irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051005

03:05.33 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
03:05.33 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.6.0 is now being prepared
03:39.28 *** join/#brlcad _AchiestDragon (
10:57.17 *** join/#brlcad thumPer1052 (
11:02.44 thumPer1052 Wow! There IS a time when all the world's asleep!
12:17.46 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
13:06.00 archivist_ sleep causes programming deprivation
14:58.37 brlcad lhehe
15:39.43 *** join/#brlcad MikeC (
15:42.31 *** join/#brlcad Twingy_ (
15:43.22 MikeC hi Twingy_
15:54.45 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
15:55.21 brlcad howdy MikeC
15:56.49 MikeC hello brlcad
15:57.14 MikeC This is Mike Caruso, I visited ARL in mid july
15:57.40 brlcad the name is very familiar
15:58.12 brlcad aah, and you spoke with Lee for quite a while, iirc
15:58.20 MikeC yes
15:58.29 MikeC and Justin
15:58.45 brlcad got it
15:59.03 MikeC do you know anything about Justin's ray tracer? along the lines of shot line analysis?
16:01.10 brlcad a little bit, he'll be back in a while .. ping Twingy_ for his attention ;)
16:01.40 brlcad the ISST tool in ADRT is toolset he put together
16:01.40 MikeC ok I messaged him, thanks
16:01.50 MikeC <PROTECTED>
16:01.57 MikeC I forgot the name of the ray tracer
16:01.58 brlcad i'm more familiar with librt's shot-line analysis interface
16:02.00 MikeC so its called ADRT?
16:02.24 brlcad ADRT is a collection of tools based around his triangle-tracer
16:02.33 MikeC ok
16:02.41 brlcad in adrt is isst and rise
16:02.53 MikeC what is isst and rise?
16:02.59 brlcad "interative shotline selection tool" and the "realistic image synthesis engine"
16:03.46 MikeC ok I'll talk to him later on today
16:03.50 brlcad basically isst is real-time ray-tracing for model visualization, rise is path-tracing for pretty pictures
16:04.51 MikeC I'll be back in a few hours
16:50.06 ``Erik shoulda gone to lunch with us, sean
16:51.17 Twingy_ hi
16:52.52 brlcad ``Erik: i had good noodles
16:53.05 Twingy_ as opposed to BAD noodles
16:53.12 brlcad yup
16:53.13 Twingy_ behind armor debris noodles
16:53.16 Twingy_ :)
16:53.24 brlcad kermit had lots of BAD noodles
16:53.50 brlcad i didn't think they could go bad.. but sure enough, give 'em a decade..
16:54.02 Twingy_ I think the mouse would get to them before then
16:57.54 *** part/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
17:25.43 ``Erik heh
17:26.00 ``Erik did kermit spall all over?
18:14.59 *** join/#brlcad ibot_ (
18:14.59 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.6.0 is now being prepared
18:41.49 MikeC-Away Twingy_ do you have a moment to discuss ADRT?
18:42.11 Twingy_ yep
18:42.59 MikeC1 can the code for ADRT be found in the 7.6.0 distribution of brlcad?
18:43.19 Twingy_ brlcad/src/adrt/
18:44.02 MikeC1 ok the application that displayed the fault tree, is that a separate thing?
18:44.27 Twingy_ that's fuzzy attribute viewer, part of brian's project
18:44.50 MikeC1 that is probably not part of the brlcad source tree right?
18:44.56 Twingy_ correct
18:45.08 MikeC1 is it possible to get just the fault tree data itself?
18:45.21 Twingy_ that's a sysdef file
18:45.27 Twingy_ those are usually classified/sensitive
18:46.03 Twingy_ did you mean input data or result data?
18:46.06 MikeC1 are there any example fault trees we can work with?
18:46.15 MikeC1 well just the tree itself
18:46.21 Twingy_ yes, I think 2 are included in the fuzzy attribute project
18:46.42 MikeC1 ok thats good
18:46.51 MikeC1 should we talk to Brian on getting the code for that project?
18:46.55 Twingy_ you'll have to contact brian if you want to see about getting a copy of that
18:46.58 MikeC1 ok
18:47.07 Twingy_ he'll be in tommorrow
18:47.12 Twingy_ you can call him
18:47.18 MikeC1 ok cool, does he come on here at all?
