irclog2html for #brlcad on 20051009

01:31.58 *** join/#brlcad craigbass1976 (
01:53.54 craigbass1976 Is anyone in here?
03:06.21 pra5ad Twingy, what font lib do u use for adrt?
03:11.55 Twingy my own
03:16.27 Twingy hrm
03:16.49 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
03:20.50 pra5ad yea?
03:20.56 pra5ad using freetype2?
03:21.27 pra5ad or just a bmp of 8x8 glyphs?
03:27.38 Twingy ooh
03:27.57 Twingy bitmaps
03:28.03 Twingy #include font.h
03:28.13 Twingy made it in gimp
03:28.47 pra5ad howd u make the bmp?
03:28.57 pra5ad gimp plugin?
03:29.00 pra5ad manually?
03:29.44 Twingy used fixed font, typed 128 characters
03:29.52 Twingy used SDL_Rect to map em
03:40.06 pra5ad do u have font color support?
03:43.41 Twingy nope
03:43.50 Twingy trivial to add though
03:46.03 pra5ad how so?
03:46.37 Twingy well, for my font it's got 2 colors cause it's shadowed
03:46.54 Twingy set the primary color to 1,1,1 and on init() just set the color
03:47.11 Twingy or
03:47.32 Twingy use some sdl foo
03:47.32 pra5ad i meant multi font color at run time
03:47.32 Twingy sdl's got masking
03:47.32 pra5ad <draw text in blue> <draw text in yellow>
03:47.32 pra5ad oh?
03:47.32 Twingy so set the color to white
03:47.32 pra5ad cool
03:48.14 Twingy I've got an idea for nitrous propane pulsed rocket motor
03:49.41 Twingy ya know, a pair of jet engines mounted to the side of the rocket for initial ascent would be kinda clever
03:49.54 Twingy then at 5 miles it dumps em
03:51.52 pra5ad do u have alpha in ur font bmp? how are u loading it into the sdl surface?
03:52.08 Twingy it's alpha 32bit
03:52.51 pra5ad raw? no header?
03:53.09 Twingy hrm?
03:53.18 pra5ad windows 'bitmap' has a header
03:53.22 Twingy oh
03:53.23 Twingy use gimp
03:53.28 Twingy save it as a "c-source" file
03:53.31 Twingy rename it to font.h
03:53.35 pra5ad rofl
03:53.36 Twingy and you're set
03:53.48 pra5ad ok then what?
03:53.51 pra5ad sdl_load_bmp?
03:53.53 Twingy no
03:53.57 Twingy it's a struct
03:54.08 Twingy it's raw rgba data
03:54.13 Twingy memcpy it into surface->pixels
03:54.20 Twingy check out my display.c file
03:54.23 pra5ad k
03:54.43 Twingy it's like 15 lines of code
03:55.17 Twingy hrm, I think when I get my machine tools I'm gonna build a jet engine and rocket motor
04:00.36 Twingy I wonder how many years I'd have to spend in school before I'd actually get to build one, heh
04:48.14 pra5ad yo
04:48.19 pra5ad are u using an opengl context?
04:48.22 Twingy no
04:48.26 pra5ad ah
04:48.53 pra5ad cos sdl blit w/ color key transparency doesnt produce 'transparency'
04:48.58 pra5ad just replaces it with white
04:49.25 pra5ad hmm perhaps not
04:50.04 pra5ad nm same thing :(
04:51.15 Twingy white means you don't have a n^2 texture
04:55.43 pra5ad huh?
04:56.00 pra5ad sdl blit doesnt go through opengl
05:05.22 Twingy erm
05:05.36 Twingy don't recall
05:05.42 Twingy been too long since I've done opengl
05:16.12 Maloeran SDL 2d graphics operations can go through opengl calls if you pass some flag to SDL on context creation, but it's not really recommended
05:18.33 pra5ad oh
05:19.13 Maloeran SDL_OPENGLBLIT on SDL_SetVideoMode() if I recall correctly
05:20.59 pra5ad i had that
05:21.09 pra5ad took it out; nothing shows up now
05:21.19 pra5ad do i blit after the flip?
05:22.38 Maloeran Blitting operations are the equivalent of glDrawPixels() calls, render before flipping buffers
05:26.15 pra5ad w/o sdl_openglblit, updaterect seg faults
05:26.29 pra5ad gldrawpixels it is
05:26.50 Maloeran Yes, just use glDrawPixels directly
05:27.18 pra5ad was doing blitsurface + updaterect b4
05:27.22 Maloeran If the image is static, it would be more efficient to upload it as a texture and render a textured quad
05:27.23 pra5ad latter was seg faulting
05:28.01 pra5ad i agree, but at this point in time efficiency isnt an issue =)
05:28.47 Maloeran It's also a matter of flexibility, textured quads can be rendered with bi/trilinear filtering to adapt to any viewport size...
05:29.06 Maloeran What are you working on, briefly?
05:29.09 pra5ad so the seg fault screwed up my desktop (gnome on debian)
05:29.26 pra5ad any way to restore it w/o ctrl-alt-backspace
05:29.49 Maloeran Screwed how?
