irclog2html for #brlcad on 20050927

00:00.25 brlcad yeah, that's not yet released
00:00.47 brlcad that's effectively what's on that branch, though
00:02.38 AchiestDragon will it compile for linux or is it just for win at the moment
00:04.46 brlcad i haven't tested building that branch recently, it's being left somewhat alone so the dev can make the windows release more easily
00:05.01 AchiestDragon k
00:05.10 brlcad archer itself isn't a porting/compiling issue -- it'll just work
00:05.33 brlcad the bigger untested question is if all the's are updated with the right stuff so that it actually makes it through the build
00:06.01 brlcad I believe he recently did a test on linux, so it should be working
00:06.38 *** join/#brlcad cad787 (
00:06.46 cad787 hello
00:06.49 brlcad hello
00:07.03 cad787 I can't get BRL-CAD to work on Mac OS X.
00:07.08 docelic hello
00:07.47 brlcad cad787: run /Applications/Utilities/X11 and type /usr/brlcad/bin/mged in the xterm that opens up
00:07.54 cad787 oh
00:07.57 cad787 ill try
00:08.29 brlcad that surprisingly seems to be the question of the month.. :)
00:09.10 tegtmeye mr. brlcad... I can't get BRLCAD to *compile* on Mac OSX...:)
00:09.18 brlcad cad787, the X11 dependency will be going away shortly, but right now it's required
00:09.33 brlcad tegtmeye: really? what's it saying?
00:09.55 tegtmeye still the same old Framework complaints...
00:10.08 brlcad ooh, you mean adrt
00:10.50 tegtmeye well, actually, I just downgraded to a previous version from Justin and haven't updated in a while... JK
00:11.07 tegtmeye it was BRLCAD though...
00:11.38 brlcad that's a slightly different ball of wax ..
00:12.16 brlcad edit src/adrt/isst/master/ and change isst_master_LDFLAGS = -static to isst_master_LDFLAGS = -static -framework Python
00:12.23 brlcad and
00:12.49 brlcad isst_master_CFLAGS = @SDL_CFLAGS@ -D__STRICT_ANSI__ -I.. -I${top_srcdir}/src/adrt/libtie -I${top_srcdir}/src/adrt/libtienet -I${top_srcdir}/src/adrt/libtexture -I${top_srcdir}/src/adrt/libcommon -I${top_srcdir}/src/adrt/librender -I${top_srcdir}/src/adrt/libutil -I${top_srcdir}/src/adrt/isst
00:13.15 tegtmeye is this in cvs?
00:13.28 brlcad edit src/adrt/isst/master/isst_python.c and make #include "Python.h" read #include <Python/Python.h>
00:13.39 brlcad what do you mean?
00:14.03 tegtmeye if it is in cvs, I'll just update...
00:14.10 brlcad no, it's not
00:14.14 tegtmeye k
00:14.30 brlcad requires changes that haven't gotten to
00:14.37 tegtmeye gotcha
00:14.37 brlcad s/changes/checks/
00:15.00 brlcad since -framework Python isn't exactly going to do anything useful on non-mac ;)
00:15.38 AchiestDragon grrr cvs problems cvs [login aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if any)
00:15.50 brlcad you should be able to get away with just running make twice without rerunning after making those edits on mac
00:16.07 AchiestDragon after hitting return at password prompt
00:16.08 brlcad AchiestDragon: sourceforge is like that sometimes, just keep retrying
00:18.55 *** join/#brlcad cad863 (
00:19.15 cad863 i left...i was the one with the problem running brl-cad
00:19.30 cad863 so, does the app need to be in a certain folder?
00:19.59 AchiestDragon dave@linux:~/brlcad> cvs -z3 co -P brlcad
00:19.59 AchiestDragon can't create temporary directory /tmp/cvs-serv817
00:19.59 AchiestDragon Too many links
00:20.02 brlcad cad863: brl-cad is actually several hundred apps total..
00:20.16 brlcad mm youngins with no patience
00:20.54 brlcad AchiestDragon: heh, yeah.. looks like is a bit overloaded at the moment
00:21.08 *** join/#brlcad cad684 (
00:21.31 cad684 sorry, its the guy with the app-running problem again... the internet was messed up for a sec where i am
00:21.40 cad684 so wat is the command to run it again?