18:47.33 Twingy_ nope, he's an irc troglodyte :)
18:47.42 MikeC1 hahahaha
18:47.46 brlcad heh
18:48.11 MikeC1 its good to know you guys are available here
18:48.22 MikeC1 just dont die from those noodles
18:48.24 MikeC1 or something
18:48.36 brlcad the noodles were great ;)
18:48.47 Twingy_ if the noodles kill him, brl-cad dies :)
18:48.51 MikeC1 I had some noodles today too
18:49.26 Twingy_ unfortunately sean is the brl-cad team :)
18:49.56 brlcad not "entirely", but mostly the heavy lifter for anything not in src/adrt ;)
18:50.05 MikeC1 so does the fault tree need to mirror the articulation of the object in the g file being rendered by the ADRT?
18:50.27 Twingy_ it requires a regmap file
18:50.36 Twingy_ that maps a .g file's region ID to a muves component name
18:50.42 MikeC1 oh ok
18:50.43 Twingy_ the component name is what is used in the sysdef file
18:50.52 Twingy_ my g-adrt converter takes an option regmap file
18:51.06 Twingy_ and converts region names to muves names for you
18:51.30 Twingy_ it's not a very turn-key process yet
18:51.38 MikeC1 do you have brian's number handy? if not i'll call the general number
18:51.39 Twingy_ mostly bubblegum and duct tape
18:51.39 MikeC1 thats ok
18:51.45 MikeC1 as long as you are here
18:51.48 MikeC1 and we can ask questions
18:51.51 Twingy_ yep
18:51.53 Twingy_ one sec
18:52.19 Twingy_ 3872
18:52.22 MikeC1 k
18:52.30 Twingy_ oops
18:52.32 Twingy_ 3782
18:53.01 MikeC1 how is the windows port going?
18:53.18 brlcad MikeC1: there's an alpha ready for testing if you're interested
18:53.24 MikeC1 ooooo
18:53.33 MikeC1 adrt too?
18:53.41 Twingy_ not so much :)
18:53.48 MikeC1 ok
18:53.58 MikeC1 Twingy: will FC4 work?
18:54.04 Twingy_ windows for distributed computing seems kinda hairy :)
18:54.12 Twingy_ yes
18:54.14 MikeC1 oh thats one thing i should point out
18:54.15 brlcad nope, mainly mged and all the tools exposed by mged (rt, converters) and archer
18:54.22 MikeC1 we do not have a distributed environment set up here
18:54.27 Twingy_ ah
18:54.28 MikeC1 looking to run everyone on one CPU for now
18:54.37 MikeC1 everything*
18:54.39 Twingy_ well, don't expect great performance
18:54.44 MikeC1 thats ok
18:54.49 Twingy_ you'll be lucky to top 1mil rays/sec
18:54.54 MikeC1 we're going to use some simple models
18:54.58 MikeC1 thats ok for us man
18:55.20 MikeC1 we are mainly looking at it for the fault tree and shot line stuff
18:55.26 MikeC1 with the slicing views
18:55.54 Twingy_ ah
18:56.04 Twingy_ should buy a couple AMD X2's ;)
18:56.10 MikeC1 is there any work being done related to giving mass to the projectile?
18:56.53 Twingy_ erm, that's a vulnerability algorithm, you could toss that in
18:57.02 MikeC1 ok
18:57.16 Twingy_ I've got a new program I'm working on that might address that
18:57.39 MikeC1 and mainly what our goal is to expose the capabilities of these things to the TENA/HLA world
18:57.52 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
18:57.53 MikeC1 so that people who simulate vehicles/projectiles/etc in a scenario can use this as a result
18:58.21 Twingy_ yep, I've got plans for that too ;)
18:58.30 Twingy_ check back on me in a few weeks :}
18:58.56 MikeC1 oh you are working with TENA/HLA?
18:59.02 Twingy_ erm, not so much
18:59.15 ``Erik weee, network breakage hehehe
18:59.29 Twingy_ muhaha
19:00.36 Twingy_ the great thing about standards is there's so many to choose from :)
19:00.43 ``Erik prasad, jason, ron, etc have no neworking hehehe
19:00.49 ``Erik who said that quote?
