57.10 brlcad fortunately, there are decent training materials available that were developed to teach the basics
01:57.35 brlcad a rare find for most open source projects (decent documentation) for all but the most mature/active
01:57.49 brlcad you did see the tutorial series on the website I hope?
01:57.56 AchiestDragon yes
01:58.55 AchiestDragon found another bug ,, need to check see if its already reported
01:59.25 AchiestDragon program exits if you try creating and extrude...
01:59.53 brlcad ahh, that's a very recent bug I just noticed last week myself
02:07.17 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
02:14.36 AchiestDragon it locked up on me earlyer , had to hit the big red restart button ,was doing a raytrace and had cpu usage saying 120% and no responce from mouse or keyboard
02:23.17 brlcad woah
02:28.12 brlcad if you can find steps to repeat that one, that'd be rather high priority
02:28.45 brlcad regardless, feel free to report that bug and/or any others to the bug tracker
02:30.54 AchiestDragon hope not :), had it set to photon mapping and changed the global photons to someting rather high
02:32.21 AchiestDragon but i think it was a ram limit , theres only 512mb ram on here and 2Gb swap allocated , and it looked like it was hitting the upper limit of the swap space also
02:35.15 AchiestDragon there is another , in the preferences , font settings ,font tools the list of fonts in each "famaly" is longer than will display on the screen
02:38.00 brlcad OOooh.. hehe photon mapping.. :)
02:38.10 AchiestDragon if i set the font size to 8 or below i get more in each list but still miss quite a few
02:56.27 AchiestDragon i know theres converters from autocad dxf with it but what about blender and .pov file types
02:57.09 brlcad they do not yet exist, though they are on the wish/todo list
03:13.32 EricWilhelm mine too
03:25.44 brlcad soon as I finish up with the .bzw converter, I'll be moving on to one of those two ..
03:27.21 AchiestDragon kool
03:29.33 AchiestDragon its 4:30 am here , time for bed for me , will play arround with it some more tomorow , try to get used to it some more then
03:35.09 brlcad thanks for the feedbacks
03:35.11 brlcad and reports
03:59.21 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (i=semhirag@unaffiliated/semhirage)
04:14.54 *** join/#brlcad Semhirage (i=semhirag@unaffiliated/semhirage)
11:03.16 AchiestDragon hmm , having fun , been trying to import dxf files into brlcad , ok so seem to endup with a mess , ok so it looks to be a problem with blender that i'm exporting them to dxf from , as it shows the same mess in autocad
11:26.38 *** join/#brlcad cad462 (
12:16.01 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/include/ (png.h pngconf.h): Updates for libpng 1.2.8
12:18.35 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/tkimg/zlibtcl/ (zlibtcl.c zlibtcl.h zlibtclStubLib.c): Get zlibtcl's package name from ZLIBTCL_PACKAGE_NAME
12:20.34 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/tkimg/pngtcl/ (pngtcl.h pngtcl.c pngtclStubLib.c): Get pngtcl's package name from PNGTCL_PACKAGE_NAME
12:35.56 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/tkimg/pngtcl/pngtcl.c: Not exporting Png_Init
12:36.59 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/tkimg/zlibtcl/zlibtcl.c: Not exporting Z_Init
12:39.29 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/tkimg/png/init.c: Not exporting Tkimgpng_Init
12:42.33 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/tkimg/png/png.c: Minor mod to appease compiler
12:47.02 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/tkimg/base/tkimgStubLib.c: Use TKIMG_PACKAGE_NAME
12:49.55 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/tkimg/base/tkimg.c: Provide extern declarations for a few embedded packages
12:55.55 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/other/libpng/png.h: Exporting png_read_destroy and png_write_destroy (tkimg needs them)
13:01.22 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/archer/Archer.tcl: Add haveSdb to Archer namespace; move code that sets haveSdb to LoadArcherLibs
13:07.58 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/archer/LoadArcherLibs.tcl: Add code to set haveSdb; No longer need to load libpng and tkimgpng
13:12.35 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/include/config_win.h: Change INSTALL_DIRECTORY
13:17.57 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc7/ (4 files in 4 dirs): Mods to reflect the move of zlib/tcl and libpng/tcl stuff to tkimg
13:27.25 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
13:28.26 CIA-5 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 07bobWinPort * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc7/fast42g/.cvsignore: Initial check-in
15:18.46 *** join/#brlcad cad105 (
15:18.55 cad105 hi ya
15:20.45 BRLcad_firstday this is my first day using brlcad
16:49.58 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad (
17:50.10 *** join/#brlcad knightstalker (n=knightst@
17:52.29 knightstalker hello;
17:52.29 knightstalker I'm new to brlcad. I'm running linux, but I'm thinking about using it in the university I work, and I have a question google couldn't answer me: are there any compiled package of brlcad for windows, or, is there a way to compile brlcad under windows? I found a precompiled package of a beta release of the 6.x series, but it asks me for a serial. Thanks
17:56.03 Maloeran It can be compiled on windows, there are Makefiles ( or the MSVC equivalent ) for this purpose
17:57.10 brlcad knightstalker: the windows release is imminent
17:57.15 brlcad ~spell imminent
17:57.25 knightstalker so, with a port of GNU make for windows I can do the job of compilation? I've never done something like that :P
17:58.25 brlcad knightstalker: you can use cygwin and get a full functioning build using the existing build
17:58.46 brlcad or.. you can use the msvc files in the BobWinPort branch
17:58.55 brlcad and build everything using Studio
17:59.28 knightstalker ack. I've heard of cygwin before, but I've never tried it....