00:21.42 brlcad cad684: brl-cad is actually several hundred apps total.. and yes the binary installers do expect to go to a specific location
00:22.27 brlcad to run the modeler, it's called 'mged' -- brl-cad installs to /usr/brlcad by default, so running /usr/brlcad/bin/mged from xterm should start it up
00:22.39 cad684 ok
00:22.42 cad684 ill try it now
00:22.58 tegtmeye brlcad, rise/observer ld is still complaining but the patch seemed to work on isst, no biggie tho, I don't use it...
00:23.13 brlcad what's the error?
00:23.13 tegtmeye _IOCreatePlugInInterfaceForService
00:23.13 tegtmeye _IOIteratorNext
00:23.13 tegtmeye _IOMasterPort
00:23.13 tegtmeye _IOObjectRelease
00:23.13 tegtmeye _IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties
00:23.14 tegtmeye _IORegistryEntryGetParentEntry
00:23.16 tegtmeye _IOServiceGetMatchingServices
00:23.18 tegtmeye _IOServiceMatching
00:23.18 brlcad ahh
00:23.20 tegtmeye _HideMenuBar
00:23.22 tegtmeye _ShowMenuBar
00:23.23 cad684 it works :D
00:23.24 tegtmeye _CDSequenceEnd
00:23.26 tegtmeye and lots others...
00:23.46 brlcad cad684: there are manuals/tutorials on the website at to get you started
00:23.54 brlcad see the intro to mged
00:24.26 cad684 hanks
00:25.04 brlcad tegtmeye: what's the compile line? it needs to be sdl-config --static-libs not --libs
00:25.35 tegtmeye hold on to your butt...
00:25.42 tegtmeye gcc -I/sw/include -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -fPIC -g -O3 -ffast-math -fstrength-reduce -fexpensive-optimizations -finline-functions -fno-omit-frame-pointer -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -fPIC -Wl,-search_paths_first -mdynamic-no-pic -g -O3 -ffast-ma
00:25.51 tegtmeye err...
00:26.09 tegtmeye bunch of stuff... what are you looking for?
00:26.15 brlcad i know you work on gcc and all, but I dont' think -ffast-ma is valid ;)
00:26.35 tegtmeye lol
00:26.44 brlcad looking for `sdl-config ...` in the compile line
00:26.59 brlcad or python-config
00:27.07 tegtmeye negative...
00:27.23 brlcad look at the libtool line that preceeded it
00:28.10 tegtmeye nope. it is ld that is complaining in gcc
00:28.26 tegtmeye making clean...
00:28.41 brlcad it will be ld that ultimately complains, missing -framework lines
00:29.00 tegtmeye insert wrong answer buzz sound here...
00:29.25 tegtmeye -o rise_observer -static -framework Python rise_observer-main.o
00:29.59 brlcad ahh, sdl-config is already expanded..
00:30.13 tegtmeye ise_observer-observer.o -L/sw/lib -lSDLmain -lSDL -framework Cocoa -framework OpenGL
00:30.30 tegtmeye ... in libtool...
00:30.49 brlcad yeah, already expanded, that's nfg
00:31.47 brlcad run this:
00:31.49 brlcad /bin/sh ../../../../libtool --mode=link gcc -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -fPIC -Wl,-search_paths_first -g -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/local/lib -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -fPIC -Wl,-search_paths_first -g -o rise_observer -static rise_observer-main.o rise_observer-observer.o -L/sw/lib -lSDLmain -lSDL -framework Cocoa -framework OpenGL ../../../../src/adrt/libtienet/ ../../../../src/adrt/libtie/ ../../../
00:32.02 brlcad from adrt/rise/observer
00:33.33 brlcad heh, or the shorthand variant
00:33.35 brlcad make LDFLAGS="`sdl-config --static-libs`"
00:34.08 tegtmeye using make version...