19:00.53 Twingy_ maybe I should plug their calbes in
19:01.01 Twingy_ watch out
19:01.04 Twingy_ tammy is on her way upstairs
19:01.12 Twingy_ gillich is following her
19:01.27 ``Erik mebbe I shoudln't have played in the cable room with a pair of dikes
19:02.06 PrezKennedy that just dont sound right
19:02.58 Twingy_ ``Erik likes his ho's yo
19:03.09 ``Erik foshizzy
19:03.14 Twingy_ manizzle
19:03.42 ``Erik (define (deps port) (sys-chdir port) (string-split (process-output->string "make -V LIB_DEPENDS -V BUILD_DEPENDS -V RUN_DEPENDS") " "))
19:03.45 ``Erik awesome
19:04.09 Twingy_ schemizzle lispskizzle
19:04.58 ``Erik ghah, mike is polluting prasad with more c++ crap
19:05.32 Twingy_ yes :(
19:05.41 ``Erik right nw, in the hallway whiteboard
19:05.52 PrezKennedy c++ is the shizzle
19:06.33 PrezKennedy so when can we expect to see brl-cad ported entirely to java?
19:06.35 PrezKennedy X-D
19:06.35 Twingy_ can't priv msg :(
19:06.49 ``Erik um, register yourself with nicksuck
19:06.52 Twingy_ I did
19:06.57 Twingy_ but Twingy is logged in at home
19:07.01 Twingy_ and I don't feel like killing it
19:07.04 ``Erik set up a secondary hostname
19:07.10 Twingy_ I'm lazy
19:07.20 Twingy_ I think you should call mike
19:07.24 Twingy_ he won't leave our office
19:07.26 Twingy_ call his phone
19:07.30 Maloeran Ahah
19:07.32 ``Erik what #?
19:07.52 ``Erik I'll search the directory
19:08.05 Twingy_ 7820
19:08.12 brlcad heh
19:08.14 PrezKennedy thats a creative way to get rid of someone
19:08.38 Twingy_ hurry
19:08.52 brlcad woo
19:09.04 Twingy_ woo
19:09.12 ``Erik damn, I think he was quicker than I anticipated
19:09.25 Twingy_ he's like kramer
19:09.46 ``Erik damn, these things have caller id
19:09.50 Twingy_ yes
19:09.55 Twingy_ uh og
19:09.57 ``Erik he may try calling or visiting
19:09.59 Twingy_ I think he's on his way upstairs
19:10.03 Twingy_ lock the door!
19:10.07 Twingy_ oh wait, bathroom
19:10.11 Twingy_ I hear the squeaky door
19:10.12 ``Erik oh, wait
19:10.13 ``Erik hah
19:10.16 ``Erik I used rons number
19:10.17 ``Erik SWEET
19:10.20 Twingy_ nice
19:10.32 ``Erik next time, I'll call mike from his own number
19:10.32 ``Erik mwahaha
19:10.35 Twingy_ awesome
19:11.03 Twingy_ so when I say DEY TUK R JBS! you need to call mike
19:11.26 Twingy_ DEY TUK R JBS!
19:11.31 Twingy_ DEY TUK R JBS!
19:11.37 Twingy_ DEY TUK R JBS!
19:11.45 Twingy_ DEY TUK R JBS!
19:11.59 PrezKennedy its antics like this that make me wish i worked there
19:12.05 Twingy_ hurry!
19:12.10 Twingy_ ok
19:12.11 Twingy_ he's gone
19:12.34 Maloeran It sure sounds like a very productive environment :)
19:12.43 Twingy_ not with mike around :(
19:21.59 Maloeran Did you run some benchmarks on Pathscale, Twingy? I never really fixed that "key" problem, it couldn't be much worse than GCC
19:22.27 ``Erik (tried tendra?)
19:23.35 ``Erik
19:23.45 ``Erik (ports/lang/TenDRA on fbsd)
19:27.51 Maloeran Doesn't seem to support amd64, nor do any better than gcc in public benchmarks...
19:28.18 ``Erik hm, some fbsd pundits wanted to change the base compiler from gcc to tendra citing a few percent performance gain *shrug*
19:29.27 Maloeran Ah, what wouldn't fbsd fanatics say just to move away from GPL'ed code :)
19:30.04 ``Erik heh, plenty of gpl stuff being added, dude
19:42.52 *** join/#brlcad Erroneous (
23:04.28 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
23:04.28 *** topic/#brlcad is || BRL-CAD is now Open Source! || Release 7.6.0 is now being prepared
23:09.15 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
23:14.24 *** join/#brlcad thumPer1052 (
23:31.15 *** join/#brlcad archivist (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.