17:59.29 knightstalker well, I'll try that, all I need is something to show up to the boss
17:59.39 brlcad or.. you can ask for the alpha release zip if you want to alpha test :)
17:59.49 knightstalker I'll take a look at this
17:59.49 knightstalker thank you guys
17:59.57 knightstalker hey, you do have it?
18:00.02 brlcad yup
18:00.08 knightstalker woa, please
18:00.12 brlcad :)
18:00.20 knightstalker "can I have the alpha zip release?"
18:00.21 knightstalker :P
18:00.35 brlcad it's not been tested much, but it should work
18:03.42 knightstalker but I'm afraid I can't download it right now
18:04.20 knightstalker I'm on a dial-up connection now, and if I download it in this computer I won't be able to take it to home
18:04.33 brlcad okay
18:04.47 brlcad it's about 14M fwiw
18:05.02 knightstalker it would be too much to ask to put it on a server, like sourceforge
18:05.13 knightstalker so, I'll come back later
18:05.37 brlcad i'm uploading it to one of our mirrors now
18:05.48 brlcad but it's not going to go up on until it's been tested some more
18:05.52 knightstalker hey, thanks man
18:06.05 knightstalker please, tell me what's the address
18:06.25 knightstalker so I'd proud of downloading it and testing it for you
18:06.25 brlcad one sec
18:06.28 knightstalker :P
18:10.16 brlcad it'll be at in about a minute, I'll leave it up there until a new build replaces it
18:10.27 knightstalker woa; ok
18:10.32 knightstalker thank you
18:10.34 knightstalker so much
18:10.52 brlcad just please report back any issues you run into
18:11.08 knightstalker I'll download it, and show to the guys there
18:11.09 knightstalker ok, I'll do my best
18:11.17 knightstalker thanks again
18:13.43 brlcad no problem
18:14.01 knightstalker oops,
18:14.18 knightstalker it returns a 550 error: no such file or directory
18:14.25 brlcad "about a minute"
18:14.31 brlcad it's there now
18:14.32 knightstalker ok
18:14.43 brlcad not ftp
18:14.53 knightstalker ack, http
18:15.05 brlcad you have to type the http:// prefix
18:15.16 knightstalker ok
18:15.37 brlcad I presume you've found the manuals on the website?