00:34.15 tegtmeye AchiestDragon::__default_alloc_template<true, 0>::deallocate(void*, unsigned long)
00:34.15 tegtmeye AchiestDragon::__default_alloc_template<true, 0>::_S_force_new
00:34.15 tegtmeye AchiestDragon::__default_alloc_template<true, 0>::_S_free_list
00:34.15 tegtmeye AchiestDragon::__default_alloc_template<true, 0>::_S_node_allocator_lock
00:34.15 tegtmeye AchiestDragon::__default_alloc_template<true, 0>::allocate(unsigned long)
00:34.16 tegtmeye AchiestDragon::__default_alloc_template<true, 0>::_S_refill(unsigned long)
00:34.18 tegtmeye collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
00:34.42 tegtmeye err...
00:34.43 tegtmeye Undefined symbols:
00:34.44 tegtmeye AchiestDragon::__default_alloc_template<true, 0>::deallocate(void*, unsigned long)
00:34.44 tegtmeye AchiestDragon::__default_alloc_template<true, 0>::_S_force_new
00:34.44 tegtmeye AchiestDragon::__default_alloc_template<true, 0>::_S_free_list
00:34.44 tegtmeye AchiestDragon::__default_alloc_template<true, 0>::_S_node_allocator_lock
00:34.45 tegtmeye AchiestDragon::__default_alloc_template<true, 0>::allocate(unsigned long)
00:34.47 tegtmeye AchiestDragon::__default_alloc_template<true, 0>::_S_refill(unsigned long)
00:34.55 tegtmeye collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
00:35.14 AchiestDragon so is me
00:35.16 tegtmeye yea, me too
00:35.36 brlcad happen to have tabs in that output? :)
00:35.50 tegtmeye pasted "std::++default..."
00:35.59 tegtmeye shouldn't
00:36.11 brlcad wierd
00:36.12 tegtmeye whatever, that was a std::__default... in there
00:36.33 tegtmeye :)
00:36.41 brlcad hmm.. your'e using gcc 4?
00:36.51 tegtmeye yea, Tiger...
00:37.11 brlcad and that /sw/lib sdl was built pre-tiger wasn't it ..
00:37.39 tegtmeye I'm not using this so don't kill yourself to fix it if you have other things going on..
00:37.41 tegtmeye yea
00:37.48 brlcad those are c++ template incompatibilities
00:37.57 brlcad 3.3 -> 4.0
00:38.12 tegtmeye ahhh, your righ....
00:38.13 Twingy woo, is up
00:38.25 tegtmeye actually,
00:38.47 brlcad tegtmeye: if you gcc_select 3.3 and rebuild everything, it should work ;)
00:39.04 tegtmeye well, the source ones were build with 4.0, but if fink pulled something in binary then prob. no
00:39.21 brlcad that was what was going on up at nist actually when I had to rebuild everything
00:39.47 tegtmeye ahh, I'm not sure it is that important to me though...
00:39.55 brlcad prolly not
00:39.57 brlcad you have the libs
00:40.06 tegtmeye exactly...
00:41.37 tegtmeye Justin, what is the last triple in your .frame file?
00:42.04 Twingy uh
00:42.37 Twingy tilt, perspective, depth_of_field
00:42.41 Twingy all angles
00:45.03 tegtmeye ahh, thought last was up, for an interesting picture try camera,0.0,0.1,10.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,20.0,10.0 using bench
00:45.25 tegtmeye looks like an eye...
00:47.22 tegtmeye at 4k rays per sec...
00:48.25 tegtmeye Also,
00:48.50 tegtmeye camera,0.0,0.0,10.0,0.0,0.0,-10.0,0.0,20.0,0.0 renders black
00:49.37 tegtmeye where camera,0.0,0.1,10.0... is fine. Future issues though...