05:30.10 pra5ad desktop seems to have a bigger resolution that the monitor.. can scroll around with mouse
05:30.39 Maloeran Ah right. leftctrl+leftalt+numpadPlus or +numpadMinus
05:30.55 Maloeran By default, this should cycle through available resolutions
05:31.14 pra5ad no go
05:31.29 pra5ad ctrl-alt-bspace is gonna log me out (iirc)
05:31.37 pra5ad rather not do that
05:34.10 *** join/#brlcad pra5ad (
05:34.15 pra5ad ah well
05:34.17 pra5ad had to kill x
05:35.28 Maloeran You don't have to kill x to change resolution ;), but anyway
05:36.39 pra5ad didnt work thru gnome :(
05:36.55 pra5ad dont really know any other way to change res
05:39.56 brlcad pra5ad: ctrl-alt-plus ctrl-alt-minus don't work?
05:40.17 brlcad Xconfigurator can change it for you too, iirc
05:40.55 pra5ad didnt work
05:41.03 Maloeran Eh. xrandr -s 0
05:41.07 pra5ad lol it works now
05:41.19 pra5ad didnt work after the seg fault :(
05:41.53 Maloeran Try xrandr after the next crash :)
05:42.10 pra5ad heh np
07:02.37 pra5ad #_#
07:08.21 Twingy 80mpg is quite tempting
13:34.35 `Erik sean: flex -i
13:40.10 brlcad `Erik: and a more portable way?
13:40.46 brlcad i think I have something working just using the rules where it converts unknowns and reprocesses caseinsensitive
13:42.49 `Erik *shrug* filter rules to force lower (or upper) case?
13:43.16 brlcad yeah, that's sort of what I used
13:43.22 `Erik (does irix lack flex or something?)
13:43.27 brlcad was hoping for some sort of %rule
13:44.19 `Erik d'no of any % rule, I tend to do case sensitive shtuff *shrug* :)
13:44.20 brlcad more worried about solaris, aix, hpux and older systems
13:44.40 `Erik could always distribute the yylex.c file
13:44.53 `Erik then they only need flex if they modify the .l files
13:45.12 brlcad could, but changing the rule works
13:48.57 `Erik [::alpha::] for all your characters? :)
13:51.42 brlcad heh, nah .. when it finds an unknown symbol, it converts them to lowercase and pushes them back on the stream
14:51.27 pra5ad how do u link against .so and not .a?
14:53.03 brlcad -l
14:53.23 pra5ad yea?
16:03.26 *** join/#brlcad DTRemenak (
16:33.41 Twingy grumph
17:15.09 `Erik prasad: yeah...
17:42.22 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
17:42.24 Maloeran Even the credit card(s) are fully loaded? :)
17:51.59 pra5ad who does the gnu free documentation licence apply to code snippets
17:52.30 pra5ad s/who/how
19:00.45 Twingy good run *grunt*
19:02.12 Twingy haha, net worth $5.02
20:02.32 pra5ad yes
20:05.14 Twingy I wanna build a hybrid rocket jet engine
20:05.27 Twingy using nitrous and propane with a platinum catalyst
20:06.09 Twingy where the nitrous kicks in at 8 miles altitude
20:06.52 Twingy I think something like that would be rather efficient
20:16.52 pra5ad w/ a type-r sticker
20:30.24 `Erik you fruityassed fruity twink
20:30.24 `Erik :D
20:33.48 `Erik man, this is fun
20:34.54 Twingy mm, 3 weeks till I move
21:08.57 pra5ad i hate tga
21:11.47 Twingy and tga hates you
21:29.17 pra5ad sigh finally
21:29.25 pra5ad text in opengl
21:29.46 Twingy heh
21:29.56 Twingy that'll teach you to make text *grunt*
21:30.05 Twingy I actually wrote my own font system for nurbana
21:30.17 Twingy made a font editor too, all fonts were made out of bezier curves
21:30.36 Twingy was kinda fun
21:30.53 Twingy took 2 days, just stripped out a bunch of junk out of the modeler and I had a font editor
21:33.01 Twingy wee, table works
22:12.10 pra5ad hrm how do u modulate texture colors
22:12.20 pra5ad i know how to do it in dx9
22:12.32 pra5ad not in opengl :(
22:17.57 pra5ad ohh that was easy
22:17.59 pra5ad nm :)
22:26.10 Maloeran Are you around Twingy? I would have a question on go-through ray needs
22:28.02 Maloeran Basically, are these rays typically stopped after a variable amount of steps, or you usually let them go through all the scene, or up to a specific count of steps? A callback per hit is costly, having to flush the whole working data set in registers to stack for the function call, and restore it back
22:29.56 Twingy the rays are stateful
22:30.13 Twingy each successive call to the intersection function continues
22:31.03 Maloeran Ah, so you don't check a return value from the callback to know if the ray must be stopped, for example
22:31.14 Twingy I do
22:31.23 Twingy but the architecture will soon to what I just described
22:31.29 Twingy *change
22:31.36 Maloeran Right, thanks

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