18:15.53 knightstalker yeah
18:16.06 knightstalker I've read some, but not all
18:16.19 brlcad they are pretty much required reading for unfamiliar users ;)
18:16.38 knightstalker I was more intersted in the one about conversion between files
18:16.38 brlcad mged is not really 'discoverable' like it should be
18:17.35 knightstalker yeah, but I like it, he is somehow cool, the command-line interface where you type the commands and the visual window where things appear
18:18.22 knightstalker perhaps someday it'll have an full OpenGL interface, such as the one Blender have
18:19.14 knightstalker say, that isn't a bad idea? something more... interactive
18:19.33 brlcad it's under development
18:19.46 brlcad there's a soon to be released tool that does the shaded displays
18:20.14 brlcad and a full replacement modeler under development that will fully replace mged but that's at least a year out
18:20.21 knightstalker woa... I really need to read some changelogs and to go down into the source tree lol
18:20.32 brlcad the soon to be released tool will probably be ready in a month or two
18:20.39 brlcad please do ;)
18:20.49 brlcad I'm always open to new developers
18:21.21 brlcad the package is broad-scoping enough for pretty much any skill set ;)
18:21.28 knightstalker I'd like to contribute with something, but I'm not with the time to do it
18:21.32 knightstalker I'm trying a degree in one university, and I work in another one
18:22.05 knightstalker perhaps at the end of the year, when I'll be off the two
18:22.07 AchiestDragon well you got a willing beta tester for the new modeler
18:22.42 knightstalker sure thing, I'd like to see it and do some stuff too
18:23.46 knightstalker well, g2g guys
18:23.50 knightstalker c ya later
18:23.55 knightstalker and, thanks again
18:23.59 knightstalker Ciao
18:28.39 AchiestDragon shame im no good at C or C++
18:32.39 archivist_3 well download the source, read and learn
18:36.24 brlcad AchiestDragon: damn shame
18:36.28 AchiestDragon its years since i did any C , i gave up on C++
18:37.03 brlcad you know tcl? sh? perl? html? english? I'm sure there's a lang that we could find where help is needed :)
18:37.29 AchiestDragon python
18:38.40 brlcad that works ;)
18:39.45 AchiestDragon assembler on z80, 68000, amd29000 , pdp11 ,pic microcontrlers , and others but not iX86 if i can help it
18:41.13 AchiestDragon i can read and follow C and C++ (mostly) but know i would have problems writing code
18:43.53 brlcad have you used simh?
18:44.09 AchiestDragon ive been trying to learn qt3 but since kde is moving to qt4 for kde 4 its all change , got good at designing frontends for gui's but getting the programs to do someting when i press a button is a diferent matter
18:44.57 AchiestDragon no to simh
18:45.42 brlcad it's a historic computing simulation virtual machine framework
18:45.56 brlcad you can run a vax, pdp11, etc
18:46.21 brlcad i compiled it up a few years ago, ran the vax simulator, installed bsd, compiled brl-cad on it .. fun :)
18:46.25 AchiestDragon used stuff similar to it
18:47.29 AchiestDragon gave my pdp11/03 and pdp11/23 to a musem about 8 years ago now
18:47.30 brlcad i'd love to get the simulator time-synced so that we can recompute the BRL-CAD Benchmarks again, get a VGR performance metric of '1'
18:47.45 brlcad
18:48.47 AchiestDragon brb
20:58.41 AchiestDragon back
21:01.26 AchiestDragon i used to run povray on a old xt an 8086 with 8087 co proc 24hrs for a 640*480 res output was common on complex images , :) would be a few seconds on current machines for the same res
21:02.55 Maloeran With the amount of ram these boxes had, it couldn't have been too complex :)
21:03.44 AchiestDragon well a complex image then was 8 interwoven transperent torus's
21:04.29 brlcad heh
21:05.14 brlcad the brl-cad benchmark images used to take about week to render all of them on the vax 11/780
21:05.41 brlcad (5 512x512 images back then)
21:06.00 Maloeran The pre-Justin ray-tracer is quite slow though
21:06.14 AchiestDragon yes some would , but 24 hrs was the maximum i would run , needed to use the machine for other things
21:07.32 AchiestDragon but you could stop it tracing , and restart it later , so over night was the time it got ,
21:09.48 AchiestDragon btw i have only come across 1 3d editor that i liked , but unfortunatly its not got full ray trace options and is limited to be a addition to a pcb package for doing board visulisation
21:11.23 archivist_3 which pcb package?
21:11.29 brlcad Maloeran: i'd be very interested in seeing a comparison of the two that produces pixel-identical results
21:11.50 AchiestDragon blender has alot of good features , but a intreface so bad that it takes you longer to remeber what mode you need to be in for the key to work
21:11.55 *** join/#brlcad docelic (
21:12.17 Maloeran I was refering to the brlcad's ray-tracer before Justin's, not mine there, if it wasn't clear
21:12.35 brlcad if you simplify the problem, of course it's going to run faster -- having it outperform on equivalent inputs will the be the real interesting test to me
21:12.38 AchiestDragon autotrax , its got a package bundled called active3d, its a doddle to use
21:12.40 brlcad yeah, I mean that too
21:13.28 docelic Good evening gentlemen
21:13.41 docelic Folks, do you know the exact name of a project similar to Grass (that's what I remember first associating it with), but it's primary use was for water & depth, and was named something like SeaCad or SeaDac or something like that.. I searched for months and I wasnt able to locate it again..