00:57.24 AchiestDragon sourceforge cvs still busy by looks
01:03.02 AchiestDragon 2am here makes it 8pm central us time so guess it wil be busy for another 2 to 4 hrs
01:04.31 brlcad it's usually a configuration problem, they don't usually have trouble with capacity
01:04.50 AchiestDragon dave@linux:~/brlcad> cvs -z3 co -P brlcad
01:04.50 AchiestDragon can't create temporary directory /tmp/cvs-serv10959
01:04.50 AchiestDragon Too many links
01:06.26 brlcad yeah, i'm seeing that here too on anonymous
01:08.19 AchiestDragon svn is better
01:09.17 brlcad that it is
01:09.57 AchiestDragon once you done a svn checkout its just a case of changing into one of the dirs and doing > svn up , no messing arround loging in and trying to remeber the dirs ect
01:09.59 brlcad sourceforge has been trying to bring svn on-line for a couple years now, apparently not stable enough yet for the volume of use they need
01:10.35 brlcad once you do a cvs checkout, that's pretty much the case too
01:10.54 brlcad the benefit of svn is the changeset management, handling of dirs and file movements
01:36.57 AchiestDragon >From now on cvs users won't be able to access repository. How to solve this
01:36.57 AchiestDragon problem? There is a cvs server option which allow us to use another temporary
01:36.57 AchiestDragon directory. Just create /usr/cvsroot/cvstmp directory and append following
01:36.58 AchiestDragon string to your cvspserver line: "-T /usr/cvsroot/cvstmp"
01:37.47 AchiestDragon looks like is a DOS fix that was done to the cvs , but it only tells you how to fix it from the sever end
01:40.53 brlcad yeah, we don't have access to that -- it's still just temporary
01:41.04 brlcad anonymous is only updated every 5 hours or so
01:42.44 brlcad AchiestDragon: did you want cvs HEAD or BobWinPort ?
01:43.29 AchiestDragon one with archer and for linux
01:47.55 brlcad AchiestDragon: here's a HEAD checkout
01:48.30 brlcad but since you want archer, that's in BobWinPort.. be a few min to update to it
01:48.34 AchiestDragon k
01:49.08 brlcad s/BobWinPort/bobWinPort/g
01:50.13 AchiestDragon HEAD downloaded
01:58.52 brlcad other one's ready, same url, just replace HEAD with bobWinPort
02:00.29 AchiestDragon k
02:20.24 AchiestDragon png.c: In function `SetupPngLibrary':
02:20.24 AchiestDragon png.c:111: error: `PNGTCL_PACKAGE_NAME' undeclared (first use in this function)
02:20.24 AchiestDragon png.c:111: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
02:20.24 AchiestDragon png.c:111: error: for each function it appears in.)
02:20.24 AchiestDragon make[4]: *** [png.lo] Error 1
02:20.25 AchiestDragon make[4]: Leaving directory `/home/dave/dev/brlcad/src/other/tkimg/png'
02:21.28 brlcad not too surprising, but easy to work around :)
02:21.32 AchiestDragon this is on the bobwinport branch
02:21.48 brlcad make CFLAGS=-DPNGTCL_PACKAGE_NAME=pngtcl
02:23.33 AchiestDragon well a bit further but not much
02:23.35 AchiestDragon png.c: In function `SetupPngLibrary':
02:23.35 AchiestDragon png.c:111: error: `pngtcl' undeclared (first use in this function)
02:31.35 brlcad yeah, that's the symbol we just defined, probably needs to have a decl in a header
02:31.46 brlcad looks like the branch needs some work
02:32.18 AchiestDragon hmm
02:34.07 *** join/#brlcad PKMOBILE (
02:34.54 brlcad AchiestDragon: i'll be taking a look at it some this week going through some test builds, so it should be all better soon
02:34.57 AchiestDragon maybe not , looks like its a dependancy problem for pngtcl
02:35.33 brlcad 'pngtcl' was just a name I made up
02:35.52 AchiestDragon The package 'pngtcl' depends on 'zlibtcl' and has to be built after
02:35.52 AchiestDragon it. Beyond that the order of building is free. Their TEA build systems
02:35.52 AchiestDragon can be found in the directories listed above.
02:36.26 brlcad or it conveniently overlaps the real tcl package name ;)
02:40.52 AchiestDragon well make fails doing this make[4]: Entering directory `/home/dave/dev/brlcad/src/other/tkimg/png
02:41.39 brlcad yeah, thats very new stuff
02:41.46 brlcad stuff archer uses
02:41.49 AchiestDragon can i disable ping support
02:42.02 AchiestDragon * png
02:42.04 brlcad nope
02:42.32 AchiestDragon k
02:42.34 brlcad and that's just a submodule to tkimage, but it's the hooks/interface to libpng
02:42.54 brlcad it's what makes the graphic buttons, and other icons/images in archer
02:43.20 brlcad i'm sure it's just simple build/makefile issues to get it working
02:43.27 brlcad but I can't look at it just this second
03:00.14 AchiestDragon np , am looking here but this one has lost me , found the line :-
03:00.16 AchiestDragon <PROTECTED>
03:01.33 AchiestDragon but (png.c:111: error: `PNGTCL_PACKAGE_NAME' undeclared (first use in this function) ) ok so wheres the PNGTCL_PACKAGE_NAME come from , its not in the file
03:05.00 brlcad yes?Png_InitStubs is a macro
03:05.19 brlcad pngtcl.h
03:05.53 brlcad #define Png_InitStubs(interp, version, exact) \
03:05.53 brlcad <PROTECTED>
03:05.54 brlcad #endif
03:48.10 AchiestDragon ok ,, seems it may not of been defined right ,, PNGTCL_PACKAGE_NAME is used but is not defined and has no type allocation should be char and defined somewhere if i recall
03:53.28 brlcad that was why I had you add the -D to CFLAGS
03:53.52 brlcad it's supposed to be a preprocessor symbol provided by the compiler or a header
04:00.59 AchiestDragon ok , so the Tcl_PkgRequire(interp, XXXX, version, exact) is found in 7 diferent headers , but in all but 2 the XXXX is >> "diferent text in quotes " , looks like there diferent object orientated stuff
04:04.54 PKMOBILE hey brlcad / learner, what content can i be adding while i work on making this thing pretty?
04:14.31 AchiestDragon ok found a definition for it :(
04:14.34 AchiestDragon PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32;NDEBUG;_WINDOWS;BUILD_tkimg;BUILD_pngtcl;BUILD_zlibtcl;TKIMG_VERSION=\&quot;1.3\&quot;;TKIMG_PACKAGE_NAME=\&quot;Tkimg\&quot;;TKIMG_PNG_PACKAGE_NAME=\&quot;Tkimgpng\&quot;;ZLIBTCL_PACKAGE_NAME=\&quot;Zlibtcl\&quot;;PNGTCL_PACKAGE_NAME=\&quot;Pngtcl\&quot;"
04:15.51 AchiestDragon so replacing PNGTCL_PACKAGE_NAME with "Pngtcl" should do it
04:16.15 learner :)
04:16.41 learner PKMOBILE, start with the existing content
04:17.08 PKMOBILE the stuff on the current site?
04:17.16 learner yeah
04:17.25 PKMOBILE okie dokie
04:18.06 learner there's more to add, much more, but starting with just wrapping what we have in a framework is good
04:23.56 PKMOBILE ok
04:24.23 PKMOBILE im learning drupal's style which is quite a bit different from XOOPS...
04:27.01 learner cool
05:09.56 AchiestDragon :) well not many changes to get it to make ok
05:16.53 AchiestDragon so replacing PNGTCL_PACKAGE_NAME with "Pngtcl" 2 files 3 enteries and ZLIBTCL_PACKAGE_NAME to "Zlibtcl" in another 2 files 3 enteries total
05:18.22 AchiestDragon and commenting out a "error" in another file that had a coment saying if you encounter an error here read the install notes near the end , but no note there
06:05.08 AchiestDragon shame that all i get is a empty window when running archer :(
06:06.19 AchiestDragon looks like errors in the tcl files not the c ,,, never done any tcl so stuck
07:30.42 AchiestDragon Benchmark results indicate an approximate VGR performance metric of 2412
09:10.10 archivist_3 7960
13:24.32 brlcad archivist_3: that's pretty impressive -- dual amd?
13:28.32 archivist_3 er what? that no was randome from my server, I wasnt in the building
13:29.28 archivist_3 actually a barcode reader in series with the kb
13:29.56 archivist_3 or a ghost
13:30.02 brlcad heh
13:31.11 brlcad was going to say.. those numbers you generally don't see on a dual, would need to be a quad or greater
13:33.09 archivist_3 hehe its a 1 gig amd with windoze and the barcode scanner has been annoying me for nearly 2 yrs but i need a power down to remove
13:34.01 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
16:24.54 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
17:11.45 AchiestDragon :(
17:59.03 brlcad AchiestDragon: hehe, at least you got the window ;)
17:59.28 AchiestDragon :)
18:04.09 AchiestDragon btw i'm hoping that in the long run i will be able to draw something using bricad and export it to dxf for a cnc router
18:04.23 Twingy_ mmm cnc
18:04.33 Twingy_ AchiestDragon: which kind you got?