21:14.33 brlcad Maloeran: it should still outperform (both yours or his), but whether it's incredibly faster when it's doing equivalent work is unproven yet
21:15.26 Maloeran It's certain that having a wider range of primitives than triangles complexify the tracing task
21:15.38 brlcad triangles are something the brl-cad does not deal with well at all, and something that has historically not been developed, so comparing an rt-raytraced BoT model to that in adrt is not exactly apples to apples
21:19.06 AchiestDragon triangles are on of the reasons that blender dosent do a good job , and that meshes and sphears in it never seem to have have true curves
21:19.53 brlcad i'm a bit tempted to take a traditional csg model and incrementally facetize the heck out of it, comparing the raytrace results of rt to your tracer to see just what level of facetization is required to get the same results
21:20.00 brlcad Maloeran: you have phong implemented?
21:20.33 Maloeran Sure
21:20.39 brlcad cool
21:20.57 brlcad maybe at some point down the road
21:22.01 Maloeran This should be interesting. Performance isn't really related to the global triangle count, but to the spatial complexity in the vicinity of the rays
21:24.28 brlcad yeah, hence just a "traditional csg model" .. i can imagine some pathalogically bad cases where a triangle-only tracer would just crumple to get pixel-accurate results, sphere flake for example or something with higher curvature
21:24.57 brlcad and then there's the memory/disk tradeoff
21:37.02 AchiestDragon grr im raytracing the demo db (m35.g) with photon mapping and forgot to note the start time
21:38.00 AchiestDragon 10:34 or 10:35 but can't remember witch
21:39.16 AchiestDragon to 10:40 so about 5 mins not bad realy
21:55.25 brlcad heh, the photon mapping is pretty slow :)
21:56.20 brlcad but 5 min isn't "too" bad for a pseudo gloabal illum render
21:59.41 pra5ad sean, who at work is a custom PC builder person?
21:59.58 pra5ad i know most of u are macphiles
22:11.45 AchiestDragon no i use pc's
22:16.33 AchiestDragon theres a number of ways to optimize rendering , but some can take more effort than thay gain in effectivness , it can depend verry much in the sceen beeing rendered
22:17.30 AchiestDragon for animation though theres a number of diferent ways to optimise that can be verry effective
22:17.52 *** join/#brlcad docelic (
22:20.57 AchiestDragon hmmm just debating if its crashed ,, i got the message Irradience Cache Progress :100% about 10 mins ago , and the cpu usage is still close to 100% and still wating for it to finish
22:37.44 *** join/#brlcad Obscene_CNN (n=DiscoBan@
22:46.11 brlcad pra5ad: just cause I prefer the simplicity of a mac doesn't mean I haven't built my fair share of boxes from scratch over the years
22:46.38 brlcad I just value my time way more than the 'savings'
22:47.08 brlcad anyways.. half the people in the building are :P
22:48.40 brlcad AchiestDragon: I doubt it's stuck .. the only bug I know of right now that causes a crash is using the cache file
22:59.43 AchiestDragon too late stoped it anyway
23:05.13 AchiestDragon started it again
23:05.30 brlcad how many photons?
23:10.49 AchiestDragon 32768
23:24.19 AchiestDragon ok maybe , i closed the app , killed the rt prog then restarted it its taken 20 mins so far to get 25%
23:30.04 AchiestDragon time for a coffee i think
23:38.09 *** join/#brlcad tegtmeye (
23:40.53 AchiestDragon hmm and problems with the win32 version ,,, rt can't connect to fb server on host "localhost", port "5561"
23:43.57 AchiestDragon was only doing a basic full render on the windows box
23:51.14 AchiestDragon :) now archer looks kool
23:52.11 AchiestDragon brlcad: is archer also avalable for the linux version ???
23:55.34 brlcad AchiestDragon: what do you mean?
23:55.40 brlcad archer is platform agnostic
23:56.11 brlcad a release hasn't been made yet that includes archer .. it's only recently starting to get merged in to cvs
23:56.49 AchiestDragon thinks i need to update to the cvs version
23:57.04 brlcad archer's not on head yet :)
23:57.33 brlcad it's all in a branch, if you want to take a peek -- all very untested and integrated so far :)
23:57.55 brlcad but if you're interested, it's in the BobWinPort branch
23:59.17 AchiestDragon i downloaded the win port version from the link you gave earlyer today , thats where i found it

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