18:04.58 AchiestDragon one about half built at moment , see last link for pic
18:05.39 brlcad AchiestDragon: pretty neat custom setup there ;)
18:06.02 brlcad so how are you planning on driving it?
18:06.08 brlcad g-code? :)
18:06.10 Twingy_ I want to get my hands on a 5-axis
18:06.24 AchiestDragon its a prototype , once i get that working i will be welding a propper frame together
18:06.55 Twingy_ got any pics of the setup?
18:07.32 Maloeran Ahah, neat
18:07.49 Twingy_ ah, other link
18:07.52 AchiestDragon g code , theres emc for linux
18:08.37 Twingy_ I would need something with a significantly larger domain for Z
18:08.50 AchiestDragon i have kcam for windows , autocad , 3ds , and a number of other cad programs that i can use for generating code also
18:10.14 brlcad AchiestDragon: you're not the first to suggest using brl-cad for cnc, sounds like a great plan to me -- waiting for someone to make it a reality ;)
18:11.12 Twingy_ here's a cheap one
18:11.16 Twingy_
18:11.16 AchiestDragon well been playing with doing that using blender , but blender has big dxf export bugs , and theres no way to get the size right in blender
18:12.59 archivist export to STL, dxf is often borked
18:13.17 Twingy_ it was written 10 years ago and Ton hasn't touched it since
18:14.15 Maloeran Most Blender exporters are broken in my experience, the 3ds one eats triangles upon saving
18:14.34 Twingy_ *shrug* it's open source, fix it
18:15.46 AchiestDragon and it introduces some unwanted lines in exporting that are verry problamatic if you want to cnc the shape
18:16.13 Twingy_ mal, register your nick
18:16.33 Twingy_ ooh, one sec
18:17.51 AchiestDragon ie draw mesh , export it looks fine , send it to cnc , starts by cutting a hole in the middle of the work , milling accoss to the corner , then does a good job of the mesh , and just before finishing machines a big cross accross the work
18:18.24 archivist that may be the machines fault as well
18:18.40 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (
18:18.58 AchiestDragon no its some extra paths that end up in the blender dxf export of the mesh
18:19.21 AchiestDragon have to sift though the g-code and manualy remove them
18:19.41 brlcad I don't think the machine should be healing the geometry for you, and without that exporting arbitrary meshes isn't going to fly without ensuring a solid model and export that retains solidity
18:19.46 archivist i had a dxf fix script once
18:20.07 AchiestDragon with 1 mesh its not too bad , but when you have to stich a few together its a pain
18:20.15 brlcad yeah
18:21.19 AchiestDragon bbl , need to call shop
18:21.20 brlcad that distinction is one of the reasons (among many) that solid modelers are not in the same category as animation modelers
18:22.25 archivist hehe yes line ends need to meet exactly (buggers a laser cutter if they dont)
21:12.20 AchiestDragon bk
21:13.56 AchiestDragon re using brlcad for doing cnc , well ok going to give it a go , but might involve a few feature requests
21:16.26 brlcad if you happen to have a reference to the g-code format, that could make writing a converter easier
21:18.52 AchiestDragon i will have a look for info
21:19.21 archivist there are some free resources available
21:20.49 AchiestDragon thers references in linuxcnc , on the wiki and in the handbook
21:21.36 AchiestDragon
21:23.48 brlcad hey, I think I know her
21:27.24 AchiestDragon who
21:27.36 brlcad elena messina
21:27.53 AchiestDragon k , kool
21:31.56 AchiestDragon although alot of cnc machines and software use a subset of the G-code
21:34.14 archivist interesting article
21:38.07 archivist we have a crude cnc here that could be made a lot better, but would need a lot of work
21:39.19 archivist AchiestDragon as your on demon you cant be that far away from me
21:39.41 AchiestDragon north wales
21:40.06 archivist east midlands burton on trent
21:40.50 AchiestDragon kool :)
21:54.42 *** join/#brlcad docelic (
23:48.58 *** join/#brlcad tegtmeye (

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